
westhow do I start terminal using ctrl alt + t02:03
inahdhey all, any ideas how to fix this pulseaudio conflict that causes me to need a restart to connect jack, after i use certain programs that play audio such as netflix?02:14
inahdits like pulseaudio gets taken over and can't let go02:15
OvenWerksinahd: which version of ubuntustudio are you using?02:23
inahderrr mint 14 actually02:24
inahdno one in the mint forum seems to know much about these things02:24
OvenWerksthat version of pulse has a bug. there is a workaround though02:24
inahdlearn me!02:25
OvenWerksAssuming you are using qjackctl to start jack...02:25
OvenWerksthere is in qjackctl setup on the second tab, four lines for scripts.02:25
OvenWerksIt is called options02:26
OvenWerkscheck the first one and add this line to it:02:27
OvenWerkspasuspender -- sleep 1 &02:27
OvenWerksIt gets pulse to drop the devices long enough for jack to grab it02:28
inahdyou have saved me untold frustrations..02:29
OvenWerksso long as it works02:30
OvenWerksmint 15 should have the new pulse if I remember right.02:31
inahdi guess i should see if it works02:32
inahdany movie suggestions for the test :P?02:44
OvenWerksI found any use of pulse made jack not start. with the mod you should be able to start jack even while pulse is streaming02:46
OvenWerksIf you have module-jackdbus-detect it should be possible to also get the audio to continue through pulse and jack02:48
OvenWerksAnyway, I have to go as my wife needs this machine for her homework02:49
=== david is now known as Guest59443
Guest59443does the choice of window manager have a significant impact on audio quality (latency, etc.)?02:57
Guest59443I'm having difficult getting used to xfce and thinking about switching02:57
Guest59443to something more familiar02:57
inahdGuest59443: how nice is your machine?03:01
holsteinGuest59443: switch to what you want03:01
holsteinnothing will make your computer any faster of slower.. just might use less resources03:02
Guest59443It is about three years old (Toshiba Satellite A505)03:02
Guest59443I'm used to Unity from Ubuntu plain.03:02
holsteinGuest59443: try adding what you like, and choose it from the login screen..03:02
holsteinGuest59443: install plain ubuntu with unity and add what you like03:02
holsteinor, install unity in ubuntustudio03:03
inahdugh, unity...03:03
Guest59443yeah I know I might be the only one that likes it :)03:03
holsteinlots of folks use and like it.. and you can too03:04
Guest59443I miss being able to press the win key and type the program I want to start (like in Windows 7 too)03:04
holsteini dont plan on using it anytime soon03:04
holsteinGuest59443: you can add that functionality03:04
holsteinGuest59443: you can use alt+F203:04
holsteinGuest59443: you can use kupfer or synapse.. or type what you like into the terminal03:05
holsteinOR, use keyboard shortcuts..03:05
inahdi have seen panel apps that put something like that on your panel03:06
holsteinits not a thing that was invented with win7.. or unity.. but, you certainly can and should use either of those if you want them.. but, we just didnt put that into ubuntustudio because we didnt03:07
Guest59443Of course there is several things.03:07
holsteinGuest59443: i assure you, since everything is open, you can get what you want in XFCE.. though, you are also free to use unity03:08
holsteinGuest59443: i would suggest installing main ubuntu, and just add the few apps you might be using03:08
holsteinGuest59443: what are you using from ubuntustudio?03:08
Guest59443I'm not sure how to set up USB audio, multi monitor, stop the scroll wheel from switching workspaces... It is probably easier for me to switch than to customize.03:09
holsteinthe USB audio will be the same03:09
Guest59443Today's actually my first day using UbuntuStudio.03:09
holsteinGuest59443: then, i would just move on.. unless you plan on doing any audio production03:09
Guest59443holstein, I don't see the sound config. in the settings window03:09
holsteinGuest59443: "the" sound config?03:09
holsteinwhat are you looking fof?03:10
Guest59443holstein, Yes I'm using it specifically for audio production03:10
holsteinGuest59443: using JACK?03:10
Guest59443In Ubuntu you can go to Settings > Sound and select which sound output and input you want to use. (Useful for casual use when I don't have Ardour and JACK running)03:12
Guest59443I have built-in audio and external audio when the laptop is plugged in03:13
holsteinGuest59443: install pavucontrol if its not there03:15
holsteinGuest59443: pavucontrol is the sound control app that i complain about not having when im on main ubuntu03:16
Guest59443holstein, thanks for the pointer.03:18
Guest59443In pavcontrol I'm trying to understand the "fallback" button. Does that mean like "second default choice"? How do I set the first default choice?03:27
Guest59443(appears in the Input Devices tab)03:28
holsteinGuest59443: get sound playing, then route with pavucontrol03:28
Guest59443(and Output Devices tab)03:28
holsteinGuest59443: i have never used "fallback"03:28
Guest59443With QJackCtrl I'm not able to use less than 1024 Frames/Period. Does this just mean my soundcard is terrible?03:58
Guest59443I'm using Periods/Buffer 3 per http://wiki.linuxaudio.org/wiki/list_of_jack_frame_period_settings_ideal_for_usb_interface03:58
Guest59443(and sample Rate 48000 per the same page)03:59
holsteinGuest59443: what sound card?04:04
holsteinGuest59443: i pesonally dont use USB devices or internal deivces04:04
holsteinbut, folks use USB devices often with good results04:04
holsteini would ask in #opensourcemusicians for suggestions04:04
Guest59443holstein: here's the output of aplay -l04:12
Guest59443(I wasn't sure how to look up my soundcard)04:12
holsteinGuest59443: is it in the machine?04:14
holsteinthe scarlet might be something you could use with decent quality04:14
Guest59443I have a USB "preamp" (Focusrite Scarlett 2i2) that should be decent04:15
holsteinbut, might not have low latency04:15
Guest59443Plus a laptop with a built-in soundcard04:15
holsteinnot that you need it04:15
holsteinlatency is a buzz word04:15
holsteinif you need low latency, you know you do and you get it04:15
holsteinotherwise, it really doesnt matter04:15
Guest59443It would be useful for MIDI synth04:15
holsteinsoftsynths or realtime effects04:16
holsteinand i like to have around 12ms latency minimum04:16
holsteinotherwise, i really dont care if its 200ms04:16
Guest59443I'm trying to remember how to set up MIDI in Ardour. I don't see my keyboard listed in the Ardour MIDI Connection Manager, but I do see it listed in QJackCtrl > Connections > ALSA04:26
holsteinGuest59443: ardour 3?04:26
holsteinGuest59443: they have a channel04:26
holsteini dont do much midi.. though, you can also ask in #opensourcemusicians04:27
holsteinotherwise, i just make the connections manually04:27
holsteinmake a midi channel.. connect the keyboard manuall04:27
holsteinits likely that you need to use a2jmidid04:27
Guest59443I don't see it in the Software Center. What is the equivalent of apt-get for xfce?04:34
holsteinGuest59443: ?04:34
holsteinGuest59443: xfce is just the desktop manager04:34
holsteinubuntustudio *is* ubuntu04:34
holsteinapt-get is apt-get04:34
holsteinGuest59443: you run a2jmidid from the terminal04:34
holstein!info a2jmidid04:34
ubottua2jmidid (source: a2jmidid): Daemon for exposing legacy ALSA MIDI in JACK MIDI systems. In component universe, is extra. Version 8~dfsg0-1 (raring), package size 32 kB, installed size 118 kB04:34
OvenWerksBest place to run a2jmidid is from qjackctl.04:39
holsteinOvenWerks: can you elaborate about that? i havent used it that way..04:39
OvenWerksThe second tab in the setup menu is options.04:40
OvenWerksthere are four places to run a script. use the second.04:40
OvenWerkstick the check box at the front of that line and add:04:40
OvenWerksa2jmidid -e &04:41
OvenWerksin the text space.04:41
OvenWerksIt will auto close when jack goes away04:41
holsteinGuest59443: are you getting this? ^^04:41
Guest59443I see. I'm not sure how to use it yet though.04:42
Guest59443OvenWerks: I'm hoping to connect my keyboard to Ardour04:42
holsteinGuest59443: this will hopefully facilitate that04:43
OvenWerksWhen you use the connections window from qjckctl. there are three tabs the midi tab is the best place to make all connections.04:43
OvenWerksso once jack is running, if you go to the midi tab on the connections window, you will see a2j04:44
Guest59443I see the MIDI tab, with a2j in it04:44
Guest59443I can connect it to Ardour04:44
OvenWerksclick on the little > in front of it and you should see the midi in where your KB is connected.04:44
Guest59443But I'm not sure how to connect my MIDI keyboard to a2j04:45
Guest59443okay I'll look04:45
OvenWerksMine has the name of my card and the word cature.04:45
Guest59443oh, I see midi thru. And I can connect my keyboard to MIDI Through in the ALSA tab04:46
OvenWerksShouldn't have to.04:46
OvenWerksdid you use the -e with a2jmidid?04:46
OvenWerksIf you do any cannecting on the alsa pannel they 'may" be timing issues.04:47
OvenWerksI haven't had any personally, but I don't do very much midi outside of testing to make sure it works :)04:48
Guest59443Okay, got it now with the -e option. Is the & part of the command (above)04:48
OvenWerksThe & makes it go to background and not hold qjackctl from doing other things.04:48
Guest59443Thanks OvenWerks! MIDI input is working now04:52
OvenWerksIt's always nice when something just starts working.04:54
Guest59443In firefox when I click on the Download "Open file location" It opens Audacious instead of the file manager05:15
Guest59443Anyway to fix that?05:15
Guest59443I'm using a fresh install of Ubuntu 13.0405:15
Guest59443It looks like there is a bug report for this on archlinux:05:17
Guest59443Should I file a bug for Ubuntu Studio?05:17
Guest59443Looking at the support page, I'm not sure where to file bugs:05:18
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angeli have problem with my ubuntu studio 13 , it can't connect any wifi18:14
angelcan you help me18:16
inahdyou might try the regular ubuntu forum... more activity for non music related problems...18:19
angelok this channel is for music18:23
angelare musicians?18:23
inahdkind of18:24
angeli need a algorythmic application and i'm electroaoustical musician18:24
inahdi mean non artistic stuff18:24
inahdwireless is like a common thing for all ubuntu users18:24
angelhere we can what?18:25
angelthanks i think i go back to Mac then18:27
ssj71hi all, I've got something weird going on in the desktop background recently. I'm on 13.04, the wallpaper appears right after I login, then suddenly its covered/dissappears and the background is a strange black and white stripe thing19:05
ssj71anyone have a guess what might be going on?19:05
jukkaMoi. Mistä kohtia voi asentaa Ubuntu Studiolle näyttiksen ajurit automaattisesti? Normi Ubuntulla se menee kätevästi sieltä asetuksista, mutta miten Studiossa?20:50
cubjukka, if you re-write your question in English more people might be able to help21:05
* cub only understands "moi"21:05
ubottuTämä kanava on tarkoitettu vain englanninkieliselle keskustelulle. Jos haluat suomenkielistä apua (K)ubuntun ongelmiin, liity kanavalle #ubuntu-fi / #kubuntu-fi :-)21:05
deevadHi, I enjoy installing and testing 13.04 Ubuntu Studio. I have a issue with Thunar , may someone help me  ?  I have this dialog when I create a new custom action : http://www.davidrevoy.com/XYZ/Screenshot27062013.png  , and I can't add a new right click item. Thx in advance.21:34
nimbioticsI dont know how my son managed to do it but I do not have the panels anymore. Please tell me how to restore the panels, this is making my life miserable. TIA!22:06
deevadnimbiotics, try Alt+F3 or Alt+F2 for the launcher / appfinder, enter 'settings' ; in settings icon, you have the panel menu.22:18
holsteinnimbiotics: or just make a new user.. or remove the config for the current user.22:32
holsteinyup.. blow that out ^^ and it'll come back as default nimbiotics22:39
Unit193Once you relogin or xfce4-panel -r22:40
nimbioticsdeevad: Thanks, will try!22:40
nimbioticsdeevad: Thanks for your answer. The settings That showed up were kinda complicated for me. I did, however fix the problem using the "Quick Fix" in https://help.ubuntu.com/community/XubuntuPanels. The link was given to me by yofun at #ubuntu. One more time; thanks a lot!22:52

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