
=== Trixar_zb is now known as Trixar_za
=== Spaceghost is now known as Guest78167
=== Guest78167 is now known as Spaceghost
=== Trixar_za is now known as Trix[a]r_za
=== space is now known as Guest96823
=== Guest96823 is now known as Spaceghost
Mukondelelihi jmagunduni 06:49
Kilosmorning all08:11
theblazehenhi Kilos 08:12
Kiloshows theblazehen ?08:13
theblazehengood and you?08:13
Kilosgood ty08:14
trenderyo yo09:40
=== Spaceghost is now known as Guest67066
=== Guest67066 is now known as Spaceghost
inetproKilos: and why you so quiet today?15:27
inetprogood afternoon15:27
Kiloshi inetpro no good head day but also trying to find  how the tethering thing works15:28
Kiloshi neo31 and others15:28
inetprosorry oom15:29
Kilossis got a tab with no 3g so we trying to use my old nokia n900 i think it is15:29
inetprotethering is really simple, all you need is a device that can do it15:30
Kilosdis die lewe maar nou ja15:30
inetprotime to get a cheap android phone man15:30
Kilosi find the wireless stuff on the fone but cant see tethering anywhere15:30
Kiloshopefully i get a wireless card for the pc tuesday if she goes out15:31
Kilosthen will try tether the tablet and the pc15:31
inetproKilos: nee man15:31
Kiloswat nou15:32
inetproyou should get a 2nd hand 3g wireless router15:33
inetpromany people must have upgraded already15:33
inetproespecially those with uncapped lite from MTN15:33
inetprothat was a 2 year contract with a modem for free15:34
Kilosif the old nokia can do wifi surely the tablet should see it and vice versa15:34
inetproand a renewed contract includes another better router15:35
inetproKilos: nope15:35
inetproKilos: those nokias were very dumb15:35
inetproKilos: unless it was one of those clever smartphones like the fly had 15:36
Kilosi can get a wireless card for 250 then my pc can also do wireless15:36
Kilosoh no its old man15:36
Kilosfirst fones that opened with querty keypad i think15:37
inetproKilos: but here's what I'm saying, a 3g router can handle both cable and wireless15:37
Kilosya but what about my pc then15:37
inetproI mean a proper 3g router15:37
inetproyour pc can connect to it via cable15:38
inetproyou must get a decent 3g router that is like a switch15:38
inetproand includes wireless15:38
Kilosi think i asked here before what they cost and someone said about 1k15:39
inetprothe new ones yes15:39
Kilosthats too much for sis to see her mail and get some books15:39
inetprobut hence me saying, we must try find someone who has renewed his contract and got a new one15:40
inetprothose things will keep working for many years15:40
inetprothe new ones are faster, but15:41
inetproyou really don't need faster15:41
inetprothe faster it goes the more data it eats for breakfast15:41
Kiloshi adeebnqo 15:41
inetprohi adeebnqo15:42
adeebnqolol this feels like that awkward moment when yu enter a room and everyone is lookin' at u15:43
Kiloshehe welcome to ubuntu-za15:43
Kilosthis is the za community linux/ubuntu help channel15:44
Kilosif you need help just state what the prob is15:44
* inetpro turning around to look at adeebnqo again15:44
inetproadeebnqo: you've come to the right place, I think15:46
Kilosso inetpro how come fone and tablet dont see each other? is wifi wifi15:47
Kilosot they talk different languages15:47
adeebnqo:) I come here once in a while -- I must say, this is the first time I've seen any activity15:47
inetprohmm... 15:47
Kiloshehe adeebnqo the guys all work. and help when they have time15:48
Kilosbut im here most of the time for basic stuffs15:48
inetproKilos: well you always need one network resource to act as a wifi access point15:50
inetproand access point is tyocally called a hotspot15:50
Kilosso if i put an adapter in pc it can be a hotspot for her15:51
Kilosall modern software is already in ubuntu surely15:52
inetproKilos: if you get the right adapter I guess yes15:52
Kilosuh oh15:52
Kilosare they like graphics cards15:52
inetproKilos: I've never used an adapter directly like that but I'm guessing there should be adapters that you can plug into your usb port15:54
Kilosya and the one im after goes in pci socket15:54
Kiloswith little aerial outside15:55
inetproKilos: where do you find that?15:55
Kilosyou lappy peeps forget desktops got lotsa place for adapters15:55
adeebnqoKilos : since you're here now. I have a problem, I'm trying to install "af" for appfrog --- I'm behind a proxy. The cmd `sudo gem install -p http:localhost:3128 af` spits out the ff error : http://pastebay.net/124444715:56
Kilosthe pc shop off van der hoff 15:56
adeebnqoI also ran across this https://github.com/rubygems/rubygems/issues/557 , any ideas?15:56
inetproKilos: you have a model name/number ?15:56
adeebnqoI should mention, I use cntlm15:56
Kilosnope inetpro 15:57
Kilosadeebnqo, hang here one of the knowledgable guys will help when they get a chance15:58
Kilosadeebnqo, is that in the repos?15:58
inetproadeebnqo: what is af?15:59
Kilosoh wait16:00
Kilossudo apt-get install gem16:01
inetproadeebnqo: try the following: 16:01
inetproexport http_proxy=http://localhost:312816:01
Kilosgem is in the repos16:01
inetproKilos: I think he has gem installed already16:02
Kilossudo gem install -p dont that need apt-get or aptitude16:02
inetproKilos: no16:04
Kilosoh my16:04
inetproKilos: a gem is a packaged Ruby application or library16:05
inetproKilos: a gem is a packaged Ruby application or library16:06
Kilosi see gem in synaptic so thought it would need an apt command from cli16:06
KilosGem is a loadable library for puredata, which adds OpenGL graphics rendering16:06
Kilosand animation to Pd.  Pd is a graphical programming language and computer16:06
Kilosmusic system.16:06
Kiloswhy you repeated that inetpro ?16:07
inetprooops... sorry for the duplicate16:07
* inetpro 's internet is unstable all of a sudden16:07
Kilosi thought you were trying to prove a point16:07
Kiloshi Cantide 16:08
Cantidehello :)16:08
Kiloshi superfly 16:08
inetproadeebnqo: according to documentation the following syntax should work as well16:12
inetprogem install --http-proxy http://COMPANY.PROXY.ADDRESS $gem_name16:12
adeebnqotried that and it didnt work16:13
inetproadeebnqo: obviously you should have a working proxy at http://localhost listening on port 3128 with access to the internet16:16
adeebnqoI do, i give up. 16:19
inetproadeebnqo: you're running on Ubuntu?16:22
inetprowhy do you have your proxy on localhost?16:23
adeebnqoas opposed to do doin' what?16:25
adeebnqoI'm a bit confused by yur qn16:27
inetproif you have a proxy on your local machine then why need a proxy at all?16:27
inetprowhy are you behind a proxy? Surely if you're inside a company network you don't need a proxy server on localhost16:30
adeebnqooh no, I use cntlm. the real proxy configuration is in some file -- cntlm requires me to use localhost:3128 and it handles everything else16:31
inetproahh sounds interesting, so your cntlm is talking to a upstream proxy?16:33
adeebnqoyup -- I'm installing the gem manually now. guess I have to bare the burden of trying to satisfy dependecies myself 16:35
adeebnqothe list isn;t that long : http://pastebay.net/124445816:39
Kilosstupid question wont synaptic or aptitude solve them auto matically the you configure it after?16:41
inetproadeebnqo: put the following line in a file /etc/apt/apt.conf16:42
inetproAcquire::http::Proxy "http://localhost:3128";16:42
inetprothen just use apt-get or aptitude for your installations16:43
inetproor even synaptic for that matter16:44
adeebnqo:) I've already downloaded and installed a bunch of the gems -- I afraid what yu just suggested might work, I don't wanna do it. 16:46
adeebnqoyu guys got github accounts?16:50
superflyhi Kilos16:57
Kilosat times you gotta wait long for replies adeebnqo guys have families to sort as well16:57
inetproadeebnqo: those dependencies look like normal packages and not like gems17:19
adeebnqoi'm a ruby noob:), i wouldnt know the diffrnc. I managed to install it though -- we up and running now17:20
Kiloswell done17:21
inetproKilos: looks like every 8ta user is trying to use as much data as possible tonight17:22
Kilosmine xpires end of next month17:22
Kilosmy connection has been good today17:23
inetproek sukkel17:23
Kilosinetpro, did you read what 8ta replied to my queries17:36
inetproKilos: no17:37
Kilosthey upgraded my tower to 10m and now gonna do a firmware upgrade to 30m to the tower17:38
KilosTM-SOC <Tm-soc@8ta.com> mail and query why yours is so bad17:39
Kilosafter my first mail things got better again17:39
Kilosthat was after first mail17:40
KilosCustomer location:-25.7126, 28.04707. 17:40
KilosFrom CHR trace, customer is served with stable and strong signal from site (NER_Moot_Chickens), Cell ID=12574, RSCP -70, Ec/No -4, TP=3. 17:40
KilosPer description of problem that indicates a reference to previous incident 3382229, site has been upgraded, but there is iub limitation found on site (12mb). Site needs iub upgrade. 17:40
Kilosthen i asked is it a hardware upgrade needed and they replied17:41
KilosThis will be a firmware to the tower upgrade .17:41
KilosOnce this is done , feedback will be provided to you.17:41
Kilosinetpro, ^^17:41
Kilosmine is lekker again17:42
inetproKilos: oh cool17:42
Kilosif you dont query they think you are happy with the connection17:43
=== space is now known as Guest77126
inetproKilos: it's just this evening17:56
inetproother days I have been very stable17:56
Kilosbut slow17:56
inetproI just tweaked my antenna cable a bit, think it might have been a bit loose17:56
Kiloswhat antenna cable?17:57
Kilosyou using an outside antenna17:57
inetproKilos: I have a high-gain antenna on the roof17:58
Kilosgreat as well17:58
inetprowithout it my connection is just about useless17:58
Kilosactually telkom has some wifi hotspots up there17:59
inetproup there?17:59
Kilostheresapark for one17:59
Kilosand im sure i saw more closer to the north18:00
inetprothose are all small little networks around the shops18:00
Kiloswas lookinf where id have to look for one18:00
inetprotypically around McDonalds and such places18:00
=== Trix[a]r_za is now known as Trixar_za
Kilosya arent they faster than 3g anyway18:01
Kilosand you get free wifi everytime you top up18:01
Kilosmine is over 10 gig already18:01
inetprodepends what they connect to18:01
Kilosisnt telkom telkom18:01
Kilosi googled telkom wifi hotspots18:02
Kilosor will you still need to get a password from them park peeps18:02
Kilosadeebnqo, wb18:03
Kilosyou must stay here. you sound clued up18:03
adeebnqolol I'll do that18:03
Kilosnot much work helping noobs ubuntu is getting too good18:04
Kiloswhere are you adeebnqo ? if i may ask18:04
Kiloswe are spread all over18:04
Kilosare there are lotsa guys there18:05
Kilosah not are18:05
adeebnqoguys from uct are here -- so i'd say yes18:05
Kilosxubuntu comes with xchat as default hey18:06
Kilosthere are more. the fly is there too18:06
Kiloshe is our python expert18:07
adeebnqopidgin is better -- sorta brings all my accounts together. facebook, mxit, etc18:07
Kiloslol i use pidgin as well but for other im peeps18:07
Kilosxchat here18:07
Kilosi get lost when everything is in pidgin18:08
Kiloshmm... peer got him18:09
Kilosyo Trixar_za 18:19
Trixar_zaHey Kilos18:23
Kiloshmm... clever peeps we got sisters tablet connected to my pc with a usb cable what do i do to see it?18:27
Kiloslike how do i tell it to share my 3g18:33
Kiloslsusb shows-- Bus 001 Device 004: ID 18d1:0003 Google Inc. 18:36
Kilosis that it?18:36
Kilosgoooosie ping18:37
Kilosok mtp-tools and mtpfs installing18:48
inetproKilos: ai!19:27
Kilosai! what19:27
Kilosi can see the tablet now but cant get the tablet to share my 3g19:27
inetprowat gaan jy maak met mtp-tools?19:28
inetprooh, daai is net vir file sharing19:28
inetprowel, sovĂȘr ek dit verstaan19:28
Kilosja ek dink dis nodig19:29
inetprotegnies is internet ook maar net file sharing, maar nouja wel19:29
Kilossonder daai twee goed het pc nie die tablet gesien nie19:29
inetpronet file sharing op ander maniere 19:30
Kilostegnies onthou ek hoe ek gesukkel het met ssh destyds19:30
Kilosdie android goed is heel nuut vir my19:31
inetproongelukkig sal ek nie daarmee kan help nie19:31
Kilosmaar kan darem boeke aflaai en sleep/drop hulle ne tablet19:31
inetproandroid tethering is very very simple19:31
Kilosall the links i find are to share to tablets 3g19:32
Kilosas usual im back to front19:32
* Kilos will sleep on this prob. you guys may join in on the nightmare19:38
Kilosnight all. sleep tight19:38
MeesterArendHey all19:52
MeesterArendJust checking to see who're still here :-D19:52
=== Trixar_za is now known as Trix[a]r_za
superflyhi MeesterArend19:59

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