
mazalMorning everyone05:37
Kilosmorning superfly and others06:25
theblazehenHi kilos06:26
superflygoeie môre06:26
Kiloslo theblazehen 06:26
Kiloshi HawkiesZA 06:38
Kiloshi tonberryE352 06:45
Kiloshiya maiatoday 07:23
maiatodayhi Kilos07:27
=== Spaceghost is now known as Guest60889
Kiloshi smile4ever 07:50
smile4everHi Kilos :D07:52
smile4everI have very good news for you07:52
Kilostell smile4ever 07:52
smile4everI graduated :) I got 73%07:53
smile4everI was first :D07:53
smile4everI had 88% (average) for my IT subjects07:53
Kiloswell done laddy07:55
smile4everNow the next step :) To college :)07:55
smile4everKilos: Will you assist me? :D08:06
theblazehenSmile4ever : well done08:06
Kiloswith what lad?08:06
psyatwhi Kilos08:06
psyatwhoi smile4ever :D08:06
psyatwhi theblazehen08:06
Kiloshi psyatw 08:06
psyatwsmile4ever, ik zit in Polen, he :D08:06
theblazehenHi psyatw08:07
smile4everLeuk! :D08:07
smile4everpsyatw: met lekkere meisies? ;)08:08
psyatwsmile4ever: ja, veel mooie meiden hier op werk en overal eigenlijk :)08:11
theblazehenHi jotrago08:54
magespawngood day everyone08:57
Kiloshi magespawn 08:57
magespawnhow are things today, still cold?09:01
Kilosmax 22°c09:02
magespawnand that usaully happens around 12:31 only09:02
Kilosya and then windy09:03
magespawnsheep okay?09:03
Kilosya they love cold man. big wool blankets them things09:05
magespawnwell then all normal with world pretty much09:09
magespawnKilos: did anyone bring up Software freedom day at the last meeting?09:10
Kilosi dunno09:11
magespawni will check the logs09:11
Kilosonly the g+ hang i think09:11
magespawni just got some mail from the dlug about it09:11
Kilosmaybe remember it for the guy that does event etc09:33
=== Guest60889 is now known as Spaceghost
Kiloswb Spaceghost 09:57
SpaceghostThank you Kilos.09:57
theblazehenHi spaceghost09:57
SpaceghostHello theblazehen.09:57
Kilosdid you see my message last night to you Spaceghost ?09:58
SpaceghostNo, which one?09:58
Kilosat 19.1109:59
Kilosand the off topic was above that09:59
SymmetriaI think I just pulled a pin on a grenade and tossed it10:02
Symmetriaand I have no idea where its going to land, but shit is about to get real10:03
Kiloshi Squirm 10:18
=== Spaceghost is now known as Guest72964
=== Guest72964 is now known as Spaceghost
Kiloshi Vince-0 11:49
=== trander is now known as trender
Kiloshi charl 12:14
charlhi Kilos 12:16
charlhow's it goign12:16
Kilosgood ty and you?12:17
Kilosi goign as well12:17
charli'm doing well, i was in leiden yesterday12:18
charlvery nice city12:18
Kiloswhat for you went there?12:19
charljust for the lols12:20
charltook a day off from work12:20
charlfirst shopping in utrecht and then went through to leiden and walked around a bit12:20
charlactually want to go back and go on a boat through the city12:20
charli only saw it on my way back to the station12:20
charli am downloading linux mint olivia cinnamon from the university of free state mirror12:24
charlover ipv6 at approx 7MBps12:24
charlit momentarily went up to 10MBps12:24
Kiloswow thats nice12:25
charlnow my question - what's up with the rest of s. african internet12:25
charlConnecting to mirror.ufs.ac.za (mirror.ufs.ac.za)|2001:4200:5000:fffd::6|:80... connected.12:25
tonberryE352the rest of south african internet does not have a nice 10gb fiber backbone12:25
Kilosoh my dont even talk12:25
charl2013-06-26 14:25:24 (6.83 MB/s) - ‘linuxmint-15-cinnamon-dvd-64bit.iso’ saved [959447040/959447040]12:25
tonberryE35210gb fiber backbone only for academic networks12:26
Kilosbad maintainance and leaving upgrading till there isnt a choice anymore12:26
charlso the only way to have decent internet is to work at a university?12:26
tonberryE352or to be very rich12:26
magespawnpretty much, or one of the telco/bank/service providers12:27
magespawn the uni seems to be the most open with the access12:27
charlwhat a mess12:27
charlbut i just downloaded mint courtesy of the south african academic community12:28
charlthanks :)12:28
tonberryE352last mile is a really big issue as well12:28
tonberryE352a lot of old copper that is not getting replaced12:28
magespawnsome do not even have the copper12:29
charllook at http://protea.tenet.ac.za/mrtg-new/tofs-mc-ipnet-summary.asp but when i click on one of the graphs i get a 40412:32
charloh no, that's http://www.cut.ac.za/12:33
tonberryE352they link to www.tenet when they should link to protea.tenet12:35
tonberryE352try http://graphs.tenet.ac.za/iris/custom/home12:36
charlgot it12:43
charlthey don't seem to be doing much with that internet12:43
charlthey average less than 100Mbps12:43
charli just made their network graphs jump with my download lol12:44
tonberryE352My university has vacation now so they could as well, but yes, comparatively tiny bandwidth usage12:45
tonberryE352most universities here have policies like pay per MB or usage caps to drive usage down12:45
charloh yes of course, the holidays12:46
tonberryE352since they don't want to pay for more bandwidth if they dont have to12:46
charlwow that's terrible, so they are the only ones with decent internet in the country and then people can't use it12:46
charlsounds like a hopeless situation12:46
tonberryE352its not that expensive to use internet at university but it does tend to add up after a while12:47
Symmetriahrm, if you guys wanna help african internet12:48
SymmetriaI need you guys to subscribe to the afrinic rpd list, and state support for policy AFPUB-2013-GEN-001-DRAFT-03 12:48
Symmetriaand I need it urgently from as many people as possible 12:49
Symmetrialike, anyone you can get to subscribe to that list and voice support, we *NEED* that policy but I need people to back it 12:49
Symmetriaelse its not gonna fly 12:49
* Kerbero has been summoned here12:50
charlhi Kerbero 12:50
Symmetriaand anyone who wants to know what that policy is about or see it, feel free to ask and I'll give details12:50
Symmetriabut seriously for the benefit of africa and academia, this is important12:50
Kerberotell me what to do12:51
SymmetriaKerbero, lemme find the policy url first then will explain12:51
mazalBye everyone12:51
Symmetriathats the policy itself there12:51
SymmetriaI basically need people to subscribe the resource policy discussion list and voice support for that policy12:52
Symmetriaif you dont agree with it, fine, discuss that with me, but if it makes sense to you, we need backing 12:52
Symmetriaon that list12:52
charlsounds interesting, reading12:53
Symmetriawhile the implications of that policy itself are pretty simple, the implications of getting it passed are far wider, and far more important, right now, certain frankaphone elements are attempting to hijack the afrinic policy process and afrinic itself, and if they manage to squash this policy through shouting loudest, then they pretty much succeed12:54
Symmetriaso passing this policy is both positive in terms of the policy and stopping that 12:54
Symmetriahttps://lists.afrinic.net/mailman/listinfo.cgi/rpd <=== you can subscribe to the list here 12:54
Symmetria(as regards to what to say to support it, something along the lines of "I have read through policy academic-ipv4-allocation-afpub-2013-gen-001-draft-03, and believe it is in the interests of the African Continent and hence, I would like to voice my support for it"12:56
KerberoSymmetria, 3.5, is the "not less than 5 ipv4 address" a typo?12:57
Kerbero5 seems a lot12:58
Symmetriakerbero no, 5 is correct and lemme explain why12:58
Symmetria1 outta 5 in that is for infrastructure, and it generally holds true, the numbers of switches, wifi aps, servers, etc etc etc on a campus is *huge*12:59
Symmetriathen, you have all the lab pcs, residence rooms, desktops etc 12:59
Symmetriathat takes it 2 12:59
Symmetriathe other 3 is about wifi networks12:59
Symmetriaalmost everyone today has a smartphone with wifi capability13:00
Symmetriaeveryone has a notebook13:00
Symmetriaand a helluva lot of people have tablets13:00
Symmetriain testing and research we have done, we've found the average concurrency on academic wifi networks per person is 3.2 devices13:00
Symmetriathats where that number comes from13:00
charlsounds reasonable13:00
Kerberook if that is the case i agree13:00
Kerberobut does afrinic have enough free ipv4 space for that?13:01
Symmetriakerbero, afrinic is one of the last places on earth that has ipv4 space left, and they have about 3.8 /8s left 13:01
Symmetriathe problem is, if we dont use that, africa will lag behind the rest of the world in terms of getting ipv613:02
Symmetriabecause the isps here will be arguing forever more than there is enough v4 space left and they dont need v613:02
Kerberoahh i see13:02
Symmetriathe only way to accelerate v6 deployment on the continent is to burn the v4, the same way as the rest of the world has done 13:02
Symmetriaso one of the other objectives behind this policy is to increase the burn rate substantially13:02
tonberryE352why are a few people so against it?13:03
tonberryE352too afraid of running out of v4 space?13:03
Symmetriatonberry heh, the west african contingent right now will oppose ANYTHING not coming out of west africa for one thing13:03
charlwow that is so childish13:03
Symmetriathe policy was proposed by a south african, thats enough reason to oppose it ;p its a geo-political / ethnicity issue 13:03
Symmetriacharl yes it is, but its reality13:03
Symmetriaso yeah, if you guys can subscribe and send messages supporting it similar to what I said above 13:04
Symmetriaevery voice in favour helps right now13:04
Symmetriawe need aother 20 or so people to climb on there and say "we support" and it will pass13:05
charli agree regarding NAT, it's terribly limiting13:05
charli would like to support this but i am not a resident of any african country13:05
charlso i don't know if my support counts13:05
Symmetriacharl you dont ahve to be 13:05
Symmetriathe rules say that anyone on that list has the right to indicate support or lack thereof13:06
Symmetriabecause its a global community13:06
Symmetriaso by the rules, you can subscribe, and you can state support, and it counts 13:06
charlvery good then i will support it13:06
Symmetriaand I'd ask you to do that :) and ask anyone else you know that can help us with voices of support to do the same 13:06
Symmetriawe NEED the voices loud and clear 13:06
trenderis this an ANC youth rally...VIVA comrade!!13:07
trendercoff* afternoon13:08
Symmetriatrender seriously, this isnt a joke, its importanmt 13:08
trenderrelax :)13:09
trendersounds like its inevitable13:09
trenderchange follows logic eventually13:10
Symmetriatrender it wont pass if I dont get the voices on that list sadly, the west africans are fighting like hell13:10
trenderwell the whole world is based on illution surely the right illution can be manufactured here13:11
trenderisnt this what we all do13:11
trenderbusinesses live and dive by the flames off illusion whether real or fabricated13:13
trenderdie = dive13:13
trendersurely its not hard to find 20 names... by the right encouragement13:14
magespawnSymmetria: so basically we have to use up our ipv4 space before we can get assigned ipv6?13:15
Symmetriamagespawn basically isps will not go the v6 route unless they have a reason to do so13:16
Symmetriathe best reason to do so is to ensure there is no more v4 space ;p13:16
magespawni see, is there a clear benefit to using ipv6?13:17
trenderwhats the real urgency behind pushing v6 quickly ???13:17
trendermost people wait till the car wont drive before fixing the engine13:18
trenderits human nature13:18
Kiloshi Steve7h3Ripper 13:19
Kiloswelcome to ubuntu-za13:19
Symmetriatrender errr13:19
Symmetriathe rest of the world is outta v4 space 13:19
Symmetriaso people in the rest of the world are being slowly forced to go v6 only13:19
Symmetriaunless africa wakes up and goes v6, you will find portions of the internet start disappearing13:20
Symmetriaand become inaccessible13:20
magespawnthe ones still hosted only on v4 space?13:21
Symmetriamagespawn if a site goes v6 only and you have no v6 on your pc13:21
Symmetriayou will not be able to access that site13:21
Symmetriathey dont talk to each other13:21
trenderthis sounds like it may effect some of my preffered media content :(13:21
Symmetriaso you will then have to tunnel it13:21
magespawnis there away to check if your equipment can take v6?13:24
Kilosi also wanna know that13:24
Symmetriamagespawn depends which equipment13:25
Symmetriaif its running linux, yes, if its running android, yes, if its running osx, yes, if its running anything windows 7 or later, yes, if you're talking about networking gear13:25
Symmetriaswitches are l2, so they dont really need it13:26
magespawnlaptops, phones, tablets and routers13:26
Symmetriarouters, that depends on the model 13:26
Symmetriatablets, android supports v6 13:26
Symmetriaphones, android and ios supports v6 13:26
Symmetrialaptops, thats all about the operating system13:26
magespawnokay google here we come13:26
Symmetrianame the router model and I can probably find it for you13:26
Symmetriabut please, please, please get on that list and voice support 13:26
magespawnlet me have read13:27
trenderthat will cost about 1 bitcoin13:27
magespawni will join the list anyway13:27
trenderai yai yai13:28
Symmetriathe list is worth being on, it gets really interesting actually13:28
Symmetriaand you're always free to participate in it because anyone is13:28
magespawnthe router is a d-link dsl-2640u13:28
Kilosgive the link again13:28
charlSymmetria: subscribed to the list but now i have a problem - i can't reply to the thread because i don't have the original mail13:29
trenderi cant officially be on any list for personal reasons but naturally i wholeheartedly support the cause13:30
Kilosok got it13:30
SymmetriaCharl, you can say you follow the list by Digest, that or I will send another email and the moment you get it, you can reply to it13:30
magespawnwould you still use NAT?13:30
charlSymmetria: cool i'll reply when i get the mail13:31
Symmetriamail inbound from me ;p 13:31
Symmetriayou can just reply to that one  stating along the lines of what I said above, just make sure you name the policy in your email as I put it above13:31
SymmetriaIm looking at that dlink magespawn, mmmm when you go to the configuration on it13:32
Symmetriadoes it show you any v6 options13:32
Symmetriabecause Im not seeing much on google about support for it13:32
magespawnnot that i could find13:32
Symmetriagoing through its manual now13:32
trenderis this v6 gonna effect routers mainly ??13:33
Symmetriahrm, I dont think so because its manual never mentions v6 :(13:33
Symmetriatrender this v6 will effect *everything* 13:33
Symmetriahere, let me show you13:33
trenderdo we still use such old machinery ?13:33
magespawnit does not allow it on my side of the router for sure13:33
Symmetriatry and ping leecher6.alstonnetworks.net 13:33
Symmetriait wont let you ping that, or access it, or go near it, unless you have ipv6 enabled on your machine and ipv6 capable routing from your isp13:34
trenderok let me test13:34
Symmetriainfact if you type ping leecher6.alstonnetworks.net it might tell you it cant even resolve, so try ping6 leecher6.alstonnetworks.net and you will see it will attempt to ping it using ipv6 13:34
Symmetriaif you have v6 support or your machine is teredo enabled (an auto translate mechanism) it MIGHT ping on teredo13:35
Symmetriabut it wont be native :)13:35
KilosInvalid confirmation string: 2b8a84b0947dd01e86b7b5e8c5b49215135aa644.13:35
trenderdamn cant ping it13:36
trenderwhat the ****13:36
magespawncannot even find the ost13:36
Symmetriatrender *nod* thats because almost no south african providers support it yet even though there is stuff going v6 only already in the rest of the world13:36
trendersame here13:36
Kilos  ping6 leecher6.alstonnetworks.net13:36
Kilosconnect: Network is unreachable13:36
charlis that server in europe somewhere? i get like a 16 ms ping13:37
Symmetriandrews-MacBook-Pro:~ aalston$ ping6 leecher6.alstonnetworks.net13:37
SymmetriaPING6(56=40+8+8 bytes) 2001:4200:5000:300:426c:8fff:fefe:fefe --> 2a01:300:666:4::213:37
Symmetria16 bytes from 2a01:300:666:4::2, icmp_seq=0 hlim=46 time=211.495 ms13:37
Symmetria16 bytes from 2a01:300:666:4::2, icmp_seq=1 hlim=46 time=215.118 ms13:37
Symmetria16 bytes from 2a01:300:666:4::2, icmp_seq=2 hlim=46 time=211.443 ms13:37
Symmetriacharl yeah it is 13:37
Symmetriaits in the UK :)13:37
charlah i see, that explains it13:37
charlright next door :)13:37
Symmetriacharl but see, you can reach it, you have v6, us people in africa, our isps have done bugger all13:37
trenderso how do i get around this problem quickly ?13:37
Symmetriawww.tunnelbroker.net and get a v6 tunnel 13:38
Symmetriait should explain on there how to set it up13:38
charlquite frankly my cable isp has done nothing with it either13:38
Symmetriabut see now why we need support?13:38
charli have no native v6 at home13:38
Symmetriacharl aahh you tunneling it?13:38
charlif i want any v6 whatsoever i need to tunnel13:38
charlno, at work we have native v613:38
Symmetriacharl *nod* but the reality is, native v6 is accelerating, it has to, there is *NO* more v4 space in europe 13:39
trenderok that makes sence13:39
Symmetriaits finished, gone, no more, all done 13:39
charlyeah they are just dragging it out13:39
SymmetriaAsia has been outta v4 space for months already 13:39
charlbut the isps still each have their own pool13:39
Symmetriathe US is due to run out in september 13:39
Symmetriacharl but those pools are running low, very low13:39
charli'm sure13:39
Symmetriayou cant extend those forever 13:39
Symmetriacharl did you get that email to reply to? it shoulda arrived13:39
charlalthough, considering most people are moving to ftth, i think ziggo's cable subscribers will become less13:40
charli suspect the ftth isps are already on v613:40
charlyup just got it13:40
charlwill reply in a sec13:40
trenderso v6 problem is actually on my isp ???13:40
Symmetriatrender yes 13:40
KilosSymmetria, do they chrage for the tunnel13:40
Symmetriakilos no, not at the moment13:40
Kilosso i just sign up there?13:41
Symmetriakilos the thing is, if everyone is forced to start tunneling, sooner or later the tunnel providers are going to charge, because it will cost them money to run it13:41
trenderits kinda like the tunnel i have to allow my chinese girls to see blocked youtube13:41
SymmetriaKilos did you subscribe to the list and throw some support for the policy? :)13:41
magespawnis is expensive to run both?13:42
Kilosi cant get in there13:42
Symmetriakilos cant get in where? www.tunnelbroker.net?13:42
trenderdamn annoying13:42
KilosInvalid confirmation string: 2b8a84b0947dd01e86b7b5e8c5b49215135aa644.13:42
Kilosno that other page13:42
Symmetriahrm, is that the confirmation it sent you back when you tried to subscribe?13:42
Symmetriavia email?13:42
trenderso basically when we get website errors it can be a v6 issue ??13:42
Kiloswhere we must approve your stuff13:43
Symmetriatrender yes 13:43
SymmetriaKilos, basically, you subscribe to the list and then post a message of support on it13:43
Kilosthey sent me one but thats the link that cant get in13:43
Symmetriathat page 13:43
Symmetriayou put your name and email address in there13:44
Symmetriaturn off digests I suggest13:44
Symmetriaand hit subscribe13:44
Symmetriait should then send you a confirmation link13:44
trenderthe site apprears gone but its really there we just dont get to see it cus we cannot resolve the ip13:44
Symmetriadouble click on the link and it should subscribe you13:44
trenderthere are many ways of tunneling to fix this issue but thats still gonna get overloaded fast13:45
Kiloswhere you turn off digests13:45
trenderessentially you using annother machines BW to tunnel right ??13:46
trendersomething similar to a proxy ?13:48
Kilosdouble click on what link??13:48
Kilosi see rpd list run by list-admin at afrinic.net, ernest at afrinic.net13:49
Kilosrpd administrative interface (requires authorization)13:49
KilosOverview of all afrinic.net mailing lists13:49
Kilosand python and mail thing and a goat13:49
Symmetriakilos umm digests should be off by default13:49
Symmetriaso the moment you put your name and email in and hit subscribe13:49
Symmetriaand then just double click on the link the email sends back to you for confirmation13:49
Kilosoh ok13:49
magespawnyou can also just reply to the confimation email13:50
trenderim just gonna start paying my isp 50% of the bill and see what happens :)13:50
Symmetriayeah that also works :)13:52
Symmetriamagespawn you subscribed now?13:52
Kilosit says i am subscribed13:52
Kilosnow how to get back to where we approve is another prob13:52
SymmetriaKilos once you're subscribed13:53
Symmetriayou can email rpd@afrinic.net to post to the list13:53
Kilosoh that sounds easier13:54
Symmetriaand if you put the policy name in the subject, you can say "I have been following this discussion on the website and on the digests, and I want to voice my support for it as I believe it is in the best interests of the African continent"13:54
Symmetriaor something to that effect13:54
Kiloswhat i put in the mail?13:54
Symmetria:) word it how you want, just name the policy in question13:54
trenderthis is actually a monumental stuffup13:54
Kilosis that the policy?13:55
Symmetriathats the policy name13:55
Kilosyou put that in the subject line?13:56
trenderdoes this problem effect all our isps ???13:56
trenderor is it a case of choose mweb and forget about it ?13:56
Symmetriakilos yeah13:57
Symmetriayou can put that in the subject line13:57
Symmetriaits just like any other email to any other mailing list13:57
SymmetriaI just suggest putting that int he subject line so people know which policy you are referring to13:58
Kilosok i see the discussion but no approve button13:58
Symmetriatrender ALL dsl isps in this country at the moment have this problem other than potentially IS who you could ask13:58
SymmetriaKilos, there is no approve button, its all about the emails to the list13:58
Symmetriaall the emails to the list are evaluated by the PDWG chairs 13:58
Symmetriaand they then declare consensus or lack thereof13:58
magespawnSymmetria: yes13:59
magespawnis there a deadline to voice approval Symmetria14:00
Kilosok mail sent14:01
Kilosso 19 to go14:02
trenderi can send one email to make this problem go away14:02
KilosSymmetria, get all your gf's to mail as well man14:02
Kilosof course its important we dont get left behing14:03
trender100000 people could make a difference ???14:03
Symmetriamagspawn yeah, friday basically iirc14:04
Kiloseek he said 2014:04
Symmetria;p Im not that much of a manwhore trender14:04
trenderno man you need to use bulk emails to create the right level of "fear"14:04
trenderyup it is kinda crap mabee just a small footer at the bottom of the email with a free coupon for viagra :)14:05
Kilosyou actually need support from all over africa14:05
Kilosyou got the contacts Symmetria use them14:06
trender<Symmetria> you not the manwhore youre just pimping :)14:07
charlmail sent14:07
charlsorry got interrupted in the meantime14:07
SymmetriaKilos Im working on support from elsewhere14:07
Symmetriaall over the place14:07
Kilosi still dunno if my pc can do v614:07
SymmetriaIve had mails coming in from ke tz ng za uk 14:08
Kilosmagespawn, you know yet how to tell if pc is v6 capable?14:08
SymmetriaThanks CHarl :) I got yours, awesomeness14:09
magespawnnot yet Kilos, but my laptop doe support it14:09
Kilosmine must be there Symmetria 14:09
Kilosisnt it something one should see in nm14:10
magespawnSymmetria: is IPv6 software or hardware or both?14:11
Symmetriamagespawn it depends on the type of thing you're talking about14:11
Symmetriain desktops servers etc its all software14:11
Symmetriarouters, if its a hardware router, the asics have to be able to process it14:11
Symmetriakilos checking again, I hadnt seen it yet14:11
Symmetriadid you email it to rpd@afrinic.net?14:11
Symmetriafrom the address you subscribed from?14:11
Kilosya from ms.kilos14:11
magespawnI have 3 old laptops originally win xp now running a version of linux on each, was wondering about them/14:12
Symmetriahrm hasnt arived yet kilos, did you get Charl's email to the list?14:12
Symmetriamagespawn theyw ill support it14:12
Symmetriarunning linux14:12
Symmetriaif you configure an ipv6 address on them and they are all on the same lan you will be able to use ipv6 to talk between them for example14:13
Symmetriajust your v6 net wont work til your isp gets it right14:13
KilosYour mail to 'rpd' with the subject14:13
Kilos    AFPUB-2013-GEN-001-DRAFT-0314:13
KilosIs being held until the list moderator can review it for approval.14:13
Symmetriadid it say WHY?14:13
Symmetriathats odd14:13
Kiloslemme read more14:13
Symmetriamagespawn, you can config a v6 address on each of them and if they on the same switch you will be able to ping each other if you wanna test it14:14
KilosThe reason it is being held:14:14
Kilos    Post by non-member to a members-only list14:14
Symmetriaaahh its saying your email address you posted from wasnt subscribed14:14
Symmetriadid you get a confirmation of subscription to the email address you subscribed from14:14
Kilosbut when i tried subscibing again it said i was subscribed14:14
Kilosisnt this a confirm mail14:16
Kilosconfirm 2b8a84b0947dd01e86b7b5e8c5b49215135aa64414:16
Kilosthats the subject14:16
Kilosif i click the link in that mail i get14:17
KilosInvalid confirmation string: 2b8a84b0947dd01e86b7b5e8c5b49215135aa644.14:17
Kiloson that site page14:17
Kilosstill no message from charl in the list14:21
Kilosoh wait i got an idea14:22
Kilosseniding mail from msdomdonner14:22
Kilosneed to change default14:23
charllol that username14:23
Symmetria:) Thats Greg 14:23
Kiloslets see now14:26
magespawnSymmetria: think i sent mine through twice14:27
Kilosi got one from them showing 14:28
Kilos   1. Re: Re: PDP discussions (Charl van Niekerk)14:28
Kilos   2. Re: Re: PDP discussions (Badru Ntege)14:28
Kilos   3. Re: Re: PDP discussions (Greg Eames)14:28
Kilos   4. Re: Re: PDP discussions (Badru Ntege)14:28
Kilos   5. Re: Re: PDP discussions (Andrew Alston)14:28
Kilosis that good or bad14:28
Kiloswhat a job14:29
trenderyells bells14:29
Kilosi see you and charl there magespawn 14:30
SymmetriaIts going well :) Magespawn no problem on that 14:30
Kilosstill nothing from me Symmetria ?14:32
magespawnhome time for me, later all14:39
HawkiesZACheers magespawn 14:39
Kiloscheers magespawn 14:39
Symmetriakilos it showed up14:41
Symmetriathanks mate 14:41
Kilosmsdomdonner one?14:41
SymmetriaMiles <ms.kilos@gmail.com>14:41
Kilosoh my14:41
Kilosi gave up with that one and did msdomdonner14:42
Kilosyou okes need to simplify stuff there14:43
Symmetrialol you should be seeing emails coming off the list pretty quickly at the moment14:43
Symmetrialike the email I sent to badru14:43
Symmetriatelling him basically he was on crack14:43
Symmetriauniversities limiting the number of bring your own devices per individual....14:43
Symmetriawhat drugs is the dude on14:43
Kilosi ticked i dont wanna see all the daily mails14:43
Symmetriaaahh yeah then it will send you digests14:43
Kilosno i unticked it14:44
Kilostoo many mails hurt my head14:44
HawkiesZAI'm off as well. Cheers ya'll14:47
Symmetriawill be back from my hotel in a bit14:47
Kiloswow we still at 4015:14
Kilosyo Steve7h3Ripper 15:15
Steve7h3Rippersup Kilos15:22
Kiloswelcome to ubuntu-za Steve7h3Ripper you been here before?15:23
Steve7h3Ripperno first time here15:24
Kilosgood any linux/ubuntu help you can ask for here15:25
Kiloshi nlsthzn 16:07
nlsthznuncle Kilos, how are you?16:09
Kiloshi nlsthzn good ty and you?16:09
nlsthznI am OK thanks... quiet around here...16:10
Kilosbeen busy today16:11
KilosSymmetria, had us mail some thing16:11
Kiloswhat a job to setup mail16:11
Kiloshi Cantide JoTraGo 16:17
Cantidehello :)16:17
* nlsthzn is in the middle of reactor start-up ... it is almost exciting... only fell asleep twice thus far...16:17
=== deegee__ is now known as drussell
Kilosnlsthzn, you here16:36
nlsthznin spirit16:38
nlsthznout of my mind, back in 5 minutes16:38
Kilosno man i need more than that16:38
nlsthznhow can I be of assistance?16:42
* nlsthzn was playing with Ubuntu 12.04, adding the latest Cinnamon... works and looks really good...16:43
Kilosi just got used to unity16:52
Kilosnot bad in 12.0416:52
nlsthznI like unity... and if it worked like it should I would not change it ... but it never does for me :/16:53
Kilossuperfly, sorry to bug you, what was it i had to install that time to get ssh working16:53
Kilosmine works ok16:54
Kilosyou guys do funny things16:54
Cantidei'm used to unity now16:55
Kilosthe later are bit too full of eye candy for me but 12.04 is fin16:59
nlsthzn... oh and Nemo is getting epic.... but I think I already said so some time ago :p17:00
Kilostumbleweed, you got 2 mins?17:08
Kilosjust an answer im looking for17:09
tumbleweedKilos: yeah?17:11
Kilosdoes ibid install a server17:11
Kiloscould actually see it from a browser with factoid and messgae buttons tumbleweed 17:12
* nlsthzn could too :p17:13
tumbleweedKilos: it's a server, yes17:14
tumbleweedwell, it contains a webserver, yes17:15
tumbleweedthere's not much to see on the webserver, though17:15
Kilosgreat ty tumbleweed 17:15
tumbleweede.g. http://maaz.mene.za.net/17:15
nlsthzndoes it need to have this?17:15
* nlsthzn isn't paranoid but they are watching me >.>17:15
Kilosbetter to just use maaz then nlsthzn 17:31
Kilosfor you anyway17:31
* nlsthzn is a bot so don't need one :p17:32
* nlsthzn goes and makes himself useful @ work ... catch you all later... have a good evening and all :)17:33
Kilosnight all. sleep tight18:09
smile4eversee ya tomorrow :)18:35
Symmetrialol charl got a reply from Nii, but I'd advise him to ignore it 18:42
trenderSymmetria you there ???19:54
=== Spaceghost is now known as Guest12786
trenderanybody alive ??20:11
trenderanybody know anything about wifi ?20:12
=== Guest12786 is now known as Spaceghost
superflytrender: what's up?20:54
trendersuperfly you still there ?21:28
superflyonly just...21:28
superflywhat's up?21:28
trenderjust a wifi question21:28
trender hypothetically if im aiming a yagi OO+++++ at a dipole | and my recieve strength is ok do i need to ballance/lower the TX power  or attenuate my transmit power by the yagi/dipole gain factor to avoid swamping the wifi router to compensate for the directivity gain the yagi will have relative to the RX power ?? *** lets asume im just conecting to a distant open hotspot ***21:28
trenderor is it ajust a moenie worrie scenario ??21:29
superflytrender: I'm afraid I have no idea.21:29
superflytrender: are you trying to connect to a WUG?21:30
trenderno no21:30
trenderjust mulling something over right now21:30
trenderwas just wondering if wifi is like self compensating to this scenrio21:31
superflytrender: you might want to try asking the WUG guys, they'll be able to tell you all sorts of things you need to know21:31
trenderhow/where do i find these okes ?21:31
superflydepends on your area, where are you based?21:32
trendermy power dipped am i still here ?21:32
trendermaaz: hello21:33
* Maaz waves to trender21:33
trendermaaz: ping21:34
Maaztrender: pong21:34
trenderstupid bot21:34
superflytrender: sorry, about to head off to bed, was busy with some other stuff21:45
superflytrender: uh, I think there's a durban WUG21:45
superflyMaaz: google for durban wug21:45
Maazsuperfly: "Main Page - WugWiki - Wug.za.net" http://www.wug.za.net/wiki/ :: "www.wug.za.net :: Wireless User Groups South Africa" http://www.wug.za.net/ :: "www.wug.za.net :: Wireless User Groups :: Wugnet :: Registration" http://www.wug.za.net/register.php :: "South African wireless community networks - Wikipedia, the free ..."21:45
Maazhttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/South_African_wireless_community_networks :: "Durban Wireless (durbanwireless) on Twitter" https…21:45
trenderok i will try find out21:45
trenderi have a feeling wifi is self compensating and very forgiving21:46
trendermy other box sits right on top of the wifi router so i think is much of a no brainer21:46
trendersimpler then i figured21:47
trendercheers mate im also headed that way21:48

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