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m4n1shdoes ubuntu have libgit2-glib packaged? I can't find so04:12
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pittiGood morning04:34
pittididrocks: bonjour! ça va ?06:22
didrockspitti: ça va bien, et toi?06:23
pittididrocks: ça va bien aussi06:23
pittididrocks: I'm enjoying the PS autolanding machinery06:23
pittiit's effing awesome!06:23
pitti(the upstream parts for now)06:23
pittii. e. the PS jenkins bot verifying my branches, and automerging them, and adjusting the bugs accordingly06:24
pitti♪ it's a kind of maaa-giiiic ♫06:24
pittididrocks: anyway, I'm currently fixing my ap-gtk tests for raring, and I stumbled over something odd06:24
didrocksheh :) excellent!06:25
pittididrocks: in saucy, some programs reverted back to having an integrated menu, like gtimelog or my hello_color.py test program06:25
didrocksthey were in some kind of backlist before?06:25
pittididrocks: in raring they have a global menu, which makes the GtkMenuItem widgets not "really" appear06:25
pittididrocks: so, do you know, is that a deliberate change, or is it a regression?06:25
didrocksyeah, now we are using unity-gtk3-module06:25
didrockspitti: it's developped by attente06:26
didrocksfeel free to ping him about it :)06:26
didrocks(and adding a test :p)06:26
pittididrocks: it certainly feels like a regression to me, but I wasn't sure whether perhaps these days global menu is limited to GMenuModel06:26
pittigtimelog and my hello program don't use that (I don't know how that works, TBH)06:26
didrockspitti: this is why autopilot-gtk fails to build I guess, due to tests :)06:26
didrockslike https://launchpadlibrarian.net/143526534/buildlog_ubuntu-saucy-armhf.autopilot-gtk_1.3daily13.06.05bzr47saucy0_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz06:27
didrockspitti: no, it's merging both06:27
pittididrocks: no, like https://launchpad.net/~autopilot/+archive/ppa/+build/4748902/+files/buildlog_ubuntu-raring-i386.autopilot-gtk_1.3daily13.06.05bzr46raring0_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz06:27
darkxstpitti, hi06:27
pittididrocks: actually, not that either, that's just because raring's gnome-session-log is different06:27
didrockswell, similar to the FTBFS in the unity-build ppa06:27
didrockshey darkxst06:27
pittididrocks: it only happens if you run the test under a full unity; the tests under xvfb are fine, as there you don't have a global menu06:28
darkxsthi didrocks06:28
pittididrocks: oh, is that from a distro autolanding attempt?06:28
pittihey darkxst06:28
didrockspitti: right06:28
didrockspitti: the QA stack is rejected because of this FTBFS06:28
darkxstpitti, any chance you can look into the retracer sometime soon?06:28
pittididrocks: not sure what's wrong with that test; I never got a negative ID here (and it's certainly not a bug in the test)06:29
pittididrocks: thanks for pointing out, let's see how the next attempt goes; today I'm landing actual fixes, not just tests06:29
pittidarkxst: argh, that; sorry, it keeps being pushed down in my list :/06:30
pittididrocks: ah, I just got those FTBFS mails06:30
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didrockspitti: ok, let's see ;)06:31
pittisame on armhf06:32
pittididrocks: they all pass all the time in the PS Jenkins bot runs; do you see a fundamental difference between those and the autopilot archive?06:33
didrockspitti: they don't use a real PPA06:33
pittididrocks: oh, of course -- the autopilot GTK potentially has newer/changed/broken dependencies?06:33
didrocksit's just a pbuilder06:33
didrockspitti: also yeah06:33
pittiwhen I do my tests in sbuild, I only build autopilot-gtk on saucy06:33
pittinot on saucy + the autopilot PPA06:34
didrockspitti: I don't know about the autopilot PPA06:34
pittiI bet/hope that's the difference06:34
didrocksI think it's stupid they are using it, but it's another story :06:34
didrocks(already told them, and they don't care)06:34
didrocksdaily-build PPA has new QA stack content, right06:34
didrocks(the ~ubuntu-unity/daily-build)06:34
pittiwell, I got https://launchpad.net/~autopilot/+archive/ppa/+build/4750560, that's similar to the build log you gave me, right?06:34
didrockspitti: yeah, but TBH, I just care about the ppa I support to get into distro (maybe things didn't get build in the same order ;))06:36
pittididrocks: ok, so this is not the distro autolanding, and won't block it?06:36
pittididrocks: so, I'll try here with the autopilot PPA, this might point to a regression in trunk which hasn't landed in the distro yet06:36
didrockspitti: we have the same failure (see my first log) in the daily-build ppa06:37
pittididrocks: ah, ok06:37
didrockspitti: so I guess it's a regression part from a part of the QA stack (maybe autopilot itself)06:37
* pitti ♥ tests06:38
darkxstpitti, would be really useful! we still getting a lot of crash reports from raring+ppa which are most likely relevant to saucy06:40
jibelgood morning07:04
didrockssalut jibel!07:12
jibelSalut didrocks , ça va?07:13
didrocksça va bien, et toi? :)07:17
* didrocks just finished cleaning a little bit lightdm07:18
jibeldidrocks, pas mal, je continue avec l'autolanding sur touch, en esperant que le fix kernel arrivera aujourd'hui07:19
didrocksjibel: ah, cool! ils modifient la config donc?07:19
didrocks(pour grouper)07:19
jibeldidrocks, yes, it has been fixed yesterday, next upload will have it.07:20
seb128hey desktopers07:40
pittiit's a seb, run!07:40
* pitti donne une accolade à seb128, bonjour !07:40
seb128pitti, good morning freedom lover! ;-)07:42
* seb128 donne une accolade à pitti en retour, ça va bien ?07:42
pittiseb128: oui, merci07:42
pittididrocks: so wrt. the weird negative ID, I saw that in the autopilot PPA armhf build logs sometimes (but not always, e. g. the latest saucy build there worked fine)07:47
pittididrocks: did you ever see this on non-armhf?07:47
didrockspitti: weird, as you can see, it seems to happen everytime in the daily-build PPA (all archs)07:47
didrockslet me look, one sec07:47
didrockssalut seb128!07:47
pittididrocks: oh, do you have a link to the PPA?07:47
didrockspitti: ah no, latest build :)07:48
pittididrocks: I want 1.3+13.10.20130627-0ubuntu1 , not 0.4daily13.03.11-0ubuntu1 , right?07:48
didrocksI just did the autopilot-gtk ppa07:48
didrockspitti: yeah, so everything's fine here :)07:48
pittididrocks: 7 hours ago, all pass07:48
didrockspitti: yeah, getting too much random ppa by subscription emails07:49
didrocksI read the ones from the autopilot PPA as daily-build PPA, sorry :)07:49
pittididrocks: I am currently running package builds in my i386 saucy sbuild with the autopilot PPA enabled, so far I got 2/2 passes07:49
pittididrocks: ok, then we are on the same page07:49
pittididrocks: some weirdness in the emulated armhf PPA builders then?07:49
pittididrocks: so the next automatic daily build will pick up the fixes, add changelogs, and upload to saucy?07:50
didrockspitti: seems so… yeah for not reliable environment :)07:50
didrockspitti: this one should, let me see before sil2100 starts his day why QA didn't get published yet07:50
pittididrocks: no hurry, I'm currently landing some more fixes07:50
didrockspitti: manual publishing :)07:51
pittididrocks: I guess I messed up the commit logs of my first two MPs a bit, as I added an (LP: #XXXX) into the commit message in the MP07:51
didrockspitti: so tests pass, everything built, integration tests pass, it's just in manual publishing as there are packaging mode07:51
pittididrocks: so I guess it'll end up there twice (but it's mostly cosmetic)07:51
didrockspitti: so once sil2100 reviewed those, it will be published in distro07:51
pittididrocks: sorry for all these questions, this is still a bit new to me07:51
didrockshum, shoudln't be duplicated :)07:51
didrocksif you touch debian/changelog, in a MP, I don't readd the commit message07:52
didrockspitti: see the generated changelog: http://paste.ubuntu.com/5803964/07:52
didrocksah, you meant, you added the number into the commit message :)07:53
pittididrocks: no, I added it to the "commit message" in the MP, not d/changelog07:53
didrockspitti: nice test case to add to avoid that duplication07:53
pittididrocks: right; so it appears twice there07:53
pittididrocks: sorry about that, I won't add it in future MPs07:53
didrockspitti: no worry, I'll handle that case ;) Most of people using that LP: # syntax does directly in debian/changelog07:53
didrocksso I didn't get that case, interesting one :)07:54
didrocksshould be easy to fix, for future uploads, let me have a try07:54
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pittididrocks: if it didn't happen until now, don't worry; I won't do it again :)07:55
didrockspitti: in fact, I don't reduplicate the bug if you listed it manually already, but in that case, both were injected at the same time :)07:55
didrocksI can fix that easily I guess, let me have a try later today07:56
sil2100didrocks: it's in manual publishing mode, checking what's up - I'll publish it once you ACK the packaging changes ;)
sil2100didrocks: btw. I think Thomi and Chris might be ignoring my e-mails!08:00
didrockssil2100: I'm not sure I'll approve pitti's packaging changes :p08:01
sil2100didrocks: since I sent them like 2 e-mails about autopilot issues and they didn't answer me even once08:01
didrockssil2100: but wait, there is a trailing comma after the deps! ok, let's +1 then :)08:01
sil2100thomi: veebers: ?08:01
pittididrocks: haha08:01
* didrocks hugs pitti08:01
seb128hey sil210008:01
sil2100Hey seb12808:01
didrockssil2100: yeah, I know as well that some other people contacted them and no answer… do we still need them for anything?08:01
pittisil2100, didrocks: btw, your last daily build only has the test suite, but none of the actual fixes (these just landed a few hours ago, and I'm currently working on the last bug fix)08:02
pittiso no hurry08:02
sil2100didrocks: there's that 'show_desktop' issue with autopilot still I see ;/ The indicators stack is haunted by that08:02
seb128didrocks, when is Mirv back? next week? do you know if landing  qtsystems to the archive is planned?08:02
didrocksseb128: he's back next week yeah. He has a task for qtsystems08:02
didrockssil2100: argh, it's annoying… did you know about one commit showing that issue?08:03
seb128Laney, howdy08:03
didrockssil2100: if so, we have given them enough time and we can revert it08:03
seb128Laney, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gcc-4.8/+bug/1194123 ... look at the 2 most recent comments08:04
ubot2`Ubuntu bug 1194123 in gtk+3.0 (Ubuntu) "[gcc-linaro wrong-code regression] gcc 4.8.1-2ubuntu1 to 4.8.1-3ubuntu1 breaks gtk on armhf" [High,New]08:04
sil2100didrocks: not sure, but since I can't contact the AP guys, I'll look into that and try finding when it got broken, or maybe work-around it somehow08:04
sil2100didrocks: in the meantime: <- could you ACK? It's a risky change, but I guess it's necessary08:04
didrockssil2100: yeah, let's first move on all the other stacks :)08:05
didrockssil2100: we built with it until now, so reverting isn't risky (and it broke ABI for them), so +108:06
sil2100didrocks: ok, published everything that I could - the media stack seems to have one flacky test that's failing on -ati all the time, I'll try fetching renato or Omer to look into that08:09
sil2100Since re-running the test suite didn't help08:09
didrockssil2100: perfect! thanks :)08:10
didrockssil2100: so everything is ok but indicators and unity, right?08:10
didrocksbecause of this AP thingy…08:10
sil2100Yes, and media - but I'll check why it's failing and maybe try publishing anyway if it's not anything obviously broken maybe08:11
didrockssil2100: ok ;) and something else, seb128 asked to revert the oif stack08:12
didrockssil2100: in raring08:12
didrockssil2100: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/eog/+bug/119471408:12
ubot2`Ubuntu bug 1194714 in eog (Ubuntu) "eog crashes on startup" [Undecided,New]08:12
seb128didrocks, infinity: infinity deleted the libgrip update from -proposed on my request08:12
didrockssil2100: that's why the oif stack is in manual publishing mode (it rebuilt as there is a diff with the revert)08:12
seb128sil2100, ^08:13
seb128infinity, sorry for the ping :p08:13
didrockssil2100: do you mind reaching out bregma so that this is fixed?08:13
sil2100Ok ;)08:13
didrocksthen, we can just publish that one08:13
sil2100didrocks: hm, the mediaplayer-app test failure makes no sense, looks like an autopilot issue - since the video shows all is ok08:47
sil2100didrocks: can I publish? (first normally then force?)08:47
didrockssil2100: yeah, but please, email the guys about it :)08:47
sil2100didrocks: some packaging changes to ACK - I know those are OK since I approved the merges myself ;p : and
sil2100didrocks: I already e-mailed renato and omer08:54
Laneymlankhorst: here?08:55
LaneyCould it be ...08:55
Laneythat new X broke my custom volume up/down/mute keybindings that I set in gnome?08:55
didrockssil2100: good for both :)08:55
Laneymlankhorst: ^ it certainly seems so (reverting got them back)08:59
mlankhorstbit busy with kernel fallout atm :P09:00
Laneyjus' sayin09:00
mlankhorstcan you try with xev?09:02
Laneythe events seem ok09:02
LaneyI can set the keys in the keyboard capplet09:02
Laneybut then when I press them the action doesn't happen09:03
* Laney unrevers09:03
Laneywith speelig gud09:03
seb128Laney, can you run /usr/lib/gnome-settings-daemon/gsd-test-input-helper09:05
seb128Laney, with the broken and working xorg?09:05
seb128you should have a "Supports XInput2:yes (opcode: 131)"09:05
LaneyXInput2: no09:06
seb128that's the issue09:06
Laneywith the new xorg09:06
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seb128Laney, mlankhorst: http://paste.ubuntu.com/5804131/09:07
seb128is the test function09:07
seb128Laney, it might be easier to build g-s-d and play with plugins/common/test-input-helper.c09:08
seb128e.g test with the helper09:09
seb128plugins/common/gsd-input-helper.c has the helper code09:09
seb128Laney, can you try https://git.gnome.org/browse/gnome-settings-daemon/commit/?id=14f92b1479aa065edf3f0aa86b87d4c4ff1fe2ba ?09:10
Laneyyeah I just found that09:10
seb128mlankhorst, that doesn't give great confidence on how much you guys tested the new xorg during those months you have been testing it...09:11
mlankhorstit was not a bug in xorg though :p09:19
seb128mlankhorst, right, still the xorg update should break desktop functionalities...09:21
Laneystill doesn't work09:22
Laneynow ait09:22
Laneythat time the bug was in me :P09:22
Laneydoes work :-)09:22
seb128Laney, great ... but I guess g-s-d with the patch doesn't work on xorg 1.13? e.g we need to group those updates?09:25
Laneyif not then mlankhorst can upload it to his ppa09:25
mlankhorsti guess it will work on x1.1309:25
Laneyyeah seems fine09:25
seb128we should get that g-s-d patch in saucy then ;-)09:25
* Laney uploads09:26
seb128Laney, thanks09:26
Laneylooks like it would have been in 3.8 though09:26
seb128Laney, well, 3.8 has https://git.gnome.org/browse/gnome-settings-daemon/commit/?id=b0cee1df30b09:27
seb128not sure how that will play out for us09:27
mlankhorstbut that patch looks familiar somehow, or maybe it was the previous one that tested for xi22.09:28
seb128mlankhorst, https://git.gnome.org/browse/gnome-settings-daemon/commit/?id=a249eb98818547fef4865382c6db2298d268b293 was the one we tested in precise for the lts backport stack09:28
mlankhorstah no wonder09:29
darkxstOh, I have seen that too...09:29
darkxstbtw, still a WIP but I have g-s-d 3.8 working ok with 3.6, not withstanding ibus and wacom09:31
Laneywant to test media keys on unity?09:31
darkxstLaney, I already fixed that a while back09:31
Laneyref that commit ^?09:31
darkxstLaney, its a patch in the package on gnome3-staging09:32
darkxstbasically just reverted the upstream removal , with if_unity gaurds09:32
darkxstLaney, http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~gnome3-team/gnome-settings-daemon/ubuntu/view/head:/debian/patches/fix_media_keys_on_unity.patch09:34
darkxstand http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~gnome3-team/gnome-settings-daemon/ubuntu/view/head:/debian/patches/git_revert_gsd-keygrab.patch09:35
darkxstbut the second is a straight git revert09:35
LaneyWhat's the proper fix here?09:36
darkxstLaney, the proper fix, assuming you follow gnome style, is to move the keygrabber into unity09:37
Laneyhave unity do the key grabbing too09:37
LaneyI wonder how this plays out with Mir09:38
darkxstno idea09:39
darkxstbut if Mir inteferes with the input events, you will have problems either way09:40
sil2100didrocks: btw.! The i915.semaphores=0 fix that popey mentioned seems to work in a way ;)09:43
sil2100didrocks: since I still get the "GPU hung" issues, but it doesn't crash compiz anymore ;p Now, whenever it hangs, I only have to switch to a different tty and back and my compiz is still running without problems!09:44
didrockssil2100: ah, in fact, that's the kind of issue I have already09:45
didrockswould be nice to have the kernel team looking at those though09:45
* didrocks takes a deep breath and try to build the mir stack09:46
tsdgeoshi guys, qgit complains it's not installed but it is installed10:32
tsdgeosi think it's because installs the binary to /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/qt4/bin/qgit instead of /usr/bin10:32
tsdgeoswho do i complain to?10:32
ogra_dpkg -S /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/qt4/bin/qgit .... file a bug against the package that returns10:33
xnoxdidrocks: popey: +++10:38
* didrocks just counted and we have 234 components daily releasing now \o/10:41
seb128didrocks, impressive (though component != source right? e.g if a same source release to 2 series you count 210:45
didrocksseb128: yep, hence the world of component ;)10:50
didrocksseb128: can give you the status in head, just polishing my script10:50
didrocksargh, I had some ~1~10:52
didrockslet me clean that as well to not count more :p10:52
didrocksok, "only" 133 :p10:55
seb128I'm glad I don't have to maintain "only" that number of packages :p10:58
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didrocksthis doesn't match, I think I can't +1 normally11:02
didrockscounting manually the number of projects I print, and there is more :p11:02
didrocksoh, a typo, here we go!11:03
didrocksI was just counting raring :p11:03
* didrocks copies the fixed script to the branch with mir and unity811:03
didrocksah, this starts to make more sense :)11:04
didrocksso 234 was the right numbers :p11:05
didrocksI just made a booboo when copying that back between branches and changing path11:05
didrocksof those: 175 in head (saucy)11:06
didrocksand so 59 in raring11:06
didrockslet's commit the script in trunk, would be useful for the future :)11:06
didrocksok, meanwhile the unity8 stack (minus unity8 itself for now) built and is in next11:08
didrocksmir stack is still building11:08
seb128darkxst, jbicha: in case you didn't see it: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/evolution-data-server/+bug/119301811:19
ubot2`Ubuntu bug 1193018 in evolution-data-server (Ubuntu) "GOA support not completely split" [High,New]11:19
seb128could one of you talk to upstream about it? (or we will have to turn goa off in the Ubuntu builds)11:19
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kgunnmlankhorst: ping13:58
mlankhorstis it urgent?14:12
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sil2100attente: ping!15:15
attentesil2100, pong15:15
sil2100attente: hi! Not sure if that's a known issue or just something broken on my system, but I noticed that GIMP menus are broken for me when using unity-gtk-module15:15
attentesil2100, seems to be fine for me. what issues are you running into?15:16
sil2100attente: hm, strangely I cannot reproduce those right now, but I noticed such things yesterday:15:17
didrocksattente: not only gimp, pitti mentionned some apps as well15:18
didrocksseb128: see, complains after all, but I agree, it took time! ^15:18
sil2100When I use GIMP for a while, menu states seem to get out-of-date, i.e. I for instance have an image opened, modify it but the 'Save' menu entries are grayed out15:18
sil2100attente: even though that when I right click to get the context menu, I see those menu entries enabled15:18
sil2100attente: basically I cannot use the panel then and have to perform all menu actions in the context menu of gimp15:19
seb128didrocks, oh, I've no doubt new code has bugs ... ;-)15:19
seb128didrocks, sil2100: do you guys have bug reports?15:19
attentesil2100, fascinating... i've never used gimp for extended periods of time15:19
sil2100seb128: will fill in a bug ;) I just noticed it recently15:19
seb128pitti, ^15:20
sil2100Ok, maybe I saw it previously, but thought it was because of my compiz crashing15:20
didrocksattente: you should raise the artistic part in you!15:20
attentedidrocks, ;-)15:20
Laneythat reminds me to file my unity-gtk-module bug15:23
jbichachrisccoulson: aah, you guys changed the Firefox logo again in 23 http://www.nsaneforums.com/topic/175697-firefox-gets-new-logo/15:28
chrisccoulsonjbicha, that wasn't anything to do with me ;)15:31
chrisccoulsoni wonder why people are obsessed with making completely flat icons now? first chrome, now firefox...15:32
chrisccoulsoni prefer the old one ;)15:32
jbichachrisccoulson: I blame you for everything to do with Firefox ;)15:32
chrisccoulsonjbicha, technically, it's not my responsibility anymore. i don't do any work on it at all (other than the minimum required to just keep it up-to-date)15:33
chrisccoulsonjbicha, do you know anyone who would like to maintain it?15:33
jbichachrisccoulson: really? what do you do now then?15:33
chrisccoulsonjbicha, i changed teams a while ago (i'm on the security team now)15:34
jbichaoh wow, congrats15:35
* jdstrand hugs chrisccoulson :)15:35
* chrisccoulson hugs jdstrand :)15:35
ritzmterry hi, pm.15:45
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ritzseb128 hi, who works with compiz ?16:24
seb128ritz, with compiz? like as user? most Ubuntu users16:24
seb128unity is based on it16:24
ritzas in dev, a bug with clip redraw+nvidia prop driver16:24
seb128try asking on #ubuntu-unity, smspillaz and MCR16:25
ritzsweet, thanks :)16:25
* didrocks waves good evening16:36
seb128jbicha, hey, did you see https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/evolution-data-server/+bug/1193018 ? it would be nice if somebody upstream it, we either need to get that fixed or to turn goa off in the eds build16:43
ubot2`Ubuntu bug 1193018 in evolution-data-server (Ubuntu) "GOA support not completely split" [High,New]16:43
Sweetsharkseb128: could you nominate bug 1194740 for precise? as it is already fixed in later series ...16:52
ubot2`Launchpad bug 1194740 in libreoffice (Ubuntu) "[precise] Saving xls files originally created in Excel 2003 causes considerable increase of file size" [Medium,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/119474016:52
jbichaseb128: I think it's a bit early to propose breaking goa...I'll look into it16:53
Sweetshark^^ 450 people installed the libreoffice 4.1.0~rc1 prerelease from the ppa so far. thats pretty good for a rc that is claiming to eat your cat and kill your babies.17:04
seb128Sweetshark, done17:37
Sweetsharkseb128: thanks17:37
seb128jbicha, thanks, and I'm not "proposed breaking goa", but you ship uoa anyway so account would just work ... and in any case I'm not wanting to break anything but it create practical issues for phone builds and we will need the issue resolved one way or another there... we could build without uoa on armhf only as a workaround17:39
jbichaseb128: UG doesn't include UOA in saucy17:39
seb128jbicha, oh, ok, I though you had both for some reason17:40
jbichayeah, we'll pick one or the other but we're trying GOA for now :)17:40
seb128good luck, I'm not going to be verbose again about why I think that's going to be increasingly harder and that you should take uoa as a platform technology (similar to e.g upstart)17:42
jbichait's not like we have a choice about upstart...17:42
jbichaI assume you recommend Mir too :)17:42
seb128well, as much as you have about uoa17:42
seb128lol, I don't recommend it17:43
seb128I just wouldn't like to be the one fighting against the stream17:43
jbichano, the Foundations Team has blocked systemd as possible init from Ubuntu17:43
seb128you could have it in a ppa or something, but I guess you would stop having an official flavor for that...17:43
jbichaI think Kubuntu & Ubuntu GNOME would be crazy enough to go full systemd if we could...17:43
seb128desktop should perhaps block goa as possible online account to make your job easier :p17:44
desrtjbicha: why don't you work on making gnome in debian better?17:44
jbichalol :)17:45
desrtno joke17:45
desrtthey could use help with staying up to date, it seems17:45
jbichadesrt: I was laughing at seb, not you17:45
seb128desrt, GNOME on Debian is more uptodate that it is on Ubuntu nowadays17:45
seb128desrt, Collabora guys are throwing quite some time at it (I guess they use it a base for stuff they work on)17:46
* desrt wonders what the point is, then....17:46
jbichadesrt: I think I do as much as I can in Debian without having upload rights and I don't care enough to go through the beauracracy to get them with everything else going on in my life these days17:46
Sweetsharkseb128: also libreoffice 4.0.4 (not found) should be SRUed soonish for raring. Its seen 2140 raring, 2200 quantal and 14275 precise downloads from the generic ppa and 1192 raring, 1862 quantal and 5930 precise from the libreoffice-4-0 ppa without any desasters being reported.17:46
desrtjbicha: fair enough.... i just wonder why you keep banging your head on a brick wall17:46
seb128Sweetshark, sounds good to me17:47
* desrt heads to lunch17:47
jbichadesrt: because I think GNOME is the best desktop and Ubuntu is the best foundation17:47
Sweetshark.oo(woha, that 27600 downloads from the ppa alone ...)17:47
=== robru_ is now known as robru
Sweetsharkseb128: so in the libreoffice 3.5 precise ppa we'll have a update soon that fixes bug 1194740, bug 628105 and bug 1176923. Does that warrant a SRU? Last SRU was on 2013-02-15 ...18:14
ubot2`Launchpad bug 1194740 in libreoffice (Ubuntu Precise) "[precise] Saving xls files originally created in Excel 2003 causes considerable increase of file size" [Medium,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/119474018:14
ubot2`Launchpad bug 628105 in libreoffice (Ubuntu Quantal) "[Upstream] Text not black in LibreOffice" [Undecided,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/62810518:14
seb128Sweetshark, seems fine to SRU a fix if you have one for the issue18:59
desrtjbicha: ubuntu is like debian plus upstart... and now you want to remove upstart and add systemd :p19:14
* Laney hugs jbicha - please keep banging on that foam wall ;-)19:19
Guest8506Hello i use ubuntu 10.04 with gnome 2.30.2 i would like have no icons in the main menu !?19:19
seb128desrt, don't forget the regular releases, the nice tools, etc ;-)19:20
seb128Guest8506, hey, try #ubuntu for user questions19:20
Laneythe lack of maintainer lock :P19:20
Guest8506there iam right now too19:20
jbichaand a 6 month release cycle19:21
Guest8506do i need to compile the gnome-panel by myself?19:21
Laneythis isn't the place to get help with that kind of thing, sorry19:21
Guest8506Laney, ok bye19:21
jbichaGuest8506: Ubuntu 10.04 is no longer supported except for servers anyway19:22
Laneyif #ubuntu fails you try askubuntu.com19:22
Guest8506yes i know19:22
ricotzSweetshark, btw dont trust stats of arch-all packages19:23
ricotzSweetshark, how many 4.1 precise downloads?19:24
Sweetsharkricotz: why not trust arch-all?19:27
Sweetsharkricotz: I took libreoffice-common as base and assumed it to be the amd64 and i386 downloads combined (as in I did not double that number ;) )19:29
ricotzSweetshark, look at the stats of e.g. the writer binary package and compare them19:29
Sweetsharkricotz: some ~420 precise downloads of 4.1.0 rc1 (vs. some 30 for saucy). Cowards! :)19:29
Sweetsharkricotz: people might not download writer, just calc?19:30
Sweetsharkricotz: if anything -core should be a comparison.19:30
ricotzok, then compare that one19:31
Sweetsharkricotz: 4.0.4 in the main ppa on precise: 7292 -core and 14570 -common on amd64, 7199 -core and 14570 -common on i386. the two -cores add up to 14491 so reasonably close.19:34
ricotzSweetshark, will try to look into the raring 4.1 failure tomorrow or weekend19:34
seb128ricotz, jbicha: did you guys look at the new zg dbus api changes and if anything in the archive use those interfaces?19:36
Sweetshark0.5% aborts/connectivity issues/whatever do not seem too unreasonable ...19:36
ricotzseb128, i am running zg2 for some time and havent seen noticeable breakages (not running unity though)19:38
ricotzseb128, but i guess mhr3 would have complained already ;)19:38
seb128he didn't check it out yet apparently19:38
seb128and the new version was blocked in proposed due to alpha119:39
mhr3ricotz, i'm blessfully using the distro zg :)19:39
seb128but e.g the file lens and the private panel use directly the dbus api19:39
seb128mhr3, well, ricotz update and TheMuso uploaded to saucy yesterday19:39
seb128but I guess neither of them checked the dbus api users19:39
ricotzmhr3, go upgrade then! ;)19:39
mhr3seb128, i think we keep the dbus api stable ;)19:40
mhr3...these days anyway :)19:40
seb128mhr3, that's not what blog posts suggest19:40
mhr3ricotz, you mean to run S on my machine? eeek :P19:40
seb1280.9 apparently breaks dbus and lib apis19:40
mhr3seb128, ehm?19:40
mhr3show me that blog post and i'll jump on someone19:41
ricotzmhr3, saucy runs fine with some kicks19:41
mhr3ricotz, see, /me no likey kicks19:41
jbichaseb128: I assume there's still time to put a block in place if you want to verify zg2 is safe first19:42
seb128mhr3, hum, ignore that, quick googling confused me19:43
seb128jbicha, well, I'm not, I just hope that those who did the update did the checking ;-)19:44
ricotzSweetshark, lo4.1:  29 saucy, 359 precise19:44
ricotzSweetshark, you might got the aggregate of all ~ppaX revisions19:45
Sweetsharkricotz: lol, no -- just a typo ...20:02
ricotzSweetshark, hehe, i am really surprise about the precise count though20:05

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