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codepython777 | does anyone have easy to use bash scripts that add/remove users and sets their passwords? | 07:06 |
greppy | codepython777: beyond the supplied adduser or useradd scripts? | 07:32 |
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vedic | I have installed vm-builder and have setup a vm with arch = amd64, flavour = virtual, and bridge = br0 but I am getting this error when I start the machine using virsh start hostname | 10:19 |
vedic | error: Cannot get interface MTU on 'br0': No such device | 10:19 |
vedic | Details of the configuration parameters: http://pastebin.com/sCJb93wC | 10:22 |
tasslehoff | What is the proper way to add a grub timeout after an unexpected shutdown? Editing /etc/grub.d/00_headers seems a bit too hardcore :) | 16:46 |
tasslehoff | hm. setting GRUB_RECORDFAIL_TIMEOUT in /etc/default/grub, it seems | 16:47 |
tasslehoff | so, nevermind. and bye. | 16:49 |
vedic | How to uninstall or delete a virtual machine created using vmbuilder? I had set br0 bridge mode but its not working properly. I want to try out freshly with usermode | 16:57 |
dmannn | hey guys i installed samba 4 as AD on ubuntu 12.04 ... so logon with "administrator" works fine ... but when i try to add a user in AD and login with the new user afterwards i get " wrong password or user name" .. is there something additional i need to do to get a user acc working ? | 17:01 |
JosephDuffy | I have 2 virtual sites enabled with apache. One is the "default" and another is a custom one, which is a modified version of the default one. If I enable the second one (cms), visiting cms.domain.net goes to the correct directory, but so does accessing the server directly (e.g. via its IP). Have I configured it wrong? http://paste.ubuntu.com/5814421/http://paste.ubuntu.com/5814421/ | 17:03 |
dmannn | no idea anyone ? | 17:08 |
vedic | dmannn: Very hard to get any reply here. I have been trying for last 3 days but no luck | 17:12 |
dmannn | vedic: ok thank u dude | 17:13 |
nmollerup | dmann: never tried to setup as AD, but when adding users on regular sambe you need to set passwd with smbpasswd, have you tried that ? | 17:30 |
JosephDuffy | I have 2 virtual sites enabled with apache. One is the "default" and another is a custom one, which is a modified version of the default one. If I enable the second one (cms), visiting cms.domain.net goes to the correct directory, but so does accessing the server directly (e.g. via its IP). Have I configured it wrong? http://paste.ubuntu.com/5814421/ | 18:07 |
RoyK | JosephDuffy: using the IP address won't send the correct HTTP Host: header, so Apache is behaving correctly | 18:10 |
RoyK | JosephDuffy: well, it sends the "correct" HTTP Host header, but not the one you've configured | 18:12 |
RoyK | oh | 18:12 |
RoyK | you didn't use the host header, another port... | 18:12 |
RoyK | that should work | 18:12 |
RoyK | no, I misread again | 18:13 |
RoyK | see first reply | 18:13 |
JosephDuffy | RoyK: So you're saying it a browser issue, sending incorrect headers? | 18:13 |
RoyK | no, I'm saying when you type in the IP address, that's what's sent as the host header, and apache is configured to match the host header with the FQDN you gave it | 18:17 |
JosephDuffy | I also use a domain that points to the internal address, and one that points to the external IP and both point to the cms directory. Can I fix this? | 18:20 |
RoyK | you really can't. how is apache going to know which site you want to visit when you use the ip address alone? | 18:20 |
RoyK | you could create an alias in the other site, but that'll alter the url, and most CMSes are a bit touchy on that | 18:21 |
RoyK | some, at least | 18:21 |
JosephDuffy | I thought it'd check for custom rules (e.g. the cms) and then go back to the default one? If I'm not visiting cms.domain.net why would it trigger that rule? | 18:22 |
RoyK | not sure, perhaps try asking on #httpd | 18:22 |
JosephDuffy | RoyK: Thanks, I'll over there :) | 18:27 |
wxl | so anyone familiar with raid setup with the installer? | 18:58 |
RoyK | wxl: what sort of raid? | 19:21 |
wxl | RoyK: raid 1. pretty simple stuff. i'm following the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SoftwareRAID and have completed all the steps, but when i go to exit the partitioner and let it write all its changes, it complains there's no root file system, even though i set up a root automatically on both drives previous to definining the array | 19:22 |
RoyK | wxl: I've setup that a number of times, just create your raid, preferably one for /boot, one for / and one for swap, and perhaps more for data if you want to separate more. Then go back and create filesystems on those raids | 19:23 |
wxl | RoyK: so the normal process is not set up partitions on drives and then define the array, but instead to define the array and then set up the partitions? i don't think this works because it will complain the drive is already being used by the array | 19:24 |
RoyK | I haven't done it that way | 19:25 |
wxl | RoyK: i'm assuming you've done it with mdadm sort of after the fact? | 19:25 |
RoyK | I've setup equal-sized partitions on each drive and then put raid-1s on top of those, then filesystem on those raids | 19:25 |
RoyK | no, with the installer | 19:25 |
wxl | huh well the first part of that seems consist4ent with the docs | 19:25 |
wxl | but then putting the file system on the raids, that doesn't seem to work | 19:26 |
RoyK | has worked well for me for 10+ machines | 19:26 |
RoyK | partition, make raids, go back and create filesystems on those | 19:26 |
wxl | argh i swear this server is cursed | 19:26 |
* RoyK wonders if it might be PEBKAC ;) | 19:27 | |
wxl | mayhap | 19:27 |
wxl | but check the docs. if i'm understanding you correctly, looking at the docs, after "configuring the RAID," i should then select the primary partitions on each drive and format the file system, rihgt? | 19:28 |
wxl | …cuz if so, it says i can't because the partition is in use by md0 | 19:29 |
wxl | and that doesn't matter if i select the primary partition or the device itself | 19:29 |
Catalystic | i aim to serve | 22:12 |
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hadifarnoud | I get random forbidden error on one of my virtualmin sites. it's built with Wordpress. error goes away after a while. so weird | 23:23 |
sarnold | hadifarnoud: check log files | 23:30 |
hadifarnoud | I did. I can't find any errors | 23:30 |
hadifarnoud | sarnold: I checked error.log | 23:30 |
sarnold | hadifarnoud: how about /var/log/syslog? | 23:31 |
hadifarnoud | sarnold: turns out virtualmin logs are in /home/site.com/logs | 23:32 |
sarnold | hadifarnoud: aha, anything more enlightening in there? :) | 23:32 |
hadifarnoud | sarnold: [client] client denied by server configuration: /home/any1/public_html/wp-admin/media-upload.php, referer: http://any1.io/wp-admin/admin.php?page=wpzoom_options | 23:33 |
sarnold | hadifarnoud: hrm, was the client that you noticed the error going away after a while? | 23:33 |
hadifarnoud | sarnold: error goes away by itself. I have no clue why | 23:34 |
hadifarnoud | that ip is mine sarnold | 23:34 |
sarnold | hadifarnoud: how strange, I wouldn't expect an error due to "denied by server configuration" to resolve itself | 23:37 |
hadifarnoud | sarnold: maybe there is a limit on concurrent connections etc? | 23:37 |
hadifarnoud | not a useful error, eh? | 23:37 |
sarnold | indeed, it could be more friendly :) | 23:38 |
hadifarnoud | could it be denyhost sarnold? | 23:49 |
sarnold | hadifarnoud: hrm, I just now learning that apache can deny based on client hostname: http://httpd.apache.org/docs/current/howto/access.html#host | 23:50 |
sarnold | hadifarnoud: if DNS is spotty, some requests might not get reverse resolved and might succeed or fail, depending upon your configuration | 23:51 |
hadifarnoud | that's bad sarnold | 23:51 |
sarnold | yeah, I wouldn't use dns names in allow / deny rules myself | 23:52 |
hadifarnoud | this is my apache conf https://gist.github.com/hadifarnoud/c644a5ef8c87a1c29edb | 23:55 |
sarnold | hadifarnoud: how about .htaccess files? | 23:59 |
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