
=== hggdh_ is now known as hggdh
cjwatsonScottK: done, thanks07:18
darkxstanyone able to review mozjs17 in the new queue? its really quite important for gnome-shell07:37
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knomehmm, why isn't ubuntu showing up in status.ubuntu.com? https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/topic-saucy-flavor-xubuntu is the blueprint (and i can rename to -s- if that's needed)10:35
jdstrandapparmor 2.8.0-0ubuntu16 seems stuck in sauncy-proposed. everthing is built with nothing in NEW and I don't see anything listed in http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/testing/saucy-proposed_probs.html. where else should I look to see what is going on?10:53
Laneyjdstrand: http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/proposed-migration/update_excuses.html10:55
Laneyblocked for alpha 1 preparation10:55
* jdstrand jots down url10:55
jdstrandLaney: I haven't been keeping up with that-- when will alpha 1 be done?10:56
jdstrandLaney: (ballpark is fine)10:57
Laneyjdstrand: some time today; not sure exactly when10:57
jdstrandok, thanks :)10:57
xnoxjdstrand: i'd jot down just http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/proposed-migration/ as one sometimes need to look into "update_output.txt" if something is a "valid candidate" but otherwise doesn't migrate.10:59
jdstrandxnox: cool, thanks11:04
seb128jdstrand, hey, have you seen my comment on https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/libwebp/+bug/1186553 (no hurry for the MIR, just trying to get an estimate for when it will be reviewed)11:19
ubot2`Ubuntu bug 1186553 in libwebp (Ubuntu) "[MIR] libwebp" [Undecided,New]11:19
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cjwatson^- rename of click-package.  Sorry.  Not my idea.15:03
stgrabercjwatson: I'll take a look15:03
stgrabercjwatson: ^ looks good. I'm assuming you'll take care of removing the old source+binaries?15:12
skaetstgraber,  ubuntukylin, ubuntu-gnome are both ready for publishing,   kubuntu should be finished in next couple of hours.  Still waiting to hear back from lubuntu though.15:25
stgraberideally I'd like to do them all at once to avoid confusing people wrt to whether a1 is released or not (we don't have pre-publishing for those flavours so if I run the script they'll show up on cdimage immediately)15:26
skaetstgraber,  fair enough.   Lets group kubuntu, ubuntukylin, ubuntu-gnome to start publishing in 2 hours from now.   We'll decide then what to do about lubuntu if we haven't heard back.15:29
skaetphillw, ^15:29
skaetRiddell, JackYu, jbicha, darkxst - ^15:30
skaetstgraber, just heard from phillw,  looks like they'll be ready in 2 hours time as well.15:34
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phillwahh, I was just about to say I've updated the area with what we're releasing :) Desktop PPC is not going to be released and no-one has tested arm.15:40
jbichaI think arb needs manual hinting since armhf & powerpc have been dropped15:59
* cjwatson looks16:00
cjwatsonI'll just remove the !x86 binaries, probably16:00
phillwi've just been informed that the alternate PPC is also a no-go.16:00
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cjwatsonjbicha: removed, should migrate after next publisher run16:02
stgraberskaet: looks like all the products that will be part of a1 are ready to publish. Do you know if everyone's ready to push their announcements too? if so, I'll start publishing now, so with the usual delay caused by bittorrent, we should be done in the next 30-45min16:58
skaetstgraber,   I've set the expectation for 30 minutes for now for it to start, based on the earlier feedback.17:02
skaetNot heard any push back on that schedule, so lets let the last set of tests results come in.17:03
stgraberskaet: well, lubuntu said they wouldn't release arm or powerpc and those are the only non-ready products on the tracker17:03
stgraberanyway, I can wait 30min before publishing, but somebody else will have to monitor bittorrent then because I have a meeting in an hour and I doubt bittorrent will be done by then17:04
phillwskaet: It's feeding time here, I'll get the release notes updated for lubuntu after food.17:11
skaetphillw, ack.  let me know when you're done please in this channel.   thanks.17:12
stgraberstarting to publish now17:30
stgrabernote, ubuntu-gnome and ubuntu-kylin are both oversized, publishing anyway but you'll want to fix that by release or have us increase your image size17:31
stgrabercjwatson: "for-project ubuntu publish-release source current src no alpha-1" is failing with "cdimage.tree.PublishReleaseException: No source daily for saucy on current!"17:33
stgraberrest looks good, pushing to cdimage now17:34
jbichastgraber: UG saucy is actually about 80MB less than raring was and we should cut a few more 10s of MBs tomorrow :)17:39
skaetthanks stgraber17:43
stgraberrsync is done, please check that cdimage.ubuntu.com looks good17:44
skaetRiddell, JackYu, phillw, jibcha, darkxst ^^17:45
phillwskaet: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SaucySalamander/Alpha1/Lubuntu :)17:50
skaetstgraber,  links are all working to the Alpha 1 pages for me.17:50
skaetThanks phillw,  good timing.  :-)17:50
phillwstgraber: lubuntu looks good :)17:53
jbichaskaet: stgraber: thanks17:55
stgraberI'm monitoring the torrents, so far none of them works, hopefully that'll change in the next 15min or so, if not I'll poke IS after my meeting in an hour or so17:57
skaetstgraber,  ok, let me know what it looks like in 15 minutes17:58
skaetstgraber,  removed those entries not marked as ready from the iso tracker,  and have closed the milestone now.18:21
stgraberskaet: half the images are available on bittorent, looks like we need to wait a bit longer for the rest18:26
skaetstgraber, ack.18:27
jbichacjwatson: arb is still stuck18:29
infinityjbicha: Looking.18:36
infinityjbicha: Looks like NBS in -proposed, poking this theory.18:36
jbichaI see med-bio depends on arb but it's arch:all18:39
stgraberskaet: they all started downloading now, so bittorrent is ready18:44
stgraberthat's all from my side, so just send the announcement when you're ready18:44
* skaet hits send on the announce18:45
* stgraber re-enables cron18:45
skaetcjwatson, infinity - can you change the header on #ubuntu-release channel18:45
skaetheh,  looks like the message is being held in moderator approval.... cjwatson, slangasek, infinity - can you oblige...18:47
=== infinity changed the topic of #ubuntu-release to: Released: 13.10 Alpha 1, 13.04, and 12.04.2 | Archive: open | Saucy Salamander Release Coordination. Please don't upload things during freezes where you shouldn't, or be prepared to apologise to the release team | we accept payment in cash, check or beer | melior malum quod cognoscis
skaetthanks infinity18:48
infinityjbicha: I'm not sure I understand why the arch-restriction for arb was put in place in the first place.18:49
infinityjbicha: Oh, raxml.  I see.18:50
jbichainfinity: the latest arb depends on raxml which has an arch-restriction which prevented it from migrating18:50
infinityjbicha: Okay, better question, does raxml really need to be arch-restricted? :P18:51
jbichainfinity: the Debian changelog points to bug 79132118:53
infinityjbicha: Anyhow, stale armhf/powerpc binaries removed.18:53
ubot2`Launchpad bug 791321 in raxml (Ubuntu) "raxml version 7.2.6-1 failed to build on armel" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/79132118:53
infinityjbicha: Erm.  lolwut?  Arch-restricting because someone has -msse in their CFLAGS seems wrong. :P18:54
infinityjbicha: Given that -msse means it also won't run on all i386 either.18:55
infinityOh, unless it absolutely NEEDS SSE.18:55
infinityIn which case, meh.18:55
Laneyall releasey and shizzle?19:17
* Laney removes the megablock19:17
LaneyRiddell: you might want to remove yours too19:26
cjwatsonstgraber: you need to build them first.  cron.source20:08
stgrabercjwatson: ah good point, I apparently wrongly assumed we had those generated regularly. Doing a run now and will publish those under alpha1 once done.20:10
infinitystgraber: We don't do them automagically because, except in a freeze, there's no sane way to guarantee that they match all the images from that day anyway, so it's really just a waste of resources.20:13
infinity(This is likely true for soft-freeze milestones too, but meh, they get close enough)20:13
skaetcjwatson, infinity, stgraber - normally we'd close a milestone after the release went out (as documented in the MilestoneProcess), but with it being now 13.06 - and it not being end of month.  its ambigous.  thoughts about whether to close or not?20:38
skaetI did go in and close 13.05 as a target,  which was still open.20:39
stgraberskaet: we'll just wait till end of month20:39
stgrabercjwatson: so cron.source worked but the tree under www/full/source looks rather weird (it published under full/source/source/20130627/source), are there any environment variables or arguments I'm supposed to pass to have it publish to the right place?20:40
skaetstgraber,   ok,  who? and where documented?   (since 13.05 was still open,  probably something needs to be written down ;-) )20:41
infinityIt should be done around the end of a month but, on the other hand, if people target things to the past, I suppose they get to keep that result. :P20:42
infinityWriting it down will only help if it's a document someone reads.20:42
stgraberwas just about to say that ;)20:42
stgraberit's not something we can tie to our milestone process so it's just something that people who have rights to do so should check every so often20:42
stgraberit's not a big deal if a milestone isn't disabled for a few weeks, so long as it's all done by release time20:43
stgraber(I usually tend to notice when targeting bugs, if I spot an expired milestone in the list I tend to go and disable it)20:43
skaetstgraber, infinity - ok.  MilestoneProcess has been updated to remove the reference.20:47
stgraber^ I'll take that one21:19
bdmurrayalthough bug 1100586 has not been positively verified, I am inclined to release it as there are no regressions and it is a minimal patch21:28
ubot2`Launchpad bug 1100586 in xserver-xorg-input-synaptics (Ubuntu Quantal) "unable to use Apple Wireless Trackpad" [High,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/110058621:28
ScottKJust got rid of Riddell's Alpha 1 mega block.21:36
infinityScottK: Lovely.  The kernel team will be happy to hear that. :)21:40
Ursinhainfinity, StevenK, wgrant, are we meeting today? :)21:57
infinityUrsinha: Yep.22:00
cjwatsonstgraber: I think it's just odd like that22:01
stgrabercjwatson: well, publish-release fails to find it there so something's wrong somewhere22:34
Ursinhawgrant, StevenK, infinity, gah22:43
UrsinhaI'm sorry guys, I don't know wtf is going on22:44
Ursinhawgrant, what's the bug number?22:49
wgrantUrsinha: https://bugs.launchpad.net/launchpad/+bug/106489522:50
ubot2`Ubuntu bug 1064895 in Launchpad itself "Translations processed in-band by the publisher" [Low,Triaged]22:50
Ursinhathanks wgrant :)22:56
tumbleweedwhat makes it onto the new source images? seeded packages?23:17
infinitytumbleweed: Source images should be (barring bugs) the combination of all sources for all binaries found on all images.23:24
tumbleweedok, I assumed something like that from the size23:25
* tumbleweed teaches seeded-in-ubuntu not to fall over them23:25

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