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ScottKMeh.  autopkgtest for python-qt4 4.10.2-1ubuntu1: RUNNING00:14
cjwatsonHm, yeah, it would, I suppose.  It might be quick enough that the run I'm doing now will pick it up ...00:15
cjwatsonThe hint was typoed so it wouldn't have gone through in that run in any event00:15
cjwatsonLast run was 12 minutes.  Maybe.00:15
ScottKThanks for fixing.00:16
cjwatsonStill running.  I'll go and make my son's lunch for tomorrow and then see ...00:17
cjwatsonIt's done now.  I just missed it last time00:24
* cjwatson reruns00:24
cjwatsonMight squeeze it in before the next publisher run if I'm lucky00:25
cjwatsonScottK: final: avogadro,calibre,pykde4,pyqwt3d,pyqwt5,python-poppler-qt4,python-qt4,qscintilla2,sip4,veusz00:30
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ScottKThanks for the help.00:30
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* cjwatson -> bed00:33
ScottKGood night.00:34
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TheMuso@pilot out03:24
=== udevbot changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Ubuntu 13.04 released | Archive: open | Devel of Ubuntu (not support or app devel) | build failures -> http://qa.ubuntuwire.com/ftbfs/ | #ubuntu for support and discussion of lucid -> raring | #ubuntu-app-devel for app development on Ubuntu http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment | See #ubuntu-bugs for http://bit.ly/lv8soi | Patch Pilots:
pittiGood morning03:56
pittiLaney: why is there a block on gucharmap?04:15
pittiLaney: the MIR was resolved, so it built fine now04:16
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ScottKThere's a block on a lot of stuff for Alpha 1.  It's not that, is it?05:57
pittiScottK: oh, could be, yes05:58
tvossScottK, ping06:08
dholbachgood morning06:29
ScottKtvoss: Hello06:40
ScottKtvoss: Missed your chance.  I'm going to bed.06:48
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darkxstcjwatson, the syslinux splash on ubuntu GNOME images is a bit broken, do you know where that is configured?07:47
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darkxstcjwatson, we only get the text based screen, and the language selector is active (like F2 had been pressed)07:49
pittiI thought the latter was deliberate07:50
pittito avoid having to present English text to find out how to set the language07:51
darkxstpitti, ok, but there is still the first issue why we only get text-based splash07:51
darkxstI believe that was the case for raring images also ;(07:52
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Noskcajroaksoax: This is your daily reminder to allocate a day to testdrive09:07
dokodidrocks: why is google-mock shipping a shared libgmock which has references to a shared libgtest, which is never shipped?09:16
didrocksdoko: yeah, I realized that when looking at the package the other day and I think we inherited that from debian09:18
xnoxdoko: because google-mock shouldn't ship any shared libraries, but it's a mini transition where we need to fix r-build-deps first to use shared google-mock src code shipped by the package & then sync from debian.09:18
xnoxe.g. unity ;-)09:18
* xnox thinks there was a tracking bug about that.09:19
xnoxbug 118526509:19
ubottubug 1185265 in unity (Ubuntu) "please stop shipping pre-build google-mock, instead all reverse-depends should compile their own google-mock" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/118526509:19
dokodidrocks, xnox: hmm, so the ftbfs should go away when merging the package from debian.09:23
didrocksdoko: I don't think so, I tried to build it with the same FTBFS09:24
didrockswe inherited the issue from them, as told09:24
dokodidrocks, but then why ship a shared libgmock?09:24
xnoxbuilding debian package I get undefined reference to pthreads.... despite -pthreads present on cmd line.09:26
didrocksdoko: I don't think that the shared libgmock is linked to the FTBFS, did you try building the debian source? I did and same issue09:26
didrocksthe one that xnox is telling ^09:26
dokodidrocks, the ftbfs goes away if you explicitly link against -lpthread09:27
dokobut then dpkg-shlibdeps complains about unresolved references, so this shipped libgmock can never properly work09:28
didrocksdoko: please feel free to sync from debian and add that, I tried adding -lpthread without any success here09:29
dokodidrocks, did you check that it is ok to discard the ubuntu changes?09:29
didrocksdoko: I'm fine with it for the unity side, I'll fix those packages so that we build our own google-mock09:30
didrocks(the ones we are upstream for anyway)09:30
bdrungScottK: the correct target is pbuilder-dist in this case, but love letters are accepted, too. ;)09:30
dokodidrocks, http://people.canonical.com/~doko/tmp/ not uploading, so you can coordinate with the rest09:38
didrocksdoko: ah, thanks a lot! will handle that this week :)09:39
dokodidrocks, so the proper fix seems to be to that the package respects --enable-external-gtest and doesn't build it again09:39
dokowhich it apparently doesn't do09:40
dokotvoss tries to escape me ...09:44
dokoScottK, kde4libs explicitly b-d's on gcc-4.7. why?09:47
dokoahh, infinity made a "fix"09:48
Laneydoko: Check out the previous build logs on armhf.09:48
xnoxdoko: on armhf, if FTBFS otherwise, compiler ice.09:48
xnoxdoko: yeap.09:48
Laney"This bug is not reproducible" thing which was reproducible...09:48
Laneynot sure if anyone reported it on gcc though09:48
xnoxi didn't yet. was on my todo list......09:48
ScottKdoko: I filed Bug #1194501  to keep track of this.10:19
ubottubug 1194501 in gcc-4.8 (Ubuntu) "ICE on gcc-4.8 building kde4libs" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/119450110:19
OdyXtkamppeter: saw it, cool. Does cups still build with these ?10:31
dokoScottK, how do you restart the kde4libs build?10:38
ScottKdoko: Before that build was superseded I just hit the retry button in launchpad.10:38
ScottKAll the build logs are from the same upload.10:38
dokoScottK, how do you restart a failed kde4libs build, without re-configuring10:39
ScottKAh.  I see.10:39
ScottKI'm pretty sure passing -nc to dpkg-buildpackage is enough.10:39
ScottKSorry, /me had < 3 hours sleep the last three nights in a row, so I'm likely not fully coherent.10:40
tkamppeterOdyX, CUPS should build without cups-filters and its build process should not depend on changes in cups-filters.10:44
OdyXtkamppeter: hmmm. It doesn't. I had to add cups-filters to build-depends to get the test-suite to complete.10:48
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cjwatsondarkxst: OK, if nobody else looked while I was offline, I guess I'll need to grab an image to look11:02
tvoss_ScottK, ping11:09
tvoss_ScottK, succeeded in installing kubuntu-desktop after manually install kde-workspace11:09
ScottKOK.  I'll be offline for the day in ~a minute.  Please chat with Riddell.11:10
tvoss_ScottK, ack and thx11:12
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zygajcastro: hey, I must say I'm really interested in the juju + openstack virtual thing that one can deploy on a laptop12:05
zygajcastro: do you have any details on how that work, you've mentioned a blog12:05
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pittifginther: good morning12:14
pittifginther: I think I bent the ap-gtk tests to my will now12:14
pittifginther: so if I can bother you to re-review? after that lands, I can create three MPs for three bug fixes, but they all add/change tests12:19
jcastrozyga: http://javacruft.wordpress.com/2013/06/25/virtme/12:28
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jmlwas just asking a question on behalf of an acquaintance on #ubuntu [http://askubuntu.com/questions/312927/booting-13-04-64-bit-pendrive-in-uefi-freezes-immediately-after-loading-ramdisk]. surprised there's so few devs there.13:06
yolandahi, i'm just going to work in the ipxe FTBFS13:13
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tkamppeterOdyX, this is really strange, "make test" should only test the source package itself and not require anything which is not needed for building the package. To build and test CUPS from scratch a user has to configure make, and install CUPS to be able to build cups-filters, then he has to configure, make, and install cups-filters to be able to test cups. I would consider this as a bug in CUPS upstream. "make test" should be independent13:17
tkamppeter of cups-filters. Also if "make test" of CUPS fails we should be sure that we have to fix CUPS and not cups-filters.13:17
OdyXtkamppeter: I can't disagree. In my case I couldn't get the cups testsuite to run without cups-filters.13:18
tkamppeterOdyX, can you report this to Mike? Thanks.13:21
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OdyXtkamppeter: Hrm. I can do, but I need to test all our patches to see which one breaks what.13:25
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jbichabarry: I updated bug 1194526 with a new debdiff if you want to re-sponsor to fix the ftbfs13:45
ubottubug 1194526 in libgsf (Ubuntu) "Merge libgsf 1.14.27-1 (main) from Debian unstable (main)" [Wishlist,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/119452613:45
barryjbicha: thanks.  i have some meetings coming up, but will take a look this afternoon13:46
jbichabarry: thanks13:46
cjwatsondarkxst: so, I'm not sure what you mean about only getting the text-based screen - do you mean that you want the same kind of behaviour that's in Ubuntu where you just get an icon until you press a key?14:18
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OdyXtkamppeter: http://alioth.debian.org/~odyx-guest/cups-str-1.6-2013-06-26-didier.html <- is what you get if you disable the cups-filters patch14:55
chrisccoulsoncjwatson, did you see that chromium failed on heka again? (but this time, in a different place and much earlier too)15:27
cjwatsonI didn't but I guess you can sort it out?15:29
chrisccoulsoncjwatson, not sure. it hit an internal error in the linker this time, which it didn't hit on the previous build: https://launchpadlibrarian.net/143369029/buildlog_ubuntu-precise-armhf.chromium-browser_28.0.1500.52-0ubuntu1.12.04.1_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz15:30
cjwatsonfeel free to retry if it looks like hw corruption15:31
chrisccoulsoncjwatson, ok, i've got to do another upload in any case15:31
debfxjodh: procenv doesn't print the test output to the build log anymore :(15:47
xnoxdebfx: automake-1.13 doesn't, changing to serial-tester will get that back.15:49
cjwatsonOr cat test-suite.log at the end?15:50
cjwatsonautomake seems to be fairly aggressively deprecating the serial test harness, so it might be safer not to assume it15:50
LaneyIs there a way to tell automake to do that?15:51
tkamppeterOdyX, the CUPS test suite contains tests which are out of the scope of the CUPS package as printing JPEG, TXT, ... upstream CUPS does not ship this functionality any more and so these tests are actually testing cups-filters. These tests should be removed from upstream CUPS.16:07
tkamppeterOdyX, test jobs with filters should only use the filters which come with CUPS.16:09
OdyXtkamppeter: can't disagree. :)16:24
OdyXtkamppeter: do you want me to report: I can't before tomorrow.16:24
jodhdebfx: yes I know :-( See http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=71095516:25
ubottuDebian bug 710955 in automake "automake: how to force a verbose build with automake 1.13?" [Normal,Open]16:25
jodhcheck.am in automake-1.13 still includes "test x"$$VERBOSE" = x || cat $(TEST_SUITE_LOG);" but I cannot make VERBOSE work :(16:27
tkamppeterOdyX, please do so.16:28
Laneyjodh: I only played very quickly but it also didn't work for me16:28
Laneylet me know if you get it16:28
tkamppeterOdyX, I am releasing cups-filters 1.0.35 now.16:28
cjwatsonjodh: Might be worth asking upstream directly16:29
cjwatsonhelp-automake or similar16:29
jodhcjwatson: ack - will do.16:30
cjwatsonLooks like it's just automake at gnu.org actually16:31
tkamppeterOdyX, I have release cups-filters 1.0.35 upstream now. I have also updated the BZR repo of the Debian package, so it is ready for you to upload cups-filters 1.0.35 to Debian.17:03
OdyXtkamppeter: will do tomorrow then, thanks.17:03
jmlcjwatson: can I persuade you to take a look at http://askubuntu.com/questions/312927/booting-13-04-64-bit-pendrive-in-uefi-freezes-immediately-after-loading-ramdisk ?17:36
cjwatsonjml: posted some hints on at least getting more data17:40
jmlcjwatson: thank you :)17:41
bdmurraySweetshark: could you have a look at bug 1194740?18:13
ubottubug 1194740 in libreoffice (Ubuntu) "[precise] Saving xls files originally created in Excel 2003 causes considerable increase of file size" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/119474018:13
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darkxstcjwatson, yes basically, apparently the text-based menu is not accessible for screen-readers23:43
darkxstbut then I also suppose that the ubiquity menu can't be re-branded to be flavour specific?23:43
slangasekinfinity: around?  I think I need another brain to look at bug #118731823:54
ubottubug 1187318 in plymouth (Ubuntu) "Splash skips text when asking for LUKS password" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/118731823:54
slangasekinfinity: i386-only, a plymouth upstream commit that adds a reference to ply_get_timestamp() from the 'script' theme engine breaks pango text display... I've checked everything I can think of to explain this.23:55
infinityslangasek: I was just heading out to dinner, but my brain might be functional upon my return.23:58
slangasekinfinity: ok - the problem will be here when you return, I'm sure ;)23:59

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