
nuclearbobcan anybody give me some tips on using a preseed to overwrite an lvm installation with another lvm installation?03:43
nuclearbobI realize this isn't the ideal time of day for this03:48
nuclearbobI'm having some issues trying to preseed an lvm install on a machine that already has a system installed using lvm, if anyone can help me take a look at that, I'd appreciate it11:48
xnoxnuclearbob: is that using desktop or d-i?11:49
xnoxit should be possible to preseed proper wipe-and-install with lvm & d-i. Not so sure about ubiquity. What preseed are you currently using, and do you have debug/devel log on which question it gets stuck?11:50
xnoxYou do want:11:51
xnoxd-i partman-lvm/device_remove_lvm boolean true11:51
xnoxd-i partman-lvm/confirm boolean true11:51
xnoxd-i partman-lvm/confirm_nooverwrite boolean true11:51
xnox+ select normal auto parititioning using lvm.11:52
xnoxnuclearbob: is that for utah? if you point me to a branch I can work/debug it.11:53
nuclearbobxnox: it is for utah, the branch is lp:~nuclearbob/utah/lvm-experimental11:54
nuclearbobxnox: I can give you a further description of a couple places I get tripped up, all with d-i, ubiquity hasn't really gotten off the ground yet, would you rather have that here, email, something else?11:54
xnoxnuclearbob: here is fine + pastebin. Or you can drop an email to ubuntu-installer@lists.ubuntu.com, unless private then can email me direct.11:56
xnoxwhichever =)11:56
nuclearbobxnox: if I install on a disk with no lvm, things seem to work fine.  If I install on a disk that already has lvm, I need to add a couple more options, it seems like I need partman-lvm/device_remove_lvm, and partman-lvm/confirm11:58
nuclearbobxnox: once I add those two, I need partman-auto/automatically_partition11:58
nuclearboband once I add that, I need partman-auto/select_disk, but if I set that to auto or /dev/sda, the installer starts looping, complaning about ntfs11:59
nuclearbobI see this over and over:12:00
nuclearbobthen it'll loop around like this for a while:12:02
xnoxnuclearbob: it would be nice to see full log, from beginning to end. and the dump of the preseed file used.12:02
nuclearbobxnox: that'll be a bit long, but I'll send that shortly12:03
xnoxnuclearbob: you do want d-i partman-lvm/confirm_nooverwrite boolean true , otherwise it might refuse to remove old lvm.12:03
nuclearbobxnox: okay.  I had that in for a while, but it didn't seem work any more or less when I took it out.  I'll add it back :)12:04
xnoxnuclearbob: how can i run utah twice from that branch to do lvm provisioning?12:06
nuclearbobxnox: unfortunately, it only currently works on a physical machine using cobbler12:07
nuclearbobxnox: if you have access to the magners lab, I can tell you how to run it there12:07
nuclearbobactually, I guess a vm using cobbler would work, but I haven't really played with setting that up yet12:07
xnoxnuclearbob: i don't have cobbler / spare machines on my network at the moment. I don't think i have magners lab access.12:08
xnoxnuclearbob: but if you give me full logs & preseed (of well both the first and subsequent install), I should be able to reproduce the preseed bug.12:08
nuclearbobxnox: I can have a second install log and a preseed for you in a few minutes, but I'll have to back and redo the first, that'll take a little longer12:09
xnoxthere was a bug with wiping stale lvms that I did fix in precise-updates & quantal+12:09
nuclearbobokay, I may just be on old precise, I'll check12:10
xnoxso it should all just work (tm)12:11
nuclearbobxnox: preseed: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/5801323/12:12
xnoxnuclearbob: bump the copyright year ;-)12:12
nuclearbobxnox: file a bug report :p12:12
nuclearbobI'll make an mp for that later12:13
nuclearbobwe probably need it in a lot of places12:13
xnoxnuclearbob: so, thanks for that preseed. I'll play around with it. I might not get to it today though.12:16
nuclearbobxnox: thanks.  I'll get you the rest of the stuff as well, no rush12:17
=== kentb-out is now known as kentb
skaethiya,  help please.   For Alpha 1 tomorrow,  I've collected the installer bugs from 13.04 that aren't fixed and added them https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SaucySalamander/Alpha1/CommonInfrastructure,   are there others that folks feel are important to be added?19:51
GrueMasterWow, the omap4 black screen bug is back?21:41
GrueMasterThought we fixed that back in Natty.21:41

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