
luke1hello all03:29
JesseHoh, bye03:44
mikubuntucould anyone tell me why my wireless login info doesn't persist between sessions? everytime i boot i have to enter the wireless passkey to connect -- this only started happening after i added the lubuntu-desktop to my *buntu several months ago.05:51
mikubuntuthe wireless settings are checked for 'connect automatically'05:52
JohnDoe_71Ruscheck other connection to optoin 'connect automatically'05:59
JohnDoe_71Ruscheck option "use to other users"05:59
mikubuntuJohnDoe_71Rus: 'available to other users' is greyed out, won't let me check box it07:02
=== JesseH2 is now known as JesseH
pusah7cannot find "Additional drivers" anymore... where did it go?11:07
JesseHpusah7, Not sure11:15
pusah7i think i may need some driver for my graphics card11:17
pusah7before it was easy. just go to "Additional drivers"11:17
pusah7problem is i don't see it anymore11:18
JesseHI'm sure you can find a work-around, you have the internet to help you.11:19
pusah7do you know where "software sources" is?11:19
pusah7is it just you and me here? i thought lubuntu was a big community....11:22
JesseHI think in lubuntu-software-center preferences.11:22
JesseHpusah7, I figured it would be quiet, doesn't matter ill support either way :P11:22
Unit193pusah7: System tools or Preferences, will be the last tab in Software Sources.11:23
JesseHpusah7, Check "/etc/apt/sources.list " too11:24
pusah7Unit193: ok found it. thank you11:25
* JesseH needs to get another usb device so he can fiddle with lubuntu on his other computer. :P11:26
pusah7other question. i got the lubuntu disk with a magazine and after installation i have these ads-icons on my desktop. first question is: i can just delete them right? second question: is there a way of permanently getting rid of them in the guest session or must they be deleted at every new access?11:30
JesseHNo idea heh11:31
pusah7Unit193: last help from you please :)11:31
Unit193Ads? Lovely...  You can check if there are any ad related packages, or packages related to the magazine company and remove them.11:32
pusah7ok thank you all and that will be it for me today :)11:34
JesseH(come back soon, to keep it active) lol11:34
JesseHor #lubuntu-offtopic :P11:35
JesseHSup leszek12:18
trakinashi fellas!13:37
trakinasI had some troubles yesterdat booting Lubuntu PowerPC on an old iBook G3. (white clamshell).13:38
trakinasIt would either freeze after the boot, with a message like "Fixed errors, reboot needed" or it would get distorced colours.13:39
trakinasThe solutions were: Boot using either lubuntu-nosplash or lubunut-powerpc-nosplash for the former. And  use "lubuntu video=radeonfb:1024x768-32@60 for the later.13:40
trakinasI havent installed it yet, nor made a full test. but I could boot and get into the live cd Desktop. so here w have e my 2 cents. =]13:41
holsteintrakinas: what version?16:16
holsteintrakinas: one constant issue you will be faced with is that PPC is no longer officially supported16:16
trakinasholstein: 13.04 PPC16:16
holsteintrakinas: there are not a lot of folks with the hardware available to test.. and thats not getting into the flash issues that are a reality assuming everything else works16:17
holsteinwhat i do is headless, no GUI installs on PPC, but i have 10.04 still installed on the on i still have, and havent booted it up in years16:18
trakinasholstein: no problem. if i can setup a basic desktop it is fine. flash for me would be restricted to load youtube or other videos, and then download it with Unplug or other FF extractor plugin.16:18
holsteintrakinas: flash doesnt support the ppc architecture at all.. ubuntu doesnt officially support PPC16:19
holsteintrakinas: you are using EOL hardware that is challenging for any type of model to support.. commercial scenarios have long since stopped.. i would try and find a group of folks using any linux that all have the hardware16:20
trakinasalso, Id be use that only for some browsing while away from home. my full desktop/workstation arent ppc, so no hassle  there.16:20
holsteinOR, just give up on it, since any non-ppc hardware that matches the specs are likely very cheap/free these days16:21
ubottuPowerPC.  Formerly used by Apple for the Macintosh line of computers. Variants are now used in popular gaming consoles. PPC was a fully supported Ubuntu architecture up to and including edgy. It is now a community port, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PowerPCFAQ16:21
trakinasholstein: I have Debian PPC installed there, but some restrictions like not being able to install mini-tube make it kinda a pain to watch any video there.16:21
holsteintrakinas: it will be a pain doing *anything* in a browser. .and it wil not ever get better.. only worse16:22
trakinasholstein: I know. I had to ressurect that hardware cause I was going to spend 2 months away from home, without access to linux. and since I was going to a linux training for LPIC, I had to have at leat a shell for some study. so it was cheaper to plug my USB wifi and put debian ppc there, than buying any new hardware.16:25
trakinasholstein: after I got home I thought about putting Lubuntu just to have something there, more "cute" than old XFCE, and with a few more resources.16:26
holsteinsure.. but if i were going to do the same thing you are doing, i would literally get a crisp 20 dollar bill from my wallet, and get an intel machine fro the thrift store.. and not expect a supported/normal experience from PPC hardware under any os16:26
holsteinrunning ubuntu or any variant in virtualbox would be preferable to PPC16:27
trakinasholstein: I dont expect a normal experience.  and I agree on that, but I could not use other's computer for that purpose. If I had the option, I would have used Vbox.16:28
trakinasregarding the thrift shop, I dont know any reliable thrift shop here. my friend had an old Latitude, but he had sold that before I could buy - which was my first choice before trying the ppc hell.16:29
trakinasholstein: I have to be idle now. thanks for the conversation! =]16:30
holsteinthere is a place here that sells them before they are tested.. you get them cheap, with no hard drives16:30
holsteintrakinas: /join the #lubuntu-offtopic channel for more chatting :)16:30
holstein  /join #ubuntu-powerpc as well..16:32
vunerloxIs there any benefit of using lubuntu over ubuntu? justwondering17:01
ianorlinand you could like the defualt look better of lubuntu17:02
ianorlincomp runs quieter from less processor17:04
geniiLess bloat.17:05
vunerloxso is the only thing that people dont like lubuntu is because of looks?17:08
vunerloxmaybe its more basic lookiing?17:09
vunerloxpersonally I love the basic look with all disabled visual effects17:09
vunerloxI am looking for a linux distro that is very fast on the internet, I do a lot of joomla development17:11
vunerloxwindows 7 is slow17:11
vunerloxalthough when I used it the very first time it was fast17:11
bonesawmclhi I have a question. I have a minimal install of ubuntu with a lubuntu desktop. It should display in 1080p over HDMI to my TV and does so, but I cant see the entire desktop (it is cut off at all side)... what to do?17:12
ianorlinI like the looks as well17:12
ianorlinnot the cut off look17:13
trakinasvunerlox: Lubunt will probably fit your needs for PHP development. but regarded the slow down, this may happen in Linux and Windows  if you have file indexing turned on.17:13
trakinasvunerlox: specially when using a VCS.17:13
vunerloxwhats vcs17:14
trakinasversion control system = mercurial, git, bazar, svn, etc.17:14
trakinasvunerlox: but Lubuntu will be a really good workstation for PHP dev.17:15
bonesawmclok nvm... was a setting in the tv...17:15
trakinasanyway, I gtg. later.17:15
vunerloxand is it fast on the internet?17:15
pink___I'm looking for support, I'm linux and lubuntu newbiee, is someone here? :)17:49
Unit193You haven't asked a question yet...17:52
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience17:52
pink___sorry :)17:52
pink___here the problem: I download and installed lubuntu into an usb drive. I installed teamviewer 8 also. It works just fine but: I need to star the program, not the daemon, at start up.17:54
pink___at startup if I try to connect the system hangs with "initializing display parameters"17:54
pink___if I star teamviewer8 from menu:internet:teamviewer... the connection works just fine...17:54
pink___I'm looking to start teamviewer at startup, the "startup applications" in lubuntu does not have the ADD button17:55
Unit193pink___: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Lubuntu/Boot_Install_Login#How_I_can_autostart_a_program_when_logging_into_Desktop17:58
pink___thank you unit, 'll go to read :)17:59
Unit193pink___: Sure, and you know of VNC too?18:01
ubottuVNC is a protocol for remote desktop. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VNCOverSSH describes how to use it securely.  It works best over fast connections, otherwise look at !FreeNX18:01
pink___I was used to remote desktop and vnc but in this case my lubuntu pc will have a 3g internet key connection. 1 pubblic ip, serveral user behind a nat. Cant open any port, there is no router18:12
holsteinteamviewer is where i would look then, but i have not had any luck with vnc type connections over 3g..18:13
holsteinshould be able to add whatever you need to startup though18:16
pink___first try, not working18:20
pink___following the link I tried the GUI to move the shortcut to autostart18:20
pink___but no autostart of the program18:21
holsteinpink___: i would try autostarting a simple app.. a text editor for example.. you are troubleshooting many things right now18:22
pink___I just have to copy the program from /usr/share/applications to ~/.config/autostart18:24
pink___or I have to try the complex way?18:24
holsteinpink___: i would start simple with a simple app, then move on18:24
pink___ok, I agree, I'm asking if I have to copy the simple app :)18:24
holsteinpink___: again, i would start simple,, if you think that is simple, and try something else18:25
holsteinpink___: what i do is just search "autostart LXDE" and follow what i find that works18:25
pink___just to note, I managed to get teamviewer starts at startup (thank you guy!)... but, still not working properply. Need someone that close the app and reopen, otherwise the connection hangs hangs with "initializing display parameters"  any suggestion?18:51
holsteinpink___: putting a delay on the startup?18:55
pink___seems a good idea, do you bite me if i ask you how?18:56
holsteinpink___: nah.. i would just have to search for it.. i dont know right off18:57
holsteinpink___: with openbox, i used the autostart file.. is that how you did it?18:58
ianorlinis there something like leafpad with tabs?18:58
ianorlinthat is lightweight?18:58
Unit193ianorlin: I'd go with mousepad, new version is pretty darn nice.18:59
holsteinpink___: what i did looks a lot like this http://pclosmag.com/html/Issues/201009/page10.html ..the "sleep 10" or whatever i needed19:01
pink___thank you holstein19:03
pink___I think I can do it (let's give a try)19:03
holsteinpink___: it might help.. i had to fiddle around a bit with a few apps, like dropbox.. though, this might not actually help you19:04
ianorlinI mean tabs in lxterm is nice because then you can have the manual in one tab and still do things19:12
trakinasianorlin: maybe Scintilla will fit your  needs. have a look at it.19:16
holsteingedit has tabs19:17
holstein!info gedit19:17
ubottugedit (source: gedit): official text editor of the GNOME desktop environment. In component main, is optional. Version 3.6.2-0ubuntu1 (raring), package size 519 kB, installed size 2699 kB19:17
holsteinif your system is of the specs that gedit is too heavy for it, i argue you shouldnt be using a GUI at all.. and using nano or something in the commandline19:18
ianorlinany dependicies?19:20
trakinasianorlin: scintilla or gedit?19:20
trakinasianorlin: scintilla/scite have some little to none. you probably already have all of them.19:21
trakinasgedit will probably need some gnome dependencies you dont have19:21
trakinas(if you have a bare lubuntu install)19:21
trakinashttp://www.scintilla.org/SciTE.html  -- check here for scintilla/scite19:21
=== cdoublejj_ is now known as cdoublejj
pink___holstein... is there a chance that I broke the distro? I edited the bash scrip as your link (adding a line... sudo teamviewer --daemon restart ) and nowthe distro doesnt boot19:50
holsteinpink___: anything is possible.. just undo the changes, and try and boot19:50
pink___how can I undo the changes if the distro doest boot?19:51
holsteinpink___: i would use a live CD.. the install live disk should work fine19:51
pink___to look inside the usb and change the files?19:52
pink___I can do this19:52
holsteinpink___: to open and edit whatever file you changed.. and revert to default, and reboot and test19:52
holsteinpink___: you can handle it :)19:53
pink___there is a lil chance I made it... (and when I write "I made it" I mean we...)20:06
ianorlinscintilla works nice and is what I was looking for and is nice20:21
trakinasianorlin: cool! actually, the text editor is called SciTE. Scintilla is the component that handles the text and so forth. my bad that I called it scintilla at the begin. =P20:37
trakinasthat is, you could create ianorlinEditor and use scintilla as its backend.20:38
ianorlinworks well20:39
trakinasianorlin: =]20:58
terminal-userOkay, I've got a question for everyone:  For whatever reason, I am not able to log into Lubuntu using any desktop manager.  I've managed to gain access to my files after pressing CTRL+ALT+F2 and logging in via the terminal.  When I try logging in normally, I get kicked back to the login screen after seeing a brief message about something called "Plymouth."21:14
terminal-userI'm considering just backing up my files manually and reinstalling Lubuntu, but I'd be afraid of the same thing happening again.21:16
zleapit seems plymouth is some sort of theme http://askubuntu.com/questions/2007/how-do-i-change-the-plymouth-bootscreen21:16
terminal-userAha... well, whatever it is, it's preventing me from logging in and starting any desktop manager.  I've tried starting both Gnome and Lightdm, both returning the same error about Plymouth.  I really should have written it down-- I can't seem to remember the exact error.21:17
zleapcan you remove plymouth21:19
terminal-userHaha, I suppose that might be something to try.  Once I back up my files, I'll have nothing to lose anyhow.  xD21:19
zleapyeah back up first,  clean re-install is rather drastic21:20
zleapmost things should be fixable21:20
pink___mmmm guys, I have another question, may I?21:20
terminal-userIndeed, it is... but at the same time, it may be less time-consuming than continuing to try to find the solution to this problem.21:20
terminal-userGo ahead, pink___.21:20
pink___this bug: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/network-manager/+bug/88008421:21
ubottuLaunchpad bug 848164 in NetworkManager "duplicate for #880084 Auto connect to 3G network only works after manually enabling mobile broadband after modem inserted/bootup/resume" [Medium,Confirmed]21:21
pink___broadband enable unchecked at reboot21:21
pink___how can I solve it? it's really really frustranting21:21
pink___I have the last lubuntu21:22
zleappink___, 13.0421:25
zleapor 12.1021:25
pink___(i think)21:27
pink___(yes 13.04)21:27
pink___I tried a delay     Exec=sh -c "sleep 10; nm-applet" & but does nothing21:29
pink___still unchecked ad every reboot21:29
pink___any idea?21:33
phillwpink___: It's been a long time since I've booted with my 3G device plugged in. As my system does want to boot of USB devices before the Hard Drive, I tend to only plug it in after boot. But, if I get chance I'll see how it behaves.21:42
phillwpink___: so I get this correct... you have the 3G device happily running and then reboot, at which time it no longer will work? Or is it that it does not auto-reconnect?21:48
pink___boy I have to be honest21:51
pink___this lubuntu is a pain :\ a whole afternoon to configure teamviewer and a automatic broadband connection, and first it does not have "automatic start up" and the there is the bug for automatic broadband connection21:52
pink___I give up and take windows :\21:52
pink___thank you all21:53
phillwholstein: and I thought it was going quite well.... Ah well, you win some... you lose some :)22:23
holsteinphillw: lol22:43
trakinasphillw: i think it is funny when people blame the distro for a bug/glitch on another software.22:52
phillwtrakinas: it happens...22:53
trakinasand I still people try to offend us when they say "i give up! i will be back to windows!".22:55
trakinaslike the other day, on mint's channel. someone said smth close to "there is no decent app for linux! im going back to windows".22:55
trakinaswell, at least they are trying.22:56
wxlyou guys are lucky Unit193 isn't around or he'd kick you all over to -offtopic22:56
Unit193I am around.22:57
wxlohhh fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuudge22:57
phillwwxl: he is always around...22:59
phillwtrakinas: we've made our point on the publicly logged area, -offtopic is the best place to head now for further discussions :)23:01
trakinasphillw: all right!  =]23:03

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