
excalibrhyperair: what do you think about Lazarus?04:41
hyperairexcalibr: well, nothing will tear me away from emacs.05:52
hyperairexcalibr: also i dislike pascal.05:55
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=== excalibr is now known as Guest56033
=== Guest56033 is now known as excalibr
excalibrhyperair: haha..why no love for rad tool06:27
hyperairexcalibr: rad?06:29
hyperairrad as in radical?06:29
excalibrrapid app dev tool06:30
hyperairyou just have a edit-compile-test cycle, right?06:30
hyperairany editor that supports compilations is good at that already06:31
hyperairand if you want templates to fill in there's always yasnippet for emacs.06:32
fairuzhello people06:51
excalibrhelo. human here06:55
excalibrhyperair: i guess but these rad tools to some extent can help speeding up your dev..if you're working on like a complex dev involving gui usually it is way to go, at least on windows07:34
hyperairon windows maybe07:34
hyperairit isn't usually the case on linux07:35
hyperairbut you still can, with qtcreator or glade07:35
excalibrby the way, any idea how to deal with this chroot prob07:46
excalibrI always get process locking up in the chroot when I try to exit it07:47
hyperairkill it?07:49
excalibrkilling them would only make them span new instances07:49
hyperairi see07:49
hyperairthat means it's controlled by upstart.07:49
hyperairenter the chroot, and type stop dbus-daemon07:49
hyperairer stop dbus07:49
hyperairas root07:49
hyperairso sudo stop dbus07:49
hyperairno wait07:53
excalibrweird..dbus ntis even running07:53
hyperairsudo schroot -u root -c liferea stop dbus07:53
* ejat nice channel alive .. 07:54
hyperairsudo schroot -u root -c session:liferea -r stop dbus07:54
excalibrstop: Unknown instance:07:55
excalibri dont know what just happened but i was finally able to terminate the session07:58
fairuztest test08:28
* ejat test208:39
ejatmana ilang en fairuz08:39
ejatangch: u using your own tunnel ? 08:39
angchejat, yes08:40
ejattuxuri have ipv6?08:40
angchejat, er... linode has ipv6, so there.08:40
angchreally depends on the upstream, kan?08:40
ejatu subscribe linode for personal ?08:41
ejathows live and business ? 08:41
angchejat, it's the company's.08:41
angchejat, good. busy. and got more time for coding for once.08:41
ejatany reason y use linode :) 08:41
ejatmind to share ? 08:41
angchejat, cheap and unblocked?08:42
ejatangch: wow .. still doing coding ? 08:42
angchejat, why not? good stuff.08:42
ejatc00l reason :) thumb up!08:42
angchlinode: cheap, and unblocked. coz local dc sucks.08:42
angchwe're using linode as backup.08:42
ejatic .. 08:42
ejataims also sxxk ? 08:42
angchaims == expensive.08:43
* ejat winks08:44
ejatAWS ? 08:44
angchnot as easy to get into vs linode.08:45
angchflat rate = rocks08:45
fairuzejat: yo08:46
fairuzada kat mesia dah08:46
ejattp lama x online08:48
ejatstay mana skrang ? 08:48
fairuzhehe ade je kat sini08:53
fairuzkeja kat bangsar08:53
fairuzstay kat Subang jaya08:53
excalibrangch: tapi aims ada pricing lain2 utk local vs international bw09:06
excalibrlocal dc lain takda camtu :D09:07
angchexcalibr, berapa base price bagi 4u/month?09:07
angch3k for 42u....09:10
fairuzhey rakan209:11
fairuzkat opis aku ada website takleh masuk09:11
fairuzkena dns poisoning?09:11
fairuzmacam boleh search google tapi semua link takleh masuk09:12
excalibrangch: ye kena sewa satu rack klu deal direct dgn dc09:14
excalibrsewa ded box terus lah09:15
excalibrcuba usha softlayer sg09:15
excalibrfairuz: .com.my lagi?09:16
ejatdah kepunyaan ibm ker blom softlayer tu 09:21
fairuzexcalibr: tak ni google.com09:28
fairuztapi actually hampir semua website takleh masuk09:28
fairuzyang pelik, google.com takleh masuk direct09:29
fairuztapi kalau search pakai chrome tu dia keluar search result09:29
fairuztapi semua link takleh tekan09:29
fairuzaah unifi09:29
fairuzunifi punya dns kena benda ke :D09:29
excalibrtak tau la pulak tu..09:30
excalibrcuba masuk yg https punya09:30
fairuzgmail https boleh09:30
fairuzfacebook pun boleh09:31
excalibrjeng jeng..09:31
fairuzyang http je takleh baru perasan09:33
fairuzni unifi nye problem ke, ke opis aku 09:33
fairuztest test09:45
fairuzexcalibr: ping09:45
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