
=== xubuntu825 is now known as dsze
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xubuntu329hello all00:56
nagevhi there00:56
xubuntu329question for anyone interested in providing some feedback. how compatible with most applications is the 64bit version00:58
xubuntu329i'm a bit of a novice linux user and i'm worried that installing the 64bit version may put me over my head.00:59
xubuntu329since i know at least in days gone by the 64 bit versions were kind of a nightmare with driver/software compatibilities01:00
nagevi have only used 64 bit xubuntu and ubuntu for the last few years.  I haven't found it has restricted me at all.01:00
xubuntu329okay cool.01:02
xubuntu329do you use virtualbox at all?01:03
xubuntu329and does it just run 32bit applications in a "compatibility mode" like in windows?01:03
nagevi don't know about compatibility mode but it just works!01:04
xubuntu329lol alright, thanks. i'm gonna give it a shot01:07
xubuntu870just loading xubuntu 13.04 for the first time.  How does everyone like it so far?01:52
xubuntu870haven't tried xfce 4.10 yet01:53
xubuntu870Sweet, another dead irc channel.01:54
xubuntu252Hi all, this is my first time here. I want to ask about a problem I have that restarts my sessions02:16
xubuntu252Is there someone who can help me?02:17
krytarik!ask | xubuntu25202:18
ubottuxubuntu252: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience02:18
krytarikThere you are again. :)02:20
xubuntu767Im back again02:20
krytarikHeh. :P02:20
krytarikSo shoot!02:20
xubuntu767I am new in Xubuntu. I have installed it a few weeks ago. Now, when I open a window or try to see a movie, or something else it restarts my session and takes me to the login window02:21
xubuntu767I think it has to do with the graphic driver. I have installed Cairo-dock and all of a sudden it has black behind it02:23
krytarikSo it doesn't happen with -all- windows you open?02:23
xubuntu767all of this started when I logged in with Xfce profile instead of Xubuntu profile02:24
xubuntu767it doesnt happen all the time02:24
xubuntu767my be I have to try to reinstall the graphic driver. How can I do thtat?02:26
krytarikTry logging in as another, new user, and see if it happens there too, i.e. if it's really an issue with the video driver or just with your user's profile.02:27
xubuntu767Ive read something about graphic acceleration that is off. How can I see if is on or off?02:27
xubuntu767ok, understood02:27
xubuntu767but I have to logg off here. Will you be here when I conect again?02:28
krytarikReg. your other question, run: glxinfo | grep "direct"02:30
krytarikWell, I'll still be here for a while at least.02:30
xubuntu767ok, thanks. I will try to open Terminal now, but maybe I logg of :) Lets see.02:31
krytarikHeh. :P02:31
xubuntu815I am running Xubuntu 13.04 and would like to rip some CDs. Any recommendations ?02:38
xubuntu815Programs that can rip, that is ...02:39
krytarikSounds like audio CDs?02:40
krytarikBecause videos don't really come on CDs. :P02:40
krytarikxubuntu815: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CDRipping02:41
xubuntu260I am running Xubuntu 13.04 and would like to rip some CDs. Anybody have a program they recommend ?02:43
xyzonea wood chipper02:44
krytarikThere we go again, sec. :P02:44
krytarikxubuntu260: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CDRipping02:44
xubuntu260Thanks krytarik02:45
krytarikxubuntu260: I've tried a great deal of those mentioned there, and found Asunder to be the best.02:46
xubuntu260OK, I'll give it a try !02:46
krytarikI mean, I've literally scoured the web for something that is similarly simple yet good as Audiograbber under Windows. :P02:47
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krytarikxubuntu260: So if you find something better than Asunder, please definitely post back. :D02:48
krytarikHmm, I hope that was a 'yes'. :P02:53
xyzoneruby ripper is better02:54
krytarikTried that too, didn't find so. :)02:54
krytarikThey are fairly similar though.02:54
krytarikThat's the name of an app? :P02:55
* krytarik looks it up02:55
krytarikNope, doesn't look so. LOL02:56
deckardhi. I see an app in the menu but i don't see it listed when i edit the application menu. How can i remove it?03:22
krytarikWhat is it then, a Wine app maybe?03:22
deckardnope just something i installed03:23
deckardi erased the directory but it still shows in the menu and i cant remove it03:23
krytarikIt isn't a Windows app, really?03:25
deckardwow its gone now03:25
deckardi dragged it off03:25
deckardsorry waste your time03:25
krytarikNo worries. :)03:25
Carlinhosqt applications use my local language instead of the default system language, which is english. this is a fresh install. how can i solve this?04:02
Carlinhossame issue as this http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=214095704:02
AienaHow do I list all directories startibg with . they are not normally visible08:40
Aienae.g. $HOME/.kde/share08:40
Sysipress Ctrl H in thunar or -a switch for ls in terminal08:41
xubuntu795I've installed Xubuntu on my laptop, but when I turn on my PC it show only a blank screen, How I can solve it?09:08
kofmHi! I've a problem installing Xubuntu 12.04 alternate from a USB stick. I create the stick using Unetbootin then it boots correctly on my system. The problem is when it loads packages from CDs. It gives me a lot of errors saying it can't find some packages on the drive. When i hit "Retry" the installer continues for a while until i get : "Installatio step failed. [...] Load installer components from CD"11:21
doebikofm: wait what? u said u installed from USB, and then u load packages from CD?11:23
kofmI've tried low level formatting, creating the stick with another software, tried with another USB stick11:23
kofmsorry i spelled it wrong: it says that loads software from CDs but i think it loads from the USB stick as no CD is inserted11:24
kofmalso tried the tried the cdrom-detect/try-usb=true command before booting installation but it didn't work11:25
kofmalso tried the cdrom-detect/try-usb=true command before booting installation but it didn't work*11:26
koegsi alway had problem with alternate iso and unetbootin11:31
koegsare you able to use the usb creator in ubuntu itself11:31
gsommerMy firefox and thunderbird does not use system-wide font settings it seems. (It uses the same font, but - the size is different... or dpi... or rendering?) How can I make firefox/thunderbird follow system-wide font settings under Ubuntu?11:31
kofmkoegs: i've also tried it booting ubuntu 12.04 from a live cd on another computer11:31
kofmkoegs: and creating it with usb-creator with no success11:32
knomegsommer, just out of curiosity (and maybe being able to help): menus or the website content?11:33
gsommerknome: Menues11:34
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Mike-Linux-NLCan someon help me with my soundcard problem?13:26
Mike-Linux-NLust installed Xubuntu 12.04 on my desktop last night. Motherboard is an ASUS P5QC. SOund is working, but there is no headphone detection. When i install gnome-alsamixer and click on headphone checkbox, it mutes everything. when insert a headphone, speakers keep playing and headphone very silently too.13:26
Mike-Linux-NLdid an alsa info report here: http://www.alsa-project.org/db/?f=5f3ac01fed0c92b94ce4180180acff67b36a60e813:27
Mike-Linux-NLi have Xubuntu installed on the laptop too, and there audio and headphone detection works fine13:27
Mike-Linux-NLthis is the only thing i have problems with. Xubuntu is fine so far!13:27
GridCubeMike-Linux-NL: where do you plug the headphones in?13:29
GridCubeMike-Linux-NL: when you open pavucontrol, in the last tab, dont you see headphone options there, maybe your output needs to be corrected13:30
SysiMike-Linux-NL: in xfce4-mixer and maybe gnome-alsamixer too, you can select channels after selecting soundcard (physical one, not pulseaudio) and adjust levels separately for each port13:30
GridCubewhen you stream music in pavucontrl you can choose trhough where the sound comes out, check that its using the headphones there13:30
SysiGridCube: I can't reach pavucontrol right now, does it have same channel selection than xfce4-mixer? not just for different devices13:31
GridCubenever used xfce4-mixer13:31
Mike-Linux-NLi stick it in the front panel of my Antec 302 case13:31
GridCubemike do that work on other OS's? what happens if you plug in the back?13:32
Mike-Linux-NLthing is.. it always worked fine before. it works in windows well too.. before i had Ubuntu 10.04 lts installed with gnome 2 so yesterday i did a clean install of Xubuntu 12.0413:32
GridCubemaybe some cable its loose inside the case?13:32
Mike-Linux-NLGridCube: well, then sound comes over headphone ofcourse, since i have to unplug my speaker13:32
GridCubeok, maybe its just a wrong config on pavu13:32
SysiI only know how pavucontrol works with several audio devices, not different outputs of same card13:34
Mike-Linux-NLwell on my laptop on output, it says headphone too. on my desktop the only option is analog output13:34
GridCubemmm check with lspci what soundcard you are using and do a general google search for it?13:34
Mike-Linux-NLi tried modifying alsa.conf after searching the net last night. didnt work out well.. pulseaudio wouldnt start, so i reverted everything like it was13:35
SysiMike-Linux-NL: http://www.mls-software.com/images/xbmcav/gnomealsamixer.jpg you get this kind of window?13:35
Mike-Linux-NLAudio device: Intel Corporation 82801JI (ICH10 Family) HD Audio Controller13:35
Mike-Linux-NLbut it should be a Realtek ALC120013:36
Mike-Linux-NLi use the build in pulseaudio mixer from Xubuntu13:36
Mike-Linux-NLi have tried gnome-alsamixer13:36
Mike-Linux-NLdid not change anything either13:36
Mike-Linux-NLi somehow have the feeling that the driver for this soundcard is faulty. but it worked before in previous linux versions13:37
Sysithere you have levels of different channel so you should be able to mute speaker output and turn up headphones volume13:37
Sysibut you need to select your physival card instead of pulseaudio (in case it shows both) and maybe select what channels to view13:38
Mike-Linux-NLSysi: when i oppen gnome-alsamixer, i see a checkbox with Headphone ticked on. When i uncheck that box, audio get muted globally13:38
SysiMike-Linux-NL: open »alsamixer« in terminal, if it shows pulseaudio, press F6 and select your real soundcard13:39
Mike-Linux-NLit detects my microphone over the front panel.. in xfce4 mixer the levels go out, only for a few sec, then the meters hang.. however, mic is still recorded and working13:39
GridCubeMike-Linux-NL: in the last tab of pavucontrol, see that there is more settings for how the audio card its recognized, check the various options there13:39
Mike-Linux-NLGridCube: tried them13:42
Mike-Linux-NLdefault profile is analog stereo duplex13:42
Mike-Linux-NLthe digital profiles wont work13:42
GridCubethen try Sysi's way, im not really using linux right now so i can check stuff P:13:43
Mike-Linux-NLSysi: alsamixer (f6) only shows me Intel HDA and default13:45
Sysiwell, does either have levers like "front" or "headphones" or something?13:46
Mike-Linux-NLheadphones is in alsamixer, but with no slide13:47
Mike-Linux-NLif i go with my cursor over it, and press M it mutes my entire audio13:47
kofmi managed to install xubuntu alternate but something went wrong during installation and it ended up installing only base system13:47
kofmis it possible to install from that base system the xubuntu-desktop?13:47
Sysikofm: yeah, just install that package13:47
kofm(i think it'll be sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop)13:47
Mike-Linux-NLsudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop13:47
kofmyes but the problem is that in the sources i only have the CD that i don't have13:48
SysiMike-Linux-NL: well, do you have several outputs/channels?13:48
GridCubecan't you do an sudo apt-get update?13:48
kofmand Ethernet isn't configured (as "ping www.google.it" gives an error)13:48
Mike-Linux-NLnot in pavucontrol13:48
GridCubekofm: sudo apt-get update doesnt load new sources?13:49
SysiMike-Linux-NL: but alsamixer13:49
Mike-Linux-NLkofm: ifconfig13:49
kofmGridCube: it don't13:50
kofmMike-Linux-NL: i try13:50
GridCubekofm: if you cant connect to the internet then it wont ever work13:50
Sysikofm: it would be easier and maybe faster to reinstall, just make sure to not select installing command line system13:50
kofmSysi: i tried all day long to install13:51
kofmand this is the only attempt it worked13:51
Sysikofm: if you're using minimal CD you need to select xubuntu desktop13:51
Mike-Linux-NLSysi: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/4260461/Screenshots/screenshot-alsa.png13:51
kofmi always get an error during installation13:51
bgardnerkofm: What error?13:51
kofmSysi: i used Xubuntu 12.04 alternate13:51
kofmbgardner: it gives me an error during loading package contents13:51
bgardnerkofm: But what was the actual error?13:52
Sysinot having network connection13:52
kofmbgardner: every time a different package couldn't be loaded13:52
GridCubekofm: i think your problem its network connectivity13:52
kofmbgardner: after trying a million times  inexplicably it worked13:53
kofmGridCube: of course!13:53
kofmthe question is: am i able to configure network from command line?13:53
Sysikofm: https://help.ubuntu.com/12.04/serverguide/network-configuration.html#ip-addressing start from DHCP13:53
Mike-Linux-NLkofm: yes via ifconfig you can change IP, netmask ,gateway etc13:53
kofmit doesn't work13:53
GridCubeyou are, but i dont know how thats done, you would need more expert support, probably on #linux13:53
kofmMike-Linux-NL: i need to set my ip to netmask and gateway
Sysiit could be corrupted image if you installed from CD a bad burn13:54
kofmSysi: i've tried 4 different usb sticks and burned it 2 times13:55
kofmSysi: md5 check goes ok13:55
Sysiand your current installation is erroneus too because even minimal installation has dhcp enabled by default13:55
kofmSysi: it doesn't work because i'm in a intranet13:55
Sysino dhcp?13:56
Sysiwell, the networking guide I linked to has ifconfig options13:56
bgardnerkofm: Have you set it up as static in /etc/network/interfaces?13:56
kofmbgardner: no13:56
kofmi don't know how to do it13:56
Mike-Linux-NLkofm: example: ifconfig eth0 netmask
koegs"sudo ifconfig eth0 netmask up"13:56
bgardnerkofm: Follow the  guide Sysi showed you and look for setting up a static entry.13:57
Mike-Linux-NLlike he said hehe13:57
kofmi don't need to setup the gateway?13:57
koegs"sudo route add default gw"13:57
Mike-Linux-NLstatic + gateway: route add -net netmask gw
kofmkoegs, bgardner, Mike-Linux-NL thank you so much i'm going to try13:58
Mike-Linux-NLif it works, i'll have a beer from ya13:58
kofmit says netmask doesn't match route address14:02
Mike-Linux-NLhmm well.. headphones do work, after muting speakers on the speakers itself. but the thing is. speakers dont mute when headphone is plugged in14:02
Mike-Linux-NLso it does not switch14:02
kofmif i change netmask to it says SIOCADDRT: No such process14:02
Mike-Linux-NLkofm: best thing to do is to download the regular desktop version14:03
kofmis a very old PC14:03
Mike-Linux-NLwell u are trying to install the desktop now anyway?14:03
kofmXubuntu desktop14:03
Mike-Linux-NLwhen its really an old pc, give Lubuntu a try14:04
Mike-Linux-NLwhat are the soecs of that pc?14:04
kofmhp compaq d33014:05
Mike-Linux-NLwhen you really want Lightweight, you also could try Bodhi Linux with Enlightenment desktop enviroment: http://www.bodhilinux.com/14:05
Mike-Linux-NLits ubuntu based14:05
Mike-Linux-NLThe minimum requirements to run Bodhi Linux are only: 300+MHz CPU, 128MB RAM, and 2.5GB hard drive space14:06
Mike-Linux-NLkofm: this pc should be able to run Xubuntu fine14:11
Mike-Linux-NLif you bump up the ram to 1GB14:11
Mike-Linux-NLi worked long with my P4 machine as well14:12
kofmMike-Linux-NL: it should have 1gb14:13
kofmi merged 2 compaq d33014:13
kofm(RAM & HD(14:13
Mike-Linux-NLget yourself Xubuntu desktop 32 bit version14:13
kofmi'm downloading14:13
kofmtomorrow i'll try14:13
Mike-Linux-NLput it on dvd or use unetbootin and put it on a stick14:13
kofmthanks a lot guys for your help14:13
kofmi owe you a beer14:14
kofmcan i come to NL to buy it to you???? :D :D :D14:14
Mike-Linux-NLpaypal me haha14:15
Mike-Linux-NLnow my volume buttons work too!14:26
Mike-Linux-NLthnx to this: http://askubuntu.com/questions/137421/volume-keys-are-working-in-unity-but-not-in-xfce414:26
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lesbian_greenhi guys, i'm know to linux. I just installed xubuntu and as far as i can tell everything works fine17:11
lesbian_greenare there any recommended guides to get into xubuntu? some easy tips for terminal usage etc17:11
=== leoquant is now known as wage_slave_steve
GridCubelesbian_green: you should install the xubuntu-restricted-extras package from the ubuntu software center and that should be it :)17:15
lesbian_greenk, thx for the tip17:16
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itzis xubuntu using mir?18:02
tych0no, nobody is using mir right now18:02
Sysixubuntu will use xmir in the future18:03
tych0it will?18:03
Sysi"we'll follow with XMir, we don't have the resources to go the route Kubuntu is, nor the need since it's doubtful Xfce upstream will drop X support anytime soon" --xubuntu developer18:05
Sysi(kubuntu decided to not use mir)18:05
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tych0interesting, where is that from?18:06
tych0ah, ok, not a blog post or anything then. cool, thanks!18:07
dunpealWhat's the impact on Xubuntu end-users going to be?20:17
Noskcajdunpeal, for what?20:20
dunpealNoskcaj: Xubuntu moving to XMir on 13.10.20:20
Noskcaji doubt many will notice20:20
dunpealWhy couldn't Canonical just go with Wayland :|20:22
brainwashwayland did hardly make any progress.. since the announcement of MIR things suddenly changed20:28
dunpealthey should have added resources into Wayland. way it's going now, Ubuntu'd be the only distro using Mir.20:29
dunpealIs XFCE going to be slower / less-efficient since it runs on an adaptation layer?20:30
brainwashthere should be some sort of fallback mode I guess20:30
Sysiandroid has own graphics system and it's doing fine..20:30
Sysidunpeal: I doubt there will be any noticeable difference20:31
brainwashbut the performance hit shouldn't be noticeable I hope20:31

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