
stgraberI did a dozen of test builds keeping a very close look on the DB state on the tracker side and everything looked good (saw it going requested => queued => building => built => published) but I'm sure that didn't cover all of the weird corner cases we have :)00:01
cjwatsonArgh.  Typoed hint.00:11
* cjwatson corrects and reruns00:12
jbichaI just dist-upgraded and I have packages from saucy-proposed but I don't have saucy-proposed enabled01:43
StevenKjbicha: saucy-proposed is the staging area for uploads to saucy01:44
jbichaspecifically things like ubuntu-gnome-default-settings and libsignon-glib that should only be in -proposed still01:44
jbichaStevenK: no, this is a bit different01:45
ScottKjbicha: Are they actually in -proposed or where they just originally uploaded there?01:47
stgraberjbicha: can you give us version numbers, that'd help figuring out what's going on01:50
jbichanever mind, I misread; sorry about that01:51
stgraberok :)01:51
ScottKcjwatson: I think all of KDE 4.11 beta 1 is in now, so if you could run the packageset script one more time, I think we'll be good.02:43
darkxststgraber, can you stop the ubuntu GNOME cron job, and fire a respin once casper 1.335 is published?03:46
stgraberdarkxst: cronjob is off. I have to leave now though (past midnight here) but if you are in ~ubuntu-gnome-release you should be able to request a rebuild directly from the tracker (go on the daily build page, tick your two entries and select the rebuild option at the bottom of the page)04:03
darkxststgraber, ok thanks, yes I am04:03
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seb128could somebody from the SRU team reject libgrip from raring-proposed? see https://bugs.launchpad.net/libgrip/+bug/1168370/comments/1008:08
ubot2`Ubuntu bug 1168370 in libgrip raring "grip-test no longer responds to input" [Critical,In progress]08:08
infinityseb128: s/reject/remove/ ?08:21
seb128infinity, yes08:21
seb128infinity, since it's buggy08:21
infinityseb128: Gone.08:22
seb128infinity, thanks08:23
Riddellanyone able to try and spin some kubuntu images?09:27
xnoxRiddell: you should be able to do so yourself via iso tracker.09:33
xnox"<stgraber> [04:03:14] ... you should be able to request a rebuild directly from the tracker (go on the daily build page, tick your two entries and select the rebuild option at the bottom of the page)"09:33
xnoxRiddell: ^09:34
ogra_infinity, does that look ok to you ? http://paste.ubuntu.com/5800990/09:35
smartboyhwxnox, so it automatically rebuilds?09:39
ogra_no, only if you ask it to :)09:39
smartboyhwogra_, I mean when I click "Request a rebuild"09:40
LaneySelf service is the idea09:49
LaneyI don't see that Riddell actually has permissions though, or see (or know if it's necessary to see) Kubuntu in the A1 milestone09:50
* Laney isn't up to speed with iso tracker wrangling09:50
tkamppeterbug 1108719 is "verification-done" but the Raring version of the SRU is not passed to -updated. Can someone do this? Thanks.09:53
ubot2`Launchpad bug 1108719 in cups (Ubuntu Raring) "usb crashed with SIGSEGV in opendir() -- USB ports are in BIOS disabled --> cupsd crashes every time" [High,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/110871909:53
xnoxtkamppeter: looking at http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/pending-sru.html bug 1133794 from that sru is not yet verified.09:54
ubot2`Launchpad bug 1133794 in lubuntu-meta (Ubuntu) "Printer not detected by system-config-printer 1.3.11 in Lubuntu 13.04" [Undecided,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/113379409:54
xnoxtkamppeter: please help verify that one, than it can be published to -updates.09:54
tkamppeterxnox, I have commented on bug 1133794 so that the user complaining about the fix not having appeared can verify the SRU.10:01
ubot2`Launchpad bug 1133794 in lubuntu-meta (Ubuntu) "Printer not detected by system-config-printer 1.3.11 in Lubuntu 13.04" [Undecided,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/113379410:01
Laneytkamppeter: If you're able to reproduce you can do it yourself. It might make it go faster.10:02
cjwatsonRiddell: Should we drop calligra-dev from kubuntu-full's deps?  It's NBS.  Is there any replacement?11:12
cjwatsonI mean, we have to drop it, but should we remove it or change it ...11:12
Riddellcjwatson: oh yes it disappeared in the debian merge11:13
Riddellcjwatson: hey sorry for not adding the blocks for other flavours, that didn't click for some reason, did that mess things up?11:13
cjwatsonIt's OK, I wasn't very clear.  I don't think anything very bad happened11:14
* Riddell removes calligra-dev11:14
LaneyI now have a script which generates blocks from seeded.json.gz that tumbleweed's script produces for seeded-in-ubuntu11:15
tumbleweedLaney: glad to be useful11:19
cjwatsonScottK: packageset> done12:00
ogra_could some archive admin let ubuntu-touch-generic-initrd throug NEW please12:32
ogra_cjwatson, oh, sorry, did i miss something in my RT ?12:32
cjwatsonogra_: I usually find it expedites things to attach diff from old version and new version12:33
ogra_ah, k12:33
ogra_will do that next time12:33
ogra_though i would have missed your stuff ... its several versions old and i dont know what actually is on the builder12:33
cjwatsonogra_: I searched for all tickets mentioning "BuildLiveCD" in RT12:35
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JackYucjwatson, hi, 5 packages of UbuntuKylin were uploaded to Saucy, would you please release  them for Alpha 1?13:12
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cjwatsonJackYu: specific source package names would help13:25
cjwatsonI'm not going to guess :)13:27
cjwatson(I have to go out for a bit now, but anyone in ~ubuntu-release can unblock things)13:28
ScottKcjwatson: Thanks.13:28
JackYucjwatson: indicator-china-weather, chinese-calendar, unity-china-music-scope, ubuntukylin-theme, ubuntukylin-default-settings13:34
JackYucjwatson: thanks:).13:35
stgrabergood morning13:47
JackYustgraber, good evening:)13:48
JackYucjwatson: after you release those packages, would you please respin UbuntuKylin image?13:50
smartboyhwJackYu, actually, you can do it yourself.13:50
smartboyhwJackYu, in http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/milestones/297/builds you tick the UbuntuKylin ones, then at the bottom select "Request for rebuild", then click "Update rebuild status"13:52
smartboyhwofc after the move:)13:52
JackYusmartboyhw, yep, but when he finishes the release, I might be in the bed:)13:52
smartboyhwJackYu, ...13:52
cjwatsonstgraber: Could you look at the unblocks JackYu requested, above?  I have a call now ...14:01
LaneyI'll do it14:01
stgraberLaney: thanks14:04
JackYuLaney, thanks:)14:05
LaneyJackYu: Done. I'd have appreciated more detailed changelogs and not randomly altering/removing old changelog entries, BTW14:08
LaneyIt's better to spell out bugs being fixed rather than "New upstream release (LP: #...)" IMO14:08
JackYuLaney, I see. Would do it better:), thanks.14:09
jbichacould you unblock casper for ubuntu-gnome? I believe darkxst wanted it for a possible respin14:19
Riddellcjwatson: kdepim is stuck in -proposed with a comment"From wrong source: kdepim-strigi-plugins 4:4.10.4-0ubuntu1"  kdepim-strigi-plugins is not in this version and I've removed the dep from kubuntu-meta do I need to do something more?14:22
Riddelljbicha: will do14:22
Riddellhmm kdepim/armhf is pending publication for 16 hours14:25
stgraberRiddell: looking into that now14:26
Riddelljbicha: done14:26
stgraberRiddell: there appears to be a few older binaries in proposed that may confuse britney14:28
Riddellstgraber: how do you see that?14:28
stgraberkdepim-doc, kdepim-mobile, kdepim-mobileui-data and kdepim-strigi-plugins, all at version 4:4.10.4-0ubuntu114:30
stgraberRiddell: reading through Packages.gz14:30
stgraberRiddell: I can remove that older version of kdepim from saucy-proposed if you want14:31
Riddellstgraber: worth a shot14:32
stgraberyou should then only be left with the new one which hopefully will make it easier for britney (if not, we can always manually copy those)14:32
stgraberok, cleaned up14:32
cjwatsonPlease don't manually copy.  If it still breaks I'll investigate14:39
cjwatsonkdepim/armhf being pending publication might well have been the cause14:40
cjwatsonThough I don't see a record of that14:40
cjwatsonogra_: ubuntu-touch-generic-initrd> Don't you need something to undo the invoke-rc.d stub?  Also, you need to stub out /sbin/initctl too14:49
cjwatson(For safety, and to match all the other code that does the same thing)14:49
ogra_cjwatson, the chroot is thrown away14:49
cjwatsonOK, but I think stubbing /sbin/initctl would still be a good idea.  Not necessarily for this upload14:49
ogra_i only use the initrd.img from the update-initramfs call14:49
cjwatsonI think there are still a few things that poke initctl directly14:50
ogra_ok, will add it14:50
cjwatsonHave a look at base-installer which does this14:50
cjwatsonSorry, not base-installer - debian-installer-utils14:50
cjwatsonIt's in chroot-setup.sh14:50
ogra_ok, thanks !14:51
cjwatsonIt installs a policy-rc.d, and carefully-faked start-stop-daemon and initctl instances - it doesn't stub invoke-rc.d14:51
ogra_yeah, i remember i have used that code in ltsp-build-client about a century ago :)14:51
cjwatsonThis isn't going to work anyway14:52
cjwatsonBuilds don't have root14:52
cjwatsonYou need to build-depend on fakechroot and use the debootstrap fakechroot variant, don't you?14:52
ogra_hmm, it worked under fakeroot14:52
cjwatsonBut you're not using fakeroot here14:52
cjwatsonYou're calling build-initrd.sh in dh_auto_build, which is in the build phase14:52
ogra_anything wrong with that ?14:56
cjwatsonThe build phase doesn't run under fakeroot14:57
cjwatsonIf you want fakeroot there, you need to explicitly invoke it14:57
cjwatsonHow about I just accept this and you can watch it explode on the buildd :)14:57
ogra_cjwatson, heh, thanks, i'll fix on the go14:58
cjwatson(I mean, IMO you *should* be using the build phase for this as you're doing - you should just also be explicitly invoking fakeroot or whatever if you need it)14:59
cjwatsonogra_ https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubuntu-touch-generic-initrd/0.1/+build/4748632 - boom, though for a different reason (missing build-dep)15:03
stgraberRiddell, cjwatson: britney still appears to be confused by kdepim15:13
cjwatsonok, will investigate after foundations meeting15:18
Laneyis it NBS?15:22
RiddellLaney: it builds fine15:24
Riddellbut " [FULLYBUILT] armhf - Pending publication "15:25
Riddellsoyuz is confused15:25
Riddellif I just did another source upload would that fix it?15:25
Laneywhere are you seeing that?15:25
Laneykdepim-strigi-plugins was dropped in the latest upload15:25
RiddellI'm also confused what's holding kde-workspace and kdeplasma-addons15:25
phillwcan lxession (*ubuntu4) be allowed into the alpha1 build (it's stuck in -proposed) it is a bugfix for bug 119017015:27
ubot2`Launchpad bug 1190170 in lxsession (Ubuntu) "no gui shutdown in lubuntu" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/119017015:27
cjwatsonRiddell: please don't touch it until I've had a look15:29
cjwatsonRiddell: what URL are you seeing "[FULLYBUILT] armhf - Pending publication" at?15:30
Riddellcjwatson: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kdepim15:30
Riddellexpand the  4:4.10.80-0ubuntu1  version15:30
cjwatsonOK, I will have a look.  Please don't work around it until then as that may make it harder to analyse15:32
Riddellphillw: added unblock lxsession/
phillwRiddell: thanks,  how long should i give it before marking the desktops for a re-spin?15:35
Riddellphillw: wait until you get an accepted e-mail15:36
cjwatsonNo no no totally wrong :)15:36
cjwatsonWait until 'rmadison -s saucy lxsession' says the version you want15:36
Riddellphillw: ignore me, I'm totally wrong15:36
cjwatsonAccepted mails happen rather earlier15:36
cjwatsonThey're when the copy action happens, before the publisher has started15:37
cjwatsonWhen rmadison says the version you want, the archive is guaranteed to be up to date from the POV of cdimage - well, mostly, one or two issues around parallel builds but the chances are excellent15:38
phillwcjwatson: rmadison ?15:42
cjwatsonIt's in the devscripts package15:42
phillwsudo apt-get install devscripts (and then go find a wiki page?)15:45
cjwatsoninstall the devscripts package and then run the command I gave you.  I don't see why you need a wiki page to tell you how to copy and paste a command15:47
phillwcjwatson: thanks, I mis read what you had typed. Sorry.15:48
Riddellcjwatson: okular seems to have the same issue as kdepim15:53
Riddellhmm that only built 2 hours ago maybe that's still working through15:53
* cjwatson tries to construct db queries that will tell him wtf is going on here16:08
cjwatsongetting nowhere with the api16:08
cjwatsonRiddell: asking for a db query now16:30
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cjwatsonRiddell: So, the "Pending publication" is actually a *consequence* of this - you get that if the source is in release but the binaries for an architecture are still in proposed (because they built after the source was copied - in this case as a result of kde4libs/armhf being forced earlier)16:38
cjwatsonNow to attempt to work out why the partial-suite handling in britney isn't working here16:39
cjwatsonI think I've got it; re-running16:58
cjwatsonRiddell: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-release/britney/britney2-ubuntu/revision/343 did the trick17:04
cjwatsonIt's copying now17:04
cjwatsonLooks like I just missed the publisher though17:04
Riddellawooga, thanks cjwatson17:05
cjwatsonfinal: kdepim/armhf,libkipi/armhf,lxsession,okular/armhf17:05
cjwatson(lxsession was already copied so ignore that)17:06
cjwatsonOh, the publisher is overrunning considerably anyway17:07
cjwatsonthunderbird security update took ages to publish17:08
phillwstgraber: just as the requested 'please let me know', I've just set all the desktop lubuntu series to re-spin.19:05
stgraberphillw: ok, it looks like the automated respin process now works as expected, so I'll just check that it does for you too19:06
phillwstgraber: thanks :)19:30
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phillwsmall hairy spheroids.... of course, the 'cannot shut down' affects also the shutting down after alternate. I'm requesting a re-spin.... Serves me right for being overly confident on the alternate :D21:47
Riddellhow do I do a rebuild?22:05
RiddellI see on http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/milestones/297/builds  "Rebuilds" "Request a rebuild" but I've no idea what I'd be requesting a rebuild of22:05
Riddellbut looks like kubuntu should be good to build22:05
stgraberRiddell: right, as you don't have any kubuntu build on this one yet, just go on the daily milestone, tick the ones you want and click request a rebuild22:11
stgraberthey'll build and those that are on the manifest will automatically show up on the alpha-1 milestone22:12
phillwRiddell: it is pretty amazing what stgraber has done... Well, actually 'pretty amazing' is a massive understatement..22:43
Riddellwell he's a pretty amazing guy22:44
phillwI've never doubted that from his work on the qa tracker that I'd seen; but he really has pulled the rabbit out of the magicians hat this time :)22:45
phillwRiddell:  damn, he's good!23:27
Riddellhe gets the goods done23:32
phillwcjwatson: that's a dirty trick :D The bug on the upgrade for lubuntu is fixed, but I could not ask for a respin as you said they only get respun every so often :P http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/milestones/297/builds I'm guessing stgraber has been re-fining the code for calling on respins? It's quite amazing what has already been done for A1's guys. Thanks.23:35
phillwindeed he does, he is one of many un-sung heroes - I also know of the work he does on QA, where I'm more familiar territory; giving the link between the release managers (Some Devs, some QA / Bugs) is a massive step forward for the flavours.23:38
ScottKcjwatson: Mail for you on ubuntu-release.23:51

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