
semitonesis the lubuntu version of gksudo still gksudo?02:38
k_sze[work]Hi guys. Is there someway I can get the real setuptools 0.7 for python 2.7.x?02:49
phillwk_sze[work]: have you looked into the area of build essentials etc.02:53
phillwsemitones: I never know, they change it more often then their socks02:54
phillwk_sze[work]: after further looking into your question, if you cannot follow https://pypi.python.org/pypi/setuptools/0.7.4 My guess, is that you are not quite ready for it.02:58
semitonesphillw, it's not something crazy like lxdesudo?02:58
semitoneswhat have they changed it to before?02:58
phillwsemitones: I'm just about to look up what they did to gksudo ... IMHO, it was  a mess.02:59
phillwI have to send the students off 1st, before us adults can chat :)03:00
semitoneslol... I just wanted to run gparted from the commandline ... :P03:00
phillwsemitones: sudo apt-get install gksu03:01
semitonesI find it strange that it's not installed automatically03:02
semitonesseems like running a GUI with root privileges is something that an OS should do out of the box03:03
phillwthey specifically removed it...03:03
phillwI do not remember why, because doing "sudo firefox" would really screw things up :(03:04
phillwI'll politely ask the ubuntu devs as to why they disabled is.03:05
semitonesthanks! so it's an ubuntu decision, not a lubuntu one?03:05
phillwI do recall an explanation, which I thought was wrong....03:06
phillwsemitones: it is a ubuntu one.03:06
k_sze[work]hmm, not quite sure where to find site-packages.03:11
phillwsemitones: drat... you should get your nick registered...703:13
phillwsemitones: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#registering03:15
semitonesphillw, I think I am registered, and identified with nickserv?03:15
semitonesmy whois shows my cloak03:15
phillwdont' worry, I now need Unit193 :)03:20
phillwUnit193: ping03:20
phillwactually this is offtopic, so please head over to #lubuntu-offtopic03:21
Unit193semitones: Yes, you have been since you joined.03:38
KretchfoopHi, I'm having some trouble getting lubuntu to run on my laptop. At this stage I can't even get the liveCD to boot to desktop. It loads a basic blue splash screen, then briefly goes to a command line screen which dissappears and then I get a completely blank screen.13:02
KretchfoopIt is an older laptop (P4), and i have tried nomodeset.13:02
Kretchfoopdoes anyone have any ideas?13:03
skaetphillw, is testing for lubuntu finished now?   not seeing any images marked as ready - so not sure what the publishing should be.15:15
skaetanyone else have info?15:15
_rgnhi all. how do I go about fixing a graphic problem with Live USB like this? https://www.dropbox.com/sc/ebzgkwswlzpem5d/lXTOkaqMM416:38
_rgnit's fujitsu amilo L7320G with VIA S3 Unichrome Pro 64mb I think16:38
geniiMeh Unichrome16:47
genii_rgn: Looks like same bug as this one https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xserver-xorg-video-openchrome/+bug/112299116:52
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1122991 in openchrome "color corruption with openchrome on Fujitsu Siemens Amilo Pro V2030" [Medium,Confirmed]16:52
_rgnthat link suggests that the problem only exists on live cd16:59
geniiI guess only way to know is actually install and see if the installed system is good or same issue. Unless you are permanently running from the USB or so.17:02
geniiThen you'd have to remaster the image or something17:03
_rgncan I use the live cd to repartition the hard drive to make room for it?17:03
_rgnthe laptop currently has a single ntfs partition17:03
_rgnI tried parted magic but the screen would just go black and it wouldn't boot17:03
geniiYes, the install process guides you through this, usually with gparted which can resize the ntfs17:04
_rgnok. great17:04
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_rgnapparently have to run chkdsk /f on windows before i can use the ntfsresize tool17:17
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malaphusHi all, I'm trying to change my lxpanel background to a black-ish color.  I know how to change the icon theme so that the panel icons contrast well, but I'm not sure how to change the font color of my application buttons.  The active window is already good (white on black), but the inactive windows are black on black17:28
malaphusAny idea how i'd change the font color for everything else?17:28
genii_rgn: Yes, it has to be marked clean by Windows before it can be safely resized.17:37
malaphusalrigth so now I've modified the default lubuntu-background.png file in /usr/share/lxpanel/images and I've got everything set, except my inactive task windows still have a black font instead of a lighter font17:48
malaphusI changed the font color in my .config/lxpanel/Lubuntu/panels/panel file and that worked for the active window, just not the inactives17:48
_rgngenii: managed to install this thing, thanks for all the help18:53
genii_rgn: You're welcome...enjoy your Lubuntu!18:55
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_rgnheh, i thought everything was fine until i tried the headphone jack21:31
_rgntinkering with xfce-mixer i noticed that enabling [ ] duplicate front fixes it, but then there was another problem that the volume control in the bottom bar wouldn't control the volume21:32
_rgni would have to use Surround/PCM in alsamixer to control the headphone volume21:32
_rgnthat's not very good UX for my parents21:33
_rgnmaybe i should try pulseaudio instead of alsa... dunno, my linux desktop knowledge is very limited21:33

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