[07:16] Morning. [09:39] Morning JonathanD [09:39] your up very early today [10:42] Morning. rhpot1991 [17:11] I became a libertarian once I started paying taxes [17:13] lol [17:13] typical [17:14] as a kid numbers didn't really mean much, even when working summer jobs and stuff, but now I have to pay for rent and food and all the normal grown up stuff, on a small budget, the taxes really hurt me [17:15] someone has to pay for when you were freeloading as a kid, it's your turn :P [17:16] yeah my parents [17:16] that's how the world works [17:16] as a kid I wasn't freeloading other than school taxes I guess [17:16] but I'd rather philadelphia raise taxes for schools, than some of its other mistakes [17:16] we are still paying off the loan for The Vet Stadium... [17:17] there isn't really a way for this conversation to go in a good direction, have fun with that [17:17] lets blissfully ignore the crushing reality... ok! [17:18] just please do us a favor and make sure your ayn rand period of this libertarian adventure is short :) [17:18] is there an Ubuntu relationship in there? [17:18] ? [17:18] rmg51: point [17:18] not all libertarians are giant Ayn Rand fans btw... [17:18] I'll bring it back to pennsylvania - I'm heading back west so hopefully the weather will improve ;) [17:19] if not waltman will just blame you [23:43] what bike shops do you guys frequent? [23:43] I need one in the city I can depend on!