
DarthFrogOK, I need some help from a bigger brain than mine. :-)   The command "find ?.*" does what I want: finds those files that start with a single character (digit)followed by a . then the rest of the file name.00:47
OerHeksDarkwing, nice to know00:48
DarthFrogBut if I use it to develop a shell script, viz. "for i in `find ?.*`; do echo $i; done" it prints out the individual words of each file name on a separate line instead of the entire file name on one line as I need.00:48
OerHekserr DarthFrog00:48
DarthFrogOerHeks: I figured you meant me but fumbled the tab completion. :-)00:49
DarthFrogMy goal is to develop a shell script that will rename files from 1.*, 2.* to 01.*, 02.*, and so on.00:49
DarthFrogbut not to touch files already properly named 10.*, 11.*, etc.00:50
DarthFrogAny suggestions?00:50
OerHeksDarthFrog, simular like this cd numer issue ?? > https://bbs.archlinux.org/viewtopic.php?id=12471201:02
DarthFrogOerHeks:  have I ever let you know that you are the wind beneath my wings?  :-)  Thank you, that's exactly what I want to do.01:04
OerHeksI want to find a better playlist editor for cd's with a "Ft artist bla bla" or compilation cd's that messes up the database01:08
OerHeksClementine is nice, btw01:09
* OerHeks struggles with MTV unplugged artists and such01:09
akoma1subottu: help01:20
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience01:20
akoma1show do I interrogate this bot?01:20
akoma1sit won't answer queries01:21
mrafcho001I upgraded to kernel 3.10 and I'm having a strange problem where my laptop's display is Black (not off), but external displays work just fine. As far as I can tell KDE thinks that the laptop display is working fine. Any ideas why only my laptop display is black?01:21
akoma1smrafcho001: try this:   for i in `xrandr | awk '($1 ~ "-") {print $1}'`; do xrandr --output "$i" --auto; done01:24
akoma1sor is it the brightness that is too low?01:25
mrafcho001akoma1s: nothig is coming up01:28
mrafcho001akoma1s: The dispaly is definitely on, i can see the backlight dimming and brightening up when I use my Fn key shortcut, but its just displaying black color.01:29
akoma1sdoes the mouse cursor appear in that screen?01:29
mrafcho001akoma1s: It does not display, but there "space" since i can drag it around in what would be that screen's real estate01:30
akoma1scould you do a  { xrandr; cat /var/log/Xorg.0.log; } | pastebinit01:31
akoma1sand paste the address here?01:31
mrafcho001akoma1s: http://pastebin.com/QFk1mBNU01:35
akoma1sheh, my initial command wouldn't have worked for you anyway :)01:36
mrafcho001akoma1s: if it helps, with the 3.9 series kernels, everything works well, I'm not sure why only 3.10 is being uncooperative01:37
akoma1sok, a few more questions then:01:40
akoma1s1. which ubuntu version you're using?01:40
mrafcho001Kubuntu 13.04 with mainline kernel 3.1001:40
akoma1sand 2. have you enabled the xorg-edgers PPA?01:41
mrafcho001I don't believe I have01:41
akoma1syou could try that as a next step01:42
akoma1sif it doesn't solve the problem,01:42
akoma1stry Saucy next01:42
akoma1sbtw, is there some specific reason you're trying the 3.10 kernel?01:42
mrafcho001not a very solid reason, but with every iteration my laptop has been working better and better, so I've kept upgrading01:43
mrafcho001things like sleep, Fn keys, brightness, started out as not working01:43
mrafcho001to working quite well01:43
mrafcho001figured 3.10 would have more improvements01:43
akoma1ssame as for all of us then :)01:44
akoma1swell, Intel's drivers are a bit fragile, so the best I could suggest is try, and if it doesn't work, just revert to the previous version01:45
mrafcho001i've tried that already actually01:45
akoma1sis there anything on your laptop that doesn't work on 3.8/3.9?01:45
mrafcho001its fragile, 1/5 boots none of the Fn keys will work, i only reboot my laptop when i upgrade kernel, so its never been much of an issue01:46
mrafcho001but i'd like for that to go away01:46
akoma1sI see :/01:47
akoma1sIf you're feeling brave, you could try following https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Hotkeys/Troubleshooting , reporting bugs along the way.01:48
mrafcho001so whats xorg-edgers ppa? I've heard it mentioned before01:48
akoma1sI usually just remap the non-functioning keys to their Win+Alt equivalents, eg. Win+Alt+F8 instead of Fn+F801:48
akoma1sit has the latest graphics stack, for testing purposes01:49
akoma1sif you're using the latest kernel, you most definitely want to use it01:49
mrafcho001it doesnt seem to be helping01:49
mrafcho001this is just the weirdest issue01:49
mrafcho001i guess ill stick with the 3.9 series for now, maybe things will be better in 3.10.1 hah01:51
mrafcho001akoma1s: thanks for your help01:51
akoma1sso, if I understand correctly, the Fn keys work for you in 3.10?01:51
mrafcho001seem to work fine, though most of the time they work in 3.9, its on the occasion boot up that they dont work. Its probably a kernel module failing to load for some odd reason. Never had the insentive to look into it01:52
akoma1sI see,01:52
akoma1sthat's definitely a kernel problem problem then, probably some race issue between drivers01:53
akoma1ssorry I couldn't be of much help, I'm usually more capable with the laptop in front of me :/01:53
mrafcho001yeah, i know how it is01:54
mrafcho001thanks for trying though01:54
mrafcho001its appreciated01:54
akoma1shave you filed a bug report for your laptop?01:55
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gorkhi there, anybody want to chat? i'm looking for somebody in order to practice my english...04:00
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Novinekcan somebody help me? :-)08:01
Novinek(adding new card)08:01
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BluesKajHiyas all10:16
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Yud_Zrocany guides to customizing KDE?16:49
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lordievaderGood evening.17:32
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turgaychromium synchronization does not work19:42
turgaywhy ?19:42
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cryslerciao a tutti21:26
puffThere doesn't seem to be a hibernate/suspend-to-disk option, is this hidden somewhere?21:27
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maximus2UUU SO LONLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!23:01
maximus2CANT TAKE IT23:03
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maximus239239893 OOPS23:14
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valorieturgay: chromium synchro -- do you mean access to tabs from other devices?23:36
valorieif so, works great for me23:36
turgayvalorie: https://support.google.com/chrome/answer/185277?hl=en23:50
turgaythis setting does it work ?23:50
=== phi-scribe is now known as phiscribe
valorieyes, works for me perfectly23:54
valoriethe key once you turn on syncing on each device, is to open a blank tab23:55
valoriethat's where you'll find the little "link" at the right-hand bottom which says Other devices23:55
valorieright next to Web Store23:55
valorieoff to dinner now.....23:56

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