
jonohey all03:45
jonohey holstein03:50
jonowho is the Lubuntu project leader?03:50
holsteinUnit193: who is the team lead these days?03:50
Unit193jono: What are you looking for exactly?03:52
Unit193What area.03:52
jonoUnit193, the overall leader of the Lubuntu project03:52
jonowho is considered the project leader?03:52
jonoor is there a council?03:52
holsteini dont think it works quite the same here03:53
Unit193Team leads of areas generally.03:53
jonoUnit193, right, so there is no overall team lead?03:53
Unit193Eh... Phillw or gilir, I suppose.03:54
Unit193jono: Is there any more context to go along?03:55
jonoUnit193, not really, I am just collecting a list of leaders in the project03:55
jonowho is the leader of the development team?03:56
jonothanks Unit193 :-)03:58
ss_hazehello lxde people11:03
ss_hazeI have problem with lubuntu session and more correctly panel of lxde11:04
ss_hazeI don't know why, but it expands and redraws wrong frames11:04
ss_hazeI read that I should remove xfce power manager from autostart file, but that couldn't correct this weird bug11:04
ss_hazeI'm on 12.04 ubuntu base11:05
ss_hazepls help me fix this11:05
ss_haze(system try expands )11:05
ss_hazealso how to get transpoint endpoint error off the pcmanfm11:09
ss_hazeok, it was seen only on first time opening pcmanfm11:13
ss_hazeplease help me11:17
ss_hazeI really like lubuntu11:17
ss_hazeexcept bugs like this11:17
ss_hazeis lubuntu seriously is alternative11:43
ss_hazeI am here for like an hour, and nobody has written anything12:05
ss_hazeanybody really uses lubuntu? how do you cope with system tray expansion by itself12:05
ss_hazespam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam12:29
ss_hazespam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam12:29
* hyperair uses ubuntu12:30
hyperairbut i'm probably the odd one out here. most people here use lubuntu.12:30
ss_hazeI f****** installed LUBUNTU DESKTOP on ubuntu, and nobody helps with damn isssues I have12:33
ss_hazeSUPPORT PLS12:33
ss_hazeatleast trow me out for swearing12:35
ss_hazefuck, tits, ass12:35
ss_hazelxpanel sucks hard12:35
ss_hazenobody cares for system tray to be ugly shit12:37
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yakebHi chatroom. I am running Ubuntu 12.04.2 with LXDE. I have an issue in which, when I wake my desktop computer from hibernation, it seems that the keyboard does not work and the screen stays asleep. Could this be caused by something very obvious and easy to resolve?14:52
holsteinyakeb: could be.. but its likely driver support.. i would start by applying all upgrades, and testing.. i usually try live CD's and see if something works "better" out of the box15:28
holsteinyakeb: i also never do hibernation.. for me it has no advantage15:29
holsteinif my machine shutdown and rebooted cleanly, and supported suspend, and had issues with hibernation, i wouldnt bother "fixing" it.. resuming from hibernation is similar in time to fresh start15:30
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=== Gorgothzilla is now known as Vinylourson
yakebholstein: thanks for the info. it's not too big of a deal, just sometimes i have a bunch of stuff running that i don't want to close down, just to open back up again in a day or two.16:04
Valk0010hey how do I access the privacy settings of lubuntu17:43
SonikkuAmericaValk0010: We don't have one. Only Ubuntu with Unity has it, because Ubuntu with Unity is the only flavor that uses the commercial scopes17:45
Valk0010ahh so I don't have to worry about that wierd crap about, my searches and the like being sent to third party privacy invading companies17:46
Valk0010so no sell out to corperations like you get with ubuntu17:46
SonikkuAmericaValk0010: Right. (That, of course, can be turned off if you don't want it.17:47
SonikkuAmerica(In Unity)17:47
Valk0010well I doubt I am going to go back to ubuntu anyway, my computer stinks hence the switch to lubuntu17:48
Valk0010I just assumed ubuntu in the name it had the same business practics17:48
SonikkuAmerica!ubuntu | Here's a short description on Ubuntu itself17:49
ubottuHere's a short description on Ubuntu itself: Ubuntu is a complete Linux-based operating system, freely available with both community and professional support. It is developed by a large community and we invite you to participate too! - Also see http://www.ubuntu.com17:49
SonikkuAmericaValk0010: I would also encourage you to try Xubuntu as well, if you're concerned about performance.17:50
Valk0010I used ubuntu for about a year till it started having crap performance17:50
leoquantgnome takes some resources indeed17:52
SonikkuAmericaSo does KDE. But when both go to Wayland, less resources will be used than for now.17:52
SonikkuAmerica!ot | But I digress17:52
ubottuBut I digress: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!17:52
SonikkuAmerica* #lubuntu-offtopic17:52
Valk0010I tend to beat the the hell out of my computers, they are usually on ten hours a day17:53
Valk0010and so I go thru a laptop every 2 years17:53
Valk0010and now I am broker then broke, and normally I would just replace the laptop I am using, but i had to get more blood from the stone, so I found out about lubuntu17:53
SonikkuAmericaInteresting. Tried a System76 one?17:54
leoquanthardware build round ubuntu is a plus17:54
SonikkuAmericaI'm thinking of getting their PANP917:55
leoquantthere used t be a wiki hardware information something, but i can't find it for ya17:55
Valk0010I am a big fan of fedora, but I got to have like a 30 minute battery life17:56
leoquantSonikkuAmerica, offtopic I would want a system76 system, but europe and warranty etc..:)17:57
Valk0010but I am loving lubuntu so far17:57
Valk0010its cat quick compared to what i have previously used17:57
leoquantValk0010, nice17:57
leoquantit is very fast and stable afaik17:58
Valk0010but how do you change clock from military time17:58
SonikkuAmericaleoquant: Yeah... but there's some free trade agreement being hashed out between us and you guys I think.17:58
SonikkuAmericaValk0010: The best way is to use the code « %l:%M %p »17:58
leoquantValk0010, military time?17:59
Valk0010military time, would be 1400 hours right now17:59
Valk0010when I rather it be 2 pm17:59
Valk00101400 hours being the same as 2 pm17:59
Valk0010hell even youtube plays faster on this18:00
leoquantnice to learn something new to me :)18:00
leoquantValk0010, have a great time!18:01
SonikkuAmericaHello mikeconcepts18:02
mikubuntucan anyone please tell me how to fix my screensaver in lubuntu -- it doesn't activate, even tho the settings are set for it to18:02
SonikkuAmericaOr mikubuntu18:02
SonikkuAmerica(Hate when that happens)18:03
SonikkuAmericamikubuntu: Do you have xscreensaver installed?18:03
mikubuntulet me check, i think so18:03
mikubuntuhmmm, no ... should it be?18:04
mikubuntuk, let me do that and test18:05
mikubuntuSonikkuAmerica: when i installed xscreensaver and launchd, i got two msg boxes, first was that gnome-screensaver was running, and  did i want to stop it, so yes. then the second one i don't remember. lol. but then i set the screensaver to cycle after 1 minute and i observed it for 2 mins and it din't launch sreensaver.18:12
SonikkuAmericaWhat did you set the "start screensaver after" to? (Not 0 I hope)18:13
mikubuntuSonikkuAmerica: well i don't see a 'start screensaver,' but there is 'cycle after' and i set it to one minute to observe18:15
SonikkuAmericamikubuntu: "Cycle after" only sets the thing to wait the amount of time to specify to go to THE NEXT screensaver.18:16
SonikkuAmerica...not to fade the screen out to the screensaver.18:16
mikubuntuSonikkuAmerica: then i don't see a start screensaver setting18:16
SonikkuAmerica<SonikkuAmerica> What did you set the "start screensaver after" to? (Not 0 I hope) <<< I meant "Blank Afer"18:17
SonikkuAmerica(default is 10 minutes)18:17
mikubuntuSonikkuAmerica: ok, so blank after is actually the 'start' process? i just set it to one minute, let me observe18:20
mikubuntuSonikkuAmerica: thanks, it seems to be activating now -- i was getting worried about my screen cause i leave it running a lot, and since i started using lubuntu several mos ago it wasn't screensaving18:22
SonikkuAmericaAh. Well there you are! You're welcome!18:23
Noskcajhello Jemac20:16
JemacNoskca is this a chat room for questions ?20:17
SonikkuAmericaJemac: Actually it's the Lubuntu support channel... Normally we restrict chat to #lubuntu-offtopic, BUT THERE IS A MEETING in there... *dnag*20:19
NoskcajWhy does everyone leave so quickly20:22
geniiKids these days. No patience.20:23
SonikkuAmerica"Hep meh!" /quit20:23
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FrankiewizardHave just installed Lubuntu21:57
FrankiewizardLooks great21:58
as2000Does anyone know why k3b crashes on startup with?23:50
wxlas2000: did you mean to go to #kubuntu?23:54

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