
JoseeAntonioRhey marcoceppi, around and free?00:44
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JoseeAntonioRhey guys, question, how do I know which directory is the charm going to be into? let's say I want to use a.txt on my charm and I want to locate it, where would it be?03:39
JoseeAntonioRor I should just specify the directory?03:40
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marcoceppiJoseeAntonioR: All hooks start in the root of the charm. There is also a $CHARM_DIR environment variable that is set, so if you ever cd out of the charm directory you can get back to it with that variable12:53
sidneigary_poster: ping13:20
gary_postersidnei, pong13:20
sidneihi gary_poster, had a question about juju-gui: does it display services deployed via command line or only those dployed via the gui?13:21
gary_postersidnei, all (both command line and gui)13:21
sidneigary_poster: so if i have an existing environment and deploy juju-gui to it afterwards the existing services will show up just fine?13:21
gary_postersidnei, yes13:22
sidneigary_poster: mighty cool. thanks!13:22
gary_posterwelcome sidnei :-)13:22
sidneiholy connected graph batman, it works.13:30
beunosidnei, pic or it didn't happen13:31
sidneibeuno: http://ubuntuone.com/4q8wr0gtdb7Tyu5XDKsYX113:32
sidneigary_poster: btw, i was confused for several seconds while it loaded the environment, there was no visible indication that anything was happening13:33
gary_postersidnei, for pic, majority of those are subordinates, right?13:34
gary_postersidnei, I ask because we plan to make those pictures (with subordinate graphs in particular) a lot prettier for this cycle13:34
sidneigary_poster: yes, and i think i might be misusing those subordinates, i believe only one would be ok for all services instead of one per service13:34
gary_postercool sidnei, yeah.  IS likes separate ones in order to upgrade individually, so they have similar issues13:35
gary_postereven though yes, typically they could be collapsed13:35
sidneigary_poster: ah, i knew there was a reason13:35
gary_postersidnei, no visible indication anything was happening: we have a spinner which is supposed to give some visual reassurance.  was that early, late, absent, or insufficient?13:36
gary_poster"that" == the spinner13:36
sidneigary_poster: i didn't see any spinner nope13:39
gary_posterweird sidnei, ok.  If you go to [GUI IP]/juju-ui/version.js in the browser what does it tell you?13:40
sidneigary_poster: var jujuGuiVersionInfo=['0.6.1', '753'];13:41
sidneigary_poster: ah, sorry. so reloading, there was indeed a spinner13:41
gary_postersidnei, oh ok.  so it was insufficient13:42
sidneigary_poster: so *after* the spinner, i got the open charm browser drawer and a blank canvas for like 60+ seconds13:42
gary_postersidnei, ah!  ok, haven't seen.  I'll file a bug.  Thanks!13:42
sidneigary_poster: and then i was clicking around and suddenly the services showed up magically13:42
gary_posterack, yeah, not cool.  I'll subscribe you to the bug, for the heck of it :-)13:43
gary_postersidnei, probably doesn't matter, but just in case, what browser and what juju environment?13:44
gary_poster(ec2, openstack, etc. and pyjuju vs juju core)13:44
sidneigary_poster: chrome Version 28.0.1500.63 beta, canonistack, pyjuju13:44
gary_posterperfect thanks again sidnei13:44
sidneigary_poster: is there a planned feature to hide a specific service? nagios is like the eye of sauron and makes everything else impossible to see13:45
gary_postersidnei, lol, yes, generally.  last two months of cycle is "environment power tools" for stuff like that.13:45
sidneicool, thanks muchly13:46
sidneihttp://ubuntuone.com/2VrziUdvYEXdOHo2Os117T with nagios removed and manually aligned things13:50
gary_postermuch better :-)13:51
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sidneigary_poster: (or someone else) is there an svg of the juju logo?19:04
gary_postersidnei, yeah...looking19:04
robbiewsidnei: still need that SVG file?19:29
sidneirobbiew: nope, got it19:29
robbiewI've got one, if so19:29
sidneidoing some slides for my presentation tomorrow, redoing niemeyer's diagrams19:29
Akira1anyone have the link handy for the recorded version of friday's juju charm school?19:55
robbiewAkira1: https://juju.ubuntu.com/resources/videos/19:56
robbiewspecifically -> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=08dOs3eO04M19:57
Akira1thanks :)19:58
robbiewAkira1: damn...but it looks like it wasn't recorded properly19:58
Akira1er, :~~~(19:58
* robbiew checking19:58
sidneigary_poster: going to http://uistage.jujucharms.com:8080/ gives me some unstyled html atm, as if the css isn't loading19:58
robbiewnevermind...user error19:59
Akira1yeah looks like it is ok to me19:59
gary_postersidnei, don't see it.  more details?  Maybe dupe steps?19:59
sidneigary_poster: i wonder if i got a broken cached version20:00
sidneigary_poster: it loads instantly as if cached locally, but no css20:00
sidneioh, not sure how i got to 808020:01
sidnei:80 works fine20:01
gary_posterok cool20:01
gary_posterthough 8080 does for me too...20:01
gary_postermm, one idea20:01
gary_postersidnei, do you see uistage 8080 when you go to chrome://appcache-internals/20:02
gary_posterwe don't use the appcache anymore20:02
gary_posterbecause of issues like this20:02
sidneigary_poster: yup20:02
gary_postersidnei, ah ok.  kill that and then 8080 will work fine too.20:03
sidneiSize: 29.8 kB20:03
sidneiCreation Time: Tuesday, October 16, 2012 4:25:00 PM20:03
sidneiLast Update Time: Tuesday, October 16, 2012 4:25:00 PM20:03
sidneiLast Access Time: Tuesday, July 2, 2013 5:00:12 PM20:03
gary_postersidnei, yeah, pretty old :-)20:03
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balafiwill juju work with AWS free tier?20:46
balafiI try to follow the steps at juju documentation page and getting  'error: use of closed network connection' on 'juju bootstrap'20:47
balafiany help would be appreciated20:47
balafiooops - it worked20:53
balafiI see the bootstrap instance in the EC2 management console but can't do 'juju status'21:04
balafierror: no instances found21:04
henningebalafi: give it some time to start up21:04
henningebalafi: Amazon free tier is for micro instances AFAIK but juju will spin up m1.small instances by default.21:05
thumperbalafi: which zone?21:05
thumperbalafi: I've had issues with ap-southeast-221:06
thumperbalafi: where the api lies21:06
thumperhowever us-* ones have been good generally21:06
thumperbalafi: can you see it in the AWS web console (the instance)?21:06
balafiits m1.small21:06
balafiits 'running', 2/2 check passed21:07
henningeI have ocasional problems in eu-west-1, too.21:07
henningetry juju status again.21:07
balafiI had hard time to bootstrap also21:07
balafiI was getting error and then it worked with me doing any changes21:08
balafiwithout changes21:08
thumperbalafi: it seems to be a problem with the api21:09
thumperwhich makes me sad21:09
thumperas there is nothing I can help with immediately21:10
balafino problem21:10
henningethumper: I have seen occasional glitches in the api in the past, outside of juju. I think it wants very defensive programming. :-(21:11
thumperhenninge: yeah... kinda sucks21:12
thumperI find it frustrating because ap-southeast-2 is closest to me21:12
thumperand it doesn't work very well21:12
thumperor at least, we don't work well with it21:12
thumperit seems weird that different regions have different API results21:13
thumperor interactions21:13
thumperversioning maybe?21:13
thumperI'm not sure, but a frustrated user21:13
henningeHm, I have not yet used different regions, let alone compared results.21:15
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