
Ari-Yangkillmaker, doubt has nothing to do with wine00:00
Ari-Yangkillmaker, are you on 12.10?00:00
Ari-Yangor 12.04?00:00
killmakerneither 13.0400:00
Ari-Yangkillmaker, well on 12.10 there's a tab called Additional Drivers in software sources00:00
Ari-Yangnot sure where that is on 13.0400:01
Ari-Yangthere's also00:01
Ari-Yang!ati | killmaker00:01
ubottukillmaker: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VideoDriverHowto00:01
Ari-Yangkillmaker, but I rather you installing from ubuntu repos00:01
Ari-Yangkillmaker, what card do you have?00:01
jribsteven: probably the easiest thing for you to do is use that ppa if you are ok with the versions it provides00:01
Ari-Yangkillmaker, in temrinal run lspci | grep VGA00:01
stevenjrib: yes I think that would be the easiest way.00:02
Ari-Yangkillmaker, I think it additional drivers tab should be in software sources like in 12.1000:03
Ari-Yanggo to dash board and search for software sources (or system settings and search for software sources)00:03
Ari-Yanghit the 'Additional Drivers' tab and see if anything is there00:04
Ari-Yangif it's empty, then it's most likely there aren't any drivers available from the repos and you have to download the appropriate driver from the official site.00:04
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killmakeri wen to gatway and found a exe driver will that work00:09
Ari-Yangkillmaker, make sure it's specifically for linux/ubuntu.......00:09
Ari-Yangif I were you, I wouldn't install a driver that's a exe....00:09
hadifarnoudis ufw separate from iptables? if I have some rules in ufw and disabale it, will it go back to iptables?00:10
hadifarnoudis ufw separate from iptables? if I have some rules in ufw and disabale it, will it go back to iptables?00:12
disPlayufw is just a gui for iptables00:13
killmakerhow do i do that00:13
killmakerdose any one know why wow stop updateing in wine00:15
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domino14sudo unattended-upgrade is just hanging00:17
tangled /join ##windows00:19
Timidlol, windows?00:20
tangledjust stayin in the know :)00:20
wilee-nileedomino14, I have never seen a reference to "unattended-upgrade" on the IRC, some details will be needed as always.00:21
wilee-nileethere are wiki's on it though00:21
wilee-nileenugroho, #ubuntu-indonesia  did you want the channel?00:24
ubottuPlease read the channel topic whenever you enter, as it contains important information. To view it at any time after joining, simply type /topic00:37
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elisa87Why wireless network doesn't show up/get connected in Ubuntu 13.08?00:52
Peyamsame here00:53
raedovhello guys i want to install Lubuntu 13.04 but i can't , after boot from USB there is a black screen appear and stick on it for a long time i wait abut 10 minutes , nothing happen , My PC Spec : intel core I3-2100 + 10 GB RAM + 128GB SSD + intel 3000 HD any idea00:53
elisa87actually wifi connections show up but don't get connected in Ubuntu 13.04...any idea what's going wrong?00:53
Peyamraedov: do you have the currect version = 64 bits or 32?00:54
raedovyes 64 bit00:54
Peyamelisa87: I did it twice and it worked00:54
elisa87Peyam: what do you mean by you did it twice? what did you do?00:55
wilee-nilee!nomodeset | raedov00:55
ubotturaedov: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter00:55
Peyamelisa87: update00:55
no-nif I encrypt my home folder, does that *only* protect me when I'm logged out?00:55
elisa87Peyam: when I update it fails due to some index files failed to download error00:56
raedovPeyam: thank you but i think intel is supported out of the box in ubuntu not like nvidia , Am I wrong ?00:56
Peyamelisa87: mine says the connection is broken. but Error? ppa error?00:56
Peyamraedov: it should be00:57
wilee-nileeraedov, TRy the nomodeset boot.00:57
Peyamraedov: wilee-nilee has a good advice00:57
raedovok I'll try it , thank you guys00:57
jribno-n: yeah.00:57
wilee-nileeraedov, f6 at the try or install ubuntu and choose nomodeset.00:57
raedovwilee-nilee: if i use nomodeset and install lubuntu , it will save in grub ? what i mean , after finish installation i;m afraid the black screen comes again00:59
sam113101can someone explain to me why the monospace font of ubuntu is different than the monospace font of OpenSUSE?00:59
Peyamraedov: do you have a grub problem or installation problem?01:00
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Peyamsam113101: hahah I never noticed that01:00
wilee-nileeraedov, No that is a per-session boot, however make sure you are on the net when instaling and tick the update in the install box, it may load the driver you need. You can use nomodeset at the grub menu if needed, save the link.01:01
sam113101seriously, there are multiple monospace fonts (as I can see) and they don't even look alike, why name them the same?01:01
raedovPeyam: yesterday i install ubuntu 13.04 with nvidia 440 gt and i use nomodeset , installed it without any problem but when i restart the black screen comes again !01:02
kostkon_sam113101: ubutnu has its own font01:02
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rawrrIm on my phone. I installed windows on after linux. Boot repair isnt working(not starting up). What else can i do to fix grub01:02
somsip!fixgrub | rawrr01:02
ubotturawrr: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub201:02
sam113101kostkon_: why name it the same as the other monospace? and can I get it on OpenSUSE?01:02
wilee-nileeraedov, The nomodeset link above tells you how to add it to grub, ou can permanently add to grub if needed as well.01:02
Peyamis it totally a black screen? doesn't it say anything else? raedov01:02
wilee-nileemost people seem to find the correct nvidia drivers01:03
Peyamraedov: I guess wilee-nilee is the right person to talk to regarding this issue01:03
raedovyes totally black screen i cant do anything , i press the whole keyboard keys , no responsive at all01:03
kostkon_sam113101: no, the font is called ubuntu font, obviously mono is one of its variants, ubuntu mono01:03
usercheck_any shell command to check cpu temperature?01:03
sam113101kostkon_: but there is a "monospace" font on ubuntu, not talking about ubuntu mono there01:04
raedovok wilee i'll try it now01:04
wilee-nileeraedov, Did you see the link?01:04
somsip!info lmsensor | usercheck_01:04
ubottuusercheck_: Package lmsensor does not exist in raring01:04
raedovand i understand it :)01:04
wilee-nileeraedov, Cool it has the live cd use and install use.01:04
somsip!info lm-sensors | usercheck_01:04
ubottuusercheck_: lm-sensors (source: lm-sensors): utilities to read temperature/voltage/fan sensors. In component universe, is extra. Version 1:3.3.2-2ubuntu1 (raring), package size 99 kB, installed size 413 kB01:04
kostkon_sam113101: i think the default mono is the ubuntu mono, but i may be wrong01:04
sam113101kostkon_: they are different01:05
kostkon_sam113101: oh ok then01:05
sam113101oh well, I'll ask it on askubuntu I think01:05
Peyamsam113101: what was the issue again?01:06
usercheck_somsip: is it not running on 10.04?01:06
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sam113101Peyam: I want to know why the monospace font on ubuntu is different than the monospace font on OpenSUSE01:06
shortstraw8Adobe ? At work they have an adobe file that wants to flatten the document. They cannot get it figured out. The problem is that there is a stamp of approval that will not print. I can print it at my house fine but I do not have a printer size they use. Any ideas on how to make the changes stay when I save it and try and print from my windows laptop?01:07
Peyamwell it should be different configurations in Appearance configurations01:07
raedovwilee last question , also yesterday when i use nomodeset the dimensions was very big at installation time , is it still like that after the installation ? do i need to setup the dimensions , i hope u understand me , English is not my native language01:07
Peyamsorry. double typed "configurations!01:07
Peyamraedov: you mean resolution?01:08
raedovyes resolution01:08
somsipusercheck_: you may well need to install it01:09
somsip!info lm-sensors 10.0401:09
ubottu'10.04' is not a valid distribution: extras, kubuntu-backports, kubuntu-experimental, kubuntu-updates, lucid, lucid-backports, lucid-proposed, medibuntu, partner, precise, precise-backports, precise-proposed, quantal, quantal-backports, quantal-proposed, raring, raring-backports, raring-proposed, saucy, saucy-backports, saucy-proposed, stable, testing, unstable01:09
keith_hi everyone01:09
somsip!info lm-sensors lucid01:09
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veryhappydoes someone of you know how to prevent apache2-mpm-worker to become removed when i want to install libapache2-mod-php5?01:09
ubottulm-sensors (source: lm-sensors-3): utilities to read temperature/voltage/fan sensors. In component main, is extra. Version 1:3.1.2-2 (lucid), package size 112 kB, installed size 444 kB01:09
usercheck_somsip:ok thx01:09
Peyamraedov: it is a graphic card issue. when you installed the right driver it will give you higher resulotion01:09
raedovaha thank you Pey7am01:10
KeithMWhat is the best windows manager+decorator out now?01:10
KeithMIt used to be emerald I think01:10
KeithMit's been awhile01:10
somsip!best | KeithM01:10
ubottuKeithM: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.01:10
raedovPeyam sorry01:10
Peyamraedov: np01:10
breadnickHow long does it take for a package version to go from "proposed" to "release"?01:10
rawrrsomsip i did it JUST FOR YOU :D it didnt work the second time i tried either.01:10
PeyamKeithM: well I running xubuntu.. it is nice01:11
somsiprawrr: what are you talking about?01:11
linuxroxrawrr: you are crazy, yo01:11
rawrrThe grub thing i said i tried that already xD01:11
sam113101KeithM: what are you looking for in a WM?01:11
Peyamrawrr: what isn't working?01:11
sam113101and special effects?01:11
usercheck_not use 000123 but use 00122 then give push command01:11
sam113101kwin is good in that regard, I find it less buggy than compiz01:12
usercheck_*000122 (repair)01:12
dabber_chrisdoes anyone know howto get a Intel Corporation 82801H (ICH8 Family) HD Audio Controller (rev 02) working in the newest version of unbuntu?01:12
rawrrI installed windows and now grub doesnt work. I cant do boot-repair and the section of that help page under it doesnt work either.01:12
sam113101so I'd give kwin a try if I were you01:12
KeithMI will. Thanks.01:13
wilee-nileerawrr, You have the bootinfo summary link?01:13
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rawrrNo.how can i make one?01:13
Peyamrawrr: do  you follow the exact steps in  boot-repair?01:13
wilee-nileerawrr, The bootrepair app should run from a live cd, you can't run it?01:14
rawrrpeyam booyrepair wont boot on my computer. Idm01:14
rawrrI have 10.04 live disc01:14
KeithMAnother question; I've built my ubuntu straight from mini with no additional packages (I installed xorg, gdm, gnome-shell, nautilus) etc with no install recommends01:14
wilee-nileerawrr, You can access it from the ubuntu live cd/usb you used to install01:14
KeithMBut I'm trying to figure out why i can't put down icons on the desktop, noob question01:14
Peyamrawrr why do you have a old dist?01:15
rawrrI cannot install it under 10.0401:15
wilee-nileerawrr, Which ubuntu release did you install?01:15
rawrrI never through it away. I installed 12.0401:15
linuxroxrawrr: you should use unetbootin on your usb01:15
kostkon_KeithM: gnome shell doesnt allow icons on the desktop01:15
KeithMthat makes sense01:15
rawrrLinuxrox. Tried that too01:15
wilee-nileerawrr, How did you install?01:15
linuxroxrawrr: i meant the latest ubuntu01:16
rawrrwille upgrade from 10.10. Which was installd by dvd01:16
KeithMkostkon; I really don't like unity, and I'm looking something basic01:16
rawrrLinuxrox. I could do that, lotz of downloading though...01:16
KeithMI liked gnome back in 10.0401:16
kostkon_KeithM: try xfce lxde01:16
breadnickHow long does it usually take for a package version to go from "proposed" to "release"? cups-daemon 1.6.2-1ubuntu7 has been proposed for over a month and a half now...01:17
rawrrIf there is anothdr way. I would be interestex01:17
wilee-nileerawrr, Make sure you use the nick of who you are posting to your info is getting really mixed up.01:17
KeithMxfce looks nice I'm going to try it.01:17
KeithMI'm building this in a virtualbox later, and then forging my own ISO lol01:17
Adie_use it KeithM01:17
KeithMso I'm working the bugs out of it01:17
rawrrWilee ok im on my phone so no tab01:17
linuxroxrawrr: i have a link that might work, it's for ubuntu 10.1001:18
rawrrIll check it out linuxrox.01:18
wilee-nileerawrr, I understand, however we only need some basic info here, such as what is installed, how was it installed and do you have that cd/usb.01:18
rawrrwilee-nilee it mustve gotten lost. Let me repeat: i installed 10.04.01:19
rawrrI hate my phone a lot riggtnow01:20
KeithMI'm guessing for audio I need to install pulseaudio01:20
wilee-nileerawrr, updated to 10.10 right?01:20
Ari-YangKeithM, not really01:20
Ari-Yangyou could use alsa...01:20
rawrrYeah. Then all the way to 12.04 wilee-nilee01:20
linuxroxrawrr: is 10.04 on your hard drive or usb as a live image?01:20
rawrrNow i am using 10.04 on my live disc. wilee nilee01:21
hadifarnoudshould I block port 587 on ubuntu server? I have no idea what is this port use01:21
wilee-nileerawrr, Get a 12.04 cd, boot it go to boot repair and run the basic repair, and save the bootinfo summary link, if you have a problem it will help to have.01:22
rawrrOk. First im01:22
rawrrGoing to trywhat linuxrox sent01:22
linuxroxmight take a while to download, but it's worth it for your filez01:22
rawrrYeah. Really :p i needmy filez01:23
wilee-nileerawrr, You can use that chroot link and get it going, but get a 12.04 ISO as well at some point.01:23
usercheck_somsips:i have download it,but it turns out the software already installed previously. so why can't run with command :lm-sensors?01:23
wilee-nileeusercheck_, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SensorInstallHowto01:25
wilee-nileeRun sudo sensors-detect and choose YES to all YES/no questions.01:25
JoshYme1Just installed ubuntu on my dell precision m4700 laptop.  Works fine until I put it in the docking station.  Then it comes up with both monitors (dual monitors) but the 2nd monitor is "laggy" when i move the mouse around it trais.. any ideas?  Really trying to be committed to swtiching.01:25
usercheck_wilee-nilee: it was installed01:26
wilee-nileeusercheck_, Right but you have to run the cli to get them up and running see the wiki.01:26
zwircHi! Can i check if a user on my ubuntu server has downloaded or opened any root files?01:26
usercheck_wilee-nilee thx,,01:27
wilee-nileezwirc, you might try #ubuntu-server01:27
rawrrShoot. I installed 64 bit and the disco is 32bit. Can that cauze problems linuxrox wilee-nill01:27
wilee-nileeusercheck_, No prpblem.01:27
rawrrwilee-nilee ^01:27
wilee-nileerawrr, should not01:28
rawrrU sure. Cause itsteling me /bin/bazh exec error01:28
wilee-nileerawrr, What is disco?01:29
linuxroxi would make sure your live and the ubuntu versions installed on your hard drive are consistently 64 or 32-bit01:29
rawrrLive cd01:29
rawrrProbably a good ideA linuxrox ... :p01:29
rawrrGonna try ubuntu 12 usb now :/01:30
wilee-nileerawrr, you need the 12.04 64 bit iso, just get it this is an easy fix to get you booted in.01:30
wilee-nileerawrr, YOu might want to be aware of suprgrub as well, it will boot you to the install and you can reload grub from the terminal, it is a tiny download.01:32
hadifarnoudI limited access to SSH port and port 10000 and 20000 by an specific IP. it was all working well. after restart, I cannot connect to SSH with that IP. this is my iptable. http://pastebin.com/F1JNgw6w any idea?01:32
rawrrI tried supergrub. It didnt work well :( wilee-nilee01:34
linuxroxwhat about other bootloaders? surly, there are alternatives to grub01:35
rawrrLilo i think is an alt linuxtox01:35
linuxroxyou might wanna give em a try if you cant get grub fixed xP01:36
linuxroxbut, i guess you'll need to try the ubuntu 12.04 usb first01:36
wilee-nileerawrr, I use an earlier release that works every time I had found the download from the site problematic, this is the one I use. http://sourceforge.net/projects/supergrub.berlios/files/super_grub2_disk_hybrid_1.99b1.iso/stats/timeline01:36
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=== nudist is now known as Charmlet
usercheck_linux-backport is used for what?01:37
rawrrOk ill tr that if this doesnt woek. Im downloadimg ubuntu12.04.2 x86_64 to my windows partition01:38
wilee-nileerawrr, yes01:38
ubottuAs you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)01:38
wilee-nileeI see you were notifying me. ;)01:39
rawrrI was making sure you got the messave above lol should have included it i suppose in one whole message01:39
JoshYme1Should a general question be directed to anyone?  I don't want to violate any rules (It is nice to see an irc channel full!)01:39
=== VivekVC is now known as Guest47325
ubottuThe Ubuntu Code of Conduct is a community etiquette document to which we ask all Ubuntu users to adhere | http://www.ubuntu.com/project/about-ubuntu/conduct  | For information on how to electronically sign the CoC, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SigningCodeofConduct | Watch http://static.screencasts.ubuntu.com/videos/2010/12/22/004-SigningCoC.ogv01:40
usr13JoshYme1: Just ask, not directed at anyone.  If they answer, then you'll repsond (asking for more detail) with their nick.01:40
hadifarnoudanyone knows PSAD? It doesn't seem to do anything01:42
usr13JoshYme1: Until  you enter into a dialogue, no, you don't need to address your qustion(s) to any one nick.01:42
rawrrThis download is going faster than I expected. Peak: 630kib/z01:43
usercheck_linux-backport is used for what?01:43
usr13!backport | usercheck_01:43
ubottuusercheck_: If new updated Ubuntu packages are built for an application, then they may go into Ubuntu Backports. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuBackports - See also !packaging01:43
hadifarnoudnevermind. AUTO_IDS_DANGER_LEVEL in config was set to 5. in case anyone's wondering01:43
rawrrNobody try alt+sysrq+b01:44
linuxroxnow i want to try it01:44
kostkonit reboots the system01:44
linuxroxyou don't say01:44
linuxroxi used to know the forkbomb01:44
rawrrThanks kostkon :)01:45
storrgieI have a service (mpdscribble) that I want to enable (from the terminal) but when I do an update-rc.d mpdscribble enable it errors out saying: mpdscribble runlevel arguments do not match the LSB default start values01:45
rawrrWhat is a forkbom ?01:45
kostkonrawrr, you are welcome :P01:45
usr13storrgie: How was it installed?01:45
linuxroxit's when a script continually repeats itself01:45
advHi all01:45
linuxroxuntil the machine locks up01:45
linuxroxyou can read more @ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fork_bomb01:45
linuxroxyeah, you can trick noobs with that, but it's mean so i wouldn't do it xD01:46
usr13storrgie: (Sounds like the app was not configured properly.)01:47
storrgieusr13, from apt-get01:47
storrgieits packaged for ubuntu01:47
storrgiewith a script in /etc/init.d01:47
usr13storrgie: You might try dpkg-reconfigure01:48
Jeremy3Dcan someone help me so i dont screw everything up (like i usually do)? i have an earlier version of LMMS and wanna update to the newest version, but it doenst look like i downloaded it from software center. probably a (ppa?) thru terminal, but i'm not sure how to update thru terminal now01:48
Jeremy3Di just dont want to mess up all the plugins and stuff i have set up01:49
usercheck_i'm sorry just to clarification. is that "!backport | usercheck" command ?01:49
Jeremy3Dhere's link to online download if that helps : http://sourceforge.net/projects/lmms/files/lmms/0.4.15/01:49
usr13storrgie: Check out the man file01:49
rawrrJeremy you could download the latest version tarball amd compile it to your desktop to prevent breakimg anything01:50
wilee-nileeJeremy3D, If you added a ppa run a update then upgrade in the terminal.01:50
rawrrOr that01:50
Jeremy3Dwilee-nilee, k i'll check it out01:50
usr13usercheck_: I would not use backports unless you have an urgent need.01:50
wilee-nileeJeremy3D, Honestly you want to protect your plugins but give no definitive description of what you have done.01:51
Jeremy3Dwilee-nilee, it's the upgrade in terminal i'll have to figure out01:51
Jeremy3Dwilee-nilee, my problem is i dont know what ive done. i remember there being some audio plugs and the LADSPA plugin i had to install to get it to work01:51
Jeremy3Dbut it was so long ago i dont know where i put everything or how i got it there01:52
usr13usercheck_: I gave the command  "!backport | usercheck_" so that the bot (ubottu) would address it's factoid to you.01:52
usr13!ubottu | usercheck_01:52
ubottuusercheck_: Hi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi | Usage info: http://ubottu.com/devel/wiki/Plugins | Bot channels and general info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Bots01:52
Gilligan94anyone know how I can check if my descreet graphics are working?01:52
rawrrJeremy can you run lmms from terminal? If so try which lmms it will show you where it is installed01:52
usercheck_usr13:thx, i'm just to knowing about backport.01:53
usr13usercheck_: Word to the wise: I've seen backports cause problems01:54
usercheck_usr13: and about command, i'm just think, if command can do it: !givehesomefood | usercheck_ .01:54
Jeremy3DNotice: could not set realtime priority.01:54
Jeremy3Dwilee-nilee, sudo apt-get upgrade lmms ?01:54
usercheck_usr13: back to 'backport', that you mean if we have trouble, we use backport?01:55
Gilligan94anyone know how I can check that mt 620m is working? I have a feeling i'm running on intel 4000 instead01:55
wilee-nileeJeremy3D, No just sudo apt-get upgrade if you added a repo it will see it. I hope you checked the ppa if thats what you did and it has what you want.01:56
=== rawrr is now known as will-nill
=== will-nill is now known as rawrr
Jeremy3Dwilee-nilee, 0 upgrade 0 installed. i dont know what the hell i did and i always get myself into these messes. :\01:58
rawrrJeremy3D how do you run LMMS01:58
meowlulzcathey ever press f1301:59
Jeremy3Drawrr, i can type lmms in terminal, find it from dash home button01:59
linuxroxwhere's the any key?01:59
Gilligan94are nvidia cards working in 3.8?02:00
rawrrJeremh then that is the latest the ubuntu repos can update to. Youhave the normal version02:00
rawrrIf you wany the MOST latest, you will have to get it from their site.02:00
Gilligan94I'd love some help, if anyone knows anything about nvidia cards in ubuntu let me know02:01
Jeremy3Drawrr, that makes sense. but how do i find where this current one i have is installed so i can keep them together?02:01
JoshYme1Gilligan94; What is your question about nvidia cards?02:01
harrishey whats a good program to watch my dvd in02:02
rawrrYou can keep both versions OR terminal: which lmms02:02
Gilligan94JoshYme1: well as far as I can tell my drivers arn't working, I'd like to know if there is some way to check02:02
linuxroxharris: VLC media player02:02
rawrrJeremy3D see my last message.02:03
Gilligan94harris: VLC works great for DVDs02:03
harrisok thank you linuxrox02:03
harrisand Gilligan9402:03
Gilligan94harris: you can even watch DVD .iso files with VLC02:03
harrisdo i just install it02:03
harrisand it just works02:03
Gilligan94harris: yup02:03
rawrrwilee-nilee I am putting the iso onto the usb drive :D02:03
harristhen whats this for02:04
JoshYme1Gilligan94:  When I go into display properties on mine I see nvidia.  do you?02:04
tim`so can someone please help enlighten me? on 13.04 x86_64, libgsl.so references cblas_dasum and a handful of other symbols provided by libgslcblas.so, but it is not linked against it and libgslcblas does not show up when i run ldd on libgsl.so -- is this intentional?02:04
linuxroxrawrr: yes?02:04
linuxroxrawrr: Huh? o-o02:04
rawrrGoto 15.02:04
Gilligan94JoshYme1: No, mine says Intel® Ivybridge Mobile02:04
linuxroxWelcome to Apple ][02:05
JoshYme1Gilligan94: what type of computer?  I know I had to disable optimius in my bios.02:05
Gilligan94JoshYme1: I'm using a T430u it has a nvidia 620m02:06
advBye 4 Now02:07
JoshYme1Gilligan94: have you tried the drivers from nvidia?02:07
Gilligan94JoshYme1: I did, but I'm not sure I did it right. do you have a good guide on removing the drivers/bumblebee that I have now and starting a fresh02:08
Gilligan94JoshYme1: what I've tried so far is documented here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=215218602:08
rawrrBoot-repair is installing. Running D02:09
JoshYme1Gilligan94: Let me look.  I'll be back shortly - need to go plugin..  laptop is low on juice.02:09
linuxroxrawrr: How's that live USB working out?02:10
Gilligan94JoshYme1: Roger see you when you get back02:10
rawrrGreat :D02:10
=== KeithM is now known as KeithGS
linuxroxrawrr: Were you able to recover GRUB? Or aren't you there yet?02:10
BillyZanehi, i'm trying to run a program and it gives me the error: "error while loading shared libraries: libgtk-x11-2.0.so.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory"02:11
rawrrIm creating a "before" boot info summRy incase something gloes wrong.02:11
rawrrAnd an after02:11
rawrrAfter i repair it02:11
linuxroxrawrr: next time you might just want to install windoez on a VM xP02:11
wilee-nileerawrr, It will generate the bootinfo when you run the repair you don't have to run after.02:12
wilee-nileebefore is okay02:12
rawrrLinuxrox, maybe haha02:13
rawrrHere is b4: 580032502:13
rawrrFor pastebin02:13
wilee-nileerawrr, WE need the whole HTTP02:13
rawrrafter: http://paste.ubuntu.com/5800331 wilee-nilee linuxrox02:15
wilee-nileerawrr, Looks good reboot.02:16
rawrrWorks :) booted up nix.02:17
ShapeShiftrhey ubuntu, how do I debug what causes daily CPU+network spikes every day around 7:50 ?02:17
wilee-nileerawrr, Cool, enjoy.02:17
ShapeShiftrother than manually logging in & running top ?02:17
rawrrThankyou wilee-nilee. I owe you one. Thanks also linuxrox02:18
ShapeShiftr(no entries around that time in crontab, or /etc/cron.d )02:18
HeyM-CldHey I have a problem. I dual booted Ubuntu 13.04 with win 7. I ran out of space on my partition and resized the partition in Windows02:19
HeyM-CldNow, I have a system that looks like this https://www.dropbox.com/s/1s2ymkrhl4vp4tr/Screenshot%20from%202013-06-26%2020%3A04%3A36.png02:20
ShapeShiftrHeyM-Cld, and now your boot manager is borked?02:20
HeyM-CldIt boots, Just doesn't recognize 42GB02:20
nintetcan anyone tell me how to install the best driver for an ATI RS480 ?02:20
HeyM-CldI have 100MB left02:20
HeyM-CldI don't have a clue what to do02:21
wilee-nileeHeyM-Cld, what is sda502:21
wilee-nileewas this a wubi install?02:21
ShapeShiftrHeyM-Cld, you need to resize the extended partition; and also either move it waaay back at the end02:21
ShapeShiftrHeyM-Cld, alternatively, just create a new NTFS partition in the extended area02:22
HeyM-CldIt won't resize02:22
HeyM-CldShapeShiftr: Use the unallocated space?02:22
ShapeShiftrHeyM-Cld, yes.02:22
wilee-nileeHeyM-Cld, I think you are out of luck here, you can't resize a wubi from windows, and should not anyway.02:22
nintetis there a third party driver for my card or something?02:22
JeruvyHeyM-Cld thats correct it won't.  You'd need to nuke the install (just delete the file wubi created) and install again.  Ensure windows see's your drive's properly.02:22
nintetobviously this is vesa mode which sucks02:22
HeyM-CldJeruvy: How would I go about doing it02:23
ShapeShiftrHeyM-Cld, have you tried win7's computer management tool? it might be able to add it directly to your main one02:23
Tapperhey everyone, linux n00b here, was wondering if it was okay to use the Backup program to backup locally or if I should let it upload to Ubuntu One?? takes forever...02:23
JeruvyHeyM-Cld delete the wubi install.  Check the drives for the correct information, then reinstall.02:23
Tapperim in 13.04, any help super appreciated02:23
HeyM-CldI can't02:23
wilee-nileeTapper, Locally is fine I would use an external if you have one.02:24
HeyM-CldJeruvy: Because I reinstalled windows and left Ubuntu. wubi is not in the programs list02:24
Tapperwilee-nilee, oh hey! okay yea that makes sense, I tried to use Ubuntu One but it took all night then said that it had failed!!02:24
wilee-nileeTapper, The first backup takes awhile as it is saving all, the additional goes faster.02:25
JeruvyHeyM-Cld oh so the wubi got nuked during the windows reinstall?02:25
HeyM-CldJeruvy: Correct02:25
wilee-nileeHeyM-Cld, I would avoid the wubi install, it is not really supported anymore, and can be harder to deal with then a partitioned install.02:26
JeruvyHeyM-Cld then just skip that step.  Check your drives ensure the correct sizes are there (you don't need to fix your resizing) then reinstall.02:26
ShapeShiftrhow do I debug what causes daily CPU+network spikes every day around 7:50 ?  (other than manually logging in & running top)02:26
nintethow do i find the best driver for my old ATI card?02:26
JeruvyHeyM-Cld this is WIn7?02:26
HeyM-CldJeruvy: Yes02:26
JeruvyHeyM-Cld ok, thats it then.02:26
HeyM-CldJeruvy: So, insert my ubuntu disk, reformat Ubuntu partition and re-install?02:27
Tapperwilee-nilee, thats what i thought but it said failed on the upload after taking all night, i guess i can try again02:27
Tapperwilee-nilee, seems like it would be super convenient to have backup on the cloud02:27
wilee-nileeHeyM-Cld, You need a bigger HD really, filling it up is not a good idea.02:27
JeruvyHeyM-Cld you got it.02:27
HeyM-CldI'm not going to fill it up02:27
HeyM-CldI'll just delete the previous install02:28
HeyM-CldJeruvy: Ok, how do I back my data up?02:28
wilee-nileeTapper, I suppose, I have about 2500 gigs of externals so I use that, but I use the cloud as well for my grad papers and files.02:28
JeruvyHeyM-Cld what data?02:28
wilee-nileeI have my backups backed up, lol02:28
HeyM-CldJeruvy: On Ubuntu, my existing data02:29
domino14you xylo02:29
JeruvyHeyM-Cld you don't.  You said your ubuntu was gone when you reinstalled.  ??02:29
HeyM-CldNo no, wubi in programs list was gone02:29
wilee-nileeHeyM-Cld, What is the sda5?02:29
HeyM-Cldwilee-nilee: Frankly, I don't know02:30
bcbc2HeyM-Cld: http://askubuntu.com/questions/208145/wubi-installed-ubuntu-not-showing-up-at-boot-menu-after-windows-reinstallation02:30
HeyM-CldNot boot menu02:30
Gilligan94ewww wubi02:30
HeyM-CldPrograms list inside of Windows02:30
Tapperwilee-nilee, i see your point, i just have that 25gig from ubuntu from referrals02:31
wilee-nileeHeyM-Cld, Ah, kit is labeled ubuntu but a ntfs and about 16 gigs I was hoping it might have some of your ubuntu data, the area after is unallocated.02:31
Tapperwilee-nilee, but yea better to leave that to files and backup on external02:31
raedovhello guys02:31
JeruvyHeyM-Cld Wubi creates the Ubuntu installation in a virtual disk which is just a file on your desktop.  If Ubuntu boots, then you can backup your /home directory (and anything else) then delete the file.  (remember me saying this in the beginning?)02:31
raedovi installed Lubuntu 13.04 and now after the installation finished i can't boot02:31
HeyM-Cldwilee-nilee: Do you have any idea where the data may be?02:32
HeyM-Cldwilee-nilee: Maybe in sda3?02:32
wilee-nileeHeyM-Cld, If it was sda6 it seems unallocated, go to the ubuntu file in windows and take a look, you can access bothe OS from each other if all is good in a wubi.02:32
shade34321I'm compiling a program and it's stating that a library file isn't there yet when I look in the directory I can see it's there. The lib folder is in the LD_LIBRARY_PATH, the bin folder is in the PATH. Am I missing anything?02:33
Gilligan94JoshYme1: Back?02:33
wilee-nileeraedov, Can't boot means?02:33
Tapperwilee-nilee, one last question I hope I am not pestering, if I use the cloud and am backing up my pics, files etc... then what is the "Backup" backing up?02:33
raedovwilee : when i open the computer after bios there is a black screen and i can't press anything02:33
raedovi rebooted many times02:33
wilee-nileeTapper, I'm not sure with that app I use grsync, I suspect it backs up home, thata what grsync is doing here.02:33
HeyM-Cldwilee-nilee: I mean where would "/" be? You cannot view linux/ubuntu files in Windows02:34
wilee-nileeHeyM-Cld, YOu can with a wubi.02:34
HeyM-CldThat's the thing, Wubu is not installed02:34
HeyM-CldOn Windows02:34
wilee-nilee!nomodeset | raedov02:34
ubotturaedov: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter02:34
raedovhow can i use it now ? the nomodeset02:35
wilee-nileeraedov, Look for using nomodeset in a install in the link.02:35
JeruvyHeyM-Cld can you boot to Ubuntu Y/N?02:35
HeyM-CldYes, I'm on it now02:35
JeruvyHeyM-Cld then back up now :)02:35
HeyM-CldBoth work perfectly fine02:35
wilee-nileeHeyM-Cld, Cool, I suspect ubuntu is in the sda5 then.02:35
JeruvyForget the wubi installer :)  Its immaterial after it works.02:35
HeyM-CldBut, wilee-nilee it's not02:36
HeyM-CldOnly the Host folder is02:36
wilee-nileeHeyM-Cld, Then it is in C02:36
HeyM-CldI'll show you02:36
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bcbc2HeyM-Cld: are you trying to resize the wubi install? Increasing the partition won't do that02:37
HeyM-Cldbcbc2: I'm trying to resize ubuntu02:37
Tapperwilee-nilee, much appreciated, ty  for the info02:37
JeruvyHeyM-Cld which you cannot do.02:37
naryfaHeyM-Cld: from a live cd?02:37
bcbc2HeyM-Cld: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ResizeWubiDisk02:37
wilee-nileeHeyM-Cld, Really for wubi stuff there is like one helper on the ubuntu forums that you want to speak with. Start a thread there with wubi in the header they will stop by, if your problems are not fixed here.02:37
HeyM-Cldnaryfa: If needed yes02:37
bcbc2HeyM-Cld: or https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ResizeandDuplicateWubiDisk02:38
naryfaHeyM-Cld: it's the best bet02:38
wilee-nileebcbc2, Heh, and your here, YIPEE. ;)02:38
HeyM-Cldbcbc2: I'll try it. I'll be back with the results02:39
wilee-nileeHeyM-Cld, bcbc2 Is that one helper I mentioned.02:39
Tapperhey guys what is The Best video editing software for linux02:39
Tapperfree preferably02:39
bcbc2wilee-nilee: hi ;)02:39
naryfaTapper: kdenlive?02:39
wilee-nileebcbc2, good to see you in the nick of time. ;)02:40
Tappernaryfa, im new to linux, just curious, i know there are a lot of great programs02:40
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raedovwilee : how can i Select the default ubuntu kernel ? there is nothing just black screen , is there any key that brings up the grub screen to add nomodeset ?02:41
wilee-nileeTapper, Another app I use is clonezilla to clone my OS, it has a bootable ISO.02:41
naryfaTapper: most of the people I know use it02:42
wilee-nileeraedov, as soon as you power on hold down the shift key.02:42
raedovok i'll try it , and come back again , thanx02:42
wilee-nileeno prob02:42
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raedovwilee: nothing happen02:44
zipyhey, im running ubuntu server on one of my old mashines. is there away to install a proxy server for tor on the server? i wanna connect to my server over proxy to use the tor network =)02:45
Tapperwilee-nilee, looking it up now02:45
usr13!squid | zipy02:45
ubottuzipy: squid is a caching proxy for the Web.  See: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SquidGuard  See: http://www.squid-cache.org02:45
zipyokay, but how do i configure squid to tor?02:47
HeyM-Cldbcbc2: What do you replace for "/media/win" when Its on sda02:47
HeyM-Cldwilee-nilee: Did he leave?02:48
bcbc2HeyM-Cld: you have to mount it somewhere02:48
raedovwhere r u wilee-nilee02:48
HeyM-Cldbcbc2: What do you mean?02:48
wilee-nileeHeyM-Cld, I'm here.02:48
bcbc2HeyM-Cld: sudo mkdir /media/win && sudo mount /dev/sda3 /media/win02:48
wilee-nileeraedov, Yes02:49
HeyM-Cldbcbc2: I'm lost D:02:49
zipyusr13, do i need privoxy too?02:49
bcbc2HeyM-Cld: you want to resize a file on /dev/sda302:49
raedovnothing happen , i press the shift key02:49
bcbc2HeyM-Cld: in order to do that you have to mount the partition on a mountpoint02:49
HeyM-Cldok, how do I mount it02:49
bcbc2HeyM-Cld: that would be /media/win (or some other directory). You mount it as I showed above (which also creates the directory mountpoint)02:50
wilee-nileeraedov, So as soon as you powered on you held the shift key down, I mean immediately press it.02:50
bcbc2HeyM-Cld: this assumes you are using the live CD to resize (not booting from the wubi install)02:50
HeyM-CldHow do I know what directory to use?02:50
HeyM-CldYes, i'm on the Live CD02:50
raedovyes wilee i hold it immediately , ok i'll try again02:51
bcbc2HeyM-Cld: you can use any empty directory, I use /media/win or you could use /mnt or whatever you choose.02:51
HeyM-Cldbut, why02:51
HeyM-CldI'm sorry, this is making no sense to me02:51
wilee-nileeraedov, This is assuming you had a good install, and the ISO you had was good.02:52
raedovwilee: i hold it immediately nothing happen02:53
usercheck_is ubuntu 10.04 is EOL?02:53
HeyM-Cldbcbc2: Aren't you just choosing where "/" is stored and mounting that and then resizing that?02:53
HeyM-Cldbcbc2: If that's true, why are we choosing a empty folder?02:54
wilee-nileeraedov, what is your computer model?02:54
raedovat installation time i boot without nomodeset there is no problem at all , after finish the installation the black screen coming !! dell optiplex 79002:54
bcbc2HeyM-Cld: if you want to access the partition, you need to mount it. The file you are resizing is actually a virtual partition.02:54
wilee-nileeusercheck_, The dektop version is the server is still supported.02:54
HeyM-Cldbcbc2: So, just follow what it says on ResizeWubiDisk and use /media/win?02:55
bcbc2HeyM-Cld: you are not resize / (which is currently your live environment). You need to resize the file root.disk which sits on /dev/sda302:55
jtreminioEvening all. I'm having some issues with apt-get… saying some packages cannot be authenticated: WARNING: The following packages cannot be authenticated! php5-common libapache2-mod-php5 php5 php5-cli02:55
HeyM-Cldbcbc2: Oh02:55
usercheck_wilee-nilee:thx, but until year 200"?"  ?02:55
bcbc2HeyM-Cld: yes use those instructions just replace /dev/sda1 with /dev/sda302:55
jtreminioThe only extra repo I've added is ppa:ondrej/php502:55
HeyM-Cldbcbc2: m'kay, I'll try it, thanks!02:56
raedovwilee: i knew it's supported i use lubuntu since 3 years without problems02:56
wilee-nilee!eol | usercheck_ check the link here.02:56
ubottuusercheck_ check the link here.: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades02:56
wilee-nileeraedov, Can you check the md5sum of your original ISO, this is a bit weird as afar as getting to grub with the shift key.02:57
raedovi checked it , it is Identical02:58
HeyM-Cldbcbc2: I get this error when I type sudo mount /dev/sda1 /media/win http://paste.ubuntu.com/5800403/02:58
wilee-nileeraedov, YOu might try another install.02:59
Gilligan94So anyone else have experience with Nvidia drivers?02:59
holsteinGilligan94: i use some.. whats the issue?03:00
ahungryhey guys, anyone know if ubuntu 12.10 supports an upgrade to apache 2.2.25 (for pci compliance)?  If not - what is the best method for a migration from ubuntu apache via synaptic to install via source (that wont destroy any config files in the process)03:00
raedovwilee: is there a problems with installing lubuntu with usb ?03:00
Gilligan94holstein: in short mine arn't working03:00
bcbc2HeyM-Cld: that's your extended partition03:00
ahungryI'm thinking of just setting an apache from source install in a different /opt prefix and leaving the package manager one as a fallback03:00
holsteinGilligan94: they might not.. which are you using?03:00
bcbc2HeyM-Cld: you want /dev/sda503:00
Gilligan94holstein: I have the issue documented here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=215218603:00
wilee-nileeraedov, Should not be.03:00
raedovi make a bootable usb from a program in windows "pendrive"03:01
bcbc2HeyM-Cld: and you probably need to resize that first since it's only 16gb03:01
HeyM-Cldbcbc2: Yeah, it's working now03:01
Gilligan94holstein: I'm using kernel 3.8 I suspect the drivers I'm using might not be working with it03:01
wilee-nileeraedov, Try unetbootin.03:01
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holsteinGilligan94: i would just not use bumblebee... did you get those from PPA?03:01
bcbc2HeyM-Cld: did you resize /dev/sda5 already? What size are you hoping to make the wubi install?03:01
raedovok i'll try it , thank you03:02
Gilligan94holstein: I'm not really sure anymore, I really want to purge it all and reinstall03:02
HeyM-Cldbcbc2: Yes, I need it to be 40GB total03:02
Gilligan94holstein: but I agrea I dont like bumblebee much anymore I just want the dedicated graphics to run full time03:03
holsteinGilligan94: AfAIK, you dont get bumblebee from the default repos.. so, you are not using a supported driver anyways,03:03
holsteinGilligan94: plus, support with proprietary drivers can already be a bit tricky03:03
Gilligan94holstein: I see I see03:03
bcbc2HeyM-Cld: that dropbox pic showed /dev/sda5 was only 16gb03:03
Gilligan94holstein: how do you think I should proceed?03:03
holsteinGilligan94: what i would do is look at my sources, and consider purging any ppa's.. then, i would go to a stock driver03:04
holsteinGilligan94: or, just reinstall... that usually takes my less time :)03:04
HeyM-CldOh, I gotta fill the allocated space back up to 40GB03:04
Gilligan94holstein: I'm tempted to reinstall but everything is just how I like it :/03:04
bcbc2HeyM-Cld: or you could create a new partition and just migrate the Wubi install to it and make it a normal dual boot. That's another option03:04
Gilligan94holstein: what's the PPA purge command?03:04
HeyM-Cldbcbc2: I'll try to finish what you told me. If it fails to work, I'll try it03:05
HeyM-Cldbcbc2: It is supposed to take long to fsck -f /media/win/ubuntu/disks/root.disk?03:05
bcbc2HeyM-Cld: no03:05
HeyM-CldUh oh03:06
HeyM-Cldbcbc2: Here is what it's saying http://paste.ubuntu.com/5800417/03:07
ubottuTo disable a PPA from your sources and revert your packages back to default Ubuntu packages, install ppa-purge and use the command: « sudo ppa-purge ppa:<repository-name>/<subdirectory> » – For more information, see http://www.webupd8.org/2009/12/remove-ppa-repositories-via-command.html03:07
Gilligan94holstein: thanks03:08
wheatthingrr my sound keeps going out to dummy device03:08
Gilligan94holstein: do you have a guide that you usally use to install drivers?03:08
ahungryWill the package manager php module work with a from source apache install on ubuntu?03:09
holstein!nvidia | Gilligan9403:09
ubottuGilligan94: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VideoDriverHowto03:09
bcbc2HeyM-Cld: and what's it doing now?03:09
HeyM-Cld"Pass 2: Checking directory structure"03:09
Gilligan94holstein: Thanks :) i'll let you know how it goes03:09
holsteinahungry: the repos version? you will have to try.. and see if the versions work03:09
holsteinahungry: one is in repo and one is out03:09
bcbc2HeyM-Cld: best let it run to completion then03:09
ahungryI guess since the source I want is 2.2.24 it should work with a 2.2.22 compiled php03:10
ahungryholstein: thanks03:10
HeyM-Cldbcbc2: m'kay03:10
HeyM-Cldbcbc2: It finished, lol03:10
Redeuxxwhat does 'su -' do? What does '-' mean?03:11
ahungrydefault login shell03:11
ahungryif you do su without a user it defaults to root user, so a 'su' alone will change you to root, but it will not process anything like root's .bashrc03:11
holsteinahungry: there is not "should".. the should is, the ones that are made by ubuntu and released in the same repos work.. or at least are designed to work and should work03:11
ahungryor any files which define the environment and paths etc for root user03:12
=== ShapeShiftr is now known as SDr
SDrhow do I debug what causes daily CPU+network spikes every day around 7:50 ?  (other than manually logging in & running top)03:12
Redeuxxahungry: thanks! so using - gives me root's environment?03:12
emeshow stable is btrfs in 13.04?03:12
pranavokey.. should i still install 32 bit ubuntu 13.04 ? owing to 64-bit library support in many apps ?03:13
pranavor my question is unreasonable..03:13
pranav*missing library support03:13
HeyM-Cldbcbc2: I resized the partition. Now, it's resizing wubi with "resize2fs /media/win/ubuntu/disks/root.disk 10G"03:14
emespranav: this isn't 2006, everything supports 64 bit03:14
HeyM-Cldoops, not 10G, 45G03:14
HeyM-Cldbcbc2: How long does this usually take?03:15
pranavemes.. ok then.. last time i installed eclipse.. and Android Dev Tools on top of it.. i had to manually install many libs03:15
wheatthincan someone help with my sound card.. for some reason it's defaulting to dummy03:15
pranavlast time was yesterday03:15
bcbc2HeyM-Cld: it's normally quick (seconds) but I haven't resized to that size. Give it a little time03:16
HeyM-CldIt's going from 11G -> 45G03:16
Ari-Yangis it true that radeon driver (open source) runs hot if graphics are dual?03:16
HeyM-Cldbcbc2: M'kay03:16
pranavemes: but thanks :)03:16
Gilligan94PPA-purge gave me the following message "Warning:  Could not find package list for PPA:"03:16
Gilligan94did it work dispite that?03:17
holsteinGilligan94: if it were me, i would spend about 8 minutes messing with that box, then i would wipe it, and start over. i could have already reinstalled by now, and if you cant remember what all you have changed, that might be the path of least resistance03:17
Gilligan94holstein: I have plenty of time to spare, I really dont want to do a reinstall03:19
xrfanghi, how do I fix gpg error NODATA 1 NODATA 2 when trying apt-get update? I am running an apt-mirror, and I am sure this mirror is ok, because it serves all other machines in the office.03:19
raedovwilee: thank you so much , now it is working :)03:19
Gilligan94holstein: I've never had the nvidia card work out of the box anyway03:20
holsteinGilligan94: use pastebin to past the *entire* output.. your command, and the error message03:21
Gilligan94how pastebin?03:22
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.03:22
Gilligan94holstein: http://paste.ubuntu.com/5800431/03:22
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holsteinGilligan94: the command is wrong03:23
Gilligan94Oh I see, I'll have another look at the article03:24
holsteinsudo ppa-purge ppa:http://ppa.launchpad.net/bumblebee/testing/ubuntu is asking ppa-purge to purge the url to the packages.. not the ppa03:24
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Tickleppa-purge, a stutters favorite command03:25
Gilligan94holstein: so I want ppa-purge ppa:bumblebee/testing/ubuntu ?03:25
holsteinGilligan94: that looks more like it03:26
zghello, I'm having issues trying to setup ext403:26
Gilligan94holstein: awesome, thatks for your patience03:26
Gilligan94zg: why do you want to use ext4?03:27
zgbecause I want to use ext4.03:27
holsteinzg: for an install?03:27
zgyes, but I'm having an issue trying to setup the filesystem because the hard drive I use was setup with RAID and I need to remove that setting03:28
holsteinzg: that? what settings?03:31
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=== Nothing is now known as Nothing_Much
niftylettuce does anyone here know how to make an NPAPI or just a normal plugin that will allow me to add an item cross-platform to right click Context Menu ?03:38
niftylettuce im assuming ill need some .h, .cc files to do this cross platform using something like Firebreath03:38
zwircHi! To install LAMP, is this the correct procedure: http://www.unixmen.com/install-lamp-with-1-command-in-ubuntu-1010-maverick-meerkat/03:39
ubottuLAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process.03:39
holsteinzwirc: ^^03:40
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dragoi am new to this can any body tell what to do next03:49
jubobahow can I install a Brother Network printer? It has a BRW008092231695 name as a share. It's weird because I'm used to install network printers by IP and printer share name. This one has this weird name instead of IP/printer_share03:49
Tickledrago: New to what?03:49
holsteindrago: read the topic and follow the guidelines03:49
phixdrago: What are you trying to do?03:51
drago@phix : i want to understand what is it first03:52
holsteindrago: what what is?03:52
drago@holstein what is this irc is about and what u people do here03:53
holsteindrago: check the topic.. this is an official support channel for the ubuntu operating system03:54
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adminstorubuntu new user,,,,,u do open terminal??Hlp...!03:54
holsteinadminstor: terminal is in the menu...03:54
drago@holstein means i can ask technical stuff about ubuntu????03:55
adminstorholstein:Tank u...got it.03:55
holsteindrago: it means, that you *must* either ask a support question, or go to the offtopic channel, as the topic states03:56
dragook thanks for info03:56
devslashdoes anyone know how to trigger the applicationm switcher via the trackpad ?03:57
Ari-Yanghow do i check and see if I have hybrid graphics?03:58
holsteinAri-Yang: i would ask the vendor03:58
Ari-Yangholstein, does this look like hybrid graphics?03:59
Ari-Yangx@Akaigo-Arc:~$ lspci | grep VGA03:59
Ari-Yang01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: Advanced Micro Devices [AMD] nee ATI Manhattan [Mobility Radeon HD 5400 Series]03:59
devslashive got a problem in ubuntu. im almost ready to switch from ubuntu because its really annoying. i have ubuntu installed on a mac. my trackpad keeps accidentaly triggering the application switcher that you see when you press alt+tab on the keyboard. does anyone know how i can disable this04:00
holsteinAri-Yang: looks like an ati graphics device.. not sure if its hyprid04:01
Gilligan94So how do I determine which Nvidia driver I should be using?04:05
muslimmasrDo skype,yahoo other chat and social communication prog work 2 spoil muslims youth and spy 4 isreal&usa???????04:05
muslimmasrdo they record and analyse every word we type????????????04:05
muslimmasrDo skype,yahoo other chat and social communication prog work 2 spoil muslims youth and spy 4 isreal&usa???????04:05
muslimmasrdo they record and analyse every word we type????????????04:05
muslimmasrهل تتجسس برامج الشات و التواصل الاجتماعى لصالح اسرائيل وامريكا؟؟؟؟؟؟04:05
FloodBot1muslimmasr: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.04:05
Gilligan94muslimmasr: no04:06
domino14what is isreal?04:06
devslashdoes anyone know how I can fix this ?04:06
Gilligan94muslimmasr: dont be a bigget04:06
holstein!nvidia | Gilligan9404:06
ubottuGilligan94: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VideoDriverHowto04:06
Gilligan94holstein: that's where I am looking04:07
holsteinGilligan94: then, search for your model04:07
Gilligan94holstein: search where?04:07
holsteinGilligan94: ?04:07
holsteinGilligan94: search your machine for the chip you have04:07
holsteinGilligan94: lspci in a terminal04:07
Gilligan94holstein: I have the gtx620m04:08
holsteinGilligan94: so you look at that site, and see what is suggested04:08
Gilligan94holstein: as far as I can tell it doesnt suggest anything04:08
holsteinGilligan94: nvidia-current, correct?04:10
Gilligan94holstein: I'm trying that, I'm not sure it installed correctly though i'll do a paste bin04:10
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.04:12
devslashcan someone help me04:12
Gilligan94holstein: http://paste.ubuntu.com/5800510/04:13
Gilligan94devslash: have you tried posting your issue to the ubuntu forums and askubuntu? there might not be anyone here with experience in your area04:15
Ari-Yanghow come when I run sudo echo auto > /sys/class/drm/card0/device/power_method04:17
Ari-YangI get "permission denied"?04:17
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Ben64Ari-Yang: cause you can't sudo echo and output to a file, you need to use something like tee04:21
Ari-YangBen64, I see.... is it okay to open up the file in gedit and edit it from there?04:22
bcowsIf I place a shared library (.so) file into /usr/local/lib/ then run "sudo ldconfig" without error, but the new linbrary file dosen't show up in "sudo ldconfig -v" what am I missing ?04:22
Ben64Ari-Yang: well for your example, all you'd need to do is "echo "auto" | sudo tee /sys/class/drm/card0/device/power_method04:23
Ben64Ari-Yang: without that first quote before echo04:23
Ari-YangBen64, okay I'll try that04:23
Ari-YangBen64, I got04:24
Ari-Yangx@Akaigo-Arc:~$ echo "auto" | sudo tee /sys/class/drm/card0/device/power_method04:24
Ari-Yangtee: /sys/class/drm/card0/device/power_method: Invalid argument04:24
Ben64Ari-Yang: seems like you can't do what you want to04:26
Ari-YangBen64, then should I just open it up and edit it via gedit?04:26
Ben64Ari-Yang: you probably can't if tee doesn't work, but you can try gksudo gedit for that04:26
Ari-YangBen64, yeah, that's what I meant, trying it with gksudo gedit04:27
zwircsudo add-apt-repository ppa:webupd8team/java04:27
zwircsudo: add-apt-repository: command not found04:27
zwircwhy is that?04:27
xanguazwirc: what ubuntu version are you using¿04:28
Ari-YangBen64, gedit won't even allow me to save it lol04:28
Ari-Yangsaid that it can't create a backup and I hit "save anyway" but it wouldn't save04:29
zwirc12.04 server04:29
xanguahttp://askubuntu.com/questions/38021/how-to-add-a-ppa-on-a-server zwirc04:30
somsipAri-Yang: echo "text" | sudo tee -a /path/file.txt04:31
Ari-Yangsomsip, what does tee -a do?04:31
somsipAri-Yang: what you were trying to do when it b0rked - just appends to the file04:31
Ari-Yangsomsip, so I guess it would look like this then: echo "auto" | sudo tee -a /sys/class/drm/card0/device/power_method04:32
somsipAri-Yang: or did you want to overwrite?04:32
Ari-Yangsomsip, I want to edit the file and save it04:32
Ari-Yangatm it has 1 line that says power_profile04:33
Ari-YangI want to replace it with auto04:33
somsipAri-Yang: just edit it? use nano?04:33
Ari-Yangnano? another txt editor?04:33
Ari-YangI tried gedit and it wouldn't let me04:33
somsipAri-Yang: because of the permissions thing. Nano is simple and command line. So you can 'sudo nano /path/file' and it should be easy enough to replace one line04:34
uniqdomhi.... i'm using ubuntu 13.04, and i'm in troubles... how can I go out from gnome/openbox to Unity? i have auto login enabled.04:35
uniqdomhow can i disable auto login?04:35
uniqdomi need to do that from the shell04:36
holsteinuniqdom: try http://askubuntu.com/questions/44107/disable-auto-login-from-the-cli04:36
thmcmahonhi all - i'm trying to install apache, i can access from the server 'links' but when i go to the external ip it times out. is there a firewall or something i need to open up?04:37
savidSomething seems to be messed up with my python install.  The '/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages' is not in sys.path within the python interpreter.04:38
Ari-Yangsomsip, Ben64, everything worked out, was editing wrong file04:38
Ari-Yangwas suppose to edit power_profile not power_method04:38
somsipAri-Yang: hehe04:39
Xraixedis ubuntu 12.04 still supported04:40
Ari-YangXraixed, yes04:41
Ari-Yangit's LTS04:41
Ari-Yanglong term support04:41
Ari-Yangwow, editing power_profile really decreases temp of laptop, though it only does it when it's unplugged04:43
Ari-Yangwish it did while it was plugged in04:43
Xraixedtill 201404:43
uniqdomholstein: it doesn't work04:44
Ari-YangXraixed, until 2017 iirc04:44
holsteinuniqdom: what doesnt work?04:44
uniqdomthe file /etc/gdm/custom.conf  didn't exist... so i have created that with the content pointed out in the link you gave me04:45
holsteinuniqdom: undo that and try http://askubuntu.com/questions/106428/how-to-disable-automatic-login04:47
holsteinuniqdom: what operating system are you using? ubuntu 13.04?04:47
uniqdomyes... 13.0404:47
applejacks2help please04:51
applejacks2am I still muted?04:51
holsteinapplejacks2: ? you have not asked for help04:52
applejacks2[00:50] == Cannot send to channel: #ubuntu <- wasn't sure if I was still muted since I told someone to switch to windows because he said he doesn't like linux04:53
holsteinapplejacks2: can you see the /topic? pleas follow the guidelines.. feel free to discuss windows and what you like in the offtopic channel04:53
applejacks2holstein: like I said, I wasn't sure if I was still muted04:54
applejacks2cause it just said "Cannot sent to channel04:54
uniqdomholstein: thanks a lot.  you are a hacker :)04:55
applejacks2Anyways, I'm using 13.04 on my desktop, and recently, today, when ubuntu locks [asking for a password] after 30minutes of time out, when I enter my password, and hit enter, the screen will turn black, if I hit enter again, it will go straight back to the lock page and ask for the password04:55
applejacks2and this will repeat over and over, and it just started today, if I restart my desktop, and use the default login screen on start, click my username, and enter my password it will work perfectly fine04:55
holsteinuniqdom: cheers04:55
applejacks2the only thing I'm done on it is just sudo apt-get update and sudo apt-get upgrade04:56
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applejacks2So I have no idea why its doing this, and this is a real problem since I leave my desktop on 24/7 cause I'm always switching to using it back and forth between other system, [actually I believe the timeout is only set to like 5-10minutes]04:57
holsteinapplejacks2: i would test as another user.. even try the guest account.. if you can login as another user, the issue is in the user config04:57
applejacks2I have disabled the guest account, and do not have any other accouns on it04:57
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applejacks213.04 has been installed for about 2weeks now, I've use to use linux mint 13 before then04:57
applejacks2I REALly don't want to have to reinstall ubuntu again after I had everything setup for my needs04:58
applejacks2nor have this problem happen in the future if it keeps going on.04:59
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holsteinapplejacks2: create a new user and test05:02
applejacks2holstein: nevermind, I still have guest on, now when I'm in guest, and hit "lock" it will do nothing at all, it will stay on the desktop05:03
holsteinapplejacks2: lock? are you able to login or not?05:04
holsteinapplejacks2: is it the login that is broken? or the "lock"?05:04
holsteini dont use "lock".. i have a custom locker..05:04
applejacks2holstein:  now if I go back on my main account, and hit lock, it will lock it, but as I said, if I enter my password, it will go to a black screen, and if I hit enter again, it wil go back to the lock screen, HOWever, If I lock it [on my main acoount, and then click on switch users, and ten select my main account and enter the password it will log me back in with no problems05:05
stluHi, quick question about permissions05:06
applejacks2and yes, I can log in, from a reboot onto my main account just fine, but if it locks, and I enter the password, it will do nothing and return to the lock page, but if I switch uses, and then login my main account it will work without a problem, HOWEER on the guest account, if I click lock, it wil do nothing and stay on the desktop05:07
holsteinapplejacks2: maybe its just me, but im not following that.. what i would do is make another user, as i said.. then, if all is well, the issue is in the config of the normal user.05:07
applejacks2hold on05:08
abetusksorry, I know this isn't specific to Ubuntu, but I just bought a new Dell Inspiron 660 and installed Ubuntu 12.04 on it (64 bit).  I have an old computer with a TB drive that I would like to add.  Is it as simple as adding the hard drive to another one of the sata slots?05:09
stluIf I change a directory permission to rw, but not x, then I will have difficulty using this directory correct?05:09
Flannelstlu: directories need +x, yes.05:11
stluSo, if I were applying mode change recursively, as a script, it would be fair to assume that the user asking for read should automatically get execute as well?05:13
stluFor example applying 644 to all files makes sense,  but it should be 755 for the directories...05:14
applejacks2holstein: okay I think I worded it better05:14
applejacks21) Cold boot up, select user "gxx" [main account], enter password, goes to desktop. 2) On "gxx" if I lock the desktop, it will go to the lock screen, if I enter my password+enter it will go to a black screen and stay their, if I hit enter again, it will go back to the lock screen of "gxx". 3) While on the dsktop of "gxx" and I lock it, and then click on "Switch Users" and then select "gxx" followed by my password, it will log me i05:14
holsteinapplejacks2: its just a wall-o-text.. and it gets cut off.. keep it short05:15
applejacks2However, locking on my main account gxx does work05:15
stluapplejacks2: just my two cents, but shouldn't it tell you that you are already logged in?  In which case the first Graphical session may have crashed?05:15
holsteinapplejacks2: i login, and get a black screen when locking the screen as this user, but not as this one05:15
applejacks2Guest Accout: Locking does nothing, it will stay on the desktop05:16
applejacks2Main account: if I lock it, then enter my password, it will go to a black page05:16
applejacks2If I do a cold boot, and login my main account, it will logged without problems, it just wont log back in from a lock screen on my main account05:17
holsteinapplejacks2: what would i do? make a new user account and test.. then, if all is well as the new user (not guest) i would remove the config files from my home and test again. then, if all is well, i would put back what i need05:18
applejacks2okay let me try that05:18
Flannelstlu: You shouldn't set modes based on numbers, you should use rwx, etc.  Also, look into +X (as opposed to +x), it will help you solve this dilemma.05:19
applejacks2holstein: okay the new account works perfectly, so the config file on my main account is messed up? where/how do I fix that?05:21
stluFlannel: the capitol X option is exactly what I was looking for, thank you!05:22
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stlu*capital X...05:22
stluapplejacks2: this is the part where you will need to be very careful not to lose important files!05:23
smallmousehi can anyone offer me assistance with my touchpad, it is very sticky i have tried to go through all the web but am not finding a solution05:24
holsteinapplejacks2: as i said.. i would move the config files from my main account.. with care, as stlu says.. test.. then, put back what you need, which might not be that much anyways..05:24
holsteinapplejacks2: this is not the only way to do it.. its just that now, you know where the problem is05:24
stlusticky? pls describe better... is it clicking on something and not letting go... or the cursor won't move?05:25
applejacks2okay, where are these config files, and what folder are they in?05:25
holsteinapplejacks2: they are in your home folder.. hidden.. .mozilla for example.. is the one for firefox05:26
applejacks2okay thank you, just one last question05:26
holsteinapplejacks2: there are .config files somewhere for the session that are broken05:26
holsteinapplejacks2: you remove them, and they respawn fresh ones.. i just dont know which.. so, i usually just take them all out of the way, and put back what i want, since its not that many05:26
applejacks2is it better to use a standard account 100% of the time & not an admin account for everyday useage? or is linux safe enough to always be using an admin account all the time?05:27
holsteinapplejacks2: that has nothing to do with linux05:27
holsteinapplejacks2: there is no reason to ever run anything as root.. unless you must05:27
holsteinapplejacks2: you dont need to run the desktop as root, or a web browser.. you get no benfit.. only potential issues.. not matter what operating system05:28
holsteinapplejacks2: the fact that you are an admin *is* the safety issue.. its not that things get "better" and make that not necessary any more05:28
applejacks2 I'm talking about linux, I'm not talking about running root, but on the accounts, there is two choices, an adminisantor account and standard account, is it safe enough, for just a normal joe at home just webbrowsing using an admina ccount? or should everyone use a standard account and su/sudo when needed?05:28
holsteinapplejacks2: when i say "root" above, that is admin..05:29
Flannelapplejacks2: admin accounts have access to sudo.  "normal" accounts do not.05:29
Flannelholstein: root is different than admin.05:29
holsteinFlannel: sure, but i think it stands to answer the question05:29
Flannelapplejacks2: And yes, it is safe enough to run a regular desktop user as an admin account.05:30
holsteinFlannel: not to run a desktop as admin or root or sudo05:30
zero_coderI have got a tar file size > 6 gb05:30
Flannelholstein: it doesn't really, no.  Again, "admin" is not the same as root.  Your first user created is an admin account, and most people stick with it for their regular account just fine.05:30
zero_coderso cant copy it to usb05:30
zero_coderwhat to do05:30
applejacks2I'm still fairly new to linux, but many a couple of pcs running linux, and two raspberry pi's running as well, too bad ubuntu doesn't support the raspberry pis.05:31
holsteinFlannel: i think we are talking about something very similar05:31
holsteinapplejacks2: you should read and decide for yourself anyway05:31
wilee-nileezero_coder, Fat32 will only do 4 gigs at a time I believe.05:31
zero_coderwilee-nilee yep thats the problem05:32
slashmeUbuntu runs quite well on a Cubiboard, so it's not Ubuntus fault. It's the Rasp's fault of using old ARM-Chips. ;)05:32
zero_codercan i do exfat in ubuntu05:32
wilee-nileezero_coder, I would do ntfs05:32
wilee-nileebut tahts me05:32
zero_coderwilee-nilee : NTFS can do that?05:33
wilee-nileezero_coder, Yep05:33
zero_coderwilee-nilee, I havent seen pendrives usually formatted in NTFS05:33
zero_coderits usually FAT or FAT3205:33
Flannelzero_coder: Easiest way (or rather, most supported way) is to split the file up into 4GB (minus wiggle room) chunks with tar.05:33
stluWhy do I think that exFat and Ntfs are two names for the same fs?05:33
wilee-nileezero_coder, I have one for special needs, you can use a nfts to extract windows iso for booting with a bootflag.05:33
zero_coderflannel : its alre.ady a tar05:34
applejacks2had one question does ubuntu support the ODROID-u2 or beagleboard with standard ubuntu arm isos?05:34
wilee-nileenot XP but vista up05:34
Flannelzero_coder: Ok... so tar it again and specify you want to split it up?05:34
zero_coderwilee-nilee, thats awesome05:34
applejacks2oh, thanks slashme, the Cubiboar was the last one I forgot05:34
zero_coderFlannel : well I cant tar it as two parts05:34
slashmeapplejacks2: http://elinux.org/BeagleBoardUbuntu05:34
Flannelzero_coder: What?05:34
zero_coderits my entire ubuntu file system tahts being tarred05:35
zero_coderFlannel, I did it to clone my pc with my laptop05:35
Flannelzero_coder: You can have tar create small1.tar and small2.tar, each half as large as large.tar05:35
applejacks2slashme: are you fimilar with all of those mini-pcs?05:35
Flannelzero_coder: I don't see how that's relevant.  Have tar split your 6GB file into two 3GB files.  Then put them on FAT (3GB < 4GB) and you're fine.05:36
slashmeapplejacks2: A bit.05:36
zero_coderFlannel, but if ntfs can do it. then its alright05:36
applejacks2Can I PM you slashme ?05:36
slashmezero_coder: You could also use dd to clone your filesystem. You could use something like 'dd if=/dev/sda | split -b=4000m' to split those files.05:37
Flannelzero_coder: if you have a USB that's NTFS, yes.05:37
slashmeapplejacks2: sure.05:37
stluI have a 250gb hard drive for that kind of thing, but I guess thats not an available resource for you.05:37
stluYou know, the external 2.5" kind.05:37
zero_coderflannel : you can format the usb to NTFS right?05:37
Flannelzero_coder: If you want to go through the trouble of reformatting your USB, sure.  Or you just use a single command to split it up.  Whichever way you think is easier, I suppose.05:39
wilee-nileeno bias there, lol05:40
zero_coderFlannel, if i split it up , can i remerge it ?05:40
Flannelwilee-nilee: Well, reformatting the USB is pretty time consuming, it also assumes he has a sacrificial thumb drive.  It also assumes that whatever is reading it on the other end can read NTFS.05:41
Flannelzero_coder: Yeah, tar does that too.  It'd be rather pointless if you couldn't.05:41
zero_coderFlannel, can you gimme the commands please?05:41
Flannelzero_coder: tar -c -M -v -tape-length=3145728 -file=outputfile1.tar inputfile.tgz05:42
Flannelzero_coder: that'll make a 3GB file (3145728 is 3*1024*1024).  The first filename will be outputfile1.tar, and then when it prompts you, you type 'n outputfile2.tar' and hit enter, and then continue until it's done (however many files).05:43
zero_coderFlannel, an erorr tar: You may not specify more than one `-Acdtrux' or `--test-label' option05:44
Flannelzero_coder: on the other side, it's `tar -x -M -v -file=smallfile1.tar bigfile.tgz` and then similar 'n filename2.tar' for additional piece files.  (Where smallfile1.tar is the first file you created the first time)05:44
zero_coderflannel ?05:47
stluthink it should be --tape... not -tape which will use all of the t, a, p, e args.05:48
Flannelzero_coder: yeah, sorry, those should be double dashes, on --tape and --file05:48
zero_coderokay stlu and Flannel05:49
ctcbI have 13.04, and I'm having a problem with my Samson CO1U USB Mic.05:49
ctcbIt appears, and I can use it, but after about 20 seconds, It stops getting a feed and it's like I have no audio.05:49
ivanatorahello, any pulseaudio guru around?05:50
ivanatoraI want to know if it is possible to set different applications to use different sinks05:50
ctcbThen on the Audio Properties, I need to switch to something else, come back and then move the audio slider.05:50
ctcbHow do I fix this?05:50
ivanatora(I want to play all system sounds trough headphones and one specific mplayer trough speakers)05:50
mynameisdeleted2so... a few years ago w3schools has consistantly shown browser-os usage of linux around 3%.. between 2010 and 2013 its eding towards 5% with mac latest at 9.7% and linux latest at 4.9%.. much better than the 2.2% in enjoyed in 200305:56
mynameisdeleted2tablets and smartphones have made people less dependant on windows05:56
mynameisdeleted2given march was 4.7%, april was 4.8 and may was 4.9, maybe june will be 505:57
linuxroxandroid ftw05:57
zero_coderFlannel, I got 3 files  :)05:57
kostkon!ot | mynameisdeleted205:57
ubottumynameisdeleted2: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!05:57
zero_coderi will copy it to fedora. but then how can i merge it?05:57
Flannelzero_coder: I gave you the second command, but just add the double dashes like that one too05:58
zero_coderFlannel, can you just gimme it once more ? I am sorry..05:59
Flannelzero_coder: on the other side, it's `tar -x -M -v --file=smallfile1.tar bigfile.tgz` and then similar 'n filename2.tar' for additional piece files.  (Where smallfile1.tar is the first file you created the first time)05:59
zero_coderFlannel, thank you macha :)05:59
mynameisdeleted2what app do I install to make ubuntu 13.10 look like the ubuntu-tv advertisement?06:00
mynameisdeleted2and get internet-tv sources to watch tv channels on?06:00
wilee-nilee!13.10 | mynameisdeleted206:00
ubottumynameisdeleted2: Ubuntu 13.10 (Saucy Salamander) will be the 19th release of Ubuntu. Announcement: http://www.markshuttleworth.com/archives/1252 - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+106:00
zero_codermynameisdeleted2 : ubuntu has an ad?06:00
wilee-nileemynameisdeleted2, #ubuntu+1 is the channel you want.06:01
mynameisdeleted2http://www.ubuntu.com/phone   I want that on my android phone.. I got a spare to put it on06:01
ubottuInformation about the Ubuntu Touch platform for Phone and Tablet is available here https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch support and discussion in #ubuntu-touch06:02
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mynameisdeleted2join #ubuntu-touch06:03
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MrKBhow do I get the manual for an app through terminal06:10
MrKBI know it was man something06:10
ivanatoraany idea why amixer reports only front left06:11
ivanatoraleft|right channels, but not any rear?06:11
ivanatora$ amixer |grep -i rear returns only rear mic06:11
dayaI upgraded Ubuntu 10.04 Server using Alternate CD, but it doesn't upgrade the kernel any idea channel?06:12
ivanatoralspci shows that device: Intel Corporation 6 Series/C200 Series Chipset Family High Definition Audio Controller (rev 04)06:12
ivanatora(and I definately have rear 3.5mm jacks :)06:12
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SuperLagI have a ThinkPad connected to a docking station. When I boot undocked, the theme and fonts look fine when the desktop loads. (running Xubuntu 13.04)06:23
SuperLagHowever, if I reboot while docked, the theme is hosed, and so are the fonts. You guys heard of any issue like that?06:23
SuperLaga pair of external monitors connected to the docking station06:23
Semen_Dickmanokay when i plug in my fuckking phone06:28
Semen_Dickmanin to this fubuntu06:28
Semen_Dickmanmy  pone vibrates simultaneously making me to use it as vibrator for your mother06:28
Semen_Dickmancan any one help me with this06:28
Semen_Dickmanis it my pghone's fault or ubuntu;s06:28
ubottuHelp! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici,  jpds,  gnomefreak, bazhang,  Flannel, ikonia, maco, h00k, IdleOne, bkerensa, nhandler, Jordan_U, DJones or k1l!06:29
Semen_Dickmanmother buck06:29
Semen_Dickmanhelp me now bitches06:29
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Semen_Dickmanim in ubuntu..is ubuntu somekinda uganda africa region?06:35
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wyongjunHow can I install gstreamer 1.0 in Ubuntu 1.04?07:06
wyongjunHow can I install gstreamer 1.0 in Ubuntu 13.04?07:06
wyongjunPackage gstreamer-1.0 was not found in the pkg-config search path.07:06
wyongjunPerhaps you should add the directory containing `gstreamer-1.0.pc'07:06
wyongjunto the PKG_CONFIG_PATH environment variable07:06
wyongjunNo package 'gstreamer-1.0' found07:06
wyongjunPackage gstreamer-1.0 was not found in the pkg-config search path.07:06
FloodBot1wyongjun: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.07:06
wyongjunPerhaps you should add the directory containing `gstreamer-1.0.pc'07:06
wyongjunPackage gstreamer-1.0 was not found in the pkg-config search path.07:07
wyongjunPerhaps you should add the directory containing `gstreamer-1.0.pc'07:07
wyongjunto the PKG_CONFIG_PATH environment variable07:07
wyongjunNo package 'gstreamer-1.0' found07:07
wyongjunPackage gstreamer-1.0 was not found in the pkg-config search path.07:07
FloodBot1wyongjun: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.07:07
wyongjunPerhaps you should add the directory containing `gstreamer-1.0.pc'07:07
KriShaNsinin the Terminal, is "sudo apt-get install konversation" the same as "sudo apt-get install Konversation" ? the capital letter K being the difference. same thing?07:10
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doleyb_KriShaNsin: the capital K makes it different, and makes it not work07:14
cristian_cI've got a asus WL-330GE device07:15
cristian_cHow can I disable wan with ubuntu in repeater mode?07:16
cristian_cAny ideas?07:16
KriShaNsindoleyb_: oh ok, but I did the lower case from terminal, and it looked like it installed , but the lens couldnt find it. even i rebooted, but Konversation wasnt there, so i had to install by the Ubuntu Software Center. now i got it.i should have checked the terminal text for an error message before i closed it, i just assumed that it was ok.07:17
KriShaNsinso if i want to completely remove an app and reinstall it , i type sudo apt-get remove <app name>?07:20
wilee-nileeKriShaNsin, To completely remove run sudo apt-get purge <app name>07:21
KriShaNsinwilee-nilee: oh ok so purge is the end all command. got it thanks i was hazy on that point07:21
wilee-nileethis removes the config as well07:21
KriShaNsinend all= +config . got it .07:21
KriShaNsinso then the remove command removes the app and then leaves the config file i got it now thanks07:22
wilee-nileeno problem07:22
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vlad24bithow do record what pulseaudio is playing?07:25
vlad24bitdoes anyone know how I can record a cd playing with a guitar on the mic input07:26
KriShaNsinafter installing an app through the terminal, what do i have do to get it to show up in the lens? or is it supposed to already? and should i always run sudo apt-get update after installing an app?07:27
KriShaNsin*unity lens07:27
KriShaNsin*installing app through terminal i mean07:28
aladdinhow do you run ruby code from the terminal?07:29
crazyhorseon ubuntu what should i be using for a firewall, just iptables07:29
applejacks2can you run a live usb stick, and then expand the file system of ubuntu onto that usb stick, and it'll act like a normal hdd, right?07:29
applejacks2that way all the changes you make is saved on the usb stick?07:29
crazyhorsealaddin: ruby -e "command"07:30
auronandaceKriShaNsin: sudo apt-get update refreshes the repos to make sure you are fetching what is current (you do it before installing an app)07:30
crazyhorsealaddin: or irb for an interactive console07:30
aladdincrazyhorse: irb?07:30
crazyhorsealadding: type it an dplay07:30
crazyhorseand play*07:30
crazyhorseirb = interactive-ruby07:31
aladdinok, thanks07:31
vlad24biti need a way to record the pulseaudio speakers07:31
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KriShaNsinin Ubuntu 12.04 LTS there was a way to connect to ssh on the top panel left side you could just click the option "connect to server" from the nautilus dropdown menu there under file. where is that option on raring ringtail  main?07:33
KriShaNsin*13.04? i cant find that option here07:33
KriShaNsinnow it just says Ubuntu Desktop there. and clicking it does nothing07:34
KriShaNsinwhat is the Browse Network button and why when i open it it has a Windows Network folder there and when i open that i get an error?07:37
aeon-ltdKriShaNsin: old samba share?07:37
KriShaNsinaeon-ltd: i dont even know what that is07:38
aeon-ltda protocol used to do file sharing between windows and linux+mac07:38
KriShaNsinaeon-ltd: do i need that folder ? how do i get rid of it?07:38
aeon-ltdno idea til you can truly identify it07:39
aladdincrazyhorse: help me if you know this, how do u run this: http://paste.ubuntu.com/5800806/07:39
crazyhorsealaddin: stick it an file chmod +x the file07:41
crazyhorsethen just run it07:41
KriShaNsinaeon-ltd: http://imagebin.org/26253707:41
crazyhorseok i have a webserver running... do i need to allow ANY outgoing ports?07:41
aeon-ltdKriShaNsin: you probably created it or it's just there as a placeholder (i'm not running ubuntu currently so i cannot confirm)07:42
KriShaNsinhow do i get rid of it ?07:42
aeon-ltdKriShaNsin: why? it seems harmless07:43
KriShaNsinaeon-ltd: it creeps me out!07:43
KriShaNsinaeon-ltd: i need it gone07:43
aeon-ltdthat's irrational.07:44
aladdincrazyhorse: aha, ok let me try it out07:45
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karvenAnyone online?07:47
aeon-ltdkarven: we are all bots assigned by the NSA to get intel from you07:48
notdanHi! What is the status of SELinux on Ubuntu?07:49
notdanI've been googling around but didn't get much relevant recent information07:49
ikonianotdan: what do you mean what's it's status ?07:50
notdanWell I read in a bunch of places (forums, wiki) that it's broken and it's not recommended for use in Ubuntu07:50
ikonianotdan: I don't see it as "broken", but Ubuntu is designed around aparmor instead07:51
notdanbut it should be OK if I want to use it to restrict some of my processes?07:51
ikonianotdan: I don't see why you'd have a problem if you understand it and have sound policies07:52
notdanok, thanks07:52
ikonianotdan: I've used it in an earlier release and it worked, however it was too much effort as very little was aware of selinux due to aparmor, so it made more sense to use aparmor07:53
notdani was just troubled by the sudden bad press :S07:53
thermomanafter the last kde update some days ago now i got several user reports that their kde desktop is so slow it's unusable. klicking an icon to open up an app takes 3 minutes or more. on quadcore hardware not older that 3 years07:53
notdanWhat do you mean by very little was aware?07:53
karvenHow to install Ubuntu kylin?07:54
ikonianotdan: some of the applications where not selinux aware, and their policies where set up for aparmor, so needed effort to configure07:54
ikoniakarven kylin ?07:54
ikoniakarven: what do you mean "no"? you just asked for it07:54
notdanah, I see07:55
notdanthank ikonia07:55
karvenWho can speak Chinese?07:55
applejacks2Okay, buying a motherboard, and would like some input to see if it'll play nicely with ubuntu07:55
ikonia!cn | karven07:56
ubottukarven: 如欲獲得中文的協助,請輸入 /join #ubuntu-cn 或 /join #ubuntu-tw07:56
somsip!hardware | applejacks207:56
ubottuapplejacks2: For lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection07:56
applejacks2Intel NM70 North Bridge, Celeron [Sandy Brdige] CPU: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E1681313535007:56
karvenOh I see Thank you!07:56
KriShaNsinhow do i disable bluetooth from my user panel and also after sed oneliner there is no bluetooth in startup applications either.07:56
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KriShaNsini want to disable bluetooth at start up07:57
KriShaNsinand remove from user pane;07:57
applejacks2somsip: if you would of looked, you would of seen that the socket isn't on that list07:58
applejacks2which is why I asked07:58
ikoniaapplejacks2 you'll need to research that device against generic linux support to get an idea of it's support levels07:59
ikoniaapplejacks2: the internet, the ubuntu wiki, the linux hardware compatability site07:59
ikoniaapplejacks2: https://friendly.ubuntu.com/08:00
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applejacks2ikonia: i'm talking about a motherboar,d not a system08:00
kilonuxhello! need help  to read lost mails still present in INBOX,sbd  , TB17.06 on Ubuntu12.0408:01
ikoniaapplejacks2: yes I know, but if you apply some logic you can work it out08:01
applejacks2I don't see it on that list either08:01
applejacks2I looked at a couple of website, and it doesn't have what I'm looking for, which is why I deided to ask here08:01
ikoniaapplejacks2: apply logic - look for a device that shares hardware components and check it's certification08:01
OghamHow do I configure usb_storage quirks on 13.04? I have a portable media player (mass storage not MTP) - I tried 'options usb_storage quirks=0755:2205:bmw' in /etc/modprobe.d/colorflyc4.conf but it appears to have no effect (on reboot), whilst 'echo "0755:2205:bmw" >> /sys/module/usb_storage/parameters/quirks' *does* and the device automounts..08:05
OghamAm I using an old config mechanism?08:06
crazyhorsewhat ports do i need open on a webserver?   outbound: none?   inbound: 22, 443, 80   is that it?08:06
ikoniacrazyhorse: 80 and 443 - 22 is nothing to do with a webserver08:06
crazyhorseikonia: i need to ssh onto the thing :)08:06
applejacks2still can't find any info08:07
ikoniaapplejacks2: I'm sorry that's just unacceptable.08:07
applejacks2most of it is just bullcrap nothing really about it08:09
ikoniaapplejacks2: first 8 hits on google show excellent information08:09
ikoniaapplejacks2: there is nothing "bullcrap" about it08:09
ikoniaapplejacks2: it will work - there you go, I've done the work for you08:09
applejacks2oh really? does it state it'll work with ubuntu?08:09
applejacks2now I found a website that showed good info, and was not the first 808:10
raedovguys I've 2 PC's on the network one of them i installed ubuntu on it , the other PC comes with windows 7 , how can i share files between both of them ?08:10
applejacks2the first 8 was just bs, not even talking about it it supported it or anything, just related the words ubuntu into it08:10
ikoniaapplejacks2: the first 8 hits showed it as good support and I've just told you it's supported on linux, so use it with confidence08:10
ikoniaapplejacks2: please stop saying things are "BS" when its cleaer you have no idea, so you're not in a place to say things are true or not08:11
applejacks2but maybe it was just the way I typed it into the search engine08:11
applejacks2you must of worded it differently08:11
applejacks2but thank you for the help08:11
crazyhorsehow do you block outgoing traffic on a server?08:12
ikoniacrazyhorse: use iptables via ubuntu firewall (UFW)08:12
crazyhorseallow 443/tcp << says allow incoming?  or allow incoming and outgoing?08:13
ikoniacrazyhorse: depends on your rule08:14
crazyhorsei'm writing them.. i'm guessing the servers don't need to have access to ANY outgoing ports08:14
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crazyhorseand that i just need 22,80,443 incoming08:14
llutzcrazyhorse: well, what port do you think your webserver sends the answer to?08:17
crazyhorsesome random high-numbered one08:17
OghamOk, still stuck! So is creating an arbitrarily named .conf file in /etc/modprobe.conf the correct way to add quirks for usb_storage? Is there something else I am missing?08:17
crazyhorsebut doesn't work like NAT, i.e. it tags the incoming request and allows outbound ones08:18
crazyhorsein response08:18
LionthinkerHi everyone, can someone help me08:18
llutzcrazyhorse: if your rules allow that (established)08:18
hairyseawardoops nvm last post . Sorry08:18
crazyhorsellutz: I'm not sure, that's why i'm asking :D08:18
LionthinkerI backed up using duplicity and restored my machine, now there seems to be an error08:19
Lionthinkerthe problem comes with Ubuntu one, and the sync file08:20
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histoLionthinker: the error may be of use to elicit a response.08:23
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OghamStrangely... I didn't need any of this usb quirk crap on FreeBSD!?08:24
ikoniaOgham: you're not using freebsd - so that has no relevence.08:25
raedovguys is there a problem if i install the kernel 3.9.708:26
histoOgham: What is the ultimate end goal that you are trying to add stuff to modprobe for?08:26
ikoniaraedov: why would you do that ?08:26
Lionthinkerhisto: well actually its about finding the sync file08:26
Lionthinkeri don't want to upload/download my entire cloud08:26
thecodeischaosyou can download clouds?08:27
ikoniathecodeischaos: what ?08:27
raedovikonia: someone told me after install this kernel everything is better08:28
ikoniaraedov: so you're just going to blindly do it for no reason ?08:28
Oghamhisto: So that this media player will automount when I plug it in, I can enable the quirk on the usb_storage module on the fly via /sys/module.. but It doesn't seem to work when I add the rule to a .conf in /etc/modprobe.d08:28
ikoniaraedov: that is a foolish approach in my experience and opinion08:28
raedovshould i stay with the default kernel in ubuntu08:28
Oghamikonia: sorry, its just that I don't even need to set a quirk on FreeBSD, and it 'just works'08:28
ikoniaraedov: the fact that you don't know if it will cause a problem (hence asking here) and you still want to install it shows an unwise decision08:28
ikoniaOgham: again, I don't see any relevence08:29
raedovikonia: aha thank you :)08:29
vltBut if nothing ever gets better in this world it’s clearly raedov’s fault08:29
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histoOgham: why don't you make a udev rule?08:30
OrderPickerHi there, is there already a ubuntu distri which includes postgresql 9.* ?08:31
Oghamhisto: so that is a better alternative to specifying the quirk under /etc/modprobe.d? If it works I am happy!08:31
=== OrderPicker is now known as ShoeBaloo
zoozhey people08:33
ludwig_hey guys, im pretty noobish so be nice but, i have a folder on my desktop that somehow got locked, it has a little lock icon on it,  if I navigate to the desktop via the terminal , what command should i issue to remove it?08:33
zoozhow can I set environment variables within a pbuilder environment when I build packages?08:33
histoOgham: not quite sure what a quirk is08:33
Oghamhisto: well in this case, see the 'usb-storage.quirks=' section here: https://www.kernel.org/doc/Documentation/kernel-parameters.txt08:34
histoOgham: I would just create a udev rule that when that device is plugged in to mount it to some directory. Although the usb device should be auto mounted anyway.08:35
Oghamhisto: Unfortunately the kernel/usb_storage module drops the device within 5 seconds of plugging it in, it only shows up under lsusb for a few seconds :(08:36
Oghamhisto: The quirk fixes this though08:36
histoOgham: okay so then what's the question?08:36
Oghamhisto: How do I set the quirk permanently :)08:36
Ogham10:05 < Ogham> How do I configure usb_storage quirks on 13.04? I have a portable media player (mass storage not MTP) - I tried 'options usb_storage quirks=0755:2205:bmw' in /etc/modprobe.d/colorflyc4.conf but it  appears to have no effect (on reboot), whilst 'echo "0755:2205:bmw" >> /sys/module/usb_storage/parameters/quirks' *does* and the device automounts..08:37
ShoeBalooHi there, is there already a ubuntu distri which includes postgresql 9.* ?08:37
crazyhorsehmm on my computer i'm trying "nc -l 12345" and i can "nc 12345" locally fine but not from another computer08:40
crazyhorseany idea why not?08:40
ikoniacrazyhorse: what ??08:41
histoOgham: No idea on that one.08:42
crazyhorseikonia: when i try from another computer anything i type doesn't appear on the nc server08:42
histo!info postgresql | ShoeBaloo08:42
ubottuShoeBaloo: postgresql (source: postgresql-common (140)): object-relational SQL database (supported version). In component main, is optional. Version 9.1+140 (raring), package size 6 kB, installed size 67 kB08:42
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ikoniacrazyhorse: how are you connecting to port 12345 ?08:42
crazyhorseby typing "nc 12345" on the remote computer08:42
histocrazyhorse: firewall?08:43
crazyhorseno firewalls setup08:43
ikoniathats not how you use it, but the odds are something is blocking you connecting to 1234508:43
ShoeBaloo!info postgresql | ShoeBaloo08:43
ubottuShoeBaloo: postgresql (source: postgresql-common (140)): object-relational SQL database (supported version). In component main, is optional. Version 9.1+140 (raring), package size 6 kB, installed size 67 kB08:43
crazyhorsei'm getting weird results from ping08:43
ikoniacrazyhorse: ping has nothing to do with it08:43
crazyhorseikonia: yeah firewall is turned off on both computers08:44
ikoniacrazyhorse: telnet to port 12345 on the remote computer08:45
crazyhorsewifi routers not giving me an ip08:49
crazyhorsemaybe it's screwing everything up08:49
ikoniaerrrr if you don't have an IP you're not on the network08:49
ikoniathat will cause network problems for you08:49
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crazyhorsenah i've got an ip on wireless netowrk08:49
crazyhorsejust not on the wired network08:49
crazyhorsei'm going to reboot it08:50
crazyhorseand see if i can ssh from one computer to the other08:50
ikoniacrazyhorse: then why did you see wifi router is not giving you an IP ?]08:50
crazyhorsei've got no idea why it isin't08:50
ikoniayou've just said you have an IP08:50
ikoniaso you're just contradicting yourself08:50
crazyhorseWIFI: yes ETHERNET: No08:50
ikoniacrazyhorse: yes, so why would the wifi router give you an ethernet address08:51
ikoniacrazyhorse: the wifi and ethernet are not on the same network/subnet are they ?08:51
crazyhorseyeah they are08:51
ikoniawhy are you trying to get two interfaces on the same network, that's going to screw your routing08:51
crazyhorsei'll be right back .. need to test just on ethernet08:51
karvenHow to clear chat history?08:55
histokarven: /clear08:56
grahamsavageikonia: router has died08:56
MonkeyDustkarven  guess it depends on your irc clinet08:56
histokarven: depends on your client though08:56
dagerikis the npm(node.js package manager) package usable? im trying to use it to install express(a JS framework) but im getting errors08:56
grahamsavageikonia: i'm guessing that's the cause of these issues08:57
histodagerik: there is a node.js channel on freenode08:57
OghamOh my Jeez...08:57
histograhamsavage: are you crazyhorse?08:57
somsipdagerik: I admin I installed from the PPA recently. Flawless operation so far. Only because repo version of node is about 6.X and PPA is 10.12 But see !PPA09:00
karvenWho is administractor?09:02
oliver3Hey there. Does anybody know if it's possible to override the "Provides" list of a package? I need to install a package that depends on sun-java6-jre, but want to install openjdk-6-jre instead.09:02
dagerikwhy doesn't apt-cache show npm show which version of upstream npm is packaged?09:03
blazemoredagerik: Should it?09:04
dagerikblazemore: i need to know09:04
blazemoredagerik: What does it say under the "filename" section?09:05
dagerikblazemore: Filename: pool/universe/n/npm/npm_1.1.4~dfsg-2_all.deb09:05
histodagerik: --no-install-recomends  or something like that.09:05
blazemoredagerik: http://www.ducea.com/2006/06/17/ubuntu-package-version-naming-explanation/ that might be of some interest09:06
histohelps if I could spell. --no-install-recommends09:06
aladdinhow do you run ruby file?09:11
aladdini did this chmod +x file09:11
somsipaladdin: possibly, if you have a valid shebang in it, it should run under the ruby binary09:11
dagerikblazemore: kthxbye09:12
* Ogham eats 23 cubic fucktons of yellow mold09:12
IndustrialHi. My Xmodmap keeps resetting. I dont know why. How do I find out?09:13
Industrialwell, the rules for the keyboard keep resetting and I have to do $ xmodmap ~/.Xmodmap09:13
aladdinsomsip: how do i know if there is valid one?09:13
somsipIndustrial: do you ever swap keyboard layout?09:13
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Semen_Dickmanhow to uninstall ubuntu and install windows 8??09:13
somsipaladdin: something like #! /bin/ruby on the first line. Or wherever the path to ruby is09:14
Industrialsomsip: no but I keep switching between the VM and my windows host09:14
blazemoreIndustrial: Are you using XFCE by any chance?09:14
Semen_Dickmanhow to uninstall ubuntu and install windows 8??09:14
somsipIndustrial: hmm. Doesn't reset it here.09:14
blazemoreSemen_Dickman: You don't "uninstall" Ubuntu09:14
IndustrialWindows -> VmWare Player -> Ubuntu -> Dynamic WIndow Manager09:14
blazemoreSemen_Dickman: Just install Windows 8 as normal, and let it nuke your disk09:14
blazemoreIndustrial: Do you have any kind of keyboard layout switching applet?09:15
blazemoreIndustrial: Do you have Scim installed?09:15
aladdinsomsip: #!user/bin/ruby that's the start of it09:16
Industrialit actually works fine in unity09:16
Industrialjust not in another window manager that is not a 'desktop environment'09:16
Semen_Dickmanwhich is better windows 8 or ubuntu09:16
somsipaladdin: nope. Try #! /usr/bin/runy09:16
Industrialblazemore: Scim whats that09:16
blazemoreIndustrial: No, then09:16
Semen_Dickmanwhat are the features of ubuntu than windos 8?09:16
blazemoreIndustrial: It's possibly a bug, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/unity/+bug/108445109:16
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1084451 in unity (Ubuntu) "xmodmap modifications get reset once and a while" [Undecided,Confirmed]09:16
somsipSemen_Dickman: change your nickname please09:16
blazemoreSemen_Dickman is possibly a channel troll09:17
Industrialblazemore: ok, thanks ill keep watch :)09:17
blazemoreIndustrial: In the mean-time, you could hack around it by setting up a cron-job to run your xmodmap command09:17
Semen_Dickmanfuck you man i choose my real name09:17
Semen_Dickmanfuck you09:17
FloodBot1Semen_Dickman: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.09:17
somsip!ops | troll09:17
ubottutroll: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici,  jpds,  gnomefreak, bazhang,  Flannel, ikonia, maco, h00k, IdleOne, bkerensa, nhandler, Jordan_U, DJones or k1l!09:17
aladdinsomsip: ok, one mistake :). let me try it out09:17
=== adellam_ is now known as adellam
somsipaladdin: you saw my typo? I didn't really mean /usr/bin/runy ...09:20
aladdinsomsip: still not running. plz have a look http://paste.ubuntu.com/5800806/09:20
aladdin#! usr/bin/ruby09:21
blazemoreallight: What happens when you just run /usr/bin/ruby on its own?09:21
somsipaladdin: I have no idea about the script. If ruby is located at /usr/bin/ruby then it should run AFAIK.09:21
aladdinsomsip: AFAIK?09:22
somsipaladdin: as far as I know. It means I don;t have exhaustive knowledge of ruby09:22
blazemoreI don't think Ruby itsself is the issue here09:22
blazemorealaddin: What happens when you just run /usr/bin/ruby on its own?09:23
aladdinblazemore: thinking or stuck.09:24
aladdinmore stuck09:24
markclhow do i disable nginx so i can enable apache?09:24
blazemoremarkcl: chkconfig -s nginx off09:26
aladdinblazemore: darkness and emptiness, what would it mean?09:26
blazemorealaddin: Can you type anything in it?09:26
blazemoreCan you execute any ruby commands, for example?09:26
aladdinblazemore: yep09:26
SnypeMyrtti, whatcha smoking buddy?09:26
blazemoreRight so Ruby is working. What happens when you try to execute your script with ./your_script_name ?09:27
=== Dv0rak is now known as cm710
angswhat GUI program do I need to use to read a binary file?09:35
jattyou are welcome09:36
histoangs: you can use any hex editor09:36
angshisto, what hex editor would you recommend me to install?09:38
qurskguys my ubuntu just crashed on last night09:38
qurskand i booted up by ubuntu live cd09:38
qurskbut i cant see the rescue a broken system09:38
qurskhow can i open that ?09:38
histoangs: hexedit or xxd  depends on what you are trying to do I guess.09:38
angsthank you histo09:38
qurski wanna recover my crashed system09:39
qurskbut live cd wont list the recover option09:39
blazemoreqursk: That's a very very broad request; it depends how your system "crashed". Is your Ubuntu installation currently unbootable?09:39
blazemoreWhat happened?09:39
qurski tried to make something on gparted and just because im not an experienced user09:40
qurskive done something wrong and after restarting the pc it didnt boot09:40
blazemoreRight.... gparted is included on the LiveCD so you can use that to see what the damage is09:40
blazemoreDo you get an error when you try to boot normally?09:40
qurskeverything is perfect09:40
qurskeverything was perfecting till last night09:40
qurskhad no any problem09:40
blazemoreDo you get an error when you try to boot normally?09:41
histo!enter | qursk09:41
ubottuqursk: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line. Don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!09:41
blazemoreqursk: What I mean is, if you tried to boot into your normal Ubuntu right now, what would you see? So far all I know is that it won't boot09:41
qurskI had no problems during my boots it all happened after gparted09:41
qurskwhen i want to boot normally all i get is a blank screen with an underscore and cant type anything there09:42
=== brandon is now known as Guest36538
qurskjust a blank screen with underscore thats all i have09:42
itarapci've a problem in my desktop09:43
blazemoreqursk: What were you trying to do in gparted, and what do you think you might have done by mistake?09:43
MonkeyDust!nomodeset | qursk try this09:43
ubottuqursk try this: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter09:43
itarapcthe problem is grub rescue and doesn't mount the partition09:43
blazemoreitarapc: I'm about to post a link which should help both you and qursk09:43
qurskwell ubuntu is installed to hdd in all partition i just wanted to have some parts from ubuntu to install other linux distros but unfortunately i ve done something cant even recall right now caused the crash09:44
itarapcthank u blazemore09:44
qurskthanks blazemore09:44
blazemoreThat link explains how to reinstall the bootloader (Grub) - qursk it's possible you broke your bootloader by mistake, and itarapc this will almost certainly fix your problem09:45
itarapcdidn't mount the disk but shows in the command of fdisk -l09:45
qurskhow we gonna open the place to type those codes in the link ?09:45
qursknear Boot: ?09:45
blazemoreqursk: Sorry, from a liveCD09:45
qurskyes i do have livecd and when i boot from livecd all i get is asking me install ubuntu, try ubuntu without installing etc.09:46
LucidDreamZzZedit /etc/default/grub, thedn run update-grub209:46
blazemoreqursk: try ubuntu09:46
itarapcto qursk try ubuntu09:46
qurskoh where will it take me to ?09:46
qurskinto the place where i can right all those command ?09:46
MonkeyDustqursk  to a live session09:46
itarapcto the liveuser09:47
blazemoreI need to be AFK for an hour or so now09:47
qurskok thanks09:47
itarapcok qursk09:47
qurskhope it i can reinstall grub so no more pains cause i really have important docs in my hdd09:47
LucidDreamZzZi just remembered that vid card still not work...09:48
=== william is now known as Guest61362
MonkeyDustqursk  important documents should be backupped (backed up?)09:49
Guest61362..any UbuntuStudio people here?09:49
LucidDreamZzZjust edit grub make boot to X09:49
MonkeyDustGuest61362  #ubuntu-studio09:49
qurski had an error for back up on yesterday before i got crash09:49
=== Litepool is now known as meelu
qursktry ubuntu without installing hope this will help me and i ll save all my files to my hdd and reinstall ubuntu again09:50
ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub209:50
qurski think i also have problems in repos too causing me problems when i try to install09:50
qurskupdates thats why i have to use terminal when i want to update09:50
MonkeyDustqursk  while installing, create a separate /home, it will save you a lot of pains09:51
qursknope i just have ubuntu installed09:51
qurskor just /home ?09:51
qurskMonkeyDust : u mean just /home folder or /dev/sda/home ?09:52
MonkeyDustqursk  you'll see... /home and / and swap on separate partitions09:53
qurskok thank you just being curious in which manner will be helpful ?09:54
laureldoes anyone know how to stop/ignore these "join" and "quit" messages,.,.,09:54
MonkeyDustqursk  with separate /home, you can easily fresh install or reinstall, without touching your personal files09:55
MonkeyDustlaurel  depends on your irc clients09:55
qurskaham i understand its good idea09:55
qurskthanks monkeydust im very thankful09:55
itarapchai guys my pc doesn't show the partition09:55
Jordan_UMonkeyDust: qursk: Ubuntu's installer allows you to preserve /home/ when re-installing, even without a separate /home/ partition.09:55
MonkeyDustqursk  good luck, partitioning is the hardest part when learning linux09:55
itarapcit shows the pac something else09:55
laurelMonkeyDust: i am using webchat.freenode.net09:55
qurski hope i ll be able to reach my files so i can store them and reinstall on home09:56
=== Guest96165 is now known as bitnumus
MonkeyDustqursk  when you're in the live session, try and backup your personal files to a safe place09:56
itarapcit shows the pac something else09:57
Jordan_Uitarapc: Please pastebin the output of "sudo parted -l" and explain what you mean by "doesn't show the partition" (What doesn't? How are you trying to list partitions?) and "it shows the pac something else" (I have no idea what that sentence means).09:58
itarapcsorry jordan_u when i install the ubuntu with the live cd no hard disks shown09:59
Jordan_Uitarapc: OK. Please run "sudo parted -l" in the terminal and post the output to http://pastebin.ubuntu.com and post a link to that here.10:00
Jordan_Uitarapc: I also still don't understand what "it shows the pac something else" means.10:00
itarapcjordan_u: it is not pac it's PDC-EBAFBHFTAJ110:05
itarapcthe partition windows has only these pdc-ebafbhftaj1 & pdc-ebafbhftaj10:06
itarapcjordan-u: the partition windows has only these pdc-ebafbhftaj1 & pdc-ebafbhftaj10:06
=== meelu is now known as litepool
itarapcjordan r u there?10:08
leehambleythis might sound insane, I'm not sure - but I need to modify a netinst image to reformat a hard disk using lvm and unpack a tarball (part of integration testing an OS bootstrapping procedure) - does anyone know if the initrd buxybox has the tools for working iwth lvm ?10:09
Jordan_Uitarapc: Yes.10:10
Jordan_Uitarapc: Are you still working on getting the output of "sudo parted -l"?10:11
tearsHey I know this is off topic but spread the word "Stop the Elephant Slaughter in Kenya."  Sign the petition here: http://www.avaaz.org/en/petition/Stop_the_Elephant_Slaughter_in_Kenya/?cZQPZeb10:14
Jordan_Utears: Since you know it's offtopic you shouldn't post it. Please don't do so again.10:15
hadifarnoudI limited access to SSH port and port 10000 and 20000 by an specific IP. it was all working well. after restart, I cannot connect to SSH with that IP. this is my iptables. http://pastebin.com/F1JNgw6w any idea?10:15
nasirhi am new to xubuntu.10:15
tearsJordan_U It's a good cause. Anyway thank you.10:15
Jordan_Utears: It doesn't matter how good the cause is, this channel is for Ubuntu support discussion only.10:16
tearsJordan_U Okay. I'm out.10:17
san-d-wichIm looking for a remote desktop program for Ubuntu. I already use Remmina that came with Ubuntu but I want to be able to connect to Dameware servers.10:18
somsiphadifarnoud: IIRC it's recommended to keep ports for system services below 102410:18
hadifarnoudsomsip: they are virtualmin ports. I limited SSH port by IP address. i.e I can connect from home only. see my iptables10:19
Jordan_Uhadifarnoud: Is sshd listening on those ports? (check "netstat -l")10:20
somsiphadifarnoud: irrespective of the advice that it is not worth doing, read the last paragraph of the answer with 49 votes http://is.gd/kjOZ4510:20
hadifarnoudJordan_U: no. SSH port has not changed. I limited ssh access to my IP address only. I did the same for port 10000 and 20000 which are virtualmin ports10:22
hadifarnoudlooks like I didn't explain it well.10:22
Guest61362...noone responded in #ubuntu ppc10:23
Guest61362any ppc people here?10:23
hadifarnoudI limited access to SSH port to my IP address. I saved the rules and rebooted. after iptables restore, even I can't access ssh port. is the order of my iptables rules wrong? http://pastebin.com/F1JNgw6w10:24
Guest61362<---running ubuntustudio with no lag10:25
ubottuPowerPC.  Formerly used by Apple for the Macintosh line of computers. Variants are now used in popular gaming consoles. PPC was a fully supported Ubuntu architecture up to and including edgy. It is now a community port, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PowerPCFAQ10:26
zoozis there a way to set environment variables for pbuilder process which runs in a chroot environment when building packages?10:26
j31hey, where is the system-wide default locale set? (I guess a user usually doesn't set its locale, right?)10:27
Guest61362<--has several pppc versions of ubuntu, none will install because of my geoforce 6600 issues mac g510:27
Guest61362waiting for the ubuntuppc channel to perk up10:27
gnuyogazooz: have u tried setting up in /etc/devscripts.conf  or in  ~/.devscripts10:27
zoozgnuyoga, no, /me is looking what devscripts is10:28
gnuyogazooz: this https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PbuilderHowto will be handy for you10:28
Guest61362<---got eclipse and eclipse parallel working this evening10:29
Guest61362gnuyoga...should the ubuntuppc channel get hopping later this morning..or should I wait until the afternoon?10:30
hadifarnoudI limited access to SSH port to my IP address. I saved the rules and rebooted. after iptables restore, even I can't access ssh port. is the order of my iptables rules wrong? http://pastebin.com/F1JNgw6w10:32
MonkeyDustGuest61362  type /msg alis list *ppc* to know which channels are available      <-- that's with the asterisks10:32
RajeevKFloodBot1: Hi10:34
Guest61362...thanks monkeydust10:34
Guest61362...already logged into ubuntuppc...noone responsing10:35
gnuyogahadifarnoud: don't see a rule for ssh port10:35
Guest61362hi Rajeevk10:35
RajeevKGuest61362: Hello10:36
hadifarnoudgnuyoga: you can see the rule for port 10000. right?10:36
hadifarnoudthat doesn't work either.10:36
gnuyogahadifarnoud: u r running it in 10000 ?10:36
Guest61362gnuyoga..did you see my question?10:36
hadifarnoudgnuyoga: not SSH. but I limited that port by IP too. that's Virtualmin port10:37
gnuyogahadifarnoud: few questions, u r running ur SSH in 22 right or in a different port ?10:38
hadifarnoudgnuyoga: 2210:38
gnuyogahadifarnoud: and u want to limit the access to port 22 by a certain IP ?10:38
=== Shaun__ is now known as Shaun
hadifarnoudgnuyoga: yes. for SSH and Virtualmin ports (10000 and 20000)10:39
Eze_i need the spanish channel10:40
sharpshooterhi, folks what is virtual temperature in linux ?10:41
Guest61362google it10:41
MonkeyDust!google | Guest6136210:42
ubottuGuest61362: While Google is useful for helpers, many newer users don't have the google-fu yet. Please don't tell people to "google it" when they ask a question.10:42
Guest61362please ask gnuyoga if he can answer my question10:42
k1l!spanish | Eze_10:43
ubottuEze_: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y presione intro.10:43
sharpshooterGuest61362:  Now am here not in google i love IRC10:43
Eze_Thx ubottu10:43
hadifarnoudGuest61362: patience is the name of the game. people eventually answer but if you don't have the patience, ask on StackExchange10:43
MonkeyDustGuest61362  repeat your question every 10-15 minutes and wait until someone enters who knows the answer10:43
k1l!patience | Guest6136210:44
ubottuGuest61362: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com/ or http://ubuntuforums.org/ or http://askubuntu.com/10:44
gnuyogahadifarnoud: and ur virtual min port 10000 is mapped to ur ssh 22 right ?10:44
hadifarnoudgnuyoga: no. I just wanted to limit these ports by IP10:45
k1lGuest61362: see the other places mentioned to ask a question. ppc is not that common nowadays10:45
* gnuyoga is :( 10:45
Guest61362if you know Monkeydust..tell me,,,does ubuntuppc channel become more active this morning (9pm cst)..or should I come back after 3 pm cst?10:45
hadifarnoudgnuyoga: I guess my FQDN doesn't work. I could ssh if I use server IP instead of FQDN :)10:46
gnuyogahadifarnoud: do a dig on ur FQDN then10:46
MonkeyDustGuest61362  i'm unfamiliar with ppc, maybe someone else knows better10:46
gnuyogahadifarnoud: perhaps its resolving to a different IP10:46
hadifarnoudgnuyoga: thanks. I think PSAD is to blame10:47
gnuyogahadifarnoud: as far as iptables is concerned it works on IP layer10:47
Guest61362well thank you for a quick answer ;  )10:47
gnuyogahadifarnoud: okies10:47
Guest61362noone there yet10:47
MonkeyDustGuest61362  linux is not mainstream and ppc is also uncommon, i guess you won't find much support10:47
Guest61362<---is patient, but the blogs on Ubuntu can get confusing10:48
Guest61362I did get Crux ppc working on my mac g5..but no gui10:49
Guest61362<--on an intel box now....running ubuntu studio10:50
Guest61362latency version is nice10:51
=== bedahr__ is now known as bedahr
zoozgnuyoga, devscipts does not seem to help10:52
itarapcJordan_u: yes but it shows the current partition not the earlier one?10:53
gnuyogazooz: u might have to get out of the session and start the session again to have the env variables take effect10:54
sharpshooteri installed psensor in my ubuntu 13.04 it show that  lmsensor acpitz-virtual-0 temp5 is 100%10:55
zoozthe problem I am having is that when pbuilder executes debian/rules instructions10:55
zoozgnuyoga, it does not see env vars I set10:55
compdocsharpshooter, not all temps being reported are correct. In the bios, are the temperatures that are listed there normal?10:56
Guest61362sharpshooter is that a cpu temp sensor..or a gpu temp sensor?10:56
sharpshootercompdoc:  the cpu core 1 and cpu core 2 are correct  it is arround 50-5510:57
gnuyogazooz: http://d.pr/n/pVHv10:58
sharpshooterGuest61362:  i am not sure abt that but am using hp 550 and my its is using intel 965GME/GLEx86/MMX/SSE2 graphics10:59
zoozgnuyoga, right, but this is for the outside of fakeroot environment10:59
zoozgnuyoga, I need to set env variables inside a chroot env pbuilder creates when building packages10:59
sharpshooterGuest61362:  i am confused abt the virtual temp what is that ?11:00
gnuyogazooz: ohhhhhh, i was thinking the other way around11:00
zoozI am not very familiar with makefiles11:00
zoozshould I be setting env variables inside debian/rules11:00
zoozor somewhere esle?11:00
columbSomehow I removed my intel audio card from  "Play sound through" list. How can I get it back? :(11:01
puffI am using a 13.4 live Cd, but it can't seem to find ddrescue. "sudo apt-cache search ddrescue" returns nothing, "sudo apt-cache search gddrescue" returns nothing.  Did ddrescue get removed?11:04
gnuyogazooz: this will help https://blog.theroux.ca/devel/how-to-build-packages-using-pbuilder-on-ubuntu-or-debian-for-beginners/11:04
MonkeyDustpuff  no, it's there; apt-cache does not require sudo11:05
puffMonkeyDust: Okay, so if it's there, how do I get it?11:05
zoozgnuyoga, that part is pretty clear11:06
IszakHow can I proxy all my traffic through my server (ubuntu 12.04) ?11:06
zoozbut thanks11:06
MonkeyDustpuff  sudo apt-get install gddrescue should do11:06
puffMonkeyDust: I already tried that, got E: Unable to locate package gddrescue11:06
MonkeyDustpuff  sudo apt-get update, then try again11:07
puffMonkeyDust: I just update.11:07
puffMonkeyDust: (right before I tried sudo apt-get install gddrescue).11:07
puffSoftware center can't find  it either.11:08
SpainalGood day do not tell me the names of Russian channel?11:08
Guest61362hi Spainal11:09
histo!info gddrescue | puff11:09
ubottupuff: gddrescue (source: gddrescue): GNU data recovery tool. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.16-1 (raring), package size 91 kB, installed size 206 kB11:09
* Ogham overdoses on yellow mold11:09
* Ogham is no more....11:09
histopuff: enable the universe repo11:09
puffhisto: Thanks. Don't know why that didn't occur to me.11:10
itarapcJordan_u: r u thr?11:10
SpainalGuest61362 не подскажешь где тут Русский канал для Ubuntu11:11
Guest61362Spainal...you know anything about Ukrainian diodes?11:11
ubottuПожалуйста наберите /join #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке. | Pozhalujsta naberite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke.11:11
SpainalGuest61362 not prompt where is the Russian channel for Ubuntu11:11
=== bobo`12 is now known as bkolev
SpainalGuest61362 diodes?why should you?11:12
Guest61362...gee the cyrillic works good in Ubuntu11:12
Guest61362<---bought 300 GHz Ukrainian diodes on eBay11:13
histopuff: are you sure you need gddrescue ?11:13
SpainalI do not understand you =))))11:13
k1l!ot | Guest6136211:13
ubottuGuest61362: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!11:13
k1lSpainal: "/join #ubuntu-ru"   to join the russian channel11:14
Guest61362...ubottu....just making small talk...there is no ubuntu -ru channel is there?11:14
Spainalthank you11:14
puffhisto: I'm backing up some partitions.11:14
Guest61362unless he made one11:14
histopuff: well gddrescue can only copy to another block device btw.  Also if you are not trying to recover data I would just use dd11:14
k1lGuest61362: lets stick to technical support in here. for chat we have #ubuntu-offtopic and there is a #ubunturu channel11:14
puffhisto: So technically, no, since the drive isn't failing.  But I like the dd_rescue log and being able to interrupt and resume.  Is there a drawback to using dd_rescue this way?11:14
histopuff: dd should already be installed.11:15
histopuff: gddrescue isn't dd_rescue11:15
puffhisto: Right, ddrescue, not dd_rescue.  I always get those two confused.11:15
histopuff: the dd_rescue that can write to images is the "ddrescue" package.  gddrescue is an entirely different animal. For what you want to do dd would be fine and it's already installed.11:16
histopuff: the one disadvantage would be that I don't believe you can change the default block size with gddrescue or dd_rescue11:16
histopuff: which would slow things down considerably11:17
Guest61362..anyone here seen any good Linus videos?  There were some on linux.com11:17
histoGuest61362: does this have anything to do with #ubuntu?11:18
puffhisto: I've never done anything with block size in dd or ddrescue, I just do a brute force backup of the partition to a file on an external drive.11:18
Guest61362"Linus Torvalds on Ubuntu"?11:18
k1lGuest61362: last time now: we have #ubuntu-offtopic for not technical ubuntu support. so please stop the offtopic in here11:18
Guest61362<---going to offtopic11:18
histopuff: well dd bs=1M if=/dev/of/device of=/path/to/output.img  Would be a lot faster11:18
Spainal"/join #ubuntu-ru" ???11:19
puffhisto: Cool.  The external drive is connected via esata, fwiw.11:19
k1lSpainal: just type in without the "11:19
puffhisto: I'll try the bs=1M parameter.11:20
Spainal#ubuntu-ru Cannot join channel (+r) - you need to be identified with services =((((11:20
histo!register | Spainal11:20
ubottuSpainal: Information about registering your nickname: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat/Registration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available by typing /join #freenode11:20
Guest61362<---waiting in ubuntu-offtopic11:21
bobek_balineki have a little problem with my ubuntu server11:31
histo!problem | bobek_balinek11:31
ubottubobek_balinek: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience11:31
bobek_balinekand no online forum seemed to resolve it11:31
bobek_balinekhttp://askubuntu.com/questions/174710/sbin-getty-process-causing-100-cpu-utilization this happened to me, when traced the process I get an infinitely logged phrase:  read(0, "", 1) = 011:33
bobek_balinekkilling the process doesn't help, it respawns and been running for 14 hours now (i was asleep)11:33
columbBump. Still no idea how do I restore my intel audio card in "Play sound trough" list.11:39
histo!sound | columb11:40
ubottucolumb: If you're having problems with sound, click the Volume applet, then Sound Preferences, and check your Volume, Hardware, Input, and Output settings.  If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files,  see !players and !mp3.11:40
columbhisto, I lost it after trying to get work another audio card. But seems like it's goes bad with ubuntu.11:41
SenorHow can I cancel those irrelevant process initialize at  system startup ?11:42
BluesKaj_Howdy all11:43
histocolumb: does sudo aplay -l   show your card?11:43
columbHello BluesKaj_.11:44
BluesKaj_hi columb11:44
histocolumb: lspci -v | grep -A7 -i "audio"11:45
columbhisto, yeap, it's here.11:45
histocolumb: but it's not being listed by aplay?11:45
smallmousecan someone help with touchpad issues on laptop11:46
histocolumb: lspci -k | grep -A3 -i "audio"11:46
histocolumb: what kernel driver is listed?11:47
smallmousealso suspend mode - can someone tell me what this means ? will my battery continue to be used in suspend mode ?11:47
histosmallmouse: yes11:47
histosmallmouse: your batter is used in suspend mode but not hibernate mode11:47
smallmouseis there a mode which i can freeze everything and shut down11:47
smallmousebut not close all the applications11:47
histosmallmouse: that would be hibernate11:47
Sempuhor turn off11:47
histo!touchpad | smallmouse11:47
ubottusmallmouse: For a comprehensive Synaptics Touchpad guide, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SynapticsTouchpad11:47
smallmousehisto: i cant see hibernate on here just lock log out suspend11:48
smallmousehisto: where is hibernate11:48
columbhisto, http://pastebin.com/nunNjSip11:48
columbSystem currently only shows CA0106. But it's better for me to use Intel audio card.11:49
appi_uppiI am using hpn patched ssh and trying to transfer files using the command rsync -aPv -e "ssh -o NoneSwitch=yes -o NoneEnabled=yes" /tmp/testhpnpatch  username@hpndestination:/tmp/”. But it's failing with the error message "command-line: line 0: Bad configuration option: NoneSwitch rsync: connection unexpectedly closed (0 bytes received so far) [sender] rsync error: unexplained error (code 255) at io.c(601) [sender=3.0.7]"11:49
appi_uppiappreciate any help11:49
histocolumb: pastebin the output of sudo aplay -l11:49
columbhisto, http://pastebin.com/zM5t654z11:50
histoappi_uppi: try rsync -aPv /tmp/testhpnpatch username@hpdnestination:/tmp/11:51
histocolumb: so you don't wish to use the creative labs card?11:52
appi_uppihisto: that works fine.. but I wanna use those ssh options11:52
appi_uppihisto: check this https://wiki.xkyle.com/HPN-SSH_With_The_None_Cipher11:52
histoappi_uppi: well according to your error NoneSwitch isn't an option11:52
appi_uppihisto: but that works fine in rhel11:53
columbhisto, yes. It took me about 6 hours to make it work. But after all it's now randomly speed ups audio and I have no idea what to do with it. So I would like to use Intel11:53
MonkeyDustappi_uppi  man ssh does not show noneswitch11:53
histoappi_uppi: did you add the NoneEnabled to your sshd config?11:53
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histoappi_uppi: are you using HPN-SSH11:54
appi_uppihisto: all setup done according to http://www.psc.edu/index.php/hpn-ssh11:54
appi_uppihisto: yes11:54
histoappi_uppi: then I would contact the author fo the hpn-ssh11:54
appi_uppihisto: as i said.. it works fine in redhat.. but not sure.. why it fails in ubuntu11:54
histocolumb: sudo rmmod snd-ca0106  then does aplay -l show the intel card?11:55
columbhisto, no, it's still same.11:56
MonkeyDustappi_uppi  because ubuntu does not include this hpn-ssh thing11:56
histocolumb: lsmod | grep "snd-ca0106"11:57
histoLBMS: /topic11:57
columbhisto, no output.11:58
mikalkHi , just installed Raring Tail ,11:58
histocolumb: then please post a new pastebin of sudo aplay -l11:58
appi_uppiMonkeyDust: but scp works MonkeyDust11:58
mikalkFusion Icon is not working, someone experienced the same issue (seg fault)?11:59
columbhisto, http://pastebin.com/eteEwg3e11:59
appi_uppiMonkeyDust: i used this command scp -o NoneSwitch=yes -o NoneEnabled=yes /tmp/test.file  root@dst:/tmp/test.file11:59
appi_uppiMonkeyDust: and as per the link.. https://wiki.xkyle.com/HPN-SSH_With_The_None_Cipher.. i got the message WARNING: ENABLED NONE CIPHER test.file11:59
appi_uppiMonkeyDust: not sure why rsync fails12:00
histocolumb: sudo rmmod snd-hda-intel && sudo modprobe snd-hda-intel && sudo aplay -l    Please pastebin the output of that.12:00
columbsudo rmmod snd-hda-intel && sudo modprobe snd-hda-intel && sudo aplay -l12:00
MonkeyDustappi_uppi  it looks like noneswitch is a scp option, not a rsync option12:01
columbERROR: Module snd_hda_intel does not exist in /proc/modules12:01
histocolumb: sudo rmmod snd_hda_intel && sudo modprobe snd_hda_intel && sudo aplay -l    Please pastebin the output of that.12:02
stardust42hey, I have a quick question. Is this the best and latest nvidia driver? http://www.nvidia.com/object/linux-display-amd64-319.32-driver.html12:02
histocolumb: if it errors just sudo modprobe snd_hda_intel && sudo aplay -l12:03
columbhisto, http://pastebin.com/gNvDDzwW12:03
histocolumb: yeah just sudo modprobe snd_hda_intel && sudo aplay -l12:03
appi_uppiMonkeyDust: please have look at this link.. http://www.psc.edu/index.php/hpn-ssh/64012:03
histostardust42: not necessarily the best but it's probably the latest.12:03
histostardust42: use the nvidia driver in the repo.12:03
columbhisto, http://pastebin.com/xqX8yRGN12:04
histo!nvidia > stardust4212:04
ubottustardust42, please see my private message12:04
histoappi_uppi: you realize how little cpu usage there is over ssh encryption right?12:06
stardust42histo: alright thanks, I'll look into that12:06
appi_uppihisto: yeah12:06
histocolumb: now you should be able to select the intel card12:06
histoappi_uppi: then why are you so interested in the NoneSwitch?12:06
MonkeyDustappi_uppi  then maybe your question should be: "how can I use hpn-ssh in ubuntu?" post it on a forum or so12:07
histoappi_uppi: I would email hpn-ssh@psc.edu  as the FAQ page you pasted suggests12:08
appi_uppihisto: have done :)12:08
histoappi_uppi: k12:08
appi_uppiMonkeyDust: sure..12:08
columbhisto, thanks. At least there is "Built-in Audio" now.12:09
MonkeyDustappi_uppi  or even "is it possible to use hpn-ssh in ubuntu?"12:09
appi_uppihisto: and MonkeyDust  Thanks for your suggession12:09
histocolumb: the snd_hda_intel module wasn't loaded12:09
histocolumb: make sure it's not blacklisted from whatever you were trying before... grep "snd_hda_intel" /etc/modprobe.d/*12:10
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columbNo output. And it works. But I can't select 5.1 :(12:11
BluesKaj_columb, to make your intel audio driver loading stick , add this line to /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base.conf , options snd-hda-intel index=012:12
histocolumb: no output is good.  Make sure you don't have the digital selected for output you won't be able to do 5.112:12
=== MartinS is now known as Guest34102
BluesKaj_columb, digital/spdif out is for audio receivers/amplifiers or devices in audio systes that are equipped to convert digital audio to analog12:16
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zoozis there a a channel for ubuntu dev, for packaging issues specifically?12:19
Picizooz: #ubuntu-packaging12:20
columbhisto, it's analog. But I can't select 5.1 https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/27770548/t/au.png12:20
histocolumb: Is it capable of 5.1?12:22
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MonkeyDustzooz  or #ubuntu-app-devel12:25
BluesKaj_columb, real 5.1 is Dolby Digital or DTS digital stream which requires a separate soundsystem , the settings on your speaker system usually determine how the sound is directed to the connected speakers12:25
BluesKaj_columb, try the Soundblaster option12:27
columbBluesKaj_, I don't want to touch it. It randomly speed ups audio.12:28
BluesKaj_then your driver is faulty12:28
columbSeems like intel ALC1200 does not support 5.1.12:29
columbe.g. uses only 2 speakers out of 6.12:30
columbIs there a way to force it to use all speakers?12:33
MonkeyDustcolumb  maybe the people in #ubuntu-studio can help better12:34
BluesKaj_columb, look at the speaker connection options on the subwoofer amp12:37
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columbWhere subwoofer amp is?12:37
Picicolumb: Where do the wires out of your computer to the speakers go?12:39
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lemmyHi, I'm a little lost. My machine requests an IP addr for eth0 right after unlocking the crypted disk which breaks my bonding setup (eth0 is supposed to be a slave for bond0). I can't figure out how to prevent eth0 from requesting and subsequently receiving an IP.12:44
lemmyI'm on 12.1012:46
MagentiumAllo Allo Ubuntu Users!12:48
MonkeyDustlemmy  is this useful http://blog.brightbox.co.uk/posts/howto-do-ethernet-bonding-on-ubuntu-properly12:48
cloneGhello the bongos sound at start up are missing! I followed this thread and it restored the welcome sound but not the bongos: Dash/Applications/Startup Applications12:52
cloneGClick on Add12:52
cloneGName:Startup Sound12:52
cloneGCommand:/usr/bin/canberra-gtk-play --id="desktop-login" --description="GNOME Login sound"12:52
cloneGClick on Add and Close12:52
FloodBot1cloneG: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.12:52
cloneGReboot PC12:52
lemmyMonkeyDust: I've been using my bonding setup on my old laptop (also 12.10) for quite a while without problems. If I manually remove all devices, reload the eth driver and start networking then, it correctly comes up.12:52
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lemmyMonkeyDust: So I doubt that my interfaces config is broken.12:52
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cloneGthe bongos sound is missing I restored the welcome sound doing this: http://paste.ubuntu.com/5801409/ but the bongos are still missing12:54
MonkeyDustlemmy  if your question is beyond this channel, try ##networking12:54
cloneGand one more question...which is the difference between $ sudo su and $ sudo -s ?12:55
BluesKaj_columb, the wires connected to the speakers , they're on the subwoofewr , right? ...look there for options12:55
jribcloneG: I suggest you just use « sudo -i » if you need a root shell.  It will properly reset the environment.  As for your question, there isn't much difference that I am aware of except for the first one probably calling an extra process12:56
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columbAww. Can't find my subwoofer remote control.12:57
columbOh. Found it.12:57
cloneGjrib what do you mean with an extra process?12:57
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jribcloneG: think "bash -c bash" vs "bash"12:58
cloneGjrib that is to say a duplicate12:58
jribcloneG: no12:59
jmlan acquaintance of mine is having trouble UEFI issues with 13.04. he's asked a question on askubuntu, http://askubuntu.com/questions/312927/booting-13-04-64-bit-pendrive-in-uefi-freezes-immediately-after-loading-ramdisk13:04
MonkeyDust!uefi | jml start here13:05
ubottujml start here: UEFI is a specification that defines a software interface between an operating system and platform firmware, it is meant as a replacement for the BIOS. For information on how to set up and install Ubuntu and its derivatives on UEFI machines please read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFI13:05
benediktHow can I change ubuntu's default mountpoints away from /media (preferrably to /mnt). I want to use /media for something else13:06
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histobenedikt: media should be used btw for removable media13:07
Ramsramboneed driver for soundblaster card13:07
BluesKaj_Ramsrambo, run sudo aplay -l , pastebin the output13:08
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A1ReconVLC is not working properly. I cannot see the seek bar and the other functions and not even the "File Edit View Tools" on the top..... Any suggestions??13:11
bfly2000hey has anyone had a problem with their X server trying to be started with a -mir option?13:11
bfly2000where exactly is the line that runs the X server on boot?13:11
RamsramboBluesKaj_: I think it has installed the driver correctly13:11
zoraelDoes anyone know of a software tp cable tester, preferably in the repos?13:12
RamsramboBluesKaj_ : but the DTS sign is gone on my amplifier13:12
RamsramboBluesKaj_: also the o/p of audio is not good as it was earlier13:13
RamsramboBluesKaj_: ever since I installed latest ver of Ubuntu 1213:13
A1ReconVLC is not working properly. I cannot see the seek bar and the other functions and not even the "File Edit View Tools" on the top..... Any suggestions??13:15
ehhhhey guys, i just rebooted my computer and i end up on a error thing with the title "the system is running in low-graphics mode" and i can't get into ubuntu again13:15
meowlulzcatcomputer says no13:15
histobenedikt: I believe that's hardcoded into udisks2 I don't think you can change it13:15
bfly2000@ehhh same with me13:15
bfly2000its because X server is being run with -mir, which is unrecognized13:15
ehhhdo you know a solution?13:15
bfly2000but im not sure where the actual line is in the boot files, so idk how to fix it13:16
RamsramboBluesKaj_:  what is gone wrong ???13:16
histoBluesKaj_: what version of ubuntu are you running?13:16
bfly2000check your lightdm log, i get it will say something about -mir13:16
BluesKaj_Ramsrambo,have you just updated/upgraded?13:16
ehhhit's ridiculous i get the option to reconfigure the graphics, troubleshoot and run in low-graphics mode and none of it works :/13:16
bfly2000yeah its because the problem is X server never gets to start13:17
ehhhcan i launch the x server manually in the terminal?13:17
RamsramboBluesKaj_: nope it is been a while I upgraded , I only changed the unity front interface to gnome13:17
bfly2000does anybody know where the actual X server command is run during boot?13:17
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jribbfly2000: why?13:17
bfly2000because i need to find out where the -mir option is being added13:18
bfly2000idk how else to fix the problem :/13:18
jribbfly2000: what ubuntu version?13:18
ehhhreisio : how? (if you replied to me)13:18
c3f59eeeh: usually with startx13:18
ehhhlets see13:18
reisioehhh: you don't have a login manager running?13:19
RamsramboBluesKaj_ : earlier I use to get the DTS sign on my amplifier since I hv connected the sound card thru TOSLINK fiber cable13:19
BluesKaj_Ramsrambo, were you using the onboar4d or the usb card ?13:19
jribbfly2000: since you installed, has your X ever worked?13:19
RamsramboBluesKaj_ : for better sound receiption13:19
ehhhreisio: everything was working fine but i put my computer in suspend yesterday then i woke it today and the background was messed up, then i rebooted and ended up with this error screen13:19
bfly2000yes, i didnt do any changes other htan a standard ubuntu update13:19
bfly2000and then a restart13:19
bfly2000its been working fine for months13:20
jribbfly2000: you don't have any PPAs, third-party repositories, or repositories not meant for 13.04?13:20
bfly2000i doubt it13:20
jribbfly2000: check?13:20
bfly2000is there an autmated way?13:20
RamsramboBluesKaj_: also I wanted my amp to be connected to the PC so that I can play all format of audio and video13:21
jribbfly2000: also, can you pastebin the lighdm log you were referencing before?  You can pastebin the output of « sudo apt-get update » though that won't show any repositories you used to have enabled that you no longer do13:21
reisioehhh: which error screen?13:21
ehhhreisio: a window saying "the system is running in low-graphics mode"13:21
reisioehhh: sure you hadn't just updated the software somehow?13:22
bfly2000@jrib heres the lightdm log http://pastebin.com/npueNkva13:22
RamsramboBluesKaj_: do you think there is some problem with the driver that is currently on my PC13:22
BluesKaj_Ramsrambo, yes i'm, aware of that , youare using a usb outboard audio sound card with optical digital output , correct ?13:22
bfly2000line 28 is the notable one13:22
RamsramboBluesKaj_: perfect13:23
jribbfly2000: apt-cache policy lightdm13:23
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ehhhreisio: yes i'm sure, i didn't mess with the drivers at all since i'm running 12.04 because if i try to upgrade the graphics won't work at all13:23
histoehhh: which graphics card do you have?13:23
ehhhhisto: nvidia13:23
bfly2000  Installed: 1.7.3bzr1630raring0.7513:23
bfly2000  Candidate: 1.7.3bzr1630raring0.7513:23
bfly2000  Version table:13:23
bfly2000 *** 1.7.3bzr1630raring0.75 013:23
FloodBot1bfly2000: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.13:23
bfly2000        500 http://ppa.launchpad.net/mir-team/staging/ubuntu/ raring/main amd64 Packages13:23
jribbfly2000: there you go.  This is not from 13.04 repositories13:24
histo!nvidia | ehhh13:24
ubottuehhh: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VideoDriverHowto13:24
bfly2000yeah weird, is there an easy way to revert?13:25
jribbfly2000: this is something you enabled, it shouldn't be weird.  You can try to downgrade but it may not work13:25
jrib!ppa-purge | bfly200013:25
ubottubfly2000: To disable a PPA from your sources and revert your packages back to default Ubuntu packages, install ppa-purge and use the command: « sudo ppa-purge ppa:<repository-name>/<subdirectory> » – For more information, see http://www.webupd8.org/2009/12/remove-ppa-repositories-via-command.html13:25
histobfly2000: and this is why ppa's aren't supported13:27
BluesKaj_Ramsrambo, try this , sudo gstreamer-properties, a GUI will open. After configuring a reboot may be in order13:27
bfly2000thanks @rambo and @histo13:28
bfly2000thanks @jrib and @histo13:28
lemmyMonkeyDust: Thx for your help. It was caused by dropbear who configured networking as part of initramfs to support remotely unlocking encrypted disks.13:28
RamsramboBluesKay_: the plugin is autodetect change it to waht13:29
apm1with the changed support schedule will the 14.04 release still be a 5 year LTS and is expected in april 2014 ?13:29
apm1when i say "changed support schedule" i am referring to the 8 month support cycles for non lts ones13:30
blazemoreapm1: Yes and yes according to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LTS13:30
apm1ok thanks :)13:30
BluesKaj_Ramsrambo, what are your options13:31
RamsramboBluesKaj_ : let me experiment with it and come back here latter13:32
bfly2000@jrib after remove and updating, the upgrade had staged some lightdm changes, but then i removed the xorg-edgers ppa (which i had installed to see if it would fix the previous problem) and after the update, all the staged changes were gone, is there any way to force them now that ive removed the ppa's ?13:38
jribbfly2000: what do you mean by "remove"?13:39
bfly2000through the software center13:39
jribbfly2000: you did not use ppa-purge?13:39
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bfly2000@jrib, i thought it was the same thing, and that software center was a frontend13:39
bfly2000@jrib should i just re-add them? and then ppa-purge?13:40
liquidstonewhen i try to install wine i get this:13:40
liquidstoneSome packages could not be installed. This may mean that you have13:40
liquidstonerequested an impossible situation or if you are using the unstable13:40
liquidstonedistribution that some required packages have not yet been created13:40
liquidstoneor been moved out of Incoming.13:40
liquidstoneThe following information may help to resolve the situation:13:40
FloodBot1liquidstone: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.13:40
hje841how do I install a g77 fortran compiler in ubuntu 12.04?13:40
jribbfly2000: it's not.  Removing a ppa in software center will just make its packages no longer available but it won't try to downgrade if you have already installed things from it.  And the ppa responsible for lightdm was the mir one (though maybe you want to remove xorg-edgers too)13:40
bfly2000so to rectify, i should re-add them as ppa's and hten purge?13:41
jribliquidstone: you need to give full input and full output.  Then describe what you are trying to do when you link to it13:41
jribbfly2000: yes13:41
Agent86hi people13:41
liquidstonejrib: i tried to install wine13:42
jribbfly2000: keep in mind downgrading isn't supported, so be prepared if things go horribly wrong...13:42
liquidstoneand i got this13:42
jribliquidstone: you need to give full input and full output in your pastebin13:42
Agent86quick question about bash scripts that call a python script13:43
Agent86my script calls the python script when running it manually, but when I create a .destkop item and call either the bash or the python script it stops at the python parts when executed13:43
jribliquidstone: output of « uname -m; dpkg --print-foreign-architectures »13:44
liquidstoneuname: x86_6413:44
jribAgent86: i suggest pastebinning the actual files13:44
liquidstonedpkg --print-foreign-architectures: i38613:45
jribliquidstone: run « sudo apt-get update » and then pastebin (not in channel) the output of apt-cache policy wine1.613:45
Agent86http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2156836  Here is the forum post I posted about it with pastebin links to it also13:46
Agent86the first file is simple bash script with one line for the notify-send command13:46
MikicacaricaFREE BRAZZERS ACCOUNTS EVERYDAY HERE ---> http://gratisbrazzers.blogspot.com13:47
jribliquidstone: « sudo apt-get install wine1.6 », pastebin output13:47
Agent86second line is call to python script.  and finally simply make a .desktop item so I can call the bash script when the device it plugged in13:47
Agent86mostly direct and simple. The script runs,  but the python part does not. However I can manually run the script and the python part runs perfectly13:48
jribliquidstone: have you tried giving the full path to usb_devices.py?13:48
liquidstoneim not familiar with that13:49
jriberm, wrong nick13:49
jribAgent86: have you tried giving the full path to usb_devices.py?13:49
Agent86yes full path etc.13:49
ehhhok this is getting ridiculous, i even tried reinstalling ubuntu-desktop but i just get "unable to fettch some archives" when i try that13:50
Agent86but it runs as it should if I type in the console bash usb-copy.sh13:50
jribAgent86: you don't have full path in what you have pasted though13:50
SnypeMyrtti, whatcha smoking buddy?13:50
jribliquidstone: apt-cache policy wine1.6-i38613:50
Agent86true I don't have the full path there pasted. I'll edit it again but I did that a bunch of times with no effect. And it runs from the consol. wouldn't it have a problem running it manually if there was a problem with the path ?13:50
Agent86Just curious13:51
Snypebut it is not the recommended way Agent8613:51
Agent86ok so maybe I have the full path wrong I'll repost it13:51
jribAgent86: not if when you run it in a console you happen to be in the correct directory13:51
Snypethat would be best Agent8613:51
jribSnype: stop or leave13:51
Snypestop what?13:51
jribSnype: you know what.  No more warnings.13:51
Snypei dont get it13:52
Agent86but thats why i put the ls or pwd in there too so I could see the path it seemed ok13:52
Agent86wut ? what happened ?13:52
jribAgent86: hmm?13:52
ehhhi'm considering trying debian instead since ubuntu is just failing on me, it's probably the 20th time i just end up with nothing working, in two days . . .13:53
jribliquidstone: what happens when you try to install wine1.6-i386 then? sudo apt-get install wine1.6-i38613:53
IzualHey, I have just created some modules and would like to load them with insmod. I create a folder under /lib/modules/<kernel_version>/.. but ins mode cannot locate it13:54
Agent86jrib: so should I put the python command in front of the full path still ? or not? Also one last thing I tried to make the .desktop item execute a python script directly also and it did not run I have something wrong for sure13:54
liquidstonejrib: 1st http://pastebin.com/F2S2tDcx13:54
Agent86python /home/agent86/Documents/usb_devices.py   == full path ? ??13:54
jribAgent86: you should run the command "python /full/path/to/usb_devices.py" from / in your shell.  Make sure it works there (presumably / is not the location of the file).  If that works, then use that command in your script13:55
jribAgent86: yes13:55
jribliquidstone: what ubuntu version is this again?13:55
Agent86oh wait I should put quotes you think ?13:55
g0thwhen I try to mount a cifs share I get:13:55
liquidstone13.04 64bit13:55
g0thmount error(95): Operation not supported13:55
g0thRefer to the mount.cifs(8) manual page (e.g. man mount.cifs)13:55
jribAgent86: you shouldn't need any quotes13:56
g0thI didn't find anything useful in the man pages13:56
g0thwhat is error 95?13:56
jribliquidstone: pastebin output of « sudo apt-get update »13:56
jrib!info libc6 raring13:57
ubottulibc6 (source: eglibc): Embedded GNU C Library: Shared libraries. In component main, is required. Version 2.17-0ubuntu5 (raring), package size 3951 kB, installed size 9216 kB13:57
liquidstonejrib: http://pastebin.com/ayFdQJuz13:58
Agent86well I don't know the full path it seems13:59
Agent86it's in the Documents folder and that is python /home/agent86/Documents/usb_devices.py14:00
Agent86I can go into the Documents folder and run python usb_devices.py14:00
jribAgent86: so does that work ok when you run it from a shell?14:00
Agent86shell meaning consol not python interpreter right ?14:00
jribAgent86: yes14:00
Agent86this path python /home/agent86/Documents/usb_devices.py does not run the script14:01
Agent86but that is the full path as far as I know14:01
RamsramboBluesKaj_: I did changed it to Pulse from Alsa but still not able to get the DTS sign on my amp14:01
jribAgent86: /home/agent86/Documents/usb_devices.py exists?14:01
BluesKaj_Ramsrambo, pavucontrol ?14:01
Agent86yes when I pwd from the consol I get /home/agent8614:01
jribAgent86: what is the output you get when you try to run it with full path...?14:02
Agent86out says No such file or directory14:02
h00kjrib, Agent86: Not sure where you guys are at in the troubleshooting, but is usb_devices.py executable?14:02
RamsramboBluesKaj_: I need this DTS b'cos I hv this Chakra meditation CD which produces some unique sounds14:02
Agent86yes executable thanks14:02
jribAgent86: does /home/agent86/usb_devices.py exist perhaps?14:02
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Agent86yes it exists14:02
jribAgent86: so run "python /home/agent86/usb_devices.py"14:03
Agent86if I cd /Documents and run pyhon usb_devices.py it runs fine14:03
jribAgent86: /Documents is not the same as ~/Documents14:03
Agent86or if I just go to the documents folder and click on it14:03
BluesKaj_Ramsrambo, cat /proc/asound/modules , pastebin the output14:03
Agent86right ~/Documents14:04
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jribAgent86: either you have a lot of copies of this file all over the place or you are not explaining yourself very clearly14:04
Agent86one copy of the file located in the Documents folder default ubuntu Documents folder14:04
jribliquidstone: what third-party repositories, PPAs, or packages outside the repositories have you enabled/installed14:05
ehhhi keep getting an error screen saying "the system is running in low-graphics mode" and i can't get past that screen and get into the ubuntu desktop . . does anyone know what to do ? i've got an nvidia card14:05
liquidstonejrib: i used swat-x repos for nvidia driver14:06
RamsramboBluesKaj_:  http://pastebin.com/NWzrwewM14:06
Agent86It runs it works just like all the other python scripts I wrote; and works inside my bash script when calling the python script and calling the bash script manually that calls the python script14:06
jribAgent86: pastebin full input and output from « python /home/agent86/usb_devices.py »14:06
jribh00k: it shouldn't matter in this case since he's calling python explicitly14:06
=== ponbiki_ is now known as ponbiki
Agent86However, it does not run the python parts of the script when exectuted from the .desktop item and a removeable device is plugged in14:06
=== ponbiki is now known as Guest94178
Agent86full output meaning consol output14:07
jribAgent86: yes14:07
=== Guest94178 is now known as ponpon
ehhhi've tried reinstalling nvidia-current, i tried reinstalling ubuntu-desktop but it won't fetch the packages14:07
h00kjrib: ah, ok.14:07
g0thok solved it14:07
Agent86python /home/agent86/Documents/usb_devices.py14:07
Agent86devicenotfound.wav: No such file or directory14:07
Agent86Device Not Found or Has Been Removed14:07
Agent86applicationhalted.wav: No such file or directory14:07
g0thI had to add -o sec ntlm, everything else fails14:08
FloodBot1Agent86: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.14:08
Agent86oh crap sorry14:08
RamsramboBluesKaj_: Yeah! I used pavucontrol14:08
jribliquidstone: not really clear what's going on.  What's the output of  « apt-cache policy libasound2:i386 libc6:i386 »?14:08
BluesKaj_Ramsrambo, ok , sudo modprobe  snd_usb_audio  , if there is no error or output that means the driver loaded properly14:09
Agent86i see it doesn't find my audio file for some reason14:09
jribAgent86: either modify the script so it doesn't depend on the current directory being ~/Documents or modify your bash script to first change the working directory to ~/Documents before calling the python script14:10
meowlulzcatcat /super-secret-file/14:10
Agent86i'm confused it runs from within geany, and also manually from the Documents folder itself14:10
Mohamad_hello i have ATI AMD 4350 HD video card and i am in ubuntu 13.04 using gnome shell, can i install any drivers ? or my card in not supported, thank u :)14:10
blazemoreAgent86: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/918154/relative-paths-in-python14:10
jribAgent86: because in both those cases your current directory is ~/Documents.  That's not the case when it gets called through udev14:10
RamsramboBluesKaj_: there was no error and I am able to play the audio14:11
Agent86ok so would you say best to change the bash script to change the working directory first ?14:11
jribAgent86: that's up to you14:11
blazemoreMohamad_: Here is a web page where someone has instructions on how to install the legacy driver http://www.ubuntuvibes.com/2012/10/how-to-install-amd-catalyst-legacy.html14:11
blazemoreMohamad_: The packages are not officially supported by Ubuntu, so use them at your own risk14:12
ehhhi'm getting really annoyed here :/14:12
RamsramboBluesKaj_: the DTS sign on my amp is not coming and also the audio is not that clear14:12
Mohamad_thank u very much14:12
jribehhh: I have no idea what your actual issue is; your recent comments just seem to be rants14:13
blazemorejrib: He is having problems with one of his repositories14:13
BluesKaj_Ramsrambo, ok now we need make sure , add this line to /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base.conf,   options snd_usb_audio index=0 , then you'll have to reboot14:13
blazemoreI know what the answer is but I'm not telling him, on purpose14:14
ehhhblazemore: u ho :(14:14
BluesKaj_Ramsrambo, reboot is required for all the changes to work14:14
jribliquidstone: do you happen to have aptitude installed?  (side question: can one search for broken packages through apt-get/apt-cache)?14:15
ehhhi keep getting an error screen saying "the system is running in low-graphics mode" and i can't get past that screen and get into the ubuntu desktop . . does anyone know what to do ? i've got an nvidia card14:16
ToddManjoin /linuxmusicians14:17
ToddMan#join /linuxmusicians14:17
Agent86one thing I don't understand is that the actual script that runs with udev is bash scripted called usb-copy.sh which is also in the Documents folder14:17
Agent86so when I device it plugged in the script that runs is usb-copy.sh which is in the Documents folder and it runs perfectly up to the point where the python command starts14:18
ehhheverything was working fine untill i pulled rebooted my computer after pulling it out of suspend today14:18
liquidstonejrib: no14:19
liquidstonedo i need to have it14:19
jribliquidstone: ok, what's the output of « sudo apt-get install -f » (don't have it actually do anything, just paste the output).  You don't need aptitude, I just don't know how to search for broken packages outside of using aptitude14:19
huttanjrib: whats the command to do it with aptitude ?14:20
=== Simson-san|away is now known as Simson-san
liquidstonejrib: 0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.14:20
jribhuttan: aptitude search '~b' (maybe; I would have to check the manual to see if it's ~b or something else but I know it exists)14:20
huttanjrib: thank you14:21
ehhhalso apt-get is failing at fetching files, can i change to an international place to fetch the files where it's more likely to get the files`?14:21
liquidstonejrib: im installing aptitude14:21
liquidstonehow to check broken packages with aptitude14:21
jribliquidstone: ok, but I believe apt-get install -f would tell you if there were broken packages (and try to fix them)14:22
=== Simson-san is now known as Simson-san|away
jribliquidstone: aptitude search '~b'14:22
marawan2how does this work14:22
marawan2i don't get it14:22
reisiomarawan2: what?14:22
marawan2please tell me how this work14:23
jribmarawan2: this is the ubuntu support channel.  If you have a support question, ask it, and if someone knows the answer, they will reply14:23
marawan2so this is not random chatting14:23
jrib!ot | marawan214:23
ubottumarawan2: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!14:23
liquidstoneno working14:24
ToddManI'm hoping someone can help me setup a USB interface (no one is in linuxmusicians).  When I plug it in alsa seems to recognize the midi part of my ALESIS io2 express but not the headphone jack or the guitar inputs14:25
jribliquidstone: you get no output?14:25
marawan2but i am using Lubuntu not Ubuntu14:25
ehhhi'm trying to install ppa-purge but i just get "failed to fetch http***************" and "E: Unable to fetch some archives, maybe run apt-get update or try with --fix missing", i tried the suggestions to no avail14:25
liquidstonejrib: how to use with specific package?14:25
jribliquidstone: it doesn't work this way14:25
mhrsed "1d;3d;4d;7d;8d" fileold > filenew deletes all lines in fileold and redirects to filenew. I want to delete those lines in fileold which are not in the list in the given command. what is the option i use?14:26
Picimhr: use -i for inline editing.14:26
jribmhr: print only the lines in the list14:26
marawan2Linux is so complocated14:26
liquidstonei tried with software center same14:27
marawan2like all the KDE And XDE GNU and all of those abriviations i don't understand14:27
GunArmi can't believe, from the googling i'm doing, it seems there is NO way to translate ata1 to /dev/sdX, even though nasty errors are spewing about ata1 in dmesg14:28
jribliquidstone: since you did install aptitude, what did happen when you ran the command I gave?14:28
marawan2doesn't work14:28
Picimarawan2: What are you trying to do?14:28
willybilly0101marawan2: RTFM it's allways easy to understand14:28
liquidstonejrib: it gave me manual how to use it14:28
mhrPici, its a long file with thousands of lines14:28
ToddManI'm hoping someone can help me setup a USB soundcard14:29
jribliquidstone: what did you input?14:29
liquidstonejust i dont know how to use it14:29
marawan2willybill0101: i don't know14:29
stomanataHi, i perform  updatedb, but locate ****** may be search only on partition that is my linux :(   not at all partitions14:29
liquidstoneaptitude search '~b'14:29
marawan2i am new here14:29
jribliquidstone: you copied that from your terminal that you tried it on?14:29
mhrjrib, I dint get you correctly, can you explain some more14:30
willybilly0101new where? on the internet?14:30
marawan2no to linux system14:30
liquidstoneim trying to open software and updates from sys settings14:30
liquidstonei cant14:30
marawan2i used to run windows XP14:30
liquidstonei want to remove that swat repo14:30
jribmhr: sed -n '1p;3p;4p;7p;8p' If I understood your question correctyl.14:30
willybilly0101marawan2: try reading about it. all distribution have a wiki14:31
SuperLagHow do I remove *all* traces of the nvidia drivers on my system, so that I can start from scratch with something in the repos?14:31
gueneyHey guys, how secure is it to sudo a bash script that has an "exec" in it? I am trying to write a wrapper script and am now worried someone might "hijack" the script14:31
reisiomarawan2: how it works is if you need help with something, you say what you need help with here14:32
reisiogueney: exactly as secure as write access to the bash script is14:32
SuperLagstomanata: that is correct. It will only index your Linux partitions.14:32
marawan2lubuntu, the one i am using has very few info on the web14:32
reisiomarawan2: what info are you interested in?14:32
marawan2willybilly0101: lubuntu, the one i am using has very few info on the web14:33
Agent86sounds like I should change the python script and do away with the bash script all together thanks people14:33
gueneyreisio: Is it possible to somehow inject a custom command to the exec during runtime?14:33
jribliquidstone: if you work through http://pastebin.com/F2S2tDcx, and try to install the dependencies it's failing on one by one, you'll likely eventually figure out the root cause.14:33
willybilly0101what is your actual problem?14:33
stomanatabut other is also linux partition14:33
stomanatabut it doesn`t search on it14:33
reisiogueney: the exec?14:33
reisiogueney: you can specify the sh interpreter in your sudo command, too, if you prefer14:34
marawan2ok guys, my question is what is the difference between the linux distros14:34
marawan2espicially the ubuntu and xubuntu and lubuntu and kubunut14:34
reisiomarawan2: mostly the approach to package management, the philosophy, and the community14:34
marawan2easy there14:35
reisiomarawan2: between ubuntu, xubuntu, lubuntu, and kubuntu, only the preinstalled desktop environment14:35
gueneyreisio: Yeah, I got an exec /usr/sbin/blah command in there, and am wondering if one could somehow alter the line during runtime and like run a root shell or something crazy lo14:35
willybilly0101marawan2: DE14:35
marawan2what is a package managment14:35
reisiomarawan2: GNOME + Unity, Xfce, LXDE, and KDE, respectively14:35
willybilly0101marawan2: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Package_management_system14:35
reisiomarawan2: package management is the management (installation, removal, maintenance) of applications14:35
reisioaka packages14:35
marawan2which is the best?14:35
reisiomarawan2: that's subjective14:35
reisiomarawan2: try them and find out which you prefer14:36
marawan2reisio: so there is no best?14:36
marawan2 reisio: is it based on taste?14:37
auronandacemarawan2: there may be a best for you, but thats up to you14:37
reisiomarawan2: you would have to have an explicit rubric to measure best logically14:37
noirohow do I go about the process of finding wireless card and installing proper drivers in Ubuntu LTS?14:37
reisiojust "best" is subjective :)14:37
willybilly0101make & rm are the best14:37
mhrjrib, sed -n dint work, I want to delete those lines which are not in '1p;3p;4p;7p;8p'. Means I just want lines 1,3,4,7,8 in the filenew14:37
reisioit's possible one is the "best at promoting efficiency in an office environment", but you would have to do a scientific study to prove it14:37
marawan2reisio: so what should the choice be based on. like envirnoment, package mangment and system requirments?14:38
reisiomarawan2: all Ubuntu versions use the same package management14:38
reisiomarawan2: they have only different preinstalled desktop environments14:38
reisiomarawan2: some are more appropriate for very old hardware than others14:38
mhrjrib, sorry I think i gave d instead of p in my command with option -n, let me try it again14:38
reisiosome are also more appropriate for certain types of persons :)14:39
marawan2reisio: ya, thats why ubuntu didn't work for me. My laptop is old14:39
marawan2like really old14:39
willybilly0101marawan2: try Windows 3.1114:40
reisiomarawan2: if you're using lubuntu, it should probably be okay14:40
reisioalthough you can get into trouble installing more packages than come with it by default14:40
marawan2reisio: i am not going back to windows that is because i am putting linux to the test14:40
reisiowas willybilly0101's suggestion14:41
reisioand really you're only putting Lubuntu to the test14:41
marawan2i am going to try xubuntu14:41
SuperLagWhat is the difference between nvidia-current and nvidia-current-updates?14:41
marawan2they say is good for old laps14:41
SuperLagI'm trying to figure out which repo package I should be installing for my ThinkPad W530, for the Nvidia driver. This thing has a K1000M in it, for video.14:42
reisiomarawan2: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/purexubuntu14:42
reisiomarawan2: I doubt it will perform better than LXDE, though, if hardware is the issue14:42
stomanataIs there option to search on all my partitions with locate?14:42
reisiostomanata: if you updatedb first14:42
reisiostomanata: but find / might be better14:42
reisiofind / -iname '*summin*here*'14:43
marawan2reisio: no, it is just that lubuntu has so much SYSTEM PROBLEM14:43
reisiomarawan2: system problem?14:43
mhrjrib, thank you it worked14:43
stomanatathanks i`ll try with find :)14:43
marawan2reisio:  ya like lubuntu didected system problem, do you want to report it14:43
stomanatai run updatadb, but locate search only in my   /14:43
marawan2reisio: stuff like that14:43
rosco_yI'm using 13.04 and I want to experiment with LAMP.  I already have mysql 5.5 installed.  Would anyone recommend that I *not* run "sudo apt-get lamp-server^" as recommended at http://setupguides.blogspot.com/2013/04/install-lamp-in-ubuntu-1304.html14:46
jordanrx123hai? may I join your conversation? I introduce jordan andrean from ndonesia.14:46
rosco_yHi jordanrx123, how are you doing?14:47
rosco_yEvery thing is very open here.14:47
rosco_y(although I'm not an administrator here--this is just my opinion)14:47
jordanrx123i'am fine , where are you rosco ?14:48
rosco_yI have found everyone to be quite friendly14:48
Dualityhey all14:48
rosco_yI'm in Michigan, of the US14:48
Dualitycan't seem to log into lubuntu could someone help me? when i try to log in it just puts me back to the login screen14:48
rosco_yDuality: :) how's it going?14:48
Dualitygood thanks :)14:49
Dualityyou ?14:49
rosco_yI've been doing better, but I'm getting over it now.  You have the right password?14:49
jordanrx123I am pleased to meet with you, may I play to where you are in America?14:49
rosco_yjordanrx123: I'm not sure what you mean: "may I play to where you are"14:50
Dualityyes i got the right password then it would say incorrect password, please try again, also the screen goes black for just a moment and then I am back at the login screen14:51
rosco_yDuality: where are you logged into now?14:51
marawan2sorry guys i went to pee14:51
rosco_ymarawan2: no harm done, I suppose :)14:51
jordanrx123I can speak a little English so it was not so perfect. I want to play to your home in America.14:51
Dualityrosco_y: my laptop, this is happening on my main pc :)14:51
marawan2rosco_y: hahaha14:51
noirohey guys, I installed the b43-fwcutter driver and though I installed and rebooted, wireless is not being detected or showing up in additional drivers. I'm running a 4311 broadcom card14:51
rosco_yjordanrx123: your english is very good14:52
rosco_yDuality: can you log into a root shell?14:52
marawan2me english fery good good too14:52
jordanrx123thank you rosco :)14:52
Dualitybefore this it would put me at the terminal/command prompt login and not start at all, then reinstalled Nvidia driver and got the login screen back14:52
litropyMy NIC disconnects from my network, then the network disappears from my list. I can still see and attempt to connect to other networks, but my network isn't listed; same for nmcli con list. I have a AR9285 using ath9k14:52
rosco_ymarawan2: I too am very fluent in typo14:52
litropypower management is off.14:53
Dualityyes i am in a shell now :)14:53
bazhang!ot | marawan214:53
ubottumarawan2: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!14:53
marawan2rosco_y: lol14:53
litropyit happens no matter what nohwcrypt is doing.14:53
litropydmesg says thing like failed to wake up and chip reset failed.14:54
rosco_yDuality: try CTL+ALT+F2 {F3, F4, F5 etc.}, you should be transfered to a text-mode login where you'd get more feedback.14:54
rosco_ythen you could drop into su mode and check your config files and what not.14:55
Dualityrosco_y: yes i am currently loged into f114:55
VotingHow do I find out the px width and hight of my laptop monitor?14:55
marawan2Does any one know some good Blender tutorials14:55
tacomasterI was trying to find out what software has Unsupported updates enabled is there a command to find this out?14:55
bazhangmarawan2, #blender14:55
noirohey guys, I installed the b43-fwcutter driver and though I installed and rebooted, wireless is not being detected or showing up in additional drivers. I'm running a 4311 broadcom card14:55
rosco_yDuality: unfortunately we are quickly arriving at the peak of my technical inneptitude....14:56
Dualityrosco_y: ok :)14:57
VotingHow do I find out the pixel width and hight of my laptop monitor?14:57
rosco_yDuality: have you dug around int /etc/X11 ? I'd wonder if something needed to be tweaked in that area14:57
rosco_yVoting: sometimes the hardware gui tools give that information--maybe a google search would do the trick?14:58
Dualityrosco_y: i tried startx then got some errors14:58
Dualityone of em said something about xauthority14:59
rosco_yDuality: I"ve never had very good luck running startx from the command line either, I don't really understand that one14:59
ak5hey guys is the php package compiled --with-openssl ?15:00
rosco_yDuality: what version OS are you using?15:00
rosco_yak5: great, I came here wondering about php too--are you using mysql as your server?15:01
ehhhi keep getting an error screen saying "the system is running in low-graphics mode" and i can't get past that screen and get into the ubuntu desktop . . does anyone know what to do ? i've tried everything i can find in google to no avail15:01
reisioak5: php --info | grpe -i openssl15:01
reisioak5: php --info | grep -i openssl15:01
Votingrosco_y: http://www.whatismyscreenresolution.com/ says 1366 x 768 but I'm not feeling very trusting of a website that is trying to figure it out remotely.15:01
ak5reisio: cool, do I need to also install the openssl package? I don't know much about php15:02
ak5rosco_y: yes15:02
ak5rosco_y: you mean database, I am assuming15:02
reisioak5: dpkg -l | grep -i ssl15:02
ak5well cool15:02
ak5thanks a ton15:02
ehhhalso xorg.conf doesn't exist, can this be the problem?15:04
reisioehhh: it can be, but likely is not15:04
ehhhreisio: yeah i think there's something wrong with the driver but i won't  say for sure since it was running fine untill now . .15:05
rosco_yVoting: how are you setting your resolution now?15:05
ehhhi've tried reinstalling the drivers and everything, also tried to reinstall ubuntu-desktop but it just fails to fetch the packages15:05
rosco_yak5: ty, yes.  I was just thinking I might give php a try, and so was thinking of installing via "apt-get install lamp-server^", but I've already got mysql 5.5 installed, so I wasn't sure that was a good idea15:06
rosco_ywould you happen to have an opinion on that?15:06
singingwolfboyI'm using Xubuntu in a virtual machine via VMware. I can use ctrl-C/ctrl-V to copy/paste between most windows in Xubuntu, but not in the Terminal. I can right-click and select Paste and it works, but I can't use ctrl-V. Anyone know how to fix it so I can paste with ctrl-V in the Terminal application in Xubuntu?15:07
reisiosingingwolfboy: ctrl+shift+v15:07
rosco_ysingingwolfboy: I think that's a terminal limitation--which terminal software are you using?15:07
noiroCan someone help me with a b43 driver? I can install it, but it doesn't seem to show up in additional drivers so I can't activate it. Once installed, how do I set it as active?15:07
reisiosingingwolfboy: you can change it to just ctrl+ instead of ctrl+shift+, but it's not 100% unproblematic, as CTRL+c, for example, is a standard shortcut you might need15:07
ehhhshould i try to install the noveau driver?15:07
reisioehhh: you could15:08
singingwolfboyrosco_y: whatever the default terminal is in Xubuntu15:08
rosco_yI've used konsole in the past, and ctl+v didn't work there, now I'm really fond of guake (try it out if you can), guake supports ctl+v15:08
noirosudo modprobe 43 just makes the terminal freeze up15:08
rosco_ynot sure about xterm, which might be the default for you.....15:08
Dualityrosco_y: Ubuntu 12.04.2 LTS15:09
Ari-Yangctrl+p to paste something in terminal? I use ctrl+shift+p15:09
singingwolfboylooks like control-shift-V works15:09
ak5rosco_y: just go for it, does the lamp-server^ meta-package pull in a different version??15:09
rosco_yak5: I'm thinking along the same lines.15:09
singingwolfboyit would be awesome if I could use command-V on my keyboard -- as I said, I'm using Xubuntu as a VM via VMware, and my host OS is Mac15:09
ak5rosco_y: unless you installed mysql manually it didn't15:10
ak5rosco_y: so did you?15:10
rosco_yI installed mysql manually--I've been playing around with it for awhile now15:10
ak5I see15:10
ak5rosco_y: by manually, do you mean via "apt-get install mysql"?15:11
rosco_yI wouldn't lose anything important if it somehow got lost, so I could just go for it15:11
rosco_yak5: yes,15:11
ak5rosco_y: you are fine then, please go ahad15:11
mojtabaHi, Is there any text-to-speech program smarter than orca in ubuntu? I want something to read pdf files for example.15:11
rosco_yak5: Thank you:)15:11
ak5rosco_y: yw15:12
rosco_ysingingwolfboy: can you use ctl+v within your terminal software (cut and paste from within the terminal, back into the same terminal?15:13
Dualityrosco_y: normaly i can paste in terminal by using ctrl-shift-v15:14
ehhhok so i tried to install "xserver-xorg-video-nouveau" and i get this message: "Some packages could not be installed. This may mean that you have requested an impossible situation or if you are using the unstable distribution that some required packages have not yet been created or been moved out of Incoming."15:14
litropyWhat would make networkmanager unlist a network after an unexpected disconnect?15:15
blazemoreehhh: Could you paste the full output of "sudo apt-get install xserver-xorg-video-nouveau" to http://paste.ubuntu.com and put the resulting URL in this channel?15:16
rosco_yDuality: :) I was asking singingwolfboy that question because he was trying to use ctl+v from a terminal in VirtualBox to a tool in the host environment, if I am understanding correctly15:16
blazemoresingingwolfboy: shift-insert works on a lot of platforms too!15:17
rosco_y:) I'm gonna bail out... maybe catch you all later--have a good one everybody.....15:17
Dualityok anyway rosco_y i fixed my issue by remove .Xauthority from my home directory15:17
ehhhblazemore: alright though i'll have to write it all in . .15:17
blazemoreehhh: are you only on a TTY?15:18
mojtabaHi, Is there any text-to-speech program smarter than orca in ubuntu? I want something to read pdf files for example. Also I have installed Gufw; Incoming and outgoing traffic are set to allow. Does it protect my system, or should I define some rules and manage traffic?15:18
clue_hi'd set incoming to deny mojtaba15:18
DylanClHello. Rythmbox doesn't play some of my MP3s, and I was wondering why and how I could fix it. Anybody that has experienced this and found the answer to it? Or anybody that aleast wants to try and help me?15:18
ehhhblazemore: what does TTY mean? i'm using windows on this laptop i'm on irc with and i'm trying to get ubuntu running properly on a stationary computer connected to my tv-screen15:18
BAMbandahow do I get rid of unity and replace it with something different?15:18
reisiomojtaba: orca isn't a text to speech, is it it? It's a screen reader15:18
blazemoreehhh "sudo apt-get install xserver-xorg-video-nouveau 2&>/tmp/apt_error_message"15:19
reisioreading the screen is doing it wrong from the start15:19
blazemoreehhh: then the error will be in the file /tmp/apt_error_message - find a way of getting it to me :)15:19
mojtabaclue_h: how come?15:19
clue_hmojtaba, it's recommended because only ip traffic initiated from you is allowed, but then unsolicited inbound will default to deny15:20
MonkeyDu1tBAMbanda  install other DE, logout, change, login15:20
mojtabareisio: Do you know which one is better?15:20
DylanClIs there a music player that supports all the files? (Mp3, .m4a,..)15:20
reisiomojtaba: I forget15:20
reisioDylanCl: mplayer15:20
reisioDylanCl: vlc does pretty well, too15:20
BAMbandaMonkeyDult, will I be able to switch back and and forth at the login screen?15:20
reisiognome-mplayer if you want a UI15:21
noiroCan someone help me with wireless drivers?15:21
DylanClI tried vlc, reisio, but half of my songs didn't work15:21
DylanClAnd with rythmbox it just says 'Not Playing'15:21
reisioDylanCl: gnome-mplayer then15:21
MonkeyDu1tBAMbanda  yes, click on the gnome sign (or was it ubuntu sign) in the lightdm menu15:21
reisioDylanCl: either that or you need to read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats15:21
mojtabaclue_h: what if I set both to deny?15:21
BAMbandaMonkeyDult thanks15:22
clue_hmojtaba, that will only work if you have defined a previous set of rules allowing certain port ranges out15:22
clue_hmojtaba, those would be for example 53 udp, 80 tcp, and 443 ssl15:23
clue_hthat's all i allow out atm apart from 6697 tcp for irc15:23
saiarcot895mojtaba: otherwise, I think you won't be able to access anything outside your computer15:23
DylanClreisio: how do I install mplayer?15:23
reisioDylanCl: search software center for gnome-mplayer15:24
reisioDylanCl: or sudo apt-get install gnome-mplayer15:24
blazemoreDylanCl: I'll give a +1 to vlc, it plays EVERYTHING15:24
MonkeyDu1t!info mplayer15:24
DylanClblazemore: No it doesn't15:24
ubottumplayer (source: mplayer): movie player for Unix-like systems. In component universe, is extra. Version 2:1.0~rc4.dfsg1+svn34540-1ubuntu4 (raring), package size 2599 kB, installed size 5111 kB15:24
mojtabaclue_h: Thank you very much. How can I find what program is using what port?15:25
DylanClit doesn't play most of my music15:25
th0rnoiro, if you state the problem, someone may have a solution15:25
blazemoreDylanCl: Well, I've yet to find anything it hasn't played15:25
reisiomplayer does better IME, but I think his problem is something else15:25
blazemoreDylanCl: In what format is most of your music?15:25
DylanClmp3 and m4a15:25
blazemoreDylanCl: vlc definitely plays mp3... what error does it give you?15:25
mojtabareisio: Do you know which one is better?15:25
DylanClIt doesn't give me an  error and that's what bugging me15:25
DylanClneither does rythmbox, it just says 'Not playing'15:26
clue_hmojtaba, there are a series of commands for looking and what is connecting to what, i use one that suits my needs which is 'ss -apr' but i know there are better ones15:26
blazemoreDylanCl: I mean if you run it from the command-line15:26
DylanClHow should I do that?15:26
th0rDylanCl, is the m4a itunes music?15:26
reisiomojtaba: nope, I do'nt follow that so much15:26
reisiomojtaba: but there are only a few, literally, try them15:26
DylanClth0r: I have no clue. A friend sent them to me trough skype15:26
mojtabaclue_h: I learned something. Thank you15:26
blazemoreDylanCl: Open a terminal and type "vlc" then press Enter15:26
mojtabareisio: thaks15:26
noiroth0r: I have, many times. I have installed the b43 driver via commandline and GUI (tried uninstall and reinstall), rebooted, Additional drivers does not show the option to activate the card. Network devices still gives no wireless internet option15:27
DylanCl2 seconds, have to redownload vlc15:27
blazemoreDylanCl: Then, after trying to play your music, copy and paste all the output into http://paste.ubuntu.com - one of those messages will be helpful to me or to someone else in here I'm sure15:27
ehhhblazemore: there's not that much more than what i wrote earlier so i just typed it out: http://paste.ubuntu.com/5801791/ is it telling me to install the stuff that's behind the "Depends:" part instead`?15:27
blazemoreehhh: sudo apt-get -f install15:27
th0rnoiro, have you installed the firmware? I think you need the b43-fwcutter and another file15:27
blazemoreehhh: Run that command on its own15:27
ubottudanart82: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».15:28
noiroth0r: firmware-b43-fwcutter and b43-fwcutter?15:28
blazemoreehhh: Allow it to install any packages it wants15:28
th0rnoiro, yeah...that sounds like it15:28
noiroI installed that15:28
th0rnoiro, in a terminal type 'lsmod | grep b43' and see if the b43 module is loaded15:28
argoneusis Ubuntu a rolling distro? I mean, how -new- software does the repo have?15:29
reisioargoneus: it's not rolling release, no15:29
mojtabaclue_h: The last question, Does the firewall work if I close it?15:29
ehhhblazemore: 0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded15:29
DylanClblazemore: how do I play a song?15:30
reisioargoneus: but you can get almost as new software as you like, with a sacrifice of stability15:30
DylanCljust type play (song)?15:30
argoneusreisio: from the official repos?15:30
noiroth0r, nothing was returned upon entering that command15:30
reisioargoneus: yes, frequently15:30
argoneusoh, nice15:30
th0rnoiro, in the terminal type15:30
clue_hmojtaba, yes it does, but you could check by typing ufw status, under sudo15:30
mojtabaclue_h: thanks again15:30
th0rnoiro, (oops) type ' modprobe b43' and see if it brings the wireless to life. Then type 'ifconfig' and see if you have a wlan0 or eth2 or some such15:31
DJonesargoneus: Although its not a rolling release, versions are released every 6 months and only supported for 9 months, so the software shouldn't get too far behind15:31
ehhhblazemore: so i don't think it did anything, i think i also tried that command a bit earlier15:31
saiarcot895DylanCl: does a VLC window open up?15:31
ehhhblazemore: with the same results15:31
DylanClsaiarcot895: no15:31
reisiowj: twss15:31
DylanClit did give me this error http://paste.ubuntu.com/5801796/15:32
noiroth0r, modprobe freezes terminal, it just sits there and blinks15:32
th0rnoiro, control-C should free it up.15:32
th0rnoiro, that was 'modprobe b43' right? make sure there wasn't a typo15:32
th0rnoiro, also, try 'lsmod | grep wl' and see if that other driver is loaded15:33
noiroIt doesn't free up. And no, no typo. I entered: "sudo modprobe b43"15:33
noiroI'll just force-close it15:33
saiarcot895DylanCl: do you have vlc from the distro repo?15:33
DylanCldistro repo?15:33
thesebHow make desktop icon automatically launch instead of ASKING what I want to do with the file?15:34
saiarcot895DylanCl: like, did you use Ubuntu Software Center or do "sudo apt-get install vlc"?15:34
noiroth0r, any solution15:34
DylanClI did sudo apt-get install vlc15:34
th0rnoiro, try 'lsmod | grep wl'...is the wl driver loaded?15:34
ehhhblazemore: i get "the following packages were automatically installed and are no longer required: <bunch of language packs>. Use apt-get autoremove to remove them"15:34
ehhhright above the 0 upgraded part15:35
blazemoreehhh: Don't worry about that second one. Try running "sudo apt-get update" first15:35
bazhangdanart82, no warez here, stop that15:35
DylanClGuess I had to download it from the market thingy? :P15:35
MonkeyDu1ttheseb  try right click, properties, "always do this blah" or something similar15:35
saiarcot895DylanCl: try opening up VLC using the regular way15:35
DJonesdanart82: The bot will give the same answer no matter how many times you ask it, this channel (and the freenode network) doesn't host warez15:35
saiarcot895DylanCl: they're the same15:35
noiroth0r, what is it supposed to return?15:35
MonkeyDu1tdanart82  try #listalians15:36
blazemoresaiarcot895: The entire point was for him to open it in a terminal to see errors in playing his music files15:36
DylanClI just installed vlc from the software centre15:36
th0rnoiro, it might return a line with wl and a couple of numbers15:36
DylanClthen did vlc in terminal15:36
saiarcot895DylanCl: the Software Center is just a GUI frontend for using sudo apt-get15:36
DylanClnow it opened up15:36
noiroI got 3 lines returned. wl 30254815:36
DylanClDo I open up a file that doesn't work?15:36
th0rnoiro, ok....try this....first line 'rmmod wl' second line 'modprobe b4315:36
noiroModule wl is in use15:37
saiarcot895DylanCl: yes15:37
DylanClalright let me see15:37
th0rnoiro, then the wifi card should be working. check 'ifconfig' and see if it is there15:37
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th0rnoiro, if you aren't sure, pastebin the result of ifconfig15:37
noiroall I see is eth0 and lo15:38
th0rnoiro, are you by any chance using xubuntu?15:38
noiroI'm using the LTS with gnome-shell15:38
DylanClsaiarcot895: I opened up all my tracks, this is what it gave me15:38
th0rnoiro, right click the network manager icon and make sure wireless is turned on15:39
DylanClit just kept going to the next track, that idnd't work, next track, untill a track that did work15:39
DylanClnot sure if you're something with that15:39
blazemoreDylanCl: [mp3 @ 0xb030e880] Header missing15:39
noiroth0r: wireless is not listed15:39
blazemoreDylanCl: Can you play those files in *anything* ?15:39
ehhhblazemore: i get a bunch of errors saying "Err http://no.archive.ubuntu.com Release.gpg . Could not resolve 'no.archive.ubuntu.com" and below that "W: Failed to fetch http://no.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/precise-updates/Release.gpg Could not resolve 'no.archive.ubuntu.com' " and then the bottom line is : "W: Some index files failed to download. They have been ignored, or old ones used instead" the two first repeating a bunch of ti15:39
DylanClWell, not in the programs I tried15:39
th0rnoiro, just a check....15:39
blazemoreehhh: Have you made any changes to your /etc/apt/sources.list ?15:39
DylanClCould it be because they came from an USB15:40
th0rnoiro, (need to move that darn return key <smile>.) just a check, 'sudo rmmod wl' refuses to work, right?15:40
blazemoreThey look broken15:40
noiroth0r: yes, it says wl is in use15:40
blazemoreehhh: What version of Ubuntu are you running, also?15:40
DylanClAnd is there a way to fix them?15:40
ehhhblazemore: no i don't think so. . i was running 12.04 with no problems untill i pulled it out of suspend earlier today, then i got to the desktop and the background was messed up so i rebooted and then i ended up on the low-graphics mode error15:41
blazemoreDylanCl: No, re-obtain them from your friend on Skype15:41
DylanClthat's going to take ages since a lot of them don't work15:41
noiroth0r: yes, it says wl is in use15:41
blazemoreDylanCl: OK15:41
blazemoreDylanCl: Shame15:41
th0rnoiro, does it show wlan0 or some such?15:41
blazemoreDylanCl: You said they came from USB?15:41
noiroin ifconfig? No15:41
DylanClI'm goign to try to upload them to mediafire/megaupload (the one that isn't broken) and download them from there15:41
DylanCland yeah15:41
blazemoreDylanCl: ...that won't make a difference don't waste your time. garbage in, garbage out15:42
DylanClOn windows they worked15:42
DylanClbut suddenly on ubuntu they break lol15:42
blazemoreDylanCl: That changes things15:42
blazemoreDylanCl: I was under the impression you'd never been able to play them15:42
noiroAll network interfaces are eth0 and l15:42
th0rnoiro, no...iWconfig15:42
DylanClOn windows media player they work just fine15:43
noiroiWconfig lists both lo and eth0 and says "No wireless extensions" by both15:43
blazemoreDylanCl: Copy them across via USB again, but this time be sure to use Windows' "Eject" or "Safely Remove Harware" feature15:43
DJonesDylanCl: This may help http://linuxpoison.blogspot.co.uk/2009/08/detect-and-repair-problems-in-mp3-files.html Its an old post, but the app is still around15:43
DylanClAlright, I'll try both of you guys' solutions15:43
Spr1ngHow do you install SSL certs (intermediary CA bundle and host specific cert) in 12.04.2?15:43
saiarcot895DylanCl: are the file sizes around 4-10 MB, or is it shown in kB or less?15:43
blazemoreSpr1ng: I'd recommend going to #ubuntu-server for those sorts of questions. Also, Google Is Your Friend for tutorials like that15:44
blazemoresaiarcot895: nice one15:44
Spr1ngthx blazemore15:44
DylanClYeah, they are around 4-10 MB15:44
th0rnoiro, then what I would do....blacklist wl, reboot, and try b43. I have installed several xubuntu and am now running debian. Have great luck with b43, but no lluck with the wl module. But someone else here might have a better idea15:44
noirohow would I blacklist wl?15:45
th0rnoiro, let me check the exact file name15:45
blazemoreehhh: Do you know how to access the Grub menu before Ubuntu boots?15:45
DylanCloff-topic: I'm really liking Ubuntu 13.0415:46
ehhhblazemore: i tihnk the grub menu boots automatically before entering the os since i can choose between normal and recovery mode everytime i boot15:46
DylanClA few crashes, but nothing terrible15:46
ehhhblazemore: otherwise holding shift should do  the trick (i think)15:46
th0rnoiro, found an ubuntu how to...but first, try this command 'sudo modprobe -r wl'15:46
blazemoreehhh: Brilliant, so what I want you to do is to edit the file /etc/default/grub - are you comfortable doing that from the terminal? I can tell you more if not15:47
noiroth0r, looks like it cursor is just sitting there again15:47
blazemoreehhh: Find the line that says "GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT=" - there will be a list of things like "quiet" and stuff - at the end of them add the word "nomodeset" and save and quit the file, then reboot15:47
bigtoneResolution Switcher says its installed but I can't find it to change it, its too big15:47
ehhhblazemore: as long as i have proper instructions there shouldn't be a problem . .15:47
blazemoreehhh: run the command "sudo nano /etc/default/grub" to open the file in the nano text editor15:48
DylanClDJones: It appears that the program is for ubuntu 9.1015:48
th0rnoiro, then this will show you how to blacklist wl. It will prevent loading the module, so when you reboot we can try adding b4315:48
DylanClAnd I'm running 13.0415:48
th0rnoiro, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=16662415:48
blazemoreehhh: Move around with the arrow keys. When you've finished making your changes, press Ctrl-O and then Enter to save, and then Ctrl-X to quit15:48
blazemoreehhh: Oh, almost forgot, after that but before you reboot, run "sudo update-grub"15:49
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ehhhblazemore: ok i'll try the nomodeset, i tried that before i went ahead and clean installed ubuntu again because i lost video signal after i upgraded from 12.04 to 12.10 but it didn't help then . .15:49
th0rnoiro, I should be here, but if not, you want to load the b43 module (modprobe b43) and if it brings up the wifi then add it to /etc/modules15:49
blazemoreehhh: That's OK I have something else up my sleeve if that doesn't work15:49
Ari-YangDylanCl, a good player for linux is mplayer15:49
Ari-YangI use mpv which is a fork of mplayer215:49
ehhhblazemore: alright, i'm starting to suspect the graphics card is the culprit to my problems though lol :P15:50
DylanClblazemore: the safe remove thing didn't fix anything, sorry.15:50
irreverantI'm having with ubuntu, I can't do su - (password) for root15:50
irreverantdo i have to enable the root user in the users daemon?15:50
reisioirreverant: root just doesn't have a password set by default, on Ubuntu15:50
blazemoreDylanCl: OK did you try DJones 's solution?15:50
Ari-Yangyou shouldn't touch root unless you know what you're doing. to execute a command in terminal as root you'd type: sudo commandhere15:51
blazemoreirreverant: You can do "sudo su" to get a root shell if you need it (or sudo -s)15:51
DylanClThe program is for ubuntu 9.1415:51
d4rkn30Need help with Ubuntu Server 13.04, Somehow grub lost its settings and now is bringing me to a grub rescue command line15:51
irreverantso for example, i do yum install15:51
reisiod4rkn30: booting a live OS will make that more easily fixed15:51
irreveranti mean apt-get install xchat15:51
reisioirreverant: prepend 'sudo '15:51
blazemoreDylanCl: http://mp3diags.sourceforge.net/15:51
irreverantthen it asks for me to have root privilege to install15:51
DylanClmplayer can't play the files either15:52
reisioirreverant: that's what Ubuntu wants you to do15:52
blazemoreirreverant: you do "sudo apt-get install xchat" in that case15:52
reisioDylanCl: can you put one of these files online?15:52
Anubisdylancl: did you tried vlc?15:52
blazemoreirreverant: Or... use the Software Center15:52
reisioDylanCl: we could tell you then whether it's the file or your system15:52
irreverantreisio: sudo apt-get install xchat?15:52
DylanClAnubis: I did.15:52
reisioirreverant: yes15:52
Ari-YangDylanCl, yeah, something is wrong15:52
DylanClreisio: alright15:52
Ari-Yangyou are probably missing deps, DylanCl15:52
DylanClWhat host do you want?15:52
reisioDylanCl: I care not15:52
irreverantreisio: why not just su - <password> ?15:52
reisioirreverant: that is a good question15:52
reisioirreverant: unfortunately responding to it will upset the ops in this channel15:53
DylanClok starting up mp3diags15:53
reisioirreverant: this might be the upstream explanation: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo15:53
Ari-Yang@ irreverant https://launchpad.net/~gwendal-lebihan-dev/+archive/hexchat-stable15:53
irreverantreisio: so sudo is a shell command? or su -s?15:53
d4rkn30reisio: im booting it up.15:53
blazemoredo we have ...15:53
reisioirreverant: sudo is like su for single commands15:53
blazemore!sudo | irreverant15:53
ubottuirreverant: sudo is a command to run command-line programs with superuser privileges ("root") (also see !cli). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (GNOME, Xfce), or !kdesudo (KDE). If you're unable to execute commands with sudo see: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/fixsudo15:53
blazemoreachievement get: sucesfully guessed an ubottu command15:54
ehhhblazemore: i'm back at the low-graphics mode screen15:54
blazemoreehhh: OK one more thing to try. What version of Ubuntu are you on?15:54
ehhhblazemore: 12.04, last case scenario if problems persist i need to get a hold of some dvds to burn 13.04 from since i can't get usb to boot on that computer15:55
irreverantdoes this syntax: apt-get update15:55
irreverantperform an update of the repositories?15:55
pickle_hello umm... I'm in a real pickle here. I "somehow" managed to delete half the files on my computer (including ubuntu software center, the terminal and several essential gui elemnts). Is there a way for me to recover them? Because I really don't want to have to reinstall ubuntu completely.15:55
Ari-Yangirreverant, yes...15:55
DylanClIs it /msg to message people?15:55
Ari-Yangadd the ppa, then apt-get update15:55
Ari-Yangirreverant, then sudo apt-get install hexchat15:56
blazemoreehhh: make a backup of your sources.list file by doing "cp /etc/apt/sources.list /etc/apt/sources.list.backup"15:56
reisioDylanCl: hrmm?15:56
blazemoreehhh: Damn, you can't paste stuff here can you...15:56
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auronandace!paste | blazemore15:57
ubottublazemore: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.15:57
reisiopickle_: if you didn't delete any personal files you don't have backed up, then reinstalling might be simplest15:57
reisiopickle_: depending on what's left, you can backup your list of what you had installed already, though15:57
leonardo_Hi, Im new to Ubuntu15:57
ehhhblazemore: no i have no idea how to transfer files in the terminal lol, i have usb pendrives so if it's possible from the terminal i probably can15:57
blazemoreauronandace: Thanks lol but I mean ehhh is on his Windows laptop because his borked system is stuck in a TTY15:57
leonardo_I like it15:57
reisioand then get back basically the same system15:57
irreverantleonardo: So am I!15:57
blazemoreauronandace: so *he* can't paste things here,15:57
auronandaceblazemore: oh, sorry15:57
blazemoreehhh: Na, I need to see the contents of that file. Does your broken system have Internet?15:58
irreverantWhat benefits if any do I have installing WUBI over a Guest OS in VMWare on my windows box?15:58
pickle_reisio: if I reinstall do I have to backup my files (those that are left) or do I have to back them up first?15:58
ehhhblazemore: yes it's connected by wire15:58
pickle_wait, that's not what I wanted to say15:58
pickle_reisio: I mean, will the files get deleted when I reinstall15:58
d4rkn30reisio: Okay im booted in, the grub.cfg looks fine15:59
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blazemoreehhh: I'm going to send you a private message15:59
irreverantreisio: when I install wubi - does it load in a sandboxed api? What is load process for the ubuntu os when installed as a fodler in windows?15:59
leonardo_I have a question. How do I put the shoutcast in Rythmbox? Is there a Winamp for Linux maybe? Or any other useful software. Thank you for your help.16:00
auronandaceirreverant: don't bother with wubi, it won't be around in the future16:00
reisiopickle_: depends on how you're partitioned16:01
reisiopickle_: you shouldn't worry about the OS files16:01
irreverantauronandace: why not? not popular? doesn't work well?16:01
Anubisirreverant: if you dont want to mess your system use virtualbox/vmware to test ubuntu16:01
auronandaceirreverant: dropped due to uefi issues16:01
reisioirreverant: relying on NTFS doesn't turn out well16:01
reisiowhether you're running a Unix system on it or Windows :p16:01
irreverantAnubis: Ok, sounds good. I just wanted to be familiar with all the deployment options.16:01
pickle_reisio: I don't even remember how I partitioned now...16:01
reisiopickle_: :)16:01
leonardo_I have a question. How do I put the shoutcast in Rythmbox? Is there a Winamp for Linux maybe? Or any other useful software. Thank you for your help. PM pls16:01
irreverantreisio: Anubis: auronandace: Do i have to configure the /usr /  /bin etc..... partitions or is this done on the fly?16:02
auronandaceirreverant: what do you mean by configure?16:03
irreverantCreate and maintain the sizes for each of these partitions?16:03
reisioirreverant: you can let it do it itself or you can do it manually16:03
reisioup to you16:03
Anubisirreverant: you can accept the suggested partition or you can manually configure partitions16:03
reisioleonardo_: audacious is the most like traditional winamp16:03
irreverantreisio: Anubis: auronandace: thank you.16:04
Ari-Yangleonardo_, I use mpd (music player daemon) and gmpc (as the gui front end)16:04
auronandaceirreverant: i like to create before install but you can do it during16:04
iamtonyHi, if I use Files -> Connect to Server in the file browser, where is the directory actually mounted (I'd like to get to it from the terminal)? (Ub 13.04)16:05
irreverantauronandace: which fs do you prefer?16:05
auronandaceirreverant: i've always used the default ext416:05
saiarcot895iamtony: I think it's /mount/<user name>/16:06
blazemoreiamtony: It goes in ~/.gvfs somewhere16:06
blazemoreiamtony: Something like that16:06
reisioiamtony: the 'mount' command will likely say16:06
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iamtonyGreat, thanks16:07
Anubisirreverant: you're welcome16:08
blazemoreiamtony: Where was it in the end, as a matter of interest?16:09
blazemoreiamtony: If you want something a bit more configurable but technical, take a look at sshfs in the repos16:09
iamtonyblazemore: I don't know, network has just gone down. Typical :-)16:10
DJonesDylanCl: The program is also for 13.04, all you need to do is "sudo apt-get install mp3diags" I've checked on my system running 13.04 and its quite happy to install it16:10
DJonesDylanCl: The article talked about 9.10 etc, but I did say the app was still around16:11
s1ngletonhey all - I have enabled ChallengeResponseAuthentication in my sshd_config, and installed google-authenticator pam module... any ideas why SSH refuses to give me a prompt for the code?16:12
blazemores1ngleton: I don't know, but thanks for letting me know that such a thing exists!16:13
DylanClDJones: how do I remove all the MP3s that I put in that?16:13
s1ngletonblazemore, it's quite cool, but seems broken on 12.04 with openssh5.916:13
s1ngletonI have it working for openvpn though, very nicely16:13
DJonesDylanCl: As far as I can see, the only way of going back is to close the app16:17
DylanClDJones: ah16:17
DylanClDJones: well, I repaired everything16:17
DylanClI applied all the fixes it wanted to do16:17
DylanCldo I just play the music now?16:17
DJonesDylanCl: Its worth a try16:18
DylanClit didn't fix them16:18
GunArmwhat command can I use to take a  1 line string and cut out all but the portion that matches a regex?16:19
MonkeyDu1tGunArm  awk is the command to use16:19
Hwkilleror sed.16:20
GunArmi was working with sed but it seems to all be line based16:20
SolarisBoyprobably a few commands you can use16:20
SolarisBoyawk/sed/perl or anything else that processes text16:20
Hwkilleroh wait... could you use grep with -v ?16:20
reisioGunArm: you just said a 1 line string16:21
GunArmspecifically what I want to do is take this line16:21
GunArmlrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 0 Jun 25 19:53 /sys/block/sdc -> ../devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:1f.2/host2/target2:0:0/2:0:0:0/block/sdc16:21
GunArmand output the sdc16:21
GunArmor /sys/block/sdc16:21
SolarisBoyhow are you listing it to start?16:22
GunArmi already grepped to get that line16:22
SolarisBoywith ls?16:22
HwkillerGunArm: you can double grep16:22
Hwkilleror add new things to filter by.16:22
SolarisBoyGunArm: ^16:22
Hwkillerand couldn't you run something like ls *sdc* ?16:22
SolarisBoytry looking at the output of ls -1 for whatever it is your doing there - it may help it would in turn just give you the sdc your looking for16:23
GunArmls -l /sys/block/sd* | grep $x       where $x is host0 for example16:23
SolarisBoytry ls -1 sys/block/sd*16:23
SolarisBoythats a folder so try with -1d16:24
GunArmSolarisBoy: but i have to grep by part of the string that I want removed, so first i have to ls with the full data16:24
SolarisBoyi see16:24
SolarisBoywhat are you trying to do if you dont mind me asking?16:25
overdubGunArm, echo "lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 0 Jun 25 19:53 /sys/block/sdc -> ../devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:1f.2/host2/target2:0:0/2:0:0:0/block/sdc" | cut -d'>' -f216:25
GunArmwrite a short script to translate ata1 to /dev/sda16:25
SolarisBoythat may break if it's not a link though16:25
vfgbvezavI made a mistake and reduce my partition so I lost 10GO of files but don't know which one, do u know how to check if my files have errors or something like that thx guys16:26
Hwkillerbut those are always links, SolarisBoy, at least in that directory.16:26
puffGunArm: Hm, sounds like you may want to use either find, or a full-blown perl script.16:26
SolarisBoybetter to split on space in that case maybe split on spaces16:26
irreverantI'm failing at step 10 of reverting to Gnome 3 from this walkthrough http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=196637016:26
SolarisBoyi wonder what GunArm ultimate goal is.16:27
irreverantHas anyone disabled the Unity ui?16:27
argoneusIf I want to dualboot ubuntu/windows7, then first I partition the disk to half ntfs/half ext4 in gparted on live cd, then install windows on the ntfs partition, and then install linux+grub on the other one?16:27
vfgbvezavhi argoneus16:27
irreverantargoneus yes.16:27
Pici!notunity | irreverant16:27
ubottuirreverant: Ubuntu 11.10 and higher use the !Unity desktop environment by default.  To use GNOME Shell instead, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool".  For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place entries in the Sessions dropdown.16:27
vfgbvezavuse bootrepair to restore grub on live cd16:28
GunArmSolarisBoy: i said a second ago, i'm trying to translate between "ata1" and /dev/sdx16:28
irreverantIf you do it the other way around then you'll mess up the boot record16:28
vfgbvezavbootrepair live cd is the best16:28
GunArmoverdub: i might use cut, thats a good start16:28
argoneuscan't I use the windows disc to restore MBR?16:28
vfgbvezavI did that and worked like a charm16:28
overdubi simply use apt-get install kde-full to get away from unity16:28
vfgbvezavargoneus, don't know but bootrepair safe and working16:28
Hwkilleryou won't mess up the MBR, it'll just clear grub from it.16:28
irreverantargoneus, yes you can but it's not as simple as using their recommendation16:28
overdubGunArm, you could use sed, awk, perl any of which can do anything to that line16:28
Hwkillerso you'd just have to reinstall grpb.16:29
SolarisBoyGunArm: http://askubuntu.com/questions/64351/how-to-match-ata4-00-to-the-apropriate-dev-sdx-or-actual-physical-disk16:29
argoneusso I need to burn a "bootrepair" cd?16:29
SolarisBoyi just ran the bash script on the bottom GunArm it works fine16:29
irreverantKwkiller is right, it wont mess the mbr. that's a more specific answer16:29
reisioargoneus: if you install Windows first and Linux second, there may well be no repairing required16:29
puffGunArm: Do you care about hard links, or just soft links?16:29
SolarisBoyGunArm: http://paste.ubuntu.com/5801978/16:29
vfgbvezavhow to check integrity of a file?16:29
GunArmSolarisBoy: thank you that is what iw as basically trying to write16:29
argoneusone more thin16:30
SolarisBoybingo then =)16:30
reisioargoneus: that is: unless there's some reason you want to have Windows boot itself instead of letting Linux do it...16:30
argoneusif I have ati/intel hybrid graphics on my laptop, is there a way to get catalyst running on ubuntu and switch between them?16:30
Hwkillerif you want windows to manage the boot, you need a bcd edit program,iirc16:30
argoneusor should I just use the opensource drivers16:30
GunArmSolarisBoy: puff: overdub: Hwkiller: thanks16:30
irreverantargoneus: Win 7 has a different load proces than xp and no longer utilizes the ntlodr option, windows 7 will wipe the arc path for the boot process and although the installation of Linux is valid, it won't be available.16:30
reisioargoneus: I don't follow it, but there are various stages of support16:30
Hwkillerooh... I'm not actually sure if the amd drivers support hybrid graphics yet.16:31
reisioargoneus: a search for your specific 'puter model, plus 'linux' might help16:31
argoneusah ok thanks16:31
reisiowell there's automated switching and manual switching16:31
=== deegee__ is now known as drussell
reisio"manual", or if you're smart, programmatic :p16:31
argoneusreisio: no results :(16:31
Hwkillerreisio: is there an equivalent to primus/optirun for amd stuff?16:32
Hwkilleror do you mean just using the bios to force a gpu?16:32
puffGunArm: find /dev -type l -maxdepth 116:33
puffGunArm: And then pipe that into whatever you want to do with the list of files, example:  find /dev -type l -maxdepth 1 | xargs ls -l16:33
nightdreverdoes compiz work without problems on ubuntu 12.04 with all effects?16:36
overdubnightdrever, that would likely depend on your hardware16:36
reisioHwkiller: there is, IIRC16:37
reisiobut I'm no expert16:37
nightdrevernvidea geforce gt 640, amd processor 4gb ram 4ghz16:37
Ari-Yangnightdrever, best way to really find out is to try it..16:37
Hwkillerreisio: me neither. I really only know about intel and nvidia.16:38
nightdreverbut i dont want to 'try' if it ruins my pc16:38
overdubit won't hurt your hardware16:38
Ari-Yangnightdrever, I doubt it will do anything but ruin your pc16:38
Ari-Yangworse case scenario stuff on ubuntu may lag a bit16:38
Hwkillernightdrever: you never need to worry about that :p.16:38
HwkillerI'm fairly sure that pc will run just fine though.16:39
HwkillerI have much weaker machines that run unity just fine.16:39
karimihi every body16:39
Ari-YangI set my cpufreq to 1.20MHz (max is 2.27) and power_profile to "mid", this may be a nice combo...16:39
ActionparsnipSame. I just choose not to16:39
nightdreveri have lots of things i dont want to lose and i dont have external hard drive to back up and im not buying one just incase compiz ruins things16:39
Actionparsnip Karimi: howdy16:39
Hwkillercompiz won't hurt anything...16:39
Hwkillerit's just a window manager/compositor. it doesn't do anything to hurt it.16:40
karimiman or women16:40
Hwkillerof course though, you really should backup, just because that's a good practice.16:40
reisiomen or women16:40
Hwkillerif it doesn't exist in 3 places, it doesn't exist at all.16:40
ActionparsnipNightdrever: 1. Get a backup 2. Compiz is a (crappy) window manager, so can be changed at will16:40
Ari-YangI don't like compiz16:40
reisiothen don't use it or Unity16:41
Makdaamhi, how do I disable all power management and power saving in quantal?16:41
malimbarvery happy that compiz is going away in Ubuntu soonish16:41
Hwkilleryeah... compiz is incredibly slow, but that's beside the point.16:41
Ari-YangI don't like unity either lol16:41
malimbarwell, in the next version or two16:41
nightdreveri just like the effects16:41
nightdreveris there anything else which gives affects like it?16:41
reisioshouldn't be slow unless you have inadequate hardware :)16:41
Hwkillernightdrever: kwin.16:41
reisionightdrever: yes16:41
Hwkillerand it does so much faster.16:41
reisionightdrever: GNOME and KDE have their own things16:41
ActionparsnipMalimbar: not even got a DE here, just openbox :-)16:41
malimbarenlightenment is even better, but limited and weird16:41
malimbarhaha, gotta lov eopenbox16:42
Hwkillerkwin does most of what people like about compiz, and does so way better.16:42
Ari-YangI use Enlightenment, malimbar16:42
nightdreverwhat would be the 'best' option for me?16:42
puffGunArm: Or, to make it more relevant to your task:  find  /sys/block -maxdepth 1 -type l -exec readlink "{}" \;16:42
ubottuUsually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.16:42
Ari-Yang^ nightdrever16:42
FloodBot1Ari-Yang: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.16:42
reisionightdrever: for someone who... what, doesn't want compiz?16:42
nightdreverwell if you say compiz is bad anything like it which is good?16:42
ActionparsnipNightdrever: are you using Precise?16:42
reisionightdrever: I don't know who said that, but compiz is a wm, it's neither bad nor good16:42
Hwkillernightdrever: yes.... kwin.16:43
Ari-Yangnightdrever, it's all aobut personal preference...16:43
Hwkillerfrom kde.16:43
nightdreverPrecise ... yes16:43
Hwkillerit has many of the effects that compiz boasts.16:43
Ari-Yangbest way to find out is to /try/ it /yourself/16:43
reisiothey're all mostly feature equivalent16:43
k1l_nightdrever: just tryout yourself. everybody got own favorites that might not suit you16:43
ActionparsnipNightdrever: if you like unity but your 3D sucks then you can use the 2D Unity session.  Much faster and fewer resources16:43
reisiohave to be to be competitive16:43
nightdrevermy 3d doesnt suck16:44
Hwkillerin terms of effects, compiz and kwin have the others beat. most others focus more on functionality and speed though.16:44
reisioalso if it did, you could spend $20 and get a dedicated GPU and improve your situation16:44
ActionparsnipNightdrever: if it's running poorly under Ubuntu then.16:44
ActionparsnipNightdrever: have a play, see what you like16:45
vfgbvezavhi is there a way to check if a file is corrupt in my hdd?16:45
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columbHow do I move application screen without Workspace Switcher or upper border?16:46
reisiovfgbvezav: that would depend on the type of corruption16:46
reisiovfgbvezav: which might depend on the type of file16:46
reisiovfgbvezav: more details16:46
ActionparsnipNightdrever: for a light desktop but still feature rich, install lxde and try that16:46
vfgbvezav<reisio>  thx for yout answer, I want to know if MKV's files are corrupt because I messed up my HDD with partioning16:46
vfgbvezavI lost 10 GO but don't know which files16:47
Actionparsnip Colomb: right click decorator -> move to desktop16:47
ActionparsnipColomb : askubuntu.com/questions/83761/how-do-i-move-window-to-specific-workplace-via-keyboard16:49
smallmousecan i use gpg -c to encrpyt a folder ?16:49
elita15i am interested in networking using linux, can someone please guide me from where do i begin?16:50
malimbarwhat do you mean by "networking" - what do you want to do?16:50
Gilligan94anyine know anything about the nvidia drivers?16:50
ActionparsnipElita15: networking in what sensw?16:50
Ari-YangGilligan94, just ask your question, and if someone knows he/she may offer their help16:51
jribelita15: you could tar the folder, and then encrypt that16:51
ActionparsnipElita15: networking is varied and complex so without clarification the question is nonsensical16:51
Gilligan94elita15: Networking on linux should work the same way as on any other platfor,16:51
jribsmallmouse: you could tar the folder, and then encrypt that16:51
ehhhi just looked at my cd/dvd drive on the front it says "r-dl", does this mean i can burn dual layer discs on this ??16:51
smallmousejrib: tar ? is that just tar command16:51
smallmousejrib: so it gpg does not work on folder just file16:51
jribsmallmouse: right16:51
Actionparsnip Elita15 : dns server management comes under the "networking"16:52
smallmousejrib: also can a windows user read it with a password16:52
elita15i am quite unaware of categories of networking, would you mind explaining?16:52
jribsmallmouse: also see http://www.gnupg.org/documentation/manuals/gnupg/gpg_002dzip.html.  I assume there is some sort of gpg program for windows, yes16:52
ActionparsnipElita15: or running a dhcp server16:52
ActionparsnipElita15 : so, what do you want to achieve16:52
ehhhor the "r" probably means read if i'm not mistaken (7 years old computer lol)16:53
llutzelita15: http://linux.about.com/od/lna_guide/a/gdelna_idx.htm16:53
elita15actionparsnip,dhcp server.16:55
Fuzzles92will 12.04.3 get rarings kernal and opensource drivers?16:55
MonkeyDu1telita15  install normal ubuntu and use tasksel to select tasks16:55
ActionparsnipElita15 : look into dhcpd or dhcp3-server16:56
Vec_Is it possible to login to CUPS server from another computer on the network? Or is the idea that you log into CUPS server from the machine hosting it and configure from there?16:56
ActionparsnipFuzzles92: I doubt it16:56
elita15actually i am interested in networking using routers and switch. i am currently studying ccna16:56
Actionparsnip Vec_: yes. It just needs configuration16:57
Fuzzles92Actionparsnip, can you explain to me what comes to the LTS in .1 .2 .3 .4 etc16:57
Actionparsnip Elita15 : so how is this ubuntu related?16:57
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Vec_Actionparsnip: I've configured the cupsd.conf to listen to all connections to the server hostname at port 631. as in -> "Listen <serverhostname>:63116:58
MonkeyDu1tisnt ccna for Cisco?16:58
ActionparsnipFuzzles92 : I'd imagine it will be the same major release number but different minor release numbers16:58
Vec_Should that not be enough for me to login through http://<serverhostname>:631/admin on another machine?16:58
Fuzzles92Actionparsnip, i mean what updates does it get if not kernal updates and opensource drivers16:58
irreverantMonkeyDu1t: yes CCNA is the associate level certification16:59
ActionparsnipVec_: can you connect to the socket using your browser?16:59
Vec_Actionparsnip: Not sure how i can verify if it is. It simply does not load the page.16:59
MonkeyDu1telita15  typ /j #cisco16:59
Ari-Yanghow do I set my cpufreq to a default governor?17:00
Ari-Yangif I reboot it will default back to "ondemand"17:00
Vec_https://help.ubuntu.com/12.04/serverguide/cups.html -- im following this guide. But i am unsure on how to authenticate to the server17:00
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Fuzzles92can someone explain the service packs to LTSes plz like 12.04.217:03
tkinghello, i have a .doc file download from the internet, actual its a time table, on windows pc the tables show, on my linux no tables, i cant see what is written in the table but can see title of the document17:03
reisiotking: what're you viewing it in?17:03
reisioFuzzles92: bug fixes, no doubt17:04
tkingreisio, am viewing it whith libre office17:04
auronandaceFuzzles92: not really a service pack, just a newer iso with all the latest updates17:04
reisiotking: you might be able to see the data with catdoc17:04
Fuzzles92auronandace, does it get kernal updates and newer opensource drivers like from raring?17:04
foofoobarHi. Is .bashrc not executed by /bin/bash ?17:06
foofoobarBecause if I login it's not, but if I do a "source .bashrc" manually, it works17:06
reisiofoofoobar: ~/.bashrc ?17:06
foofoobarreisio: yes17:06
reisiofoofoobar: what've you got in ~/.bash_profile ?17:07
reisiofoofoobar: anything mentioning bashrc?17:07
foofoobarreisio: no17:07
reisiofoofoobar: might be your problem17:07
foofoobarreisio: there is just a line for initiating "rvm"17:07
foofoobarreisio: should I put a "source .bashrc" in the .bash_profile?17:08
reisiofoofoobar: try adding [[ -f ~/.bashrc ]] && . ~/.bashrc17:08
reisiolittle better than just source17:08
foofoobarreisio: works, thanks :)17:08
reisioI'm assuming Ubuntu had something like that by default17:09
elita15MonkeyDult,   where should i begin from? i know cisco is not related to networking using foss, so what exactly is related to net working using foss?17:09
reisioso you might seek out what happened / the default Ubuntu ~/.bash_profile17:09
reisiofoofoobar: dpkg -L bash | grep -i skel might be a start17:09
tkingreisio, do i need to instal cat doc?17:12
reisiotking: catdoc, quite possibly17:13
MonkeyDu1telita15  i was referring to CCNA17:13
reisiotking: very small app17:13
ubottuilbandito1000: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».17:14
elita15monkeydult, okay what about networking through foss, any idea?17:14
tkingreisio, stalled so how do i open it with it?17:14
MonkeyDu1telita15  what do you want to know or achieve?17:14
reisiotking: it's a commandline app, open a terminal and run 'catdoc file.doc'17:15
JamJarIs it possible to have a preseed file specify the particular version of a package to install?17:15
elita15i  was learning networking  in microsoft and cisco . i just want to know about networking on linux platform.17:16
Hwkillerright, but what about networking? that's a really vague request17:16
icemanciao a tutti17:17
tkingreisio, missing some data still17:17
debian-n00bhas anyone had problems getting 3 or more monitors working with 13.04? Whenever I turn mirroring off compiz keeps crashing and the menu bar disappears. Any ideas?17:17
MonkeyDu1telita15  then you should do some reading, as you did for that other OS you just mentioned17:17
tkingreisio, actual no differience17:17
elita15MonkeyDult, okay thankds17:19
saiarcot895JamJar: like having a text file with a list of packages and versions to install?17:19
MonkeyDu1telita15  this may be a good start17:19
GeorgeTorwellif I turn on a vpn connection while I have an app connected to an existing connection, what happens to the apps using the existing connection?17:19
MonkeyDu1telita15  http://www.basicconfig.com/linuxnetwork17:19
reisiotking: and you're sure the exact same file shows a table on Windows?17:19
JamJarsaiarcot895: i have a particular package that I want to fix at a certain version when I preseed, as the latest update has a bug that I wish to avoid17:20
elita15MonkeyDult, thankyou so much.17:20
tkingreiso this is a screenshot  missing words in take (check brackets) https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/46512205/Screenshot%20from%202013-06-26%2018%3A18%3A35.png17:20
JamJarsaiarcot895: (specifically I want to hold plymouth at 0.8.2-2ubuntu30 - but presumably this is a general case)17:21
nightdreverI just installed kwin and kde stuff... now when i restart pc i get differet log in screen, and when i type kwin in terminal i get some effects but dashboard and 'taskbar' dissapears how do i remove this?17:21
ProFlashbackGetting this when trying to install Ubuntu server LTS: http://pastebin.com/riKqNbi6 - ideas?17:22
x56_sudo apt-get remove17:22
saiarcot895JamJar: (I had to google this) try using this: "sudo echo <Package Name> hold | sudo dpkg --set-selections"17:22
saiarcot895JamJar: Replace <Package Name> with the name of the package17:22
JamJarsaiarcot895: right, but i want to do this as part of a preseeded installation17:22
JamJarsaiarcot895: as here - https://help.ubuntu.com/lts/installation-guide/i386/preseed-using.html17:23
gordonjcpProFlashback: what does it say in the log, or on vc4?17:23
axsuulIn 12.04, where exactly am I suppose to add a DNS server? I'm unable to ping google.com and I'm suspecting its a DNS issue17:25
saiarcot895JamJar: I have no experience with this, but based on the example config file, I would say it's somewhere in the base-installer section17:26
ProFlashbackgordonjcp, http://i.imgur.com/04yt0km.jpg17:26
saiarcot895JamJar: I'll try to research this17:26
ProFlashbacksorry for the picture, can't copy and paste it :/17:26
Vec_How do i find out what Color Model my printer works with?17:27
Vec_(configuring cups)17:27
gordonjcpProFlashback: about an inch down from the top of that, what do you see?17:27
ProFlashbackgordonjcp, sec, will run back down to garage ;p17:28
HwkillerVec_: you mean cmyk and such?17:28
gordonjcpProFlashback: maybe more if you've got a bigger screen than I'm on just now ;-)17:28
Vec_Hwkiller: Exactly17:28
HwkillerVec_: what colors do you put into the printer itself?17:28
Hwkillerusually it says on the ink tank itsely.17:28
litropyWhat would cause network manager to unlist a wifi network after an unexpected disconnect?17:29
litropyRestarting list the network again.17:29
maetrikWhen I run "date" on my 13.04 x64 server, the output is "Wed Jun 26 13:29:11 EDT 2013". How can I change this to a 12 hour AM/PM format?17:29
Vec_Hwkiller: one small black tank, one bigass black tank, one yellow, one magneta, one cyan17:29
litropyIs there a log for network manager other than dmesg?17:30
Hwkillerso I'm gonna guess cmyk17:30
Hwkiller(cyan, magenta, yellow, black)17:30
Vec_why not kcmy17:30
ProFlashbackgordonjcp, http://i.imgur.com/jj87Qwa.jpg17:30
saiarcot895JamJar: This seems to fit: https://help.ubuntu.com/lts/installation-guide/i386/preseed-advanced.html#preseed-hooks17:30
Hwkilleroh, I didn't know there was such a thing17:30
Vec_Hwkilller yeah thats what im confused about17:30
Vec_but i should google17:30
gordonjcpProFlashback: okay, so it looks like your install media isn't working17:31
saiarcot895JamJar: I think you could use preseed/late_command and have the dpkg command(s) there17:31
gordonjcpProFlashback: and it looks like it has failed to get a bunch of packages off it17:31
ProFlashbacki see17:31
joelwallisHow can I change my user's shell to zsh in Ubuntu 13.04? I'm trying to run "chsh -s /usr/bin/zsh" but it's not working17:31
JamJarsaiarcot895: i'd probabbly want to do it before the offending package gets installed17:31
ProFlashbackgordonjcp, is there any way to download the packages from the internet?17:31
JamJarplymouth is pretty deep in the OS17:31
ProFlashbacki have no other blank cd's left17:31
Vec_Hwkiller: its prolly cmyk, due to the fact that there is no tank to the right of the rightmost one17:32
gordonjcpProFlashback: yes but your install image needs to be working correctly first17:32
Vec_Hwkiller: it fits with cmyk reading from left to right. does not fit with kcmy17:32
ProFlashbackgordonjcp, so, try to find new cd and re-burn image?17:32
ZwHi! What is the difference between byoub and screen?17:33
gordonjcpProFlashback: use a USB stick17:33
saiarcot895JamJar: then it would be between partman/early_command and preseed/late_command17:33
ProFlashbackgordonjcp, just extract it onto the stick or?17:33
ProFlashbackor is there some tool17:33
gordonjcpProFlashback: depends on what OS you're using to create the stick17:33
gordonjcpif you already have something Unixy (Linux, BSD, OSX) you can just use dd to put the image on17:33
ProFlashbackgordonjcp, I'm using Windows 817:34
gordonjcpoh, no idea, I don't know how to use Windows17:34
ahungryhey guys, how do I list the latest version of a package with apt-get17:34
gordonjcpcheck the wiki17:34
ubottuUbuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall - See also !automate17:34
ahungryI want to see what php upgrade is available17:34
ahungryaptitude search php doesn't show version #s17:34
ahungry(non-gui, server here)17:34
gordonjcpahungry: dpkg?17:34
gordonjcpmaybe dpkg -l <package>17:34
gordonjcpthat might only show you it if it's installed, not sure17:35
ahungryto see the latest available for upgrade, not necessarily what I have installed17:35
ProFlashbackgordonjcp, alright, thanks. I'll try that and I'll just idle here17:35
ahungrymy version is out of date a little bit17:35
ProFlashbackThanks (:17:35
HwkillerVec_: actually, I think the cmyk/kcmy is a preference.17:35
ahungrybut I want to see just the version I could upgrade to if I do update17:35
Hwkillerdo you want black or color printed first, essentially.17:35
Hwkillernot sure, but that's what I'm reading.17:35
saiarcot895JamJar: You could also have apt install the buggy package, force a downgrade, and then lock the package version17:36
Zw What is the difference between byoub and screen?17:37
Hwkillernever heard of byoub.17:37
Hwkilleris that a typo?17:37
visievionheh byobu Im sure.17:37
SolarisBoybyoubo is newer and under more current development Zw17:37
HwkillerI use tmux.17:38
MonkeyDu1tscreen <317:38
ejcwebI want Chromium to launch every time with a certain flag specified. I can create a shortcut for this, but don't know how to specify the flag for generic URLs in other applications which will cause Chrome to be opened??17:39
th0rnoiro, did that b43 module work?17:39
SolarisBoyi have been trying to force myself to switch to tmux or byobou - but screen works absolutely fine for me17:39
SolarisBoyejcweb: make chromium your default browser17:40
deadweaselSolarisBoy: i've wanted to try terminator and some others, but screen is great.17:40
Hwkillerejcweb: you can move the .desktop entry to ~/.local/applications and modify what it execs.17:40
SolarisBoydeadweasel: oh i use terminator =)17:40
SolarisBoydeadweasel: terminator + screen is heaven17:40
deadweaseli guess I need to look into terminator too.17:40
ejcwebSolarisBoy: It is my default browser. I want it to run 'chromium-browser --disable-accelerated-compositing' whenever it is launched though.17:40
Hwkillerejcweb: so... $ cp /usr/share/applications/chromium* ~/.local/share/applications17:41
ejcwebHwkiller: What is the .desktop entry?17:41
SolarisBoyejcweb: ahh i see17:41
deadweaselhard to find info w/out encountering Arnold Schwarzanegger.17:41
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MonkeyDu1tor chuck norris17:41
Hwkillerejcweb: then open ~/.local/share/applications/chromium*desktop in a texteditor17:41
SolarisBoythat guy is scary17:41
Hwkillerchange the Exec= line to include your flags.17:41
HwkillerA .desktop entry is basically some metadata about gui applications. e.g., what it's called, what to execute, what it handles, descriptions, the category it's in (e.g., videa, internet)17:43
deadweaselthat's quite a feature list.  do you like the tabbing, SolarisBoy ?17:43
deadweasel;;title http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Terminator_(terminal_emulator)17:43
ejcwebHwkiller: Thanks. What do you mean by chromium*desktop?17:43
Hwkillerejcweb: I'm not sure whether it's called chromium-browser.desktop or just chromium.desktop17:44
Hwkillerthe * is a wildcard.17:44
ejcwebHwkiller: Aha, I see. Thanks,17:44
Hwkillerso chromium*desktop could mean chromium-browser.desktop or chromium-Idon'tknowthename.browser, etc.17:44
ejcwebHwkiller: Incidentally, why do I need to move it the .local to do this?17:45
Hwkillerejcweb: so that it only applies to your user, but mostly so that any time chromium updates, it won't remove the changes to the original.17:45
Hwkillerif chromium updates, it'll replace the one in /usr/share. putting it in your home will avoid that.17:46
maetrikWhen I run "date" on my 13.04 x64 server, the output is "Wed Jun 26 13:29:11 EDT 2013". How can I change this to a 12 hour AM/PM format?17:46
Hwkillermaetrik: date +%r17:47
Hwkillersee date --help17:47
noiroth04, worked like a charm. Thank you!17:47
ejcwebHwkiller: And is the shortcut searched for first in ~/.local/share/applications first before /usr/share/applications ?17:47
Hwkilleras per the xdg standard.17:48
maetrikHwkiller that means that by default ubuntu server displays in 24 hour format even if the server is on the EST/EDT timezone and region settings usa?17:48
Hwkillermaetrik: well, I think that's a standard on unix/like systems.17:48
maetrikok cool17:48
maetrikgood to know17:48
ehhhrandom question, i think my hdd's are ATA, will i be able to use SATA drives in this computer (stationary) or are the plugs different?17:50
Teh_Bucketehhh, how old's the motherboard?17:51
reisioehhh: the plugs differ17:51
ehhhthe whole computer's about 7 years old17:51
Teh_Bucketunless it's years and years old, it's probly got sata plugs. look at it and google what sata plugs look like17:51
reisioehhh: thin ribbons are sata, very wide ribbons are pata17:51
reisioehhh: http://images.yourdictionary.com/images/computer/_SATPAT.JPG17:52
ehhhi found a very thin cable in the mess, looks like the sata you linked reisio17:52
msh210hi, all. chown isn't working. That is, I do sudo chown -RL foo:foo /dir # (also without sudo) and ls still shows root:root. (There's also no output to screen, not even with 2>&1.) I checked /etc/passwd and /etc/group to make sure the foo:foo is correct. (This is Raring.) What can I do?17:52
ehhhbut don't you need two cables to connect?17:52
reisioehhh: in the mess _inside_ your computer? :p17:52
reisioehhh: usually just one, from the mobo to the drive17:53
Picimsh210: Does the filesystem on which /dir is mounted support permissions?17:53
msh210pici, how do I know?17:53
ehhhreisio: yes it's so stupidly built the secondary hard drive is floating in mid air LOL :P17:53
reisioehhh: heh, k17:54
reisioehhh: yeah if you have a thin sata cable inside a computer, and it's connected to the mobo, you should be all set for sata17:54
Picimsh210: If you tell me what filesystem its on, I can tell you. Check the output of   mount17:54
axsuulIn 12.04, where exactly am I suppose to add a DNS server? I'm unable to ping google.com and I'm suspecting its a DNS issue17:54
ehhhreisio: sounds good, i will need the additional space if i can get the computer running as stable as possible17:54
msh210pici /dev/sda1 on /tee type fuseblk (rw,nosuid,nodev,allow_other,blksize=4096)17:54
ejcwebHwkiller: The shortcut now works great. How can I fix the Unity shortcut for Chromium now?17:55
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ejcwebIt doesn't use the new one I've made.17:55
saiarcot895axsuul: Check network settings, and you'll have to change the IPv4 settings to Automatic (DHCP only) or Manual17:55
Hwkillerejcweb: you can probably log out and back in, and it should work.17:55
debian-n00bhas anyone had problems with unity crashing while using 3 monitors and disabling mirroring?17:55
Znooseyaxsuul, instead of guessing try to ping an outside address, like
axsuulsaiarcot895: how about through terminal?17:55
Hwkillerunity uses the same standard.17:55
Picimsh210: Is this your windows partition?17:55
Hwkillerit probably just needs to update its cache.17:55
axsuulZnoosey: that works, i'm SSHed in remotely17:55
ejcwebHwkiller: Thanks for your help.17:55
Hwkillernp man.17:56
msh210pici, no..... I mean, I've never seen the machine: I only ssh into it. But afaik it runs only ubuntu17:57
praveen___How to recover deleted files in 12.04 LTS with Photorec ?17:58
Picimsh210: Can you check in /etc/fstab if it says something other than fuseblk for that device?17:58
Znooseyaxsuul, then edit the file /etc/dhcp/dhcpclient.conf17:58
axsuulZnoosey: hmm its empty17:59
Znooseyoops sorry dhclient.conf17:59
msh210pici  it says ntfs17:59
axsuulCool, so I uncommented and have this line: prepend domain-name-servers;18:00
Znooseyaxsuul, it should have an entry for domain name servers18:00
Znooseyyeah that is googles dns18:00
Znooseyso it should work nicely18:00
axsuulZnoosey: do i need to restart anything for it take effect?18:01
Znooseyaxsuul, i can't remember18:01
Znooseybeen a while since i did this18:01
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Picimsh210: If you need to set permissions on all the files in that partition so that you modify them by your users, you'll need to change the mount options in fstab for that.  you can use the uid and gid options for that. See man mount.fuse details.18:02
ehhhwill xubuntu 12.04 64 bit need a burnt dvd compared to 32bit? 64bit is 707mb and 32bit is 689. . i currently only have cds available18:02
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ForSparePartsehhh, Just curious -- why a disc instead of a flash drive?18:04
ehhhForSpareParts: the computer is old and i just get errors when i try to boot from usb18:04
ForSparePartsehhh, Ah, that's fucking lame.18:04
gordonjcpehhh: can it PXE boot?18:04
reisioalmost as lame as adding 7MB to an install image18:04
Alina-malinaplease OP of this channel contact me!18:04
reisiowhen it worked fine without that extra 718:04
reisioAlina-malina: /msg chanserv access #ubuntu list18:05
nightdreverHi, im in compiz and i want to disable Ubuntu unity plugin.... however there is no check box next to it so i cant.... any way to fix?18:05
ehhhreisio: my thoughts exactly :P18:05
ehhhgordonjcp: what's a pxe boot? i'll google it18:05
reisio!notunity @ nightdrever18:05
ubottureisio: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)18:05
ubottuUbuntu 11.10 and higher use the !Unity desktop environment by default.  To use GNOME Shell instead, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool".  For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place entries in the Sessions dropdown.18:05
reisioubottu: not much chance of that18:05
ubottureisio: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)18:05
reisionightdrever: ^18:05
reisioehhh: network thing18:05
msh210pici ... this may be the XY problem. What I reallyneed is for user foo to have full permissions on the file rwxrwxrwx on eachfile & dir should suffice, right?18:05
reisioehhh: it's possible it's the way you put the image onto the USB that's causing it, however18:06
OerHeksreisio, maybe !nounity ?18:06
reisioOerHeks: good piont18:06
reisioand also, good point18:06
lmatI have ubuntu installed on a computer and it stopped letting me SSH to it (timeout, like the service isn't running anymore), so I restarted the machine, then it wasn't responsive at all.18:06
reisio'cept !notunity already worked :)18:06
lmatThen, I stuck a monitor and keyboard on it, restarted, and nothing shows up on the monitor. What should I do?18:06
lmat(It's been in service for about 3 or 4 years now)18:06
reisiolmat: what do you see after your bios screen?18:06
lmatreisio: I don't see the bios screen :(18:07
ehhhreisio: i don't think so, i've tried universal usb installer, yumi, unetbootin, live-usb-install18:07
msh210lmat is it plugged in?18:07
reisiolmat: then talk to #hardware18:07
litepoolrsync -a -r -z -v --progress --partial -e ssh /root/.litecoind root@ip:/root/.litecoind18:07
reisioehhh: that's a lot :p18:07
ehhhreisio: the usb boots on another laptop i have lying around so i'm pretty sure it's the computer18:07
lmatI tried pressing the F keys during boot, and it was apparent to me that it got to some sort of bios setup ... I guess.18:07
reisioehhh: entirely possible18:07
Picimsh210: yes, but you can set that via fstab as well.18:08
msh210pici ... this may be the XY problem. What I really need is for user foo to have full permissions on the file rwxrwxrwx on eachfile & dir should suffice, no matter who the owner & group is, right?18:08
msh210pici ok thanks18:08
Friberg_So, My newly setup linux-machine with fglrx-drivers from amd running 6x21.5" full-hd displays in 3x2 configuration (3 wide, 2 height). When I startup, i get the loginscreen without trouble. Once logged in, i only get a big mouse pointer, background image on all screens and one blank white box on the primary screen.18:11
msh210have a great day, all; thanks for your help, Pici18:11
Friberg_Whats wrong? or how do i troubleshoot it?18:11
debian-n00bFriberg: I am having a similar problem.18:12
Friberg_Moving the mouse gave me something about ubuntu and internal error18:12
Friberg_debian-n00b: really?18:12
Friberg_compiz is screewing things up here.18:13
Friberg_it actually segfaults.18:13
Friberg_Also, its running on a Asus Radeon HD 7970 3GB18:13
debian-n00byeah.. I am running 3 monitors on a Radeon HD 7990 I think the model. My problem is whenever I turn of monitor mirroring compiz crashes18:14
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debian-n00bturn off18:15
Friberg_debian-n00b: sounds like the same problem18:15
Friberg_i run fine with mirroring18:15
Friberg_but that really doesn't give me use for 6 screens :P18:15
Friberg_debian-n00b: are you running 13.04?18:16
debian-n00blol.. same here18:16
Friberg_But yeah, once compiz crashes, I have no desktop.18:17
Friberg_debian-n00b: I'll try 13.10 and see how that works.. just told it to upgrade.. :P18:20
Friberg_btw, is 13.10 / saucy equivalent to say debians testing?18:22
Friberg_or what is it?18:22
hacktus0hello evry body, What is server NAS and gluster?18:22
MonkeyDu1thacktus0  do you want to know what a NAS is?18:23
hacktus0MonkeyDu1t, yes18:23
MonkeyDu1thacktus0  very roughly: it's a HDD with networking capabilities18:24
Teh_Bucketok, i've been wrestling with 12.04's desktop, managed to get it to somewhat good, and now alt-tab doesn't even work!18:24
DJonesFriberg_: 13.10 is still in development, its not due for release until October, you should be aware that there can be breakages while its being developed18:24
Friberg_more like, small computer with much HDD and specific software, mostly for webmanagement.18:24
hacktus0it's cloud, MonkeyDu1t18:25
Friberg_DJones: ah, i see. So is everything new going directly there? like Sid in debian?18:25
Guest75453Fresh install of 13.04 (64 bit) and when I open the file manager, it crashes (without being able to select a folder, move the selected folder with the keyboard...) - after a minute, it greys out and force quits. Any ideas?18:25
MonkeyDu1thacktus0  plenty tutorials, here's one http://sohoadvisers.com/tutorials/ubuntu-linux/create-a-nas-using-ubuntu-linux18:25
Vec_If i want to upgrade an application on my ubuntu server, can i simply do "apt-get upgrade <packagename> ?18:26
DJonesFriberg_: You'll get a better description/details of it if you ask in #ubuntu+1 any support or issues are normally discussed there until its released18:26
Friberg_DJones: i see :)18:26
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DJonesFriberg_: I've not used it yet, I normally wait until about a month before release to start using it :)18:27
hacktus0I saw in newspaper of linux : we can do NAS with gluster (it's program)18:27
hacktus0MonkeyDu1t I saw in newspaper of linux : we can do NAS with gluster (it's program)18:27
Friberg_DJones: well, i've played around with ubuntu once before, and that was like 10 years ago18:28
MonkeyDu1t!find gluster | hacktus018:28
ubottuhacktus0: Found: glusterfs-client, glusterfs-common, glusterfs-dbg, glusterfs-examples, glusterfs-server18:28
Guest75453Friberg_, what do you use at the moment?18:28
Friberg_just thought i'd give it a shot once again since my debian install didn't want to work on the first try18:28
Friberg_Guest75453: debian :)18:28
Friberg_atleast for my servers18:28
Friberg_my desktop is still at win 8 thou.. and I hate it.18:29
Friberg_but the multiple monitor setup works fine18:29
Guest75453Linux (of any kind) giving you monitor issues?18:29
hacktus0with glusterfs-server ,ubottu,MonkeyDu1t18:29
Vec_I want to update my CUPS to the newest version, i have 1.5.3 atm and im pretty sure its bugged with my printer. What is the best way of updating to the newest package without losing my config file?18:29
gordonjcpI must play with gluster at some point18:29
Friberg_Guest75453: yep. One monitor works good, maybe two. but 6.. never.18:29
gordonjcpFriberg_: thing is, it's a bit of an edge case18:30
gordonjcpFriberg_: if *everyone* had 6-monitor setups...18:30
Friberg_gordonjcp: yepp, no once uses that :)18:30
Guest754536? greedy :-P18:30
Guest754536 14inch CRTs?18:30
Friberg_hehe ;)18:30
Friberg_6 x 21.5" full-hd IPS panels18:30
_helios_Hey I upgraded to xubuntu 13 and I have been having allot of crashes when using web browsers anyone know what could be causing it?18:32
ehhhok so the geniuses who made xubuntu made it 5mb too big for cds, i have the option to truncate it (write until end of disc) or overburn (write until end of image), which do you think i should try (first)? (i'm thinking overburn . . )18:32
Friberg_ehhh: I'm thinking USB :)18:32
jribehhh: don't use a cd?18:32
ehhhlol for the 100th time i can only use discs because usb won't boot properly on the computer i'm trying to install to :P18:33
_helios_use a dvd18:33
jribehhh: dvd18:33
gordonjcpFriberg_: I suggested that18:33
Friberg_pxe is awesome18:33
gordonjcpehhh: remove the drive, put it in something that *does* boot off USB, install, replace18:33
gordonjcpehhh: boom, headshot18:33
ehhhno chance of getting it working with the cd? i'm out of dvds untill atleast tomorrow18:33
jribehhh: use minimal install18:34
superdiskHello, fellows18:34
jrib!minimal | ehhh18:34
ubottuehhh: The Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want.  The installer is text based (rather than graphical as used on the Desktop DVD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD18:34
superdiskI have come to this chatroom at the request of my friend, C. Michael18:34
gordonjcpehhh: you don't need a DVD, you need a USB stick18:34
superdiskWindows is good.18:34
jrib!ot | superdisk18:34
ubottusuperdisk: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!18:34
_helios_Does anyone know why xubuntu 13 keeps crashing when using browser?18:35
jrib_helios_: you should say 13.04 or 13.1018:35
ForSparePartsjrib, I didn't know about the minimal installer. Handy!18:35
gordonjcp_helios_: when you say "crashing", what *exactly* happens?18:35
_helios_Well the screen gets distorted18:35
_helios_like an old nintendo game when it messed up18:35
_helios_And nothing works.18:35
Friberg_broken graphics driver?18:35
_helios_how would I revert back to the old graphics driver it was using in 12.10?18:36
_helios_I never had this problem in 12.1018:36
istiaqueWhen i use windows 7 ,,i use pixie (Pixie is a utility made especially for webmasters and designers. It is a color picker with few extra goodies.),What is the alternative soft in linux ?18:36
curVVHi anyone know what gvfsd-metadata does?18:36
ehhhjrib: minimal install looks good, would i have to install the gui manually after install? (i want to try xfce to see results compared to ubuntu)18:36
Ari-Yang_helios_, check out Additional Drivers tab under Software Sources18:37
jribehhh: you can just install xubuntu-desktop package.  You should be able to select it during the install, but if you don't, you can also just install it afterwards18:37
_helios_Ari-Yang: I have been there which one should I pick loL?18:37
jribehhh: do you already have ubuntu?18:37
Ari-Yang_helios_, go with open source one _helios_18:37
Ari-Yangradeon xorg one18:37
Ari-Yangfglrx is a horrible driver =/18:38
_helios_Ari-Yang: I think thats the one it was set at let me check.18:38
Friberg_i actually had three choices there. two fglrx and one something else.18:38
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ehhhjrib: ubuntu went ahead and failed on me about 10 times the last days . . i don't think xubuntu will be that much more in terms of that because i keep having issues on this old thing18:38
Ari-Yang_helios_, it was already set to open source or fglrx proprietary?18:39
ehhhjrib: and i tried to fresh install some minutes ago and it also failed and put me on the live cd . .18:39
jribehhh: ok. Then fresh install may suit you best18:39
_helios_Ari-Yang: one sec Im checking now18:39
Vec_Hey guys, I'm trying to update to the newest version of CUPS on my ubuntu system. Doing apt-get update then upgrade does not update my CUPS. How can i upgrade that one spesific application?18:39
Ari-Yang_helios_, you might find this interesting http://phoronix.com/forums/showthread.php?81666-AMD-Has-Massive-Radeon-Patch-Set-Power-Management!#post338568 (also other users who use radeon)18:40
mumpitzelVec_: apt-get install <package>18:40
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_helios_Ari-Yang: It is set as Using X.Org X server -- Nouveau display driver from xserver-xorg-video-nouveau18:40
Friberg_I knew I should have installed this on my SSD. This upgrade takes forever.18:40
_helios_Ari-Yang: open source18:40
Vec_mumpitzel: How do i know what the package name is?18:40
Ari-YangAri-Yang, oh nvidia...18:40
Ari-YangI' not sure then _helios_18:40
Ari-Yangtry out another driver in that list18:41
Ari-Yangthen reboot18:41
nightdreverhow do i stop .... the unlock keyring .... it happens quite alot?18:41
_helios_k brb18:41
mumpitzelVec_: for cups? dpkg -l |grep -i cups   should give you a hint18:42
ForSparePartsistiaque, alternativeto.net suggests gpick -- not sure if it's what you need, but worth a shot! https://code.google.com/p/gpick/18:42
Vec_mumpitzel: Yeah. Writing that stuff now (started learning linux/ubuntu yesterday, please bear with ^^)18:42
RandPaul2016was drying off my keyboard18:43
nightdreveri have set up ubuntu to auto log in ........ how do i change it so i enter a password?18:43
ForSparePartsistiaque, Available from the Software Center, or apt-get if you prefer (not sure if you're a big terminal user or not...?)18:43
Vec_mumpitzel: Am i guessing correctly if i guess that 1.5.3-0ubuntu8 is the full and total package name? Otherwise im pretty lost18:43
jribnightdrever: how did you set it up in the first place?18:44
mumpitzelyou guess wrongly. do you tell apt versions when you install something?18:44
mumpitzel 1.5.3-0ubuntu8  is certainly no package name18:44
nightdreverwhen i install ubuntu i gave password but got it to log in automatically18:44
istiaquei am new in linux distro...18:44
Vec_Thats what im infinitly confused about. The whole apt-get thing seems to only draw from sources.list and download/install whatever is new there18:44
PiciVec_: why do you think you need a new version of cups?18:45
mumpitzelVec_: that's its job18:45
istiaque<ForSpareParts> thank you..18:45
istiaquei try my best18:45
Vec_However, the cups package im getting from apt-get is old. I need the newest one due to a bug in this package18:45
mumpitzelVec_: what makes you sure a newer one is available?18:45
Vec_Pici: Canon printers struggle with a bug that halts printing halfway through with CUPS18:45
ForSparePartsistiaque, no problem. Hope it does the trick for you!18:46
Vec_mumpitzel: it says so on the website18:46
ehhhdo you guys know if cheap stationary (desktop?) computers today are worth it and can run linux well for multimedia purposes? it would cost me about the same to buy a cheap media computer than to buy an expensive music streamer and it would only do that . .18:48
mumpitzelehhh: any cheap PC today can stream music and movies and can show them both too18:48
PiciVec_: Which website? What release of Ubuntu are you running?18:49
ForSparePartsehhh, I've been using a repurposed desktop box as a home theater PC backed by Ubuntu with moderate success. A few problems here and there, but nothing game breaking.18:49
Vec_Pici: http://www.cups.org/, im running Ubuntu 12.04 LTS18:50
rlabHello, On one of our ubuntu box's while in terminal this keeps appearing at random intervals, does anyone know what causes it?18:51
rlabunable to resolve host rlab-OptiPlex-330.rlab.org.uk18:51
ehhhthat's what i was hoping to hear :) i'm at least giving my old desktop computer a go but i've had so many problems the last days that i'm starting to consider a new cheap one for the sole purpose is to play music stored locally and watch some movies here and there. and i think if this thing can play 1080p and .mkv without problems then anything should lol18:51
ForSparePartsehhh, I've found that XBMC is an awesome, awesome, awesome piece of software, particularly if you're going to be using your computer with a TV. Easy to set up, very flexible, very powerful, cross platform, remote controllable from browsers, phones, tablets, and it does a bang-up job of streaming to other computers, too.18:51
PiciVec_: Ubuntu will only provide security updates after a release has come out.  1.5.3 is the latest version that is available in 12.04.  There might be an unsupported PPA out there that provides a newer versions.18:52
ForSparePartsI run XBMC on my HTPC pretty much all the time, and I have it installed on other boxes to stream content from the HTPC. Very slick. One of my roommates actually has XBMC on his Raspberry Pi, and he uses it the same way, as a sort of thin-client interface to the HTPC.18:53
ehhhForSpareParts: basically that's my plan, control it with an android device be it a tablet or phone . . i tried xbmc on this computer but that almost killed it . . i like to have at least one or two dedicated music players for different types of music (otherwise it gets clustered) so xbmcbuntu i'm half considering but the plan was to run xbmc18:53
Vec_Pici: Ok. Thanks.18:53
Programmer_i am considering removing kde from kubuntu. what is a better and fast desktop and doesnt cause as much lag?18:55
ForSparePartsehhh, You may want to use a full Ubuntu install -- handy for when something breaks, or there's something you want to do/watch on a website somewhere. XBMC does content presentation -- read-only, and it's very strict about that.18:55
istiaqueWhat is the best linux distro for a web-developer?18:55
Piciistiaque: If you're expecting us to tell you anything other than Ubuntu, you're in the wrong place.18:55
ehhhForSpareParts: yes i'm thinking ubuntu or xubuntu is the best option, since it's a computer we18:55
Piciistiaque: use ##linux for asking about other linux distros.18:56
ehhhare talking about why not have the possibilities of an computer lol :P18:56
istiaque<Pici> ok ,,  i understood,,thank you very much....18:57
ForSparePartsistiaque, If you're new  to linux, Ubuntu is known for being relatively easy to get up and running with, and it's about as close to "the standard" as anything is in the open-source community. What are you looking for/why are  you making the switch?18:57
ripplebitguys how do i start cinnamon?18:58
WhitorHi all. If I switch to a terminal only screen (ie ctrl-alt-F1) and start VLC with a local video file, it plays the file in the terminal doing its best with ascii characters. If I do the same thing in a terminal window... it spawns the VLC gui and plays the file in there... How can I force it to remain in the terminal I typed the command in ?18:58
ForSparePartsripplebit, Log out, and select it at the login screen (assuming you installed the package from apt).18:58
auronandaceripplebit: log out and pick it in the login screen18:58
ripplebitthanks mate18:58
ripplebitguys there's a big virtual keyboard at the bottom of the screen(cinnamon). how do i disable it?19:02
istiaque<ForSpareParts> i think because ,,all the web developer tools have any other distro.. ,,it my thinking..19:02
Ari-Yang....poke around with settings ripplebit19:02
aringanhi, I am using ubuntu 8.04, and non of the commands I used to list running services worked for me !19:06
_helios_Hey guys that fixed the problem I was having thanks allot ;)19:06
xanguaaringan: use a supported ubuntu version ;)19:06
exaemps aux | less work?19:06
IdleOnearingan: 8.04 is no longer supported. You should upgrade to at least 12.0419:07
ripplebitguys which dir is ~/.themes?19:07
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Friberg_lol, after upgrade from 13.04 to 13.10 my grub hangs on load.19:07
IdleOneripplebit: that would be /home/ripplebit/.themes19:07
xangua!ubuntu+1 | Friberg_19:07
ubottuFriberg_: Raring Ringtail is the codename for Ubuntu 13.04 - Support only in #ubuntu+119:07
Friberg_now I can't even start Windows again..19:07
wilee-nileeripplebit, Is orca running?19:07
IdleOneFriberg_: 13.10 support in #ubuntu+119:07
xanguammmm :/19:08
wilee-nileeripplebit, Try killall orca in a terminal19:08
aringanI am trying but this is my first time , and i don't know about some of them like ;19:08
aringanConfiguration file `/etc/bash.bashrc'19:08
aringan ==> Modified (by you or by a script) since installation.19:08
aringan ==> Package distributor has shipped an updated version.19:08
aringan   What would you like to do about it ?  Your options are:19:08
aringan    Y or I  : install the package maintainer's version19:08
aringan    N or O  : keep your currently-installed version19:08
FloodBot1aringan: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.19:08
ForSparePartsistiaque, Sorry, could you explain what you mean by that?19:09
jribaringan: you get that during package upgrades...19:09
IdleOnearingan: type Y and hit enter19:09
exaemaringan: just click n19:09
usr13Looks like one of our factoids needs to be updated.19:09
_helios_So whoever it was that just helped me I think they left the chat but thanks allot again19:09
rlabrlab> Hello, On one of our ubuntu box's while in terminal this keeps appearing at random intervals, does anyone know what causes it?19:10
rlab<rlab> unable to resolve host rlab-OptiPlex-330.rlab.org.uk19:10
aringan 219:10
aringan 319:10
aringan 419:10
aringan 519:10
FloodBot1aringan: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.19:10
aringan 619:10
aringan 719:10
IdleOneexaem: seeing how it is his first time. He probably hasn't changed anything in bashrc, it is best to use the updated package.19:10
rlaband hes gone19:10
curVVhello, how can i see which process is using gvfsd-metadata to cause jdb2 journalling to constantly grind away at my hard drive? iotop shows jbd2/sda1-8 at 99% io usage.19:10
wilee-nilee!enter > aringan19:11
ubottuaringan, please see my private message19:11
ripplebitIdleOne: how can i extract a zip?19:11
aringanthere is a question I don't know what to answer !19:11
jribaringan: tell us the question19:11
usr13ripplebit: unzip19:11
wilee-nileearingan, relax.19:11
aringanI can't send it here19:11
aringanit gives me flood19:12
wilee-nilee!pastebin > aringan19:12
ubottuaringan, please see my private message19:12
istiaque<ForSpareParts> i think all web-development tools  are already have any other distro..web-development tools like adobe dreamweaver,,ntepad++,,etc19:12
polynomial2I'm install ubuntu LTS and the installation is stuck on configurtion console-setup19:12
polynomial2I'm able to read syslog through a seperate terminal. any ideas what I should do here?19:12
wilee-nileepolynomial2, This during the install?19:13
ripplebitguys how dod i get to my ~/.themes folder?19:13
polynomial2wilee-nilee: this is during the  install. according to syslog it's been stuck for 20 minutes19:13
rlabcd ~./themes19:13
motaka2where is the  terminal in 12.04?19:13
rlabcd ~/.themes19:13
ripplebitit says no such dir19:13
rlabthen it doesnt exist19:14
ripplebitthen ill make one19:14
hacktus0motaka, for terminal you must do ctrl+alt+T19:14
exaemIdleOne: you never know19:14
usr13ripplebit: What are you trying to do?19:14
wilee-nileepolynomial2, I wonder if your download is corrupt, if it were me I would stop it reboot to a OS check the sum of the iso, and if good try again. You should not have to do much but start a install.19:14
ubottuTo verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows19:15
GummY-MaNquestion about ubuntu, can i install it on the same drive as my windows, without making a seperate partition for it?19:15
polynomial2wilee-nilee: I checked the SHA1SUM of the iso before buring it, it was good19:15
wilee-nileepolynomial2, Ah, good, not sure then really, maybe others will know.19:15
ripplebitguys im trying to put a cinnamon theme into ~./themes, but im getting: "not a directory"19:15
Picirageberry: its ~/.themes not ~./themes/ and you may need to create it19:16
k1l_GummY-MaN: most suporters dont recommend wubi (which could do what you asked). for testing just use a live-cd/-usb or make seperate partitions19:16
Piciripplebit: ^19:16
polynomial2wilee-nilee: ok, thanks for the help19:16
usr13ripplebit: mkdir ~/.themes19:16
Kartagisis there a known bug with 'Drop to share' service on Ubuntu 13.04?19:16
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wilee-nileepolynomial2, I have had bad loads to usb/dvd/cd as well one never knows.19:16
ripplebitusr13: it says it already exists19:16
ripplebitbut that it's not a directory19:16
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polynomial2wilee-nilee: yeah definitely possible19:16
polynomial2any idea how to force a reboot during the install?19:16
GummY-MaNok thanks k1l_19:16
IdleOnearingan: type Y and hit enter19:17
usr13ripplebit: Oh it's supposed to be a file?  rmdir ~/.themes touch ~/.themes19:17
Piciusr13: no.19:17
d4rkn30Hey there Fellas i need a little help on removing services from startup on boot ( Server 13.04)19:17
usr13Pici: What then?19:17
motaka2I love ubuntu19:17
wilee-nileearingan, If it were me I would answer y, your choice really.19:17
aringanthanks, so why the default is no ?19:17
motaka2I hate windows19:17
ripplebitusr13: no i think it's meant to be a directory, but i think it's a file19:17
reisiomotaka2: yes19:17
Piciusr13: Its supposed to be a directory. ripplebit is saying that the error states that its not a directory (which it isn't, since it likely doesn't exist)19:18
wilee-nileearingan, People modify stuff the n is an option to keep that.19:18
usr13ripplebit: rm ~/.themes mkdir ~/.themes/19:18
ForSparePartsistiaque, You're saying you all your tools seem to have good linux alternative, and that's why you want to switch? It may be I don't know what you mean by distro.19:18
aringanthank you :)19:18
ripplebitit says : "No such file or directy" when i try to mkdir19:18
wilee-nileeno problem, enjoy, aringan19:18
ripplebitok think i got it19:19
ripplebitthanks guys19:19
ripplebitwhat are ~/. directories? are they hidden or something?19:19
Piciripplebit: anything that starts with a dot is 'hidden'19:20
usr13ripplebit: ~/  just means /home/ripplebit19:20
usr13ripplebit: And as Pici points out, if you create a file with . in front of it, you will not be able to see it in file managers or ls uneless you opt to show hidden files, such as ls -a  or tell your file manager to "Show hidden files"19:21
tgunrIs it possible to configure a Ethernet interface in /etc/network/interface to have both a DHCP and a static IP?19:21
aringanhere is another one ; http://paste.ubuntu.com/5802427/19:21
ripplebitusr13: is that for security reasons or convenience?19:22
tgunrnot finding any examples of that19:22
IdleOnearingan: this is a new install correct?19:22
Spr1ngAnybody had any success getting request tracker 4 running under ubuntu 12.04 lts?  I'm experiencing some challenges and would appreciate talking to an expert as the official rt irc support channel is not very friendly.19:22
usr13ripplebit: ls -a (-a, --all  do not ignore entries starting with .)19:22
aringanI am upgrading from 8.0419:22
d4rkn30Hey there Fellas i need a little help on removing services from startup on boot ( Server 13.04)19:22
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aringanand I have ssh connection to my server19:22
IdleOnearingan: it would be best if you accept all the maintainer packages.19:22
usr13ripplebit: Convenience / simplicity19:22
aringanso Y for all ?19:23
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wilee-nileed4rkn30, Have you loaded the startup application app19:24
usr13ripplebit: To illustrate, compare output of   ls     to    ls -a  #In your home dir.19:24
d4rkn30wilee-nilee: um no.. i didnt even know one existed19:25
wilee-nileed4rk0wl, I assume it is something in this. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ShowHiddenStartupApplications19:26
wilee-nileed4rkn30, Otherwise name the thang you want to stop.19:26
usr13d4rkn30:  You can just chmod -x /etc/init.d/service-name-here19:27
d4rkn30wilee-nilee: i already know how to use htop to kill them19:27
RealKillaz I have a NIC when I configure it with a static IP it works perfect. Cofniguring it with DHCP is failing  with the error:  DHCPRELEASE on eth0 to, but that is the old network subnet. Also I see the message: "No DHCPOFFERS received"19:27
wilee-nileed4rkn30, Not sure you understand.19:27
RealKillazWhat should I do to reset the NIC so that it forgets the old subnet? My other pc's are receiving IP's from the DHCP server19:27
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reisioRealKillaz: pick one channel19:27
usr13d4rkn30: ... after you stop the service.19:27
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d4rkn30yeah with service <name> stop19:28
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usr13d4rkn30: Actually, I should have said,   chmod -x /etc/init.d/script-name-here19:29
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ehhhjust wanted to say that using overburn in imgburn to burn xubuntu 12.04 LTS to a CD-R worked fine, the 5mbs extra didn't pose a problem :)19:31
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ProFlashbackgordonjcp, still here?19:34
prashant_123456i need to install ice window manager in ubuntu 12.04 lts please guide me !!19:39
DarkStar1evening guys. I'm on 12.04. I can access the gui for the network manager but I can't edit the connection settings19:40
DarkStar1anyone know why? (I am also administrator)19:41
reisiowhat exactly is your plan, to use an old version of a distro forever?19:41
gordonjcpProFlashback: hi19:41
ProFlashbackgordonjcp, I followed those steps, and when my server boots up it doesn't boot to the stick19:42
gordonjcpProFlashback: what happens when you try?19:42
ripplebitguys how do i change my icons?19:43
usr13DarkStar1: Can you elaborate on that just a bit. (Not sure we know what your issue is.)19:43
ProFlashbackgordonjcp, black screen19:45
mamedfirefox ubuntu 32 bit 12.04 flash problem . still cannot watch youtube videos but epiphany does work19:45
ripplebitguys how do i change my icons?19:46
Vec_Hi, i'm looking for a way to download & install a package not reachable by get-apt/repositories? (the package i am offered from the repositories are "outdated")19:46
DarkStar1usr13: I suddenly have edit access to the network interface gui again but the network settings that's shown in the gui and that which is in the /etc/network/interface file are different.19:46
Vec_^ i now realise that was not phrased correctly as a question, but im sure you get the point ^^19:46
usr13mamed: Install adobe-flashplugin - Adobe Flash Player plugin version 1119:46
mamedusr13, it is installed19:47
mamedand afaik it is the last version supported by adobe19:47
usr13DarkStar1: So, some are missing?  (from gui?)19:47
usr13mamed: before or after the last upgrade of firefox?19:48
mamedusr13, from fresh installation of ubuntu and until now19:48
mamedi have upgraded firefox also19:49
mamedgnash does work without any problem on youtube but mstof websites does not support gnahs and requires adobe flash19:49
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DarkStar1usr13: nvm. It's late and I have to go19:50
samy_how to install my video card,my resolution now is 640 x 480 ?19:50
mamedsamy_, on ubuntu dash menu type restricted drivers19:51
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mamedand you will see an green icon click on it and it will instll drivers19:51
usr13mamed:  ls -l /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins/flashplugin-alternative.so19:51
mamedusr13, lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 37 Jun 16 19:57 /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins/flashplugin-alternative.so -> /etc/alternatives/mozilla-flashplugin19:52
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usr13mamed: ls -l /etc/alternatives/mozilla-flashplugin19:53
mamedusr13, lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 44 Jun 16 20:28 /etc/alternatives/mozilla-flashplugin -> /usr/lib/adobe-flashplugin/libflashplayer.so19:53
usr13mamed: Ok, well, not sure why it is not working.19:53
usr13mamed: What exactly is not working?19:54
mamedso i use epiphany web browser for youtube19:54
mamedusr13, i cannot watch youtube videos19:54
usr13mamed: Oh, so epiphany is not working?19:54
mamedno it does working . in fact it is the only working web browers on youtube19:54
usr13mamed: I suppose you'll need to symlink to epiphany's plugin directory.19:55
find-helphi, im trying to search for all files modified in the last 24 hours. but when i do thie following command i see every files from this month. could nayone help me rectify this? find . -mtime 0  -exec  /bin/ls '{}' \;19:55
mamedfrom which one to other one19:55
find-helpfind . -mtime 0 << this shows me the correct info by itself19:55
usr13mamed: Oh, it IS working. Sorry...   So, what version of Firefox are you using?19:55
scipy53I'm having serious problems everytime I close an application. Seems it doesnt close properly, and then every time I try opening it, it says that the application is already running. I tied every kill command imaginable, and in the entire process list, there is nothing related to the process I'm trying to kill anymore.19:55
usr13mamed: Firefox is the one that will not play flash videos.  Is that correct?19:56
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skorsHi, i installed ubuntu 12.04 via dvd on my acer aspire 5560. installation went successfully but upon reboot, "could not find operating system" so i did smart boot and received this log: http://paste.ubuntu.com/5802488/19:56
skorsscipy53, what application is it ?19:56
tgunrCan anyone answer this? http://askubuntu.com/questions/313086/is-it-possible-to-setup-an-interface-with-both-dhcp-and-a-static-ip19:56
mamedusr13, firefox and chronomioum19:56
scipy53skors, First firefox, now skype. Thankfully not my IRC client.19:56
Picifind-help: ls will look inside a directory if you provide that as an argument. So either tweak your find command to search files only or use ls -d19:57
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skorsscipy53, what does top reveal at the moment ?19:57
scipy53skors, what part of top do you want me to report on?19:59
singingwolfboyis there a way to get a list of packages that I've *intentionally* installed, as opposed to packages that were pulled in automatically for dependency resolution? apt must know the difference, since it can run `apt-get auto remove`19:59
find-helpPici: Thanks for this.19:59
skorsscipy53, is firefox and skype still listed in them ?19:59
scipy53skors, nope19:59
find-helpscipy53: pkill firefox20:00
SupovitzHaving a rough time dual booting on my UEFI enabled machine. Can anyone help me out?20:00
usr13mamed:  Just a sec...20:00
ehhhwhat's the difference between graphics driver normal and "post-release updates"? NVIDIA version 173 and NVIDIA version 173-updates20:00
scipy53find-help, Tried an uncountable number of times20:00
mamedok usr13 . my firefox is 2120:00
scipy53find-help, Just for the sake of it, tried again - no luck.20:01
find-helpscipy53: What user are you running the command as?20:01
scipy53find-help, Not root, but I have root access20:02
usr13mamed: See my pm20:03
scipy53im now root, still no luck find-help20:03
caodepalhahi can anyone here give me some help about ubuntu?20:03
reisiocaodepalha: no, but many people here can20:03
k1l_!details | caodepalha20:04
ubottucaodepalha: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."20:04
find-helpcan you run iceweasel ?20:04
scipy53find-help, me?20:04
find-helpscipy53: is it actually firefox or iceweasel ?20:04
k1l_find-help: ubuntu got no iceweasel20:05
caodepalhawell firts timer in just about everything ubuntu. i've tried it along with windows 7 on dual-boot then unistalled it. i would like to make it the only operating system on my laptop. burned ubuntu studio and botted the cd. the instalattion begins very very slow then it turn to a black screen and does nothing20:05
scipy53anyway, this is not an isolated case find-help same issue in skype20:06
skorsHi, i installed ubuntu 12.04 via dvd on my acer aspire 5560. installation went successfully but upon reboot, "could not find operating system" appeared so i found smart-boot, ran it, and received this log: http://paste.ubuntu.com/5802488/20:07
aitorhi guys, is there a program similar to autohotkey in linux? or what programmation language is more likewise?20:08
find-helpscipy53: yes you know, did'nt see that was your OS i thought maybe you were using debian, so what do you get from ps-aux | grep 'firefox' ?20:08
caodepalhawell firts timer in just about everything ubuntu. i've tried it along with windows 7 on dual-boot then unistalled it. i would like to make it the only operating system on my laptop. burned ubuntu studio and botted the cd. the instalattion begins very very slow then it turn to a black screen and does nothing20:09
PashaPastaWhy would anyone still use Ubuntu? Unity and Gnome3 are terrible >.>20:09
caodepalhawell firts timer in just about everything ubuntu. i've tried it along with windows 7 on dual-boot then unistalled it. i would like to make it the only operating system on my laptop. burned ubuntu studio and botted the cd. the instalattion begins very very slow then it turn to a black screen and does nothing20:10
auronandacePashaPasta: there are other desktop environments20:10
PashaPastanot default20:10
PashaPastasure, you can install others...but that's not very "user friendly"20:10
ehhhtyping install is complicated enough :'(20:11
auronandacePashaPasta: yes if you use the supported distros (xubuntu for xfce, kubuntu for kde, lubuntu for lxde)20:11
PashaPastamint w/ MATE or cinnamon wins..hands down20:11
auronandace!info cinnamon | PashaPasta20:11
ubottuPashaPasta: cinnamon (source: cinnamon): Innovative and comfortable desktop. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.7.4-1 (raring), package size 607 kB, installed size 2460 kB20:11
caodepalhawell firts timer in just about everything ubuntu. i've tried it along with windows 7 on dual-boot then unistalled it. i would like to make it the only operating system on my laptop. burned ubuntu studio and botted the cd. the instalattion begins very very slow then it turn to a black screen and does nothing20:12
find-helpcaodepalha: download debian, do a minimum expert install, un select everything. If you don't get a 'balck screen' again install xdm and use the awesome window manager. Job done20:12
PashaPastafind-help: +120:12
ripplebitguys i need square windows (ubuntu 13)20:13
caodepalhaok great!. my goal is to have only ubuntu studio installed. working along with win7 i found it slow. the minimal expert insta is done through windows?.20:15
irreverantdoes ubuntu have a cmd for an unfruitful, miserable life?20:15
reisioirreverant: install_windows.exe20:15
PashaPastacaodepalha: if you want just linux installed...it'd be best to zero your drive(s) first20:15
irreverantreisio: lol20:15
ripplebitguys how do i get square windows for ubuntu 13?20:16
find-helpcaodepalha:forget the idea of ubuntu, its sluggish and horrible to work with. download a debain install for your hardare achitecture from the debian website20:16
find-helpcaodepalha: for Reference Debian == Ubuntu20:17
ripplebitfind-help: ubuntu seems way slower than windows on my laptop (that is less responsive)20:17
PashaPastaripplebit: thank its overbloating and unity20:17
irreverantripplebit: what laptop you running?20:17
ripplebitirreverant: thinkpad e32020:18
irreverantI want a new dell xps 12 ultrabook with Ubuntu 12.04 on it20:18
rodhashHi .. I'm intending to by the printer HP Advantage 3516 .. how do I know if Ubuntu works (via wireless) with this printer? Any HP printer works (via wireless) normally on Ubuntu??20:18
caodepalhaWhat is Debian? I'm sorry20:18
irreveranthttp://www.dell.com/us/business/p/xps-13-linux/pd SWeeeeet!!20:18
PashaPastaubuntu is built on debian20:18
ripplebitirreverant: it does look pretty good, im not gonna lie20:19
irreverantripplebit: right?!20:19
ripplebiti dunno if you want ubuntu though. i'd get arch and just install what you need (if you're picky)20:19
reisiorodhash: network is network, doesn't matter if it's wireless in the middle20:20
irreverantI have the 14 inch version. I'm thinking of dumping windows completely and just loading ubuntu. but i want to get familiar with ubuntu first20:20
find-helpripplebit: They may be so, but i doubt it, you have the ability in linux to improve performance if need by only having what you need installed, tweaking what processes run at startup etc. etc. etc.. you have no options in windows, you only have what is given to you not what you probably want. if ubuntu is being slow, remove and put debian on it. remove the parts you dont require and have a functioning system based around a bespoke deisgn b20:20
irreverantSame config, processor and ram however I have an nvidia video card and a ssd drive to load windows and the standard hdd drive for data.20:20
reisiorodhash: http://hplipopensource.com/hplip-web/supported_devices/index.html20:21
caodepalhaWhat is Debian? I'm sorry20:21
rodhashreisio, I see.. but even using the printer via network (wireless) I do have to use some driver .. and I'm just worried about the compatibility between Ubuntu and HP printers20:21
PashaPastacaodepalha: another linux distro20:21
ripplebitfind-help: i'll probably install arch on it later on. For the moment is there a tool that tells me which processes are using the most cpu?20:21
irreverantcaodepalha: another flavor of linux20:21
find-helpripplebit: top20:21
PashaPastaripplebit: use the command top20:21
find-helpripplebit: htop20:21
find-helpripplebit: personal preference but htp is top2.020:22
PashaPastaor apt-get install htop if you want a more graphical appearance20:22
caodepalhais it good for music production and recording? one of the main reasons for leaving win7 is that my computer gets too slow20:22
find-helpripplebit:ps -aux20:22
reisiorodhash: http://hplipopensource.com/hplip-web/supported_devices/index.html20:22
PashaPastamusic production? ehh, it'll work but you'd be better in another OS tbh20:22
irreverantThis is the only reason why i haven't gone completely ubuntu for the Dell XPS 14.20:23
reisioeverything is better on GNU/Linux20:23
OerHeksrodhash, linux & HP is great, ubuntu uses CUPS for printing20:23
reisioirreverant: what is?20:23
rodhashOerHeks, : )20:23
irreverantOh yeah, the battery life. I'm extremely mobile and 2 hours ain't so much time.20:24
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find-helpirreverant: you dont honestly believe whats there do you ?20:25
irreverantfind-help: please explain20:26
find-helpirreverant: i would say those test simply couldnt be accurate or done in a fiar manner20:26
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irreverantSeems pretty solic.20:27
caodepalhais it good for music production and recording? one of the main reasons for leaving win7 is that my computer gets too slow20:27
find-helpirreverant: ok, hdd wasnt picked up20:27
rodhashreisio, I've just checked this link .. it's the driver to be downloaded, correct?  I already imagined there is some driver available, I was just curious about the compatibility (printing quality, wireless communication, functionalities, etc)20:27
BenxyzzyI encrypted my whole HD with LVM. In /etc/fstab I have /dev/mapper/myserver--vg-swap_1 none swap sw 0 0 . Is this swap one-time-encrypted? As in, is a fresh swap key generated every boot?20:27
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PashaPastacaodepalha: personally, I wouldn't recommend using ubuntu for music production20:27
ehhhcaodepalha: i could never find out how to get midi and stuff working so i dropped it for music20:27
caodepalhaanything you guys can recomend?20:28
irreverantfind-help: i can live with the work arounds for the hdd, and nvidia card. but only getting 2 hours of battery life from it on a single charge, that's just too little of time realistically.20:28
DJonescaodepalha: For music production, have a look at http://ubuntustudio.org/about-ubuntustudio/20:28
PashaPastaosx does it well, winblows if you're hellbent on not touching osx20:28
BenxyzzyDjones: got there first :)20:28
wilee-nileecaodepalha, In the end you will have to try it and see if it fits your needs, nothing anyone says here is really vaild in your needs.20:28
irreverantif he's going to use os X he might as well just use freeBSD20:29
irreverantsince os x is essentially bsd.20:29
PashaPastairreverant: no, can't use most of the production tools on straight up BSD20:29
zykotick9irreverant: not really...  yes it's a bsd kernel, but that's about the only similarity...20:30
irreverantYeah I know.20:30
irreverantNo there some syntax command structure similarity20:30
find-helpirreverant: if youre only getting 2 hours battery life and windows is give you more than twice as much i would wonder what process were taking up so much memory20:30
caodepalhai need a system that can perform faster than my present win7 setup. heard that linux is faster, stable and free. i work with recording audio and midi and working with daw to produce music. vsts etc.20:30
find-helpcaodepalha: i told you what you need to do20:31
ehhhok i'm trying to get xubuntu to boot properly, i end up on a screen with a blinking underline and an [ OK ] just above to the right. I can get into the os from the terminal using startx or through recovery > resume. the problem started after i tried to change the additional drivers (graphics)20:31
irreverantI hate to say it but a mac is much better suited, or from what i remember when they were powerPC and g5 g6 processor based, much faster for music production20:31
find-helpcaodepalha: you can use ffmpeg for recording20:31
rodhashOerHeks, have you already used any HP printer? Is the compatibility with Ubuntu fine?20:31
find-helpcaodepalha: well infact that's now avconv20:32
gordonjcpokay so "sudo apt-get build-dep uwsgi"20:32
gordonjcpwhy has that just installed ubuntu-desktop on my server?20:33
gordonjcpthat's the most utterly retarded thing I have ever seen20:33
ehhhcaodepalha: you won't be able to use VST's from windows/mac on ubuntu unless you run a windows DAW through wine or something . .20:33
gordonjcpcaodepalha: what are you trying to do?20:33
ehhhi heard there's great substitutes but i never dove into it20:33
gordonjcpcaodepalha: you might want to look at kxstudio20:34
find-helpgordonjcp: was it in you dependencies list?20:34
gordonjcpfind-help: well I guess it was, if build-dep pulled it in20:34
find-helpcaodepalha: reenode/#ubuntu(+CLcfjnt)] [Act: 1]20:34
find-helpreenode/#ubuntu(+CLcfjnt)] [Act: 1]20:34
OerHeksrodhash, sure, i have a  hp 1020, HP is business machines.20:34
find-help[#ubuntu] reenode/#ubuntu(+CLcfjnt)] [Act: 1]20:34
caodepalhaif the overll performance of the laptop works better and faster and virus free i'd like to use it in a way that i use win 7 now where i use reaper vsts record guitars vocals etc. doenst have to be the same programs20:35
find-helpcaodepalha: http://libav.org/avconv.html\#Detailed-description20:35
gordonjcpcaodepalha: look at Ardour20:36
gordonjcpcaodepalha: what's Reaper?20:36
caodepalhaits a daw20:36
find-helpcaodepalha: google is your friend.....20:36
caodepalhadigital audio software20:36
gordonjcpcaodepalha: I know what a DAW is ;-)20:36
reisiorodhash: ...no20:36
gordonjcpcaodepalha: I use Ardour quite a bit20:37
reisiorodhash: it has a list of what hp devices are supported by the driver, which you get from the package manager if it isn't installed already20:37
gordonjcpcaodepalha: I don't use VSTs or softsynths though20:37
caodepalhai heard ardour is good to. its all the same i guess20:37
gordonjcpcaodepalha: Ardour was originally based on the Mackie HDR stuff20:37
find-helpi need to make a a few videos for a work project and had no issue using avconv or at the time ffmpeg20:38
caodepalhaanyway through thta need i found ubuntu studio. someone here said it was crap...20:38
find-helpworks very well20:38
gordonjcpthe idea being that one could complete the Mackie HDR tutorials on Ardour, once it was done...20:38
TheBigKevDoggI am upgrading xubuntu to 12.04. I started the upgrade but xscreensaver took over and I can't authenticate to unlock to get back to the installer, not sure if still going or waiting on prompts that I can't see. Any ideas?20:38
gordonjcpcaodepalha: I prefer kxstudio to Ubuntu Studio20:38
gordonjcpcaodepalha: it's based on Ubuntu, still20:38
reisioirreverant: you saw the bit at the end where he explains why his battery wasn't lasting?20:38
gordonjcpcaodepalha: the major significant difference is that the KXStudio devs aren't such dicks to deal with20:39
Jordan_UTheBigKevDogg: Why can't you authenticate?20:39
gordonjcpcaodepalha: I hate KDE but you can use it with XFCE, so that's all good, and it still works pretty well with Unity20:39
find-helpffmpeg -f alsa -ac 2 -i hw:0,0 -f x11grab -r 25 -s 1678x1030 -i :0.0  -vcodec libx264 -crf 0 -preset ultrafast my_audio_`date +%d%b%Y-%T`.mp420:40
find-helpsomethign like that would record you audio and video in hd20:40
caodepalhai have to leave now. will be back in a while a do more research and ask question. this is great just finding this chat and peolpe being helpfull thanks alot20:40
gordonjcpcaodepalha: anyway the Ardour stuff, before it was completed to a point that you *could* complete the Mackie tutorials with it, Mackie funded a round of development on it so Ardour became *very* like Mackie HDR ;-)20:40
TheBigKevDoggDon't know, just says Auth failed with no password prompt in xscreensaver20:42
FlymanThere be a way to create a sybolic link to the gnome3 system setting so i can use that instead of the default Ubuntu system settings on Ubuntu?20:45
ingevкакой канал русского убунту:?20:46
ubottuПожалуйста наберите /join #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке. | Pozhalujsta naberite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke.20:46
th0rcan someone tell me what package or program supplies Users and Groups in the Settings Manager for Xubuntu?20:46
rmobenchainI'm having issues installing some java plugins on ubuntu 13.04..  any help would be appreciated20:50
ehhhok i switched to a beta proprietary driver and now it boots into the gui automatically . . now i need to get rid of this black bar on the left and right (basically the image is misplaced on the screen) any ideas?20:52
wilee-nileermobenchain, The channel works with you stating your actual issue. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java20:52
ehhhnvm, i just changed the refresh rate :P20:53
ingevребят а нет канала ubuntu-ru20:53
rodhashreisio, OerHeks .. thx20:53
wilee-nileeingev, Пожалуйста наберите /join #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке. | Pozhalujsta naberite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke.20:53
rmobenchainwilee niles:  I'm trying to watch some training videos for work, but the work site says I have java plug ins needed.  I'm not really sure which ones I need since I'm using Chrome20:54
ehhhis it best to install software through the terminal with apt-get or to use the ubuntu software center? (or is it just personal preference?)20:55
wilee-nileermobenchain, Don't tell me but the channel in detail if you can. ;)20:55
rmobenchainugh, forget it ... will figure it out on my own20:55
cgtdkehhh: Preference20:56
wilee-nileermobenchain, You can get great help here if you have patience and provide details, and recognize who may not have help.20:56
Flymansometimes on my Unity desktop i cannot change wallpaper, move or resize windows.20:57
deadweaselrmobenchain: installed the restricted extras in the software manager20:57
ehhhcgtdk: thanks20:57
cgtdkehhh: If you don't like the Ubuntu Software Center but still want a GUI, try Synaptic20:58
ubottuUbuntu 11.10 and higher use the !Unity desktop environment by default.  To use GNOME Shell instead, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool".  For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place entries in the Sessions dropdown.21:00
reisioFlyman: ^21:00
rmobenchaindeadweasel: I'm not sure how to do that.  The exact message I get is "Java (TM) is required to display some elements on this page"21:00
cgtdkreisio: So your solution to his problem with Unity is for him to use something else?21:01
deadweaselare you using any popup blockers?  script blockers?21:01
deadweaselrmobenchain: ^21:01
rmobenchaindeadweasel: when they pop up, I hit "Allow for this page"21:02
deadweaseldo you know how to use the unity launcher?21:02
Flymanreisio, well, ty, i know of all that. That does not fix the issue on 13.0421:02
reisiocgtdk: no, my solution to him asking for how to not use unity is telling him how21:02
Flymannot a solution21:03
reisioit is, to your first msg21:03
cgtdkreisio: I don't remember him asking how to use something else, but all right21:03
reisioperhaps your needs have changed since then21:03
* reisio shrugs21:03
reisioanyways, he can clearly speak for himself21:03
reisioFlyman: so what's the issue?21:04
* Flyman keeps trouble shooting21:04
Flymani cannot move resize windows or change wallpaper in Unity on 13.0421:04
deadweaselhave you tried syncwall, Flyman ?21:05
Flymanthe change backround icon is missing in control-center now21:05
ehhhlol trying to get the display settings to work in xubuntu is just clicking randomly until it works properly :P21:05
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Flymanlol ehhh21:05
reisioehhh: that's how you get anything at all to work21:05
Flymanthis happend after adding the gnome staging ppa21:05
ubottuA Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and you use them at your own risk. See also !addppa and !ppa-purge21:07
OerHeksstaging sounds experimental21:07
Flymanyes yes, i use YPPA from Andrew of webupd821:07
Flymanim trying to debug this issue21:07
xanguaFlyman: tried to remove that ppa¿21:08
rmobenchainoh well21:09
Flymanif i can create a symbolic link to use the same control-center gnome uses an use it in Unity all be fine. Im not shure what directory its in.21:09
Flymanthats all i want to do. LOL21:09
reisiowhat email client comes with 13?21:10
wilee-nileeFlyman, Are you trying to get the gnome 3 exstensions to run in unity in the end?21:10
Flymannope wilee-nilee21:11
wilee-nileeFlyman, But you want gnome-tweak to run in unity?21:11
Flymanim trying to use gnome-control center in Unity21:11
Noskcajis there anywhere i can download the default icon theme from ubuntu 13.04?21:11
Flymangnsok, all figue it out21:12
reisioNoskcaj: you can use apt-file to determine what packages provide a particular file21:12
xanguaNoskcaj: launchpad or packagesubuntu i guess21:13
tordmunkHi is this channel restricted to ubuntu talk only?21:13
wilee-nileeFlyman, a bit buggy, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-control-center-unity/+bugs?field.status:list=NEW21:13
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wilee-nileetordmunk, ubuntu support yes21:13
ehhhcustomisation in xfce is great :P21:13
tordmunkah ok21:13
Flymanwilee-nilee, i see, all take a look21:14
Flymanby the way, i wonder what happend to the adutlt scope/lens in 13.04. hehe21:14
Flymanand reddit lens21:14
tordmunkWell then i am wondering why my ubuntu install sometimes freezes just randomly, i am running the newset ubuntu version on an thinkpad x22021:15
tordmunki have no idea whats triggering the freeze21:15
tordmunkthe only way to fix it is to restart the machine, in windows this never happends21:15
saviotordmunk: can you explain freeze21:16
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Noskcajthe default icon theme is humanity isn't it?21:16
aluchkoI'm having trouble with an app that won't run on my ubuntu systems because gsl isn't getting linked into the shared object http://ideone.com/CT774u21:17
saviotordmunk: how often it happen? What trigger this freeze21:17
tordmunki think it is firefox but the whole system freeze. When it happends i have firefox,sublime and skype running21:18
aluchkoit runs on both fedora and os x where the shared object has a link to gsl after the build21:18
aluchkois there any way to debug what's going on?21:18
tordmunkit happends when i click a link in firefox and the whole thing freezes21:19
tordmunki cant event exit got to an tty to se what is happening21:19
reisiowhat email client comes with 13?21:19
tordmunkexit to an*21:19
saviotordmunk: do you need hard boot after that21:20
xanguareisio: thunderbird¿21:20
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hadifarnoudwhy PSAD is so shit. any better alternative?21:21
tordmunki have looked thru the logs, but i cant se anything unormal about them21:21
holstein!language | hadifarnoud21:21
ubottuhadifarnoud: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.21:21
holsteinhadifarnoud: what are you trying to do?21:21
hadifarnoudholstein: blocking DDoS attacks21:22
marosaskereisio: Evolution21:22
tordmunkcould it be the flash player? youtube has been running in firefox all the time of what i can remeber21:22
hadifarnoudit just doesn't work. it detects everything as an attack. even ftp connections. holstein21:22
marlincSomeone who wants to take a look at this app? :p http://mms-projects.net/viewtopic.php?f=6&t=2377&utm_source=irc&p=2397#p239721:22
holsteinhadifarnoud: i would try a server channel.. or maybe even security? or networking?21:23
gordonjcphadifarnoud: ftp connections mostly are an attack21:24
gordonjcphadifarnoud: if you have ftp running, your server is compromised21:24
hadifarnoudgordonjcp: unsuccessful connections try yeah. I know FTP is not good but for number of reasons I have to.21:25
gordonjcpany protocol that requires running arbitrary code *as root* on both the client and server, that opens listening connections - that should be viewed with a certain amount of suspicion ;-)21:25
bennypr0fanehello, I'm running Gnome 3.6 on top of Ubuntu 13.04. I can't log in to a Unity session, i.e. I don't get the option at login, it's just Gnome. How can I get the choice for each new session?21:25
hadifarnoudgordonjcp: what do you think of PSAD though? is there any better alternative?21:26
zykotick9hadifarnoud: i'm not sure what PSAD is... but is failtoban an alternative?21:26
gordonjcpfailtoban *rocks*21:27
hadifarnoudI'll give fail2ban a try again. I should set it for SSH and FTP, right? it's a normal webserver21:28
holsteinhadifarnoud: i think "should" has been established as, you should not use FTP.. but if yoyu must, you must21:28
zykotick9hadifarnoud: i've only used failtoban for SSH, but if you use FTP - you might as well not bother with security...21:29
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hadifarnoudzykotick9: I guess I have to find a way to get FTP out of workflow21:29
k1l_hadifarnoud: you can use the ssh-server for file exchange too. no need for ftp server21:30
hadifarnoudk1l_: SFTP?21:30
bennypr0fanesorry got kicked out. noone happen to respond to my question yeT?21:30
hadifarnoudyou're right! so obvious21:31
k1l_hadifarnoud: yep21:31
wilee-nileebennypr0fane, Only gnome in the gear dropdown?21:37
bennypr0fanewilee-nilee: yes.21:37
wilee-nileebennypr0fane, Did you install the gnome version, rather than the regular release?21:38
bennypr0fanewilee-nilee: It's asking me whether I wanna sign in as my user or not , but there is no choice of desktop session21:39
bennypr0faneit's standard Ubuntu with Gnome slapped on top21:39
wilee-nileebennypr0fane, It is the ubuntu option, unity is called ubuntu-desktop, do you see that?21:39
bennypr0fanewilee-nilee: no. like I said, there isn't an alternative21:40
TechnoCatyou need to install an alternative right?21:40
wilee-nileebennypr0fane, So how did you install gnome, and is 3.6 a ppa version?21:40
TechnoCatlike xubuntu or something21:40
wilee-nileebennypr0fane, Did you install the fallback or gnome-shell?21:41
SnypeMyrtti, whatcha smoking buddy?21:42
SnypeMyrtti, you wanna smoke some shit together21:43
bennypr0fanewilee-nilee: good question, as the ppa is no longer necessary now to get Gnome Shell 3.6 on 13.04, yes? It got here by installing Gnome 3.4 on standard Ubuntu 12.04, and then upgrading the OS to 13.04, so GNome was bumpe3d up to 3.621:43
saviotordmunk: what graphics you use21:43
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tordmunkintel graphics21:44
submanI moved a window quickly to the top of the screen but now it seems to have its header under the menu bar and I cannot get to it to either move it or close it anymore.  How to get around that one?  This happens often.21:45
wilee-nileebennypr0fane_, Yeah, 3.6 is in 13.04, I would run sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop to see what it says, rather strange that unity would disappear from the login.,21:45
cgtdksubman: Hold down ALT and grab the window with the cursor21:45
mojtabaHi, Does anybody know a site with bash tutorials?21:45
submancgtdk, no way, I never knew that existed!21:45
reisiomojtaba: ask #bash21:45
mojtabareisio: ok thanks21:46
th0rmojtaba, the linux documentation project tldp.org21:46
cgtdksubman: I don't understand your response. Are you denying that this feature exists?21:46
bennypr0fanewilee-nilee, how can I tell if Gnome Shell is fed by the ppa or the regular repo? If it's from the ppa, shoulodn't it be on 3.8 now?21:46
submancgtdk, no, just that I didn't know!  Worked like a charm!21:47
cgtdksubman: Oh, all right. You're welcome. I believe you can resize windows using left click instead of right click. It's much easier than grabbing the corner.21:47
bennypr0faneit says ubuntu-desktop is already the newest version21:47
wilee-nileebennypr0fane, I have synaptic so I look there, I forget the command to confirm the version. I will say I tried 3.8 in raring early from the ppa and it broke my setup, so I just ran the ppa purge and back to normal. here as well is a a website with full desktop lists in the playing around section of the left column. http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/21:49
Jordan_Ubennypr0fane: apt-cache policy gnome-shell21:49
wilee-nileethanks jordan21:49
submancgtdk, huh, thanks!21:49
bennypr0fanemy Gnome version is I mean in this case it's gotta be from the regular repo, bcs the version in Gnome 3 ppa is 3.8, and not 3.6, yes?21:52
bennypr0fanewilee-nilee, I'm not sure what to do with that link. How is the information there supposed to help me?21:54
goudkovis it normal to have a lot of conntrack entries on a webserver where src is shown as the server itself with sport 80? it would make sense for it to be destination, but not source.21:58
bennypr0fanealright, so the Gnome3 ppa was deactivated when I upgraded to Raring21:59
sparron Ubuntu 12.04 what is the best course of action to resolve the adobe flash bug where the Allow button cannot be clicked in the settings dialogs (such as when a website wants to use your webcam via flash)? I'd prefer not to upgrade to 13.04 just to fix this bug.22:01
MonkeyDu1tsparr  it still occurs in 13.04, sometimes22:01
wilee-nileebennypr0fane, The site has full package lists to remove and install desktops, you can remove one and reinstall it if needed. For example you could use the ubuntu-desktop only, and the reinstall the shell, might take a bit more than click and run is all.22:01
holsteinsparr: the latest flash is in the chrome browser.. otherwise, try and get away from flash22:02
sparrholstein: not for me. I avoid flash like the plague, myself22:02
sparrholstein: I don't think 12.04 includes the latest chrome browser22:03
holsteinsparr: no ubuntu includes the chrome browser.. you have to get it from the site.. there are .deb's.. im not saying its "good", or that you should use it. just that is has the current flash. linux never will22:03
MonkeyDu1t!info chromium-browser precise | sparr22:04
ubottusparr: chromium-browser (source: chromium-browser): Chromium browser. In component universe, is optional. Version 25.0.1364.160-0ubuntu0.12.04.1 (precise), package size 26173 kB, installed size 96285 kB22:04
sparrMonkeyDu1t: yeah, v25 isn't new enough for what most of the bug reports say is required22:04
sparrthey all want v2622:04
holsteinsparr: from http://www.adobe.com/software/flash/about/ 11.7.700.225 in chrome .. in general linux22:05
MonkeyDu1tsparr  13.04 still has v25, if you want something beyond that, you need a ppa or external .deb, but that's not supported here22:06
sparra downgrade may be in order22:06
bennypr0fanewilee-nilee, if there's any other way I can get Unity back, I'd prefer that, because I already set up Gnome to my liking which is quite a bit of work22:06
cgtdkIsn't the built-in Flash player only available in Chrome, not Chromium?22:06
MonkeyDu1tcgtdk  https://code.google.com/p/chromium/wiki/ChromiumBrowserVsGoogleChrome22:07
sparrok, better question22:07
holsteincgtdk: i said chrome.. i didnt mean to imply chromium22:07
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sparrwhat's a good remote assistance solution for an ubuntu user behind a firewall?22:07
sparra not technically savvy user22:07
cgtdksparr: Teamviewer works well in my experience22:07
samgabbayhwo do i install my mobility radeon drivers 540022:07
holsteinsparr: i use teamviewer as well22:07
daftykins!ati | samgabbay22:07
ubottusamgabbay: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VideoDriverHowto22:08
daftykinswho was it that asked about boot failing with just an [OK] top right?22:12
msiWhen i try to install ubuntu on my laptop hp, it works but when it reboots it's all flickering and splitted screen22:12
wilee-nileebennypr0fane, I understand the work you have made, all I can see is what happened here with you is rather unusual, so it is a matter of your thinking back on any removals possibly that may have caused this with dependencies. Unity and the gnome-shell run on gnome 3 which seems to be intact.22:12
holsteinmsi: is that after upgrading packages?22:13
wilee-nileebennypr0fane, Have you tried sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop22:13
bennypr0fanewilee-nilee, yes22:14
msiNo there is no os on there22:14
msijust when i clean instal it does that22:14
bennypr0faneI already said so22:14
holsteinmsi: so, at the point in which there is an os on there.. and you reboot into the issue, have upgraded been made? either at first boot? or during the install?22:15
msiwhen I boot from dvd it's fine , the install goes correct, but when it reboots after the install bam flickering22:15
bennypr0faneit says ubuntu-desktop is already the latest version22:15
holsteinmsi: did you install upgrades during the installation?22:16
wilee-nileebennypr0fane, Ah, but no nick directing that to me, I have more than staring at the screen going on here. If youi do not use a nick I am not notified and have to search all the posts. ;)22:16
holstein!nomodeset | msi this is where i would begin22:16
ubottumsi this is where i would begin: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter22:16
=== Tux|L4D2 is now known as Tux
bennypr0fanewilee-nilee, alright, sorry. I think I said it in a line under one in which I used your nick22:18
HyperiantMy Windows 7 entry in GRUB tries to load a previous installation that I've already deleted, but doesn't detect my current installation; moreover, Ubuntu can't read from that drive when I boot into it22:28
HyperiantThe only way I can boot into Windows is to select the broken entry, let it tell me it's invalid, then press a key; it miraculously detects my current W7 install after that22:29
HyperiantOr, well, doesn't -detect- it persay, just boots into it22:29
Guest85364shutup faggot22:30
olskolirc3 gig usb stick is that a fat 16 or a fat 32 drive?22:30
Hyperiantolskolirc: I think you can format it both ways; it's probably safe to assume it's FAT32 though22:31
explodes1Hi. ubuntu server 13.04; How do I restart sshd? `/etc/init.d/sshd restart` fails22:32
explodes1or, says file not found22:32
MickSservice ssh restart22:32
HyperiantHow do I get Ubuntu to see my other HDD?  It's only seeing one SATA drive, but there's two22:33
explodes1K thanks. Whelp, that didn't fix the problem. I want to connect using my pub-key22:33
wilee-nileeHyperiant, Have you run sudo update-grub  ?22:34
MickSexplodes1: what part fails for you?22:34
explodes1I still have to enter my password. My /local/~/.ssh/config is set up, the pub key is in /remote/~/.ssh/authorized_keys and /remote/etc/ssh/sshd_config has AuthorizedKeysFile      %h/.ssh/authorized_keys22:35
explodes1MickS:  I still have to enter my password :/22:35
Hyperiantwilee-nilee: I just ran that; on restart, the Windows 7 entry is now completely gone and now it's impossible for me to boot into Windows without using the BIOS boot menu22:36
MickSexplodes1: permission of authorized_keys and .ssh dir set right?22:36
explodes10700 and 0600 directory and file, respectively22:36
wilee-nileeHyperiant, This a W8 setup perchance, and does the windows partition have a boot flag?22:37
MickSexplodes1: does ssh with -vv give you any hints on which keys it's trying?22:38
Hyperiantwilee-nilee It's Windows 7 64-bit Enterprise Edition on custom hardware; no Windows 8 link whatsoever; moreover, it boots when I assign it as the primary boot disc, so I assume it has a boot flag22:38
explodes1The correct one :/22:38
HyperiantA related issue may be that Ubuntu doesn't seem to detect that drive when I boot22:39
wilee-nileeHyperiant, Strange, grub should see it, I wonder if it may need a chkdsk, open gparted in ubuntu, which may need to be installed and look at the W7, and see if you see errors and a boot flag, there may be two partitons for windows a boot one as well.22:40
MickSexplodes1: what if you comment out the AuthorizedKeysFile option in the sshd config file and restart ssh?22:40
explodes1MickS: Here is the -vv output: http://pastie.org/808408522:41
explodes1MickS: That is how it was by default, but I'll try it again22:41
explodes1well, what the hell22:43
MickSmagic happened?22:44
Hyperiantwilee-nilee: No errors, but a boot flag is present22:45
HyperiantIt's also just one partition22:45
wilee-nileeHyperiant, You could download the bootrepair app, and run the bootinfo summary it will give a lot of info on what is there, you get a http address for that script to post and save, I use it quite often to diagnose.22:46
schultzaI'm looking for a tickr similiar to snackr for linux. Since Adobe AIR is no longer available for linux. I have Ubuntu 13.04 x86_64.22:48
holsteinschultza: what are you trying to do? assuming i dont know what a tickr or snackr is?22:49
wilee-nileeHyperiant, So this W7 is on another HD perchance?22:49
wilee-nileebesides ubuntu22:50
Hyperiantwilee-nilee: All OSes on this computer are on different HDDs22:50
schultzaRSS ticker (a scrolling rss news feed). I'm not licking the tickr package right now. I'm trying to work with google news' rss feeds, which tickr is having issues with.22:50
HyperiantRan boot-repair, still nothing22:51
Hyperiantwilee-nilee: http://paste.ubuntu.com/5803087/22:51
wilee-nileeHyperiant, I suspect the grub bootloader was put in a wrong mbr possibly, the script will tell us run that and post it. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Boot-Repair22:51
holsteinschultza: theres not an option in the browser for that?22:52
tkingplease in a linux shared hosting how do i fix this error "mb_internal_encoding() in public_html/cage/system/global.php on line 1, am trying to install a web app /pucb_html/install.php22:52
schultzaholstein: dont want to open a browser for this ticker.22:53
wilee-nileeHyperiant, Iam seeing a no mount on sdb which is the W7 install sdb1 or sdc1 niether is showing the usual boot files info.22:55
Hyperiantwilee-nilee: sdc1 has been formatted; there shouldn't be anything on it.  sdb1 boots when I point directly to the drive, but Ubuntu won't mount it.22:57
bennypr0fane_hello, it seems my repository configuration are broken: http://paste.ubuntu.com/5803090/22:58
wilee-nileeHyperiant, I would run a chkdsk /f/r  on the sdb1 ubuntu is not mounting and does not recognize the partition.22:59
Hyperiantwilee-nilee: through cmd?22:59
wilee-nileeHyperiant, YOu also have a grub boot in the sdc mbr also run from ubuntu    sudo apt-get install-grub /dev/sda   then   sudo update-grub23:00
wilee-nileeHyperiant, Yeah from the admin cli it will ask if you want to do it on a restart, or make a recovery disc from windows and use the cli in the repair.23:01
wilee-nileethe grub install commands is to make sure ubuntu is using the sda mbr23:02
zykotick9wilee-nilee: "sudo apt-get install-grub /dev/sda" ... really?23:02
reisio's'probably grub-install23:02
wilee-nileezykotick9, Yeah that reloads the grub loader to the sda mbr, he has a grub in sdc it is not clear to me that the sda where ubuntu is is using the sda mbr.23:03
zykotick9wilee-nilee: sorry, that doesn't make sense...23:03
wilee-nileedo yeah grub-install23:03
wilee-nileeHyperiant, Sorry the command was incorrect sudo grub-install /dev/sda  sorry, and thanks zykotick923:04
Hyperiantrunning chkdsk on a 1TB drive is very time-consuming23:04
wilee-nileeHyperiant, Well windows wont mount and not seen by ubuntu do what you want.23:04
wilee-nileeit is not showing any info from sdb that is not good.23:05
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wilee-nileeHyperbyte, linux is a bit picky on the boot, you could just boot it from a boot from, I would fix it though if it were me, one should be running a chkdsk one in awhile anyway.23:06
bennypr0fane_hello, would someone mind taking a look at my paste and help me fix it?23:06
Hyperiantapparently chkdsk /r implies /f.  learn something new every day.  anyway, chkdsk is doing its ponderous task.  any reason why ubuntu would just decide randomly not to mount a perfectly good SATA drive?23:08
wilee-nileeHyperiant, Yeah the f r thing, I think you will okay after the chk just run the grub-install command as well to be sure the sda grub mbr is the controlling grub.23:09
schultzais there a package for qparted (notice this is not Gparted, but Qparted)?23:10
cgtdkschultza: There does not seem to be one in the repository for 13.0423:10
cgtdkmaybe there's a PPA on launchpad23:11
schultzaI'll have to take a look for it then. Thanks all.23:11
AmbroseHi I'm running Ubuntu Studio 12.04.2 LTS and want to setup remote desktop/VNC so I can control my keyboard/mouse remotely (From within the same x session). Can someone recommend how to do this? Thx23:12
cgtdkcristian_: what?23:16
daftykinsAmbrose: doesn't the menu have the remote sharing option on it?23:16
=== MyUbuntuBlog is now known as ubuntubob
Ambrosedaftykins: Sorry, which menu?23:18
daftykinsAmbrose: well i'm not even sure if you've got a unity based distro there23:18
Ambrosedaftykins: Actually I just installed xrdp and am using that. It starts a new session but it'll do. Thx23:19
OerHeksit is, even got a irc channel here on #freenode > #ubuntustudio23:19
AmbroseOerHeks: Ah ok, I will ask there, it would be preferred to just use the same session instead of sparking up another session23:20
OerHeksubuntu studio uses xfce, so xrdp would be fine23:22
irreverantis there a mac room?23:27
cgtdkA channel about Macs in general or about Ubuntu on Macs?23:28
irreverantno mac's in general about mac / active directory / smb?23:28
irreveranteither one of those.23:28
irreverantso i bind in a mac the same as bind in linux?23:32
Prock81help!!! my mouse stoped working and its making me feel panickey. closterfobic23:35
Prock81i was tring to get my braphics working, suscedded, but now mouse stoped23:35
trizzleanyone around familiar with process of getting usb wifi working?  I have an Asus N13 that i've been working on for a few days23:36
Prock8141  apt-get purge nvidia*23:38
Prock81   42  apt-get install --reinstall libgl1-mesa-glx libgl1-mesa-dri xserver-xorg-core23:38
Prock81   43  apt-get install libglapi-mesa23:38
Prock81   44  apt-get install --reinstall libgl1-mesa-glx libgl1-mesa-dri xserver-xorg-core23:38
FloodBot1Prock81: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.23:38
Prock81then on restart no gui so i reinstall ubuntu-desktop it grabed other stuff, now i have no mouse23:39
Prock81please for hte love of god help me get my mouse working23:39
Prock81any one can tell me common stuff to make laptop mouse pad work again?23:42
zykotick9Prock81: i'd "guess" xorg.conf issue, try regenerating the nvidia one, with ... damn, i forget the command... try "sudo nvidia<TAB><TAB>"23:45
Ari-YangProck81, this problem is obv related to your driver...23:45
daftykinszykotick9: nvidia-xconfig ?23:45
zykotick9Prock81: OR, better yet, do you mv xorg.conf out of the way, and try without one, if you removed nvidia!23:46
zykotick9s/do you//23:47
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience23:50
evil-work!give evil-work help23:50
ubottuevil-work: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)23:50
Prock81i had to purge nvidia, where is xorg.conf located, locate wont find it23:51
evil-work!give ubottu brain23:51
ubottuevil-work: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)23:51
ubottuThe /etc/X11/xorg.conf file is deprecated, but sometimes may still be needed to pass values to specific drivers. Generic xorg.conf generation: http://ubottu.com/y/xorgconf - ATI/AMD ( fglrx driver ) specific: http://ubottu.com/y/atiamd - NVidia ( nvidia driver )specific: http://ubottu.com/y/nvidia man xorg.conf for file structure and syntax.23:51
k1l_ehhh: lets keep it family friendly in here, like its mentioned in the !guidelines, thanks :)23:58

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