
gary_posterhey benji, thanks for the report.  frankban and teknico are out this week, so it is all North America to get this done.  (1) could you give me more details on manage.jujucharms.com being down yesterday?  I didn't hear anything else about it, and that's a big deal (if not directly related to the release issues).  (2) Was Makyo helping you yesterday?12:16
rick_hgary_poster: I talked with benji about it. Going back in revisions caused the code to try to use a deprecated api endpoint12:17
rick_hgary_poster: I'm working on a branch currently that displays a 410/deprecation message for that going forward. 12:17
benjiyep, the only thing that was down was the old version of the API that is no longer being served12:17
benji(we should consider making the GUI dev environment self-sufficient)12:18
gary_posterrick_h, benji, ah excellent.  that one is off the list of worries then :-)12:18
benjiI should have followed-up that email.12:18
rick_hbenji: yea, we went back/forth on running a local charmworld instance before but hadn't hit a real need. http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~juju-jitsu/charmworld/trunk/view/head:/docs/index.rst is the getting started guide for it. 12:19
gary_posteryeah, charm world needs to be very reliable and highly available so the only driver I have for work like that is off-network development12:20
rick_hgary_poster: right, the trouble is that as we change things the data format gets tied to the api versioning and it causes issuse when you want to go back in time like this12:20
gary_posterbenji, was Makyo available to help you with #2 and #3 from my email yesterday12:21
gary_posterrick_h, ack.  the only issue there is time, I think12:21
rick_hwell, in this case it's more we've been trying to de-couple the data format from the api data presented but anyway...12:21
benjigary_poster: he was available, but we didn't work together on it; I had a bit of a communication fail and didn't reallize there was anything critical to do until about lunch time so I only had time to work on the drag and drop issue and do the binary search as far as I got12:23
gary_posterbenji, ok thanks.  I think getting him involved may be faster and more productive than the binary search at least for the relation lines issues.  I'm not sure what the best approach is for the config issue12:24
gary_postermaybe binary12:24
gary_posterI have two meetings this morning before daily call12:25
gary_posterand I have to get a document about bundles finished this week, which means today and tomorrow, and ideally finished today12:25
gary_posterso I'll be primarily focusing there12:25
rick_hgary_poster: is this 'config' issue that dragging a charm to 'deploy' it doesn't open the config in the right panel for the charm? It was working for me on uistage yesterday. 12:25
benjithat sounds fine with me; once he is available I'll work with him on it, until then I'll finish up the search for the introduction of the two bugs12:25
gary_posterrick_h, from benji's email: "I also noticed what seems to be a12:26
gary_posterbug in that the config panel is not displayed when deploying the12:26
gary_posterI hadn't seen that either.  can try to dupe12:26
rick_hgary_poster: right, I guess I'm asking "is config panel the config panel I think it is?"12:26
rick_hok, well if others are unable to dupe maybe I'm following along ok.12:27
gary_postergood question rick_h, maybe that's a question for benji.  like I said I will try to dupe.  I interpreted it as the pre-inspector config panel12:27
rick_hbecause I know we've fixed that config panel on deploy twice now. 12:27
rick_hand I did it last time so threw me off that it wasn't working12:27
gary_posterwas thinking we must not have tested that properly :-/12:28
gary_posterunit I mean12:28
benjiyep, I was referencing the "old" config panel 12:28
gary_posterwill try to dupe12:28
gary_posterbenji I had to hard reload the browser, then it worked fine12:32
gary_posterthe config panel I mean12:32
gary_posterbenji, well, the sizing is broken :-(12:32
gary_posterbut it shows12:33
gary_posterwait a sec12:33
gary_postersometimes does sometimes doesn't?12:33
benjigood stuff12:33
gary_posterbenji, it is broken after a DND12:33
gary_posterbut works after an Add button12:33
benjiinteresting; I'll try the same12:34
gary_posterbenji, I suspect this has something to do with translating the charm info12:34
rick_hgary_poster: benji ok, does DND not go through the same deploy event maybe? There's a tweak needed when creating a Charm model instance from a BrowserCharm12:34
benjiit could12:34
rick_hit's in the event for the deploy button 12:34
gary_posterrick_h, benji, yeah hatch was saying something about this12:35
benjirick_h: on trunk, no it does not; that is one of the changes my review fixes branch will include12:35
rick_hbenji: ah ok. Yea, if options aren't mapped to 'config' then it won't show all the config fields to edit12:35
benjiit is odd though, because I am seeing the same behavior in pre-DND versions of trunk12:36
rick_hbenji: yea, it was broken for a little bit and I fixed it in the last couple of weeks12:36
rick_hbenji: which is why I was surprised it wasn't working :/12:36
rick_hbut that was through the add button since it was pre-dnd12:36
rick_h#1190265 to be exact12:38
_mup_Bug #1190265: adding a service does not load all config <charmbrowser> <juju-gui:Fix Released by rharding> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1190265>12:38
gary_posterbenji, specifically to dupe, you need to *first* DND with a given charm.  Subsequently, all deployments of that charm, including with Add, don't work.  conversely, if you start with Add, DND will work.  Also, switching to messing with another charm resets.12:38
rick_hgary_poster: I'd imagine that the charm model is cached and is missing the config attribute12:38
gary_posterrick_h, yeah, figured it would be something like that12:39
rick_hgary_poster: so any other work around that model will fail12:39
benjigary_poster: that makes sense; thanks for the info12:39
gary_posterMakyo, hi.  when you get in I'd like to know if you have a task in allhands now.  If you do, please go ahead and fill those in and we can do the signing dance13:26
gary_posterhatch, you might also have your issues resolved in allhands.  Could you verify, and if everything is ok, also enter your goals?13:26
gary_poster(when you get in :-) )13:26
rick_hadeuring: r=me13:50
rick_hjcsackett: looking over yours now13:50
adeuringrick_h: thanks!13:50
hatchgary_poster: alright I'll check it out13:54
gary_postermorning hatch, thanks13:54
rick_hjcsackett: lgtm with inbound notes. 13:55
hatchgary_poster: allhands done! (hopefully correctly this time) :)14:16
gary_postergreat thanks hatch, will look soon :-)14:17
hatchrick_h: woah you bought a book on dead trees??? ;)14:21
rick_hhatch: yea, programming reference material doesn't work great on 6" digital form factors imo14:21
hatchhaha nope it doesn't14:21
benjiMakyo: are you in?14:22
Makyobenji, yep.14:22
benjiMakyo: we should work on the relation line offset issue, when you are available14:23
Makyobenji, wrt service menus?14:23
Makyogary_poster, submitted.14:24
gary_posteryay, thanks Makyo :-)14:24
benjiI don't understand the question.  They are initiated by the service menu...14:24
gary_posterbenji, he's talking about #3 on my original email14:24
* benji re-reads.14:25
Makyobenji, the service menu has been removed for OSCON under the serviceInspector flag to bypass that.  It is a problem that needs to be fixed, but it'd be good to prioritize with other inspector panels.14:25
benjiMakyo: oh, nope, this is without any flags14:26
gary_postersinzui, rick_h, I notice that download counts are currently absent in the charm browser.  I know there's been some work here.  Is that a known issue?14:30
jcsackettrick_h: agree that it would be better to land it with the flag, but i wanted eyes on it now. i can delay landing if sinzui sees no problems with that in our workflow.14:31
rick_hgary_poster: yes, we're waiting on a backend deploy to provide the data14:31
Makyobenji, I suppose I was under the impression that it had be deprioritized because the menu was going to be removed. I suppose I could pass off Francesco's branch to focus on this, though.14:31
hatchjujugui can I get some reviews https://codereview.appspot.com/10690046/ thanks :)14:31
sinzuigary_poster, we haven't deployed yet14:31
bachatch: i'm about done with one14:31
rick_hgary_poster: since it's displayed/hidden and not error prone and we're asking for a deploy figured it was 'safe' for a short run14:31
hatchbac: ahh cool thanks, as you will notice I didn't really use much of what you had already :) sorry14:32
rick_hjcsackett: no, it's basically a refactor as is, so did LGTM it but was looking for the config side and took a sec to realize it wasn't there14:32
bachatch: why is display.serviceName not rendering?14:32
bacon the settings page?14:32
rick_hadeuring: can you peek at https://code.launchpad.net/~rharding/charmworld/old-api-endpoints/+merge/172549 please?14:32
adeuringrick_h: sure14:32
benjiMakyo: Gary made a criticial card for this and asked that you and I work on it, so prioritizing it seems appropriate14:33
rick_hadeuring: thanks, maybe I can get it in while sinzui's on calls and get it in before the deploy 14:33
hatchbac: looking14:33
Makyojujugui, Someone take Francesco's branch?14:33
jcsackettrick_h: ok.14:34
jcsackettsinzui: call?14:34
hatchbac: the model may not have a displayName property14:34
sinzuigary_poster, there wont be an interruption caused by the deploy because the fast-and-safe process is being used now. But with a robust server, we are allowing mediocre charms to be visible. There are a lot of charms that haven't ever been deployed (from the store).14:34
sinzuijcsackett, yes14:34
hatchrick_h: lemme know how those books are - if they are good I'll pick some up too :)14:34
rick_hhatch: will do14:34
benjiMakyo: I don't think there is anyone else available.  It'll probably be there for you when we get done.14:36
adeuringrick_h: r=me14:36
rick_hadeuring: thanks14:36
Makyobenji, Okay.  So you're on #3 from the email, then?14:37
benjiMakyo: nope, #214:38
benjialthough, I am able to dupe without drag and drop14:38
Makyobenji, I haven't been able to reproduce that one.  Give me a sec to try some more.14:39
benjiit looks a lot like a bug from a couple of months ago14:39
MakyoHow so?14:40
hatchbenji: I'm a little confused by your email - it sounds like you are reproducing number 3 not 214:41
benjihatch: my reading of 3 is that it requires a feature flag be enabled to reproduce; I am not enabling any feature flags14:41
benjihatch: it may be that I am describing a new bug14:42
hatchok but #2 is that the relation line breaks after they are connected14:42
hatchso it sounds like you're talking about #314:42
hatchmaybe we need a quick chat14:42
benjihatch: I see that as well as the end of the relation line being offset while tracking the mouse cursor position14:43
hatchyeah the offset is #3 and it's caused by the menu14:43
gary_posterapparently my laptop is going to fail randomly over the next few days14:44
gary_postersomething to look forward to :-)14:44
hatchhaha uh oh14:44
hatchblame the hardware right?14:44
gary_posterheh yeah, or the guy who installed the modifications to it (me) :-)14:44
gary_posterif anyone said anything to me after rick_h told me that we were waiting on a backend deploy to provide the data, I missed it, fwiw14:45
benjiI told you nitrous oxide wouldn't be good for your laptop.14:45
rick_hgary_poster: just saying it'll be fixed later today :)14:45
rick_hso yes, known issue14:45
gary_postercool thanks rick_h 14:46
rick_hsinzui: the deprecated api endpoints branch is merged so when we do the deploy can we include that as well?14:46
rick_hbenji: so heads up ^^ old api endpoints will soon 410 Gone to help debugging that stuff. 14:46
benjithanks for the info, rick_h 14:47
Makyobenji, can you test with  lp:~makyo/juju-gui/rel-fix ?  If that works, I'll explain what happened.  If not, then it's probably not worth it :)14:52
hatchbac: maybe I missunderstood the purpose of this branch - I thought it was primarily a UI branch so I never hooked up the 'saving' of the new settings14:52
MakyoWait, hold on benji 14:52
* benji holds.14:52
Makyobenji, Sorry, forgot commit.  It's ready now.14:53
bachatch: huh.  if that's the case we need to make certain there is a card in place for hooking things up.  the casual observer would assume that the fields were live.14:54
hatchthe wireframe doesn't have a UI for 'save' so I wasn't really sure what to do haha14:54
hatchI suppose it could look like the one in the pre-deployment panel14:55
gary_posterarosales, sinzui are you all able to come to the design GUI meeting15:01
arosalesgary_poster, on my way, wrapping up a meeting15:01
benjiMakyo: your branch appears to fix both flavors of issue 2.  I can't reproduce any relation line problems with it.15:02
Makyobenji, re: pending relations?  I still have yet to reproduce the bug described in #2, with a completed relation.15:03
jcsackettjujugui: could i get a second review of https://codereview.appspot.com/1087004315:05
benjiMakyo: if by "pending" you mean "clicking on 'Build relation' and dragging one end of the relation around", yes.  Also the "wait a little while and the relation line end no longer is in the right position" flavor of #215:05
Makyobenji, I just reproduced that right as you said it, heh.  15:05
hatchjcsackett: on it15:05
jcsackettthanks, hatch.15:05
Makyogary_poster, can we get some confirmation/clarification on which problem is #2 and which is #3?  If this fixes one of them, I'd like to propose.  If it's more complex than that, I'll switch.15:06
benjiMakyo: you reproduced the second (lets call that one "unstuck relation lines")?  Is that on your branch or an unfixed branch?15:07
gary_posterMakyo, sorry on call.  happy wih landing incremental improvements15:07
benjiMakyo: my reading of #3 is that reproducing it requires a feature flag be enabled.  I have not enabled any while working on this.15:07
Makyobenji, yes.  The only thing I fixed was in the mousemove event handler when creating a relation.15:07
Makyobenji, I suppose we can agree to disagree.  Can we disambiguate differently to pending and created?15:08
benjiMakyo: we can call them whatever we want.  There are two fairly different bugs described in https://bugs.launchpad.net/juju-gui/+bug/1195934 which Gary called "2" in his email.15:09
_mup_Bug #1195934: Deploying service from dd & add causes positioning issues <juju-gui:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1195934>15:09
benji(note that I can reproduce the pending relation bug without drag and drop)15:09
hatchjcsackett: the branch is looking good - but should it not be configurable and set via the config.js files?15:12
jcsacketthatch: this is one step; subapp needs to support a variable default. the next step is the config flag.15:12
jcsackettthis bit seemed like something i wanted eyes on earlier, and was landable without the second bit.15:12
jcsackettrick_h: got a sec to chat?15:13
rick_hjcsackett: sure15:13
hatchjcsackett: sure thing - review done15:14
Makyobenji, that'15:15
MakyoThat's what I reproduced.15:15
MakyoThe fix is for #3. No flags, because it's a problem with creating a relation from the service menu (which was removed with the flags we have)15:15
benjiMakyo: define "that"15:15
Makyobenji, A created relation pointing to where a service used to be if you drag services around and let the simulator cycle a few times.15:16
benjiI do not drag anything to reproduce the bug I am talking about.  15:16
Makyobenji, That being the pending relation line showing up somewhere offset from the cursor when you move your mouse?15:18
benjiMakyo: yep15:18
benjiGary's repro instructions are in this comment of the bug he labled "2": https://bugs.launchpad.net/juju-gui/+bug/1195934/comments/2 (but I don't have to do step 3 to repro)15:19
_mup_Bug #1195934: Deploying service from dd & add causes positioning issues <juju-gui:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1195934>15:19
benji(and I don't have to use drag-and-drop to deploy the services to see the problem)15:19
Makyobenji, My reading is that refers to a created relation line, rather than a pending one, since it's a verification of the attached image.  I reproduced the behavior in the bug description, and my branch is for an unrelated problem (that of starting the relation build process from the service menu)15:21
benjiMakyo: I agree with your reading too.  The problem is, as best I can tell, is that there are actually two bugs being described there.  15:22
hatchbenji: Makyo I was the one who found these bugs so I can probably help you decide which is which :)15:23
benjiMakyo: perhaps we should do some screen sharing so we can be explicit about what we are doing to reproduce each bug15:23
hatchsounds like a plan15:23
Makyoin guichat15:24
hatchjcsackett: PBDD lol15:38
* jcsackett laughs15:38
Makyobenji, hatch https://codereview.appspot.com/1087304315:44
hatchon it15:44
hatchMakyo: there is only a single `svg g` right?15:45
Makyohatch, yes.15:45
MakyoSame construct is used for pending relations created via the long-click method, which is why that works and this didn't.15:46
hatchok - can you create a property to store that? it's making a DOM query every time the mouse moves now :)15:46
hatchI kind of wish YUI would cache those queries but I suppose I understand why it doesn't15:47
Makyojujugui call in 6 kanban now15:54
hatchwoops thanks Makyo15:54
Makyohatch, done, reload rv15:55
bacMakyo: is that your card in maint?  add your face?15:55
Makyoface: added15:55
hatchMakyo: thanks! lgtm'd15:57
Makyojujugui call in 215:58
* Makyo manages to make a coffee before then. Might as well attack migraine with everyone's favorite vasodilator.15:59
bacMakyo: you already have two reviews: benji and hatch16:06
MakyoOh.  Bonus.  Thanks bac16:06
bacMakyo: i put my name on it but they beat me to it16:07
bachatch: the problem with service.displayName is not really an issue as the wireframes just have 'Service settings'.  so you should change to that static string.16:20
hatchahh ok16:21
hatchI was just about to go through this new wireframe16:21
hatchlooks like it has a cancel and confirm button for settings16:21
hatchso that answers that question16:21
bacyeah, old and new both have that16:21
bac('Service settings' i mean)16:22
hatchgary_poster: this dropbox example is still a WIP?16:25
gary_posterhatch, yes16:25
hatchok 'll hold off then as I'm sure my comments are just things he hasn't gotten to yet :)16:26
gary_poster:-) cool16:26
hatchhehe firefox only - who would have thought16:26
hatchbenji: thanks for the review16:49
benjimy pleasure16:49
Makyobenji, hatch https://codereview.appspot.com/1087604417:17
hatchMakyo: on it17:17
hatchMakyo: this is great that these fixes were so trivial - I am wondering if these things should be documented somewhere - like an idiots guide to our d3 system :)17:18
Makyohatch, that's one of my goals.17:18
hatcheggcelent :)17:22
sinzuiYesterday "pending" meant local juju deploys is broken. Today "pending" means local juju deploys might work.17:31
hatchSchrödinger's Pending ?17:32
hatchyou never know what pending means until you observe it :)17:33
sinzuihatch exactly. Pending public address might mean juju doesn't have cloud-templates to build the lxc. pending status means the contain built, and I am waiting the the charm to tell me don't attempt to call a script you haven't unpacked yet.17:37
hatchthis sounds like a future bug request in the making ;)17:37
sinzuiI think the problem is ultimately between th seat and the keyboard.17:38
hatch"error: pebkac"17:40
sinzuiThough, maybe juju should admit it depends on cloud-utils to deploy to lxc17:40
sinzuihmm, I cannot see how cloud-utils got uninstalled since lxc-templates requires it.17:42
hatchbcsaller: can we remove the 'simulator started' console logs? :-)17:43
bcsallerfine by me17:44
hatchfyi all - the font mime type warnings will be going away in chrome soon...YAY!17:44
rick_hcan i get some reviews on this please? Since it's a -req branch from Huw's work which has not been reviewed I couldn't get reitveld to do the diff cleanly. https://code.launchpad.net/~rharding/juju-gui/new-controls/+merge/172631 17:44
bcsallerhatch: that was there when it defaulted to off and had a hot key trigger for dev work, but its not needed now17:44
rick_hhatch: jcsackett sinzui  Makyo ^^17:44
rick_hit won't be anything that lands until huw's work completes and he'd pull this into his work to land17:44
* sinzui looks17:45
hatchbcsaller: ahh ok - I just notice it spams the test logs, will remove :)17:45
rick_hhatch: yea, saw that. Very cool17:45
rick_hhatch: one day, we might get an empty console on load! :P17:45
hatchlol keep dreaming17:45
hatchrick_h: reviewing17:45
rick_hhatch: oh come on!17:45
rick_hhatch: thanks for the peek at the review bit. 17:46
hatchyesterday it was 30c and 50% humidity - was pretty sure I was going to melt17:48
rick_hhatch: yea, it's finally cooled off here the last couple of days. 17:48
hatchit's so hot the wind refuses to blow17:49
hatchrick_h: so how am I supposed to comment? just ping you in here?17:50
rick_hhatch: yea, or you can leave comments in the MP there. 17:50
hatchindex.html:15 spacing issue17:50
rick_hhatch: I've got a reitveld review up but it sucked ina bunch of extra stuff. 17:50
hatchi'd say haha17:50
sinzuirick_h, does this branch have revisions other than trunk17:51
rick_hhatch: but I'd like to get my bit 'ok'd' and huw can pull it into his work safely17:51
rick_hsinzui: yes, it's dependent on huw's branch in the MP17:51
sinzuiyeah, I see "download" changes and drag-drop changes17:51
hatchbac: could you take another look at my branch and LGTM if you like17:51
rick_hsinzui: yea, MP kept the new trunk updates out of the way, but reitveld wants to bring things from trunk that have changed as well17:52
bachatch: ok17:52
rick_hsinzui: why I tried to stick to the LP MP first17:52
sinzuirick_h, I think you can tell lbox your branch depends on another to limit the changes shown17:52
rick_hsinzui: I did, this is with the -req="" flag used17:52
sinzuirick_h, its okay. I know how to get a diff of just your changes.17:52
rick_hlbox propose -cr -v -edit=true -req="lp:~huwshimi/juju-gui/visual-update-1"  (command used)17:53
sinzuiah, Lp is correct17:53
gary_posterhatch, bcsaller, benji, Makyo hi.  please head over to allhands and do the counter-sign sometime in the next hour or so17:53
* hatch has no idea what you're talking about but looking ;)17:55
hatchunless I screwed something up again :P17:55
rick_hhatch: quit breaking things!17:56
hatch""The objective sheet can't be anymore updated"" lol17:56
hatchrick_h: oh I got this down!17:57
hatchI don't think I'll be able to break it again until next year17:57
hatchrick_h: your widget events should be documented with @event and IMHO the controls should be a view instead of a widget17:58
Makyogary_poster, done.17:59
rick_hhatch: so they don't share a common parent to be a view and it's splitting an existing widget so kept the things working. Plus the widget doesn't 'render' output like the view would17:59
gary_postercool thanks guys.  hopefully it will show up in my list of tasks soon.17:59
gary_posterbut anyway your side is done17:59
rick_hhatch: so disagree? :) I could make it a pure JS class vs a widget, but again just trying to split work on existing code. 18:00
sinzuirick_h, I seethis.publish(this.EVT_TOGGLE_FULLSCREEN);18:01
sinzuibut you removed the definition of EVT_TOGGLE_FULLSCREEN18:01
rick_hhatch: as for the @event, you're right. /me goes to look at someone doing that right to copy18:01
Makyojujugui, Can I get another look at https://codereview.appspot.com/10876044/ ?  Last critical.18:01
* sinzui thinks it is undefined18:01
rick_hsinzui: thanks, yea that sohuld be the two new events fullscreen/sidebar18:01
hatchrick_h: reviewing to see if I can be convinced (re widget)18:02
MakyoOops, second to last, sorry.18:02
benjiMakyo: I'll review it if you still need one (I was lunching)18:02
rick_hhatch: yea, I can be convinced to drop Y.Widget I suppose, but not to a Y.View. 18:02
Makyobenji, Sure, that'd be good.  Thanks.18:02
hatchrick_h: so the idea is that this progressively enhances an element already on the page to add these events and the like?18:03
rick_hhatch: rgr18:04
rick_hhatch: the navigation header has already been rendered in index.html and this binds browser events to it18:04
rick_hsinzui: pushing that fix now, hatch fix also includes @event docs in the new widget.18:06
* sinzui looks again18:06
hatchcool - ok so will agree that a view probably isn't the right way, but a widget is way to heavy18:07
hatchcould this go in an app.js extension?18:07
hatchbrowser app extension18:07
rick_hhatch: no, it needs ot be in the browser subapp to go through it's viewState code. 18:07
rick_hah, hmm...well maybe kinda. It puts some UX responsibility up to the app level like that. Maybe a View extension...18:08
hatchdo you agree that a widget for this is too heavy?18:08
benjigary_poster: countersigned18:08
rick_hhatch: yes, I agree that it's heavier than needed, but trying to split work vs ditch widgets. 18:08
rick_hhatch: and it's a single instance, each view destorys/recreates as you toggle so not a lot of overhead. 18:09
gary_posterthanks benji18:09
hatchbrb 2min will think about it18:09
bachatch: done18:09
hatchbac: thanks18:12
gary_posterrick_h, is the charm store something that runs per environment, or is it something that runs in a known location, like m.j.c?  I don't understand what the charm store is, or how m.j.c uses it.  I only understand that it is the way that Juju finds charms.  Can you explain or give me a pointer to an explanation?18:13
rick_hgary_poster: heh, I've always been a bit fuzzy myself. sec, let me get the url. 18:14
sinzuigary_poster, the charm store is a website without pages18:14
gary_postersinzui, ah ok thanks18:14
gary_posterrest API sinzui ?18:14
sinzuigary_poster, yep rest and json. The charm browser aggregates data from it Lp, jenkins, and a local run of proof18:15
rick_hgary_poster: so the only instance I know of for it is https://store.juju.ubuntu.com and we get stats like downloads from it via api calls like https://store.juju.ubuntu.com/stats/counter/charm-bundle:precise:apache218:15
gary_postersinzui, so m.j.c essentially just provides indexing of the data in the charm store?18:16
hatchrick_h: I'm probing for some input in #yui as I think that the binding could be moved into a bindUI method in the subapp18:16
rick_hhatch: no, at least the toggle can't be moved there. 18:17
rick_hhmm, well maybe it *could* I guess. I use a delegate stuff now18:17
sinzuigary_poster, that plus normalisation to ensure the charm can be accessed18:17
hatchsure and you could still do that18:17
hatchthere is nothing saying you couldn't do that Y.one('#content') in a bind method18:18
rick_hhatch: yea, just that right now the app has no idea about HTML structure/etc. It's all in views and they are easy to test that way. 18:18
gary_postersinzui, rick_h, ok, thank you very much.18:18
rick_hit feels really really ditry to me18:18
hatchsee in a past project we had a view which managed the navigation18:18
sinzuigary_poster, These charms for example cannot be deployed, and until last week, we could not even show in the browser until we sanitised them: http://manage.jujucharms.com/tools/store-missing18:18
hatchbut we have all but avoided that18:18
rick_hhatch: like I said, if I *had* to I'd move it up to the subapps/views/view.js that they all share. It's handlig the widget currently. 18:19
gary_posterah, I see what you mean sinzui18:19
hatchrick_h: ok....yeah that looks good - can you do that? :-)18:19
rick_hhatch: I guess I'm saing I agree that it's heavy-weight, but for a quick refactor to help aid Huw in UX redesign that's more work in a new path than this is meant for. 18:20
hatchohh ok18:20
rick_hhatch: yea, I could. 18:20
hatchrick_h: oh sorry, I never sent18:32
hatchLGTM for now....... :P18:32
gary_posterbenji, Makyo looks like you are making progress.  have you fixed 2 or 3 of the 4?19:15
gary_posterI mean, which one. :-)19:15
gary_poster2, or 319:15
Makyogary_poster, both relation branches have landed.19:15
MakyoOops, will update board.19:16
gary_posterMakyo, fantastic.  so the only thing left is the configuration issue, benji?19:16
benjigary_poster: 1 (yesterday), and 2b and 3 have landed (I'm pretty sure), and right, my issue is the last which I believe I'll have done in the next 30 minutes or so19:16
MakyoAll instances of 2 and 3 have landed as of two minutes ago or so.19:17
gary_posterbenji, Makyo, great! thanks.  computer would stop crashing, things would be great. :-)19:18
benjia computer never crashes if it's off19:19
sinzuijcsackett, do you have a few minutes to hangout to discuss why failed to to get my dequeue branch into review?19:28
jcsackettsinzui: give me 10 minutes?19:29
sinzuithank you19:29
jcsackettsinzui: Ok, sending invite now19:45
jcsackett...or not. 19:46
sinzuijcsackett, Is the landlord kicking you out every time you invite people to your party?19:51
jcsackettsinzui: It kept telling me you aren't around. 19:51
jcsackettShall I call again?19:51
hatchbcsaller: the 'please take a look' email didn't include a link :)20:16
bcsallerhatch: https://codereview.appspot.com/10760046/ and corrected on the card20:16
hatchcool thx20:16
hatchthat was odd it was missing the link20:16
bcsallerpropose didn't pick up the -cr flag for some reason20:17
gary_postersinzui, am I right that there is no way to get information about an earlier revision of a charm from m.j.c, but we can get pretty much everything from store.juju.ubuntu.com?  If we knew a precise revision, would their be a clear path to getting that information from the store?  Relatedly, how do you find out the API of store.juju.ubuntu.com?20:18
sinzuigary_poster, I don't think there is a clear way to get info about a revision. We discussed pulling each zip from the store, unpacking them, then scanning them for data20:20
gary_posterI found https://juju-docs.readthedocs.org/en/latest/internals/charm-store.html20:21
gary_posterreviewing a bit20:21
gary_postersinzui, is that how you handle a charm head as well--m.j.c scans them too?  Or does the store give more for the charm head than it appears to?20:27
sinzuiWe only use the store to get the download counts and a report about the store's sense of quality20:28
gary_posterah ok20:28
sinzuiWe use the Lp branch for history, files, and proof20:28
gary_posterso...could you do the same for old versions?  or that's not reliable/efficient, because bzr version does not equal charm version? ?20:30
benjijujugui: critical bug fix up for review: https://codereview.appspot.com/1088704320:32
hatchon it20:32
bacbenji: me too20:33
benjithanks guys20:33
bacbenji: done20:36
benjibac: thanks!20:36
sinzuigary_poster, these are the two URLs the cb users to talk to the store:20:37
sinzui^ get the current version of the charm20:37
sinzui^ which tells us the version number20:37
benjibac: I had to google OAO, it was a close call between "over and out" and "Opticians Association of Ohio"20:37
sinzuigary_poster, https://store.juju.ubuntu.com/charm-info?charms=cs:precise/juju-gui-6120:37
baci've never been to ohio20:37
sinzuigary_poster, ^ is a variant to to see an older version20:38
bacin my rich fantasy life i am a helicopter pilot, however20:38
sinzuigary_poster, this is the url to get the download counts for a charm: https://store.juju.ubuntu.com/stats/counter/charm-bundle:precise:juju-gui?format=json20:38
hatchbenji: this doesn't look like it effects the new inspector - did you QA the new inspector with this branch?20:38
benjihatch: I don't think it will effect the new inspector - no I didn't20:39
hatchmind doing that so I don't have to make it? :)20:39
hatchmake just takes so long on this thing hah20:39
gary_posterbac, lol20:39
gary_posterx 220:39
* Makyo -> vet.20:40
hatchbcsaller: review done20:40
gary_postersinzui, ah ok.  so really everything is in place to get the historical information in about the same way you are currently getting the trunk info, IIUC20:40
bcsallerhatch: thanks, following up20:40
sinzuigary_poster, 1. record the version we have now and mark the current one so that it is indexed for search.20:41
benjibac: lol20:41
sinzuigary_poster, 2. add a proc to get the history of the old revs, then queue them for ingestion so that they can be directly looked up20:42
benjihatch: how do I enable the new inspector?20:42
hatch /:flags:/serviceInspector/20:42
* gary_poster just did that without the preceding space :-P20:42
hatchwhich coincidently freenode does not understand /:flags:/20:43
hatchgary_poster: lol same haha20:43
hatchcoincidentally even20:43
benjihatch: it appears to work, in that the fields are visible, but the panel itself is all kinds of jacked up... it that normal?  (i.e., it is too big to fit on the screen, the colors are such that it is just about illegible, if I click on an existing service to show the inspector and then click on a charm in the browser to deploy it the inspector stays above the browser)20:46
hatchyup that's all known20:46
hatchok thanks for checking that20:46
* benji lands.20:49
hatchgary_poster: after benji 's fix lands I believe that's all 3 so I can start the QA again - do we still want to release?20:55
gary_posterhatch, all 4 even.  we do very much want the release, thank you.20:55
hatchyeah....4 :)20:55
benjihatch: branch landed20:55
hatchbenji: thanks, rockin the QA now20:56
hatchgary_poster: when I make a relation using the service-menu it's connection point on the 'starting' service is off center and pops back to place when you move the service, it's proper when using the long click. This is hardly a breaking issue just thought I'd point it out21:06
gary_posterhatch, ok.  I'm ok with releasing with that, though if Makyo has a quick fix that's cool too.21:06
gary_posterhatch, ?21:13
hatchwell there is some wakoness that I can't reproduce21:14
hatchso trying to reproduce to see if it's a one time thing or if it's a real issue21:14
hatchwhen you drag & drop the icons are left in the dom behind the environment21:14
hatch^ we should have a ticket for that21:14
hatchI'll make21:15
hatchthe height calculation for the view-container that the (old) service inspectors get rendered into is too high by 18px21:18
hatch(should fix before release)21:18
hatchgary_poster: when switching between views it shows the brown background for a second (sometimes) which exposes the icons left in the DOM (https://bugs.launchpad.net/juju-gui/+bug/1197152) not sure how much of an issue this is...21:19
_mup_Bug #1197152: Drag & drop icons are left in the DOM after dropping <juju-gui:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1197152>21:19
hatchactually forget that, they aren't just in the dom, they are appended to the end of the dom21:20
hatchbenji: still around?21:20
benjihatch: yep; I've been half-following along21:21
hatchguichat real quick so I can show you?21:22
hatchthis drag and drop just won't die haha21:22
gary_posterhatch that sounds like a trivial fix?21:23
benjihatch: I'm sure I know what is happening.21:23
hatchbenji: ok cool, as long as you can repro21:23
hatchI was just going to step through the repro steps21:24
benjiIf they are in the bug, that will be best.21:24
hatchok I'll detail it out a bit21:26
hatchbenji: updated with full repro steps21:27
hatchthe charm page has lost it's scrollbar someways along the way21:31
hatchlooks like a side effect of some responsive word21:31
hatchbenji: if you wouldn't mind including this fix for the height calculation issue https://gist.github.com/hatched/b68e07f1832c1c085ceb21:33
hatch1 char diff....awww yeah21:33
benjihatch: sure21:36
hatchthank yas21:36
hatchnow the question is....why wont' this charm page scroll :/21:37
hatchoh odd - it works fine on devel but not on prod21:57
hatchok must have been a cache issue22:00
hatchbenji: any luck with that DD issue?22:10
gary_posterheh, guessing not22:14
gary_posterbcsaller, https://codereview.appspot.com/10760046/ LGTM with trivia;22:14
hatchhah ok - I guess release will be pushed till tomorrow :)22:14
hatchthere are some odd issues wrt delta updates while dragging22:14
hatchbut I'm certain that's the 20 of the 80/20 rule especially for a pre 1.022:15
gary_posterhatch, did he tell you he was working on it?  From the sound of it would be easy to fix22:15
hatchI guess I just assumed22:15
gary_posterhatch, delta updates with dragging: curious, but maybe file a bug?22:15
hatchyeah as soon as I can create a repro heh22:15
hatchI'll dig into the dd stuff22:15
hatchmaybe it is trivial22:15
* gary_poster wanted my nice shiny release22:15
gary_posterthank you22:15
hatch""LOL, that's deep, man. :-)""22:16
bcsallerit should only update annotations on a dragend event, that sounds off22:21
hatchI have 'fixed' the drag icon issue but I don't like it22:35
hatchbcsaller: are you aware of any way to get the dragged item from the d3 drop event?22:35
hatchI can only see the svg stuff in the event22:35
bcsallerhatch: I can look22:36
hatchwell I don't want to waste your time22:36
hatchI Just find it odd that the DOM event doesn't include reference to the dragged element22:37
hatchwell the event is actually being caught as 'mousemove'22:37
bcsallerhatch: it looks like all that code, is in topology/service.js and the dragend handler should be doing it. That gets both the box  (the visual model) and the datamodel under it is its handler so you can see how its done22:37
hatchmaybe I can put the reference in the charmData that it sends22:38
hatchnow I'm just talking to myself22:39
hatchsorry hah22:39
bcsalleroh, this is the charm token thingie, haven't looked at how that is done22:39
bcsallerhappy to chat about it soon22:39
bcsallerhatch: let me know if you need to talk about it22:44
hatchbcsaller: nope, this way is a lot nicer thanks22:45
hatchjust needed some sound boarding :)22:45
hatchI'm so confused about bzr shelve22:58
hatchChanges shelved with id "1".22:59
hatchbzr: ERROR: No changes are shelved with id "1".22:59
hatchgood thing I did a good ol diff dump before that23:00
hatchmorning huwshimi how are things?23:03
huwshimihatch: Good thanks, yourself?23:03
hatchgood good just taking another stab at releasing hah23:06
hatchyeah I am pretty sure I just squashed the last but23:08
hatchthere is definitely something messed up when you drag and a delta comes in23:27
hatchMakyo: happen to be around still?23:30
Makyohatch, barely.23:30
hatchdeltas coming in while dragging jumps the service away from your cursor to last known position - known issue?23:31
MakyoI believe so, yeah.  Let me hunt.23:31
MakyoFor brevity's sake, is this on improv or simulator?23:32
hatchboth - happens on simulator faster though23:32
hatchfor obvious reasons23:32
Makyo1 sec23:33
hatchjujugui looking for reviews for critical bug fix https://codereview.appspot.com/10872044/23:36
Makyohatch, was existing, but there's a 1 line fix if you want to put it in that same branch.23:39
hatchok can do23:40
hatchdiff me!23:40
hatchcool thanks I'll add that in23:40
MakyoWill review, too.23:40
hatchhmm wth23:44
hatchI don't think annotations are sent on drag end when using dd23:44
rick_hhatch: comments inbound. 23:46
rick_hhatch: couple of questions due to quick run through. 23:46
hatchthanks rick_h Makyo23:47
rick_hhuwshimi: you get my email? Everything cool then?23:51
hatchok the annotations are being updated23:53
hatchbut it doesn't appear to be effecting the relation line23:53
rick_hof course not :P23:54
hatchbah I gota go eat supper, might try and get back to this tonight23:54
huwshimirick_h: Yep, that's great. Thanks very much. I haven't pulled it yet, but will let you know if I hit any issues.23:55
huwshimi(I agree with not doing the minimised search for now too)23:55
rick_hhuwshimi: ok cool. Let me know how it goes23:59
huwshimirick_h: Cheers, thanks for getting to it so quickly.23:59

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