
xubuntu680hi guys. was hoping someone could point me in the right direction - have and old compaq presario 5000 running xp, was hoping to find step by step for beginner/dummy how to install ubuntu if possible. thanks for any help!00:05
nagevhi, the installation guide is here: https://help.ubuntu.com/13.04/installation-guide/i386/index.html00:10
xubuntu680wow, that was quick reply! :) tyvm!00:10
haljhonam I a bad person for never reading the installation guides?00:50
haljhonI just run the installers and, if all goes well, I assume I'm golden... I only look if something is jacked.00:51
Unit193Yeah, the type that reads the manual only when something goes wrong.  When all else fails, read the manual. :D  (Same here.)00:52
haljhonI'm such a guy.00:52
xubuntu787Alguien que hable espa~ol?01:42
=== jeanaustinr is now known as jeanaustinr|x
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akdor1154morning all. A quick question - it looks like it's impossible to use the messaging indicator in 13.04 because gtk2 support was dropped. Is this correct? is there any replacement / ppa? I've been googling for a while to find answers but can't see a huge amount of canonical (heh heh heh) information03:42
Unit193You are correct, there was a beta or so for a gtk3 version of xfce4-panel, and there's unofficial ways around it, but no stock options.03:43
akdor1154I thought the panel was still gtk2 only?03:46
akdor1154even going towards 4.12..03:46
Unit193Yes, why I said beta.03:47
Unit193It is gtk2, but there is been work on a gtk3 version you can use if you switch it on in a compile flag.03:49
akdor1154trunk only? or is it old enough to be in the raring source?03:50
Unit193Don't remember.03:51
akdor1154woop woop, I'll have a look around. thanks :)03:51
* Unit193 used the other unsupported method. :P03:51
akdor1154ah right, and what would that be?03:51
Unit193Holding packages, but as a general rule not recommended. :D03:51
akdor1154ah lol, fair enough03:52
akdor1154@Unit193, I just build the quantl gtk2 sources against raring libs, seems to work fine. Interested in amd64 debs?04:24
cmannsAnyone use xubuntu on netbook?04:47
baizoncmanns: yes, me04:50
cmannscan I go from wubi.exe installed ubuntu 12.x to xUbuntu? Pretty sure04:51
cmannsI've used recent ubuntu's think I want to try the xu interface again since this things so slow and tiny screen. Love me some XfCE :304:52
cmannsoic it has an option :D I shall select xubuntu env04:52
baizoncmanns: well i made a live USB and installed it from there04:52
baizoncmanns: xubuntu or lubuntu04:53
baizonyou can try both04:53
cmannsI have used xubuntu, this handles w7 starter ok so don't think I need to go even less?04:55
cmanns5So far I love xubuntu just with the install. Nothings eating up that tiny arse 10.1 LED real estate05:19
ubottuUbuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall - See also !automate06:34
=== acerimmer is now known as cfhowlett
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nantouis f-spot unstable when dealing with 35k pictures from an external HDD?13:34
nantouis kfotoalbum better for the task? what photo browser should I use?13:34
=== cfhowlett is now known as I
=== I is now known as cfhowlett
[-iCe-]Greetings, need help installing Skype. Can anyone tell me the apt-get command for it?13:47
cfhowlettmake sure your partner repos are enabled.  then sudo apt-get install or use the software center13:48
[-iCe-]Thank you. That can be done on Ubunto Software Center -> Software Sources right?13:50
[-iCe-]great. Thank you13:52
submanI'm running xubuntu 13.04 on a netbook and find it a horrible experience.  Just booting it up, running a terminal, htop shows it is using 370 MB of RAM!  Simply starting Firefox and watching a youtube video will lock the machine up some times.  Only way out is to hard restart the machine.  This is meant for low resource machines?14:51
cfhowlettsubman, how much ram do you have?14:52
submancfhowlett, 1 GB14:52
umitselamunaleykum everybody14:52
umitmy web videos play fast14:53
cfhowlettsubman, a HD youtube video stream?  yeah, 1 gig is quite minimal ...14:53
umitwhat can i do to solve this problem14:53
umithave anybody a idea?14:54
submanSo xubuntu is not for netbooks anymore?  It has grown to that extent of bla14:55
baizonsubman: well um using it on a netbook14:56
cfhowlettsubman, try playing a non-HD video.14:56
flux242subman: do you use a 32bit or 64bit distro?14:57
w30I have it on a Atom 4 gig ssd HP-Mini; works better than XP, which isn't saying uch.15:00
flux242nothing works better than xp15:01
w30usb-stick installed15:01
w30with XP on it there was no room left for word install.15:02
w30512 ram is the weak point of the device though15:03
w30Lubuntu works better but didn't have as many bells and whistles15:05
flux242minimal xubuntu install without (as an option without network-manager) should do the trick15:06
pcuserIs there any way i can find out the configuration of my mouse. I'm trying to find out how many buttons my PC thinks my mouse has15:51
pcuserIm running Xubuntu 13.0415:52
ninteti installed xubuntu 12.04 LTS for AMD15:53
toraxpcuser: you can check it with xev15:53
ninteti can make a new disk with Gparted, but i dont have permissions to write to it15:54
toraxpcuser: run xev and click the buttons, it shows if your os understands it15:54
nintetit auto mounts as /media/sda3 but i cant even make a new folder15:54
toraxnintet: you can check the rights from terminal "ls -l /media"15:55
pcusertorax: That's really cool...15:55
toraxnintet: and you can change it with chmown, for example chown username:usergroup /media/sda315:56
pcusertorax: I have a logitech mouse with a load of extra buttons on it, i am having trouble assigning those buttons to do things, but more importantly, the middle click button (triggered by pressing down on the scroll wheel) has stopped working a few days after a fresh install of 13.0415:56
nintetyeah but now my SD card doesnt show up15:57
nintetsomething is wrong15:57
pcuserI know Logitech have no official support for linux, so i'm not getting my hopes up on assigning those extra buttons, but the middle click button worked fine for a few days after installing,15:58
ninteti tried to get help in #ubuntu but all the tutorials they were showing me had all this extra stuff that i obviously didnt need15:58
toraxnintet: if you are only user on that computer you can safely do "sudo chown username:username /media/sda3"15:58
toraxpcuser: hard to say why middle button is not working anymore :/15:58
pcuserWell in Xev every single button, including the extra buttons showed a response, i assume this means my PC is getting some kind of input from those buttons?15:59
pcuserBut the middle click button shows no response at all, it's like i didnt even press the button15:59
pcuserbut the middle click button on the mouse works fine in windows 7, so i know the hardware can't be faulty15:59
nintetnow how do i get my SD card to show up again?16:00
nintetit just dropped out16:00
nintetthanks torax, that works16:00
toraxlsblk command shows all the mounted and unmounted devices, see if it shows up16:01
nintetok thanks16:01
Psi-JackI'm trying to find an X tool that can specifically save the window position of an application, and always make a specific window always put back in the same place.. Mostly for Skype's main window that ALWAYS jumps up 10px and left 10px from the bottom-right corner I always put it to.16:34
Psi-JackAnyone have any thoughts or ideas on this? hehe16:34
Psi-JackExcluding: Don't use Skype, because that's just not helpful. :p16:34
nikolamPsi-Jack, using different window manager? choose one that can do it as you please or change code to act as you like, possibly user-friendly and not hard-coded?16:38
elfyI use devilspie and gdevilspie to do that16:38
nikolamoh great16:39
Psi-JackDevilspie! That's one I think I might've used for this before. I just couldn't remember.16:39
elfyI've been using it for ages - you can write the configs manually, but I use gdevilspie for a gui - though there is a bug - you might need to fiddle a bit16:43
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1161594 in gdevilspie (Ubuntu) "Gdevilspie fails to start with no attribute 'xdg_config_home'" [Undecided,Confirmed]16:45
Sysithere's also wmctrl but I don't know if there's gui config for it or what it really does16:45
Psi-Jackelfy: Yeah, just hit that bug right off. LOL17:05
elfyyep - thought so - gksudo mousepad /usr/bin/gdevilspie17:11
elfygo to view set it to show line numbers - go to line 374 put an # at the beginning - save the file and it should work ok17:12
elfyPsi-Jack: ^^17:12
Psi-Jackyeah. I fixed it manually from the patch provided on that bug report, and it works.17:12
elfygood enough17:12
Psi-Jackelfy: I did better, I changed it to use xdg.BaseDirectory in the many places it needed.17:13
elfyI never mucked about with the patch - never managed to work out what to do with them :)17:13
elfyanyway - it's working :)17:13
Psi-JackWell, the patch fixes functionality, while the comment line removes functionality.17:14
elfyprobably - but I use it so rarely now it matters not - and the bug will likely stay like that till it's marked EOL17:15
Psi-JackWierd... I apply geometry rule to the Skype Window, and it's.. Off..17:18
Psi-JackIt's like it's not even talking to X11 properly, hence why the window-manager can't even get it right. heh17:19
Psi-JackHmmm, I think I know what it kinda is.. gDevilsPie isn't taking into consideration the XFCE window dectorations.17:26
=== contrapunctus-i is now known as contrapunctus
Psi-Jackelfy: Thanks, BTW.. This was what I was looking for. I decided how I wanted to fix this issue, and just basically de-decorate pidgin and skype's windows, so it's a cleaner look too. And less wasted space. :)17:37
Psi-JackNow all I have to do is figure out how to for my display-manager so that my right monitor is on the right, and left monitor is on the left. LOL17:39
Psi-JackThe login window appears on the right monitor, but to get the mouse there from the left monitor, I have to go left to get to the right monitor. :)17:39
elfywell I use arandr17:39
Psi-JackXFCE 4.12 fixes this after I login.17:39
elfylogin is left here - mouse is there17:40
elfynot using 4.12 till it shows up17:40
Psi-JackYeah, I installed the PPA. The only thing there in the xubuntu-dev PPA is xfce4-settings, which has the updated display settings applet.17:41
knomeelfy, btw, we should get that into S.17:43
knomeelfy, but i'm afraid it depends too much on 4.12.17:43
elfyand no movement re 4.12 that I've seen17:45
Psi-JackThere we go. Simple, effective, fixed. :)17:50
Psi-JackNow, all that's left for base tuning, is turning /off/ the bootsplash, because when using nVidia propriatery drivers, it fails to look good.17:51
Psi-JackNow that's... Livable. :D17:56
elfynever see the bootsplash - waiting for kettle usually ...17:59
Psi-JackWell, my bootup time is like 30 seconds from boot to fully logged in. :)17:59
elfyno idea - I'm usualy making tea ;)18:00
Psi-JackHoly moly.. Just logged into the company VPN for the first time since doing all this, and wow... like 40 routes just added once connected. heh18:01
Psi-JackCwazy. :)18:02
Psi-JackBut.. At least OpenConnect actually DOES work.18:03
Psi-JackThe last company I worked for, we either had to use the buggy and limited vpnc, or SonicWall's NetExtender bullcrap which both options totally sucked.18:03
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KYLEtheBAKERif i remove an app that came installed with xubuntu, say catfish file search or one of the games, will they be reinstalled after a dist-upgrade?19:50
KYLEtheBAKERor will it keep them uninstalled unless i manually reinstall from apt19:51
TheSheepthey will be reinstalled19:51
KYLEtheBAKERis there a way to say no, i do not want this package no matter what?19:51
TheSheepactually, I think it won't be reinstalled if you do dist-upgrade manually19:52
TheSheepit will if you use the gui upgrader19:52
KYLEtheBAKERi always thought the gui upgrader was just a gui for apt-get dist-upgrade19:54
KYLEtheBAKERi can't decide if its worth it to trim my xubuntu install way down or if i should just grab a lighter distro19:58
KYLEtheBAKERi wan't to try out a tiling wm too, not sure how id feel about running xubuntu with half the packages missing and a different wm19:59
KYLEtheBAKERi just don't want set up all my stuff again19:59
nantoudo you knpow of any photo organizer that shows pictures according to thier whole path and not just the filename?20:39
nantouim now testing darktable20:39
bekksnantou: I am using digikam.20:42
nantoubekks, repo>?20:42
bekks"sudo apt-get install didgikam"20:42
bekks"sudo apt-get install digikam" - thats correct now.20:43
nantoubekks, where in my menu is digikam installed? i dont see it under graphics20:53
bekksnantou: I dont know anything about your menus. Just run digikam :)20:55
SysiAlt F2 or Winkey R should find it if you don't20:56
contrapunctusSysi - Hi, welcome to Linux, and it's 'Super', not 'Winkey'.20:59
Sysiit's also Super on windows but most people recognize it by the label on most keyboards21:01
nantouodd, ill have to searhc for the directory21:04
ignore_meIs there a xubuntu offically supported method for setting up network shares? PC to PC? Gigolo only seems to connect to but not setup shares. Is SAMBA my only option?21:18
TheSheepif you mean Microsoft Windows Network Shares, then yes21:18
TheSheepthere are also other things, like nfs exports and sshfs and such21:19
ignore_meTheSheep: Linux to Linux. I have another xubuntu box and Ubuntu 12.04 box that I want to connect/share.21:19
toraxI'd use nfs linux to linux21:20
TheSheeptorax: I wouldn't21:20
ignore_meTheSheep: Hmm. Never used ssh.21:20
toraxTheSheep: why?21:20
TheSheepignore_me: it's the least troublesome one, i guess, because doesn't need any additional setup21:21
TheSheeptorax: linux's implementation of nfs is still a little bit... lacking21:21
ignore_meUsed nfs over a decade ago with my mandrake boxes, worked well then. Been using Ubuntu last few years. It's setup for sharing was fine, windows-like.21:21
TheSheeptorax: if it was solaris, then sure21:21
TheSheepignore_me: well, you can install and use whatever worked for ubuntu21:22
TheSheepignore_me: but it it was widnows shares, then it was probably just some gui for easier configuration of samba21:22
ignore_meI like xubuntu; much lighter than it's parent. Sharing is the one issue I find it's missing as an expected feature.21:23
TheSheepignore_me: well, just use gigolo with ssh, it should just work21:24
ignore_meI didn't really, "install" anything for Ubuntu. It was a fairly automatic setup, whatever it installed/configured when you right clikc to share for the first time.21:24
ignore_meOK - I'll do some research on using ssh. Don't know why nfs has sort of gone away. It was simple enough, linux to linux.21:25
TheSheepnfs gets wonky with poor connection or when the other computer crashes21:27
TheSheepat least on linux21:27
ignore_meTheSheep: Shouldn't be an issue on a home network. Is it still an option?21:48
haljhonI personally have come to prefer sshfs for sharing... because it doesn't require anything on the remote box.21:48
haljhonit is, however, a user-space driver21:49
toraxhow do i do remounting sshfs when laptop wakes up from suspend22:00
ignore_metorax: If you used gigolo, wouldn't it just reconnect using your bookmark (already has your credentials)?22:10
toraxignore_me: I dont use gigolo22:11
toraxjust wondering, not really xubuntu related22:11
ignore_metorax: Ah. I'm trying to stay within the ecosystem just to see how much I can get done with the standard tools provided. Doing some quick reading on ssh client/server. Seems straightforward enough. Can't believe we're still discussing this 20 years post Win 3.11 (windows for workgroups).22:17
eylaisJust upgraded from 10.04 to 12.04.  kernel is still 2.6.32-46.  Expected 3.x.x. Any ideas?22:21
holsteineylais: i would say, you didnt upgrade22:22
Unit193What's lsb_release -a  say?22:22
eylaisUsed the upgrade pick in updates22:22
holsteineylais: do you need assistance with Unit193 's suggestion?22:23
eylaisUpdates no longer show new kernal available22:23
eylaisDid not see Unit193's suggestion22:23
holsteineylais: and what does "lsb_release -a" report when you run that command in the terminal and press the enter key?22:23
eylaisOops - sorry, I did22:23
Unit193I think you used update-notifier to install the new kernel for 10.04.22:23
eylaisUnit193 - I think you are correct22:24
eylaisBut it stated that the vresion is 12.0422:24
holsteineylais: the terminal caommand?22:24
eylaislsb_release output:  LSB Version:core-2.0-ia32:core-2.0-noarch:core-3.0-ia32:core-3.0-noarch:core-3.1-ia32:core-3.1-noarch:core-3.2-ia32:core-3.2-noarch:core-4.0-ia32:core-4.0-noarch22:25
holsteineylais: open the terminal, and enter lsb_release -a ..see what version you have now.. then, we can go from there if you have 10.04 and want 12.0422:25
eylaisSorry - left off the swithc: new output: LSB Version:core-2.0-ia32:core-2.0-noarch:core-3.0-ia32:core-3.0-noarch:core-3.1-ia32:core-3.1-noarch:core-3.2-ia32:core-3.2-noarch:core-4.0-ia32:core-4.0-noarch22:26
eylaisDistributor ID:Ubuntu22:26
eylaisDescription:Ubuntu 12.04.2 LTS22:26
holsteineylais: i would run this in a terminal.. "sudo apt-get update" ..see that it reports no errors.. then run "sudo apt-get dist-upgrade"22:26
Unit193Make sure linux-image-generic is installed, then.22:27
holsteini just do fresh installs.. i find it takes less time, and i know what i have22:27
eylaisFresh installs always fail on my computer for 12.04; 10.04 always installs OK (xubuntu and mint)22:28
holsteineylais: then, the upgrade will fail for the same reason22:28
eylaisNo reason given for failure - just a black screen22:29
holsteineylais: typically, before i do *anything*... upgrade, or fresh install, i get a live CD and see that i can get to the desktop22:29
holstein!nomodeset | eylais22:29
ubottueylais: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter22:29
eylaisDid that - the live CD works.22:29
Unit193eylais: Did you run the two update commands, and check if the kernel metapackage is installed?22:29
eylaisDoing the second now ...22:29
holsteinif the live CD works, the you should get an install that works.. another scenario that might produce the behavior you are sharing is, bad hardware22:30
eylaiskernel metapackage? How do I check22:30
holsteineylais: the package manager of your choice22:30
eylaissynaptic ...22:31
holsteinOR, just use the linux-image-generic name that Unit193 gave22:31
Unit193dpkg -l | grep linux-image22:31
eylaisdpkg -l | grep linux-image output:22:32
eylaisii  linux-image-2.6.32-45-generic-pae      2.6.32-45.104                                   Linux kernel image for version 2.6.32 on x8622:32
eylaisii  linux-image-2.6.32-46-generic-pae      2.6.32-46.108                                   Linux kernel image for version 2.6.32 on x8622:32
holsteineylais: any errors from "sudo apt-get update" ?22:33
eylaissynaptic shows linux-generic-headers versions
eylaisNo erros22:33
Unit193Yeah, you don't have the metapackage, thus you don't have the kernels.22:33
eylaisMark linux-generic for update?22:34
Unit193That'd do.22:35
eylaisSomeone mentioned "nomodeset" (or something like that). What would that do & where to set it?22:36
holstein!nomodeset | eylais22:36
ubottueylais: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter22:36
eylaisWait - I see a web link22:36
holsteini test it from live CD's.. but, if the live CD boots, then the install should boot22:36
holsteini usually dont do any upgrades to packages during install, so i get the exact system that booted live22:36
holsteinthen, if i do an upgrade, i have a better idea of what could have happened.. and i have the older kernel to test22:37
eylaisTest nomodeset from a live cd?  If I use the live cd thing are fine, if I install they fail22:37
holsteineylais: that is why i went on to type what i typed, which i can elaborate further about, if it doesnt communicate what im am trying to share with you22:37
eylaisI "backed up" my old / using dd - I use the live cd to put it back after a failed install22:37
holsteinif the live CD boots.. then, i know that kernel supports my hardware.. i dont need nomodeset22:38
eylaisAgain - for me - the live cd works, the install fails...22:38
holsteineylais: i understand that.. and im saying, you dont need22:38
eylaisI then use the live CD to do dd if=savedroot of=/dev/sda222:39
holsteineylais: but, you still have an issue, that you are exlaining, that makes *no* sense..22:39
eylaisThat is why I came to this forum: it makes no sense22:39
holsteineylais: if the live CD works.. the install should work.. and, if you are trying to "sneak" into 12.04 from 10.04, i would expect similar issues22:39
holsteinso.. that gets me back to my point above..22:39
eylaisI tried to install 12.04 (xubuntu and mint) from downloaded ISO files burned to DVD. Failed22:40
holsteinwhats the difference in the live CD and the install? plenty, if you take upgrades during the install.. i *do* *not* do that... so i get the same kernel.. as i was saying above22:40
eylaisI do not take any upgrades during install - just install the supplied system22:41
holsteineylais: did you do upgrades while installing? did you test the md5 sums? did you test your memory? hard drive?22:41
eylaisYes, yes, yes22:41
holsteineylais: then, we are missing something.. and it is important to you22:42
eylaisFYI - I was a sys admin many years ago who built UNIX from the source and installed on universtiy systems....22:42
eylaisNot fully up to linux since I retired a few years ago...22:42
holsteini dont know what to say, other than, im booting and using 12.0422:42
holsteinim not saying you are doing something incorrectly.. just that something is missing there.. anyways.. are you rebooted into the proper kernel?22:43
eylais"Proper"? As I inidcated, I'm on 2.6 expecting 3.x22:43
holsteineylais: correct.. im asking if you have applied the "fix" that Unit193 has suggested, and installed the 3.x kernel and rebooted?22:44
eylaisThe "fix" being to mark/install th e3.x linux-generic?22:44
holsteinas Unit193 states "that'd do"22:45
Unit193I had linux-{image,kernel}-image drop out on my upgrade to Raring, installing both fixed it.  (linux-generic is a metapackage for those two metapackages.)22:45
eylaisCould not do that whil in chat as system will reboot.  I'll do that and get back later eitehr way.  Thanks for the help22:45
eylaislinux-generic update completed ... rebooting22:50
eylaisRebooted.  Go figure: uname -a output is now Linux arthur 3.2.0-48-generic #74-Ubuntu SMP Thu Jun 6 19:45:16 UTC 2013 i686 athlon i386 GNU/Linux22:55
eylaisUnit193 and holstein - thank you very much.  This was not the "right way" to get there, but it got there22:55
Unit193Heh, congrats.  If you've upgraded and stuff isn't broken, I call it a win.22:56
eylaisIt is a win.  Too bad there is no explanation of what is going on when upgrading or installing22:57
eylaisMy guess is some oddball harware config....22:57
ignore_metorax: TheSheep Installed openssh on all the boxes. Awesomeness. No windows boxes to worry about.23:28
toraxignore_me: sounds good :) and I found answer to my remount sshfs problem =)23:30
ignore_metorax: w23:30
ignore_metorax: What are you using? Two of my systems are laptops.23:31
toraxI found solution for arch systemd did the magic there23:43
torax...for arch, systemd...23:43

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