
teknico1sorry for the noise, connection flakiness due to bad weather here12:10
jcastrohey gary_poster, I have a non informational bug report with no debug content12:30
jcastroI tried  to deploy this last night and it wouldn't through the GUI http://jujucharms.com/~marcoceppi/precise/discourse12:30
jcastrohad no problems deploying haproxy and postgres, but this specific charm would not. The error was vague too, something like "there was an error" and no explanation12:31
gary_posterjcastro, ack.  thanks, we'll give it a whirl.12:31
gary_posterhey benji, are there default juju deployment constraints?  I don't think so, but checking.13:06
benjigary_poster: default values or a default scheama?13:07
gary_postervalues benji13:07
gary_postercool thanks benji13:07
gary_posterhey luca.  We don't have access to the web team dropbox so we don't have Jaime's assets.  Will you share those with us another way, or do you have another plan?13:09
lucagary_poster: I'm just setting up a folder here: https://drive.google.com/a/canonical.com/folderview?id=0B7XG_QBXNwY1V3B3dDNvYXJGRE0&usp=sharing13:10
gary_postercool thanks luca.  so you will send out an email with that and the new flatsies url?13:10
lucagary_poster: Yeah, I'm just trying to work out if there are any missing assets from the /psd13:11
gary_postersounds good.  thanks again13:11
rick_hbenji: can you +1 real quick, and heads up for your branch that it's coming https://codereview.appspot.com/1061004313:16
* benji looks13:16
rick_hjcsackett: is https://codereview.appspot.com/10609043/ ready for eyeballs?13:16
benjirick_h: +113:18
rick_hrewrite it all in webgl! http://microsoft-news.com/webgl-spdy3-new-dev-tools-more-confirmed-for-ie11-in-win-8-1/13:18
rick_hbenji: thanks, sorry it didnt' have cleanup when you hit it. 13:18
benjino worries13:18
rick_hand spdy our servers! (boo no mod_spdy in the repo)13:19
lucaCan anyone here tell me how assets should be delivered for the bundle icon? See here: https://docs.google.com/a/canonical.com/file/d/0B7XG_QBXNwY1MlVkNWxHQVJ2UDg/edit13:38
lucagary_poster: ^13:40
gary_posterluca, will you always want the black and orange thing behind the main icon?  Or are these assets that we want bundle authors to be able to customize (colors esp.)?13:45
lucagary_poster: I was thinking that it would be awesome to let them customise the colours but if we can't do that then just the orange and brown is ok for now.13:46
gary_posterluca ok.  short answer is, for now, svg.  It would be great if there were a super simple way for charm authors to change colors and add their primary icon, but if they just jave to use inkscape or illustrator or something, so be it13:48
* gary_poster moves to other computer...13:48
=== gary_poster is now known as gary_poster|away
=== gary_poster|away is now known as gary_poster
* gary_poster switched14:06
gary_posterhey sinzui.  were you ok with being responsible for getting back with Matt Wedgwood about getting the GUI deployed, and the schedule I proposed, including getting an up-to-date version of the GUI deployed on the prod machines this week?14:14
sinzuigary_poster, yep, and because of the squad changes, Much of the work will be with those doing webops this month14:15
gary_postercool thanks sinzui14:19
gary_posterrick_h, abentley have you heard back from dan with flight approval yet?  If not, sinzui would you like me to ping him about it?  the longer we wait the more it costs14:22
abentleygary_poster: yes.  I have updated the spreadsheet with my auth number.14:22
rick_hgary_poster: I just got the email in the last 20min and sent my email off to corp travel just now14:22
rick_hgary_poster: with luck will have info before EOD14:23
gary_posteryay abentley and rick_h, thanks.  abentley, do you think before EOD will work for you as well?14:23
gary_posterbcsaller, when you get in, you're the only other one.  do you not have requisition approval yet?  If so, tell me who you sent it to and I'll ping them.14:24
abentleygary_poster: Not sure yet.  Auth had the wrong departure date, so I've emailed events@canonical.com to ask what to do.14:24
gary_posterah ok abentley, I will ping sarah about that, thanks.14:25
sinzuirick_h, ping me when you are ready to hangout14:27
jcastrogary_poster: did we make a decision on bundle?14:27
gary_posterjcastro, it looked like bundle won.  I'll clarify with mramm on juju-dev right now.  since he was +1 anyway I'd be surprised if it were anything other than "bundle."14:28
jcastrodon't be sad, bundle is fine!14:29
* hatch sets up a google alert for stack vs bundle questions14:31
hatchhaha I'm horrible14:31
jcastrooh hey guys, the juju-gui readme appears to need  updating14:32
jcastrojuju deploy cs:~juju-gui/precise/juju-gui14:32
jcastroyou want that to be from the store instead now right?14:33
gary_posteryeah jcastro thanks14:33
gary_posterbtw I asked mramm in privmsg.  didn't feel like potentially stirring up hornets nest on dev when we are supposed to be settling on name. :-)14:34
gary_posterjcastro, hatch, it is decreed: bundles.14:41
hatchhow unfortunate!14:41
gary_posteron the bright side, we can move on. :-)14:42
gary_posterI agree with your concerns and others14:42
gary_posterbut better to get back to getting this done14:42
jcastrogary_poster: we need the readme for the gui fixed by Monday btw14:42
gary_posterjcastro, ack, will do.14:42
lucagary_poster: is the old_new interface available?14:44
lucagary_poster: when someone downloads juju what interface do they see?14:45
gary_posterluca, hatch is correct14:45
lucathis one: https://docs.google.com/a/canonical.com/file/d/0B7yNWRv_QU7WYzB4RU9EZTZVc0k/edit14:45
lucahatch: gary_poster ^14:46
gary_posterluca, more or less.  that has some never implemented bits like the new service icons14:46
lucagary_poster: mark has a keynote tomorrow14:46
lucagary_poster: and is asking for an image of Juju14:47
lucagary_poster: Should I send him the dark grey one?14:47
gary_posterluca, do you know what the conference is?14:48
gary_posterluca, I would send him the old one (set a few services up on http://uistage.jujucharms.com/ , for instance) and the oldnew one (http://uistage.jujucharms.com:8086/).  I'd suggest that you recommend the old one for publicity because of the OSCON launch, but mention that the oldnew one is much more attractive even though it is transitional, so you were offering it as well if it were more appropriate for the audience.14:51
lucagary_poster: I phoned Ale and she said the same thing so I'll sort out the images now14:52
gary_postercool luca14:52
hatchgary_poster: last night bcsaller and I had a discussion about merging the controllers for the ghost/service view and using composition to plug in methods to allow for easier testing so that's why that branch hasn't landed yet and I have modified the cards on the board14:53
hatchwe actually had a rather long discussion but we were really arguing semantics in the end.....so it was a good discussion haha14:54
gary_posterhatch, ok.  when's the new landing target? :-)14:54
hatchEOD or sooner (depending how many reviews I have to do ;) )14:54
gary_posterabentley, hi.  talking to sarah.  how far off was your departure date in the authorization?  days? months? years?14:56
abentleygary_poster: 1 day.  Ticket ID: [Canonical Events #89]14:57
gary_posterack thanks14:57
gary_posterabentley, answer is to proceed.14:58
abentleygary_poster: Okay.14:59
gary_posterthanks abentley 14:59
gary_posterbenji, thank you for landing dnd deploy.  cool. :-)  (1) did Makyo look at whether transferring x/y position was easy with you, or is that still an open question? I'd like to know what additional card to make, and how to schedule it. (2) when you drag from the token, you see the token as the drag marker.  when you drag from the full charm box (token + name + downloads) you see the full charm box as the drag marker, 15:05
gary_posterbut I think it would be nicer to still use the token.  Was this already discussed?  If so, and the question was based on UX rather than a technical issue, was Luca involved?15:05
Makyogary_poster, not yet, but I can check real quick.15:05
gary_postercool thanks Makyo 15:06
benjigary_poster: (1) I was just typing up a question for Makyo; (2) It wasn't discussed.  I figured seeing the thing you dragged made sense so it didn't occur to me to do otherwise.15:07
gary_posterbenji, cool thanks. :-)  luca do you have time to have an opinion on #2?  Is it clear, or would you like at example?  You can play with this on http://uistage.jujucharms.com:8086/15:08
gary_posterluca, to be clear, I'm fine with deferring to you on this.  I'm just raising the question.15:09
benjinote that for case (2) the thing being dragged is still the charm token, it is the case that the token just has more/different data in it15:10
gary_posterbenji, ack15:14
Makyobenji, d3.mouse(this) will give you coordinates of the drop on the screen.  This doesn't take into account panning.  You'll have to either add two arguments or just retrieve arguments[1] (arguments[0] will be undefined) in order to get the service module.  From there you can get the current translation with var topo = module.get('component'), translate = topo.get('translate'), scale = topo.get('scale');15:15
lucagary_poster: benji I can drag to canvas (thats sweet!) but it doesn't show me any token or anything? Should I be seeing anything at the moment?15:16
rick_hluca: yea, looks like it shows and works in FF and not in chrome 15:16
gary_posterluca, when you are dragging, you should see either a token or the full box15:17
Makyobenji, I believe you'll have to multiply both items in the coordinate pair by scale (I'm doing this in my head; so I may be wrong)15:17
gary_posteron chrome15:17
MakyoWorks for me.15:17
lucaoh weird15:18
benjiand it worked for me locally on chromium and firefox; looking at :8086 now15:18
lucait works for me now too....15:18
benjichromium is happy15:18
hatchprobably cache issue then15:18
benjifirefox is happy too15:18
gary_posterwfm on chromium15:18
rick_hon chrome (official) dev level here and it doesn't show. 15:19
lucaoh I see what the issue was15:19
lucaIf I drag from the token on ceph it shows a broken image15:19
lucasame with mysql15:20
lucaand wordpress15:20
gary_posterwfm on firefox but I only ever drag the box, never the token15:20
rick_hgary_poster: yea, same here15:20
gary_posterluca, don't know, can't dupe.  any messages in the console?15:21
gary_posterrick_h, same for you--broken image?15:22
gary_posterrick_h, you on os x?15:22
lucaif I drag from the token I get the full image, always15:22
rick_hgary_poster: I'm on linux on chrome dev channel. It's not a broken image, but a document placeholder image. 15:22
lucaif I drag from the icon I get a broken image15:22
gary_posterluca, what do you mean by token and icon?15:23
benjiI'm seeing something simiar in firefox.  *Some* of the tokens show when dragged from the image, some don't.  They all work either way though.15:23
lucaI'm happy to share screen with someone to validate15:23
gary_postermy network may be sucking.  can try guichat luca15:24
benjicorrection, the behavior I am seeing is in chromium15:24
benjiI'll address this in my follow-on (ghost positioning) branch.15:25
=== matsubara is now known as matsubara-lunch
jcsackettjujugui: can i get a second review of https://codereview.appspot.com/10609043/ ?15:30
bacjcsackett: sure15:31
jcsackettbac: thanks.15:31
gary_posterbenji, rick_h could I have you guys in guichat for a sec?15:31
rick_hgary_poster: sure thing15:31
benjigary_poster: sure15:32
bacdone jcsackett15:44
jcsackettthanks bac.15:45
hatchugh.....there is nothing more irritating than tracking down event errors15:46
teknicohatch: tell me about it...15:47
rick_hhatch: meh, it's what tracebacks are for :P15:48
teknicoanyone up for a second review of https://codereview.appspot.com/10605043 ?15:48
hatchits like 'oh you want a traceback....ha, ha, hahahahaha'15:48
hatchrick_h: that's the thing - event tracebacks don't go back past the handler :)15:48
rick_hhatch: I guess depends on the event. I've gotten some15:49
hatchin this case the traceback stops in YUI event land...15:49
hatchthe cleanest, easiest to follow code....ever15:49
Makyojujugui call in 10, Kanban now15:50
gary_posteroh hatch!  you were suposed to run yesterday and I stepped on you!15:50
gary_posterplease remind me when it is your day and I will be quiet :-P15:51
hatchhaha it's ok you were on a roll and we were behind :D15:51
gary_poster:-) thx15:51
hatchI use ll which is aliased to ls -al15:52
hatchI prefer the layout :)15:52
teknicoyou cannot be on a roll when you're on a rock, not enough space to dance ;-)15:52
tekniconot enough *room15:53
gary_posterhey teknico you landed add/remove relation?  oh, still waiting on second review.  anyone agree to do it?15:55
frankbangary_poster, teknico: I'll do it15:56
teknicogary_poster: nope, just asked for it15:56
teknicofrankban: thanks15:56
gary_posterthanks frankban 15:56
teknicoguihelp: you run make test-server, it says one failure, there are no failures on the page. what do you do? :-)15:57
hatchlook closer15:57
Makyoteknico, hmm, maybe leave the console open with break-on-all-errors?15:57
frankbanteknico: maybe check the js console?15:57
teknicohow much closer? :-)15:57
hatchthiiiiiiiiiiiis close15:57
hatchbut yeah, open the console, break on errors15:57
hatchlike Makyo said15:58
Makyojujugui call in 215:58
teknicoMakyo: hatch, where's the command to do that?16:00
rick_hgary_poster: finishing up the flight setup, info is in the spreadsheet16:06
hatchI'm not looking forward to merging this branch bcsaller hah16:07
hatchhow does insurance work with zipcars?16:12
hatchcan I as an international traveler get one?16:13
hatchgary_poster: you might want to check your power setting on your wifi router - I used to have bad connections outside too, then I upped the power setting and it's much better16:15
gary_posterbcsaller, fwiw, this is 1.1 miles away and I think it is awesome.  other options but this is my fave.  http://www.happycow.net/reviews.php?id=2704916:15
bcsallergary_poster: cool, thanks16:16
gary_posterhatch, it appears to be that linux doesn't swicth from two routers providing the same network very well16:16
gary_posterso if I start linux downstairs, it's not happy upstairs and vice versa16:17
gary_posteros x is fine16:18
hatchgary_poster: ahhh ok ok16:18
hatchgary_poster: any idea of this hotel will have good wifi?16:21
gary_posterhatch, has wifi, nobody complains <shrug> :-) http://www.tripadvisor.com/Hotel_Review-g49463-d3527157-Reviews-Hampton_Inn_Suites_Raleigh_Downtown-Raleigh_North_Carolina.html16:23
hatchI suppose that's all one can hope for :)16:23
hatchlooks like a nice place16:24
bacgary_poster: is there a better design resource i should be using than the wireframes we looked at?16:24
lucabac: what do you want to see?16:25
gary_posterbac, if new wireframes are not in the folder luca mentioned a few hours ago we can ask him16:25
hatchunicorns......pick unicorns.......16:25
bacgary_poster: i thought there was mention of 'visual design' documents vs wireframes.  (hi luca!)16:26
lucabac: visuels, wireframes and assets can be found here: https://drive.google.com/a/canonical.com/?tab=co#folders/0B7XG_QBXNwY1V3B3dDNvYXJGRE016:26
gary_posterbac, see https://drive.google.com/a/canonical.com/?tab=co#folders/0B7XG_QBXNwY1V3B3dDNvYXJGRE016:26
gary_postervisuals in one folder16:26
gary_posterwireframes in other16:26
bacluca: i'm doing charm settings page.16:27
gary_posterluca, I'm telling folks that we will need a scrollbar for the whole inspector too, despite images.  Agree?16:27
hatchbcsaller: review done16:30
bcsallerhatch: thanks16:31
lucagary_poster: there is a scroll bar on this image: https://docs.google.com/a/canonical.com/file/d/0B7XG_QBXNwY1VnJrN0ppUHc0bk0/edit?usp=sharing16:34
teknicoeverybody STAND BACK while I SHATTER the One Thousand Tests barrier!16:34
gary_posterteknico, lol16:34
lucagary_poster: the only bit that scrolls is unit area16:35
lucagary_poster: and also the settings page16:35
gary_posterluca whole thing will need to scroll16:35
gary_posterarbitrary number of alerts16:35
gary_posteror have you verified that the minimum pixel size to get everything in is OK?16:36
lucayeah but we was wondering if for the post-rep inspector only the light grey area scrolled16:36
gary_postergiven, say, two Landscape alerts at top plus upgrade charm, and 4 or 5 alerts at bottom, which feels like a reasonable extreme16:37
lucapretty much that, we talked it through and felt that since the scale units area is collapsable then it should give more than enough room to view units16:37
hatchbcsaller: ohhhhhhh alright you can leave format in there :)16:38
hatchMakyo: share a cab on the 14th?16:38
Makyohatch, Sure.16:38
gary_posterluca, what's the pixel height of the inspector with, say, 5 units showing and, say, 8 alerts showing?16:39
hatchbenji: share a cab on the 20th?16:39
gary_poster5 units: I mean the unit scroll area is 5 units high16:39
benjihatch: what time do you want to leave?16:40
hatchI'm not sure how far the hotel is from the airport....but say...6:30?16:40
lucagary_poster: the view we work to is a height of 768px, generally talking in that we should be able to fit enough information, the user has the option of minimising all of the Scale unit area so they can have more room if needed.16:42
gary_posterhatch, 12 or 13 miles; 20-25 minutes16:42
benjimy flight takes off at 8:00 so that would cut it closer than I like.  I'd be fine leaving at 6:00 (assuming the airport is about 15 minutes away), but that may be too early for you.16:43
gary_posterluca, but if it is not minimized and inspector is too big for height then what happens?  it simply goes beneath bottom of screen?16:44
lucagary_poster: no, the bottom always sits 20px above the bottom16:45
gary_posterluca, guichat?  maybe faster, and not making sense to me yet :-)16:45
lucagary_poster: sure16:46
hatchbenji: 6 would be fine16:46
hatchbcsaller: the prototype on the ServiceInspector controller isn't ever used is it? getName, bind, render etc16:50
bcsallerhatch: looking16:50
bcsallerhatch: facade methods previous, don't recall taking them out of the control path though16:51
hatchok I don't see them ever being called - I'll look further16:52
gary_posterjujugui fwiw I marked the scroll card as blocked.  luca is going to consider what behavior he wants.  Basically, for now continue as we said on the call: ignore the fact that the inspector gets too big.16:59
hatch"wow that's one big building.......what building?"16:59
=== matsubara-lunch is now known as matsubara
hatchbcsaller: yeah I was just overwriting some stuff that I shouldn't have been, almost ready to propose with the new changes17:18
bcsallerhatch: great17:18
hatchI THINK I like this better17:18
hatchthat's a lie...I do17:19
bcsallergood :)17:23
hatchproposing now....17:24
* hatch grabs some eggs to cook on computer while tests are running17:24
hatchhmm it failed....17:26
hatchtrying again hoping it was just launchpad being wako17:27
hatchbcsaller: https://codereview.appspot.com/1056504317:29
bcsallerhatch: reviewing17:37
hatchthanks - I still need to add comments and the like17:37
hatchbut I wanted to get this out there asap17:37
hatchMakyo: with your new branch - I would have to double click the service icon to open the inspector?17:48
Makyohatch, single click works.17:48
hatchhmm ok this will not work with the new single controller17:50
bcsallerhatch: what won't?17:51
hatchyou need to pass a considerable amount of data into it...17:51
hatchnot just the db17:51
hatchso possibly another layer of abstraction is needed17:51
MakyoWhat won't work?17:52
hatchshowing the service inspector17:52
hatchit needs to know at that point if it's a ghost or not, and then send the appropriate config to the new controller system17:52
MakyoWhy not?17:52
MakyoWhere's the difference, though?  It's the same code as the double click method.  All of that is available in both locations.17:53
hatchyeah in trunk that's fine but not once this lands https://codereview.appspot.com/1056504317:53
hatchnot your fault - I'm just pointing that out...17:53
bcsallerI'm being slow, I don't see the issue yet17:53
MakyoThere are already comments (your comments, I believe) to that effect.  Is that not just part of working incrementally?17:54
hatchthere isn't an issue in your branch17:54
hatchbut there will be an issue as soon as I land mine - which we'll have to possibly solve by an abstraction layer to not have to pass the complex configs around17:55
hatchsorry I wasn't clear :)17:55
MakyoAh, okay17:55
jcastrohey gary_poster 18:21
jcastroI'm documenting the submission process18:21
jcastrowe noticed the export format is yaml instead of json?18:21
gary_posterjcastro, on call but will follow when I can18:21
gary_posterjcastro, yes, that's what deployer uses now18:21
jcastrooh ok, we were just curious, thanks18:22
bcsallerhatch: got a sec to chat?18:38
hatchI do18:38
gary_posterMakyo, hatch, I dunno what the story is about how you want to handle Makyo's branch, but as is it LGTM19:00
hatchgary_poster: yeah I meant to actually LGTM it19:00
hatchbut forgot to hit send :/19:00
gary_poster:-) ok, send it and he can land it19:01
gary_posterhow much more work for you hatch?19:01
hatchit's done19:01
hatchgary_poster: https://codereview.appspot.com/10565043 the final version19:02
hatchI'm just merging trunk right now and dealing with the conflicts19:02
hatchthen I'll submit19:02
hatchwhich are now resolved19:03
hatchsoooo I can submit it whenever19:03
gary_posterawesome hatch :-) including Makyo's changes?19:05
gary_poster'cause IIUC his change would be tricky with yours19:05
hatchit will break19:06
hatchbut the proper fix to that is a follow-up branch that ben and I chatted about a few minutes ago19:06
hatchso maybe he shouldn't land that19:06
hatchand we can implement that fix in the follow-up19:07
bacgary_poster: can you see these diagrams?  i can only open one or two: https://drive.google.com/a/canonical.com/?tab=co#folders/0B7XG_QBXNwY1NEtGaHJYZGM4enM19:07
gary_posterhatch ok.  please coordinate with Makyo?19:08
gary_posterbac, yes I can see all of them19:09
hatchMakyo: don't land your branch :) "the lgtms are a lie"19:09
hatchI thought someone might get that joke :)19:09
baci get a google frownie19:09
bcsallercake :)19:09
MakyoYou are so lucky lbox submit failed.19:09
hatchbac: they work here too19:10
hatchbcsaller: yup :D19:10
bacwell la-tee-da19:10
bacmaybe one of you could fax them to me19:10
hatchok I'm submitting my branch now19:10
bacoh, and now they work...  thanks goog19:11
hatchthe mocks on that link are pretty cool19:14
hatchI'm going to grab some lunch bbiab19:14
sinzuiWhich juju-gui charm do we want to use to deploy to production? ~juju-gui or ~juju-gui-charmers. The later is older, but you might see it as stable to the former development charm?19:31
sinzuigary_poster, bcsaller ^19:31
bac~juju-gui-charmers is the released version.19:31
bacsinzui: ^19:32
bac~juju-gui is devel19:32
sinzuifab. Thanks bac. are there plans to update the stable charm this week?19:32
bacthat i don't know19:33
gary_postersinzui, yes, simply to update the README at least19:33
baci mean, yes19:33
gary_posterbcsaller, branch LGTM19:33
sinzuigary_poster, because it talks about the dev charm? :)19:33
gary_postersinzui, yes :-)19:33
sinzuigary_poster, I want to tag stable so it is clear what I want in production. I will do an update to the charm and submit it for review.19:34
gary_postersinzui, perfect thanks.  Will that include a drive-by README fix?  Would be lovely, but not necessary19:35
hatchbcsaller: lgtm'd let er rip!20:02
hatchafter gary's changes of course :)20:02
BradCrittendenhatch: you have a minute for a chat?20:26
=== BradCrittenden is now known as bac
hatchI do20:26
hatchbcsaller:  have a second to join our chat?20:36
gary_posterMakyo, I'd like to get the remove service branch landed.  I know that means reconciling with hatch's landed changes.  are you already focused on that, rather than the unit count controls?20:47
Makyogary_poster, yes.20:48
gary_posteryay thanks Makyo 20:48
Makyogary_poster, mostly works, but quick question for you and hatch 20:48
hatchthere are going to be soo many conflicts haha20:48
gary_posterwell, his branch wasn't *that* big :-)20:49
MakyoThere weren't any, just updating the showMenu code.20:49
MakyoActually, give me a second to check on this behavior w/o the inspector flag.20:49
hatchMakyo: ok you will need to pass in the config which is in views/topology/service.js:1353:135920:50
hatchbut that's only for the service view, the ghost one is more complex20:50
Makyohatch, I promise you that it is exactly the same code as double click.  Pinky swear.20:50
hatchit can't be20:50
hatchdbl click calls show_service20:50
hatchyou're in showServiceMenu20:51
Makyohatch, yes.  And if the serviceInspector flag is set, I'm doing exactly the same work.20:51
MakyoIn fact, I could make the branch a one-liner and just call show-service.20:51
hatchyes - do that20:51
hatchyour code will _not_ work with the new controller20:52
Makyohatch, It dooooes I promise D:20:52
hatchsee the new code in show_service20:52
hatchit cant lol20:52
* gary_poster sighs20:52
Makyohatch, the code in showServiceMenu is LITERALLY copied directly from showService.20:52
gary_posterhey hatch, why dontcha wait on his branch20:52
hatchMakyo: yes....the OLD show_service20:52
gary_posteror have a guichat?20:53
gary_posterbut this is low on productivity :-)20:53
MakyoVery, very low.20:53
hatchok ok land it20:53
MakyoI'll put show service in there and re-propose.20:53
bachatch: quick chat again?20:53
gary_posterhatch, there's also a review process :-P20:54
hatchbac: there20:54
hatchI'm not saying there is anything wrong with your code Makyo - but once you merge it in, it will fail20:54
Makyohatch, part of merging is resolving conflicts.  I merged, I resolved the conflicts, it works.20:54
MakyoI just want to be belieeeved.  But show-service works too, and has less code dup in the end, so I'll just do that, yeah?20:55
gary_posterMakyo, propose it. :-) let's give it a whirl20:55
hatchMakyo: perfect :)21:01
MakyoWe good? :)21:04
hatchoh we goooooood21:04
MakyoGonna land, then, so I can count units.21:05
hatchok I'm not entirely sure what to do next here21:07
hatchahh the switching of the inspectors21:07
hatchbcsaller: near landing that event detach code?21:08
bcsallerhatch: the first submit hit a conflict, doing it now for real21:08
hatchgary_poster: re 1194866 - the error message was just a canned message - Makyo brought up in a review that the new code should pass the real message through21:09
hatchbug 119486621:09
_mup_Bug #1194866: Cannot deploy http://jujucharms.com/~marcoceppi/precise/discourse from GUI <juju-gui:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1194866>21:09
hatchso just fyi at least the error messages will be better soon21:09
gary_posterhatch, ah cool21:09
hatchbcsaller: ahh cool - I just wanted it for this next branch21:12
hatchoh fyi the latest firefox (22) runs our tests about 6% faster on average heh21:13
hatchit's still about 14% slower than chrome though21:13
bcsallerhatch: branch landed21:14
hatchthese are my totally unscientific tests :)21:14
hatchthank yaz21:14
hatchman we are iterating fast on this codebase haha21:14
gary_posteryay us!21:16
hatchI'm really glad this isn't svn haha21:16
hatchgary_poster: I 'add' a service then click 'cancel' in the ghost inspector, does the ghost dissapear? What if I click the 'x' ?21:21
gary_posterhatch, lemme get wireframes open 1 sec21:22
hatchI guess the wireframe doesn't have a cancle21:23
hatchjust a save...21:23
hatchwhich I guess would keep the ghost there21:23
gary_posterhatch on wireframe...uh-oh21:23
hatchI think my wireframe version is a little old21:24
gary_posterhatch on wireframe, we used to have a trashcan21:24
gary_posterthis *used* to be the answer:21:24
gary_postersave and "X" are equivalent21:24
gary_posterclick the trashcan to delete it21:25
hatchthat makes sense21:25
gary_postertrashcan I think is supposed to be all the way through, not just on Settings inspector panel21:25
hatchdo you have a link for the latest wireframe?21:25
hatchmine is v1 it says21:25
gary_posterhatch look in email from luca...or short answer is https://drive.google.com/a/canonical.com/?tab=co#folders/0B7XG_QBXNwY1V3B3dDNvYXJGRE0 :-)21:26
hatchoh I don't think I got that email21:26
hatchi've never seen this page before :)21:27
* hatch wants to * folders21:27
gary_posteroh goodness, that wasn't sent peeps21:27
hatchhehe woops21:29
gary_posteranyway hatch, the trashcan disappeared21:29
hatchalright I'll pretend there is one there21:29
gary_posterhatch, +1 thanks.  I'll ask luca21:29
hatchbcsaller: would you be ok with putting the 'factory' in environment.js along with the get/setInspector methods21:53
bcsallerhatch:  I can get back to you in a few minutes21:53
hatchno prob21:53
bcsallerI like being able to leave multiple panels open with the simulator running and watching the units come and go. 22:06
hatchbcsaller: some light watching the sunset....you're weird22:30
hatchlol I actually enjoy watching the simulator too haha22:30
bcsallerit shows how far we've come with the update model22:31
hatchyeah the dispatch issue is allllllmost gone :)22:35
hatchbcsaller:  should this.get('db').charms.getById(model.get('charm')) work where the charm attribute is precise/ceph-1123:01
hatchit returns null23:01
hatchwhich isn't possible as far as I can tell because it's already been loaded23:01
bcsallernot cs:precise/ceph-11?23:03
bcsallerno, that looks right23:05
hatchyeah actually the charms modellist is empty...23:05
bcsallerI was just about to ask that 23:06
bcsallerapp.db.charms.map(function(m) {return m.getAttrs();}) should have looked sane23:06
hatchso we have a bigger issue here then23:06
hatchthat service shouldn't hit the env without a charm in the db23:06
rick_hhatch: is this the drag/drop stuff?23:07
bcsallerit previously jumped through hoops to get the charm loaded, sounds like its not anymore 23:07
* rick_h is just joining into irc after a while away23:07
hatchrick_h: nope using 'add'23:07
rick_hhatch: k, so that should pass a ready model instance into the deploy command23:07
hatchahh ok we never add that into the db23:07
rick_hhatch: we create a full model from the object we pulled form the Browser api23:07
hatchrick_h: do you pull down the full charm data all the time or only when I click add ?23:09
rick_hhatch: so when you hit add, we've already gotten all of the charm data from the browser code. in subapp/browser/views/charm.js there's the _addCharmEnvironment that's walking that through23:09
rick_hthere's no point pulling data from the old api, we just convert an instance of BrowserCharm to Charm and send it along. 23:10
hatch*sigh* umm ok23:10
hatchI knew this would bite us eventually haha23:10
rick_hhatch: so this.charmPanel.deploy is the method that's called with the model instance23:10
hatchright right23:11
rick_hwhere this is the main App23:11
hatchthat data should be pushed into the db23:11
hatchthen on subsiquent requests we don't need to query the api23:11
hatchand also have it available when we need it hehe23:11
hatchI'm not blaming or anything just outlining what should probably be done moving forward23:12
hatchholy it's past 5 already23:12
hatchrick_h: is what I mentioned possible?23:12
hatchpossible with minimal work that is :)23:12
rick_hhatch: sorry, at a coffee shop and in/out network23:16
rick_hhatch: so yea, it's probably possible. benji did the initial add functionality and we can get the model into the db just fine. 23:16
rick_hhatch: I'd suggest the charmPanel.deploy method do that when it get a s model23:17
hatchthat's what I was thinking23:18
hatchrick_h: I remember us talking about needing to use a single charm model down the road23:18
hatchI think we are down the road :D23:19
rick_hhatch: yea, ideally we'd ditch the old Charm model and just use BrowserCharm 23:19
rick_hhatch: I've got a card I want to do to audit all the calls to the old api and deprecate/get rid of them23:19
rick_honce that's done the model switch should be easy23:19
bcsallerhatch, rick_h : I haven't thought through all the implications of what your saying but remember wrt charm loading that the GUI isn't the only source of these, the delta can bring in new services that may have charms not even in the store, so the existing code paths maybe still needed23:19
rick_hbcsaller: definitely, but ideally we could shim them into a BrowserCharm instance and get to combine them bit by bit23:20
rick_hbcsaller: but yea, I've not chased it all the way through. However we had the vision of loading environment charms into the browser as well so we need to get to one 'model' for it23:20
rick_hit's just not been priority since we pulled it from the 13.04 browser goals. 23:21
bcsallerI'm fine with the idea that the browser is the source of truth for charms in the client.23:21
rick_hbcsaller: right, the API from manage.jujucharms.com needs to be the single point of data for things vs the old jujucharm/search/json and search. 23:21
hatchmy issue is that if you close the inspector for a ghost and need to create a new one, the charm data no longer exists anywhere23:22
hatchso pushing it into the db will help that case23:23
hatchthe case where it won't help however is when we open the page23:23
rick_hhatch: can we sit down and chat tomorrow about it?23:23
hatchyeah it's past my EOD anyway I suppose heh23:23
rick_hhatch: ok. Let's try to at least build a checklist of stuff to make sure we sanity check/run through and go from there. 23:23
rick_hbuild a todo list for getting it 100% straightened out23:23
hatchgood idea23:24
hatchI don't really like how this is working anyways23:24
hatchthe code I'm writing23:24
hatchI mean23:24
hatchdidn't we talk about having fully populated service with charms at all times?23:27
hatchso if you loaded up an environment with X services on it, the service and charm models would be ready to go23:27
hatchdid that go away with deploying from the charmstore?23:27
rick_hhatch: so the charms are always fully loaded. When you browse, we have all the charm data so that we can pass it to the env or config panels or anything without making a new http request. 23:28
rick_hhatch: we keep a cache in the browser subapp, but we might need ot hook some of that up to the db or other place in the env. I'm not sure tbh23:29
rick_hI've not looked through all the other uses of the base charm model. 23:29
hatchI mean if I load up an environment with a set of services already23:29
hatchthose should be populated with charms no?23:29
hatchor did we decide to leave them as shells23:30
rick_hyes, but using the old apis and whatever the juju environment feeds out of the websocket connection23:30
rick_he.g. that's not changed at all23:30
hatchright ok - so in theory we could change the browser cache to use the charm db23:31
rick_hbut anyway, it's 7:30pm and I'm trying to hold multiple conversatoins at hte coffee shop. Can walk through this tomorrow. :)23:31
hatchhaha yeah sure np23:31
hatchhave a good night23:31
rick_hyou too23:31

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