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keithzgAvihay: Ah, well, I guess I do it by not really caring ;) Macros have always seemed so blunt and awkward to me. The Regex/sed replace has worked for me so far.00:39
keithzgAvihay: But, although you can't do the manually-recorded-macros thing, you can write Kate macros as scripts, right? I've never bothered to myself but I know it's possible.00:40
Avihaywriting a script is not as easy as pressing record, doing a string of actions, pressing stop record, and ten pressing play 12 times00:47
Avihaypressing play, and then selecting 12 times00:47
keithzgIn theory, yeah. And I guess there must be cases where that's needed.00:47
keithzgBut I've yet to personally run into any case where that was easier than just a quick sed or whatever actual underlying "command" needed to be carried out.00:48
* Avihay doesn't have a sed-fu00:49
keithzgI must admit, my sed-fu is weak, heh00:53
keithzgBut so far it's been enough to trivially match anything my boss has thrown at me. Mostly, admittedly, because the examples are trivial!00:53
keithzgLike, delete the first two characters of each line. Okay, so he'll click on the start of the document, hit Record, press delete two times then the down arrow, then stop recording, then click a few times to tell Notepad++ to re-do those actions until the end of the document.00:55
keithzgI'll press F7 and type "%s/^..//" and hit enter, heh.00:55
lorddeltakate might as well just open up its doors to js02:21
lorddeltaif you're writing python plugins02:21
lorddeltaWhy stay five years in the past with a language that has serious concurrency issues....02:21
lorddelta(and requires 4-8 different versions of itself to be installed on your system, good luck mixing and matching them)02:22
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shankstaBytesin kate how can I unindent text?03:34
shankstaBytesi know indent is ctrl+i03:34
Picishift-ctrl-i perhaps?03:35
shankstaBytesPici: yep thats it thanks03:45
masuntungselamat siang semuanya, aku indinesia tak bisa bhsa ingris04:19
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AshishLplease help me . i am using wubi to install kubuntu 13.04 and error is shown .pleease  help me out09:23
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Fly80i have a script using the command "autoRegex", that i can't find on my system09:50
Fly80what package should I install?09:50
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BluesKaj_Hiyas all10:08
Walex2Fly80: 'apt-cache search ...' or 'apt-file search ...'10:10
Fly80Walex2: it doesn't find nothing10:12
Fly80i'm testing the script found here: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5411282/cross-compiling-boost-for-windows-on-linux10:13
Fly80the first response10:13
AshishLBluesKaj_: the wubi's not installing properly please help.10:39
AshishLavihay: i tried installi . please suggest somethingn but wubi's not workingg kubuntu10:39
izanagido not use wubi, try unetbootin and usb stick10:40
AshishLizanagi:what is inebootin ?10:40
AvihayI can only suggest you try older versions of kubuntu10:40
Avihayif it doesn't work, it doesn't work?10:40
slatenailsunetbootin is a little thing that writes a live cd iso into an usb disk10:40
Avihayit turns a live cd ISO into a live USB10:41
slatenailsyeah, then you can boot off that and don't need to waste discs10:41
BluesKaj_ash install wubi first , then open it and import or browse to the kubuntu iso file , probly in your C:/username/downloads file10:41
BluesKaj_ok , I'll leave this alone ...no point pullingh in different directions10:42
AshishLstatenails:sure unetbootin got support for kubuntu ?10:44
izanagii used it to install my copy of ubuntu10:45
BluesKaj_slatenails, not all usb / unebootin install attempta are succesful and easy to do10:45
slatenailswell, true10:46
izanagiall of my install attempta was succesful with usb/unet. even windows10:46
BluesKaj_izanagi, nice for you , but that doesn't help here10:47
izanagii know i know, sorry10:48
AshishLizanagi: so what dhould i do ??10:57
izanagiAshishL: do you want to install kubuntu next to the windows?10:58
izanagihow many partitions on hard drive do you have?11:02
AshishLizanagi: please help.11:03
izanagiwell, you can try installing kubuntu on your second partition, without uninstalling windows11:03
izanagiafter booting your computer you will have to choose system from list11:04
izanagiis that good?11:04
AshishLizanagi: i am not getting any boot screen . unetbootin is stoping at 5% , unable to copy casper files11:04
izanagido you have big enough usb stick?11:04
AshishLizanagi: yeah , 2 GB11:05
izanagitry to format it11:07
izanagiin unetbootin you have to choose usb stick letter11:07
AshishLizanagi: done all that. but no effect11:10
izanagimaybe iso file is corrupted?11:10
izanagitry download it directly from kubuntu site11:11
izanagior use other usb, or burn the iso into the cd if you can11:11
AshishLizanagi : thanks for your mention of usenetboot in . now ive got ubuntu . but 2 doubts. how to partition the drives correctly without losing anything and im connected to the internet but still it can connect to host in web browser12:02
AshishLhow to partition the drives correctly without losing anything and im connected to the internet but still it can connect to host in web browser. please help12:06
izanagi_AshishL: you said you have two partitions, yes?12:15
BluesKaj_!gparted | AshishL12:16
ubottuAshishL: gparted is a !GTK/!Gnome !GUI partitioning program. Type « sudo apt-get install gparted » in a console to install it - A GParted "live" CD is available at http://gparted.sourceforge.net/livecd.php12:16
AshishLBluesKaj_ : but my internet is not connected even though my modems working fine :(12:18
izanagi_AshishL: just select install next to windows, or in advanced tab mount "/" to second partition.12:19
BluesKaj_AshishL, so how are you connected to irc ?12:19
AshishLBluesKaj_ : im currently on windows..12:20
BluesKaj_so how do you know kubuntu won't connect , AshishL12:22
AshishLBluesKaj_: when i was running set up , a cross was shown beside : connected to internet12:24
BluesKaj_so how do you connect , ethernet or wifi ?12:26
BluesKaj_did you try to launch a browser ?12:28
AshishLBluesKaj_:yes . rekonq or konqueror and firefox.... all showing server not found.12:31
izanagiyou must configure your connection using info from your isp like dns server and others12:32
BluesKaj_AshishL, do you have network manager showing in the system tray on the bottom right?12:36
AshishLBluesKaj_:yes and that too shows eth0 connected...12:38
AshishLizanagi: from where should i configure ? KPPP ?12:39
izanagiAshishL: right click on the item from wired connection list, select configuration or something like that.12:40
BluesKaj_AshishL, so you have access to the kubuntu kive media , can you run some commands ?12:43
BluesKaj_err live media12:44
AshishLBluesKaj_: did you mean  konsole ?12:46
shadeslayerany ideas if there's a tool to stress test your GPU?12:46
BluesKaj_shadeslayer, yeah , run chromium browser with 20 open tabs or even more if you have a fancy gpu12:48
BluesKaj_sha shut my pc right down ...bang , no notice , nothing ...like the power failed12:49
izanagithere is a brutal force cracker for wpa2 handshakes that uses gpu.12:50
AshishLizanagi : how to use gparted ???12:52
izanagiAshishL: well, that is not easy to explain12:54
BluesKaj_so AshishL, are you ready for some commands to wake the netmanager up ?12:54
izanagiAshishL: you can try reading manual from help menu for starters12:55
BluesKaj_..ok nm .. I'm off12:56
AshishLBluesKaj_: i have not installed my kubuntu , will it be ok to continue ?12:56
BluesKaj_I don't know what you mean, AshishL , continue what ?12:57
AshishLBluesKaj_: some commands to wake the netmanager :)12:57
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BluesKajAshishL, Idon't know what youare doing , are you in windows , kubuntu ? do you have access to a terminal in kubun tu live media ?12:59
izanagiany changes in live media will be lost i think12:59
AshishLBluesKaj : i have access to terminal in kubuntu . (but right now , im on windows) :)13:00
BluesKajizanagi, we just need to make a connection for now , he was complaining about no internet13:02
BluesKajperhaps you could help him , i have to leave soon , izanagi13:02
izanagiwell, i can try, but why fix internet in live media, after instalation it will forget this setting anyway13:04
izanagiAshishL: for starters you can try this command: sudo service network-manager restart13:07
AshishLizanagi:only this much ?13:09
izanagiAshishL: if this do not work i need result of: sudo lshw -C network13:09
izanagithen under Ethernet interface you must find the name of your driver13:12
izanagiif it is atl1c, you check if driver is loaded: lsmod | grep -i atl1c13:12
izanagiif not load it with sudo modprobe atl1c13:13
izanagiand then use sudo service network-manager restart13:14
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James_mI am not sure what is the best place to ask this question but perhaps somebody of you knows how to convert OpenOffice Impress document to plain text painlessly?15:00
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georgeHello! I'm running Kubuntu 13.04 and KDE 4.10.4. I'm facing the following issue: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade makes update icons to show, and I can update by clicking them, but those updates no longer appear on konsole. Any ideas?15:13
AshishLhah . my ubuntu isnt connecting to the internet .. i have a modem and when i go to network connections , the wired tab is not accessible only . please  help15:24
James_mAshishL: do you have an USB cable?15:25
AshishLJames_m: no , its the one which is used in telephones :)15:26
James_mAshishL: I do not remember how I configured my internet connection but it is sometimes like this: you have a wire icon at the right of the taskbar then you click the requested network and you must introduce necessary data15:27
James_mWEP key, password, something like that15:27
James_mHave you done that?15:27
AshishLJames_m: yes15:28
James_mhave you checked if your modem is compatible with Ubuntu?15:28
James_msorry, I must be away, I will try to help later15:28
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delightI have a fresh installation of kubuntu 13.04  which at start time "hangs" for a momment till the start-sounds appears ... i'm saying hangs in quotes as e.g. yakuake is perfectly responsible F12 typing and starting progs .. while I can't get Alt+F1 / Alt+F2 running till the kde startup sounds rings out ... after that everything is fine16:43
delightdoes somebody else have similar experiences ? what is it that hangs / how can i find what it is ?16:43
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delightalt+f1 / alt+f2 -> kmenu / krunner16:44
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gits1225Is there a way to get the lastest version of kdevelop?17:46
gits1225On kdevelop's install instructions, adding the backports ppa is the recommended way17:46
gits1225But, I don't want the backports ppa ...17:47
stack_Hi, can I upgrade cmake version 2.8.7 to 2.8.9or higher using git(terminal)?17:54
Ivan_Ukrainehi all!18:21
FOADHi Ivan_Ukraine.18:22
Ivan_UkraineWhere can I find gparted with ability to create exfat partitions? for political reasons gparted in Kubuntu 13.04 amd64 can't create exfat partitions18:22
Ivan_UkraineI'm not quite shure everybody saw my message. Please, take no offence, it's not flood.18:26
Ivan_UkraineWhere can I find gparted with ability to create exfat partitions? for political reasons gparted in Kubuntu 13.04 amd64 can't create exfat partitions18:27
Ivan_Ukrainei was assured by most forums that gparted can't create exfa partitions under xUbuntu, but in Parted Magic distro gparted was able to create just almost anything18:28
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Guest28151very good question ivan18:50
izanagiwhat question?18:50
Guest28151try compiling  it from the parted magic source code18:51
Guest28151Where can I find gparted with ability to create exfat partitions? for political reasons gparted in Kubuntu 13.04 amd64 can't create exfat partitions18:51
Guest28151i was assured by most forums that gparted can't create exfa partitions under xUbuntu, but in Parted Magic distro gparted was able to create just almost anything18:51
BluesKajGuest25330, try exfat-utils in the repos18:56
BluesKajof course he left :(18:56
BluesKajcomplains and complains but doesn't stick around for an answer18:57
izanagiwants it right now18:57
izanagicant wait 3min18:57
izanagijust added krunner to autostart, works now but it is transparent :O18:58
BluesKajinstant gratification generation18:58
BluesKajalt+F2 doesn't work , izanagi ?18:59
izanagiit works now, afteraddind krunner to autostart18:59
izanagibut it is transparent18:59
izanagihard to read18:59
BluesKajodd that krunner isn't installed by default19:03
izanagiwell, it is installed, it just run auto19:06
izanagibut it was working on live usb19:06
izanagimaybe it is a bug?19:06
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BluesKajizanagi, have you done a dist-upgrade lately , to bring your kde packages up to date ?19:20
izanagii have 13.0419:22
FOADThat's not really an answer.19:22
izanagiup to date19:22
izanagior kde is separeted from kubuntu?19:23
izanagiim using kubuntu just few days19:23
izanagioh i get it, kde is separated, must do it manually19:27
stack_Hi, I am using kubuntu 12.04 , I am getting " Could NOT find XCB (missing: XCB_LIBRARIES XCB_INCLUDE_DIR)" on cmake .. any suggestions???19:50
geniiProbably want libx11-xcb-dev19:52
stack_@genii no.. :/19:58
noviEUHi guys, i have question. Is 13.04 stable? I have 12.04 and i dont know if will be good to update to 13.04 Thanks 4 answers20:01
gits122512.04 is stable than 13.0420:02
geniiThis is also my experience.20:02
gits122513.04 is stable enough20:02
gits1225As for me, I go from LTS to LTS20:02
noviEUgits1225: What mean stable enough?20:03
noviEUCan i normally work on it?20:03
noviEU(server admin. etc)20:03
gits1225Like, you should expect breakage etc20:03
stack_its UI is nice but 12.04 is better20:03
stack_my own experiance20:03
noviEUKubuntu was always bad in KDE, but version 12.04 is great.20:04
noviEUOk, i will check it out! :-) I hope it will be good.20:04
gits1225noviEU: you best bet would be to "upgrade" to 14.04 LTS when it comes out20:04
gits1225from 12.04 LTS20:04
stack_@noviEU did you build kde-workspace in 12.04?20:04
noviEUstack_: yep20:05
stack_did you get error like xcb package not found?20:05
noviEUI don't know, it's so long time.20:06
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stack_:/ struck at this error20:06
noviEUstack_: try to get xcb 2.4-4.3 maybe it can help20:07
stack_@noviEU I am getting "  Could NOT find XCB (missing: XCB_LIBRARIES XCB_INCLUDE_DIR)"20:08
noviEUstack_: building on windows?20:08
noviEUstack_: http://cache.gmane.org//gmane/comp/kde/devel/kwin/39057-001.bin20:09
noviEUThis is solve of your problem20:10
yofelstack_: which kde-workspace version?20:11
noviEUstack_: http://permalink.gmane.org/gmane.comp.kde.devel.kwin/39057 link to forum where i find it.20:12
stack_@noviEU do I have to use source 39057-001.bin with it?20:12
yofelstack_: here's the build dependency list for workspace 4.10.90: http://paste.kde.org/78435820:13
stack_@yofel will sudo apt-get build-dep kde-workspace work for these dependencies?20:14
yofelonly if you have the deb-src line for the kubuntu beta ppa20:15
yofelwait no20:15
yofelthat doesn't have packages for 12.04 yet20:15
stack_so ..what do you suggest20:15
yofelyou'll have to install things by hand :/20:16
stack_and what about xcb error?20:16
yofeljust copy and paste the xcb packages from there. As long as you did apt-get build-dep kde-workspace already most of the rest should already be there20:16
yofelthe trick with xcb is that xcb is only found once all its components are found. That's why there's so many xcb packages in that list20:17
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stack_cool it works ..now xcb is installed ;)20:33
SeH_slt,comment on peut changer le logiciel par defaut d un fichier21:10
SeH_par exemple fichier mp3 ovrir par defaut avec audacity21:11
SeH_je voule d ouvrir avec VLC,, etc21:11
stack___ hi , kde-platform 4.8.5 , I am getting plasmacore.iconitem is not a type on plasmoidviewer (kubuntu12.04) .Sugesstions?21:42
stack___Basically I want to update kde-platform 4.8.5 to 4.10 ,how to do that?21:42
stack___any suggesstions?21:48
gits1225 <stack___> You add backports ppa and then update21:53
gits1225but get ready for breakage21:53
juacom99Hi, my pc is a little slo9w o9n the boot proces so i went to the dmesg and find out i got a  fews lines like this "IPv6: ADDRCONF(NETDEV_UP): eth0: link is not ready22:54
juacom99" i don't haveIPv6 configured as far as i know, and i want to get rid of this problem . any ideas on who to desable it?22:54
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