
BobJonkman2That about wraps it up for tonight, then!00:00
BobJonkman2Thanx, everyone!00:00
_______________-good night!00:01
BobJonkman2Goodnight, _______________-00:01
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-ca to: Ubuntu Canada LocoTeam | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CanadianTeam | Logs: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ | Next meeting:Thur, 27 June 4pm PDT, 7pm EDT, 8:30pm NDT | Response may take a while, please wait for an answer!
meetingologyMeeting ended Fri Jun 28 00:01:44 2013 UTC.00:01
meetingologyMinutes (wiki):        http://ubottu.com/meetingology/logs/ubuntu-ca/2013/ubuntu-ca.2013-06-27-23.00.moin.txt00:01
meetingologyMinutes (html):        http://ubottu.com/meetingology/logs/ubuntu-ca/2013/ubuntu-ca.2013-06-27-23.00.html00:01
=== BobJonkman2 changed the topic of #ubuntu-ca to: Ubuntu Canada LocoTeam | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CanadianTeam | Logs: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ | Next meeting:Thur, 25 July 4pm PDT, 7pm EDT, 8:30pm NDT | Response may take a while, please wait for an answer!
azendBobJonkman2: thank you very much for running the meeting in my absence03:16
BobJonkman2Hi azend!04:06
BobJonkman2Wasn't sure anyone was going to be here on a warm summer's eve.04:06
BobJonkman2Meeting minutes are up on the agenda page: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CanadianTeam/Meetings/2013/2013-06-27#Meeting_information04:07
azendIt looks like you got more traction than usual04:07
BobJonkman2It was nice to see a new name, James from Windsor (jmcveity)04:08
azendThat is nice04:09
azendSo I guess I owe you one04:09
azendCan I make it up this next month?04:10
BobJonkman2:) Sure!04:12
geniiI think I just felt an earth tremor19:09
jlamothegenii: Where abouts are you?19:10
geniijlamothe: Toronto19:10
jlamotheNot that far off.19:12
* jlamothe is in Waterloo.19:12
jlamothe...but I didn't feel anything.19:12
geniihttp://www.emsc-csem.org/Earthquake/ doesn't show anything but I think it's updated every hour or so19:13
geniiUnless maybe it took the Southern Cal one an hour and a half to reach here...19:14

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