
zwircsarnold think il have tried everything00:28
zwircthe problem is that XX users cant reach the server trought second ip00:28
sarnoldzwirc: are you past the RTNETLINK error then?00:29
sarnoldzwirc: can those users ping or traceroute the server?00:29
zwirccan link you the ips in PM if u want to try to reach them?00:29
sarnoldzwirc: can they see both IPs? only one IP? neither IP?00:29
zwircso can you tell me if you reach none or all xD00:29
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
mnathaniHow does one set services to start on boot, (Things like apache, bind, mysql) I am looking for a chkconfig like utility on Ubuntu. (I am coming from mainly CentOS installs), Also I would like a list of what is currently set to start automatically.01:02
markthomasmnathani: check out update-rc.d01:10
=== gary_poster is now known as gary_poster|away
=== EVILAWW is now known as EvilAww
=== Gasseus is now known as Rallias
TimRehi guys I am currently having problems with vsftp and jailing users into there home directory and also having problems uploading files using CoreFTP LE just getting permission denied I am running 12.04.2 LTS on this server does anybody know what I need to do?05:33
vedicIs this correct for setting up bridge network for KVM based virtual machine? Host is a remote server running 12.04 LTS with single public ip address. http://pastebin.com/bHbXhAXw06:39
=== ffio_ is now known as ffio
=== SoulOfTheInterne is now known as ToBeFree
smallmouse1hi is there any way to track terminal commands entered12:37
RoyKsmallmouse1: track?12:49
treetreetr33arrow up?12:49
smallmouse1RoyK: want everthing entered like  log ?12:49
RoyKless ~/.bash_history ?12:49
smallmouse1RoyK: thank you12:51
RoyKsmallmouse1: or if you, from the command line, want to search the history, type ctrl+r and start typing the command you wrote earlier12:52
RoyKreverse isearch12:52
RoyKthen press ctrl+r to look for more stuff like it12:53
smallmouse1to output bash history to a file is it  less ~/.bash_history ? > filename13:41
smallmouse1and how long is bash history stored for ?13:42
mardraumsmallmouse1: .bash_history *is* a file!?13:53
RoyKsmallmouse1: man bash14:17
RoyKthem manual lists settings etc14:17
streulmahello, does someone knows OnApp ?14:34
streulmawhen I run Ubuntu Server and upgrade, the server will not reboot and hangs at freed memory...14:35
TimReanybody know why my issue is happening?14:36
streulmahello, anybody here ?15:01
=== antihero_ is now known as antihero
vedicCould you point to reliable tutorial for install KVM based virtualization? I am a bit confused from the Google results as some use JeOS and some don't and also the commands for network setup are different. My VMs will need good amount of Hard disk access and needs to remain accessible remotely. The host is a remote server running 12.04 LTS x6417:24
vedicCould you point to reliable tutorial for install KVM based virtualization? I am a bit confused from the Google results as some use JeOS and some don't and also the commands for network setup are different. My VMs will need good amount of Hard disk access and needs to remain accessible remotely. The host is a remote server running 12.04 LTS x6417:49
=== roasted_ is now known as roasted
=== david is now known as Guest65178
Guest65178I want to do this : for i in `ls` ; do echo "$i" ; done;18:48
Guest65178but some file names have spaces in them, how do I get this command to work with files with spaces in their names/\?18:48
Guest65178I replaced `ls` with *18:52
vedicAre there any issues if NFS is setup between host and guest OS on Ubuntu 12.04 amd64 machine? Guest OS will have nat enable network (user mode)20:00
=== alabaer is now known as alamar
=== EvilAww is now known as Aww
=== Aww is now known as EvilAww
wxlhey folks. i'm following https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SoftwareRAID to set up raid with lubuntu's mini.iso and after setting up the array it tells me i have no root file system. what am i missing?22:53

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