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wgrantsaiarcot895: We can enable either, but normally we just do armhf00:23
wgrantSince armel is largely pointless nowadays, and gone since raring00:23
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saiarcot895Is there any reason a package would build in Wheezy, but not on Saucy (armhf)?12:24
cjwatsonsaiarcot895: Software moves on so there are various reasons.  We'd need to see a build log to even make plausible guesses.12:26
saiarcot895cjwatson: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/openscenegraph/3.0.1-4.1/+build/4660174/+files/buildlog_ubuntu-saucy-armhf.openscenegraph_3.0.1-4.1_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz12:27
saiarcot895The errors are that there are inconsistent typedefs12:27
saiarcot895"conflicting declaration"12:28
cjwatsonAh, that's a standard thing for Ubuntu ARM12:28
* cjwatson looks for the FAQ12:28
cjwatsonsaiarcot895: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ARM/FTBFS#OpenGL_and_Qt_combination and possibly the following item too12:30
saiarcot895cjwatson: ok12:31
saiarcot895cjwatson: Ah well, I hoped I could get openscenegraph to compile on ARM12:32
cjwatsonIt is no doubt possible, but this class of problem is usually not trivial, or at least I don't find it so12:32
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FelishiaI need help14:50
FelishiaI created a python script I'd like to share on launchpad14:50
Felishiait's something kinda rudementary but useful14:50
Felishiahowever it asks me for a lot of stuff14:50
Felishiaand deb I don't know what how to do that14:51
cjwatsonPerhaps https://help.launchpad.net/Code/QuickStart would help14:51
cjwatsonYou don't have to create .deb packages if you don't want to14:51
Felishiacjwatson well that's ok...14:54
Felishiabut it asks me for the openGPG key14:54
Felishiaand I can't get one14:54
cjwatsonFelishia: https://help.launchpad.net/YourAccount/ImportingYourPGPKey14:55
Felishiathis computer is not mine14:56
FelishiaI have no computer14:56
Felishiaand this ubuntu is version 9.0414:56
cjwatsonAs that page says, you don't need a GPG key for most of Launchpad, including hosting code14:57
Felishiathen how I do that? :(14:58
cjwatsonYou do need an SSH key to post code14:58
cjwatsonI suggest getting hold of a cheap USB stick to keep your keys on, if you don't have a secure system of your own14:58
FelishiaI have no a computer14:59
Felishiaso I need a SSH key15:00
Felishiadoes my karma fades?15:01
FelishiaI mean I seem to have less karma today ._.15:01
cjwatsonAs for "a lot of stuff" in general - Launchpad has a lot of facilities but remember that most of them are optional.  It generally says when something's required15:01
cjwatsonYes, karma diminishes over time15:02
Felishiabut I had 44815:02
Felishiaand now I have 40415:02
cjwatsonI wouldn't get too hung up on it :)15:02
cjwatsonIt's meant to reflect recent activity, not all activity ever15:02
dobeyyeah, karma is generally useless info15:03
dobeyi used to have 30K+ karma15:03
dobeynow it's ~13K15:03
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Felishianow what?15:09
Felishiakey uploaded15:09
Felishiabut it has all the ramdom stuff about root from the library XD15:09
cjwatsonMake sure you actually have a safe copy of the keys (private and public) somewhere persistent15:11
Felishiaso where can I upload the code?15:11
cjwatsonBeyond that, I'd suggest you start from the front page of help.launchpad.net - it's structured as a walkthrough of various goals, and you'll do better with that than with me finding bits of it for you15:12
cjwatsonThen ask about specific things you're having trouble with, rather than a general "how do I" which we're likely to answer by quoting the help docs :)15:12
dobeyif it's ubuntu 9.04, it might be a problem15:13
dobeyi don't know if the bzr on 9.04 supports v2 branches15:13
FelishiaI think I found it :)15:13
dobeyand i think the server will fail if you try to create a new branch on it that isn't v215:14
Felishiadamn... what15:15
Felishiacat /etc/issue says ubuntu 10.04 LTS15:16
Felishiathat sounds better15:16
Felishiaso should I do that command15:19
Felishiaand why +junk?15:19
Felishiait's a phyton little kitty script :3 with a installer15:19
Felishiashould I do tar.gz packaging?15:19
cjwatson+junk was due to be renamed to +personal at some point but that never happened15:19
cjwatsonIt just means "doesn't have an associated project"15:19
cjwatsonYou can either create a project and push code using bzr, or push code to a +junk branch using bzr, or create a project and upload a .tar.gz15:20
cjwatson(as a file release)15:20
cjwatsonOr some combination15:20
FelishiaI want to improve that script15:21
Felishiaso it must be a project15:21
cjwatsonDoesn't have to be.15:28
cjwatsonI would only bother with a project if I were expecting people to collaborate on it.15:28
cjwatson(As a rough rule of thumb.)15:28
Felishiait sounds better like that15:28
FelishiaI'm not a programmer anyway XD15:29
Felishiaso how do I use that bzr thing?15:44
FelishiaI have the code15:44
Felishiawhat should I do then?15:44
FelishiaInvalid url supplied to transport: "bzr+ssh://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ejgonzalezviera/python-units/trunk": no supported schemes15:47
cjwatsonInstall the python-paramiko package15:48
cjwatsonThough I think having openssh-client installed is also supposed to work; but you might as well have both15:49
Felishiaboth are installed15:50
cjwatsonMake sure you've done 'bzr launchpad-login', and use 'ssh-add' to load your key into an ssh agent; compare http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=190558115:53
FelishiaThe authenticity of host 'bazaar.launchpad.net (' can't be established.15:54
FelishiaRSA key fingerprint is 9d:38:3a:63:b1:d5:6f:c4:44:67:53:49:2e:ee:fc:89.15:54
FelishiaAre you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)? yes15:54
FelishiaWarning: Permanently added 'bazaar.launchpad.net,' (RSA) to the list of known hosts.15:54
FelishiaPermission denied (publickey).15:54
Felishiabzr: ERROR: Connection closed: Unexpected end of message. Please check connectivity and permissions, and report a bug if problems persist.15:54
Felishiayes I did15:54
cjwatsonI guess your Launchpad username isn't the same as your local one?15:54
cjwatsonYou need to do at least the HostName and User bits of https://help.launchpad.net/YourAccount/CreatingAnSSHKeyPair, under "Using a custom SSH key for Launchpad" (although setting IdentityFile won't hurt either)15:55
cjwatsonAt the moment it's trying to ssh to whateveryourlocalusernameis@bazaar.launchpad.net and being refused because that's not your LP user name15:56
Felishiaso my username LP is ejgonzalezviera15:57
Felishiaand here it's root15:57
cjwatsonRight, so follow the directions I just gave16:01
Felishiaso how do I push?16:08
FelishiaI don't understand...16:08
cjwatsonAfraid I'm out of time; maybe somebody else can help ...16:16
saiarcot895Felishia: are you trying to push a branch into Launchpad?16:19
Felishiabut it doesn't work16:20
FelishiaI'm trying with git now16:20
Felishiausing sourceforge16:20
Felishiaso that I can link it after16:20
saiarcot895Felishia: keep in mind that you won't be able to import a Git branch into a personal bzr branch16:22
saiarcot895Felishia: you can import it into a project, though16:23
FelishiaI know that's what I'm going to do16:23
Felishiause sourceforge as the base for hosting the code16:23
Felishiadoes it look decent? XD16:37
saiarcot895Felishia: looks good16:40
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czajkowskiStevenK: wgrant peeka boo :)20:13
kalakahey guys, anybody wanna help me build my first PPA? :)23:18
kalakahow long does it usually take for a PPA to be built by launchpad?23:29
kalakaI'm worried because I did everything backwards, first I uploaded the source files, then I added the GPG and then I signed the Ubuntu COC, will the package get uploaded in a few hours?23:30
StevenKIf you uploaded the source files unsigned or when LP didn't know about your key, they've likely been silently rejected.23:31
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kalakaso what do I do? when i try to upload them again, it says "Package has already been uploaded to ppa on ppa.launchpad.net"23:32
wgrantkalaka: That's a purely local check. Give dput the -f flag to override23:32
kalakathe source files are signed, but I didn't add my GPG to launchpad yet23:32
kalakaoh, OK, thanks a lot wgrant23:33
StevenKkalaka: You'll want to make certain LP knows about your GPG key before uploading.23:33
kalakawell, in my profile page, I can see my GPG key23:33
kalakasorry pgp,23:34

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