
=== hggdh_ is now known as hggdh
JoseeAntonioRhello, ketan985. may we help?05:59
ketan985hi jose I am linux system admin , How  can I contribute to community ?06:50
dholbachgood morning06:53
smartboyhwHeya dholbach06:54
dholbachhey smartboyhw06:54
dholbachall right, I'm going to relocate - be back in a bit10:34
jonodpm, popey app dev call?15:01
dpmjono, yep, sorry, coming in15:01
popeyyup, 2 mins15:01
popeyjust ushering a visitor out15:01
jonoballoons, can you join too15:02
balloonssure thing15:02
jcastroinclusion to15:07
jcastrouniverse is on it’s way and we are preparing the MIR ee what I did there15:07
jcastro;) for Mir ahead of Feature Freeze.15:07
jcastroyou knew that pun was coming!15:07
dholbachall rightie - have a great rest of your day! :)17:25
philballewakgraner, Congrats on the new Linaro Release!18:27
akgranerphilballew, thanks!18:27
jcastrojono: ask me why I am in a good mood19:31
jonojcastro, BOOM!19:32
jcastroNew sections, new video19:33
jcastronew content19:33
jcastroold content .... REMOVED WITH A VENGEANCE.19:33
jcastroAre you not entertained! </gladiator>19:34

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