
=== hggdh_ is now known as hggdh
dholbachgood morning06:53
ajmitchhi dholbach06:54
dholbachhi ajmitch06:55
geserHi dholbach and ajmitch07:06
dholbachhey geser07:06
ajmitchhi geser07:06
iulianOh no, it's ajmitch!07:30
=== echidnaman is now known as JontheEchidna
paultagjbicha: sorry about that dput-ng bug, I'll fix that up for you shortly19:10
paultagjbicha: in the meantime, you can disable that hook (allowed-distribution)19:10
paultagjbicha: also, what's that hook running on your upload? I like it, mind sending a patch in? :)19:10
jbichapaultag: do you mean backportpackage? that's just part of ubuntu-dev-tools19:22
paultagI assumed the string "Do you want to upload the package to ppa:gnome3-team/gnome3" was coming out of dput-ng19:24
jbichayeah, that's just backportpackage19:24
jbichaI wonder when devscripts & ubuntu-dev-tools will default to dput-ng instead of dput19:25
paultagthere are native python bindings in python-dput19:25
paultagso you can invoke the uploader without shelling out19:26
jbichapaultag: could you have dput-ng reject uploads to Ubuntu if 'ppa' is part of the uploaded version?19:44
paultagjbicha: yes, absolutely19:45
paultagjbicha: all the hooks are astoundingly easy to write19:45
paultagjbicha: that would be an importable 3 line function and one json def file - if you want to try patching it in, I can help you out, so you can make future features like that happen :)19:45
paultagjbicha: I have some docs sitting at http://dput-ng.debian.net/en/latest/reference/hooks.html19:46
paultagjbicha: but I'd be happy to work with you on it on IRC or whatever19:46

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