
hggdhircc -- keeping on with the revamp of the #ubuntu-br-* namespace, please give tiagoscd and myself admin access to #ubuntu-br-pe, and #ubuntu-br-seguranca00:32
JoseeAntonioRhggdh: hey, please make it in a way it doesn't get confused with #ubuntu-pe, I've sometimes had people message me in portuguese saying 'why are you not active?'01:13
hggdhJoseeAntonioR: unfortunately, that's the official abbreviation of the state's name01:48
JoseeAntonioRhggdh: yep, in case I get someone I'll just forward01:48
hggdhJoseeAntonioR: yes, please do so.01:49
tannjihello, as suggested in the ubuntu wiki, I would like to request a cloak.  LP profile:  https://launchpad.net/~onathan1   As far as I know I have fulfilled all the prerequisites08:04
IdleOnetannji: You haven't actually been approved as a member yet.08:10
IdleOnemake sure you read that link ubottu sent you.08:11
tannjiI want aware that requesting a cloak required membership, just that it was a somewhat more secure way to use IRC, and that asking for a Ubuntu cloak was closely tied to the acceptance of the code of conduct....08:11
IdleOnewell it is, but it also has some other requirements08:12
IdleOneyou can request an unaffiliated cloak in the mean time in #freenode after you register your nick08:12
tannjiI see, I guess I will do that in the meantime.  at what point did I apply for a membership?  was it implied by signing the code of conduct?08:13
IdleOneyou haven't actually applied yet. Signing the code of conduct is the first step08:14
ubottuUbuntu Membership means recognition of a significant and sustained contribution to Ubuntu and the Ubuntu community.  For more info see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Membership08:14
IdleOnethe above link gives you all the info needed to get you started on the right track.08:15
tannjiright, read that link....  my contributions to this point have been limited to shedding the occasional tear when I break LightDM yet again, and helping the rare person in #Ubuntu who actually knows less than I do.. or is at least less willing to look stuff up.08:16
tannjithanks for the info  = )08:16
IdleOneIRC contribution is definitely a way towards membership08:17
IdleOneMy pleasure.08:17
=== TheMaster is now known as Hypnotoad
hggdhircc -- keeping on with the #ubuntu-br-* namespace revamp, please give admin access to tiagoscd and myself to #ubuntu-br-pe and #ubuntu-br-seguranca13:04
tsimpsonif you guys have so many channels, it may make sense for you to create an admin account (NickServ) and have that account get all the flags15:24
k1lthat is actually the way we handle that with the german ubuntu channels.15:27
k1lit makes thinks alot easier when the team-leaders change15:27
hggdhtsimpson: I did not know about that (never got to admin that many channels). Will look into it.15:41
hggdhany pointer to wher I should look for info on that?15:42
tsimpsonhggdh: you can always ask the IRCC, it's what the UbuntuIrcCouncil account is for15:53
tsimpsonyou just register an account and share the password (securely) between members of the admin team15:54
tsimpsonand change the password whenever someone leaves15:54
hggdhircc -- ^^^ please consider yourselves asked15:56
Picihggdh: its up to you to create the account.  Once you do that, just let us know the name and we can grant it access on your channels.16:15
k1lhggdh: we did set up an nickserv account and gave them the owner flags of the german channels. the team leaders know the nickserv password and can change the flags with that account (regular op or leader accounts dont have that flags)16:17
hggdhyes, it sounds like the way to go. I really do not want to keep pestering the ircc with those requests. Will discuss it with the BR council, and decide on a course16:19
hggdhhopefully, this will be the course :-)16:19
PiciWell, you might still need to pester us, but then it would only be to add one account to a channel.16:20
hggdhheh. Indeed. But it should happen just once, and just one account (of course, there are, IDK, 20+ channels)16:21
hggdh35 that we identified, so far16:22
=== Fuchs is now known as pancakes
=== pancakes is now known as Fuchs

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