
bjsniderit will be ready in a few years00:26
bjsniderthat's what people have been saying for more than a few years00:26
IdleOneKeep on saying it and one they it will be right00:27
roasteddarkxst: good deal! Ubuntu GNOME in particular made me super curious since I would think Gnome wuold largely be Wayland, but Ubuntu GNOME... there's more of a balance there between the two.02:05
roastedon the upside, I believe Mir lit a fire under Wayland's tail to get development going. Seems to be going nicely on both fronts now.02:06
roastedalso, in Ubuntu GNOME, I mentioned earliet aht I could not set my away status/availability under the menu in the upper right.03:22
roastedSomeone said they scrolled over it and it worked.03:22
roastedWhich works for me but I cannot CLICK To get the drop down like I used to.03:22
roastedNot sure if it's a bug or if my particular install is just weird.03:22
bjsniderthird possibility: it is a deliberate choice by the gnome developers03:31
roastedcould be03:32
roastednot sure it makes much sense though03:32
roastedthen again some choices Gnome has made hasn't made much sense, so... :P03:33
bjsniderhere's what you can do03:33
bjsniderhead on over to gimpnet03:33
bjsnidergo to the gnome-shell channel. all of the developers are in there on a work day03:33
bjsniderand you just ask them, is what you do03:34
bjsniderowen has said before that if you can convince them of something, you can change things03:34
roastedI shall do that03:34
bjsniderit's not a good time now though03:34
roastedas it stands I still have to use the cups printing web interface since the gnome printing GUI is neutered03:34
roastedperhaps I should fir ethat out there too03:35
* bjsnider enjoys sending angry people to gimpnet to complain and whatnot03:35
atrusanything special you need? i went through the gnome 3.8 printing ui the other day, and it worked much better than it used to. granted, that was on fedora 19.03:35
roastedatrus: I'll have to give it another shot when I'm done renovating my basement. Currently I have no printers on my LAN since they're stashed elsewhere.03:36
roastedbut last I used Gnome with printing, it didn't pick up either printer.03:36
roastedIt just makes no sense to cut out LPD and manual input capabilities for printers.03:36
roastedAn advanced drop down menu would make far more sense.03:36
roastedAuto detection by default, or an advanced menu to put things in manually. Bam, winner.03:37
bjsniderworks fine here but i only use epson printers03:37
bjsniderdue to superior linux drivers03:38
roastedI have an epson printer...03:38
roastedand an HP laserjet.03:38
bjsnideryou tried to set up an epson printer and it wasn't recognized?03:42
bjsniderhard to believe03:42
roastedneither was recognized03:42
roastedhowever, I didn't try it on 3.803:42
roastedI only hopped on 3.8 about a week ago, and my basement remodel (where my office is) has been going on for a month.03:43
bjsniderit would have been recognized no matter what03:44
roastedWell, I didn't see either when I tried last.03:46
bjsnidercheck localhost:63103:47
roastedwhen I hooked it up via LPD in the CUPS web UI I got both working in no time.03:47
roastedbut the auto detect in GNOME picked up nothing03:47
roastedtried it a dozen times.03:47
roastedI wish Gnome ran better on this nettop. AMD E450 just aint doing it.03:54
Munchorguys you should ask10:34
Munchorworldofgnome.org to share your need for alpha testers btw :)10:35
roastedbjsnider: Epson printer showed up right away this time. :D14:32
furycd001HI I have just installed ubuntu gnome & then gnome fallback session. How do I install & change themes that I have downloaded ??17:35

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