
seronisbeen a happy XFCE convert (from Win7) for almost 3 months now.  A friend has been begging me to try KDE though.  What do i need to know about trying it without doing a full reinstallation and without breaking XFCE ?01:07
krytarikseronis: Why not just try it in a Live DVD/USB then?01:10
seronisbecause those have crappy performance.  even xubuntu itself was fairly slow until i did a real install01:10
seronis@ krytarik01:11
krytarikYeah, I think to get a better idea it's better to just boot the ISO directly from the hard drive via Grub.01:12
seroniswhat does it take to just install KDE side-by-side with XFCE ?01:13
krytarikseronis: Wait a sec, I'll get you a link.01:13
krytarikReg. booting the ISO directly from hard drive, that is.01:14
krytarikseronis: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=154984701:15
krytarikseronis, otherwise: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MetaPackages01:16
krytarikseronis, and: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/kde , http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/purexubuntu01:18
seronisbookmarked the ISO link.. looks potentially useful in the future but not what im trying to do now.  Those others seem to be what i do need though.  Thank you krytarik01:19
krytarikseronis: I personally use that ISO boot feature pretty heavily, it's sufficiently comparable to a real install actually.01:21
seronishow persistant is it ?01:22
krytarikNot at all.01:22
seronisso it would be great for a Guest login environment01:22
krytarikOnly if nothing needs to be set up to work properly.01:23
seroniswell xubuntu didnt need any setup for my laptop to work (including wireless)01:23
seronisthough I know im probably REALLY lucky in that regard01:23
krytarikYeah, that would work then.01:23
trace_is there anyone here that is familiar with plex?05:32
holsteinplex server?05:33
holsteini have heard of it.. and i was going to try setting something up with it soon05:33
trace_I'm having trouble getting it to recognize my media files on an external drive, ive read all the forums i could find but nothing fixed it lol05:33
trace_and its great if you can get it to work btw, definitely worth setting up05:34
holsteintrace_: i would ask them.. http://www.plexapp.com/plexinc/05:34
holsteinif the machine can see the files, you shoud be able to point to server to them05:34
trace_yeah and i did but when i scan it it doesnt show any of the files, lol, but i will give them a chat, thanks!05:35
holsteintrace_: good luck05:36
kineztrandahi how to remove side scrool on terminal in xfce408:57
Sysiscrollbar? in preferences, tab General08:58
kineztrandawhat is best music player i dont like rityam box and i just want some simple i was just loking nightingale?09:08
ubottuUsually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors.09:08
Sysiaudacious is really simple09:10
TheSheepit's similar to the old winamp09:10
kineztrandai dont like rityambox it hes some stupit sorting thing and other09:11
kineztrandai just want simple like winamp09:12
Sysiin rhythmbox you can hide the browser and display just the list09:14
kineztrandai know but i want some lite program09:16
kineztrandawhat arhive men is simple too09:19
redderhsHi, I am running Xubuntu 13.04 x64. I must have changed something at some point to where when the Taskbar panel is not in use, it goes dim. Does anyone know what I can change back so it just stays at a standard level of brightness?09:23
TheSheepredderhs: panel preferences, second tab, opacity, leave09:25
redderhsmy enter and leave is both at 10009:26
xubuntu262Hello everyboy! Can i get any help with Thunar bookmarks?10:09
xubuntu262I swithed to Xubuntu from Ubuntu recently, and have some problems...10:10
ubottuxubuntu262,: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."10:10
xubuntu262I'm using Thunar and add bookmarks here. But when I'm opening/saving any file with GIMP (for example), dialog window doesn't have any bookmarks.10:12
xubuntu262Sorry for my English - I'm from Ukraine.10:13
xubuntu262In Ubuntu Open/Save dialog windows showed bookmarks from Nautilus. In Xubuntu bookmarks from Thunar shown only in Thunar.10:14
knomexubuntu262, which xubuntu version?10:15
xubuntu262Is there any way to show bookmarks from Thunar in dialog windows?10:15
xubuntu26213.04 64x10:15
knomethey should show up in there - they do for me10:15
xubuntu262Well, maybe there's some problems with Home folder.10:19
knomehome folder?10:19
knomeis it the home folder that is not appearing, or the GTK bookmarks?10:20
xubuntu262I didn't format Home partition after installing Xubuntu.10:20
Sysitry with some other program, if it seems consistent, try logging out and back in10:20
xubuntu262Firefox - same story.10:20
knomeare the GTK bookmarks network bookmarks?10:20
xubuntu262No. Local folders.10:21
SysiI have a hunch this is related to going from nautilus to thunar, bu no idea about fixing it10:22
knomexubuntu262, have you tried readding the same bookmarks?10:22
knome(or one, for starters)10:22
xubuntu262I've installed Cairo dock - it shows bookmarks from Thunar. But when I'm trying to open file in Firefox, in Open/Save dialog window - epmty.10:23
xubuntu262I've tried to readd them - same story10:23
xubuntu262Looks like dialog windows shows Nautilus bookmarks somehow10:24
knomebackup your ~/.gtk-bookmarks file and then remove the original10:24
knomeand see what happens10:24
knomedo that for ~/.config/gtk-3.0/bookmarks10:25
xubuntu262I'll try10:27
knomexubuntu009, did that work?10:33
xubuntu009Thanks <knome> for help with Thunar bookmarks :)10:34
xubuntu009Deleted files .gtk-bookmarks and bookmarks, relogged, added bookmarks again - and it worked :)10:36
xubuntu009By the way, Xubuntu is awesome! Thnx again :)10:36
redderhsAbout a half hour ago, I wrote a message in here about my taskbar panel going dim when it is not in use. I am on a Laptop, I tried switching back to laptops display so that is only in use, it does not go dim on there, only on my hdtv it is doing this. any suggestions? going to try flipping through any tv settings to see if it is causing this.10:49
redderhsjust tried all the different tv firmware settings, doesnt appear to be that.10:52
knomeredderhs, have you checked settings manager -> window manager tweaks -> compositor?10:55
knome(is that what you mean?)10:56
redderhsAnother thing I noticed, if I use a lower resolution, it doesn't do it. On this TV, it happens at 1920x1080. but if it went down to 1600x1200 or 1280x1024 it's fine.10:56
redderhsearlier this morning, i had another tv hooked up, both are samsung, but the other one can only do 720p. That tv at its max resolution was doing this same issue.10:57
redderhsknome: I was using xfwm4 but now i am using compiz, i tried turning compiz's composite off and it didn't change anything10:59
knomei'm sorry, but compiz isn't really supported10:59
knomeit might very well be something related to that10:59
redderhsthe issue was happening in xfwm4 as well, i just installed compiz a few hours ago10:59
redderhsi am going to try to turn off composite via settings editor11:00
knomei don't really know compiz at all11:00
knomei would suggest trying to disable both compiz and xfwm compositor11:00
redderhsgoing to try that now, will let you know what happens11:03
redderhsit's still doing it.11:08
redderhsi'm just wondering why a difference in resolution stops it from happening11:08
knomecan you describe a bit more accurately what is actually happening?11:08
redderhsSure, if I don't have any windows visible, the taskbar (panel) goes darker than it is when windows are visible on the screen.11:09
redderhsif i minimize every single one, it goes darker11:09
knomehmm, that sounds like the tv's could be affecting that11:10
redderhsyeah its really weird11:10
redderhsthe notebooks display is 1366x768 at max resolution it doesnt do it, just seems to be the tv's11:10
knomethat almost sounds like some kind of contrast fixing the tv is trying to do11:11
knomewhat if you use a pure white wallpaper?11:11
redderhsyou are onto something, it doesn't do it then.11:12
knomethen i'd say it's the tv11:12
redderhsthis must be some energy saver thing or something, let me recheck the settings on the tv..11:12
knomeor it might just be a rather stupid contrast correction thing that you can't turn on/off11:13
xubuntu427Gd day, I would like to ask if possible to run xubuntu via usb - live ?11:13
knomexubuntu427, yes, that's possible11:13
knome!usb | xubuntu42711:14
ubottuxubuntu427: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent11:14
redderhsyeah, I think you're right, I just checked any type of correction setting or eco type thing, theyre all off.11:14
xubuntu427I dont know why but I can not install any other distrubion via usb Probably11:14
xubuntu427due to hardware of my laptop.11:14
knomexubuntu427, are you sure you are able to boot from USB?11:14
knomexubuntu427, or that the BIOS settings let you do that?11:15
xubuntu427yes i am. With pendrive software on windows i created xubuntu-12.0.411:15
knomeredderhs, solution: buy a better TV, or use a wallpaper with light areas so the contrast correction doesn't jump in11:15
xubuntu427i am able to boot. but when i hit enter on "install" system frozen.11:15
redderhsthank you for the solution.11:16
xubuntu427knome: 8 years ago i installed manytimes slackware, redhat, mandrake, debian. but now i am lamer :D11:16
knomeredderhs, no problem. enjoy :)11:16
knomexubuntu427, if you have a CPU that doesn't support PAE, you'll need to use 12.0411:17
xubuntu427im trying to install 12.0411:17
knomedid you try the alternate installer?11:17
xubuntu427burned xubuntu-12.04.2-alternate-i386.iso to my usbdisk.11:18
=== xubuntu427 is now known as Jack
=== Jack is now known as JackJackJack
JackJackJackon another distro, i found pnp bios do not allow something. so i tried with pnpbios=off and i passed next step succesfully. but another error showed up due SCSI sdb1 drive.11:19
JackJackJackprobably this matter is the same. how can i let installer pass scsci ... or what else?11:19
JackJackJacki only accomplished to install linux distro (mint) after openening with live cd and run install guide. but directly from boot menu i can not continue due error mentioned above. what you can say, friend?11:21
knomeJackJackJack, i'm not an expert on that... but you could go asking #ubuntu for help on this, because this is not xubuntu-specific11:21
knomeJackJackJack, "this" being your problems installing gneerally11:22
JackJackJackyes you are right knome , joined #ubuntu . thank you.11:22
JackJackJackdownloading debian live almost finished. i hope with  text installtion able to find my answer own :D11:24
knomeJackJackJack, good luck11:26
knomei need to run now - see you all later11:26
JackJackJackgood day knome thanks again.11:27
nantou i deleted google earth from synaptic, but the icon in menu-internet is still there. Odd thing is: if i right click on the xubuntu icon top left and edit the menus, the google earth access icon is not there13:02
nantouis there any other way to edit the applications menu?13:02
xubuntu878someone speaks Spanish?13:10
xubuntu878I would like to know how to create a simple macro.13:13
xubuntu878I'm setting up a command arcade to play and need to create shortcuts for all functions.13:13
xubuntu878eg:       1 & 2 :: Send {Esc};     1 & Ctrl :: Send {Enter}13:14
xubuntu878I would greatly appreciate assistance13:14
ubottuEn la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #xubuntu-es; escriba "/join #xubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y presione intro. Si nadie responde, puedes intentar preguntando en #ubuntu-es.13:17
pcuserhello everyone13:18
pcuseri am having some problems importing vpn connections in xubuntu 13.0413:18
Unit193Importing, in what application?13:18
pcuseri am trying to import 400+ .ovpn files, when importing them using the network-mananger it does not seem to pick up any of the certificates embeded in the ovpn file13:19
pcuseri have the certificates in files in my home directory, and manually pointing the network-manager to these files works fine13:19
pcuserbut i have to do them one by one, so i found the connection profiles in /etc/NetworkMananger/system-connections13:20
pcuseri wrote a script to take the info i need from the ovpn files, and generate files i was hoping to just copy to the /etc/NetworkManager/system-connections directory13:20
pcuserthis however does not seem to work,13:21
pcusershould the uuid on each network connection be unique?13:21
pcuseri am using the files found here: http://wiki.hidemyass.com/Tutorials:HMA_VPN_via_OpenVPN_on_Ubuntu_with_Network_Manager13:22
Unit193That's the general idea of a "Unique ID", yep.13:22
pcuserthought so, i was not sure if that id was for the connection itself, or the id for the network adapter13:23
pcuserim assuming the network manager generates this id when creating the network connections. is there any way to create the network connections via CLI rather then via the GUI13:24
Unit193There is "nmcli", but I've not used it.13:26
pcusernmcli lets me output info about the connections, but i cant see any options to import or create new connections via nmcli13:27
Unit193I've not used the VPN feature myself.13:29
Belial`anyone here using thunderbird?13:41
zozBelial, I do13:51
Belial`zoz, are you still getting notifications of new emails in 13.04?13:51
Belial`or are you using an older version?13:51
=== ochosi_ is now known as ochosi
zozI'm using 13.04.13:52
Belial`i don't get anything when a new email arrives and the xfce4-notifyd is running and working with everything else.13:52
Belial`pidgin, updates, etc13:52
Belial`was wondering if i was the only one.13:52
zozNot sure about the notifications, though.  I start and stop Tbird for each mail-reading session, so I'm just looking at the main gui for anything new13:53
Belial`i think it might have something to do with a thunderbird update because it was working on  a previous install of 13.0413:54
zozI just started it now, and I do get a pop-up notification when it connects and finds new mail13:54
Belial`i had to reinstall xubuntu because of a hard drive crash.13:54
Belial`i don't get it.13:54
zozTbird 17.0.713:54
Belial`yeah, same version.13:54
Belial`i wonder if it had something to do with my compton settings.13:55
Belial`for whatever reason13:55
Belial`do you have thunderbird-gnome-support installed, zoz?13:55
zozI don't13:55
zozYou get notifications for other stuff, just not thunderbird?13:56
zozAnd, just for sanity, Preferences -> General -> Show and alert is checked?13:57
Belial`everything under customize is checked too13:57
zozSame here13:58
zozYou could maybe check the settings in xfce-notifyd-config, but if other alerts are working, that seems unlikely to be the problem13:58
Belial`yeah, i just commented out a line in my compton config13:59
Belial`gonna restart x and see if that changed anything13:59
zozgood luck13:59
Belial`in my face14:04
Belial`that did it14:04
=== emma is now known as em
=== Marco is now known as Guest58691
Guest58691Por favor, digam para os programadores do Xubuntu 13 não mexerem mais em nada16:04
Guest58691Tá tudo muito bom e simples16:04
Guest58691e leve16:04
TheSheep!br | Guest5869116:05
ubottuGuest58691: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br" sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigada.16:05
Guest58691Valeu ubottu16:05
xubuntu737hi everybody17:51
samyI have a strange problem19:08
samymy vpn is connected and i cant login?19:08
=== zoz is now known as ef5c_ef5c
xubuntu803Hi everybody. I'm a xubuntu newcomer and, surprise, I need help. After installing xubuntu 12.04 on my old samsung p35, almost everything is working brilliant, except the wireless LAN. The blue button to enable the WLAN is on, but the system tells me, that the wireless network is off. It's an Intel PRO/Wireless 2200BG. Even, when I sitch it on manually, it does not start scanning. What am I doing wrong?21:48
Programmer_what is a good application launcher similiar the default app on ubuntu, by pressing alt+F221:59
vorsorkenProgrammer_: I don't know if it's similar to what you mentioned, but gnome do has served me well23:06

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