
AskUbuntuUpdate or replace webapp | http://askubuntu.com/q/31524802:44
AskUbuntuAre there any Achievement and Leaderboard services for gamers and game developers? | http://askubuntu.com/q/31526104:34
dholbachgood morning06:42
guschoSoMoN: do you have some time for a review?07:44
oSoMoNgusch: not much, but shoot, I can give it a quick look later today07:49
guschoSoMoN: https://code.launchpad.net/~schwann/gallery-app/gallery-datastructure-load/+merge/17234807:49
oSoMoNnerochiaro: ping08:12
nerochiarooSoMoN: hi08:12
oSoMoNnerochiaro: hey, seen my e-mails?08:13
nerochiarooSoMoN: just reading them, give me a minute. late start today, i'm handing over the flat to some friends for the weeks i'm off08:14
nerochiarooSoMoN: is florian ok with your proposal ?08:15
nerochiarooSoMoN: before going on with it I would suggest you make sure he's on board08:15
nerochiarooSoMoN: because that's how i had started thigns, with a separate plugin in the webbrowser branch, IIRC, but it was overruled08:16
nerochiarooSoMoN: and had to split off08:16
nerochiarooSoMoN: also the work to keep the two in sync is a one-off thing that happened because it took me too long to create ubuntu-ui-extras but won't be needed continuously08:17
oSoMoNnerochiaro: we’ll need to wait until he comes online to discuss it with him08:22
nerochiarooSoMoN: yes08:22
nerochiarooSoMoN: in the meantime, anything else we can do on this specific task ?08:23
oSoMoNnerochiaro: and having the plugin and the app in two separate code bases is going to be a royal pita08:23
oSoMoNnerochiaro: you can maybe review my MR to check for its sanity, assuming that we’ll go with this solution (but we’ll wait for Florian to confirm first)08:24
oSoMoNnerochiaro: https://code.launchpad.net/~osomon/webbrowser-app/separate-plugin-app/+merge/17248008:24
nerochiarooSoMoN: why would it be a pain ? the only thing i hate is that we lose history08:24
oSoMoNnerochiaro: because anytime I need to fix a bug or write a new feature that touches both I’ll have to sync between two branches, and two sets of packages08:25
oSoMoNnerochiaro: in an ideal world the plugin and the app would be so independent that it wouldn’t matter, but I know it’s not gonna be like that08:26
nerochiarooSoMoN: makes sense08:27
JamesTai1Good morning all, happy UFO Day! :-D08:45
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guschoSoMoN_: tmoenicke is going to review the MR09:18
oSoMoN_gusch: ah, fine, I was about to start reviewing it but good that tmoenicke can take it, thanks09:18
guschoSoMoN_: he's blocked atm. anyway09:21
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oSoMoN_nerochiaro: ping10:22
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nerochiarooSoMoN: yes ?10:27
oSoMoNnerochiaro: would you mind reviewing https://code.launchpad.net/~osomon/webbrowser-app/separate-unittests/+merge/172529 ?10:30
nerochiarooSoMoN: not at all10:30
oSoMoNnerochiaro: it re-organizes the code under the unittests directory, to ease maintenance10:30
nerochiarogood idea10:30
oSoMoNno code changes, just shuffling around files10:30
nerochiarooSoMoN: already approved it. anything else i can help with with browser before florian comes back ?11:14
oSoMoNnerochiaro: not right now, but Florian should be online anytime soon now11:15
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nerochiarooSoMoN: i'll get some food in the meantime11:20
om26eris the conference call working on the phone app ?11:29
om26erdoes anyone know ?11:30
oSoMoNKaleo: ping11:40
xeranasHello, which soup library is recomended for simple stuff on Ubuntu SDK?11:48
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oSoMoNKaleo: please ping me when you’re around, we need to discuss the extras QML plugin, see my e-mail13:04
AskUbuntuCould not create a currency converter phone app | http://askubuntu.com/q/31541513:10
schwannvictorp: can you again test https://code.launchpad.net/~schwann/qtubuntu-camera/camera-torch-support/+merge/16846813:37
victorpschwann sure, i will try tomorrow13:38
schwannvictorp: cool13:39
KaleooSoMoN_: yes13:55
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nerochiaroboiko: i just pasted my report in the mumble channel14:13
boikonerochiaro: thanks14:14
nerochiarooSoMoN: so is the plan approved ?14:18
oSoMoNnerochiaro: seems so, let’s do a quick mumble to recap14:19
nerochiarooSoMoN: if it works. i'm in the apps channel14:19
oSoMoNnerochiaro: so, are you going to approve the MR?14:43
nerochiarooSoMoN: if you don't have anything to add to it yes14:44
oSoMoNnerochiaro: nothing to add now, will do the rest of what we discussed in subsequent merge requests14:46
nerochiarooSoMoN: ok14:49
nerochiarooSoMoN: approved14:50
oSoMoNnerochiaro: thanks14:54
nerochiarooSoMoN: I am wondering if in the Ubuntu.Components.Extra separate package I should include some kind of example component. Otherwise the CMakeFies etc won't have much to install and it won't be a very useful skeleton15:23
nerochiarooSoMoN_: still there ?15:32
oSoMoN_nerochiaro: yes15:32
nerochiarooSoMoN_: guess you missed my previous question:15:32
nerochiarooSoMoN_: I am wondering if in the Ubuntu.Components.Extra separate package I should include some kind of example component. Otherwise the CMakeFies etc won't have much to install and it won't be a very useful skeleton15:32
oSoMoN_nerochiaro: yeah, I guess it would make sense15:33
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oSoMoNnerochiaro: if you’re still around and have a bit of spare time, could you review https://code.launchpad.net/~osomon/webbrowser-app/toolbar-buttons/+merge/172604 ?15:56
nerochiarooSoMoN: I'll take it once i finish this example component15:56
oSoMoNnerochiaro: ok, thanks15:56
* oSoMoN is off for today, needs some rest15:56
om26ernerochiaro, Hey!16:51
om26ernerochiaro, the tests fail because that branch brings in regressions16:51
om26ernerochiaro, 1. when you click inside a note area you cannot type anything16:52
om26er2. when you have an image loaded and you click below the image the text field does not expand to type.16:53
Kaleoom26er: nerochiaro: it's important that this branch lands today before the touch build starts otherwise the notes app won't launch anymore16:54
timpanyone knows where the .deb packages end up when I "build application on device" from qtcreator?16:58
timpI think they used to go somewhere in /home/phablet, but I cannot find it now :s maybe something changed with the flipped image?16:58
nerochiaroKaleo: are the tests failing only in jenkins ?17:00
om26ertimp, my blind guess would be it used to paste it to /data/ubuntu/home/phablet but since we don't have /data/ubuntu on flipped images. the problem lies there. so QtCreator would need adapting.17:01
Kaleonerochiaro: you tell me17:01
Kaleonerochiaro: (it's your app not mine, I already provided the API adaptations)17:01
nerochiaroKaleo: it's your branch man, did you run the tests or not when you made it ?17:01
Kaleonerochiaro: I prepared the branch as a service17:02
Kaleonerochiaro: I cannot test all the apps I gave help with for the API  change17:02
Kaleonerochiaro: I could not have prepared a branch at all17:02
om26erKaleo, nerochiaro they fail on desktop as well. (I ran)17:02
Kaleoom26er: thank you17:03
nerochiaroKaleo: ok fair enough17:03
om26er5 tests fail, due to the two reasons I specified above.17:04
Kaleoom26er: any idea why https://code.launchpad.net/~fboucault/camera-app/new_theming/+merge/171886 fails?17:08
* om26er looks17:09
om26erKaleo, looks like an issue with the panda builders17:09
guschKaleo om26er I have the same issue for camera-plugin and gallery17:10
om26ergusch, Kaleo I re-triggered and this time it seems to be running17:15
Kaleoom26er: ok, thanks17:16
guschom26er: thx17:17
om26ergusch, whats camera-plugin ?17:18
guschom26er: https://code.launchpad.net/~schwann/qtubuntu-camera/camera-torch-support/+merge/16846817:18
guschom26er: gallery is https://code.launchpad.net/~schwann/gallery-app/gallery-datastructure-load/+merge/17234817:18
om26erthe problem is with ps-panda-417:19
boikoKaleo: is the UITK styling change merged already?17:23
Kaleoboiko: yes17:26
Kaleoboiko: and the phone app MR too17:26
Kaleoom26er: apparently jenkins is not using the latest ubuntu-ui-toolkit for https://code.launchpad.net/~fboucault/mediaplayer-app/new_theming/+merge/17188717:27
Kaleorenato_: let's ask om26er ^17:28
boikoKaleo: ah ok, nice :)17:28
boikoKaleo: I'll do a phone-app release then17:29
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renato_Kaleo, the new theme API is already release?17:29
Kaleoboiko: you still do releases?17:29
Kaleoboiko: it's not automatic?17:29
Kaleorenato_: it's in trunk yes17:29
boikoKaleo: it was but due to some problems we had to switch back to using manual releases17:30
Kaleoboiko: just the phone app?17:30
boikoKaleo: yep, it is building in a separate PPA17:30
Kaleoboiko: ok17:30
boikoKaleo: because saucy's indicator-messages is different from the phablet one17:30
om26erKaleo, the log don't seem to think that. the package that is installed comes from the builder (which builds the proposed branch)17:31
boikoKaleo: salem_ just tried latest phone-app and he seems to be getting this problem:17:32
renato_Kaleo, wait there is a new log17:32
boikoKaleo: file:///usr/share/phone-app/phone-app.qml:221:13: Non-existent attached object17:32
boikoKaleo:                  ItemStyle.class: singlePane ? "new-tabs" : "tabs"17:32
Kaleoboiko: he obviously is not using phone-app trunk17:33
salem_Kaleo, just compiled the ubuntu-ui-toolkit from trunk.17:33
renato_Kaleo, I was looking into the old log, sorry17:33
renato_the new one looks fine17:33
Kaleoom26er: sorry for the trouble17:33
om26erKaleo, no problem :)17:34
Kaleorenato_: can you please try the autopilot tests on your machine?17:34
renato_om26er, Kaleo looking at the videos look like some problem with the video decoder17:35
renato_Kaleo, works fine on my machine17:35
Kaleorenato_: ah ok17:35
salem_Kaleo, yep, just ran bzr pull again and more stuff were updated. now it works. thanks.17:37
Kaleosalem_: great17:37
renato_Kaleo, I did some changes on the autopilot test, to make it more stable in diff devices, let see what happen: https://code.launchpad.net/~renatofilho/mediaplayer-app/fix-autopilot/+merge/17263818:15
Kaleorenato_: brilliant18:16
AskUbuntuubuntu sdk has no c++ examples | http://askubuntu.com/q/31556018:58
papoteurHello, I have a patch for usb-imagewriter to propose. Which way should i follow to submit it?19:21
Kaleorenato_: one test still fails19:41
KaleoMismatchError: After 10.0 seconds test on GenericToolbar.ready failed: True != dbus.Boolean(False, variant_level=1)19:42
renato_Kaleo, yes I am checking19:42
Kaleoom26er: https://code.launchpad.net/~fboucault/camera-app/new_theming/+merge/171886 failed again :/19:53
om26erKaleo, approve it now, will go fine19:54
om26erpapoteur, make a branch and propose it to its launchpad project19:55
Kaleoom26er: ok19:55
papoteurom26er: thks.19:56
om26erpapoteur, though I do think that project is not maintained anymore...19:57
papoteurom26er: how do you know that ?19:57
om26erpapoteur, i remember it used to be used during the time when we had ubuntu-netbook-edition which had .img files. Now we produce ISOs for all images so usb-creator-gtk is used to make usbs bootable19:58
papoteurom26er: Ok, I will have a look to that. Linux-mint done like a fork.20:00
xzcvczxom26er: i prefer using dd as i have had limited success with the tools20:03
ironhalikI'm looking into some ubuntu development20:06
ironhalikand so far, I've figured out I should use python320:07
ironhalikbut since I would use some GUI, I'm wondering about GUI framework20:07
ironhalikshould I go with qt4 or GTK?20:07
ironhalikgnome is based on gtk, but future releases may move to qt20:08
ironhalikand also, so far, the basic stuff in qt seem to be more elegant for me, compared to gtk20:08
beunoironhalik, so, the future is Ubuntu Touch, for which there's an SDK in development: http://developer.ubuntu.com/get-started/20:12
beunothat's probably your best bet today20:12
ironhalikit looks like it's mainy intended for mobile development?20:14
beunoironhalik, Ubuntu 14.04, the next stable release, will be a converged release20:14
beunoso the same SDK for desktop and mobile20:14
ironhalikhmm, thats nice20:14
ironhalikwon't there by any backward compatibility issues if I go with ubuntu-sdk?20:15
ironhaliklike, qt5 in 12.04?20:15
beunoironhalik, yes, this is targeted for newer versions of Ubuntu20:16
beuno13.10 and 14.0420:16
ironhalikI need to think about my potential user base :>20:16
ironhalikhell, android development is crazy simple compared to ubuntu :P20:16
ironhalikI heard about plans for ubuntu sdk, didnt know there's a preview for it20:17
ironhalikeither way, I'll check it out20:17
ironhalikthanks beuno20:17
renato_Kaleo, passed: https://code.launchpad.net/~renatofilho/mediaplayer-app/fix-autopilot/+merge/17263821:15
Kaleorenato_: excellent! thank you21:26
Kaleorenato_: I approved it21:26
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boikoKaleo: hey, would you mind reviewing/approving this release MR? https://code.launchpad.net/~boiko/phone-app/release_0.59.17/+merge/17269522:54
boikoKaleo: it's for the UITK theming fixes to get released22:54
Kaleoboiko: done23:02
boikoKaleo: obrigado! :)23:02
Kaleode nada23:07
Kaleonik90: still here?23:25
Kaleonik90: I'm back23:25
Kaleonik90: I *think* it will fix it https://code.launchpad.net/~fboucault/ubuntu-ui-toolkit/fix_1197164/+merge/17269823:35
Kaleotimp: you're not around I guess?23:35
nik90Kaleo: just saw ur message.23:46
nik90Kaleo: I will wait for it to get merged and then test and let you know how it goes23:47
Kaleonik90: thanks, what's your timezone?23:48
nik90Kaleo: UTC + 02:00 (its late here... :D )23:48
Kaleonik90: oh yeah23:51
Kaleonik90: go to bed :)23:51

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