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* snwh is away: Away14:41
* snwh is back (gone 00:00:13)14:41
* mpt having trouble designing the sound menu for phone16:46
mptIf a phone has prominent hardware volume buttons, then a volume slider is somewhat pointless (unlike on PC, where the hardware volume keys are only two of dozens)16:47
mptAnd a volume slider on a touch UI is more likely to cause accidental blaring than a volume slider on a pointing-device UI16:47
xnoxeven if there are no hardware volume buttons, the headphones might have hardware volume buttons.16:48
mptBut then what if audio isn't playing either? The menu will hardly contain anything.16:48
xnoxon android, under settings there is "Volumes" and in there you set 3 volumes: ringtone (phone calls, messages, emails, facebook messages, etc...), media (video playback, games volume, etc), alarm (well alarm).16:50
snwhthose will be accessed far less frequently then general volume, if at all16:50
mptThat might make sense in Settings, but yeah, not in an omnipresent menu.16:50
xnoxthe problem is that it plays back "preview" of how loud that will be, accidentally blaring when one only wanted to set the alarm volume app un-noticed at midnight.16:51
xnoxthat's only beginning of problems.16:51
xnoxon android, you never know which volume hardware keys are controlling.16:51
mptAnd on the other hand, if it *doesn't* preview, how are you supposed to know what it does16:51
mptwhat the effect of your choice is, I mean16:51
xnoxe.g. when playing video hardware keys control media volume, but don't change ringtone volume.16:52
xnoxunless a phone call happened to start ringing as you were about to change video volume, then magically you silence your ringtone volume.16:52
xnoxmpt: imho sound menu makes sense and should be able to control current volume, if nothing is in progress than it should act as "activate/diactivate silent mode"16:53
xnoxmpt: and it should always have music player in it.16:53
mptOn iOS, if audio is playing, the HW buttons controls the volume of that audio. If not, they control the volume of the ringtone and the volume OSD says "ringer".16:54
xnoxi don't know how it should behave, but I know for sure that keys in my pocket manage to silence my iphone and nexus4 with fairly consistent rates, especially when I am waiting for a phone call ;-)16:55
mptWe don't even have a silent mode, let alone an assumption of a HW button for it.16:56
snwhmpt, there's no "mute ringer" for when you don't want to talk to someone?16:58
xnoxhow am i suppose to go to theatre / cinema / meetings / library?  surely i should be able to set vibrate only.16:58
snwhthere's always a scenario where the HW buttons fail/get broken and the user can't change the volume because there's no slider :P17:02
snwhmpt, but wouldn't the slider indicate the level of the volume (which buttons do not)17:04
mptyeah, that's its main benefit17:07
mptthough you achieve the same effect by clicking Up then Down :-)17:08
snwhand 'mute' is kind of redundant, if you just slide it to 017:09
snwhso you're left with an empty sound menu xD17:10
* snwh wonders what mpt 's tentative design is17:12
mptYeah, dropping "Mute" was the obvious first step :-)17:29
mptsnwh ^17:29
mptNo point in a touch UI17:29
mptsnwh, drafts: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Sound#phone-menu17:45
snwhmpt, why have the media controls omnipresent if an audio application isnt open/running?18:03
mptsnwh, to start playing music18:04
mptThough, I guess only the Play and Music buttons would be useful in that case, not the other three18:04
snwhyea, I'm reminded of the desktop menu where there's 4 actions that open rhythmbox18:04
mptooh, burn18:14
snwhmpt, i didn't meant it to burn18:24
mptIt's a good burn :-)18:25
snwhI have ointment18:30

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