
GridCubedone pleia2 :)00:05
pleia2GridCube: oh, I'm pleia2 on dA00:10
Unit193I'm guessing no secondary location for images?  Example being picasa or flickr.00:11
pleia2not at the moment00:12
pleia2we'll start here and see how it goes00:12
pleia2building massive infrastructures for unproven projects is the way to terror and woe ;)00:14
GridCubewe still need an icon for the group 00:40
GridCube100x50px gif,png,jpg00:41
pleia2if I make one knome will be horrified and it will compell him to make us something good :)00:43
pleia2but I don't actually have time right now (have a flight in the morning), so we should just ask him00:44
GridCubei can make one in paint to give him the creeps00:46
GridCubeknome: i sent a mail to the mailing list about the dA group14:58
GridCubebut i tell you here anyway too. 14:58
GridCubethe name its not changable, i would need to create a new one,. that can be done.14:58
GridCubethe name was chosen back there to resemble the most popular group in dA thats #ubuntu-artists, I asked for 3 days to what name i should use, and that was choosen back there. 14:59
GridCubeknome: we also still need an avatar icon P:15:16

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