
=== bradm_ is now known as bradm
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m_3sidnei: and really if there are multiple people deploying an infrastructure from multiple different local repositories... they've got more problems than just 'revision' file mismatch!14:21
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=== Guest91117 is now known as torin__
jcastrojuju charm weekly meeting in 20 minutes!15:40
marcoceppirick_h: I need to delete that branch, it was used during an example15:47
rick_hmarcoceppi: cool, it's showing in the 'new' charms and the icon is borked so figured I'd push you on it :)15:47
marcoceppirick_h: thanks, forgot to remove it after last charm school15:48
jcastrois where the meeting will be: m_3 evilnickveitch15:53
jcastroanyone is free to hangout in the meeting15:53
jcastroor you can follow along on ubuntuonair.com15:53
arosalesjcastro, apologies for missing this week :-/16:00
arosalesevilnickveitch, apologies for my video still being tardy16:00
arosalessuper :-(16:01
* wedgwood watches stream, doesn't join in16:04
wedgwoodevilnickveitch: \o/16:04
evilnickveitchwedgwood, :)16:09
marcoceppievilnickveitch: do you need redirects for tomorrow's staging?16:12
evilnickveitchmarcoceppi, it would help if you had them already done, but we will muddle through if not16:14
marcoceppievilnickveitch: I have them, I just need to stick them somewhere and do one last pass. I'll merge them in later this evening16:14
evilnickveitchby "muddle" I obviously mean "be excellent"16:14
marcoceppim_3: it should be removed from proof too, I'll open a bug to remind myself16:15
m_3marcoceppi: ack16:15
evilnickveitchmarcoceppi, if you have them, just mail me the file and I will sort it16:15
m_3marcoceppi: dude... more sunscreen, less youtube16:15
marcoceppievilnickveitch: even better16:15
marcoceppim_3: got a nice base now, not much suncreen needed anymore :D16:16
jcastro<-- lunch16:17
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wenjianhnHello. need help. juju 0.7+bzr628+bzr631~precise16:39
wenjianhnIn my lxc instance's /var/log/cloud-init.log:16:39
wenjianhnubuntu-lxc-postgresql-0 [CLOUDINIT] __init__.py[WARNING]: get_data of DataSourceNoCloudNet raised [Errno 13] Permission denied: '/var/lib/cloud/seed/nocloud-net/user-data'16:39
wenjianhn$ ls -l /var/lib/cloud/seed/nocloud-net/user-data16:39
wenjianhn-rw------- 1 root root 1535 Jun 26 14:18 /var/lib/cloud/seed/nocloud-net/user-data16:39
wenjianhnLeads to infinite pending agent state.16:39
wenjianhnignore the above msg, my fault16:46
mgz_wenjianhn: it'd be nice to know what you did to fix it, just for the record :)16:49
wenjianhnmgz_, i executed 'cloud-init start' manually without sudo16:56
sarnoldwenjianhn: I'm surprised you were in a position to do that on a juju-controlled lxc instance..17:01
wenjianhnsarnold, no /etc/init/juju-postgresql-0.conf in my lxc instance, so i tried to create one by myself17:06
sarnoldwenjianhn: aha :)17:08
m_3damn, did hp reduce default quotas?17:26
=== defunctzombie is now known as defunctzombie_zz
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=== mramm2 is now known as mramm
=== BradCrittenden is now known as bac
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=== thumper is now known as thumper-afk

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