
=== Aww is now known as NotAww
Mirvxnox: it is, but last I heard we were waiting for ack from andyrock to enable new builds for saucy04:07
Mirvso currently not04:07
pittiGood morning04:24
mlankhorsttoo early04:26
pittiRAOF: FYI, umockdev 0.2.10 has an add_from_file() now04:26
RAOFpitti: Yay!04:36
pittiRAOF: oh, does the more thorough emulation of /dev/ nodes help you for the DRM stuff? I had thought most stuff doesn't bother to stat these devices, I only saw these in some udev API (where it's actually necesary)04:55
pitti(seeing your G+ comment)04:56
RAOFpitti: Oh, I don't think that helps particularly. Just that your post prodded the me to think that we should be doing some ioctl recording.04:56
pittiRAOF: how does /dev/dri/* work in general? I had assumed it was by and large via mmaping, or is drm just a control interface and the actual framebuffers are completely separate?04:57
RAOFThe actual framebuffers are completely separate.04:57
pittis/drm/card0 or controlD64/04:58
RAOFI'm not actually sure what uses the controlD64 node; everything I've touch opens card0.04:58
RAOFDRI1 did some mmapping, IIUC, but DRI2 is all ioctls returning opaque integer handles.04:59
RAOFOh, and there's an ioctl for mmapping a handle, but you only do that if you hate performance.04:59
pittiRAOF: re (was in meeting)05:24
pittiRAOF: ah, so presumably umockdev doesn't currently support these ioctls, but please let me know (github issues) what you need there05:25
pittiunless they are stateful, they are easy to add; stateful ones need some more care, but I can add them too05:25
RAOFAh. umockdev doesn't handle arbitrary ioctls?05:25
pittinot at the moment, as it needs to know how to decode the arg05:26
pitti(plain int, pointer, how to read what's behind the pointer, etc.)05:26
RAOFFair enough.05:26
pittione could deduce it from the length part of the ioctl ID, but that has some oddities05:26
RAOFMany of the ioctls I'd care about aren't stateful, so that would be good.05:27
pittiRAOF: generic ioctl support is on the TODO list, but I haven't looked at other ioctls much yes05:27
pittiI'd like to support ioctls which have a correct direction/size where the ioctl data is just an opaque memory blob05:27
RAOFWe wouldn't be doing anything insane like mocking out rendering. :)05:27
pittiand the special cases can then override it05:27
pittiRAOF: so, please let me know what you guys need; this is use-case driven05:28
didrockshey Mirv, how are you?05:28
didrockshey RAOF, pitti!05:28
pittibonjour didrocks, comment vas-tu ?05:28
RAOFOk. I'll work out the minimal set of ioctls for us to test "identifies and opens a drm device"05:28
didrockspitti: ça va, et toi?05:29
pittic'est un joli matin, avec le soleil et de ciel bleu05:29
pittididrocks: ("du ciel bleu"? do I need an article there?)05:30
didrockspitti: il y a "du ciel bleu" is fine :)05:30
pittiah, so with article05:31
didrocksyep ;)05:31
pittihm, is it just me, or did the indicator order change? my clock is now at the left side of the indicator area05:33
didrockspitti: yeah, it's an upstream bug due to protocol change05:34
pittiwell, if that's the kind of regression that we get these days -- BOORING!05:34
pitti(well, the session indicator "I gobble up 4 GB RAM" one was quite serious indeed)05:35
didrockspitti: still, I would prefer we even avoid them having better integration tests :)05:35
Mirvmorning didrocks, fine thanks05:35
didrocksMirv: do you have a minute or did you already looked at the stacks?05:37
Mirvdidrocks: looked, mostly otto problems ("too many packages installed") and then upstart-app-launch failing to build05:38
didrocksMirv: "too many packages installed" is not an otto problem05:38
didrocksMirv: it's a otto security to fail the tests if we try to pull more packages that are not installed by default on the ISO that we didn't list05:38
Mirvah, ok, so that kind of problem05:38
didrocksMirv: so, we need to understand why it wants to pull those and if it's fine to pull those05:38
didrocksMirv: yeah, to prevent shipping libqt5sql5-sqlite for instance on the CD :p05:39
didrocksor libqt5test505:39
didrocksMirv: I'm on
didrocksMirv: from yesterday, only qtbase-opensource-src change, right?05:40
didrocks(as I'm seeing it's the same on every stacks)05:40
didrocksI only see qtbase5-dev which pulls those depends, I wonder what changed… as we don't install it apparently05:40
didrocksMirv: do you see anything that can pulls those? I don't find anything off hand05:47
Mirvdidrocks: I'm trying to understand the situation, but why didn't yesterday's build pull those, is there some preinstalled older Qt5 libraries in the image that is used?05:50
didrocksMirv: no, nothing that's not in the apt-get install --simulate list you see (apart from what is in the iso)05:50
Mirvie in yesterday's build Qt5 wasn't apt-getted at all, now since it has been upgraded it's tried to be upgraded05:50
didrockshum, some part of qt5 was05:51
MirvI'm comparing '284' to '289' (platform builds)05:51
didrocksah, I'm on the QA one :)05:51
didrocks(but same I guess)05:51
Mirvdidrocks: so it says there eg. libqt5core5 'is already the newest version', but now today it's not so it's tried to be upgraded/installed05:52
didrocksMirv: yeah, which makes sense as there was the sponsoring of a new version uploaded to distro05:52
Mirvso is the problem that those packages shouldn't be preinstalled in what otto uses, the packages should be manually updated in the image otto uses, or that the packages should have been listed in configuration all along, or something else?05:53
didrocksMirv: I think it's a case by case thing05:54
didrocksMirv: I'm sure we don't want to install the -sqlite for instance05:54
didrocksor -xml05:54
didrocksso we need to understand why know we would need it05:54
didrockswhere we didn't before05:54
didrocks(the check is there to protect us for pulling random binaries we don't want/need)05:54
didrocksis the upload from yesterday05:55
KriShaNsinanyone want to help me set up Vidalia Tor GUI on 13.04 right quik? i am missing the socket layer control file? can not start tor without that in advanced settings.05:55
didrocksMirv: what I don't understand is that qtbase5-dev would be the perfect culpurit which wants to install everything05:56
didrocksbut from the logs, it's not installed05:56
didrocksMirv: this is the archive ^ (delta image from the iso)05:57
Mirvit should be, it's build-dependende on05:57
didrocksit's a tar format05:57
didrocksMirv: yeah, but here, it's some runtime tests, so no build-deps installed05:58
Mirvright, right05:58
* didrocks really puzzled06:00
* didrocks just did some apt-cache show on all the qt5* packages we list manually, and nothing…06:03
MirvI went manually through sdk's dependencies and there is no reason for those 5 additional packages to be installed so far06:06
Mirvso the qtbase update would look suspicious otherwise except that it doesn't really change dependencies06:07
didrocksMirv: agreed, that's why we need to understand what exactly happens I guess and not adding them bindly06:08
didrocksMirv: do you know off hand the apt resolver command? (to see what's pulling what and so on?)06:08
didrocksI think it will be a great debugging to add to otto in those case and that should help us06:08
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Mirvdidrocks: how do I look inside the otto image file? I found out it's gzipped, but after that?06:13
Mirvdidrocks: I haven't used apt resolver (I think)06:14
didrocksMirv: it's just a tar file, so untar it with tar -xzf <file> and you have the delta/ containing the delta directory06:14
didrocksMirv: but in fact, in this case that doesn't help us so much as it's failing while doing --simulate, so nothing is installed06:15
Mirvoh, funny file-roller didn't want to open it06:16
didrocksMirv: maybe the extension puzzled it06:16
didrocksMirv: it's "fun"06:16
didrocksMirv: I just tried a chroot06:16
didrocksadding the ppa06:16
didrocksapt-get install the same ones06:16
didrocksand it doesn't need those extra deps…06:17
didrocksas we would expect06:17
Mirvdidrocks: the log still looks like the 'additional' packages are preinstalled, and marked as 'additional' since they need to be upgraded, even though the packages don't depend on those06:18
* didrocks restarts again the QA stack with "foo"06:18
didrocksMirv: for the latest run, still the same06:18
didrocksMirv: yeah, libqt5core5 is in the iso AFAIK06:19
didrocksMirv: for signon06:19
Mirvdidrocks: but libqt5opengl5, printsupport5, sql, test5, xml5?06:19
didrocksMirv: oh, you're right, even test5 is in the iso06:21
didrocksso what we are seeing is just their upgrade06:21
Mirvright, they're all there (for some reason)06:21
didrocksthat doesn't make sense06:21
didrocksthey are "new dependencies"06:21
didrocksas getting installed06:21
didrocksnot getting upgraded06:21
didrocks(we filter the upgrades)06:21
Mirvit seems they're listed as both new packages to be installed and upgrades in the logs06:22
Mirvso maybe the filtering is not enough?06:22
didrocksMirv: yeah, I'm a little bit puzzled by this :)06:22
didrocksMirv: maybe we need additional logic and it's a false positive06:22
didrocksit's still weird that we ship -test5 on the CD, right?06:23
didrocksMirv: meanwhile, I'm relaunching all the tests with "check with whole ppa" to disable the check for now, you will have your first results in less than 10 minutes, mind giving a look again then?06:26
Mirvdidrocks: ok..06:33
didrocksMirv: thanks! Sorry, it was a real otto bug this time :)06:33
didrocksMirv: fixed btw :p06:34
didrocksMirv: I'll ask jibel so that we can have the "plan of upgrade" in the logs06:34
Mirvdidrocks: ok, great that it was identified :)06:39
jibelgood morning06:48
didrocksMirv: there are the first results, what we did with sil2100 was: lukasz looked at the diff, gave his +1 or -1, then ask for me to confirm. If +1, he forced the publication, want to do the same?06:48
jibeldidrocks, hey, what was the problem?06:48
didrocksMirv: it's some kind of sponsoring so that you can get my +1 for upload rights :)06:49
didrocksjibel: salut, ça va?06:49
jibeldidrocks, ça va et toi ?06:49
didrocksMirv: sdk stack seems to still have a lot of failures in tests though06:49
didrocksjibel: ça va :)06:49
didrocksjibel: so, we detect upgrade of packages as new package to install06:49
didrocksa new install is:06:49
didrocks/var/log/upstart/otto-setup.log: Inst python-mimeparse (0.1.4-0ubuntu2 Ubuntu:13.10/saucy [all])06:49
didrocksan upgrade is:06:50
didrocks/var/log/upstart/otto-setup.log: Inst libqt5sql5 [5.0.2+dfsg1-4ubuntu1] (5.0.2+dfsg1-7ubuntu1 Ubuntu:13.10/saucy [i386]) []06:50
didrocksinstead of:06:50
didrocks$( echo "$simulate" |grep ^Inst|cut -d' ' -f2|sort )06:50
didrockswe can get something like: $( echo "$simulate" |grep ^Inst| grep -v '] (' |cut -d' ' -f2 |sort)06:51
didrocksbut that's not really semantic06:51
didrocksmaybe an awk will make more sense06:51
didrocksjibel: at the same time, I always enabled seeing the line of apt-get install --simulate and output as it was troubling when you don't know how the system work06:51
jibeldidrocks, ah I thought I filtered them out. Did you fix it or shoud I?06:52
didrocksjibel: I think as well having the "install plan" by apt would make sense to know what pulls which deps06:52
didrocksjibel: I didn't fix it yet06:52
didrocksfeel free to do something more semantic :)06:52
jpdsAnyone around who can help me with gvolumes?07:04
Mirvdidrocks: ah, ok, looking. I didn't get anyone to look at the sdk failures yet.07:09
didrocksMirv: can you ensure it's fixed today and then rerun the stacks? The contract with upstream is to get fixes in every day :)07:10
jibeldidrocks, http://paste.ubuntu.com/5835386/07:12
didrocksjibel: I was sured you would jump on the awk trend! Thanks, looking good :)07:14
didrocksjibel: is there any way in case of failure to show the installation plan from apt?07:14
didrocks(what pulled what and so on…)07:14
jibeldidrocks, that's what I'm looking at. option pkgproblemresolver doesn't show any thing interesting07:15
Mirvdidrocks: qa stack would look +1, only the pyruntest packaging change by me07:22
didrocksMirv: +1 then, feel free to force the publication :)07:23
seb128good morning desktopers07:28
seb128didrocks, Mirv: hey, how are you?07:28
didrockssalut seb128!07:28
didrocksgood, you?07:28
seb128good, thanks ;-)07:28
pittibonjour seb12807:28
seb128pitti, salut, wie gehts?07:28
pittiseb128: much better now that power is back :)07:29
seb128oh, you had a power outage?07:29
pittiyeah, for an hour or so07:29
pittifortunately my laptop battery still had some charge07:29
Mirvseb128: morning, fine thanks!07:30
pittiI hope that it lasts longer this time, already got two outages now07:30
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pittihey mvo07:30
mvohey pitti07:30
seb128oh, a mvo!07:31
jibelgood morning mvo o/07:31
pittimvo: was macht die Kunst?07:31
didrockshey mvo! how are you? :)07:31
seb128mvo, hey, how are you on this sunny summer day? ;-)07:31
Mirvdidrocks: platform (powerd) +1 as well07:32
mvohey seb128, jibel, didrocks and pitti! I'm fine, thank you :) i plan to do the apt ubuntu merge today (wooooh)07:32
seb128mvo, oh, great ;-)07:32
didrocksMirv: +1 for me, we should propose changing for "any" though, mind doing that today?07:34
didrocksmvo: \o/07:34
jibeldidrocks, on failure I could replay the install with Debug::pkgDepCache::AutoInstall=true, that'd give someitnhg like http://paste.ubuntu.com/5835434/07:36
jibeldidrocks, sounds good ?07:36
seb128didrocks, do I read correctly that tests were unhappy this night due to "python-secretstorage" being installed?07:36
didrocksjibel: perfect! :)07:36
didrocksseb128: hum, not on this one, it was a false positive detection due to upgading Qt components, but maybe there is something else, did you catch another one?07:37
didrocksas I relaunch, but Mirv is now looking at the results07:37
seb128didrocks, I was looking at
Mirvdidrocks: ok, will propose07:38
Mirvoh hello mvo! :)07:38
didrocksMirv: thx :) keep me posted on the other stacks, I see that some finished the tests already ;)07:39
didrocksMirv: maybe you can deal with the apps one as well? IIRC sil2100 was dealing with it to not wait for robru if possible :)07:39
didrocksseb128: this is a valid one, should it be installed on the iso?07:39
robrudidrocks, wait for me to what?07:40
seb128didrocks, good question, it's not from the manifest07:40
didrocksrobru: hey, still around? :) looking at the apps stack? I think you had few time last week to look at failures, right?07:41
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robrudidrocks, oh yeah, sorry, I haven't been keeping on top of that very well. I think this week will be better though.07:42
didrocksrobru: ok, please look at those at first thing in the morning. It's our main focus as a team to keep those things rolling :)07:43
robrudidrocks, ok, well first thing is the meeting ;-)07:43
didrocksrobru: seems the tests are failing, so better that you get in touch with upstream :)07:44
robrudidrocks, but after that I will get right on that07:44
didrocksrobru: I mean, everyday, not every week :p07:44
robrudidrocks, ok ok ;-)07:44
jibeldidrocks, r235 deployed07:49
didrocksjibel: excellent, thanks!07:52
didrocksseb128: do you think we should get it on the CD?07:54
didrocksor that it's safe to get it?07:54
seb128didrocks, why would we add it to the CD if nothing uses it there?07:56
didrocksseb128: well, something is trying to pull it obviously from latest unity stack, let me try in a pbuilder07:57
seb128didrocks, do you use python-keyring or python-launchpadlib?07:57
didrocksoh, that's maybe python-launchpadlib07:57
seb128didrocks, http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/germinate-output/ubuntu.saucy/rdepends/python-secretstorage/python-secretstorage07:57
mvohey Mirv!07:58
seb128didrocks, right, python-launchpadlib depends on it07:58
didrocksseb128: yeah, it's the launchpad scope, so we just need to add it to the whitelist07:58
seb128didrocks, that makes sense07:58
didrocksMirv: mind doing that (adding it to the stack and then deploying once the unity stack is not running?) ^07:59
seb128Laney, good morning!08:03
Mirvdidrocks: parsing backlog, python-secretstorage that is? ok, can do + deploy08:04
didrocksMirv: right, it's for some scopes that we don't install by default :)08:04
didrocksMirv: you have other manual packaging change to publish I guess08:05
didrocksMirv: it seems that launchpad was disconnected so I'm going to recheck with whole ppa the indicator stack meanwhile08:05
didrocks(same for unity once you will have deployed it)08:05
Mirvdidrocks: https://code.launchpad.net/~timo-jyrinki/cupstream2distro-config/add_python-secretstorage/+merge/17248308:06
didrocksMirv: my eyes are bleeding with this diff, but it looks good :)08:08
didrocksMirv: please redeploy from this branch directly the unity stack08:08
Mirvdidrocks: I don't think any more of my + sil2100's stacks can be published? misc has build error I need to ping ted about, sdk has failing tests08:08
didrocksMirv: oh, you're right, phone is on ken's plate08:09
didrocksMirv: so, let's see what we can get with indicators and unity once you redeployed08:09
didrocksMirv: and then, we're good I guess08:09
didrocksdid you get any ETA for the sdk fixes?08:10
Mirvnot yet... not many people awake / not on vacation08:10
didrocksoh zoltan isn't around?08:10
Mirvnope, neither is JP, kaleo is in another timezone08:11
Mirvzsombi has a hunch of what causes it but possibly timp or kaleo could look at it08:11
didrocksMirv: ok, keep me posted please! :)08:11
didrocksMirv: indicators™ passed \o/\o/\o/08:15
seb128"™" ;-)08:16
didrockswe should add blash completion to indicat* ;)08:17
Mirvdidrocks: \o/08:19
Mirv(redeploying unity)08:20
pittihm, did anyone try yesterday's gtk-doc-tools yet? it breaks all over here08:21
seb128pitti, this night update from robert_ancell? I didn't08:22
didrocksMirv: ok, rerunning unity with check with whole ppa, tell me once you'll have look at indicators meanwhile (we have for ~1h for unity tests)08:23
* pitti downgrades for now, finishes his current stuff, and will investigate later08:23
xnoxMirv: didrocks: ok thanks. I uploaded a FTBFS against boost1.53 cherrypick from upstream into saucy. But that resulted in compiler ICE on armhf =)08:47
didrocksxnox: for compiz you mean? :)08:49
xnoxdidrocks: yeah.08:51
* xnox ponders switching to gcc-4.7 for armhf and/or debugging it & filing a bug report.08:51
seb128xnox, let doko debug it ;-) it might be the same ICE kdelibs is hitting, who knows...08:52
xnoxseb128: i wish our builders were able to uuencode pre-processed source code on a compiler ice.08:54
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didrocksMirv: ok, I think ati tests have the "eat too much memory" bug. intel tests are good for unity. I would suggest that you publish once unity (without force) so that we can see what packaging changes and dep stacks we have, and eventually publishing if we are fine with it :)09:11
didrocksMirv: I'm publishing the HUD stack meanwhile, the dependencies are fine and now in distro09:12
didrocksMirv: any news on indicators btw? :)09:12
Mirvdidrocks: sorry, trying to multi-task to get things done on multiple places, but I was just looking at the indicators now09:14
didrocksMirv: ok, so I guess unity is good as well, but be good to unblock both stacks ASAP as they were stuck for too long :)09:14
didrocksMirv: (but need the double publication for unity, one to check what changed, and if good, forcing)09:14
Mirvindicators (ido, libusermetrics) +109:14
didrocksMirv: I looked at it meanwhile, yeah, the dependencies of libusermetrics are in universe, but libusermetrics will stay in universe as well, so good for me, +109:15
Mirvnew packages in usermetrics09:15
xclaesseis it just me, or ubuntu does not implement com.canonical.indicators.webcredentials dbus service anymore?09:17
xclaesseah, it is implemented by /usr/bin/signon-ui09:18
xclaesseand it's not always running09:18
seb128xclaesse, right, we try to reduce the number of services running when not needed09:19
seb128it's dbus activated and exit on idle09:19
didrocksMirv: want me to handle unity if you don't have time? We really need libunity in distro now09:34
Mirvdidrocks: yes, please, would be appreciated :)09:43
didrocksok doing09:43
czajkowskiSweetsha1k: are you at europython, seeing a few LO green t-shirts floathing about09:54
didrocksjibel: kind reminder for the unity8 view for head in jenkins :)10:19
seb128didrocks, Mirv: I did a first preNEW review of https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-ui-toolkit/+bug/1190896 ... looks fine to me ;-) (we need it in saucy for system settings so I'm trying to help landing it)10:40
ubot2`Ubuntu bug 1190896 in Ubuntu UI Toolkit "Update qtsystems git snapshot and upload to saucy " [Undecided,In progress]10:40
didrocksseb128: thanks!10:42
seb128yw ;-)10:42
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didrockslarsu: seb128: wasn't the order supposed to be fixed in latest indicators + unity?10:54
didrocksit's not for me (even in a guest session, everything refreshed)10:54
Mirvseb128: thanks, I didn't even get to asking didrocks to upload qtfeedback yet, but very much appreciated!10:58
Mirvseb128: I'll fix that issue you noted there in qtsystems10:59
seb128Mirv, yw, as said I've interest in seeing it uploaded so if I can help getting that done... ;-)11:12
seb128didrocks, no, the order is respected for the new gmenu based ones, but we have a mix of techs atm and the sorting is done in each group11:12
seb128didrocks, so we have a group with datetime-power that is sorted and the remaining sorted11:12
didrockshum, ok, so once everything will be transitionned, the order will be back?11:13
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didrocksdo we have any idea when that will happen?11:13
seb128or before, larsu said yesterday he might have a look at fixing the sorting11:13
Sweetsharkczajkowski: no I am not, I am at https://plus.google.com/109302841731362777691/posts/1Trqk5UjzU4 at FISL in Porto Alegre in Brazil ;)11:15
seb128didrocks, thostr's "unity api weekly" email from today has most aimed at end of week 28, so next week11:15
seb128didrocks, "location" for week 30 but that's a new one11:16
seb128-session and -sound are mostly done, I'm about to test the new session her11:16
Sweetsharkczajkowski: I guess you might be seeing andreas manke and others from the plone fanboys (who e.g. maintain the extension website for libreoffice) ...11:16
seb128I expect that one will be an issue if the position is moved out of the corner :p11:16
didrocksseb128: let's see then11:17
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didrocksyeah, for power :/11:17
Mirvdidrocks: could you (review/)upload that preNEW reviewed lp:~kubuntu-packagers/kubuntu-packaging/qtsystems-opensource-src (https://launchpad.net/~canonical-qt5-edgers/+archive/qt5-beta2/+files/qtsystems-opensource-src_5.0%7Egit20130614.orig.tar.gz), or will I remind you later at some suitable time slot?11:20
didrocksMirv: I'll deal with it in a couple of hours11:20
Mirvdidrocks: ok, that as the first priority, and if possible also  lp:~kubuntu-packagers/kubuntu-packaging/qtfeedback-opensource-src (https://launchpad.net/~canonical-qt5-edgers/+archive/qt5-beta2/+files/qtfeedback-opensource-src_5.0%7Egit20130529.orig.tar.gz) that was done by me and reviewed by Ken11:21
Mirvthanks a lot.11:22
seb128Mirv, btw did you see that I mentioned https://code.launchpad.net/~mitya57/ubuntu/saucy/qtdeclarative-opensource-src/merge/+merge/172054 and https://code.launchpad.net/~mitya57/ubuntu/saucy/qtwebkit-opensource-src/merge/+merge/172094 yesterday? could you have a look and ack those if you are fine with them?11:25
seb128Mirv, no hurry, but since mitya put work in those it seems it would be good to have them merged ;-)11:25
Mirvseb128: I may have missed those, will copy those links now and check. agreeing that good to have those merged.11:27
seb128Mirv, thanks11:27
jibeldidrocks,, filing an RT to do the same on public instance11:59
larsuseb128, didrocks: I'll fix it, there are already bugs turning up... https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/indicator-datetime/+bug/119665012:08
ubot2`Ubuntu bug 1196650 in indicator-datetime (Ubuntu) "Date-time indicator moved to the left after update" [Medium,Triaged]12:08
seb128larsu, hey, how are you? you woke up at a normal hour today? ;-)12:16
seb128larsu, yeah, ordering is acting weird ... btw I opted in for indicator-sound and session -ng ... weird to not have the session on the corner ;-)12:17
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Laneygot it reading the background from accountsservice and updating when that changes12:39
seb128Laney, is that a "finally managed to get that working" noise? ;-)12:39
larsuseb128: yeah, I've slept great last night :)12:43
larsuseb128: session should be in the corner... can you send me a screenshot?12:43
larsuseb128: you do have the new u-p-s, right?12:44
seb128larsu, I've the new ups and [datetime-power-session-sound-tomboy-gsdkeyboard-sync-nmapplet-message-bluetooth"12:44
seb128in that order12:44
seb128larsu, is the screenshot likely to provide any extra info?12:45
seb128larsu, you don't trust my text description? ;-)12:45
seb128larsu, well, I'm using session-ng, and the ng stack is on the left of the old indicators, right?12:46
larsuseb128: no screenshot necessary. I thought I put the ng stuff to the right... I need to check :)12:47
didrocksjibel: thx!12:47
doomlorddoes bzr have the equivalent of git bare repository support (for emulating a central server)13:12
larsudoomlord: bzr branch --no-tree13:24
doomlordfound it, seems to work13:24
doomlorddsomeone told me bzr cant do a server but i thought they were wrong :)13:24
kenvandinetedg, upstart-app-launch is still failing in the same way13:39
kenvandinethe only think i can think of is that /sbin/initctrl.REAL doesn't really exist in the chroot13:40
tedgkenvandine, I guess we can check the version?13:40
kenvandinedidrocks, i removed it from daily release long enough to get the stack published yesterday13:40
kenvandineand added it back13:41
kenvandinetedg, sure13:41
didrockskenvandine: ah great trick :)13:41
kenvandinedidrocks, i'm out today, after tedg gets another fixed merged, can you retry the stack?13:41
didrockskenvandine: sure!13:42
didrockskenvandine: not coming to meeting then? anything special to mention?13:42
didrockstedg: just ping me once you have a merged fix13:42
kenvandinedidrocks, not really13:42
kenvandinei just updated the spreadsheet13:42
didrocksthanks kenvandine and enjoy your day :)13:43
kenvandinei wish i was taking the day off to enjoy.. mostly working on projects around the house :/13:43
kenvandinenot fun13:43
kenvandinebut i am going to lunch with my youngest that turned 5 today :)13:43
didrockskenvandine: oh, happy birthday from France then! :)13:44
kenvandinehe can count to 10 in french :)13:44
* kenvandine can't though13:44
didrocksstill 5 years without having to learn more :p13:44
* kenvandine heads out, thanks guys!13:45
didrockssee you kenvandine :)13:45
seb128kenvandine, oh, you are out13:45
seb128I guess I will need to track Laney for reviews :p13:45
seb128I stacked a bunch of system settings one today13:45
kenvandineseb128, do you have some waiting?13:45
seb128kenvandine, have fun!13:45
kenvandinesorry, no time to review them13:46
kenvandineas tempting as it is :)13:46
seb128kenvandine, yes, no worry, I'm going to try to see if Laney has time for some, tomorrow otherwise13:46
seb128kenvandine, ttyl!13:46
Laneyseb128: yeah, can do after I MP mine14:15
larsuseb128: the ordering of your indicators is wrong because you don't have the position key in the indicator files yet, right?14:19
larsuit works fine for me once I add those, so let me MR them ;)14:19
seb128larsu, I don't know, I'm using trunk of the vcs branches I found14:19
seb128larsu, but that's likely14:19
larsuseb128: ya, this is too new. Good to know, it means its not a bug :)14:20
tedgmterry, Is the plan for 13.10 to run the QML based greeter or the Cairo one?14:20
larsuseb128: if you want it to work right now, add Position=20 to /usr/share/unity/indicators/com.canonical.indicator.datetime and Position=30 to com.canonical.indicator.power14:21
larsuor just wait a day ;)14:21
seb128larsu, how do I guess indicator-session on the corner?14:21
larsuseb128: Position=1014:21
larsuseb128: if you have session-ng14:22
larsuseb128: the lower the position, the further it is at the edge14:22
mterrytedg, I suspect the cairo one, because the qml one is based on same tech as unity814:22
seb128larsu, \o/14:23
mterrytedg, plus, all the multi-user stuff isn't going to be ready for 13.1014:23
larsuseb128: that means it works?14:23
seb128larsu, session back into the corner yes ;-)14:23
larsuseb128: nice. I'll make MRs for all of them14:23
seb128larsu, \o/ and datetime back to a proper place14:24
tedgmterry, Hmm, okay.  Do you know if anyone is planning to work on the indicators there?14:24
* tedg thinks he may know the answer to that question already14:24
seb128tedg, mterry: we discussed it yesterday, larsu said he would have a look14:25
seb128tedg, I guess ubiquity will have the same issue...14:25
larsuseb128, ted: ya, I have half a patch already14:25
tedgHmm, perhaps.14:25
tedgseb128, Do you know who to ping on that?  ev?14:26
* xnox shuffles feet.....14:26
seb128tedg, xnox14:26
tedgOh, then I'll just consider it done :-)14:26
xnoxev "passed" the honours to me....14:26
seb128we briefly discussed it as well yesterday14:26
tedgxnox, So we're moving to "new" indicators.  Basically one object with a param.14:26
tedgSame lib, etc.14:27
tedgIt shouldn't be a big change.14:27
xnoxtedg: good for you =) i wish no changes are required on ubiquity side =)14:27
xnoxbut honestly, ubiquity-dm needs a poke to see if either it's fake indicators break or stop working properly.14:27
tedgdidrocks, Not sure how to test this other than merging it and throwing it on the stack?  It works on Saucy.  https://code.launchpad.net/~ted/upstart-app-launch/initctl-version/+merge/17257214:28
xnoxtedg: seb128: larsu: can someone open a bug report or add "ubiquity" to an existing one of the affected packages?14:28
xnoxtedg: seb128: larsu: are any of qt/kde indicators affected or have they long dropped out of support?14:28
tedgxnox, Is ubiquity using fake indicators or a fake panel?14:29
xnoxtedg: it has a fake panel, and it has combination of fake indicators and real ones.14:29
tedgxnox, They had app indicators, which still work, but not the other side of things.14:29
xnoxI think it uses real keyboard, sound, network-manager.14:29
tedgK, so it'll probably need to be migrated.14:30
larsuseb128: which session branch are you running? It already has the position set...14:30
didrocksMirv: on qtsystems: do you want to ship the qml modules in the same package than the library ones?14:30
seb128larsu, lp:~charlesk/indicator-session/ng-login114:30
didrocksas we separated them for most of the other ones14:30
tedgxnox, We have built in tech in the new version to have different profiles in the standard indicators.  For instance, greeter, desktop, phone, etc.  One of those could be installer if need be.14:31
larsuseb128: and you don't have Position=10 in /usr/share/unity/indicators/com.canonical.indicator.session?14:31
xnoxtedg: interesting.14:32
larsuseb128: ARGH nevermind14:32
seb128larsu, no I don't ;-)14:32
larsubzr confused me14:32
didrocksMirv: the tarball is missing the license and exception files as well14:32
didrocksseb128: pending on those 2, otherwise, qtsystems +1 for me ^14:33
* xnox ponders why I have icons in the global menus again.....14:33
seb128didrocks, \o/14:33
seb128xnox, oh, you noticed that as well?14:33
Laneyyeah me too14:33
seb128larsu, attente: ^14:33
seb128do you know what's going on there?14:34
didrockstedg: upload that to one of your ppa?14:34
tedgdidrocks, Ah, yes.  Okay.14:34
xnoxtedg: ubiquity has: input methods, accesibility, keyboard layouts, network manager, sound indicator, system indicator. Let me see how we launch them, and which are fake.14:35
larsuseb128, xnox: global menu has always had icons?!14:35
seb128larsu, not for all items14:35
seb128gtk dropped that 2 years ago14:36
seb128they only use them for "objects"14:36
seb128like bookmarkes14:36
larsuseb128: right, same for us14:36
seb128not in saucy14:36
tedgYeah, guessing that was unity-gtk-module adding icon support.14:36
seb128every single item has an icon in e.g gedit/file14:36
tedgIt probably isn't checking the app setting.14:36
seb128new, open, close, etc14:36
larsulol, true14:36
xnoxlarsu: all I know I see 6 red shutdown icons in virt-manager's global menu, that I never saw before =)14:37
larsuseb128: how do we differntiate between menu items that have icons and those that don't`14:38
larsudesrt: ^^14:38
larsuthere's the menus-have-icons gsettings key14:39
desrtgood morning everyone14:39
desrtuh oh14:39
larsuthat only goes for stock items?14:39
seb128desrt, good morning14:39
larsudesrt: saucy has icons in menus where it shouldn't14:39
larsubecause unity-gtk-module puts them there as of recently14:39
desrtfwiw, i consider the menus-have-icons key to be about verb icons14:39
larsuright, but how can unity-gtk-module know which ones are nouns...14:40
desrtdoes unity-gtk-module take icons out of GtkImageMenuItem and put them in the icon= attribute?14:40
larsuattente: ^^14:40
larsuit very much seems like it14:40
desrtit should definitely not do that14:40
larsuwell, there might be ones its missing though, right?14:40
larsuthat's why I'm asking how we can differentiate14:40
desrti've been telling everyone to follow mpt's spec on this point14:41
seb128larsu, https://developer.gnome.org/gtk3/3.0/GtkImageMenuItem.html#gtk-image-menu-item-get-always-show-image14:41
larsuseb128: ah!14:41
larsuseb128: awesome14:41
* larsu files a bug14:41
desrtwhich means that probably the best way to find out if we have an image worth publishing is to see if the GtkMenuItem contains a box containing an image14:41
desrtlarsu: not so fast....14:41
mptdesrt, if that text field is unnerving people, let me know and I'll put up a wireframe with it removed :-)14:41
* larsu slows down14:42
desrtlarsu: _always_ ignore GtkImageMenuItem14:42
desrtthis puts the image in the column where the checkbox would be14:42
desrtthis is always wrong14:42
desrtso if apps are doing this for noun icons, they are already broken14:42
larsuso then we might as well not show it14:42
desrtwe deprecated GtkImageMenuItem in gtk recently exactly because of this14:42
larsugot it14:42
desrtand are porting GtkRecentChooserMenu to use mpt-style noun icons instead14:43
desrtwhich will work by being a box with an image and label in it14:43
desrtif you find an icon like this, it ought to be published14:43
larsuI think that's what attente is already doing. Haven't looked at the code though14:44
desrtthere will be no setting for disabling noun icons14:44
desrt(certainly i do not expect to honour the existing setting for this purpose.... if people **really** **really** hate icons, maybe we can add a new one)14:45
desrtmpt: which text field, btw?14:45
mptdesrt, the one inside the menu14:45
desrtoh.  the search thing?14:45
desrtthere are a lot of things in that wireframe that give people pause :)14:45
mptIt's a bit of a cornucopia14:46
desrtbut i seem to have convinced everyone that you're in the right wrt. the treatment of icons14:46
desrtmpt: ya... people look at it and see "omg!  crack!"14:46
desrtjust because it's so dense14:46
xnoxdesrt: mpt: what image are you talking about ? :)14:46
larsuxnox: wiki.ubuntu.com/MenuLayout14:46
desrtmy favourite 5 words on this page: "that would be tastelessly inconsistent"14:48
desrtsuch an mptism :)14:49
larsumy favorite words on that page have been removed after the sound menu's icon got fixed14:50
* seb128 looks at pitti14:50
seb128didrocks, pitti:14:50
seb128Package: unity-services-dbgsym14:50
seb128Depends: unity-2d-dbg (= 7.0.0daily13.06.24-0ubuntu2)14:50
seb128 14:50
seb128is that normal?14:50
desrtunity -dbg packages?14:50
didrocksinteresting :)14:50
seb128desrt, ?14:50
pittiseb128: hm, I guess p-c-d could filter out dependencies to transitional -dbg packages14:50
seb128didrocks, I guess that's because unity-2d-dbg is the only -dbg built by unity?14:51
didrocksI have no idea, especially why the unity-2d ones :p14:51
seb128pitti, ^14:51
desrtseb128: just the other day you were complaining about how debian should get ddebs so we could get rid of all -dbg packages14:51
seb128desrt, right, indeed14:51
pittiseb128: p-c-d now skips creation of real -dbgsym packages and replaces them with dependencies to -dbg, to save space (request from infinity)14:51
desrtso why does unity introduce -dbg packages?14:51
seb128pitti, well, there is no unity-dbg14:51
seb128I guess it means we don't have unity debug symbols atm :/14:51
pittiwell, p-c-d can't know that -- the source does build a -dbg14:51
pittiseb128: would you mind filing a bug about it?14:52
pittiseb128: I think we can fix that by inspecting the -dbg package before depending on it14:52
seb128pitti, on pkgbinarymangler ?14:52
pittiseb128: pkg-create-dbgsym14:52
seb128ah, of course14:53
pittifunny corner cass14:53
pittischeduling for tomorrow morning14:54
seb128didrocks, pitti: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/pkg-create-dbgsym/+bug/119699514:54
ubot2`Ubuntu bug 1196995 in pkg-create-dbgsym (Ubuntu) "Should skip transitionnal dummy packages" [Undecided,New]14:54
seb128pitti, merci à toi ! ;-)14:54
didrockspitti: seb128: thanks!14:54
jbichaseb128: I think I've done about as much as I can for https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=70329014:55
ubot2`Gnome bug 703290 in General "Split goa parts of libgdata into a separate .so" [Normal,New]14:55
seb128jbicha, hey, thanks (clicking on it)14:55
jbichaI think the library can be split but I don't have the technical skills to do it (or even continue arguing for it)14:56
seb128jbicha, yeah, I think I will turn it off on armhf meanwhile if that's ok with you14:57
seb128we don't have any usable armhf/saucy usable desktop anyway since the panda has no driver with the new xorg abi14:57
seb128and the nexus would require a custom kernel14:57
mlankhorstseb128: erm..14:58
seb128mlankhorst, shush14:58
jbichaseb128: oh that would have interesting consequences but Ubuntu GNOME doesn't officially support arm these days...14:58
seb128mlankhorst, I'm simplifying on purpose, I just don't think that we have many GNOME remix arm users on saucy14:59
seb128not enough to justify the tradeoff of pulling the gtk stack including webkitgtk on the touch image14:59
larsuattente, xnox, seb128: https://bugs.launchpad.net/unity-gtk-module/+bug/119699814:59
ubot2`Ubuntu bug 1196998 in Unity GTK+ module "Icons for verb actions appear in the global menu" [Medium,Confirmed]14:59
seb128larsu, danke15:00
larsude rien15:00
mlankhorstif you want it just get raring and upgrade to saucy somehow15:00
seb128qengho, mlankhorst, Sweetshark, Laney, tkamppeter, attente, desrt, larsu: hey, it's meeting time15:30
* Sweetshark greets from the pool at the 10 level above Porto Alegre ...15:30
seb128is that a joke? ;-)15:31
seb128qengho_, hey, around? your turn ;-)15:31
seb128no qengho_...15:32
seb128mlankhorst, hey15:32
* seb128 has the feeling not a lot of people around today15:32
Sweetsharkseb128: not quite, im sitting next to the pool ;) (Im here for FISL and needed to clear the room for the maid)15:33
mlankhorstkernel madness15:33
mlankhorstmerge window stuff15:33
seb128lol, oh ok ;-)15:33
seb128mlankhorst, thanks ... how is the new xorg testing going?15:33
seb128mlankhorst, did you get any news from RAOF on the Mir side of things?15:33
mlankhorstshould be complete, I think raof is ok with it but he was looking into a bug15:34
seb128mlankhorst, ok, let's see how that goes15:34
seb128mlankhorst, thanks15:34
seb128Sweetshark, your turn, how is it next to the pool?15:35
SweetsharkMIRs libzip/liborcus15:35
Sweetsharklibzip seems to be ftbfs on saucy, ohjoy15:35
Sweetsharkflight to porto alegre, preparing talks and sessions for FISL14: https://plus.google.com/109302841731362777691/posts15:35
Sweetsharkupdated and prepared some precise (3.5.7) patches and raring (4.0.4) SRU candidates to PPA15:35
SweetsharkEOF -- pool is nice, but its winter here ;)15:35
seb128oh, right15:36
seb128Sweetshark, I will try to track the MIRs/sponsoring15:36
seb128Sweetshark, thanks15:36
seb128enjoy the conference!15:36
seb128Laney, hey15:36
Laney• Package gnome-desktop-testing for Debian and make glib in SVN use it to run its installed-tests autopkgtest (the 112 installed tests pass, somewhat surprisingly)15:36
Laney• Couple of GNOME updates.15:36
Laney• Test X 1.14. Discover small bug that media keys don't work due to an XI version bump not being handled by our g-s-d. Cherry-pick patch to fix this.15:36
Laney• Various system-settings merges - add some dummy panels and some more detailed UI.15:36
Laney• background panel: Use gsettings-qt to get background in use.15:37
Laney• background panel: Propose merge to talk to accountsservice over D-Bus for the "welcome" image (the spreadsheet says this lives here). Involved learning some Qt and figuring out how to use it to talk to D-Bus, and how to connect to D-Bus signals.15:37
Laney• DMB: Regular meeting. Push some more on the proposal to grant upload rights without granting full project membership. Call a vote on one point of minor disagreement. We're getting there slowly.15:37
larsugsettings-qt \o/15:37
Laneyquality code right there15:37
Laneymust have come from red hat or something15:38
* larsu is happy that everyone likes it15:38
* Laney runs15:38
seb128Laney, great, I'm looking forward to your "use dbus from qt" example ;-)15:38
seb128Laney, thanks15:38
seb128tkamppeter, hey15:38
tkamppeter - Release cups-filters 1.0.35, fixed many bugs and implemented many feature requests.15:38
tkamppeter - General bug fixes.15:38
tkamppeter - Development on cups-filters towards PPD-less printing on IPP printers.15:38
seb128tkamppeter, thanks15:39
seb128attente, hey15:39
attenteseb128, hi15:40
attentefiled some MPs for changes that indicator-keyboard will need15:40
attentespent some time writing and debugging the test fixture for indicator keyboard15:40
attentegoing to finish up writing tests, which should be done today15:40
desrt<attente> got stuck for a few hours on a bug that was desrt's fault ...15:40
seb128new ibus is on my list of things to look at this week15:40
seb128I hope that we can unblock things then15:40
attenteseb128, thanks15:41
qengho_seb128: I'm ready.15:41
seb128attente,  once you feel like you are done with the desktop version it would be good to start at looking how we can make that work on the touch image15:42
jbichaI think it was unclear whether it was safer/better to land the whole ibus/indicator-keyboard stack at once15:42
seb128jbicha, well, our gsd doesn't use ibus atm15:42
seb128so I don't think ibus 1.5 has the potential to break a lot there15:42
seb128out of regressions in ibus itself15:42
seb128but if we have some, landing the other bits will not help with those...15:43
seb128I still need to email -devel to check that other flavors are fine with ibus 1.515:43
seb128and to get input from the people using/knowing ibus15:43
seb128(Debian is still on 1.4)15:43
seb128attente, thanks15:44
seb128qengho_, hey, your turn ;-)15:44
qengho_- chromium-browser updated for all arch and releases. About to update again in an hour to include webapps patches and fix saucy menu.15:44
qengho_- working on ARM Neon support by way of runtime checks. Current build has Neon instuctions, which is Bad.15:44
seb128qengho_, thanks, good job on getting chromium updated15:44
seb128desrt, hey15:44
qengho_seb128: thanks. Only broke two things!15:44
desrtseb128: hey15:44
desrti spent most of yesterday celebrating the multi-lingual nature of my home and native land, on canada day, by speaking esperanto15:45
desrt(read: holiday)15:45
desrtlast week i did some more docing15:45
* larsu saw desrt fixing bugs yesterday15:45
desrti fixed the suspend-during-shutdown issue that you were having with systemd-shim by disabling the inactivity timeout during the shutdown sequence (testing appreciated)15:46
seb128(on my list still ;)15:46
desrti did a patch to accountsservice last week to conditionalise the craziness that they have for detecting user vs. system accounts (which is only really needed for fedora where they used to have user accounts in 500-1000 range and now create system accounts here)15:46
desrt...and it's turned _off_ by default15:47
desrti fixed an annoying bug in gdbus that was causing will problems (caused by the async property stuff that i landed, which was needed for that other accounts service patch)15:47
desrti did GPropertyAction which is something that we've been wanting for a long time15:47
desrtand this morning i'm putting the finishing touches on the GIO support for the "extra application actions" .desktop file thing (aka jumplists)15:48
desrtlanding that patch will let me close the two bugs for both the extra actions support and the dbus activating applications support (hopefully by end of day or tomorrow)15:48
seb128desrt, thanks15:49
desrtmight be worth cherry-picking that dbus async bugfix into the distro, fwiw15:49
desrtsince it's blocking attente15:49
Laneywhen's the next release?15:49
desrtnext monday?15:49
larsudesrt: when will the jumplist stuff land? I'll be working on indicator-messages soonish and it'd be cool if I had that15:49
desrtlarsu: i hope to land it today or tomorrow15:49
Laneyah, then yeah15:49
* larsu is willing to review, of course15:49
desrtlarsu: nice!15:49
desrti have some reviews already from jasper, alex, mclasen15:50
desrtbut i was slow about replying to them15:50
larsuah cool15:50
larsuthat should be good enough ;)15:50
desrtbut after i push a new patch a final review would be nice15:50
desrt(they raised some good points that i am currently addressing)15:50
larsujust send the bug # to me once you have that15:50
desrtLanet: https://git.gnome.org/browse/glib/commit/?id=cb4469600c5146a48501a31e9a3fb9bfc261477d is the fix, btw15:50
desrtlarsu: https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=66444415:51
ubot2`Gnome bug 664444 in gio "Support additional application actions in .desktop files" [Enhancement,Unconfirmed]15:51
desrtLaney: not Lanet, sorry :)15:51
desrt(really eof now)15:51
seb128desrt, thanks ;-)15:51
seb128larsu, your turn15:52
larsu- gsettings-qt: add testing15:52
larsu- more unitymenumodel work last week [postponed for unity indicator bugs]15:52
larsu- indicator-sound: some fixes after reviews, but more coming15:52
larsu- unity-panel-service/libindicator: fixes for new indicators, allow sorting them correctly15:52
larsu- unbreak indicator-session's high cpu/memory usage15:52
larsu- unity-greeter: support for new indicators [ongoing]15:52
desrtlarsu: i understand that this cpu/memory bug in the indicator was really our fault15:52
desrtbut why does the new accountsservice cause so many problems when the old one didn't?15:53
desrtare they just constantly spamming the bus with signals now or something?15:53
larsudesrt: I guess so?!15:54
desrtmight be worth looking into that more....15:54
desrtcan you take a look?15:54
seb128well, at least with the indicator-session fix the crazyness stopped ;-)15:54
larsuI'm not aware of any changes to indicator-session recently, so it must be that15:54
seb128before it was constant bus spamming15:54
seb128larsu, thanks15:56
seb128ok, my turn ;-)15:56
seb128 * got to the bottom of the gtk on armhf issue, gcc issue, upstream has a patch being tested15:56
seb128 * updated accountsservice to the current version, including desrt patches needed for the greeter work15:56
seb128 * debugged accountsservice breakages after testing the updates, the issues were already in saucy and due to the patch to support pin login15:56
seb128  * keep working on system settings, random UI tweak, first version of the sound UI, looked at qtsystem and how to write a qt plugin and connect that to qml (so we can do stuff like read files content), played with qt-gsettings (thanks larsu!)15:56
seb128 * some desktop bugs fixing (friday evening fun after the new indicators landed, breaking some things on the way)15:56
seb128 * some desktop updates in saucy15:56
seb128 * some desktop SRUs (fixed guest session inhibition of screen locking)15:56
seb128 * some NEW reviews for new packages in touch15:56
seb128 * tested new indicators a bit15:56
larsudesrt: ya, I'll have a look15:56
seb128Laney, I would really appreciate some settings reviews, I'm stacking merge requests and it's no fun to handle :p15:56
Laneyyeah I'm looking right now15:57
seb128oh, also I noticed that rhythmbox takes 10 seconds to start here15:57
seb128seems like the g-s-d mediakey plugin GetAll() method is taking a while15:57
seb128d-feet hangs the same way when I call it from here15:57
seb128if somebody feels like looking at that :p15:57
seb128Laney, thanks ;-)15:58
seb128 15:58
seb128other comments/questions/notes...?15:58
seb128did I forget anyone? ;-)15:58
seb128ok, seems not15:59
seb128thanks everyone15:59
seb128didrocks, your turn ;-)15:59
didrocksthanks seb128 ;)15:59
didrocksrobru: Mirv: cyphermox: hey guys! Today will be a short meeting with just us :) how are you?15:59
tedgdidrocks, Hmph, can't use a PPA because without a release the diff.gz can't have an execute permission.16:01
cyphermoxgood, you?16:01
chrisccoulsoncan i gatecrash your meeting?16:01
Mirvfine here. small meeting :)16:01
didrockschrisccoulson: at the end? maybe? :)16:01
chrisccoulsonheh :)16:01
czajkowskiso running Saucy on the X1 not getting very good battery life for those that were asking.16:01
didrockstedg: just bump the version16:01
didrockscyphermox: I'm fine thanks :)16:02
didrocksMirv: cyphermox: let's start without robru16:02
didrocksI hope this time he will join…16:02
tedgdidrocks, Ha, okay.16:02
didrocksMirv: mind speaking about your items? (enjoyed your holidays ;)?)16:02
didrocksMirv: you have 3 from the spreadsheet16:02
Mirvdidrocks: yeah, enjoyed :) so various qt modules ready for either upload or testing, qtpim I just updated again to a newer snapshot as renato is continuing to push changes to upstream16:03
Mirvqt creator is the main item right now, JP has been hard at work in updating the plugin so it should be fine now for integrating into the proper packaging16:03
didrocksMirv: update to 5.0.2?16:04
Mirv(the PPA packages are more ad-hoc in a way that suits developing the plugin not as a patch but as itself)16:04
Mirvupdates to current 5.0.2 packages include qtbase (call for testing still open) and qtdeclarative (was uploaded during my vacation)16:04
didrocksyeah, you are merging back what's need to be merged, isn't it?16:04
Mirv5.1 is near final release but not yet done, I'd update the 5.1 beta PPA packages to final ones for those that continue to make use of those16:05
didrocksI had to update for unblocking the webcred stack :)16:05
didrocksgreat! and let's stick to our plan: 5.1.1 for saucy16:05
Mirvyes, mitya57 had now continued my merges from Debian, which is very nice16:05
didrocksyep :)16:05
didrocksMirv: btw, I had few comments on qtsystems (see backlog), mind having a look (maybe tomorrow morning)?16:05
Mirvdidrocks: ok, I'll see to those16:06
robrudidrocks, ok, I am here, sorry16:06
didrocksthanks Mirv :)16:06
didrocksrobru: no worry!16:06
Mirvbtw regarding Qt 5.1 we'd still need the QPA plugin work, so hopefully in time for 5.1.1 release in August or so16:06
didrockswill be quite short for feature freeze16:06
didrocksbut let's see how it goes… do they take time to release a .1 version?16:06
Mirvthey will definitely release a .116:07
Mirvbut if not we should consider 5.1 instead16:07
Mirvwith backported patches etc16:07
didrocksok, at least, we'll have some time to see the 5.1 state16:08
didrocksand decide from their16:08
didrocksMirv: sdk tests failing, any progress?16:08
Mirvdidrocks: I hope Kaleo would look now during his timezone, during European daytime there wasn't anyone who knew what to do16:09
didrocksok, let's put hope on him. As he had good testing principles, I think he'll fix those first :)16:09
didrocksthanks Mirv16:09
didrockscyphermox: I just see one task you are responsible for: "Fix indicator-network and re-enable it for the indicator stack tests", is everything's ok now?16:10
cyphermoxyes, everything appears fine, I was just about to send a MR to re-enable it16:10
didrockscyphermox: great, phew! :-)16:10
didrockscyphermox: FYI, sil2100 isn't around this week, so look at your stack closely, I've handled the indicators stack today, but now, it's all ours again :) (and HUD)16:11
didrockscyphermox: anything else, do you need help on anything particular?16:11
cyphermoxnot really16:11
didrocksok :)16:11
didrocksrobru: so, you are leading the effort on ensuring that all components that are not releasing daily are now under that process (you can see that tedg is adding new ones daily…), how is it going?16:12
robrudidrocks, not well. this week has been very stressful for me as I learned that a close friend of mine passed away, and I have been struggling with grief.16:12
didrocksrobru: argh, good luck dude :/16:13
robrudidrocks, however I did achieve daily releasing for many of the webapps, and also did the bulk of the work for friends-app (completing the friends stack), which is close to landing16:13
didrocksrobru: excellent! also, remember you are not alone on that one, please send email/harass people (divide the work ;))16:13
robrudidrocks, who am I able to harass about this?16:14
Saviqpitti, bug #1055110 happened to me just now on saucy (under sudo), is it me doing something stupid or is that a valid bug?16:14
ubot2`Launchpad bug 1055110 in apport (Ubuntu) "apport-retrace crashed with AttributeError in join(): 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'endswith'" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/105511016:14
didrocksSaviq: meeting16:14
Saviqdidrocks, nope :P16:14
Saviqdidrocks, at least I don't know about any meeting I'm supposed to attend?16:14
didrocksrobru: the ones we listed in the next column on the spreadsheet16:15
robrudidrocks, ok16:15
didrocksSaviq: we are in a meeting right now, please wait for few minutes :)16:15
didrocksrobru: thanks, a good luck again :)16:15
robrudidrocks, thanks16:15
didrockslast item…16:15
didrocksI updated the current state for "cleaning the packages" (line 11) on the spreadsheet16:15
didrocksrobru: Mirv: cyphermox: can you look at what's remaining again and see if you still have some to do from your stacks? ^16:16
robrudidrocks, ok16:16
didrocksI would love that the new packages + that cleaning being done by next week16:16
Mirvdidrocks: ok, will recheck16:16
didrocksso that we can cross those 2 ones :)16:16
didrocksthanks guys! any questions? I think we can cut here if not :)16:16
cyphermoxoh actually16:17
robrudidrocks, where is everybody? why such a small meeting?16:17
cyphermoxI'd just need help with review for a smallish SRU fix for indicator-session -> https://code.launchpad.net/~mathieu-tl/indicator-session/logind-multiple-session-lp861171/+merge/17211816:17
didrocksMirv: btw, we'll handle probably a compiz transition this week, just a warning :) (from the old version to latest trunk)16:17
didrocksrobru: ken just gave notice he had an appointment, and sil2100 is on holidays16:17
cyphermox^ I said SRU because it does need to be fixed; however I'd like it to be correctly fixed in saucy as well16:17
didrockscyphermox: do you know if the GMenuified version landed?16:18
didrockscharles: ^16:18
charlesindicator-session has not landed yet but should be very shortly16:19
cyphermoxno, it doesn't see mto be the case16:19
charlestoday / tomorrow16:19
Mirvdidrocks: ok, sounds good16:19
didrocks(and yeah, it's a good SRU candidate) :)16:19
didrockscyphermox: maybe let's wait for the saucy version to land? then, we backport that as a SRU?16:19
didrocks(backport == use that different version)16:20
charlesthat patch can't go as-is into the gmenuified version, I'll need to tweak it for trunk16:20
charlesbackport, though16:20
robrudidrocks, ok, I am gonna grab breakfast and then dive into all the stuff I am behind on. thanks!16:20
didrocksrobru: enjoy your breakfast, and thanks Mirv :)16:20
didrockscyphermox: charles: let's plan on that, please ping me once that one lands in saucy and we'll handle the SRU (I'll approve the bug and we'll do a SRU release)16:21
didrocksthanks cyphermox as well ;)16:21
Mirvdidrocks: thanks! :)16:21
didrockschrisccoulson wanted to gatecrash? :p16:21
didrockstedg: so normally, I just .0 or .1 the current version, then split mode works magically ;)16:22
charlesdidrocks: okay. I think lars said that seb128 is testing out the gmenu i-session today too16:22
seb128I am16:22
charlesso maybe I should ping seb128 to see if seb128 finds any issues16:22
tedgdidrocks, Yeah, still not used to the split mode craziness ;-)16:22
seb128charles, didrocks, cyphermox: it shouldn't land before unity-greeter learns about gmenumodel indicators though16:22
didrockscharles: seb128: great!16:22
seb128otherwise there is no way to turn off the computer from the greeter anymore16:22
didrockstedg: it's working very well ;)16:22
tedgdidrocks, It's trying again now16:22
didrocksseb128: ah, good point!16:22
charlesseb128: in gnome 3, that's not a bug, that's a feature16:23
seb128charles, ;-)16:23
didrocksreally? gdm doesn't allow that?16:23
didrocksor is it just trolling? :)16:23
* charles was making a joke about the hidden 'power off' button16:23
didrocksoh right16:23
tedgdidrocks, Is there a difference between GNOME 3 features and trolling?  ;-)16:23
seb128didrocks, they originally masked "power off" to just have suspend16:23
didrockstedg: tsssss ;)16:24
didrocksseb128: yeah, didn't connect to that context16:24
charlesiirc you had to hold down the shift or alt button or something for it to become visible?16:24
jbichanow it's the opposite, Power Off is visible but suspend hides until you press Alt (or you can just close your laptop lid)16:24
* didrocks still restoring his thunderbird emails…16:24
tedgdidrocks, I need to go here in a few, and I know it's getting to your EOD, this is the build that's testing that.  If it passes, we're good: https://launchpad.net/~ted/+archive/ppa/+build/476460216:26
gregier_can someone help me with https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-themes/+bug/117158716:26
ubot2`Ubuntu bug 1171587 in gtk+3.0 (Ubuntu) "update to GTK 3.9 and the issues to resolve for it" [Wishlist,New]16:26
gregier_I tried to apply the same changes as was done in the gnome theme but I just made it much, much worse16:26
didrockstedg: ok, feel free to switch the main "approve" if it pass on the MP, I'll just comment16:26
* tedg thinks the version numbers are so big on the daily packages now that didrocks must secretly be from Texas.16:27
didrockstedg: I learnt that from you! :-)16:28
* charles wonders what the fireworks are like on July 4 in Texas16:34
charlesbig, probably16:34
didrockscharles: I think it's a pretty accurate adjective :)16:36
xnoxtedg: in upstart user session, Can I run panel with indicatores, without launcher nor hud nor dash?16:48
tedgxnox, You will be able to once we're there.  You'll just need to emit the event to start the services when you're ready.16:49
tedgxnox, But today even, it's dbus activation, so you should be fine.16:49
xnoxtedg: but i don't want the launcher visible at all.16:49
xnoxtedg: point being that instead of loading ubiquity-dm, we auto-login into a normal user session on the desktop but stop after indicators and simply launch ubiquity (thus having a memory minimal environment which still looks like ubuntu)16:50
xnoxtedg: and if user clicks "try ubuntu", close ubiquity and continue loading the rest of the desktop session.16:51
xnoxtedg: you can see the lengths I am prepared to go for, instead of patching indicators in ubiquity-dm yet again =)16:51
tedgxnox, Heh, so it would seem like it.  Though I'm not sure i have all the cases in my head.16:52
tedgxnox, For instance, if you started the indicators, there's no reason Unity wouldn't pick them up when it gets started.16:52
didrockschrisccoulson: hey, around?17:14
chrisccoulsondidrocks, yeah, i am17:19
didrockschrisccoulson: I have a small issue with thunderbird, lost a lot of messages, I think they are almost all marked as deleted17:20
didrockschrisccoulson: when I'm looking the files content, the emails are there17:20
didrocksbut even when restoring an old backup, I think the server synchronization remark them as deleted17:21
didrocksdo you know how I can force them to undelete? (either by GUI or changing the files)17:21
didrocksI try just restoring, but as said, unsuccessfully, I saw some tricks about X-Mozilla-Status, but it doesn't seem to match (even on an old directory, I have it just for few)17:22
chrisccoulsondidrocks, if they're marked as deleted, shouldn't they appear in the trash?17:22
didrockschrisccoulson: the trash seems to be empty17:23
didrockschrisccoulson: I didn't compact folders on purpose17:23
didrockschrisccoulson: but I can try restoring an old version, I had "clean trash on exit"17:25
didrockschrisccoulson: so removing this option, restoring an old version, waiting for the server to synchronize and restoring from Trash?17:25
didrocksthis will restore in old folders?17:25
chrisccoulsoni'm not sure. if i have an issue like this, i normally try deleting the index files for the mailbox (.msf files)17:27
didrockschrisccoulson: I tried that for some folders17:27
didrockschrisccoulson: you mean, on the desktop, right, not the server?17:28
seb128Laney, thanks for the reviews ;-)17:28
chrisccoulsondidrocks, yeah, on the desktop17:28
didrockschrisccoulson: so yeah, tried that, then it's resynced from the server and removed17:28
didrocksI just saw the old emails them briefly17:28
didrockschrisccoulson: would you have any idea or other trick I can apply?17:31
chrisccoulsondidrocks, not at the moment. is this gmail btw?17:32
didrockschrisccoulson: no, it's the canonical server still (having maildrop)17:36
qengho_ogra_: is all ARMHF we support now v7 ?17:47
ogra_armHF always was v7 only17:48
qengho_Okay, removing a condition that excluded Lucid-17:48
ogra_armel was v517:48
Sweetsharklol: https://twitter.com/Sweetshark1/status/35212771769045811218:48
sarnoldhaha :)18:50
chrisccoulsonSweetshark, hah ;)19:04
Sweetsharkoh, wow. somebody created that twitter account just for me.19:07
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