
=== m_conley_away is now known as m_conley
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pittiRAOF: btw, did you find a sponsor for colord?03:57
RAOFpitti: No, I haven't yet.03:57
RAOFI haven't been shopping around much, either, though.03:57
pittiRAOF: ooh, what do I see in my mailbox!04:21
pitti[rt.debian.org #4455] Resolved: Martin Pitt's new gpg key04:21
RAOFpitti: Yay!04:26
pittiRAOF: so, want me to upload colord?04:35
RAOFYes please!04:35
pittiRAOF: oh, you didn't bump the glib build dep? >= 2.36.0 or so?04:37
pittiwell, I guess not that important unless someone wants to backport04:37
RAOFpitti: Would you like me to bump that build-dep? It's simple enough to do so.04:47
RAOFFailing that, I'll do it after upload.04:47
pittiRAOF: well, if it messes up your dch -r/tagging etc., don't worry for now04:47
pittiRAOF: I'm currently running it through run-adt-test, just to confirm04:47
pittiubtree0t-make-check  FAIL status: 2, stderr: make: *** No rule to make target `c...04:51
pittidebian bug 711209 strikes again04:52
ubot2`Debian bug 711209 in autopkgtest "autopkgtest: build-needed restriction doesn't actually run tests in built tree" [Normal,Open] http://bugs.debian.org/71120904:52
pittibut that shouldn't happen when running from the archive04:52
pittibut the build worked fine at least04:52
RAOFThat won't happen when running from the archive? Yay!04:54
pittiUploading colord_1.0.1-1_amd64.changes: done.04:57
* pitti feels the powah again!04:57
seb128good morning desktopers07:50
pittigood mooooorning, seb128!07:50
seb128pitti, good mooooorning freedom lover! ;-)07:51
seb128pitti, welcome back in the debian keyring!07:51
pittiseb128: merci beaucoup! the force is strong in me again!07:51
seb128Laney, good morning!08:02
Laneya fine day it is too08:03
seb128let's see, sky is blue and it's not rainy, so it's a good start ;-)08:04
pittiLaney: FYI, I re-tried glib autopkgtest this morning again, but it still fails08:04
Laneypitti: I kind of expected it to08:04
tvossinfinity, ping08:04
LaneyI'm about to finish packaging the test runner08:04
pittiit timed out08:04
pittiso some test was hanging08:04
pittithree apport .crashes on that, though08:05
Laneywhere's stdout from that test?08:05
pittiLaney: perhaps simply a case of some missing test depends?08:05
pittiLaney: it timed out, there is none :/08:05
pittidue do another autopkgtest bug08:05
pittiAttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'stdin'08:05
Laneyanyway, I might have set the environment up wrong08:05
pittibut I guesss you can reproduce this in "run-adt-test -sPk glib2.0"08:06
Laneyoh, I don't know about this script08:06
pittiand then ssh in, and run it manually (without adt-run) to see what happens08:06
LaneyI was monkeying aroudn with adt-run but I couldn't figure out how to make it not try to build the source08:06
Laneywhich is annoying08:07
pittiLaney: oh, you don't? http://developer.ubuntu.com/packaging/html/auto-pkg-test.html08:07
Laneyadt-run --some-options --- adt-virt-schroot saucy-amd6408:07
pittiLaney: adt-run --built-tree=. --no-built-binaries --- adt-virt-null08:07
pittior schroot, yes08:07
Laneywill that satisfy the test depends from apt?08:07
Laneyoh, cool!08:07
Laneyanyway, packaging the test runner, modifying the autopkgtest to use that and then seeing what still fails08:08
pittiLaney: so you can also just do "run-adt-test -sPl" to log in, then apt-get source glib2.0, then run "adt-run --built-tree=. --no-built-binaries --- adt-virt-null"08:08
pittiLaney: "run-adt-test -sUl" is an effing fast and convenient way to get a throwaway VM in tmpfs, I use that often to debug apt problems or run NM tests, etc.08:09
Laneyurk, fsck "Errors were found"08:09
pitti$ cat .adtrc08:09
pittiwith that, it'll even use your local apt-cacher-ng, so installing stuff happens in the blink of an eye08:10
Laneyah, I'd want to make it use my local mirror08:10
pittior that08:10
pittiLaney: there's no option for that ATM (feel free to propose one), for now you can just change it in ./bin/prepare-testbed08:11
seb128$ run-adt-test08:11
seb128run-adt-test : commande introuvable08:11
seb128pitti, do you have a wikipage/manpage about what is run-adt-test? ;-)08:11
pittibzr branch lp:auto-package-testing08:12
pittinot packaged ATM; perhaps it should be at some point (ubuntu-dev-scripts or so)08:12
pittiseb128, Laney: oh, you need to run "prepare-testbed amd64" (or i386) once first, of course; all on that page08:12
Laneymy first challenge is to figure out how to start a new package in pkg-gnome SVN08:13
Laneyah just one svn propset08:14
seb128Laney, checkout, mkdir, svn add?08:14
LaneyI was just scared of getting the properties wrong because of their weird layout08:14
infinitytvoss: ?08:15
tvossinfinity, hey there, quick question if kubuntu-desktop is good to install on saucy, yet?08:15
infinitytvoss: You'd be better off asking Riddell or ScottK, but I think they got the world mostly under control.08:15
tvossinfinity, okay, thanks08:16
tvossinfinity, a manual install of kde-workspace fixed the issue, installing kubuntu-desktop now08:21
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LaneySUMMARY: total: 196 passed: 196 skipped: 0 failed: 009:43
Laneypitti: seems to work if I use the proper runner :-)09:45
pittiLaney: nice!09:45
Laneyjust uploaded to debian NEW, will sync it over manually if needed at the next glib upload09:46
LaneySVN, CDBS, ... love pkg-gnome packaging09:46
pittiat some point we ought to at least move to dh7 IMHO09:51
LaneyI remember that someone was working on git migration but it stalled09:51
LaneyIIRC because the team wanted to migrate everything at once which is a lot of work09:52
mlankhorstdidrocks: so now that unity landed, x1.14 time?10:29
didrocksmlankhorst: did you get any confirmation from the call for testing that it's ok?10:29
mlankhorsttouch was broken, but it was already the case and even all the upstream bug fixes don't fix it yet. :(10:30
didrocksmlankhorst: multitouch was alredy broken? I think nobody is maintaining it anyway10:31
didrocksmlankhorst: but did you get people "acking" that barriers are still working, everything's fine?10:32
darkxstX 1.14 is working well here, no touch though10:32
mlankhorstwhot is doing it upstream, I helped him with a lot of bugfixes but the hanging touch bug is still around..10:32
didrocksok, I think the barriers are the most important one10:32
* mlankhorst checks10:32
darkxstbarriers work well on gnome-shell10:32
Laney"unity landed" -> only need X PPA?10:33
didrocksdarkxst: interested in the Unity experience TBH :p10:33
Laneyok, will check here then10:33
LaneyI didn't really feel like enabling the daily ppa10:33
darkxstI figured that, but I don't use unity10:35
* Laney reboots10:36
LaneyI haz barriers10:40
didrocksLaney: hiding/showing the launcher then works? :)10:42
Laney(as much as it ever did :P)10:43
didrocksgreat :)10:43
Laneymlankhorst: yeah, seems fine here on nvidia10:43
didrocksmlankhorst: let's plan doing the transition tomorrow then? we need to land unity at the same time with the patch, right?10:43
mlankhorstdidrocks: I patched up unity in the ppa :)10:44
didrocksmlankhorst: yeah, so we need to land both at the same time10:44
didrocksmlankhorst: you are going to add a Breaks: unity (<< ) I guess?10:44
didrocksto ensure people don't get in a middle-transition state10:44
mlankhorstI don't think that's the correct way to do it here, it's a tad annoying due to updates10:45
didrocksthe new Xorg will breaks unity without installing the updated version (at least, the barriers)10:45
mlankhorstthe x server may not run on the same computer as the x client, I think in general having a breaks like that is a bad idea..10:47
didrocksmlankhorst: how do you want to handle the transition then and avoiding having people upgrading at the bad time?10:48
mlankhorstI depend on the new libxi/libxfixes in unity, that's the best I can do10:48
didrocksmlankhorst: but that doesn't make the other side, people upgrading xorg and having a broken unity?10:50
LaneyI just tried a few sessions and now my unity session didn't come up10:50
Laney[   739.512] (EE) NVIDIA(GPU-0): EVO Push buffer channel allocation failed10:51
Laney[   739.512] (EE)  *** Aborting ***10:51
Laney[   739.512] (EE) NVIDIA(GPU-0): Failed to allocate EVO core DMA push buffer10:51
Laney[   739.512] (EE)  *** Aborting ***10:51
mlankhorstcongratulations, you probably found a bug in the nvidia driver, or the display part of your hardware hung10:51
Laneytell me how best to file a bug report ^_^10:52
mlankhorsttseliot would know10:52
tseliotLaney: can you try removing ~/.nvidia-settings-rc and restarting X, please?10:54
Laneytseliot: I don't have that file10:54
mlankhorstLaney: anything in dmesg?10:55
Laney[  640.929781] NVRM: GPU at 0000:01:00: GPU-ddd6c16b-fd05-a479-f9db-93c7aa8f9f3b10:55
Laney[  641.945261] current rate 0 is different from the runtime rate 4800010:55
Laneydon't know what that one came from10:55
tseliotLaney: ok then please type: sudo nvidia-bug-report.sh and give me the nvidia-bug-report.log that you will find in your current directory10:56
Laneytseliot: http://people.canonical.com/~laney/temp/nvidia-bug-report.log.gz10:57
Laneylet me know if I can restart10:57
LaneyDon't know if you read earlier but this is me running canonical-x/x-staging in saucy10:58
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Laneytseliot: I'm restarting now. Don't want to wait any longer :P.11:04
tseliotLaney: I think I have all I need, thanks11:04
mlankhorsta config file left behind by unity-system-compositor caused lightdm to fail here, I wanted to blame xorg for that :P11:12
tseliotoops, I thought I had removed nvidia-310 and 313...11:13
Laneymlankhorst: not unity-greeter?11:14
mlankhorstnah, a mir branch11:14
tseliotLaney: did the problem happen after a suspend/resume cycle?11:19
Laneyno, not that boot11:19
LaneyI'd changed session a few times11:19
LaneyIf you see something about suspend in those logs that was from the previous boot11:20
seb128Laney, mlankhorst: the lightdm conf file might end up being problematic since those are in /etc they are going to be left over when the package is removed but not purged11:21
tseliotLaney: maybe use this as your /etc/X11/xorg.conf and try to reproduce the issue: http://paste.ubuntu.com/5801225/11:21
LaneyI did think of that11:21
LaneyI'd add the Depends and then rm_conffile it but ...11:22
Laneytseliot: doing11:30
Laneytseliot: ok, I changed session a load of times with that config and didn't see it11:32
Laneydon't know what that says :-)11:32
tseliotLaney: I think we've worked around the issue for now. If you manage to reproduce it again in the future, just let me know ;)11:33
=== MacSlow|lunch is now known as MacSlow
* mlankhorst does ceremonial dance12:13
Laneyvery nice12:14
tvoss_didrocks, ping12:26
didrockstvoss_: pong12:26
tvoss_didrocks, hey there, so for some weird reason, my icons are taken from the wrong icon theme in Unity12:28
didrockstvoss_: do you have any ppa? changed anything in g-c-c?12:28
didrockstvoss_: maybe check first your theme in gnome-control-center, appearance capplet12:29
tvoss_didrocks, I have the system-compositor ppa12:29
didrockstvoss_: I doubt you have other things in it :) you do have gnome-settings-daemon started? the theme itself is right?12:30
tvoss_didrocks, gnome-settings-daemon is running12:31
didrockstvoss_: so, check the selected theme in g-c-c12:31
tvoss_didrocks, switching to high-contrast works, selecting ambiance or radiance does not12:31
tvoss_didrocks, except for the window decorations12:32
didrockstvoss_: what do you mean, it's following the theme?12:32
tvoss_didrocks, ambiance window decoration works, but not the gtk theme12:33
didrocksso the windows content is gnome vanilla one?12:33
mitya57tvoss_: does  python3 -c "from gi.repository import Gtk; print(Gtk.Settings.get_default().get_property('gtk-icon-theme-name'))"  print the correct name?12:33
didrocksin the look12:33
didrocksmitya57: it seems it's not only the icon theme from his description12:34
tvoss_mitya57, says gnome12:34
seb128tvoss_, do you use a config that breaks xsettings support?12:34
seb128tvoss_, like does xmir support xsettings?12:34
tvoss_seb128,it's a vanilla xserver in that respect12:35
tvoss_seb128, why do we need xsettings still btw? I thought we would have removed that?12:35
tvoss_at least for unity12:35
seb128tvoss_, well, gtk uses those for e.g the theme12:35
tvoss_seb128, how can I check if that is actually all working correctly?12:36
* mitya57 has a script for getting raw xsettings values somewhere12:36
seb128tvoss_, I don't think there is an easy way or a tool for that, let's see if mitya57 find his script12:37
seb128tvoss_, gsettings get org.gnome.desktop.interface icon-theme12:37
seb128or gtk-theme12:37
seb128does that return the right values?12:37
tvoss_seb128, ubuntu-mono-light12:38
seb128k, so that part is correct12:39
seb128tvoss_, you are under GNOME right, not KDE (I saw you were playing with KDE earlier)12:41
mitya57Found: http://paste.ubuntu.com/5801381 — but's that's a very ugly code, and it uses python-xpyb12:41
tvoss_seb128, I'm running unity7 right now12:41
seb128tvoss_, the way things usually work under GNOME is that gnome-settings-daemon reads that key and set the xsettings to the same value as the key and gtk picks that xsettings12:42
tvoss_seb128, that sounds weird, to say the least, but okay12:42
seb128tvoss_, if you changed session, are you sure that you don't have a leftover settings daemon from e.g KDE that stopped gnome-settings-daemon to take the ownership of those settings?12:42
seb128that happens sometimes12:42
seb128there can be only one setting daemon at the time, so if one is running g-s-d will bail out12:43
mitya57On Wayland Gtk just uses GSettings directly, I think we can make it do the same on Mir12:43
seb128mitya57, that seems better than what was suggested on https://bugs.freedesktop.org/show_bug.cgi?id=4902112:43
ubot2`Freedesktop bug 49021 in wayland "Ideas: A wayland settings protocol to tell clients about themes, fonts, etc." [Enhancement,New]12:44
tvoss_seb128 difficult to check, let me see if I can just start afresh12:44
mitya57seb128: but that will be Gtk-specific12:44
tvoss_mitya57, having settings separate from the display server in the session sounds like a good idea12:44
tvoss_seb128, does not help12:58
tvoss_seb128, @reboot12:58
tvoss_Trevinho, ping13:01
seb128tvoss_, still broken?13:03
tvoss_seb128, yup13:03
tvoss_seb128, how can I force an icon and gtk theme in unity?13:03
seb128tvoss_, do you have a ~/.config/gtk-3.0/settings.ini13:04
seb128tvoss_, if so what does it contain?13:04
tvoss_seb128, nope, no such file13:05
seb128tvoss_, can you "strace -f gtk3-demo 2>&1 | grep /home/tvoss > log" and pastebin/copy online, I wonder if KDE wrote some sort of config somewhere13:07
seb128tvoss_, like a gtkrc or settings.ini13:07
seb128tvoss_, gtk3-demo or another gtk program (the smaller the better)13:08
seb128e.g if you try on gedit you will have more noise13:08
tvoss_seb128, gtk3-demo is not in my path13:08
seb128gtk3-demo is in gtk-3-examples that we don't install by default13:08
tvoss_seb128, http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/13:09
seb128tvoss_, otherwise, to confirm ...13:10
seb128gsettings get org.gnome.desktop.interface gtk-theme13:10
seb128returns the right theme?13:10
tvoss_seb128, yup13:10
seb128and you have light-themes installed?13:10
seb128tvoss_, [pid  6684] access("/home/tvoss/.config/gtk-3.0/settings.ini", F_OK <unfinished ...>13:10
seb128tvoss_, what is in this file?13:10
seb128tvoss_, strace seems to disagree with you that it doesn't exist...13:11
seb128tvoss_, it would ENOENT otherwise13:11
tvoss_seb128, ls -lha does not show it ... hmmm, asks for an rm -rf :-)?13:12
seb128tvoss_, is your theme working in a guest session or with another user?13:12
tvoss_seb128, need to check13:12
seb128tvoss_, that strace also end up on ibus stuff, I wonder if ibus screw up things...but I guess you didn't change anything ibus related recently?13:13
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tvoss_seb128, noope13:14
=== Ursinha-afk is now known as Ursinha
seb128tvoss_, I'm a bit puzzled at this point :/ would be useful to try with another user to see if that's an user config issue or a system issue13:16
tvoss_seb128, ack13:16
Trevinhotvoss_ pong13:20
seb128Trevinho, wait for him to be back ;-)13:20
seb128Trevinho, hey btw13:21
Trevinhoseb128: ah, in fact my tab was not autcompleting him, :)13:21
seb128Trevinho, for a good reason :p13:21
Trevinhoseb128: :) hi to you too ;)13:22
* Trevinho does the "g++4.8 faster compilation" dance13:22
seb128tvoss, wb13:24
seb128tvoss, gtk IIRC should do "user config -> xsettings -> default config (/etc/gtk-3.0/settings.ini)"13:25
Trevinhotvoss: pong²13:25
seb128tvoss, if you get a wrong theme it would suggest either a broken config got written somewhere (but I can't find it in your strace, though the fact it don't ENOINT on that .config/gtk-3.0/settings.ini puzzles me) or that the xsettings is set to the wrong value13:26
tvossseb128, copied the default setting to my user directory, and restarting my session :)13:27
tvossseb128, no luck13:28
seb128did you try with another user?13:29
tvossseb128, yup13:29
seb128does it work?13:29
Trevinhotvoss: did you ping me before about this icon issue?13:30
tvossTrevinho, yup13:30
Trevinhotvoss: mh, ok so I re-read what has been said13:30
seb128Trevinho, if you have any clue what could be wrong there, please help, I'm running out of ideas13:30
seb128tvoss, can you do a strace again but without grep, or grep on "themes" ... I wonder what theme it goes to read13:31
Trevinhoseb128: oh, that seems weird...13:32
Trevinhoseb128: I probably didn't read all, but is he having theme issues also with other launched applications (a part from unity)?13:33
seb128Trevinho, that's a good question, I assumed that the theme was wrong for the session, but maybe that's a wrong assumption...13:34
Trevinhoseb128: it's probably like that as the apps launched from unity should still use the same env, but it also seems something wrong on our themes configurations13:35
seb128tvoss_, is your issue specific to unity or happening in gtk apps as well?13:43
tvoss_seb128, gtk apps in general13:43
seb128Trevinho, ^13:44
Trevinhoseb128: ok, so at least it's not unity fault..13:44
tvoss_seb128, grepping for themes gives: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/5801517/13:46
didrockshey kenvandine! thanks for publishing webcreds :)13:47
didrockskenvandine: can you have a look (maybe with cyphermox as well) to other stacks and why they are not publishing? I'm doing Mir and can't get to those, sil2100 is on holidays today13:48
kenvandineapps was blocked by webcred, i published it13:51
kenvandinemedia broke because of a chroot problem, handling that now13:52
kenvandinecyphermox, can you look at indicators and qa?13:52
seb128tvoss_, Trevinho: I'm starting thinking it's a problem on the machine/disk ... I don't understand why the access() calls to user files don't return ENOENT if the files don't exist13:55
* didrocks waves good evening, have to leave for an early appointment14:17
desrtseb128: greetings14:47
seb128desrt, hey14:47
desrtseb128: did you do your accountsservice upload yet?14:47
seb128desrt, no, still fighting with the update14:47
seb128I hate that piece of code :/14:47
desrtseb128: can you please toss those patches in?14:47
seb128if I ever manage to get the update right, sure14:48
desrtanything i can help with?14:48
seb128hate hate hate how they pile hacks on hacks to filter users out14:48
ubot2`Freedesktop bug 48178 in general "Add some users to the default blacklist" [Normal,Resolved: fixed]14:48
desrtto be fair, this is unix...14:49
seb128I'm updating our patch to revert to the old "filter on uid ranges"14:49
seb128I'm not sure what was wrong with that14:49
seb128they have "is there a valid shell" + "is there a hash at the right format" + "is the user is in the list"14:49
seb128and they stuff is still not good enough, I guess stuff like CouchDb listed14:49
seb128or "backup"14:50
seb128or "www-data"14:50
seb128or "(dirmngr)"14:50
desrtthe password hash check tripped me up the other day14:50
desrtsince it filters some real human users who exist but do not yet have a valid password set14:50
desrtsad truth is that unix makes it very hard to tell the difference between accounts belonging to real people and system accounts14:51
desrti wonder if we could make some simplifying assumptions for debian....14:51
desrtlike just split at 1000 and hardcode the nobody account14:51
desrti can't think of any exceptions to that rule...14:53
seb128desrt, well, we are using the uid range in Ubuntu and Debian (e.g as defined in /etc/login.defs)14:54
desrtso why not use _only_ that?14:54
desrtie: nuke all other checks14:54
seb128that's what we do, I just gave a try to the new upstream way14:55
seb128and I'm rebasing the patch, which is a bit of a pain because they refactored a bit14:55
desrtUID_MIN                  100014:55
desrtUID_MAX                 6000014:55
seb128but I'm getting there14:55
desrti like it!14:55
desrteven properly excludes the nobody account, this way14:55
seb128which is what upstream was doing before http://cgit.freedesktop.org/accountsservice/commit/?id=ffbd85a5baee93af150fd575a44e7a7d81a1395814:55
seb128I never got why they changed it14:55
seb128desrt, people.canonical.com/~seb128/2001-filtering_out_users.patch15:23
seb128desrt, that's our current patch, just rebased on 0.6.3415:23
seb128desrt, if that helps you as a base15:23
desrtseb128: may help a bit for login.defs parsing, thanks15:24
seb128desrt, ok, I got my update working... what patch did you want me to cherrypick on top?15:27
ubot2`Freedesktop bug 63733 in general "add support for extension interfaces" [Enhancement,New]15:27
desrtthere are three patches at the bottom15:28
desrtthe last one is strictly documentation15:28
desrtbut you need the two before (comments 8 and 9)15:28
desrtcomment 10 has zero effect on the installed package, so i wouldn't bother15:28
cyphermoxkenvandine: poke15:37
kenvandinecyphermox, prod15:37
cyphermoxkenvandine: just to ack, I am looking at indicators and QA15:37
cyphermoxkenvandine: however, shouldn't this just get ignored:15:37
cyphermox/var/log/upstart/otto-setup.log: E: The following additional packages will be installed:15:37
cyphermox/var/log/upstart/otto-setup.log: +libglib2.0-015:37
cyphermox/var/log/upstart/otto-setup.log: +libglib2.0-bin15:37
cyphermox^^ I'm sure we don't really want to add these packages to the package list for QA :D15:37
kenvandinei would think so15:38
kenvandinekind of core packages :)15:38
cyphermoxgoing to take a good look, that shouldn't be happening15:39
cyphermoxah, same thing for qa and indicators15:40
cyphermoxkenvandine: unity same issue btw15:52
cyphermoxlooks like they probably mostly all failed because this showed up in upgrade :(15:52
kenvandinei don't think that is why media failed15:53
kenvandineapps just got blocked on webcred15:53
kenvandinemedia is failing autopilot tests15:53
cyphermoxbut any new tests today, if one of the packages require glib, will fail with the same result15:54
cyphermoxperhaps this is the kind of thing that really ought to be special cased15:54
cyphermoxthe issue is that there was a new glib that was uploaded, and is now available in the archive, since the image that is used to build the vms that run the tests was created15:55
cyphermoxso running the same tests tomorrow we'd be fine15:56
seb128mterry, miiiiiike15:58
Laney(he only loves you for your team membership. RESIST.)15:59
mterryseb128, heyo?15:59
seb128mterry, howdy ... do you have a minute to discuss you pin patch to accountsservice?16:00
seb128mterry, it makes things double free and get unhappy when you try changing an user password16:00
seb128(I first though it was my update that was screwed but it happens in saucy as well)16:00
mterryseb128, aw crap.  I ran with it for a while, thought it was OK16:00
seb128mterry, can you have a look to user.c?16:00
seb128user_set_password () does16:01
seb128        daemon_local_check_auth (user->daemon,16:01
mterryseb128, if it it's causing immediate problems, you can undo the patch, nothing depends on it yet, while I fix16:01
seb128                                 user_change_password_authorized_cb,16:01
seb128                                 (GDestroyNotify)free_passwords);16:01
seb128 16:01
seb128or user_change_password_authorized_cb() ends on16:01
seb128 out:16:01
seb128        g_free (password_hint);16:01
seb128        g_free (password);16:01
seb128 16:01
seb128mterry, I guess if (GDestroyNotify)free_passwords does the cleaning we don't need the 2 g_free calls16:02
mterryseb128, OK, will look.16:02
seb128mterry, I just want sanity check from somebody else, I'm not sure to understand that code well from a quick look16:02
mterryseb128, how are you reproducing?  Is there a bug for it?16:02
seb128mterry, reproduce -> run "gnome-control-center user-accounts", click "unlock", click a password field from any user (I picked test users, not mines), enter a password, confirm it, click "change"16:03
seb128-> double_free16:03
cyphermoxkenvandine: ok, seems like we should probably be able to just rerun the tests and they should pass, at least for indicators16:03
cyphermoxkenvandine: I'll rerun that now, so we can see if it fixes the issue16:03
mterryseb128, that does seem like a double free16:04
seb128mterry, well double free from accounts-daemon, g-c-c hangs16:04
seb128mterry, http://paste.ubuntu.com/5801893/16:04
mterryseb128, huh.  I feel like I tested that, but clearly not with final patch's code.16:05
seb128mterry, you can confirm the bug?16:05
seb128mterry, ok, dropping the 2 frees after the out: fixes it...16:05
seb128mterry, I'm happy to just sneak that in my upload if you +1 it (should I check the code for other problems?)16:06
mterryseb128, hm, I don't get freeze in gcc16:06
mterryi didn't open from console though, let me see what that says16:06
seb128mterry, well, sudo /usr/lib/accountsservice/accounts-daemon --replace and look at what happen on this time16:06
seb128mterry, g-c-c doesn't freeze every time for me16:06
mterryseb128, that function got some last minute changes, which were from me, not the original patch author.  So that was my fault.  If that work flow works well for you now, that should be a sufficient check16:07
seb128I guess it depends if the daemon breaks before sending a reply16:07
mterryseb128, yup, I see crash too16:07
mterryseb128, dropping the frees should fix it, yeah16:08
mterryseb128, thanks for the catch16:08
seb128mterry, yw, thanks for confirming ... doing that in my upload16:08
seb128mterry, I see that the original patch was calling g_variant_unref as GDestroyNotify16:10
seb128mterry, so just destroying the variant and letting the callback free the 2 gchar *16:10
mterryseb128, doesn't the unref happen naturally?16:10
mterryoh, because we pass it16:11
mterryseb128, yup.   Just removing the g_free after the out: label should be fine16:11
seb128mterry, yep, thanks again!16:11
* seb128 is happy, g-c-c works 16:11
seb128hum, no16:13
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seb128mterry, that patch is buggy :/ do you use it for anything atm?16:17
seb128mterry, it doesn't segfault anymore but it doesn't actually change the password either...16:17
mterryseb128, disable for now until I can fix it.  It seemed to be working for me a while ago, but clearly my last minute fixes broke things and I didn't properly test them16:18
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desrtseb128: did you do the upload yet?16:51
seb128desrt, no16:51
desrtseb128: maybe interesting to try with my new patch instead....16:52
seb128desrt, I can do that ;-)16:52
desrtseb128: ah.  didn't notice you're not in #gnome-hackers16:53
desrtsee here https://bugs.freedesktop.org/show_bug.cgi?id=6621416:53
ubot2`Freedesktop bug 66214 in general "Clean up user classification logic" [Normal,New]16:53
seb128desrt, thanks16:53
seb128mterry, ok, I did some debugging, it fails to change the passwd for other users than the current one17:39
seb128mterry, I don't think it's the most frequent usecase, will keep the patch enable17:39
mterryseb128, OK.  Assign a bug to me, I can look at it17:40
mterryseb128, thanks for debugging a bit17:40
seb128mterry, I might finish debugging it later since I started, it's a problem in the pam helper17:40
seb128mterry, yw17:40
seb128mterry, I will assign to you with details if I need to move to something else17:40
* mterry can't wait :)17:40
seb128desrt, your uid filtering patch works fine \o/17:46
desrtso i guess we can carry this one now instead17:46
desrtand maybe drop it when it goes upstream (in one form or another)17:46
seb128right, I swapped them and did a package test build17:46
seb128keeping it this way17:46
desrti nixed most of the old patch you sent me... the error checking was not very good :/17:46
seb128the old patch was the old upstream code17:46
desrtlike... it searched for "UID_MIN" in the login.defs file17:47
seb128it was mostly a revert of their recent work17:47
desrtwhich would find "SYS_UID_MIN" if that happened to come first :p17:47
seb128glad you cleaned it then ;-)17:47
seb128desrt, btw you will need to rebase one of your patches on the other one :p17:57
desrtMakefile conflict?17:58
seb128daemon.c conflict17:58
seb128in daemon_init()17:58
desrtcan you clean it up for now?17:58
seb128but as Makefile.am as well17:58
seb128desrt, yeah, I did17:58
seb128they just change code in the same area, so you will need to rebase depending which one goes in first17:59
kenvandinelarsu, gsettings-qt adding to daily-release and fginther is setting up jenkins for autolanding and CI18:51
larsukenvandine: \o/18:52
fgintherkenvandine, larsu, it's ready now18:53
kenvandinelarsu, ok, as of now no more pushing to trunk :)18:54
larsukenvandine: I'll try :P18:54
kenvandinelarsu, also... i hear you're the guy to talk to about lp:indicator-messages/phablet?18:55
kenvandinebasically, the inline replies like we can do for SMS18:55
kenvandinei need to add those for facebook and stuff18:56
larsukenvandine: yes, the phablet libmessagingmenu has special API for that (which I don't like btw)18:57
larsuI'll be working on consolidating the branches next week18:57
larsucan you wait tht long or are you blocked on it?18:57
kenvandineis there any docs or a good example i can look at?18:57
kenvandinewell, i can wait18:57
larsuno, I made that pretty ad-hoc last year to have something for the phone demo18:57
kenvandinebut i would like to start hacking on it18:57
kenvandinei need to make it work like the demo did :)18:57
larsubasically I sat next to the only user of it: boiko (he wrote the phone app)18:58
larsuI'm still considering to change the API a bit before merging it18:58
kenvandineso maybe next week when you refactor that a bit... you can sit (virtually) next to me as the next consumer of it?18:58
larsuhaha sure :D18:58
larsubasically you can now create a MessagingMenu.Message (in addition to sources)18:59
kenvandineok, i'll bug you about that next week18:59
larsuok let's do that, thanks :)18:59
kenvandinei want to add the entry from a python process18:59
kenvandineor probably the service written in vala19:00
kenvandinebut then do qml for the interaction stuff19:00
larsuboth will work, it's fully gobject-introspection19:00
kenvandinedoes that require me creating a new widget?19:00
larsubut no qml api yet19:00
kenvandinehow does phone-app do it?19:00
larsuno, you can't put widgets into the panel19:00
larsuit doesn't, there's only the one widget19:00
larsu"hero item"19:00
larsuor some such19:01
kenvandinethat item can work for me :)19:01
kenvandinesame concept19:01
kenvandineif i can tell it to do something different with the message19:01
larsubasically it's an image, title, text, and optionally some buttons and/or reply field19:01
larsuya, we don't want apps to put stuff into the panel process19:01
larsubut if you need something special, we might be able to add it to the existing widget19:01
kenvandinei just need it to call a function in libfriends or qml-friends to do the actual reply19:02
kenvandinedoes that require changing the widget?19:02
larsuno, the widget can handle replies19:02
larsuyou'll get a callback with the string19:02
kenvandinebasically i need to make it work the way the demo content did before :)19:03
* larsu thinks kenvandine is just realizing how little work he has to do for that19:03
* kenvandine hopes so19:03
kenvandinelarsu, ok, i'll bug you about that next week :)19:04
larsulooking forward to it!?19:04
kenvandinelarsu, https://code.launchpad.net/~ken-vandine/gsettings-qt/depends_for_tests/+merge/17164419:25
kenvandinelarsu, easy review to fix the build before tonight's daily release run :)19:26
larsukenvandine: approved. Let's see if the auto merger works19:29
kenvandineLaney, i'm looking forward to seeing your background panel with gsettings merged :)19:35
kenvandinelarsu, merged!19:35
Laneykenvandine: Yeah! It needs error handling and ideally to react to changes in the key (how do I do that with gsettings-qt) first though?19:36
Laneyoh and I expect it doesn't work on the device19:36
larsuLaney: qml doesn't do bidirectional binding unfortunately. So you need to bind a function to onClicked and set the key from js19:39
larsuworks as expected, settings.keyName = value;19:39
Laneylarsu: Not that; a signal when something else changes the key19:40
Laneylike changed19:40
larsuLaney: you don't need that, the key is changed and gsettings-qt uses qml's native notification stuff19:40
larsuCheckbox { checked: settings.something } will do the right thing19:41
Laneyhmm, didn't work naively but I'll check it, thanks19:41
larsumaybe a bug? Let me know if you can't get it to work19:42
mfischCan anyone point me to what respawns indicator-sound? Doesn't seem to be dbus or upstart19:45
mfischI want to run my own copy but respawns before I can start my copy19:46
kenvandinemfisch, there is a trick to that :)19:47
kenvandinetedg, can you tell him the magic?19:47
kenvandinei forget :)19:47
larsumfisch: export INDICATOR_SERVICE_REPLACE_MODE=119:47
tedgmfisch, Yeah, it's the panel service itself.  No worries, we're fixing it :-)19:47
mfischlarsu/tedg: thanks19:48
seb128_mterry, you are still there?20:40
mterryseb128, yup!20:40
seb128_seb128_, sorry, I'm on some unstable internet line again, might drop and come back20:41
seb128_mterry, ^20:41
=== seb128_ is now known as seb128
seb128mterry, so I figured out the issue with accountsservice20:41
seb128mterry, the accountsservice code handle crypt()ed passwords20:42
seb128mterry, which usermod -p <passwd> handle20:42
seb128mterry, the pam helper though is going the pam stack that asks for a real passwd20:43
seb128which the code give the crypt()ed passwd to20:43
mterryOh, hrm20:43
seb128so you end up with e.g "$6$1MSCIhEv2SC3ZrPZ$tjfGY3J2HKhuZh6073510/ebmi3YWMhlBPF2hWVUfuaeSrMK5/bFdFX9pwz44M03uP3EdsH5mHBrlTzn/A9Oy/"20:43
seb128set as password20:43
seb128(I tried, it works for login ;-)20:44
mterryYou mean the historical SetPassword dbus call takes a crypted pass?20:44
* mdeslaur quickly looks up seb128's password in rainbow table20:44
mterryseb128, so maybe the SetPassword handler needs to use pre-patch method of setting the password via usermod.  And let new dbus call continue to do its fancy pam magic...  But we need to make sure to clear any pin that was previously set20:45
mterry(when old SetPassword is used)20:45
seb128_grrrr flacky internet20:48
seb128_mterry, dunno if my reply went through20:48
seb128_ mterry, yeah, the real password is given to crypt() that usermod -p understand20:48
seb128_ mterry, it avoids having to deal with clear passwords20:48
seb128_ so accountsservice pass the encrypted version of the password around20:48
seb128_the pam helper goes through normal pam prompts and want a clear password though20:48
mterryseb128_, yup, makes sense.  when I added back the SetPassword handler, I missed that detail20:49
=== seb128_ is now known as seb128
mterryseb128_, we can manually delete the pin file20:49
mterryto clear it20:49
mterrywhile doing old logic to set crypted pass20:49
seb128mterry, well, at this point I will let you sor tit20:49
mterryseb128, OK!20:49
seb128do you want a bug report?20:49
mterryseb128, sure20:49
mterryseb128, sorry for trouble, and thanks for debugging it that far20:49
seb128no worry20:49
seb128sorry for dropping it to you there, but I'm not familiar enough with this code to change the logic and I don't want to spend more time on it20:50
seb128I've already spent a couple of hours today on it20:50
seb128need to move back to system settings tomorrow20:50
seb128mterry, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/accountsservice/+bug/119502120:55
ubot2`Ubuntu bug 1195021 in accountsservice (Ubuntu) "the pam password helper and accountsservice disagree on the password format in use" [Undecided,New]20:55
mterryseb128, thanks!21:02
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