
=== hggdh_ is now known as hggdh
bjsnider!find file libxul.pc00:19
ubottulibxul.pc is not a valid distribution: extras, kubuntu-backports, kubuntu-experimental, kubuntu-updates, lucid, lucid-backports, lucid-proposed, medibuntu, partner, precise, precise-backports, precise-proposed, quantal, quantal-backports, quantal-proposed, raring, raring-backports, raring-proposed, saucy, saucy-backports, saucy-proposed, stable, testing, unstable00:19
bjsnider!find file libxul.pc raring00:19
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=== teebot is now known as teepot
hubxHi there, any chance to get chrome beta in channel in 13.04? https://launchpad.net/~chromium-daily/+archive/beta seems dead09:53
smartboyhwhubx, Chrome beta?09:53
smartboyhwChromium is different from Google Chrome.09:54
hubxsmartboyhw, I wanted to say Chromium... but Chrome Beta is also fine. Sometimes I have webdev stuff to do and want bleeding edge ;)09:59
smartboyhwhubx, mm? Try Chrome Canary. It's very bleeding-edge, but it's regularly auto-updated (unlike Chromium which uses apt-get). Also, 13.04 is NOT the scope in #ubuntu+1 now, try asking in #ubuntu might be better:)10:00
hubxsmartboyhw, alright ty :)10:01
BluesKaj_Hiyas all10:08
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=== jnc_ is now known as shadows
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shadowsglad to see 3.10 kernel land15:10
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paulo_gomeshi all16:23
paulo_gomesanyone has fglrx working in saucy?16:23
shadowspaulo_gomes: why?16:27
paulo_gomesi've tryed and get black screen, both from repos and amd site16:28
shadowsinteresting;   sorry to be not much help here16:28
paulo_gomesno problem, just curious if is something to do with my hardware or from the driver16:29
paulo_gomesopensource driver works great16:29
shadowsI once used a desktop computer with ATI (not AMD then) fglrx and it was a mess, so I would use the open source 2d drivers ;   when I got a new computer I verified it to use open source drivers and Intel graphics on this laptop16:29
shadowsI have the same laptop for 3 years + now16:30
shadowsnot very experienced with any development for fglrx since that many years ago16:30
paulo_gomes:) that's the downsize of laptops, we cant change the graphic card :)16:31
shadowspaulo_gomes: I have read from many places that there is a "verified hardware driver" communication between the graphics device and the kernel drivers16:31
shadowsI would guess that your cable is plugged into the opposite connector or that fglrx is not talking to the graphics card correctly16:32
shadowspure speculation16:32
shadowsI do remember that closed drivers would initialize the device in a different order than open drivers and I would have to swap the cable to another connector :)16:33
paulo_gomesim on laptop16:33
shadowsstill true!  maybe the output is going to external display/16:34
paulo_gomesah, didnt check that16:34
shadowsmay be worthy to try the Fn+Key combo to change monitors16:34
paulo_gomesyep, gonna try that16:35
paulo_gomesthnks shadows16:35
johnjohn101will mir be available if i'm running on a vmware machine?18:02
trismjohnjohn101: at the moment, the answer seems to be no: bug 115719618:17
ubottubug 1157196 in Mir "Mir does not work in vmware virtual machine due to drm open failure" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/115719618:17
johnjohn101trism: will be interesting to see mir roll out.  i think it's pretty aggressive to roll out to desktop in 13.10 but welcomed18:21
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hapsterHi now that it was announced that ubuntu 13.10 will ship with Mir, will this mean only laptops with intel graphics will be able to take advantage of it?23:10
Daekdroomhapster, what do you mean?23:11
Daekdroom13.10 will still ship with X.org because of the closed-source AMD/Nvidia drivers.23:11
Daekdroom(and I think that is said on that page)23:11
hapsterDaekdroom so does that mean I won't be able to use wine?23:11
DaekdroomI don't see why you wouldn't.23:12
hapsteror play games with wine?23:12
DaekdroomIt could interfere, but ideally not.23:12
hapsterI currently have an nvidia optimus laptop. It works with bumblebee and I'm quite satisfied with it. I believe it relies on Xorg configs. If I upgrade to 13.10 this means that I won't be able to use bumblebee right? Or maybe use bumblebee with nouveau. but not sure about how good nouveau's support is for nvidia optimus.23:13
DaekdroomAbout how/whether bumblebee works with nouveau (and Mir?) I'm not aware of.23:15
DaekdroomBut like I said, they intend to still ship X.org as a fallback in 13.1023:15
hapsterYeah. But I really wanna try out XMir.:)) And it'll suck if it won't work with nvidia.XD I believe you can configure it in bumblebee.conf for it to use nouveau. :)23:19

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