caodepalha | I'm dumb can u expecify "card"? | 00:00 |
NarcTix | caodepa1ha When you booted in first time did you use the restricted drivers option, The latest Ubuntu I use is 12.04 with kde/xfce so not sure where it is these days as I used Gnome in the past | 00:01 |
adicted2gravity | hi all | 00:01 |
OerHeks | wubi is slower than the real deal | 00:01 |
caodepalha | no. it just said: preparing to start ubuntu for the first time | 00:02 |
NarcTix | oh wubi is slow sorry never used that . Why install Linux from within windows installs are easy (same as windows) these days | 00:03 |
NarcTix | You dont have to compile anymore | 00:04 |
caodepalha | so it is slow because i installed it with wubi on windows? | 00:04 |
AlexandreMBM | trism, | 00:04 |
AlexandreMBM | trism, | 00:05 |
NarcTix | caodepa1ha No I didnt rerad the full story ( a bad habit of mine) And thought you meant the install was slow, sorry for the confusion. | 00:05 |
OerHeks | !wubi | 00:05 |
ubottu | Wubi allows you to install or uninstall Ubuntu 12.04 LTS from within Windows ( version 7 or earlier ) in a simple and safe way. Wubi is INCOMPATIBLE with UEFI, Windows 8 Certified computers, and Windows RAID arrays. for more information. File wubi bugs at | 00:05 |
caodepalha | no problem. the install went allright. its slow when i browse through ubuntu | 00:05 |
AlexandreMBM | trism, | 00:06 |
caodepalha | i use win7 | 00:06 |
NarcTix | caodepa1ha It sounds like your gfx drivers arent installed to me | 00:06 |
caodepalha | humm ok. so should i restart the laptop and install gfx drivers? where do i look for them? | 00:07 |
OerHeks | i wonder if you even can install restricted drivers in wubi | 00:07 |
NarcTix | oerheks probabbly not with license restrictions | 00:08 |
darknyan | Is automatically connecting to a VPN still a broken feature in network-manager-openvpn? | 00:09 |
caodepalha | narctix you reckon it's about the gfx drivers? | 00:09 |
NarcTix | caodepa1ha thats the first place I would look if it was my box and your symptoms sound like your gfx is running at min, whats your highest resoloution you can set? | 00:10 |
caodepalha | 1280x800 | 00:11 |
caodepalha | on windows | 00:11 |
caodepalha | maybe i should be on this chat through ubuntu and now windows 7. i will restart the laptop and come back via ubuntu to try to solve it | 00:12 |
NarcTix | caodepa1ha might not be then you usually wouldnt be able to set higher then 1208x768 from my experience if its drivers. | 00:12 |
NarcTix | 1028x768* | 00:13 |
akurilin | Is it safe to assume that ssl-cert-snakeoil is generated every time the ssl-cert package is installed as opposed to being the same cert for each Ubuntu instance? | 00:13 |
NarcTix | akuriin whats the ssl cert serving? | 00:14 |
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NarcTix | and what type of ssl cert? | 00:14 |
akurilin | NarcTix, just to clarify, it's not a cert I generated, it's supposedly placed for you under /etc/ssl/private and /etc/ssl/certs. | 00:16 |
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NarcTix | akurilin tbh thats a bit like asking how long is a piece of string, If no bugs then nothing should break. | 00:19 |
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akurilin | NarcTix, I must have asked the question poorly. I'm just wondering if the certificate placed into those folders by ssl-cert is generated each time or the same one for everybody (which sounds like a terrible idea, but I want to be safe) | 00:21 |
NarcTix | akuriin Thats why I asked what are they serving? Are they for https, secure imap, etc? | 00:22 |
NarcTix | akuriin where did they come from? | 00:23 |
NarcTix | akuriin apart from bugs an upgrade or uninstall shouldnt remove any configs unless you purge on an uninstall | 00:25 |
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Guest26271 | hello | 00:26 |
Guest26271 | hello seronis | 00:26 |
OerHeks | !rootirc | 00:26 |
ubottu | It's not technically our business, but we'd like to tell you that IRC'ing as root is a Very Bad Idea (tm). After all, doing anything as root when root is not needed is bad, and especially bad with software that connects to the Internet. | 00:26 |
pfifo | Hi guys | 00:27 |
OerHeks | hi pfifo | 00:27 |
NarcTix | Never run Linux as root one of the main reasons *nix is secure is the restricted usage! | 00:28 |
pfifo | fresh install here on a laptop I just aquired, the font in the terminal is a bit hard on my eyes due to the crappy LCD, and I cant increase the font size any larger without having issues... Im hoping someone can offer up a better monospaced font for this circumstance | 00:28 |
caodepalha | hi again this is caodepalha the ubuntu newbie | 00:30 |
fpjis57592 | hi | 00:30 |
zephyr | Having a problem using apt-get. Can't install or even update due to this error. | 00:31 |
caodepalha | my ubuntu is kinda slow someone told me about gfx drives. where can i find them? | 00:31 |
NarcTix | zephyr you tried clearing your apt cache? | 00:32 |
pfifo | zephyr: did you try 'sudo apt-get install -f' yet? | 00:32 |
zephyr | pfifo: nope, will do | 00:32 |
NarcTix | and have you run update? | 00:32 |
zephyr | NarcTix: the pasted errors are from the update command. | 00:32 |
exotron | is there any way to move the unity app bar to the bottom? | 00:33 |
Guest1028 | hm | 00:33 |
zephyr | pfifo, I get a "header" error with -f | 00:33 |
exotron | instead of being on the left side of the screen? | 00:33 |
caodepalha | even though i've already done some research i'm a total newbie to all linux ubuntu matters. i need a bit of help and patience here to get started | 00:33 |
pfifo | zephyr: what command did you issue originally to make that paste | 00:34 |
zephyr | sudo apt-get update | 00:34 |
zephyr | pfifo: that paste is the end of it... much of the update went fine. | 00:34 |
chrisirc | How does the Ubuntu desktop open applications from the GUI? I'm especially interested in how it handles the case of applications that are already open. Since opening them through fork/exec (e.g. from the shell) isn't consistently handled by applications. | 00:34 |
chrisirc | Some start new instances, some open documents in existing ones. | 00:34 |
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OerHeks | caodepalha, open top left icon ( = dash) and type " restricted " > restricted drivers, although i am not sure this is available in WUBI | 00:35 |
zephyr | caodepalha: There isn't much patience in this channel, but plenty of help. | 00:35 |
caodepalha | I installed ubuntu 12.0.4 with wubi on windows 7 on my laptop. it's on duual boot now. when i browse through ubuntu i find it quite slow | 00:35 |
pfifo | zephyr: your using some PPA's arent you? | 00:35 |
zephyr | pfifo: I believe Steam Client installed it's own PPA | 00:35 |
NarcTix | zephyr what version of Ubuntu you running as well and I cant remember the name for them (Ubuntu ppl will be able to answer the equivelant of EPL and such repos for RH/CentOS) | 00:35 |
zephyr | NarcTix: Ringtale something or other, 13.04 | 00:36 |
NarcTix | zephyr any PPas (I remebered) | 00:36 |
pfifo | zephyr: I would say its a problem with that ppa | 00:37 |
fpjis57592 | What is the codename of 11.04 please | 00:37 |
pfifo | !11.04 | 00:38 |
ubottu | Ubuntu 11.04 (Natty Narwhal) was the fourteenth release of Ubuntu. Desktop support ended on October 28, 2012. See !upgrade, !lts and !eol for more details. | 00:38 |
fpjis57592 | thanks | 00:38 |
NarcTix | zephyr I just read the erors its steam so not sure | 00:38 |
zephyr | NarcTix, pfifo: I double-checked and I have additional repos, but no PPAs | 00:38 |
Bozza | Hey all. If I took Ubuntu modified it , could I call it the hurr durr distro? Or is that not permitted under gnu? | 00:39 |
vitormiran | hello..can someone helps me with the installation procedures for ubuntu 12.04 on a pre-installed windows 8 laptop? I can`t boot ubuntu through grub, don`t know why... | 00:39 |
NarcTix | zephyr Its the steam repo (didnt know there was one) Or a Steam PPa thats giving the error doesent look like the main repos to me | 00:39 |
Bozza | Zephyr you look familiar | 00:39 |
pfifo | zephyr: pastebin your /etc/apt/sources.list | 00:39 |
pfifo | Bozza: you can do that, let me know when its ready ill install any distro called the hurr durr distro | 00:40 |
Bozza | Zephyr aren't you that guy with a dreambox? | 00:40 |
Bozza | pfifo: :D awesome | 00:40 |
OerHeks | vitormiran, do you have an UEFI bios? | 00:40 |
OerHeks | !uefi | 00:40 |
ubottu | UEFI is a specification that defines a software interface between an operating system and platform firmware, it is meant as a replacement for the BIOS. For information on how to set up and install Ubuntu and its derivatives on UEFI machines please read | 00:40 |
zephyr | pfifo, NarcTix: fixed it. It was a MergeList issue | 00:41 |
vitormiran | OerHeks: yes... I can`t boot ubuntu in uefi mode. only in BIOS mode | 00:41 |
zephyr | Bozza: not me | 00:41 |
Bozza | zephyr: ahh maybe it was someone with the same handle | 00:41 |
OerHeks | i am not an expert with uefi, all i know is that manual. | 00:41 |
NarcTix | zephyr or a config issue if you remove anything steam related from your apt repo list updates should work, btw the errors probbably mean your system is up to date and your just getting the error because steam couldnt be updated. Try installing a new package if that doesent work something is broke. | 00:42 |
vitormiran | OerHeks: i`ve already tried to install in BIOS mode and then use boot repair to convert the installation to uefi mode. but that didn`t worked either. | 00:42 |
pfifo | fresh install here on a laptop I just aquired, the font in the terminal is a bit hard on my eyes due to the crappy LCD, and I cant increase the font size any larger without having issues... Im hoping someone can offer up a better monospaced font for this circumstance | 00:42 |
zephyr | NarcTix: I removed steam and tried again... was still getting authentication errors. Fixing the mergelist solved it, though | 00:42 |
wilee-nilee | vitorluz, Best help is here start a thread if needed. | 00:43 |
NarcTix | zephyr cool | 00:43 |
wilee-nilee | that is a help thread | 00:43 |
zephyr | NarcTix: thanks, though! | 00:43 |
NarcTix | zephyr np | 00:43 |
NarcTix | zephyr this is what open source is about helping people learn and fixing things quick :) | 00:44 |
vitormiran | wilee-nilee: I'll take a look on that... but I'm afraid my laptop is not compatible with ubuntu right now | 00:46 |
zephyr | Agreed, NarcTix | 00:46 |
NarcTix | vitorian have you disable acpci | 00:46 |
wilee-nilee | vitormiran, I doubt that, the manufacturers just tweak that uefi to their needs it is not a cut and dry install. | 00:46 |
NarcTix | aspci* | 00:47 |
wilee-nilee | in genaral | 00:47 |
pfifo | still points to the wrong release notes... going on 2 months now | 00:48 |
vitormiran | wilee-nilee:got that | 00:48 |
FatalPriapism | Alright! Finally got all 4 monitors up and running in their proper resolutions. Alas, a new problem has arisen. I only get the taskbar in one monitor, and when I try to drag an app into a different monitor it keeps looping back to the reverse side of the same monitor | 00:48 |
NarcTix | I dont think nvidia or the nouveau drivers support awny more than 3 mons I might be wrong though | 00:49 |
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vitormiran | wilee-nilee: I see the grub screen in uefi mode, but when I select the option `Install Ubuntu` all I have is a black screen and no further response | 00:49 |
FatalPriapism | @narctix: I'm running dual ATIs | 00:50 |
vitormiran | wilee-nilee: have you saw that before? | 00:50 |
pfifo | FatalPriapism: are you using randr? | 00:52 |
FatalPriapism | I have it installed, although I didn't configure it after the I ran the update from terminal...I'm in Windows right this sec let me reboot and I'll pop back up in about 5 | 00:53 |
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NarcTix | Linux doesent need to be rebboted for desktop enviroment just reatart your window manager | 00:54 |
NarcTix | and x11 just incase | 00:54 |
pfifo | but he said windows | 00:54 |
NarcTix | my bad | 00:55 |
wilee-nilee | vitormiran, I have no clue to uefi as most here, use the ubuntu forums and wait for that threads author for help is my advice. | 00:55 |
vitormiran | ok thx | 00:55 |
wilee-nilee | vitormiran, M-f they are on daytime 9-5 and later for sure weekends I'm not sure. | 00:58 |
wilee-nilee | 9-5 US | 00:58 |
nimbiotics | Hello evry1. I was playing a game (armagetron) and when I exited the game my desktop went to the lowest possible resolution (480x something). I tried changing it, but now I cant' even see my desktop, I use ubuntu studio 13.04 with xfce. Can someone please help me get my desktop back? Thanks! | 00:58 |
morientz | hi | 00:58 |
pfifo | nimbiotics: have you tried rebooting? | 00:58 |
Freze | does anyone know what this does cat > hello.txt << EOF | 00:59 |
rypervenche | nimbiotics: You can fix it by using xrandr if you know your default resolution. | 00:59 |
Freze | I'm confused about the << EOF part | 00:59 |
nimbiotics | pfifo: more than a couple of times | 00:59 |
FatalPriapism | Ok, back (and on ubuntu now) | 00:59 |
rypervenche | Freze: It will let you type whatever you want and put it into the file. The last line you need to type "EOF" and then press enter and then it will finish. | 00:59 |
nimbiotics | rypervenche: what is xrandr? | 00:59 |
FatalPriapism | So I have ARandR installed, but it's only giving me options for one monitor | 01:00 |
wilee-nilee | !xrandr | 01:00 |
ubottu | XRandR 1.2 is the new method of running dual screens in !X. Information/HowTo here: | 01:00 |
rypervenche | nimbiotics: Type "xrandr" in a terminal | 01:00 |
nimbiotics | rypervenche: i cant even open a terminal, im currently on my windoze boot side | 01:01 |
Freze | rypervenche, yeah I know that using cat > hello.txt allows me to write in the shell and have that output to hello.txt after i press ^D, but the << EOF confuses me. Why do I need to send EOF as the input to hello.txt and how is that possible. | 01:01 |
syntroPi | when using dd to create a backup of a block device like this "dd if=/dev/block/platform/sdhci-tegra.3/mmcblk0p1 of=/mnt/sdcard/mmcblk0p1.img" does that read all the bits from that block device into that image even when i dont specify a blocksize? | 01:01 |
rypervenche | Freze: Instead of pressing ctrl+d you type EOF. IT is just a different way of doing it. | 01:01 |
Freze | rypervenche, got it! | 01:02 |
pfifo | syntroPi: yes... also a hint, use 'sync' | 01:02 |
rypervenche | Freze: He's called a here document I think. | 01:02 |
rypervenche | Freze: | 01:03 |
FatalPriapism | I would pay to have someone get this damned thing working once and for all haha | 01:03 |
Freze | rypervenche, thanks | 01:03 |
Freze | never knew of a here command | 01:03 |
nimbiotics | rypervenche: i'll try to log into a terminal, bb ltr | 01:04 |
Freze | rypervenche, isin't << used for input redirection or is that only < | 01:06 |
FatalPriapism | Is there a keyboard shortcut to open a terminal? | 01:07 |
syntroPi | pfifo, can you explain? | 01:07 |
pfifo | FatalPriapism: C-M-t | 01:07 |
syntroPi | pfifo, i am trying to make a backup of my recovery image on my android device of the recovery partition before flashing cwm on it | 01:08 |
FatalPriapism | erm...define "C" and "M", assuming t is the letter 't' ? | 01:08 |
PatrickDickey | Control (C) Meta (Alt) t | 01:08 |
PatrickDickey | syntroPi: The blocksize command in dd is just how big of a chunk it will grab at one time. The bigger the blksize, the shorter the amount of time it will take to copy an entire drive/partition. | 01:09 |
seronis | how difficult is it to try an alternative desktop environment without breaking anything currently installed? | 01:09 |
pfifo | syntroPi: if you use the sync option of dd, and you encounter badblocks, it will pad them with NUL characters, that way your image is the exact size of the original block device ex 'dd if=/dev/sdh7 of=backup.blk noerror sync bs=16K' | 01:09 |
seronis | ie: im using xfce (xubuntu) currently and want to install KDE to see how it works | 01:10 |
FatalPriapism | pfifo: no dice...I'm on Ubuntu Studio, apparently they've disabled that binding | 01:10 |
PatrickDickey | seronis, you can install multiple desktops. They'll work alongside each other with minimal intrusion. | 01:10 |
pfifo | FatalPriapism: Ctrl-Meta(alt)-t | 01:10 |
yown | Does ubuntu 13.4 have the ability to do quasi-gnome 2. DE? I remember someone telling me about a "classic" backup DE or something | 01:10 |
syntroPi | pfifo, it didnt complain about any errors and its just 10.5 MB so its pretty fast. i just want to make sure it got all the bits from that block device | 01:11 |
pfifo | syntroPi: to make sure... run md5sum on the both of them, it should match | 01:11 |
FatalPriapism | pfifo: tried that, no dice | 01:11 |
pfifo | FatalPriapism: alt-F2 to get the run dialog | 01:12 |
FatalPriapism | That worked, but it keeps popping up on the "primary" display...let me try to tweak some settings | 01:13 |
syntroPi | pfifo, yes thats a good idea, they seem to match | 01:13 |
PatrickDickey | FatalPriapism: Do you have the proprietary drivers installed? If so, I think in the catalayst Control Centre, it has options for multiple desktops. | 01:13 |
yown | Was my question seen? | 01:13 |
pfifo | FatalPriapism: you can specify options for the DISPLAY, 'DISPLAY=0:2 lxterminal' | 01:14 |
opti | when i login i get the desktop which i can right click on, but no menubar etc, what would i --reconfigure to try and fix that? | 01:14 |
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PatrickDickey | yown, it might be in Ubuntu classic (if that's still available). Otherwise, I think you're options are Gnome3 or maybe cinnamon or something similar. | 01:14 |
FatalPriapism | @PatrickDickey & @pfifo: Yeahhh...dumb mistake on my part, I set the monitors for all single-desktops...time for a reboot and I'll be back with a "yay it worked" in 5 minutes (I Hope) thanks guys | 01:15 |
pfifo | yown: I read it, just keep asking til someone who knows comes along | 01:15 |
yown | PatrickDickey: Does 13.4 contain classic? | 01:15 |
PatrickDickey | yown: | 01:15 |
PatrickDickey | yown: ymmv (your mileage may vary) and I don't make any guarantees. | 01:16 |
yown | PatrickDickey: That screen shot shows a failure. I see "applications" and "places" placed next to each other with no spacing, and "system" is not there | 01:18 |
rypervenche | Freze: Check the man page for bash. | 01:18 |
rypervenche | Freze: So a search for << | 01:18 |
nimbiotics | rypervenche: I used the advanced options to login as root in a terminal, but when I used "xrandr", the system said it could not find a display. what can I do? | 01:18 |
rypervenche | do* | 01:18 |
pfifo | is 13.10 going to be smelly skunk? | 01:18 |
rypervenche | nimbiotics: Don't do it as root | 01:18 |
marawan2 | hello every one | 01:18 |
PatrickDickey | yown, as I said, your mileage may vary. That's just one result from a google search for gnome 2 on ubuntu 13.04 | 01:18 |
marawan2 | is there some room # to talk about softwares found in the ubuntu software center | 01:19 |
zephyr | Anyone know how to make motion capture video instead of individual .jpg? | 01:19 |
pfifo | marawan2: #ubuntu-motu i think | 01:19 |
pfifo | marawan2: but most questions can be asked here | 01:19 |
marawan2 | ok | 01:19 |
Freze | rypervenche, got it. It bash thing | 01:19 |
nimbiotics | I have no idea how to proceed. Im doing it as root, cause it is an option of the recovery mode, what else can I do? | 01:19 |
PatrickDickey | marawan2: is a complete list of all channels. | 01:19 |
nimbiotics | rypervenche: I have no idea how to proceed. Im doing it as root, cause it is an option of the recovery mode, what else can I do? | 01:20 |
marawan2 | so can someone tell me any good games found in the center | 01:20 |
pfifo | marawan2: nethack, nethack and nethack | 01:20 |
marawan2 | pfifo what is it about | 01:20 |
Freze | thanks rypervenche | 01:21 |
marawan2 | pfifo: or what type of game | 01:21 |
rypervenche | nimbiotics: Oh, it won't work in recovery mode. Log in normally and then open a terminal. | 01:21 |
PatrickDickey | Sorry marawan2, that link should have been not the other. Darn browsers anyhow. | 01:21 |
pfifo | marawan2: its a 'rouge-like' console based stragety, very very difficult | 01:21 |
rypervenche | Freze: Anytime. | 01:21 |
marawan2 | pfifo: very difficult? | 01:21 |
pfifo | VERY | 01:22 |
marawan2 | well any other games | 01:25 |
nimbiotics | I cant login normally. I see nothing,the desktop disappears, it is a weird thing | 01:25 |
marawan2 | #ubuntu-for-all | 01:25 |
nimbiotics | rypervenche: I cant login normally. I see nothing,the desktop disappears, it is a weird thing | 01:25 |
rypervenche | nimbiotics: You said you tried to change it. How did you try to do that? | 01:26 |
pfifo | My mother sent me a text today saying that gmail would not let her in due to chromium being outdated, shes still running 11.10, and I walked her through a upgrade but with no luck, can anyone verify this behavior of gmail? Im thinking someones trying to scam her. | 01:26 |
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Ben64 | pfifo: 11.10 is eol, it needs to be upgraded to at least 12.04 | 01:28 |
FatalPriapism | @pfifo: Making progress, have two monitors that are moving apps back and forth. The other two are still acting as an independent desktop though (because of the separate gfx cards I guess) | 01:29 |
pfifo | Ben64: yeah I know Im slacking, but as far as what gmail is saying? | 01:29 |
PatrickDickey | pfifo: also, the version of chromium is probably old and not supported anymore either. | 01:29 |
DIL | !recordmydesktop | 01:29 |
nimbiotics | rypervenche: at some point I had my desktop in that very low resolution, but I lost that as soon as I rebooted. I can see a quarter of my desktop for a few seconds, if I click on settings, the setting window seems to open, but the system does not seem to respond. I have to forcefully shut it down | 01:30 |
PatrickDickey | pfifo: It would be like trying to access gmail with Internet Explorer 6. Gmail is telling you that it's obsolete and they don't release security (or any other) fixes for it. So you need to upgrade, or install something else. | 01:30 |
pfifo | PatrickDickey: ok thanks, I think I remember seeingsuch a message before | 01:32 |
zephyr | Anyone know how to make motion capture video instead of individual .jpg? | 01:33 |
=== Pinyin is now known as Haze_ |
pfifo | !info recordmydesktop | zephyr | 01:34 |
ubottu | zephyr: recordmydesktop (source: recordmydesktop): Captures audio-video data of a Linux desktop session. In component universe, is optional. Version (raring), package size 54 kB, installed size 148 kB | 01:34 |
zephyr | pfifo: not even close to what I'm looking for. I meant the application "motion" | 01:34 |
zephyr | pfifo: :) | 01:34 |
FatalPriapism | back yet again | 01:35 |
pfifo | ohh, then I have no idea, maybe motion has a channel | 01:35 |
zephyr | pfifo: well, wadayaknow...they do. Thanks! | 01:36 |
CosmicSpark | Can someone explain to me how I'm supposed to use Steam through Pidgin? I can't get it to work. | 01:36 |
* PatrickDickey always figured steam would kill pigeons. :P Sorry, I couldn't resist it. | 01:37 |
CosmicSpark | Lol | 01:37 |
FatalPriapism | mmm steamed pidgin | 01:38 |
CosmicSpark | ooh never mind, I managed to get it | 01:38 |
pfifo | CosmicSpark: did you read this | 01:38 |
PatrickDickey | and that's how a channel goes awry. | 01:38 |
CosmicSpark | That is for Windows, lol. | 01:39 |
CosmicSpark | And the comments already helped. | 01:39 |
yown | Is there a way to have gnome 2 like environment in 13.4 ubuntu? My searches have come up a little dry. | 01:39 |
pfifo | CosmicSpark: theres some linux help further down | 01:39 |
CosmicSpark | I'm just not sure where to extract the | 01:39 |
CosmicSpark | that's the only thing I'm wondering now. | 01:39 |
pfifo | yown: xubuntu uses xfce which is very gnome2ish | 01:40 |
nimbiotics | Hello evry1. I was playing a game (armagetron) and when I exited the game my desktop went to the lowest possible resolution (480x something). I tried changing it, but now I cant' even see my desktop, I use ubuntu studio 13.04 with xfce. Can someone please help me get my desktop back? Thanks! | 01:40 |
FatalPriapism | @nimbiotics what gfx card are you using? Or integrated? | 01:41 |
pfifo | nimbiotics: its a long shot but try running 'sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg' and then restart | 01:41 |
nimbiotics | pfifo: I cant, I can login, but the desktop seems to disappear | 01:43 |
yown | pfifo: Not gnome2 ish enough | 01:43 |
nimbiotics | FatalPriapism: envidia ge 6400 | 01:44 |
nicekiwi | !meow | 01:44 |
pfifo | nimbiotics: use ctrl-alt-F1 to get to a terminal | 01:44 |
pfifo | nimbiotics: you may need 'dpkg-reconfigure --force xserver-xorg' | 01:45 |
nimbiotics | pfifo: havent tried ctl-alt-F1, but ctl-alt-F2 does not seem to work, I think it does work, its just that I cant see the window | 01:45 |
FatalPriapism | There is a command for ati cards that (sometimes) fixes that, trying to find one for nVidia | 01:45 |
pfifo | nimbiotics: ctrl-alt-f1 will drop you to a real terminal, not a window containing a terminal | 01:46 |
eridu | hey, any bug managers around that could properly prioritize/assign this bug? | 01:46 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 1173400 in xserver-xorg-video-ati (Ubuntu) "Garbled display: kernel 3.8.0-19-generic, ATI Mobility Radeon HD 4530/4570/545v" [Undecided,Confirmed] | 01:46 |
nimbiotics | pfifo, FatalPriapism: How can I dod that if I cant access a CLI | 01:46 |
nimbiotics | pfifo: will try that, be back in a while, hopefully from linux! | 01:47 |
FatalPriapism | nimbiotics: try this in terminal: xrandr --addmode S-video {insert resolution here} | 01:47 |
nimbiotics | FatalPriapism: will also try, thx | 01:48 |
yown | With the fallback menu option, "systems" menu tree is missing. Anyone know why? Or a way to get it back? | 01:48 |
excelsiora | !ot | 01:51 |
ubottu | #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks! | 01:51 |
=== Mark_ is now known as x6d61726b |
yown | excelsiora: Was that for me? I didn't ask anything offtopic | 01:54 |
excelsiora | yown: no, for me, I keep forgetting the OT page | 01:56 |
CosmicSpark | Guys, how the hell do I give myself access to a folder? It's restricted to root, and I need to extract a .zip to that folder (not a system folder or something, it's just pidgin plugin) | 01:56 |
xangua | CosmicSpark: you can use the .purple directory in your home for that | 01:57 |
pfifo | CosmicSpark: sudo -s | 01:57 |
CosmicSpark | I can't, I have to extract it to an /usr/share/ etc. folder | 01:57 |
FatalPriapism | CosmicSpark: chown it | 01:57 |
CosmicSpark | ?? | 01:58 |
PatrickDickey | sudo tar xvf name-of-archive /usr/share/etc/. | 01:58 |
PatrickDickey | where /usr/share/etc is whatever folder you have to extract it to. | 01:59 |
CosmicSpark | Could you tell me what that does? >.> | 01:59 |
pfifo | isnt it supposed to be 'sudo tar xvf name-of-archive -C /usr/share/etc/' | 01:59 |
PatrickDickey | sudo means run as super user (root) tar xvf is the archiver command with arguments, and the name of the archive (zip file) then the location you're extracting it to. | 02:00 |
PatrickDickey | pfifo: I'm not sure. I've never used the -C option before. | 02:00 |
FatalPriapism | How I do it (not saying it's the right/easiest way): {navigate to directory} chown mike sublime.bz2 | 02:01 |
CosmicSpark | How do I open the file browser (the GUI) as superuser? I've been fiddling with the console for ages now and I couldn't get anything donw. | 02:01 |
PatrickDickey | sudo nautilus (if you're on ubuntu) | 02:01 |
PatrickDickey | CosmicSpark: actually, use gksudo nautilus (for GUI's). | 02:02 |
FatalPriapism | Where is the executable for terminal? | 02:03 |
CosmicSpark | THANK YOU, lol | 02:03 |
pfifo | FatalPriapism: /usr/bin | 02:03 |
marawan2 | #ubuntu-iso | 02:03 |
FatalPriapism | Odd, what is the name for it? | 02:04 |
PatrickDickey | no problem. And both sudo or gksudo will work, but gksudo is the one you *should* use for GUI's on Ubuntu/Gnome. I think ksudo is for KDE (Kubuntu). | 02:04 |
pfifo | FatalPriapism: could be 'gnome-terminal' or in my case its 'lxterminal' cause i use lubuntu, on xubuntu i think its 'xfce4-terminal' | 02:04 |
PatrickDickey | FatalPriapism: are you on ubuntu or one of it's derivatives? | 02:04 |
marawan2 | #lubuntu | 02:04 |
FatalPriapism | ubuntu studio | 02:05 |
PatrickDickey | FatalPriapism: try gnome-terminal | 02:05 |
FatalPriapism | tried it | 02:05 |
marawan2 | #ubuntu-beginners | 02:05 |
FatalPriapism | Oddly enough its lxterm | 02:05 |
marawan2 | #ubuntu-offtopic | 02:06 |
nimbiotics | pfifo: did not work. I could see my desktop again for a little while, but it froze and I cannot see but a quarter of my desktop ... and it wont scroll. I'm in desperation mode now ... | 02:06 |
pfifo | FatalPriapism: just do this 'ls -la /etc/alternatives/| grep term' | 02:07 |
PatrickDickey | Ahhh so Ubuntu Studio is an LXDE-based (or at least uses some LXDE parts) distro. | 02:07 |
FatalPriapism | pfifo: already got it, thanks | 02:07 |
nimbiotics | FatalPriapism: when I execute xrander system says i could not connetc to display | 02:07 |
pfifo | nimbiotics: I did say it was a long shot | 02:07 |
marawan2 | hey guys, is ubuntu the most popular linux distro | 02:07 |
FatalPriapism | hey marawan2, LMGTFY | 02:08 |
marawan2 | LMGTFY ? | 02:08 |
nimbiotics | pfifo: np ... any other ideas? | 02:08 |
nimbiotics | Hello evry1. I was playing a game (armagetron) and when I exited the game my desktop went to the lowest possible resolution (480x something). I tried changing it, but now I cant' even see my desktop, I use ubuntu studio 13.04 with xfce. Can someone please help me get my desktop back? Thanks! | 02:08 |
FatalPriapism | | 02:08 |
FatalPriapism | nimbiotics, stand by one sec | 02:08 |
PatrickDickey | marawan2: I think he means that you'll get varying opinions with questions like that. | 02:09 |
FatalPriapism | nimbiotics: Terminal: lspci | grep VGA | 02:09 |
pfifo | FatalPriapism: you not supposed to use that service here | 02:09 |
FatalPriapism | pfifo: oh damnit :/ | 02:09 |
marawan2 | PatrickDickey is there no straight fact/statistic | 02:09 |
marawan2 | PatrickDickey there should be | 02:09 |
FatalPriapism | Actually, there is a statistic. Check | 02:10 |
pfifo | I would say fedora is much more popular than ubuntu, due to corprate users | 02:10 |
PatrickDickey | marawan2: How can there be? If you look at distrowatch, it might show Mint as the most popular. But, that doesn't take into consideration how many people download ubuntu from Canonical--and not through distrowatch. | 02:10 |
FatalPriapism | Linux Mint had the most hits last time I looked | 02:10 |
xangua | !ot | marawan2 FatalPriapism | 02:10 |
ubottu | marawan2 FatalPriapism: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks! | 02:10 |
Austin | Hello dose anybody here know how to make a Windows 7 Install USB without root acess ? | 02:11 |
marawan2 | <PatrickDickey> so there is no facts | 02:12 |
FatalPriapism | Austin: were you asking the same thing on here earlier? | 02:12 |
Austin | sadly yes | 02:12 |
Austin | i cant get anything to work that iv'e tried | 02:12 |
nimbiotics | FatalPriapism: I have to boot back and forth to/from linux. BRB | 02:12 |
Austin | im trying k3b agian to see if i can find a setting to make a USB bootable | 02:13 |
pfifo | Austin: can you give more details about what your doing? | 02:13 |
IdleOne | Austin: try ##windows We don't do windows support in here | 02:14 |
=== Chenzw|away is now known as Chenzw |
PatrickDickey | Austin: Your best bet is to either get an external CD/DVD drive, or if you have a computer that runs Windows, create it there. You could try installing it in a virtual machine (virtualbox) and then creating the USB that way also (using Microsoft's tool). | 02:14 |
w30 | FatalPriapism, which Ubuntu? all of'em Xubuntu,Lubuntu, Unity | 02:15 |
FatalPriapism | Austin: the only thing I can think of is formatting the flash drive as UDF and writing hte ISO to it | 02:15 |
PatrickDickey | IdleOne: He popped into ##windows for about 30 seconds and left earlier. | 02:15 |
FatalPriapism | w30: huh? | 02:15 |
gordonjcp | w30: roland reference? | 02:15 |
w30 | FatalPriapism, how did they count ubuntu? a total of all variations? | 02:16 |
FatalPriapism | I'm gonna get the off topic again, but no, they differentiate by flavor | 02:16 |
w30 | FatalPriapism, ok, thanks | 02:16 |
FatalPriapism | alright, I've never really figured this out in IRC...but how do you talk "to" someone? | 02:17 |
=== harrymoreno_ is now known as harrymoreno |
pfifo | use /privmsg <person> message goes here | 02:18 |
PatrickDickey | FatalPriapism: you use /msg if you want to whisper to them, and you just put their name in in the main channel. On some clients, it will highlight what you say, and pop up a notification. | 02:18 |
gordonjcp | FatalPriapism: do you mean highlighting them in channel, or having a private conversation? | 02:18 |
FatalPriapism | in channel | 02:18 |
* PatrickDickey likes Quassel, because it automtically highlights and notifies me, when someone puts my name into a reply. | 02:19 |
FatalPriapism | I'm using XChat, maybe I should quit being a lazy you know what and read the documentation | 02:19 |
=== carlos is now known as Guest37986 |
pfifo | I like to use /notice to send quick messages, but only to people I know wont get mad about it | 02:22 |
PatrickDickey | bbl. | 02:23 |
Global_Radio | how do you get rid of that feature that shows you your destop if you put your cursor at the top left corner of the screen? | 02:24 |
kcdiaz | \o | 02:25 |
daemeon | Hey all. Does anyone know where the support room for visual studio is? | 02:27 |
kcdiaz | nope, sorry | 02:27 |
daemeon | dang. Btw I converted my brother from win to ubuntu :D | 02:28 |
kcdiaz | nice | 02:28 |
FatalPriapism | seriously? visual studio in an ubuntu room? | 02:29 |
daemeon | Why do you find that so offensive? | 02:29 |
pfifo | !alis | daemeon | 02:29 |
ubottu | daemeon: alis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" for help and ask any questions about it in #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu* or /msg alis list *http* | 02:29 |
Global_Radio | how do you get rid of that feature that shows you your desktops if you put your cursor at the top left corner of the screen? | 02:31 |
Global_Radio | its really annoying | 02:31 |
kcdiaz | are you talking about the launcher? | 02:32 |
linuxuz3r | daemeon, try #windows | 02:32 |
Global_Radio | in gnome and cinnamon | 02:32 |
Global_Radio | kcdiaz, in gnome and cinnamon | 02:33 |
mohrjo | hello | 02:36 |
pfifo | hi | 02:38 |
FatalPriapism | howdy | 02:39 |
Global_Radio | how do you get rid of that feature that shows you your desktops if you put your cursor at the top left corner of the screen? | 02:39 |
FatalPriapism | I'm trying to create a MySQL database, does this syntax look correct: CREATE DATABASE phpbb; | 02:44 |
dima | "CREATE DATABASE phpbb;" yes it's correct | 02:45 |
FatalPriapism | I was pretty sure it was...for some reason it keeps kicking back with a syntax error | 02:45 |
=== Prodego is now known as NotProdegoAtAll |
=== _BJFreeman is now known as BJfreeman |
MikeMan | Hello | 02:51 |
nimbiotics | FatalPriapism: (sry it took me so long) When I issue lspci |grep VGA, I get the name of my display and revision # | 02:53 |
FatalPriapism | But you don't get any graphics card info? | 02:53 |
nimbiotics | Hello evry1. I was playing a game (armagetron) and when I exited the game my desktop went to the lowest possible resolution (480x something). I tried changing it, but now I cant' even see my desktop, I use ubuntu studio 13.04 with xfce. Can someone please help me get my desktop back? Thanks! | 02:53 |
nimbiotics | FatalPriapism: yes, of course, all seems OK | 02:54 |
WaLaCu3r0 | help in spanish | 02:54 |
FatalPriapism | hmm, interesting | 02:54 |
wilee-nilee | !es | 02:54 |
ubottu | En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y presione intro. | 02:54 |
nimbiotics | FatalPriapism: the revision number does not seem to be OK though, it says something like 01e | 02:55 |
MikeMan | Is there an ElementOS IRC channel as well? | 02:55 |
nimbiotics | ?QUIEN NECESITA AYUD EN ESPA~OL? | 02:55 |
FatalPriapism | ESPA~OL lol | 02:56 |
xangua | MikeMan: #elementary | 02:56 |
=== NotProdegoAtAll is now known as Prodego |
MikeMan | ty :) | 02:56 |
FatalPriapism | nimbiotics: I'm not really sure. I looked for a general terminal command to reload graphics drivers, but haven't seen any applicable to you | 02:56 |
redmaw | my monitors native resolution is not listed as an option, what do I need to do to fix this issue? | 02:57 |
FatalPriapism | install the appropriate drivers | 02:57 |
redmaw | never had a problem before with inbox drivers :( | 02:58 |
nimbiotics | FatalPriapism: If it wasnt because I have no problem in windows I'd bet the graphic card was gone, but it wokrs OK in windoze | 02:58 |
nimbiotics | FatalPriapism: could it be compiz giving me a hard time? is there a way to stop compiz from the command line? | 02:59 |
WaLaCu3r0 | how to run the touch screen panel in my laptop | 02:59 |
wilee-nilee | nimbiotics, Have you tried logging out then back in? | 03:00 |
nimbiotics | in and out and vice versa | 03:01 |
nimbiotics | wilee-nilee: in and out and vice versa | 03:01 |
=== carlos_ is now known as jkmpos |
wilee-nilee | nimbiotics, Are you sure compiz runs in xfce ubuntu studio? | 03:02 |
nimbiotics | wilee-nilee: its been working for about a month | 03:02 |
FatalPriapism | nimbiotics: metacity --replace & | 03:03 |
wilee-nilee | nimbiotics, The OS? I'm not sure compiz is the desktop manager, just thought to ask. | 03:03 |
nimbiotics | wilee-nilee: I installed it | 03:04 |
FatalPriapism | Or, killall -9 compiz | 03:04 |
nimbiotics | FatalPriapism: both are the same, or are they 2 things to try?? | 03:04 |
wilee-nilee | nimbiotics, Ah, well have you tried xrandr in the terminal find to resolution with xrandr then run xrandr - s xxxXxxx | 03:05 |
FatalPriapism | They both should work (although I haven't tried either), but the second is a bit more forceful | 03:05 |
wilee-nilee | the small x's are the resolution the big X is by | 03:06 |
FatalPriapism | wilee-nilee: I had him run that earlier | 03:06 |
wilee-nilee | nimbiotics, In the caommand though the by x is a small one | 03:06 |
=== gustavo is now known as ghs |
nimbiotics | wilee-nilee: xrandr does not work. I get a message like "cannot find display" or the such | 03:07 |
wilee-nilee | nimbiotics, Ah, what is the graphic card, and have you installed a driver from the net rather then the repos? | 03:08 |
nimbiotics | wilee-nilee: nvidia ge force 9600; I did install propietary driver | 03:10 |
wilee-nilee | nimbiotics, I would look there, on kernel upgrades you have top reload the driver, I suspect that s the crux of your problem. | 03:11 |
wilee-nilee | to* | 03:11 |
wilee-nilee | just a guess but seems likely | 03:11 |
nimbiotics | wilee-nilee: and how would I do that? | 03:12 |
wilee-nilee | nimbiotics, Not sure the most I know on graphics is what I have seen here and the ubuntu forums, I have never had to mess with them, I have not had the pleasure/pain of nvidia yet. | 03:13 |
wilee-nilee | !nvidia | 03:14 |
ubottu | For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see | 03:14 |
nimbiotics | wilee-nilee: lol | 03:14 |
wilee-nilee | nimbiotics, You could use the proprietary drivers if there is a benefit above the repos modified versions as long as you learn the fixes, the channel and ubuntu advises not to in general. | 03:16 |
holstein | nim is gone | 03:16 |
wilee-nilee | Doh thanks holstein | 03:17 |
Eltanin_ | > Does anyone have a suggestion about how to determine the stripe size of an existing software RAID? mdadm --detail doesn't say anything for instance | 03:24 |
surt | Hi I have a 300Mbps pic-e wifi card, and a 270Mbps router. I'm connecting at 130Mbps max...can this be easily fixed? | 03:28 |
=== Endafy is now known as Guest21912 |
=== Guest21912 is now known as Endafy |
OerHeks | surt, 270 mbit router is a raw number, it is the data up and down, including overhead | 03:33 |
Ic3kitten | I cannot get Wubi to run, windows says it is not a valid win32 application | 03:34 |
funky | :) | 03:34 |
OerHeks | Ic3kitten, what windows version ? | 03:35 |
wilee-nilee | Ic3kitten, YOu have to use the app, not the cd or ISO, wont run in W8, and is not supported anymore as well. | 03:35 |
Ic3kitten | vista | 03:35 |
psusi | surt, your router has 3 antenae and the card has 2? | 03:35 |
wilee-nilee | !wubi | 03:35 |
ubottu | Wubi allows you to install or uninstall Ubuntu 12.04 LTS from within Windows ( version 7 or earlier ) in a simple and safe way. Wubi is INCOMPATIBLE with UEFI, Windows 8 Certified computers, and Windows RAID arrays. for more information. File wubi bugs at | 03:35 |
nipar | does it matter much if I simply let ubuntu install with the default options? or should I actually read up on such things as swap/boot/etc and optimize these numbers= | 03:35 |
surt | psusi: 2 on both | 03:36 |
psusi | surt, sounds like your router doesn't have the 40 MHz with channels enabled | 03:36 |
psusi | surt, should have an option to enable that in the 2.4 GHz band, or use the 5 GHz band instead ( better ) | 03:37 |
wilee-nilee | nipar, No boot needed, should size the swap fine, a separate home is the issue some want. | 03:37 |
holstein | Ic3kitten: i would grab another .exe ..use a manually downloaded iso.. if you have uefi, its reported not to work | 03:37 |
wilee-nilee | boot partition that is | 03:37 |
Ic3kitten | Umm this should be noted that I cannot download anything on this pc Due to some weird hidden driver that installed a service I simply cannot terminate(VIRUS) | 03:37 |
nipar | wilee-nilee, do they simply want it because they are control freaks (not unusual) or because it offers some advantage? | 03:37 |
surt | psusi: Correct actually. I didn't research the product properly, 20mhz only. Well I'm not even getting 130mbps speeds. Look I'm just trying to figure out why my network is going slow. I'm getting about 1.5MBps from a 130mbps connection using ftp | 03:37 |
redmaw | installing drivers made things worse :( times like this I remember why I don't use linux more often | 03:37 |
=== cds is now known as thechris |
psusi | surt, don't confuse the speed if the wifi with your Internet link | 03:38 |
wilee-nilee | nipar, Kind of a old school method not really needed anymore, depends on your needs, I don't bother myself. | 03:38 |
holstein | Ic3kitten: maybe the "weird hidden driver" is preventing the install of a perfectly valid wubi.exe ..the wubi wont be able to fix your OS and allow windows to be functional if its broken | 03:38 |
=== MrKB2 is now known as MrKB |
funky | :) | 03:38 |
surt | psusi: This is between my desktop pc and my android mobile | 03:38 |
surt | wifi lan | 03:38 |
funky | is there some hosting room? | 03:38 |
funky | to talk about webhosting | 03:39 |
nipar | then nor will I, i'm just curious how much tweaking is needed in this day and age, for some funny reason, I seem to always find outdated readingmaterial when it comes to linux | 03:39 |
psusi | surt, and if it only has two antenae, the only way it's going to get 270 or 300 mpbs is with a 40 MHz wide channel, so I don't see how it can claim to support that speed and not a 40 MHz channel | 03:39 |
Ic3kitten | I downloaded Ubunto on my fathers pc and transfered it with a usd flashdisk, I'm really new to thisbut my knowledge of computers is fairly well | 03:39 |
holstein | redmaw: yeah, it can be challening when vendors dont provide you with the support you need to run ubntu/linux.. what is the issue? | 03:39 |
holstein | Ic3kitten: if windows is broken, and not allowing you to install anything (or, just wubi) then, the wubi wont work | 03:39 |
holstein | Ic3kitten: wubi assumes you can install an application on windows | 03:40 |
wilee-nilee | nipar, Look for ubuntu stuff and just make sure it is on your release in general, pretty good documentation, only better I have seen is arch or at least comparable. | 03:40 |
holstein | Ic3kitten: you are reporting an error using wubi.exe, and im suggesting that the operating system its self can be the cuase of that error | 03:40 |
Ic3kitten | holstein: Let try to reinstal AVG, If that works, then only my downloads are affected | 03:40 |
wilee-nilee | funky, Not really a support question, you can search for freenode channels though | 03:41 |
surt | psusi: OK my android phone connects to the router at 65mbps, divided by 8 is 8.13MB/s. I'm not expecting that but surely I should have at least half? | 03:41 |
psusi | surt, but if you are using the 2.4 GHz band instead of the 5 GHz band, you normally do have to explicitly enable the 40 MHz channel width, since that uses up most of the available channels in the 2.4 GHz band | 03:41 |
psusi | surt, you're transfering from the phone to where? | 03:42 |
surt | psusi: From the desktop pc to the phone. | 03:42 |
surt | Via ftp. | 03:42 |
psusi | surt, is the desktop plugged into the router via ethernet, or is it also wireless? | 03:42 |
surt | wireless | 03:42 |
psusi | surt, then you're using up bandwidth transfering to the router first, then to the phone | 03:43 |
surt | But if that was the case...I'd still get more than 1.5> | 03:43 |
surt | Wouldn't I? | 03:44 |
psusi | surt, maybe as much as 4... if everything in the system is operating perfectly | 03:45 |
psusi | but really more like 2-3 since you do have acknowlegements going back, using up some more time | 03:45 |
surt | If I'm connected at 100mbps from the pc to the router, then the available bandwidth is roughly 12MB, and about 8MB/s from the router to the phone... | 03:46 |
Ic3kitten | holstein: My installation of AVG was successful, Wubi should have no problem running, That being said, I have the files on my usb drive AND a 570mb CDRW will either of the work.... Windows states<C:\Users\bill\Desktop\ubuntu-13.04-desktop-i386\wubi.exe> C:Users\bill\Desktop\ubuntu-13.04-desktop-i386\wubi.exe is not a valid Win32 application. | 03:46 |
psusi | surt, if you're connecting to the router via ethernet instead of wifi, then yea, should get at least 4 | 03:47 |
psusi | of course, since one end is an android phone, it could be that you are limited by the ability for the phone to write to its flash | 03:49 |
holstein | Ic3kitten: i dont consider that to be a valid test.. but, it could be | 03:49 |
holstein | Ic3kitten: did you download anothe .exe and try a manual iso? | 03:49 |
Ic3kitten | MinecraftSP also downloads Java files from the internet to create a new .minecraft folder | 03:50 |
Ic3kitten | give me an .exe example | 03:50 |
surt | psusi: OK. So if the server was connected by ethernet, It'd go from 1.5MB to as much as 4? | 03:50 |
psusi | surt, I'd say so | 03:51 |
psusi | surt, and of course, this is all assuming there's no radio interference | 03:51 |
redmaw | holstein trying to get native resolution on my monitor | 03:51 |
surt | psusi: But not 8 because of up/down stream? | 03:51 |
nimbiotics | FatalPriapism: I'm back in ubuntu, "killal -9 compiz" did the trick, BUT: I still have to keep executing it AND sometimes it just does not help. will keep on testing THANKS A LOT!!! | 03:52 |
holstein | redmaw: do you have a custom xorg.conf in place? | 03:52 |
redmaw | yes | 03:52 |
Ic3kitten | holstein: one problem may be that my download was 251 MB instead of 700mb for the Ubuntu download | 03:52 |
psusi | surt, right... some of the time is used sending back acks, and retransmits, more depending on how much interference there is | 03:52 |
holstein | Ic3kitten: i would just get the wubi again.. and check the md5 sum if possible | 03:52 |
redmaw | trying to add the mode via xrandr but it got added to the wrong connection | 03:52 |
Ic3kitten | In a .zip / RAR format | 03:52 |
Ic3kitten | holstein: I will try a few more tests and get back to you, brb | 03:53 |
holstein | Ic3kitten: thats why i say, *dont* use the iso that was downloaded with wubi.. get *just* the wubi.exe.. use a custom iso uyo download and comfirm | 03:53 |
OerHeks | 251 mb .. that sounds like a bad download | 03:53 |
OerHeks | ubuntu does not come in zip / rar format | 03:54 |
Ic3kitten | Uhg!!! ?Can I trouble you to help me fix my download problem instead, and start there | 03:55 |
OerHeks | redownload the ubuntu iso, i guess | 03:56 |
holstein | Ic3kitten: sure | 03:56 |
holstein | Ic3kitten: download the iso from here | 03:57 |
Ic3kitten | holstein: I.... I am quite sure I did | 03:57 |
holstein | Ic3kitten: if you have a file that is *not* around 800mb's, you dont have it | 03:58 |
holstein | Ic3kitten: dont "guess".. look, and see, then when you dont have an *.iso ,download it from the link | 03:58 |
Ic3kitten | Thank you, give me an hour or so to re download it | 03:58 |
holstein | Ic3kitten: follow ... im just suggestion that you have the iso, and put it in the same directory, and dont let wubi download it | 04:00 |
hiji | anyone know how to get squidguard to filter http URLS? it filters only https pages :( | 04:00 |
redmaw | how do you force a resolution? | 04:01 |
christopher138 | hello all, I am looking for help with Compiz and the "cube" config. Got compiz runnning, currently using proprietary drivers (at radeonn hd 7310), however the cube effect isn't working, and it definitely seems like it's trying to, and then crashes.....wobbly windows, and other effects are working fine | 04:01 |
redmaw | ubuntu seems dead set on not allowing the resolution I want and I am tired for messing with it. | 04:02 |
wilee-nilee | christopher138, Check to see about the ci=ube in whatever release you are running it has been changed and is a bit more difficult if even possible. | 04:03 |
wilee-nilee | cube* | 04:03 |
Ic3kitten_ | holstein: I am on my father's PC now, Give me the link again | 04:04 |
redmaw | how come ubuntu does not use my xorg.conf file? | 04:04 |
holstein | redmaw: a custom xorg.conf might work for you.. have you tried? | 04:04 |
redmaw | I have the file, ubuntu does not appear to use it | 04:04 |
varunendra | surt, have you checked the speed on normal downloads/browsing as well, or just ftp transfers? | 04:04 |
holstein | redmaw: it will, if its "valid" and in the proper place | 04:04 |
redmaw | it is | 04:04 |
holstein | !download | Ic3kitten_ | 04:04 |
ubottu | Ic3kitten_: Ubuntu installation CDs can be downloaded from - Mirrors can be found at - PLEASE use the !torrents to download !Raring, and help keeping the servers' load low! | 04:04 |
redmaw | I just modified the original to add a mode | 04:04 |
yown | If I plan to replace my Ubuntu desktop with Mate, Does it matter at all whether I start with xbuntu or ubuntu as my base? | 04:04 |
christopher138 | I had a feeling as much, many people said neweer releases dropped a lot of features due to bugs....:( | 04:04 |
redmaw | xrandr still does not show it and will not let me add that mode | 04:05 |
holstein | redmaw: there should not have been one.. maybe the nvidia driver installed one for you.. | 04:05 |
yown | Or is there a way to have ubuntu with mate already installed? | 04:05 |
redmaw | it did | 04:05 |
holstein | !minimal > yown | 04:05 |
ubottu | yown, please see my private message | 04:05 |
redmaw | I am assuming it was being used after installing the nvidia driver but I could be wrong | 04:05 |
holstein | yown: but no.. it doesnt matter.. and i dont think ubuntu can use mate out of the box | 04:05 |
redmaw | I noticed some changes but that could have just been from disabling the nouveau driver | 04:06 |
redmaw | (module) | 04:06 |
holstein | redmaw: i have a certain monitor with an nvidia driver. i updated, and the resolution went off.. im just dealing with it "as-is" for now | 04:07 |
yown | holstein: What do you mean, what do you need to get ubuntu to use mate then? | 04:07 |
ntzrmtthihu777 | yown: there is a ppa, methinks. | 04:07 |
holstein | yown: i mean, ubuntu *cant* come with mate AFAIK.. so get what you want, and add whatever unsupported source you are going to add.. | 04:07 |
yown | holstein: But I can install ubuntu, then install mate right away? No prep work required? But then if that were the case, it wouldn't be impossible for ubuntu to come prepacked with mate then | 04:09 |
wilee-nilee | yown, Prepacked is canonicals area, not ours | 04:09 |
holstein | yown: maybe cany be supported by ubuntu, so you add whatever ppa, and it'll work as the ppa maintainers intend | 04:10 |
Ic3kitten_ | .... the download is 251 mb | 04:11 |
holstein | Ic3kitten_: the iso is not | 04:11 |
holstein | Ic3kitten_: i dont know what the issue is, but you can use the md5 sums to assure you have an iso | 04:11 |
Ic3kitten_ | its in a rar folder but the desc says iso | 04:11 |
holstein | !md5 | 04:12 |
ubottu | To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see or | 04:12 |
holstein | Ic3kitten_: no need to put anything in a directory yet.. that is *not* an iso | 04:12 |
Ic3kitten_ | *chuckles* I'm forgetting to do something arent I | 04:12 |
varunendra | Ic3kitten_, why don't you just use torrent to download the iso? ( | 04:14 |
ntzrmtthihu777 | yown: try xubuntu, you may like it :P | 04:15 |
Ic3kitten_ | Which netboot | 04:15 |
evilbug | i've made a bootable usb stick via unetbootin on 13.04 but i always get a "disc is corrupted" when attempting to install. this has been the case with iso of arch, ubuntu desktop, ubuntu server. any clues as to where the problem lies? | 04:15 |
ntzrmtthihu777 | also, having difficulty setting up eclipse in ubuntu. installed it via apt-get, but it refuses to launcy | 04:15 |
yown | ntzrmtthihu777: Sure, but based on screenshots it seems to be missing some of the things I want in a DE. It doesn't have that top bar, and it puts all its menus into one like windows does | 04:16 |
ntzrmtthihu777 | *launch, gives me an error log about not being able to open a zip file | 04:16 |
ntzrmtthihu777 | yown: xubuntus xfce desktop is highly configurable | 04:16 |
varunendra | Ic3kitten_, not netboot, the torrents on that page (if you were asking me.. ;) ) | 04:16 |
ntzrmtthihu777 | yown: exactly what are you looking for? | 04:17 |
yown | ntzrmtthihu777: Is it complex to configure it? Is there a downloadable configuration that will give it all the functionality and layout of gnome 2 without days of work? | 04:17 |
Ic3kitten_ | Thank you, now how do I open a torrent lmao | 04:17 |
ntzrmtthihu777 | something like the old gnome desktop, I presume? | 04:17 |
ntzrmtthihu777 | Ic3kitten_: you need a torrent client. deluge or transmission for ubuntu, utorrent for windows :P | 04:18 |
holstein | !install | Ic3kitten_ | 04:18 |
ubottu | Ic3kitten_: Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see for documentation. Problems during install? See - See also !automate | 04:18 |
yown | ntzrmtthihu777: Basically gnome 2, I like applications places systems, actually, I wish there were more of them. I like having a second bar to put application shortcuts and for time date | 04:18 |
wilee-nilee | evilbug, Have you checked the sums of the ISO's | 04:18 |
Ic3kitten_ | Links my friends, I am excellent with links | 04:18 |
varunendra | Ic3kitten_, you need a torrent client like utorrent on windows, or transmission on Ubuntu. | 04:18 |
holstein | !download > Ic3kitten_ | 04:18 |
ubottu | Ic3kitten_, please see my private message | 04:18 |
ntzrmtthihu777 | yown: mine has a setup like this, I set mine up to mimic gnome2 as I like it alot too :P | 04:19 |
Ic3kitten_ | I have a file ending in .iso.torrent | 04:19 |
yown | ntzrmtthihu777: Is there a download or something that will do the work of setting it up like gnome2 for you? | 04:19 |
ntzrmtthihu777 | yown: see my screenshot: | 04:19 |
ntzrmtthihu777 | yown: its super easy, lol. | 04:19 |
evilbug | wilee-nilee: i haven't, no. | 04:20 |
varunendra | Ic3kitten_, yes, that's perfect. Now install a torrent client like utorrtnt to use that .torrent file to do the actual download. | 04:20 |
Ic3kitten_ | :) | 04:20 |
yown | ntzrmtthihu777: Doesnt seem super easy, and I only see 1 bar and two menu trees in that picture | 04:20 |
ntzrmtthihu777 | yown: yes, I realize it lacks gnome2's last menu tree, and I only have one bar by choice. you can place as many as you want :P | 04:21 |
varunendra | Ic3kitten_, (for windows, Ubuntu already has "transmission") | 04:21 |
Ic3kitten_ | I hope, my own searches give me the right link to Utorrent my friend because I would rather not download a virus onto my Father's pricy PC | 04:21 |
varunendra | Ic3kitten_, see the link I gave ;) | 04:22 |
holstein | Ic3kitten_: you stated the PC already had a virus | 04:22 |
yown | ntzrmtthihu777: And you can easily add app shortcuts on one bar while another one handles active open windows? | 04:22 |
wilee-nilee | evilbug, I would do that, and check the usb for problems or try another, or at least reformat it. Sounds a bit like the usb with that many fails. | 04:22 |
varunendra | lol | 04:22 |
Ic3kitten_ | I see I see give me a moment | 04:22 |
Ic3kitten_ | XD | 04:22 |
evilbug | wilee-nilee: thing is i've reformated it every time to fat32. | 04:22 |
Ic3kitten_ | You guys are epic, I cannot stop laughing at this XD | 04:23 |
Ic3kitten_ | So easy | 04:23 |
yown | ntzrmtthihu777: The most time consuming aspect would be moving all the different apps to what ever menu trees you made, and for that matter, knowing where to place them, since I want it to be exactly like gnome 2, not because that particular layout is best, but because the uniformity makes finding things easier | 04:23 |
Ari-Yang | lets say I put a .bin file in /lib/firmware/radeon to get kernel patches to work. I can always remove it when I'm done testing and it won't cause any harm, yes? | 04:23 |
wilee-nilee | evilbug, Does not mean it is not problematic we have to somewhat guess and knock out variables. | 04:23 |
varunendra | Ic3kitten_, so did the download start ? | 04:24 |
yown | I mean if others have the same layout, I can find online where stuff is put | 04:24 |
Ic3kitten_ | Moments my friends, I will have answers in a few minutes | 04:24 |
ntzrmtthihu777 | yown: xubuntu uses alacarte to build menus, a gnome menu and xfce menu should look 99% the same | 04:24 |
redmaw | holstein, figured out what my problem was. Turns out when sent my laptop in for repair (gpu died) HP downgraded my screen free of charge. | 04:25 |
varunendra | Ic3kitten_, a torrent download is guaranteed to be full and intact when the client shows it as "Finished". It is usually faster download too. :) | 04:25 |
holstein | redmaw: excellent.. so you have no problem then :) | 04:25 |
evilbug | wilee-nilee: i'll check the md5 and try another drive. | 04:25 |
Ic3kitten_ | It was | 04:25 |
ntzrmtthihu777 | yown: I'm supposing you like how the gnome2 menu grouped things by category, no? | 04:25 |
redmaw | not with linux at least. dealing with HP is going to suck. | 04:25 |
wilee-nilee | evilbug, That makes sense, good luck. ;) | 04:25 |
evilbug | wilee-nilee: thank you. | 04:26 |
wilee-nilee | no problem. | 04:26 |
domino14 | hi, i disabled my root account with passwd -dl root | 04:27 |
Ic3kitten_ | Im converting the torrent at the moment | 04:27 |
domino14 | can i re-enable it? i can't do anything anymore | 04:27 |
ntzrmtthihu777 | domino14: root is disabled by default on ubuntu | 04:27 |
wheatthin | domino14, even using sudo? | 04:27 |
domino14 | i can't use sudo because it says i'm not in the sudoers file | 04:28 |
domino14 | right, i set up a vm on digital ocean | 04:28 |
wheatthin | domino14, hmm default user should be sudo | 04:28 |
domino14 | and i was trying to set it up with a new user, etc | 04:28 |
domino14 | i made a new user | 04:28 |
yown | ntzrmtthihu777: I like having 3 main menu trees rather then 1, because it makes it less work accessing the particular menues, and there is plenty of screen real-estate for 3 menus instead of 1 | 04:28 |
domino14 | so maybe it didnt add it to sudoers | 04:28 |
wheatthin | and then deleted the older one? | 04:28 |
that1guy | I was wondering if there was any way I could "stretch" my display area. I'm outputting HMDI to an LCD tv, and there's a good 1/2 in black gap boarder around my display. | 04:28 |
domino14 | wheatthin: no, the only user on the digital ocean vm was "root" | 04:28 |
wheatthin | so login as the original one and put yourself in sudoers | 04:28 |
wheatthin | hmm | 04:29 |
varunendra | Ic3kitten_, just for sake of knowledge, you don't actually 'convert' a torrent. It is just an information file that tells the client what to download and from where. | 04:29 |
domino14 | i can't log in as root anymore because i did passwd -dl root | 04:29 |
ntzrmtthihu777 | yown: yeah, I getcha, but I only managed two atm :P | 04:29 |
holstein | domino14: the recovery console has a root shell you can work from | 04:29 |
holstein | !root > domino14 | 04:29 |
ubottu | domino14, please see my private message | 04:29 |
ntzrmtthihu777 | domino14: you shouldn't login as root unless you know *exactly* what you are doing, and no offense but this seems to not be the case here. | 04:29 |
domino14 | okay | 04:30 |
Ic3kitten_ | Ah, the technicalities right? | 04:30 |
domino14 | it gave me a default root password | 04:30 |
domino14 | what am i supposed to log in as? | 04:30 |
ntzrmtthihu777 | if you're using ubuntu it did not. | 04:30 |
yown | ntzrmtthihu777: Don't you manually have to assign each program to a menu location if I were to manually set up xfce like gnome 2? | 04:30 |
holstein | domino14: what gave you a default root password? | 04:31 |
ntzrmtthihu777 | in ubuntu ther *is* *no* *root* *password* *by* *default* | 04:31 |
Ic3kitten_ | I appreciate all your time and effort my friends, Thank you | 04:31 |
domino14 | god damn it | 04:31 |
holstein | !language | domino14 | 04:31 |
ubottu | domino14: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional. | 04:31 |
TheLordOfTime | !root | domino14 | 04:31 |
ubottu | domino14: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at | 04:31 |
TheLordOfTime | just an FYI there. | 04:31 |
domino14 | 1) I made a new VM on Digital Ocean | 04:31 |
domino14 | 2) It sent me an email with a *root* password | 04:31 |
holstein | domino14: if you have a root password, you likely installed something other than ubuntu.. a derivitive | 04:31 |
varunendra | Ic3kitten_, we enjoy it here :) | 04:31 |
holstein | domino14: then, you need to contact digital ocean for support | 04:32 |
domino14 | it was ubuntu 13.04. they probably just added a root password to it | 04:32 |
ntzrmtthihu777 | yown: nah, it comes with a default applications menu in the upper left corner, and you can add the places menu quite simply | 04:32 |
holstein | domino14: that is a customized ubuntu from them | 04:32 |
Ic3kitten_ | I can see that ;) | 04:32 |
holstein | domino14: there should be a recvery console, assuming you are able to access that | 04:32 |
holstein | domino14: if not, you will need to get them to "fix" the account for you.. since it is *not* stock ubuntu | 04:32 |
domino14 | yes; i got them to send me a new root password. thanks | 04:33 |
that1guy | I was wondering if there was any way I could "stretch" my display area. I'm outputting HDMI to an LCD tv, and there's a good 1/2 in black gap boarder around my display. | 04:33 |
yown | ntzrmtthihu777: But if I were to add a places and system menu, I would have to manually move everything over to those two to make it like gnome 2? Or is there a "gnome 2" layout option that does it for you? I don't see any other alternatives and you arent naming any | 04:33 |
ntzrmtthihu777 | !patience | that1guy | 04:33 |
ubottu | that1guy: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching or or | 04:33 |
domino14 | !nanny | 04:34 |
ntzrmtthihu777 | yown: no. adding places menu to the bar includes all your gtk-bookmarks and your default user dirs (music, pictures, etc) | 04:34 |
that1guy | If it helps, I switch resolutions, and the gap is still there. ATI radeon 7310. proprietary drivers. | 04:34 |
JesseH | Is anyone else having issues logging in to | 04:34 |
yown | ntzrmtthihu777: And what about system? | 04:35 |
pfifo | !xrandr | that1guy | 04:35 |
ubottu | that1guy: XRandR 1.2 is the new method of running dual screens in !X. Information/HowTo here: | 04:35 |
pfifo | that1guy: it means X resize and rotate, i think youll benefit from the resize part | 04:35 |
ntzrmtthihu777 | yown: on that matter I know not. the applications menu has a system section containing the normal stuffs | 04:36 |
yown | ntzrmtthihu777: So that could be shifted over whole piece to be next to places like in gnome 2? | 04:38 |
ntzrmtthihu777 | yown: maybe, idk. personally 2 menus is fine for me, but I'm sure you could do it with a second applications menu with a custom menu file | 04:38 |
aringan | I am running an image of ubuntu 12.04 for the first time. and I don't know the root password. when I am trying to use sudo it wants the password ! | 04:39 |
ntzrmtthihu777 | yown: in fact, for your benefit I'll see abou it | 04:39 |
ntzrmtthihu777 | aringan: there is no root password. !root | aringan | 04:40 |
yown | ntzrmtthihu777: What do you mean by custom menu file? Why a second applications menu? Couldn't the systems menu just be pulled out of applications and put next to places? | 04:40 |
ntzrmtthihu777 | yown: like I said, Idk. never felt the need to do so. | 04:40 |
ntzrmtthihu777 | !root | aringan | 04:40 |
ubottu | aringan: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at | 04:40 |
ntzrmtthihu777 | aringan: now, if you give it your *user* password while using sudo (assuming an administrative accoung) this will fill your needs | 04:41 |
=== harrymoreno_ is now known as harrymoreno |
aringan | the problem is it wants the password | 04:44 |
ntzrmtthihu777 | aringan: give it the password you set to your account on installing it. | 04:44 |
aringan | I typed sudo apt-get install vim | 04:44 |
bazhang | aringan, the actual password will NOT show up as stars, or at all | 04:44 |
aringan | it is an image | 04:45 |
aringan | I didn't make any passwords | 04:45 |
ntzrmtthihu777 | aringan: so you're on a live cd?\ | 04:45 |
aringan | it's vm | 04:45 |
aringan | virtual machin | 04:45 |
pfifo | aringan: try leaving it blank | 04:45 |
ntzrmtthihu777 | then why are you installing vim on a live session? you realize it will just vanish on reboot, correct? | 04:45 |
aringan | I did | 04:45 |
aringan | it won't work | 04:46 |
pfifo | aringan: try the username | 04:46 |
aringan | the username is user | 04:47 |
aringan | and it's not working | 04:47 |
yown | ntzrmtthihu777: So any luck? | 04:47 |
pfifo | aringan: where did you get this image? | 04:48 |
ntzrmtthihu777 | yown: I have a 3rd menu for system now, seeing about editing it | 04:48 |
holstein | aringan: who made the image? you'll need to ask them for the password you are indtended to use | 04:48 |
holstein | intentded* | 04:48 |
zhangll | Excuse,I want to find a software like "visualsvn server" on ubuntu ,is anyone know? | 04:49 |
aringan | I just downloaded | 04:49 |
holstein | zhangll: what task are you wanting to do? | 04:49 |
holstein | aringan: sure.. from where? | 04:49 |
ntzrmtthihu777 | zhangll: apt-cache show <software> should help you | 04:49 |
aringan | ohh yeah | 04:50 |
aringan | I got it | 04:50 |
aringan | | 04:50 |
yown | ntzrmtthihu777: What do you mean editing it? I thought you said it was already filled with all the gnome 2 menu content, so can't you simply move it from applications? | 04:50 |
zhangll | I want to manager the svn Repositories in ubuntu on GUI,not console | 04:50 |
aringan | thansk | 04:51 |
aringan | thanks | 04:51 |
ntzrmtthihu777 | yown: the *applications* menu does, but you want something custom, so it must be *customized* | 04:51 |
ntzrmtthihu777 | one thing you must learn, if default is not good enough you better be ready to do some work yourself. | 04:51 |
yown | ntzrmtthihu777: Is there a system sub menu within applications that is setup like systems is setup in gnome 2? | 04:51 |
pfifo | aringan: yeah, the password is 'password' :) | 04:52 |
ntzrmtthihu777 | yown: as I've stated, yes, there is a system submenu within the applications menu | 04:52 |
varunendra | aringan, what is the username? You can reset the pasword from "Recovery mode". | 04:52 |
yown | ntzrmtthihu777: Can't you simply move it out of applications and onto the bar directly? | 04:52 |
ntzrmtthihu777 | varunendra: live cd, not possible here. | 04:52 |
ntzrmtthihu777 | yown: as I've stated before, no. | 04:53 |
varunendra | ntzrmtthihu777, I think they said "vm image"?? | 04:53 |
ntzrmtthihu777 | yown: a little listening will save you a *lot* of asking. | 04:53 |
yown | ntzrmtthihu777: So it requires manually deleting systems in application and manually building a new systems menu on the bar, 1 program at a time? | 04:53 |
ntzrmtthihu777 | yown: not one at a time, you could copy over the default menu file and mod it pretty easily. (its just an xml file) | 04:54 |
yown | ntzrmtthihu777: Have you tried Mate? Do you know how it compares to xfce? | 04:55 |
ntzrmtthihu777 | yown: yes, I have tried mate in lite of the travesty of unity, but there are far too many duplicate programs, lol. I can't recall them all, but basically almost every default ubuntu program has a mate spin, requireing you to uninstall the defaults or the spins, its a huge pita | 04:57 |
holstein | yown: xfce support is ongoing.. mate is supported now, but for how much longer? | 04:57 |
bazhang | !info mate | 04:58 |
ubottu | Package mate does not exist in raring | 04:58 |
yown | holstein: What makes you think Mate support will stop? | 04:58 |
bazhang | holstein, it is? | 04:58 |
bazhang | !info cinnamon | 04:58 |
ubottu | cinnamon (source: cinnamon): Innovative and comfortable desktop. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.7.4-1 (raring), package size 607 kB, installed size 2460 kB | 04:58 |
bazhang | holstein, perhaps you mean cinnamon | 04:58 |
holstein | yown: if no one can adopt it | 04:59 |
holstein | bazhang: nah.. i knew we had gotten cinammon.. but AFAIK, we cant have mate.. but, maybe that changes | 04:59 |
yown | holstein: Adopt it to what? It IS compatible with Ubuntu , so doesn't need adopting | 04:59 |
ntzrmtthihu777 | yown: he means adopt it to maintain it, I think. | 05:00 |
yown | Well that is what I read online, and what I was recently told by someone in the mate channel | 05:00 |
yown | ntzrmtthihu777: I don't understand "adopt it to maintain it" | 05:00 |
ntzrmtthihu777 | yown: don't get me wrong, mate is alright, but honestly you'd be better off with something like mint+mate | 05:00 |
holstein | yown: no doubt you *can* use mate in ubuntu, and are welcome to.. but i wouldnt expect an official spin anytime soon, and im not sure if it will make it in the repos or not | 05:00 |
holstein | yown: if you are asking if mate is "good", or "better" than xfce, thats really a matter of opinion.. xfce is in the default repos, and supported.. mate is not.. that doest mean you cant use mate though | 05:01 |
yown | holstein: I think you can add its PPA to update mate? I was told in Mate channel that Mate is equally compatible with Mint and Ubuntu | 05:01 |
ntzrmtthihu777 | yown: what is your current *buntu you want to install mate onto? | 05:02 |
holstein | yown: sure.. but its not supported here, or by ubuntu.. so you are on your own with it | 05:02 |
holstein | yown: again, you *can* use mate with ubuntu, and should, if thats what you like.. but its not supported officially | 05:02 |
yown | holstein: Supported by whom? I think there are people who are working on mate who support it. | 05:02 |
bazhang | yown, supported here | 05:03 |
holstein | yown: here.. in this, or any official ubuntu support venue | 05:03 |
bazhang | yown, if it screws up, contact the PPA maintainer, NOT here | 05:03 |
yown | Well wouldn't issues of DE problems be pretty independent of other issues anyway? | 05:03 |
yown | Got it | 05:04 |
=== rosco_y is now known as rosco_away |
yown | ntzrmtthihu777: Duplicate programs? Forcing uninstalls? I don't follow, perhaps you can give me a example? | 05:07 |
holstein | yown: the gtk issues that likely keep mate from being easily inserted could cause issues | 05:08 |
holstein | yown: try it.. its a ppa.. you can purge it | 05:08 |
=== rosco_away is now known as rosco_y |
Noskcaj | can someone explain | 05:11 |
holstein | Noskcaj: is that causing breakage? | 05:12 |
pfifo | !details | Noskcaj | 05:12 |
ubottu | Noskcaj: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..." | 05:12 |
yown | If I wanted to have the latest version of ubuntu with xfce or mate, and my current version is a ancient 11.10, is it better to install new? But how do I easily move all my data over? Should I install over? Should I install fresh?(how do I easily move) should I do it in a series of upgrades? | 05:12 |
bazhang | !eolupgrades | yown | 05:12 |
ubottu | yown: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See | 05:12 |
Noskcaj | When i run testdrive-gtk the bug appears. It's in a developement branch, but the developers don't do much maintenance anymore, so i need to find what is going wrong | 05:13 |
holstein | yown: you should have your data backed up anyway, since *all* hard drives fail .. i would just do a fresh install of 13.04 or 12.04 | 05:13 |
=== Takagami is now known as Sleep |
=== Sleep is now known as Takagami |
holstein | Noskcaj: you are running something from a development PPA? | 05:13 |
Noskcaj | holstein, bzr branch | 05:14 |
holstein | Noskcaj: i would ask the maintainers. unfortunately, they would be the ones reponsible, since its not an ubuntu package yet | 05:15 |
yown | holstein: why 12.4? | 05:15 |
holstein | Noskcaj: whats the behavior? is it not working? | 05:15 |
holstein | yown: 12.04.. and 12.04 is what i suggested because it is the latest long term support | 05:15 |
holstein | !12.04 > yown | 05:15 |
ubottu | yown, please see my private message | 05:15 |
Noskcaj | holstein, issue is, the maintainers (roaxsoax and kirland) have got other stuff to do, so i'm trying to get kylin into testdrive | 05:15 |
ntzrmtthihu777 | yown: you should, first off, always have a separate /home partition. this makes moving data between versions and distros | 05:15 |
ntzrmtthihu777 | *easier | 05:16 |
holstein | Noskcaj: what is kylin? | 05:16 |
Noskcaj | holstein, UbuntuKYLIN | 05:16 |
bazhang | Noskcaj, they should have a support channel | 05:16 |
Gilligan94 | Hiya guys, how is everyone? | 05:16 |
bazhang | !ask | Gilligan94 | 05:17 |
ubottu | Gilligan94: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience | 05:17 |
Gilligan94 | I was wondering if anyone knew where I should go for Bumblebee support | 05:17 |
unsecur3d | Ok guys, i got ubuntu 13 trying to connect on a share on a win server 2003, win7 and winxp and it wont connect, getting connection timed out | 05:17 |
Gilligan94 | bazhang: jeez, I was just being polite | 05:17 |
orangerobot | what's the easiest way to add a second monitor to my ubuntu setup? i have two vga input sockets but apparently only one is used (i think most DELL pcs are like that). is there a way to make the other vga socket usable, or i should try a different approach? | 05:17 |
bazhang | holstein, its the Mainland Chinese branch of Ubuntu | 05:17 |
unsecur3d | even if i try it with smbclient it wont connect | 05:17 |
ntzrmtthihu777 | yown: as in the default ubuntu text editor is gedit, mate has its own thing. same thing with many other default ubuntu programs | 05:18 |
holstein | bazhang: i found a wiki page.. but no support links | 05:18 |
yown | ntzrmtthihu777: And when would that force someone to uninstall something? And where is the duplication involved? | 05:18 |
holstein | yown: with mate.. there could be issues | 05:19 |
yown | an example please | 05:19 |
yown | of one of these issues | 05:19 |
ntzrmtthihu777 | yown: because gedit and the mate version are almost exactly the same, barring name differences, so why have both on the same system? it would be like having a host of programs installed twice, wasting twice the spatce. | 05:19 |
yown | So 13.4 doesn't have long term support, but its just as stable, right? Long term support only matter if you aren't going to upgrade, and there is usually no reason not to upgrade, right? | 05:20 |
holstein | yown: i would read the links.. the long term support is suppported longer | 05:20 |
bazhang | Noskcaj, #ubuntukylin-devel | 05:20 |
Noskcaj | thanks bazhang | 05:21 |
yown | holstein: Short term support, has long enough support that it covers till the next upgrade comes out though, right? | 05:22 |
ntzrmtthihu777 | yown: yeah, lts is supported 3 years, as opposed to 1.5 for non lts releases. 12.04, in fact, has 5 year support. | 05:22 |
bazhang | ntzrmtthihu777, five years | 05:23 |
yown | Right, so why worry about having long term support if you are going to keep upgrading as new comes out anyway? | 05:23 |
bazhang | ntzrmtthihu777, and NINE months for non lts | 05:23 |
holstein | yown: its a choice.. the long term suppport is supported longer, and the new ones are newer | 05:23 |
ntzrmtthihu777 | bazhang: is that not what I said? < ntzrmtthihu> | yown: yeah, lts is supported 3 years, as opposed to 1.5 for non lts releases. 12.04, in fact, has 5 year support. | 05:23 |
ntzrmtthihu777 | !lts > ntzrmtthihu777 | 05:23 |
ubottu | ntzrmtthihu777, please see my private message | 05:23 |
holstein | yown: dont over think it.. just pick one and try it.. *anything* will be more supported and newer than what you have | 05:23 |
OerHeks | how about 9 months for 13.04 ? | 05:23 |
pfifo | 1.5 years = 18 months | 05:23 |
ntzrmtthihu777 | I'm pretty sure its 1.5years for non-lts... | 05:24 |
ntzrmtthihu777 | but, I could be mistaken. | 05:24 |
bazhang | ntzrmtthihu777, 13.04 has nine months. 12.04 has 5 years for all versions. why the mention of 3 years / 1.5 years at all | 05:24 |
holstein | !13.04 | 05:24 |
ubottu | Ubuntu 13.04 (Raring Ringtail) is the current release of Ubuntu. Download - Release notes: | 05:24 |
bazhang | ntzrmtthihu777, you are mistaken, yes | 05:24 |
yown | If you keep upgrading, you will not lack support because even short term comes with more then enough support. So the question is, is there ever a reason to not upgrade? I mean most all the new versions are stable and reliable the moment they come out, right? (long or short term support) | 05:24 |
OerHeks | | 05:24 |
ntzrmtthihu777 | bazhang: because non precise lts is by default 3 years. | 05:25 |
ntzrmtthihu777 | !lts | 05:25 |
ubottu | LTS means Long Term Support. LTS versions of Ubuntu will be supported for 3 years on the desktop, and 5 years on the server; with the exception of 12.04 (Precise Pangolin), which will be supported for 5 years on the desktop. The current LTS version of Ubuntu is !Precise (Precise Pangolin 12.04) | 05:25 |
bazhang | ntzrmtthihu777, nine months, as I just said | 05:25 |
yown | And upgrades come out every 2 years, which means 9 months is like almost twice as long as someone upgrading every time needs. | 05:26 |
holstein | yown: they are just newer versions.. they are tested, and released... "stable" can also be a matter of opinion, or use case | 05:26 |
pfifo | yown: I use LTS for development, I like that it doesnt get updated too often, I dont have to incorprate ubuntu's changes into my own stuff nearly as often. (reason not to upgrade) | 05:26 |
OerHeks | "upgrades" come out every 6 months * | 05:26 |
holstein | yown: as i said, either is going to be "better" for you than what you have, since you are in an EOL distro | 05:26 |
bazhang | yeah thats confusing | 05:26 |
ntzrmtthihu777 | yown: and quite frankly I've never heard a good update story, all end in a reinstall, so you should likely stick with something for a good while | 05:26 |
bazhang | ntzrmtthihu777, thats simply not correct. all do NOT end in a reinstall | 05:27 |
ntzrmtthihu777 | bazhang: it *is* correct, as I was speaking from *my* experience. | 05:28 |
yown | ntzrmtthihu777: Hmmm? suggests that its not nearly as unreliable | 05:28 |
bazhang | ntzrmtthihu777, dont advise that here | 05:28 |
varunendra | bazhang, not all, but most I've seen do. | 05:28 |
ntzrmtthihu777 | *I* Have never geard a good update story, not "it never works" | 05:28 |
pfifo | varunendra: people dont hop on the channel to say their upgrade went smoothly | 05:28 |
yown | What happens on failure to upgrade? | 05:28 |
yown | Is it usually easy to revert back? | 05:29 |
ntzrmtthihu777 | yown: likely a reinstall, as I stated. I've found that a separate /home, and a manual editing of fstab, to be the most reliable method. | 05:29 |
yown | ntzrmtthihu777: Are you saying that a failed upgrade can result in a FBAR OS? | 05:31 |
varunendra | pfifo, bazhang once you've installed something proprietary, or from PPAs, a distribution upgrade is most *probably* going to break. I don't see anything wrong about warning people in advance about that. | 05:31 |
ntzrmtthihu777 | yown: its happened to me before, going from 12.04 to .10 | 05:31 |
holstein | yown: you should have backups before doing either since normal use can result in a machine that is broken | 05:32 |
RustyShackleford | I'm running an ubuntu 13.04 live usb disk on my laptop | 05:33 |
RustyShackleford | touchpad scrolling is not working | 05:33 |
ntzrmtthihu777 | !details | RustyShackleford | 05:33 |
ubottu | RustyShackleford: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..." | 05:33 |
RustyShackleford | it's a dell inspiron 13z | 05:33 |
RustyShackleford | uh, what other details would you like? | 05:34 |
RustyShackleford | is there some package I need to install to make this work? | 05:35 |
holstein | RustyShackleford: can you not enable it in the menu? | 05:35 |
yown | holstein: How can I check if I have home on a separate partition or not? If I don't have home on a separate partition, and install ubuntu on a new drive, how can I separate home from the old OS?/How can I move home onto a new partition if it isn't already? | 05:35 |
holstein | RustyShackleford: could be the device is not suppported | 05:35 |
ntzrmtthihu777 | RustyShackleford: what version of ubuntu? xubuntu/lu/etc? | 05:35 |
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RustyShackleford | ntzrmtthihu777, plain ubuntu | 05:35 |
holstein | yown: i dont have a seperate /home.. i just manually keep up with my data.. | 05:35 |
Morph4me | RUSTY : aka Billgates From the old windows 1 yahoo room ? | 05:35 |
ntzrmtthihu777 | yown: if you don't know you likely don't have it. its a deliberate choice during installation that you would remember? | 05:35 |
RustyShackleford | holstein, yeah in System Settings -> Mouse & touchpad, there are only entries for primary mouse button, double click, and pointer speed | 05:36 |
holstein | yown: think of it this way.. you hit the power button and nothing happens.. what do you need? ...that will be a good preperation for *anything* that might happen during an install or migration or whatever | 05:36 |
ntzrmtthihu777 | RustyShackleford: search your unity dash for touchpad and try there :P | 05:36 |
RustyShackleford | it doesn't seem to recognize it as a track pad | 05:36 |
yown | ntzrmtthihu777: It was some time ago, and I no longer remember what I chose | 05:36 |
holstein | yown: doesnt matter. just back up your data manually | 05:36 |
yown | holstein: I do not understand what you are talking about | 05:37 |
ntzrmtthihu777 | yown: yeah, what he said. this time make it separate, k? makes for a world of easy later down the line :P | 05:37 |
holstein | yown: whatever data you need. just back it up | 05:37 |
holstein | yown: that hard drive will fail.. and you will need to have duplicates of whatever you would like to have | 05:37 |
varunendra | holstein, "will" ?? sounds scary :D | 05:38 |
ntzrmtthihu777 | varunendra: all things wear out eventually. law of the universe. | 05:38 |
holstein | varunendra: scary? or true?.. either way... all drives fail | 05:38 |
yown | holstein: Well HDD rarely just fail without any kind of warning. Anyway fine, but how do I tell if my home is on a separate partition or not, and if it isn't, how do I make it so | 05:39 |
pfifo | yown: pastebin the output of `mount && cat /etc/fstab` | 05:39 |
varunendra | yeah, but given the confusing state yown is in, it may sound like the installation/upgrade is going to do that... lol | 05:39 |
ntzrmtthihu777 | yown: in-install you cant generally do it, but on a new install you can do it with the installer's partitioner | 05:39 |
holstein | yown: it dosnt matter if it is or not, if you dont unerstand how to use it.. you just need to backup what you want to keep.. | 05:40 |
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ntzrmtthihu777 | channel: yeah, I know you can do it, but its a bit of a pita, and since he's on an eol release anyways no point in modding it :P | 05:40 |
yown | holstein: The data I want to keep is all over the place, like my notes in tomboy, my bookmarks in firefox, etc etc, difficult to find and I might forget something | 05:41 |
pfifo | yown: all of that is in your home folder | 05:41 |
holstein | yown: sure.. but it will be lost when that hard drive fails, so go ahead and plan for that happening now, and it will help you with what you are doing as well | 05:42 |
varunendra | yown, take a look at clonezilla. It will create a bcakup image of your entire installation. Save it to an external drive. | 05:42 |
holstein | yown: your /home folder is what ntzrmtthihu777 is saying to keep on a seperate patition, to make it easier to backup and upgrade | 05:42 |
yown | pfifo: So can't I just copy/paste my home folder onto a new partition and make that a separate home on a new partition? | 05:42 |
On3453v3n | hello, how to resize a partition without using gparted ? | 05:43 |
pfifo | yown: thats exactly what were trying to get you todo! | 05:43 |
ntzrmtthihu777 | yown: yeah, but you would need an intermediar device. | 05:43 |
holstein | On3453v3n: you cant run a live CD? or you have no GUI? whats the restriction from gparted? | 05:43 |
ntzrmtthihu777 | On3453v3n: likely, but it would likely have to use a command :p | 05:43 |
pfifo | On3453v3n: gparted is the frontend for the parted program | 05:44 |
yown | pfifo: I was never arguing that I shouldn't have home on a separate partition... | 05:44 |
varunendra | yown, no data is considered safe if it resides on the same physical media. You have to copy it to a separate drive (preferably external) to be extra sure. | 05:44 |
On3453v3n | because I want to do as a man | 05:44 |
RustyShackleford | i found a few forum posts about my issue, but no solutions | 05:44 |
Gilligan94 | I cant get bumblebee to work, can anyone help? are there alternatives? | 05:45 |
holstein | On3453v3n: manual? "as a man" ? | 05:45 |
RustyShackleford | maybe I'll keep windows on this laptop | 05:45 |
On3453v3n | holstein, yes.. | 05:45 |
pfifo | On3453v3n: lookinto 'parted' and 'resize2fs' and even 'fdisk' | 05:45 |
holstein | On3453v3n: i dont know what that means.. | 05:45 |
wilee-nilee | !fdisk | 05:45 |
On3453v3n | holstein, do it in a terminal. | 05:45 |
holstein | On3453v3n: so, you have no gui then? can you run a live CD? | 05:46 |
Gilligan94 | On3453v3n: just use fdisk or one of it's variants | 05:46 |
=== rosco_away is now known as rosco_y |
On3453v3n | holstein, yes i have a gui but i wath to know wot it is but whit comands | 05:47 |
Gilligan94 | On3453v3n: Go look up fdisk | 05:47 |
ntzrmtthihu777 | On3453v3n: google is your friend here :p | 05:47 |
holstein | On3453v3n: i would use gparted from a live CD, or just search around online for guides about command line only | 05:47 |
yown | holstein: | 05:48 |
yown | is your friend | 05:48 |
Gilligan94 | So does anyone know where I might find Bumblebee support? | 05:48 |
On3453v3n | holstein, pfifo ok tanks | 05:48 |
ntzrmtthihu777 | Gilligan94: there is a ppa for it, but I know it not atm | 05:48 |
yown | google is the neighbour that pries into all your business | 05:48 |
holstein | Gilligan94: the bumblebee ppa you likely added should list some contacts | 05:48 |
pfifo | yown for some reason you put what should have been on /home on /home/yown/data | 05:49 |
Gilligan94 | holstein: where can I find this contacs list? | 05:49 |
Gilligan94 | yown: duckduckgo is icky | 05:49 |
yown | pfifo: So is home on a separate partition or not? | 05:49 |
pfifo | yown: no it is not | 05:50 |
yown | I disagree gill, it is google that is icky | 05:50 |
holstein | Gilligan94: the bumblebee ppa is not suppoted here, but here is the link from the ppa site | 05:50 |
Gilligan94 | holstein: thanks | 05:50 |
yown | So to get home onto a separate partition, is it more complex then simply making a new partition, then copy/pasting it over? | 05:51 |
Gilligan94 | !pastebin | 05:52 |
ubottu | For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use | To post !screenshots use | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic. | 05:52 |
pfifo | yown: no it isnt, thats pretty much all that needs to be done | 05:52 |
yown | pfifo: Which works for a new install, but what of a existing install, how do you tell it to look to the new partition for its "home"? | 05:53 |
pfifo | yown: afterwards, edit your fstab to mount the partiton to /home during boot | 05:53 |
raven | mplayer: geometry and screensize set to 320x240 but | 05:54 |
pfifo | yown: thats the fstab part i just mentioned | 05:54 |
raven | mplayer: geometry and screensize set to 320x240 but i have full size 800x600 video blown up in a 320x240 window - whats going wrong here? | 05:54 |
pfifo | raven: you need to add -zoom to the command i believe | 05:55 |
theWolf | anyone want to point me in the right direction? I have a 9600 8bit No Parity Printer that I would like Kubuntu to find this serial port connected printer and use as a cups printer.. Many thanks in advance | 05:55 |
On3453v3n | holstein, it is whit resize2fs thank u | 05:55 |
raven | pfifo, oh ok what does the geometry option? | 05:56 |
bazhang | theWolf, check the db at | 05:56 |
theWolf | Awesome thanks | 05:56 |
theWolf | I really appreciate it... | 05:56 |
=== andrex is now known as andrex|off |
pfifo | raven: that sets the window size | 05:57 |
raven | pfifo, i just wonder that i do not have the issue on a very similar setup. do i really need anything like toom = 1:1? i think geometry must do that | 05:59 |
ntzrmtthihu777 | heh, I have a nice imagebinit script I whipped up you can use | 05:59 |
pfifo | raven: on your other setup see if you have a /etc/mplayer.conf or /etc/mplayer/mplayer.conf you likely are missing some default options on this setup | 06:00 |
raven | pfifo, ok but what is the default ;) that would be something like zoom = 1:1 right? | 06:00 |
pfifo | raven: no its just -zoom all by itself not -zoom=1:1 | 06:01 |
pfifo | raven: default is not to zoom in or out | 06:01 |
ztsylvx | ´¶¶¶¶¶´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´¶¶¶¶´´´´´ | 06:01 |
raven | pfifo, yes that i am wondering about because i never changed anything on theese configs and its a real similar setup. but ill look for a diff | 06:02 |
austin | Helllo (im sorry but this is the last time) how to i get unetbootin installed ? | 06:04 |
pfifo | good night all | 06:04 |
austin | good night | 06:04 |
=== andrex|off is now known as andrex |
yown | pfifo: fstab is the list of partitions automounted, right? Well how does that relate to ubuntu seeing a different "home" as the official one for the OS? | 06:05 |
austin | yown: He just leftr | 06:06 |
yown | Well, anyone that knows then | 06:06 |
wilee-nilee | austin, it is in the repos | 06:09 |
austin | wilee-nilee: repos ? | 06:09 |
wilee-nilee | austin, ubuntu repositories | 06:10 |
bazhang | !info unetbootin | austin | 06:10 |
ubottu | austin: unetbootin (source: unetbootin): installer of Linux/BSD distributions to a partition or USB drive. In component universe, is optional. Version 575-1ubuntu1 (raring), package size 281 kB, installed size 834 kB | 06:10 |
bazhang | sudo apt-get install unetbootin <---------------austin | 06:10 |
Kyan[ | hi | 06:10 |
austin | bazhang: Thanks | 06:10 |
Kyan[ | someone good with bash scripting? | 06:10 |
bazhang | !repos | austin | 06:11 |
ubottu | austin: The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at - See for the recommended way to set up your repositories. | 06:11 |
BlueNexyUbuntu | hi all | 06:12 |
=== BlueNexyUbuntu is now known as BlueNeXuS |
raven | mplayer does zoom on one of two nearly similar systems | 06:12 |
austin | bazhang: MANY THANKS TO YOU i have been trying all day to get a windows installer on my flash drive :) | 06:14 |
yown | Am I correct that Fstab is the list of partitions automounted? But you also use it to assign where the OS looks for "home" ? | 06:14 |
bazhang | !fstab | yown have a read | 06:14 |
ubottu | yown have a read: The /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See and and !Partitions | 06:14 |
yown | bazhang: I don't see anything there about assigning which "home" the OS recognizes as official home | 06:15 |
bazhang | yown, what do you mean by "official" home | 06:16 |
BlueNeXuS | Does anyone know if there is a way to get the Compiz Cube back . i noticed in ubuntu 13.04 that is is no longer available in compiz | 06:17 |
bazhang | BlueNeXuS, using ccsm? | 06:17 |
yown | bazhang: All the settings etc that are stored on home, the OS needs to know where to look to find them to use them | 06:17 |
wilee-nilee | austin, I use the usb loader for W7 and W8 ISO's works fine, I have never gotten unetbootin to work, although others have. | 06:18 |
BlueNeXuS | yes | 06:18 |
wilee-nilee | this* | 06:18 |
zykotick9 | yown: home is determined for each user, in the user account. "cat /etc/passwd" | 06:18 |
austin | wilee-nilee: unetbootin is working just fine | 06:18 |
wilee-nilee | austin, Cool. ;) | 06:18 |
austin | wilee-nilee: i can fillialy get my new HDD to work :) | 06:19 |
wilee-nilee | good | 06:19 |
yown | zykotick9: So simply edit a line in this "cat /etc/passwd" file to change official home location? | 06:22 |
zykotick9 | yown: that probably not the "best" way, but it should work. | 06:24 |
yown | zykotick9: Then what is the best way? | 06:24 |
zykotick9 | yown: i'd guess there is some way to modify it with a tool, like adduser or something... but if it was me - i'd just edit /etc/passwd | 06:25 |
yown | Well I wouldn't know how to edit it though. | 06:28 |
=== jokerdino_ is now known as jokerdino |
yown | should I name the new home partition, as home? or does that matter? | 06:28 |
jokerdino | hello. Can I verify if gksu is installed by default on 13.04? | 06:28 |
bazhang | !info gksu | jokerdino | 06:29 |
ubottu | jokerdino: gksu (source: gksu): graphical frontend to su. In component main, is optional. Version 2.0.2-6ubuntu2 (raring), package size 26 kB, installed size 172 kB | 06:29 |
lotuspsychje | morning to all | 06:29 |
yown | lotus, are you a inquirer, or helper? | 06:29 |
lotuspsychje | yown: both :p | 06:29 |
varunendra | yown, zykotick9 that file (/etc/passwd) is a logical description of properties and locations pertaining to different users, not 'physical' location of where those settings are stored or read from | 06:30 |
jokerdino | bazhang: optional meaning it is not installed by default? i believe it is available in live media (just like gparted). I just want to confirm whether or not it gets removed while ubuntu is installed. | 06:30 |
yown | Know anything about moving home from same partition as OS to a new one? I think I got most of it, but I am still slightly unclear on it all | 06:30 |
varunendra | yown, all you need is to edit the line in /etc/fstab file. That's all. | 06:31 |
hays | is there a command to clean out old kernels | 06:31 |
varunendra | yown, it doesn't matter what is the name or 'label' of the partition that you are intending to mount as /home. Once mounted, it will be recognised as '/home' by the OS | 06:32 |
hays | grub has like 10 kernels | 06:32 |
lotuspsychje | hays: i use ubuntu-tweak to cleanout all kind of stuff in system | 06:32 |
varunendra | hays, you can manually remove (purge) the older ones that you don't want (linux-image and headers). You can use synaptic or apt-get command to do that. | 06:33 |
hays | varunendra: what package do you remove/purge? | 06:35 |
hays | linux-headers? linux-image? | 06:35 |
varunendra | "linux-image...." and "linux-headers..." . Not the generic ones, only the older version numbers. | 06:35 |
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hays | hmm ok.. lets see how do I get a list of what is installed? dpkg ? | 06:36 |
varunendra | To list all the current ones : dpkg --get-selections | egrep 'linux-image|linux-headers' | 06:36 |
yown | zykotick9: So how can I know what I need to change in etc/fstab? | 06:36 |
varunendra | just posted that :D ^^ | 06:36 |
yown | I mean varunendra | 06:36 |
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varunendra | yown, your current line in /etc/fstab contains a line about /home/data right? | 06:37 |
yown | yes | 06:37 |
yown | and? | 06:39 |
varunendra | so if you just delete the last "/data" part, it will become the mount point for /home. (the same partition). Make sure you have copied everything that appears in your Home (including the hidden file/folders) into that partition. | 06:39 |
varunendra | oh, wait.. yown | 06:40 |
varunendra | please show me the contents of your /etc/fstab again, yown | 06:40 |
yown | | 06:40 |
yown | If home is on a new partition, shouldn't the new partitions address be put into that fstab file? | 06:41 |
varunendra | yown, you have to copy everything from the current /home to that partition (that you are currently accessing from the /data folder in your Home). | 06:42 |
varunendra | yes, if it is going to be a new partition, the address should be changed to reflect it. | 06:43 |
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varunendra | yown, what is your plan about physical location of partitions? Do you wish to keep the /data one as it is and a separate home for everything else? | 06:44 |
raven | mplayer does zoom on one of two nearly similar systems (800x600 video in 320x240 window) - any idea? | 06:47 |
Ari-Yang | raven join #mplayer | 06:47 |
Ari-Yang | raven, if you specifically have mplayer2 then join #mplayer2 | 06:48 |
gmx66 | Hi to all | 06:48 |
aeon-ltd | there's a mplayer2? | 06:48 |
Ari-Yang | aeon-ltd, yes, a fork of mplayer, I have mpv, which is an active (devs) fork of mplayer2 which I find to be the best out of the first 2 | 06:49 |
raven | mplayer does zoom on one of two nearly similar systems (800x600 video in 320x240 window) - any idea? | 06:56 |
=== acrocity_ is now known as acrocity |
yown | heh, disconnected from IRC without knowing it | 07:00 |
raven | mplayer does zoom on one of two nearly similar systems (800x600 video in 320x240 window) - any idea? | 07:01 |
Ari-Yang | join #mplayer ..... | 07:01 |
yown | varunendra: I knew that already. I was wondering about assigning it as official home. Though about that step, do make a folder called home in the new partition and put the home data in there? | 07:01 |
Ari-Yang | raven, perhaps check your mplayer .config file? | 07:01 |
raven | Ari-Yang, its exactly the same on both systems | 07:02 |
yown | raven: you mean aspect ratio? there is menu options to change that | 07:02 |
Ari-Yang | raven, I'm going afk, good luck. | 07:03 |
raven | yown, no i set geometry and screensize to 320x240 but in there is a video zoomed | 07:03 |
varunendra | yown, no. /home is an inherent part of all unix-based operating systems' filesystems. It doesn't have to be created separately. Think of it a just a name that the OS itself will create anyway. The mountpoint (optional) is just a physical location that will be used to put or read stuff that it has to contain. | 07:04 |
varunendra | Soru, /home is just a logical location. The partition you will be mounting in it will be its physical location (that does not necessarily have to be a physical location, it's optional) | 07:06 |
varunendra | * yown | 07:06 |
varunendra | yown, do you think I understood your question correctly? or answered what you wanted to clear ? :P | 07:08 |
yown | varunendra: So how do I properly copy the files over then? | 07:08 |
yown | I think so, basically, no folder called "home" is necessary | 07:08 |
yown | but I could do it with a home folder if i wanted to? | 07:08 |
varunendra | yown, I'm a paranoid about these things, so I'd use a live session to do the copy-paste :) | 07:09 |
varunendra | Make sure you have enabled "view hidden files" when you do that. | 07:09 |
varunendra | yown, it is also recommended to use UUID instead of generic names like /dev/sda2 | 07:10 |
yown | varunendra: Live session means? | 07:10 |
varunendra | Ubuntu running from a live cd/usb. | 07:10 |
varunendra | Although that shouldn't be needed in any linux based os, but like I said - I'm paranoid ;) | 07:11 |
yown | varunendra: If "home" isn't a folder in a directory address, why does it list as such in the fstab file? | 07:12 |
varunendra | By default it is not mentioned in fstab. Only when you create it separately. | 07:13 |
=== rosco_y is now known as rosco_away |
yown | varunendra: But I need to edit fstab to make it my new official home address, but what do I need to edit into it to do so? and do I use a directory address that has home in it, even if the data isn't in a folder called home? | 07:15 |
varunendra | yown, you don't need anything be already named as "home". It is the mount point name that it will be recognised by, once mounted. It can be any partition or block device. | 07:18 |
blib | how can I set username+password + create account using a one liner bash - (completely automatically please) | 07:18 |
varunendra | yown, I'm having difficulty in understanding this part of your question - "do I use a directory address that has home in it, even if the data isn't in a folder called home?" | 07:18 |
varunendra | the second part, yown | 07:19 |
yown | varunendra: And you have similarly confused/lost me on a number of things you have said. How about we go back to my previous question. What do I edit to what in fstab to change homes location? | 07:20 |
varunendra | yown, I was feeling that :P | 07:20 |
varunendra | :) let's have an example.. | 07:20 |
aeon-ltd | blib: you mean to store as a script? because that script would be absolutely useless | 07:21 |
=== rosco_away is now known as rosco_y |
blib | aeon-ltd: I'm trying to automate the creation of my ubuntu VM. I would like to code up a username and password into it. | 07:22 |
varunendra | yown, if you edit the current line in /etc/fstab (/dev/sda2...) to remove the "/yown/data" part, it will become the new 'official' /home for your OS. But you will have to manually copy everything from your current /home, into it. | 07:22 |
varunendra | yown, the edited line in this case will become : "/dev/sda2 /home ext4 defaults 0 0" | 07:23 |
varunendra | yown, are we clear on this so far..?? | 07:23 |
mordonez | Hi guys, I have a chrome pixel running ubuntu | 07:25 |
mordonez | when I installed debian using this giude | 07:25 |
mordonez | | 07:25 |
mordonez | the resolution was ok | 07:25 |
mordonez | using the same xorg.conf I can't get it working well in UBuntu | 07:25 |
mordonez | any ideas? | 07:25 |
mordonez | this is the xorg log | 07:26 |
mordonez | | 07:26 |
yown | varunendra: Well I don't know where dev/sda2 is. So for that part, I use the address shown in gpart for that partition? | 07:27 |
mordonez | and this is the xorg.conf | 07:27 |
mordonez | | 07:27 |
wilee-nilee | mordonez, Which ubuntu release? | 07:27 |
mordonez | 13.04 | 07:28 |
varunendra | yown, it is currently exactly the same thing as the "data" folder in your Home. | 07:28 |
wilee-nilee | mordonez, Have you upgraded the kernel from stock? | 07:28 |
mordonez | I am using the last version the guide has | 07:29 |
mordonez | 3.10.0-rc1pixel+ | 07:29 |
varunendra | yown, but when using the live cd/usb, you will see it as a separate partition. In that case (live session), your "data" folder will appear empty (as it is just a location to mount the partition). | 07:29 |
yown | varunendra: I don't know what you meant by that last thing you said. My last question was a yes/no question btw | 07:29 |
=== evilroots is now known as Shayla |
wilee-nilee | mordonez, That is not a raring kernel, and not supported. | 07:29 |
mordonez | if I use a raring kernel some thing do not work | 07:30 |
wilee-nilee | mordonez, I understand just information is all. ;) | 07:30 |
varunendra | yown, in your current setup, do you have any data in the "data" folder that appears in your Home? | 07:30 |
varunendra | or is it empty? | 07:30 |
mordonez | Do you know what can't be wrong? | 07:30 |
mordonez | I would like to use the full resolution of chrome pixel | 07:31 |
=== Shayla is now known as Evilroots |
yown | varunendra: I think I do, though I find navigating linux directories notably more confusing then windows | 07:32 |
wilee-nilee | mordonez, Not really. | 07:32 |
yown | so its hard for me to be absolutely sure | 07:32 |
mordonez | Do you think it has something to do with xorg versions? | 07:32 |
varunendra | YeahRight, because you are used to that kind of structure (windows) :D | 07:32 |
mordonez | wheezy has older ones | 07:32 |
varunendra | yown, just if you open the "data" folder in your Home (/home/yown/data), do you see some data in it? | 07:33 |
=== qos is now known as qos|away |
yown | I said yes, I think so | 07:34 |
ludwig___ | hey guys , i have a folder on my desktop that appears to be locked, its icon has a little lock on it, I can't seem to delete it ... | 07:35 |
aeon-ltd | mordonez: what are your options for changing res? | 07:35 |
varunendra | okay, then understand that all the data that appears in it is actually on the partition /dev/sda2. Everything else in your Home (and /home of the os) is on the same partition on which Ubuntu itself is installed. | 07:36 |
varunendra | yown, ^ | 07:36 |
aeon-ltd | mordonez: also to deal with the first warning you'll need true type fonts, i think they are part of ttf-mscorefonts-installer | 07:36 |
varunendra | yown, am I keeping up or losing you ?? :P | 07:36 |
=== e_t__ is now known as e_t_ |
yown | I am waiting for the answer to my question, I thought | 07:37 |
varunendra | yown, yes and that's what I'm doing.. If you do the edit that I told above in fstab, everything in the current /home of the installation will become part of that partition. You will have to manually copy over the stuff. Now I guess you are confused about "how to recognise that /dev/sda2" ? | 07:40 |
wilee-nilee | ludwig___, I would run gksudo nautilus and navigate to the desktop and delete it. | 07:40 |
varunendra | that can be tricky sometimes when using live session. | 07:40 |
yown | varunendra: How do I determine the address to put into fstab for to point it to the new partition with the "home" content? | 07:40 |
varunendra | yown, it is /dev/sda2 in the current installation. But it can appear differently from the live session. That's why I recommended to use UUID instead of /dev/sda2. | 07:42 |
yown | varunendra: How can you tell me what the address of a partition I haven't even made yet? | 07:43 |
yown | is | 07:43 |
varunendra | yown, I thought you were planning to use the same /dev/sda2 partition for home. I even asked you that.. | 07:44 |
yown | same as what? | 07:44 |
abhinav12 | Hi .. I got new laptop with windows 8 pre installed. I installed Ubuntu 13.04 also on it.. Problem is when I boot my system, It will directly boot to windows 8. I know that it is related to fixing boot loader.. My question is should I fix boot loader from windows or ubuntu live CD | 07:44 |
varunendra | you are currently using it as /home/yown/data, which won't make much sense if you also mount the /home separately. yown | 07:45 |
yown | varunendra: I didn't understand that | 07:45 |
wilee-nilee | abhinav12, I don't thin k it is as simple as fixing the bootloader, take a look at this help thread. THe UF is the best place for uefi, start a thread there if needed. | 07:46 |
varunendra | yown, when you open your file browser (nautilus I guess), do you see separate hard disk drives/partitions in it? | 07:46 |
varunendra | yown, you won't see the /dev/sda partition separately, because you are currently mounting it 'inside' your data folder. | 07:47 |
yown | varunendra: I asked you this before, do I go by the address listed for the partition in gformat? | 07:48 |
varunendra | yown, short answer - yes. | 07:49 |
wilee-nilee | !uefi | abhinav12 this wiki as well is helpful | 07:50 |
ubottu | abhinav12 this wiki as well is helpful: UEFI is a specification that defines a software interface between an operating system and platform firmware, it is meant as a replacement for the BIOS. For information on how to set up and install Ubuntu and its derivatives on UEFI machines please read | 07:50 |
yown | varunendra: How do I use/determine the UUID if I were to use that instead? And I want to use UUID because the other address can be different inside the regular OS verses outside like in a new install or a live? | 07:51 |
varunendra | yown, use the "sudo blkid" command to get the UUIDs. And yes, the generic addresses (/dev/sdxx) can be different from different sessions (live session, different installation...) | 07:53 |
varunendra | yown, instead of "/dev/sda<whatever>", you will have to use "UUID=<whatever it is for that partition>" in fstab. An example is just above the 2nd last line in your file | 07:54 |
yown | varunendra: So I use UUID= the numbers within the parenthesis for the address to the partition in ftstab? Do I use the parenthesis themselves? | 07:55 |
levo | error while starting google chrome: /usr/bin/google-chrome: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory | 07:56 |
levo | whatis 'the solution? | 07:56 |
varunendra | yown, yes, use the numbers. And NOT the parenthesis or quotes. Follow the example in your fstab file. | 07:56 |
yown | varunendra: so " UUID=1e8ea1f1-4065-414b-8724-c23425fe903e "? | 07:58 |
yown | for example | 07:58 |
tannji | not to step on anyone's toes... but here is an example guide for moving /home... | 07:58 |
varunendra | yown, yes. exactly :) | 07:58 |
yown | thankyou tannji | 07:59 |
tannji | = ) | 07:59 |
varunendra | tannji, that's helping, not stepping :) | 07:59 |
tannji | = ) | 07:59 |
tannji | well... you know how that can be taken... just wanted to help | 08:00 |
tannji | I will be doing the same in a few days to get rid of win7 and better use my ssd's... | 08:01 |
varunendra | tannji, I'd recommend to create a set of backup DVDs before purging win7. After all, you have paid for that thing ;) | 08:02 |
tannji | lol, I have an iso of win7 pro, office 10 ultimate... and a few extra keys laying around... dont anticipate needing tho | 08:03 |
yown | tannji: Though I am not clear on "Backup and edit your fstab to mount the new partition as /media/home" | 08:03 |
raven | rc.local does not run - how to find out the error? | 08:04 |
tannji | yown, read on... that wasnt the directions, but a summary of what you do... the step by step will explain it | 08:04 |
yown | tannji: Sure, but I also had trouble matching the summery with the more specific instructions | 08:05 |
tannji | as far as naming it /media/home... that is the same as naming two version of one file #1 and #2.... you have a copy, and one is /media so you can tell the difference | 08:05 |
yown | naming the partition media/home? | 08:06 |
tannji | naming the back-up of /home, not the partition | 08:07 |
yown | I thought the partition itself was /home , so I don't understand what we would be naming | 08:07 |
tannji | lol | 08:08 |
yown | You mean put the data in a directory of that name in the partition? | 08:08 |
tannji | ok.... you make a partition... and /home will be placed in it.... the name doesnt matter at this point | 08:08 |
Kane_Hart | Hello, Just install ubuntu 12 server fresh no changes and ssh does not seem to be working remotly. Though I can ping to and out | 08:09 |
=== pete_ is now known as ccie-sp |
yown | tannji: Copy the files using rsync like this "sudo rsync -aXS --exclude='/*/.gvfs' /home/. /media/home/." ? but notice the "media/home" in the chain | 08:10 |
tannji | ok.... at the beginning you partion your second drive.... done that? | 08:11 |
=== Hyasttehtuin is now known as Bestial0r |
tannji | yown, have you already used gparted or fdisk to prepare a drive for your new /home? | 08:13 |
yown | tannji: You mean making the partition it would go on? Why? | 08:14 |
tannji | yown, you have to prepare the spot you are putting it before you put it there | 08:15 |
yown | tannji: I know that | 08:15 |
tannji | yown, ok, I misunderstood your question then | 08:16 |
yown | tannji: Of course I need to make the partition it would go on, before I can move it to that partition, I fail to understand why you are telling me such a painfully obvious thing | 08:16 |
yown | What exactly is to be named "media/home"? | 08:17 |
tannji | yown, the step that copies you /home also names the copy /media/home, so that you and ubuntu can tell the difference between the original /home and the copy | 08:18 |
tannji | copies your* | 08:18 |
yown | tannji ok, but I still don't know what is being named that | 08:18 |
yown | And I want to understand what I am doing, rather then blindly inputing commands | 08:19 |
tannji | yown, the step you pasted above with "sudo rsync" is the actual command to copy, what to copy, and what to name that copy | 08:19 |
tannji | yown, i understand = ) | 08:19 |
yown | I get that, but home isn't a single copy, its a group of files | 08:20 |
yown | You aren't just copying one thing, you are copying many independent things | 08:20 |
tannji | yown, right! but you arent worried about the files.... you are copying everything inside that "folder" (even tho it isnt a folder | 08:20 |
yown | Which of those gets the name "media/home"? | 08:20 |
yown | So its the folder? | 08:21 |
tannji | yown, ack! sorta | 08:21 |
yown | Its something like a directory listing, but not? | 08:21 |
tannji | I am trying to simplify without being wrong or misleading | 08:21 |
yown | Careful though, sometimes oversimplified can be even more confusing to those trying to understand the process | 08:22 |
tannji | in MS windows, when you copy a file or folder, then paste it in the same folder as the original, what happens? | 08:22 |
yown | Nothing if they are on different partitions | 08:22 |
yown | I mean they copy | 08:22 |
yown | And I thought you said it wasn't folder/directory | 08:23 |
tannji | its a place.... | 08:23 |
yown | That clears up nothing | 08:24 |
yown | Like I said, please don't oversimplify | 08:24 |
yown | What is the term for what is being named "media/home"? The term isn't directory, right? So what is it then? | 08:26 |
greyhat | oo | 08:26 |
gordonjcp | yown: yes, that's a directory | 08:26 |
gordonjcp | yown: you are copying a directory from one place to another | 08:26 |
tannji | ok... the command you pasted above is copying /home and ALL its contents, and creating a duplicate. if you have two copies, you name them differently, until you know they are good, and the move was successful, and then you name the copy /home, getting rid of the /media, place it in the new partion you made, and mount it | 08:26 |
greyhat | who is a scientist | 08:26 |
yown | tannji said that it wasn't a folder/directory | 08:27 |
greyhat | i want to improve my skill | 08:27 |
greyhat | give me some tips | 08:27 |
yown | folder is a term for one segment of a directory BTW, the way I know it | 08:27 |
tannji | sure | 08:27 |
tannji | ah! segment | 08:28 |
tannji | ok.... so you are copying that segment and will move it to a new drive, right? | 08:28 |
yown | So basically you make a directory of "media/home" then move the files over to that directory, then move it to the new partition? Why not just copy it over to the new partition directly? | 08:28 |
gordonjcp | greyhat: ask in #ubuntu-offtopic ;-) | 08:29 |
gordonjcp | yown: you need to mount the partition *somewhere* | 08:30 |
tannji | ok..... the only reason you have to mkdir (make the /media/home) is because you cant use that location to copy to unless it is mounted | 08:30 |
tannji | if you called the new location /home and mounted that, where would ubuntu copy /home to?? you would have two locations called /home | 08:31 |
yown | OH, right, so linux doesn't have unique designations for different partitions for normal commands? | 08:32 |
tannji | so we call the new one /media/home, we mount it so it can be used, and copy the original /home contents to it | 08:32 |
gordonjcp | yown: no | 08:32 |
gordonjcp | yown: well, only if you're actually dealing with partitions, like making a filesystem on them | 08:32 |
yown | gordonjcp: hmmm, seems to make things more complicated | 08:33 |
gordonjcp | yown: more complicated than what? | 08:33 |
tannji | we arent dealing with commands when we refer to /media/home.... its a label | 08:34 |
yown | gordonjcp: You are saying there isn't a partition designation for linux, right? (linux equivalent of c:, d:, e: etc down the line) | 08:34 |
gordonjcp | yown: what's c:, d: e: ? | 08:34 |
yown | gordonjcp: never used windows? | 08:34 |
gordonjcp | yown: oh, like in MSDOS? No | 08:34 |
gordonjcp | yown: no | 08:34 |
tannji | ok, you are kinda confusing physical locations with logical references to partitions | 08:35 |
gordonjcp | yown: not for about 20 years | 08:35 |
yown | Well those partition designations would make it so that having same named folders on two different partitions be no problem | 08:35 |
yown | And it makes it easy to do something like copy all content of one partition to another location, since you have a easy short designation to use for such | 08:36 |
gordonjcp | yown: but you can do that anyway | 08:36 |
tannji | right, but you want to be safe, not lose data, and use commands to do your work... this is the way to do that | 08:36 |
=== sm0x_ is now known as sm0x |
gordonjcp | yown: okay, let's back up a bit | 08:36 |
tannji | I think I could do this better in a voice client, lol | 08:37 |
gordonjcp | yown: in Unix the filesystem is a tree, with one root | 08:37 |
=== |Jurgen| is now known as |Jurgen|-Douche |
yown | So the contents of /home should actually be in a file named home in the new partition. But because of a lack of partition AKA drive designation, having two folders/directories with the same name could cause errors. so instead you make a folder directory named media/home (or whatever name, doesn't matter) and put the files in there | 08:38 |
yown | then change the directory to just home after removing or renaming the old home | 08:38 |
gordonjcp | yown: you can mount filesystems onto this tree, and in fact the tree itself is a filesstem | 08:39 |
yown | Is that all right? | 08:39 |
yown | I didn't understand that statement gordon, but did I reasonably accurately describe the situation? | 08:39 |
tannji | sorta | 08:40 |
yown | What did I get wrong? | 08:40 |
tannji | its not the drive designation that matters so much as the fact that you have to mount /media/home to copy to it, and you dont want it named the same as the original /home | 08:41 |
yown | I said lack of drive designation | 08:41 |
tannji | you are fixating on that, but it doesnt really affect anything... they can be on same drive or different... | 08:42 |
tannji | in your case they will end up on different drives because that is your original goal | 08:43 |
yown | That doesn't negate what I just said | 08:43 |
yown | Are you mounting the folder, rather then the whole partition, when doing this? | 08:43 |
tannji | right | 08:43 |
yown | Why couldn't one mount the whole partition and copy over to it? | 08:44 |
gordonjcp | argh, horrible ADSL | 08:44 |
gordonjcp | yown: that's what you're doing | 08:44 |
tannji | if your drive is 100gb and /media/home is 20gb, you will be mounting that designated 20gb directory within the drive | 08:44 |
gordonjcp | yown: don't think about "drives" | 08:44 |
tannji | lol | 08:44 |
gordonjcp | yown: you're overthinking this | 08:45 |
yown | yownAre you mounting the folder, rather then the whole partition, when doing this? | 08:45 |
yown | tannjiright | 08:45 |
tannji | like I said earlier, we are fixating on physical drives, when we are actually dealing with logical partions | 08:45 |
yown | Who is fixated on physical drives? Who has even mentioned physical drives? | 08:46 |
gordonjcp | yown: you keep going on about identifying drives | 08:46 |
tannji | gordon has it right, and I understand... you are so intent on understanding the process that you are missing the tree and seeing forest | 08:46 |
gordonjcp | yown: you only need to do that when you actually want to mount the drive | 08:46 |
yown | Drive designation is a specific term, windows partitions each get their own drive designation, even though they are on the same physical drive. I used drive designation rather then partition designation because of it being a established term, that apparently you guys are unfamiliar with | 08:47 |
gordonjcp | yown: right | 08:48 |
matrix | hi all | 08:48 |
gordonjcp | yown: so in Linux (and other Unixes are similar) drives have a path | 08:48 |
matrix | !list | 08:48 |
ubottu | matrix: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ». | 08:48 |
gordonjcp | yown: a drive might be called /dev/sdd and partitions on it might be called /dev/sdd1, /dev/sdd2, /dev/sdd3 and so on | 08:49 |
lotuspsychje | matrix: you joined the ubuntu support channel mate | 08:49 |
yown | gordonjcp: You use drive to mean physical drive, as in one storage device, right? | 08:49 |
gordonjcp | yown: yes | 08:50 |
gordonjcp | yown: so one of my servers here has four physical drives | 08:50 |
yown | gordonjcp: tannji said that you mount the folder on the partition, rather then the partition itself, when copying home, or at least that is what I read | 08:51 |
gordonjcp | yown: that's a slightly confusing way of putting it | 08:51 |
lotuspsychje | someone knows why xscreensaver conflicts with gnome-screensaver with the warning default deamon? | 08:51 |
varunendra | yown, windows also has mount points and it also does the mounting. Only it does that in the background, hiding the process and all the complexities from the user. The drive letters (c:, d:, etc.) are just the mount points, not the partitions themselves. | 08:51 |
tannji | I said in the partion, rather than just in the drive | 08:51 |
lotuspsychje | i cant get xscreensaver set as default every boot | 08:51 |
yown | media/home is a directory path on the partition, right? | 08:51 |
gordonjcp | yown: so my /dev/sda that I'm looking at is a real physical disk, really physically plugged into the chassis | 08:51 |
yown | I get that gordonjcp, lets move on please | 08:52 |
gordonjcp | yown: that drive has three partitions, /dev/sda1, /dev/sda2 and /dev/sda5 | 08:52 |
yown | please move on | 08:52 |
yown | Like by answering my question | 08:52 |
gordonjcp | yown: I'm getting there. I don't know how much you know about this, so it's easiest to start at the start | 08:52 |
=== |Jurgen|-Douche is now known as |Jurgen| |
gordonjcp | the first partition, /dev/sda1 is mounted as the root filesystem which gives you / and everything below | 08:53 |
yown | The confusion stemmed from a different usage of the term drive, which we have since cleared up | 08:53 |
yown | gives you what and everything below? | 08:54 |
gordonjcp | so say /dev/sda5 is a partition with a filesystem containing a bunch of videos | 08:54 |
gordonjcp | yown: the / directory | 08:54 |
gordonjcp | and everything in it, and everything in *those* things, and so on | 08:54 |
yown | you meen the root directory? | 08:54 |
gordonjcp | yes | 08:54 |
gordonjcp | yown: right now this is where things get different from MSDOS | 08:54 |
gordonjcp | you don't have drive letters for different partitons | 08:54 |
gordonjcp | *partitions | 08:54 |
gordonjcp | you have mount points | 08:55 |
gordonjcp | so in the case of this server, /dev/sda5 contains a bunch of videos | 08:55 |
yown | and by "/ and everything below" you mean the whole partition, I am not sure what you are talking about with that "everything below" business | 08:55 |
malone | Hi. | 08:55 |
gordonjcp | yown: no, not the whole partition, the filesystem | 08:55 |
malone | I'm attempting to add a repo whose packages have not yet been updated to 13.04, which I'm running, so running apt-get update returns 404 in this case | 08:56 |
gordonjcp | yown: getting back to this server, there is a mount point /media/video | 08:56 |
yown | gordonjcp: That makes no sense, there isn't a "the FS", FS is a type of partition encoding, not anything specific | 08:56 |
gordonjcp | yown: /media/video is a directory with nothing in it | 08:56 |
Kitty_ | Hello can someone explain what is GNOME | 08:56 |
malone | however, packages exist for quantal, and there's no reason to believe that there's a difference | 08:56 |
gordonjcp | yown: are you being deliberately obtuse? | 08:56 |
JesseH | Kitty_, I think google can help you figure it out better. | 08:56 |
malone | is it at all possible to force apt to use the older version? | 08:56 |
gordonjcp | yown: we use many different types of filesystem | 08:57 |
yown | gordonjcp: That question ins extremely insulting | 08:57 |
histo | malone: ppa's aren't supported here | 08:57 |
gordonjcp | yown: it's really important that you understand this | 08:57 |
yown | I know what a FS is, well in general terms anyway | 08:57 |
JesseH | Kitar|st, It's a desktop environment, for short. :) | 08:57 |
gordonjcp | yown: what, and going "move on, move on" isn't? | 08:57 |
gordonjcp | yown: okay, good | 08:57 |
Kitty_ | JesseH, well i read some things on google but din't understand. Can you give me some links | 08:57 |
yown | gordonjcp: I have put together different computers | 08:57 |
yown | including this one | 08:57 |
=== QuasselTester123 is now known as Www |
JesseH | Kitty_, | 08:58 |
gordonjcp | yown: so you understand that what the filesystem *is* - how it is actually working - isn't important | 08:58 |
yown | though linux is new to me | 08:58 |
Www | Morning, everyone. | 08:58 |
JesseH | Good morning Www | 08:58 |
histo | yown: what is your question? | 08:58 |
gordonjcp | yown: yeah, that's fine, everything is new at some point | 08:58 |
HisaoNakai | Hey folks. I have a flash memory which I was asked to format. I tried to do that in gparted but it said there is no partition table. I tried making an msdos and later a mac one, and it failed both times and ejected the thing :( | 08:58 |
Kitty_ | JesseH, Thank you :) | 08:59 |
gordonjcp | yown: rather than have a drive letter for a partition and then use that to identify it, you mount the partition on an empty directory | 08:59 |
JesseH | Kitty_, No problem mate, I tend to try answer the questions that others don't :P | 08:59 |
yown | histo: when you mount a partition for home, is the home part actually a folder/directory path called "/home" within that partition? | 09:00 |
gordonjcp | yown: nearly | 09:00 |
gordonjcp | yown: /home is an empty directory within the root fs | 09:00 |
histo | HisaoNakai: plug it back in and determine the dev from dmesg. Then sudo cfdisk /dev/of/device and create a partition table. Then you can mkfs.vfat /dev/of/partition | 09:00 |
yown | gordonjcp: How is that different then what I just said? | 09:00 |
histo | yown: no the file system of that partition is mounted to the /home directory | 09:00 |
gordonjcp | yown: I read what you said to mean that /home is within the partition with the home directories | 09:01 |
histo | yown: if you mounted that partition else where you would see no home directory... | 09:01 |
yown | histo: um, partitions aren't limited to one FS at a time? | 09:01 |
histo | yown: What? | 09:01 |
yown | histo: You format your partition with a specific FS of your choosing, and you can only have one FS per partition, or am I wrong? | 09:02 |
Www | Considering dual-booting Ubuntu once more. I miss it. Aha. | 09:02 |
histo | yown: correct | 09:02 |
gordonjcp | yown: the root filesystem contains an empty directory, /home | 09:02 |
tannji | file system doesnt just refer to fat32 or ext4.... it also refers to the way things are organized in the tree | 09:02 |
gordonjcp | yown: the filesystem with the actual home directories just contains those home directories | 09:03 |
yown | gordonjcp: I didn't understand that | 09:03 |
tannji | exactly' | 09:03 |
gordonjcp | yown: which part? | 09:04 |
tannji | filesystem | 09:04 |
tannji | he is confusing the techicality of ext4 with the organization of directories | 09:04 |
histo | yown: on your home partition you will use user1 user2 etc... you won't see home/user1 home/user2 | 09:04 |
histo | yown: s/use/see/ | 09:04 |
yown | tannji: You mean using the term FS to refer to two different things, or one thing with two different aspects? | 09:04 |
Www | Could any of you recommend a decent password manager for Linux that isn't LastPass? I use Dashlane in Windows at the moment, so I'd prefer something that would allow me to import my database from there. | 09:04 |
histo | Www: | 09:05 |
unheeding | hey assholes | 09:05 |
histo | !language | unheeding | 09:06 |
ubottu | unheeding: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional. | 09:06 |
tannji | file system usually is "ext4" or "fat32". filesystem refers to how we organize the directories | 09:06 |
gordonjcp | tannji: that's not very helpful | 09:06 |
tannji | ok | 09:06 |
gordonjcp | because it's kind of wrong | 09:06 |
yown | So within the ext FS, is a hidden base directory, that all the other directories sit on top of? | 09:06 |
unheeding | oops, thanks histo | 09:06 |
tannji | but I think it involves what he is confused about | 09:06 |
gordonjcp | yown: no | 09:06 |
histo | gordonjcp: actually it was an "ok" description of a filesystem | 09:06 |
tannji | = ) | 09:07 |
gordonjcp | histo: hence "kind of" | 09:07 |
unheeding | >not having ZFS | 09:07 |
gordonjcp | the term "filesystem" refers to how the partition is actually formatted | 09:07 |
unheeding | >being a pleb | 09:07 |
histo | yown: no stuff can be in the root of the filesystem just like in dos. If you ever look at a FAT file system you will see stuff in the root directory of the fs | 09:07 |
yown | FS is the setup of data, and accompanying map that provides the path to that data | 09:07 |
yown | the setup formation of the data, the blueprint | 09:07 |
gordonjcp | yown: right | 09:08 |
histo | yown: e.g. c:\somestuff.txt or c:\whatever\ the directory whatever and the file somestuff.txt are in the root directory of the filesystem just like user1 user2 etc... | 09:08 |
tannji | gordonjcp, this is what I was referring to: | 09:08 |
yown | So when you name something "media/home" like in these instructions, what exactly are you naming? | 09:09 |
histo | gordonjcp: A method of organizing blocks on a storage device into files and directories. | 09:09 |
gordonjcp | yown: you are referring to a directory | 09:09 |
tannji | file system is the means of handling the data, filesystem is the organization from a logical standpoint | 09:09 |
yown | So you are basically putting a directory called "media/home" within the partition? | 09:10 |
gordonjcp | yown: within the root partition, yes | 09:10 |
histo | yown: you are created a directory in /media called home so the full path is /media/home . Later you will mount a partition to /media/home and put stuff there. | 09:10 |
gordonjcp | yown: you then hang your new partition off /media/root | 09:10 |
HisaoNakai | histo - 'No primary partitions are marked bootable. DOS MBR cannot boot this.' | 09:10 |
gordonjcp | yown: no, sorry, /media/home/ | 09:10 |
yown | What is a root partition? | 09:10 |
histo | HisaoNakai: Ok | 09:10 |
histo | yown: the first / = root so / is the equivalent of c:\media\home for your M$ mind. | 09:11 |
HisaoNakai | histo - Suggested course of action? o_O | 09:11 |
histo | HisaoNakai: Where are you getting that error? | 09:12 |
yown | histo: actually that second part doesn't help. I think you mean C:\ for us windows minded | 09:12 |
yown | or what ever partition designation | 09:12 |
fossterer | Anyone using juju? | 09:12 |
varunendra | HisaoNakai, use gparted to set the "boot" flag on the partition. | 09:12 |
histo | yown: in linux you don't have c d e etc.. you can mount filesystems in direcories anywhere and utilize them. | 09:13 |
gordonjcp | histo: I've been through all this | 09:13 |
lotuspsychje | !info juju > lotuspsychje | 09:13 |
yown | histo If I am making this in media\, won't the files be copied to the same partition? | 09:13 |
lotuspsychje | fossterer: first i heared of it :p | 09:14 |
gordonjcp | yown: no, because you mount your new partition on /media/home | 09:14 |
HisaoNakai | histo - in cfdisk | 09:14 |
HisaoNakai | histo - After I try to write the partition table | 09:15 |
yown | gordonjcp: So the directory of media/home, won't be on the partition itself? | 09:15 |
yown | gordonjcp: Rather the name of its mounting point? | 09:15 |
gordonjcp | yown: no, the directory /media/home will be on the root partition | 09:16 |
gordonjcp | yown: along with stuff like /var, /usr and so on | 09:16 |
gordonjcp | yown: /media/home will just be an empty directory | 09:16 |
histo | HisaoNakai: that's fine. write it and then quit unless you want it to be bootable | 09:16 |
gordonjcp | you can copy stuff to it just like normal | 09:16 |
yown | what do you mean by root partition, you mean the partition of the OS you are working off of? | 09:16 |
gordonjcp | you don't want to do that | 09:16 |
gordonjcp | yown: yes, the root partition being the thing that / is on | 09:16 |
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gordonjcp | when you mount the new partition on /media/home then all the space on that partition becomes available as /media/home/<big empty directory> | 09:17 |
yown | So is "media/home" the name of the mounting point directory the target to copy over partition would go on? | 09:17 |
gordonjcp | yes | 09:17 |
histo | yown: You mkdir /media/home then mount some partition there to use its filesystem. | 09:18 |
serg_ | помогите настроить vsftp!!! | 09:19 |
yown | Well I have made partitions before, and mounted them, they appeared directly rather then nestled in a directory, I get that you can nestle them that way, but why is that necessary for copying? | 09:19 |
gordonjcp | yown: because that's how Unix does it | 09:19 |
yown | does what? | 09:19 |
gordonjcp | yown: you don't use separate drive letters, because that's messy and inconvenient | 09:19 |
lotuspsychje | !ru | serg_ | 09:19 |
ubottu | serg_: Пожалуйста наберите /join #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке. | Pozhalujsta naberite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke. | 09:19 |
gordonjcp | yown: doing it this way, you don't actually have to *care* where the files physically reside | 09:20 |
yown | Why can't I just mount the partition I make outside of any directory then copy over the contents of /home? | 09:20 |
gordonjcp | yown: you have to mount it *somewhere* | 09:20 |
yown | right | 09:20 |
gordonjcp | yown: where you mount it doesn't actually matter | 09:20 |
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yown | but doesnt have to be in a directory | 09:20 |
tannji | who's on first | 09:20 |
gordonjcp | yown: it has to be an empty directory | 09:21 |
histo | gordonjcp: doesn't have to be empty | 09:21 |
gordonjcp | histo: mount(8) will complain if there are files there | 09:21 |
yown | I said already, I have mounted partions before, they didn't need to go into directories | 09:21 |
gordonjcp | yown: where did you mount them then? | 09:21 |
histo | yown: where did you mount them? | 09:21 |
* histo senses troll | 09:22 |
yown | I dont know, it just shows up in nautilus as "52 GB files" etc. listed directly in nautilus, and not in any directory.I don't know "where" that is | 09:23 |
HisaoNakai | histo - Ouch man. Even after setting it to bootable in cfdisk, sudo mkfs.vfat /dev/sdc says 'device partition expected, not making fs' etc. :S | 09:23 |
histo | HisaoNakai: because it would be mkfs.vfat /dev/sdc1 for the first primary partition | 09:23 |
gordonjcp | yown: yes, that's mounted somewhere | 09:23 |
histo | HisaoNakai: sdc is the device sdc1 is the partitioin | 09:23 |
gordonjcp | yown: probably in something like /media/yown/<some ID taken from the disk> | 09:23 |
yown | histo, if you have a troll in your room, run! I hear those things are evil | 09:24 |
histo | yown: it's mounting in /media/username/somelong string | 09:24 |
histo | yown: plug something in and type mount without argument in terminal and you will see it mounted to /media.... | 09:24 |
yown | So when I tell it to mount without being specific, it makes its own random directory? | 09:24 |
gordonjcp | yown: not random, no | 09:24 |
gordonjcp | yown: it makes up a directory based on your username and some label off the disk | 09:24 |
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yown | If it goes into a "media" then how come I don't have to go into a folder/directory called "media" to see them? | 09:25 |
histo | yown: you have to be specific. IN the case of nautilus it makes a directory based of the ID of the filesystem and puts it in /media/username/thatID to make it "easy" for you. | 09:25 |
gordonjcp | yown: because the folder icon on the launcher bar at the side is a convenient shortcut | 09:25 |
gordonjcp | yown: if you open a terminal you'll find you can go to /media/yown/something and see the files on the drive | 09:26 |
=== harrymoreno_ is now known as harrymoreno |
gordonjcp | yown: the great thing about it is, you don't have to care where the files *physically* are | 09:27 |
yown | I don't see why that would be | 09:27 |
gordonjcp | yown: maybe /media/home is on a disk that's not even in the machine you're working on, but in some other machine networked to it | 09:27 |
yown | it will matter if the drive or the other machine goes down | 09:28 |
gordonjcp | yown: right, but that's out of scope for this discussion | 09:28 |
gordonjcp | yown: this is why we have things like UPSes and redundant power supplies | 09:28 |
yown | I wonder if there really is much of a difference between this system and a shortcut to a directory/folder within windows system | 09:29 |
histo | yown: there is a big difference | 09:29 |
yown | how so? | 09:29 |
histo | yown: we don't have random drive letters for partitions | 09:29 |
yown | That is a difference in method, not effect | 09:30 |
histo | yown: then use windows | 09:30 |
histo | yown: and I want you to mount your D: drive to c:\somedirectory | 09:31 |
histo | see how that works out for you. | 09:31 |
yown | Seriously, I am trying to understand linux, not be told to use a different OS | 09:31 |
histo | yown: I'm not telling you to I'm pointing out and example and difference like you asked. | 09:31 |
yown | I meant difference of effect | 09:32 |
gordonjcp | yown: I think shortcuts are more like symbolic links in Unix | 09:32 |
histo | yown: and this is relevant to #ubuntu how? | 09:32 |
lotuspsychje | histo is right guys, lets move on | 09:32 |
yown | Because that difference when comparing the familiar to the less familiar helps one understand the less familiar more | 09:33 |
tannji | not in this case | 09:33 |
yown | yes, in this case | 09:33 |
yown | That is why I asked/wondered | 09:33 |
yown | To understand better | 09:33 |
histo | yown: do you have a ubuntu related question? | 09:33 |
lotuspsychje | !mount | yown | 09:34 |
ubottu | yown: mount is used to attach devices to directories. See also | 09:34 |
yown | except people got touchy or something instead | 09:34 |
yown | I did, but people got touchy instead of answering | 09:34 |
gilo | hello, i'm having hard time with ubuntu, i'm not able to fix the heating problem and the battry draining , i tried installing the ati drivers i didn't get a good result. | 09:34 |
yown | But I have learned alot tonight anyway, thank you all :) | 09:35 |
yown | I suppose I can try that question again latter, or differently | 09:35 |
tannji | I had the same question and problem.... familiarity with microsoft can confuse the issue instead of helping it | 09:36 |
histo | tannji: familiarity with insanity tends to mess people up | 09:37 |
tannji | only if you take it seriously | 09:37 |
mathfreak | Quite true. It took me ages to dissociate the idea of "/" corresponding with my HDD | 09:37 |
histo | yown: ##linux maybe better suited for your general questions | 09:37 |
histo | !manual | yown | 09:37 |
ubottu | yown: The Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. | 09:37 |
tannji | I got into a yelling match with my A+ teacher over it | 09:37 |
yown | With linux, you need to register a username or something to speak? | 09:38 |
silenz | . | 09:38 |
histo | !register | yown | 09:38 |
ubottu | yown: Information about registering your nickname: - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available by typing /join #freenode | 09:38 |
=== croppa_ is now known as croppa |
mathfreak | I almost have a functioning mail server set up. I can send mail out successfully, but when I try sending mail to my server, I got nothing. Nothing shows up in my logs, and I've forwarded port 25, too. | 09:39 |
yown | Was that a yes, histo? | 09:39 |
histo | mathfreak: did you create MX records for your domain? | 09:39 |
histo | yown: yes | 09:39 |
Corey | mathfreak: Does your ISP filter inbound port 25? | 09:39 |
HisaoNakai | histo - No go. Gparted still shows it as not having a partition table :( | 09:40 |
histo | Corey: sometimes | 09:40 |
gordonjcp | Corey: hah, I was just about to ask that | 09:40 |
Corey | gordonjcp: Imagine that. :-) | 09:40 |
silenz | has anybody installed a xonar stx in ubuntu? | 09:40 |
histo | HisaoNakai: please pastebin the output of parted -l | 09:40 |
silenz | im having usses getting surround sound, its only showing 2 channels | 09:40 |
gilo | hello, i'm having hard time with ubuntu, i'm not able to fix the heating problem and the battry draining , i tried installing the ati drivers i didn't get a good result. any help? | 09:40 |
histo | !anybody | silenz | 09:40 |
ubottu | silenz: A high percentage of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll. | 09:40 |
mathfreak | histo: Yes, I have an MX record. | 09:40 |
Corey | mathfreak: What domain? | 09:40 |
histo | mathfreak: are they pointing at your server? | 09:40 |
histo | gilo: do you have one of those dual video card setups? | 09:41 |
silenz | next question? what next question? | 09:41 |
mathfreak | Corey: I think that's the case (using comcast). | 09:41 |
tannji | gilo, as far as I know, the next release of proprietary drvers from AMD (ATI) will address those issues | 09:41 |
mathfreak | histo: They're pointing to my router, which I have a port forwarded to my server. | 09:41 |
Corey | mathfreak: Comcast filters port 25. You're also not supposed to be running mailservers on a residential connection, for what it's worth. | 09:41 |
B0r3dw15dom | hi friends, I want want to share a file on my ubuntu pc to my android device over wifi. Is it possible ? how? | 09:42 |
tannji | gilo, you have a laptop? | 09:42 |
Corey | | 09:42 |
Corey | Yuck, they suggest 465? Really? Deprecated, 587 replaced it. | 09:42 |
histo | B0r3dw15dom: ssh? | 09:42 |
silenz | i dont think alsa is working properly | 09:42 |
HisaoNakai | histo - | 09:42 |
histo | B0r3dw15dom: there is an ssh server in the android market let me get the name of it hold up | 09:42 |
gilo | yes it's an hp probook 4320s | 09:42 |
tannji | B0r3dw15dom, have you tried using Ubuntu One? | 09:42 |
mathfreak | Corey: Darn. Any other options I can follow if I want to try setting up a server? | 09:43 |
B0r3dw15dom | thanks histo .. | 09:43 |
histo | HisaoNakai: sudo parted -l | 09:43 |
gilo | and i have installed th fglrx-legacy | 09:43 |
Corey | mathfreak: Smarthost, use a VPS, talk to someone with a box in a colo, etc. | 09:43 |
Corey | mathfreak: Why do you want to run your own mailserver, anyway? It's not well advised these days. | 09:43 |
gordonjcp | mathfreak: OVH | 09:43 |
histo | B0r3dw15dom: this works amazingly well | 09:43 |
tannji | gilo, like I said, there are some tweaks... but for actual dynamic control of clocking and such to reduce heat and extend battery life, the current beta drivers are your best bet, if not waiting till they are official | 09:44 |
histo | B0r3dw15dom: cheese long url here ya go | 09:44 |
gordonjcp | mathfreak: you can get a very bare-bones VPS for about £5 per month | 09:44 |
B0r3dw15dom | thaks a ton histo | 09:45 |
histo | B0r3dw15dom: np | 09:45 |
tannji | gilo, what vid card do you have? | 09:45 |
gilo | the fglrx-legacy is the only driver that worked | 09:45 |
mathfreak | Corey: The NSA news recently got me paying attention to stuff I I wanted to try, such as setting up a mail server. I gave it a shot, and I've been rolling with it until now. :p | 09:45 |
mathfreak | gordonjcp: I'll take a look. | 09:45 |
HisaoNakai | histo - | 09:46 |
histo | mathfreak: iredmail is nice if you just want something for small home use | 09:46 |
gilo | ATI Mobility Radeon HD 4300/4500 Series | 09:46 |
histo | HisaoNakai: is the thumb drive plugged in? | 09:46 |
Corey | mathfreak: Nice idea. This is why I have a partial rack downtown. :-p | 09:46 |
HisaoNakai | histo - Ima replug it then try again | 09:47 |
histo | HisaoNakai: yes please | 09:47 |
HisaoNakai | histo - | 09:48 |
histo | HisaoNakai: sudo cfdisk /dev/sdc and create a primary partition full size of the disk | 09:49 |
histo | HisaoNakai: write and quit then sudo parted -l | 09:49 |
=== harrymoreno_ is now known as harrymoreno |
histo | HisaoNakai: also you may want to dmesg | grep sdc and see if there are IO errors | 09:50 |
yown | BTW, one thing that threw me/confused me earlier was when someone used FS to mean a partition | 09:50 |
HisaoNakai | histo - I've to set the bootable flag too, correct? | 09:50 |
tannji | gilo, you may be out of luck.... you need the legacy driver, and I dont believe you can do better than what it enables. | 09:50 |
histo | HisaoNakai: What do you plan on doing with this device? | 09:50 |
HisaoNakai | histo - Seeing it was giving that error... | 09:50 |
gilo | so nothing can be done? | 09:51 |
histo | HisaoNakai: you only need the bootable if you intend on booting something off of it that is legacy | 09:51 |
HisaoNakai | Okay. | 09:51 |
tannji | gilo, well, maybe I am wrong. see these two links: | 09:52 |
HisaoNakai | histo - Does cfdisk auto-quit if successful? | 09:53 |
gilo | i'm checking them | 09:53 |
tannji | gilo, it looks like the next linux kernel will have improvements for the open source driver for you, but the proprietary drivers will not | 09:53 |
HisaoNakai | histo - | 09:54 |
gilo | i'm currently running linux 3.5, ishould use the open source driver instead? | 09:57 |
gilo | and ubuntu 12.04 | 09:59 |
tannji | gilo, I think you are in a catch-22 if you need the best performance from that card. next kernel will give you better open source drivers, but not good gaming, and the proprietary amd driver gives you perfomance, but heat and battery kill | 10:00 |
tannji | gilo, if you arent gaming, I would load the open drivers | 10:00 |
gilo | i'm not gaming but sometimes i use the hdmi for video play back and open drivers have poor quality | 10:02 |
tannji | gilo, ya... like I said, catch-22. I think your best bet is open drivers until you can get a newer laptop. | 10:03 |
tannji | gilo, on the bright side.... drivers should be greatly improving in the next year or two.... just not for that old of gpu | 10:04 |
gilo | but the open source drivers where initialy installed, right? | 10:04 |
tannji | right... but I would imagine that after the next kernel trickles sown, you will get better open drivers than the current ones | 10:05 |
tannji | down* | 10:05 |
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gilo | than it's the same but with better quality, so i should wait for the next kernel releases and install the open drivers? | 10:07 |
tannji | gilo, I dont know that the image quality will be better. we can hope. but the heat management will be better, from what they are saying at AMD | 10:09 |
gilo | no i mean the closed drivers have better quality for now but for the power managment are the same | 10:10 |
tannji | right | 10:11 |
checkin | hi | 10:13 |
checkin | I am unable to toggle wireless on/off, mute/unmute, play/pause using Front operation panel LED keys on my Toshiba Qosmio F60. Currently I need to enable WiFi/Bluetooth from Windows for it to work. Fn+F8 toggle works as soft block/unblock only if I have already enabled WiFi under Windows. Any ideas as how this can be done? I have tried Ubuntu 13.04 as well. The only LED Touch button that works under Ubuntu is the Volume Up/Down butto | 10:13 |
gilo | so i'll stick to windows, thank you anyway | 10:13 |
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gilo | but what is the best laptop for ubuntu? | 10:14 |
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Locke60 | $$____$$ | 10:15 |
Locke60 | $$$__$$$___$$$$$___________________$§$ | 10:15 |
Locke60 | $$_$$_$$__$$___$$__$$_____________$§§§$ | 10:15 |
Locke60 | $$____$$__$$___$$______$$____$$___$§§§$ | 10:15 |
Locke60 | $$____$$__$$___$$__$$__$$$___$$___$§§§$ | 10:15 |
FloodBot1 | Locke60: Please don't flood; use to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation. | 10:15 |
=== DestinyAwaits1 is now known as DestinyAwaits |
varunendra | checkin, follow this post : and post here the pastebin link to the result | 10:16 |
oddthingy | I was just wondering, is there any list of usb modem devices that are known to work (plug-and-play) in Ubuntu? | 10:16 |
checkin | varunendra: dmesg dmidecode output when wireless disabled from within windows output when wireless enabled from within windows | 10:16 |
varunendra | checkin, please post the result of the "wireless_script", we'll ask whatever will be needed afterwards. | 10:18 |
checkin | varun, sure.. | 10:19 |
OhHaiGuys | Hey! You guys should Join #IronicHackers | 10:19 |
OhHaiGuys | Hey! You guys should Join #IronicHackers | 10:20 |
cfhowlett | OhHaiGuys, you should stop spamming | 10:20 |
OhHaiGuys | Hey! You guys should Join #IronicHackers | 10:20 |
mathfreak | Corey: A while ago, you said it was not advisable to run a mail server these days. Why not? | 10:21 |
Kitty_ | su command causes us to become the root what is the command to come back to normal user | 10:23 |
mathfreak | Kitty_: exit | 10:24 |
cfhowlett | Kitty_, exit | 10:24 |
sindri | Hi all, I'm looking for a .sh to check my external ip, came across "ping -R" though it doesn't return MY ip; what am I doing wrong? | 10:24 |
Kitty_ | mathfreak cfhowlett, Thank you :) | 10:25 |
oddthingy | I once had a usb mobile device that worked on ubuntu, but lost it. Two that I have bought since dont work. Does anyone know of a brand/model that works? | 10:26 |
varunendra | oddthingy, do you mean the gsm modems? like the 3g ones? | 10:30 |
oddthingy | i think so | 10:30 |
oddthingy | 3g, yes. i dont know what gsm means. | 10:31 |
oddthingy | correction: yes, gsm | 10:32 |
checkin | varunendra, | 10:32 |
varunendra | oddthingy, I don't know of such a list or database if it exists, but you can look up VID:PID of natively supported ones to see which brand/models come with those chips. | 10:32 |
varunendra | checkin, taking a look.. | 10:32 |
checkin | varunendra, i have enabled wireless from within windows now.. let me know if u want me to disable from windows and run this script again.. | 10:33 |
usr13 | sindri: | 10:33 |
oddthingy | varunendra: actually, i dont need a list, just a single usb modem that works | 10:33 |
sindri | usr13: I would like to avoid using other sites that way, planning on running a cron later when I get it too work | 10:34 |
oddthingy | what do you mean by vid id? i am not very technical. | 10:34 |
varunendra | oddthingy, these devices are handled by the "option" driver. Use "modinfo option" command to see which VID:PID are supported (alias). VID is vendor id, pid = product id. | 10:35 |
oddthingy | varunendra: ok, i'll try that, thanks | 10:36 |
usr13 | sindri: | 10:37 |
varunendra | oddthingy, for example, one of the output lines (of "modinfo option" command) is "alias: usb:v19D2p1278d*dc*dsc*dp*icFFiscFFipFF*". Here, vid is 19D2, and pid is 1278. So you can search for "19D2:1278" | 10:37 |
usr13 | sindri: But it uses so. | 10:38 |
varunendra | checkin, if you simply reboot, does the wifi get hard blocked again? | 10:38 |
checkin | varunendra, no.. but if the wifi is disabled from windows there is no way i can see to enable it back... | 10:39 |
checkin | cant get rid off windows.. :-( | 10:40 |
checkin | varunendra, the wifi switch does not create any xev event either.. | 10:41 |
oddthingy | varunendra: if a chip's vid and pid are listed, does this mean that devices using that chip should work? | 10:41 |
oddthingy | just to be clear | 10:41 |
gordonjcp | oddthingy: should do | 10:41 |
varunendra | checkin, that is a known problem. It happens due to how the different firmwares handle the device. Unfortunately, the only other way I know of is to reset BIOS once it is disabled from within windows :( | 10:41 |
checkin | toshiba calls these buttons are called front operation panel... | 10:42 |
checkin | k | 10:42 |
ActionParsnip | varunendra: tried disabling power management and the ability for the wifi device to wake up the pc | 10:42 |
checkin | varunendra, i tried to do that.. but there is no wireless option in my bios.. | 10:43 |
varunendra | oddthingy, definitely. Although I can't say about any glitches it may have with the option driver. | 10:43 |
ActionParsnip | checkin: tried what I said to varunendra aboven | 10:44 |
varunendra | ActionParsnip, never had this problem myself. I only know what I know about these from forum posts. | 10:44 |
checkin | ActionParsnip, i tried that when u mentioned on the help request in launchpad.. didn't work.. :-( | 10:45 |
ActionParsnip | checkin: do you have the latest BIOSn | 10:45 |
oddthingy | varunendra: do you mean the driver software? | 10:45 |
varunendra | yes | 10:45 |
varunendra | "option" is the name of the driver that handles these modems. | 10:46 |
ActionParsnip | checkin: also, read through the dmesg text, it may give clues | 10:46 |
checkin | ActionParsnip, s.. it is toshiba 2.70 the latest for my model.. | 10:46 |
oddthingy | varunendra: should checking whether a linux/ubuntu driver is available for a particular chip solve that? | 10:47 |
varunendra | checkin, usually (but not always), a "hard block" means something that can only be dealt with from the physical switches or the BIOS. | 10:47 |
ActionParsnip | checkin: run: dmesg | less ,scroll through and see what is going on. ESC to exit | 10:47 |
usr13 | sindri: lynx --dump | 10:47 |
usr13 | sindri: If you don't have lynx install it. | 10:48 |
varunendra | oddthingy, "option" is the only driver needed. Even non-supported gsm modems can be made to work with it, but it needs some excessive tweaking. | 10:48 |
ActionParsnip | usr13: thats kinda like | 10:48 |
checkin | ActionParsnip, should i do it after disabling wireless from windows.. i have a dmesg when wireless is enabled.. | 10:49 |
varunendra | oddthingy, I am myself using "1c9e:9603". That is an "Omega Technology" chip in a micromax modem. But that is an old model now. May not be available in the market anymore. | 10:50 |
ActionParsnip | checkin: do both, see what the diffence is etc | 10:50 |
usr13 | sindri: lynx --dump #Thanks ActionParsnip | 10:50 |
ActionParsnip | usr13: or: curl | 10:51 |
usr13 | ActionParsnip: Yea even better. sindri ^^ | 10:51 |
varunendra | oddthingy, a less tekky approach may be to just make a post in ubuntuforums asking if someone is using a rather newer device that worked out-of-box. | 10:52 |
checkin | ActionParsnip, i have a lspci output for with/without wireless.. output when wireless disabled from within windows output when wireless enabled from within windows | 10:52 |
checkin | I will get the dmesg one shortly... | 10:52 |
nrp_ | any way to keep the fan ON always in my toshiba satellite c600 | 10:52 |
ActionParsnip | export WANIP=`curl`; echo $WANIP | 10:52 |
HLEP | hi anyone free to help me out? | 10:53 |
HLEP | ? | 10:53 |
ActionParsnip | hlep: without | 10:53 |
usr13 | checkin: Is this a Laptop? | 10:54 |
nrp_ | any way to keep the fan ON always in my toshiba satellite c600? | 10:54 |
checkin | usr13: s.. Toshiba Qosmio F60.. | 10:55 |
checkin | I had post it some weeks ago.. | 10:55 |
trip88able | ciao | 10:55 |
trip88able | !lista | 10:55 |
ubottu | trip88able: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ». | 10:55 |
HLEP | trying to install ubuntu on macbook pro retina 15 partitioned the hard drive used rethingy the bootloader and installed using a usb i made, after having gone to preview ubuntu without installing i installed it (leaving no swap space) and it started up again but with two ubuntu options one on the hd and one on the loader thing | 10:55 |
HLEP | the one boot from hd doesnt work | 10:56 |
HLEP | the other one does im on it now | 10:56 |
usr13 | checkin: Have you tried the function key combo? | 10:56 |
ActionParsnip | !info fancontrol | 10:57 |
ubottu | fancontrol (source: lm-sensors): utilities to read temperature/voltage/fan sensors. In component universe, is extra. Version 1:3.3.2-2ubuntu1 (raring), package size 20 kB, installed size 113 kB | 10:57 |
ActionParsnip | nrp_: try fancontrol | 10:57 |
HLEP | so i think ive not installed correctly because it doesnt have the penguin logo at the start there are two boot options for ubuntu | 10:57 |
checkin | usr13: s.. Fn+F8 for me... does not work :-( does not create xev event either... | 10:57 |
HLEP | also wireless doesnt work | 10:57 |
HLEP | and i cant install the drivers apparently because it cant lock something | 10:58 |
ActionParsnip | hlep: what wifi chip are you using? | 10:58 |
HLEP | a broadcom one? | 10:59 |
armin | quite frankly, i believe that the alt-tab switcher in unity is the only thing that makes unity pretty bad. and no, the static application switcher is no cure to that. | 10:59 |
usr13 | checkin: Really. Fn+F8 Ok... well, works on most. I have a Dell x300, it works and several others I've installed Linux on have also had the F-key combo for it and they have worked. Ok, I dono | 10:59 |
HLEP | but its more than just the wifi it seems there are integral system files missing as it doesnt seem to be able to do sudo apt-get command | 10:59 |
ActionParsnip | hlep: if you run: sudo lshw -C network ,you will be shown | 10:59 |
checkin | usr13: in windows it is a muti-function switch.. first time i do the combination wifi gets on, 2nd bluetooth on, 3rd both bluetooth, wifi on, 4th all off.. | 10:59 |
ActionParsnip | hlep: also what is the output of: cat /etc/issue | 11:00 |
usr13 | checkin: But it may depend on some bios setting. Do the other F-key functions work? | 11:00 |
usr13 | checkin: How about brightness? | 11:00 |
checkin | usr13: all others work.. except for wireless Fn+F8, TouchPad toggle Fn+F9.. | 11:01 |
MonkeyDust | HLEP have you tried ethernet? | 11:01 |
varunendra | HLEP, what is the exact 'lock' error that you get when trying to install something? | 11:01 |
usr13 | checkin: Hummmm.... I don't know, unless there is a bios setting that causes it not to work. | 11:02 |
checkin | brightness works.. but backlight does not.. | 11:02 |
HLEP | description: Network controller product: BCM4331 802.11a/b/g/n vendor: Broadcom Corporation physical id: 0 bus info: pci@0000:04:00.0 version: 02 width: 64 bits clock: 33MHz capabilities: pm msi pciexpress bus_master cap_list configuration: driver=bcma-pci-bridge latency=0 resources: irq:17 memory:c1900000-c1903fff | 11:02 |
HLEP | im on ethernet now using it on ubuntu | 11:02 |
usr13 | armin: Alt-Tab does not work? | 11:02 |
HLEP | but obvs need to get wifi working | 11:02 |
HLEP | one sec il find out the error message | 11:03 |
ActionParsnip | hlep: what is the output of: cat /etc/issue | 11:03 |
HLEP | for sudo apt get | 11:03 |
checkin | usr13: even under windows Fn+F8 works only as a soft toggle.. I need to enable wifi using the front panel led switch first.. | 11:03 |
varunendra | checkin, it seems to be a wmi driver related issue. Not specific to wireless or other components. Can we have a look at your lsmod? (sorry if you already posted that) | 11:03 |
ActionParsnip | hlep: thought it would be a cheap Broadcom | 11:03 |
HLEP | i put in the command above and got this: Ubuntu 13.04 \n \l | 11:04 |
HLEP | duno if thats what u meant | 11:04 |
checkin | varunendra, i have not done that.. the entire command is sudo lsmod? any parameters to be added? | 11:04 |
usr13 | checkin: I do not see the need for wifi switches in the first place. | 11:04 |
varunendra | checkin, sudo is not needed. Just "lsmod" | 11:05 |
checkin | k | 11:05 |
ActionParsnip | hlep: ok, do you have web access via Ethernet? | 11:05 |
checkin | varunendra, i have disabled wireless from windows now.. so the LED light is gone.. and i have no wireless now.. will post the output.. | 11:05 |
HLEP | yeh i have connection via ethernet | 11:06 |
ActionParsnip | hlep: then run: sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get upgrade; sudo apt-get dist-upgrade | 11:06 |
checkin | usr13: the switch brings up the orange light.. the rest like Fn+F8 i think are only for soft toggle.. | 11:06 |
HLEP | this is what i get for example when executing sudo -apt update: E: Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11: Resource temporarily unavailable) E: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it? | 11:06 |
MonkeyDust | HLEP then do use sudo apt-get with ethernet; after that, try to fix wifi | 11:06 |
varunendra | HLEP, download the "linux-firmware-nonfree" package > copy to the Ubuntu machine > double-click to install. | 11:06 |
=== aschro_ is now known as aschro |
MonkeyDust | HLEP make sure you don't have synaptic or software manager open | 11:07 |
roger21 | hey | 11:07 |
MonkeyDust | HLEP you can't use two apt managers at once | 11:08 |
ActionParsnip | hlep: is software centre open? | 11:08 |
roger21 | can i reload a mod that is alredy loaded to give it some option | 11:08 |
HLEP | dont think so | 11:08 |
ActionParsnip | roger21: you will need to unload it first | 11:08 |
ActionParsnip | !aptfix | hlep | 11:08 |
ubottu | hlep: If an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a » | 11:08 |
roger21 | could be dangerous | 11:08 |
ActionParsnip | roger21: how so? | 11:09 |
roger21 | its the acpi mod | 11:09 |
ActionParsnip | roger21: then specify the option in /etc/modprobe.d/acpi.conf (or similar) and reboot. | 11:10 |
HLEP | guys it happens when i try to install anything installing the linux firmware non free thing now with software centre | 11:10 |
roger21 | yeah well, i'd prefer not to reboot | 11:10 |
ActionParsnip | hlep: did the command ubottu gave make the packages ok? | 11:11 |
ActionParsnip | roger21: those are your 2 options | 11:11 |
=== Guest11568 is now known as Sangfroid70 |
RandomPixels | hello, i have a login loop problem | 11:12 |
varunendra | HLEP, did you download the package linux-firmware-nonfree? | 11:12 |
HLEP | bhleg@bhleg-UBUNTU:~$ sudo fuser -vk1 /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a vk1: unknown signal; fuser -l lists signals. dpkg: error: dpkg status database is locked by another process | 11:12 |
ActionParsnip | randompixels: did you drop to tty1 and login there. chown your entire home folder to your user | 11:12 |
HLEP | yep its downloading now but it looks like its going well slow/not even going to download at all | 11:13 |
MonkeyDust | HLEP the sudo rm /var/lib/dpkg.backup/lock <-- simply delete the lock | 11:13 |
ActionParsnip | hlep: can you ping ok? | 11:13 |
MonkeyDust | then* | 11:14 |
HLEP | on the nonfree thing it says waiting for apt-get to exit but i duno where else it could be running! | 11:14 |
HLEP | action what does ping mean? | 11:14 |
RandomPixels | ActionParsnip, also my user doesn't have sudo rights (may this be an issue?) | 11:14 |
ActionParsnip | randompixels: then su to one that does | 11:15 |
MonkeyDust | HLEP execute the suggestions you get here, then ask what they mean | 11:15 |
ActionParsnip | hlep: its a connectivity tester | 11:15 |
varunendra | HLEP, it is just a small file, almost 3MB. And the page I linked to has many different links to download it. For example : | 11:15 |
HLEP | rm: cannot remove ‘/var/lib/dpkg.backup/lock’: No such file or directory | 11:16 |
ActionParsnip | hlep: in a terminal run: ping -c 4 ,do you get replies? | 11:16 |
MonkeyDust | HLEP then try sudo rm /var/lib/dpkg/lock <-- simply delete the lock | 11:16 |
ActionParsnip | randompixels: what is the output of: cat /etc/issue | 11:16 |
RandomPixels | ActionParsnip, Ubuntu 13.04 \n \l | 11:17 |
RandomPixels | I also get this in ~/.xsession-errors | 11:18 |
RandomPixels | XIO: fatal IO error 11 (Resource temporarily unavailable) on X server ":0.0" | 11:18 |
RandomPixels | after 108 requests (108 known processed) with 0 events remaining. | 11:18 |
RandomPixels | Window manager error: Unable to open X display :0.0 | 11:18 |
HLEP | bhleg@bhleg-UBUNTU:~$ ping -c 4 PING ( 56(84) bytes of data. 64 bytes from icmp_req=1 ttl=44 time=17.3 ms 64 bytes from icmp_req=2 ttl=44 time=17.1 ms 64 bytes from icmp_req=3 ttl=44 time=17.3 ms 64 bytes from icmp_req=4 ttl=44 time=16.9 ms --- ping statistics --- 4 packets transmitted, 4 received, 0% packet loss, time 3004ms rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 16.931/17.207/17.3 | 11:18 |
MonkeyDust | HLEP reboot the pc, then try to apt-get I guess that's the easiest way to get rid of the lock | 11:19 |
varunendra | HLEP, it means your internet connectivity is okay now. Just use the link to manually download the package (it won't fix the 'lock' issue, but will fix the wireless) | 11:19 |
HLEP | im trying to download the package in softawre centre but all its saying is waiting for apt-get to exit | 11:20 |
HLEP | how can i fix the lock issue and what even is it? | 11:20 |
manishjain | if i forgot the admin password then how can i retrive that? | 11:20 |
varunendra | HLEP, you can't use software center or any other package manager until the lock issue is fixed. | 11:20 |
pip__ | where is "mark as solved" hidden on the forums these days please? | 11:21 |
varunendra | HLEP, is apt-get active in a terminal? | 11:21 |
HLEP | okok so i install the package in terminal then | 11:21 |
HLEP | klkl | 11:21 |
HLEP | one se | 11:21 |
HLEP | sec | 11:21 |
FloodBot1 | HLEP: Please don't flood; use to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation. | 11:21 |
HLEP | soz | 11:21 |
JackJackJack | during installation i found pnp bios do not allow something. so i tried with pnpbios=off and i passed next step succesfully. but another error showed up due SCSI sdb1 drive. | 11:22 |
varunendra | HLEP, apt-get in terminal is also a package manager :) | 11:22 |
JackJackJack | thats why i can not continue installing any version of ubuntu. can some1 have an idea? | 11:22 |
varunendra | HLEP, if it is in progress, the dpkg directory will be locked until it finishes its job. | 11:22 |
=== manishjain is now known as dell_ |
HLEP | i cant use apt get because 'unable to open lock directory' | 11:23 |
dell_ | if i forgot the admin password then how can i retrive that? | 11:23 |
MonkeyDust | HLEP reboot the pc to get rid of the lock | 11:23 |
wilee-nilee | !password | 11:23 |
ubottu | Forgot your password? See What's the root password? See !sudo. Don't see *** in password prompts? That's normal. Sudo doesn't ask for your password? It remembers you for several minutes. Please use strong passwords, see | 11:23 |
b383m078 | I want the contents of this page: to be stored in a variable. what is the code for that ( i am using bash shell ) | 11:23 |
HLEP | its a mac and ive rebooted it over 10 times and same story | 11:24 |
ActionParsnip | randompixels: get your home folder chowned to your user. You can boot to root recovery mode and do it there if you want | 11:24 |
RandomPixels | i did that already and rebooted, no success | 11:24 |
gordonjcp | HLEP: please pastebin the command you are typing and the error message, *verbatim* | 11:24 |
wilee-nilee | dell_, You can reset it. | 11:25 |
ActionParsnip | manishjain: use root recovery mode and you can reset your user password using the 'passwd' command | 11:25 |
varunendra | HLEP, what is the output of "ls /var/lib/dpkg/lock" | 11:25 |
ActionParsnip | randompixels: can you log in as other users | 11:25 |
b383m078 | I want the contents of this page: to be stored in a variable. what is the code for that ( i am using bash shell ) | 11:25 |
dell_ | ok | 11:26 |
ActionParsnip | b383m078: export VAR=`curl http://gshshhsh` | 11:27 |
b383m078 | hello, anybody knows the solution to my question ? | 11:27 |
ActionParsnip | b383m078: change the url obviously | 11:27 |
HLEP | posted it in pastebin | 11:27 |
ActionParsnip | b383m078: you will need curl instaled | 11:27 |
varunendra | HLEP, what is the link to your pastebin paste? | 11:28 |
ActionParsnip | hlep: post the new address in your browser address bar in here | 11:28 |
HLEP | hleg-UBUNTU:~$ ls /var/lib/dpkg/lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock | 11:28 |
gordonjcp | b383m078: that's not really an Ubuntu support question. Maybe you could try ##linux | 11:29 |
HLEP | | 11:29 |
gordonjcp | bhleg@bhleg-UBUNTU:~$ apt-get update | 11:29 |
gordonjcp | HLEP: ^ there's your problem | 11:29 |
checkin | ActionParsnip, dmesg when wireless disabled from within windows: | 11:29 |
gordonjcp | HLEP: try using sudo | 11:29 |
HLEP | did i do the command wrong? | 11:29 |
checkin | varunendra, lsmod when wireless disabled from within windows: | 11:30 |
HLEP | kl | 11:30 |
HLEP | seems to be...Done | 11:30 |
MonkeyDust | HLEP it's sudo apt-get update | 11:30 |
HLEP | sudo apt-get update worked | 11:30 |
HLEP | so now what do i do? ;P | 11:30 |
gordonjcp | HLEP: well, what were you trying to do in the first place? | 11:31 |
HLEP | get rid of the unable to lock error (u can see in the pastebin) and get the wireless drivers working | 11:31 |
RandomPixels | ActionParsnip, no, to all users it does the same | 11:32 |
varunendra | HLEP, "sudo apt-get install linux-firmware-nonfree" = to get your wireless working. | 11:32 |
b383m078 | | 11:32 |
HLEP | bhleg@bhleg-UBUNTU:~$ sudo apt-get install linux-firmware-nonfree Reading package lists... Done Building dependency tree Reading state information... Done The following package was automatically installed and is no longer required: linux-image-generic Use 'apt-get autoremove' to remove it. The following NEW packages will be installed linux-firmware-nonfree 0 upgraded, 1 newly installed, 0 to remove and 112 not upgraded. E: C | 11:33 |
HLEP | apparently completed but still has the unable to lock directory error | 11:33 |
varunendra | HLEP, do "sudo modprobe -v b43" now - and let us know if your wireless comes to life. | 11:35 |
HLEP | did that command^ it didnt seem to do anything didnt give me a 'complete' message or anything | 11:36 |
varunendra | checkin, No obvious culprits in your lsmod. As an absolutely wild guess, you can try blacklisting (temporarily) the "toshiba_acpi" driver. Un-blacklist it if it doesn't help | 11:37 |
HLEP | did that command^ it didnt seem to do anything didnt give me a 'complete' message or anything | 11:37 |
varunendra | HLEP, it should have returned 3-4 lines of out put, starting with "insmod".. did it? | 11:38 |
depschizo | I search a german chat | 11:38 |
HLEP | nope | 11:38 |
depschizo | i need help with IDJC | 11:38 |
varunendra | HLEP, then show us the output of "lsmod". (lsmod | pastebinit) Post the pastebin link here. | 11:40 |
foofoobar | Hi. I'm trying to install a vim theme (colors). I want to look it like here for example: | 11:40 |
foofoobar | My problem is that it looks like my terminal colors are influencing the colors I set in vim | 11:40 |
foofoobar | What can I do to prevent this? | 11:40 |
checkin | varunendra, can u let me know where that file is to edit it :P | 11:40 |
HLEP | | 11:41 |
HLEP | sozcaps | 11:42 |
varunendra | checkin, "/etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf". Open it as root (gksu gedit /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf) > Add "blacklist toshiba_acpi" in the last > save and close. | 11:42 |
lotuspsychje | !caps | hlep | 11:42 |
ubottu | hlep: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too. | 11:42 |
HLEP | i know soz guys it was accidental | 11:42 |
varunendra | HLEP, do - "sudo modprobe -rfv b43", let it finish, then again do - "sudo modprobe -v b43". Post back if it made any difference. | 11:45 |
checkin | varunendra, did that.. do i need a reboot? | 11:45 |
acy94 | Hello | 11:46 |
varunendra | checkin, since it is acpi related, yes. | 11:46 |
lotuspsychje | acy94: welcome mate, what can we help you with | 11:46 |
acy94 | Well, I got a problem ~after~ I uninstalled dwm | 11:46 |
acy94 | AFter I uninstalled it, I rebooted and it wouldn't let me even get to lightdm | 11:46 |
acy94 | It's just a black screen that seems to be in a loop | 11:47 |
checkin | varunendra, k.. will reboot into windows, disable wifi, and again boot into ubuntu.. tht should be fine rite? | 11:47 |
varunendra | right | 11:47 |
checkin | k | 11:47 |
lotuspsychje | acy94: you can try boot last kernel maybe? | 11:47 |
lotuspsychje | acy94: and see what errors you got in logs | 11:48 |
acy94 | Hold on gonna check the logs now. | 11:48 |
HLEP | just did this cat /etc/modprobe.d/* | egrep 'bcm' | 11:49 |
HLEP | then some other stuff to do with gedit and now im going to reboot see if it worked. ill be back in 5 | 11:49 |
acy94 | lotuspsychje, cause all I did was, install dwm, then couldn't figure out how to log out | 11:49 |
acy94 | so I purged and removed it and restarted | 11:49 |
acy94 | And theres a lot of log files here, so I'm not sure which one to look into | 11:50 |
HLEP | how can i find out what processes i have running?! | 11:50 |
PocketDog | HLEP, 'top' in terminal. | 11:51 |
MonkeyDust | or htop | 11:51 |
Kakeb0ks | anyone here? | 11:51 |
MonkeyDust | Kakeb0ks no | 11:51 |
Kakeb0ks | :p | 11:52 |
lotuspsychje | acy94: maybe this can help: | 11:52 |
Kakeb0ks | need some help with Xubuntu 1304 | 11:52 |
lotuspsychje | !ask | Kakeb0ks | 11:52 |
ubottu | Kakeb0ks: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience | 11:52 |
HLEP | ye so apt-get is at the top how do i get it to stop | 11:53 |
HLEP | because until i do | 11:53 |
HLEP | i cant install anything | 11:53 |
HLEP | even tho i thought that was an installer anyway.... | 11:53 |
PocketDog | HTOP, use the killall command | 11:53 |
varunendra | HLEP, you can 'kill' the process, but it is a bad idea if an installation is in progress | 11:54 |
HLEP | its using all of my cpu | 11:54 |
acy94 | lotuspsychje, none of those files exist, since I pretty much purged dwm from my system | 11:54 |
HLEP | and i dont know if there is an installation is in progress | 11:54 |
varunendra | HLEP, do you have apt-get running in some terminal? | 11:54 |
lotuspsychje | acy94: hmm, what about a lightdm restart? | 11:54 |
MonkeyDust | HLEP what did you do with your machine, to make it so troublesome? | 11:54 |
HLEP | i have no idea lol | 11:55 |
acy94 | I can't even get a tty up since it's stuck on a black screen | 11:55 |
varunendra | :P | 11:55 |
HLEP | just spent all night partitioning and installing it | 11:55 |
HLEP | and just ran into a shitload of problems | 11:55 |
HLEP | probs because its on macbook pro new one | 11:55 |
HLEP | how can i just quite terminal | 11:55 |
HLEP | does close window not quite the program? | 11:55 |
lotuspsychje | acy94: try booting grub in a previous kernel maybe? | 11:55 |
acy94 | kk | 11:56 |
acy94 | Be right back. | 11:56 |
lotuspsychje | acy94: or try a failsafeX | 11:56 |
acy94 | failsafeX? | 11:56 |
acy94 | How do I get into that? | 11:56 |
lotuspsychje | acy94: grub recoverymode | 11:56 |
varunendra | HLEP, if you invoke a program from a terminal, then closing that terminal will also kill the program | 11:56 |
HLEP | ye thats what i tohught so where is this apt-get coming from | 11:56 |
lotuspsychje | acy94: then load the defaults on grafix | 11:56 |
acy94 | Okay | 11:57 |
acy94 | be right back | 11:57 |
lotuspsychje | acy94: good luck | 11:57 |
Kakeb0ks | my xubuntu is so sloow for some reason :s i installed it some hours ago, when i use ubuntu software senter, it starts to get slow, i got 8 GB ram | 11:57 |
HLEP | ye thats what i tohught so where is this apt-get coming from | 11:57 |
varunendra | HLEP, what other package managers have you used so far? | 11:57 |
Friberg_ | which drivers for 7970 is recommended from Ubuntus point of view? Is it the built in xserver-xorg-video-ati? | 11:57 |
lotuspsychje | Kakeb0ks: any logs getting errors on your xubuntu? | 11:58 |
HLEP | only the software updater and even then it said i cant complete because apt-get is running elsewhere | 11:58 |
lotuspsychje | !ati | Friberg_ | 11:58 |
ubottu | Friberg_: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see | 11:58 |
checkin | varunendra, now nothing is related to Fn is working either :-( should i reinstall ubuntu and try this whole process again on a fresh install, in case other files are blocking it? | 11:58 |
Kakeb0ks | lotuspsychje, ye, got some random errors :s | 11:58 |
lotuspsychje | Kakeb0ks: can you pastebin them? | 11:59 |
Kakeb0ks | some point, its fast , randomly xubuntu gets slow :s | 11:59 |
varunendra | checkin, that was expected (either it'll make others work, or disable all). Just un-blacklist the driver (remove its line from the blacklist.conf file). | 11:59 |
HLEP | anyone? | 12:00 |
lotuspsychje | Kakeb0ks: 8gig on xubuntu...should be fast, something else might be lagging system | 12:00 |
Kakeb0ks | lotuspsychje, mhm , but what :s | 12:00 |
Kakeb0ks | didnt have same problem with ubuntu | 12:00 |
lotuspsychje | Kakeb0ks: lets try reading the logs :p | 12:00 |
varunendra | HLEP, can we safely assume that YOU didn't initiate an installation that is in progress? | 12:00 |
HLEP | yeah | 12:01 |
lotuspsychje | Kakeb0ks: or tail -f /var/log/syslog.1 to check in realtime | 12:01 |
HLEP | even if i did it would have been ended by now because have rebooted twice | 12:01 |
HLEP | right? | 12:02 |
checkin | varunendra, k.. removed it from blacklist and did a reboot.. now others are working fine.. :-) is it like end of the road :-) | 12:03 |
Kakeb0ks | lotuspsychje, found the file now | 12:03 |
Friberg_ | lotuspsychje: So, its the built in one thats recommended by Ubuntu. Just tried that one, how am i supposed to enable non mirrored displays? | 12:03 |
HLEP | ?? | 12:04 |
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lotuspsychje | !patience | HLEP | 12:04 |
ubottu | HLEP: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching or or | 12:04 |
varunendra | checkin, seems like that :( Maybe the latest model is too new for the driver to handle? | 12:04 |
HLEP | faiirrr ive been seraching all night lol | 12:04 |
varunendra | HLEP, yes we can attempt to kill the process then. | 12:04 |
kai__ | Hello? | 12:04 |
HLEP | ok so whats the command to kill all processes? | 12:04 |
Kakeb0ks | lotuspsychje, haha, chromium hangs xD when i copypasted the text into pastebin xD | 12:05 |
kai__ | Kateb0ks: I've had far less problems with Chrome | 12:05 |
varunendra | HLEP, what is the exact name of the apt-get process in "top" command? | 12:05 |
checkin | varunendra, one last ques? any thinkpad models that will be completely compatible with Ubuntu/Debian? | 12:05 |
lotuspsychje | Friberg_: not sure what mirrored displays would do, try to ask your specific problem in chat mate | 12:05 |
kai__ | Can someone read over my website for some critcal feedback? It was made on ubuntu btw. | 12:06 |
Friberg_ | lotuspsychje: Mirrored displays gives me the same image on every single monitor i have. I'd like to extend my desktop, not mirror it. | 12:06 |
HLEP | command: apt-get using 1-00% of cpu user: ROOT | 12:06 |
Friberg_ | How do I do this with the built in ati-driver | 12:06 |
Kakeb0ks | lotuspsychje, You have exceeded the maximum file size of 500 kilobytes per paste xD | 12:06 |
HLEP | *100% cpu | 12:06 |
lotuspsychje | !ot | kai__ | 12:07 |
ubottu | kai__: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks! | 12:07 |
Kakeb0ks | hah, maybe install lubuntu instead | 12:07 |
varunendra | checkin, take a look at this thread : I hope someone can offer better help :P | 12:07 |
lotuspsychje | Kakeb0ks: with 8gig ram xubuntu should be fine, what are other specs of your machine mate? | 12:07 |
varunendra | HLEP, try - "sudo killall apt-get" | 12:08 |
Kakeb0ks | lotuspsychje, the comp is 3 months old :s so shouldnt be a problem | 12:08 |
checkin | varunendra, thnx for your help.. | 12:08 |
mentalist | is there any full system encryption program for ubuntu? like truecrypt for windows | 12:08 |
checkin | :-) | 12:08 |
lotuspsychje | !cookie | varunendra | 12:08 |
ubottu | varunendra: Wow! You're such a great helper, you deserve a cookie! | 12:08 |
lotuspsychje | !encrypt | mentalist | 12:09 |
ubottu | mentalist: For information on setting up encrypted private directories (8.10+) see | 12:09 |
HLEP | noice apt get is now stopped | 12:09 |
varunendra | thanks to ubottu ?? :D | 12:09 |
lotuspsychje | :p | 12:09 |
HLEP | so now shall i try and install those drivers i donwloaded to my home folder earlier? | 12:09 |
lotuspsychje | Kakeb0ks: you should find the bottleneck mate, xubuntu should run fine on that machine then | 12:10 |
varunendra | HLEP, yeah, try that (sudo apt-get install linux-firmware-nonfree) | 12:10 |
Kakeb0ks | lotuspsychje, but how .. hmm | 12:10 |
lotuspsychje | Kakeb0ks: define what goes slow, check logs, start programs from terminal to see whats happening etc | 12:11 |
lotuspsychje | Kakeb0ks: dis you check additional drivers, if all installed correctly? | 12:11 |
lotuspsychje | Kakeb0ks: installed new hardware recently? | 12:12 |
Friberg_ | I've managed to setup three screens correctly using xrandr and xorg ati driver.. but things are laggy as hell. minimizing a window laggs even. | 12:14 |
lotuspsychje | Friberg_: did you also check your additional drivers section, to see if drivers installed correctly? | 12:15 |
lotuspsychje | Friberg_: older grafix card or rather new one? | 12:15 |
Friberg_ | 7970, rather new. | 12:16 |
habanany | Aldiko or fbreader ? | 12:16 |
lotuspsychje | !poll | habanany | 12:16 |
ubottu | habanany: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots. | 12:16 |
Friberg_ | lotuspsychje: ive checked additional drivers and it says that im using the recommended driver. | 12:16 |
lotuspsychje | Friberg_: did you clean install ubuntu, or upgrade..wich version are you on now? | 12:17 |
habanany | ubottu thanks | 12:17 |
ubottu | You're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-) | 12:17 |
Kakeb0ks | lotuspsychje, i install Lubuntu | 12:17 |
lotuspsychje | !info lubuntu-desktop | Kakeb0ks | 12:17 |
ubottu | Kakeb0ks: lubuntu-desktop (source: lubuntu-meta): Lubuntu Desktop environment. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.48 (raring), package size 2 kB, installed size 30 kB (Only available for i386; amd64; powerpc; armhf) | 12:17 |
Friberg_ | lotuspsychje: clean and upgrade, ive actually tried the same thing in 13.04 clean, then i upgraded to 13.10. So now you're goin gto tell me to bugger off and ask my questions in ubuntu+1, right? | 12:18 |
lotuspsychje | Kakeb0ks: whats the reason you choose xubuntu with 8gig ram? dont like unity on 13.04? | 12:18 |
habanany | ubottu whats a bot ? is it a automatic thing ? | 12:18 |
ubottu | I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) | 12:18 |
HLEP_ | hey again guys what was that command | 12:18 |
lotuspsychje | Friberg_: did your problem happen in 13.04 the same?. | 12:18 |
habanany | ubottu ok ok | 12:18 |
Friberg_ | lotuspsychje: yes | 12:19 |
Kakeb0ks | lotuspsychje, i like xubuntu more :p | 12:19 |
Kakeb0ks | than the new ubuntu | 12:19 |
HLEP_ | anyone who was helping me earlier got that command for installing the wireless drivers? | 12:20 |
lotuspsychje | Kakeb0ks: you could tryout ubuntu-desktop 13.04 see if same lags happen, if not like install lubuntu-desktop from there | 12:20 |
razzledazzle | why isn't ubuntu notifying me network disconnections? | 12:20 |
lotuspsychje | Friberg_: not sure why your grafix lag like this, i would doublecheck logs for any errors maybe | 12:21 |
Kakeb0ks | lotuspsychje, i had ubuntu some time ago, but after installing GPU drivers, i couldnt log in | 12:21 |
varunendra | HLEP_, did the apt-get command complete successfully last time? | 12:21 |
Kakeb0ks | black screen | 12:21 |
HLEP_ | the last thing i did was kill apt-get in top | 12:21 |
varunendra | HLEP_, then try now - "sudo apt-get install linux-firmware-nonfree" (assuming you are connected via cable) | 12:22 |
lotuspsychje | Kakeb0ks: maybe your grafix card bugs? | 12:22 |
HLEP_ | thats the one :D | 12:22 |
lotuspsychje | Kakeb0ks: what chipset your grafix card got? | 12:22 |
FiremanEd | quick question: Does Alt + sysrq + REISUB still reboot, or has it changed since the Maverick days? | 12:23 |
varunendra | FiremanEd, it does | 12:23 |
HLEP_ | this is what i got E: Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11: Resource temporarily unavailable) E: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it? bhleg@bhleg-UBUNTU:~$ | 12:23 |
FiremanEd | thank ye, varunendra | 12:24 |
varunendra | HLEP_, check the "top" command again.. :| | 12:24 |
varunendra | FiremanEd, you | 12:24 |
varunendra | you're welcome! | 12:24 |
HLEP_ | just did aptget isnt running anymore | 12:24 |
HLEP_ | but still it says cannot lock | 12:24 |
Friberg_ | lotuspsychje: not really the problem. the lag i can live with. not beeing able to use my 6 monitors, thats the nasty part. | 12:25 |
lotuspsychje | HLEP_: software centre still open maybe, or didnt 'sudo' apt-get? | 12:25 |
Friberg_ | when using fglrx driver i get something about my screen cannot be bigger than 1920x1080 | 12:25 |
Friberg_ | öh.. 1920x1920 | 12:25 |
Friberg_ | actually | 12:25 |
lotuspsychje | Friberg_: 6 monitors on the same card :p | 12:25 |
varunendra | HLEP_, I'm not entirely sure what I'm going to suggest, it can be risky. But try manually deleting the locks.. wanna try? | 12:25 |
Friberg_ | lotuspsychje: yes | 12:25 |
HLEP_ | Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it? | 12:25 |
HLEP_ | yeah il try that | 12:25 |
sanav | hello admin .I found problem in installing ubuntu on preinstalled win 8 system(UEFI ) .Please help me .Complete : .Please read this .Thanks | 12:25 |
HLEP_ | but whats the risk? | 12:25 |
mentalist | why you need 6 screens? | 12:25 |
Friberg_ | lotuspsychje: 2x dvi, 4x dp | 12:25 |
Friberg_ | mentalist: not the question here. | 12:26 |
lotuspsychje | !uefi | sanav | 12:26 |
ubottu | sanav: UEFI is a specification that defines a software interface between an operating system and platform firmware, it is meant as a replacement for the BIOS. For information on how to set up and install Ubuntu and its derivatives on UEFI machines please read | 12:26 |
varunendra | HLEP_, then do - "sudo rm /var/lib/dpkg/lock" | 12:26 |
sanav | lotuspsychje: already read .Thanks | 12:26 |
lotuspsychje | Friberg_: never configged 6 screens yet on ubuntu, so i cant help you with that :p | 12:26 |
sanav | HLEP_: or 'sudo pkill dpkg' | 12:26 |
Friberg_ | figures. works great in windows thou | 12:27 |
HLEP_ | i did first one command but it asked for password then nothing | 12:27 |
HLEP_ | is it doing it in background?1 | 12:27 |
varunendra | HLEP_, did you enter your login password when it asked? | 12:27 |
HLEP_ | yep | 12:27 |
varunendra | HLEP_, now check if the file was deleted - "ls /var/lib/dpkg/lock" | 12:28 |
HLEP_ | sudo | 12:28 |
varunendra | HLEP_, does it return an output or "no such file" error? | 12:28 |
HLEP_ | yep | 12:28 |
HLEP_ | cannot access file no such file or directory | 12:29 |
HLEP_ | i assume its gone then | 12:29 |
lotuspsychje | Friberg_: maybe this can help: | 12:29 |
varunendra | good | 12:29 |
varunendra | yes | 12:29 |
HLEP_ | klkl so now if i try to install these drivers it will work now? | 12:29 |
varunendra | HLEP_, now try again - "sudo apt-get install linux-firmware-nonfree" | 12:30 |
varunendra | HLEP_, success or error again?? | 12:30 |
HLEP_ | i think its done it!! Reading package lists... Done Building dependency tree Reading state information... Done The following package was automatically installed and is no longer required: linux-image-generic Use 'apt-get autoremove' to remove it. The following NEW packages will be installed linux-firmware-nonfree 0 upgraded, 1 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded. Need to get 3,943 kB of archives. After this oper | 12:31 |
HLEP_ | soz for psating it in convo | 12:31 |
lotuspsychje | sanav: seems like grub didnt install correclty to read | 12:31 |
lotuspsychje | sanav: did you disable secure boot from bios? | 12:32 |
varunendra | HLEP_, proceed then. | 12:32 |
HLEP_ | so should the wireless be fixed now?? | 12:32 |
HLEP_ | or is there more to do? | 12:32 |
HLEP_ | also the lock thing should be fixed as well shouldnt it/ | 12:32 |
sanav | lotuspsychje : why i need to disable it .if i disable it , we can't install ubuntu on win 8 .Its required . | 12:32 |
varunendra | HLEP_, I hope so :) but you'll need to unload --> re-load the driver | 12:33 |
HLEP_ | how does one do this? | 12:33 |
lotuspsychje | sanav: seems like your win8 locked out grub, so it cant boot | 12:33 |
varunendra | HLEP_, after it finishes, do - "sudo modprobe -rfv b43", then - "sudo modprobe -v b43". | 12:34 |
sanav | lotuspsychje: may be . | 12:34 |
lotuspsychje | sanav: how about single install ubuntu | 12:34 |
sanav | lotuspsychje: it work fine . | 12:34 |
HLEP_ | done those commands now | 12:34 |
HLEP_ | do i need to reboot? | 12:34 |
HLEP_ | not even a reboot needed | 12:35 |
sanav | lotuspsychje: but when i dual boot with win 8 it show me errors .huhh | 12:35 |
HLEP_ | just connected to wifi straight away | 12:35 |
HLEP_ | :D:D:D | 12:35 |
HLEP_ | thanks man so much | 12:35 |
HLEP_ | i appreciate it! | 12:35 |
FloodBot1 | HLEP_: Please don't flood; use to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation. | 12:35 |
lotuspsychje | sanav: booting wich? win8 or ubuntu? | 12:35 |
varunendra | HLEP_, yay!! | 12:35 |
HLEP_ | finally i can sleep lol | 12:35 |
sanav | lotuspsychje: win 8 | 12:35 |
varunendra | :D | 12:36 |
HLEP_ | have a good one mate thanks varunendra! | 12:36 |
varunendra | welcome! | 12:36 |
lotuspsychje | sanav: does it show in grub2 list when holding shift at boot? | 12:36 |
sanav | lotuspsychje: nopes ! | 12:36 |
lotuspsychje | sanav: you can ask in ##hardware or ##windows, but i recommend single install ubuntu :p | 12:37 |
lotuspsychje | sanav: you dont need a leak windows :p | 12:37 |
sanav | lotuspsychje: but battery life sucks . | 12:37 |
lotuspsychje | sanav: you can tweak energy options in ubuntu | 12:38 |
sanav | lotuspsychje: can it gave me 6 hour battery ? | 12:38 |
lotuspsychje | sanav: it all depends how you configged it | 12:38 |
sanav | lotuspsychje: i'm using ultrabook .It gave me 6 hour battery backup with win 8 . | 12:39 |
robotti | hello! | 12:39 |
lotuspsychje | sanav: maybe this can help: | 12:40 |
sanav | lotuspsychje: can i ask you a personal question ? Whats your laptop battery backup ? ;p | 12:40 |
lotuspsychje | sanav: i got an acer aspire one with ssd and ubuntu 13.04 64bit, no issues here :p | 12:41 |
sanav | lotuspsychje: with ubuntu as main OS | 12:41 |
lotuspsychje | sanav: 4-5 hours battery here, but its a netbook | 12:41 |
qmt | hi | 12:41 |
sanav | lotuspsychje: thats good .Did you tweak ? or it come with ubuntu as pre-installed OS ? | 12:42 |
lotuspsychje | sanav: no ive clean installed myself (default Os was win7) no energy tweaks | 12:43 |
sanav | lotuspsychje: wow ! when i installed ubuntu it gave me hardly 2 hours . | 12:43 |
kalakj | hello everyone | 12:44 |
robotti | <-- why it is doing that. It is not working. | 12:44 |
qmt | hi everybody | 12:44 |
lotuspsychje | sanav: thats low indeed for an ultrabook, did you use intensively? | 12:44 |
robotti | I am trying to open exe file and when trying to find app from Internet it will give that error message everytime. | 12:44 |
kalakj | i have a problem that, many times my laptop DVD DRIVE automatically ejects | 12:44 |
kalakj | this is the problem with UBUNTU | 12:45 |
sanav | lotuspsychje: nopes .I just use it for editing my college programs . | 12:45 |
qmt | robotti: exe = executable for windows OS, i assume | 12:45 |
sanav | lotuspsychje: its a big shame for ultrabook | 12:45 |
kalakj | i have never faced any problem in wINDOWS, i have dual boot windows and Linux | 12:45 |
kalakj | UBUNTU12.04LTS i am using currently | 12:45 |
varunendra | sanav, have you tried powertop? | 12:45 |
robotti | qmt: dos. and it is doing that with everything. when trying to open rar. or any format it is not supported in default. | 12:45 |
lotuspsychje | !info powertop | 12:45 |
ubottu | powertop (source: powertop): Linux tool to find out what is using power on a laptop. In component main, is extra. Version 2.1-0ubuntu1 (raring), package size 164 kB, installed size 476 kB | 12:45 |
=== Mark_ is now known as x6d61726b |
lotuspsychje | varunendra: tnx for tip | 12:46 |
robotti | qmt: it just tells that failed and always about something about python | 12:46 |
qmt | robotti, whats the program called? | 12:46 |
varunendra | lotuspsychje, I have it installed, although I never really need it. ;) | 12:46 |
sanav | varunendra: aha ! tried ,it only increase battery backup by half hour . | 12:46 |
lotuspsychje | sanav: did you load your battery full night before using it? | 12:47 |
robotti | qmt: choose app to open file * dialog app | 12:47 |
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qmt | i have to leave. sorry. | 12:47 |
kalakj | robotti: this will not work, you will get error msgs, these files are for Windows and will run on Windows, to make them executable on LInux you will have to install WINE or you can install virtual box, where you can virtually install WIndows in your LInux | 12:47 |
varunendra | sanav, that's what I thought. Did you try to identify the source of drain? | 12:47 |
sanav | lotuspsychje: when my battery full , i disconnect it | 12:47 |
robotti | kalakj: is it broken? | 12:47 |
sanav | varunendra: yup , its because of backlit keyboard . or may be it because of desktop manager like gnome 3 and unity . | 12:48 |
kalakj | robotti: no , try to run same file in Windows on your computer or any other computer, if their is no error, then they are not broken or corrupted | 12:48 |
sanav | lotuspsychje: which desktop manager you use ? | 12:48 |
robotti | kalakj: no! I mean, that dialog program on ubuntu is broken | 12:49 |
varunendra | sanav, like lotuspsychje , I also have win7 dual boot. And I don't get any noticeable difference in battery life in either win7 or Ubuntu 12.04. I'm using almost everything default. | 12:49 |
robotti | kalakj: it is doing with every file | 12:49 |
lotuspsychje | sanav: unity by default | 12:49 |
robotti | kalakj: like mp3 or acc | 12:49 |
varunendra | oh, but lotuspsychje doesn't have a dual boot it seems :P | 12:49 |
robotti | kalakj: or iso files | 12:49 |
lotuspsychje | varunendra: no i clean installed 13.04, didnt use windows for years :p | 12:49 |
robotti | kalakj: it is broken and I was asking why! | 12:50 |
kalakj | robotti: is it doing with pic file and OGG file, is it able to open file and folders | 12:50 |
sanav | lotuspsychje: win 7 can't even install on my ultrabook .It don't support uefi mode .huhh ! during installation , it gave me error . | 12:50 |
varunendra | lotuspsychje, I'll be in the same boat in some days. I have totally forgot when I last booted in it ;) | 12:50 |
lotuspsychje | sanav: i would try ##hardware for asking default battery life of your hardware | 12:51 |
lotuspsychje | varunendra: i found alternate packages enough for ubuntu to fully replace a 'windows' life :p | 12:51 |
sanav | lotuspsychje: varunendra : thanks man .I'll try and get ubuntu on my system .Win 8 , some time sucks | 12:51 |
=== Mushu is now known as Ti-Lung |
lotuspsychje | sanav: win8 is just a bad dream upgrade of win7 :p | 12:52 |
Friberg_ | after alot of fibbeling, i managed to get aticonfig --initial=dual-head running.. all screens are now the same except one of them which have distorted background, half screen black, other half some noise and stuff like that. | 12:52 |
kalakj | robotti: show us the screenshot of the error | 12:52 |
Friberg_ | I'm giving up, again | 12:52 |
lotuspsychje | Friberg_: re-ask your issue here once in a while | 12:52 |
varunendra | like vista was in comparison to xp | 12:52 |
lotuspsychje | varunendra: true! | 12:52 |
kalakj | robotti: use | 12:53 |
lotuspsychje | Friberg_: at other times, many more experts might solve your issue here | 12:53 |
robotti | kalakj: | 12:53 |
Friberg_ | yepp.. ill retry sometime.. this is the second time i tried ubuntu. first time was 10 years ago. that acutally worked fine. | 12:53 |
Friberg_ | i've been running debian since then | 12:53 |
robotti | kalakj: is that normal behaviour? | 12:54 |
lotuspsychje | Friberg_: maybe mess with workspaces on your 6monitors | 12:55 |
Friberg_ | maybe. I've never tried linux with more than two screens before.. so.. | 12:56 |
kalakj | robotti: i am not able to understand completely because i could not recognise that langauage | 12:56 |
lotuspsychje | Friberg_: | 12:56 |
kalakj | robotti: but try to open any other zip file | 12:56 |
robotti | kalakj: it is not about file :) | 12:56 |
=== Ti-Lung is now known as Yinglong |
robotti | kalakj: it is doing that with every file on system | 12:57 |
Friberg_ | lotuspsychje: ok.. apperently someone had the same issue as i had. they tried fedora 19 with kde and that actually worked out of the box. | 12:59 |
robotti | kalakj: | 13:00 |
kalakj | robotti: open Ubuntu software centre | 13:00 |
robotti | kalakj: ok? | 13:00 |
kalakj | and install some other file manager | 13:00 |
lotuspsychje | Friberg_: here another article on 6 monitors: | 13:01 |
robotti | kalakj: it does not fix that file manager | 13:01 |
robotti | kalakj: because it is about file dialog what use python application interface to find application for file. | 13:01 |
robotti | and it is broken | 13:01 |
robotti | kalakj: And I was searching information why is it broken | 13:02 |
robotti | because it works quite well on other computers. | 13:02 |
robotti | installing other file manager does not fix my nautilus | 13:02 |
robotti | it is really bad fix | 13:02 |
theadmin | robotti: Try reinstalling app-install-data | 13:02 |
lmat | I created a chroot and would like to run x programs within it. Do I need to install X in the chroot? | 13:02 |
deanrock0 | hey, do you know what's the status with mariadb? will it ever replace mysql in offical repo? | 13:03 |
Friberg_ | lotuspsychje: yep.. without usable info :P | 13:03 |
kalakj | robotti: oh! letś try some method | 13:03 |
kalakj | robotti: LOok in privacy settings | 13:04 |
lotuspsychje | Friberg_: re-ask your issue here once in a while, im sure they can fix it | 13:04 |
lmat | got it, nevermind :D | 13:04 |
thisarm | no found utouch | 13:04 |
theadmin | deanrock0: Ubuntu's most likely to follow in Debian's footsteps with something this major, so ask those people, might get a faster answer | 13:04 |
kalakj | robotti: is there any option to check for applications online , i am using ubuntu 12.04 and what version you are using | 13:05 |
Friberg_ | lotuspsychje: wil ldo | 13:05 |
BluesKaj | Howdy all | 13:07 |
kalakj | robotti: there are some changes in unity dash, have you recently upgraded your package manager, this might be a bug then | 13:07 |
=== Duality__ is now known as Duality |
kalakj | robotti: iF you are behind a proxy, then this option may also occur | 13:08 |
theadmin | kalakj: It fails reading a local file, that's got noting to do with proxies | 13:08 |
kalakj | theadmin: it is not finding applications online | 13:09 |
theadmin | kalakj: ...Did you even look at the error message? | 13:09 |
theadmin | kalakj: ParsingError: ParsingError in file '/usr/share/...' | 13:09 |
theadmin | Happened to me before, normally purging and reinstalling app-install-data fixes the problem | 13:10 |
robotti | kalakj: I installed two days ago this system. it is brand new install. and every packages are updated. | 13:10 |
robotti | kalakj: I am using ubuntu 13.04 | 13:10 |
theadmin | robotti: (see my message above, try purging and reinstalling "app-install-data") | 13:10 |
kalakj | robotti: ask theadmin , he knows better than me on this problem, he may assist your better | 13:11 |
robotti | kalakj: it seems so :) | 13:12 |
robotti | theadmin: it will remove ubuntu-desktop | 13:12 |
robotti | If I am going to purge app-install-data | 13:12 |
robotti | and software center | 13:12 |
theadmin | robotti: ubuntu-desktop is a metapackage, it doesn't actually do anything. Not a problem. It will remove the SC though, gotta reinstall that later | 13:12 |
theadmin | robotti: (and a few other things, maybe taking a list is best, or maybe you can just "sudo apt-get --reinstall install app-install-data") | 13:13 |
theadmin | robotti: (not sure if the latter'd work) | 13:13 |
=== harrymoreno_ is now known as harrymoreno |
robotti | theadmin: | 13:15 |
theadmin | robotti: Well, doesn't tell much. Is Nautilus working fine now? | 13:16 |
robotti | theadmin: no change on behaviour. | 13:17 |
robotti | maybe I should re-install? | 13:17 |
theadmin | robotti: Eh, that's always an option, if you don't have much important data/settings. By the way, I recommend using 12.04 as it's most stable (generally, stay on LTS unless you're the kind of person who wants everything latest) | 13:18 |
robotti | theadmin: my home is in different hdd | 13:18 |
theadmin | robotti: Ah, okay then | 13:19 |
Lynxx | how do you take a gun a apart? | 13:19 |
theadmin | Lynxx: Smash it with a Nokia phone. But really, this isn't the right place for this question -- this is a channel strictly for support-related queries. Try #ubuntu-offtopic for general chat | 13:21 |
robotti | theadmin: Or I should try to find solution. | 13:21 |
ipSpoofEr | SGDUKYGQ3IT64Aitri6t7&TY$O@*&YO($*YW &AUGW$RO*&T#RW(&#OQRGO*Q&#(8otgo8rwag3foiuhein7yut37iggi87t8R%$^t^&i&^f%yrdq#wx$ecrtyui#$%y5r973t97w79prT789T53973PT5R9P7T35P(8otgo(8otgo8rwag3foi76t*&&T@$*&YT$&TY$O@*&YO($*YW &AUGW$RO*&T#RW(&#OQRGO*Q&#(&TY$O@*&YO($*YW &AUGW$RO*&T#RW(&#OQRGO*Q&#(8otgo8rwag3foiuhein7yut37iggi87t8R%$^t^&i&^f%yrdq#wx$ecrtyui#$%y5r973t97w79prT789T53973PT5R9P7T35P(8otgo(8otgo8&TY$O@*&YO($*YW &AUGW$RO*&T#RW(&#OQRGO*Q | 13:21 |
ipSpoofEr | SGDUKYGQ3IT64Aitri6t7&TY$O@*&YO($*YW &AUGW$RO*&T#RW(&#OQRGO*Q&#(8otgo8rwag3foiuhein7yut37iggi87t8R%$^t^&i&^f%yrdq#wx$ecrtyui#$%y5r973t97w79prT789T53973PT5R9P7T35P(8otgo(8otgo8rwag3foi76t*&&T@$*&YT$&TY$O@*&YO($*YW &AUGW$RO*&T#RW(&#OQRGO*Q&#(&TY$O@*&YO($*YW &AUGW$RO*&T#RW(&#OQRGO*Q&#(8otgo8rwag3foiuhein7yut37iggi87t8R%$^t^&i&^f%yrdq#wx$ecrtyui#$%y5r973t97w79prT789T53973PT5R9P7T35P(8otgo(8otgo8&TY$O@*&YO($*YW &AUGW$RO*&T#RW(&#OQRGO*Q | 13:21 |
ipSpoofEr | SGDUKYGQ3IT64Aitri6t7&TY$O@*&YO($*YW &AUGW$RO*&T#RW(&#OQRGO*Q&#(8otgo8rwag3foiuhein7yut37iggi87t8R%$^t^&i&^f%yrdq#wx$ecrtyui#$%y5r973t97w79prT789T53973PT5R9P7T35P(8otgo(8otgo8rwag3foi76t*&&T@$*&YT$&TY$O@*&YO($*YW &AUGW$RO*&T#RW(&#OQRGO*Q&#(&TY$O@*&YO($*YW &AUGW$RO*&T#RW(&#OQRGO*Q&#(8otgo8rwag3foiuhein7yut37iggi87t8R%$^t^&i&^f%yrdq#wx$ecrtyui#$%y5r973t97w79prT789T53973PT5R9P7T35P(8otgo(8otgo8&TY$O@*&YO($*YW &AUGW$RO*&T#RW(&#OQRGO*Q | 13:21 |
FloodBot1 | ipSpoofEr: Please don't flood; use to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation. | 13:21 |
kostkon | :/ | 13:21 |
Haze_ | some things never change on irc | 13:22 |
theadmin | robotti: Well... Depends, really. If it's a new install then not much could've changed since the initial install so it's probably easy to retrace whatever you did | 13:22 |
Haze_ | 300 years from if irc is sitll around people will still be flooding :) | 13:22 |
theadmin | robotti: So reinstalling sounds reasonable if no other solution's present | 13:23 |
robotti | theadmin: It was my mistake | 13:23 |
theadmin | robotti: You might try asking this question on -- you'll probably have to wait a bit longer for an answer, but if noone here can help it's probably the best thing to do. You also don't have to sit online there waiting for the answer :D | 13:24 |
robotti | theadmin: it is broken all my computers with ubuntu 13.04. It works right on computers with ubuntu 12.04 | 13:24 |
robotti | theadmin: it seems to be 13.04 bug | 13:24 |
theadmin | robotti: I'm on 13.04, works okay for me. | 13:24 |
robotti | odd | 13:25 |
robotti | :D | 13:25 |
theadmin | robotti: But yes, LTS releases usually have less issues as they're released less often and so they get more polish and less bugs | 13:25 |
theadmin | robotti: (and longer support is a bonus too) | 13:26 |
robotti | theadmin: Maybe it is broken because I have installed some dev python libraries? | 13:27 |
robotti | and maybe different versions of python. | 13:27 |
theadmin | robotti: Quite unlikely... I have quite a bunch of those installed myself, and I have both Python2 and Python3 | 13:27 |
robotti | but it is bad, broken after few days. | 13:28 |
robotti | Maybe i am going to run ubuntu on vm | 13:29 |
robotti | and take snapshots often. | 13:29 |
theadmin | robotti: Eh, I'd just go with 12.04 and stay there until 14.04 is released (or maybe even longer, it is supported for 5 years after all) | 13:30 |
yubuntoo | SGDUKYGQ3IT64Aitri6t7&TY$O@*&YO($*YW &AUGW$RO*&T#RW(&#OQRGO*Q&#(8otgo8rwag3foiuhein7yut37iggi87t8R%$^t^&i&^f%yrdq#wx$ecrtyui#$%y5r973t97w79prT789T53973PT5R9P7T35P(8otgo(8otgo8rwag3foi76t*&&T@$*&YT$&TY$O@*&YO($*YW &AUGW$RO*&T#RW(&#OQRGO*Q&#(&TY$O@*&YO($*YW &AUGW$RO*&T#RW(&#OQRGO*Q&#(8otgo8rwag3foiuhein7yut37iggi87t8R%$^t^&i&^f%yrdq#wx$ecrtyui#$%y5r973t97w79prT789T53973PT5R9P7T35P(8otgo(8otgo8&TY$O@*&YO($*YW &AUGW$RO*&T#RW(&#OQRGO*Q& | 13:30 |
yubuntoo | SGDUKYGQ3IT64Aitri6t7&TY$O@*&YO($*YW &AUGW$RO*&T#RW(&#OQRGO*Q&#(8otgo8rwag3foiuhein7yut37iggi87t8R%$^t^&i&^f%yrdq#wx$ecrtyui#$%y5r973t97w79prT789T53973PT5R9P7T35P(8otgo(8otgo8rwag3foi76t*&&T@$*&YT$&TY$O@*&YO($*YW &AUGW$RO*&T#RW(&#OQRGO*Q&#(&TY$O@*&YO($*YW &AUGW$RO*&T#RW(&#OQRGO*Q&#(8otgo8rwag3foiuhein7yut37iggi87t8R%$^t^&i&^f%yrdq#wx$ecrtyui#$%y5r973t97w79prT789T53973PT5R9P7T35P(8otgo(8otgo8&TY$O@*&YO($*YW &AUGW$RO*&T#RW(&#OQRGO*Q& | 13:30 |
yubuntoo | SGDUKYGQ3IT64Aitri6t7&TY$O@*&YO($*YW &AUGW$RO*&T#RW(&#OQRGO*Q&#(8otgo8rwag3foiuhein7yut37iggi87t8R%$^t^&i&^f%yrdq#wx$ecrtyui#$%y5r973t97w79prT789T53973PT5R9P7T35P(8otgo(8otgo8rwag3foi76t*&&T@$*&YT$&TY$O@*&YO($*YW &AUGW$RO*&T#RW(&#OQRGO*Q&#(&TY$O@*&YO($*YW &AUGW$RO*&T#RW(&#OQRGO*Q&#(8otgo8rwag3foiuhein7yut37iggi87t8R%$^t^&i&^f%yrdq#wx$ecrtyui#$%y5r973t97w79prT789T53973PT5R9P7T35P(8otgo(8otgo8&TY$O@*&YO($*YW &AUGW$RO*&T#RW(&#OQRGO*Q& | 13:30 |
FloodBot1 | yubuntoo: Please don't flood; use to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation. | 13:30 |
=== che_ is now known as Guest45746 |
Ic3Kitten | omg your not seriously still online :O | 13:37 |
seriously_random | how do I make command "for file in $(ls -p | grep -v / | tail -100)" work for file names that have spaces and commas and etc...? | 13:37 |
Ic3Kitten | holstein: I cannot connect to the internet wirelessly from ubuntu | 13:38 |
varunendra | Ic3Kitten, who were you directing your "still online" comment to :P | 13:39 |
Ic3Kitten | nvm lol | 13:39 |
Ic3Kitten | lots of people | 13:39 |
zykotick9 | seriously_random: i'd "guess" if you asked in #bash, they'd probably tell you not to use ls for this... but i have no idea what they'd actually suggest. good luck. | 13:39 |
varunendra | and what was the problem? Ic3Kitten | 13:40 |
Ic3Kitten | :( I don't know how to connect to the wirless internet that surrounds me Nya~ | 13:40 |
dn5 | Ic3Kitten tell us more | 13:41 |
dn5 | What version of ubuntu you use? | 13:41 |
varunendra | Ic3Kitten, I think you had generated a wireless-info.txt report? | 13:42 |
Ic3Kitten | I just finished installing ?Ubuntu? And I havent the slightest idea what makes it better than vista or anything for that matter... I I NEED to know is how to connect to the ethernet from my laptop | 13:42 |
pcuser | i am having some problems importing vpn connections in xubuntu 13.04. i am trying to import 400+ .ovpn files, when importing them using the network-mananger it does not seem to pick up any of the certificates embeded in the ovpn file. i have the certificates in files in my home directory, and manually pointing the network-manager to these files works fine. | 13:42 |
dn5 | ethernet or wireless don't change opinions. and why it's better then vista or other OSs, you have a lot of infos on Google. | 13:42 |
pcuser | im trying to automate the process of importing these VPN connections, rather then setting up 400 one by one | 13:42 |
Ic3Kitten | I thought they were the same | 13:42 |
pcuser | how do i create new vpn connections in the network-manager via CLI? | 13:43 |
Ic3Kitten | ethernet and intranet* | 13:43 |
MonkWitDaFunk | Hi, if your having trouble using wifi, you might need non free drivers for your hardware like broadcoms drivers | 13:43 |
dn5 | Eternet is LAN connection used with kable and wireless is air connection | 13:43 |
Ic3Kitten | I like air | 13:43 |
dn5 | which way did you connect while you were on Vista? | 13:43 |
Ic3Kitten | Wifi lmao | 13:44 |
andi6803 | Hi all, Rhythmbox don't save covers in the cache anymore (~.cache/rhythmbox/album-art). And therefore I don't see any covers on my iPod after transfer. Can anyone help? | 13:44 |
=== DestinyAwaits is now known as Guest92033 |
MonkWitDaFunk | Theres cat5e and cat6 ethernet supported by my gigabit switch | 13:44 |
dn5 | tell me the version of ubuntu you use | 13:44 |
Ic3Kitten | N00b it down for meh lol | 13:44 |
Ic3Kitten | 13.04 | 13:44 |
=== DestinyAwaits1 is now known as DestinyAwaits |
MonkWitDaFunk | I have 12.04.2 but how do i encrypte the entire filesystem? | 13:45 |
dn5 | hm... not sure about 13.04 as I'm on 12.04. Do you have a left sidebar with icons? | 13:45 |
Ic3Kitten | yes | 13:45 |
dn5 | MonkWitDaFunk - TrueCrypt <3 | 13:45 |
Ic3Kitten | Im not on ubuntu but I remember the options yes | 13:45 |
Ways | g'day guys | 13:46 |
dn5 | Ic3Kitten - you have to press the start menu, the so called 'Dash Home' and you should write there Network Connection. Then open it up and locate youself on tab "Wirless". Just click Add and enter you wireless information. | 13:46 |
=== qos|away is now known as qos |
MonkWitDaFunk | So does the newest long term support release have ext4 encryption using luks? | 13:47 |
Ways | need a little help if anyone has a second, i'm limited to 8 colors when i connect to my box via putty | 13:47 |
Ic3Kitten | XD | 13:47 |
Ic3Kitten | I'll see you soon my friends | 13:47 |
dn5 | Regards | 13:48 |
MonkWitDaFunk | Ways, you might need to configure x11 | 13:48 |
MonkWitDaFunk | Or x10 idk | 13:48 |
Ways | ok Monk i'll look at that thx | 13:49 |
=== xubuntu is now known as Guest40299 |
redribbon | anybody here? | 13:53 |
redribbon | any idea how to set temperature trip point? | 13:55 |
HLEP | hi guys just got everything working properly wifi and stuff and now my screen flickers a lot i donwloaded gfxcardstatus and set it to integrated only on os x and booted back into ubuntu, as mentioned in a tutorial somewhere, but the screen still on a macbook pro 15inch lat 2012 model | 13:57 |
seriously_random | copy oldest 100 files (in pictures) to location pictures/001? | 13:57 |
matematikaadit | When browsing web using firefox in Ubuntu 13.10, sometimes images shown as broken. | 13:57 |
matematikaadit | I think I get the same problem as mentioned here: | 13:58 |
Keverw | Hey. I'm using GNU Screen and and SSHed into a VPS. I'm trying to detach the screen and I thought it was control D What I used when I SSHed years ago on Windows. On a Mac right now and pressing control D in the terminal app, trying to detatch my screen in the remote server. Kinda stuck. | 13:58 |
matematikaadit | | 13:58 |
HLEP | hi guys just got everything working properly wifi and stuff and now my screen flickers a lot i donwloaded gfxcardstatus and set it to integrated only on os x and booted back into ubuntu, as mentioned in a tutorial somewhere, but the screen still on a macbook pro 15inch lat 2012 model | 13:58 |
reisio | Keverw: ctrl+a, d | 13:58 |
POVaddct | Keverw: it's control A d | 13:58 |
matematikaadit | Here the screenshot of broken images: | 13:58 |
reisio | or you can just close the window :p | 13:58 |
Keverw | Oh cool. Thanks. So Contorl A and then D got it. Sweet. Going to make a note of that. | 13:59 |
reisio | aka man screen :) | 13:59 |
POVaddct | Keverw: each screen command starts with Control A | 13:59 |
matematikaadit | any suggestion for fixing/finding the cause of that images broken issue in firefox? | 14:00 |
Keverw | Sweet :D Getting back to playing with OpenSim and I remember using Screen to keep it opened when I close out of the terminal. Been like since 2009 since I've done this stuff. :) | 14:00 |
Ways | i'm trying to get 16 colors out of putty. somone suggested configuring x11 but that seems to be just for emulating the gui | 14:01 |
rijack | I'm about to install ubuntu but i'm customizing the live cd | 14:02 |
rijack | if i replace firefox with tor browser would it integrate the same way firefox would | 14:03 |
b0red | root@ubuntu:~# do-release-upgrade | 14:07 |
b0red | Checking for a new Ubuntu release | 14:07 |
b0red | No new release found | 14:07 |
b0red | root@ubuntu:~# cat /etc/issue | 14:07 |
b0red | Ubuntu 12.04.2 LTS \n \l | 14:07 |
FloodBot1 | b0red: Please don't flood; use to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation. | 14:07 |
b0red | why is it telling me that? is 12.04.2 latest? | 14:07 |
Myrtti | it is the latest lts release | 14:08 |
Myrtti | lts by default suggests only the next lts when it's available | 14:09 |
b0red | so no newer releases | 14:09 |
HLEP | hi guys just got everything working properly wifi and stuff and now my screen flickers a lot i donwloaded gfxcardstatus and set it to integrated only on os x and booted back into ubuntu, as mentioned in a tutorial somewhere, but the screen still on a macbook pro 15inch lat 2012 model | 14:10 |
b0red | i wanna get raring | 14:10 |
Ways | hmm, its set to xterm-256color and putty is set to that data type. | 14:11 |
Ways | is there something else i'm missing? screen settings maybe? | 14:11 |
Myrtti | b0red: technically there are new releases, you have to enable upgrading to them from software sources, however be aware getting 13.04 involves upgrading to 12.10 first | 14:12 |
HLEP | hi guys just got everything working properly wifi and stuff and now my screen flickers a lot i donwloaded gfxcardstatus and set it to integrated only on os x and booted back into ubuntu, as mentioned in a tutorial somewhere, but the screen still on a macbook pro 15inch lat 2012 model | 14:13 |
HLEP | anyone?? | 14:13 |
nemo|omen | @b0red: have a look here: /etc/update-manager/release-upgrades | 14:14 |
b0red | Prompt=lts | 14:15 |
b0red | what do i change this to? | 14:15 |
b0red | newer? | 14:15 |
HLEP | anyone know why my screen is flickering?? | 14:15 |
HLEP | help me out? | 14:15 |
b0red | normal* | 14:16 |
HLEP | hi guys just got everything working properly wifi and stuff and now my screen flickers a lot i donwloaded gfxcardstatus and set it to integrated only on os x and booted back into ubuntu, as mentioned in a tutorial somewhere, but the screen still on a macbook pro 15inch lat 2012 model | 14:16 |
b0red | ok its getting quantal | 14:16 |
b0red | it's saying sorry it cant find a ptty | 14:17 |
Ways | ffs, its working but not displaying in the program i'm using | 14:17 |
b0red | Sorry, could not find a PTY. | 14:17 |
Ways | why is nothing ever easy? | 14:17 |
b0red | i need to fix that first | 14:17 |
HLEP | hi guys just got everything working properly wifi and stuff and now my screen flickers a lot i donwloaded gfxcardstatus and set it to integrated only on os x and booted back into ubuntu, as mentioned in a tutorial somewhere, but the screen still on a macbook pro 15inch lat 2012 model | 14:17 |
b0red | root@ubuntu:~# mount devpts /dev/pts -t devpts -o mode=620 | 14:19 |
b0red | mount: devpts already mounted or /dev/pts busy | 14:19 |
b0red | mount: according to mtab, none is already mounted on /dev/pts | 14:19 |
octopus80 | can anyone help me solving networking problem Ubuntu-Windows | 14:19 |
b0red | who is using dev pts | 14:19 |
malimbar | I'm using a script ( ) to display my desktop on twitch. How do I get it to only capture a portion of the screen, like one open window? | 14:20 |
pavel | clear | 14:22 |
pavel | oh.. | 14:22 |
pavel | How to install steam in xubuntu 13.04/64 bit? | 14:23 |
pavel | After install I have such error: "OpenGL GLX context is not using direct rendering, which may cause performance problems." | 14:24 |
pavel | What I do wrong? :D | 14:24 |
malimbar | nvm on my question, I think I figured it out | 14:24 |
crankharder | isn't there a quick way with dpkg-reconfigure to automatically reconfigure all my networking devices? similar to what happens during the install process? | 14:25 |
crankharder | I just cloned an ubuntu guest, and the networking is all foobard'd | 14:25 |
HLEP | hello? | 14:26 |
HLEP | hi guys just got everything working properly wifi and stuff and now my screen flickers a lot i donwloaded gfxcardstatus and set it to integrated only on os x and booted back into ubuntu, as mentioned in a tutorial somewhere, but the screen still on a macbook pro 15inch lat 2012 model | 14:26 |
octopus80 | can anyone please help solving networking problem: Ubuntu-Windows | 14:27 |
=== Chenzw is now known as Chenzw|away |
HLEP | hi guys just got everything working properly wifi and stuff and now my screen flickers a lot i donwloaded gfxcardstatus and set it to integrated only on os x and booted back into ubuntu, as mentioned in a tutorial somewhere, but the screen still on a macbook pro 15inch lat 2012 model | 14:27 |
HLEP | hi guys just got everything working properly wifi and stuff and now my screen flickers a lot i donwloaded gfxcardstatus and set it to integrated only on os x and booted back into ubuntu, as mentioned in a tutorial somewhere, but the screen still on a macbook pro 15inch lat 2012 model | 14:27 |
HLEP | hi guys just got everything working properly wifi and stuff and now my screen flickers a lot i donwloaded gfxcardstatus and set it to integrated only on os x and booted back into ubuntu, as mentioned in a tutorial somewhere, but the screen still on a macbook pro 15inch lat 2012 model | 14:27 |
FloodBot1 | HLEP: Please don't flood; use to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation. | 14:27 |
ClientAlive | Does anyone know if k3b can split a data project into multiple discs? | 14:29 |
ClientAlive | Been googling a little and it's not looking good. But the results I'm seeing have dates 2010 at best | 14:30 |
samgabbay | /msg NickServ identify roy1023 | 14:34 |
samgabbay | hi guys how do i create terminal command shortcuts? | 14:34 |
auronandace | samgabbay: you'll want to identify outside a channel next time (and change your password) | 14:35 |
samgabbay | will do how do i do that? | 14:35 |
auronandace | samgabbay: ask in #freenode | 14:35 |
andi6803 | hi, is there a rhythmbox expert? | 14:35 |
samgabbay | andi6803, sure how can i help? | 14:36 |
ClientAlive | Or is there a recommended burning package that can split a data project onto multiple discs? | 14:36 |
kostkon | samgabbay, we just saw your password, better change it | 14:36 |
samgabbay | kostkon, i know how do i do that | 14:36 |
Stanley00 | ClientAlive: How big í your data? And why dont you do that manually? I think it will be faster. | 14:37 |
andi6803 | hi samgabbay, rhythmbox don't save covers in the cache anymore (~.cache/rhythmbox/album-art). And therefore I don't see any covers on my iPod after transfer. Can anyone help? | 14:38 |
kostkon | !identify | samgabbay | 14:38 |
ubottu | samgabbay: You can identify automatically by using your NickServ password as the server password in your IRC client. When identifying manually, do NOT send the command from a channel's tab, as a typo will give away your password. If that happens, identify and then type « /msg NickServ set password <new-password> » in the server tab as soon as possible. | 14:38 |
samgabbay | boom | 14:38 |
ClientAlive | Stanley00: 19.3 GB (a backup of a customer's personal data from their windoze machine) | 14:38 |
samgabbay | andi6803, what ipod do you have | 14:38 |
samgabbay | kostkon, thanks man :) | 14:38 |
coops | SSH configuration question: Ubuntu 12.10 inside virtualbox, ssh from host to guest, hoping for help w this, | 14:39 |
kostkon | samgabbay, :) | 14:39 |
andi6803 | ipod nano 5th generation | 14:39 |
ClientAlive | Stanley00: Guess I'm just lazy. I suppose it's safer that way anyway, but it's a lot of work and you don't always get very even portiions (wastes discs). | 14:39 |
malimbar | nope, still don't understand this. | 14:40 |
malimbar | I'm using a script ( ) to display my desktop on twitch. How do I get it to only capture a portion of the screen, like one open window? | 14:40 |
samgabbay | andi6803, check your settings if that doesent work then i dont know :/ | 14:40 |
BrandonO | hello | 14:41 |
BrandonO | I have a question | 14:41 |
malimbar | ask away BrandonO, it's usually better just to ask than to ask if you can ask | 14:41 |
b0red | mount -o remount /dev/pts doesn't solve it | 14:42 |
b0red | i keep getting Can not write log, openpty() failed (/dev/pts not mounted?) | 14:42 |
BrandonO | I have Windows 8, clicikng the install along side option, does it remove any of my data? Or does it create another partition without data lose? | 14:42 |
Stanley00 | ClientAlive: 19.3 is a little too big. you can use tar to archive your data and use split to *split* it to many files | 14:42 |
BrandonO | Or would I have to create my own partition to avoid data lose | 14:43 |
Stanley00 | BrandonO: look at /host, it's usually there. | 14:43 |
Stanley00 | BrandonO: sorry, misreading. Can you paste the output of "sudo fdisk -l" | 14:44 |
ClientAlive | Stanley00: hmm... I had never heard of split. There is a man page for it tho so I guess I've had it all this time. | 14:44 |
EDocToor | I have a "TouchScreen" device that requires X... does both ubuntu and kubuntu have access to X? | 14:44 |
BrandonO | I haven't installed it yet, I'm jsut asking when I install it will anything happen to my current installation of Windows 8 by selecting the install along side others, and do I need to create my own partition first | 14:45 |
Stanley00 | ClientAlive: it's part of coreutils :D | 14:45 |
ClientAlive | Interesting... | 14:46 |
ClientAlive | Stanley00: thx for the tip | 14:46 |
Stanley00 | BrandonO: ah, I would like to select manually install, and then partitioning myself. | 14:46 |
BrandonO | And partitioning from within the ubuntu installation won't wipe my current OS? | 14:47 |
EDocToor | BrandonO, The install gives you choices ... just make sure that you understand the choices before you commit | 14:47 |
BrandonO | Sorry if the questions are annoying I jsut want to be sure | 14:47 |
BrandonO | I'm here to understand the choices, I'm not too sure on them | 14:47 |
EDocToor | jsut=Just | 14:47 |
BrandonO | It's a typo sorry | 14:48 |
Stanley00 | ClientAlive: one more thing. if you use tar and split, and one of your disk lost, you will lost all of your data. | 14:49 |
EDocToor | BrandonO, it is always wise to do a backup/clone before you do things that you do not understand.. and never do OS stuff when drinking | 14:49 |
mumpitze1 | BrandonO: it can wipe your current OS. or it can shrink your current OS and install ubuntu besides. many things are possible | 14:49 |
BrandonO | Which option shrinks my OS, that's what I wish to know | 14:49 |
BrandonO | I'm going to back up once I know which option to chose | 14:49 |
b0red | when i login as root i see all the pty** tty* in /root | 14:50 |
=== AndroidNow is now known as Dickstar |
Dickstar | Yooo | 14:50 |
ClientAlive | Stanley00: What does that mean when it comes to taking the data back off the discs? I have to reassemble the file from all the discs before I can use it? | 14:50 |
b0red | why? | 14:50 |
b0red | or how can i fix this? | 14:50 |
EDocToor | BrandonO, I use Macrium Reflect Free Cloning tool to Clone | 14:50 |
Stanley00 | ClientAlive: yes, that's how split works. | 14:50 |
ClientAlive | BrandonO: There is a program called clonezilla which can 'clone' your win 8 install. If anything goes sideways you can use that cloned image to put the thing back just like it was before you started - google "clonezilla" | 14:51 |
ClientAlive | Stanley00: So do I use split to reassemble later? | 14:52 |
BrandonO | Or so it's just like a Nandroid backup | 14:52 |
BrandonO | Oh* | 14:52 |
b00b00 | hi | 14:52 |
ClientAlive | EDocToor: You can install x to any linux distro | 14:52 |
b00b00 | dealing with this problem in sendmail " verify=fail" any idea how to get rid of this? | 14:53 |
Stanley00 | ClientAlive: yes. | 14:53 |
ClientAlive | thx Stanley00 | 14:53 |
daftykins | b00b00: well first off this isn't sendmail support. second, verify sounds like it might try looking for SPF records | 14:53 |
BrandonO | I think I'm going to create a partition then install it there, seems easier | 14:53 |
ubuntu_installer | HEy guys! | 14:54 |
EDocToor | BrandonO, That is right | 14:54 |
BrandonO | Many thanks! | 14:55 |
EDocToor | ClientAlive, so your saying that I can use KDE and run X within KDE, thanks | 14:55 |
ubuntu_installer | Question, I am installing Ubuntu, and I have Windows 7 already installed, so I have drive C, drive D and another unallocated drive, so in the install, I choose "something else", and created a new partition in the unlocated as following: / and /home and swap, now in the option device for boot loader installtion, I have a few options, /dev/sda, /dev/sda1 (Windows 7 loader), /dev/sda5, /dev/sda6 and /dev/sda7 | 14:56 |
ubuntu_installer | I would like to dualboot it with windows, so which of those options should I choose? | 14:57 |
ClientAlive | EDocToor: I haven't done it ever; but, as I understand things, just about any linux distro can have x installed to it (and most come that way). Whether there is configuration involed and how much I couldn't tell you though. | 14:57 |
varunendra | ubuntu_installer, is it a UEFI based installation? | 14:58 |
ubuntu_installer | varunendra: Not that i KNOW | 14:58 |
ubuntu_installer | *know | 14:58 |
varunendra | ubuntu_installer, if it is a traditional BIOS based installation, then you must choose "/dev/sda" for grub installation | 14:59 |
ubuntu_installer | varunendra: when doing in terminal [ -d /sys/firmware/efi ] && echo UEFI || echo BIOS gives me Bios | 14:59 |
Stanley00 | ClientAlive: I've just look at split, it has no option to join files, but you can use cat to join them later. | 15:00 |
ubuntu_installer | varunendra: Wont that break my windows 7? or that will make dualboot ? | 15:00 |
varunendra | ubuntu_installer, I didn't even know that command to verify that. Thanks :D | 15:00 |
ClientAlive | Stanley00: right on | 15:00 |
ubuntu_installer | varunendra: (long term gentoo user.. Ive used that many times ;p) | 15:01 |
varunendra | you haven't begun the installation, right ? ubuntu_installer | 15:01 |
ubuntu_installer | varunendra: Not yet, I will send you a screenshot where I am, sef | 15:01 |
varunendra | ubuntu_installer, you should create a Recovery disk from within win7 first. Just in case... | 15:02 |
varunendra | then go ahead with installing the boot loader in /dev/sda | 15:02 |
jj123 | hi trying to use gcc and I continue to get an unresolved symbol error. Looking at the library which I linked in I see the symbol using nm. Any other ideas. The args shouldn't be an issue as the function prototype args are void | 15:03 |
ubuntu_installer | varunendra: check this. | 15:03 |
varunendra | ubuntu_installer, it will definitely overwrite the windows MBR, but grub will give you the option to boot it - hence dual boot. | 15:03 |
EDocToor | ClientAlive, I was under the understanding that X was one graphical GUI and Kubuntu used a Different GUI or Graphical Program.. So to be Clear I should have asked, "Can X and KDE Kubuntu work at the same time, or do they conflict?" as I have a TOUCHSCREEN that requires X and I would like to know If It will work with KDE, if so, I can do the research" | 15:04 |
ubuntu_installer | so from the screenshot, I should choose /dev/sda? Cool | 15:04 |
ubuntu_installer | Will do that (my gf's laptop, really dont wanna mess it up :(.. y'know womens.. | 15:04 |
th0r | so, the reason she doesn't want you to screw it up is because she is a girl? | 15:05 |
EDocToor | LOL | 15:05 |
ubuntu_installer | th0r: Nah, its because I know how she is ;) | 15:05 |
varunendra | ubuntu_installer, your / is bigger than /home .. strange ! Any specific reasons? | 15:06 |
ubuntu_installer | varunendra: Not really, she wont be using home a lot, since she will install a lot of stuff as root, this would be better | 15:07 |
zipy | why do u seperate / and /home? | 15:07 |
ubuntu_installer | good practise, she wont be staying with ubunut, so I separate home for other distro. | 15:08 |
varunendra | ubuntu_installer, unless your gf is into some professional development stuff, she would hardly use anything above 10-12 GB in root. | 15:08 |
ubuntu_installer | varunendra: Yeah she is | 15:08 |
varunendra | okkay then, makes sense :) | 15:08 |
ubuntu_installer | I am her private CS teacher, so I will blow her mind | 15:08 |
EDocToor | ubuntu_installer, so the teacher has a girlfriend.. too much information .. he he | 15:09 |
th0r | and the teacher is doing all the work...interesting methodology | 15:09 |
EDocToor | 2 Funny | 15:10 |
=== Edgan_ is now known as Edgan |
ubuntu_installer | basically she is on her fourth year, and doing two bachelors, so I have to make her CS stronger | 15:10 |
ubuntu_installer | oh well | 15:10 |
varunendra | ubuntu_installer, do you have the recovery cd handy? Although it shouldn't be needed | 15:11 |
ubuntu_installer | varunendra: Yeah, I do, otherwise I will fix it through grub itself | 15:11 |
varunendra | yeah, boot repair can do that easily.. :) | 15:11 |
ubuntu_installer | Yep, thanks buddy. | 15:12 |
varunendra | You're welcome, and good luck ! | 15:12 |
zipy | but it isnt in the ubuntu repo i think | 15:12 |
zipy | boot repair | 15:12 |
ubuntu_installer | zipy: no worries,will just edit the grub file | 15:12 |
varunendra | zipy, getting it installed is easy enough anyway, or just use the live CDs it comes on. | 15:13 |
zipy | :) | 15:13 |
Popo | Hi..! I have problems with apt-get installs.. I get this error when trying to install software: linux-generic-pae depends on linux-image-generic-pae (=; however: Version of linux-image-generic-pae on system is linux-generic-pae depends on linux-headers-generic-pae (=; however: Version of linux-headers-generic-pae on system is | 15:20 |
Popo | How do i fix it? | 15:20 |
vittorioromeo_ | hello, a quick question - is it safe to upgrade ubuntu packages with packages from debian/testing? | 15:21 |
Popo | dpkg: dependency problems prevent configuration of linux-generic-pae: | 15:22 |
Popo | linux-generic-pae depends on linux-image-generic-pae (=; however: | 15:22 |
Popo | Version of linux-image-generic-pae on system is | 15:23 |
reisio | vittorioromeo_: like you probably won't get a disease | 15:23 |
varunendra | Popo, what are you trying to do? Did you do a "sudo apt-get update" ?? | 15:24 |
Popo | varunendra: apt-get install | 15:25 |
varunendra | try doing the update first | 15:25 |
pfifo | Why cant I log onto ubuntu's freenode server? | 15:26 |
reisio | pfifo: this server? | 15:26 |
Popo | varunendra: I did apt-get update now but still apt-get install gives me that same error | 15:26 |
pfifo | reisio: im using the webchat, cant connect with xchat | 15:26 |
testman27 | pfifo: works for me; | 15:27 |
Popo | varunendra: looks like my kernel version is somehow messed up.. Is there any way I can reinstall specific version of the kernel | 15:28 |
varunendra | Popo, also try - "sudo apt-get dist-upgrade" | 15:28 |
varunendra | Popo, did the update actually finish successfully ? without errors? | 15:29 |
Popo | varunendra: I got this: The following packages have unmet dependencies: linux-generic-pae : Depends: linux-image-generic-pae (= but is installed Depends: linux-headers-generic-pae (= but is installed | 15:29 |
Ic3 | Wifi sucks | 15:30 |
Popo | varunendra: oh yeah, apt-get update gave me this: W: GPG error: 10x Release: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 4BD736A82B5C1B00 W: GPG error: precise Release: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 2EA8F35793D8809A W: GPG error: lucid Release: The followin | 15:30 |
reisio | Ic3: lasers ftw | 15:31 |
Haze_ | ive decided to switch from to lubuntu cause regular ubuntu was just too slow while running in vmware. will most of the tutorials and doc guids from still be valid for lubuntu ? | 15:31 |
Ic3 | Gatlin gunz | 15:31 |
Ic3 | Wifi? anyone? | 15:32 |
varunendra | Popo, please do - "cat /etc/apt/sources.list | pastebinit" then post here the pastebin link it returns. | 15:32 |
reisio | Ic3: I don't believe anyone is named Wifi | 15:32 |
Ic3 | My wifi does not show up no matter where i look | 15:32 |
dispirited | spent a whole day trying to change fan speed | 15:33 |
varunendra | Ic3, Didn't you get some help a few hours ago? Sorry if I'm confusing you with someone else. | 15:33 |
=== pfifo is now known as old_grey_pfifo |
Ic3 | I am ic3kitten | 15:33 |
=== pfifo_ is now known as pfifo |
Popo | varunendra: don't have pastebinit and cannot apt-get install it because of those dependency errors but I'll put it there manually... | 15:33 |
varunendra | Ic3, yeah, that's what I guessed :P | 15:33 |
Ic3 | hehe | 15:33 |
dispirited | any idea about temperature trip points? | 15:33 |
reisio | Ic3: your personal wireless router, you mean? | 15:34 |
Ic3 | Im connected to (Wireless 3) right now, why can't I connect to it in Ubuntu | 15:34 |
Ic3 | I cant even find it | 15:34 |
Ic3 | or any wifi, it keeps asking me to fill out the ssid and bssid | 15:35 |
Ic3 | and other tabs | 15:35 |
varunendra | Ic3, so I remember we did *something* but not anything about what, lol. Please help me recall whatever we have already tried. | 15:35 |
pfifo | Ic3, did youi run the wireless debugging script yet? | 15:35 |
reisio | Ic3: what's your wireless device? | 15:35 |
Ic3 | Networking and sharing center on windows vista~ The properties of my internet(WIFI) ...As far as I can tell, Ubuntu wants me to fill that stuff out | 15:36 |
Ic3 | Device...device, not familiar with that term... you mean my integrated wireless reciever? | 15:37 |
zephyr | I have a directory with many video files. How would I cat them all into one file, but keep them in sequential order? | 15:37 |
pfifo | zephyr, transcode package has an avimerge program | 15:38 |
varunendra | Ic3, just follow this post (again, perhaps) : do what it asks to do and post here the link to the report it creates. | 15:39 |
Ic3 | XD | 15:39 |
zephyr | pfifo: wouldn't cat be much quicker? | 15:39 |
Ari-Yang | what does it mean when dmesg | grep doesn't give any output? | 15:39 |
wheatthin | cat won't work | 15:40 |
pfifo | zephyr, it might not work as expected, but 'cat dcim*.avi >> output.avi' will do what you asked | 15:40 |
wheatthin | unless you mean just by creating a list | 15:40 |
zephyr | pfifo: hmm... actually just tried cat * >> bigfile and it only grabbed the first one. | 15:40 |
Ic3 | ummm ...Yeahhh, I stil have a major minor problem with the pesky little Virus that took my downloading from me(Unable to download anything) | 15:40 |
varunendra | Ari-Yang, you have to "grep *something*". If you do that and it returns nothing, it means that term did not exist in dmesg. | 15:41 |
Ari-Yang | varunendra, yeah I did, for e.g. dmesg | grep radeon | 15:41 |
Ari-Yang | didn't give me anything... though it did 7hr. ago | 15:41 |
Haze_ | im trying to install lubuntu in vmware...i grabbed the 32-bit version and it says my CPU doesn't have "pae" and please download the correct kernel.... so i grabbed the 64-bit version and i686 cpu and please chooes the correct kernel | 15:42 |
pfifo | zephyr, it grabbed them alll but like i said it didnt work as expected | 15:42 |
Ari-Yang | where does dmesg get its output from? perhaps I can go and take a look in that specific file, varunendra. | 15:42 |
Haze_ | anyone know what version i need to install | 15:42 |
varunendra | Ari-Yang, then it means that the dmesg didn't have any instance of "radeon" in it. | 15:42 |
Haze_ | i only see two different versions of lubuntu for windows | 15:42 |
Haze_ | and neither one of them work | 15:42 |
varunendra | Ari-Yang, /var/log/dmesg | 15:42 |
Ari-Yang | ah, okay, thanks | 15:42 |
reisio | Haze_: lubuntu for windows? | 15:42 |
Haze_ | reisio installing it in vwmare | 15:42 |
Haze_ | reisio sorry didnt mean "for windows" | 15:42 |
reisio | Haze_: what's your computer's processor? | 15:42 |
Haze_ | anyways i tried both the 32 bit and 64 bit and both say its the wrong kernel | 15:43 |
Haze_ | reisio one sec | 15:43 |
varunendra | Ari-Yang, another place to look is /var/log/syslog. It sometimes contains something important that doesn't appear in dmesg. | 15:43 |
pfifo | Ari-Yang, dmesg gets its info from /proc/kmsg | 15:43 |
reisio | Haze_: well they can't both be wrong :p | 15:43 |
reisio | Haze_: some reason you're not using VirtualBox? | 15:43 |
Ic3 | varunendra, Dropbox appeared with a bunch of code i dont understand XD, now what | 15:43 |
Ari-Yang | pfifo, thanks. I'll take a look there too | 15:44 |
pfifo | Ari-Yang, you cant :) | 15:44 |
varunendra | Ic3, it is a script. You had to "right-click" > save link as... to save it as a file. | 15:44 |
Ic3 | I rightclick and dropbox pops up in another window with the code embedded in it lol | 15:45 |
pfifo | Ari-Yang, it only shows the most recent message, then your kernel logger copies it to someplace useful | 15:45 |
Ari-Yang | kk | 15:45 |
Ic3 | lmfao..... <contained a virus and was deleted> just what I thought | 15:46 |
varunendra | Ic3, you can just copy-paste it. But that is prone to errors, depending upon browser and your method to save. | 15:46 |
Ic3 | thats my only option unless I find some God-be-ridden way to fix my *** link scanner... | 15:47 |
caleb_ | How can make a window manager show up in my login screen so I can use it? I am trying to use rio, and I don't know how to start it before starting another desktop environment. | 15:47 |
varunendra | Ic3, don't you have the option to connect via cable on Ubuntu? That would have been easier | 15:48 |
zephyr | pfifo: Giving transcode a look, thanks. | 15:48 |
Popo | varunendra: I removed some lines from sources.list so that apt-get update finished... Still cannot run apt-get install or apt-get -f install | 15:48 |
Ic3 | *face-palm* I'll try | 15:48 |
Ic3 | How ...oh right, I was up all nite lol! | 15:48 |
Ic3 | brb | 15:48 |
varunendra | Popo, same error again? | 15:49 |
Popo | varunendra: Yes.. linux-generic-pae : Depends: linux-image-generic-pae (= but is installed Depends: linux-headers-generic-pae (= but is installed | 15:49 |
Popo | varunendra: any magic commands I can run for force install specific linux-image- ...? | 15:50 |
varunendra | Popo, how does "sudo dpkg --configure -a" go? You can force-install, but I don't think it would be recommended.. should be last resort in my opinion.. | 15:52 |
Popo | varunendra: That gives me this "dpkg: dependency problems prevent configuration of linux-generic-pae: linux-generic-pae depends on linux-image-generic-pae (=; however: Version of linux-image-generic-pae on system is linux-generic-pae depends on linux-headers-generic-pae (=; however: Version of linux-headers-generic-pae on system is dpkg: error processing linux-generic-pae (--confi | 15:53 |
b0red | !raring | 15:55 |
ubottu | Ubuntu 13.04 (Raring Ringtail) is the current release of Ubuntu. Download - Release notes: | 15:55 |
A1Recon | Geany gives this error >> | 15:55 |
pfifo_ | Popo, try 'sudo apt-get remove linux-generic-pae' and then 'sudo apt-get install -f' | 15:55 |
pfifo_ | A1Recon, save your file before running it | 15:56 |
A1Recon | pfifo_: K | 15:56 |
varunendra | Popo, if I remember correctly, you should be able to install that specific version with "sudo apt-get install linux-image-generic-pae=" | 15:56 |
Ic3 | Wow this is so much faster than vista | 15:56 |
Ic3 | Im wired | 15:57 |
reisio | :D | 15:57 |
varunendra | Ic3, then just follow the internet method in the post (the 1st one) | 15:57 |
=== tabris|a1ay is now known as tabris|away |
A1Recon | pfifo_: Not working!! | 15:58 |
pfifo_ | A1Recon, whats it say now? | 15:58 |
A1Recon | 5: ./ ./untitled: Permission denied | 15:59 |
A1Recon | ------------------ | 15:59 |
A1Recon | (program exited with code: 126) | 15:59 |
Ic3 | Link me again | 15:59 |
varunendra | Ic3, | 15:59 |
pfifo | A1Recon, you may need to mark it as executable, 'chmod 0755 ./untitled' | 15:59 |
A1Recon | pfifo_: Can I PM you? | 16:00 |
Popo | varunendra: Okay, looks like apt-get remove linux-generic-pae did the trick... no more apt-get install dependency errors..! Is it safe to reboot the server now? :) | 16:00 |
A1Recon | pfifo: just 2 questions... | 16:00 |
varunendra | Popo, sure! | 16:00 |
pfifo | A1Recon, no im using 2 nicks on 2 computers, youll PM the wrong me | 16:00 |
A1Recon | pfifo: K | 16:01 |
DarsVaeda | how do I disable the screen going blank after a while asking me to insert my password again | 16:01 |
pfifo | A1Recon, you can ask here | 16:01 |
DarsVaeda | I have suspend off | 16:01 |
DarsVaeda | still the screen turns off | 16:01 |
Popo | varunendra: Okay now it's working like a charm, THANKS A MILLION :) | 16:02 |
varunendra | DarsVaeda, System Settings > Brightness & Lock > change the time. Tried it? | 16:02 |
varunendra | No problems ! Popo | 16:02 |
pfifo | !info linux-generic-pae | varunendra just fyi, the virtual kernel package creates upgrade problems... | 16:02 |
ubottu | varunendra just fyi, the virtual kernel package creates upgrade problems...: linux-generic-pae (source: linux-meta): Transitional package.. In component main, is optional. Version (raring), package size 1 kB, installed size 33 kB | 16:02 |
varunendra | pfifo, I was worried about removing the kernel image too. Totally forgot it was just the meta package , silly !! | 16:04 |
DarsVaeda | varunendra: ahhh missed the forest for the trees -.- | 16:04 |
A1Recon | pfifo: I used to do BASIC programming in the 8th grade. There I had to write the code and hit F2 (I guess) and it would show the output. But its a bit odd in C (Geany). Ive got compile and run, which is a bit confusing... Sorry for the noobtalk! | 16:04 |
DarsVaeda | vanuendra: thanks | 16:05 |
varunendra | DarsVaeda, me too, when I first found it after trying like adozen different things :D | 16:05 |
A1Recon | pfifo: Cant I have something which doesnot show errors every now and then?? | 16:05 |
Ic3 | Is it possible to install skype or facebook messenger on here if i have the files on a thumb drive? | 16:06 |
pfifo | A1Recon, geany is a bit tricky to setup for C, you need to use automake or autoconf to create a makefile and a real linux style package, then it works like a charm... however python scripts work right out of the box | 16:06 |
A1Recon | pfifo: Do you know something simpler for C?? | 16:07 |
pfifo | A1Recon, just pull up a terminal and compile by hand 'gcc untitled.c && a.out' or check out eclipse to take care of all the autoconf crap for you. | 16:07 |
pfifo | A1Recon, sorry 'gcc untitled.c && ./a.out' | 16:08 |
A1Recon | pfifo: Thanks!! | 16:08 |
McDeffice | !kernel | 16:10 |
ubottu | The core of Ubuntu is the Linux kernel: see - You shouldn't have to compile your own, and if you need to troubleshoot issues, you can try a !Mainline kernel instead, but if you insist, see (see also !Stages) | 16:10 |
=== jack is now known as Guest44126 |
McDeffice | !linux-headers | 16:10 |
McDeffice | !linux-header | 16:10 |
McDeffice | !linux-image | 16:10 |
pfifo | !info linux-headers McDeffice | 16:10 |
ubottu | 'McDeffice' is not a valid distribution: extras, kubuntu-backports, kubuntu-experimental, kubuntu-updates, lucid, lucid-backports, lucid-proposed, medibuntu, partner, precise, precise-backports, precise-proposed, quantal, quantal-backports, quantal-proposed, raring, raring-backports, raring-proposed, saucy, saucy-backports, saucy-proposed, stable, testing, unstable | 16:10 |
pfifo | !info linux-headers | McDeffice | 16:11 |
ubottu | McDeffice: Package linux-headers does not exist in raring | 16:11 |
McDeffice | !info linux-header | 16:11 |
ubottu | Package linux-header does not exist in raring | 16:11 |
varunendra | pfifo, "'McDeffice' is not a valid distribution" .. lol | 16:11 |
McDeffice | !info linux-headers raring | 16:12 |
ubottu | Package linux-headers does not exist in raring | 16:12 |
pfifo | !info linux-headers-generic | McDeffice | 16:12 |
ubottu | McDeffice: linux-headers-generic (source: linux-meta): Generic Linux kernel headers. In component main, is optional. Version (raring), package size 2 kB, installed size 33 kB | 16:12 |
McDeffice | ohh very thank (and very sorry for the flood) | 16:12 |
harris | hi | 16:12 |
pfifo | McDeffice, you can message the bot in the future to avoid spam | 16:13 |
=== david is now known as Guest9423 |
reisio | harris: hiyo | 16:14 |
harris | whats new in the ubuntu world | 16:14 |
clue_h | ubuntu phone stuff | 16:15 |
LinuxNewbish | good day all im facing an error 1st time it shows on 13.01 its abot the Apport it keep asking me to give my password to root and send the problem if i have any | 16:15 |
harris | clue_h, like what | 16:15 |
th0r | !ot | 16:15 |
ubottu | #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks! | 16:15 |
Guest9423 | Anyone know a good c++ focused linux IDE ? | 16:16 |
clue_h | Guest9423, tried codeblocks ? | 16:16 |
LinuxNewbish | anyone ? | 16:17 |
reisio | Guest9423: anjuta | 16:17 |
reisio | LinuxNewbish: I'm a one | 16:17 |
Guest9423 | In ten secs i will have! | 16:17 |
pizzadude | Hi, I noticed in some of my system logs this line: ptrace of non-child pid was attempted by gdb | 16:18 |
pizzadude | What does it mean? | 16:18 |
pizzadude | and Why is it happening? | 16:18 |
LinuxNewbish | well do Apport usually asked you for the password and so Mr reisio ? | 16:18 |
reisio | LinuxNewbish: apport? | 16:18 |
thesheff17 | anyone have a clue why both my ctrl keys don't work now after an update? This is driving me crazy | 16:19 |
pfifo | LinuxNewbish, usually apport doesnt need root access, but depending on what happend it might, give it your password and see what comes of it | 16:19 |
pfifo | !info apport > reisio | 16:21 |
LinuxNewbish | that why i came here because it not shows or tell me anything | 16:21 |
=== Catie is now known as Guest93797 |
pizzadude | Anyone? | 16:21 |
reisio | nice try :p | 16:22 |
LinuxNewbish | if i make it a root can i remove that or i have to remove the module ? pfifo | 16:22 |
th0r | pizzadude, have you tried to find out what gdb is? | 16:22 |
pfifo | LinuxNewbish, since you new to linux, you really should let others do the bug reporting and concentrate your efforts to learning the OS itself... apport is just a bug reporting tool | 16:22 |
pizzadude | gnu debugger | 16:22 |
pizzadude | but i want to know why gdb is trying to ptrace a random pid of some process | 16:23 |
pizzadude | is that malware | 16:23 |
pizzadude | i was wondering if it was malware trying to hijack one of my processes | 16:24 |
pfifo | pizzadude, gdb can attach itself to any running program, and when it does itll give that message, if your using gdb then you can ignore it as its not a security threat | 16:24 |
drvanon | Hello guys, I'm trying to install mint to my friend's asus r500v. I have I installed it 2 times, and both times it just started windows 8, instead of grub -> linux mint | 16:24 |
pizzadude | i didn't invoke gdb pfifo | 16:24 |
reisio | drvanon: sounds like you'll have to install grub manually | 16:25 |
reisio | alas, someone is going to tell you that mint is off topic here any moment | 16:25 |
pizzadude | does gdb ever just randomly try to attach itself to a process? even if you didn't start gdb? | 16:25 |
LinuxNewbish | thanks pfifo | 16:26 |
pfifo | pizzadude, no, it shouldnt, does anyone else have access to your computer? | 16:26 |
pizzadude | nope | 16:26 |
pizzadude | and i checked auth logs and there's nothing out of the ordinary | 16:26 |
pfifo | pizzadude, do you have gdb installed? | 16:27 |
pizzadude | yes | 16:27 |
pfifo | pizzadude, do you do any development or compile your own packages? | 16:27 |
pizzadude | i compile some packages | 16:27 |
pizzadude | but i haven't had to use gdb | 16:28 |
pfifo | pizzadude, it could be the configure script checking for ptrace by using gdb... or if you run the test suites they may invoke gdb | 16:29 |
pizzadude | yeah but it happens at times when i'm not compiling stuff | 16:29 |
pizzadude | like when i'm logging out | 16:29 |
pizzadude | or running apt-get | 16:29 |
matthiasstreulen | hello, I want to know if there is a good guide for fancontrol on Ubuntu 12.04 on Mac | 16:30 |
pfifo | pizzadude, I really cant think of a good way to track down the cause, but if you can somehow figure out a way to reproduce this it will offer some insight | 16:31 |
pizzadude | ok thanks pfifo | 16:31 |
pizzadude | do you think it's a rootkit? | 16:31 |
pizzadude | i checked for them but it found none | 16:32 |
pfifo | pizzadude, no i dont, and its being blocked too so nothing to worry about | 16:32 |
pizzadude | ok thanks pfifo | 16:32 |
matthiasstreulen | I want to switch over to Ubuntu on a day :) | 16:32 |
suore | "Cannot mount /dev/sda1/" "No object for D-Bus interface" whada fuk? | 16:32 |
pfifo | suore, how did you get that message? | 16:33 |
suore | i try mount other disc | 16:33 |
pfifo | suore, what command did you run, or what method did you use to try and mount? | 16:33 |
suore | 1st method: double click at icon disc. 2nd method " sudo munt /dev/sda1 /media/<username>/mg1" | 16:35 |
suore | mount* | 16:35 |
pfifo | suore, are you sure you didnt accidentally type '/dev/sda1/' instead of '/dev/sda1' | 16:36 |
Ic3 | #!/bin/bash # # Copyright (c) 2012 # # Authors: Wild Man, Krytarik # Helpers: anewguy, chili555, llua # # This script gathers the infos necessary for troubleshooting a wireless # connection and saves them in a text file, wrapping it in an archive if it # exceeds the size limit of 19.5 kB for .txt files on the Ubuntu Forums. # ############################################################################ # # This program is free software: yo | 16:36 |
suore | lol... i use /dev/sda1 imt not stupid :>. | 16:37 |
pfifo | suore, can you pastebin the output of 'sudo fdisk -l' | 16:37 |
derp | sup fools | 16:37 |
suore | | 16:39 |
Ic3 | Wifi | 16:39 |
zephyr | Basic linux question: if I start a process as a daemon and then logout, does that daemon continue running? | 16:40 |
Ic3 | I don't think I did that right | 16:40 |
pfifo | suore, can paste the output of 'ls -la /dev/sd*' | 16:40 |
pfifo | Ic3, you pasted the script, your supposed to paste the file the script creates | 16:41 |
suore | | 16:41 |
Ic3 | ah, don't I feel stupid, How | 16:41 |
suore | maybe reboot? | 16:41 |
suore | because i before resizing partition | 16:41 |
varunendra | Ic3, that is the script itself. If you are connected via cable, use the command line method instead to generate the wireless-info.txt file. | 16:42 |
Ic3 | Sounds like fun | 16:43 |
pfifo | suore, what did you do to the disk? | 16:43 |
suore | pfifo, i resize at5 gparted. before at /dev/sda were 2 partition, i remove partition 1 and resize partition 1 to left. using all disk size. | 16:44 |
suore | and resize partition 2* | 16:44 |
pfifo | suore, run e2fsck on it, it may just have some errors, make sure its not mounted elsewhere when you run the tool | 16:45 |
suore | uuh nor work | 16:46 |
suore | file system is not ExT | 16:46 |
Ic3 | I have no idea what you just asked me to do | 16:46 |
suore | is NTFS | 16:46 |
suore | fsck also says "fuck yo" | 16:46 |
suore | fsck: error 2 while executing fsck.ntfs for /dev/sda1 | 16:47 |
pfifo | suore, ohh, well then boot windows and use its filesystem checker | 16:48 |
suore | i havent Windows, NTFS patition a remnant of the windows 8 | 16:48 |
suore | i try reboot | 16:49 |
suore | maybe it help | 16:49 |
suore | maybe... | 16:49 |
pfifo | suore, then i guess theres data on the partiton you want to save since your not just deleting the whole thing? | 16:49 |
drvanon | I am using gdisk to transform my laptop from gpt to mbr, I used b r g p, and now some (really big) partitions are said to be 'omitted', I do not fully grasp the definition of omitted, nor do I see what it is going to do with my disk | 16:49 |
suore | i dont want deleting partition :P | 16:50 |
Ziber | So, I've never really used vi before, but I hear it's a much more powerful editor. Is there a way to delete all lines that match a certain regex? | 16:50 |
suore | there is data, yea... from 200gb is 170 used | 16:50 |
suore | aaah! 40gb for "/" is okay ? :D | 16:51 |
pfifo | suore, youi can try a reboot, if everything is finished as far as gparted goes | 16:51 |
Ic3 | Please explain What a command line method is, my dad over there snickering at me lol | 16:51 |
suore | ill try | 16:51 |
pfifo | Ic3, that means you type commands into the terminal instead of using a GUI front end | 16:52 |
Ic3 | what command rofl | 16:52 |
pfifo | Ic3, method #1 on this page | 16:53 |
pfifo | Ziber, vi has their own channel, try asking there, its likely #vi or #vim | 16:55 |
Ziber | Yeah, I found it, thanks. | 16:55 |
Ic3 | pfifo, I paste that in right? | 16:55 |
pfifo | into the terminal, yeah | 16:56 |
Ic3 | After everything else, then what? | 16:56 |
pfifo | it should have made a file 'wireless-info.txt' put that file into a pastebin or upload it somewhere somehow, we need to see it | 16:57 |
nitro1 | I have Ubuntu 12.04 and USB sound card Focusrite Scarlet 2i4, how do I troubleshot sound on Ubuntu.Thanks.:) | 16:57 |
Ic3 | your not going be impressed lol but ok | 16:57 |
Guest9423 | How can i tell ubunto to start using my other partions and drives. I now have 0 byte of free space -__- | 16:58 |
coolbuddy | need help with sysfs | 16:58 |
Ic3 | | 16:58 |
holstein | Guest9423: start using? | 16:58 |
harris | anyone know some beginner robotics kits that are cheap | 16:59 |
holstein | Guest9423: you would have needed to know you wanted the operating system to span multiple drives in the beginning.. what you can do now is mount a hard drive and move some data over onto it.. and simlink or just keep track | 16:59 |
pfifo | Ic3, no, again, you pasted the script, you need to run the script to create 'wireless-info.txt' and then paste THAT file | 16:59 |
pfifo | !ask | coolbuddy | 17:00 |
ubottu | coolbuddy: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience | 17:00 |
varunendra | Ic3, did you copy-paste the command in terminal ? (wget -N -t 5 -T 10 && chmod +x wireless_script && ./wireless_script) | 17:00 |
Ic3 | I cant stop laughing lol... | 17:00 |
Guest9423 | Your telling me its impossible to set install location in for example software center? | 17:00 |
matthiasstreulen | are there guys here that installed Linux on there macs ? | 17:00 |
Ic3 | I downloaded the link and pasted that command line in it then uploaded it | 17:01 |
coolbuddy | pfifo: is it possible to modify temperature trip points in /sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone0 | 17:01 |
matthiasstreulen | :( | 17:02 |
paulschreiber | I can't install or remove any packages right now. Every aptitude or dpkg command fails with | 17:02 |
paulschreiber | dpkg: error: duplicate file trigger interest for filename `/usr/share/icons/hicolor' and package `hicolor-icon-theme' | 17:02 |
dmannn | hey guys i installed samba 4 as AD on ubuntu 12.04 ... so logon with "administrator" works fine ... but when i try to add a user in AD and login with the new user afterwards i get " wrong password or user name" .. is there something additional i need to do to get a user acc working ? | 17:02 |
varunendra | Ic3, did you enter the "wget ...." command in terminal? | 17:02 |
pfifo | Guest9423, thats right, things get installed according to the linux file hierarchy structure, if you need more disk space either resize your root partiton or mount a seperate partition on /home for your personal files | 17:02 |
holstein | harris: i would try a supported channel, or look up about arduino | 17:02 |
paulschreiber | I tried the sed trick from but that didn't work for me | 17:02 |
Ic3 | Running a script? | 17:04 |
pfifo | coolbuddy, fancontrol has a config file in /etc/fancontrol take a look at the help | 17:04 |
varunendra | Ic3, what? | 17:04 |
Vec_ | Hey, i plugged in an external hdd via usb to my linux box, how do i access the contents of it? | 17:05 |
dmannn | no idea guys ? | 17:06 |
holstein | Vec_: depending on if the format is supported by linux, you should see it in the file manager you are using | 17:06 |
Vec_ | holstein: You know what, my bad. i wrote mount /dev/ssd1 instead of /dev/sdd1 | 17:06 |
holstein | dmannn: i dont know what an "AD" is[C[C[C.. | 17:06 |
dmannn | sry holstein :) Samba 4 as Microsoft Active Directory | 17:07 |
B0r3dw15dom | @histo, hi.. I downloaded ssh server into my android .. now how do i connect it to my ubuntu machine? | 17:07 |
coolbuddy | pfifo: i don't have etc/fancontrol folder. i get """ /usr/sbin/pwmconfig: There are no pwm-capable sensor modules installed """ on pwmconfig. | 17:07 |
holstein | B0r3dw15dom: if you just want to connect the 2, try the server on the ubuntu machine, and a client on the android.. if you just want to share files, plug the android in, or try something like airdroid | 17:08 |
pfifo | dmannn, i have no idea about smb4 and ad, but ive run into password problems with samba before, I had to use smbpasswd to setup user accounts, thats all I got, hope it helps | 17:08 |
holstein | B0r3dw15dom: otherwise, you would need more info on the server running on the android, which would be supported by the creator of the app | 17:09 |
coolbuddy | pfifo: i noticed that fan turns on over the trip point. can i change the trip point ? | 17:09 |
pfifo | coolbuddy, yes you can, its all explained in that guide | 17:11 |
pfifo | coolbuddy, | 17:11 |
Ic3 | I have no experiance with this | 17:11 |
Ic3 | And I lost connection for 7 minutes | 17:11 |
dmannn | pfifo : samba4 AD creates user accounts through Windows RSAT as it seems .... but thank u so far :) | 17:12 |
B0r3dw15dom | holstein, All I want to do is transfer few of my files over wifi from my ubuntu pc to android phone.. I am new to linux as well as android. | 17:12 |
Ic3 | It would be easy to tell me exactly what to do, word for word | 17:13 |
reisio | B0r3dw15dom: the simplest is using bluetooth (_if_ it just works) | 17:13 |
reisio | followed by an "ftp" client (andftp) using sshd | 17:13 |
pfifo | Ic3, you have to download a script, run it, and then give us the file it created... thats cut and dry, why are you having trouble with this? | 17:13 |
holstein | B0r3dw15dom: airdroid or some wifi sharing app that is not supported here would work best/easiset | 17:13 |
reisio | followed by a local web server | 17:13 |
Ic3 | I dont know how to run it lol | 17:13 |
samgabbay | hi im going awway for a week and im taking my second pc with me how can i install wubi or ubuntu on it but have the ability to quickly uninstall ubuntu when i need to | 17:13 |
samgabbay | hi im going awway for a week and im taking my second pc with me how can i install wubi or ubuntu on it but have the ability to quickly uninstall ubuntu when i need to | 17:14 |
varunendra | Ic3, open a terminal, then copy-paste this command in it (without quotes) : "wget -N -t 5 -T 10 && chmod +x wireless_script && ./wireless_script" | 17:14 |
pfifo | Ic3, 'sh ./' | 17:14 |
B0r3dw15dom | reisio, the files size is more than a few hundred MB so bluetooth will take a lot of time .. | 17:14 |
B0r3dw15dom | holstein, will try airdroid and let you know | 17:14 |
B0r3dw15dom | thnx | 17:14 |
holstein | B0r3dw15dom: you can let me know in the offtopic channel.. thanks :) | 17:15 |
xangua | samgabbay: would't take a usb stick be more easier¿ | 17:15 |
reisio | what makes you think one wireless solution is going to be faster than another? | 17:15 |
B0r3dw15dom | sure thanks to you all | 17:15 |
reisio | using a wire just makes it a lot more complicated is all, worth the wait really | 17:15 |
samgabbay | xangua, but the problem with that is that i have to partition and all and i just want to quickly install and uninstall without creating the bsd again and all | 17:15 |
holstein | Ic3: you might want to consider getting supported hardware... dealing wth vendors that do not support linux can be challenging, and it may *never* work as you want/need | 17:16 |
CarlFK | B0r3dw15dom: usb - the android should give you the option of looking like a usb sortage device - like a thumb drive | 17:16 |
=== akshay_ is now known as akshay_r |
xangua | samgabbay: what i mean was a persistent install in the usb stick | 17:16 |
samgabbay | xangua, then how do i uninstall ubuntu after? | 17:16 |
Vec_ | I did a cp -r folder /folder/dest -- now my terminal is kinda afk, i can write to it, but it just sits there. Im assuming its copying without showing some kind of progressbar. Is this normal behavior? | 17:16 |
xangua | samgabbay: just remove the usb stick ;) | 17:17 |
samgabbay | xangua, huh? isisnt thaat the demo? | 17:17 |
xangua | !persistent | samgabbay | 17:17 |
ubottu | samgabbay: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see - For a persistent live USB install, see: | 17:17 |
CarlFK | Vec_: cp -r -v folder... would have given you status of what files it was copying | 17:17 |
pfifo | Vec_, yes its silent, use 'cp -v' to make it verbose | 17:17 |
Vec_ | Alright, thanks guys. | 17:18 |
Lynxx | are there any other desktop environments for linux besides gnome and kde | 17:18 |
Lynxx | as well as the lxde xfce ones | 17:18 |
holstein | Lynxx: yes | 17:18 |
pfifo | Vec_, it takes extra time to print all that crap, its much faster in silent mode | 17:18 |
suore | Hi, worte before dat i cannot mount my HDD, after reboot i can mount and work all. | 17:18 |
zykotick9 | CarlFK: fyi, you don't need separate - for each switches, "cp -rv folder.." works fine (less typing) | 17:18 |
Lynxx | holstein, like which? | 17:18 |
pfifo | !yay | suore | 17:18 |
ubottu | suore: Glad you made it! :-) | 17:18 |
samgabbay | xangua, is it okay if i instal, it thru the wubi on this page | 17:19 |
xangua | samgabbay: and the live cd/usb/session is not a demo, it's a full working linux distro | 17:19 |
B0r3dw15dom | CarlFK, connecting through usb is what i am doing now.. but wanted to connect through wifi in order to connect without cables | 17:19 |
holstein | Lynxx: there are many.. i would start with a web search, or browse something like distrowatch | 17:19 |
CarlFK | Vec_: um.. are you really copying eveything in folder into itself? It may never stop | 17:19 |
Ic3 | I can do this, I'm not a complete idiot, I havent forgotten anything you have said, I don't understand how to run the script. I'm assuming thats the terminal? And If this is too hard, I will ask my friend | 17:20 |
Vec_ | CarlFK: :o | 17:20 |
pfifo | CarlFK, cp isnt that stupid, it wont do that | 17:20 |
Vec_ | CarlFK: Im trying to copy a folder that has lots of files into a folder in /srv/storage | 17:20 |
CarlFK | pfifo: I was hoping so... | 17:20 |
holstein | Ic3: where did you get the script? | 17:20 |
Vec_ | CarlFK: I wrote (exactly) sudo cp -r Server /srv/storage | 17:20 |
Ic3 | I downloaded a script from earlier and now all it has on it is that thing you told me to add | 17:21 |
CarlFK | Vec_: it's normally better to not make stuff up when you tell us what you are doing :) | 17:21 |
varunendra | holstein, | 17:21 |
holstein | Ic3: from where? that is where you would get support for the script, from the creator | 17:21 |
samgabbay | xangua, is it okay if i install it from the wubi here? | 17:21 |
samgabbay | | 17:21 |
suore | But fynny ist dat Windows XP and Windows 7 cannot install at GPT disc type... Ubuntu normal install at GPT xD | 17:21 |
Vec_ | CarlFK: I see now that folder folder/dest would lead you guys to believe it was the same folder, hehe, sorry ill try to be clearer in the future ^^ | 17:22 |
xangua | samgabbay: i don't know what is your obsession with wubi, but do as you wish | 17:23 |
pfifo | Ic3, to run a script you type a period "." followed by a forward slash "/" followed by the name of the script "wireless_script" so all combined together you get "./wireless_script", then press enter to execute the command | 17:23 |
samgabbay | xangua, its because its easier to uninstall ubuntu after and i dont have to rebuild the bsd | 17:23 |
pfifo | holstein, Ic3 is using this | 17:24 |
samgabbay | xangua, by the wat thank you | 17:24 |
xangua | i don't even know what you reffer with rebuild bsd samgabbay | 17:24 |
samgabbay | xangua, i mean like the windows bootloader | 17:24 |
djono | hello if i install other DE will it slow up the computer? | 17:24 |
xangua | djono: why would it¿ | 17:25 |
nitro1 | I have Ubuntu 12.04 and USB sound card Focusrite Scarlet 2i4, every time its I play sound there is 3-4 buzzing sound before it plays the audio normally, same with recording. | 17:25 |
zykotick9 | pfifo: assuming the script is already marked executable ;) | 17:25 |
holstein | nitro1: using JACK? | 17:25 |
djono | like if i have kubuntu de on top of unity. Unity wouldnt run in the background? | 17:25 |
nitro1 | yes | 17:25 |
nitro1 | ubuntu 12.04 dreamStudio | 17:25 |
holstein | djono: you choose KDE, and boot into KDE.. unity wont be running | 17:25 |
samgabbay | xangua, cause last time i installed 13.04 i had to remake the bootloade | 17:26 |
pfifo | zykotick9, ive never seen anyone be this confused about using the terminal | 17:26 |
xangua | djono: unsless You set it to run both at the same time, no | 17:26 |
harris | can i use facial recognition to login but if it doesnt see my face it asks for password | 17:26 |
wilee-nilee | djono, They will share apps though is all. | 17:26 |
wilee-nilee | at least some | 17:26 |
reisio | you can't really run them at the same time in the same X session | 17:26 |
djono | cool. i like booting into de for a fresh look. Any websites about all linux DE's | 17:26 |
holstein | nitro1: ask dick for support.. dick macinnis.. otherwise, try to replicate your issue using the ubuntustudio live CD, and then you can take advantage of the official support avenues.. or, try #opensourcemusicians | 17:27 |
coolbuddy | pfifo: the link you gave is confusing. i have a file /sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone0/trip_point_2_temp with value 70000. i couldn't change that value even with root permissions. | 17:27 |
pfifo | coolbuddy, thats right, you use lm-sensors to make the adjustment | 17:27 |
reisio | djono: | 17:28 |
Ic3 | Am I supposed to be pasting the command is some sort of command prompt or the actual script then entering it | 17:28 |
xangua | reisio: you can run parts of it, like plasma...can't you¿¿ :P | 17:28 |
reisio | parts, sure | 17:28 |
reisio | you can't really run two window managers simultaneously in the same session, though | 17:28 |
pfifo | Ic3, you need to be at the terminal for this | 17:28 |
Ic3 | Terminal | 17:28 |
harris | can i use facial recognition to login but if it doesnt see my face it asks for password | 17:28 |
holstein | !patience | harris | 17:29 |
ubottu | harris: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching or or | 17:29 |
pfifo | harris, if I saw your face I would still make you type the password too | 17:29 |
nitro1 | Thanks holstein will try | 17:29 |
Ic3 | I've heard so much about the terminal... not really lol, i'm trying to make this a bit fun, and I'm glad you guys are trying to help me, Where do I access the terminal lol... so many silly questions but I just simply dont know | 17:30 |
pfifo | Ic3, thats right, all this needs to be done on the terminal, you have a terminal emulator installed on your system, open the dash and search for 'terminal' | 17:31 |
harris | when i went to about:plugins in chromium flash player was not there | 17:31 |
varunendra | Ic3, Ctrl+alt+T | 17:31 |
Ic3 | Now we are getting somewhere | 17:31 |
zero2XIII | Ic3: ctrl + alt + t should do it aswell, pfifo | 17:31 |
Ic3 | Aha! | 17:31 |
pfifo | zero2XIII, vith varying success on each new version of ubnutu, better just to use the dash | 17:33 |
Ic3 | Thanks, | 17:33 |
vith | with* | 17:33 |
pfifo | sorry | 17:33 |
vith | :) | 17:33 |
zero2XIII | pfifo: true, I just usually recommend that first... Lol.. My bad... | 17:33 |
Ic3 | Yay, the command prompt of Linux, Just what I thought it was lol | 17:33 |
reisio | heh | 17:33 |
coolbuddy | pfifo: pwmconfig tell i have no pwn devices, sensors shows only cpu temps for each core and acpi -c shows " Cooling 3: Fan 1 of 1" . by the way, i'm on toshiba c650. any idea what to do? | 17:33 |
juggle | how to update a specific program | 17:33 |
juggle | is it possible with apt-get update program-name | 17:34 |
pfifo | coolbuddy, just keep following the guide and if you get stuck somewhere ask questions about it here | 17:34 |
zero2XIII | juggle: I think just do apt-get update first, to get latest package info, then apt-get install package name to update.. | 17:34 |
samgabbay | Im leaving my PC with ubuntu home for a week and i want to install ubuntu on my other laptop but the problem is that, i want to use something easy like wubi, Due to i don't want to rebuild the windows bootloader. | 17:35 |
samgabbay | use wubi or an easier way to install? | 17:35 |
holstein | juggle: if you want to isolate just one app, try synaptic.. it might be easier for you | 17:35 |
juggle | thank you zero2XIII | 17:35 |
holstein | samgabbay: why not just install to a USB stick? | 17:35 |
pfifo | juggle, its apt-get update first and then 'sudo apt-get upgrade <package name>' | 17:35 |
samgabbay | holstein, because it runs fasster when its installed no? | 17:36 |
samgabbay | and my keys are too small | 17:36 |
juggle | thank you for answers | 17:36 |
coolbuddy | pfifo: thanks. i'll look thoroughly into the guide. | 17:37 |
holstein | samgabbay: install it then.. | 17:37 |
samgabbay | holstein, but should i use wubi cause i dont whant to rebuild the bootloader | 17:38 |
holstein | samgabbay: if you have restrictions, or limitations, you'l have to work within those restrictions.. i would install to a USB stick and not worry about the speed.. should be acceptable.. | 17:38 |
holstein | samgabbay: doesnt bother me rebuilding a bootloader.. or using GRUB with windows later.. or dual booting.. you need to answer those questions for yourself | 17:38 |
samgabbay | holstein, what do you recommend wubi or full installl | 17:39 |
Ic3 | | 17:39 |
holstein | samgabbay: i dont think anyone will, or has recommended wubi | 17:39 |
Ic3 | I think it worked | 17:39 |
pfifo | Ic3, YES! there it is | 17:39 |
holstein | samgabbay: i you prefer, and need to deal with the restictions of a wubi install, then you need to | 17:39 |
samgabbay | holstein, what are the restrictions? | 17:39 |
pfifo | !broadcom | 17:40 |
ubottu | Help with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at | 17:40 |
Vec_ | Is there any inherent problems with keeping windows files on a linux system long-term? | 17:40 |
Ic3 | I dont feel so stupid anymore lol | 17:40 |
zero2XIII | holstein: samgabbay: I would much rather install vmware or such and run ubuntu inside a virtual machine than WUBI, just my two cents... | 17:40 |
holstein | or, the USB install onto a stick | 17:40 |
zykotick9 | zero2XIII: +1 on VM over WUBI | 17:40 |
=== Guest93797 is now known as Catie |
pfifo | Ic3, you have the broadcom chip thats been giving everyone trouble since 11.04, follow that guide that ubottu just gave | 17:40 |
harris | holstein, how do you update flash in chromium to 11.3 | 17:41 |
varunendra | Ic3, run the following command in terminal : "sudo apt-get install linux-firmware-nonfree" | 17:41 |
holstein | !flash | harris | 17:41 |
ubottu | harris: To install Flash see - See also !Restricted and !Gnash | 17:41 |
samgabbay | zero2XIII, seems insteresting aa vm ware but i think i might as well mess with windows for like a week even tho im adddicted to ubuntu and how big does the usb have to be to intstall ubuntu on it | 17:41 |
zero2XIII | harris: flash is not supported on linux since 11.2 | 17:41 |
Ic3 | terminal comand first then the link, ok guys? | 17:41 |
holstein | harris: the only available up to date flash for linux is in the chrome brwoser | 17:41 |
tannji | pfifo, is there a gui for lm-sensors? | 17:41 |
holstein | harris: for reference | 17:41 |
harris | the chrome or chromium | 17:41 |
varunendra | Ic3, you won't need to follow the guide after the command | 17:41 |
pfifo | tannji, I dont know, i stick to cli | 17:42 |
tannji | k thanks = ) | 17:42 |
Ic3 | XD | 17:42 |
samgabbay | HOW BIG DOES THE usb have to be to isntall ubuntu on it | 17:42 |
pfifo | Ic3, varunendra seems to know whats going on | 17:42 |
zero2XIII | samgabbay: 4GB should be fine, I think min is 2GB?... Not sure. But I have one on a 4GB | 17:42 |
samgabbay | zero2XIII, would i be able to install google chrome on it ? | 17:42 |
varunendra | tannji, psensor | 17:42 |
Ic3 | sam@ubuntu:~$ sudo apt-get install linux-firmware-nonfree Reading package lists... Done Building dependency tree Reading state information... Done The following NEW packages will be installed: linux-firmware-nonfree 0 upgraded, 1 newly installed, 0 to remove and 121 not upgraded. Need to get 3,943 kB of archives. After this operation, 8,982 kB of additional disk space will be used. Get:1 rarin | 17:42 |
harris | holstein, the chrome or chromium | 17:42 |
holstein | harris: i said, and the link i gave says chrome.. as i said.. and the link states | 17:42 |
zero2XIII | samgabbay: yes, there should be more than a Gig free space left | 17:43 |
Ic3 | command finished | 17:43 |
tannji | varunendra, I have psensor, but unless there are modules I didnt see, it doesnt list amd cards, just nvidia | 17:43 |
samgabbay | zero2XIII, alright how do i install it on a usb? | 17:43 |
zero2XIII | !liveUSB | 17:43 |
ubottu | For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see - For a persistent live USB install, see: | 17:43 |
samgabbay | zero2XIII, thannnnnks | 17:44 |
varunendra | Ic3, now do - "sudo modprobe -rfv b43" .... then "sudo modprobe -v b43" .. in terminal | 17:44 |
xangua | ... | 17:44 |
zero2XIII | samgabbay: sure no problem :) | 17:44 |
varunendra | tannji, lmsensor needs some sensors available on the motherboard to work with. If they are not available, it won't work. | 17:45 |
zero2XIII | samgabbay: the links are slightly dated, but should still work, if you have issues, just ask here again | 17:45 |
Ic3 | varynendra, sam@ubuntu:~$ sudo modprobe -rfv b43 rmmod b43 rmmod ssb rmmod mac80211 rmmod cfg80211 rmmod bcma | 17:45 |
samgabbay | zero2XIII, thanks | 17:45 |
Ic3 | Then, sam@ubuntu:~$ sudo modprobe -v b43 insmod /lib/modules/3.8.0-19-generic/kernel/drivers/ssb/ssb.ko insmod /lib/modules/3.8.0-19-generic/kernel/net/wireless/cfg80211.ko insmod /lib/modules/3.8.0-19-generic/kernel/net/mac80211/mac80211.ko insmod /lib/modules/3.8.0-19-generic/kernel/drivers/bcma/bcma.ko insmod /lib/modules/3.8.0-19-generic/kernel/drivers/net/wireless/b43/b43.ko | 17:46 |
varunendra | Ic3, that seems perfect. | 17:46 |
varunendra | can you connect now? | 17:46 |
Ic3 | Y-Yes | 17:46 |
zero2XIII | samgabbay: if you are on a ubuntu install already you can use "startup disk creator" pretty simple process | 17:46 |
varunendra | sure ?? :D | 17:46 |
samgabbay | zero2XIII, thannnks :P | 17:47 |
furycd001 | HI I have installed ubuntu-gnome along with gnome-session-fallback. I have downloaded themes & copied the folders to .themes in my user directory. Can someone please tell me how I can change my theme now ?? I cant find any way to change !! | 17:47 |
zero2XIII | samgabbay: :) | 17:47 |
pfifo | samgabbay, now, dont forget how todo that, youll need it again later, remember 'linux-firmware-nonfree' | 17:47 |
samgabbay | HUh? | 17:47 |
tones | GUi client for OpenVPN? | 17:47 |
pfifo | samgabbay, if you ever reinstall ubuntu | 17:48 |
samgabbay | the thing is | 17:48 |
samgabbay | i have wubi but im havving issues with the software center | 17:48 |
trism | furycd001: install gnome-tweak-tool | 17:48 |
furycd001 | TRISM: Thank you :) | 17:48 |
ic3_ | Thank youNya~ | 17:49 |
samgabbay | when i click sync with tdevices and sign it | 17:49 |
samgabbay | it repops up and asks me to sign in again | 17:49 |
varunendra | ic3_, you're welcome :) | 17:49 |
ic3_ | I have another idea but let me set back up in my room first | 17:50 |
tannji | varunendra, thanks = ) | 17:50 |
varunendra | :) | 17:50 |
varunendra | ic3_, another idea? about what? | 17:51 |
ic3_ | I would like to play my music now lol, .mp3 format | 17:51 |
ic3_ | Says I need to download the mpeg something hold on... | 17:52 |
pfifo | ic3_, 'sudo apt-get install vlc' one and done | 17:52 |
mehwork | to upgrade from ubuntu server 12.10 to 13.04 do I just run: sudo do-release-upgrade? | 17:53 |
reisio | ic3_: | 17:53 |
reisio |§ion=all&keywords=mp3fs | 17:53 |
xangua | ic3_: ubuntu-restricted-extras package will install audio and video codecs and also openjdk, adobe flash plugin and other extra stuff | 17:53 |
k1l_ | mehwork: yes | 17:53 |
zero2XIII | pfifo: ic3_: sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras | 17:53 |
pfifo | zero2XIII, why do you need a JRE to play mp3s? | 17:54 |
k1l_ | mehwork: but backups could be handy when murphys law strikes back _,p | 17:54 |
ic3_ | I love commands thanks | 17:54 |
zero2XIII | pfifo: you don't, but that is a metapackage.... | 17:54 |
ic3_ | And Yes, I would like to use the rythembox even though I have vlc on windows | 17:55 |
ic3_ | Can my box view videos? | 17:55 |
pfifo | zero2XIII, vlc installs just the right media codecs and comes with the vlc player | 17:55 |
mehwork | k1l_: what's the best way to backup all important files quickly? I have to upgrade a server and i don't know if my boss put any important files on it yet and he's out of town | 17:55 |
pfifo | mehwork, rsync over ssh | 17:56 |
mehwork | pfifo: well that would be manually knowing which files to backup, but my question was more about how to do a bigger sweeping backup | 17:56 |
reisio | sshfs makes that a little simpler | 17:56 |
k1l_ | mehwork: or make a complete image with dd | 17:56 |
reisio | mehwork: rsync can backup everything, if you point it at / | 17:56 |
zero2XIII | pfifo: if he is going for a "minimal but working" install. Yes. Next he wants to transcode them, or video, or browse facebook and need flash... Everything has a pro and con.. Just gave an option, not the deffinit solution... | 17:57 |
reisio | a complete image is overkill/a waste of time | 17:57 |
pfifo | reisio, you should be able to tell rsync to only copy files that have a timestamp newer than XXX date | 17:58 |
mehwork | reisio: what's the diff betwen a complete image and backing up all of / though | 17:58 |
reisio | pfifo: mehwork | 17:58 |
reisio | mehwork: the former is a huge waste of time and space | 17:58 |
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mehwork | interesting, thanks | 17:58 |
mehwork | rsync in it is, as always then | 17:58 |
reisio | indeed | 17:58 |
mehwork | whoever invented rsync should win the nobel peace prize | 17:59 |
reisio | you can also just tar up / | 17:59 |
reisio | yeah they really should | 17:59 |
reisio | or maybe a prize that's actually worth winning | 17:59 |
mehwork | hehe | 17:59 |
reisio | something not dedicated to the memory of a mass murder, perhaps | 17:59 |
pfifo | like the MTV music video award | 17:59 |
reisio | :D | 18:00 |
kplong | Can anyone recommend a tutorial on configuring central user authentication via LDAP or similar? it really very cim | 18:00 |
mehwork | i'd watch rsync if it made a music video | 18:01 |
mehwork | if n'sync can win an mtv music award, i'm sure rsync can | 18:01 |
=== DYSW is now known as DYSW_afk |
ic3_ | Excellent, now I have one more issue then I should be done with you guys for today, is there any way to wipe windows from my system entirely? | 18:03 |
mehwork | reisio: is there a way to tar it up and see progress as it's tar'ing? I get freaked out when i can't see anything happening for hours | 18:03 |
mehwork | but i don't want lots of output either because stdout slows everything down | 18:04 |
mehwork | maybe rsync with -P would be best | 18:04 |
pfifo | ic3_, wait until you do a fresh install and just delete its partitions (you could delete now too, but might as well wait until your able to setup partitions correctly) | 18:04 |
ic3_ | Makes sense, I should wait til I have a cd-r with 800mb too so I can keep this nice OS | 18:05 |
reisio | mehwork: watch -n 300 du -hs /destination/foo.tar | 18:05 |
ic3_ | Thank you guys so much, I didnt lose one hair from stress XD | 18:06 |
pfifo | ic3_, you said you were using wubi correct? if thts the case then youll need windows anyway | 18:06 |
Vec_ | So how does one unmount something ? ^^ | 18:06 |
ic3_ | wubi, yes | 18:06 |
pfifo | Vec_, 'sudo umount /path/to/something' | 18:06 |
Vec_ | pfifo: +1 cookie @ u | 18:07 |
Umair | is there a web application (preferably written in Python or Node) that connects to terminal and lets me run commands and see stdout in a list with pagination? | 18:07 |
reisio | yup | 18:07 |
pfifo | ic3_, yeah, get a livecd, do a fresh install and use your whole disk dedicated to ubuntu | 18:07 |
ic3_ | I will | 18:08 |
ic3_ | bye guys | 18:08 |
Vec_ | pfifo: "unmount" command seems not to exist | 18:08 |
reisio | adios | 18:08 |
pfifo | Vec_, minus the n 'umount' | 18:08 |
Vec_ | oh, sorry. thanks | 18:08 |
pfifo | Vec_, or 'mount -u' | 18:08 |
Bubo | Is there like a fast way to install ubuntu 64bit on UEFI laptop? | 18:10 |
reisio | if the installer doesn't just work, you'd have to know what you're doing to do it fast | 18:10 |
Bubo | Installer? as in Wubi? | 18:11 |
pfifo | Bubo, debootstrap and a mile long command, but thats assuming you know debootstrap (it will take a long time to learn) | 18:11 |
Bubo | Isn't there a way like on non-UEFI PCs | 18:12 |
Bubo | Just make a partition and install | 18:12 |
mehwork | Umair: if not, you should writ eit | 18:13 |
* thrasher194 beats caleb_ | 18:13 |
Umair | mehwork: well that would be some work | 18:14 |
zamabe | Not really an ubuntu question, but this is where I got pointed. Having issues getting maps to show up in xastir. They show up as screenshots in ~/.xastir/map_cache, but not on the screen. | 18:19 |
pfifo | Umair, i think you might be looking for something like this | 18:19 |
reisio | zamabe: on the screen? | 18:20 |
ActionParsnip | pfifo: looks cool. No client needed eh... | 18:21 |
pfifo | ActionParsnip, props on all the work you do on LP, never realized you were so active | 18:22 |
zamabe | reisio, by default xastir shows outlines of areas, not topo or highway maps. If I enable maps, I get screenshots of the area using the proper roadmap in ~/.xastir, but the screen still shows the outline map. | 18:22 |
ActionParsnip | pfifo: cheers dude. yeah its a daily thing :-) | 18:22 |
southern | hey | 18:23 |
southern | I need some help | 18:23 |
southern | I have an Ubuntu 12.04 Server (headless) with Virtualbox | 18:24 |
southern | Virtualbox 4.2 | 18:24 |
southern | and I can not enable 3D accelaration | 18:24 |
ActionParsnip | southern: did you install the guest additions? | 18:25 |
southern | and virtual machine doesn't start because of it | 18:25 |
Umair | pfifo: thanks this is close | 18:25 |
reisio | southern: nope | 18:25 |
ActionParsnip | southern: if its a server, why do you need 3D? | 18:25 |
reisio | your headless server did not not start because it's missing 3d accel | 18:25 |
southern | ActionParsnip: do you mean on the host side? | 18:25 |
ActionParsnip | southern: in the guest. but the server has no GUI | 18:25 |
southern | reiso: okay, how can I turn it on? | 18:26 |
southern | ActionParsnip: Actually it is already installed | 18:26 |
dshap | Hey all - i'm a software developer with limited linux knowledge (i know how to get around with the command line, know basics about file permissions, etc..) and my goal is to setup/manage the deployment of a simple web application. I know the stack I want to use (nginx/uwsgi/django) but I want to learn linux/ubuntu fundamentals so I can have a better handle on things. Can anyone recommend any articles/books/etc.. that someone like me should r | 18:26 |
ActionParsnip | southern: the server is text based, why do you need 3D for text? | 18:26 |
southern | and it requires 3D support on the host side | 18:27 |
ActionParsnip | !manual | dshap | 18:27 |
ubottu | dshap: The Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. | 18:27 |
southern | because guest doesn't start without 3D accel | 18:27 |
akaWolf | !manual | 18:27 |
wilee-nilee | !who > southern | 18:28 |
ubottu | southern, please see my private message | 18:28 |
dshap | ActionParsnip: is that geared towards consumers using Ubuntu as a personal desktop OS? | 18:28 |
dshap | ActionParsnip: I don't need to surf the web, listen to music, or scan documents with Ubuntu | 18:28 |
dshap | ActionParsnip: (checking it out nonetheless) | 18:29 |
Ari-Yang | dshap, you're probably better off just by googling.... | 18:29 |
karthikeyan | Hello | 18:29 |
ActionParsnip | southern: the server doesnt need 3D. its all text. Try the boot option: vga16fb.modeset=1 | 18:29 |
brontosaurusrex | dshap, ubuntu server docs | 18:30 |
ActionParsnip | dshap: it nay have server stuff. i suggest you use the desktop OS to get used to the OS | 18:30 |
dshap | brontosaurusrex: will take a look at that, thanks | 18:31 |
ActionParsnip | southern: you can use Unity2D at the login screen. No 3D needed (i assume you installed server then installed the desktop) | 18:31 |
tannji | dshap, I found this bash guide very helpful: | 18:32 |
dshap | tannji: thanks for the recommendation | 18:32 |
=== jack is now known as Guest36809 |
dshap | i guess one thing that i admittedly know very little about it setting up SSH - would type of ubuntu guide would cover that? | 18:33 |
brontosaurusrex | dshap, and a good text editor + docs, i hear cool guys are using sublime 2/3 this days, but iam uncool, so i'am still with geany | 18:33 |
dshap | brontosaurusrex: i use vim | 18:33 |
brontosaurusrex | then you are cool allready, no need for that | 18:33 |
tannji | dshap, | 18:33 |
ActionParsnip | dshap: there are lots of guides for ssh keys if you want to use thatm otherwise you will use username and password | 18:34 |
dshap | tannji: thanks, alright im gonna browse those docs more, ty | 18:34 |
tannji | = ) | 18:34 |
dshap | ActionParsnip: right, i don't want to use usernames/passwords | 18:34 |
ActionParsnip | brontosaurusrex: i use vi | 18:34 |
ActionParsnip | dshap: lots of key guides around dude. YouTube vids too | 18:34 |
brontosaurusrex | ActionParsnip, i know you are cool without saying that :) | 18:35 |
southern | ActionParsnip: first of all thx for your help | 18:35 |
suore | Guys, new problem. Preferences button missing at ibus when pinyin selected. | 18:35 |
ActionParsnip | brontosaurusrex: i manage solaris boxes and so i use it as it is on every nix based box | 18:35 |
Global_Radio | could anyone let me know how to get rid of the feature that shows you all your desktops when you mouse-over the top left hand corner of the screen? | 18:35 |
suore | it meean is inactive | 18:36 |
Ari-Yang | !ide | brontosaurusrex | 18:36 |
ubottu | brontosaurusrex: Programming editors/suites: Terminal-based: vi/vim, emacs - KDE: Kate, KDevelop, Quanta+, Umbrello - GNOME: gvim, gedit, anjuta, pida, monodevelop, geany - Others: eclipse, netbeans, qtcreator | 18:36 |
wilee-nilee | Global_Radio, This the gnome-shell? | 18:36 |
ActionParsnip | southern: no wories | 18:36 |
Global_Radio | wilee-nilee, yes | 18:36 |
southern | ActionParsnip: ACtually I installed the Ubuntu Server without GUI | 18:36 |
brontosaurusrex | Ari-Yang, i had no questions | 18:36 |
Nahledge | What is the best N64 emulator available for Ubuntu with a gui interface? | 18:36 |
Global_Radio | actually its cinnamon | 18:36 |
wilee-nilee | Global_Radio, There is an exstension that will do that. | 18:36 |
Ari-Yang | brontosaurusrex, my bad... | 18:36 |
southern | ActionParsnip: and installed phpvirtualbox webapp | 18:36 |
ActionParsnip | southern: then try the boot option I gave earlier | 18:36 |
Global_Radio | wilee-nilee, what extension? | 18:36 |
Global_Radio | wilee-nilee, i was wrong: its cinnamon | 18:37 |
brontosaurusrex | Ari-Yang, unless you wanna have a question about tearing with compton on on Debian wheezy ...., i'am sure you don't ... | 18:37 |
southern | ActionParsnip: I'm going to try it but my colleauge is working on it | 18:37 |
southern | *working on the machine | 18:37 |
wilee-nilee | Global_Radio, Ah, not sure then cinnamon is a mint DE I would ask them, more people there using it they have a IRC channel. | 18:37 |
akaWolf | Hello! How can I install Compiz under Ubuntu+KDE? I install Ubuntu, then KDE, and then Kompiz, but if I change from Kwin to Compiz in Window Manager`s settings, the screen blinks, then the headers disappear from the windows, then the screen bliks again and I see a message about changing the Manager back to Kwin, but when writting "compiz --replace", the headers change, but the windows don`t move. Can you help me? | 18:38 |
theadmin | wilee-nilee: Actually, Cinnamon is in the Ubuntu repos since 13.04. :) | 18:38 |
ActionParsnip | southern: worth a try. you can make it permanent in /etc/default/grub | 18:38 |
southern | ActionParsnip: we imported a Win XP where 3D was enabled | 18:38 |
wilee-nilee | theadmin, I know that however, not many use it here, I'm just suggesting best help. ;) | 18:38 |
Global_Radio | theadmin, could you help me with this issue? | 18:38 |
reisio | akaWolf: compiz comes by default, doesn't it? | 18:39 |
ActionParsnip | akawolf: no idea why you'd want to. Kwin can do a lot of eye candy like conpiz. | 18:39 |
southern | ActionParsnip: and we unable to disable the 3D accel in the settings | 18:39 |
theadmin | Global_Radio: Not sure what the issue is, just joined | 18:39 |
akaWolf | reisio: no, Kwin -- default | 18:39 |
southern | ActionParsnip: because it is always turned it on | 18:39 |
reisio | akaWolf: run ccsm and enable window decorations | 18:39 |
reisio | akaWolf: oh kubuntu, okay | 18:39 |
ActionParsnip | southern: you can, also disable 2D accelleration | 18:39 |
Global_Radio | theadmin, could anyone let me know how to get rid of the feature that shows you all your desktops when you mouse-over the top left hand corner of the screen? | 18:39 |
akaWolf | ActionParsnip: not all and not so good, how do that Compiz.. | 18:40 |
OerHeks | Global_Radio, something like this ? | 18:40 |
ActionParsnip | akawolf: run: compiz --replace ,once you get logged in. | 18:40 |
theadmin | Global_Radio: Go to System Settings -> Hotspots and disable the top left one. | 18:40 |
ActionParsnip | global_radio: i believe that is the scale plugin | 18:41 |
=== DYSW_afk is now known as DYSW |
tannji | Nahledge, I hear that DeSmuME is great... but I think you have to run it in wine. supposedly it takes very little performance hit in wine | 18:41 |
akaWolf | reisio: hm, compiz --replace gives exactly the same result, or not? | 18:41 |
akaWolf | ActionParsnip: I do that, and I get, that windows don't move from here position | 18:42 |
reisio | akaWolf: run ccsm and enable window decorations | 18:42 |
Nahledge | See my girlfriend likes the N64, and she hates CLI and naturally loves apple and GUI... so I'll stick with mupen64plus i'll guess. | 18:42 |
reisio | heh | 18:43 |
ActionParsnip | akawolf: is move windows plugin enabled? | 18:43 |
tannji | lol, prob best bet | 18:43 |
Global_Radio | ActionParsnip, how do you get rid of it? | 18:43 |
ActionParsnip | southern: you will need to power the guest off to make setings changes | 18:43 |
ActionParsnip | global_radio: use ccsm | 18:44 |
akaWolf | reisio: where in ccsm settings it is? | 18:44 |
=== harrymoreno_ is now known as harrymoreno |
akaWolf | ActionParsnip: hm... | 18:44 |
Global_Radio | ActionParsnip, that's not installed on my system | 18:44 |
ActionParsnip | global_radio: run it in terminal. it will give you a clue | 18:45 |
reisio | akaWolf: I don't recall, you'll find it | 18:46 |
akaWolf | ActionParsnip: no.. in ccsm | 18:46 |
akaWolf | reisio: Window decorations? command: emerald --replace | 18:47 |
ActionParsnip | akawolf: | 18:47 |
reisio | akaWolf: pardon? | 18:47 |
reisio | think you've confused akaWolf and Global_Radio | 18:47 |
akaWolf | ActionParsnip: I must enable that? | 18:48 |
Global_Radio | :/ | 18:48 |
reisio | akaWolf: that's for Global_Radio | 18:48 |
Global_Radio | what's for me? | 18:48 |
ActionParsnip | akawolf: if you dont want to be able to show all your windows with a shortcut..... | 18:48 |
reisio | akaWolf: you want window decorations and/or moving | 18:48 |
Global_Radio | im here trying to figure out ccsm | 18:48 |
ActionParsnip | global_radio: you need to disable the scale addon in ccsm to stop showing all app windows with the hot corner | 18:49 |
Global_Radio | ActionParsnip, that didn't fix it | 18:50 |
akaWolf | reisio: I want my windows could move.. | 18:50 |
ActionParsnip | akawolf: hold ALT and you can drag from any point on a window. why do you want compiz so bad. | 18:51 |
reisio | akaWolf: need to enable that feature via ccsm | 18:51 |
ActionParsnip | Compiz is garbage imho | 18:51 |
Global_Radio | ActionParsnip, i'm using Cinnamon | 18:52 |
Global_Radio | are you sure you know what i'm talking about | 18:52 |
Global_Radio | there seems to be some confusion | 18:52 |
reisio | Unity relies on compiz, doesn't it? :p | 18:52 |
ActionParsnip | gloal_radio: not sure then. not used it | 18:53 |
pfifo | no unity is a gnome shell | 18:53 |
reisio | pfifo: not mutually exclusive | 18:53 |
ActionParsnip | reisio: it needs compoziting to run which compiz can provide | 18:53 |
akaWolf | ActionParsnip: no, if I write "compiz --replace", I've got my windows can not move... | 18:53 |
* reisio smells semantics | 18:53 |
reisio | akaWolf: need to enable that feature via ccsm | 18:54 |
akaWolf | ActionParsnip: with KWin all Ok | 18:54 |
ActionParsnip | akawolf: funny that | 18:54 |
akaWolf | reisio: what feauture? sorry ) | 18:54 |
reisio | akaWolf: I don't recall, they have obvious names | 18:54 |
reisio | window decorations, moving windows, etc. | 18:54 |
reisio | down in the 'window management' section, probably | 18:54 |
pfifo | Global_Radio, maybe the simple fix is the better solution, use a different DE | 18:54 |
bun123 | hello. sorry for my bad english. i tried install ati drivers on ubuntu 13.04. but I got this error can you help me? | 18:55 |
reisio | presumably he was dealing with GNOME's window scaling feature | 18:55 |
reisio | not compiz's | 18:55 |
ActionParsnip | bun123: did you upgrade from a previous version or clean install? | 18:56 |
akaWolf | reisio: I must simple switch on checkbox? | 18:56 |
reisio | akaWolf: yes | 18:56 |
bun123 | hello ActionParsnip, clean install, before I had 10.04 | 18:57 |
bun123 | *after | 18:57 |
ActionParsnip | bun123: you sure seems you have a 2.6 kernel lying around....? | 18:57 |
bun123 | ActionParsnip : 3.8.0-25-generic | 18:57 |
ActionParsnip | bun123: ok how did you install the driver and which video chip do you have? | 18:58 |
bun123 | ActionParsnip :but i did this sudo ln -s /usr/src/linux-headers-$(uname -r)/include/generated/uapi/linux/version.h /usr/src/linux-headers-$(uname -r)/include/linux/version.h | 18:58 |
SARC | I have an amd64 installation. I write and compile code for amd64 with no problems. I want to also compile for i386. I have enabled multiarch to download and install the i386 dev packages required by my code. I have also installed gcc-multilib and added -m32 flags for the compiler and linker. Is this the correct procedure or am I missing something? | 18:59 |
bun123 | ActionParsnip : privative driver, ati 3450 | 18:59 |
akaWolf | reisio: thanks, it's work, how can I make Compiz decorator by default in the KDE? | 18:59 |
reisio | akaWolf: probably just logging out and saving your session will suffice | 19:00 |
reisio | otherwise look to KDE's auto start features | 19:00 |
ActionParsnip | bun123: | 19:00 |
ActionParsnip | akawolf: all that effort and issues.....for what? worth it? | 19:00 |
ActionParsnip | bun123: known issue | 19:00 |
bun123 | ActionParsnip: thanks, do you know how can I remove the bad driver? | 19:01 |
Ari-Yang | bun123, fglrx is horrible (has horrible 2d acceleration) | 19:01 |
bun123 | may I use free drivers? | 19:01 |
akaWolf | ActionParsnip: Compiz provide much more beautiful funcionality | 19:01 |
ActionParsnip | bun123: you can use software centre. or disable the driver in the app you enabled them in | 19:01 |
Ari-Yang | if you want to remove it you can just go to "Additional Drivers" and install the open source one, then after reboot (and possibly apt-get purge flgrx) | 19:01 |
ActionParsnip | akawolf: but look at all that messing around. not worth it | 19:02 |
bun123 | I downloaded it from the amd web, there is not in additional drivers | 19:02 |
Ari-Yang | bun123.... oh then you have to use the uninstall command (which I forget) | 19:03 |
Ari-Yang | you can simply google it. "how to uninstall fglrx form amd website" or something | 19:03 |
Vec_ | Anyone here who knows how to get a samba share to work? | 19:03 |
A1Recon | ActionParsnip: Can I PM you?? | 19:04 |
ActionParsnip | a1recon: sure | 19:04 |
compdoc | Vec_, are the smbd and nmbd services running? | 19:04 |
Vec_ | compdoc: yeah | 19:04 |
compdoc | Vec_, whats not working? | 19:05 |
Vec_ | I can access another folder ive shared with "guest ok = yes" enabled | 19:05 |
ActionParsnip | vec_: nautilus can setup shares. i assume you are using gnone desktop | 19:05 |
Vec_ | I simply cannot logon to the folder that has restricted acces | 19:05 |
Vec_ | ActionParsnip: using terminal and samba | 19:05 |
ActionParsnip | vec_: ahh i always use user based accesses | 19:05 |
Vec_ | Ive set the group to own the folder, set the permissions. then ive shared the folder through smb.conf - the windows machine sees the folder | 19:06 |
pfifo | Vec_, did you use smbpasswd to setup the username and password | 19:06 |
Vec_ | pfifo: No, i used adduser and stuff | 19:06 |
pfifo | Vec_, samba has its own stuff | 19:06 |
Vec_ | oh | 19:06 |
Vec_ | well that explains | 19:06 |
Vec_ | I should probably use SWAT for this configing, but im learning 1000% more derping around with the terminal ^^ | 19:07 |
akaWolf | ActionParsnip: yeah, but I want my world to became a little better ^__^ | 19:07 |
reisio | heh | 19:07 |
ActionParsnip | vec_: sudo smbpasswd -a $USER | 19:07 |
Vec_ | ActionParsnip: Ill look into it right now | 19:07 |
A1Recon | I used to code BASIC back in 8th grade and right now im trying C. So I am having problems with Geany.And using gedit and compiling also gives errors if the files is not under home directory... Is there an IDE or program for C where i can write the code and get the output? | 19:08 |
reisio | A1Recon: I'd just use a text editor and cc | 19:09 |
reisio | or if you want to get serious, get into make & autotools | 19:09 |
Vec_ | pfifo, ActionParsnip: adding smbpasswd's to the users made it work :) | 19:11 |
Vec_ | sweet, thanks | 19:11 |
A1Recon | reisio: I used gedit but i got errors .... | 19:13 |
jackarg | hey, how do I make a home partiton in ubuntu without booting from a live cd? I think that's what it's called, just a partition to store your files if ever you have to reinstall your os | 19:13 |
ActionParsnip | vec_: great :-) | 19:13 |
reisio | jackarg: | 19:14 |
pfifo | A1Recon, if you got errors during compilation, that has nothing todo with gedit or geany. can you pastebin these errors | 19:14 |
ActionParsnip | jackarg: if you have no free space you will need the livecd so the partitions you resize are unused | 19:14 |
jackarg | reisio why "after the fact" ? | 19:15 |
jackarg | ActionParsnip I have a lot of free space on my hard drive if that's what you mean | 19:15 |
ActionParsnip | jackarg: but is it unallocated? | 19:16 |
A1Recon | pfifo: bash: ./Hello_World: Permission denied | 19:16 |
jackarg | ActionParsnip no | 19:16 |
ActionParsnip | a1recon: is the file marked as executable | 19:16 |
A1Recon | ActionParsnip: yes | 19:16 |
ActionParsnip | jackarg: then you need livecd | 19:16 |
jackarg | I found something, wouldn't this work? | 19:17 |
reisio | jackarg: you can do it during install as well | 19:17 |
ActionParsnip | jackarg: to resize a partition it needs to be unmounted. which cannot happen if your booted OS is on that partition | 19:17 |
reisio | jackarg: just do the manual partitioning in that case | 19:17 |
A1Recon | ActionParsnip: i right clicked "Hello_World" > properties > and got this Type: executable (application/x-executable) | 19:17 |
ActionParsnip | a1recon: or run: chmod +x ./Hello_World | 19:18 |
ActionParsnip | a1recon: is the file owned by your user? | 19:18 |
pfifo | A1Recon, can you pastebin the output of 'ls -l Hello_World' | 19:18 |
jackarg | reisio and ActionParsnip slow down I'm quite noobish, what do you mean? Do I really need to boot a livecd to resize a partition? | 19:18 |
reisio | jackarg: are you already installed? | 19:19 |
ActionParsnip | jackarg: if you boot your OS it uses a partition, the one with the system files on. It is mounted and in use | 19:19 |
A1Recon | pfifo: -rw------- 1 user user 7302 Jun 30 23:35 Hello_World | 19:19 |
jackarg | reisio yes | 19:19 |
rypervenche | jackarg: It depends on if you want to shrink or enlargen the partition. | 19:19 |
pfifo | A1Recon, can you pastebin the output of 'file Hello_World' | 19:20 |
reisio | jackarg: then it's after the fact | 19:20 |
jackarg | rypervenche i guess I want to shrink it so that i can have available unallocated space | 19:20 |
ActionParsnip | jackarg: if you want to resize a partition it cannot be mounted. You cannot unmount the system partition. The OS will not allow it | 19:20 |
jackarg | reisio then I need a livecd? | 19:20 |
rypervenche | jackarg: Then yes, you will need a live CD. If you were growing it, you would be able to do it on-the-fly. | 19:20 |
A1Recon | pfifo: Hello_World: ELF 32-bit LSB executable, Intel 80386, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked (uses shared libs), for GNU/Linux 2.6.24, BuildID[sha1]=0x6c2984b8ddfd345dc3ca7bc164872ef31fe61e05, not stripped | 19:21 |
ActionParsnip | a1recon: chmod +x ./Hello_World | 19:21 |
jackarg | ActionParsnip rypervenche what distro do you suggest I do this with? | 19:21 |
rypervenche | jackarg: You can do it with any distro. I would recommend using gparted to do the shrinking though if you're not comfortable with the command line. | 19:21 |
pfifo | A1Recon, what ActionParsnip said, or I prefer 'chmod 0755' myself | 19:21 |
ActionParsnip | jackarg: your Ubuntu install media can do it. Why would you need another distro? | 19:21 |
reisio | jackarg: you shouldn't strictly need a livecd, but it'd probably be more straightforward with one | 19:22 |
ActionParsnip | pfifo: its easier for new users :-) | 19:22 |
pfifo | ActionParsnip, but lets turn him into a programmer, skipping the user phase | 19:22 |
terretz | Howdy | 19:23 |
A1Recon | pfifo: I did the "chmod +x ./Hello_World" but I still get "bash: ./Hello_World: Permission denied" | 19:23 |
jackarg | I'm not exactly sure how to do this with let's say the 12.04 live cd, I mean doesn't it expect you to reinstall the os first? | 19:23 |
pfifo | A1Recon, can you pastebin the output of 'mount' | 19:23 |
terretz | Wondering what the recommendations are for streaming music from my linux box to my computers - all Apple? | 19:23 |
ActionParsnip | a1recon: if you run: whoami ,does it say "user" | 19:23 |
terretz | I've looked in to firefly | 19:23 |
reisio | terretz: network shares | 19:23 |
terretz | but it doesn't seem to work in itunes | 19:23 |
ubuntu-gnome | anyone familiar with full disk encryption? | 19:23 |
rypervenche | ubuntu-gnome: Yep. | 19:24 |
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A1Recon | ActionParsnip: yes | 19:24 |
terretz | reisio, so just dump it all into an smb share? | 19:24 |
ubuntu-gnome | I'm doing it manually, set up a boot partition + key file on my usb stick | 19:24 |
ActionParsnip | terretz: i use plex | 19:24 |
ubuntu-gnome | set up everything in /etc/crypttab and /etc/fstab in the new install | 19:24 |
blink88 | Anyone know of a good clear mail server tutorial for Ubuntu 12.4 which they would especially recommend? | 19:24 |
reisio | terretz: that'd be one way | 19:24 |
A1Recon | pfifo: wait i am doing it... | 19:25 |
terretz | ActionParsnip: ah! I am running plex | 19:25 |
haze__ | which folder in linux stores all the applications ? | 19:25 |
ubuntu-gnome | trying to run update-initramfs gives me "WARNING: targetuses a key file, skipped" | 19:25 |
reisio | haze__: various folders | 19:25 |
terretz | I could use that for audio as well as video | 19:25 |
rypervenche | haze__: Many are in /usr/bin, but it depends. | 19:25 |
terretz | hm | 19:25 |
reisio | haze__: | 19:25 |
haze__ | reisio where does hexchat install to | 19:25 |
reisio | haze__: most of the executables are in /usr/bin/ | 19:25 |
ubuntu-gnome | does this mean I can't do full disk encryption with a keyfile? seems silly :/ | 19:26 |
reisio | haze__: dpkg -L hexchat | grep bin | 19:26 |
haze__ | thanks reisio | 19:26 |
reisio | best to just ask the package manager where it put things | 19:26 |
ActionParsnip | terretz: on the client web browser go to: http://ip.of.server.system:32400/manage/index.html | 19:26 |
jj123 | anyone know why I can resolve the symbol for gettid() when I compile and link all in one command, but if I -c compile, then link, it doesn't work | 19:26 |
A1Recon | pfifo: | 19:26 |
ActionParsnip | terretz: works like youtube but streams your media | 19:26 |
terretz | ActionParsnip, yeah - just logged in to my server | 19:27 |
terretz | I'll check it out | 19:27 |
terretz | Thanks for the reminder! | 19:27 |
ActionParsnip | terretz: kicks maximum ass | 19:27 |
pfifo | A1Recon, can you pastebin the output of 'ls -l Hello_World' one more time | 19:27 |
A1Recon | pfifo: sure | 19:28 |
trism | jj123: can you pastebin both workflows? | 19:28 |
ubuntu-gnome | rypervenche: did you see my question? | 19:28 |
A1Recon | pfifo: -rw------- 1 user user 7302 Jun 30 23:35 Hello_World | 19:28 |
pfifo | A1Recon, are you using someone else's shells? | 19:28 |
rypervenche | ubuntu-gnome: Yes, there are a lot of results for this on Google. I am looking through them now. I don't use Ubuntu and its initramfs is a bit different from my OS's. | 19:29 |
pfifo | A1Recon, cause it looks like the admin of the system does not allow you to create executable scripts and programs | 19:29 |
A1Recon | pfifo: i changed the "my_real_username" to "user" | 19:29 |
Vec_ | Quick question -> does CHMOD change permissions to everything it contains aswell? | 19:30 |
=== Jake is now known as Guest56358 |
Ari-Yang | <haze__> reisio where does hexchat install to ---> I believe stuff you compiled yourself is put in /usr/local/bin | 19:30 |
A1Recon | i didnt think it wud cause any problem | 19:30 |
Ari-Yang | just so you know | 19:30 |
rypervenche | ubuntu-gnome: You should be fine. It is supposed to skip the key file. You don't want that in your initramfs. | 19:30 |
ActionParsnip | A1recon: try: sudo chmod +x ./Hello_World | 19:30 |
reisio | haze__: best to use the package manager as much as possible, and if you can't use something like checkinstall | 19:30 |
A1Recon | pfifo: Since I am the admin, how do i allow myself to create programs | 19:30 |
reisio | can't, _then_* | 19:31 |
jj123 | trism: | 19:31 |
ubuntu-gnome | rypervenche: oh okay I thought it skipped the entire encrypted partition >.> | 19:31 |
reisio | Vec_: -R ? | 19:31 |
ubuntu-gnome | silly warning, I'll try it out, then, thanks | 19:31 |
rypervenche | ubuntu-gnome: Nope, just the key. It's not very specific, I'll admit. | 19:31 |
ubuntu-gnome | if it doesn't work I'll be back :P | 19:31 |
jj123 | I can get rid of most of them by rearranging the order and moving the .o up, but cannot get rid of the gettid() error | 19:31 |
Vec_ | reisio: chmod -r a+rwx <folder> ? | 19:32 |
pfifo | A1Recon, can you pastebin the output of 'lsb_release -a' | 19:32 |
reisio | Vec_: -R | 19:32 |
reisio | man chmod | 19:32 |
trism | jj123: you have to put the -llibrary flags after the object files that reference them | 19:32 |
* Vec_ mans the chmod | 19:32 |
reisio | Vec_: also, some people hate it when directories are called folders :D | 19:32 |
Vec_ | 10-4 :p | 19:32 |
jj123 | yes, and that will get rid of all the errors except gettid | 19:32 |
reisio | 'path' is shorter, and even more accurate | 19:33 |
reisio | somecommand path/here/ | 19:33 |
A1Recon | pfifo: | 19:34 |
jj123 | trism: updated results: | 19:34 |
freduard | hi | 19:35 |
freduard | im new xubuntu user | 19:35 |
freduard | and i am programmer | 19:35 |
pfifo | A1Recon, just to be sure do this one more time 'chmod +x ./Hello_World && ls -l ./Hello_World' | 19:35 |
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freduard | could anybody help me with mysql workbench? | 19:35 |
A1Recon | pfifo: I changed my working directory to /media/user/New Volume1/USER/Interests/Workspace/Programming/C so does "mounted noexec" have to do anything with this?? | 19:36 |
pfifo | A1Recon, yes, thats what im getting at, the noexec option is preventing the execution of the program | 19:37 |
A1Recon | pfifo: -rw------- 1 user user 7302 Jun 30 23:35 ./Hello_World | 19:37 |
Vec_ | Quickie! Why is there a space free on the end of the permission "table" ? rwxrwxrwx- ? | 19:37 |
pfifo | A1Recon, you should edit your /etc/fstab and remove the noexec option or if thats not acceptable, move your workspace to a place where you can execute programs | 19:38 |
* Vec_ is ashamed, please ignore my previous question | 19:38 |
trism | jj123: is gettid defined in that v2lin lib? since I can't resolve it here, and the manpage says: Glibc does not provide a wrapper for this system call; call it using syscall(2). | 19:38 |
jj123 | I think I just realized that when the make files builds it (the way that doesn't work) I'm setting -DDEBUG | 19:39 |
jj123 | and that pulls in the gettid() | 19:39 |
jj123 | when I do the oneliner gcc, I'm not setting that define | 19:39 |
tella | i re install ubuntu 12.04 and deleted all my files, i had a back up but some file are missing is there a way to recover this files? | 19:39 |
jj123 | if I add -DDEBUG to the oneliner, it fails the same way | 19:39 |
jj123 | so I think that's my prob | 19:40 |
A1Recon | pfifo: Here is what the /etc/fstab contains : | 19:41 |
=== Guest56358 is now known as MikeIrvin |
jj123 | trism: thanks | 19:43 |
freduard | hi? | 19:43 |
fantasoup | hello, i am new here. just learning about irc | 19:43 |
A1Recon | pfifo: BTW I never set any "noexec" option... so why is it showing a problem.... I have a Dual Boot system(Win7/Ubuntu) but I don't think it should cause any problem.. | 19:44 |
pfifo | A1Recon, well then move your workspace to your home folder or such... or format a pendrive ext2 and keep all your stuff there | 19:44 |
pfifo | A1Recon, or if you like it the hardway, edit the udev rules to mount your drives without noexec | 19:45 |
wilee-nilee | tella, deleting and overwriting a partition makes it difficult especially the more you use it, there is testdisk, however it will if it works mess with what is there, you need to back up again then use it | 19:46 |
tella | i not been using it since | 19:46 |
tella | wilee-nilee | 19:46 |
wilee-nilee | tella, you get the context though right? | 19:46 |
tella | yes | 19:47 |
tella | but testdisk what is it, i can see in gparted my old partiton with my file! | 19:47 |
wilee-nilee | tella, Good, I'm not saying you will get anything but that is where we generally go. | 19:47 |
A1Recon | pfifo: Why the hell did it show the "noexec" problem for me? Does it happen for everyone?? Did I mess up the Ubuntu installation?? | 19:48 |
tella | is there a way to have that aprtiotion bas as used to? | 19:48 |
wilee-nilee | tella`testdisk is on the web a live cd and an external is what you need. | 19:48 |
trism | jj123: yeah I agree, it seems that v2lin was attempt to define gettid using an obsolete _syscall0 macro which is gone now | 19:48 |
pfifo | A1Recon, are thoes New Volumes formatted NTFS or FAT? | 19:48 |
jj123 | yeah that's what I think | 19:48 |
trism | jj123: you could probably use the DEBUG portion by defining gettid using syscall(SYS_gettid) instead | 19:49 |
wilee-nilee | tella, you can get it from the repos I believe as well, I have used it once for fun. | 19:49 |
A1Recon | pfifo: HPFS/NTFS | 19:49 |
pfifo | A1Recon, ahh, well thats why, NTFS is windoze tech, make all you linux programs using linux tech | 19:50 |
jj123 | trism: as far as having to rearrange the order of the .o and there any way around that? | 19:50 |
jj123 | or do you ALWAYS have to do it | 19:50 |
wilee-nilee | tella, | 19:50 |
wheatthin | just a question, but can I dd an img to a hdd? | 19:51 |
trism | jj123: you always have to do it now in recent ubuntus since they changed the standard linker to behave like gold and be more strict about resolution | 19:51 |
ubuntu-gnome | rypervenche: something's still off :( | 19:51 |
A1Recon | pfifo: so ideally it should be formatted in? | 19:51 |
jj123 | trism: ok thanks, that explains why other people don't have that problem and why the v2lin Makefiles work for them | 19:51 |
rypervenche | ubuntu-gnome: What's happening? | 19:52 |
pfifo | A1Recon, ext2 or 3 or 4, reiserfs or btrfs | 19:52 |
pfifo | A1Recon, i like ext2, there are windows drivers for ext2 and 3 | 19:52 |
ubuntu-gnome | initramfs-update apparently uses the uuids of the encrypted partitions after they have been decrypted and mapped | 19:52 |
wheatthin | if you want journaling, you won't want to use ext2 | 19:52 |
A1Recon | wheatthin: journaling? | 19:53 |
pfifo | wheatthin, my ext2 partitions have journals, i store them externally in my head :D | 19:53 |
wheatthin | lol | 19:53 |
ubuntu-gnome | in that booting complains about a device missing with a certain uuid, and that uuid seems to correspond to the encrypted root partition when it's mapped | 19:53 |
gregor3005 | hi, i switches one workstation from fedora to ubuntu, does anybody know which are the ubuntu equivalent command for "yum provides */pnmtojpeg" ? | 19:55 |
rypervenche | ubuntu-gnome: What do you have in your crypttab? | 19:56 |
ubuntu-gnome | cryptroot UUID=f580937f-472e-404f-9f6d-293d09878d71 /boot/keyfile luks | 19:57 |
ubuntu-gnome | cryptdata UUID=d1ef71b1-c069-495a-9477-d322e1211aa4 /boot/keyfile luks | 19:57 |
ubuntu-gnome | cryptswap /dev/sda3 /dev/urandom swap | 19:57 |
ubuntu-gnome | neither of those UUIDs corresponds to the UUID that causes errors | 19:57 |
ubuntu-gnome | these are the UUIDs of the partitions BEFORE mapping, and it gives an error on the UUID of the cryptroot partition after mapping | 19:58 |
trism | gregor3005: if you want to search installed packages you can use: dpkg -S pnmtojpeg; if you want to search the archive you can install apt-file and: apt-file search pnmtojpeg; | 19:58 |
rypervenche | ubuntu-gnome: And let's see your fstab (in a pastebin please) | 19:58 |
ubuntu-gnome | sure | 19:58 |
ubuntu-gnome | rypervenche: | 20:00 |
wilee-nilee | gregor3005, Thats not a workstation but a different OS what is it you want? | 20:00 |
A1Recon | pfifo: why doesn't Linux support NTFS?? | 20:00 |
ubuntu-gnome | the UUID in there is the boot partition on my usb stick | 20:00 |
rypervenche | A1Recon: Support in what way? | 20:00 |
ubuntu-gnome | (unencrypted, of course) | 20:00 |
A1Recon | rypervenche: i mean work properly without throwing up "noexec error" | 20:01 |
rypervenche | A1Recon: You're trying to run Ubuntu from an NTFS partition? | 20:01 |
gregor3005 | trism: thx to the hint to apt-file, this worked | 20:02 |
A1Recon | rypervenche: no no no! I have some "C" code in a NTFS HDD which wont run because of "noexec" | 20:02 |
rypervenche | A1Recon: So move it over to your ext partition and run it? | 20:03 |
=== clone1018 is now known as SammyTheShark |
A1Recon | rypervenche: I will do that... I was just curious why NTFS shows problems... | 20:03 |
theadmin | A1Recon: NTFS has no POSIX permission support | 20:04 |
rypervenche | A1Recon: NTFS doesn't have the same file attributes as ext partitions. I don't know the specifics, but I wouldn't do anything Linux-related on an NTFS partition. | 20:04 |
theadmin | A1Recon: So all files will have the same perms | 20:04 |
A1Recon | theadmin: rypervenche: Thanks!! | 20:05 |
rypervenche | ubuntu-gnome: Can you paste the output of blkid please? | 20:05 |
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=== SammyTheShark is now known as clone1018 |
blake_ | Can someone help me with booting Ubuntu | 20:08 |
blake_ | via USB | 20:08 |
theadmin | blake_: What OS are you using to prepare the stick? | 20:09 |
blake_ | Windiws 7 | 20:09 |
blake_ | Windows | 20:09 |
theadmin | blake_: Use the Universal USB Installer from Pendrivelinux | 20:10 |
blake_ | I used an old Xbox HDD and formatted it to Fat32. i then used the pendrive as you said. but when i plug in and boot my pc it sit at a boot screen and says "attempting to boot from USB device" | 20:10 |
blake_ | any ideas? | 20:12 |
wilee-nilee | use a usb flash or disc a HD is problematic | 20:12 |
blake_ | disc | 20:12 |
wilee-nilee | dvd | 20:12 |
blake_ | my flash drives would not work it said something abour it being a non system device or something like that | 20:13 |
harris | can i use face regonization to login | 20:13 |
blake_ | and i dont have a laptop capable of burning a disc | 20:13 |
matti45 | whois chiluk | 20:13 |
wilee-nilee | blake_, I have only had one usb that did not work due to firmware. | 20:14 |
blake_ | i tried a PNY and a gfm flashdrive both 4 gb | 20:14 |
blake_ | neither worked | 20:14 |
harris | wilee-nilee, | 20:15 |
theadmin | harris: No, Ubuntu doesn't have anything like that, sadly. | 20:15 |
blake_ | i may be able to fuind another | 20:15 |
ubuntu-gnome | rypervenche: | 20:15 |
theadmin | harris: ...although that's probably for the better, those things aren't really secure, your twin brother can always log in instead of yourself. | 20:15 |
wilee-nilee | blake_, when do you get the error on the flash usb's | 20:15 |
blake_ | BTW i am booting from an HP dc5000 | 20:15 |
blake_ | as soon as i power on | 20:15 |
wilee-nilee | blake_, I mean the usb flash not the hd. | 20:16 |
trash_ | abuf | 20:16 |
trash_ | f | 20:16 |
blake_ | yeah as soon as i power up. i just tried to boot from the flash and the exact message is... | 20:16 |
trash_ | fgsd | 20:16 |
trash_ | fg | 20:16 |
trash_ | dfg | 20:16 |
trash_ | f | 20:16 |
FloodBot1 | trash_: Please don't flood; use to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation. | 20:16 |
blake_ | Non-system disk or disk error replace and strike any ke when reat | 20:17 |
A1Recon | pfifo: Thanks to you, too!! | 20:17 |
blake_ | replace and strike any key when ready* | 20:17 |
pfifo | A1Recon, sure thing | 20:19 |
=== mizifih_ is now known as mizifih |
adam_ | hello | 20:19 |
pfifo | blake_, you need to install a bootloader on it | 20:20 |
blake_ | any idea where i can get a proper bootloader?' | 20:20 |
adam_ | (y) | 20:20 |
SARC | I have an amd64 install. I write my own software and would like to compile for both amd64 and i386. How do I go about doing this? | 20:20 |
adam_ | (_)_) | 20:20 |
pfifo | blake_, I see you dont have access to a linux system, and unfortunatly, I dont know how to install on from windows | 20:21 |
k1l_ | !guidelines > adam_ | 20:21 |
ubottu | adam_, please see my private message | 20:21 |
pfifo | SARC, use a chroot or livecd | 20:22 |
nimbiotics | Hello all. I'm using ubuntu studio 13.04 with xfce + compiz + nvidia drivers. They seemed to be getting along for like a month but yesterday, after playing armagetron, my display resolution was down to 800x600. I tried to put it back to 1028x768 but all I did was freeze my desktop. I tried to log out and rebooting but I just did not have a desktop. Finally FatalPriapism on this channel told... | 20:22 |
nimbiotics | to "killall -9 compiz" and at least I got my desktop again. Problem is that I have to killall every time I log in and even worst than that; I cannot get a better resolution than 800x600, when I try it goes to 640x480. Can someone please help me get my desktop right again? TIA! | 20:22 |
blake_ | well, any help is much appreciated im pretty new to computers my friend just gave me a PC that he doesnt use and im trying to learn more on operating it | 20:22 |
SARC | pfifo, i have heard about multiarch. is that not the way to go? | 20:22 |
djapo | hello i have a new install of ubuntu with only a few installed programs manually, i recently tried to install wine but i get a broken packages error and also winever i try to install anything else ... what can i do? | 20:22 |
lordlimecat | hello. I am booting off of cd on an encrypted laptop. I need to mount the cryto-luks partition, and do not know how. Can anyone help me? | 20:23 |
lordlimecat | ive installed cryptsetup, but mount says "unknown filesystem: crypto_Luks" | 20:23 |
pfifo | SARC, not if you like doing things the quick and easy way | 20:23 |
lordlimecat | and cryptmount says unknown target /dev/sda5 | 20:23 |
lordlimecat | any help would be appreciated as this is a data recovery scenario | 20:23 |
k1l_ | djapo: can you show the errors message from apt-get in a pastebin "sudo apt-get update" | 20:24 |
blake_ | pfifo, or willie nillie. do either of yo know where i could get a working bootloader | 20:24 |
wilee-nilee | blake_, I would focus on getting the usb flash to work and confirm the computer is workable in general, the usb flash should work. | 20:24 |
SARC | pfifo, i am using eclpise ide, and prefer doing things in a gui ide. I'd prefer to compile for both in the same environment. | 20:24 |
DJones | !new Marcus Johnson - [The Heaven Saga 01] - The Lost Hero (epub).rar | 20:24 |
ubottu | DJones: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) | 20:24 |
DJones | Grr | 20:24 |
pfifo | SARC, you need a cross compiler then | 20:24 |
blake_ | well how can i confirm its in working order? and what do you mean "focus on getting the usb flash to work" | 20:25 |
pfifo | blake_, grub is the bootloader used by ubuntu, but again, without a working linux machine, i have no idea how to install it from windows | 20:25 |
SARC | pfifo: can you recommend one please? | 20:25 |
ubuntu-gnome | rypervenche: any idea? >.> | 20:25 |
pfifo | SARC, gnu c compiler of course] | 20:26 |
wilee-nilee | blake_, I mean in detail tell the channel the problems with the usb's and see if we can get that working. And use nicks on the channel. | 20:26 |
djapo | k1l_: i don't have the machine available to me right now but i have tried the "how to fix broken packages using the terminal/software center under ubuntu 13.04/12.10 | 20:26 |
rypervenche | ubuntu-gnome: Can you do "blkid -o list" please? | 20:26 |
SARC | pfifo, i have gcc | 20:26 |
blake_ | wilee-nilee, sorry, new to here | 20:27 |
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djapo | k1l_: and it didn't work, i have access to the machine tommorow so i wanted to know what other commands i could try | 20:27 |
pfifo | SARC, you have a native gcc, use it to build a cross gcc | 20:27 |
blake_ | wilee-nilee, im not sure what more to say | 20:27 |
Elvano | My Firefox stopped connecting to the internet all of a sudden. I tried removing it and reinstalling, but with no result. All other applications work fine | 20:27 |
k1l_ | djapo: we need some specific error messages to have a look at possible solutions | 20:28 |
k1l_ | djapo: so come back tomorrow if you have the machine running | 20:28 |
Loz | sorry to interject: installing ubuntu on windows 7 pre-installed 64-bit machine via usb drive. boot from usb, click install ubuntu, partition harddrive using ubuntu, ubuntu installs, says install is successful & to restart; when i restart theres no trace of linux anywhere (boot menu, os list etc) and it autoboots to windows, if booting from usb still, it overwrites previous ubuntu & still not independently booting. im fairly sure im mi | 20:28 |
ubuntu-gnome | rypervenche: | 20:29 |
djapo | k1l_: will do! thanks | 20:29 |
wilee-nilee | blake_, In order to help we nee I tried this and this happens in general on the usb issue. | 20:30 |
Vec_ | lol, linux is so fun :) | 20:30 |
Dave77 | where can I get help about getting window manager to work? | 20:31 |
Dave77 | trying to get xfce4 to work but it just complains about 'no screens' | 20:31 |
tannji | Loz, you using 13.04, or earlier ubuntu? | 20:31 |
blake_ | when i try booting from the USB flash the only message i get is a black screen and the words "Non-system disk or disk error- replace and strike any key when ready". I have also tried to boot from an old Xbox HDD and its sits at a screen saying "Attempting to boot from USB device. I am utrying to boot on an HPdc5000 | 20:31 |
=== Skapi is now known as sedorejd |
Loz | using 13.04 | 20:33 |
esref | Test | 20:33 |
pfifo | blake_, again, you need a bootloader installed on you flashdrive | 20:34 |
blake_ | i tried 13.04 first but then also tried 13.10 i believe | 20:34 |
tannji | Loz, you using 64 bit version or 32 bit? also, is your bios UEFI? | 20:35 |
falompias | hello, I've just install ubuntu and gnome-panel, for the gnome2x experience, and I can't seem to switch to a different workspace. Has any experience the same? | 20:36 |
niee | Hi folks :)) any one to help me pls? I`m used Ubuntu 11.04, but not inposible to install any progream or aplication. | 20:36 |
falompias | ubuntu 13.04, I mean | 20:36 |
blake_ | pfifo, what bootloader? | 20:36 |
pfifo | !grub | blake_ | 20:37 |
ubottu | blake_: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to | 20:37 |
Loz | 64bit and yes to uefi | 20:37 |
niee | falompias: i have this version. not 13 or 14... | 20:37 |
sliddjur | i have loads of csv-files with data. is there any good free software that can present data nicely? | 20:38 |
pfifo | blake_, im going to be honest here, your best route is to get a blank cd, take it to a friends house, and burn an ubuntu livecd | 20:38 |
falompias | niee: sorry, I didn't understand what you mean :) | 20:38 |
blake_ | ubotto, so if i install GRUB2 alongside ubuntu desktop it shoudl work? | 20:38 |
pfifo | blake_, ubottu is a bot | 20:39 |
blake_ | pfifo, that has crossed my mind i am just trying to get this PC working as soon as possible im to eager to wait and bur a CD | 20:39 |
blake_ | pfifo, i thought so lmao | 20:39 |
niee | falompias: whay don`t inposible to instal program or update. view pastebin pls | 20:40 |
tannji | Loz, there were no error messages at any point? | 20:40 |
Loz | nope, no error messages | 20:40 |
Loz | just said successfully installed, please restart and then disappeared | 20:41 |
falompias | niee: sorry, I'm not sure either :( | 20:41 |
falompias | niee: if I were to guess, your mirrors on the sources.list are not working, try substituting them for ubuntu supplied ones | 20:41 |
pfifo | blake_, there are supposed to be tools to make a liveusb from windows, but to be honest, ive never heard of one actually working. | 20:41 |
falompias | anyone using 13.04 with compiz+gnome-panel? | 20:42 |
viyyer | my internet is broken . what is the default /etc/network/interface file | 20:42 |
tannji | LoZ, I think you might have a partition identity problem. | 20:42 |
viyyer | ?? | 20:42 |
reisio | falompias: gnome-shell, you mean? | 20:42 |
falompias | reisio: isn't gnome-shell the gnome 3 interface? | 20:43 |
Elvano | Can anyone please help me get my firefox back to work on Ubuntu? | 20:43 |
Loz | that wouldnt surprise me - how can i fix that? | 20:43 |
falompias | Elvano: what is the issue? | 20:43 |
niee | ok falompias . give me more info pls. how to change whit "Software Sources" | 20:44 |
Elvano | It can no longer reach webpages from the web, falompias. Local files it can read. Chromium, nor any other application, seems to have any problem | 20:44 |
ubuntu-gnome | rypervenche? | 20:44 |
k1l_ | Elvano: did you set some proxy settings? or set it to offline mode? | 20:45 |
wilx | Hi. | 20:45 |
A1Recon | What is the Keyboard shortcut to go back up a folder in Ubuntu. Like in Windows its the "Backspace" button! | 20:45 |
tannji | When you install from USB thumb drive, the USB drive usually becomes "dev/sda" so the partition you need to format and set up becomes "/dev/sdb". after installation, when you remove the usb drive, youwill see the new installation as "/dev/sda". In affect, you mounted the usb as /dev/sda, and installed ubuntu to /dev/sda.... but need to install it to /dev/sdb | 20:45 |
wilx | Ubuntu was opening a Firefox window after I have reported a bug. | 20:45 |
wilx | It seems that it is not doing that anymore. | 20:45 |
bekks | falompias: Which ubuntu do you have, which version? | 20:45 |
wilx | How can I turn it on again? | 20:45 |
falompias | niee: I generally do this by hand, i.e edit your /etc/apt/sources.list and replace by a working mirror. That version _may_ be expired, so you probably need to use a different mirror | 20:46 |
falompias | bekks: I have 13.04 | 20:46 |
tannji | Loz, I could be totally off-base, but from what you said, and the mistakes I have made, could be the problem | 20:46 |
niee | ok tnx falompias :) | 20:46 |
trism | A1Recon: alt+up arrow | 20:46 |
Elvano | I have done nothing at all, k1l_ . It just gave me this one day | 20:46 |
bekks | falompias: Then why do you have sources for 11.04 enabled? | 20:47 |
A1Recon | trism: Thanks!! | 20:47 |
falompias | Elvano: have you set up a proxy by any chance? | 20:47 |
pfifo | blake_, you can atleast try all of these methods to kill time until you find a friend with a blank cd and a cd burner... | 20:47 |
falompias | bekks: you must be confusing me with niee... :) | 20:47 |
Elvano | No, I haven't falompias | 20:47 |
bekks | falompias: That may be true, yes :) | 20:47 |
pfifo | blake_, you DO NOT have to make an ubuntu liveusb to get started, any flavor of linux will work | 20:48 |
Loz | sounds about right - whats the best way of fixing that? im a little out of touch with partitions | 20:48 |
falompias | my issue is that I cannot change workspace, eventhough I have 4 workspaces created | 20:48 |
Jakey1 | how do I pastebin my comand line in command line? | 20:48 |
falompias | i.e ctrl+alt+left does not work | 20:48 |
bekks | !pastebinit | Jakey1 | 20:48 |
ubottu | Jakey1: pastebinit is the command-line equivalent of !pastebin - Command output, or other text can be redirected to pastebinit, which then reports an URL containing the output - To use pastebinit, install the « pastebinit » package from a package manager - Simple usage: command | pastebinit -b | 20:48 |
falompias | I use compiz+gnome panel (or gnome fallback, a shell that emulates gnome 2x experience) | 20:48 |
falompias | but it's broken on 13.04 | 20:48 |
falompias | at work I have 12.04 installed and seems to be working fine | 20:48 |
falompias | so I might go back to 12.04 | 20:48 |
blake_ | pfifo, that also has crossed my mind. what other flavors beside Ubuntu could i use. where could i find them. amd do you think i would have the same problem installing them? | 20:49 |
tannji | Loz, I booted live cd, installed gparted, set up my partition, and chose the live install option. just pay attention to what partitions you see and use | 20:49 |
k1l_ | falompias: there is no downgrade. that would need a reinstall | 20:49 |
Jakey1 | bekks: so I have previous command writtent on my command line not in a txt file just on screen. How do I get it to pastebin | 20:49 |
falompias | k1l_: I understand that, that is what I meant as well :) | 20:49 |
bekks | Jakey1: By typing it again. | 20:49 |
pfifo | blake_, I would try gparted guide first, its a decent livecd, I also notice a mint 9 guide, mint is an ubuntu flavor | 20:50 |
Vec_ | Why do i get "permission denied" when my user is part of a group that has RWX permissions to a dir? | 20:50 |
Elvano | I have been using it as my main browser for a long time already. It just stopped working all of a sudden, k1l_ falompias | 20:50 |
falompias | Elvano: I can't think of anything other than a proxy, or.. dns issues | 20:50 |
Jakey1 | bekks: how do you mean I have to copy it into a txt file to pastebinit? | 20:50 |
falompias | but that would probably be ruled out with chromium | 20:50 |
falompias | (I mean, the dns) | 20:50 |
blake_ | pfifo, thanks ill look into gparted. | 20:51 |
bekks | Jakey1: No. "mycommand | pastebinit" will pastebin the output of "mycommand". | 20:51 |
k1l_ | Elvano: please take a look if you accidently started the offline modus or if you set some proxy settings | 20:51 |
Vec_ | drwxrwx--- 4 root hagastien 4096 Jun 30 22:43 data ---> My user is part of group "hagastien", how come i get "Permission denied" when trying to cd to the dir? | 20:52 |
falompias | offline would generally be pretty obvious too, coming to think of it | 20:52 |
nimbiotics | Hello all. I'm using ubuntu studio 13.04 with xfce + compiz + nvidia drivers. They seemed to be getting along for like a month but yesterday, after playing armagetron, my display resolution was down to 800x600. I tried to put it back to 1028x768 but all I did was freeze my desktop. I tried to log out and rebooting but I just did not have a desktop. Finally FatalPriapism on this channel told... | 20:52 |
nimbiotics | to "killall -9 compiz" and at least I got my desktop again. Problem is that I have to killall every time I log in and even worst than that; I cannot get a better resolution than 800x600, when I try it goes to 640x480. Can someone please help me get my desktop right again? TIA! | 20:52 |
blake_ | pfifo, ahh its a partitioner i have been using easeUS partition master that seems to work quite well. ill try mint now also | 20:52 |
pfifo | blake_, yes but your not intrested in the partition part... you just need a terminal | 20:53 |
blake_ | pfifo, the friend that gave me the PC had mint maybe ill try that, see how it works | 20:53 |
blake_ | pfifo, what do yo mean a "terminal" | 20:54 |
Elvano | Well, I'll be... "Use system proxy settings' was enabled, but i swear, I've never turned it on, k1l_ , falompias | 20:54 |
pfifo | blake_, if you have a mint livecd, or mint already installed, then I can get your flash drive up and running | 20:54 |
falompias | Elvano: yeah, that seems the default though | 20:54 |
mordonez | Hey guys, any ideas why this xorg.conf file works well in debian | 20:54 |
mordonez | | 20:54 |
blake_ | pfifo, neither unfortunately | 20:55 |
mordonez | and not in ubuntu 13.04? | 20:55 |
Elvano | It seems to work fine now; Thanks, k1l_ , falompias | 20:55 |
mordonez | I woule like to have my chrome pixel working with right dpi | 20:55 |
k1l_ | Elvano: better to check twice :) | 20:55 |
falompias | so if you set a proxy in your system, i.e via $http_proxy, etc variables, it just comes to you seemlessly... sucks :) | 20:55 |
blake_ | pfifo, i could probably have this done but my frined had his tonsils remove hes not in condidtion to help me | 20:55 |
derp_ | hello | 20:55 |
reisio | hi | 20:55 |
Elvano | Yea, it works now, k1l_ | 20:56 |
Elvano | Thanks again | 20:56 |
blake_ | pfifo, also if i got a cd DL would it work the same if i used a Flash drive | 20:56 |
pfifo | blake_, just ask him if has a livecd laying around | 20:56 |
pfifo | blake_, god knows I have a stack of livecd coasters on my table | 20:57 |
blake_ | i know he had a USB with Ubuntu we tried to boot it before i left his house but his USB wasnt working right | 20:58 |
Loz | tannji - thanks | 20:59 |
blake_ | pfifo, | 20:59 |
Loz | ill give that a go | 20:59 |
t2mkn | ubuntu 12.04: not opening on Firefox or Chrome, but opens and works on mobile browser. I tried clearing catch, cookies, tmp files and dns. m able to ping any suggestion what could be wrong? | 20:59 |
tannji | Loz, did you make any progress? | 21:00 |
=== wojciech_ is now known as wojciech |
pfifo | blake_, the advantage to the USB is that you can delete the iso file and replace it with a different iso, where with a cd, you have to burn another cd... other than that their the same | 21:01 |
pfifo | blake_, or just put 20 isos on the USB and boot the flavor/version you want | 21:02 |
blake_ | pfifo, ofcourse but what DL should i use? | 21:02 |
blake_ | pfifo, would a CD DL work on a Flash drive | 21:03 |
pfifo | blake_, xfce 32bit | 21:03 |
Vec_ | I'm baffled here.. I cant cd into a dir (permission denied) even tho im a member of a group that has access.. Please advise | 21:03 |
pfifo | blake_, what do you mean by 'would a CD DL work on a Flash drive' | 21:03 |
ryeth | hello all | 21:04 |
DYSW | Vec: simple chown -R yourusername foldername | 21:04 |
DYSW | Vec: as root of course | 21:04 |
blake_ | pfifo, it says "media- CD" would this download workif i booted from USB | 21:04 |
Vec_ | DYSW: drwxrwx--- 4 root hagastien 4096 Jun 30 22:43 data | 21:04 |
Vec_ | owner is root | 21:04 |
Vec_ | my user is part of the group "hagastien" | 21:04 |
pfifo | blake_, simply downloading the CD to the USB isnt going to >Install A Bootloader< | 21:04 |
ef5c_ef5c | Vec_, 'id' shows the group association? | 21:05 |
blake_ | pfifo, but ill have the .iso? correct | 21:05 |
ryeth | i'm installing ubuntu 13.04 on VMware and having a few issues....anybody know if vmware is ok to use when installing ubuntu in a virtual machine | 21:05 |
Vec_ | ef5c_ef5c: uid=1000(fredrikadmin) gid=1000(fredrikadmin) groups=1000(fredrikad min),4(adm),24(cdrom),27(sudo),30(dip),46(plugdev),107(lpadmin),109 (sambashare) | 21:05 |
ryeth | cause it seems to only install the command line interface to use and not the entire OS | 21:05 |
pfifo | blake_, yeah, you will need an iso eventually, might as well get it now | 21:05 |
DYSW | ryeth: Only thing i can say is that i have had issues in vmware before, vms usually runs slower too than in virtualbox | 21:06 |
blake_ | pfifo, any idea what the bootloader is for linux mint? | 21:06 |
ef5c_ef5c | Vec_, OK, so your ID may be added to the group in /etc/groups, but that assocation isn't in force for your current session. | 21:06 |
pfifo | blake_, yes, its grub | 21:06 |
blake_ | pfifo, and again sorry if im not making sense pretty new to all this PC talk | 21:06 |
ef5c_ef5c | maybe logout/login will refresh | 21:06 |
Vec_ | oh, i c, the "hagastien" group should have been listed after groups= ? | 21:07 |
ef5c_ef5c | Yep | 21:07 |
ryeth | do u think i would have problems if i have vmware and virtualbox on my laptop? don't want the 2 to conflict with one another | 21:07 |
ryeth | and thank you for your answer, DYSW | 21:07 |
Vec_ | Thanks ef5c_ef5c! Ill try to relog right now | 21:07 |
daftykins | ryeth: i don't think you'd be able to run both at once... if they'd make use of AMD-V/Intel VT hardware support | 21:08 |
daftykins | ryeth: their networking components would seriously mess things up | 21:08 |
jasunto | is there a quick GUI way to move home in 13.04? | 21:08 |
Vec_ | ef5c_ef5c: A relog fixed it, thanks :) | 21:09 |
ryeth | hmmm...i will uninstall vmware and try out virtualbox....i'm in school for computer networking systems and we use VMware Player | 21:09 |
jasunto | or should i say, is there a quick GUI way to move /home in 13.04? | 21:09 |
funky | :) | 21:09 |
ryeth | but i seem to have a lot of issues with it | 21:09 |
ef5c_ef5c | Vec_, yw; glad it worked! | 21:10 |
pfifo | jasunto, thers no reason todo that | 21:10 |
jasunto | i have a velociraptor spinner driv ei want data on and save ssd for apps and such | 21:10 |
jasunto | pfifo, i have a velociraptor spinner driv ei want data on and save ssd for apps and such | 21:11 |
jasunto | pfifo, apps and OS on SSD sinc eits small and /home on larger non ssd data drive | 21:11 |
pfifo | jasunto, so you want to move your data to your raptor and mount it to /home | 21:11 |
=== m__ is now known as plm |
jasunto | pfifo , yeha without getting all fstab crazy, used ot be able to do from users and groups | 21:12 |
=== plm is now known as plm33 |
jasunto | pfifo, move /home to bigger non ssd drive | 21:12 |
jasunto | pfifo, nothing on /home at the moment so should be quick, nothign to copy | 21:13 |
pfifo | jasunto, nothing to copy? then just add the line in fstab | 21:14 |
jasunto | pfifo, i hate jacking with that file, is there a simple copy/paste way to do it? | 21:14 |
jasunto | maybe format the drive in gparted and set mount point to /home? | 21:15 |
pfifo | jasunto, maybe, for me editing fstab is easier, pastebin 'cat /etc/fstab && sudo blkid' and ill give you the line | 21:16 |
Catalystic | a friend of mine talls me ubuntu isrying to fork linux and make it nun free | 21:17 |
Catalystic | non* | 21:17 |
Catalystic | like android did | 21:17 |
Catalystic | i mean google | 21:17 |
falompias | ok, I can't get rid of the workspace limitation, so I'm going back to 12.04 :/ | 21:18 |
nimbiotics | I'm using ubuntu studio 13.04 with xfce + compiz + nvidia drivers. They seemed to be getting along for like a month but yesterday, after playing armagetron, my display resolution was down to 800x600. I tried to put it back to 1028x768 but all I did was freeze my desktop. I tried to log out and rebooting but I just did not have a desktop. Finally FatalPriapism on this channel told me to... | 21:19 |
nimbiotics | ..."killall -9 compiz" and at least I got my desktop again. Problem is that I have to killall every time I log in and even worst than that; I cannot get a better resolution than 800x600, when I try it goes to 640x480. Please help me get my desktop right again? TIA! | 21:19 |
OerHeks | nimbiotics, you have the clue yourself; why not remove compiz instead of killing it | 21:20 |
jasunto | pfifo, sent PM | 21:21 |
nimbiotics | OerHeks: That is what I've got in mind on doing. The reason I post this here is because someone might have had a similar experience and probably was able to fix it without removing compiz, which I love ... not that I cant live w/o it though... Thanks for your advise! | 21:24 |
niee | Hi folks :)) any one to help me pls? I`m used Ubuntu 11.04, but not inposible to install any progream or aplication. | 21:25 |
bonhoeffer | can anyone tell me if i can open explorer from the command line? | 21:25 |
wheatthin | I hope I get banned soon. | 21:25 |
HisaoNakai | bonhoeffer - what explorer? O_o | 21:26 |
OerHeks | niee, 11.04 is EOL end of life, upgrade to a supported version 12.04 lts or 13.04 | 21:26 |
bonhoeffer | sorry -- i used to be able to type open foo.pdf or open . and get the relevant application to open from the command line, by explorer i meant the default file manager | 21:26 |
OerHeks | !11.04 | 21:26 |
ubottu | Ubuntu 11.04 (Natty Narwhal) was the fourteenth release of Ubuntu. Desktop support ended on October 28, 2012. See !upgrade, !lts and !eol for more details. | 21:26 |
HisaoNakai | bonhoeffer - Oh, sorry. No idea. Perhaps someone else here knows. :S | 21:27 |
niee | OerHeks: need to reinstall ths OS. evry docoments or program im lost or ? | 21:28 |
brontosaurusrex | bonhoeffer, thunar . (or make an alias to your specific file-manager) | 21:29 |
SKYLAKE-10nm | !eol | 21:29 |
ubottu | End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See | 21:29 |
brontosaurusrex | bonhoeffer, like "alias open='thunar'" | 21:30 |
bonhoeffer | excellent -- perfect | 21:30 |
bonhoeffer | | 21:30 |
bonhoeffer | some good ideas there too | 21:30 |
OerHeks | niee a fresh install deletes your data and programs, backup your data | 21:31 |
brontosaurusrex | bonhoeffer, you a mac user? | 21:31 |
bonhoeffer | sometimes . . . | 21:32 |
niee | ok ubottu. undrestand, but need to write new disk whit Ubuntu 13.04 and preinstall OS or ...inposible to update this version 11.04 to 13.04. | 21:32 |
bonhoeffer | i kinda forget which os i'm on these days | 21:32 |
xangua | niee: not imposible...but it will take soooome time | 21:32 |
OerHeks | 11.04 > 11.10 > 12.04 lts > 12.10 > 13.04 | 21:33 |
niee | wow :D undrestand understand. tnx... | 21:33 |
brontosaurusrex | bonhoeffer, interestingly my open alias will also work with "open some.jpg" | 21:33 |
brontosaurusrex | so, solved even better than i thought ;) | 21:34 |
coops | ubuntu 12.10 image - NAT / ip config 'out of the box'? | 21:34 |
coops | i just switched from a 12.10 image for desktop to server on VirtualBox | 21:35 |
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coops | it seems like while the desktop had some basic networking set up, the server image does not? | 21:36 |
coops | trying to access the guest server image via ssh from my host... | 21:36 |
coops | connection timing out and nothing in the auth.log beyond startup of the ssh server | 21:37 |
coops | ifconfig -a shows only a loopback interface | 21:37 |
coops | on the guest | 21:37 |
RalieghFhang | Hello, got an error trying to upgrade from quantal to raring. It's a silly one I don't quite understand. | 21:40 |
k1l_ | RalieghFhang: why are you root and how did you loginto it? | 21:42 |
tgm4883 | RalieghFhang, that is a python error | 21:42 |
RalieghFhang | Ah, thank you. It's a VPS and a fresh isntallation, I've yet to create any users. | 21:43 |
trism | RalieghFhang: you need python-apt I ran into that issue when upgrading an lxc container, it apparently isn't there by default anymore (probably with the python3 switch) | 21:43 |
k1l_ | yes, pyhton-apt should resolve that issue | 21:43 |
RalieghFhang | Seemed to fix it, thanks a lot. | 21:43 |
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nimbiotics | using ubuntu studio 13.04 with xfce; I just uninstalled compiz. All seems good except that my windows do not have minimize, maximize & restore buttons or none of that upper bar for that matter. How can I fix this? | 21:45 |
daftykins | nimbiotics: sounds like you've lost your WM, something like 'metacity --replace' in a terminal might work | 21:47 |
nimbiotics | daftykins: how can I make sure it works every time I log in?? | 21:48 |
daftykins | nimbiotics: no idea, sorry. worked ok then? | 21:48 |
nimbiotics | daftykins: yes, i had already done it but i still have to do it on startup | 21:48 |
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Boris87 | what's up linux abusers? :P | 21:55 |
Tapper | hey guys I have a laptop that had 13.04 installed only then I resized partition through gpart in livecd and installed xp to the unallocated space but on boot there is no OS option | 21:56 |
Tapper | I am unable to choose ubuntu to boot linux, its just not there, any help is really really appreciated | 21:57 |
Tapper | wilee-nilee, hello, are u there? | 21:58 |
Danato | ive seen that before, its kinda of a pain in the... | 21:58 |
daftykins | Tapper: so it boots ubuntu only still? | 21:59 |
Danato | so I usually install windows first and the linux | 21:59 |
Danato | *then | 21:59 |
daftykins | ^ yeah windows first is always the easy approach | 21:59 |
k1l_ | Tapper: does it boot straight to windows? | 21:59 |
daftykins | Tapper: you can try boot repair though | 21:59 |
k1l_ | Tapper: in that case you need to reinstall the grub2 | 21:59 |
Tapper | daftykins, k1l_ it only boots windows now! I need to have dual boot option =( | 21:59 |
daftykins | Tapper: yeah boot repair then. | 21:59 |
Tapper | daftykins, im really newb what does that mean? | 22:00 |
k1l_ | Tapper: boot up a ubuntu-live system (usb or cd) and reinstall the grub2 | 22:00 |
daftykins | Tapper: | 22:00 |
niee | xangua: OerHeks i`m update and install the program now :D my be not need to update or install new OS | 22:00 |
niee | i used only this command "sudo apt-key adv --keyserver --recv-keys 94558F59" | 22:00 |
Tapper | k1l_, daftykins okay guys imma try boot repair THANK YOU!! | 22:01 |
Programmer_ | gem install pg -v '0.15.1' | 22:02 |
Programmer_ | what is a good application launcher similiar the default app on ubuntu, by pressing alt+F2 | 22:02 |
micha_ | Hi. Since last update Firefox is using again the global appmenu. I already removed all appmenu* packages and disabled all ubuntu specific plugins. Anyone got an idea how I can get rid of that again? (or as workaround, a way to use right-click with global menu so plugins needing that work again...) | 22:03 |
MonkeyDust | micha_ you mean global-menu? | 22:04 |
micha_ | yeah | 22:04 |
micha_ | I | 22:04 |
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MonkeyDust | micha_ try apt-get purge firefox-globalmenu, logout and back in | 22:05 |
micha_ | i have disabled it for all other software, but somehow it got enabled again for Firefox (which is more or less the only one where I care unfortunately) | 22:05 |
micha_ | thx | 22:05 |
micha_ | hm, not installd | 22:06 |
micha_ | or maybe if I could figure out which packages got changed on last update, then I might get an hint what changed this. | 22:07 |
Jordan_U | micha_: Take a look at /var/log/dpkg.log . | 22:08 |
micha_ | thx | 22:08 |
Jordan_U | You're welcome. | 22:09 |
bascovansky | t | 22:09 |
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Vec_ | I require some help on how to create a ext4 partition from a unpartitioned fresh harddisk through the terminal, any takers? :) | 22:10 |
RalieghFhang | Weird... So I just updated from Quantal to raring, seeing's how it's a newer release. However the support date is January for Raring whilst Quantal's is July. Why is this? | 22:10 |
RalieghFhang | My guess is Raring is some sort of testing like they do for Deb, but that's just a guess. | 22:11 |
k1l_ | RalieghFhang: what? | 22:11 |
blink88 | I have set up a courier/postfix mail server. I can send and receive mail from the server itself but if I try and set up a mail client it stalls and fails on setting up the outbound mail server settings. Any ideas? | 22:11 |
k1l_ | the actual development branch is 13.10 (saucy salamanda) | 22:11 |
MonkeyDust | Vec_ use mkfs -t ext4 | 22:12 |
RalieghFhang | | 22:12 |
RalieghFhang | 13.04 EOL Jan 2014 | 22:12 |
RalieghFhang | 12.10 EOL Apr 2014 | 22:12 |
RalieghFhang | Was wondering why the newer release has a shorter life. | 22:12 |
k1l_ | RalieghFhang: they changed the support times (shortened it for non-lts) with 13.04 | 22:12 |
MonkeyDust | RalieghFhang yes, as of 13.04, it's supported only 9 months | 22:12 |
Seegee | Hey there everyone, I have a question about IPTbales | 22:13 |
RalieghFhang | Ahhh, okay. That's an interesting change. | 22:13 |
RalieghFhang | Thanks, my curiosity has been satisfied. | 22:13 |
Seegee | Here is the question, | 22:13 |
Vec_ | MonkeyDust: I guess i need to partition the disk first? | 22:14 |
Vec_ | doing sudo mkfs -t ext4 /dev/sdb 512 didnt work | 22:14 |
MonkeyDust | Vec_ yes, if you use terminal, there's fdisk to do it | 22:14 |
Vec_ | Ok, ill google fdisk and have a looksee | 22:15 |
MonkeyDust | Vec_ it's because sdb is the HDD; sdb1, sdb2 etc are the partitions | 22:15 |
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Vec_ | Ah, ok. sdb currently have no partitions obviously | 22:16 |
MonkeyDust | Vec_ begin with sudo fdisk -l to get an idea | 22:16 |
pfak | Is it safe to edit jobs that are defined in /etc/init by a package? Will they be overwritten if I update a package? | 22:16 |
jrib | pfak: you will be prompted. Consider using override files (see upstart cookbook) | 22:19 |
jrib | s/will/should be | 22:20 |
pfak | jrib: but that would overwrite the whole upstart job, yes? | 22:20 |
jrib | pfak: see cookbook, I don't remember details | 22:21 |
pfak | i already looked, it's vague | 22:21 |
Vec_ | MonkeyDust: Shouldnt fdisk /dev/sdb work? | 22:21 |
Vec_ | i get "no medium found" | 22:22 |
jrib | pfak: i know you can, for example, place "manual" in .override and job is not lost, just the job will only be started manually (not automatically at boot) | 22:22 |
trism | pfak: you can override stanzas individually | 22:22 |
MonkeyDust | Vec_ what's the output of sudo blkid ? use pastebin to show it to the channel | 22:22 |
pfak | is there a way to APPEND to a stanza? it's not obvious. basically i want to run a command before a particular job is run but ONLYwhen the job is started. | 22:22 |
Vec_ | MonkeyDust: | 22:23 |
trism | pfak: you can probably add a pre-start script stanza, hmm | 22:23 |
pfak | if the script already has a pre-start script | 22:23 |
MonkeyDust | Vec_ you're using LVM, I see no /dev/sdb | 22:23 |