[20:05] aloha [23:45] anyone familiar with lightdm & autologin? trying to set up autologin for an xubuntu. lightdm.conf config looks like this: http://pastebin.com/0L7YKbWX [23:50] hello [23:50] ? [23:51] kieppie: you haven't said if anything works or not, and if not, if you get any error messages... [23:52] sarnold - ah. you're right, sorry. [23:53] I've used the config specified - based on http://askubuntu.com/questions/179418/how-does-lightdm-auto-login-and-start-a-program - but it does not auto-login to xubuntu guest session [23:55] which of the logs would I be looking for debug info. nothing standing out for me atm [23:57] sarnold: lightdm.log: http://pastebin.com/jvf9zRdE [23:58] kieppie: how about /var/log/lightdm/x-0-greeter.log ? [23:59] http://pastebin.com/puB6Y2rk [23:59] this desktop is a fresh install