
* thomi is back00:40
RAOFthomi: Oook.00:46
dufluRAOF: No luck with libdrm_radeon/mesa?01:21
dufluHmm, tho it hasn't tried to build since the 24th01:22
RAOFduflu: Do you want to hit the rebuild button? Should work now.01:33
dufluRAOF: I hit /a? rebuild button. Not sure if it was the right one. Thanks01:35
* duflu thinks it's awesome that he can click 3 build buttons and all 3 builds start immediately01:55
duflukdub: Jenkins marked this done. Is it really? https://bugs.launchpad.net/mir/+bug/113055301:56
ubot5Launchpad bug 1130553 in Mir "Mir does not support eglSwapInterval(0)" [Medium,Fix committed]01:56
thomidoes anyone remember the secret key you need to push to stop grub booting?02:11
RAOFthomi: Madly mash shift.02:11
* thomi is still trying to un-brick his laptop :(02:12
RAOFthomi: Although we *should* be marking your boot as failed, and automatically bringing up the grub prompt.02:12
dufluMashing escape works too02:12
thomidoesnt seem to be shift....02:12
thomiand technically speaking, the boot works02:12
thomitime to try Escape02:12
dufluBut you have to be fast with escape. Start mashing at the end of POST02:13
RAOFthomi: I believe that we decided that “has logged in to a session, or does a controlled shutdown” are the two criteria for determining whether a boot is successful.02:13
thomioh, well that's not workng02:14
thomiRAOF: seems you need to hold the shift key, not just press it 0.O02:14
thomirobert_ancell: what should I do to disable u-s-c in lightdm.conf?02:22
robert_ancellthomi, uninstall u-s-c or edit /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf.d/10-unity-system-compositor.config and quote out type=unity02:22
robert_ancellthomi, also check you don't have an old setting in /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf - if so just remove it02:23
* thomi crosses fingers and reboots02:24
* kgunn waits with anticipation02:25
thomiwell, I got my laptop back02:35
thomibut xmir totally breaks it for me02:35
kgunnlaptop \o/02:35
thomialso, I realise that the mir stress tests break the server again. every time we get closer to enabling them for CI, something else breaks :-/02:35
* duflu thought lightdm was meant to "fall back to xlocal" if things don't work02:39
kgunnolli: i notice you say reboot your system vs restart lightdm....did you experience issues w lightdm restart ?02:39
robert_ancellduflu, it did work, then it locked up and lightdm tried to get to failsafe X, but it was locked up by that point02:40
kgunnrobert_ancell: ^ restart lightdm vs reboot ?02:41
robert_ancellkgunn, same difference02:41
kgunnrobert_ancell: i thot so...just noticed olli referenced it today on irc & in his blog02:41
RAOFHey, what's our idiom on server-side event-callbacks?02:42
dufluRAOF: Server side doesn't get callbacks ... ??02:42
RAOFduflu: I mean: an event occurs, and some server code needs to react to it. Do we not currently have any of that?02:43
dufluRAOF: It will be buried in the server classes (because they do have support for turning events into messages already). But I think what you mean by "server side callback" will be a virtual method to be overridden02:44
* duflu is not helpful yet; goes to get coffee02:44
robert_ancellargh, C++! I copy the demo shell input handling code into u-s-c and it gives me obscure error messages02:46
RAOFLooks like other parts of our code use a set_foo_callback() idiom.02:49
kgunni just updated to the latest....and verified https://bugs.launchpad.net/mir/+bug/119403902:56
ubot5Launchpad bug 1194039 in Mir "Cannot start any Mir server ... std::exception::what: Failed to set DRM crtc" [High,New]02:56
thomimir_stress causes the mir_demo_server to crash: https://bugs.launchpad.net/mir/+bug/119508902:57
ubot5Launchpad bug 1195089 in Mir "mir_stress suite causes mir_demo_server to crash" [Undecided,New]02:57
dufluReboot. Wish me luck03:38
dufluRAOF: Ta. Mir is functional on raring again04:06
dufluvia staging04:06
didrockshey robert_ancell! around?05:13
tvoss_good morning all :)05:14
didrockshey tvoss_05:15
robert_ancelldidrocks, yep05:18
didrocksrobert_ancell: was my email I sent yesterday understandable?05:19
robert_ancelldidrocks, the big ol list of things to be done?05:20
didrocksrobert_ancell: yep, and particularly the pending questions :)05:20
thomimorning tvoss_05:21
thomimorning didrocks05:21
didrockshey thomi!05:21
didrocksthomi: moving house?05:21
thomididrocks: yeah... have moved. Well, most things are still in boxes05:22
didrocksI imagine :)05:22
didrocksso you are working from a coffee shop or anything?05:22
thomididrocks: no, working from home, I managed to un-pack my office. But I cannot find anything, so I end up buying new things, then find the box that I was looking for in the first place05:23
thomilike, I have no cups....05:23
thomiI'm sure they'll turn up somewhere05:23
robert_ancelldidrocks, can you send me details on how you do integration tests with the unity stack05:24
didrocksthomi: argh, but no cups was a priority :-) Anyway, you never have enough of them :)05:24
didrocksrobert_ancell: doing that now05:24
didrocksrobert_ancell: on lightdm and ABI, any idea? (meanwhile I'm writing you that)05:25
robert_ancellABI for?05:25
didrocksrobert_ancell: see, RAOF told that the client ABI is stable, so platform-api and xmir will use that stable ABI, right?05:25
didrockswe don't need to worry too much about ABI stability, right?05:25
robert_ancelldidrocks, yes05:25
didrocksso we can put everything in the same stack finally, I guess05:26
robert_ancelldidrocks, though we want the integration tests to pick up if we stuff that up :)05:26
didrocksrobert_ancell: sure ;)05:26
didrocksplatform-api will dep on mir at some near point in the future, right?05:26
robert_ancelldidrocks, as I understand it, it will depend on libmirclient05:27
robert_ancellracarr, correct?05:27
didrocksyeah, so, the stacks will be dependant as a whole :)05:27
robert_ancellthough he's probably asleep :)05:27
didrocksrobert_ancell: for lightdm/unity-greeter, in that case, do you want them in the mir stack or in another stack?05:27
didrocksI guess so :)05:27
tvoss_RAOF, good morning :)05:28
robert_ancelldidrocks, I don't have a strong preference on the stacks. From my perspective you could lump them all into one stack and I'd be happy with that. As long as we don't slow down important bug fixes for one component05:28
RAOFtvoss_: Good morning.05:28
robert_ancellI have to go, but I'll be back in 2.5-3 hours05:28
didrocksrobert_ancell: it doesn't slow down anything as long as any of them FTBFS or fail tests :)05:28
didrocksrobert_ancell: ok, I'll send you about the integration tests then05:29
tvossrobert_ancell, duflu what are the remaining open vt bugs?06:13
duflutvoss: Might be inaccurate, but https://bugs.launchpad.net/mir/+bugs?field.tag=vt06:14
dufluI think the medium one is actually the most annoying right now06:15
tvossduflu, hmmm, I think that's the one making it difficult to fallback easily06:17
duflutvoss: Well not having a terminal to log in to is a risk too06:18
tvossduflu, that's what I mean06:18
dufluRight. So "expert fallback" = terminal. As opposed to fallback mode, which is X (when it works?)06:19
tvossduflu, right06:19
tvossduflu, that's what I mean06:19
duflualf: Good morning. Bad news... https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/119510506:28
ubot5Launchpad bug 1195105 in Mir "[regression] mir_demo_standalone_render_surfaces no longer works (blank green screen)" [Medium,New]06:28
alfduflu: Yeah, I saw that late yesterday, but thankfully it's a simple fix06:29
duflualf: Cool. You saw it before the bug was logged?06:29
alfduflu: assigned it to myself06:34
alfduflu: (disconnected, may have lost some messages)06:35
duflualf: No nothing missed. Thanks. What's the cause?06:35
alfduflu: Surface::flag_for_render() internals changed, so now one call to it is not enough to mark the surface as valid for rendering.06:37
alfduflu: if you need a temporary workaround just call it twice in render_surfaces06:38
dufluOh. Server internals...06:39
tvossRAOF, https://github.com/whot/libevdev06:59
RAOFAlso in my G+ stream :)07:00
* RAOF still needs to check about the libsynaptics situation.07:00
RAOFI don't think we're _particularly_ interested in libevdev, right? The Android stack already handles that.07:00
RAOFBut we *are* interested in having touchpad support ☺07:00
RAOFMan, I wish C++ had a builtin string class.07:05
RAOFStrike that; I wish it had a builtin string *type*.07:06
dufluRAOF: You're asking for the C++ spec to grow further? :)07:06
RAOFActually I'm basically asking for typeof("foo") == std::string.07:07
dufluRAOF: You can go: char foo[] = "foo"; int len = sizeof(foo) - 1;  :)07:11
dufluWhat more can you want from a string? ;)07:12
duflumlankhorst: Yeah fair point07:12
dufluThough unicode is easier to deal with most of the time... wchat_t foo[] = L"foo";07:13
RAOFwcat_t whiskers[]!07:14
dufluint longcat = (sizeof(whiskers) / sizeof(whiskers[0])) - 107:15
RAOFPeppa pig!07:17
didrocksrobert_ancell: once you are back: https://code.launchpad.net/~didrocks/lightdm/packaging-cleanup/+merge/17172207:18
dufluAh, wchar_t can still be multibyte. But C++11 also has char32_t to rule them all07:22
duflu(except longcat who cannot be ruled)07:23
tvossrobert_ancell, hey there :) searching for the command line that invokes usc from lightdm07:35
RAOFsrc/seat-unity.c is what you want to be looking in.07:35
tvossRAOF, that's lightdm, right?07:39
seb128RAOF, hey07:40
RAOFseb128: Ho!07:40
seb128RAOF, how are you?07:40
RAOFI'm well. Hows about you?07:41
seb128I'm good thanks07:41
seb128RAOF, quick question for your ... did you guy test the new xorg which is getting ready for upload in saucy? does it has an possible impact on XMir or on work you are doing?07:41
seb128it seems like that stack is mostly ready for landing in saucy07:41
seb128but I want to make sure it's not going to create issues for you guys first07:42
RAOFIt shouldn't, although I should check whether the input ABI changed.07:43
seb128RAOF, can you check tomorrow and give us a ack/nack?07:44
mlankhorstRAOF: just some repacking07:44
RAOFmlankhorst: Urgh, again?07:44
mlankhorstyeah someone loves their bitfields07:44
RAOFOk. So I'll need to throw xf86-input-* into the Mir PPA until that's moved to 1.14.07:45
mlankhorstbut a rebuild is enough for that07:45
RAOFOr, I guess, move xserver in the Mir PPA to 1.14; that should be fast.07:46
mlankhorstindeed :p07:46
mlankhorstand then just bump the video drivers to rebuild them07:46
RAOFmlankhorst: I guess xf86-input-* built against 1.14 are in a PPA somewhere, right?07:47
* duflu wonders how the Apple Magic Trackpad would go with Mir07:48
mlankhorstRAOF: canonical-x/x-staging is whats going to land07:49
RAOFduflu: Reasonably, but no tap-to-click etc.07:50
RAOFmlankhorst: Ta.07:50
dufluRAOF: I mean Mir android input, not X07:50
RAOFduflu: So did I.07:50
dufluI recall trying it on a Honeycomb tablet a while ago. Kind of worked...07:51
RAOFseb128: I'll move our PPA on to 1.14 tomorrow and give you the goahead.07:51
seb128RAOF, thanks07:51
robert_ancellRAOF, I put a work item for the 1.14 update in https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/client-1303-mir-system-compositor08:13
tvossrobert_ancell, hey, looking at src/seat-unity.c. I would like to add options to enable reporting of the different mir components08:17
tvossrobert_ancell, question is: how do I access the settings as read from the per-seat config file?08:17
robert_ancelltvoss, not 100% sure what you mean, but you just need to call seat_get_*_property to get a property of a seat as set in the config08:18
tvossrobert_ancell, ah cool, so the usc executable has command line options to enable logging of internal operations, either to a log file or to lttng08:20
tvossrobert_ancell, for debugging purposes, it would be great if we could enable that functionality via the unity-seat config file, passing over the cl options to usc08:20
robert_ancelltvoss, I added "unity-compositor-command" which you can set to "unity-system-compositor --do-blah-blah-blah" to do stuff like that temporarily08:20
tvossrobert_ancell, ah cool, even better then :)08:21
robert_ancelltvoss, Ideally we should just set u-s-c to log stuff to stderr by default so we have baseline debugging08:21
tvossrobert_ancell, and stderr ends up in the usc.log, right?08:22
robert_ancelltvoss, ack08:22
tvossrobert_ancell, so something like unity-compositor-command="unity-system-compositor --glog --glog-stderrthreshold=0 --display_report_opt=log"08:28
tvossin 10-unity-... .conf should work ...08:28
robert_ancelltvoss, yes08:31
tvossrobert_ancell, cool, trying now :)08:31
didrocksrobert_ancell: so, I guess before daily releasing mir and unity-greeter to a PPA (so not blocking on integration tests nor the duplicated libraries in Mir), I just need your lightdm review, did I miss anything?08:42
didrocksrobert_ancell: then, we can continue discussing with jibel if needed to clear up how to do the integration tests08:43
robert_ancellalf, I think the link is too flaky :(08:44
robert_ancelldidrocks, otp, I'll get back to you.. which is the review? I thought I just did them all08:45
didrocksrobert_ancell: https://code.launchpad.net/~didrocks/lightdm/packaging-cleanup/+merge/17172208:46
didrocksrobert_ancell: fresh new one! :)08:46
tvossRAOF, ping08:51
RAOFtvoss: pongity pong.08:53
tvossrobert_ancell, adding the command line makes the server not start, executable not found09:02
robert_ancelltvoss, can you paste me your config?09:03
robert_ancelltvoss, there is a nice regression test that tests this case, so it *should* work...09:04
robert_ancelldidrocks, approved09:04
didrocksrobert_ancell: thanks! I'm prepping the daily release machinery through the next ppa then!09:05
robert_ancelldidrocks, I take it the man page change was intentional?09:05
robert_ancellYou probably know groff better than me :)09:05
didrocksrobert_ancell: yeah, it was an empty stenza (I saw it through lintian TBH :p)09:05
tvossrobert_ancell, unity-compositor-command="unity-system-compositor --glog --glog-stderrthreshold=0 --display_report_opt=log"09:05
robert_ancellhah! Your secret is out!09:06
tvossI tried without ", too09:06
didrocksit is :)09:06
robert_ancelltvoss, no quotes09:06
tvossrobert_ancell, tried that, without luck :/09:06
robert_ancelltvoss, can I see the lightdm.log?09:06
didrocksrobert_ancell: tell jibel and I when you want to discuss integration testing, we can do that at a time not too late for you :)09:07
robert_ancelldidrocks, will do09:07
tvossrobert_ancell, don't have it handy, but it said that it tries to invoke the command line and then command not found09:07
robert_ancelldidrocks, I still can't see where the tests are for unity - can you point me at what files actually do the tests?09:08
didrocksrobert_ancell: lp:unity tests/autopilot/unity/*09:09
robert_ancelldidrocks, ta09:09
didrocksyw :)09:09
robert_ancelltvoss, hmf. I'll try here09:10
tvossthat was fast09:11
=== Debolaz is now known as Guest24640
robert_ancelltvoss, works for me - config http://paste.ubuntu.com/5804162/, lightdm log http://paste.ubuntu.com/5804163/09:18
tvossrobert_ancell, cool, sorry for the noise then :) mind pasting the usc.log, too?09:20
robert_ancelltvoss, there's nothing new in it, but I didn't set --display_report_opt=log - does it need that?09:20
tvossrobert_ancell, yup, that allows us to log anything going on with vt's inside the gbm module09:21
robert_ancelltvoss, brb09:21
tvossrobert_ancell, win?09:31
robert_ancelltvoss, you gave me an invalid command line :)09:32
robert_ancellunity-compositor-command=unity-system-compositor --glog --glog-stderrthreshold=0 --display-report=log09:32
tvossups :)09:32
robert_ancelllog output - http://paste.ubuntu.com/5804187/09:32
robert_ancellthen my VTs went crazy so I was sshing from my phone - real pain to try and type on those keyboards :)09:32
robert_ancelltvoss, that what you expected to see?09:33
tvosslooks good, trying to tune the output to get information back to us in case of issues09:35
tvossrobert_ancell, ^09:40
robert_ancellyep, we should have this stuff on by default09:41
tvossrobert_ancell, do you think we should enable it in the ppa by default?09:43
robert_ancelltvoss, yes, change the defaults in u-s-c to log things that wont affect performance by default09:44
tvossrobert_ancell, yup, I think we want display reporting enabled, including info. We can lower that over time09:44
robert_ancelltvoss, bug 119522709:47
ubot5bug 1195227 in Unity System Compositor "Turn on logging by default" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/119522709:47
tvossrobert_ancell, thx09:48
didrocks ah, mir trunk FTBFS on the ppa09:59
didrockshum, hard to read with -j810:00
didrocks(can be the parallel build making it failing as well)10:01
tvossdidrocks, yup10:01
didrockstvoss: did you see anything else than parallel build which can be the cause here? I don't see any hint in the trace :/10:01
seb128didrocks, the error seems to be "cp: cannot create regular file '/build/buildd/mir-0.0.6+13.10.20130627ubuntu.unity.next/obj-i686-linux-gnu/doc/html/cppguide/styleguide.css': No such file or directory"10:02
didrocksseb128: waow, you have good eyes, couldn't see that one :p10:02
tvossseb128, o/10:02
seb128tvoss, hey ;-)10:02
seb128/usr/bin/cmake -E cmake_progress_report /build/buildd/mir-0.0.6+13.10.20130627ubuntu.unity.next/obj-i686-linux-gnu/CMakeFiles10:03
seb128Generating ../doc/html/cppguide/styleguide.css10:03
seb128cp /build/buildd/mir-0.0.6+13.10.20130627ubuntu.unity.next/guides/styleguide.css10:03
seb128 10:03
seb128seems to have a path mismatch there10:03
* seb128 let you guys debug the build system ;-)10:04
didrockspassing on other archs, I think it's a --parallel mismatch, I'll disable it for now unless some cmake gurus wants to ensure that it works, tvoss, do you know if Satoris would be interested?10:08
tvossdidrocks, might be :)10:10
katietvoss, mpt do we have anything to discuss today?10:12
katietvoss, everything on my list was covered yesterday10:13
didrockstvoss: seb128: it passed with this rebuild FYI10:17
seb128didrocks, ok, so some sort of race in the build system10:17
didrocksyep, let's see once Satoris is around10:17
tvosskatie, likewise :)10:41
* duflu -> dinner10:48
tvosskatie, ping10:50
katietvoss, pong11:02
didrockstvoss: ah, more annoying tests failed on powerpc: https://launchpadlibrarian.net/143542002/buildlog_ubuntu-saucy-powerpc.mir_0.0.6%2B13.10.20130627ubuntu.unity.next-0ubuntu1_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz11:12
didrockstvoss: do you mind having a look?11:12
tvossdidrocks, C++ exception with description "GLPixelBuffer doesn't support big endian architectures" thrown in the test body.11:16
didrockstvoss: so this test should be disable on powerpc I guess11:16
didrocksor we can declare no Mir on powerpc, but that will make the inclusion by default difficult…11:17
tvossdidrocks, can you file a bug please?11:18
didrockstvoss: sure11:19
didrockstvoss: https://bugs.launchpad.net/mir/+bug/119526011:21
ubot5Launchpad bug 1195260 in Mir "Mir tests failed on powerpc" [Undecided,New]11:21
didrockstvoss: other tests failure on armhf: https://launchpadlibrarian.net/143544949/buildlog_ubuntu-saucy-armhf.mir_0.0.6%2B13.10.20130627ubuntu.unity.next-0ubuntu1_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz11:30
* didrocks opens a bug11:30
didrocksit seems no valgrind?11:31
tvossdidrocks, why is this passing in the ppa?11:32
didrockstvoss: passing?11:32
tvossdidrocks, building11:33
didrockstvoss: daily release?11:33
didrocksas it's our goal11:33
didrocksand as we don't have integration tests for everything yet, we are using the next ppa first11:34
didrocks(and rightly as we need to settle down those issues first)11:34
didrockstvoss: https://bugs.launchpad.net/mir/+bug/1195265 FYI11:34
ubot5Launchpad bug 1195265 in Mir "no valgrind makes tests failing on armhf" [Undecided,New]11:34
tvossdidrocks, quick check: isn't valgrind in the build-deps?11:43
didrockstvoss: no, I just added it and dput to the ppa11:44
tvossdidrocks, thx11:44
didrocksfor a test build11:44
didrockstvoss: I wonder what is pulling it for the other archs TBH11:44
didrocksbut anyway, it's needed to be in the build-dep :p11:44
didrockswill see this build result11:44
=== Guest24640 is now known as Debolaz
* 6JTAAX1W6 is incognite12:35
=== 6JTAAX1W6 is now known as tvoss
tvossnot anymore :)12:35
cprofitthello all13:16
didrockstvoss: do you have a minute? I think we need to check with the launchpad guys. It seems to me that the armhf build is blocked: https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-unity/+archive/daily-build-next/+build/475109113:47
didrocks(it's like that for 15 minutes)13:47
didrocksseems it's taking 0.04 sec on amd64 to pass :p13:48
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tvossalf, ping14:05
alftvoss: pong14:05
tvossalf, pm14:06
kdubgood morning15:04
hikikossh: Could not resolve hostname bazaar.launchpad.net: No such file or directory15:08
hikikoi am getting this error :s15:08
hikikodoes anyone has problems to push?15:08
kdubreviews piling up!15:15
tvoss_racarr, hey there :)17:30
tvoss_how goes?17:30
tvoss_kdub, you should have edit rights btw17:30
kdubah, thanks17:31
racarrtvoss_: Root canalled about 20 minutes ago17:37
racarrso it goes pretty...ow17:37
racarrim assuming as some point thoughts will resume17:37
tvoss_man, root canal is ouch17:38
racarrtvoss_: S'ok. I'll distract myself XD17:40
racarrHow goes on your end?17:40
tvoss_racarr, pretty good, got some stuff to finish for end of month17:48
tvoss_racarr, but all good17:48
tvoss_racarr, preparing some vegetarian chili :)17:51
racarrI should try making that...17:51
greybackracarr: owww, root canal, nasty18:01
racarrit really is pretty nasty business. I considered just waiting it out until little nano robots could clean my teeth with lasers18:06
racarrgreyback: How goes?18:07
greybackracarr: fine. No real time for Mir stuff today. But tomorrow will18:07
greybackbe on it fully18:07
greybackracarr: any update for me?18:08
racarrgreyback: Not really. will finish the session stuff today18:08
racarr land my other branches18:08
racarrerr, session authorier stuff18:08
racarrI realized today18:08
greybackracarr: ok cool. Yep I'd like to see that18:08
racarrmissed the sync up with Katie.18:09
racarrbut you should start talking to Katie18:09
racarrshe did the surface management design18:09
racarrand there is lots there, including functional tests (some of which are in mir now)18:09
greybackracarr: yep, I've been reading her documents recently18:09
racarrwhich hypothetically one day should run on18:09
racarrunity/mir and that would be18:09
greybackwhere are the functional tests?18:09
racarron a page that crashes firefox18:10
racarrgreyback: https://docs.google.com/a/canonical.com/document/d/1GtXBxUo1M2ya5-6Um-pJ2bhLM-tXYMXDaZvEgr6edMg/edit18:11
racarrI guess they might be out of date to some of the recent18:11
racarrdesign refactoring18:11
greybackracarr: then we'd best get them updated. These look very useful, and I'll automate them asap18:13
racarrthere is18:13
racarrsome cucumber code hanging around in mir...weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee18:14
racarrwe should both talk to katie next week18:14
racarrand then figure out how to get some of them running on unity/mir combined18:14
greybackracarr: cucumber? When did ppl start using that?18:15
racarrgreyback: Me and Katie did! in december18:16
racarrKatie and I *italics*18:16
greybackstop taking all the credit :)18:16
greybackI'm not a big fan of the abstraction of cucumber in general, but for specific use-cases it will do I guess18:17
greybackit does make it easier for non-coders to write tests for us18:17
racarrI have18:17
racarrmixed opinions18:17
racarrCucumber definitely isn't ideal18:18
racarrlots of sort of things are difficult to express18:18
racarrI havent thought about cucumber in probably 2 months so it's a little difficult to recall exactly which ones :p18:18
greybackno worries, I was just curious18:19
greybackracarr: It's well past my EOD, gotta go18:19
greybackhope you have plenty of pain-killers and have a nice easy day :)18:19
thomimorning all20:01
bregmaracarr, regarding #1194075 (the, uh, embedded cucumber problem), would be be possible to just rewrite the session_manager_steps.cpp tests to use GTest directly instead, so we could simply drop the cucumber?20:16
bschaeferwhile running xmir, is anyone noticing ~20-30 seconds where everything hangs? Usually brought on by compiling...but sometimes not20:20
racarrbregma: There are grand plans for cucumber I guess, the single tet could be rewritten but there is not much point20:32
racarrif it is actually blocking anyone I think just remove it from the tree20:32
bregmaracarr, it's blocking landing in Ubuntu20:33
racarrWhy can't we land in ubuntu with cucumber-cpp embedded20:34
racarras long as we are following the licensing20:34
racarrkdub: Ok I see it is failing, will look around for a bit20:42
racarrkdub: Why all this file synchronization stuff20:43
racarrisn't it satisfied by20:43
kdubwell, that will look on the server side for the client creation20:44
kdubbut we need to wait until after the client has registered its handler20:44
racarryou can register the handler in the connected callback20:44
racarrand the client input thread wont be started until after this finishes20:45
racarrthe server will send the first event over the pipe, and wait for this to happen before sending any more20:45
racarrthe thing is the way the handler is being registered now20:45
racarrthe thread can be started and read an event20:45
racarrbefore the handler is registered, so it just discards it20:45
racarrthe problem in this test though is on the server side (20:45
racarryou can see with MIR_SERVER_LEGACY_INPUT_REPORT=log20:46
kdubah... all these secret switches :)20:46
racarrwell they are in --help to be fair :p20:46
kdubhaha, yeah20:47
kdubwell, its somewhere to start then20:47
racarrkdub: Is it possible20:47
racarrI am still trying to sort out what has happened all in all20:47
racarrperhaps because of the way size comes from the buffer stream20:47
racarrsomething has changed there?20:48
racarrI dunno...it says it is dropping the vent because there is no touched window (you can see this in InputDispatcher.cpp)20:48
racarrbut it looks like ms::SurfaceStack::for_each basically works the same way20:48
racarrso that it m ust have to do with the handles20:48
racarrwhen I say must I mean maybe20:48
kdubhmm, ok20:52
kdubnew places to look at least :)20:52
racarrkdub: ill research some more too20:55
* robert_ancell -> breakfast21:01
racarrrobert_ancell: ok. 1-1 later?21:03
kgunnracarr: how you feelin' ?21:12
robert_ancellracarr, sorry, can do now21:21
racarrkgunn: Not so bad :)21:29
kgunnracarr: glad to hear it....ironically...my daughter is on the couch, post wisdom teeth removal (she had 6...and yes...the more you have the more you pay)21:30
robert_ancellracarr, lp:~robert-ancell/unity-system-compositor/keyboard21:31
kdubracarr, any insights on that branch?  i've gotten lost in the input stack21:38
racarrkgunn: Oww21:40
racarrkdub: Not yet -.-21:41
kdubracarr, thanks for looking.. . happily I did this in git, so I'll just bisect until I see what happened21:54
xnoxAre you interested in dual-screen bugs where output is not mirrored across dvi and hdmi and there are significant differences?22:36
xnoxalso it seems like software rendering + xmir + unity, is faster than hw accel + xmir + unity.22:37
RAOFxnox: I'm interested in hearing how you can get into a situation where output is not mirrored!23:48
thomiRAOF: got a second?23:49
thomiRAOF: I have some more information regarding my xmir i915 issue23:49
RAOFI therefore have a second.23:50
thomiRAOF: http://paste.ubuntu.com/5806320/23:50
thomithat's dmesg23:50
thomilook at thge last 3 lines23:50
thomithe contents of that file in /sys coming up....23:51
thomiRAOF: http://paste.ubuntu.com/5806322/23:52
RAOFRight. We've hung the GPU, possibly because of the plymouth segv, possibly *causing* the plymouth segv23:52
thomiTalk to me like I'm stupid - what's plymouth?23:53
RAOFThe boot splash, input multiplexer thing.23:53
thomiahh ok23:53
thomianything else I can grab for you while i'm logged in?23:53
RAOFthomi: /var/log/lightdm/* would be nice.23:55
thomilightdm.log: http://paste.ubuntu.com/5806327/23:56
thomiu-s-c log: http://paste.ubuntu.com/5806328/23:57
thomiRAOF: are the x-* logs of any use?23:58
RAOFNot really, no.23:58
thomiI scanned them and didn't see anything that stood out23:59
RAOFFailed to set the current VT mode?23:59
RAOFrobert_ancell: Hey, how would you feel about using CLOCK_MONOTONIC timestamps in the lightdm logs?23:59

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