
ubottuHobbsee called the ops in #ubuntu-women ()13:12
ubottuIn ubottu, pleia2 said: no ops-#ubuntu-women is Nightrose JanC pleia2 elky Myrtti hypa7ia maco Gareth akgraner Mamarok Pendulum akk elly idleone Tm_T alanbell nigelb16:38
pleia2thank you16:41
ubottuIn ubottu, pleia2 said: no ops-#ubuntu-women is Nightrose JanC pleia2 elky Myrtti hypa7ia maco Gareth akgraner Mamarok Pendulum akk elly idleone Tm_T alanbell nigelb  svaksha16:47
ubottuIn ubottu, pleia2 said: no ops-#ubuntu-women is Nightrose JanC pleia2 elky Myrtti hypa7ia maco Gareth akgraner Mamarok Pendulum akk elly idleone Tm_T alanbell nigelb svaksha16:47
pleia2sorry about that :) noticed an omission16:47
Piciupdated again :)16:47
Myrtticome on pleia2, keep up ;-)16:48
pleia2now I know how to edit factoids, you're all in trouble16:48

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