
ikonianote we need to update the nvidia factoid,11:14
bazhang<ehhh> chris80: do you have any opinion whether i should be looking at nvidia or amd?11:41
ikonialets see what happens11:41
bazhangI dont see how thats on topic, and he was warned repeatedly11:41
ikoniawell, he wants to know which he should use11:41
ikoniahe's been told nvidia twice and he keeps leading it to his cracked xbox, so lets see what happens this time11:42
ubottuIn ubottu, linuxmonkey said: !test926739826 is test13:18
DJonesTroll detected:  Wang_Dickman> CAN I SELL UBUNTU LOCALLY? I SOLD 6 COPIES AND MADE 360$15:51
IdleOneselling ubuntu dvd's is fine. His nick is not.16:26
DJonesIt looked like the same person who was kicked/banned a couple of times yesterday with a similarly inappropriate nick16:28
DJonesYep, 55795 & others yesterday16:30
geniiHm. <mrtAkdeniz> My wireless mouse is not working on Ubuntu Gnome 13.04  and then: It was not working on Mint too, but If I start Xserver as root by writing su then startx, It was working ... I want to stay far away from that one.17:54
Picigenii: he did the same thing in offtopic which got him removed from there.19:34
Picire: coffee stuffs19:34
Piciofftopic for ops19:34
geniiPici: I let him go on a while to vent :)19:35
geniiHm. "NSA_MONITOR (~quassel@ has joined #kubuntu"19:52
LjLthis screen is so white, i wonder how it's look if i looked at it through a prism19:56
geniiProbably pretty trippy20:02
LjLgenii: sorta kinda something like this i imagine http://www.flickr.com/photos/ljlbox/294477154320:17
geniiMy eyes! They're burning!20:18
ubottuholstein called the ops in #ubuntu ()22:42

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