
ninteti have an old ATI RS48002:28
nintethow do i install the best driver for that card?02:28
nintetXubuntu 12.04 LTS02:28
nintetvideo is really choppy02:29
SonikkuAmericanintet: Have you checked Additional Drivers?02:30
nintetis that in the "Software Center" ?02:32
nagevyes it should be02:33
nintetok, sais no proprietary drivers on this system02:33
tych0nintet: try sudo apt-get install xserver-xorg-video-radeon if you want an open source driver for your card02:34
tych0i think as long as you're not trying to do any 3d work it should be fine02:34
nintetxserver-xorg-video-radeon is already the newest version.02:34
tych0oh :-(02:35
Unit193Software Sources > Additional Drivers  if you want closed source.02:35
tych0yeah, you'll probably want the closed source driver then02:35
nagevyeh i would think thats is used by default.  maybe you could try installing the proprietary one. try: sudo apt-get install fglrx02:35
nintetFetched 45.3 MB in 20s (2,252 kB/s)   cable!02:36
nintetilove a fast connection02:37
* SonikkuAmerica (has 4G LTE)02:38
nintetare you on a phone?02:38
nintetok, the install finished, do i just reboot to try it ?02:38
nagevyeah reboot and cross your fingers!  i think if you have issues you need to run: aticonfig --initial02:40
tych0aticonfig --initial --all maybe?02:40
tych0or i guess that's if you have more than one card02:40
SuperLagI have a ThinkPad connected to a docking station. When I boot undocked, the theme and fonts look fine when the desktop loads.06:22
SuperLagHowever, if I reboot while docked, the theme is hosed, and so are the fonts. You guys heard of any issue like that?06:22
SuperLaga pair of external monitors connected to the docking station06:22
dskflhi, in xubuntu 13 i can't have a custom keyboard map automatically run at boot. I need to run xmodmap .Xmodmap in a terminal each time restart the pc09:39
brainwashdskfl: navigate to  settings manager -> session and startup -> application autostart  and add the command09:45
koegsnormally you will be asked once(!) if you want to load .Xmodmap on every startup09:46
dskfli did not receive that question09:47
dskfland it's a recent install so i should remember09:47
koegsplease check with gconf-editor if "desktop/gnome/peripherals/keyboard/general" has an entry ".Xmodmap" in known_file_list09:47
dskfli believe i found once that the init scripts look for such a custom .Xmodmap in the users home dir and it tries to load it if found, but it never *worked* for me09:48
dskfli'll just try the session thing and see at the next reboot09:48
dskflwell found it again, /etc/xdg/xfce4/xinitrc line 8809:51
dskflactually if i copy paste that line in the terminal it sets the kb map. Maybe this script is not run at startup as it should dunno09:52
koegsdskfl: you are right, tested it in 13.04 and no such questions appear09:56
koegslast time i have used .Xmodmap was wit 10.0409:57
dskflmaybe should fill in a bug09:57
koegsdskfl: would be the best idea... as workaround you can use the instruction from brainwash09:57
dskflanyway this is a minor inconvenient compared to using unity09:59
koegs[x] true :)09:59
dskfli would happily set xmodmap 3 times a day than use that09:59
nasirhi i am new to xubuntu. my vlc crashes when i put it in fullscreen10:03
dskflwhat video driver do you have installed10:04
nasiri dont know10:05
dskflmaybe you could try and install a proprietary driver after finding out what video card and driver you currently have. But i never had problems with a default install, in my case i have nvidia and the default nouveau driver10:06
nasirthanks dskfl i am checking10:08
dskfldon't count on it to fix the issue though.. but i would try it10:09
Aienadskfl: I noticed that proprietary drivers seem to perform better when it comes to nvidia also they are better for CG. But yes the nouveau driver works very well too.10:35
dskfli actually prefer nouveau over the proprietary driver10:37
dskfli remember the days when it was a pain to set up X .. and multiple monitors and all that10:38
dskflnow is just install .. go to settings and Display10:38
dskflthat's it10:38
dskfldon't remember the last time i opened xorg.conf and i guess that's the way it should be10:39
AienaWell I noticed atleast for me when it comes to blender etc. the proprietary driver has support for more things but I think the npuveau driver is probably more stable.10:42
xubuntu132Hi all :)11:17
xubuntu132can i ask 4 somethink?11:18
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience11:30
koegsoh, he is offline anyway :D11:30
ur0plcan i ask a question?11:31
=== flux242_ is now known as flux242
samy_how to open ppt fail in xubuntu?13:02
baizonsamy_: sorry i dont understand your question. Please explain it in another way13:03
samy_with what program to open ppt file13:04
TheSheep!info libreoffice-impress13:04
ubottulibreoffice-impress (source: libreoffice): office productivity suite -- presentation. In component main, is optional. Version 1:4.0.2-0ubuntu1 (raring), package size 814 kB, installed size 3634 kB13:04
samy_thank you13:05
samy_i go to try13:06
TheSheepby the way,13:07
ubottuопитайте #ubuntu-bg за български потребители . try #ubuntu-bg for bulgarian users, and please idle there patiently13:07
TheSheepif you don't want to talk in English, that is13:08
flux242is there a caps-lock visual indicator for gnome? To be shown as a OSD or in the panel14:56
TheSheepflux242: ask on #ubuntu, thy deal with gnome14:56
flux242I'm using xfce14:56
TheSheepbut you are looking for something for gnome?14:57
TheSheepor xfce?14:57
flux242gnome and xfce are based on gtk you know?14:58
TheSheepflux242: but xfce4's panel is quite different from the gnome panel14:59
TheSheepflux242: you may be able to do it with xfce4-genmon-plugin\15:01
TheSheepflux242: I can't see anything dedicated15:01
GridCubewhat do he needs?15:02
TheSheep16:56 < flux242> is there a caps-lock visual indicator for gnome? To be shown  as a OSD or in the panel15:03
TheSheepexcept replace gnome with xfce15:03
GridCubeoh there is15:03
GridCubeyou need to compile it yourself15:03
GridCubei used it back in '1115:03
TheSheepone of the examples on xfce page?15:03
GridCubeno no, i think it was on xfce-looks15:04
GridCubelet me google the irc channels back in '11-'1215:04
Sysithere is xfce4-kbdsleds-plugin15:10
GridCubethats the one i used15:13
flux242how does it work? I need it to show an indicator only when caps-lock is pressed. I'm to lazy to compile it just to find out15:15
GridCubeoh, i dont know if it works like that, i havent used it in ages15:15
Sysithis is three years old15:29
Sysithough it seems ppa is still there and packages are found even for raring15:30
koegsyes, and i use on my 12.1015:31
=== flux242_ is now known as flux242
WalterNwhat is the deal with wayland and mir anyway?17:01
contrapunctusWalterN - Ain't everybody asking that?17:02
baizonWalterN: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=212716517:03
=== PrinceMotumbo is now known as mbc
nagevbaizon: that's an interesting thread, and i;ve only just read the first few posts!18:15
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AienaHow do you disable the autosnapping window feature where windows snap and resize when grabbed to the top?19:05
TheSheepAiena: in window manager tweaks, accessibility tab19:07
TheSheepfourth checbox from the top19:07
Aienathanks I was looking under window manager instead.19:08
=== contrapunctus is now known as EroSannin
RJShatto2011Hello. I'm trying to get further into learning programming and information security and over and over it's been recomended that I switch to linux. I have so much on my pc though, and I really want to run both if I can. Is that possible on this distro?19:25
knomeyes, you can dualboot with xubuntu19:26
knome!dualboot | RJShatto201119:26
ubottuRJShatto2011: Dual boot instructions: x86/AMD64: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DualBoot/Windows - Macs: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBookPro https://help.ubuntu.com/community/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot19:26
RJShatto2011That's exactly what I needed, thanks!19:27
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ehhhi just installed xubuntu 12.04 and am installing updates, i get prompted to restart by a notification but the "applying changes" window is still halfway running (the status bar stopped animating) and is "running post-installation trigger initramfs-tools", should i reboot now or wait?19:48
ehhhthe details terminal is also blank right now19:49
samy_how to install my video card19:49
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samy_my resolution now is 640 x 48019:50
=== IdleOne is now known as NickSpam
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ehhhok i'm trying to boot into the os but when i boot normally i only get a blinking line and an [ OK ] to the right. . i can get into it through recovery mode and resume but not normally . .20:13
ehhhbooted fine untill i tried to change the additional drivers20:14
ehhhi found a way to get into the os by opening the terminal and typing startx but i want it to boot automatically like it should20:15
ehhhalso now after i used startx i get a whole different thing to what i had originally20:16
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=== contrapunctus_ is now known as HisaoNakai
toraxHisaoNakai: can you please stop that20:35
HisaoNakaitorax - ?20:45
HisaoNakaiIt's not that successive to be called a nickspam :(20:46
toraxyou changed your nick 9 times in 4 minutes20:47
Sysitorax: do you have joins/parts/quits ignored?20:52
toraxwell yes I do20:53
toraxthat could explain something =P20:53
Sysibecause I seriously didn't notice with all those20:55
LinuxerHello World !!21:49
GridCube:) hi Linuxer21:52
LinuxerHey GridCube =)21:53
GridCube!hi | Linuxer21:53
ubottuLinuxer: Hi!, Welcome to #xubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines. Enjoy your stay!21:53
GridCubeLinuxer, :) if you want to hang out please join #xubuntu-offtopic21:53
LinuxerOkey... thanks GridCube =)21:56
Carlinhosis it possible to have indicator messages back in 13.04? i miss it greatly.22:18
Unit193No supported way, no.22:19
=== duelle is now known as due11e
Carlinhoswhat would an unsupported way be like?22:19
due11eHi there, when I booted my machine (Xubuntu 12.04) all window borders were gone and I couldn't enter any text in gui elements from the OS (Terminal: no, Firefox: yes)22:20
due11eIs there any way to get the borders back? I cant remember having done some stuff that could have led to something like that ..22:21
holsteindue11e: i would try as another user. if things are OK as the new user, the issue is in the /home of the user that wont boot properly22:21
Belial`anyone using compton as a compositor notice xfce-terminal has a weird redraw when minimizing when using fade options?22:22
Unit193Carlinhos: None supported here, but I've heard of some that try packages from quantal or precise.22:22
Carlinhosso i can just grab a .deb from quantal and install it?22:23
holsteinCarlinhos: that is the unsupported scenario22:23
due11eholstein: seems to work with another user .. Are there any files that I could copy over (or change) to fix that?22:24
Sysidue11e: rm -rf ~/.cache/sessions on the broken user, select to not not save session after selecting "log out" from main menu22:24
Unit193Carlinhos: http://paste.openstack.org/show/mtg1YMxyGGYcwrIZcdI1 and libindicator7_0.5.0-0ubuntu1_i386.deb for example may work... >_>22:25
Carlinhosi'll give it a try, thank you22:25
holsteindue11e: what i usually do is, move all config files out of the /home.. reboot and test.. then i put back what i need.. they are hidden.. .mozilla for example, if i wanted to keep my firefix config22:26
holsteindue11e: but, Sysi 's suggestion will likely do the trick. i didnt see that above ^^22:26
due11eholstein: Sysi: I just cleared the .cache and now it works fine again ;). Thank you two!22:28
nintetman, my graphics are messed up.23:13
ninteti cant see anything in draftsight23:13
nintetXubuntu 12.04 LTS on an AMD with an ATI RS48023:14

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