
Azelphurali1234: happen to know how LVM fares in the event of disk failure, if I was to combine drives like you recommended the other day?00:32
ali1234it depends how you combined them00:32
AzelphurI see00:32
Azelphurwell, I havn't combined them yet, so what are the options?00:32
ali1234the usual raid modes00:32
Azelphurali1234: yea, there's like raid stripe, and LVM stripe, right?00:33
AzelphurI know raid stripe is one drive failure = all data lost00:34
Azelphurso what about the LVM option?00:34
Azelphuroh, so basically, it doesn't depend00:35
Azelphureither way you're fucked.00:35
ali1234well don't use striping then00:35
Azelphurdoes that mean not using LVM?00:36
AzelphurI like the idea of having one big partition, but not at the expense of loosing all my data if the drive fails00:36
Azelphurwhats the other option then? :P00:36
daftykinsyou just want standard RAID5/600:37
Azelphurdaftykins: I don't think so, I think I want what ali1234 is vaguely hinting at :P00:38
daftykinsi've no experience with LVM so i don't know how that relates00:38
daftykinsAzelphur: you just have to work for it? ;)00:38
Azelphurindeed :)00:38
daftykinsi am curious what can be 5 or 6 like and still grow00:39
daftykinsi think my 3ware controller can grow a RAID but it seems risky to me00:39
daftykinsit tends to be old enough that new disks are needed by the time they're full00:39
Azelphuryea, I mean I will be periodically adding disks to my setup00:40
daftykinsi give up dropping a grand on disks though =|00:40
daftykinsso i fear for my data :(00:41
ali1234there isn't really a way to have a logical volume across two disks and only lose half the files if one disk breaks00:44
ali1234you either have mirroring or parity and lose nothing at the cost of disk space, or you have striping and lose everything00:44
AzelphurI see00:44
AzelphurI suppose I'll avoid LVM then, and just keep separate drives00:44
daftykinsas long as you monitor them closely, you can spot impending deaths and transfer off00:58
popeyAzelphur: i do that with btrfs.07:04
popeyAzelphur: started with 4 disks in RAID 1 btrfs, then just kept adding disks to grow the volume over time. btrfs allows you to add disks of different sizes too, so I started with 2TB disks but will probably buy 3TB disks and add those in07:05
popeymorning TheOpenSourcerer07:15
TheOpenSourcerer\o popey07:15
diploMorning all07:25
dwdorigAh, netsplits. I'd almost forgotten about them.07:37
dwdorig(This like discovering my nickname had "expired", and realising it'd been over a decade since I'd last used IRC properly)07:38
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ali1234!info gcc-mingw-w6407:45
lubotu3gcc-mingw-w64 (source: gcc-mingw-w64 (7)): GNU C compiler for MinGW-w64. In component universe, is extra. Version 4.6.3-8ubuntu1+7 (quantal), package size 1 kB, installed size 21 kB07:45
DJonesMorning all08:09
JamesTaitGood morning all, happy Industrial Workers of the World Day! :)08:28
* popey gets back down t'pit08:28
* DJones lends popey a flat cap and a ferret08:29
DJonesWith you saying "t'pit" reminds of going to a war/prison camp museum (I think somewhere in Yorkshire) a few years back and walking through a mock up of a wartime coal mine & seeing the conditions the miners had, made me appreciate the conditions my grandfather worked in for 50+ years of his life08:32
DJonesAh, Eden Camp - That was it08:33
dwdorigOn the wall in my office, I have the display plans for the "new" pit windings for Kirkby Colliery.08:33
dwdorigDated 1904. Reminds me that despite various job titles, I don't really do "proper" engineering. :-)08:34
DJonesdwdorig: Was Kirkby COlliery actually in Kirkby, or did that extend eastwards towards Bold & Sutton Manor?08:37
dwdorigIt's more normally called "Top Pit".08:37
hooverMorning folks08:37
DJonesHmmh, just realised there is more than one Kirkby, so could be a completely different area08:38
DJonesIf its where I think, its Nottinghamshire rather than Lancashire08:39
dwdorigYes, indeed, there's lots of Kirkbys. This one is in Derbyshire I think.08:39
DJonesRight, when you said Kirkby I though it was the one at the end of the East Lancs Road between Bootle & ST Helens, there's two former mines at Bold & Sutton Manor there08:40
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dwdorigOh, perhaps I'm wrong - Kirkby-in-Ashfield looks like the one, in Nottinghamshire.08:45
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dwdorigAlthough that does look like the wrong company. Now I'm confused...08:46
DJonesHeh, When I looked it up I got to the Kirkby-in-Ashfield one as well08:48
dwdorigAh, no, it's the "top pit" bit that I suspect I've got wrong. But I can't find the company who ran Kirkby Colliery. I'm expecting it to be Butterley.08:52
bigcalmGood morning peeps :)08:54
DJonesdwdorig: Found this http://discovery.nationalarchives.gov.uk/SearchUI/Details/AssetMain?iaid=C6031760 "Kirkby in Ashfield: Lands west of Kirkby Colliery; Butterley & Co Ltd"08:54
DJonesBears out what you were expecting08:55
dwdorigDJones, That'll be it, thanks.08:56
brobostigongood morning everyone.09:05
bigcalmMorning brobostigon09:30
neuro'ning all09:31
neurotoday is shaping up to be a pretty cool technological day09:32
neuroi found out that paypal can send cash to your bank acct in < 2hrs09:32
neuroi found a whole new bunch of albums in my amazon autorip folder09:32
neuroi got my digg reader invite through09:32
neuroand just for sheer cuteness, check out what happens when you search for "gay" on google!09:33
brobostigonmorning bigcalm and neuro09:33
neurolo brob09:33
bigcalmThat is cute09:34
bigcalmAmusing that it also returned a load of LGBT dating sites for my area09:35
bigcalmPutting geolocation to good use09:35
popeythe gay thing has been on google for some time09:47
davmor2Morning all10:01
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bigcalmMorning davmor210:22
bigcalmdavmor2: you missed a cracking LUG last night. I didn't get home until 12.30am10:23
davmor2bigcalm: and you missed an evening of amusement, befuddlement, misdirection, trickery and magic :)10:27
davmor2bigcalm: otherwise known as the reason I couldn't make it :)10:27
bigcalmdavmor2: ah, we thought you were at Canonical10:45
bigcalmdavmor2: or, as Jenny called it, Calonical10:47
Laneya calonic irrigation10:48
davmor2bigcalm: no the magic shop owner has lectures every now and again this time it happened to land on Wednesday, but the guy was absolutely amazing10:48
davmor2bigcalm: I've never met anyone quite so deft with cards.10:49
bigcalmThis auto-rip on amazon is fun. Just re-discovered a few albums I had bought many years ago11:06
* bigcalm sways to Pentaphobe11:06
DJonesNot that I've bought many albums from Amazon, but the ones it'd added to my autorip folder are albums that I'd later sold the original cd11:09
bigcalmYes, the legality is some what questionable11:09
DJonesI was just glad I hadn't bought any 'dodgy albums' from Amazon for it to be recorded for all posterity :)11:16
popey"We've added 29 songs from your CD purchases for free11:17
popeyone cd11:17
popeywhich was a present11:17
DJonesI had 2 cd's worth and that was a double album11:18
bigcalm27 albums -> 422 tracks11:19
dwdorigAmazon's autrip thing is terrifying.11:47
dwdorigMostly because I almost never buy music (by which I mean, the music I listen to is generally freely downloadable), and instead it's my wife buying CDs for her, her mother, the kids, etc.11:48
DJonesI'll be more impressed when/if they start giving electronic copies of paper books I'd previously bought from them11:54
popey..with no drm11:54
DJonesIdeally with no drm, but I wouldn't complain if they were drm'd11:55
BigRedSI've largely made peace with DRMed ebooks. Which is weird given my rabid hippyness elswhere11:56
BigRedSI view it as essentially a subscription service; it's a kindle thing and should work as long as I have a kindle11:57
BigRedSand if I want to keep it longer than that I'll get it in dead tree11:57
dwdorigI'm frantically searching Amazon's privacy clauses to make sure this list can never be public.11:58
dwdorigIt's got "I love a Party", by "Russ Abbot" - and that's not the worst thing on here.11:58
DJonesThere's one book I bought from Amazon that was lent out to somebody before I'd had chance to read it and was promptly lost/misplaced so I wish I could track it down11:59
BigRedSdwdorig: I left my spotify account logged in for a party and my '90s Megamix became public knowledge :/12:00
dwdorigThe '90's has music?12:01
DJonesMost things after the 80's sound like white noise to me :) Now, get off my lawn12:02
BigRedSheeel yeah. B*witched, All Saints, Des'ree, East 1712:02
dwdorigWere B*witched the weird Irish girls in denim?12:03
lornajanedwdorig: does that narrow it down?12:03
dwdoriglornajane, Good point, well made.12:03
BigRedSbut, yeah, they were some of them12:04
lornajaneI shouldn't be rude about them though, pretty sure you would find b*witched on the music server if you looked12:04
lornajaneI stopped buying digital music from amazon when they started making me download it a track at a time from a horribly inaccessible interface12:05
lornajanehaven't found an alternative supplier though really12:05
popeyyou can download full albums with the app can't you?12:05
BigRedSI use spotify generally12:05
BigRedSso much easier than managing multiple GB of audio files12:05
popeyah, clamz is the command line download tool12:05
popeythat too12:06
dwdorigpopey, Speaking of apps, can Ubuntu-Fondle run Android apps?12:06
* dwdorig hates to drag discussion back to compters, but...12:06
lornajaneha, don't worry.  I'm only really here because I'm upgrading and I think I've broken something!12:07
popeyWe don't ship dalvik or the java classlibraries12:07
dwdorigAh, right. There's plenty of times I'd prefer a more traditional UNIX on my tablet especially, but I also don't want to lose Android entirely.12:09
dwdoriglornajane, Anyway, what's broke?12:10
mungbean"We've added 102 songs from your CD purchases for free"12:10
mungbeanincluding one CD i lost for a few years12:10
mungbeanbut only just found12:11
dwdorigmungbean, That's why it's just been added. They *know*.12:11
mungbeani wish there was "snd to google music" button12:11
mungbeancloud player on linux is fail12:11
lornajanedwdorig: well, aptitude is still running, so maybe nothing.  But it's giving me this gdk-pixbuf error quite a few times as it goes along12:11
dwdoriglornajane, What error?12:12
lornajaneit includes the phrase "This likely means that your installation is broken" which is ringing alarm bells!12:12
mungbeansometimes the CD is same price as mp312:12
lornajanedwdorig: it says "(gtk-update-icon-cache:11523): GdkPixbuf-WARNING **: Cannot open pixbuf loader module file '/usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/gdk-pixbuf-2.0/2.10.0/loaders.cache': No such file or directory12:12
dwdorighttps://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gtk+2.0/+bug/1156927 ?12:13
lubotu3Ubuntu bug 1156927 in gtk+2.0 (Ubuntu) "Cannot open pixbuf loader module file '/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/gdk-pixbuf-2.0/2.10.0/loaders.cache': No such file or directory" [Undecided,Confirmed]12:13
popeymungbean: there is a google music app on ubuntu12:13
dwdorigSmells similar, doesn't it.12:14
mungbeanyes, but amazon cloud player support sucks12:14
mungbeanand you would have to download from amazon first12:14
dwdoriglornajane, That bug includes the output:12:14
dwdorigTry running the command12:14
dwdorig  gdk-pixbuf-query-loaders > /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/gdk-pixbuf-2.0/2.10.0/loaders.cache12:14
dwdorigto make things work again for the time being.12:14
lornajanedwdorig: yep, that bug is what I see.  The command doesn't run though12:15
dwdorigI'm not sure that's safe to run *while* you're installing, anyway.12:15
lornajaneaptitude is giving me lots of "Setting up .." now so I'll try it again when it's done12:15
popeylornajane: what are you doing with aptitude out of interest?12:16
popeyupgrading from what to what?12:16
lornajanepopey: that's a really good question12:16
lornajanethis machine was first installed with mint + LXDE12:16
dwdoriglornajane, Oh, you're doing one of *those* upgrades...12:16
popeyi see where this is going12:16
lornajanenow it's really mint and XFCE, but with all the ubuntu sources included, so most of my packages seem to be ubuntu-esque for stuff that isn't X12:17
dwdorigpopey, Hey, don't knock it. That's how I cross-installed Ubuntu in the first place.12:17
lornajanemint released olivia for XFCE this week and I'm not on site for a couple of days so I thought I'd just go for it12:18
popeyGood luck with that ☻12:18
lornajaneI really should install xubuntu but ... eh, just can't get enthusiastic about getting everything properly set up again12:19
lornajaneI use so many various tools, it takes literally months to get round and discover all the broken things12:19
dwdorigYes, and more than 1, like 2 normally is.12:20
dwdorigThey don't call me Mr Helpful for nothing, you know. I have to pay them.12:22
diddledanso dickie stallman is in the internet hall-of-fame now?12:22
dwdorigGosh, so he is. I didn't even read that announcement.12:22
mungbeannever heard of it12:23
dwdorigAnd Jimmy Wales.12:23
dwdorigmungbean, It's an Internet Society thing.12:23
mungbeannevr heard of that either :P12:24
dwdorigmungbean, They operate the IETF.12:24
mungbeanok. and they have a list of people they like?12:25
popeyit was only established last year!12:25
DJonesWill he ever read that he's in the internet hall of fame though? I didn't think he read anything on the internet (could just be an urban myth)12:25
dwdorigDJones, Right, he has people to do that kind of thing for him.12:25
popeyDJones: its not a myth12:26
mungbeanit was true at one point about the way he read his mail12:26
DJonesI guess that means he won't getting Amazon AutoRip albums downloaded into his Amazon drive then12:27
mungbeanwe all knowpeople like him, i'm just surprised he managed to get so far12:27
popey"When I use a search engine, it is always from a machine that isn't mine and that other people also use. I never identify myself to the site, of course."12:27
mungbeanhe's searching for how to feed parrots12:27
mungbeanyou don't have to be a visionary to assume that ghcq and nsa are reading your unencrypted comms12:28
* dwatkins wonders if Stallman's computer has a free BIOS as well12:28
mungbeanhe has a machine called ollong tea for something, its well documented12:29
dwatkinsis the firmware for all the chips open as well?12:29
BigRedSI think it is now12:30
BigRedSwell. He doesn't mind whether the firmware is free or not, he just doesn't use it if it's not free12:30
BigRedSso had no WiFi on his OLPC because that was non-free12:30
BigRedSHe is surprisingly accepting of non-free software, he just doesn't want to be part of the reason it is anywhere.12:31
dwatkinsfair enough12:31
dwatkinsI agree with his stance on the OLPC.12:32
BigRedSpopey: one tweet announcing its existence...12:32
mungbean<lubotu3> Sorry, I don't know anything about 'rms'12:32
BigRedSOh! It's for auth only...12:32
mungbeanwe have this convo a lot, maybe a factoid :P12:32
GaryI wonder if my old !gary still works :p12:33
BigRedSBut RMS would rather a bot not know anything about him :)12:33
directhexsigh, rms12:35
diddledanI think I popped the cork with the genie getting out of the bottle12:35
diddledanwho knew one person could evoke so much conversation?! :-p12:36
mungbeanmodelzone in administration :(12:39
lornajaneokay, I think I fixed that pixbuf problem.  Let's see if I can reboot after all that12:44
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popeyali1234: what ever happened to that wayland fork, soreau was maintaining wasn't he13:09
lornajaneI'm stuck in a situation where a tool requires a package that aptitude doesn't know about, what can I do at this point?13:22
lornajanegoogle just knows about some instances of error messages regarding this missing package, not the package itself13:23
bigcalmhi lornajane :)13:25
bigcalmlornajane: is it available in a ppa?13:25
lornajanebigcalm: how would I find out?  I'm not getting hits when I search for it (it's gee-1.0)13:25
bigcalmlornajane: looks like it might be part of gir1.2-gee-1.013:27
lornajanebigcalm: I am not sure how to explain that to the thing I'm trying to compile.  Already commented bits out of the CMakeLists.txt :)13:27
bigcalmIf you install that package, does the error go away?13:28
lornajaneit is installed13:28
lornajaneI thought maybe it was doing a check for a wrong package name ... but I'm not sure how to stop that13:28
bigcalmI know rather little about make files :/13:29
lornajaneyeah symlink maybe, not sure what would link to what13:29
lornajanewell I'm trying to compile Vala.  Because there's a tool that exists in vala, and this is open source, right?13:29
bigcalmCan you find a file with 'gee' in the name using locate?13:29
lornajaneI seem to have libgee2 things and gir1.2-gee-1.0 things13:30
bigcalmVala is available as a ppa13:31
lornajaneI think I have vala, I'm trying to compile something made of it13:31
bigcalmOh, I see :)13:32
lornajaneI have done this before, but then I upgraded and the project updated and I need to recompile ... been putting this off for months13:32
lornajanebecause I knew I'd be in dependency hell :(13:32
bigcalmNot procrastinating writing a talk? ;)13:32
lornajanewell, at some point I need to be able to compile my presenter tool, which is what this is13:33
bigcalmAh, all related so that's okay :)13:33
davmor2bigcalm: you don't write talks you speak them, man I thought you was the clever one ;)13:33
lornajaneI'm about 8 weeks from *needing* this tool to work, I'm only giving a couple of talks that I don't particularly need the presenter view for13:33
lornajane8 weeks is about as good as it gets, so the time is now13:33
bigcalmFair enough13:33
lornajanethe tool is getting better but I do have some custom build bits in there so I need to be able to compile it13:34
lornajaneapparently I'm the only person in the world who ever starts not at the first slide of a presentation, for example13:35
bigcalmRe-order your slides? :)13:35
lornajanebigcalm: it's the training courses, which can be several hundred slides and take a few days13:36
bigcalmOh, that makes sense13:36
popeyvala is in the repo13:36
popeydont need a ppa for that13:36
popeygiven chunks of unity are written in vala...13:36
bigcalmRich was jumping about all over the place when he did Symfony2 training13:36
lornajanepopey: I think I have vala, but in trying to compile some vala, I get missing packages - but we think the package names have changed is all13:37
lornajanebigcalm: yeah, I'm like that too.  Nothing is as tiring as a day's training - because I'm bouncing about and thinking and talking all day!13:37
popeyhow can i see what program is using a kernel module I am trying to unload?13:38
popeyError: Module uvcvideo is in use13:38
popeybut I dont know what is using it13:38
bigcalmmodprobe uvcvideo ?13:38
popeyi am trying to rmmod it13:39
bigcalmActually, I think that might try to load it13:39
bigcalmmodinfo maybe?13:39
bigcalmlsmod will list what mods are being used by other mods13:39
bigcalmCan you see anything using /dev/video* ?13:39
popeyyeah, its being used by something else13:39
diplolsof ?13:39
popeyah yeah, lsof13:40
popeyoof, just lost the entire chromium13:40
popeyI hope my tabs come back when I open it13:41
mungbeani never understand when it says ..umm can't open the tabs, but i know what they were13:44
mungbeanclick to open them13:45
lornajanemungbean: my chrome does it I think in case something inside one of them is causing the crash13:45
lornajaneso it won't crash again until you ask it to13:45
dwatkinsI tend to save my open tabs with cloud tab sometimes, just in case13:48
lornajaneprogress! As in, I get a different error now :)13:48
popeyi just have chromium set to re-open whatever was open when it closed/died13:48
dwatkinsTab Cloud, even: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/tabcloud/npecfdijgoblfcgagoijgmgejmcpnhof?hl=en13:48
dwatkinsbeen burned once too many times by CCleaner13:48
diploreally? Ccleaner works well for me13:49
bigcalmI don't appear to have a volume icon/controller on my desktop. How do I get it back?13:50
lornajanebigcalm: run alsamixer13:51
bigcalmlornajane: that's a CLI app13:51
lornajanebigcalm: yes, but it's what I've been using since I don't have clickable audio controls13:52
bigcalmAh :)13:52
Azelphurpopey: but in your setup, if you loose one drive, do you loose all data?13:55
bigcalmlornajane: apparently this fixes itsudo apt-get install indicator-sound13:55
* bigcalm logs out to find out13:55
popeyAzelphur: no, of course not13:56
Azelphuroh, raid 1 is mirror, right?13:56
popeyyeah, btrfs doesn't do RAID1 like hardware RAID or MD RAID13:57
AzelphurI see13:57
popeybut the effect is the same, data is spread over more than one disk13:57
bigcalmlornajane: that fixed it :)13:57
Azelphuryea, I was hoping to get a "one big partition" but if one drive fails, I just loose the data on that drive, type scenario13:57
Azelphurcould probably get away with it doing something funky with symlinks tbh, haha13:58
popeyer, okay13:59
popeywhy do you want to lose data?13:59
Azelphurpopey: because I don't wanna fork out for 2x the drive space, and it's just tv shows which can be re-grabbed13:59
Azelphurloosing one drives worth of tv shows ain't so bad, loosing all drives worth of tv shows, bad :p13:59
diddledanI need to do some tv show downloading.. I have zero footprint in the piracy market these days14:00
diddledanI fancy watching babylon5 end-to-end again.. awesome series!14:00
ali1234popey: i dunno, you can go ask him in #norwood or #northfield or something14:01
popeynorwood, that's it, I thought it was northwood14:01
Azelphurdiddledan: I have a pretty cool setup, my I have a web panel where I can add TV shows and my system will auto-grab stuff as it comes out :P14:01
ali1234much like wayland, it's not usable yet and doesn't look like it will e any time soon14:01
diddledanhow fast does raspberry pi encode h264 using it's super fancy co processor?14:01
Azelphurand the web service uses a recommendation engine based on what I've already watched, which is cool too14:02
ali1234(and mir too lest you think i am being biased)14:02
diddledanAzelphur: is it available for others?14:02
Azelphurdiddledan: yup14:02
AzelphurI'm using flexget+trakt.tv14:02
Azelphurdiddledan: http://trakt.tv/user/Azelphur/library/shows/all my library for example, :P14:03
ali1234diddledan: babylon 5 is only available in super low quality... like VHS... they threw out all the 3D models and the live show was filmed on TV cameras, not film like TNG14:04
diddledanthat sucks14:04
ali1234yeah but what can you do14:04
diddledanI suppose it reduced the cost when they were filming it14:04
ali1234yeah it was single camera14:04
ali1234everything about it was really cheap... if they had the footage on film it would just make the makeup look bad14:05
diddledanI was musing the other day over the transition between film and video before hi-def video - we've got like a decade of lost material where it was recorded direct to videotape where we can't improve the quality for hi-def video14:06
ali1234a decade? more like 50 years14:06
diddledannow with 4k around the corner it's only getting worse14:07
ali1234it's not the end of the world14:07
ali1234i mean if a show is good it does not matter14:08
mgdmdidn't realise TNG was film14:08
ali1234it was, that's how they were able to do the HD re release recently14:08
mgdmah yes, of course14:09
lornajanebingo!  It built :)14:09
diddledanwell done, lornajane14:09
diplo I've written my own thing like the trakt.tv thing Azelphur14:09
diploYour list is very much like my personal one :)14:09
diplonot seen under the dome though14:12
diploActually hadn't heard of it14:12
popeyi always thought TNG was video14:13
dwdorigpopey, Made by Paramount, who're a film company at heart.14:15
ali1234popey: it looks like video because it was all edited on video and then converted to PAL from that14:21
ali1234but they kept the film masters and so were able to remake it all14:22
ali1234at massive cost14:22
popeydid they recoup that from the HD releases?14:22
popeyI imagine there's a fair few fans who would buy that stuff14:22
davmor2popey: I though TNG was the startrek with picard at the helm14:23
popeyI didn't say it wasn't ☻14:23
ali1234no idea, but i guess they thought they would or they wouldn't have done it14:24
mungbeanis it OK to have an ldif file with lots of  add: userid  lines after the usual changetype:modify etc?14:25
directhexali1234, the worst bit is all the B5 CG was rendered interlaced14:25
ali1234haha lol14:25
mungbeandon't worry, it's yes14:25
dwdorigdirecthex, Right, it was NTSC only and all sorts. I seem to recall the showed it slightly letterboxed on C4.14:25
ali1234interlace is great if you have an interlaced display otherwise it's a complete nightmare14:26
directhexthe image quality on the main portions of B5 is actually okay, on the DVD releases. there are just occasional sections that look utterly dreadful14:26
* TheOpenSourcerer is having an odd kind of day. Not seemingly able to focus on anything... Might go and mow the lawn instead.14:26
directhextypically sections with CG composited into the background14:26
ali1234yeah it's watchable... it looks like the old TNG repeats on cheap satellite channels. you wouldn't accept it from a show made today but it is watchable14:26
dwdorigIt was ground-breaking for its time, though. All those NewTek video toasters and stuff.14:27
dwdorigStill tragic that the best space scenes remain in 2001, though, which didn't have any CG at all.14:27
diddledandoes it still claim the title as the only space scifi that shows a toilet?14:27
diddledanb5 I mean14:28
ali1234i'm pretty sure red dwarf must have had a toilet in it at some point14:28
ali1234also i don't remember the toilet in b514:28
diddledanyou'd hope so :-p14:28
popeydid HHGTTG not have a loo?14:28
popeywell, they teleported from a cubicle14:28
dwdorig2001 also had a toilet scene, I think.14:29
popeyfrom within the ship powered by bistromathics14:29
directhexb5 felt real. real people. star trek was far too utopian to feel realistic14:29
lornajanebashrc: it is what it sounds like it's going to be14:29
directhexand then they say "oh, oops, it's not utopian at all" in their series set on a space station next to a jumpgate14:29
directhexerm, wormhole14:29
directhexwhoops, how did i possibly make that error14:29
diddledanbashrc: bistromaths is the mathematics of how many spits the waiter is going to put in your soup today14:30
diddledanand related things14:30
ali1234directhex: yeah i always say that TNG feels like propaganda and the truth is that star fleet is a lot more like the US millitary than the federation citizens know14:30
popeythat is relfected in the new Star Trek14:30
ali1234ie it's a lot more like DS9 in reality14:30
popeybut they put it down to one bad guy in the ranks14:31
mgdmDS9 \o/14:31
dwdorighttp://davidszondy.com/future/space/zero_g_toilet.htm - 2001's toilet instructions. Actual toilet wasn't shown I think.14:31
diddledanI still haven't seen Into Darkness yet14:31
directhexb5 had its crap episodes, sure, but i think it did a great job of presenting a warts-and-all view of how much the future sucks14:31
ali1234everyone hated DS9 at the time but it is actually quite good looking back14:31
bashrcMaybe the future is like the past.  Imagine if all the oil runs out.14:32
brobostigonand avery brooks happens to be a good singer and pianist.14:32
directhexi was ambivalent about it at the time. i haven't changed my opinion since then14:32
ali1234directhex: but you are like that about everything14:32
dwdorigdirecthex, Firmly ambivalent, or just vaguely so?14:33
diddledancan one be vaguely ambivalent?14:33
bashrcmaybe in the future there will be not so many spaceships and more horses and carts14:33
directhexali1234, no, sometimes i hate things too14:33
diddledanisn't the whole point of ambivalence that it's somewhat vague?14:33
directhex'I do not know with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones'14:33
diddledanbashrc: as long as the internet works ok, I'm happy14:34
dwdorigdirecthex, Churchill, wasn't it? Or am I misattributing?14:34
dwdorigali1234, I was close.14:36
dwdorigWell, close-ish. It's all relative.14:36
* dwdorig bows14:37
diploAnyone here use beautifulsoup module in python ?14:44
Seeker`tried it14:44
diplomuch luck?14:45
Seeker`didn't seem to be able to parse the whole of the page, and silently cut off half of what I wanted to scrape14:45
diploI can do most things so far, Trying to display anything inside of a span with a class14:45
Seeker`ended up using perl instead :P14:46
Seeker`which is a complete mess. But it works.14:46
popeyi have used beautifulsoup to scrape my online banking14:47
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diploMy code sucks I guess14:48
diploSo, I have  a <span class="name"> loads of lis etc here </span>14:49
diploAnd I want to retrieve from span to /span and all inside and dump it into a db14:49
diploAll I get is the first <h2> and then it stops14:49
=== schwuk_away is now known as schwuk
diploIf anyone has any suggestions on anything other than beautiful soup I'm all ears :)14:50
BigRedSwhen did hotlines start selling bikes?14:51
diploThey don't afaik14:51
diploSupplying them ?14:51
BigRedSthat looks a lot like a shop...14:52
diploNo basket though ?just RRP's14:52
BigRedSoh yeah14:52
BigRedSslightly more OT, though, I'd not get that one14:52
BigRedSgenerally, full sus < £1500 is pretty poor14:53
BigRedSthough I've been not really listening for about the past five years...14:53
ali1234popey: good.14:55
ali1234pity it won't work with proprietary drivers though14:55
popeyyeah, fallback for those14:56
ali1234this pretty much means you'll have to choose between mir and steam. guess which one is going to win...14:56
BigRedShah. Be amusing to see Ubuntu going from the "Your computer looks too free" prompt to explicitly not supporting closed graphics drivers :)14:56
ali1234it's the same as the situation with the first release of unity really14:57
diddledanI guess it's the only way to drive the gfx vendors to crating drivers for mir/wayland/etc.14:58
ali1234nah, they won't do it anyway14:58
diddledanit sucks because the opensource gfx drivers for my amd card cause the fan to spin stupid fast14:58
ali1234it will be at least 3 years before you see a wayland or mir driver from nvidia14:58
popeythey will14:58
ali1234for desktop that is14:59
ali1234they might make drivers for phone BSPs14:59
ali1234but those aren't much use14:59
bashrcDoes that mean that Mir will be incredibly slow?14:59
ali1234also they'll probably only do it for brand new cards14:59
popeyno bashrc14:59
ali1234bashrc: it means it won't work at all if you have a real graphics card14:59
bashrci.e. no 3D acceleration14:59
ali1234unless you cripple it with the open source drivers15:00
bashrcis that a feature? ;-)15:00
bashrcas exhibit A I cite Gnome Shell without 3D acceleration15:00
diddledanI read an interesting interview with raspi's eben upton in linuxformat this month - he pointed out that the graphics processor on the pi is the only non-gl backend currently available for wayland, and opengl backends suck in general because gl is evil15:01
ali1234bashrc: it's not really about 3d15:02
ali1234gnome shell doesn't use most of what a 3d card does and the stuff it does need is in the open source drivers15:03
bashrcbut without 3D acceleration Gnome Shell is so slow as to be unusable15:03
ali1234when it uses the software fallback it's slow because it is now 100% software15:03
ali1234it doesn't use that mode on eg nouveau though15:03
ali1234the problem is nouveau can't run games15:04
ali1234so mir will be fast but games will be slow, crash, or just plain not work at all15:04
bashrcthat might rain on the steam parade15:04
ali1234yes quite15:04
ali1234i do wonder what valve thinks about having to port all of it's games to a new driver architecture after they just finished doing it for the existing one15:05
bashrcSo without the support of the graphics card suppliers Mir could be a shot in the foot for Canonical, at a time when Ubuntu seems just about to become a possible commercial gaming platform15:06
diddledanvalve is going to go console-based using linux so it doesn't really matter what the desktops are using15:06
bashrcOTOH the games industry could just stick with 12.04 for the next 4 years, by which time anything could have happened15:14
diddledanthe second coming and the heralded apocalypse?15:15
bashrcZombies.  Alien invasions.15:15
bashrcIn 4 years time netbooks might be back in fashion15:15
lornajanewell, we're all using tablets with keyboards ... which looks a lot like a netbook to me15:16
diddledansorry, but, seriously?! :-p15:16
bashrca crappy netbook15:16
* BigRedS still wants a psion15:16
BigRedSall the netbooks were a bit too big for me - small enough that the keyboard is poor, but too big to go in a pocket15:16
lornajaneI have a phone with a keyboard, it's very useful15:16
BigRedSI've been eyeing up a small tablet and a keyboard recently15:17
bashrcI should get one of those vintage IBM keyboards and try connecting it up to a tablet15:17
lornajaneyeah I'm hanging on for more news of a new nexus 715:17
BigRedSbashrc: I have seen a bluetoothed model M somewhere15:17
BigRedSjust a ps/2->usb adaptor and a usb->bluetooth one hidden inside the case15:18
diddledanI think it's hungrytime15:20
mgdmlornajane: me too - I was about to buy a 7 before my brother told me there was a new one on the way15:20
lornajanemgdm: I'm watching for that and the s4 mini - but not sure I can afford both!15:22
lornajanemy phone is on it's way out however, battery is dying and mechanically it's falling apart15:22
lornajanewhy nobody makes a phone with a keyboard nowadays, I really don't know15:22
lornajaneI actually want a candybar with number buttons and the ability to tether :)15:22
mgdmthere was one I saw the other day that I *think* ran recent android15:22
mgdmbut I can't rememebr what it was15:22
lornajanemgdm: the other problem is that I can very rarely get a phone of decent spec into my pocket15:23
bigcalmCoo, couple of bi-planes just flew over head. Strange to see planes flying slowly around here15:23
lornajaneladies are really supposed to have handbags but I fail at that!15:23
mgdmheh heh15:23
dwdoriglornajane, I can cope with "big enough screen" over keyboard on a phone, but for the tablet, I use an ASUS transformer that has a real keyboard.15:25
bigcalmWhy do they make lady's trouser pockets so small?15:25
dwdoriglornajane, That said, there's a bunch of slightly older US imports that have keyboards. Or you can grab a bluetooth keyboard, too.15:26
lornajaneI currently have the xperia mini pro which is fabulous - but *tiny* so it's really hard to read on15:26
lornajanethat said I mostly use my phone for email, so the keyboard is used a lot and I find it really useful.  Even on a table (husband has a nexus 10) I find the soft keyboards unreasonably hard to use, dunno why15:26
dwdoriglornajane, For prose typing, I find Swype good enough.15:27
lornajanedwdorig: I think I do need to learn a new input technique, yes15:27
BigRedSyeah, I've just started using a swipey keyboard and it's way better than the soft ones I've been settling for since the demise of my G115:27
dwdoriglornajane, But only on the phone - on the tablet it's too big, I anything longer than a sentence I dock it.15:27
* brobostigon likes hackers keyboard, as it has normal keys other soft keyboards dont have.15:28
dwdorigbrobostigon, Yes, for SSH and code.15:28
dwdorigbrobostigon, But for prose - like emails - Swype is my weapon of choice.15:28
brobostigondwdorig: on my nexus7, i have that set as standard.15:28
brobostigondwdorig: but yes, on smaller screens, it wouldnt be practical.15:29
lornajaneI have yet to see any touch screen input faster than typing t9 on an old-style phone keypad.  And you could do that one-handed and not looking15:30
lornajaneI also touch type at the computer, so that makes everything else seem crazy slow!15:30
diddledanI only pretend to touch type15:31
lornajaneI'm a 90 WPM girl when I know what I want to say15:31
brobostigonyou could probably use dasher on handed.15:31
diddledanI make too many mistakes for it to be valid15:31
dwdoriglornajane, Swype - real Swype, not the copies - is extremely impressive. It approaches around 60 WPM when you're in the flow of things.15:31
* lornajane is taking notes of things to try - probably on borrowed tablet rather than underpowered phone15:32
dwdoriglornajane, The copies are OK, mind, but tend not to do punctuation and capitalization in the same flow, so it's not quite as good.15:32
lornajaneor I have a spare HTC Sensation15:32
dwdorigOf course, touch-typing on an iPad is much better, because it has the little dots on F and J to help you. ;-)15:33
GaryI love those dots15:34
diddledantouchtyping on the ipad is evil because you can't rest on any of the keys without it picking up as a keypress15:36
diddledanthat and you have to put the pad down on something15:36
mgdmactually, I really like the keyboard inside the lid of a Surface15:37
mgdmit's a nice idea (I've not tried the one with actual keys, but the one with a keyboard printed on is surprisingly good)15:37
dwdorigmgdm, I've not tried that - it reminded me on a ZX Spectrum when I saw it though. I take it it feels better?15:37
mgdmwell, you're typing on a dead surface that doesn't react, same as an iPad, but you're not typing on the actual screen so there's more space to see what you're up to15:39
mgdmand you can prop it up properly15:39
dwdorigRight, yes, and in addition I suppose it's not very bulky.15:42
dwdorigI've a TF101 and TF700T, where you get additional bulk from the dock, but you get additional battery too - for me that's a great trade-off.15:43
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ali1234how can i write this piece of C++11 code so that it compiles with gcc-4.6?17:44
ali1234Racer::Racer(SceneManager *mSceneMgr, int n) : Racer(mSceneMgr, n, new PilotAI(this)) {;}17:44
ali1234it doesn't work with --std=C++0x17:45
ali1234i guess i should just update the compiler17:51
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ali1234xnox: any idea when we might see mingw-w64 gcc-4.7+ in debian and/or ubuntu?17:56
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ali1234hmm opensuse has 4.8.118:25
ali1234maybe i should just switch to OBS18:25
LaneyI keep missing the GRUB timeout19:31
Laneydid it like three times in a row19:31
Laneywant to get to gameOS19:31
popeyI am happily using GameOS™ much less these days19:32
popeyThanks to Steam™19:32
MartijnVdSSo.. anyone looking for a coder? ;)19:33
popeyYou looking for a job?19:33
MartijnVdSpopey: they just announced plans to eliminate my team by April19:33
MartijnVdSso.. yeah19:33
popeySounds harsh.19:33
MartijnVdSyeah, 30% of the company is being kicked out19:34
popeyI mean, they could just fire you.19:34
popeyelimination seems overkill (as it were)19:34
popeysorry for making light of it19:34
MartijnVdSpopey: I've been making jokes all day, don't worry19:34
* popey pokes MartijnVdS with a pm19:34
popeyyou love it19:35
MartijnVdSpopey: not in public ;)19:36
BigRedSMartijnVdS: aren't you in a weird place?19:41
BigRedSHolland or somewhere19:41
MartijnVdSBigRedS: yes, I am19:41
MartijnVdSand it's not "official" yet, they have to jump through some (law) hoops for a few weeks first19:42
BigRedSBooking.com appear to be always hiring perl types round there19:43
MartijnVdSBigRedS: they are19:43
MartijnVdSBigRedS: they're always at YAPC::EU and ::NA with a huge recruitment stand19:43
BigRedSYeah, they turn up at London.pm stuff, too, trying to get people to emigrate19:44
BigRedSI've much booking.com branded tat :)19:44
MartijnVdSBigRedS: I have a few things as well 8-)19:44
shaunohm, is there no alternate CD anymore?  how does one force a textmode install these days?19:45
MartijnVdSshauno: www.debian.org :P19:45
DJonesshauno: Minimal iso19:45
lubotu3The Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want.  The installer is text based (rather than graphical as used on the Desktop DVD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD19:45
shaunoI was trying to avoid that because I won't be able to get my wifi up :(19:45
DJonesI think the last alternate iso was 12.0419:46
shaunohm, that might be good enough, ta19:46
Laneyyou could use a server cd19:46
shaunothe real install is throwing me into a 'low graphics mode' which doesn't actually work19:47
mungbeanneed to settle a dispute with my wife19:58
mungbeanwho has kids around 3, 3.5 in age?19:59
alistairhello is there anyway i can uninstall a package and turn it into a tarball or .deb package so i can reinstall it later if i want to?20:08
BigRedSif it was installed as a deb package it might still be knocking around in apt's cache20:10
alistairmany thanks :-)20:13
shaunohm, server and alternate both fail to find the cdrom because it was booted with grub loopback20:13
popeyalistair: or apt-get -d <package>  which will download only the deb20:14
popeyand put it in /var/cache/apt/20:15
BigRedSyeah, if it's still in the archives20:17
ali1234is anyone on GameOS right now?20:18
popeyjust booting it20:19
ali1234want to test my windows build?20:19
popeyfancied some portal 220:19
ali1234i just had to rewrite the constructors because no delegating constructors20:19
* MartijnVdS wants Portal 2 for Linux20:19
ali1234do you have an xbox or ps3 joypad?20:19
MartijnVdSali1234: I have a PS3-shaped USB joypad20:20
MartijnVdSali1234: also a PS3 joypad but that's linked to the PS3 ;)20:20
ali1234that isn't good enough unless it's one f the supported logitech types20:20
popeyI have a USB attched gamecube one ☻20:20
MartijnVdSali1234: it's a Logitech20:20
popeyor ouya one20:20
MartijnVdS[178441.747808] logitech 0003:046D:C218.0004: Force feedback for Logitech RumblePad/Rumblepad 2 by Anssi Hannula <anssi.hannula@gmail.com>20:21
MartijnVdSseems to be at least a bit supported20:21
diddledansurely that's a rumblepad, not a joypad (I have no idea on what either are!)20:21
MartijnVdSdiddledan: http://www.pcdistrict.com/modules/productcatalog/product_images/125125-logitech-rumblepad-2-2581.jpg20:22
ali1234it has to be one of these: http://hg.libsdl.org/SDL/file/c7346a060a7d/src/joystick/SDL_gamecontroller.c#l9220:22
MartijnVdSBus 003 Device 022: ID 046d:c218 Logitech, Inc. Logitech RumblePad 2 USB20:22
MartijnVdSit has all the PS3 buttons20:22
ali1234or you have to configure your joypad in steam big picture mode and then send me the line from the config file and i patch it into SDL20:22
MartijnVdSali1234: OK :)20:23
MartijnVdSali1234: which config file do I look in?>20:23
ali1234grep for the name you saved the joypad config as (it prompts you)20:24
ali1234you'll see a line like those ones ^20:24
ali1234i can't remember the exact file and my internet has gone strange20:24
ali1234anyway you don't need joypad to test...20:25
ali1234you just won't be able to drive20:25
popeyooh! http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2013/06/half-life-2-sequel-turn-stable-on-steam-for-linux20:26
MartijnVdSconfig.vdf:"SDL_GamepadBind""030000006d04000018c2000010010000,Logitech RumblePad 2,a:b1,b:b2,y:b3,x:b0,start:b9,back:b8,leftstick:b10,rightstick:b11,leftshoulder:b4,rightshoulder:b5,dpup:h0.1,dpleft:h0.8,dpdown:h0.4,dpright:h0.2,leftx:a0,lefty:a1,rightx:a2,righty:a3,lefttrigger:b6,righttrigger:b7,"20:27
MartijnVdSali1234: ^20:27
ali1234that was done on linux?20:27
MartijnVdSali1234: yes20:27
MartijnVdSjust now20:28
ali1234ok let me see how to patch this in to the source20:28
dwdorigThis Steam conversation reminds me - has anyone got Garrys Mod working on 13.04 64-bit yet?20:28
ali1234the mappings are different on windows and linux20:28
ali1234maybe i should just read this from a file20:29
MartijnVdSdwdorig: trying now20:29
MartijnVdSdwdorig: could not load library20:29
dwdorigMartijnVdS, Right, that's what I get. I wondered if there was a solution.20:30
dwdorigMartijnVdS, I also wondered if it just hated me.20:34
ali1234actually on windows the game controllers might "just work"20:34
MartijnVdSas long as you have the 50MB driver installed20:35
directhexjoysticks should just be HID20:36
directhexand the xbox 360 controller as "standard" means games basically have all the calibration data out of the box20:36
MartijnVdSdirecthex: sure, and printers should just speak PCL or PS ;)20:36
directhexall pads these days should be emitting 360-style mappings & calibration data, so onscreen prompts etc just line up20:37
MartijnVdSmy USB pad is older though20:37
directhexe.g. logitech pads act as 360 pads20:37
MartijnVdSdirecthex: this one is from the PS2 era20:37
MartijnVdSso no X360-compayt20:37
MartijnVdSG-UF13  (http://www.logitech.com/en-us/support/288)20:38
directhexmonogame used to have a gui for configuring joypads. getting it removed is one of my finer moments20:38
directhext'was closed source20:38
popeynow, do i trust this random binary from some internet person20:42
ali1234well you probably should not *shrug*20:43
ali1234otoh it's only windows, you should have anything private on it anyway20:43
mungbeanmate of mine impounded a glow in the dark lambo outside harrods20:43
mungbeanlooks hideous20:44
ali1234tbh it probably won't even work20:44
popeylibgcc_s_slj-1.ddll missing20:44
ali1234hmm :/20:44
popeylibgcc_s_sjlj-1.dll missing rather20:45
ali1234probably in the toolchain somewhere... searching for it20:45
popeyahh, mingw20:47
ali1234yeah everything is cross compiled20:47
ali1234that's why i've been moaning about ubuntu only having 4.6 all day20:47
popeythere is an advert on your download page20:47
ali1234and also why i have never tested it on windows20:47
popeyhow odd20:47
ali1234i know :)20:47
ali1234i've made £5 so far lol20:48
bigcalmGood evening peeps :)20:48
popeydoesn't like that dll20:49
ali1234my upload is so slow :(20:49
popeyoh, not finished?20:49
ali1234yeah it only just finished downloading20:49
popeymissing libstdc++-6.dll ☻20:50
ali1234i bet that one is huge as well20:51
ali1234popey: uploaded20:56
popeyIt's like watching one of your youtube videos20:57
ali1234decent framerate then?20:58
ali1234if all the cars drive themselves, it means your joypad is not supported by SDL's built in definitions20:58
mungbeando me a solid20:58
mungbeani've been using that phrase (ironically) a lot this week20:59
ali1234it sounds painful20:59
popeyali1234: it stops after a while?20:59
ali1234er... yeah after all the cars complete 3 laps or die by falling off21:00
ali1234i'm surprised it even runs to be honest21:01
ali1234literally none of the libraries are supposed to be cross compiled and i had to fix all of them in many ways21:01
popeyali1234: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bSmR8h93Lsg21:04
shaunoHow do I configure xorg if it doesn't manage auto?21:05
popeywhat video card?21:05
ali1234nice one :)21:05
ali1234MartijnVdS: the linux tgz is up, pm'ing url. you should not need any of these funny dlls...21:05
shaunonot entirely sure :) lspci just calls it intel 2nd generation core family integrated21:08
shaunoBut I think using inteldrmfb is getting in the way21:08
popeyis it a mac?21:08
popeyali1234: framerate on my laptop is terrible, unsurprisingly21:08
ali1234well yeah21:09
popeyis it dual cards?21:09
popeyintel + nvidia21:09
shaunoyup, but I have the radon disabled21:09
ali1234you will need recent nvidia or ati because it is doing some complex stencil buffer shadow effects21:09
shaunoradeon (sorry, phone is spelling for me)21:09
popeystrange xorg should just figure it out21:10
shaunoThe catch is I'm trying to boot with efi, so I have to disable the amd card else it fails21:10
shaunoit's not doing a bad job with the video itself, but it's not finding any input devices.  so I get to this; http://cl.ly/image/401A36260C1y21:14
shaunobut can't use the keyboard/mouse to hit Okay  (but can ctrl+alt+F1 to get to a term)21:14
bigcalmOooo. HL2 et al are no longer showing as "Beta" in Steam. I wonder how close we are to a Portal 2 release21:15
MartijnVdSbigcalm: half life 3 confirmed!21:15
dwatkinsMartijnVdS: whaaaaa? :D:D:D21:16
bigcalmMartijnVdS: no wai!21:16
MartijnVdSthat's the default reddit reply to steam news21:16
bigcalmHL3 or HL2 ep 3?21:16
MartijnVdSbigcalm: Gabe Newell was in the Clang kickstarter video though:21:17
dwatkinsyou meanie, MartijnVdS :-p21:17
dwdorigMartijnVdS, You're a cruel, heartless man.21:17
MartijnVdS^ around 3 minutes into the video21:17
MartijnVdSGabe hammering a red-hot crowbar "Is it ready?" "These things take time"21:18
dwatkinsI like the idea that HL3 might be Linux only - unlikely, but it amuses me to think that might be the case21:18
ali1234for HL3 they should license full life consequences21:18
ali1234it's got a better story than anything valve have come up with21:18
dwatkins:A delayed game is eventually good, but a rushed game is forever bad." - Shigeru Miyamoto21:19
MartijnVdSali1234: that, AND concerned21:19
ali1234is that the webcomic?21:19
ali1234yeah :)21:20
MartijnVdSyeah, with Frohman21:20
ali1234that was pretty good too21:20
dwdorigdwatkins, Three words for you.21:20
dwdorigdwatkins, "Duke Nukem Forever"21:20
dwatkinsdwdorig: precisely21:21
dwatkinsone can delay too long21:21
ali1234i was reading that page the other day21:22
ali1234rise of the robots is missing from it21:22
dwatkinsPac Mac was majorly hyped for the Atari 2600, but was a complete let-down, it contributed to the decline of the games industry at the time21:22
popeygosh, had never seen clang21:23
MartijnVdSpopey: read Snow Crash, you'll know where he got his idea ;)21:23
dwatkinsI assume Snow Crash was the inspiration for The Matrix.21:23
ali1234i don't see how clang can work without haptic feedback21:23
dwatkins...and Second Life21:23
MartijnVdS...and minecraft21:24
bashar_hi m8s21:50
bashar_anyone watch chil porn?21:51
shaunoand I thought I was off-topic21:52
lubotu3The Ubuntu Code of Conduct is a community etiquette document to which we ask all Ubuntu users to adhere | http://www.ubuntu.com/project/about-ubuntu/conduct  | For information on how to electronically sign the CoC, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SigningCodeofConduct | Watch http://static.screencasts.ubuntu.com/videos/2010/12/22/004-SigningCoC.ogv21:55
xnoxali1234: it's been a while since i was involved in any of that. ask debian maintainer, there have been uploads recently.21:58
ali1234ok, thanks21:59

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