
bschaefersure, that'll be fun00:00
bschaeferis it a bit different than: ppa:canonical-x/x-staging00:00
bschaeferoo thats xmirs rebased...nm!00:01
bschaeferRAOF, Im still dropping a lot of events with the new 1.14 server :(, though it hasnt caused the server to crash yet01:48
RAOFStill dropping events in a libdrm-intel ioctl?01:49
* bschaefer looks01:49
bschaeferseems to be: (EE) 11: /lib/i386-linux-gnu/libc.so.6 (ioctl+0x19) [0xb72160c9]01:50
bschaeferwhich is above:01:50
bschaefer(EE) 13: /usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/libdrm_intel.so.1 (0xb6aff000+0x5d6c) [0xb6b04d6c]01:50
bschaefer(EE) 14: /usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/libdrm_intel.so.1 (drm_intel_bo_subdata+0x28) [0xb6b011f8]01:50
bschaeferthough this time mir isn't mentioned in the stacktraces01:51
RAOFbschaefer: Do you know if that happens outside of Mir?02:09
bschaeferRAOF, I have not tested that, but i've not noticed theses things until I swiched to xmir02:12
bschaeferRAOF, let me see if I can get these problems when just using plain old X02:12
bschaefernp, and thanks for looking at the log!02:14
bschaeferso far, plain X everythings fine...but Ill see what happens with working on it all day tomorrow02:32
RAOFsetup-partial-android-chroot.sh is annoying :(03:10
dufluRAOF: Yep. Enhancements welcome03:18
dufluRAOF: How so?03:19
dufluRAOF: Also, if you're still tinkering in this, please unset Needs review: prober-drm-device-probe03:19
RAOFduflu: No, should now be good.03:19
RAOFShould have been good the last go around, but setup-partial-android-chroot.sh broke it.03:19
dufluFarq. Another ABI bump?!03:20
RAOFBecause libhybris added a dependency, and setup-partial-android-chroot doesn't use apt.03:20
dufluCome on people...03:20
RAOFWhat? When?03:21
dufluRAOF: Ahem. Just in the proposal I'm testing. Not as bad as I feared03:23
dufluRAOF: What's the new dep?03:25
* duflu shrugs03:25
RAOF(Or see the merge proposal)03:25
dufluRAOF: Hmm, so I can't run any *-tests any more? Is there a compromise possible?03:43
RAOFI could push down the check so that you can't run any gbm tests, but I'm not sure if that's a good idea.03:44
RAOFBasically, the further down I push that check, (a) the more complicated it is, and (b) the less obvious it is that you're not running the full test suite.03:45
dufluRAOF: Yeah that's what I was suggesting originally03:45
* duflu hacks it up03:46
kgunnsince i am xmir'ing now....ran my own data03:54
robert_ancellRAOF, is vladmir the correct branch on https://github.com/RAOF/xserver?05:09
robert_ancelland egl-platform-mir on https://github.com/RAOF/mesa?05:10
RAOFrobert_ancell: Correct.05:10
RAOFAnyone want to top-approve https://code.launchpad.net/~raof/mir/prober-drm-device-probe/+merge/170765 ? There have been enough changes since the other two approvals that it's probably worth a second lookover.05:41
tvosskgunn, ping06:01
dufluHmm 1am. Good luck :)06:07
RAOFtvoss: Good morning!06:11
tvossRAOF, good afternoon :) how goes?06:12
RAOFtvoss: Feel like top-approving https://code.launchpad.net/~raof/mir/prober-drm-device-probe/+merge/170765 ? :)06:12
tvossRAOF, for sure :06:12
RAOFAssuming you approve of disabling the whole testsuite when umockdev is not available.06:12
tvossRAOF, mind renaming TESTS_ENABLED to MIR_TESTS_ENABLED?06:22
RAOFNot at all.06:23
mlankhorstsmurf everything06:23
RAOFtvoss: Anything else?06:24
* duflu thinks mlankhorst might have a valid point06:25
tvossRAOF, nope06:28
RAOFDear System76 Galago: make with the getting here faster.06:30
* duflu gives in and grabs the Mesa source as *documentation*06:33
RAOFduflu: Hunting down bypass support? :)06:36
dufluRAOF: Not even that. Hunting down an understanding of src/server/*06:36
dufluHmm. GBM has documentation but it's buried in the source package as alf mentioned. They really should have put it in the header06:37
RAOFOr even build it and ship it? :)06:38
dufluYeah, shipping the docs would be nice.06:39
duflualf: Hello...06:54
alfduflu: hi :)06:54
duflualf: "Schedule the current front buffer object for display" ... how is it GBM doesn't think the "front buffer" is front?06:54
dufluOr is it just a "new" frontbuffer object each time?06:55
tvossduflu, mind if I top-approve the prober-mp?06:56
duflutvoss: My eyes are closed.06:56
duflu.. which means I will mind later when I open them. But that won't be today06:57
tvossduflu, ack ;)06:57
alfduflu: gbm doesn't handle display itself, it just has a surface with two (or conceivably) more buffers. When we swap the buffers we get a new front buffer that we are responsible for displaying if we want.06:58
duflualf: I am very confused by that terminology. "Front" usually means the one and only buffer visible right now06:58
alfduflu: this is the front buffer from the surface's perspective (the one that should be visible, gbm_surface_lock_front_buffer()), independent of what is actually displayed.07:03
duflualf: That makes sense. I'm just trying to understand why GBM says you call gbm_surface_lock_front_buffer _after_ swap buffers07:05
duflualf: Oh, yes, I see. Because swap buffers is not "visible" either. You still have to flip it (which is another buffer swap of sorts)07:06
alfduflu: right, the swapping operation is independent of displaying any buffers, it's literally just swapping two buffers.07:07
hikikoI forgot my objectives :/07:41
tvosshikiko, ?07:44
hikikoI forgot to set them this weekend and now I can't do it anymore07:45
* RAOF returns from his impromptu IRC bouncer explosion07:51
alan_gGood morning all, you've had a busy week and a day!08:12
duflualan_g: Hello. Yes it seems to always be busy08:18
dufluI find myself drawing up a class  diagram for parts of mirserver. Has anyone else does this yet?...08:18
alan_ghi duflu - I see you've taken on comp-bypass. Got all you need>08:19
alan_g@diagram - only the one in the source tree (which is less granular)08:19
duflualan_g: All except about 1 month of learning libmirserver's workings I think08:20
duflualan_g: Yeah my diagram is quite disparate to the Architecture.dia08:20
alan_gDoesn't doygen do diagrams if you've got dot?08:20
dufluHmm, I suspect it might08:21
duflualan_g: Yes doxygen does one diagram per class. I need more08:22
dufluOh, there's a more complete one: http://unity.ubuntu.com/mir/inherits.html08:25
alan_gIf that doesn't suit it ought to be possible to munge the doxygen representation - I know folks do that08:27
dufluOn that note, the doxygen style feels a bit ugly and more difficult to navigate than it should be. Can we configure it for other HTML styles?08:33
alan_gduflu: there are a lot of config options.  IIRC tvoss found a volunteer to investigate (I don't remember who) but I never heard any more.08:35
tvossalan_g, that guy never came back to me :/08:35
tvossalan_g, welcome back08:35
alan_gduflu: here's one starting point: http://www.stack.nl/~dimitri/doxygen/manual/customize.html08:36
dufluAh, too technical. I was thinking more like pick and choose a "theme"08:37
alan_gduflu: I've seen mention of a graphical front-end.08:38
* alan_g doesn't believe it is as easy as wordpress08:39
icerooti am running MIR at the moment and i dont see a real difference to X11 (just a broken mouse pointer), can you recommend a ressource where i will find examples to test out the advantages of MIR? so it would be easier to understand MIR08:41
RAOFAt the moment the advantages are mostly latent. There are a bunch of demos in the mir-demos package, but nothing particularly "wow"08:43
RAOFMostly the advantages are when the shell (ie: unity) becomes the display server as well.08:44
icerootmaybe there is something like "ssh -X" which is running much better then on old X1108:45
RAOFNope; we've got no special remote protocol.08:45
RAOFWhat we should have for 13.10 is nicer boot→greeter→login→user switch→shutdown transitions.08:46
icerootwhen my vga is fully supported will i face differences/problems when using games from steam? or is this not realted to MIR but just the display driver itself? the programs dont need a change?08:48
RAOFThe programs don't need to change; we'll support running X11 apps for the forseeable future.08:52
RAOF(They may get the ability to be more awesome if they do change, though)08:52
duflualf: Roughly speaking a DisplayBuffer is presently an output, and "Display" is the set of all outputs, right?08:56
dufluSo in Compiz-speak DisplayBuffer==Output and Display==Screen08:57
dufluThough it would all sound the same to the casual reader08:57
dholbachhey, so I'm trying to follow the build instructions for mir, but I run into the following:08:58
dholbachCMake Error at shared/protobuf/CMakeLists.txt:11 (protobuf_generate_cpp):08:58
dholbach  Unknown CMake command "protobuf_generate_cpp".08:58
dholbach^ any advice?08:58
alfduflu: correct, with the detail that a DisplayBuffer could be shared by different physical monitors (e.g. if we are cloning), so it's not strictly DisplayBuffer==Output09:00
duflualf: Sure. OK thanks09:00
icerootRAOF: thank you for the useful info09:00
alan_gdholbach: that sounds like you're missing the protobuf dependency. Did you get errors running "sudo mk-build-deps --install --tool "apt-get -y" --build-dep debian/control"?09:02
dufludholbach: It's actually part of CMake (you need a newer CMake): http://www.cmake.org/cmake/help/v2.8.8/cmake.html#module:FindProtobuf09:03
dholbachduflu, I'm on saucy - how do we build mir in the ppa then? I didn't see a newer cmake in there09:04
dufludholbach: Oh actually seems like we might be missing:09:05
duflufind_package(Protobuf REQUIRED)09:05
dufluWhich should come before the function09:05
dufluNot sure why it works for the rest of us09:05
dholbachso if I install all the build dependencies, should  bzr branch lp:mir; cd mir;mkdir build; cd build; cmake ..  succeed?09:06
dufludholbach: Yes. Otherwise it's a bug (which is quite possible)09:06
dufludholbach: Actually the top-level CMakeLists.txt gets protobuf, which should be inherited in subdirs09:06
dholbachok, nevermind - I got it working now - I had to regenerate the cmake data bits after I installed all the build-deps09:07
dholbachthanks duflu09:07
dufludholbach: Cool. Yes CMake often thinks its cache is clean when it's not :/09:07
NikThHello everyone09:09
NikThduflu: available ?09:10
dufluNikTh, yes?09:10
NikThIs it a good idea to re-install the system, make all the updates and activate again the PPA to see what's happen ?09:10
NikThNow things are messed up. From 4 reboots, 1 can start the display manager with a corrupted desktop (but as you said this is not xmir's problem) and other 3 cannot even start a display manager, I cannot even switch to a VT.09:11
NikThIf I re-install the system and things are good, we can close this bug as fix released or invalid.. maybe.09:11
NikThWhat you say ?09:11
ubot5Launchpad bug 1196355 in XMir "After the latest updates, no desktop session - Ubuntu 13.10 (2013/07/01) - XMir dies with signal 6" [High,Incomplete]09:11
dufluNikTh, I find sometimes with similar issues, I just need to delete ".Xauthority" from the home directory to get my desktop back09:13
dufluDelete it and then reboot, try again09:13
NikThduflu: I have already tried this but to no avail :)09:13
dufluNikTh: OK, well if it's causing such system-wide issues and you can't debug it further by yourself, then yes I would suggest a full re-install and avoiding all PPAs. Because PPAs are use-at-your-own-risk09:15
NikThduflu: The PPA and my own-risk is not the problem. I created this installation to test xmir and help.. (in any way I can- I'm not a programmer)09:16
NikThTo report bugs.. etc09:16
NikThBut now, I cannot do much. The system is unusable. If I re-install and after full updates, the same problem occurs, then this is definitely a bug. And you(we) should check it, seriously.09:17
NikThBut If I re-install and after full updates, this is not happen , maybe we can close this as invalid or something ;)09:18
NikThxmir will be the default Display Server in 13.10 as I know. If I (or some other people) cannot install and use 13.10... well I guess this is a problem :)09:19
NikThWhat you suggest. To re-install, or wait for updates ? I can still update the system. I can chroot.09:20
dufluNikTh: I know it's something that needs wider testing. But at the same time, we can only easily fix the bugs that we (any Mir developer) can reproduce.09:21
dufluOther bugs are still bugs, certainly, but we can't fix them (knowingly and confidently) without reproducing them09:22
NikThhmm.. I think I understand that. Then I guess 13.10 will be a "testing release" for xmir. When you getting in to universe and apport works, It will be easier to report bugs.09:23
dufluNikTh: Certainly managing bugs will be easier when everyone is using the same installation and updates (13.10)09:25
NikThThen I will leave it to your judge to do whatever you want with my report :)09:25
dufluNikTh: Incomplete can stay so indefinitely. And if more information comes up, even from other people, then it can be re-opened and work continue on that bug09:26
NikThMore info came from me last night. See the last logs but I don't know if they help.09:26
NikThOK, nice talking to you.. I have to leave now. :)09:27
NikThduflu: Thanks )09:27
dufluHmm, doxygen documents deleted methods. Useful09:35
alfduflu: @threadsafe-clients, are the locks recursive to handle the protobuf RPC "done" callbacks?10:00
duflualf: Actually they're recursive because they used to be around all client callbacks too. But no longer. I'm not sure if there's a remaining need for recursiveness, but that bug is still open10:01
dufluGood point, but I must go set dinner on fire10:02
=== dholbach_ is now known as dholbach
dholbachso I just built mir locally and built RAOF's xserver branch with --enable-xmir - it can't seem to find mir_client_library.h though (it was placed in /usr/local/include/mirclient/mir_toolkit/mir_client_library.h) - anything I probably missed somewhere?10:11
dholbachbasically what I ran into was: http://paste.ubuntu.com/5835758/10:11
greybackhi folks, am having problem with Mir with egl clients. They fail with libegl - unsupported platform (null)11:31
greybackalan_g: ^ any idea?11:32
alan_ggreyback: on desktop?11:34
greybackalan_g: yep11:34
alan_gLast time I had that it was because of a bad mesa version (caused by the repo being messed up)11:35
greybackalan_g: what mesa package version have you? Are accelerated demo clients working ok for you? I'm using mir staging11:36
alan_ggreyback: I'm about a week out of date - been on vacation and not updated11:38
alan_galf: anything you're aware of ^^11:39
alfgreyback: what version does dpkg -s libegl1-mesa give you?11:44
alfalan_g: I am not aware of any problems11:44
greybackalf: 9.2~git20130628.g6b676e6-0ubuntu0+mir1-jenkins83saucy011:44
alfgreyback: is mir from the ppa too, or are you building from source?11:45
greybackalf: from mir staging ppa11:45
greybackas are all the mir-related packages on my machine right now11:46
=== alan_g is now known as alan_g|lunch
greybackalf: any ideas? My problem or no?12:15
alfgreyback: Does mir server start fine, only clients fail?12:19
greybackalf: server fine. unaccelerated clients fine. Only those using egl12:22
kgunngreyback: i would change ppa to be system-compositor-testing12:25
kgunnthe staging ppa is wild west12:25
greybackkgunn: apparantly so.12:26
kgunngreyback: note, if you're running xmir....they moved type==unity to a "unitysystemcompositor" conf file (out of lightdm)12:27
kgunnjust in case you're toggling xmir/x in lightdm....it could trip you up12:27
greybackkgunn: noted, thanks12:27
=== alan_g|lunch is now known as alan_g
didrockskgunn: hey! how are you?13:15
kgunndidrocks: good (crazy times)13:15
didrockskgunn: I'm looking at the progress on https://bugs.launchpad.net/mir/+bugs?field.tag=entering-saucy and it doesn't seem good (the only ones which are fixed committed are the copyright stuff my team worked on with robert)13:16
didrockskgunn: FYI, since Thursday, I have nothing I can do more to get mir under dailies, the ball is in your team's camp :)13:16
didrocks(for daily release and then distro)13:16
didrocksjust as a reminder, the armhf FTBFS is a blocker for dailies13:16
kgunndidrocks: understood...13:17
didrocksthe rest are blockers for distro13:17
didrockskgunn: do you have any idea for a date at least to get dailies?13:17
kgunndidrocks: yeah, bregma was looking at arm build and it was canadian holiday yesterday13:17
didrockskgunn: ok, please keep me in touch :)13:17
* bregma lifts his groggy head13:18
kgunnalan_g: alf question...regarding swapinterval(0), i noticed a caveat on kdub's mp, that it'll work for work for gbm ipc clients only13:44
kgunndoesn't that only really mean you couldn't get the shell to set it via this mech13:45
kgunne.g. any other app will work just fine13:45
alfkgunn: that MP implements SwapInterval support for IPC clients only, native client (e.g. the shell) support hasn't been implemented yet.13:52
kgunnalf thanks...i was just verifying my thot/understanding. hooray...i understood13:53
kgunnalf: which also means, we need a cooresponding bit in xmir to pass it through....which probably isn't there yet ?13:54
alfkgunn: I think the code in Mesa is already hooked up13:54
alfkgunn: so in theory now eglSwapInterval(0) from a IPC client should work13:55
alan_gWTF? ctest only runs 2 tests13:57
kgunnalf: thanks13:57
alfalan_g: there were some changes while you were away... we decided that TDD isn't worth it after all :D13:58
* alan_g is glad he hasn't signed the new contract13:58
alan_galf: is it just me? OR has something changed?14:03
alfalan_g: ctest runs fine for me. I remember having come across a similar situation and the solution was a fresh build in my case.14:05
alan_galf: tried that, and deleting the cmake cache and regenerating14:06
alfalan_g: ahh, got it... apt-get install libumockdev-dev14:06
alan_gThat's why my test binaries are old?14:07
alan_gCouldn't cmake give me a useful message instead of dropping build targets?14:09
alfalan_g: https://code.launchpad.net/~raof/mir/prober-drm-device-probe/+merge/170765 check comments from 2013-07-01 and on14:09
* alan_g glad he's not the only one not happy with this14:12
kdubgood morning14:12
kdubwelcome back alan_g14:36
alan_gthanks kdub - looks like fun has been had while I was away14:36
greybackhey, I'm using the cross-compiler script to build Mir. Is failing with this error: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/5836380/14:36
greybackwhere do I get libandroid-properties.so.1 ?14:37
=== alan_g is now known as alan_g|tea
kdubgreyback, i'll look for it...14:38
kdubhopefully the script isnt broken14:38
greybackkdub: thanks!14:41
kdubgreyback, i see the script in lp:mir downloading that dependency... perhaps merge the tip of lp:mir?14:46
kduband regenerate the ndk14:46
=== alan_g|tea is now known as alan_g
greybackkdub: by "regenerate the ndk" you mean what exactly?14:48
kdubrm the partial-armhf-chroot in the build directory14:49
kdubgreyback, the file appears to be in 'libandroid-properties1', by the way14:49
greybackkdub: makes sense :)14:50
greybackit's been downloaded into the chroot anyway14:50
kdubdoh, my mir-devel mails were ending up in a never checked gmail folder -_-15:08
greybackoh today is not my day with Mir. I'm on GalaxyNexus, using saucy flipped image, installed the mir-team/staging PPA, now mir_demo_server* fails this this error : http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/5836465/15:14
kdubgreyback, somehow, you look to be loading the mesa drivers15:15
* alf is unhappy that umockdev is leaking memory and his tests fail under valgrind :/15:16
greybackkdub: sorry to sound like an idiot, but what driver should load?15:17
alan_galf should punish those that approved the MP15:17
kdubgreyback, it should link tho the hybris egl implementations, not the mesa ones. check where libEGL.so is resolving into15:17
greybackalan_g: that's what reverting is for :)15:18
alan_galf: ^15:18
alfgreyback: alan_g: that's what whips are for ;)15:18
greybackkdub: yep is mesa. but no idea where the hybris egl implementation is.15:26
kdubgreyback, i'd make sure you have libhybris installed (although i think its default on phablet)15:29
greybackkdub: libhybris installed ok, but seems all mir demos are linked to mesa15:39
* alan_g has just lost all his window decorations16:36
=== alan_g is now known as alan_g|reboot
kdubwe have like an 'on air' meeting in a bit?16:47
kdubis that still true jono? :)16:48
dholbachkdub, AFAIK it's kgunn, jono, pmcgowan, mramm, thostr_ (and a few others) giving a weekly update on ubuntuonair.com16:49
dholbachor did kgunn send you as his replacement? :)16:50
kgunndholbach: coming....16:50
kdubdholbach, nah, just made a note of 'mir meeting 5pm utc today' while reading planet ubuntu a while back16:50
dholbachahhhh ok16:51
kgunnwork still happens before the weekly ;)16:51
jonokdub, Mir meeting is after the weekly update16:52
alan_gGoodbye all17:02
=== alan_g is now known as alan_g|EOD
kdubenglish needs more synonyms for 'surface'17:10
kdubracarr got lucky revno #80017:22
kgunnkdub: i feel totally challenged....synonyms for surface17:30
kgunnkdub: skin17:30
baronosthe last daily-live image the ubuntu is already with the mir by default?17:35
ogra_baronos, images are only built from packages in the ubuntu archive ... Mir is not in the archive yet17:42
baronosok, thanks :)17:42
tvossRAOF, you about?17:57
robert_ancellthomi, there?17:59
tvossRAOF, mute mic and cam17:59
=== kdub is now known as kdub^lunch
=== ari_ is now known as arsson
thomirobert_ancell: no, sorry, but I am now18:56
robert_ancellthomi, np, on air session finishing now.18:56
robert_ancellthomi, there wasn't any major testing questions for you :)19:02
thomirobert_ancell: nuts, sorry, I completely forgot. TBH, somehow it never made it on my calendar19:03
thomisorry about that19:03
=== kdub^lunch is now known as kdub
kdubwait... is desktop using boost 1.53?21:56
racarrSeems so21:57
kdubdoh. android is still using 1.4921:58
kdubwell, rather... if you cross compile using the scripts, its 1.49 (pbuilder probably does the right thing)22:00
racarrsomehow I am not getting a vtable for my interface22:07
racarrSessionAuthorizer, when I remove the std::string argument22:08
racarrthe method gets inlined and there is no vtable for the whole class as far as I can tell22:08
racarrwhat does it mean :22:08
racarroh it means I deleted the = 022:08
robert_ancellRAOF, ping22:38
robert_ancellRAOF, It seems the vladmir-ubuntu branch is the correct xserver branch, not vladmir - Is there a way to set up github to use vladmir-ubuntu by default? Or delete the old branch / update it?22:50
racarrfor each acceptance test client that is connecting22:51
racarrSocketSession::on_new_connection is being called twice22:51
racarrand it's being added to the22:51
racarrconnected sessions list twice22:51
racarrexcept the first time the socket credentials are nonsense22:51
racarrand the second time they are the correct client PID22:52
RAOFrobert_ancell: github now shows vladmir-ubuntu by default. I forgot that I'd started to just make changes directly to the ubuntu branch.23:54

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