
numbertoHi guys, I am on ubuntu 13.04 with graphical card - Nvidia GeForce GT 520M, after installing official drivers unity broke. Remove it didn't help.00:12
usr13numberto: You removed Unity?00:12
numbertousr13: nope00:12
usr13"Remove it didn't help"?00:12
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numbertousr13: sorry, removing official nvidia drivers didn't help (the one I have installed)00:13
D-coym4v o700:13
usr13numberto: ls /etc/X11/xorg.conf00:13
usr13numberto: What does that ^^^ say?00:14
adamknumberto: Pastebin your /var/log/Xorg.0.log file.00:14
usr13numberto: rm /etc/X11/xorg.conf   #Or just rename it.00:14
OerHeksgt520m sounds like optimus00:15
numbertoOerHeks: yes00:15
adamkIt does..  The Xorg log file would tell us.00:15
adamknumberto: If it is Optimus, you need to use bumblebee.00:15
usr13numberto: rm /etc/X11/xorg.conf   or  mv /etc/X11/xorg.conf /etc/X11/xorg.conf.bak00:16
numbertoadamk: http://pastebin.com/CS9Af3jY00:17
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adamknumberto: You have to remove the 'nomodeset' option that you are passing to the kernel.00:18
usr13numberto: sudo rm /etc/X11/xorg.conf   or sudo mv /etc/X11/xorg.conf /etc/X11/xorg.conf.bak00:18
adamknumberto: That should get the intel driver working properly.00:18
adamknumberto: To use the nvidia driver, you need to install bumblebee, however.00:18
adamknumberto: At, at the present moment, there is no need to remove the xorg.conf file, if you have one.00:18
numbertoI am going to try now.00:18
numbertowill be back in a sec00:19
adamknumberto: Despite usr13's insistance, that's not the problem here.00:19
numbertoadamk: which files contains the nomodeset, so I don't have to do it all the time?00:19
usr13adamk: Didn't he just say that he installed the Nvidia driver?  And that he removed it?   Do you see:  "Warning, couldn't open module nvidia" in his paste: http://pastebin.com/CS9Af3jY  ?00:20
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adamkusr13: Yes, I saw both.  Both are irrelevent to his problem.. Xorg is clearly attempting to load the intel driver, as it should.00:21
adamknumberto: Do you have an /etc/default/grub file?00:21
usr13adamk: I can only guess that the /etc/X11/xorg.conf is present and gumming up the works.00:22
adamkusr13: Whether it's present or not, it's not gumming up the works.00:22
usr13adamk: It is if it is trying to load a module that does not exist.00:22
usr13"Failed to load module "nvidia" (module does not exist, 0)"00:23
adamkYes, as I said, I saw that message in the Xorg log file.  It's irrelevent to his problem.00:23
adamkusr13: Xorg continues, and attempts to load the intel driver, as it should.  It fails to load the driver because numberto disable kernel modesetting.00:24
usr13adamk: What video card does he have?00:27
madrazrHello everyone, just to experiment I switched to Kubuntu and switched back to Unity and my fonts in Firefox are messed up. Is there a way to reset the Firefox fonts to default? I am using Ubuntu 13.0400:27
usr13madrazr: /join #firefox00:27
madrazrusr13: well, I think this is Ubuntu specific00:28
adamkusr13: he has two...  An onboard intel GPU and a discrete nvidia one.00:28
madrazrI just started Ubuntu on Live USB and compared the fonts set in Firefox and they are the same00:28
madrazrI have a feeling Ubuntu is overriding the fonts somewhere00:28
caesar_abbyhow do you send a command (like tail) to another computer (through ssh)00:28
usr13adamk: Oh, ok.  Well, it would be good to see what exactly they are.  (output of lspci)00:28
usr13madrazr: What version of Firefox is it?00:29
madrazrusr13: Firefox 2200:29
chris_how can i decrease the file size of a image like ubuntu so it can fit on a dvd-rw00:30
usr13madrazr: There are font configuration options in Firefox.  (Firefox has it's own font settings.(00:30
adamkusr13: His Xorg log file lists the PCI IDs.  The intel is something along the lines of a HD3000, and the nvidia is a GT520M00:30
madrazrusr13: which look exactly the same on my current Desktop and the LiveUSB version of Ubuntu 13.0400:31
madrazrusr13: look as in, set to the same fonts00:31
chris_ubuntu 13.0400:32
usr13madrazr: You are on 13.04? or ?00:32
madrazrusr13: yes, I am on 13.0400:32
chris_my current desktop is xubuntu00:32
madrazrusr13: I just rm -rf'ed .gnome2, .gconf etc along with .mozilla, let me try logging out and loggin in again00:32
madrazrand see what changes00:32
usr13mashlol: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2051050  Maybe...00:33
UnrealPhi downloaded a theme off of the website, and i can not figure out how to install it..00:36
clemenstimplerUnrealPh, which website? there are so many...00:36
UnrealPhubuntu.com sorry00:36
clemenstimplerwhere are there links to themes? *wonder*00:36
UnrealPhsorry ubuntuthemes.com00:37
usr13adamk: I suppose we would need to know which one he's plugged his monitor into.  Right?00:37
numbertoadamk: didn't work. My resolution got little bigger but no unity and the resolution is still not big enough.00:38
adamknumberto: Pastebin the new /var/log/Xorg.0.log file.00:38
clemenstimplerUnrealPh, , from what I can see (the site is currently down) it is unofficial - you should stay away from that, unless you know what you do(which you don't, else you wouldn't be here). But:00:38
usr13numberto: What options does  xrandr  give you?00:38
clemenstimplerUnrealPh, there is a package you can install via the software center, called "ubuntu-themes"00:39
numbertousr13: xrandr: Failed to get size of gamma for output default00:39
numbertoScreen 0: minimum 800 x 600, current 1024 x 768, maximum 1024 x 76800:39
numbertodefault connected 1024x768+0+0 0mm x 0mm00:39
numberto   1024x768        0.0*00:39
numberto   800x600        61.000:39
FloodBot1numberto: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.00:39
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clemenstimplerUnrealPh, keep as a general rule: never use anything else but the software center for installing anything on your pc00:39
UnrealPhahh ok00:40
UnrealPhi figure the website was linked with the offical00:40
numbertoadamk: http://pastebin.com/PP2MQZth00:40
adamknumberto: Look at line 7...  You are still passing 'nomodeset' to the kernel.00:40
clemenstimplerUnrealPh,  I do not really thnk so - do you have a link to an official ubuntu page? this should be rectified, if it is the case.00:41
numbertoadamk: hmmm, what am I doing wrong? I did reboot and in grub pressed e, removed nomodeset and ctrl+x00:41
adamknumberto: Not really sure...  But apparently you didn't remove it despite what you think you did :-)00:41
doug_how can I install ie6 in wine on my ubuntu 12.04 noteboot... ie6 is not available in the list of apps.00:41
numbertoadamk: I will try it again.00:42
doug_in winetricks00:42
adamknumberto: You should really edit the grub configuration files and regenerate the grub.cfg file.00:42
saiarcot895doug_: that should be in #winehq00:43
doug_saiarcot895, thanks00:43
* evil-work test00:45
usr13adamk: It puzzles me that it appears that Unity was working before he installed Nvidia driver. He said, "after installing official drivers unity broke".  (Sounds like he is saying that Unity was working before he installed the Nvidia driver.)  If he installed from the Ubuntu Repo, I would suggest going to nvidia.com and get the driver from there and install it.00:46
reisiomight start with going back to what was working already00:47
adamkusr13: The nvidia driver will automatically add 'nomodeset' as an option to the kernel.  This will break any open source drivers, including the intel one. If he wants to use the nvidia drivers, he needs to first get Xorg working with the intel driver again, then install bumblebee and the nvidia driver.00:47
numbertoadamk: removed the nomodeset. It fixed the resolution problem, but unity is still not here. http://pastebin.com/Xm5saYJ900:48
usr13adamk: Yea, but is he plugged into the Intel card?  Or is he plugged into the Nvidia GeForce GT 520M?00:48
adamknumberto: Can you bring up a terminal?  Your running this on the internal laptop screen, right?00:50
usr13adamk: At any rate, he is on vesa driver now, which will not do anything beyond 1024x76800:50
adamkusr13: Did you not even see his current pastebin?  He's using the intel driver now that he removed the nomodeset option.00:50
numbertoadamk: yes. When I log in I see only my desktop. Then I just Ctrl+atl+T and start all other apps.00:51
adamknumberto: can you start unity from the terminal?00:51
numbertoadamk: I tried, but now windows don't have top bars00:52
numbertoadamk: unity is still not working00:52
adamknumberto: Can you pastebin the output of 'glxinfo' ?00:54
adamkOr not...00:54
numbertoadamk: I was restarting X, did I miss any messages?00:55
usr13numberto:  glxinfo | pastebinit   #And send resulting URL00:55
usr13numberto: pastebinit /etc/X11/xorg.conf   #And send resulting URL00:56
numbertousr13:  glxinfo http://pastebin.com/KkUpUqwj00:57
numbertousr13: xorg.conf is empty00:57
adamknumberto: Well we know you are at least now using the intel driver, and that it is working properly...00:58
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ehhhlol, linux music players are even pickier than me on the tags00:59
usr13numberto: xrandr | pastebinit   #Send URL00:59
ehhhthe fk01:00
adamknumberto: Somewhere between installing the nvidia driver and removing it, something happened to your unity configuration...  If you run 'unity --replace &' in a terminal, what happens? Does it crash?01:00
ehhhthe song / artist information etc01:01
numbertoadamk: resetting unity helped. I used these 2 commands01:01
reisiohttp://lordikc.free.fr/wordpress/?p=689 nom nom01:01
numbertoadamk: dconf reset -f /org/compiz/     and    setsid unity01:01
numbertoadamk: everything works now01:01
bray90820if there is any possible way to get IE 11 installed in wine then we can have netflix on ubuntu01:01
ehhhlike the songs usually line up from, i.e. 1-10, now it's like 12,13,14,1,2,3,5,6,4,701:02
numbertothanks guys for all your support. I really appreciate.01:02
adamknumberto: Woohoo :-)01:02
adamknumberto: Now, if you want to get the nvidia GPU working, look into bumblbee.01:02
adamknumberto: If you're happy with just using the intel GPU, then stick with that :-)01:02
numbertoadamk: unity --replace is a deprecated function :)01:02
numbertoadamk: wait, I don't use nvidia one now?01:03
adamknumberto: Yeah, I saw that when I tried :-)01:03
adamknumberto: No, you are using the intel GPU.01:03
usr13bray90820: Have you tried yet?01:03
numbertoadamk: I have bubmblebee though, shouldn't both work now?01:03
adamknumberto: You tell me :-)  You said that when you installed the nvidia driver, it didn't work properly...01:03
adamknumberto: You can't use *just* the nvidia driver on an optimus laptop.  You have to have Xorg configured to use the intel GPU (as that's hardwired to the display), and then use bumblebee to load the nvidia GL driver when running 3D applications.01:04
numbertoadamk: how can i test to see nvidia is working.01:05
adamknumberto: I can tell you right now it's not...01:05
ehhhanyway i'm completely in love with xfce / xubuntu, it's running so smoothly i didn't think i could blast this life into a 7 year old computer01:05
numbertoadamk: is there a way to make it work?01:05
usr13numberto: Did you install from Ubuntu repo or did you download from nvidia.com?01:06
adamknumberto: I've never setup bumblebee and the nvidia driver.  Clearly, since you removed the nvidia driver, it's not going to work at the moment. What directions did you use to setup bumblebee?01:06
ehhhyou'd think the motherboard would malfunction like everything did in windows when it ran, especially after all the kicks this thing's been through lol01:06
numbertousr13: ubuntu repo01:06
numbertoadamk:  I used the one on ubuntu's official wiki01:07
bray90820usr13: i have not01:07
bray90820i have not tried it yeat01:07
numbertoadamk: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Bumblebee01:07
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!01:08
adamknumberto: OK, well you can try again, but this time make sure that 'nomodset' is *not* passed to the kernel.  That will break the intel driver, which is necessary on optimus.01:08
numbertoadamk: do I have to unistall everything first?01:08
adamknumberto: If it were me, I'd remove the packages it told you install in step 3 and then start from step 3 again, though I don't know if that is strictly necessary.01:10
numbertoI am not pro in irc, but if I want to send message to 2 or more people at the same time, how do I do that?01:13
usr13adamk: If it were me, I'd download from Nvidia and use their install.01:15
usr13adamk: Is he 64bit or 32?01:16
adamkI wouldn't.01:16
usr13Why not?01:16
usr13Because of subsequent kernel upgrades?01:17
adamkBecause I don't ever recommend that for users on Ubuntu unless they really know what they are doing...  numberto isn't an expert.01:17
usr13numberto: Are you 64bit or 32bit?01:17
numbertousr13: 64 bit01:17
numbertoadamk: I missed what you were talking because a restart. What exactly you don't recommend to do?01:18
usr13numberto: adamk There is Version 319.32 Release Date Tue Jun 25, 2013 See: http://www.geforce.com/drivers/results/6303401:18
adamknumberto: I don't recommend installing the nvidia driver directly from nvidia.com.  The one in the bumblebee repo should be designed to properly work with bumblebee.01:18
daftykinseven the Linux one is growing in size rapidly :(01:20
duskyequestion: I used winetricks to install steam, but I can't seem to find where it installed it.01:21
duskyeI checked in .wine but it doesn't show it there01:21
usr13Ok, gotta go for now....01:21
duskyeAnd I know it's installed because I'm using it right now atm01:21
numbertoadamk: looks like optirun works, does it mean that nvidia card is working now?01:21
duskyeSo does anyone know the directory?01:22
adamknumberto: Pastebin the output of 'optirun glxinfo'01:22
numbertoadamk: http://pastebin.com/TRMdmwNq01:23
adamknumberto: Yep, it looks like it's working now.01:24
nightflyHello, are the the init scripts for haproxy just terminally broken on Ubuntu Precise or has anyone actually had them work for them?01:24
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numbertoadamk: thanks for help. I spend literally hours trying to figure it out.01:24
rmobenchainI'm trying to watch some work related videos using Google Chrome on an Ubuntu 13.04 OS but am being told "Java (TM) is required to display some elements on this page."  What does this mean, and how do I fix the issue.  Am a bit lost here01:25
nightflyWell, you probably want icedtea installed01:25
reisiormobenchain: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java#Browser_plugin01:26
rmobenchainreisio:  another tab opened showing, "Please wait  The package you requested will install shortly." but nothing is happening01:28
reisiormobenchain: oh, we don't click on links to install packages :)01:29
reisiormobenchain: try sudo apt-get install icedtea6-plugin01:29
rmobenchainreisiso: I should've known that!!  :D01:29
rmobenchainreisio:: SUCCESS!!  Thank you!!01:33
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duskyeSo did uh, anyone see my question?01:39
reisioduskye: I saw that one01:39
duskyeDo you know where it's installed then?01:40
duskyeBeacuse I've been looking everywhere01:40
reisioduskye: you used winetricks to install steam01:40
reisioduskye: it'd probably be in ~/.wine somewhere01:40
reisioduskye: find ~/.wine -iname '*steam*'01:41
reisioduskye: might also be findable via the dash/board thing01:41
duskyereisio nope it's not in ~/.wine01:43
duskyeI found it in the dash though01:43
duskyeBut the problem still remains as to _where_ it's installed01:43
reisioduskye: what did you run to "install" it?01:43
duskyejust winetricks steam01:43
duskyethat's it01:43
harriswill ubuntu ever be available for the raspberry pi01:43
reisioduskye: okay it probably has its own prefix, then01:43
reisioduskye: ls -a ~/ | grep -i steam01:44
reisioharris: pretty sure Ubuntu already supports ARM01:44
OerHeksharris no, rasp pi is arm6 and ubuntu needs arm7+, join #ubuntu-arm for support01:45
reisiodebian it is :p01:45
duskyereisio nope01:45
reisioraspberry pis are already pretty long in the tooth, though01:45
duskyeit only sees Steam for Linux01:45
reisioduskye: well, find ~/ -iname '*steam*' then01:45
duskyeI did01:46
duskyeit didn't find anything01:46
reisioduskye: oh wait I'm seeing it here01:46
reisioduskye: look in /opt/01:46
reisiowhich actually makes sense01:46
reisiodidn't realize winetricks had gotten so massive01:46
reisio18144 lines01:46
duskyeThere is nothing in /opt/01:47
harrisok bye01:47
duskyeLike I said I've been looking everywhere for where it's installed01:47
reisioduskye: if it's not in ~/ and it's not in /opt/, I doubt it's anywhere at all :)01:48
duskyeBut I'm running it right now in fact01:48
duskyeI can even screenshot the empty folder lol01:48
DreamFrogI have a question about backtrack 5r301:48
reisioduskye: okay, ps aux | grep -i steam01:48
reisioDreamFrog: maybe ask #backtrack01:49
reisioor #linux01:49
k1l!backtrack | DreamFrog01:49
ubottuDreamFrog: There are some Ubuntu derivatives that we cannot provide support for due to repository and software changes. Please consult their websites for more information. Examples: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mint), kali-linux (#kali-linux), CrunchBang (support in #crunchbang), BackTrack (support in #backtrack-linux)01:49
duskyeOk I think we're getting somewhere now01:49
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reisioor k1l could spam you about it, fun01:49
duskyeIt sees :\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steam.exe01:49
duskyeNow I just have to figure out where that is01:49
reisioduskye: can you paste the complete line?01:49
OerHekswhy steam trough wine ?01:50
reisioOerHeks: for the money of course01:51
duskyeOerHecks: To install games that are not on Steam for Linux?01:51
cgtdkreisio: for the money?01:51
reisiothe cash01:51
cgtdkwhat cash?01:51
OerHekshuh trough wine you get more games ? ?01:51
reisiocgtdk: good question01:52
cgtdkOerHeks: Yes, not all games have native versions for Linux01:52
k1lOerHeks: not all agmes are ported to native linux support.01:52
duskyeOnly other thing I could give you to help is that if I try to "Browser Local Files" through steam, Wine Exploler sends me straight too it01:52
reisioduskye: ~/.local/share/wineprefixes/01:53
duskyeAhhhh there it is01:53
duskyeThank you.01:54
reisioI s'pose there are worse places than ~/.local01:54
duskyeBut thanks again, I've been looking for it all day.01:54
reisiofind ~/ would have found it01:55
reisioso you clearly didn't run it :p01:55
duskyeI did01:55
reisiolies :p01:55
reisiomaybe you were root01:55
duskyeI was not01:55
reisiosure sure :p01:55
reisioduskye: doesn't show the command you ran01:59
duskyefind ~/ steam01:59
reisio'find ~/ steam' just finds all files in the paths '~/' and 'steam'02:00
reisio'steam' not existing, it only did the former02:00
reisioyou'd of wanted find ~/ -iname '*steam*'02:00
duskyeI must have forgot to type it02:00
reisiofind -shangrila02:00
phixhey, is there are symlink / script to call what ever the default web browser is on a ubuntu system?02:03
phixcall / execute / run kit02:03
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jonny_Could use a little help troubleshooting NFS on 13.04 Server.  /etc/export is setup as follows:,async,insecure,no_root_squash,no_subtree_check,crossmnt,fsid=0)02:19
jonny_I can connect to the share through OS X 10.7 but only through root... What to do?02:20
evil-workdeinstall OSX02:21
jonny_Hahaha, good one!02:21
evil-workwow, a fanboy with humor02:22
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jonny_really, left the feline nomenclature camp in '08 but some friends not so daring02:24
spopehi, I'm having trouble getting a 10.04 ubuntu box to show the login prompt at bootup, whats worse is the network isn't work, so I can't get in there either. Is there a way to bypass the majority of the boot strap process to get to the login?02:24
somsip!text | spope02:28
ubottuspope: To start your system in text-only mode append 'text' (without the quotes) to the kernel line in the grub menu. You can access the grub menu by pressing Esc (Grub legacy) or Shift (Grub2) during boot. For more info see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions#Text%20Mode02:28
Es0tericwhats the grep command to look at all processes running on the terminal?02:28
somsipspope: though I appreciate that will go through some steps you may not want to go through02:29
jonny_<evil-work> You have any NFS experience? Thinking this might have to do with user permissions02:29
somsipEs0teric: ps aux02:29
Es0terici mean theres a grep command that lets you see the name of a program thats running... i forgot how the command goes02:29
somsipEs0teric: ps aux | grep programname02:29
Es0tericsomsip ah, got it.. thanks man02:29
spopesomsip: thanks. this is a server, not a desktop, so when you say text mode, are you just referring to not booting into X?02:29
somsipspope: yep02:29
spopeso if the login screen isn't even showing up in text mode, to start, whats next?02:30
Es0tericcrap... this makes it very difficult to stop elasticsearch02:30
somsipspope: but 'show the login prompt' is confusing. If it's a server, how are you logging in? SSH? Is SSH daemon not working?02:30
Es0tericsomsip whats the command to stop all programs with the specific name?02:30
spopeIm accessing the console on vmware02:31
somsipEs0teric: killall programname02:31
spopemostly because the network connection is not working either02:31
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Es0tericsomsip it says No matching processes belonging to you were found02:32
somsipspope: so how have you got to console if it won't show the login prompt? Maybe I'm misunderstanding your root problem here02:32
somsipEs0teric: are you using the right name?02:32
Es0tericsomsip yes, i am trying to killall elasticsearch02:32
spopevmware will show you the "console", and by that I mean the default output, like if you had a screen connected to the server. by login prompt, I mean the system starts to boot up, and you see it going thru the bootup process, loading drivers etc, but it never gets to a place where it asks you for your user/pass.02:34
somsipEs0teric: is it running as elasticsearch? Or is it running in a shell? Try /var/run/ to see if there is a pid file for it02:34
spopeyou can always login to the server thru the console as well, but it never gets to that final state02:34
Es0tericsomsip so you mean /var/run/ elasticsearch02:35
somsipspope: so you cannot log in at all. Maybe you need to recover from a backup02:35
spopesomsip: that is a potential solution02:36
somsipEs0teric: there *may* be something like /var/run/elasticsearch.pid that contains a pid you can kill with 'kill pid'. Maybe not though02:36
somsip!rescue | spope02:36
ubottuspope: To rescue a broken system, boot the alternate install CD and select "Rescue a broken system"02:36
somsipsp - no - sorry. Try this http://is.gd/sTXV8002:36
somsipspope: ^^02:36
Es0tericsomsip i think i got the pid02:37
somsipEs0teric: check before you kill it - ps aux | grep pid02:37
spopesomsip: good idea, ill try that02:37
Es0tericsomsip so to kill the pid i just do kill {pid} right?02:37
somsipEs0teric: yes. You can try with more params to really kill it if it refuses to die. man kill02:38
Es0tericsomsip alright02:38
Es0tericsomsip perfect, elasticsearch process was killed... now i need to start it up again02:39
somsipEs0teric: cool02:39
Es0tericsomsip thanks for the help, man i appreciate it02:39
somsipEs0teric: np02:39
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spopesomsip: what will the recovery do exactly? resintall the OS?02:54
somsipspope: I'm not sure to be honest. That page implies you will see this screen, but it's not a reinstall. I think it just gives you filesystem access and not much else.02:55
spopefair enough02:55
somsip*this screen being the install screen02:55
histospope: try booting in single user or recovery mode02:57
spopehisto: how do you do that?02:58
spopethe only thing I was able to find was holding shift when I booted, that displayed several kernels i could use, but no rescue mode02:58
histospope: should be at the bottom of the kernel list03:01
juxtaI'm thinking of seting up a crypto volume using cryptsetup - is there a way I can benchmark various crypto algorithms on my hardware?03:02
histospope: or press e to edit one of your kernel lines and append single to the end of the line03:02
spopea space before single? XXX single?03:03
=== FreakingFood is now known as FreakingTea
_helios_Ari-Yang: Hey it was you that helped me earlier problem solved, thanks allot dude03:09
_helios_Ari-Yang: It's working fast again like it did before the upgrade also.03:09
Ari-Yang@ _helios_ I did? what did I help you with again? lol XD;03:09
Ari-Yangand that's good to here everything worked out, you're welcome :303:09
_helios_Ari-Yang: the graphics driver03:10
Ari-Yangyou chose the proprietary one right?03:10
_helios_Ari-Yang: I have it set to a propietary and everything is working fast again lol03:10
_helios_no more crashing03:10
Ari-YangI remember03:10
=== pi2 is now known as _ACE_
_ACE_usr: showing a friend werchat from an android to raspberry pi :)03:15
Ari-Yang_ACE_, usr13, just so you know, if you want to talk about off topic stuff you can check out #ubuntu-offtopic03:17
usr13Ari-Yang: Tnx03:17
Ari-Yangyou're welcome :)03:17
_ACE_Ari-Yang: just making a statement not a discussion03:18
somsip!tmi | _ACE_03:18
ubottu_ACE_: Um thanks... We *really* did not need to know that...03:18
spopesomsip: your suggestions worked03:27
spopei was able to get in and fix the issues03:27
spopethank you03:27
spopevery much03:27
somsipspope: np. Glad you got it sorted03:27
spopeme too!03:27
cstewartGood Evening Ladies and Gents03:29
* semitones hides submarine03:41
aringanI just upgraded my ubuntu from 8.04 to 10.04, and its network is not working03:44
aringanit's on another Vm machine03:44
aringanwhat should I check03:44
aringananyone here for help !?03:46
tonesthis channel doesnt support 10.0403:46
nightflyHello, are the the init scripts for haproxy just terminally broken on Ubuntu Precise or has anyone actually had them work for them?03:48
aringanthen which channel does ?03:49
nightflyaringan: You can ask in maybe ##linux03:50
nightflyUbuntu 10.04 is not longer officially supported though03:50
wilee-nileearingan, Upgrade it to 12.04 LTS, it has 5 years support.03:52
Ari-Yangwilee-nilee, techncially 4 years now iirc03:53
tonesfor upgrading from 10.04 to 12.04, is it better to clean install or does it matter?03:54
kostkonaringan, server or desktop?03:54
wilee-nileetones, I always fresh install.03:54
wilee-nileetheoretically 10.04 is fine.03:55
wilee-nilee10.04 to 12.04*03:55
rlabIm trying to pxe boot ubuntu 13.04 32bit and it seems to kernel panic because it cant assign all 00's to the onboard nic's mac, is there a way to manualy set a nic in the boot options ?, the nic works fine03:55
rlabThe 00 mac is aparantly a issue with 3com devices03:56
toneswill 12.04 look/act just like 10.04 with gnome?03:56
k1l!notunity | tones03:56
ubottutones: Ubuntu 11.10 and higher use the !Unity desktop environment by default.  To use GNOME Shell instead, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool".  For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place entries in the Sessions dropdown.03:56
Carlinhosqt applications use my local language instead of the default system language, which is english. this is a fresh install. how can i solve this?03:57
nightflyThat sounds correct03:57
rlabgod dam ubuntu installer03:57
Carlinhosnightfly: were you replying to me?03:58
nightflyYeah, by local language I assume you mean a language you selected at the user level03:58
semitoneswhen I ssh03:59
semitonesand it is all like03:59
semitones"verify that this is the computer that you want to connect to with this key"04:00
Carlinhosby local language i mean my country's language. i set english as the default language and everything looks good except for qt apps like smplayer and clementine. is there a way to change this? never happened on previous versions.04:00
semitoneshow do you use that key to verify?04:00
=== rlab is now known as ReadingHackspace
ReadingHackspaceAnyone know a workaround for this?, http://imgur.com/FoysvUf04:01
Carlinhosthis seems to be exactly my issue: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2140957 no solution though.04:01
parallelshello all04:02
mpmcGood morning parallels.04:05
iwiihow to list my ppa sources in cli command ?04:13
iwiiI want ppa-purge them04:13
kaushalAre there skype application available for 13.04 desktop?04:13
iwiikaushal: use wine ?04:14
xanguakaushal: you can install skype in the software center04:16
duskyeor you could follow this as well https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Skype04:16
ReadingHackspaceskype on linux is horid..04:17
ReadingHackspaceatleast the linux version is04:17
duskyevery much so04:17
Guest5571i installed spotify on ubuntu studio today04:18
Guest5571works fantastically04:18
duskyeThough I think the Windows 8 Skype is a big contender for being almost as horrid04:18
kostkon_ReadingHackspace: same features as win version just with a different gui04:18
ReadingHackspaceand the constant call dropping04:19
kostkon_ReadingHackspace: never experiencd that04:19
ReadingHackspacelucky =/04:19
duskyeneither have i04:19
ReadingHackspaceanyway, back to fighting the nic that thinks its mac addr is all 0's04:20
semitoneswhat is the equivalent to "aptitude search" in apt-get?04:29
kaushalxangua: Thanks it is working fine04:29
kaushalAny one have using pidgin?04:29
rigvedsemitones: apt-cache search04:29
kaushalI have unity-plugin-search04:29
semitonesrigved, thanks -- i thought it might only search installed programs that way04:30
rigvedsemitones: welcome. it searches all the packages (installed or otherwise), which are available based on your apt sources.list04:31
dsnydersHi all.  How do I get thunderbird to periodically send an email to my work account  telling me how many emails it has received?04:33
holsteindsnyders: that would be challenging.. how about just a mail checker app?04:33
dsnydersholstein, my work computer is pretty locked down.  I don't think I could make a business case for installing a mail checker app.04:35
holsteindsnyders: i could.. it would go like this "i need to check my mail for business"04:36
circlei need to return some video tapes04:36
holsteindsnyders: anyways.. you want to get a notification when you get email? you dont really need thunderbird to send you a mail, correct? you just want a notification?04:37
wilee-nileedsnyders, If you have a phone with android you can have it show the email.04:46
savagecrochey i'm using ufw, but i would like to add a rule that forwards one port to another port04:49
savagecroccan i manually add an iptables config to a file somewhere04:49
dsnydersholstein: yeah.  At a particular time, say 16:30, it emails me to say "You have received no messages" or "You have 5 new messages"04:52
holsteindsnyders: do you have a smartphone?04:54
dsnydersholstein, Yeah...?04:55
holsteindsnyders: thats what i would do.. a mail checker on the phone.. or just check my email on the phone04:56
holsteindsnyders: if you want a machine to check your email and email you, you'll need more than thnunderbird.. you'll need to script something on a machine that is always running, that will have the ability to email you, at your office04:57
wilee-nileeI actually get notified of free yahoo pop on my smart phone I added the android to the server call on my ubuntu thunderbird.04:57
wilee-nileeI get the pop in ubuntu is what I meant04:57
holsteindsnyders: that would be generated from wherever that machine is running.. which could be your home IP.. that could be blocked by your work easily04:58
jony_easyriderwhy cron isn't executing it's commands?05:03
savagecrocjony_easyrider: how did you update cron?05:08
savagecrocdid you use crontab -e?05:09
dsnydersholstein: Thanks for your help.  Goodnight.05:09
jony_easyridersavagecroc, with sudo crontab -e05:09
somsipjony_easyrider: and what does the cronjob look like that is failing. Can you paste?05:10
savagecrocjony_easyrider: what's the log file say?05:10
somsip!paste | jony_easyrider05:10
ubottujony_easyrider: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.05:10
babinI have installed Ubuntu server 12.04 and now i need to setup apt- chache-ng server how can i do it , help me for step by step procedures05:10
wheatthinumm I don't think this is a howto place05:12
wheatthinbabin, You can tho look on help.ubuntu.com.. it has step by step05:14
HyperiantUbuntu won't mount my SATA drive and grub doesn't see my Windows 7 install on it05:14
wilee-nileeHyperiant, Were you on the channel earlier?05:14
wheatthinHyperiant,  have you tried to see what fdisk has?05:14
Hyperiantwilee-nilee: Yes, I just finished the chkdsk and ran your commands (invalid operation on both iterations of the command)05:15
Hyperiantwheatthin: fdisk?05:15
wheatthinHyperiant, to see if it can see it or not.05:15
wheatthinfdisk -l05:15
wilee-nileeHyperiant, You ran the sudo grub-install /dev/sda from  the ubuntu install, I had reversed the command?05:16
ReadingHackspaceScrew 3com for not writing mac's to these interfaces -.-05:16
jony_easyridersomsip, paste.ubuntu.com/5803715/05:16
jony_easyridersavagecroc, how can I see the log file?05:16
wheatthinjony_easyrider, using cat usually helps05:17
Hyperiantwilee-nilee: I was instructed to run "sudo apt-get grub-install /dev/sda"05:17
savagecrocjony_easyrider: google, find out what cron outputs too, then use cat05:17
somsipjony_easyrider: when do you expect this to run?05:17
wilee-nileeHyperiant, I did not have a apt-get.05:17
wheatthinlol Hyperiant yeah no, that's not right.. maybe you wrote it down wrong?05:18
Hyperiantwilee-nilee: The commands as copy-pasted from your messages: "sudo apt-get grub-install /dev/sda" and "sudo update-grub"05:18
HyperiantI didn't write them down, I copy-pasted them into leafpad05:18
wheatthinwell now instead of arguing, do it right05:18
HyperiantI ain't arguing, and it's already in progress ><05:19
Hyperiantnevertheless, my install still isn't detected05:19
wheatthinHyperiant, did you check to see if your drive was still plugged in?05:19
wheatthinand has power to it?05:19
jony_easyridersomsip, I tried to change it's day attribute, even I put * to all data but it won't execute either05:19
Hyperiantwheatthin: I can boot to the drive if I point to it through the BIOS, and gparted sees it05:20
wilee-nileeHyperiant, could be but I was corrected with the backward install-grub but not a apt-get I would have been, but anyway it is sudo grub-install /dev/sda  however you can't mount the sdb1 at this point that is05:20
jony_easyridersavagecroc, if I execute those commands manually, it works05:20
somsipjony_easyrider: you must post what you are testing with. This cronjob triggers on 19th June just after 4am. Set it to every minute (all *) or every 10 mins (10 * * * *) and test it. Watch /var/log/syslog for errors05:21
wheatthinHyperiant, if gparted sees it, then you need to update grub05:22
wilee-nileeHyperiant, I would run a smartdisk check on the HD from windows since you can boot it. It might have a problem or a broken partition table or something is amiss.05:22
Hyperiantwilee-nilee: smartdisk?05:22
jony_easyridersomsip, I put * to all of the attributes, but it won't execute it either05:22
Hyperiantwheatthin: How do you go about updating grub?  I've run sudo update-grub multiple times to no effect05:22
gilbert_hi, quick question (ubuntu 12.04 x64), i downloaded vuze from their website and I got it running and all but since I didn't install it through the software center i cant launch it from unity, can anyone direct me to a tutorial or something?05:23
somsipjony_easyrider: paste /var/log/syslog to show the errors. Repost the cronjob showing the edit you made05:23
wilee-nileeHyperbyte, Here is a wiki on smart, I have not run one in windows so I'm not sure of what's available, but it is a good tool for finding problems. You might try the ##Windows channel to check that HD, it seems to be a windows problem in spite of it booting ubuntu does not mount and did not show any info in that script.05:25
wilee-nileewindows or the HD that is.05:26
whyrusleepingfor some reason, 'chsh' says 'you may not change the shell for 'me''05:26
jony_easyridersomsip, can I watch the error log in realtime?05:26
wilee-nileeHyperiant, Sorry your nick tabs to the other above I did not see that.05:26
Hyperiantwilee-nilee: I'm confused, what is it that I'm supposed to run?05:27
somsipjony_easyrider: tail -n 100 -f /var/log/syslog05:27
wheatthinjony_easyrider, yes, type   watch /var/log/logname05:27
wheatthinor whatever it is05:27
whyrusleepinganyone have any ideas?05:28
wilee-nileeHyperiant, There are tools to check the HD for errors and broken areas the wiki gives you a bit of information, I would ask in ##windows for these tools to check from windows since you can boot it.05:28
Hyperiantwilee-nilee: wouldn't it make more sense that it's an Ubuntu problem?  An HDD is an HDD, gparted sees it; it's not as if it's formatted weird, and chkdsk /f /r completed with no faults05:29
Hyperiantit's only ubuntu that refuses to mount it, no?05:29
wheatthinHyperiant, you have to make ubuntu mount it in fstab05:30
wilee-nileeHyperiant, Not to me, but I'm a long term user of both, it wont even mount something is up with that HD or windows.05:30
Hyperiantwhat's fstab05:30
ubottuThe /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Fstab and http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions05:30
wheatthinman fstab and it'll tell you all aobut it05:31
Hyperiantmakes enough sense.  so what do I do with it to make it work?05:31
wheatthinlook at the link05:31
wilee-nileeHyperiant, I would go to the ##windows channel and ask about smartdisk checks or other checks besides the chkdsk, or look on the web for smartdisk tools you can run from windows.05:32
wheatthinwilee-nilee, it has no problem booting from that disk05:33
Hyperiantwilee-nilee: why does it return to a fault with the HDD?05:33
Hyperianta comprehensive 10-hour chkdsk backed up by a consistently bootable and stable operating system present on the drive would seem to hint that the HDD isn't broken05:34
Hyperiantit's just that ubuntu isn't happy somehow05:34
wheatthinHyperiant, just read up on the fstab try to make your mount point, get your blkid and follow the instructions05:35
wilee-nileeHyperbyte, You can't even mount it, if it was in good shape it would a least mount in ubuntu, it should show in home in the left panel and a click should open it.05:35
Hyperiantwheatthin: as far as I've read, I'm supposed to "mount /dev/sdb1"?05:35
mumpitze1Hyperiant: sudo fdisk -l05:35
wheatthinHyperiant, you need to read some more05:36
wilee-nileeHyperiant, You have to knock out variables not guess.05:36
wilee-nileethat command is a good idea05:36
wheatthinhe said gparted can see the disk05:36
wheatthinthat means fdisk can too05:36
mumpitze1wheatthin: I didn't ask about any disk...05:36
wilee-nileeHyperiant, If the ubuntu is the problem a live cd would mount the HD.05:37
Hyperiantmumpitzel: I ran the command, but I don't know what I'm supposed to do about it05:37
mumpitze1!paste | Hyperiant05:37
ubottuHyperiant: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.05:37
wheatthinmumpitze1, I didn't say you did.. did I?05:37
Hyperiantmumpitzel: http://paste.ubuntu.com/5803742/05:38
mumpitze1Hyperiant: so you want to access your 2000GB windows partition under ubuntu?05:38
whyrusleepingcan anyone help me with chsh?05:39
wheatthinmkdir /media/<username>/<mountpoint>05:39
ehhhdo macro buttons work in ubuntu or do you need specific software?05:39
wheatthinmount -t ntfs /dev/sdb1 /media/<username>/<mountpoint>05:39
mumpitze1whyrusleeping: ask your real question05:39
Hyperiantmumpitzel: I want to be able to boot with it through grub so I don't have to access the boot menu every time; being able to explore the drive and use it would be nice too though05:40
BoomerBileehhh, what DE?05:40
somsipwhyrusleeping: explain more about what you are trying to do.05:40
ehhhboomerBile: xfce, xubuntu05:41
BoomerBilenot sure if xfce has macros05:41
mumpitze1Hyperiant: are you using (U)EFI for booting or normal BIOS?05:41
whyrusleepingwhen i type chsh, it says you may not change the shell05:41
BoomerBilekde does05:41
somsipehhh: fire up xev and see if they are picked up when you press them?05:41
Hyperiantwheatthin: "The disk contains an unclean file system (0, 0); The file system wasn't safely closed on WIndows."05:41
whyrusleepingwhat am i doing wrong?05:42
somsipwhyrusleeping: what shell are you in when you type chsh? Is chsh listed in /etc/shells? Is it installed?05:42
Hyperiantmumpitzel: I have no idea, I just mash F11 and then select the drive manually05:42
ehhhsomsip: good idea05:42
BoomerBilesomsip, err, that won't help ehhh05:42
wheatthinHyperiant, you need to run chckdisk in windows under windows05:42
whyrusleepingfish shell, and its in /etc/shells05:42
somsipBoomerBile: ehhh thought otherwise. But hey...05:42
Hyperiantwheatthin: I just finished a 6 hour chkdsk /f /r05:42
wheatthinHyperiant, not with using windows you didn't05:42
mumpitze1Hyperiant: then next time shut down windows cleanly05:42
BoomerBilehow is checking if xev can see his keys going to help him program macros?05:43
Hyperiantwheatthin: I did it with Windows05:43
Hyperiantmumpitzel: I used start -> shut down05:43
ehhhsomsip: some of them seem to work05:43
somsipBoomerBile: to see if he needs to install something to recognise the hardware differently first. Like a module or other driver05:43
wheatthinHyperiant, then it sounds to me like your disk is failing.05:43
mumpitze1Hyperiant: what will sudo os-prober;sudo update grub  spit out?05:43
BoomerBilehe's typing05:43
BoomerBilehe's got keys05:43
Hyperiantwheatthin: wouldn't chkdisk reveal some sort of error then?05:43
wheatthinif it's still complaining about not being cleanly unmounted, and won't mount even afterwards, then some times no.05:44
somsipBoomerBile: how about we let ehhh direct his own query? If you can help him out, great. If I can, great. It's not a contest05:44
mumpitze1Hyperiant: and chkdsk is NOT a test if the hardware is working at all. if you needed 6 hours for a chkdsk run, the disk is probably broken. run a long SMART test with smartctl on the drive. check current values with smartctl -a first and note them down05:44
BoomerBilei'll let you ubuntu dweebs deal it out, back to gentoo05:44
wheatthinno need for you in here anywho05:45
Hyperiantmumpitzel: it found linux images and memtest images, wouldn't let me pastebin because it was empty05:45
somsipehhh: but not all? What hardware is this then?05:46
ehhhsomsip: just some old keyboard not even usb, i'm planning ahead and i found a page right now that goes through the process of assigning commands to keys05:47
somsipwhyrusleeping: and is chsh in /etc/shells? Is it installed? Read it *carefully*05:47
somsipehhh: k05:47
mumpitze1somsip: chsh is never in /etc/shells. no point05:47
Hyperiantmumpitzel: chkdsk /f runs a thorough check on the data integrity, including an extremely long (apparently 5 hour long) process which verifies every 'empty' part of a 2TB drive...it doesn't seem out of the question for it to take long :/05:48
somsipmumpitze1: this is what I'm getting at... I don't know if this affect the usage of it though05:48
mumpitze1Hyperiant: no it does not. it checks a filesystem. it does NOT check hardware05:48
wheatthinHyperiant, no, it checks every linux file partiton05:48
Hyperiantmumpitzel: I never mentioned the hardware, I just said it takes a while ><05:48
ehhhlol the answer is apparently staring me right in the face on the keyboard settings rofl05:48
whyrusleepingsomsip: chsh isnt in /etc/shells.. but its never had to be before?05:49
mumpitze1Hyperiant: it does not check empty space. it does not take 6 hours. reading every single sector on that disk will take approx 2 hours. if it takes longer, some sectors are usually not readable which increases time a lot05:49
mumpitze1whyrusleeping: what is the commandline you are typing?05:49
Hyperiantmumpitzel: unreadable sectors would report as errors, yes?  nevertheless, I'll be glad to run more lengthy tests as I'm heading to bed soon, just point me in the right direction05:50
somsipwhyrusleeping: so what are trying to chsh to?05:50
mumpitze1Hyperiant: no they won't in chkdsk05:50
wheatthinHyperiant, we did. You just aren't listening05:50
mumpitze1Hyperiant: I already did point you to SMART tests. under ubuntu you use smartctl05:50
whyrusleepingsomsip: chsh normally asks which shell you want to change if you dont give arguments05:51
Hyperiantmumpitzel: you said to write down the settings using smartctl; I didn't know I was supposed to use that to run the actual test ><05:51
whyrusleepingbut it does the same thing if i do 'chsh -s /usr/local/bin/fish'05:51
mumpitze1Hyperiant: and I also told you to run it with -a first and save that output to see what has changed after you run a long SMART test05:51
Hyperiantmumpitzel: how would I go about running a long SMART test?05:51
mumpitze1-t long05:51
somsipwhyrusleeping: no idea. I thought I could help, but not. Good luck05:51
mumpitze1and run it on the right disk05:51
mumpitze1whyrusleeping: i don't know why you get this error, but what if you run sudo chsh <username> ?05:52
whyrusleepingsomsip: :/ thanks though.05:52
whyrusleepingmumpitze1: same deal05:52
Hyperianthttp://paste.ubuntu.com/5803762/  Am I supposed to add /dev/sdb1 or some other thing I'm not aware of?05:52
somsipwhyrusleeping: one last one - are you essentially trying to chsh fish ?05:53
mumpitze1Hyperiant: you need to give a disk devicename as parameter, sdb1 is a partition05:53
wheatthinyup.. which is what he meant by specifying your disk you want to check05:53
Ponch0Hi, I'm using ubuntu-gnome 13.04... how can I change the look to something like this?? ...... http://www.webupd8.org/search?updated-max=2013-05-08T14:24:00%2B03:00&max-results=10&start=40&by-date=false05:53
somsipwhyrusleeping: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/16184046/unable-to-change-shell-from-bash-to-fish05:53
mumpitze1whyrusleeping: the path to /fish is in your /etc/shells?05:53
whyrusleepingmumpitze1: yes05:53
somsipwhyrusleeping: once I realised chsh was not a shell you were trying to change to, and fish was the shell you wanted to change to, first result on google05:53
ehhhok so figuring out the commands is a bit worse, i wanna try to make it launch the home folder first05:54
Hyperiantmumpitzel: http://paste.ubuntu.com/5803766/  Should I enable SMART?05:54
wheatthinHyperiant, read the last line05:54
Hyperiantwheatthin: Yes, it tells me how to enable it; should I do that?05:55
wheatthinumm yeah05:55
mumpitze1Hyperiant: read the links. they are there for a reason. don't paste stuff mindlessly, read and think before you do05:55
Hyperiantthat's all I was asking :/05:55
mumpitze1Hyperiant: when was this 2TB drive bought?05:55
Hyperiantmumpitzel: not sure, it was cannibalized from an external HDD05:55
ehhhok actually it was really easy05:55
mumpitze1when was the hdd bought?05:56
whyrusleepingsomsip: that did it!05:56
Hyperiantmumpitzel: probably within a year or two, I'm not sure05:56
whyrusleepingweird though, because on my other machine chsh worked perfectly...05:56
somsipwhyrusleeping: got therein the end :)05:56
mumpitze1well: read the links05:57
Hyperiantmumpitzel: you keep saying that but it's worded in a way that I'm finding difficult to understand; you realize I come in this chat because I don't know what to Google and I'm a newbie Ubuntu user05:57
wheatthinHyperiant, ask google "howto update grub + dualboot + ubuntu"05:58
whyrusleepingsomsip: Danke!!05:58
MonkeyDust!google | wheatthin05:58
ubottuwheatthin: While Google is useful for helpers, many newer users don't have the google-fu yet. Please don't tell people to "google it" when they ask a question.05:58
wheatthinhe said he didn't know how to search it, learn to read05:59
Hyperiantwheatthin: my entire point was that I'm in here because you know more than I what I should be doing; I look here for guidance to a solution, not guidance to lengthy man pages of programs I've never heard of06:00
babinStatic IP configured in Ubuntu server 12.04 and its pinging to soon as soon while i press entire06:00
wheatthinHyperiant, we've tried giving you a solution, and you failed to take it06:00
babinbut cant ping google.com imediatley latency is there more than 10 seconds06:00
babinhow can i fix it06:00
mumpitze1babin: can you ping ?06:00
wheatthinHyperiant, I told you how to mount your ntfs drive.. even explained it06:01
Hyperiantwheatthin: I'm having a problem understanding it; I need to be walked through it.  I've run the commands I've been asked to06:01
babinnot yet check wait let me06:01
Hyperiantwheatthin: mind repeating it?  as I recall, I ran your command but it spat out errors06:01
wheatthinscroll up06:01
wheatthinI've said it as plain as day06:01
mumpitze1Hyperiant: if you want someone to solve your problem for you, then I suggest you hire commercial support. irc is more of a help to help yourself kind of thing06:01
mumpitze1not a "free sysadmin" place06:02
Hyperianthow far up even is it, wheatthin?  it's been drowned in text06:02
mumpitze1Hyperiant: /lastlog wheatthin06:03
babinya its pining file to
Hyperiantmumpitzel: freenode's webchat says unknown command06:03
mumpitze1babin: DNS server problems then06:03
babinoh how can i assign it in Resolv.conf06:03
wheatthin<wheatthin> mkdir /media/<username>/<mountpoint>     <wheatthin> mount -t ntfs /dev/sdb1 /media/<username>/<mountpoint>06:03
babinalreay i have setted nameserver nameserver
somsipwheatthin: (coming in late) it is in fstab is it? No sudo on the mount...06:04
wheatthinthe <> brackets is for you to replace with your username and desired mountpoints06:04
mumpitze1babin: what is your default gateway?06:05
Hyperiantwheatthin: THAT'S the error I missed; that first command you gave me seemed to be aimed at someone else, I only saw the latter and it didn't work06:05
babin192.168.1.1 is gateway06:05
Hyperiantof course now it mounts.  thank you very much.06:05
wheatthinmy bad, you should use sudo when using mount06:05
babinwait let me give u all info06:05
mnemonbabin: try using as nameserver (google public one)06:05
babinohh sure06:05
wheatthin!fstab Hyperiant06:06
mumpitze1babin: the 2nd nameserver doesn't seem to be a nameserver. use (a google nameserver) instead. and maybe don't use your default gateway either or put it at 2nd place06:06
wheatthin!fstab | Hyperiant06:06
ubottuHyperiant: The /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Fstab and http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions06:06
wheatthinread the link, and edit fstab with the required entries06:06
wheatthinyou know the fstype is ntfs06:06
babinsure ill back after checking06:07
Hyperiantwheatthin: now that it mounted, running sudo os-prober discovered the partition and sudo update-grub found the loader; the drive wasn't faulty as you initially suspected06:07
Hyperiantrather, as you initially suspected, the drive wasn't faulty06:07
AndresSMwow xubuntu is so much better than ubuntu/unity crap06:08
AndresSMon my slow lappy06:08
wheatthinHyperiant, I initially didn't suspect anything. I said run chckdisk in windows, I also said try mounting it, but you claimed that chkdsk in linux would fix it, and we argued, no it wouldn't06:08
wheatthinI also said edit your fstab, which this is the 3rd time I've said it at least.. put in your info as the link suggest .. now that it works.. good going, now you've learned something06:09
Hyperiantwheatthin: well, in spite of myself, you've managed to fix my boot06:09
wheatthinyou're welcome06:10
Hyperiantthank you06:10
somsipwheatthin: what a very nice bit of support :-) good one06:11
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babinlonstonwow its fixed sir working  fine06:12
wheatthini still say googling the question first works best :P.. even to get a slight understanding06:13
wheatthinor using man06:13
MonkeyDustwheatthin  what about duckduckgo'ing?06:15
wheatthinlol MonkeyDust never used it06:16
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silv3r_m00nhi there06:26
mikodosilv3r_m00n, hi there yourself. Quiet nite isn't it06:26
silv3r_m00nwhen i add a repository like "deb http://archive.canonical.com/ precise partner"  , when i upgrade ubuntu to next version, will the repository also move up to next distro name automatically ?06:26
silv3r_m00nmikodo: you mean everyone is sleeping ?06:28
wheatthinsilv3r_m00n, after re-enabling it from a full upgrade, followed by sudo apt-get update  and sudo apt-get upgrade06:28
silv3r_m00nwheatthin: yeah those are done usually06:28
wheatthinsilv3r_m00n, but you have to re-enable from software-update.. they'll be there just unchecked06:29
mikodowheatthin, I have never upgraded, but wouldn't the repos be for the earler release06:30
wheatthinmikodo, they'll upgrade if they are needed anymore06:32
mikodowheatthin, ? just chance it to the correct releae in /etc/apt/souces.list06:32
silv3r_m00nwhat happens if a package is provided by 2 repositories, will both be listed in synaptic ?06:32
wheatthinonce you've chosen to upgrade to another release, then your sources will be upgraded. if they are from a completely different repository, then they'll be disabled and not upgraded and could potentially be removed06:33
mikodoI am too tired to even spell, sorry goodnight.06:34
GycklarnHey guys. I'm wondering if anyone here is aware of a program similar to "Flashpaste", which is only available for Windows?06:35
wheatthinthis isn't windows06:35
GycklarnI am quite aware of that.06:35
MonkeyDustGycklarn  and what does it do?06:35
GycklarnYou create a database with blocks of text, from which you can quickly copy to a document06:36
GycklarnI work in tech support and I'm planning on switching to Linux and we have a lot standardized answers. I want to be able to quickly paste those answers into an email.06:37
silv3r_m00nhow to use aptitude or apt-get to list the packages provided by a certain repository ?06:37
MonkeyDustGycklarn  there's Diodon and ClipIt06:37
GycklarnMonkeyDust, Thanks, I'll have a look06:38
kellyHi , which is better ubuntu 12.04 or 13.04 ? I've intel 13.2100 , 10GB ram , 256GB SSD , Intel 3000 HD06:38
MonkeyDustGycklarn  and Klipper06:38
wilee-nileekelly, Your choice really 13.04 newest apps, 12.04 5 years support06:38
somsipGycklarn: there are various clipboard managers but whether they let you import from a bast document to setup the buffers, you'd have to check06:38
MonkeyDustGycklarn  and Parcellite06:38
kellythanx wilee , Is ubuntu 12.04 more stable than 13.04 ?06:39
MonkeyDustkelly  it's supported longer06:39
IdleOneGycklarn: take a look at http://www.webupd8.org/2013/02/copyq-interesting-clipboard-manager.html06:40
wilee-nileekelly, I find both stable, generally some will say a long term support is mopre stable 12.04LTS, but I have not found that necessarily true here.06:40
GycklarnIdleOne, Ty06:40
icerootkelly: yes, 12.04 is more stable because the software in 12.04 is testes for a longer time. the relase is older then a year, 13.04 is just out some month, so there was not that big testing like 12.04 get over the year06:41
icerootkelly: but both are stable versions06:41
kellythanx , can i ask here about elementary os ?06:42
icerootkelly: no06:42
icerootkelly: only ubuntu support06:42
kellyIs Intel 3000 HD good with unity ?06:44
mumpitze1 good enough06:44
icerootkelly: its running fine, i am using that card here with 13.0406:44
icerootkelly: its even fine to play source games on steam06:44
kellyi don't play games at all , i need a good program for video editing ?06:46
icerootkelly: http://askubuntu.com/questions/193194/what-is-the-best-video-editor-on-ubuntu-for-editing-multi-format-multi-eco06:46
kellythank you for the quick response :)06:48
ntzrmtthihu777hallo. I've been getting into manually networking in ubuntu, problem is, I have to leave the terminal open after running dhclient, even if I do it with & at the end. is there a way to really background it?06:48
kellyWhat would be the best partitioning set up for a fresh install of ubuntu 12.04 with SSD ?06:49
icerootkelly: use the one ubuntu will suggest06:49
icerootkelly: there is no "best" partition layout for an ssd (or a normal hdd)06:49
ntzrmtthihu777kelly: no such thing as best, but I personally do a 16gb root, as much swap as i feel needed, and the rest for /home06:49
icerootkelly: its all depending on your needs, if you dont know you needs, use the ubuntu default layout06:50
kellysomeone told me to putting swap, and maybe /var and /tmp on the harddisk. is it good06:50
kellyI've 256GB SSD + 500GB HDD + 250GB HDD06:50
ntzrmtthihu777 /var and /tmp are by default on disc06:51
wheatthinusing ssd, depending on it's speed would usually be for swap, or at least a portion of it06:51
ntzrmtthihu777wheatthin: and /boot :P06:51
wheatthinehh, files on boot aren't used often unless rebooting06:51
wheatthinand they are quite small as it is06:51
ntzrmtthihu777yeah, but hey, boot speed is a good thing :P06:51
wheatthinshould have good boot speed either way right?06:52
ntzrmtthihu777true, this is *buntu we're talking about, not windows :P06:52
wheatthinntzrmtthihu777, most of the files used for booting and loading services aren't located on /boot06:52
wheatthinthe descriptors are06:52
ntzrmtthihu777... perhaps I've misread something, then...06:53
kellyyesterday i tried one of the heaviest disto and the boot time is 8 sec , i think ubuntu will be more faster :)06:53
ntzrmtthihu777kelly: which distro?06:53
kellykde desktop06:53
somsip_wheatthin: other way rount isn't it? I have symlinks in / that point to .img files in /boot ...06:54
ntzrmtthihu777I like xfce myself :P06:54
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wheatthinsomsip, no.. all that's booted is the location of the devices.. services and such load straight from /root06:54
ntzrmtthihu777I used to be a gnome fanboi, but after the switch to unity I decided to try and find a new alternative. xubuntu rubbed me just the right way :P06:55
wheatthinntzrmtthihu777, have you tried gnome-shell? aka gnome 3?06:55
somsip_wheatthin: I understand that services load through whatever stands in for inittab nowadays, but perhaps assumed you meant kernel files don't live in /boot, which doesn't seem to be what you're saying. Fair enough06:55
ntzrmtthihu777wheatthin: yeah, and I did not care too much for it at first glance :P. I've tried gnome-shell and gnome-panel in precise06:56
kellyI've another computer on the network with windows 7 installed on it , How can i sharing files between both of them ?06:56
ntzrmtthihu777kelly: samba, likley06:56
wheatthinntzrmtthihu777, oh it's great.. not so much overhead from compiz and quite fast06:56
kellyis there a good guide , i never use samba06:57
ntzrmtthihu777wheatthin: eh, I don't use compiz for anything :P06:57
wheatthin!samba | kelly06:57
ubottukelly: Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and https://help.ubuntu.com/12.04/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.06:57
ntzrmtthihu777kelly: hmm. its not too hard, just gotta get it set up right :P06:57
kellyhard for me not like you :)06:58
wheatthinntzrmtthihu777, it just takes a bit of getting used to :)06:58
kellythanx ubottu06:58
ntzrmtthihu777wheatthin: no amount of getting used to will help a crappy machine XD06:58
wheatthinntzrmtthihu777, that's true06:58
kellyis there a gui to deal with it ? because i hate commands x-x06:59
ntzrmtthihu777kelly: this isn't so much commands as setting up config files proper06:59
wheatthinkelly, gotta learn somewhere bro ;).. plus you can mount partitions or share files using nautilus06:59
ntzrmtthihu777wheatthin: heh, I have my samba shares automounted at boot with /etc/fstab :P07:00
kalakacommands are awesome, cmon07:00
codeshahhey guys, using mail from commmand line emails are sent from root@localhost07:00
codeshahhow do I change that?07:00
ntzrmtthihu777~/Music ~/Video ~/Documents ~/Pictures07:00
ntzrmtthihu777codeshah: hmm, are you running the command as a root user?07:00
wheatthinntzrmtthihu777, it'll help isolate what he/she wants mounted, but is a quick way to mount them eitherway07:01
codeshahits just a notifier to us daily with errors from an erro rlog07:01
kellyi found this one http://www.liberiangeek.net/2012/10/share-files-between-windows-7-and-ubuntu-12-10-quantal-quetzal/07:01
wheatthincodeshah, use a different user to launch mail from07:01
ntzrmtthihu777codeshah: idk, if there is no human interaction I can't help you there :P07:01
ntzrmtthihu777kelly: heh, its all pretty much the same :P07:02
ntzrmtthihu777kelly: would you like to see my smb.conf as an example?07:03
kellyyes plz07:04
wheatthinntzrmtthihu777, still with the gui should create permanent shares through nautilus :)07:04
wheatthineasily and painlessly07:04
MonkeyDustkelly  there's this program Gigolo, try that, first, for samba (windows share)07:04
ntzrmtthihu777kelly: wait, from windows to ubuntu or ubuntu to windows?07:05
kellyi need from ubuntu to windows07:06
ntzrmtthihu777personally I do ubuntu/ubuntu, I have a crap tower I use as a fileserver and a host for my local mirrors of websites :P07:06
MonkeyDust!info gigolo07:06
ubottugigolo (source: gigolo): frontend to manage connections to remote filesystems using GIO/GVfs. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.4.1+dfsg-1 (raring), package size 143 kB, installed size 753 kB07:06
ntzrmtthihu777MonkeyDust: heh, gigolo comes with xubuntu, but I never touched it XD07:06
ntzrmtthihu777I may just uninstall it XD07:06
kellythanx MonkeyDust07:06
wheatthinwhy not just use something that's already installed?07:07
wheatthingives up07:07
wheatthinand it uses gvfs :)07:08
ntzrmtthihu777wheatthin: I think gigolo is more about accessing existing shares, rather than setting them up. plus I like doing things "the hard way" XD07:08
wheatthinntzrmtthihu777, using nautilus will allow both :)07:08
kellyntzrmtthihu777: also if u can show me the way from windows to ubuntu , I would be grateful to you07:08
ntzrmtthihu777wheatthin: xubuntu uses thunar, not nautilus :P07:08
MonkeyDustkelly  start here https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SwitchingToUbuntu/FromWindows07:09
wheatthinntzrmtthihu777, thunar should also have the capability, but I haven't used it in a while to truly say07:09
ntzrmtthihu777kelly: lets see, I think once you set up your samba on the ubuntu machine, you will need to go to network places or sommat on the windows machine :P07:09
wheatthinntzrmtthihu777, he can use map network drive incase it doesn't show up right away07:09
ntzrmtthihu777wheatthin: yeah, but I find that when you do it yourself the nitty gritty way you get the exact results you want, whereas gui stuff can get funky at times :P07:10
ntzrmtthihu777dontcha nah me, lol. trying to use network manager to share internet to my samba server over ethernet was kicking my tuchus, fired up good ol' tilda and got to typing, works fine now :P07:12
kellyI really appreciate the  help , Thank you all07:13
wheatthinyou're welcome07:13
ntzrmtthihu777well, I'ma call it a nite, later all :P07:14
vlad24bitlater bro07:14
foofoobarHi. I push a lot via git remote over ssh (key auth). Now every time I try to push, I have to pass my passphrase07:17
foofoobarIs it possible to "remember" this passphrase until I log out?07:17
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kalakaI have a question better suited for the #ubuntu-app-devel channel, but nobody's answering me there :(07:18
ubottuInformation about the Ubuntu Touch platform for Phone and Tablet is available here https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch support and discussion in #ubuntu-touch07:18
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wilee-nileekalaka, For what it's worth the IRC is busiest daytime US.07:19
wheatthinonly the die hards are up late :P07:20
vlad24bitparty ardy07:20
kalakawell, I just thought I might try here see if I get lucky, wilee-nilee07:20
wilee-nileekalaka, This is ubuntu support you can try. ;)07:20
kalakaI'm trying to build a .deb package from a source that compiles with qt407:20
kalakaso... I guess nobody has any ideas? :)07:23
vlad24bitwe'd have to know the problem first07:23
wheatthinby using dpkg-buildpackage07:23
kalakawell the problem is, because it builds using qt4, there's no Makefile and I haven't figured out a way to know the dependencies07:24
kalakadpkg-depcheck -d ./configure obviously doesn't work (there's no configure)07:34
kellyguys How to create a bootable USB stick in windows ?07:34
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nitz88@kelly install universal usb installer07:34
kellythis one http://www.pendrivelinux.com/universal-usb-installer-easy-as-1-2-3/07:34
nitz88@kelly yes07:34
kellythanx nitz8807:34
nitz88@kelly welcome07:34
wheatthinno clue then07:34
wheatthinI see cmake suggestions07:34
cristian_cI've got an asus wl-330ge device07:34
cristian_cHow can I disable wan in repeater mode with ubuntu?07:34
cristian_cAny ideas?07:34
wheatthinholy lag batman07:34
cristian_cAny ideas?07:35
cristian_cI repeat my question because there has been a netsplit07:36
cristian_cI've got an asus wl-330ge device07:36
cristian_cHow can I disable wan in repeater mode with ubuntu?07:36
cristian_cAny ideas?07:36
wheatthincristian_c, so is this a wifi device that's in repeater mode?07:37
wheatthincristian_c, so is this a wifi device that's in repeater mode?07:38
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cristian_cwheatthin, it's a gateway/ap/adapter/repeater/hotspot device07:39
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cristian_cwheatthin, many functions07:39
vlad24bitgnome record is broken in raring what should i use07:39
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wheatthinvlad24bit, what is gnome-record?07:40
vlad24bita sound recorder07:40
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vlad24bitgnome sound recorder07:41
cristian_cwheatthin, any ideas?07:41
vlad24bittried it also broke07:41
vlad24bitany other ideas07:41
wheatthinvlad24bit, what's broken about it?07:42
Javennhi experts, may I know is ubuntu server have L2TP client plugin?07:42
wheatthincristian_c, have you tried disabling it?07:42
cristian_cwheatthin, I don't know how to do07:42
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wheatthinvlad24bit, qarecord works fine07:42
vlad24biti can't get the capture button to click on it just errors07:43
somsip_cristian_c: this is ubuntu support not ASUS support. Maybe the manula for the repeater will have something in it http://www.asus.com/Networking/WL330gE/07:45
richat!info gyachi07:45
ubottuPackage gyachi does not exist in raring07:45
cristian_csomsip_, but I'd like to do this generally on these type of devices07:45
somsip_cristian_c: still nothing to do with ubuntu.07:46
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cristian_csomsip_, I don't understand07:46
somsip_cristian_c: ok07:47
ehhhwhat does ssl encryption do?07:49
cristian_cwheatthin, any ideas?07:49
wheatthincristian_c, which release are you using?07:49
cristian_cwheatthin, 12.0407:50
somsip_ehhh: maybe this will help http://www.digicert.com/ssl.htm07:50
wheatthingo up to the top to network settings, and click on disable07:50
somsip_ehhh: http://is.gd/eoZMtx07:50
wheatthinon that networking device07:50
cristian_cwheattin, I'm trying to find a method to do this on this distro07:50
cristian_cwheattin, ok, but exactly what option have I to set?07:51
DuPecristian_c: it has nothing to do with your distro, it's a router device. you log into the router device and change settings. you can do it with a pc/mac/android/anything with webbrwoser07:51
DuPeso.... yeah.07:51
wheatthinDuPe, ahh I thought it was just a networking card or something of the like07:51
somsip_wheatthin: nah - pocket wifi hotspot thingy07:52
DuPenah i recognize the model, it's a wifi thingiemabob07:52
DuPei used one, once07:52
cristian_cDuPe, I've read the manual, but I've not found info how to disable it. Should I ask to asus?07:53
cristian_cI thought I had to set it from OS07:54
ehhhsomsip_: thanks, so basically it encrypts the data sent between users to the websites? does it make you anonymous when you're on an ssl encrypted site or will site data still be transmitted/logged like normal?07:54
somsip_ehhh: I believe only the data is encrypted. Your IP will still be shown in the packets. Those sites will tell you more than i ever can07:54
wheatthincristian_c, you might need to use web browser, login to whatever is the default gateway address using whatever credentials you used to set it up with07:55
DuPecristian_c: a better question is, what mode are you wanting?  it has several modes.  you don't so much disable repeater mode as you enable a different mode07:55
cristian_cDuPe, repeater  mode07:55
DuPeoh you're wanting repeater07:55
cristian_cDuPe, i've to assign the device ip in the router in dhcp mode07:55
ehhhsomsip_: i'll give them a thorough read to reach an understanding07:55
cristian_cDuPe, I always used it with static ip07:56
cristian_cDuPe, I was told to disable wan and to set it in client brdge mode07:57
cristian_cso, I could assign the ip correctly in the router/modem07:57
DuPecristian_c: well you need to log into the device with the new ip. if you dont have the ip, you need to look at your existing router and see if it shows you dhcp leases, or you portscan your home network until you find it. once you find it, you log into the ip.  then there's a section where it searches for your existing wireless networks, finds it, and you enter the password info07:57
cristian_cI can't assign the ip of the device07:57
tokhiAnyone has experience with squid and Dansguardian?  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=215736907:57
devslashi have ubuntu set up to dual boot with os x on a macbook. if i delete os x is there a way to merge that free space with ubuntu without losing data ?07:58
cristian_cwheatthin, I've looked at router web interface either device web interface07:59
wilee-nileedevslash, You don't merge you would expand the partition into that unallocated space07:59
wheatthincristian_c, is there a reset pin hole in the device?07:59
devslasherr yea thats what i mean. ok07:59
devslashwould you expand it using fdisk or another tool ?08:00
cristian_cwheatthin, yeah, it reset to gateway mode08:00
DuPecristian_c: you can use it with a dhcp ip, but either way you need to log into it. you need to know it's ip. if you dont know the ip, nobody can help you.08:00
wilee-nileedevslash, I'm not up of apple but it would be from a live cd using gparted generally08:00
wheatthindevslash, you have to use the livecd to disable journaling first I believe08:01
cristian_cDuPe, it has got a specific ip,
devslashoh ok08:01
cristian_cset by device producer08:01
somsip_!ot | cristian_c08:02
ubottucristian_c: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!08:02
DuPetomorrow is going to be a coffee day.08:03
SuperLagRavior: Checkpoint SSL Network Extender. There was a CLI one that worked, but with reccent versions, this customer only supports the web-based connection./08:09
SuperLagCan you create GPT partition tables from the standard installer?08:10
zatanhej is anyone using ack here ?08:22
jonasrogertI have problem connecting to one of my ubuntu machines both http and ssh when i run ssh in verbose i get this output http://pastebin.com/Bmtrn61z what does this mean?08:23
Lynxxit means time to use windows08:24
jonasrogertLynxx, that isnt a solution i only run linux and i've had this problem with that box a few times now and only resolution is a hard restart08:25
TJ-Any idea where the XCP-XAPI plugins (extauth, etc.) have got to - they seem to be missing from xcp-xapi?08:26
alhojonasrogert: not sure if I can help much with this issue, but i recognize the pem filetype as a key file, are you authetnicating to ssh via password or key?08:26
alhojonasrogert: and you said the problem is intermittent? usually works up to a point and then you must hard reset?08:27
jonasrogertalho, it's a keyfile and it works for upto a few months but sometimes once a week then only solution is hard reset08:28
ehhhTJ-: there's a "nova-xcp-plugins" available on apt-get08:28
ActionParsnipjonasrogert: check the ownership of that file08:28
grahamsavagehi i need to forward port 25 -> 5025 and i'm having trouble getting it to work08:29
jonasrogertActionParsnip, it's 40008:29
grahamsavagewhen i run sudo ufw enable i get ERROR: problem running ufw-init08:29
jonasrogertActionParsnip, or only r on the owner which is me08:29
TJ-ehhh: Yes, that's for the OpenStack <> XCP integration. xcp-xapi is missing its extauth plugin (amongst several) which causes it to fail PAM authentications08:30
jonasrogertthe strange thing is that both ssh and http goes down08:30
jonasrogertbut i can telnet on 2208:30
jonasrogertso the connection is up08:30
jonasrogertbut it seems like the daemon has stopped working08:30
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alhojonasrogert, when you say hard reset, do you mean reboot? does a restart of the daemon fix the problem?08:32
argoneusFor some reason, my ubuntu freezes right after the login screen08:33
argoneusAs in, the login screen opens08:33
argoneusand if I login, it switches to 1024x768 and then freezes08:33
argoneusAnd if I switch to any other tty and back, it freezes immediately08:33
argoneusIs there any place where I could find any relevant logs?08:33
ehhhTJ-: did you try google yet, i found this but i don't know if it will be of use to you https://github.com/Kakadu/xcp-xapi/blob/master/scripts/plugins/extauth-hook08:34
TJ-argoneus: ~/.xsession-errors, /var/log/Xorg.0.log, /var/log/*08:34
jonasrogertalho, i have to push the off button on the machine, i have a headless machine so i cant restart the deamon.08:34
argoneusTJ-: thanks, give me a sec08:34
TJ-ehhh: Yes; I'm working with the package source a.t.m. trying to figure out why/how the plugins aren't being installed to a binary package08:35
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TJ-jonasrogert: Why not run a second instance of the daemon on another port? That way, if your primary connection dies you can get in on the secondary and check logs, etc.,  to discover what is wrong08:36
ehhhTJ-: i'll admit that's too complicated for me to answer atm, haven't tried compiling in years lol08:36
jonasrogertTJ-, that could acctually work, butt i'll have to wait till it happens again, it could take a month... Really enoying issue.08:37
TJ-ehhh: I thought that XCP would be straighforward given Canonical's shouting about cloud - so far I've spent 3 days fixing amateur project Kronos packaging bugs!08:38
alhojonasrogert, sorry man, I wouldn't know, never ran into this. I ran ssh -v on my machine to see how far it gets, looks like your session dies pretty early on, way before any key exchange occurs08:38
TJ-jonasrogert: Well, I'd be looking hard at the logs after its restarted to see if there are any clues08:38
alhojonasrogert, and just sanitfy check, openssh is up to date on your machine?08:39
TJ-jonasrogert: Is the server resource-limited (memory, etc.) ?08:39
linuxmaniaguys can I install cinnamon On ubuntu Studio08:39
ikonialinuxmania: there is an unofficial package for it08:39
roger21is removing a module from /modprobe.d/thatfile.conf will make it load when needed or do i need to add it in another file ?08:40
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ikoniaroger21: no, they are config files, that is not the blacklist08:40
TJ-jonasrogert: If you do run a 2nd instance see the later posts in this forum thread for a good how-to. http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=149737608:40
roger21sory, what?08:40
linuxmaniaAny effects on ubuntu with That unofficial package08:40
ikonialinuxmania: it will do exactly what it says - install cinnemon08:41
linuxmaniaokay thank you08:41
roger21can you list the content of modprobe.d/ and tell me they are not blacklist?08:42
ikoniaroger21: what ?08:42
roger21can you list the content of modprobe.d/ and tell me they are not blacklist?08:42
TJ-roger21: If the hardware device is detected and no /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist* entry stops it, the appropriate kernel module will be loaded. If the device isn't detected (not plug-n-pray) then you might need to add it to /etc/modules08:42
jonasrogertalho, its pretty upto date the machine runs the last LTS.08:42
ikoniaroger21: what you are asking doesn't make sense08:42
roger21ok, that is clearer08:42
roger21so i actually have to try it08:43
roger21let's try it..08:43
jonasrogertTJ-,  if you mean have small amount of resources? i wouldnt say so it's not the biggest machine but it runs with 2 gb ram and dual-core cpu dont know how fast but it's enough for my needs.08:44
TJ-roger21: e.g., on some machines I have to add "acpiphp" for ACPI PCI Hot-plug support to '/etc/modules' to enable hot-plug of devices via the ExpressCard interface08:44
jonasrogertTJ-, i will look at your link, thanks08:44
TJ-jonasrogert: That sounds OK then - I was wondering if it was a VM with, say, less than 400MB RAM.08:44
jonasrogertalho, TJ-, Thanks for the help i guess i have to look a lot closer at the logs08:44
TJ-jonasrogert: Logs first; IRC last :p08:44
alhojonasrogert: good luck!08:45
jonasrogertTJ-, I have read those pretty closly but ill look again :)! i have a VM running fine with 600mb ram never had this issue?08:45
jonasrogertTJ-, is it common with that small amount of memory?08:46
TJ-jonasrogert: I know, it can be down to some apparently trivial config change. I was thinking along the lines of a resource leak that eventually left the sshd process unable to proceed. That would infer hanging connections that never properly closed down though08:46
jonasrogertTJ-, would that also make the httpd server not responding?08:47
TJ-jonasrogert: No it isn't, but what you describe does sound like a 'running out of some resource' issue - I'm also wondering about some of the 'limits' for file/socket handles08:47
TJ-jonasrogert: It would make sense, yes, that more than one service is affected, especially if they need to allocate (substantial) new resources for a connection08:48
jonasrogertTJ-, i will look for those things in the logs. Thanks a bunch!08:48
doug_hey ppl08:50
doug_can anyone see this im trying out irssi termial chat client08:50
TJ-doug_: yes08:50
DJonesdoug_: Yes we can see you08:50
doug_thankx alot guys08:50
ShogootIm trying to get this issue solved. Anyone care to take a look? http://serverfault.com/questions/518947/cloned-centos-6-4-websrver-for-test-purpose-virtual-host-htaccess-redirectin08:51
ikoniaShogoot: please summerise your issue08:52
hacktus0I have problem with crontab : I did crontab -e and I wrote with nano : */1 * * * * DISPLAY=:0 notify-send "hello" "test...OK" . but it don't work !!! do you help me plz ?08:55
hacktus0I have problem with crontab : I did crontab -e and I wrote with nano : */1 * * * * DISPLAY=:0 notify-send "hello" "test...OK" . but it don't work !!! do you help me plz ?08:56
ikoniahacktus0: that's never going to work08:56
hacktus0NO beacose when I do echo */1 * * * * hello>>test.txt it's work08:57
hacktus0NO beacose when I do echo */1 * * * * hello>>test.txt it's work ,ikonia08:57
ikoniahacktus0: you don't have to say everything twice08:58
Shogootikonia, its not a very easy issue to summarise :) better if you read the post if your intrested in trying to help me out.08:58
ikoniahacktus0: and echo'ing a file to a text file is different than setting up an X display enviornment08:58
ikoniaShogoot: is this anything to do with ubuntu as I see you asking in #centos #httpd #ubuntu-server and many other channels08:58
ehhhwhat's the easiest way to update the flash plugin for firefox08:59
ikoniaehhh: flash has been discontinued on linux08:59
hacktus0Ok but how can I do for authorize X.08:59
Shogootyes, but its not many other, but those your pointing out.08:59
ikoniaShogoot: what ?08:59
ikoniaShogoot: is this anything to do with ubuntu ?09:00
ehhhikonia: no wonder it's outdated, why it's marked as outdated though i don't get then09:00
hacktus0Ok but how can I do for authorize X. ikonia09:01
ikoniahacktus0: it's not that simple09:01
hacktus0it 's on terminal ?09:01
ShogootNot diretly, no, but this channels people has more expertise then just ubuntu. I figured ill give it a shot. :)09:01
ikoniaShogoot: please don't ask in here then as reading it, it's nothing to do with ubuntu at all, or even centos which you're running, its an apache question09:02
hacktus0ikonia can you help me with X ? please09:03
ikoniahacktus0: no,09:03
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!09:04
harlequin516Anyone know how I can display xclock from a remote kubuntu on my home kubuntu?  I have tried all the google search recommends, but I cannot figure it out.  I am using ssh -Y would like some more basic steps to debug this.09:08
VillHi, Ubuntu 12.04 LTS, why System Monitor shows in network history that my computer is uploading a lot of data taking all bandwith, and uploaded already 200MB, despite me opening just the Terminal Window?09:08
harlequin516Anybody use remote X clients?09:09
Villoh, That's probably why, remote Desktop09:09
TJ-hacktus0: It works for me with */1 * * * * export DISPLAY=:0 notify-send "hello" "test...OK"      ... testing now without "export"09:10
TJ-hacktus0: Confirmed. You *need* "export DISPLAY=:0"09:11
hacktus0I test for moment : TJ-09:11
ehhhis it possible to timeline backup xubuntu like for example mac does with an external? just wondering09:12
hacktus0it's dont work with and without export09:13
harlequin516Why does DISPLAY= work the same as DISPLAY= for my remote xclock?  Is it not using hte ip number?09:13
harlequin516I am using export09:13
harlequin516For some reason any IP number I use on the same subnet allows my X Server to recieve xclocks display.09:14
TJ-harlequin516: You mean like: ssh -X jeeves WINEPREFIX=/home/all/Library/Downloads/Windows/wine-windows7 winecfg   ?09:14
harlequin516What's going on?09:14
harlequin516NO I am not even using ssh .09:15
harlequin516Just from my local machine.09:15
histoharlequin516: what's wrong with ssh -X ?09:15
hacktus0it's dont work with and without export TJ-09:15
TJ-hacktus0: There is something wrong with your syntax then, are there other entries in the user's crontab that might be causing an error?09:16
harlequin516From my KDE Desktop in a terminal.  I run xclock.  Works fine step 2 export DISPLAY to correct IP number.  works fine step 3 export DISPLAY=badIPnumber  still works fine.  But it SHOULD nNOT.09:16
harlequin516I don' ttunderstand what is happening.09:17
histoharlequin516: what is the full command you are using?09:17
hacktus0TJ- when I do crontab -l then it's write09:18
hacktus0more comment #jvndlfvndqsvmvcsfmdvjvsosidjv09:18
hacktus0more comment #jvndlfvndqsvmvcsfmdvjvsosidjv TJ-09:18
harlequin516export DISPLAY=; xclock;09:18
harlequin516export DISPLAY=; xclock;09:19
hacktus0and after in down of this text i write */1 * * * * export DISPLAY=:0 notify-send "hello" "test...OK"09:19
hacktus0and after in down of this text i write */1 * * * * export DISPLAY=:0 notify-send "hello" "test...OK" TJ-09:19
harlequin516where 110 is not the desktop's correct IP number.  but xclock still displays.09:19
histoharlequin516: are you sure it's getting exported?09:20
harlequin516yep set |grep DISPL shows what I set.09:21
harlequin516Is there some way that xclock is not using my DISPLAY for any reason?09:21
histoharlequin516: echo $DISPLAY09:22
harlequin516Its liek for some reason on all my systems DISPLAY is nto being read by xclock.09:22
harlequin516Echo gave good reply09:23
histoharlequin516: try xclock -display 192.168....:)09:23
histoharlequin516: try xclock -display 192.168....:009:23
histoharlequin516: http://www.faqs.org/docs/Linux-mini/Remote-X-Apps.html#s509:25
ehhhhas anyone tried configuring an apple time machine/capsule to work with ubuntu ? or is it not worth it / the cost is too high compared to better alternatives09:26
harlequin516`xclock -display`  works but shoudl not becuase my IP is not 110. `xclock -display` does not work because it is a different subdomain.  It seems liek no matter what IP I use it works as long as it is in the same subdomain.  Is this normal?09:26
ehhhi'm only thinking get a good image backup that i can revert to incase something goes wrong09:27
histoharlequin516: Ask the Xorg guys09:29
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histo!backup | ehhh09:30
ubottuehhh: There are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi - See also !sbackup and !cloning09:30
savagecrocwhen i enable the firewall i can't access any websites09:32
harlequin516Yeah I shoudl have asked Xorg.  Thanks though.09:32
[diablo]join #ubuntu-devel09:32
savagecroci've got Default: allow(outgoing)09:32
TJ-harlequin516: What happens if you do "xclock -display ${REMOTE_IP}:0 xclock"  ?09:37
harlequin516It still shows up local.09:38
TJ-I'd be checking the hosts and NSS and netfilters configuration; sounds like some weird host/ip translation going on09:40
columbIs there any chat logs of this irc available?09:40
TJ-Try running tcpdump and sniffing the interfaces09:40
DJones!logs | columb09:40
ubottucolumb: Official channel logs can be found at http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ . LoCo channels are now logged there too.09:40
columbhisto,  are you there? Seems like after reboot my intel audio card module is not loaded again.09:44
histocolumb: That's odd09:45
ehhhso basically i can either use cd-roms or what i think i'd prefer, a sturdy usb pendrive? i'm only thinking system backups not media, how much space might i need from a usb?09:45
savagecrocfor a desktop setup would one use ipv6 on a day to day basis?09:45
savagecrocor can you disable it comfortably?09:46
histoehhh: depends on how much data you have to backup09:46
ehhhhisto: this will be a media center pc so i'm only thinking i take a system backup once or once in a while because when i'm done configuring and feel that it's all running stable i won't really need to do much more with it09:47
StaticWINI have a dhcp server on my router handing out ipv4 addresses is there a way to configure ubuntu to not only handle ipv6 dhcp but also give devices internet through my ipv6 tunnel while keeping the existing ipv4 network and dhcp server intact and on the router?09:48
histoehhh: then just create a complete disk image with clonezilla or something.09:48
histoehhh: there are many options09:48
histocolumb: you can sudo modprobe snd_hda_intel09:48
Walex2savagecroc: it is not necessary to use IP6 except in Asia, but it does not hurt either.09:49
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savagecrocWalex2: why do they need to use it in asia?09:49
kingbeastHi Guest3840409:50
StaticWINWalex2, Im a developer working on ipv6 specific software09:50
rohitkavMy system is hanging from few days, I use Ubuntu 12.1009:51
rohitkavkindly help09:51
columbhisto, how do I set fixed sample ratio in alsa? Nothing happens after sudo modprobe snd_hda_intel09:51
StaticWINrohitkav, did you look at your logs?09:52
ehhhhisto: one thing that just crossed my mind, that computer won't boot from usb properly, say i can't get into the os/gui after upgrade or something then i need to revert back to the backup how would i go on about that with a clonezilla disc image? (i'm asking because i just realised i might HAVE to use cds/dvds to backup even though i don't want to)09:52
Fly80i have a script using the command "autoRegex", but i have no such tool on my system09:53
Fly80what should I install to use it?09:53
rohitkavwhich logs StaticWIN09:54
rohitkavcould you help09:54
ikoniaFly80: installing the package containing that command would be a start09:54
ikoniaFly80: or getting a new script to do the same thing without it09:54
Fly80ikonia: i was asking the package09:54
hwang4\msg hwang4 hhaah09:55
Fly80i can't find the package09:55
ikoniaFly80: have you looked ?09:55
ikoniaFly80: where ?09:55
ehhhhisto: i think if i understand correctly with clonezilla you can boot with a livecd, then backup to usb, then boot the livecd again and use the usb from there to recover?09:55
Fly80apt-cache search autoRegex09:55
rohitkavI would be using internet on google chrome and and all of sudden system stops works StaticWIN09:55
Fly80it found nothing09:55
ikoniaFly80: it looks like a windows based tool09:55
TJ-StaticWIN: I'd think you'd use either/or/both of ip6tables/ip-route09:56
Ashaelcan anyone help me with the extremely annoying Broadcom 4313 driver (bcmwl-kernel-common)? my wireless has been dead for a couple of weeks now :/09:56
Izualhey, on startup I want to run 4 commands but not user dependent, how do I do it?09:56
Fly80I found it on stackoverflow09:56
ikoniaFly80: http://www.planet-source-code.com/vb/scripts/ShowCode.asp?txtCodeId=68339&lngWId=109:56
llutzIzual: /etc/rc.local might be a place for them09:57
ikoniaFly80: unless you are looking at a different tool09:57
histoehhh: yes09:57
vegetablesaladHello. I need to audio/video record my desktop, but only selected window or desktop. I need to record online lecture, and be able to work in meanwhile. Any solutions to this. Thank you for any help.09:57
histoehhh: you can create a compressed image of your drive. You could also accomplish this with dd but You really need the partition unmounted or atleast mounted ro while you backup.09:57
Fly80ikonia: look here please09:57
ikoniaFly80: no09:57
histo!screencast | vegetablesalad09:57
ubottuvegetablesalad: Some programs to capture your screen are recordmydesktop, Istanbul, Wink, Xvidcap, pyvnc2swf.  Also see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ScreenCasts.09:57
ikoniaFly80: why do you want to cross-compile boost ? you can just compile it nativly09:58
histo!bcm | Ashael09:58
ubottuAshael: Help with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx09:58
ehhhhisto: as long as i don't have to boot directly from the usb i should be fine, i haven09:58
Fly80ikonia: i have to compile it for windows09:58
Fly80with mingw09:58
ehhh't had any problems with any of the usbs inside of ubuntu yet it accepts everything09:58
Ashaelhisto: thanks, already been through that three times back and forth :(09:58
Fly80on my system09:58
vegetablesaladubottu - i tried recordmydesktop, but it only records active desktop - it wont allow me to work on other stuff while it records, ill take a look at rest of your list, thank you09:59
ubottuvegetablesalad: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)09:59
histoAshael: are you able to use a wired connection to get wireless working?09:59
vegetablesaladoh that really is a bot ?09:59
AshaelI used to... not anymore.09:59
ikoniaFly80: http://www.boost.org/doc/libs/1_53_0/more/getting_started/windows.html#get-boost just download it pre-compiled09:59
Ashaelmostly because i have no idea how i did it.09:59
ehhhhisto: another possibility, i'm thinking of getting a bigger hdd (secondary / third) for my computer to store media on, could i just partition a second partition and store backups there`?10:00
Fly80ikonia: i can compile on linux with windows precompiled?10:00
ikoniaFly80: no, the link I've given you is boost pre-compiled for windows10:01
DylanClHello. Is it possible to stream games on ubuntu 13.04?10:01
ehhhhisto: so i have like for example 50gb or something dedicated to system backups10:01
ikoniaFly80: so you don't need to10:01
ikoniaDylanCl: "stream games" ?10:01
DylanClTo www.twitch.tv10:01
DylanClYou record your gameplay and it sends it to that site where it will be displayed live10:01
ehhhor would it be safer with the usb pendrive method?10:01
DJonesvegetablesalad: A suggestion might be to run Ubuntu in a VM with the app and the recording software running in full screen so that you only record the contents of the VM10:01
ikoniaDylanCl: how does it record ?10:01
DylanClOn windows, people use programs (xsplit, obs), but on ubuntu I heard people use FFMPEG (not sure about that one).10:02
DylanClAnd I've been googling a while now, all the forums say that you need a script10:02
vegetablesaladDjones - doh, how did I not think of this. I have VM with XP on it. Thank you10:02
ikoniaDylanCl: no idea, but from what you are saying, sounds possible10:02
histoehhh: all disks fail so either way as long as you have a backup you are safer10:02
tr33m4nDylanCl: Google is your friend... Found this http://askubuntu.com/questions/54787/record-live-streaming10:02
vegetablesaladit will take a good chunk of my sys thou10:03
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tr33m4nDylanCl: Oops, my bad10:03
DylanCltr33m4n: being played from your browser and saves it to your hard-drive....?10:03
tr33m4nDylanCl: That was for a different kind of streaming10:03
tr33m4nDylanCl: Sorry10:03
DylanClheh no problems10:03
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tr33m4nDylanCl: Here we go http://www.creativetux.com/2012/11/streaming-to-twitchtv-with-linux.html10:04
ehhhhisto: well i'll call myself lucky since i haven't had anything but a knockoff microsd card fail on me before (files dissapeared) and having some problems on a laptop with the hdd and basically everything else about it lol :P10:04
DylanCltr33m4n: I tried that one, but it didn't work for me. :/10:04
DylanCltr33m4n: I guess i'll try one more time, maybe it works on 13.04 (I tried on 12.04)10:05
ehhhso i try to buy as good quality drives as i can even if it costs a bit more . .10:05
Izualllutz, I put it in the rc.local file but it does not work on boot. However it works if I sudo /etc/rc.local10:05
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tr33m4nDylanCl: Tried this one? http://orkultus.wordpress.com/2013/04/16/streaming-to-twitch-tv-in-linux/10:06
ehhhare there btw anyone here with intelligence on hard drives? the main ones i can get are WD and seagate . . i've got both in the computer i'm using linux in and they've both survived 7+ years so i dunno which one to prefer, though i've read people have problems with basically all hdds at some point there's malfunctions though that can't be avoided :P10:06
vubuntor132I'm on Live Session,during Partition progress now(Moving file system - 3hrs left),can I suspend for later resume?10:06
Walex2ehhh: there is also toshiba10:07
ehhhWalex2: i don't think i10:07
DylanClno i have not10:07
DylanClill try now10:07
savagecrocevery time i reboot my screens go into some crappy low resolution and i have to run some command to manually add the resolution back10:07
histoehhh: All hard drives fail10:07
savagecrochow can i stop this from happening10:07
ehhh've  seen any toshiba drives available in my country , are they ssd's or SATA?10:07
Walex2savagecroc: not so easy, you probably need to create an 'xorg.conf' file with some magic in it10:08
BluesKaj_Hiyas all10:08
savagecrocWalex2: it used to work, then i did an apt-get upgrade10:08
tr33m4nDylanCl: Looks like there's a Git repo for some guys maintaining a script as well https://gist.github.com/brodul/317813010:08
ehhhhisto: so the best thing is basically, switch them out when you *feel* they are about to die out or is there some way to diagnose that (apart from obvious performance failure)?10:08
Walex2ehhh: toshiba make very nice SSDs and some SATA drives, but mostly SAS and 2.5"10:08
DylanCltr33m4n: hang on10:08
DylanClI think I found a program to stream10:08
Walex2savagecroc: the way autoconfiguration works changes with release10:09
DylanClit just closes after the starting screen10:09
histoehhh: http://www.pcworld.com/article/129558/article.html10:09
histoehhh: smart mon tools can help you check the status of yrou drives10:09
tr33m4nDylanCl: Was gonna say, looks like it's not under development anymore10:09
Walex2ehhh: a symptom of drives going bad is many reallocated sectors in a short time10:10
DylanCltr33m4n: it is10:10
DylanClsomebody restarted it10:10
TJ-ehhh: use SMART and smartd to monitor impending failure indicators10:10
TJ-ehhh: Use mirrored (RAID-1) drives, have a hot spare ready to go10:11
DylanClah well10:11
DylanClthe maker said it was unstable10:11
DylanCllet me try the script you sent me10:11
tr33m4nDylanCl: k10:11
ehhhok i installed smartmontools from apt-get though i get command not found when i try to run10:14
ehhhdo i need to install a gui?10:14
Vec_Hi, i'm having an issue with printing. OS: Ubuntu 13.04. CUPS ver: 1.6.2-1ubuntu5. Printer: Canon Pixma MP800. What happens: I print a simple textfile from terminal (lp derp.txt), the printer starts printing letters on the paper and it looks like it should, then halfway through the printer stops printing and just sits there with the paper in its mouth. If i disconnect the printer from electricity10:15
Vec_and reconnects it then ejects the paper it was holding. The paper has the full document printed on it - so it seems that the printjob gets done but something makes the printer freeze just right after completion.10:15
histoehhh: I believe it's smartctl is the cli app10:16
histoVec_: have you tried printing a test page with cups?10:18
Vec_histo: will do right now10:19
histoVec_: I'm wondering if it's just an issue with lp10:19
matte_i have some problem with synaptic, it can't find the sources somehow and tells me i need a internet connection, but as ya can see i am online10:20
columbhisto, seems like a found a way to fix my second audio card.  It works. So far.10:20
Vec_histo: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/cups/+bug/1032456 i thought it was this, but it says that the bug was fixed so im not sure10:20
ehhhhisto: searching smartctl gave me gsmartcontrol which is working, amazing how intelligent linux is10:20
histomatte_: pastebin your /etc/apt/sources.list10:20
histocolumb: okay10:20
ehhhbottom line on it both my ata drives passed :)10:20
histocolumb: that's wierd that the module isn't loading and we checked that it wasn't blacklisted....10:20
Vec_histo: The test page printed 100% successfully actually o_O10:21
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1032456 in cups (Ubuntu Precise) "Canon inkjets (and some other printers) print only half of the last page after 20120801 upgrade to v1.5.3-0ubuntu2" [Critical,Fix released]10:21
matte_what's the easiest way to do that?10:22
histoVec_: see if you are experiencing the same usb reset.. You should be able to see it in dmesg. YOu can sudo dmesg -c to clear your log first10:22
histomatte_: sudo apt-get install pastebinit & pastebinit /etc/apt/sources.list10:22
histomatte_: sudo apt-get install pastebinit && pastebinit /etc/apt/sources.list10:22
ehhhdo i just need to monitor the overall health self-assessment test to get a general impression or how it's hanging or should i pay attention to the attributes if they start to change as well?10:22
histomatte_: first one was a typo. The pastebinit application aids in posting multi line texts to pastebin sites.10:23
matte_ok ty10:23
histoehhh: pay attention to failures and values outside of normal ranges10:23
histoehhh: I would just setup a backup and not worry about it.10:23
ehhhhisto: yes i think that's the best solution really10:24
matte_it can't find the sources for the files it needs10:24
Vec_histo: Ok cleared my log. Should i print the text from terminal which caused trouble like last time, then view the logs?10:24
kingbeastDylanCl, VLC can do it, I have no clue how to set it up though10:24
Vec_(please bear with me, started with ubuntu 2 days ago :)10:24
DylanClkingbeast: heh, you can only stream music with vlc10:25
kingbeastDylanCl, you can do your desktop too10:25
DylanCllet me google10:25
tr33m4nDylanCl: You can stream video with vlc10:26
matte_i can login to synaptic just fine but it can't do a su and login to that, isn't both supposed to be root access?10:26
Vec_histo: Weird. I just succesfully printed derp.txt which was the one who stopped halfway through last time.10:26
DylanClIs that the same as streaming a game? :P10:26
ehhhthe secondary atleast looks like it's never had a problem not being mounted properly to the computer much more than the main drive, the numbers looks perfect10:26
tr33m4nDylanCl: You could probably get it to stream your desktop10:26
DylanClNo tutorials about it on google10:26
Vec_histo: Log says "usblp0: removed" "usblp 1-4:1.1: usblp0: USB Bidirectional printer dev 3 if 1 alt 0 proto 2 vid 0x04A9 pid 0x170D10:27
tr33m4nDylanCl: http://grok.lsu.edu/article.aspx?articleid=1462510:27
DylanClAll nice and good, but how can I stream to twitch.tv with it?10:28
StaticWINI have a dhcp server on my router handing out ipv4 addresses is there a way to configure ubuntu to not only handle ipv6 dhcp but also give devices internet through my ipv6 tunnel while keeping the existing ipv4 network and dhcp server intact and on the router?10:28
histoVec_: did you clear the log or is that an old message?10:28
Vec_i cleared the log10:28
Vec_then lp derp.txt, then read log10:28
histomatte_: gedit /etc/apt/sources.list   then copy and paste the info to paste.ubuntu.com10:28
tr33m4nDylanCl: May be a way of telling vlc to output flv to the rtmp address10:29
tr33m4nDylanCl: Did that other script not work?10:29
Vec_histo: This baffles my mind tho. After printing the test page i can now print from terminal with lp without fail.10:29
IzualI am writing some commands in the rc.local script but they don't get executed on startup, any idea?10:29
DylanClI did everything the tutorial said10:29
DylanClbut I don't know how to run it.10:29
DylanClI think I'm supposed to do something with chmod10:29
ActionParsniphisto: why not use pastebinit, saves having to copy and paste :)10:29
histoVec_: that's bizarre... who knows10:29
histoActionParsnip: because his sources are busted and he can't install anything10:30
Vec_histo: well thanks lol. Ill try rebooting everything and see if its still golden10:30
StaticWINchmod +x? maybe10:30
matte_here is the link to it http://paste.ubuntu.com/5804297/10:30
columbhisto, ok. It does not work. I tried to create .asoundrc file in home directory with http://pastebin.com/Pmb732f610:30
tr33m4nDylanCl: Oh, well yeah, you need to give the script permission to execute, chmod +x should do it10:31
DylanClDidn't work10:31
histomatte_: because you are using an End Of Life distro10:31
columbhisto, it's should prevent sound from random speed ups. But it didn't :(10:31
histo!eol | matte_ Follow these directions to upgrade10:31
ubottumatte_ Follow these directions to upgrade: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades10:31
tr33m4nDylanCl: Err, how do you mean?10:31
matte_ok ty10:32
DylanClThere are a few destinations like, HTTP, RTSP but no RTMP10:32
ActionParsniphisto: may already have pastebinit installed :P)10:32
histocolumb: What do you mean by random speed ups?10:32
DylanClWell, I give it permission to run, but doubleclicking the .sh file just opens the text editor10:32
histoActionParsnip: Yeah we tried that already10:32
columbhisto, sometimes sound on my pc starts playing faster that it should. Like twice or so.10:32
histocolumb: I would file a bug with that specific sound driver then.10:33
tr33m4nDylanCl: If you open a terminal where the script is then do "bash script.sh" should work10:33
columbSomebody suggested me to force sample rate.10:33
histocolumb: or ask the alsa guys10:34
DylanCltr33m4n: twitch-stream.sh: line 11: avconv: command not found10:34
columbIrc name?10:34
histocolumb: #alsa10:34
argoneusMy laptop tends to freeze often, and always freezes when switching to a tty and back10:35
tr33m4nDylanCl: you probably need to install ffmpeg "sudo apt-get install ffmpeg"10:35
argoneusWhen using vgaswitcheroo with my hybrid ATI/Intel graphics10:35
argoneusBut without it the discrete card is on, which leads to my battery dying quick and the laptop being hot10:36
argoneusis there a reliable way to -only- use the Intel GPU?10:36
DylanCltr33m4n: ah yeah10:36
histoargoneus: the discrete card should be the Intel10:36
DylanCl[x11grab @ 0x9545b80] Couldn't parse video size. :0.0: Invalid argument10:37
argoneushisto: the discrete is the AMD one.. no?10:37
=== daze is now known as daze`
columbhisto, how do I load my unloaded card again?10:37
=== daze` is now known as daze
ss_hazetranscode -J stabilize -i video.mov where does output is stored?10:39
ss_hazetmp is not answer10:39
DylanCltr33m4n: [x11grab @ 0x9545b80] Couldn't parse video size. :0.0: Invalid argument (not sure if you read it when I sent it before)10:39
tr33m4nDylanCl: Yeah i did, just having a look :P10:40
DylanClcould it be because I have a wrong INRES maybe?10:40
histocolumb: I don't think we did last time. But you could sudo rmmod whatever_module10:41
ss_hazeanybody uses transcode to stabilize videos?10:41
histocolumb: lspci -k   will show you which kernel module is in use for that card.  However, I though we just sudo modprobe snd_hda_intel last time and you switched in gui to the intel card.10:41
histoargoneus: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HybridGraphics10:42
martinfletcher__hey all10:43
tr33m4nDylanCl: Not sure... Just found this script though which was put up literally yesterday so might be more up to date http://pastebin.com/0NNHe6ES10:43
histoargoneus: you are write ... Silly naming they shouldn't call it discrete10:43
martinfletcher__i am in need of a little help setting up a samba file server10:43
tr33m4nDylanCl: VI_RES is video in res etc, VO is vid out10:43
martinfletcher__i need to get the server authenticating samba shares and logins to a 2008 server active directory domain10:44
DylanClWhat is a good res to use?10:44
martinfletcher__any ideas?10:44
tr33m4nDylanCl: Depends on the res of your monitor :P10:44
tr33m4nDylanCl: Yeah, so try using 1366x768 for VI_RES10:45
histo!ad | martinfletcher__10:45
ubottumartinfletcher__: You can learn more about ActiveDirectory intergration at  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ActiveDirectoryWinbindHowto10:45
histomartinfletcher__: https://wiki.samba.org/index.php/Samba_%26_Active_Directory10:45
tr33m4nDylanCl: Leave the rest for now, remember to have the file in your home directory with your twitch key in it10:45
DylanCltr33m4n: http://paste.ubuntu.com/5804327/10:46
martinfletcher__i am setting it up on debian 7, hoping that anyone here might be able to help10:48
tr33m4nDylanCl: Hmm, that damn error... Not sure tbh, will Google10:49
histomartinfletcher__: why don't you ask in #debian10:49
martinfletcher__i have, but there seems to be little help10:49
histomartinfletcher__: well this is ubuntu support. You are offtopic. You can also try in #samba10:49
=== chris is now known as Guest43535
histo!alis | martinfletcher__10:50
ubottumartinfletcher__: alis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" for help and ask any questions about it in #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu* or /msg alis list *http*10:50
tr33m4nDylanCl: Just tried running the script on my system and hit "[x11grab @ 0x16fcf40] Couldn't parse video size. :0.0: Invalid argument" error, but didn't get any of the errors you just pasted10:50
DylanCldamn me and my unknown errors :P10:50
Guest43535is there a log for serial connections? i try to use direct serial connection but get no output on the connecting machine. where to check on the receiving machine if it notices the connection attempt?10:50
compdocmartinfletcher__, setting up active directory is more involved than a 'little help'10:50
ehhhcan a mid-priced graphics card with hdmi output be a viable upgrade to an onboard one with only vga? i read that vga supports higher resolution but that hdmi is a bit sharper (clearer?) because vga converts from digital to analog, then to digital again while hdmi is digital all the way10:50
martinfletcher__compdoc, i have the directory setup, i am just having trouble getting the debian/samba to auth against it10:51
mumpitze1ehhh: yes, very much so.10:51
mumpitze1ehhh: any videocard with DVI or hdmi, DVI preferred, will give you a higher res than when you have vga output only on your PC10:52
mumpitze1ehhh: no need for midpriced. 30$/€ is enough10:52
ehhhmumpitze1: a cheap upgrade then, though it might be worth mentioning that my tv screen isn't full hdmi it's an early plasma i think it supports a bit above 720p10:53
mumpitze1it will then usually only support 1366x768 at most. at that resolution you shouldn't need to replace vga at all10:54
BluesKaj_ehhh, most plasma tvs support 180i as well as 720p10:54
argoneusdoes bootchart help if I'm experiencing -very- long boot times?10:54
BluesKaj_1080i that is10:54
ActionParsnipargoneus: I use dmesg.   run:  dmesg | less      look for large gaps in the numbers in the left colomn. Those are seconds since the kernel came up10:55
ehhhBluesKaj_: yes i can probably figure out the what resolution i can get out of hdmi by switching on my xbox since it's connected with hdmi, might yield some results10:55
argoneusActionParsnip: ehhhhh10:55
argoneuslike 120 seconds are one and the same message repeating10:55
argoneus*ERROR* atombios stuck in loop for more than 5 secs aborting10:56
argoneus*ERROR* atombios stuck executing CE5E10:56
argoneuswhat the hell10:56
ehhhi heard 1080i isn't as good as 1080p though, is there any truth to that?10:56
Guest43535ehhh, if you display text on your tv and experience fuzzy fonts the dicital connection through hdmi might improve that. if you manly watch videos you might not even notice.10:56
mumpitze1BluesKaj_: 1080i, what is the point? 1080i is awful and unusable for computer use. you always want progressive, 720p or 1080p10:56
BluesKaj_ehhh, I'm using a plasma , but it's 3yrs old so it supports mos re's available , std is 1920x108010:56
Guest43535i only means interlaced which is only every other line is changed from one frame to the next instead of the whole image. you might see it in fast horizontal movement. e.g. sidescrolling text10:57
ehhhGuest43535: mainly music but that will be controlled with android later on, though when i put on some full 1080p videos i really was blown away10:57
argoneusActionParsnip: http://i.imgur.com/QjyiAL5.png does this say anything? >.>10:58
ehhhit is clear, not sharp but really really clear10:58
BluesKaj_mumpitze1, well  dunno , never used 1080i , but I assumed it wasn't so bad10:58
mumpitze1I don't think vga can even output interlaced10:59
mumpitze1interlaced is pretty much TV only10:59
BluesKaj_mumpitze1, I'm using a plsama tv / monitor ...lots of ppl do now11:00
ehhhthough the text i sometimes have to be at the edge of my seat to read text properly after i installed x instead of gnome (i guess gnome just has bigger text built into everything)11:00
datzylooking for a low-contrast gnome terminal palette11:00
tr33m4nDylanCl: Sort of fixed it11:00
DylanCltr33m4n: sort of as in I can stream with it? :P11:01
Guest43535as mumpitze1 mentioned a very cheap gpu should suffice. so if you're unhappy with your current viewing experience it is worth a shot. expensive gpus are mainly for gaming.11:01
BluesKaj_ehh  you can help your fonts by increeasing the dpi , but don't ask me where to find it in unity/gnome11:01
Guest43535or scientific computations. but if you needed that you would know :)11:01
mumpitze1BluesKaj_: but yours does 1080p, no?11:01
tr33m4nDylanCl: try this version http://pastebin.com/ymNu6FLb11:01
BluesKaj_mumpitze1, yes11:01
ehhhBluesKaj_: yes i adjusted it a bit at first configurations, should probably mess with it a bit more (i'm on xfce)11:02
babinlonstonHi after restarting my ubuntu12.04 server  cant ping to  , while im have a look at the resolv.conf there is nil entries what I have made before , How to Permanently keep the resolv.conf entries in /etc/reslov.conf even after a restart please guide11:02
BluesKaj_ehhh, ok understood11:03
=== Guest43535 is now known as chris80
mumpitze1babinlonston: do you use network-manager? if not, install the resolvconf package and edit your /etc/network/interfaces11:03
ehhhshould i expected any performance wise upgrades from a cheap card do you tihnk? i always assume ram and cpu speed is the main part of the performance (and the motherboard's condition)11:03
babinlonstonits totally in Command line i Dont need a GUI11:03
chris80any body having experience with setting up a terminal connection between two linux machines? following this tutorial i have failed :( https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SerialConsoleHowto11:04
mumpitze1babinlonston: network-manager exists for commandline too. are you DHCP of any sort?11:04
mumpitze1babinlonston: in short, how do you configure your IP(s) currently?11:05
babinlonstonOnly Router have DHCP11:05
babinlonstonin /etc/network/interface configured my ip like this auto lo eth0 iface lo inet loopback iface eth0 inet static address netmask gateway
datzyAny GNOME low-contrast palettes?11:06
chris80ehhh, every cheap gpu should be able to handle hd video playback nowadays. if you don't do 3d heavy stuff like gaming or scientific computation on the gpu. faster gpu will provide you no gain.11:06
babinlonstonand in resolv.conf i  have configured as this nameserver  nameserver
babinlonstonafter a restart its not there and not pinging to google11:06
mumpitze1babinlonston: you router has a DHCP server. that doesn't tell me how your ubuntu server gets its IP11:07
ehhhchris80: yeah i don't think 3d is entering my living room before i can drop the glasses and at a good price (though i heard you can achieve some 3d effect with red/blue glasses in a lot of screens), gaming i'm just trying but i don't think the computer is capable, though i have downloaded some to try some out to see the results11:08
mumpitze1babinlonston: have you networkmanager installed?11:08
babinlonstoni dont know that how can i check11:08
mumpitze1babinlonston: dpkg -l |grep network-manager | grep ^ii11:09
cptcel23can anyone tell me how to install proprietary nvidia drivers? (i've tried everything, i can't find anything the instructions are talking about)11:09
babinlonstonits not showing notthink11:09
mumpitze1babinlonston: then install resolvconf11:10
babinlonstonhow to install it guide me11:10
mumpitze1and set your DNS via /etc/network/interfaces stanza11:10
mumpitze1you install it like any other package11:10
ActionParsnipargoneus: i have no idea how to read those things11:10
chris80ehhh, if you wan't to play games on your pc a gpu might improve your fps and available effects. but that depends, if you like to play the latest blockbuster games in full glory or are settling for the occasional indy game.11:10
ActionParsnipargoneus: try the dmesg method11:10
cptcel23was that @ me chris88?11:11
ehhhchris80: to put it this way when it comes to games , i've got a glitched 360 running everything from ps1 and down ;)11:11
sussy3question1: will backup thunderbird (windows version) be usable by thunderbird in ubuntu? i mean will i be able to transfer my emails from windows to ubuntu like that?11:11
ikoniasussy3: depends how it works, from memory, it should work fine11:12
sussy3from memory?11:12
ikoniasussy3: yes, from my memory of how it works11:12
cptcel23anyone know how to install graphics card drivers..?11:12
ikoniacptcel23: for what card ?11:12
chris80ehhh, so if you got your gaming needs covered by the 360 don't bother sinking too much money into your pc's gpu. also a midrange gpu today out performes a 360. hardware is aging fast.11:12
cptcel23ikonia, it's a geforce 770 chipset (kfa2)11:13
sussy3how to be sure? afraid to lose my emails....11:13
ikoniacptcel23: they should be available from the ubuntu repo11:13
ikonia!nvidia | cptcel2311:13
ubottucptcel23: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VideoDriverHowto11:13
ikoniasussy3: well, run the backup and restore the backup to verify11:13
babinlonstonwill u please tell me how to disable DHCP in ubuntu then the problem ill get solve11:13
cptcel23ikonia, i looked at that guide - it says click on 'system > additional drivers' - there's no 'system' to click on anywhere11:14
ehhhchris80: do you think i should stick with nvidia? (it's what's built in)11:14
ikoniacptcel23: ahh yes, it's changed now11:14
cptcel23ikonia, i found 'additional hardware' as a tab in one of the settings subwindow11:14
argoneusActionParsnip: as I said11:14
sussy3so i have to keep windows..... install ubuntu alongside windows (and not replace).....11:14
ikoniacptcel23: I've not got a 13.04 machine here to verify11:14
argoneusit's locked up for about 2-3 minutes at one repeating error message11:14
ikoniasussy3: test on another machine as a test11:14
argoneusand from my googling the message is caused by vgaswitcheroo but I don't know what to do11:14
ActionParsnipargoneus: then use the web to see what the message means...11:15
cptcel23ikonia, but it didn't list any cards, so i tried on the cli, that didn't list any drivers either11:15
argoneusActionParsnip: I did and tried various things11:15
argoneusbut no-go11:15
sussy3dont have another machine11:15
ikoniacptcel23: can you output the command "lspci" into a pastebin11:15
ikoniasussy3: then you'll have to get creative11:15
ikoniasussy3: or do more research11:16
mumpitze1cptcel23: best use the command "lspci -nn"11:16
ikoniasussy3: from memory though, it works fine11:16
ikoniacptcel23: lspci is fine11:16
mumpitze1argoneus:what laptop is it and how do you disable the ati chip?11:16
cptcel23i think the relevant line is:..... NVIDIA Corporation Device [10de:1184] (rev a1)11:16
argoneusmumpitze1: Probook 4340s11:16
argoneuswith AMD 7570M and HD300011:16
mumpitze1argoneus: I have a T400 with intel/ati and have never seen such a message11:16
ikoniacptcel23: I asked you to output the command - not what you think is relevant11:17
argoneusI disable it by adding echo OFF > /sys/kernel/debug/vgaswitcheroo/switch11:17
argoneusmumpitze1: the strangest thing is11:17
argoneusthat once it boots and works fine, just one gpu, no freezes11:17
argoneusand other times it takes forever to boot, throws those errors11:17
argoneusand then freezes when switching to tty11:17
sussy3so what you are saying is that the backup should be the same kind of file for thunderbid(windows) and thunderbird(ubuntu) right?11:17
ikoniasussy3: yes, it's not platform specific,11:18
cptcel23ikonia, mumpitze1 http://pastebin.com/2GXyHpi211:18
sussy3ok thank you... just another quick question....11:18
mumpitze1argoneus: sounds like a race condition to me.11:20
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argoneusrace condition?11:20
mumpitze1argoneus: where do you have you echo command exactly?11:20
argoneusmumpitze1: /etc/rc.local11:20
chris80ehhh, i only know so much. for linux i currently preferre nvidia for better driver support. but than again if playing the latest games i still have to boot into windows and there it doesn't matter. i buy mostly following bang for the buck reviews that sort gpus by fps/$11:21
ikoniacptcel23: ok, so that looks all clean11:21
sussy3say my comp has a 64bit capable processor but windows is installed 32bit version... i will proceed with a alongside windows (installation), i mean without removing windows.... can i install ubuntu 64bit or do i need to install ubuntu 32bit? i mean does it matter or not that windows is 32bit in choosing which ubuntu version to install?11:22
ikoniasussy3: you can install 64bit fine11:22
mumpitze1argoneus: I suggest to do it immediately after /sys and /proc are mounted before anything else. at least for trying11:22
argoneusmumpitze1: how would I do that? I'm new to linux, sorry11:22
chris80ehhh, if there is something i really like to play and can't i consider if it's worth to put down the money for a new gpu. especially if the list of games is getting longer :) if you have your gaming needs covered save your money.11:22
sussy3ok thank you. that should be it for me today :)11:23
chris80ehhh, but i wouldn't be happy with a analog connection anymore which vga is. i wannt crisp images. and that can be remedied for 50$11:23
cptcel23ikonia, hmm..  any ideas?11:24
ikoniacptcel23: just having a look at that cards linux support11:24
cptcel23ikonia, thanks11:24
alexandros_cgood morning, yahoo mail keeps reloading. How can I stop this behaviour?11:25
ikoniacptcel23: ok, so it looks like the standard nvidia package should support that card ok11:25
ActionParsnipsusundberg: you can install 64bit Ubuntu if you wish. The fact that your Windows is 32bit doesn't have any bearing11:26
ActionParsnipalexandros_c: in what aplication11:26
susundbergActionParsnip: bad tab expand`11:26
ehhhchris80: yes i am browsing the webshops for the cheaper kind, a lot of nvidia gefore processors ranging from brands like ASUS, ZOTAC, gigabyte, i haven't gotten to look at amd's yet i've read that they're not the best for linux11:26
bazhangActionParsnip, sussy3 is gone11:27
alexandros_cActionParsnip: in firefox11:27
cptcel23ikonia, so how to i properly go about installing it/selecting it for use since none of the normal tools work11:27
ikonia!info nvidia11:27
ubottuPackage nvidia does not exist in raring11:27
ikonia!info nvidia-current11:27
ubottunvidia-current (source: nvidia-graphics-drivers-304): Transitional package for nvidia-current. In component restricted, is optional. Version 304.88-0ubuntu1 (raring), package size 4 kB, installed size 34 kB (Only available for i386; amd64; lpia)11:27
ikoniacptcel23: installing the package "nvidia-current" should install the correct kernel modules11:27
ikoniacptcel23: you then should be able to configure the xorg.conf to use it11:28
alexandros_cActionParsnip: BTW I am running ubuntu 13.04 64 bit, with the latest updates11:28
chris80ehhh, do you have some games in mind you want to play on your pc?11:28
cptcel23ikonia, any idea how to configure xorg.conf to use it? (preferably not manually!)11:29
cptcel23also any idea why the normal process doesn't just work since it's supported etc?11:29
ikoniacptcel23: it looks like your card isn't identifying properly - which could be why the normal process isn't working11:30
ikoniacptcel23: the webpage I gave you earlier explains how to create the xorg.conf11:30
ehhhchris80: not really, just thought i'd try out some of the stuff from the software center, and am also going to try to run some old games (windows xp era most likely) newer stuff i can get working untill they stop releasing games but i still have a huge library of unplayed games and am going to upgrade the hdd for the 360 as big as i can, i've been looking at various from WD black series optionally if it's worth it WD Velociraptor11:30
ehhhemulation is having real progress lately on the 360 especially ps1 has just released an amazing emulator that finally seems they're not just giving up on :)11:32
ikoniaehhh: this is really nothing to do with ubuntu11:32
cptcel23ikonia, i really have to boot into recovery mode root shell to do this? lol11:32
ikoniacptcel23: probably the cleanest way to do it11:33
ehhhikonia: yeah i go ot easily but we're still talking about ubuntu :P11:33
ikoniacptcel23: there are other ways, but following the process seems logical11:33
ikoniaehhh: no - there is nothing to do with ubuntu in this conversation11:33
ehhhikonia: then try reading the first line of the latest long post11:34
argoneusmumpitze1: it doesn't freeze11:34
argoneusit just locks up for 3 minutes or so11:34
ikoniaehhh: again nothing to do with ubuntu11:34
ActionParsnipalexandros_c: if you make a new firefox profile (keep the standing one), is it ok there?11:34
auronandaceehhh: this is a support channel, not a chat channel11:34
cptcel23ikonia, ok.. brb11:35
ActionParsnipehhh: try in #ubuntu-offtopic or ##club-ubuntu11:35
columbhisto. Skype freezed. I killed it. Started again... and sound works at regular speed.11:35
mumpitze1argoneus: I don't know enough of ubuntu upstart to tell you how :(11:35
alexandros_cActionParsnip: will try now11:35
mumpitze1argoneus: ask here in channel, e.h. ikonia might know11:35
ehhhwell now you're just being ridiculous, do i need to highlight it for you ? it was about what games i would try to run on ubuntu and i just explained that i basically have my gaming needs covered :/11:35
ActionParsnipalexandros_c: if its the same, try a different browser11:35
bazhangehhh, chit chat in #ubuntu-offtopic Please11:35
mumpitze1basically you want the echo command as soon as /sys/ is available and as long as possible before anything else access video, e.g. no Xorg should be loaded11:35
ikoniaehhh: right, so it's nothing to do with ubuntu,11:36
ActionParsnipalexandros_c: if its ok as the new profile in the same browser then you have isolated the issue11:36
kingbeastalright children, don't make me put the stools in the corner and put you in time out11:36
ikoniaehhh: if you have support needs/questions, then great, here is the right space.11:36
bazhangkingbeast, stop that11:36
kingbeastbazhang stop what11:36
bazhangkingbeast, the nonsense. take it elsewhere11:37
chris80ehhh, with that demands i would look for a passive cold gpu without a fan if the rest or setup is currently near silent.11:37
ehhhwell now you're just trolling :/ let me break it down. . "it was about what games i would try to run on ubuntu" "what games i would try to run on ubuntu" "try to run on ubuntu" "run on ubuntu" "ubuntu" get it? ;)11:37
kingbeastbazhang, or else?11:37
ikoniaehhh: no-one is trolling, please stick to support issues here.11:37
auronandaceehhh: just talking about ubuntu is not on-topic here, only ubuntu support issues are11:37
ikoniakingbeast: please let it go, I think the conversation is over and it's back to support.11:37
ehhhalright i catch the drift11:37
ikoniaehhh: thanks11:38
ehhhchris80: the pc is basically silent unless it's having a hard time with something but in the end I won't be hearing it as i plan to have stereo speakers hooked up near the placement of it11:38
axizzwind steam11:39
ehhhthat will probably deafen the computer 90%11:39
argoneusmumpitze1: well I think I fixed it11:40
argoneusI blacklisted the radeon in modprobe11:40
alexandros_cActionParsnip: where do you go for a new profile? and BTW it keep refreshing in chromium too11:40
ehhhchris80: do you have any opinion whether i should be looking at nvidia or amd?11:40
mumpitze1argoneus: you sure that does stop the radeon suck power too?11:41
argoneusmumpitze1: that's a good question11:41
argoneusI'll monitor the temperatures11:41
chris80ehhh, for linux driver support i'd currently stick with nvidia.11:41
ActionParsnipalexandros_c: you can run:   firefox -p     I believe, or simply rename the firefox config folder11:42
ActionParsnipalexandros_c: maybe Yahoo are having issues11:42
argoneusmumpitze1: guess not11:42
ActionParsnipehhh: Nvidia all the way :)11:42
mumpitze1argoneus: do you still get a vgaswitcheroo file when it's blacklisted?11:43
argoneusmumpitze1: nope11:43
kingbeastAMD and Nvidia both are stepping up their game in the driver department for linux, if you want a card that works, do your research and stop being lazy, make sure it works before you buy it11:43
SwashBucklaany ideas on how I integrate my program I've made into SysV so it starts at boot?11:43
alexandros_cActionParsnip: no, I have logged on to yahoo with gnome-ubuntu and centos with out any problems11:43
ikoniaSwashBuckla: well sysv is dead on ubuntu11:44
auronandace!upstart | SwashBuckla11:44
ubottuSwashBuckla: Upstart is meant to replace the old Sys V Init system with an event-driven init model.  For more information please see: http://upstart.ubuntu.com/11:44
ikoniaSwashBuckla: so you need to look at moving them to upstart of systemd in the longer term depending on how things pan out11:44
SwashBucklasorry I meant upstart11:44
ubottuUpstart is meant to replace the old Sys V Init system with an event-driven init model.  For more information please see: http://upstart.ubuntu.com/11:45
ikoniaSwashBuckla: if you've written upstart jobs, you should be able to drop them in11:45
argoneusmumpitze1: well11:45
SwashBucklaI have a start-stop-daemon11:45
argoneusI think I might have done it now11:45
argoneusI blacklisted radeon, and added "modprobe radeon" to rc.local and then turned it off11:45
argoneuswith the echo11:45
SwashBucklaikonia: I want to get this daemon running at boot11:45
ikoniaSwashBuckla: ok, so install your upstart jobs11:46
argoneusmumpitze1: temperatures are going down and it -seems- to wor11:46
argoneusI'll reboot a few times11:46
cptcel23ikonia, didn't work - X -configure failed with can't create lockfile11:48
SwashBucklaikonia: it looks like this involves creating a job configuration file11:48
axizzargoneus: how blacklstd radeon11:48
ikoniaSwashBuckla: yes, you said you had created upstart jobs, so I assume you have done this11:48
ikoniacptcel23: lock file ? if this is in the recovery mode just remove the lock file as there should be no other X session running11:48
ikoniacptcel23: there is no X session running right ?11:48
auronandace!blacklist | axizz11:48
ubottuaxizz: To blacklist a module, edit /etc/modprobe.d/my_blacklist.conf and add « blacklist <modulename> » to the end of that list - To explicitly load modules in a specific order, list them in /etc/initramfs-tools/modules and type « sudo update-initramfs -u »11:48
SwashBucklaikonia: no I have created a start-stop-daemon .sh file. This is all I have created.11:49
cptcel23ikonia, there wasn't - i've booted normally now11:49
ikoniacptcel23: ok, so when you where in recovery mode, you couldn't run the X -configure command ?11:49
ikoniaSwashBuckla: ok, so you need to create an upstart job for this11:49
cptcel23ikonia, correct11:49
ikoniacptcel23: that seems very od11:49
cptcel23(and good multitasking ;) )11:49
ikoniaodd even11:49
argoneusmumpitze1: 3 reboots and so far no freeze or slow boot/shutdown11:50
ikoniacptcel23: ahhh, I've never seen Xorg complain about a lock file before, but it looks like it creates a lock file in /tmp11:50
ikoniacptcel23: http://www.x.org/wiki/FAQErrorMessages11:50
ikoniacptcel23: in all my years I never new that, so clear down /tmp and try again (in my opinion)11:50
ikoniaknew that even11:50
cptcel23ikonia, not sure if you saw something different on that page, but if you were looking at the 'server is already active for display 0' error - that's not the one I got11:51
ikoniacptcel23: search for "lock"11:52
cptcel23ikonia, that's what i did, and it doesn't mention the exact error i got anywhere11:52
ikoniacptcel23: no it doesn't but apply logic11:52
ikoniacptcel23: your error message was "can't get exclusive access on lock file"11:53
ikoniacptcel23: or something like that11:53
cptcel23ikonia, for starters, it didn't say remove the file and try again, or I would have, it said 'can't create it', not that one already exists11:53
ikoniacptcel23: this error shows you where the lock file is, so removing it will allow your process to get lock on it11:53
cptcel23i'll give it a go11:53
blebWhat's the standard way to search for packages in the repos? I'm looking to install CGAL and I find myself googleing "cgal ubuntu package" to find out the name of the package. There must be a slicker way?11:55
bazhangbleb, apt-cache search11:55
auronandace!find cgal | bleb11:56
ubottubleb: Found: libcgal-demo, libcgal-dev, libcgal-ipelets, libcgal911:56
cptcel23ikonia, didn't work - no lockfile existed already11:56
blebThanks bazhang11:57
cptcel23i suspect root shell boots into a read only filesystem11:57
cptcel23^^ ikonia sorry11:57
adem_hi guys you are ashwholes11:58
adem_hi guys you are ash wholes11:58
adem_hi guys you are ash wholes11:58
bazhangadem_, wrong channel11:58
adem_hi guys you are ash wholes11:58
FloodBot1adem_: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.11:58
argoneusmumpitze1: nevermind, it froze up again11:59
argoneusgod damn12:00
jony_easyriderwith firefox 22 TabGroups has stopped working, please help!12:00
ActionParsnipcptcel23: mount -o remont,rw /12:01
ActionParsnipcptcel23: will mount it read/write12:01
ActionParsnipjony_easyrider: report a bug12:01
ActionParsnipjony_easyrider: or use a decent browser :)12:01
SwashBucklaikonia: so ok I've created my upstart job config file now. What do I do next?12:01
SwashBuckla(how do I install my upstart job?)12:02
jony_easyriderfor me Firefox is the best12:03
jony_easyriderso I want to resolve this issue12:03
cptcel23ActionParsnip, surely there is a way to switch x drivers without dropping to root shell in recovery mode and remounting / as rw..?!12:03
jony_easyriderFirefox can be downgraded?12:03
somsip_jony_easyrider: uninstall the current version, then pin and old version12:05
somsip_~pinning | jony_easyrider12:06
somsip_!pinning | jony_easyrider12:06
ubottujony_easyrider: pinning is an advanced feature that APT can use to prefer particular packages over others. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PinningHowto12:06
MonkeyDustjony_easyrider  you can easily move and group tabs in firefox12:06
mumpitze1jony_easyrider: you sure it's not just a simple versioning conflict?12:06
jony_easyriderI use windows too. I use the same firefox profile on both OS. The ver. of the Firefox is the same and in windows it works ok the TabGroups addon12:11
jony_easyridermumpitze1, how can I check it?12:11
mumpitze1jony_easyrider: I suggest asking a firefox or mozilla channel. not really a ubuntu problem.12:14
cptcel23anyone know if there's a graphical or cli 'driver chooser' for x in ubuntu?12:14
omniaprohi guys anyone know how could I set anonymous my connection12:16
DJones!tor | omniapro12:17
ubottuomniapro: Tor is a program to route connections through several servers for anonymity. It is in Ubuntu's repositories, but the Tor Project recommends using their Tor packages due to past issues with Ubuntu's. For setup info, see option (2) of https://www.torproject.org/docs/debian.html.en | To use Tor on freenode, see !tor-sasl12:17
omniaproI have to use also vidalia with Tor or can i install just tor?12:17
DJonesomniapro: Can't answer that, I've never used Tor12:18
Greylocksomniapro yes you need to run both to be secure12:19
axizzhow can i intregate both12:20
Greylockslearn more here: https://www.torproject.org/index.html.en12:20
axizzwhat about generatin password field vadalia>settings12:21
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jony_easyriderhow can I install an older version of Firefox?12:23
=== Esa is now known as Guest2161
myalkboyAnyone tried to install Ubuntu on Nexus 412:26
DJonesmyalkboy: It might be worth asking that in #ubuntu-touch12:29
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myalkboyDJones: I ask there another question12:30
drupodhello guys12:32
cfhowlettdrupod, greetings12:32
cptcel23anyone know how to check which driver x is using?12:33
drupodcan som1 help me with my ubuntu 12.10 gnome remix, i can't adjust screen resolution on my netbook12:34
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auronandacecptcel23: lsmod will show you what is loaded12:35
nb-ben_wdoes anyone know when ubuntu phone comes out?12:35
MonkeyDust!phone | nb-ben_w12:35
ubottunb-ben_w: Information about the Ubuntu Touch platform for Phone and Tablet is available here https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch support and discussion in #ubuntu-touch12:35
nb-ben_wthank you12:36
omniaproI've installed tor, vidalia and polipo but now when i'm going to open vidalia there's an error message:12:37
drupodhello guys weh can i find monitor settings on ubuntu 12.10 remix?12:37
omniaproVidalia was unable to start Tor. Check your settings to make sure you specified the correct name and location for the executable Tor.12:37
ubottuInformation about the Ubuntu Touch platform for Phone and Tablet is available here https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch support and discussion in #ubuntu-touch12:37
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gkaklasomniapro, Does "sudo service tor restart" do anything?12:39
omniaproi've tried to do "sudo service tor restart but there's the same problem!12:41
Ari-Yanghow do I remove old kernel versions I don't need anymore?12:44
Ari-Yangwhat's better, doing it via terminal or Ubuntu Tweak?12:44
auronandaceAri-Yang: i find it easier with synaptic12:44
linuxmonkeyhey guys whats the command to send a factoid to someone else in a pm?12:45
cfhowlettlinuxmonkey, !factoid>username12:45
auronandace!pm > linuxmonkey12:45
ubottulinuxmonkey, please see my private message12:45
ezra-sAri-Yang, do dpkg -l | grep linux-image to identify the old kernel images.. and then proceed to sudo apt-get purge those you don't want12:45
BluesKaj_Ari-Yang, sudo apt-get remove --purge 2.6.24-25-* (example)12:46
gkaklasomniapro, I think that normally tor should be installed in /usr/sbin/tor. Maybe if "whereis tor" shows something else you can fill the correct path in vidalia settings, in the general tab.12:46
Ari-Yangauronandace, ah I see. ezra-s wait, one by one O__o surely there's a faster way to remove all but the one I'm using12:46
ubottuallucinato77: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».12:46
qurskhow am  i gonna install counter strike 1.6 to ubuntu 13.0412:46
cornellGood morning... I wish to find those packages that I've installed on my Ubuntu machine, as opposed to those that are part of the original install.  I know I can use dpkg to list installed packages, but how do I discriminate between those that Ubuntu installed and those that I installed?12:46
ezra-sAri-Yang, it takes you 1 minute to do it with terminal like this12:46
Ari-Yangoh, and does synaptic automatically gun grub-update ?12:47
Ari-Yang^ auronandace12:47
cfhowlettAri-Yang, fear not the terminal.  sudo grub-update and done ...12:47
omniaprogkaklas, this is the result ofwhereis tor:     tor: /usr/sbin/tor  /etc/tor  /usr/share/tor  /usr/share/man/man8/tor.8.gz12:47
auronandaceAri-Yang: yes it will12:48
gkaklasAri-Yang, in synaptic you can search for "linux-headers" and "linux-headers" and then purge the ones you don't need anymore12:48
qurskguys counter strike 1.6 installing in ubuntu 13.0412:51
qurski cant12:51
qursksteam wont work actually cant see cs in steam so thats why cant install it from steam12:51
cfhowlettqursk, sounds like a steam issue then ... start your troubleshooting there12:52
ss_haze[filter_transform.so] critical: cannot open input file not_stabilized.mp4.trf!12:52
=== adante_ is now known as adante
qurskbut i can find all other games listed expect counter strike12:52
adamkqursk: Still sounds like a steam issue :-)12:53
qurskok guys thanks i ll give it a try12:53
qurskat least how am i gonna run the troubleshoot cause im new in linux thanks12:54
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smallmousejust moved to 13.04 top menu disappears on multiple workspace when i move to another workspace12:54
smallmouseon classic menu no effects  feels like a windows upgrade12:54
smallmousesomething that worked fine no longer works12:54
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gkaklasomniapro, what is the executable that vidalia is trying tor run? Maybe the permissions aren't right? "sudo chmod a+x /usr/sbin/tor"12:56
k3n4nwhy can i not watch youtube videos?12:56
smallmousek3n4n: insall restricted extras12:56
smallmousek3n4n: in software centre12:57
ubottuk3n4n,: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."12:57
swagatHello guys12:57
cfhowlettswagat, greetings12:57
=== BluesKaj_ is now known as BluesKaj
hylianI get a blinking cursor on my desktop after boot up. I've seen it on the lxde desktop, the xfce desktop and the gnome desktop. (Thought maybe it was because I was using XFCE)...12:58
hylianif i log out and then log back in it is gone.12:58
swagatI have a weird issue with my ubuntu 12.04. I am unable to play 720p videos. I have a dual boot with windows and those videos work fine on windows. These are local files I am talking about.12:59
wilee-nileehylian, Any other left out info like a black screen, that is not much info.12:59
swagatI am using vlc to play them. Still the same.12:59
smallmouseswagat: install restricted extras software centre first13:00
cfhowlettswagat, ONLY the 720 videos are failing13:00
cornellCan anyone tell me how to alter the order of os's offered by grub at boot?13:00
swagatrestricted extras installed already.13:00
gkaklasswagat, what's the filetype?13:00
k3n4ni have ubuntu studio 13.04 and on firefox browser i can not run youtube videos. but in facebook and other video web sites can run webvideos13:00
cornellOn Ubuntu 12.0413:00
TJ-cornell: the order is controlled by the scripts in /etc/grub.d/13:00
ehhhi'm looking at graphics cards from nvidia geforce 6xx models, do all nvidia cards use the same drivers in ubuntu?13:00
hylianwilee-nilee: actually, no. It's just blinking cursors, one about 3 inches to the right of the other. there are also "ghosts" on the screen when I open a window.13:01
smallmousek3n4n: have you installed restricted extras13:01
cfhowlettk3n4n, so NOT local videos, youtube streams ... I'd suspect a flash issue.13:01
k3n4ni dont know... my other 2 pc'c can't run too13:01
hylianswagat: do you have ubuntu-restricted-addon installed as well?13:01
swagat@gkaklas, Those are mkv format13:02
ehhhthat's the only thing scaring me about a gpu upgrade is the drivers13:02
wilee-nileehylian, Have you looked in additional drivers, identifying the graphics card is helpful.13:02
gkaklasswagat, what about 720p in e.g. avi?13:02
adamkehhh: All modern nvidia GPUs can use the same proprietary driver.13:02
swagat@hylian yes i have them restricted extras installed. @gkaklas, not sure about avi. need to test13:03
smallmouseswagat: if you are on 64 bit install flashlugin installer13:03
swagatYes I am on 64 bit.13:03
hylianwilee-nilee: I have. I have the suggested driver installed. This problem goes away if I log out and back in, and It's not always there. It only shows up about 1 in 6 times i boot.13:03
auronandaceehhh: probably best to avoid anything too new and too old13:03
jony_easyrideranyone knows a working tab grouping addon for Firefox?13:03
smallmouseswagat: have you installed flashlpugin installer you need this for 64bit13:03
Ari-Yangswagat, these are videos that you have on your machine's hardrive, yes?13:04
smallmouseswagat: software centre13:04
swagat@smallmouse, will check it. @Ari-Yang - yes13:04
Ari-Yangswagat, I recommend mplayer/mplayer2/mpv over VLC13:04
swagatsame issues with mplayer13:04
Ari-Yangand what driver are you using swagat? open source or proprietary?13:04
hylianswagat: I didn't say the extras, I said the addons. ubuntu-restricted-addon13:05
swagati have intel x4500 graphics only. It is a dell 1545 lappy13:05
TJ-hylian: Check /var/log/Xorg.0.log for clues; it sounds like a GPU memory corruption or communications issue13:05
swagat@hylian, is that available in software center.13:05
ehhhi was recommended that i won't need a really expensive one so i'm looking at the 6xx series, though he said that is should look for fluid cooled ones (i think, passive cooling over a fan), i've found one that looks compelling specifically the "ASUS GEFORCE GT 620 1GB DDR3 PCI-E VGA/DVI/HDMI" it's relatively cheap though it has fan cooling13:05
Ari-Yangswagat, go to system settings "Additional Drivers" or go to software sources and go to the "additional drivers" tab13:05
hylianTJ-: thanks, will do.13:05
wilee-nileehylian, Not sure really, others might have some ideas, if you can name the card and driver you are using, more info the better.13:06
omniaprohi guys anyone know how could I set anonymous my connection13:06
swagatI am not getting anything new in the additional drivers.13:06
omniaprosorry for the last message anyway i've tried chmod but nothing13:07
omniaprosame error again13:07
Ari-Yangswagat, well if you know you didn't install any drivers yourself... you're most likely running open source radeon driver...13:07
hylianwilee-nilee: thanks for trying to help me! :)13:07
wilee-nileesure ;)13:07
=== BradCrittenden is now known as bac
ehhhwill the fan generate a lot of noise ? it's specifically so i can get hdmi or dvi instead of vga, media center pc for music and videos13:08
hylianswagat: it probably is, I don't use the software center. I just sudo apt-get install. But I would assume it's in their under some name.13:08
saiarcot895omniapro: are you unable to launch tor through vidalia?13:08
hylianTJ-: here's my pastebin: http://paste.ubuntu.com/5804684/. I will dig through it myself, but if your up to it, a second pair of eyes coldn't hurt.13:09
ikoniaehhh: read the spec on the card you plan to buy, it should tell you the fan noise, other people can't know how loud a fan will be to your perception13:09
cornellThanks TJ-, could you be more explicit?   I've found 90-linux_proxy, with a couple lines about ubuntu, and 90_os-prober_proxy,  with lines about mint and windows 7.  But when grub offers the list, it's mint, ubuntu, windows.  Not the order indicated by the scripts.13:09
swagat@hylian ubuntu-restricted-addon is already installed13:09
ehhhikonia: the computer itself i dont know if you recall but it will be stored in midst two speakers and music is almost always playing so i'm pretty sure i'd turn a deaf ear to it, though i guess the fan noise is stated in db, what would be a reasonable amount for reference?13:10
ikoniaehhh: again - thats up to you to work out, "how loud is a fan" is not an ubuntu problem13:11
auronandaceehhh: sounds like a question for ##hardware rather than #ubuntu13:11
TJ-cornell: Those scripts don't sound like Ubuntu-installed versions; which release of Ubuntu is it? It sounds as if you've got an interaction with Mint going on there13:11
Ari-Yangswagat, can you elaborate on "being unable to play 720p videos"?13:12
Ari-Yanglike what do you get when you try?13:12
ehhhi'll give a peep in #hardware13:12
cornellWell, the machine started with Windows 7, I added Ubuntu 12.04, and just this week added mint.13:12
ikoniaehhh: ##hardware - not #hardware13:12
swagatWell the video lags and I hear audio13:12
saiarcot895ehhh: according to a website, a refrigerator is 40dB and a conversation is 60 dB13:12
ehhh#hardware took me to ##hardware :P13:12
swagat@Ari-Yang, How do I install video drivers for my intel 4500?13:13
ikoniaswagat: they should already be installed13:13
cornellTJ-: does that indicate that mint "reworked" the grub.  Meaning I should be asking in a mint room instead of ubuntu?13:13
ehhhwell if a fridge is around 40db i'd really think i should stay below atleast 25 . . i'll figure13:13
joncamSo -- odd question.  I have a laptop with an occasional secondary monitor; I have the standard Unity 2x2 virtual desktop arrangement.  Is there any way to break the external monitor off of that, and have 2x2 only on one screen, and the other screen just one "static" display/workspace?  Not finding GUI settings to manage this, nor the right google terms13:13
TJ-hylian: I'd expect faults to show up with the prefix (EE) (for error) but I don't see anything. This may sound silly, but have you simply opened up the PC and re-seated the graphics card. I've seen those symptoms in the past when the edge connector end furthest from the rear of the case has lifted a millimeter or so with heat expansion/contraction and general vibration.13:13
Ari-Yangswagat, if you don't see anything in additional drivers, then most likely, there aren't any for that card13:14
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Ari-Yangswagat, and tbh the open source driver is better than the proprietary13:14
Ari-Yangplease elaborate13:14
Ari-Yangwhat is the 720p video like when you try to play it?13:14
k3n4ni have ubuntu studio 13.04 and on firefox browser i can not run youtube videos. but in facebook and other video web sites can run webvideos13:14
TJ-cornell: It does - but which ever OS it is, the scripts in /etc/grub.d/ are executed in name order, which is why the names start with numbers (easier to sort numbers), so to change the order in the grub menu rename those scripts with numbers in the order you want13:15
ikoniak3n4n: there will be limits to youtube as flash plugin compatabiliy moves away from linux13:15
ezra-sswagat, try the intel drivers site -> https://01.org/linuxgraphics/13:15
ikoniak3n4n: I'd suggest checking the html5 youtube website13:15
hylianTJ-: well, first of all, this is a cheap laptop. but second of all, a simple log out and log in solves this, so I am assuming something is happening too early or too late. and this only happens one in 6 boots.13:15
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swagat@Ari-Yang, The video lags a lot and I head unsync audio. When I try to seek, it wakes it worse13:15
ikoniaswagat: you do not need additional intel drivers, they are already part of xorg13:15
cornellThanks TJ-, but most seem to be... setup kind of things... themes and images and stuff.  The two I mentioned are the only that mention os's.13:16
ezra-sGoogle Chrome has and updated flash version in it, it is offtopic to #ubuntu though13:16
StaticWINI really screwed my openldap up is there a way to wipe it so its like I just installed it?13:16
swagatJust for reference guys:  http://askubuntu.com/questions/312784/720p-video-lags-on-ubuntu-12-0413:16
TJ-hylian: I'm suspecting 'heat'. When the GPU is reset maybe it clears the issue. Have you searched for indications that the model of laptop is affecting by GPU overheating? E.g. the Dell XPS m1530 has many issues there13:16
omniaprosaiarcot895 yes vidalia gives me an error message like there:  Vidalia was unable to start Tor. Check your settings to make sure you specified the correct name and location for the executable Tor.13:17
=== Mark_ is now known as x6d61726b
k3n4nikonia> k3n4n: I'd suggest checking the html5 youtube website: -> HOW?13:17
Ari-Yang(ikonia, he was referring to proprietary.) swagat you might be missing some stuff.... I say you download and install mpv (an active up-to-date fork of mplayer/mplayer2) https://github.com/mpv-player/mpv-build13:17
saiarcot895omniapro: And you're using the tor and vidalia package from ubuntu?13:17
Ari-Yangscroll down13:17
Ari-Yangthere are installation instructions for ubuntu13:18
TJ-cornell: Read the scripts; they're not too hard to understand. Also, refer to /boot/grub/grub.cfg, read it, each script in /etc/grub.d/ inserts content into that file, and if I recall correctly, it prefixes the content it adds with a comment "# ..." with the script's name so you know which script is responsible13:18
omniaprosaiarcot895 yes i've installed them from terminal13:18
StaticWINanyone ? =\13:18
Ari-Yangswagat, after you git clone, there will be a mpv-build in your home directory, cd into and first get the required dependencies13:18
gkaklasswagat, i recently had problems with my intel card. I just upgraded my kernel to its newest version and installed "linux-firmware-nonfree".13:18
ikoniaStaticWIN: saying "anyone" randomly is pointless13:18
TJ-StaticWIN: "sudo apt-get --reinstall install <package-name>"13:19
StaticWINty TJ13:19
TJ-StaticWIN: or "sudo dpkg-reconfigure <package-name>"13:19
saiarcot895omniapro: Did you add the line "/usr/sbin/tor Ux," to vidalia's apparmor profile?13:19
Ari-Yangswagat, run sudo apt-get install git automake13:19
swagatWill try the fix guys and update you. Need a couple of hours to test.13:19
omniaprosaiarcot895, do you mean in settings>general?13:21
hylianTJ-: actually, as cheap as this thing was, ($260 bucks), it's not prone to heat issues. And windows never has an issue, even when running a solid vid game. Even 12.04 32 bit has no issue. It's only when I have 12.04 64bit installed that i get this.13:21
k3n4nikonia: my browser dont open youtube html513:21
saiarcot895omniapro: See https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/vidalia/+bug/680192/comments/913:21
ubottuLaunchpad bug 680192 in vidalia (Ubuntu) "Vidalia was unable to start Tor. Check your settings to ensure the correct name and location of your Tor executable is specified." [Undecided,Confirmed]13:21
ikoniak3n4n: what ?13:21
LogiMhi, qmail seems to have broken overnight (due to a failed plesk update from what i can tell) - can anyone here with experience of qmail help me identify the problem? i'm thinking if i can find what the plesk update broke i can just fix that directly?13:22
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ikoniaLogiM: errr is this a hosted vm ?13:22
TJ-hylian: Ahhh! good info then13:22
k3n4nyou say i must try youtube html5 for watching videos?!13:22
ikoniak3n4n: right, so have you tried the youtube html5 site ?13:22
hylianTJ-: i forgot to mention, kde-workbase does not cause this issue. But I can't stomache kde, so... :)13:23
saiarcot895omniapro: You can probably add that line in /etc/apparmor.d/local/usr.bin.vidalia instead of the main apparmor profile13:23
ezra-sLogiM, that's offtopic here13:23
omniaprosaiarcot895 ok, I'm trying to do it!13:23
k3n4nikonia: yes, but my browser cant open it13:23
TJ-hylian: Hmmm... compiz issue maybe?13:23
ikoniak3n4n: how are you trying to visit it ?13:24
hylianTJ-: well, if and when it happens again, I'll screen shoot it and bug it at launchpad. Thanks for the help.13:24
Ari-Yangwhen I remove an old kernel, everything related to that kernel is removed too right? like if I remove the kernel image if 3.5.0-17, the headers for it of the same version as that kernel (3.5.0-17) will be removed as well,yes?13:24
marianneRunning 12.04 - question on uptime. I remember when it was a once a month thing to restart my 'puter, now it seems to be a once a week thing. How is everybody else looking in regards to uptime?13:24
hylianTJ-: hmm, i'll have to check that, thanks TJ.13:24
ikoniak3n4n: did you click "join the html5 trial" ?13:24
k3n4nok, now i try it13:25
gkaklask3n4n, do other flash websites work?13:26
Ari-Yang 09:26:11 up 2 days, 11:20,  3 users,  load average: 0.15, 0.18, 0.1613:26
ikoniaAri-Yang: ?13:26
TJ-marianne: usually it is kernel updates that require restarts13:26
ezra-sAri-Yang, no, headers go separately in different packages, dpkg -l | grep linux-header13:27
marianneTJ: i did do an update this morning. yeah, I'm one of those that just clicks update all, so maybe that was it13:27
k3n4ngkaklas: yes13:27
k3n4nikonia: yes i have now click on it13:27
cornellTJ-, the thing I'm not understanding is the ordering of it.  Reading the scripts, it seems that Ubuntu is handled first, then Windows, then Mint, but when the list is offered, Mint is first, then Ubuntu and then Windows.  I also note that there seems to be two pair of scripts of interest, 10-linux-proxy and 14-os-prober_proxy, followed by 90-linux-proxy and 90-os-prober_proxy.  Both pairs seem to be doing the same thing.  Could that be the problem, the redun13:28
ikoniak3n4n: come on !!! how do you expect to visit the html5 if you've not clicked on the "join html5" button13:28
yossarianukwhat is the best way of doing SSD + RAID + TRIM at present? For Ubuntu 12.04?13:28
Ari-Yangezra-s, ah I see13:28
omniaprosaiarcot895, in the post that you linked me, there's written that I have to add that line to that file, i have to add it in a specific position?13:28
ikoniayossarianuk: a true hardware controller,13:28
ikoniayossarianuk: no other way is wise13:29
Ari-Yangezra-s, so to remove an old kernel I have to purge the image and the header, correct?13:29
TJ-cornell: That may depend on *which* OS you last ran "sudo update-grub" from - if it was Mint, then I'd expect it to list it's entries first13:29
saiarcot895omniapro: no, anywhere13:29
saiarcot895omniapro: scratch that, within the braces13:29
TJ-cornell: but if Ubuntu, then /etc/grub.d/10_linux would get in there first13:29
yossarianukikonia: we have HP Smart Array RAID cards - they do not support TRIM..13:30
k3n4nikonia: i have do it13:30
papaburpython: can't open file 'skeinforge/skeinforge_application/skeinforge_utilities/skeinforge_craft.py': [Errno 2] No such file or directory13:30
=== BradCrittenden is now known as bac
ikoniayossarianuk: yes, trim is a problem, but that's not going to change13:31
cornellSeems reasonably TJ-, that Mint would be first, I just want to change the order, Ubuntu's my primary, Mint, I'm checking out, and Windows is for the other half.13:31
yossarianukikonia: so should I just use no TRIM?13:31
yossarianukand HWRAID13:31
|Anthony|i need to setup a cron script to transfer files (copy then delete) from a remote server to my local machine. I use ssh with RSA keys but i do have a passphrase. How can i accomplish this transfer via cron?13:31
ikoniayossarianuk: well, you certainly don't want to use software raid, especially for mirroring SSD's13:31
TJ-cornell: Presumably Mint and Ubuntu don't share their /etc/ directory so you'll have 2 separate installations to cope with. Get it right in one and only allow grub updates from that one13:32
ehhhok i'm wondering one thing (if this is hardware related i can't send messages in ##hardware for some reason) i want to check the temperatures of my computer to determine whether it's safe to leave it running all the time or if i should occasionally switch it off, does anyone know how to check and what temperatures it should be running at before raising an eye? the side lid is off so it should be properly cooled anyway i think13:32
PashaPasta|Anthony|: that can be done with scp or sftp and spawn an expect to handle the passphrase13:32
auronandace!register | ehhh13:33
ubottuehhh: Information about registering your nickname: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat/Registration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available by typing /join #freenode13:33
ikoniaehhh: this is for ##hardware13:33
ikoniaehhh: you need to register your account on freenode to use ##hardware13:33
ehhhcan i change my nick later if i want to?13:34
ubottuTJ-, please see my private message13:34
|Anthony|PashaPasta: "and spawn an expect to handle the passphrase" What does that mean?13:34
PashaPasta|Anthony|: or you could just remove the passphrase from your RSA key and script it out that way13:34
ikoniaehhh: #freenode can explain how the system works13:34
TJ-!lmsensors > ehhh13:34
ubottuehhh, please see my private message13:34
ubottuTo access CPU temperature sensors and detect fan speeds, install the lm-sensors package. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SensorInstallHowto for installation and usage instructions.13:34
auronandaceehhh: the point of registering a nick is so that its yours to use13:34
cornellTJ-.. of course.  Two different etc's.   mmmm, but when the machine first boots...  grub has to point to one.  Mint was last, so the boot process is set to point to Mint's... and I'm looking at Ubuntu's, and that's why things are screwy.  I need to boot into Mint and look at Mint's /boot and /etc.13:34
Ari-YangI just found out about linux image extra, I'll remove that as well as the image and the headers13:35
ehhhthanks :)13:35
PashaPastahttp://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/26480/how-to-auto-type-password-for-scp-or-sftp-to-automate-it or http://www.thinkplexx.com/learn/howto/security/ssl/remove-passphrase-password-from-private-rsa-key13:35
PashaPastaup to you13:35
cornellI don't know if that solves my problem, TJ-, but it certainly indicates I'm looking for the solution in the wrong place.13:35
cornellThanks much TJ-13:36
TJ-cornell: No, when the system boots the BIOS bootstraps GRUB which mounts the /boot/ file-system which contains /boot/grub/, which reads /boot/grub/grub.cfg and shows the menu. It doesn't know about a file-system that contains /etc/ until an OS is started and a root file-system mounted, unless /boot/ is part of one or other of the root file-systems13:36
cornellBoth os's use the same /boot?13:36
TJ-cornell: I'm so used to always installing /boot/ to a separate file-system I can't remember if Ubuntu does that by default nowadays!13:36
LogiMikonia: yes13:37
TJ-cornell: One boot-loader, usually one /boot/ file-system, multiple root file-systems for each OS13:37
cornellUp to this week, I've only used two os's, Windows and Ubuntu... first time trying three.13:37
ikoniaLogiM: you should talk to your hosting provider then as most of these are modified ubuntu builds - rather than standard13:37
TJ-When you get past three, its time for Xen virtual machine hypervisor!13:38
LogiMikonia: tried that - finding out that they are pretty crapping - they're saying that basically it's self-managed so they're not interested13:38
LogiMit's running plesk 9.x13:39
ikoniaLogiM: that can't be the case, as it's been updated,13:39
ehhhok it's not above 25 degrees celcius so i'm guessing i'm safe13:39
ikoniaLogiM: plesk is not part of ubuntu13:39
cornellTJ-, does that mean that you'd have multiple partitions, one, well two, for Windows, another for /boot, that both linuxes use, then another for the rest of Ubuntu and another for the rest of Mint?13:39
LogiMikonia: I was just pointing out which custom build it is13:39
AutumnStplease help13:40
ikoniaLogiM: not really something this channel support, and plesk is not a custom build, it's just a managment front end13:40
ubottuAutumnSt,: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."13:40
auronandacecornell: if you are using the same /boot for muint and ubuntu expect something to break13:40
AutumnStyeah, thanks, I was getting there13:40
AutumnStI'm on 13.04 + chrome, and my youtube videos aren't working right13:40
AutumnStthey're running slightly fast13:40
cornellSpeaking of which, TJ-, could I have one paritition for /home and mount it for Mint and Ubuntu?13:40
AutumnStlike 5%13:40
TJ-Well, I generally have 4 primary partitions: 1=/boot/ (512MB)  2=swap/hibernate (8GB) 3=Windows, 4=LVM13:41
LogiMikonia: i'm thinking it should be possible to check how qmail is broke though, right?13:41
gordonjcpcornell: that will mostly work13:41
TJ-cornell: Yes, you could13:41
ikoniaLogiM: qmail can only be run one way - check the life with qmail guide13:41
ezra-sAri-Yang, yes, correct13:41
cornellFor what it's worth, I'll eventually get back to two.  I just want to check out Mint, and see if I prefer it.13:41
MonkeyDustAutumnSt  try chromium, maybe it's better and it's in the repos https://code.google.com/p/chromium/wiki/ChromiumBrowserVsGoogleChrome13:41
TJ-cornell: I use LVM LVs so I can move, resize, snapshot and everything else very easily later on13:41
PashaPastamint is great13:41
AutumnStMonkeyDust, from my understanding, chromium doesn't exist13:42
AutumnStlast time I went to grab it, all the chromium download links went to google chrome's official page13:42
saiarcot895AutumnSt: chromium is the open-source version of chrome13:42
MonkeyDustAutumnSt  true, it's chromium-browser13:42
cfhowlettAutumnSt, ??? chromium-browser works just fine and it's in the software center13:42
cornellYeah, I really should get into LVM's, TJ-.13:42
LogiMikonia: ok, but before i set out on this path, i just wanted to check - it's a reasonable approach right? i'm not wasting my time am i?13:42
cornellThanks all.13:42
cornellTime for me to run.13:43
ikoniaLogiM: something is broken....and you think working out why its broken may be a waste of time ?13:43
LogiMikonia: :) fair enough13:43
Ari-Yangezra-s, looks like the headers for the version I'm purging isn't even installed. I just ran dpkg -l | grep ^ii | grep 3.5.0-17 | awk -F' ' '{ print $2 }'13:44
Ari-Yang and only image and image-extra is related. synaptic only says those 2 are installed as well and the headers aren't too, so that's good :T13:44
omniaprosaiarcot895, in settings>advanced in vidalia at control tor what i've to put?13:44
saiarcot895omniapro: by default,it uses ControlSocket, and the config file and data directory should be somewhere in /etc and /var13:45
ezra-sAri-Yang, I'm sure you can be as precise with no errors with dpkg -l | grep linux-header13:45
XsevenHey. I have a really annoying issue: on occasion, Firefox or other apps like Gimp, use up all my RAM and my box freezes completely. Is it possible to configure the OS to automatically execute `killall firefox` when remaining RAM is less than, say 100MB?13:45
saiarcot895omniapro: If you click Ok, are you getting an error saying that the ControlSocket doesn't exist?13:45
Ari-Yangezra-s, yeah, even dpkg -l | grep linux-header doesn't list headers for kernel 3.5.0-1713:46
jrib Xseven what should happen when you run out of memory is that a process gets killed13:46
Ari-YangI guess it was just removed then *shrugs*13:46
saiarcot895omniapro: You're not getting an error? In that case, try starting Tor13:46
yossarianukikonia: thanks for the info13:46
Ari-Yangezra-s, I guess over a period of time of updating kernel, old headers are removed?13:46
PashaPastaXseven: sounds like you have a leak somewhere13:46
Xsevenjrib, right13:46
GalaxorIf I'm looking to install ubuntu over a serial console, do I need the Alternate CD?13:47
omniaprowait cause i've tried to "sudo restart vidalia" so the config file is in /var/run/tor/control and now there's the error saying controlsocket doesn't exist13:48
ezra-sAri-Yang, I believe the behaviour has changed recently, earlier old kernels and headers were not removed, but I believe they are now...13:49
XsevenPashaPasta, I do see Firefox using more and more RAM as I use more and more websites.. maybe it's leaking, dunno, but if I could kill it when I run out of RAM, then this issue would be resolved for me.13:50
Ari-Yangezra-s, right.13:50
XsevenAs it reopens tabs from last time, and on restart uses less ram. I just got my whole box knocked down by vising Google Analytics page :/13:50
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PashaPastaXseven: you could try using ulimit to limit the amount of RAM firefox is using13:51
MonkeyDustGalaxor  better ask in #ubuntu-server -- https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SerialConsoleHowto13:51
TJ-Galaxor: you can use Alternate, or the minimal (net-boot) if there's ethernet connectivity too. You'd have to add options to the kernel's command-line as soon as the installer starts of course13:52
saiarcot895omniapro: try closing out Vidalia, do "sudo service restart tor", and then open Vidalia13:52
saiarcot895omniapro: I mean fully closing Vidalia13:52
XsevenPashaPasta, I'll give that a try. Thanks.13:53
GalaxorTJ-: You mean, when I boot up, I'll have to add stuff on the grub command line before booting?13:53
GalaxorTJ-: Does grub work over the serial console?13:54
omniaprook there's no error about control socket now13:54
omniaprobut there's even the error: Vidalia was unable to start Tor. Check your settings to make sure you specified the correct name and location for the executable Tor.13:54
TJ-Galaxor: I believe so, I don't recall seeing anything there by default - it'd need grub set-up to use a serial console, and the kernel console=ttyS0 etc13:54
saiarcot895omniapro: after you start tor through terminal? Hmmm13:54
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omniaproyes i'm gonna crazy!! even the same error i've tried about everything13:55
TJ-Galaxor: Does the motherboard BIOS support serial console ?13:56
GalaxorTJ-: Hm.  I'm trying to install ubuntu in a virtualbox vm, and I only have ssh access to the host machine (not physical access)13:56
GalaxorTJ-: motherboard bios = virtualbox.13:56
Ari-Yangezra-s, success, removed selected old kernels :313:57
TJ-Galaxor: OK, well, you can access the console via the VM. Never used VirtualBox; I use QEMU/KVM, libvirt and Xen extensively though13:57
ezra-sAri-Yang, about time...13:57
saiarcot895omniapro: Can you open your Home folder, show hidden files (ctrl-h to do this), and scroll down till you see .tor and/or .vidalia?13:57
TJ-Galaxor: And as you're starting a VM I assume you can also 'edit' the boot ISO image so that GRUB and the kernel know to use the serial console13:57
Ari-Yangezra-s, lol xD (I was multi-tasking :b)13:57
Ari-Yangthanks for telling me those list commands13:58
saiarcot895omniapro: wait, when you first installed tor, did you add yourself to the debian-tor group?13:58
ezra-sAri-Yang, one has to look a compromise between fashionable and practical, sometimes the ideal way of doing things or finding about it is not practical in a timely fashion, the answer I gave you fills the gap in one minute.. yet you spent... 30 minutes seeking for alternatives13:58
ezra-sAri-Yang, in any case, congrats ;)13:59
GalaxorTJ-: Hm.  I suppose I could edit the iso.  I was hoping that the alternate install already had grub configured to work over the serial console, though.  That way I don't have to figure out how to do it.13:59
omniaprowell I can see both the folder but no i didn't add myself to debian.tor group13:59
saiarcot895omniapro: That would be at least half of the problem14:00
TJ-Galaxor: What I did - for PXE boots on my network - is explode the ISO into directories precisely so I could add serial console entries for testing14:00
saiarcot895omniapro: run "sudo usermod <userName> -a -G debian-tor14:00
Ari-Yangezra-s, but it took me 5min. to find an alternative (found some kernel removing scripts), and it took me 1min to remove the kernel I wanted to remove. My multi-tasking had nothing to do with me searching for alternatives, was reading articles >__>14:00
TJ-Galaxor: You can mostly work from this in regrds to GRUB  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SerialConsoleHowto14:00
Ari-Yangbut yeah, thanks again :>14:01
GalaxorTJ-: Thanks.14:01
omniaprook i do it now?14:03
saiarcot895omniapro: Yes, try starting Tor from "sudo service restart tor", and then open Vidalia14:03
TJ-saiarcot895: omniapro That should be "sudo service tor restart"14:04
saiarcot895TJ-: thanks, my bad14:04
omniaproyes i know that command but again same error14:04
TJ-omniapro: When in doubt, check the logs in /var/log/ - First thing I do when an issue occurs is look to see which log file(s) were updated last, with "ls -latr /var/log/"14:05
omniapro-rw-r-----  1 syslog            adm    50469 giu 27 16:06 auth.log14:07
omniapro-rw-r-----  1 syslog            adm   281901 giu 27 16:06 syslog14:07
omniapro-rw-r-----  1 syslog            adm   161437 giu 27 16:06 kern.log14:07
omniaprolast 3 logs file updated14:07
saiarcot895omniapro: from what I can tell, tor stores its logs in /var/log/tor/log14:09
saiarcot895omniapro: try tail /var/log/tor/log, and paste the output to pastebin14:10
k3n4ni can not play flash videos, what can i do? i have ubuntu studio13.04 and firefox14:13
linuxmaniaHi i need help regarding compiz tool14:15
ActionParsnipk3n4n: what is the output of:  lsb_release -a; uname -a; dpkg -l | egrep 'flash|gnash|swf|spark'14:15
linuxmaniawhen i use Compiz my minimizing and cross Bar Disappear14:16
k3n4nNo LSB modules are available.14:16
k3n4nDistributor ID:Ubuntu14:16
k3n4nDescription:Ubuntu 12.04.2 LTS14:16
k3n4nLinux K3n4n-Vostro-1015 3.2.0-48-lowlatency #50-Ubuntu SMP PREEMPT Sat Jun 8 16:00:47 UTC 2013 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux14:16
FloodBot1k3n4n: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.14:16
linuxmaniaNo help :(14:17
adamkk3n4n: In your browser, does 'about:plugins' in the location bar show the flash plugin?14:20
yossarianukk3n4n: try 'sudo apt-get install lsb-base lsb-release'14:20
dhciWhen I run sensors I see that my NB and SB temperatures (north bridge and south bridge) have gone beyond the high threshold, approaching about 54 deg C -- also my power supply seems to have risen in temperature too, where as before a 750w supply felt like the system was lightly loading it now it seems like it is doing more work. is the motherboard shot?14:20
jmagderAnyone here running bumblebee with an external monitor? :)14:22
wilee-nileejmagder, You need to state the actual problem for help.14:23
jmagderwilee-nilee: Ok, no problem.  Here it goes.14:23
Picidhci: That might be a better question for ##hardware14:23
jmagderI'm running bumblebee on a W520. Almost everything works.  Yay!14:24
jmagderThe problem is that I want my external monitor to be my 'primary' desktop.14:24
jmagderI've been running: xrandr --output LVDS1 --primary --auto --output VIRTUAL --mode 1920x1080 --right-of LVDS114:24
jmagderto turn on the external monitor.14:24
jmagderThe --primary switch doesn't seem to do anything however.  I figure I'm doing something wrong.14:25
=== Multiply is now known as multiply
linuxmaniahelloo any one can Help me here regarding Compiz14:29
reisionope, but some people could14:29
linuxmaniaand those some ppl are ??14:29
wilee-nilee!ask > Linux3802514:29
ubottuLinux38025, please see my private message14:29
wilee-nilee!ask > linuxmania14:29
ubottulinuxmania, please see my private message14:29
linuxmaniawilee my Compiz disappears my Minimizing and maximizing bar14:30
wilee-nileelinuxmania, Tell the channel not me, I was just pointing out stating the problem for the channel is the norm. ;)14:31
ActionParsniplinuxmania: on top of each window?14:31
ActionParsniplinuxmania: its called a 'Window decorator'14:31
linuxmaniaYes on every window14:31
xinyuhi all14:32
linuxmaniaproblem is still there after i checked The Decorator14:33
reisioxinyu: hi14:34
linuxmaniawhere are the Red dudes O_O14:36
roSieversHi, I accidentally pulled the plug on my running backup (Déjà Dup), now it complains about (translated from german): “critical error: The Manifest in the backend does not match the local one. Either ...” - How do I tell déjà dup it to fix the backend?14:38
roSieversTo be precise, starting a new backup leads to this error14:39
Ari-Yangis it possible to set specific frequency for the gpu instead of using the power_profile ("low","mid","high","auto","default") in /sys/class/drm/card0/device/power_profile ?14:39
ghari cannot format my usb drive. it says daemon is inhibited14:39
Ari-YangI'm currently set to "mid" but I have a light lag on some webpages..14:39
ghari cannot format my usb drive. it says daemon is inhibited14:40
ghari cannot format my usb drive. it says daemon is inhibited14:40
ghari cannot format my usb drive. it says daemon is inhibitedi cannot format my usb drive. it says daemon is inhibited14:40
FloodBot1ghar: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.14:40
ghari cannot format my usb drive. it says daemon is inhibited14:40
wilee-nileewelcome to ignore ghar14:40
gharthanks wilee14:40
ubottuUm thanks... We *really* did not need to know that...14:40
wilee-nileeyou to14:41
ghardoes anybody know the issue... i tried with disk utility and even with gpated14:41
gharbut cannot delete partition and cannot format the drive14:42
gharit says daemon is inhibited...14:42
gharanyone help...14:42
Ari-Yangghar, be patient, if someone knows and offers his/her help, you will get it.14:42
=== aravind_ is now known as scrollbk
PashaPastaghar: sudo killall udisks   run that in terminal and you should be good go14:43
laseindun distro o programa bueno para rastreat contraseñas wifi??14:44
=== akshay__ is now known as akshay_r
reisioghar: or maybe just open your file manager and make sure it's not mounted14:44
laseindque funcione...?14:44
reisiolaseind: #ubuntu-es14:44
ghartnx pashapasta14:44
reisiolaseind: networkmanager14:44
Ari-Yangoh, I should mention my current MHz of my gpu (at least I think it's my gpu) http://pastebin.com/raw.php?i=dDYmh4Xk14:44
PashaPastalaseind: wicd14:44
Ari-Yangthat the power_profiler being set to mid)14:45
laseindpara sacarle la contraseña a mi vecino=?14:45
ikoniaAri-Yang: who are you telling this informaiton to and why ?14:45
PashaPastaen ingles?14:45
Pici!es | laseind14:45
ubottulaseind: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y presione intro.14:45
reisiolaseind: oh, heheh14:45
reisiolaseind: I doubt that's allowed here :p14:45
Ari-Yangikonia, just throwing it out there, I asked a question earlier: "is it possible to set specific frequency for the gpu instead of using the power_profile ("low","mid","high","auto","default") in /sys/class/drm/card0/device/power_profile?"14:45
laseindok thanks..14:45
Ari-Yangikonia, my question got lost in the chat >__>14:46
caelanI'm having a problem with ALSA right now. I have an Asus Xonar DG sound card, and I just cannot get the front panel ports to work. I have checked everywhere online for a solution, but I have come to no solution. Any help is very much appreciated. Thanks!14:46
laseindi need a distro to hack wifi, that works!!!14:46
PashaPastalaseind: what you are looking for is aircrack-ng but you should only use that for testing your own wifi of course ;)14:46
ikonialaseind: you need to not ask in here14:46
PashaPastause Kali linux14:46
xxhow do i know which network card i have?14:46
xxdoes nayone have a command line?14:46
caelanI'm using Ubuntu 13.04 BTW.14:47
laseindiw config14:47
ikoniathat won't show you your card model14:47
auronandacexx: lspci14:47
caelanAnd if this is any help, I hear a slight pop when I select to correct device to use in the "Sound" section in "Settings". That leads me to believe something is happening. But no sound is coming from any source.14:48
reisioxx: sudo lspci | grep -i net14:48
xxthanks auronandace and reisio <314:49
TJ-xx: "lspci -nn | egrep -i '(ether|net|wireless)'"14:49
ActionParsnipxx: sudo lshw -C network14:50
ActionParsnip^ easier14:50
reisioxx: lspci should suffice :p14:50
xxlol i got it guys14:50
xxthanks a lot <314:50
caelanCan anybody help with my problem? Thanks in advance.14:51
reisiocaelan: nope, but some people can...14:51
reisio...if you say what it is14:51
caelanI have already... "I'm having a problem with ALSA right now. I have an Asus Xonar DG sound card, and I just cannot get the front panel ports to work. I have checked everywhere online for a solution, but I have come to no solution. Any help is very much appreciated. Thanks!"14:51
caelan"And if this is any help, I hear a slight pop when I select to correct device to use in the "Sound" section in "Settings". That leads me to believe something is happening. But no sound is coming from any source."14:51
caelanAnd I am using Ubuntu 13.0414:52
reisiocaelan: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HdaIntelSoundHowto14:52
reisiocaelan: try different model values until it works14:52
TJ-caelan: Do the ports physically work?14:52
reisiocaelan: ahem, assuming it uses that driver, that is :)14:52
caelanreisio: OK, I'll give it a go. So basically, you are saying to try a different driver?14:52
reisiocaelan: no I'm saying if your box uses that particular audio driver, read that page and try different model values14:53
caelanTJ: yes, the ports work fine on Windows.14:53
TJ-caelan: see https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/alsa-driver/+bug/91980914:53
ubottuLaunchpad bug 919809 in alsa-driver (Ubuntu) "[CMI8788] Xonar DG: no front panel or recording support" [Undecided,Confirmed]14:54
caelanreisio: I'll give it a go.14:54
caelanubottu: OK, So that means they haven't fixed it?14:54
ubottucaelan: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)14:54
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reisiocaelan: not exactly, it means nobody aware of that bug who has potentially figured out how to fix it has said how :p14:55
caelanReally? It's been over a year, and they haven't fixed it?14:57
reisiocaelan: is that so surprising?14:57
reisionobody is paying these people14:57
reisioand there are probably superior cards that already just work14:58
reisioif you want to complain to someone, complain to the xonar people, whoever they are14:58
reisioor just take your lumps and choose hardware more wisely next time :)14:58
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caelanThat was no queue to have a go at me. I was not moaning about them. I understand fully, and I appreciate that these people do this for free. But I've just seen bugs like this fixed much faster.15:04
caelanreisio: ^15:05
reisiojust saying15:05
reisiobugs get fixed by people who are affected by them who are willing to do the work15:06
xxhow do i enable proprietary drivers?15:07
reisioxx: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedDrivers15:08
TJ-caelan: If you check the Alsa web-site you'll see that the developer of the snd-oxygen driver (Clemens Ladisch) for the C-Media CMI8788 APU sound chipset, has a ToDo that hasn't been updated since April 2012. That indicates he has moved on to other interests.15:09
caelanTJ-: OK, Thanks. for the info.15:10
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xxreisio: i meant network drivers15:10
adamkxx: What makes you think you there is a proprietary driver availalbe?  If there were one packaged for Ubuntu, you should have been told of it's availability.15:12
Ari-Yangxx, go to "Additional Drivers" tab in software sources (or search for the option, not sure if you're on 12.04 or greater) and see if you see a wifi driver15:14
Ari-Yangif you don't see any, then there isn't any I guess...15:15
TJ-caelan: This is the latest ALSA driver history I can find:  http://git.alsa-project.org/?p=alsa-kernel.git;a=history;f=sound/pci/oxygen/xonar_dg.c;h=77acd790ea4796b94c779fd72c1a8be861c4aa9e;hb=HEAD15:16
Safa_[A_boy]Hi, I'm getting some strange output when running "apt-cache show kde-runtime | grep -i version"... It shows that I have 4 versions of kde... the output: http://pastebin.com/TiNQG9Kp15:17
Safa_[A_boy]I removed the Kubuntu ppa from my sources...  but it still like this :(15:18
Safa_[A_boy]any idea?15:18
holsteinSafa_[A_boy]: kubuntu testing ppa?15:18
ActionParsnipSafa_[A_boy]: did you use ppa-purge to remove it?15:18
Safa_[A_boy]I want to have 4.8 only15:18
Safa_[A_boy]ActionParsnip, last time, yes15:19
irreverantIs Blackbuntu any good?15:19
Safa_[A_boy]holstein, The kubuntu ppa, I don't know :|15:19
* Safa_[A_boy] gone for a while15:20
holsteinirreverant: i dont know what it is, but "good" is a matter of opinion, and only official derivitives are supported here.. id see if they have a live CD15:20
irreverantholstein: http://www.blackbuntu.com/15:20
holsteinirreverant: sure.. and that, again, is not supported here.. feel free and link that in the offtopic channel15:21
irreverantholstein: ok.15:21
ActionParsnipirreverant: its also not supported here15:23
mojtabaHi, Is there any google talk application for ubutnu?15:24
irreverantActionParsnip: I realize that, i was trying to find a version of Ubuntu that is a good network penetration tool.15:24
ActionParsnipirreverant: see what it comes with, see if it suits your needs15:24
TJ-Safa_[A_boy]: Try "apt-cache policy kde-runtime" and you'll see the explanation15:24
ActionParsnipmojtaba: http://www.ubuntututorials.com/install-google-talk-ubuntu-12-04/15:25
mojtabaActionParsnip: Does it work for ubuntu 13.04?15:25
ActionParsnipmojtaba: www.youtube.com/watch?v=0w1NHTthcjg15:25
ActionParsnipmojtaba: can't imagine its massively different15:25
SwashBucklahi there. I'm puzzled as to why my upstart job isn't sending an email on shutdown15:25
mojtabaActionParsnip: Ok, thanks15:25
ActionParsnipmojtaba: not something I use15:26
TJ-SwashBuckla: The mail server has already been stopped?15:26
mojtabaActionParsnip: Isn't it a good thing?15:26
ActionParsnipmojtaba: no idea. I have no need for it15:28
wincidehola, alguien sabria decirme como copiar archivos con extension xxx que estan distribuidos en una estructura de directorios , de manera recursiva en otro directorio ? Estoy probando cp -Rav  *.xxx /almacen/  pero solo me copia el primero, y hay muchos15:30
chaotixheyy...   anyone know how you type to talk to the other players in OPENARENA?15:31
DJones!es | wincide15:31
ubottuwincide: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y presione intro.15:31
chaotixwhat button needsw to be pushed before one can type in openarena?15:31
irreverantI can translate for wincide15:31
irreverantHola Wincide:15:31
wincideall right15:31
irreverantoh maybe he speaks english15:32
wincideim trying to copy recursively a type of files into another directory , just filtering by extension, but only first one is copied15:32
irreveranthe's asking if someone knows how to copy ....15:32
wincideim trying cp -Rav  *.xxx /almacen/  where in my pwd are lot of subdirectories and name.xxx files ,15:33
wincideirreverant, thanks, actually im trying to copy recursively an exclusive type of files with a defined extension, lets imagine xxx files , so im using cp -R -a -v *.xxx /target_dir/15:35
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Josh____Hello sirs15:36
SpyClub@wincide have you tried using the find command find -iname "*.xxx" -exec cp {} /target_dir/ ?15:36
SpyClubwincide: or even rsync to maintain the directory heirachy?15:37
reisioJosh____: hi15:37
wincidersync is a right choice .. i think is something related with the * xD .. even ls -R *.xxx | wc -l to count these files is not working15:38
ActionParsnipgrsync is a nice gui to rsyc if you have a desktop OS15:38
ActionParsnipbut learning rsync is useful15:38
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reisioall that GUI code, all that potential to introduce bugs15:40
SpyClubwincide: checkout http://serverfault.com/questions/150269/complex-includes-excludes-with-rsync15:41
SpyClubwincide: and --dry-run is useful if the files are large15:42
Jellyg00seHi there! I've just got my lappy and the fn key is enabled by default (my f12 button turns on/off my wireless rather than using the f12 key) any tips on how I can reverse this would be appreciated :)15:44
wincideim trying  rsync -var *.vsd /almacen/MapasRed/ but doesnt work , anyway im checking manuals15:44
vltwincide: -r is part of -a15:45
vltwincide: But it should work anyway.15:45
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vltwincide: What do you expect and what happens instead?15:45
SpyClubwincide: rsync -av --filter='+ *.vsd' /sourcedir/ /targetdir/15:46
SpyClubwincide: not sure if that will work...15:47
wincidei expect a copy , and not an error  :) rsync error: some files/attrs were not transferred (see previous errors) (code 23) at main.c(1070) [sender=3.0.9]15:47
litropyHi, all. My wifi card is borking. I'm trying very hard to figure out what's going on. Is there another, more detailed log I can look at other than syslog?15:47
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SpyClubwincide: just tested, command works fine on my machine15:49
litropyOr is syslog the most verbose?15:49
wincideSpyClub,  lets try ;)15:50
SpyClubwincide: just realised it copied everything, oops, i'll try again :(15:50
wincidenot working15:51
irreverantI think that's againt the GNU licensing15:51
wincidethis is copying everything , not only *.vsd :)15:51
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ActionParsnipWang_Dickman: kill the caps15:52
jbroomeWang_Dickman: enough please15:52
ActionParsnip!caps | wan15:52
ubottuwan: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.15:52
jbroomesee, told you. :)15:52
Teh_Bucketaccidentily updated from 10.04 to 12.04, switched the desktop to gnome classic as best as i could, and now navigation commands like alt-tab and workspace switching don't work at all.15:52
jbroomeActionParsnip: had the tab complete pulled out from under you. :)15:53
irreverantWang_Dickman: you want help, please be considerate. you can get your question answered just be respectful15:53
Teh_Bucketany ideas? the only thing i found was to restart a few times, which didn't change anything15:53
ActionParsnipjbroome: yeah, HP 6570b keyvoard is a bit crappy15:53
ActionParsnipTeh_Bucket: are you using compiz as the WM?15:53
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Teh_Bucketi have compiz running, yes15:53
SpyClubwincide: finally got it...15:54
Teh_Bucketnot exactly sure how that works though..15:54
ActionParsnipTeh_Bucket: then set the ALT+Tab stuff in ccsm15:54
SpyClubwincide: rsync -av --include '*/' --include '*.bmp' --exclude '*' source/ destination/15:54
SpyClubwincide: you need to tell it to include directories and the specific extension, exclude all other files15:54
Teh_Bucketaha! ActionParsnip thank you very much.15:55
wincidethanks :)15:55
SpyClubwincide: your welcome :)15:55
Safa_[A_boy]TJ-, :)15:56
Safa_[A_boy]4:4.10.4-0ubuntu0.1~ubuntu12.04~ppa1 015:56
Safa_[A_boy]        100 /var/lib/dpkg/status15:56
pratzHello guys15:58
pratzI have a .avi file but it does not play with vlc nor with smplayer15:58
pratzI have even installed ubuntu extra packages15:58
pratzDo I need to restart the machine after installing the ubuntu extra's ?15:59
SpyClubpratz: have you tried installing "sudo apt-get install libavcodec-extra-52"15:59
SpyClubpratz: you should not need to reboot15:59
pratzSpyClub: here is the text file with the video https://dpaste.de/L9O8T/16:00
wincideSpyClub, it works! its a sh*tty backup i have to make , thanks a lot16:01
pratzSpyClub: libavcodec-extra-53 - this is already installed16:01
ActionParsnippratz: you will need to close the media players, thats all16:01
SpyClubpratz: I don't think I did anything, but no problem :P16:01
pratzActionParsnip: sorry, not working still16:02
dasHi. Anyone aware of patches to simplify the output of make ? I'm talking color/indent16:02
ActionParsnippratz: what messages or such like do you see16:02
ActionParsnipprasimply sayin 'doesn't work' doesnt help anyone16:02
SpyClubpratz: I trpically pass things into a more linux friendly format with FFmpeg...16:03
AlexandreMBMHello! Two users use Xorg. A local and a XDMCP. NTFS unities are mounted for user. Exclusive.16:05
AlexandreMBMCan I make another mount point for the user two?16:05
shankstaByteswould my system be faster if i loaded my kernel as a ram disk?16:09
yofunhello  i am runnig ubuntu 13.04 and i want to edit my /etc/resolv.conf to have public root servers ( http://inaic.com/index.php?p=public-internet-access ) but i noticed the file says "DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE BY HAND -- YOUR CHANGES WILL BE OVERWRITTEN" So how do i edit the file?16:10
SpyClubyoufun: checkout http://askubuntu.com/questions/239169/how-to-edit-etc-resolv-conf-on-ubuntu-12-0416:11
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chersenhey all16:11
SpyClubyofun: I believe 13.04 does it in the same way was 12.04 http://askubuntu.com/questions/239169/how-to-edit-etc-resolv-conf-on-ubuntu-12-0416:11
Martinjo84What shall i call my shop, selling preinstall ubuntu machine? :D16:11
yofunSpyClub:  thanks for the link. will look into it16:12
ooshlabluhey all, I'm looking for help with a strangeish problem with preseed16:12
SpyClubyofun: let me know if it works16:13
chersencan anyone help me with setting up my email? i know how to configure it in outlook but im a bit of a noob to linux...16:13
ooshlablubasically, everything works fine, unless I provision a machine that has some disks that were formerly part of a raid set16:13
ActionParsnipyofun: add to the bottom of /etc/resolvconf/resolv.conf.d/head16:13
yofunActionParsnip:  theres nothing in it :P other then the warning not to edit by hand16:14
ActionParsnipyofun: that file is usd to generate the header in /etc/resolv.conf so if you add nameserver lines in the head file, it will always be added and supercede dhcp given dns servers16:14
yofunah ok16:14
rypervenchechersen: Sure. Where do you have your email service?16:14
ActionParsnipyofun: echo "nameserver" | sudo tee -a /etc/resolvconf/resolv.conf.d/head > /dev/null16:14
ooshlablumeaning that most of the disks are new and like 2 were part of a raid set. Basically the installer freaks out when trying to build a new one, and creates a weird md12716:14
rypervenchechersen: gmail? yahoo? etc.16:14
TJ-ooshlablu: You probably need to zero the metadata block(s). What did the disks have on them previously?16:14
ActionParsnipyofun: its a hack but it works well16:15
yofunlol what did that do?16:15
ooshlabluTj: is there a way to tell preseed to blow away the disks regardless of what was on them?16:15
chersenim at my company and this is the only thing holding me back from using linux all the time16:15
yofunit added to the file16:15
rypervenchechersen: I understand. My company does the same thing. Luckily, they provide us with IMAP and SMTP access to the exchange mail server, so I can use my personal mail client.16:16
yofunActionParsnip:  restart networking service or?16:16
ActionParsnipyofun: yes, now each time you reboot, that will be aded to the resolv.conf file as well as the header you see16:16
ActionParsnipyofun: you can manually write to /etc/resolv.conf now if you like, same difference16:16
rypervenchechersen: If you can find out if there are SMTP and IMAP services running, you can run thunderbird or claws-mail or something else. Otherwise I believe thunderbird can support exchange....I think?16:16
chersenah ok. yea im not sure what we are using, but i know how it's configured in outlook but can't seem to translate that into kmail/thunderbird/evolution16:16
ActionParsnipyofun: echo "nameserver" | sudo tee /etc/resolv.conf > /dev/null16:17
rypervenchechersen: http://www.techrepublic.com/blog/smbit/connect-the-thunderbird-email-client-to-your-exchange-server/113016:17
chersenyea i was trying to figure that out bc that would probably help :P lol16:17
chersenoh cool thanks!16:17
rypervenchechersen: I personally refuse to use the exchagne protocol. I use IMAP and SMTP that is provided. You will need to ask your work about that if you plan on doing the same.16:18
chersenok. should i just ask if they can enable that or something?16:18
chersen(thanks for the help. still trying to figure everything out)16:18
ooshlabluTj: yeah, zeroing out the metadata works. I'm wondering if there is some way to make the installed do it before it gets to partitioning. I'm looking to create a system where users can choose from multiple configs and get their machines 'automagically', and those configs can range from lvm to md raid, to a flat fs with a bunch of spare disks.16:19
rypervenchechersen: You can ask them if they have IMAP and SMTP enabled, and if not if they can enable it for you.16:19
chersenah gotcha16:19
columbHow do I test server connection speed? I can't test 100mb/s with my home ~10mb/s internets.16:20
ActionParsnipcolumb: downlod a large file off it using wget is one way16:20
columbActionParsnip from where I can download it?16:20
chersenalright ill work on it for a bit. thanks rypervenche! ^^16:21
TJ-ooshlablu: I'd say a script to pre-clear the disks that does "mdadm --zero-superblock /dev/$DISK"16:21
ActionParsnipcolumb: the web somewhere, download the ubuntu insall DVD, plent of time to hit full speed16:21
rypervenchechersen: My work didn't advertise the IMAP/SMTP addresses, but they already existed after asking around a bit.16:21
chersenoh ok. yea maybe it's already there...i was trying to use imap/smtp settings when setting up the account (different variations on our domain/server names) but nothing seemed to work16:23
DylanClIs anybody here good with FFMPEG/Avconv? (for streaming)16:24
ooshlabluTj; I think I found what I was looking for: preseed/early_command16:27
Ari-YangDylanCl, I recommend you just state your problem16:27
ogulmus #ubuntu-tr16:27
tharkunGood $(date +%p) I need to install the openldap ubuntu package on a debian server. It is obvious that downloading the .deb package is by no means recomended. The sane course of action is to download the source package of ubuntu and compile it under debian. First question What would be the best way to download the source package?16:28
DylanClAri-Yang: I can't really state my problem. You have to look at it in order to know what the problem is and I can only do that by streaming16:28
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TJ-ooshlablu: You'll need to ensure mdadm and all its dependencies are installed, unless you do something clever with 'dd'16:29
blizzowI have a wireless client that keeps bouncing to different wireless access points in my wifi network.  It won't stay associated with the nearest access point.  Is there a way I can configure the network manager to access only particular access points?16:29
zero2XIIIDylanCl: Try and describe your problem?16:29
BAMbandaHow can I tell if my system is Linux x86_64 or Linux i686?16:29
zero2XIIIBAMbanda: uname -a16:29
DylanClzero2XIII: Well, while playing a game (minecraft) the quality is terrible and it keeps rolling back16:30
TJ-ooshlablu: You might find "d-i partman/early_command" a more appropriate hook16:30
zero2XIIIDylanCl: do you have any type of graphical drivers installed?16:30
ooshlabluTJ: yeah, was just gonna do with dd and see how that works, I know its included in the initramfs we use for PXE. Yeah, might try that one16:31
DylanClzero2XIII: I think so...if I don't, how can i play games? :P16:31
TJ-ooshlablu: You'd need to know where the metadata superblocks are, though, that's the thorny bit16:31
TJ-ooshlablu: Which is why I think doing it as soon as the disks enter the spare pool is a better approach16:32
zero2XIIIDylanCl: well, ubuntu do come with opensource drivers, I meant did you install proprietary drivers? What graphics card are you using16:33
ooshlabluTj; yeah, I could probably just run mkfs.ext2 on all the disks just to make sure they're clear. the Preseed works fine with anything other than md raid or lvm16:33
DylanClIntel® Ironlake Mobile x86/MMX/SSE216:33
yofunwhat is
Ari-YangDylanCl, what ubuntu version are you on?16:34
Ari-YangDylanCl, go to Additional Drivers tab under software sources16:34
zero2XIIIyofun: that is the Google DNS server's IP adress16:34
Ari-Yangand see if there are any proprietary drivers there16:34
sb7597yofun: Google public DNS?16:34
yofundoes ubuntu run its own local nameserver or something?16:35
zero2XIIIyofun: the other one I know of is, and yes sb7597 the public dns servers16:35
yofundoes that mean ubuntu runs it own nameserver too?16:35
DylanClWhere can I find Software Sources16:36
yofunzero2XIII:  so if i add and i should be able to access internet2?16:36
darkhelmetfirst time ubuntu user16:36
darkhelmeti'm on 12.0416:36
Ari-Yang....dylancl it's a /section/ in system settings. just search for it16:36
darkhelmettrying to get the right click open in terminal action going16:36
Ari-Yangor if you're on Unity DylanCl, you can hit the dash board and search for software soruces there16:37
darkhelmeti've downloaded the natulis open thing16:37
darkhelmetstill can't get it16:37
zero2XIIIyofun: yes, if you add them as DNS servers, but first try and access this:
DylanClAri-Yang: no software sources :/16:37
yofunzero2XIII:  that ip works. it goes to google16:37
zero2XIIIyofun: awesome, then yes, just add primary and secondary as DNS servers and it should work16:38
yofunzero2XIII:  add them to /etc/resolv.conf as nameservers or?16:38
yofunthats what i been reading16:38
zero2XIIIyofun: so you are not sure how to do that?16:38
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yofunnope could you explain or give me a wiki link?16:39
nonicknamehi all ubuntu users16:39
yofunzero2XIII:  nope could you explain or give me a wiki link?16:39
zero2XIIIyofun: please use my name in your messages so it is highlighted :). And sure, what version of ubuntu are you using?16:39
nonicknamehello :]16:39
hadifarnoudhow can I bulk add iptables rules? rule is the same just IP is different16:39
yofunzero2XIII:  13.0416:40
zero2XIIIyofun: oka open up a terminal and type: "sudo nano /etc/resolv.conf"16:41
yofunzero2XIII:  yep im already there ;P16:41
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yofunnameserver nameserver search att.net16:41
blazemoreSomething is causing a bell in the terminal every time there's any message in any channel16:41
zero2XIIIyofun: simply add a line "nameserver"16:41
yofunis what i have right now16:42
emigdioGood Day o/, I am new to Linux, installed the latest version of ubuntu, installed NetBeans to start programing a voila, the designer is stuck in Loading in the main Form any way to fix this?16:42
yofunzero2XIII:  nameserver nameserver search att.net   is what i have right now16:42
zero2XIIIyofun: they need to be underneath each other16:42
HelloWorld321I'm tying the example from the wget manual, but in the case of my target website, the login is an email address, so would there be any escaping needed for the --post-data paramters?16:42
HelloWorld321wget --save-cookies cookies.txt --post-data 'user=foo@foo.com&password=bar'  http://server.com/auth.php16:42
yofunzero2XIII:  they are. kvIRC sends it as one line16:42
digsSo, my vsftp tls, fully encrypted log in's were working fine yesterday. Today, they don't.16:42
digsI can't figure out whats wrong.16:42
zero2XIIIyofun: Oh oka, and you still do not have internet?16:43
KleberI'm a dummie in Linux16:43
digsI get...  SSL3_GET_RECORD wrong version number16:43
yofunzero2XIII:  http://inaic.com/index.php?p=public-internet-access test gives me a error16:43
Ari-YangDylanCl, then just google "additional drivers" in 13.0416:43
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zero2XIIIyofun: give me a sec16:44
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yofunDylanCl:  i belive its under settings in software and updates16:44
DylanClNo proprietary drivers are in use.16:45
Ari-YangDylanCl, do you see any listed?16:46
Ari-Yangif you don't, then there aren't any16:46
DylanClNope, none are listed16:46
Ari-Yang(for your card)16:46
zero2XIIIyofun: that is something completely different, they are basically a DNS, so you need to add their IP adress to the list16:46
zero2XIIIyofun: http://inaic.com/index.php?p=linux-upgrade16:46
Ari-Yangyeah DylanCl, you're stuck with open source ones it looks like. fear not http://phoronix.com/forums/showthread.php?81666-AMD-Has-Massive-Radeon-Patch-Set-Power-Management!#post33856816:46
DylanClI don't have an AMD card tho16:47
yofunso zero2XIII copy and paste step 2? (making a backup of the old file of course)16:47
Ari-YangDylanCl, type lspci | grep VGA in terminal16:47
Ari-Yangwhat do you get?16:48
yofunstep 3*16:48
DylanCl00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation Core Processor Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 02)16:48
zero2XIIIyofun: yes, and then adding (or changing to) and
zero2XIIIyofun: step 3 is an example output of a resolv.conf file16:49
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Ari-YangDylanCl, you can google proprietary drivers for that card to see if there are available. Just be careful though, you could risk breaking something; good luck.16:51
usuario_hay alguien ahi16:51
DJones!es | usuario_16:51
ubottuusuario_: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y presione intro.16:51
usuario_necesito ayuda16:51
yofunzero2XIII:  i erased the whole file and added nameserver and im still not able to access the internet216:52
yofundont i need to restart a service?16:52
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explodesI have a hardware raid controller, but on that system I am running ubuntu server 13.04, what utilities can I use to bypass the hardware raid controller to manually check the health of each disk?16:53
zero2XIIIyofun: Not as far as I know.. But you can try: restart networking16:54
zero2XIIIyofun: or just log out and back in16:54
StaticWIN!en | usuario_16:55
ubottuusuario_: Certain Ubuntu IRC channels are English only.  For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/ChannelList16:55
FloodBot1marawan2: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.16:56
Picimarawan2: /clear16:56
ggzregularly, firefox seem to loose internet connection, others applications works fine, i need to restart firefox or switch "offline mode" on then off and everything works again, do you know how to solve this ? i have ubuntu 12.04, firefox 2116:57
marianne12.04 using VLC and getting an encryption error when trying to play a  regular DVD16:59
zero2XIIImarianne: try installing libdvdcss217:00
marawan2Which browser do you guys recommend for lubuntu distro17:00
zero2XIIImarianne: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/PlayingDVDs17:00
marawan2google chrome, chromium or firfox?17:00
Harukimarawan2, epiphany maybe?17:00
Harukimarawan2, firefox of the ones you mentioned...17:01
yellabs-r2end of life support for windows Xp , the chance for ubuntu to make it big ?17:02
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Harukiyell what do you mean??17:02
Jellyg00seHello there, I have an issue where banshee closes 5 seconds after it boots up, everything seems fine but it just closes17:03
yofunlol zero2XIII service networking restart messed up TTY7 for somereason so i switched ttys and logged into root then rebooted17:03
Jellyg00seis there a log I can check or any idea where I would start please?17:03
HarukiHow can I save all the files from my Rhythmbox in a folder?17:03
x56_ubuntu + samsung laptop = bad, battery drop17:03
zero2XIIIyofun: wow, weird hahaha.. Not sure why that happened.. But is it working now?17:03
yellabs-r2Haruki , i guess all your music in in a directory ..17:04
superdohow to install novel moonlight on ubuntu?17:04
zero2XIIIyofun: I have no experience with this "internet2" idea.. Just use Tor on the ocasion to access some *.onions17:04
yofunno zero2XIII becasue /etc/resolv.conf restores its self. ...hold on im going to add it to the header file then restart17:04
superdoopening the downloaded file forces Firefox to save it..17:04
Harukiyellabs-r2, yes, but i want to save all the songs from a playlist in a single folder... it should be trivial to write a command for it but i don't know any scripting ..17:05
ed8hi, I added a script to my PATH, but when I run it with 'sudo', I got a 'command not found' message17:05
ed8do I need to put a link in /sbin?17:05
marawan2Haruki: what is  epiphany17:05
Harukimarahin, it's a browser17:06
Harukimarawan2, apt-get install epiphany17:06
marawan2Haruki: please tell me more about it17:06
marawan2Haruki: why u see it is better17:06
yellabs-r2Haruki , for your question : http://askubuntu.com/questions/43643/how-can-i-export-all-the-mp3s-from-a-playlist-in-banshee17:06
yellabs-r2read and see if that works17:07
Harukiyellabs-r2, thanks... your google skills are remarkable17:07
zero2XIIIyofun: you might need to add it differently17:07
yofunzero2XIII:  how so?17:07
zero2XIIIyofun: QUOTE:  The ifup(8) program can be used to configure network interfaces accord‐17:07
zero2XIII       ing to settings in /etc/network/interfaces(5).  To make ifup push name‐17:07
zero2XIII       server information to resolvconf when it configures an  interface,  add17:07
zero2XIII       dns- lines to the relevant iface stanza in /etc/network/interfaces.  To17:07
zero2XIII       add nameserver addresses add a line beginning with dns-nameservers.17:07
Guest54399hey guys. On 12.04, when I enable automatic login (GDM 3.0.4), my system will no longer boot past the splash screen. It doesn't crash to console, it just hangs on "starting cpu interrupts balancing daemon". Any tips?17:07
FloodBot1zero2XIII: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.17:07
zero2XIIIawg why did that just happened... meh...17:08
yofunsupercom32:  sudo apt-get install moonlight-plugin-core moonlight-plugin-mozilla try that ( http://www.maketecheasier.com/install-and-run-silverlight-in-linux/2010/10/02)17:08
yofunzero2XIII: link to that quote?17:09
yofunzero2XIII:  and where?17:09
zero2XIIIyofun: man resolvconf17:09
yofunah ok17:09
jfddkfnmanyone knows cuda??17:09
OerHekssuperdo, yofun, that silverlight url is old, silverlight ot better moonlight is discontinued17:09
yellabs-r2Guest54399 : you must have done something before that : installed an new gdm ?17:10
superdoOerHeks, solved meantime thanks17:10
zero2XIIIyofun: it is the man page of resolvconf17:10
yofunzero2XIII:  i know :P17:10
yellabs-r2cuda are the nvidia drivers17:10
jfddkfnmyes NVIDIA CUDA17:10
superdonow I have error installing codec .. error17:10
zero2XIIIyofun: haha sorry just saying17:10
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yofunOerHeks:  moonlight is discontinued?17:10
jfddkfnmi want to program NVIDIA jetson dev kit...17:11
yellabs-r2hello OerHeks, alles goed ?17:11
yofunzero2XIII: im not a complete noob :P17:11
yofunzero2XIII:  lol i run a VPS with ircd and such so.. :P17:11
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yofunzero2XIII: one of my current issues is postfix/dovecot....its a pain17:11
OerHekshi yellabs-r2 great, how are you ?17:11
zero2XIIIyofun: Never said you were, just though you might have misunderstood my message17:11
OerHeksyofun, see the download date "Last Updated: Apr 12, 2011"17:12
yellabs-r2fine, thanks17:12
SolarisBoyversus sendmail/qpopper sheesh thats a walk in the park17:12
protomouseyellabs-r2: not to my knowledge. It's a fresh install, it boots fine if I toggle the flag back17:12
yellabs-r2protomouse ; just wondering, how can you put it back when it does noot boot but hangs ?17:12
protomouseyellabs-r2: through the console ;)17:13
yellabs-r2i see ok..17:13
yellabs-r2protomouse, i guess best to remove and reinstall gdm ?  apt-get wise17:14
yellabs-r2did you try that ?17:14
yofunzero2XIII:  sorry :)17:15
armansUbuntu on Chromebook 5 550 = Bliss :D17:16
zero2XIIIyofun: no worries.. Try adding the DNS through the GUI network manager... maybe that'll work.. It works on my system doing it as I said above, not sure why I would need it though, but it works on mine....17:16
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yellabs-r2protomouse : fresh install not upgrade ?17:17
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protomouseyellabs-r2: fresh install. trying your suggestion.17:17
xnp70I wonder how GeoIP is installed in ubuntu, the package: php5-geoip installs the .so library but not the PHP files :S17:19
xnp70any body knows ?17:19
xnp70is that a bug in that package ?17:19
protomousesame issue. It's no biggie, I can leave autologin disabled. I'd just like to learn what's going on. ;)17:20
yellabs-r2protomouse, i have no clue, you could try to update , maybe that would help..17:21
yellabs-r2strange issue17:21
tharkunWhat are the current repos of ubuntu?17:21
yofunzero2XIII:  what GUI?17:22
protomouseyellabs-r2: indeed it is. I'm already on the tip of updates. Oh well, for another time I guess.17:22
zero2XIIIyofun: the network manager, or are you on a headless system?17:22
yofunno :P im on a laptop desktop version17:22
yofunzero2XIII:  but i dont see in the network manager where to add it (if im at the right place ...i have no idea)17:23
yellabs-r2protomouse, yeah, or replace GDM with an other manager, but i would not do that i think..17:23
tharkunyofun: What is wrong with n-m?17:23
yofuntharkun:  what is n-m?17:24
tharkunn-m ~ network-manager17:24
yellabs-r2protomouse, wich version did you install ?17:24
yellabs-r2of ubuntu17:24
yofuntharkun:  thats not a command is it?17:25
zero2XIIIyofun: let me try and get you to the same place: "gome-nettool" in terminal, under devices, select your networking interface from the drop down list17:25
zero2XIIIyofun: then click on configure17:25
protomouseyellabs-r2: 12.0417:25
yofuncommand not found ;p hold on let me instal17:25
mrtAkdenizhi guys17:26
mrtAkdenizis that help channel?17:26
yofunmrtAkdeniz:  yes this is the help channel for ubuntu17:26
mrtAkdenizyofun, I have a problem with my Ubuntu Gnome 13.04, may I ask?17:27
yofunmrtAkdeniz:  ask and you may get an answer17:27
yofunmrtAkdeniz:  please dont ask to ask :P17:27
zero2XIIItharkun: I wanted to use nettool later but sure, yofun open network manager with "nm-connection-editor17:27
mrtAkdenizI  have a toshiba laptop. It has amd radeon 7670m17:27
mrtAkdenizi just installed ubuntu gnome 13.04 but my max.resolution is 1280x102417:28
yofunzero2XIII:  i opened gnome-nettool17:28
yofunzero2XIII:  just installed it17:28
yellabs-r2protomouse,  see if i can find an other option, one moment17:28
mrtAkdenizAnd on details option, my graphics are vesa:thames17:28
zero2XIIIyofun: oka under device, select your device and click on configure17:28
adamkmrtAkdeniz: Pastebin your /var/log/Xorg.0.log file.17:29
yofunzero2XIII:  im guessing it would be the wireless device?17:29
zero2XIIIyofun: whatever you are using to connect to the internet17:29
yellabs-r2protomouse,  reading this one on an simular problem : http://askubuntu.com/questions/130265/ubuntu-12-04-hangs-on-login17:29
yofunzero2XIII:  okay next?17:29
zero2XIIIyofun: oka the connection you are currently using for internet access, select it and click on edit17:30
yofunzero2XIII:  next?17:31
zero2XIIIyofun: go to the "IPv4 settings" tab and see the "DNS servers" text box?17:31
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yofunzero2XIII:  yes i see it17:31
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mrtAkdenizadamk, here are my logs http://tny.cz/2340eb4817:31
mrtAkdenizpastebin is not accessable on my country17:32
zero2XIIIyofun: add the IP in there, hit on save and you are done.. Should do it for you17:32
yofunzero2XIII:  k17:32
adamkmrtAkdeniz: Why are you passing 'nomodeset' to the kernel?  This is not how Ubuntu comes by default.17:32
zero2XIIIyofun: I have to run, Ill be back in a bit if that did not work17:32
yofunzero2XIII: like this? http://screencloud.net/v/qhm017:33
mrtAkdenizadamk, because of my graphic card, I cannot install without nomodeset adamk17:33
mrtAkdenizadamk, If I not choose this option, there is only a blue screen, on system stucks on it...17:33
adamkmrtAkdeniz: Well you can't use the open source radeon drivers with nomodeset.  Your options are to either get KMS working, or using the proprietary fglrx driver.17:34
mrtAkdenizWhich one is better Xorg drivers or fglrx drivers?  adamk17:34
adamkmrtAkdeniz: Did you try booting without 'nomodeset' but trying to force a resolution with the 'video=XRESxYRES' option?17:34
yellabs-r2got to go , good luck ..17:35
adamkmrtAkdeniz: They both have their advantages. Personally, I try not to use propietary drivers if at all possible.17:35
mrtAkdenizadamk, Could you please wait for a while when I'm trying to reboot system with nomodeset?17:35
adamkmrtAkdeniz: I can try.  I can't make any promises that I'll be around later.17:36
mrtAkdenizadamk, thank you a lot :)17:36
tharkunWhat is the current ubuntu version?17:37
DJonestharkun: 13.0417:38
mrtAkdenizadamk, thanks a lot bro17:38
OerHekstharkun, 12.04 LTS and 13.0417:38
mrtAkdenizadamk, I just deleted nomodeset option from GRUB and now my resolution is 1366x768 which I want :)17:38
mrtAkdenizadamk, Is there any option to edit grub permanently? I don't want edit grub on every boot?17:39
tharkunWould an /etc/apt/sources.list line would look like this deb-src http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ 13.04 main restricted17:39
reisiomrtAkdeniz: yup17:40
mrtAkdenizreisio, How can I do?17:40
reisiomrtAkdeniz: check https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 for the custom file17:40
mrtAkdenizreisio, Thanks :)17:40
fionaMaidI am trying to upgrade my Ubuntu,but it won't accept any of my passwords.  Is there a password I don't know about?17:40
reisiofionaMaid: boot a live OS, chroot, run sudo passwd usernameofchoice17:41
reisiofionaMaid: though potentially your passwords aren't working because the software for utilizing them is broken :D17:41
fionaMaidI tried logging in as root, no problem.  When I run update manager, I don't get the option to upgrade.17:42
dr_Exntrkhey ppl..17:42
zero2XIIIyofun: yes like that17:43
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dr_Exntrktoday i tried ubuntu directly from USB i.e. just tried without install.. but in tat mode i m not able to open any partitions on my HDD.. Well i wanted to knw if this was NORMAL17:44
zero2XIIIdr_Exntrk: what version of ubuntu exhibited this behaviour?17:45
zero2XIIIdr_Exntrk: I have had that happen yes, needed root privledges (or sudo) to mount partitions not owned by "ubuntu" user17:46
dr_Exntrk<zero2XIII> ok. but will this problem still persist if i install ubuntu.. and is this problem also there in ubuntu 13??17:47
zero2XIIIdr_Exntrk: it is not a "problem" persay, and no it should not be there with install. Remember, a live system is designed to not do anything that might effect the host computer, thus some permissions are slightly different than that of a full install17:49
OerHeksdr_Exntrk, how many primairy partitions do you have? 4 is max17:49
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a1всем привет17:49
DJones!ru | a117:50
ubottua1: Пожалуйста наберите /join #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке. | Pozhalujsta naberite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke.17:50
mrtAkdenizMy wireless mouse is not working on Ubuntu Gnome 13.0417:50
dr_Exntrkzero2XIII: U are just AWESOME!!! U just answered all my problems in just a few words.. and one more thing, if i am replace win7 with ubuntu during install wil i loose data in all partitions or only in the partition where win 7 was installed??17:51
mrtAkdenizIt was not working on Mint too, but If I start Xserver as root by writing su then startx, It was working17:52
dr_ExntrkOerHeks: Yes i knw. But 5 is max not 4. Only on MBR, on GPT formatted hard-drives its completely different :)17:53
Kartagissurprising to see another Turkish person talk in #ubuntu :)17:53
zero2XIIIdr_Exntrk: It all depends on where your data is stored, but yes, if you chose the partition with win7 on for the installation, that partition will be formated. May I recommend going over to the ubuntu forums and open a thread there for guidance if you want to do a more advance install such as keeping your file intact etc.. Just to be safe17:53
mrtAkdenizI think something on normal user is ignoring Ubuntu to install wireless mouse drivers17:54
mrtAkdenizCan it be?17:54
DraxelisGoogle keep shortcut icon is blurry on desktop when created via chromium17:56
KartagismrtAkdeniz: did you try Software & Updates, Additional Drivers tab?17:56
Draxelisanyone aware of any fix?17:56
dr_Exntrkzero2XIII: Ok so lets say i hav 2 partitions c: and d:, if I try to replace win7 which is on c:, then all data on c: will be wiped whereas the data on d: will remain intact. Right?17:57
orogorjoin /ubuntu-server17:58
angeli need help my ubuntu studio can get wifi connection17:58
Takagamiangel: I am assuming you mean "can't" get a connection...17:58
zero2XIIIdr_Exntrk: yes, if you set it up like that during install. Just remember that *unix systems have a different drive lay out than that of windows.17:59
angeli know but i let it install alone17:59
angelyes i can get any wifi connection17:59
zero2XIIIdr_Exntrk: you have a root (/) partition instead of a c:\ drive. Inside which diferent things can happen and be mounted. It is somewhat more complicated that windows since you can go REALLY advance in setting up directory structures with drives mounted in different locations.18:00
mrtAkdenizKartagis, I'm tryin18:01
angelbut i can get some line18:01
mrtAkdenizKartagis, There is no driver except graphics18:02
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angelcan someone help please?18:03
KartagismrtAkdeniz: try apt-get upgrade, that might get its driver18:03
KartagismrtAkdeniz: or better yet, google its model+linux+driver18:04
angelthanks i donn't know ubuntu studio i'm new one18:04
dr_Exntrkzero2XIII: Ok i get somewhat get that. Well what i am trying to do is replace windows with ubuntu, then copy the data on the rest of the partitions to a ext-HDD. All i want is the data on other partitions to remain intact. I dont mind loosing data on c:. I just want to knw if there will be any complications18:04
angelapt .get upgrade do not find order18:05
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angelthat's tell me that18:06
hero_bizhi guys18:06
hero_biza question18:06
zero2XIIIdr_Exntrk: Well, backup the data on the other drive first, if you can, just to be save. There is no guarantee that there will not be any complications, rather be safe. However if you manually set the partitions, there should not be any issues. Just make sure you install to the correct drive and not format the other drive, all should be well.18:06
angeli need help ubuntu studio can't connect with any wifi network18:06
hero_bizi have a server and i only can get ubuntu 10.04 LTS on it18:06
hero_bizi wana upgrade my server to 12.04 LTS18:07
hero_bizi find a few steps on web18:07
hero_bizbut it failed18:07
hero_bizsteps was this:18:07
angeldon't upgrade 12.04 to 13 fuction too bad install for fresh18:07
ikoniaangel: it is fine to upgrade from 12.04 to 13.0418:08
hero_bizi wana go from 10.04 LTS to 12.04 LTS18:08
angelnot for me18:08
dr_Exntrkzero2XIII: Ok but what do u mean by "manually setting partitions". During ubuntu install u mean??18:08
Draxelisanyway to fix blurry "google keep" icon on ubuntu?18:08
angeli owrk to bad upgrade18:08
hero_biz10.04 LTS a little is old18:08
ikoniaangel: right, not for you - so don't dell people to not do it, as many others have worked fine18:08
vigneshI need some help to troubeshoot my wireless problem. I run Ubuntu 13.04 32bit and have a TP Link TL-WN821N card using ndiswrapper18:08
angelok sorry18:08
ikoniahero_biz: still waiting to hear the problem18:08
Kalenhey everyone18:09
hero_bizi usd this steps18:09
hero_bizsudo apt-get update & sudo apt-get upgrade18:09
Kalenhow many people have had problems with UEFI installs alongside Windows???18:09
hero_bizsudo apt-get install update-manager-core18:09
angeli have ubuntu studio , but i can't connect to wifi18:09
mrtAkdenizKartagis, there is no driver about this mouse...18:09
hero_bizEdit /etc/update-manager/release-upgrades and set Prompt=lts18:09
vigneshAfter some time the connection drops. I need to take out the usb card and plug it back in. How do I solve this?18:09
hero_bizsudo do-release-upgrade -d18:09
zero2XIIIdr_Exntrk: yes you will see when you start the installation, at some point you will need to define where to install ubuntu to, this is the crucial step for making sure you install to the correct partition, "automatically partition drives" are the default option I believe, and this will almost certainly format all the drives...18:09
mrtAkdenizKartagis, as I said, something on normal user is ignoring its driver18:09
ikoniahero_biz: there is the problem18:09
ikoniahero_biz: -d18:09
ikoniahero_biz: why did you use -d18:09
angeli have ubuntu studio 13.0418:10
hero_bizinstruction had it..O.O18:10
mrtAkdenizKartagis, and is System Upgrade and apt-get upgrade same thing? Because I upgraded system 5 min. ago18:10
ikoniahero_biz: which instruction18:10
ikoniahero_biz: where18:10
hero_biznot very expert here18:10
ikoniahero_biz: please show me the link18:10
KartagismrtAkdeniz: I think18:11
hero_bizi should not use -d?18:11
dr_Exntrkzero2XIII: That would be all zero2XIII. Thanks Loads. I m sorry if i was any trouble, i am just a new user. *cheers*18:11
ikoniahero_biz: yes, and as you can see someone corrects it bellow that post18:11
angelyou need to updat 10,o4 to 11.0 or installl fresh18:11
zero2XIIIdr_Exntrk: no trouble at all :) we are here to help others as we were once helped. Be good and good luck18:11
ikoniaonce again askubuntu blindly gives rubbish information18:11
mrtAkdenizKartagis, Thanks for your helps.18:11
ikoniaangel: who are you talking to18:11
occi copied a folder from an sd card to 2 computers with ubuntu, for some reason on one of them a lock appears on the folder icon, and ls -l shows "root root" on that folder..... i chmod 755 that folder but it had no effect. what do i need to do to remove the lock/root?18:12
mrtAkdenizI need to wait anyone else to answer my question18:12
angelsomeone can help me18:12
ikoniaocc: change the ownership to someone who can read it18:12
zero2XIIIocc: did you "sudo chmod 755" the folder?18:12
occyes i did sudo chmod 75518:12
zero2XIIIocc: sudo chmod -R 755 sorry18:12
occill try that thanks18:12
hero_bizis it secure to upgrade through SSH?18:12
ikoniahero_biz: yes18:13
zero2XIIIocc: Cool :)18:13
hero_bizand good luck for me... :P18:13
occsudo chmod -R 755 folderName  , also seems to have no effect18:14
ikoniaocc: change the owner to someone who can read it as I told you earlier18:14
ikoniaocc: make sure it's on a file system that supports permissions, eg: not NTFS/VFAT18:15
occikonia how do i change the owner? yes i am sure the filesystem supports it18:15
ikoniaocc: what file system is it18:15
occext i think18:15
ikoniaocc: no, not "I think" exactly what file system is it18:15
occlet me see if i can find out18:16
hero_bizfailed again.. :(18:16
zero2XIIIocc: try the command: "sudo chmod -Rv $(whoami):$(whoami)" and see if there are any errors, if so, what?18:16
ikoniaocc: do not do what zero2XIII said18:16
ikoniazero2XIII: that is just a nonsense command18:16
zero2XIIIikonia: why is that nonsense if I might ask? it just asks for a verbose output?18:17
ikoniaocc: please get the file system as I instructed rather than typing in random nonsense commands18:17
ikoniazero2XIII: chmod doesn't support usernames,18:17
hero_bizi got this error in upgrade18:17
zero2XIIIikonia: awg shoot yes i was thinking chown, my mistake18:18
occ/dev/sda2 is ext4, i think thats my main disk18:18
silmarilshello, I'm quite new with ubuntu and server configuration in general. My server is running on 10.04 and php 5.3.2 is installed, but I would like to install the latest stable version of php which is 5.5. I found a PPA for 5.5 on launchpad, but I don't know if it will update my current version or only install php 5.5 besides 5.3.2 . Can someone explain me how it works ? Thanks for your help18:18
ikoniaocc: what do you mean "you think" - check18:18
ikoniahero_biz: do you have PPA's installed18:18
ikoniahero_biz: also you may have broken it using -d as that will try to upgrade to a development version18:18
ikoniasilmarils: why do you want to upgrade from 5.3.2 to 5.518:19
occyes i am certain it is ext4..... and i just reinstalled ubuntu over a previous ubuntu installation which supported permissions... and i am quite sure it said ext4 during installation18:19
ikoniaocc: ok, so chown the file / directory to someone other than root, eg your user18:19
hero_bizwhat is PPA ikonia?18:19
occok ill try chown18:20
ikoniahero_biz: if you don't know, you're not using one, it's basically a 3rd party software repo18:20
hero_bizoh,then no,becaue this was fresh installed an hour ago18:20
occohh i think i know what happend..... the folder was created via my script(mkdir folder).... and i ran that script with "sudo scriptName"18:21
hero_bizany idea how to repair that problem caused by -d?18:21
silmarilsikonia, because I need to use symfony2 and it requires at least, php 5.3.8 or newer, and 5.5 is apparently the newest18:21
ikoniahero_biz: you need to fix the broken packages18:21
hero_biz<.< i guess a lot problems for me,isn't it?18:21
ikoniasilmarils: then I'd strongly advise you upgrade the instance to an ubuntu version that supports the php version you want18:21
ikoniasilmarils: rather than use a PPA18:21
hero_bizor is there a command that do it?18:22
ikoniahero_biz: no18:22
ikoniahero_biz: you have to manually do it18:22
silmarilsikonia, do you know where I can check which version of ubuntu supports which version of php ?18:24
ikoniasilmarils: check the repos for the version, I'd suspect 12.04 to be ok and it's LTS18:24
silmarilsikonia, thank you a lot !18:24
ikonia!info php precise18:24
ubottuPackage php does not exist in precise18:24
ikonia!info php18:25
ubottuPackage php does not exist in raring18:25
ikonia!info php518:25
ubottuphp5 (source: php5): server-side, HTML-embedded scripting language (metapackage). In component main, is optional. Version 5.4.9-4ubuntu2.1 (raring), package size 1 kB, installed size 21 kB18:25
ikonia!info php5 precise18:25
ubottuphp5 (source: php5): server-side, HTML-embedded scripting language (metapackage). In component main, is optional. Version 5.3.10-1ubuntu3.6 (precise), package size 1 kB, installed size 21 kB18:25
ikoniasilmarils: there you go 5.3.10 in 12.0418:25
silmarilsikonia, and do you think there is a risk if I update from 10.04 to 12.04 ? I mean, do you think I might lose files, or things won't work … this kind of stuff ? I only use it as a web server, I only installed apache, mysql and this kind of stuff18:25
ikoniasilmarils: all standard official ubuntu packages, you should have no problems, backups are always wise though18:26
silmarilsok ..18:26
hero_bizand don't use -d... :P18:26
ikoniahero_biz: few things are more annoying than random "lol" in the channel18:26
silmarilsikonia, well, thank you very very much for your help :)18:26
ikonia!upgrade | silmarils18:26
ubottusilmarils: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade18:26
hero_bizi guess i need a few days so i could reinstall my server again...then try upgrading18:28
ikoniawhy don't you just install the version you want18:28
hero_bizi can only reinstall once a week free of charge... :(18:28
ikoniarather than an old version and upgrade18:28
ikoniahero_biz: is your server up and running now ?18:28
hero_bizmy vps only comes with 10.04 LTS option for os18:28
hero_bizdid not go down18:28
ikoniahero_biz: ok please show me the output of "uname -a" this is very imporant18:29
hero_bizLinux lvps91-250-114-216.dedicated.hosteurope.de 2.6.18-028stab101.1 #1 SMP Sun Jun 24 19:50:48 MSD 2012 x86_64 GNU/Linux18:29
ikoniahero_biz: ok - you cannot upgrade18:29
hero_bizdamn :(18:29
ikoniahero_biz: this is a modified version of ubuntu running in a redhat based host platform18:29
ikoniahero_biz: you would need to get your hosting provider to give you an image based on the version you want18:30
hero_bizi switched from centos to ubunto just because i thought i can upgrade it.. :(18:30
ikoniahero_biz: your hosting provider is sloppy/poor - they have you locked.18:30
hero_biztheir support and stabality is GREAT18:31
ikoniahero_biz: clearly not,18:31
hero_bizbut os that they provide is old18:31
ikoniahero_biz: it is also a bastardiszed build, running a redhat kernel18:31
hero_bizdebian 6,ubuntu 10.04 centos 618:31
atem_hello friends is there any way to list only directories in konqueror??18:33
jribatem_: I don't know, but you can usually display the directories first, and then the files later (though I don't know if you can do that in konqueror)18:34
hero_bizis it possible to install gcc 4.6+ on ubuntu 10.04?18:35
atem_well yea i can, is only i wondering18:35
atem_some of you use pv??18:35
ikoniahero_biz: not safel18:35
hero_bizi guess i need to ignore lastest version mkvmerge....18:36
atem_pv is a god pipe viewer its useful with tar to compress and decompress18:36
hero_bizsomehow working with yum was easier than apt for me18:37
leonardo_hi, how do I play shoutcast .pls in rhytmbox? thank you18:44
silmarilsikonia, in fact, because of my hosting service, it's a pain in the ass to upgrade the OS …18:44
ikoniasilmarils: then you'll have more problems using a PPA18:44
silmarilsikonia, why?18:45
ikoniasilmarils: because it will pull in / require new packages for dependencies the same as an upgade18:46
ikoniait will just offer a bigger risk than an upgrade18:46
silmarilsikonia, ok… it seems I am stucked18:46
silmarilsikonia, even if I use only php 5.418:51
ikoniasilmarils: yes18:51
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silmarilsikonia, :(18:52
=== Spy_Club is now known as SpyClub
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SpyClubI am using hexchat and it keeps crashing when I click on "list of channels" under ubuntu 12.04.2 LTS, anyone got any ideas?18:53
SaxXhi all19:00
atem_hi saxx19:00
SaxXi have just downloaded burp 1.519:00
SaxXhi atem_19:00
caryhartlineThere doesn't seem to be a PyQt5 package on Launchpad.  Is there a reason or has no one gotten around to uploading it?19:00
SaxXand when i am trying to run it i just have this message but no interface19:01
SaxXProxy service started on
SaxXhave you ever encounter this problem under ubuntu 12.04 ?19:01
Wally2hy guis19:02
Wally2ops hy guys19:02
reisiohy Wally219:02
geniicaryhartline: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/113078419:02
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1130784 in Ubuntu "[needs-packaging] PyQt5" [Wishlist,Triaged]19:02
Spr1ngWhat's the general consensus on storing .ppk files within Dropbox?19:02
reisioSpr1ng: does there need to be a consensus about it?19:03
cgtdkSpr1ng: That's a private key file, right?19:03
Spr1ngcgtdk: Yep19:03
cgtdkSpr1ng: Then don't do it19:03
cgtdkunless you encrypt it19:03
Spr1ngYe was thinking about that19:03
Spr1ngmy certs all require passwords too19:04
caryhartlineUgh those Launchpad bug comments were painful to read. "Qt 5 is for bleeding-edgers, which most likely have ported their apps to python3..."19:05
reisioweee python19:05
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cortexmandoes anyone know how to create a virtual soundcard ?19:06
cortexmani.e., on a virtual machine in the cloud19:06
reisiocortexman: ?19:06
cortexmani know how to create a loopback - pactl load-module module-loopback. however..still need virtual input/output devices.19:06
mantovanicortexman: http://bit.ly/11QrhDG19:07
cortexmanmantovani: kill yourself.19:07
mantovanicortexman: ?19:07
caryhartlinemantovani you're not being helpful19:08
mantovanicortexman: your answer is there19:08
mantovaniwhy not ?19:08
mantovanithe answer is there19:08
DJones!google | mantovani19:08
ubottumantovani: While Google is useful for helpers, many newer users don't have the google-fu yet. Please don't tell people to "google it" when they ask a question.19:08
mantovanido you have mental problems ?19:08
mantovanioh ok19:08
cortexmanmantovani: I am in this chat room because there are 1750 people here, and one of them might have *personally setup up a virtual input / output audio device on ubuntu*19:09
cortexmangoogle is irrelevant. that's not why i am here.19:09
cortexmangoogle will often give you a dozen potential solutions, and perhaps none of them actually work.19:09
DJonescortexman: Ignore them, they're gone from the channel19:10
caryhartlineAnyways, what is the insistence on trying to compatible with Qt4 and Python 2 when Ubuntu plans to totally ditch those in half a year?19:10
batmiteHello :)19:10
MathCubesCan anyone help me?19:10
caryhartlineMathCubes what's your problem?19:11
FloodBot1MathCubes: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.19:11
MathCubesbut hard to put it in text19:11
ikoniaMathCubes: you'll need to log a bug for that19:12
ikoniaMathCubes: it looks like it's just a glitch with the side bar and positioning19:12
MathCubesit look like .... bug with the batch file... How do i fix that?19:12
reisiono point uploading 720p if it's going to be so low quality :p19:12
ikoniabatch file ?19:12
reisioMathCubes: they're probably compiz bugs19:13
MathCubesDodge windows19:13
ikoniaMathCubes: what batch file, that video shows you moving windows around and them not snapping19:13
ikoniaMathCubes: you'll need to log a bug for that as it looks like a minor issue to do with the side bar blocking auto snap19:13
schleppyI have an ubuntu vm on my osx box (vmware fusion) and I am trying to track down how to fix an issue with DNS over split-tunnel vpn.  We use non-standard tlds for vpn accessible resources.  It seems that because it is non-standard my client (ubuntu 12.04) is trying to use my local resolver.  What I wan to know is if this is something I can fix in ubuntu itself or if it is a vmware problem.19:13
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schleppyI can access vpn resources by IP without issues, but name resolution is not routing through tunnel.19:14
reisiofun listening to you breathe :p19:14
tintihave anyone used iptables condition?19:14
reisiotinti: some ones have yes19:14
tintilittle help?19:15
newb_Hey can someone help me with something?19:15
newb_regarding understanding EFI19:15
tintiI am dont know how to enable it on iptables19:15
newb_I am trying to triple boot linux/win/osx on a macbook air19:15
cortexmanthe answer to my question, which was essentially "how do I create a virtual audio card on linux, and how do I set up a virtual audio loopback on that card?" is as follows: pactl load-module module-loopback; sudo /sbin/modprobe snd-dummy19:15
newb_however when I install the ubuntu install it says it isn't bootable19:16
newb_how exactly does EFI work19:16
reisiopoorly? :)19:16
newb_is it a sep partition that needs to have basically bootable images that it can use to boot to whatever partition you select?19:17
geniiWith smoke and mirrors19:17
reisionewb_: it's a boot loader alternative, basically19:17
newb_wow thanks guys19:17
reisionewb_: and there are multiple ways to come at it19:17
MathCubesno one is helping me :(19:17
newb_imformative lol19:17
ikoniaMathCubes: what help do you want ?19:18
reisioMathCubes: helping you fix software bugs?19:18
newb_reisio okay such as?19:18
FloodBot1MathCubes: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.19:18
ikoniaMathCubes: yes, you'll need to log a bug for that19:18
reisionewb_: you can boot images directly via UEFI, you can ignore it and have GRUB do it19:18
schleppyanyone have a suggestion or comment for my issue?19:19
newb_uefi being what exactly? a industry standard bootable image?19:19
occi have a strange problem, the command "cp -p ~/.Xdefaults ~/myOtherFolder" works fine, except if i run that command as sudo, i get the error "sudo: unable to resolve host *myComputerName" i only get this error on this particular file, and also on this particular computer, i have just installed ubuntu on both my computers and running identical operations on my other computer with no problem.... it seems to be a bug with this fi19:19
occle? and something to do with my computerName/host?19:19
newb_that allows you to choose what to boot .. so like Grub?19:19
reisionewb_: not it's like a bios alternative19:19
ikoniaocc: sudo won't work as you've messed your hostname/sudo config19:19
reisioit's what loads what loads the OS19:20
ikoniaocc: it's nothing to do with the cp command, if you run "sudo apt-get update" for example, you'll see the same error19:20
reisio(not a typo)19:20
occill test that now...19:20
reisiohi BayesianBanana19:20
newb_it then passes off to grub for OS selection?19:21
houmanhi, I have no longer the folder mail under /etc/ how do i get it back please?  I have installed sendmail and still no folder is there19:21
reisionewb_: that's one mode of operation, yes19:21
newb_okay so how would I get it to work with this stupid macbook19:21
newb_I tried software grub like ... called rEFI and the newer one19:22
occikonia, sudo apt-get update, i just ran and it worked fine, no errors.... my computer name on this machine is userName-XXXXXX (and i get the error sudo unable to resolve host userName-XXXXXX).......... my other computername is userName-MS-N014 (no errors on this computer)19:22
SuperLagWell. That was a learning experience. Time to quit effing around with other distros, and keep production on Ubuntu. Tried Arch on my laptop last night... kept ~ intact. Couldn't get packages needed to connected to a customer VPN. Needless to say, back on *buntu, and productive... in all of about 15 minutes. *sigh* #whenwillieverlearn19:22
newb_From what I am getting it doesn't see the partition as EFI and therefore doesn't allow me to select it to boot19:22
explodesHello. How do I adduser w/ an encrypted home directory?19:23
MagicarpSince 13.10 will use Mir, how will I go about using the binary blob driver for my AMD card?19:23
ikoniaocc: how does it work fine when you just told me it errors19:23
ikoniaocc: could you please try to be clear19:23
ikoniaMagicarp: will it really use mir.....19:23
occsorry. the command "sudo apt-get update" worked without errors.... the only error i got was with the command "sudo cp -p ~/.Xdefaults ~/myotherfolder"19:24
ikoniaocc: are you running both as the same use19:24
BayesianBananaI have a quick question if anyone can answer. I wrote a backup script to tar several folders and want to send them to a network drive. The network drive is on my domain (but located about 200 mi away) but I have it mounted using cifs. Would it be better to move the file just using mv or rsync? I guess what I'm asking is rsync appropriate to use when moving files to a mounted drive.19:24
ikoniaocc: please run "sudo apt-get update" - confirm that works, then straight away run the cp command with sudo and confirm the error is still there19:24
reisionewb_: you can probably use refit, or just the EFI controls; personally I'd use GRUB19:24
ikoniaBayesianBanana: you won't see a huge difference to be honest19:25
newb_can I just use grub for boot selection?19:25
ikoniaBayesianBanana: if you want to keep it synced...then you'll benifit from a differential tool such as rsync19:25
Magicarpikonia From what I read, since 14.04 is an LTS they want to start getting it testest ASAP and so it's gonna be default in saucy.19:25
newb_only for windows and linux not the osx correct? does grub support efi?19:25
ikoniaMagicarp: they plan to ship it...but use it...I'd be very suprised,19:25
occyes i have confirmed that. just did it again......sudo apt-get update, no errors, and sudo cp... right after gave me an error19:25
ikoniaocc: ok, that's very odd,19:26
reisionewb_: you can use grub with macbooks last I checked, yes19:26
ikoniaocc: can you pastebin the following commands please.19:26
occi think it has to do with my computername... this time during ubuntu installation i just left it at the default computername... where as before i set my own one19:26
ikoniaocc: "uname -a", then "id" then sudo touch ~/testfile19:26
silmarilsikonia, sorry to annoy you again, do you know a good solution to perform a backup ?19:26
ikoniaocc: put the output of all them in a pastebin please.19:27
ikoniasilmarils: depends what you're trying to back up19:27
newb_okay can you explain what is different from the new EFI ?19:27
occok. will take a moment... need to find my pastebin login details19:27
ikoniasilmarils: can I have a little more info19:27
reisionewb_: hrmm?19:27
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newb_reisio > rather can you explain what the differences is in EFI from the old partitions?19:28
silmarilsikonia, I want to upgrade from 10.04 LTS to 12.04 LTS, I want to backup my actual 10.04 in case of there is a problem19:28
reisionewb_: EFI hasn't anything much to do with partitions19:28
reisionewb_: do you mean GPT?19:28
ikoniasilmarils: so you want to backup the whole OS rather than just parts of the data19:28
ikoniasilmarils: look at something like clonezilla to put it to an external source as an image19:28
newb_reisio > Thats what I was looking for19:29
newb_yes gpt ... doesn't efi replace that?19:29
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reisionewb_: no19:29
silmarilsikonia, ok, I will take a look, thank you very much :)19:29
newb_or uefi?.. Uefi is just a standard right?19:29
reisionewb_: might promote it, actually19:29
reisionewb_: uefi is the new efi, yes19:29
wheatthinuefi replaces bios19:29
newb_so how do I edit it and show it what is bootable or not?19:30
reisiouefi is an alternative to bios19:30
reisioit isn't (remotely) universally preferred, so it's not really what I'd call a replacement19:30
newb_some manufactors make ones that resemble the old style bios but are actually running uefi correct?19:30
occhere is the pastebin....actually it seems to be happening with other files too..... http://pastebin.com/wGn3m8my19:31
reisionewb_: I haven't dealt with it personally, so you'll have to do a little research, but19:31
reisionewb_: there are likely many explicit tutorials on your specific model of laptop with Ubuntu19:31
wheatthinreisio, well if your motherboard didn't come with bios, and came with uefi, then it really isn't an alternative19:31
reisionewb_: possibly, but I doubt it19:31
MonkeyDust!uefi | newb_ start here19:31
ubottunewb_ start here: UEFI is a specification that defines a software interface between an operating system and platform firmware, it is meant as a replacement for the BIOS. For information on how to set up and install Ubuntu and its derivatives on UEFI machines please read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFI19:31
reisiowhat most people get out of uefi is that it can have big silly graphics19:31
reisioand... basically nothing else :p19:31
thurstylarkwhy is bind taking port 53 even though apt-get purge bind turns up nothing?19:31
ServicesLutoAlguém fala português?19:31
ubottuPor favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br" sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigada.19:32
wheatthinbig graphics, raid, boot options, thermal control, fan speed control etc19:32
reisiowheatthin: you're suggesting that for a mobo that never had a bios, but has uefi, that uefi _replaced_ it? :p19:32
Picithurstylark: because 'bind' isn't the name of the package. bind9 is the package installed with the dns-server task.19:32
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occikonia here is the pastebin: http://pastebin.com/wGn3m8my19:33
newb_thanks guys :)19:33
thurstylarkPici: That would be the problem.19:33
ikoniaocc: is your hostname actually xxxxx19:33
wheatthinmemory and cpu speed control blah blah blah19:33
thurstylarkPici: Thanks19:33
newb_didn't bios deal with raid boot options thermal control fan speed just fine... why did they change it?19:33
ikoniawheatthin: what ?19:33
Gremlynwhen I am in a terminal and say I'm attempting to cd to another directory, when I tab-complete folders, I end up with a space after the completed folder and I don't think it used to do that, quite annoying as more often than not I tab-complete and want to add something else on the end... any ideas?19:33
Picithurstylark: no problem :)19:33
wolftunehi, on one computer, no network is showing but it worked earlier today help!19:34
OerHeksGremlyn, see with ls if you have folders with a space in the name, that would be logical19:34
occikonia, from what i can see from those commands, it is XXXXXX, or occ-XXXXXX, my terminal shows occ@occ-XXXXXX:19:34
newb_so they created a new bios just for fancy graphics19:35
wheatthinnewb_, new standards being released, hence the bios replacement19:35
reisionewb_: partly to assert more control over end users, partly to flaunt features they could sell19:35
reisionewb_: mostly, yes :p19:35
ikoniaocc: if you do ping occ-XXXXXX does that work ? can you please pastebin your /etc/hosts file too19:35
GremlynOerHeks, it's globally like that, whether there are folders with spaces or not19:35
reisioapple is kind of big on flash, you may have noticed19:35
wheatthineven though it isn't highly adopted yet19:35
newb_was apple one of the first to adapt it?19:35
newb_its annoying19:36
newb_I hate apple19:36
wheatthinnewb_ indeed.. apple is a mighty fine company19:36
wheatthinit's all the pc's tho that are trying to adapt to it's standards19:36
newb_when apple products are working great... when they fail its a HUGE problem... seem them cause huge networking issues that take hours to figure out19:37
prahladNeed ideas to develop apps using python and pygtk ?19:37
reisiowheatthin: yes... 100% of them...19:37
wheatthinnewb_ they rarely fail tho.19:37
prahladCan anyone suggest me ?19:37
ikonianewb_: 1.) not intersted in apple in this channel 2.) making things up such as "apple causes huge networking issues" isn't really helpful to anyone19:37
reisioprahlad: one that keeps people from asking such questions on IRC19:37
usr13occ:    Net error        ^^^^^^^^^^^^^19:37
prahladreisio: nope. seriously...19:38
reisioprahlad: oh seriously19:38
newb_ikonia have you dealt with apple servers?19:38
ikoniaprahlad: I'd welcome that app seriously19:38
ikonianewb_: yes19:38
reisioprahlad: find something useful that uses pyqt and port it19:38
prahladfor example ?19:38
ikoniaprahlad: try asking in #python for example projects19:38
occping: unknown host occ-XXXXXX,  my /etc/hosts is http://pastebin.com/w8VWDUjC    ........ i just copied my hosts file there before these errors, may have something to do with it.... except this is all done via  a script which i have run on this machine and another(i just reformatted them both) before without error19:38
reisiothere aren't that many useful things that only use qt :p19:38
ikoniaocc: ok, we have a winner19:38
reisio#python will hate the question even more :p19:39
reisiobut they'll take it19:39
occwhats the winner19:39
ikoniaocc: add an entry for occ-XXXXXX in /etc/hosts and you're problems should go away19:39
ikoniaocc: map it to or as you've done with others19:39
occok ill try19:39
=== Prodego_ is now known as administrivia
wolftunehi, on one computer, no network is showing but it worked earlier today help!19:40
Teh_Bucketwireless or wired?19:40
newb_okay I am trying to get kali installed on efi19:41
newb_kali is based on ubuntu19:41
newb_crap sec19:41
ikonianewb_: and therefore nothing to do with this channel, so please use the kali support resources19:41
PashaPastaKali is not based on ubuntu19:41
PashaPastait is built on debian719:41
wolftuneTeh_Bucket: neither wired nor wireless works19:41
DJones!kali | newb_19:41
ubottunewb_: There are some Ubuntu derivatives that we cannot provide support for due to repository and software changes. Please consult their websites for more information. Examples: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mint), kali-linux (#kali-linux), CrunchBang (support in #crunchbang), BackTrack (support in #backtrack-linux)19:41
wolftuneon the computer here, I have a wired connection, but no network is recognized19:41
Teh_Bucketdo you have a way to confirm it works outside of ubuntu?19:42
wolftunethe computer worked before, and my other system works19:42
wolftuneI think some setting got messed up19:42
vltwolftune: Can you ping the router?19:42
occthanks ikonia, that fixed it. i can see in my hosts file my old computer name "st1" i forgot the change..... though i am not sure why my other computer dosn't give an error as i forgot to update that one's host file too19:42
wolftuneTeh_Bucket: it works on the other computer19:42
wolftunevlt: no I can't ping19:42
ikoniaocc: excellent, well done19:43
wolftunevlt: it says "Network is unreachable"19:43
marawan2could someone give me help with the IRC  Xchat gnome19:46
marawan2how is it used19:46
marianneok, officially love you guys! Player is now set up for DVDs and Blu-Rays19:47
wheatthinnot much more we can help with that this site doesn't explain about xchat19:50
ignac865Question for IRC client (Smuxi). How can I stop the connection messages?19:51
reisioignac865: ask #smuxi19:51
DJonesignac865: http://wiki.xkcd.com/irc/hide_join_part_messages#Smuxi19:51
ignac865@DJones Thanx19:52
wheatthinmarianne, btw I searched google for that site by using "xchat howto" as the search string19:52
wheatthinmarianne, people in here will discourage suggesting the use of google, but it does help when finding factual answers about technical questions19:54
reisiomarawan2: yes indeed19:55
DJonesmarawan2: You need to put /join in front of the channel name19:55
marawan2sorry guys19:55
BluesKajmarawan2, just click on #dosbox19:56
marawan2i don't know how to join a # thing so i type it here and then click it19:56
wheatthinmarianne, sorry that was for marawan219:56
mariannewheatthin: no worries19:56
mariannewheatthin: I just downloaded the update to smuxi from omgubuntu and it's pretty slick... graphical19:57
marawan2if i say your name in a chat it goes yellow for you19:57
reisiomore like if I say your name19:58
reisiomarawan2: foo19:58
reisioit probably goes yellow for you :)19:58
wheatthinmarawan2, yup indeed.. sorry for that, I was going to tell you that people in here will discourage using google to search for technical things, but all I did to find the xchat howto was exactly     "xchat howto" in the search string from google.. it sent a link from ubuntu19:59
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marawan2wheatthin: google like magic!20:00
wheatthinyup :)20:00
wheatthinreisio, ops are people too dangit :P20:00
sazawalI am using Ubuntu 13.04 64-bit. After an update today my system was showing "Some of the packages failed to download" and it was flashplayer-installer and I clicked on "Run this action now". But it was not downloading anything so I closed the terminal. Now my firefox is showing that flashplugin is not installed. Though "flashplayer-installer" and "ubuntu-restricted-extras" are installed in their newest versions. What should I do?20:01
wheatthinunless you're ubottu20:01
reisiosazawal: are you experiencing some problem?20:01
sazawalreisio, yes flash videos are not playing in firefox20:01
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wheatthinsazawal, did you restart the browser?20:02
sazawalwheatthin, yes :(20:02
wheatthinsazawal, reinstall20:02
wheatthinthe flashplayer-plugin20:02
sazawalwheatthin, you mean flashplayer-installer?20:03
wheatthinsazawal, yeah that stuff20:03
sazawalwheatthin, let me try this20:03
zipyhey could someone try my hometorproxy?20:04
wheatthinzipy, that's an offtopic subject20:05
sazawalwheatthin, reisio, great its working now. Thank you20:05
bsmith0931i need to merge 2 directory trees, remote to local and not overwrite newer local files.20:06
wheatthin!ot | zipy20:06
ubottuzipy: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!20:06
reisiobsmith0931: #rsync20:06
zipyyes its running on ubuntu server20:06
zipyi put privoxy and tor on it20:06
zipydidnt get squi3 to run with it tho :(20:06
wheatthinand as long as there's no problem getting it installed, then there's no need for our help, but in offtopic you can ask them20:07
bekkszipy: Why not?20:07
zipydont know, after i did the squid.conf it seems like i couldnt start it anymore20:07
bekkszipy: What did youi do to the config?20:08
bekks!details | zipy20:08
ubottuzipy: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."20:08
zipyi followed this: http://evilzone.org/anonymity/setup-your-own-proxy-with-squidprivoxytor-on-debian-like-distros-%28tutorial%29/20:09
zipyeverything worked fine20:09
ikoniathe quest for anonymity is just such a waste of time20:09
zipyuntil squid320:09
zipywell its not only about anonymity20:10
ignac865What language would you learn for starting to program for linux (I already know Bash Scripting)20:10
zipywe have some filtered sites20:10
wheatthinmost places like freenode ban tor proxies20:10
zipylike grooveshark etc20:10
zipydont work here20:10
bekksignac865: The one that fits your application most.20:10
PashaPastahard to go wrong with python or perl20:11
bekkszipy: And whats not working with your config? You just said: "everything worked fine".20:11
zipyyes until step nr 1020:11
wheatthinbekks, until he tried configuring squid20:11
reisioignac865: http://greenteapress.com/thinkpython/thinkpython.html20:11
bekksPashaPasta: Hard to even go with python or perl. Both are scripting languages.20:11
ignac865Yeah well, I'm a student I'm learning linux (I used windows). I know java, php, visual basic, and a little ruby, but for day to day purposses I would like to programm in linux20:12
zipyhm wait i will config all again20:12
zipythen i can copy the msg when i want to start squid20:12
ignac865Python is the one I might I think, I see it on many comments20:12
jribignac865: you can use java, php, and ruby in linux20:12
zipywill take a while tho xD20:12
reisioignac865: ah, probably don't need as introductory as that book I linked is, then20:12
reisioignac865: see #python's /topic20:12
bekkszipy: You couls start to finally tell us whats your actual problem at step 10.20:12
zipyi will when i see the msg again mom20:13
bekksignac865: You could even use c, c++, c#, D, R, etc.20:13
zipyim running it without squid3 atm20:13
ignac865And the applications of Ubuntu (I know there is a lot of variety) what language do they use? C++ I guess20:13
reisioignac865: lot of variety20:14
bekksignac865: They use python, perl, java, c, c++, etc.20:14
ignac865Thanks guys20:14
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ignac865other thing, how do I refer to someone on IRC, @ doesn't work I see20:15
bekksignac865: By typing the nickname, followed by a : and your text.20:15
ignac865Ok right, I got it20:15
DJonesignac865: Just start typing their nick and then press the tab key20:15
DJones!tab | ignac86520:16
ubottuignac865: You can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.20:16
bekksignac865: You can use the tab completion for the nickname, too.20:16
marianneHardware question: right now I have a lower end NVidia vid card... i use it mostly for movies and streaming content. I would like to upgrade, but I get lost in all the choices. What are the preferences of the group?20:18
motaka2I have installed google chrome but I don't know from where I can run it20:18
mariannemotaka2: open your dash and type it in the field20:19
motaka2marianne: what is dash ?20:19
motaka2marianne: found it thank you20:20
motaka2now it says20:20
motaka2Google Chrome can not be run as root.20:20
mariannemotaka2: do you have a separate non-root account you can use?20:21
cgtdkmotaka2: Why are you running it as root?20:21
motaka2cgtdk: I dont know, why shouldn't I ?20:24
cgtdkBecause it's unnecessary, and security flaws are far more dangerous if the program is run as root20:25
mariannemotaka2: I learned that lesson a long time ago... when you run everything as root you stand a chance of hosing EVERYTHING... voice of experience here!20:25
cgtdkOnly run as root when you absolutely must20:25
motaka2marianne: What should I do ?20:26
mariannemotaka2: create a separate account for regular usage...20:27
wheatthincreate a none root, user20:27
motaka21. What will happen to the apps I have downloaded and istalled as root? Here the internet speed is awfully low20:28
motaka22. How can I create another user20:28
wheatthinmotaka2, nothing, you aren't deleting root, just creating a none root user20:28
wheatthin!adduser | motaka220:28
ubottumotaka2: To add new users to your Ubuntu system, follow the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AddUsersHowto - For administrative privileges, users need to be made members of the group "admin" - See !sudo20:28
jrib!adduser =~ s/"admin"/"sudo"20:30
ubottuMissing end delimiter20:30
jrib!adduser =~ s/"admin"/"sudo"/20:30
ubottuI'll remember that jrib20:30
motaka2wheatthin: Should be standard or administrator, it for home usage and I am the only one who uses this computer20:31
wheatthinmotaka2, user with administrative privs20:31
usr13motaka2: We don't operate as administrator, we only use administrator privileges when needed.20:32
wheatthinmotaka2, it still will allow you to run things with root prives, but in userspace20:32
wheatthinusr13, that's the only way he'll access sudo20:32
silmarilsikonia, one last question, when I do, "do-release-upgrade" , does it delete all the files ?20:32
usr13motaka2: As wheatthin points out, we use sudo when needed, (only when necessary).20:33
motaka2wheatthin: It didnt ask me for password what willbe the pass?20:33
ikoniasilmarils: delete what files ?20:34
ikoniasilmarils: it upgrades packages and config files where needed, and touches nothing that it doesn't have to20:34
ignacio_When having a home pc with internet connection, is it really dangerous to set the modes to 777 ? Some software like Drupal often need it for some files...20:34
ikoniaignacio_: no software needs 77720:35
usr13ignacio_: drupal doesnt need 777?20:35
bekksusr13: No software needs 777.20:35
usr13bekks: I know, (the question mark was a typo).20:35
ignacio_Yeah, the public files etc, otherwise I should enter drupal in a group I guess (i dunno... :S)20:35
bekksusr13: ah :)20:35
mojtabaHi, Is there anyway to share a document (libreoffice) with someone in a LAN and work on it at the same time with a friend?20:35
bekksmojtaba: No.20:36
ignacio_Well, more than Drupal, maybe the apache2 server, I guess I should keep investigating20:37
usr13ignacio_: 755 for directories and 644 for files20:37
mojtababekks: Why? Are they planning to add this functionality? or is there any difficulty to do this?20:37
ikoniaignacio_: no software needs 77720:37
jribignacio_: you just need to make sure www-data (the user apache runs as) has access to the relevant directories...20:37
ignacio_And how do I do that?20:37
ignacio_I insert www-data to a group?20:38
jribignacio_: do you know what the relevant directories are?20:38
bekksmojtaba: Nope, they are not. Neither does Microsoft, Oracle, StarOffice, and all those others.20:38
schultzathought www-data was a group name?20:38
jribschultza: it's both20:38
usr13ignacio_: I just put the directories served from in a /home/user directory and use synlinks.20:38
usr13ignacio_: In my opinion, it is easiest and most logical.20:38
silmarilsikonia, but like, all my apache and php configs will stay ?20:39
ikoniasilmarils: please re-read what I said20:39
usr13ignacio_: That way, you don't need to assign any special group or use permissions, defaults work fine.20:39
silmarilsikonia, sorry20:40
jribusr13: well with things like wikis and drupal there are directories where you want the web server to be able to write to them20:40
kalakahey, i got a question about gpg keys20:40
istiaqueHow can make bootable usb disk ? Which soft use in linux ?20:41
linguiniHow can I get debug symbols for my kernel?20:42
usr13ignacio_: sudo -ln -s /home/ignacio_/public_html /srv/httpd/htodcs  #Where /srv/httpd/htdocs is the DocumentRoot setting.20:42
ikoniajust change the document root20:42
ikoniano need for symlinks20:42
ignacio_So instead using /var/www/ I use a directory in /home/ignacio_/....20:43
linguiniuname -r: 3.5.0-17-generic apt-cache search linux | grep 3.5 # shows nothing with debug symbols20:43
usr13ignacio_: Or you assign the name of your choosing.  ln -s /home/ignacio_/public_html /srv/httpd/htodcs/My-Site-Name20:43
ignacio_usr13: Ok I'll try that20:43
usr13ignacio_: That's the way I do it. (most webservers, apache included, follow symlinks by default).20:44
ignacio_usr13: Didn't know, I use very little the symlinks, mostly using aliases for day-to-day things, I'll try that20:44
usr13ignacio_: DocumentRoot is more-than-likely /var/www by defualt.20:45
istiaqueHow can make bootable usb disk ? Which soft use in linux ?20:46
usr13ignacio_: You might want to /join #apache  and ask for further info there.20:46
ignacio_usr13: Yeah good advice, :D, but the server-world is still very wild for me as I come from comfortable Windows XAMP20:47
motaka2wheatthin: Are you there?20:47
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usr13ignacio_: It is more comfortable here, I assure you.20:47
=== BADLARRY is now known as BadLarry
Colonel187I need some printer help20:48
usr13ignacio_: ... once you learn where everything goes...20:48
usr13Colonel187: Ask away.20:48
mehworkhow can i setup a secure ftp server in ubuntu?20:48
motaka2wheatthin: I am in for the new user, the version of ubuntu I am running is 12.04 and it recommends me to download 486MB!!!!! of updates. should I do that?20:48
istiaqueHow can make bootable usb disk ? Which soft use in linux ?20:48
Colonel187I added my printer through the printer app and it downloaded and installed the drivers however when I try to print anything it says can't find printer20:49
wheatthinmotaka2, that's normal, after a fresh install you'll almost always have to update20:49
usr13istiaque: Re-phrase your question20:49
Colonel187It's a wireless network printer, it works on my laptop under ubuntu20:49
linusoleanderAnyone know where I can download and install order version of nginx?20:49
usr13Colonel187: Just because you may have installed some new printer driver, does not mean you have configured it.  Direct your browser to localhost:63120:49
usr13Colonel187: firefox localhost:63120:50
ignacio_usr13: Yeah, at least that was true with linux time-efficiency as I'm starting to program usual tasks on Bash scripts20:50
Colonel187ok, i did mess around in cups. I fount some info on a forum about it20:50
Colonel187Cups sees my printer20:50
motaka2wheatthin: I had downloaded phpmyadmin and YED when I was in root, can I access those files from my new administrative user?20:50
linusoleanderIt must exist somewhere?20:51
usr13Colonel187: cups *is* your print server software.  Again:  firefox localhost:63120:51
istiaquewhich soft i can use when i  make a  bootable usb disk/stick20:52
cgtdkistiaque: dd20:52
usr13istiaque: What exactly are you trying to do?20:52
Colonel187i'm there. Nothing I messed with will allow me to print. I'm at a loss. I even pinged my printers ip address and it cann't connect to host. except it works under windows and on my laptop under ubuntu20:52
usr13Colonel187: Do you have a printer configured?  Is it "Ready"?  Can you print test page?  firefox loclahost:63120:53
marianneColonel187: what 's the make and model of the printer... i missed it20:53
Colonel187it's ready but it cannot connect when I try to print a test page20:54
schultzausr13: check your url... localhost not loclahost20:54
istiaquedistribute linux distro,, helping to the other people,,,20:54
Colonel187let me rephrase it is unable to locate printer20:54
usr13Colonel187: Click on "Printers".  Do you see your printer listed there?20:54
Colonel187with a green check20:54
usr13Colonel187: A "green check"?20:55
usr13Colonel187: Do you have it set to a specific (static) IP?20:55
Colonel187you mean in cups or in the printers program20:55
Colonel187yes it is set to static20:55
usr13Colonel187: firefox localhost:63120:55
Colonel187yes it is listed there20:56
Colonel187status is unable to locate printer20:56
usr13Colonel187: Open the firefox web browser, (or which ever web browser you use).  In the address bar, type    localhost:631   Hit enter.20:56
Colonel187I'm there20:56
wheatthinmotaka2, using phpmyadmin, you have to be root to make changes, but that's only while logging into phpmyadmin20:56
usr13Colonel187: "unable to locate printer" That should tell you *something*20:57
usr13Colonel187: DO you have the IP address correct?20:57
Colonel187I don't understand how to fix it. the printer has a static ip, cups was able to find my printer just fine in order to add it and auto download the drivers20:57
Colonel187I tried to ping the printers ip address and it's unable to locate. how can it be located to install but not to print?20:58
marianneColonel187: is the printer an HP?20:58
ikoniawhat has ping got to do with printing ?20:58
Colonel187no it is an epson20:58
istiaquehow can i write iso image usb disk/stick?20:58
usr13Colonel187: Well, I should back up just a bit.  Some printers now come with some setting that it doesn't really connect to the network, but just does an ad-hoc connection directly to a PC.  If that is the case, you are on your own.  I don't know, I guess it's just between you and your printer.  YOu have to figure out how to set that up, I don't know...20:59
Colonel187that is not the case. mine does both and it's set to network not ad-hoc20:59
motaka2wheatthin: How can I find YED editor that I have downloaded as root?21:00
usr13Colonel187: If that is the case, and there is some setting to tell it to connect directly to your Wireless AP, I would to that, (for simplicity sake).  At least to me, it would be simplier, then you just use the IP you set it to. But that is up to you.  Just look at your printer's config (the manual or whatever) and see.21:00
cgtdkistiaque: I already told you, dd21:01
usr13Colonel187: Ok, then just set it to a static IP, (or set up a static lease on your router) and away you go...21:01
Colonel187it is set up that way21:01
usr13Colonel187: What is the make and model of your printer?21:01
zipybekks, ready? i got the squid3 error msg now :D21:01
Colonel187as I said it works on my laptop but not my pc, both running ubuntu 13.0421:01
Colonel187it's an epson artisan 81021:01
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.21:02
istiaque<cgtdk> how can i install dd?21:02
cgtdkistiaque: It's probably already installed. It's a command line tool.21:02
MonkeyDustistiaque  dd if=blah.iso of=[usb stick]          <-- input file, output file21:02
usr13Colonel187: So what does it say after "Connection:" ?21:02
zipybekks, http://paste.ubuntu.com/5805967/21:02
schultzadoes 'pastebinit' still work!?21:03
Colonel187where do i find that status21:03
usr13Colonel187: Or just paste what you see on the screen.21:03
ikoniaschultza: should to21:03
Colonel187ok one sec21:03
usr13Colonel187: http://localhost:631/printers/Name-of-Your-Printer21:03
wioletwhere is the #mint channel at?21:03
ikoniawiolet: spotnet different irc network21:03
usr13!paste | Colonel18721:03
ubottuColonel187: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.21:03
ikoniawiolet: read their webpage21:03
ubottupastebinit is the command-line equivalent of !pastebin - Command output, or other text can be redirected to pastebinit, which then reports an URL containing the output - To use pastebinit, install the « pastebinit » package from a package manager - Simple usage: command | pastebinit -b http://paste.ubuntu.com21:04
schultzawiolet: do you mean ##linuxmint ?21:04
usr13Colonel187: After "Connection:" it should say something like   socket://   #Where is the IP of your printer.  Does it?21:05
zipyi tried to run tor + privoxy + squid 3 with this instructions: http://evilzone.org/anonymity/setup-your-own-proxy-with-squidprivoxytor-on-debian-like-distros-%28tutorial%29/ but after step 10, when i want to start squid3 "with squid3 -z" i get this error: http://paste.ubuntu.com/5805967/ can someone help me? :D21:05
usr13Colonel187: If you do not think you have specified the correct driver for it, click on "Administration" and choose to "Modify printer"21:06
ikoniazipy: you've not setup access lists21:06
zipyikonia, where?21:07
Colonel187I've tried that too21:07
ikoniazipy: in squid....21:07
zipyin the squidconf?21:07
ikoniazipy: in the squid config yes21:07
usr13Colonel187: Connection:dnssd://EPSON76FC16._printer._tcp.local/    Does not look like an IP address to me.  So....?21:07
schultzais irc.gnome.org connected in this irc network?21:07
zipyk mom21:07
zipyill check21:07
Colonel187I see that21:07
Colonel187how do i make is see the ip address21:07
usr13Colonel187: Can you ping EPSON76FC16._printer._tcp.local  ?21:07
ikoniazipy: please don't make stupid comments to me like "k mom" - I'm not your mother, so please do'nt talk to me like that21:07
usr13Colonel187: ping EPSON76FC16._printer._tcp.local   #Tell us what happens.21:08
zipymom = moment21:08
ikoniazipy: than say "moment" rather than text speak,21:08
usr13!ping | Colonel18721:08
ubottuColonel187: pong!21:08
zipykk sry21:08
ikoniazipy: "sorry" not "sry"21:08
zipyok ok sorry21:08
usr13Colonel187: Ok so you need to configure your printer.21:09
usr13Colonel187: Click Modify printer21:10
usr13Colonel187: YOur printer is turned on and connected to the network right now.  Right?21:11
=== tjbiddle_ is now known as tjbiddle
usr13Okeydokey fire away21:11
Colonel187im still in the localhost:631 correct?21:11
zipyikonia, istn the acl list the allowlist?21:12
usr13Colonel187: Yes.21:12
ikoniazipy: have you setup the acls ?21:12
Colonel187Not sure where modify is. I can go to manage?21:12
zipyacl home_network src isnt this a setup?21:12
ikoniazipy: did YOU setup the acls'21:12
ikoniazipy: then no, it's not setup21:13
zipybut i thought its fine like that21:13
zipybut that is the right ip tho21:13
ikoniazipy: no, it's not21:13
Colonel187nevermind i found it21:13
zipyi just changed that line21:13
=== linuxuz3r is now known as linuslover
zipyikona, what about line 3-5, whats wrong with that paste.ubuntu.com/5805967/21:18
ikoniazipy: have you read how to configure squic ACL's ?21:18
zipyis that warning also about the acl or r u talking about line 7?21:19
foobArrris there an easy way to find out what process a window belongs to?21:21
FuchsfoobArrr: more or less21:25
FuchsfoobArrr: there is _NET_WM_PID  that you can read if it is set21:25
Fuchsxprop should give that21:25
foobArrrk, thanks21:25
Fuchsyou're welcome21:27
zipyikonia, i removed now all acls and http_access but acl localhost src and the http_access allow home_network but i still get an error: cache_cf.cc(381) parseOneConfigFile: squid.conf:49 unrecognized: 'broken_vary_encoding'21:27
OptimizedCoderAll, I need to know if I have grub/grub-legacy installed (ie. if I have GRUB1 or GRUB2)  I'm running WUBI..21:29
OptimizedCoder'file -s /dev/sdx' does not even say that it has grub21:29
Ben64OptimizedCoder: the version should be at the bottom when grub starts21:31
OptimizedCoderBen64, Any other way - to know after I;m booted in?21:31
Ben64dpkg -l | grep grub21:31
thurstylarkwhere can I find the data dnsmasq has cached?21:31
jerry_nfs issue: mounted drive on server showing as empty on client. How to fix.21:32
zipyhmm someone can help me with my squid.conf? ive set up privoxy and tor yet21:34
OptimizedCoderBen64, that helped - thanks!21:36
usr13thurstylark: Unless it is permanent caching, it's just in RAM21:37
=== linuslover is now known as linuxuz3r
jerry_I need help with nfs - I have a drive mounted under home on another precise box but it is showing a zero contents on nfs client also precise.21:38
usr13thurstylark: http://www.thekelleys.org.uk/dnsmasq/docs/dnsmasq-man.html21:39
usr13jerry_: Sure you have it pointed to correct directory?  Is that directory empty?21:40
usr13jerry_: Look at /etc/exports on the server and /etc/fstab on the client side to see what you have set up.21:41
jerry_i can see parent /home via nfs client but /home/500g-drive shows as empty on nfs client21:41
xvHow do I install this? http://ftp.mozilla.org/pub/mozilla.org/firefox/nightly/latest-ux/21:42
jerry_i set up /home in /etc/exports21:42
usr13!paste | jerry_21:42
ubottujerry_: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.21:42
Ben64xv: you're on your own if you want to do that, it is unsupported in here21:43
usr13jerry_: pastebinit /etc/exports21:43
xvI've spent hours trying to figure it out21:43
ikoniaxv: then you probably shouldn't be doing it21:43
usr13jerry_: And then on the client side: pastebinit /etc/fstab21:43
xvI have it on Windows; thought I'd try it on Ubuntu21:44
ikoniaxv: that doesn't change what I just said21:44
jerry_be back in ten21:44
Ben64xv: you could try the ppa here... https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-mozilla-daily/+archive/ppa but it is unsupported here as well21:44
ikoniaxv: Ben64's suggestion is something I'd advsise you stay clear of too21:45
usr13xv:  you just download the linux version, unzip it21:45
xvwhy's that ikonia?21:45
usr13xv: If you want to replace what you have, just put it where the other one is and name it appropriately.21:45
ikoniaxv: because it may cause dependency conflicts21:45
Ben64usr13: thats a bad idea21:45
usr13xv: like firefox-2421:45
xvall this mind boggling terminology21:46
usr13Ben64: NO it isn't21:46
ikoniaxv: and you're clearly not confident with what you are doing, so making these changes for no reason/without understanding of what you are doing is not good21:46
fatNERDmy load avg just went up to 170. why so high?21:46
ikoniafatNERD: look at what your machine is doing21:46
fatNERDits moving files21:46
fatNERDbut still 170 is way to high21:46
ikoniafatNERD: depends what it's doing and how21:47
fatNERDthis machine only has 250 megs of ram21:47
ikoniafatNERD: ok, so there is a good reason why it's under load21:48
usr13xv: Just move what you extract.  mv firefox/ /usr/lib/firefox-24   and then change the symlink  ln -sf /usr/lib/firefox-24/firefox /usr/bin/  #If you want to replace the one you have with new one.21:48
Ben64usr13: still a bad idea21:48
usr13Ben64: Why is that?21:48
pseudonymousI'm trying to figure out why my ubuntu server (remote hosting) will not respond/boot its own OS anymore, which files can I tap into ? I can reset the box and boot a rescue-system, so I can read/modify the disk contents21:48
usr13Ben64: (Please explain.)21:48
ikoniapseudonymous: where does the boot fail ?21:49
Ben641. no updates; 2. harder to remove; 3. could cause conflicts/problems in apt21:49
pseudonymousikonia: I have no clue, that's what I'm trying desparately to find out21:49
ikoniapseudonymous: what changed ?21:49
Ben64its a lot easier to remove a ppa (which is what i suggested) than manually extracted/installed programs21:49
pseudonymousikonia: I'd be tempted to say "nothing" but obviously something did. I don't know, though.21:49
ikoniapseudonymous: what is the error when you try to boot it21:50
Ceipher_Looking for help with partitioning a USB 3.0 1TB Portable Drive for use as a stand-alone OS.21:50
ikoniaCeipher_: what's not clear ?21:50
usr131. Right, (he is updating on his own, that is clear). 2. Harder to remove?  What's wrong with rm -rf /usr/lib/firefox-24 ?   3. What conflicts?  (Again, please explain.)21:50
pseudonymousikonia: I can't see, that's the issue, if I could watch as it booted there'd be no problem. I need a way to verify that a) it actually DID boot the entire OS and (B) some way of making it write a lot of debugging information for me, a la a rc.local script21:50
ikoniapseudonymous: just look in the syslog21:51
pseudonymousikonia: and where would that be ?21:51
ikoniapseudonymous: or boot into recovery mode (you said that worked) and start each service manally and see what files21:51
ikoniapseudonymous: /var/log21:51
Ceipher_I'm not sure what type of partition are required for the installion to work directly from the usb drive. -Shrugs- Been at it a few days now.21:51
ikoniaCeipher_: standard MS dos partition table will be fine21:52
Ceipher_Size of swap-area?21:52
usr13Ben64: If an update for firefox comes along, it will just clobber what he has and he will be using the one that came to him from the repo, (unless he re-does the symlink).  Nothing much complicated or mysterious about that.21:52
ikoniaCeipher_: no special requirements, just treat it as an internal disk21:52
pseudonymousikonia: I can't boot into any mode and see anything. it's a remotely hosted box. I can use a webinterface to boot some other recovery OS and mount the drive - hence why I can read/write to the Ubuntu partition, but that'sit21:52
ikoniaCeipher_: up to you, swap size is personal choice21:52
ikoniapseudonymous: ok, look at the syslog then21:52
ikoniapseudonymous: delete all the logs, try to boot it, let it fail, check the logs again21:52
usr13xv: But we should tell you that the latest stable release is v2221:53
pseudonymousikonia: all the logs, as in the log directories under /var/log, too ?21:53
ikoniapseudonymous: well, apply logic, eg: no point in deleting / monitoring the apache logs as your machine is not booting that far21:53
Ceipher_So I need a Fat32 Primary, A root, a swap-area, and what type of systemfile part? dos?21:53
ikoniapseudonymous: however as you sound quite lost I'd suggest contacting your hosting provider for help21:53
Ceipher_I'm pretty much brand new to linux. >->21:54
ikonia!install | Ceipher_21:54
ubottuCeipher_: Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall - See also !automate21:54
ikoniaCeipher_: also reading https://help.ubuntu.com will give you an overview on how to use/install ubuntu21:54
pseudonymousikonia: well I'm just not at all used to or OK with the Ubuntu way of doing things. This is practically a different world from the Linux I know21:54
gordonjcppseudonymous: all linuxes are pretty much the same21:54
ikoniapseudonymous: it's exactly the same as every other linux distro in logging terms21:54
ikoniapseudonymous: trying to say "its' different" as a reason you don't know where the log directories are doesn't stand up well21:55
SunMoonStarWhy does ubuntu installer download a google-chrome-stable update? I thought that google chrome updates itself.. ?21:55
ikoniaSunMoonStar: it's package managed21:55
SunMoonStarso chrome does not auto-update itself?21:55
usr13Ben64: I'm not telling xv something I haven't tested.  It works and is not a problem.  Not trying to be contradictory, just want to be clear so we understand how it works.  It's not complicated, it's just a simple symlink and can ge changed at any time.21:56
ikoniaSunMoonStar: it would be unwise to allow that21:56
pseudonymousikonia: I don't see the point of arguing this, but logging daemons vary between distros and even if its the same, you define where to pipe which log messages out according to a config file. Ergo however ubuntu may divide log messages up into files differs from other distros21:56
ikoniapseudonymous: no21:56
JoeyJoeJoMy server applies some iptables rules at boot. Where are those rules stored? I need to change them21:56
Ceipher_Can anyone point me to an example or guide of some sort for Partitioning a USB Drive? A list of important partitions or..something?21:57
usr13JoeyJoeJo: We don't know. But it is prlbably in /etc/init.d/firewall-something-or-other.21:57
pseudonymousikonia: yes. http://www.gentoo.org/doc/en/security/security-handbook.xml?part=1&chap=3  -- the very first code-listing shows a config which routes different log messages to different files21:57
JoeyJoeJoCeipher_: If you've got X check out gparted. It's pretty easy to get the hang of. Just play around with it using a disk with no important data on it in case something gets messed up21:58
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yofunquestion. can i use more then two dns servers?21:58
rypervencheyofun: Sure.21:59
Ceipher_See everyone acts like this is as easy as I think it is, But I can't seem to get it going...Not on a liveusb drive anyway.22:01
usr13Ben64: You can try it out and see.  Download one and switch to it and see for yourself.  It is easy. If you don't have v22, try it.   See my PM if you need further info.22:01
Ceipher_The installion failed at some point during its detection of filesystem.22:01
jerryNeed NFS help. home network all precise boxes. setup nfs server and client. I have a drive on server side mounted via fstab under /home. When looking at this drive from nfs client it shows as empty.22:02
usr13jerry: What do you need?22:03
jerryhelp. you wanted me to upload the /etc/exports but I didn't save the log from my last xchat seesion22:04
fungus631hey its me again... this time running kubuntu 13.04 and still having color depth problems after a month of toying around with ubuntu... anyone around that can help me with this problem? i believe my current color depth is 1522:04
usr13jerry: Sorry if I missed it.22:05
usr13jerry: pm ?22:05
jerrywhat is pm22:05
usr13private message?22:05
usr13jerry: In other words, see my private message....22:05
usr13Or not.....22:05
jerryhow do i pm i'm new to xchat22:05
usr13jerry: I don't know.22:06
yofunjerry:  there should be a window tab that shows you usr13's pm22:06
usr13jerry: but it should just show up as a channel named jerry22:06
nimbioticsI dont know how my son managed to do it but I do not have the panels anymore. Please tell me how to restore the panels, this is making my life miserable. TIA!22:07
Ceipher_Anyone willing to help me with partitioning a USB22:07
Lynxxanyone know some good alternative desktop environments22:07
yofunnimbiotics:  you mean the side bars and such?22:07
Lynxxi've used kde, gnome, xfce22:08
Ceipher_~Drive for use as a stand-alone...Please PM me~22:08
fungus631having color depth issues cannot create or edit xorg.conf... any help22:08
yofunCeipher_:  you heard of gparted?22:09
nimbioticsyofun: yes22:09
Ceipher_Yes, I know how and what i can use. Its the partition types and sizes(P.size/Cluster sizes) I don't know what i am needing.22:10
fungus631having color depth issues cannot create or edit xorg.conf... any help22:10
fungus631hey its me again... this time running kubuntu 13.04 and still having color depth problems after a month of toying around with ubuntu... anyone around that can help me with this problem? i believe my current color depth is 1522:10
yofunCeipher_:  what do you need?22:10
yofunnimbiotics:  hold on...22:11
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fungus631having color depth issues cannot create or edit xorg.conf... any help22:12
noobuntui see " & " at the end of a terminal command.. ex. firefox & .....what does that do?22:12
Ceipher_Some sort of lil list of needed partitions, IE: Root, Fat32, Swap-Area... Mostly just...What should i use as the file system? ext2...ext3...NTFS... as dos? or? -_-' Three days I've gotten little to no where on this.22:12
fungus631good luck im goin on a month22:12
Ceipher_You've at least installed lol22:13
yofunCeipher_:  fat32 or ext4 or NTFS would work22:13
yofuni think NTFS would work on windows22:13
Ceipher_For a stand-alone USB 3.0 Drive.22:14
fungus631having color depth issues cannot create or edit xorg.conf... any help22:14
nimbioticsyofun: sure22:14
OerHeksfungus631, what videocard do you have?22:15
yofunnimbiotics:  im not 100% sure but this might help? https://help.ubuntu.com/community/XubuntuPanels22:16
OerHekscopy the output of >  lspci | gep -i VGA22:16
fungus631intel 855gm22:16
OerHeksoops, missing r >> lspci | grep -i VGA22:16
OerHeksIntel should be supported standard, how much ram did you share with it, in your bios?22:17
fungus631no clue22:17
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fungus631*scratches head* i can share ram in bios?22:18
fungus631dont recall any setting in bios for video22:18
yofunnimbiotics: just wondering have you tired a computer restart already?22:19
OerHeksfungus631, this page shows how you can get that GPU memory  size >> http://z-computer-z.blogspot.nl/2010/02/view-video-memory-display-memory-size.html22:20
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brian_petersenI need some help recovering a couple files. I compressed a couple of files in my ubuntu system and copied them to a ntfs partition (acting as a shared drive between ubuntu and my windows environment). I though all was well and I installed arch over my ubuntu system and then booted my windows environment from a hidernation. It then "deleted" those files on the other partition and I NEED to restore them. How would I do this?22:24
yofunbrian_petersen:  what? no back ups?22:25
yofunor copyed them?22:25
fungus631lspci -v -s 00:02.0 00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation 82852/855GM Integrated Graphics Device (rev 01) (prog-if 00 [VGA controller])         Subsystem: Toshiba America Info Systems Device ff00         Flags: bus master, fast devsel, latency 0, IRQ 16         Memory at e8000000 (32-bit, prefetchable) [size=128M]         Memory at e0000000 (32-bit, non-prefetchable) [size=512K]         I/O ports at 1800 [size=822:25
brian_petersenyofun, that was my backup, I was just migrating to my new archlinux environment.22:25
yofunif you /really/ need them then i think theres a way to place your computer into single user mode and dig them up22:26
OerHeksfungus631, 128 mb would be enough, odd that the intel does not do 32 bit color22:27
brian_petersenwhat do you mean?22:27
fungus631what does this mean... what now22:27
yofunbrian_petersen: hold on22:27
yofunbrian_petersen:  you could try these https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DataRecovery22:28
nimbioticsyofun: ?22:30
yofunnimbiotics: just wondering have you tired a computer restart already?22:30
fungus631any help?22:31
reisiofungus631: with?22:31
fungus631having color depth issues cannot create or edit xorg.conf... any help22:31
reisiofungus631: what sort of issues?22:32
philadamsquick question (irc noob): can you guys see this message?22:32
reisiophiladams: I cannot22:32
philadamsreisio: thanks :)22:32
fungus631need to raise colr depth22:32
reisiophiladams: if I could see your messages, I'd say you're welcome22:32
reisiofungus631: why's that?22:32
fungus631because it looks like shit22:32
reisiofungus631: screenshot?22:33
deckardare we supposed to restart Ubuntu after updates?22:33
deckardas a general rule22:33
fungus631look my color depth is set to 15 how do i raise it22:33
reisiodeckard: as a general rule you shouldn't, really22:33
reisiodeckard: unless there was a kernel update22:33
gordonjcpor some other deep library update ;-)22:34
reisioas updating a kernel without rebooting is a little involved22:34
deckardshould we run autoremove often?22:34
gordonjcpdeckard: it can't hurt to restart, but you generally don't need to22:34
reisiogordonjcp: nah22:34
reisioit could hurt, it propagates silliness22:34
fungus631forgive me for being touchy but people help me out half ass and leave this has been an ongoing problem for a month22:34
deckardhow do i know when its a kernal update/22:34
gordonjcpreplacing a running kernel without rebooting is possible, but "entertaining"22:34
gordonjcpdeckard: it'll tell you it needs to restart to finish with the updates22:35
fungus631i assume adjusting color depth should be a relativly simple process22:35
SunMoonStarIn an online course I'm taking , it says you can run the file as a script (bash file.sh) or as an executable (./file.sh).. The behavior is the same. What's the difference?22:35
reisiofungus631: how do you want to adjust it?22:35
OerHeksfungus631, i know, i just read this greek page ( translated with google) https://forum.ubuntu-gr.org/viewtopic.php?p=283273  i think the i915 driver is loaded, and you need the ancient i810 ?22:35
fungus631RAISE IT TO #@22:35
reisioSunMoonStar: ./file can actually call whatever interpreter it likes22:35
reisioSunMoonStar: 'bash file' uses whatever 'type bash' says 'bash' is ATM22:36
reisioSunMoonStar: it's also frequently faster than running chmod +x file && ./file22:36
SunMoonStarreisio: ah okay22:36
SunMoonStarreisio: why is it necessary to set permissions on an executable but not on a script22:36
reisioalso an executable file needn't be a shell script, it could be any manner of executable :)22:36
reisioSunMoonStar: it is22:36
reisioSunMoonStar: but when you say "hey bash run this", that's what bash does22:37
SunMoonStarya but why does ./file require me to set permissions? it's saying hey executable run yourself22:37
FloodBot1fungus631: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.22:37
reisioSunMoonStar: because permissions exist22:38
SunMoonStarso why doesn't that logic apply to bash file22:38
reisioSunMoonStar: it does, I just said22:38
reisioSunMoonStar: ./file and ./file.that.is.absolutely.a.bash.script is the same22:38
reisioSunMoonStar: but 'bash file' is different22:39
reisioit takes file as input to bash22:39
reisiodoesn't matter if it's executable22:39
fungus631fuck all u dirty slack jawed jizz gurgling cumdrunks!22:39
reisiofungus631: :D22:39
holstein!language | fungus63122:40
ubottufungus631: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.22:40
nimbioticsyofun: thanks, will try!22:40
SunMoonStarThen my misunderstanding is with this statement: reisio: SunMoonStar: it's also frequently faster than running chmod +x file && ./file. Do I or do I not have to do chmod for the bash file command22:40
bobek_balinekHi, my ubuntu server 12.04 is ramming 100% CPU on process 'tty1' for good hours, strace just logs:" trace(0, "") = 0 " in an infinite loop. Killing the process just stops it for couple of hours, then its back on full CPU again.22:40
MonkeyDustholstein  fungus631 is a bot22:40
fungus631and fuck u too u self righteous regurgitated afterbirth of a butfuck bullfrog22:40
reisioSunMoonStar: to run an executable, bash script or not, in the manner of './path/to/file', it must have +x22:40
OerHeks... another happy user, next?22:41
reisioSunMoonStar: to have the executable 'bash' attempt to parse any particular file as a script, in the manner of 'bash path/to/file', +x is not required22:41
reisioOerHeks: :D22:41
SunMoonStarThen does it not negate the purpose of permissions if something without the proper permissions just circumvents the need for chmod and ./ by just using bash command instead22:41
fungus631linux users r nothing but a bunch of pretentious asshole pricks22:41
reisiofungus631: nah22:42
ubottuHelp! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici,  jpds,  gnomefreak, bazhang,  Flannel, ikonia, maco, h00k, IdleOne, bkerensa, nhandler, Jordan_U, DJones or k1l!22:42
fungus631oh yeah22:42
reisioSunMoonStar: it doesn't, entirely ;)22:42
holsteinthats not what i wanted.. oppologies22:42
Priceyfungus631: /msg please? :)22:42
SunMoonStar reiso I guess I have to do some reading then22:42
reisioSunMoonStar: you might also consider that many things in life are imperfect :D22:43
tboathey all, I am attempting to get user files off an old Ubuntu HDD, it is connected via external USB.  however, it mounts /root only.  if i delete /root, will it then mount the next partition, which has /home on it?22:43
SunMoonStarreisio: I assume that it is too long of an answer to explain fully here22:43
reisiothe purpose for +x is simple enough, though; some things you want to be treated as executable on their own, and some not22:43
reisioSunMoonStar: well, maybe I'm not awesome enough to explain it perfectly :D22:43
SunMoonStarreisio: I forgive you :P THank you for the help22:44
reisiotboat: see what /sbin/blkid says22:44
holsteintboat: i wouldnt delete things without more testing.. if its an emergency i usually use photorec from testdisk firts. then, i move on22:44
fungus016theres a reason why linux blows big fat donkey dong and its because theres no fucking support... only a chatroom full of incompetent pretentious pricks22:44
reisiothose apps are more if your filesystem has gone belly up, or you've accidentally deleted things22:45
k1l_fungus016: you had your chance. if you cant behave mature you are not welcome in here!22:45
gordonjcpfungus016: language...22:45
holsteini was thinking a partition not mounting would qualify as "belly-up"22:46
reisioincompetent (noun): not having the necessary skills to make the irrational rational22:46
tboatholstein: eh im never going to boot it again, and I know nothing I need is on /boot.  can photorec be run via commandline?22:46
reisioholstein: cart before the horse22:46
tboatreisio: it is unreadable22:47
reisiotboat: you need to check /sbin/blkid for other partitions first22:47
reisiotboat: according to?22:47
tboatreisio: it opens, however it is a bunch of 0's and letters22:47
tboatreisio: both through gedit and vim22:48
reisiotboat: it? Identified by what? Opens?22:48
holsteintboat: was it encrypted?22:48
holsteinassuming it is referring to the partition that i was before assuming wasnt mounting22:48
tboatreisio: it was not encrypted by me, gedit says it has invalid characters.  says i can try choosing another character encoding and try again. currently on UTF-822:48
reisiotboat: gedit says what has22:48
someguy_999has anyone created a local Ubuntu Archive Mirror without using apt-cache , apt-mirror, or debmirror but from just the local Ubuntu DVD??? This is just to create an automated install, where bandwidth is an issue, and NO a local apt-repo is not picked up as a Local Ubuntu Archive Mirror....22:49
tboatreisio: /sbin/blkid22:49
reisiosomeguy_999: probably22:49
reisiotboat: what about /sbin/blkid22:49
reisiouse complete sentences, be precise22:49
tboatreisio: that is what gives me the gedit error22:49
holsteinsomeguy_999: apt on cd ? is that what you are looking for?22:49
reisiotboat: no, /sbin/blkid does not give you a gedit error22:50
someguy_999into an apt-cd22:50
someguy_999and also22:50
someguy_999holstein the issue is how do I turn ubuntu server dvd22:50
nimbioticsyofun: thanks again, it worked like a charm!22:50
someguy_999this is not seen as a Ubuntu Archive mirror22:50
someguy_999for example22:50
tboatreisio: it does when you attempt to open blkid haha, didn't realize you meant that as a command22:50
someguy_999and publish it in apache22:50
someguy_999I could create a local apt repo22:50
yofunno problem nimbiotics the first thing i aways do is try a restart then ask for help :)22:50
yofunnimbiotics:  in some cases i mean :)22:51
yofunnot all22:51
someguy_999but this will not pick it up as a Ubuntu Archive mirror22:51
someguy_999as it does not have the folder structures22:51
someguy_999dpkg-scanpackages . /dev/null | gzip -9c > Packages.gz22:51
someguy_999which soemthign liek apt mirror would create22:51
someguy_999so the dream22:51
someguy_999publish it in apache22:52
someguy_999is create a Ubuntu archive mirror from the Ubuntu DVD22:52
someguy_999kickstart it using cobbler22:52
reisiotboat: heheheh :)22:52
someguy_999point it to the local mirror22:52
holsteinsomeguy_999: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Ubuntu#CD-ROM.2BAC8-DVD-122:52
someguy_999and install it22:52
someguy_999.. however thats the issue creating the local mirror from the DVD22:52
tboatreisio: so /sbin/blkid shows this for my second HDD, the one I want access to: sdb1: UUID type=ext2 sdb5: UUID type=LVM2_member22:53
reisiotboat: so sdb522:53
someguy_999holstein ubuntu server starts different22:53
holsteinsomeguy_999: sure.. and that should be a similar process.. adding it to the sources22:54
reisiotboat: read something like http://linuxers.org/howto/how-mount-linux-lvm-volume-partitions-linux22:54
roastedQuestion - am I under the correct understanding that if I have a GPT table and install using guided partitioning, Ubuntu will auto install the proper efi partitions and whatnot? I'm finding on this laptop (Lenovo X130e) that I cannot install using EFI. The only way it'll succeed is if I disable UEFI and then install... I just thought that with UEFI enabled, Ubuntu would work, but I just go into a boot loop when installed with UEFI enabled/guided22:54
roastedpartitioning. Eh?22:54
someguy_999holstein this is an auto install there are no sources file22:55
someguy_999is grabs it from a preseed file22:55
holsteinsomeguy_999: you installed ubuntu server? and you have not sources?22:56
tboatreisio: you are my effin hero thank you!22:57
someguy_999holsetain this is BEFORE it's installed22:57
someguy_999aka auto installer preseed22:57
reisiotboat: :p22:57
holsteinsomeguy_999: just install, and use a CD as the sources.. otherwise, if its not installed, i dont understand what you are trying to install, or how.. there is not live environment in the stock ubuntu server iso AFAIK22:58
someguy_999holstein it's ok i will look for antoher way, that has already been achived sigh22:58
holstein!minimal | someguy_99922:58
ubottusomeguy_999: The Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want.  The installer is text based (rather than graphical as used on the Desktop DVD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD22:58
holsteinsomeguy_999: you install minimal.. then you configure it to use the way you want.. not the other way22:59
someguy_999Your not getting it fins22:59
reisiowhy keep 7MB of bloat off the ordinary install image when you can create a whole set of other images :p22:59
sparrWhat's a good simple program to record a video from a webcam in a decently compressed video codec?23:01
holsteinsparr: cheese too simple?23:01
reisiosparr: with a GUI?23:01
litepoolcan anyone help me with port forwarding23:01
yofunlitepool:  what router?23:02
litepooljust in ubuntu23:02
sparrreisio: yes, preferably one with just one button, record/stop.23:02
reisiosparr: heh23:03
sparrcheese sounds like it might work23:03
mnemonlitepool: what's the problem?23:03
hapsterHi now that it was announced that ubuntu 13.10 will ship with Mir, will this mean only laptops with intel graphics will be able to take advantage of it?23:03
litepooltrying to forward a public 3333 port to a remote ips 3333 port mnemon23:03
litepoolfor example all incomming connections on myip:3333 to remoteip:33323:04
litepoolfor example all incomming connections on myip:3333 to remoteip:333323:04
reisiohapster: you mean 14.04?23:05
nogalso, I can't seem to find documentation for this, how does one run a startup script at login as the user instead of root?23:05
[UT]Hi Everyone!23:05
nogalusing lightdm23:05
kellyhi guys i want to ask about texture filter option in compiz ? what is it for ?23:05
hapsterit says here 13.10 http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2013/06/mir-display-server-to-ship-default-in-ubuntu-13-1023:05
=== g_byers is now known as gbyers[Away]
reisionogal: before login?23:06
mnemonlitepool: you can use the nat table for that ... can't remember the directives to get thet working off the top of my head though23:06
nogalreisio: no, at/after login23:06
reisiokelly: ask #compiz23:06
holsteinhapster: try #ubuntu+123:06
litepoolwould really help if you gave the command mnemon you have no idea how much stuff its doing23:06
reisionogal: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AddingProgramToSessionStartup23:06
reisionogal: that is: use GNOME23:06
prsteeleHello; can anyone recommend a partitioning scheme for me? I'm going to have a fast, small SSD and a large, slow HDD23:07
kellyok is it risky to disable apport ?23:07
reisioGNOME's auto run stuff23:07
reisioprsteele: /dev/sda1 / /dev/sdb1 /home/23:07
nogalreisio: i'm using xmonad atm, will this still work? (i still have the ubuntu-desktop metapackage installed)23:07
MonkeyDusthapster  better ask in #ubuntu+123:08
reisionogal: nope23:08
hapsterMonkeyDust ok23:08
MonkeyDustoh holstein already said it23:08
prsteelereisio: so /home on HDD, and everything else (/, /usr/ /swap) on SDD?23:08
nogalreisio: didn't think so... i've got a hack in my /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf taht I worked together but it's (obviously) running as root -- erego not quitting out on logut23:09
reisioprsteele: sounds good to me23:09
prsteelereisio: Thanks; I've always just done whatever the installer wanted, but I've never had fast v. slow drives23:09
reisionogal: most wms implement some kind of ~/autostart type dir, but I don't know if xmonad does23:10
nogalreisio: it does not, I was hoping to do it more of a "correct" way and not rely on the window manager23:10
nogalreisio: akin to ~/.xinitrc23:10
mrtAkdenizGuys hi !23:10
reisionogal: how is that more correct?23:11
mnemonlitepool: http://linux.die.net/man/8/iptables see DNAT23:11
reisioprsteele: :D23:11
mrtAkdenizMy usb wireless mouse was not working, then I wrote lsusb on terminal, there wasn't any thing about mouse, then un-plugged mouse adapter and connected again, then I wrote lsusb again23:11
reisioprsteele: you could look into swap on the hdd23:11
mrtAkdenizThere was a Xenta option, any my mouse is working now23:12
nogalreisio: taht'd get into a religous war I don't intend to spark. :P23:12
reisioprsteele: but it's really just a matter of considering how soon you'll need to replace the ssd, and how soon you can afford to23:12
mrtAkdenizI have to re-connect my wireless adapter for every reboot23:12
mrtAkdenizCan we do sth to fix it?23:12
prsteelereisio: I'm not that cramped for space; something like 120G on the SSD...23:12
litepoolmnemon can you give me an example command? not trying to be lazy but i tried something ealier and it didn't work23:12
prsteelereisio: OH. I didn't even think of that23:12
litepooli tried23:13
prsteelereiso: this partioning scheme will let me blow away an install and reinstall without touching home, right?23:13
reisioprsteele: well, you'll see the best gains by putting the files you access the most (the OS files, not personal files) on the faster disk23:13
litepooliptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -p tcp --dport 3333 -j DNAT --to myremoteip:333323:13
mnemonlitepool: so iptables -t NAT -A PREROUTING --dport 3333 -d <yourip> -J DNAT --to would forward the connection23:13
reisioprsteele: yes, as unimportant as that is :)23:13
Kaytoois it a good idea to encrypt your hd using turecrypt23:13
reisionogal: if you want to use ~/.xinitrc, stop using lightdm23:13
prsteelereisio: thanks again23:13
kellyis it risky to disable apport ?23:14
litepoolmnemon yourip is remote ip?23:14
mnemonno, it's the ip of the forwarding interface23:14
reisioprsteele: you might want to shop around for the best FS for the SSD, too23:14
prsteelereisio: so not just ext3?23:14
mnemonso the public ip, should be switched to the remote/target up23:14
reisiokelly: for the compiz texture plugin?23:14
reisiokelly: it's very hard to imagine that being risky23:14
reisioprsteele: yeah, and probably not even ext423:15
compdocI think Ubuntu has defualted to ext4 for a couple of releases now23:15
litepoolmnemon just so i get it clear, when someone access myip:3333 they get remoteip:333323:15
reisioext4 without a journal might be okay, but you could probably do better23:15
reisioprsteele: do some searching, something will jump out at you23:15
nogalreisio: probably just gonna ditch 'buntu altogether honestly, need me an external hard-drive :P  Just figured lightdm had some way of handling it. I'll patch something together in the meantime.23:15
mnemonlitepool: iptables -t NAT -A PREROUTING --dport 3333 -d myip -J DNAT --to remoteip:333323:15
tboathey if i wanted to create a partition for a new users /home directory, which format should i use for the partition?23:15
reisioit probably has, but lightdm isn't so light to be a good pairing with xmonad, tbh23:15
prsteelereisio: thanks23:15
reisiotboat: ext4 should do23:15
mnemonlitepool: iptables -t NAT -A PREROUTING -p tcp --dport 3333 -d myip -J DNAT --to remoteip:3333 actually ...23:16
reisioprsteele: ssd, swap, fs, trim, journal :D23:16
reisioprsteele: but don't put more time into the research than it'll take you to earn money to buy a replacement ssd :D23:16
tboatreisio: should it be handled in LVM, or is gparted alright to use?23:16
reisiotboat: gparted is alright23:16
reisioespecially for something you only ever intend to be a single partition of a fixed size23:17
tboatreisio: cool, cool thanks again! :D23:17
litepoolmnemon, thank you, myip being localhost? do i do anything else23:17
prsteelereisio: heh23:17
litepooliptables -t NAT -A PREROUTING -p tcp --dport 3333 -d -J DNAT --to
reisiotboat: if you're using lvm for everything else, it might be nice to use, but lvm is not so important23:17
mrtAkdenizGuys is there any irc help channel?23:17
mrtAkdenizI have aproblem with xchat23:17
mnemonlitepool: myip should be the ip that the client connects to23:17
litepooliptables -t NAT -A PREROUTING -p tcp --dport 3333 -d23:17
litepool176.67.160.69 -J DNAT --to
Kaytoois it a good idea to encrypt your hd using turecrypt23:18
tboatreisio: I will read more about LVM and look into it23:18
litepoolormnemon iptables v1.4.12: unknown option "-J"23:19
reisioKaytoo: that depends23:19
tboat4 GB of 596 transferred, sigh. back to getting steam cards!23:19
reisioKaytoo: are you afraid someone might access your data and this might get you into trouble?23:19
mnemonlitepool: accidentally capitalized it, should be -j23:19
reisioKaytoo: and: do you need (or want) to "easily" access this potentially encrypted data from operating systems other than free Unixes?23:20
CorruptedHelixHi, is there any way I can restore Ubuntu 13.04 to default settings (default packages and all) without reinstalling it? Maybe something similar to Windows 8's Refresh feature?23:21
litepoolmnemon thanks!23:21
litepooliptables v1.4.12: can't initialize iptables table `NAT': Table does not exist (do you need to insmod?)23:21
Kaytooreisio:i just dont want my hd expose to the internet when i logon23:21
mnemonlitepool: try nat23:21
litepooldon't work :/23:22
mnemonlitepool: does iptables -t nat -L work?23:23
litepoolhttp://pastie.org/8087807 mnemon23:24
litepoolshould i flush it23:24
mnemonlitepool: would probably be a good idea :)23:24
CorruptedHelixHi, is there any way I can restore Ubuntu 13.04 to default settings (default packages and all) without reinstalling it? Maybe something similar to Windows 8's Refresh feature?23:24
reisioKaytoo: truecrypt won't help at all with that23:25
reisioKaytoo: unless by 'my hd' you mean an hd entirely separate from the one/s you use for your OS23:25
litepoolmnemon ok i flushed it, still couldn't get that command to work though23:25
Kaytooreisio:is it possible to encrypt the working hd over the net23:28
CorruptedHelixHi, is there any way I can restore Ubuntu 13.04 to default settings (default packages and all) without reinstalling it? Maybe something similar to Windows 8's Refresh feature?23:29
reisioKaytoo: hrmm?23:30
reisioCorruptedHelix: yes23:30
reisioCorruptedHelix: it might take longer than "reinstalling", though, depending23:30
reisioif you hadn't planned on doing it ahead of time, that is23:30
CorruptedHelixHow so?23:30
CorruptedHelixMostly, I want to nuke my 3rd party downloads from the software center, if that's possible instead.23:31
reisioCorruptedHelix: things that take less time to accomplish than other things do not take longer23:31
CorruptedHelixBecause removing them one by one is painstaking.23:31
withnaleI've bought a sandisk clip+ little mp3 player and having real trouble with it with ubuntu. I can boot it and see it in nautilus but whenever I try to sync to it from either rhythmbox or banshee both of them bomb out. Any ideas how to fix it? I've tried MSC and MTP mode23:31