
=== pgraner-afk is now known as pgraner
pittiGood morning04:24
DanChapmanGood Morning pitti06:19
pittihey DanChapman06:20
smartboyhwHello pitti DanChapman06:27
smartboyhwHello Noskcaj06:33
Noskcajhey smartboyhw06:34
jibelgood morning06:48
knomeballoons, elfy is working on a "Xfce" testsuite, can you make that visible once you get back? :)08:27
DanChapmanxnox, hey :-) should i propose the test for merge at lp:ubiquity?12:45
xnoxDanChapman: yeah, https://code.launchpad.net/~dpniel/ubiquity/autopilot looks ok.12:48
DanChapmanxnox, ok cool. Will do that then :-)12:48
xnoxDanChapman: have you submitted CA? it's an online form linked from here http://www.canonical.com/contributors12:50
xnoxDanChapman: here is direct link http://www.canonical.com/contributors12:50
DanChapmanxnox, no I haven't I will sort that now. Would not have known if you hadn't mentioned it. :-P12:51
xnoxDanChapman: cool, thanks a lot =) much appreciated.12:53
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DanChapmanxnox, anyone in particular I should ask to review it?13:10
xnoxDanChapman: just default, ubuntu-installer team is fine.13:11
=== smartboyhw_ is now known as smartboyhw
phillwsmartboyhw: sadly, your specifications expired, can you please re-create them on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/QATeam/Hardware and I'll transfer them over (I managed to catch everyone else's)15:38
phillwballoons: can you fill in the make and model of your computer at the above wiki page :)15:41
smartboyhwphillw, what the15:41
phillwEven I didn't notice that they expire!15:42
phillwWhere they are copied to will not expire, it's the same I use to hold copies of the milestone release ISO's :)15:42
smartboyhwphillw, em, the connection timed out15:48
balloonsDanChapman, ping15:49
DanChapmanballoons, pong15:50
smartboyhwphillw, no, still connection timed out15:51
balloonsDanChapman, so I saw the scrollback on ubiquity :-)15:55
balloonsgood stuff.. did you plan on trying your hand at a core app now?15:56
balloonsphillw, done15:57
DanChapmanballoons, yeah its a pretty rock solid test as well and will work a treat once setup and tear down is implemented properly :-)15:58
DanChapmanYeah I was gonna do the fixes on evince and screenshot first. Been digging around looking at autopkgtests today. See how they work and all that....15:59
DanChapmanbut yeah gonna have a go at a core app... any in need more than others?15:59
balloonsDanChapman, well, picking something you like it always good. However, there are a few without tests. Let's see16:00
phillwta :)16:01
balloonsDanChapman, might be good to start with calculator, calendar, clock or weather as they are the big 4 for your first pass16:01
phillwsmartboyhw: e-mail it  me and I'll manually do it!16:01
balloonsfrom there, file manager, docviewer, rss reader and the new ones sudoku, dropping letters and stock ticker all have 0 tests16:02
smartboyhwphillw, http://paste.kde.org/787562/16:03
DanChapmanballoons, ok sounds good. will go check out calculator first then :-)16:04
balloonsphillw, so can I leave you to brainstorm on something?16:23
knomeballoons, got my messages on the testsuite?16:23
balloonsI'd like to make it a bit easier to find and utilize our session logs from: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Testing/Activities/Classroom16:23
balloonsknome, hello. I saw the message, what needs to be turned on? Elfy should have access to do that for xubuntu16:24
knomeballoons, shouldn't i have that too?16:24
knomeballoons, tell me where i enable a testuite :)16:24
knomei'm not home now though so i can't log in16:24
balloonsso phillw any thoughts on modifying the wiki to make the sessions more prominent would be great16:25
balloonsI'll let you have a think on it phillw :-)16:25
balloonsknome, ohh, heh, well you assign testcases to products16:25
knomeballoons, what's the product on packages. ?16:25
balloonsif you have the right access you should see the list of xubuntu products16:25
balloonsand you can edit them, etc.. if you don't, there is no products tab16:26
balloonsso if you don't see a products tab, you don't have the proper access..16:26
knomei'm not sure. i'll get back to you later on that when i'm home16:26
knomeand yeah, gimme16:26
knomei'm on ubuntu-testcase-admins and xubuntu-release...16:26
knomei've seen some of that on iso.16:27
knomebut we're talking about packages. now :)16:27
knomemaybe i just didn't look carefully enough16:27
balloonsohh.. packages is the sameish16:27
balloonsmaybe it's not carrying over there16:28
balloonsyes it should exist on iso.. on packages you right you probably don't have it16:28
balloonswe might be able to solve that.. regardless tell me what to turn on, it's simple enough16:28
phillwballoons: I'm just heading for home.... BTW.... I HATE WINDOWS!!!!!!! I'll have a look after food !16:28
knomethe testsuite called "Xfce"16:28
balloonsok, add it to?16:29
balloonsor do you need a product also? :-)16:29
knomei think we also need a product16:29
balloonsk, call it xubuntu or xfce?16:29
knomewhat do you think?16:30
knomeshould we gather all xubuntu-related testsuites under one product?16:30
balloonsonce the product is added to be honest, you should be set actually as you can edit the testsuite without worry16:30
balloonsknome, it's up to you and team.. We've done it both ways in ubuntu :-)16:30
balloonsatm everything is seperated out, we'll see how it works this cycle16:30
knomemy worry is:16:31
knomeif we do the xubuntu product16:31
knomewe will be able to link all tests to it yes,16:32
knomebut they won't be marked ready unless somebody marks a test done for them under xubuntu16:32
knomedoes that make sense?16:32
knomeor the "xubuntu" product isn't ready, if a test for, say, firefox isn't ran under xubuntu16:33
knomeeven if it's ran outside xubuntu16:33
knomefor ISO's that makes sense, because the installation tests are actually different for xubuntu, lubuntu etc.16:33
knomebut with packages, it would be fine to mark the firefox tests done for xubuntu if anybody ran the firefox tests anywhere16:34
balloonsright.. if you make it all inclusive, well, you shut yourself off from the rest16:34
balloonsbut I would probably group all the xfce stuff together as one product16:34
balloonspanel, settings, etc, etc16:34
knomeyes, definitely - that's why we did that :)16:34
balloonsfor instance all the unity stuff is in one spot16:35
knome(if you look at the testsuite, you can see that being done)16:35
knomei also updated the branch16:35
balloonsbut if you make a leafpad test, probably just make it a seperate product :-)16:35
knomemousepad that is ;)16:35
knomethat's why we created the xfce testsuite now...16:35
knomebecause that was the easy one16:35
knomeanyway, i got to go now16:36
knome(p.s. ask elfy)16:36
balloonskk :-016:37
balloonsk knome elfy I made a xfce product and made you owners :-) see if that fixes things16:38
elfyjust got back - will read all of that when dinner is eaten and tea is drunk ...16:39
qwebirc33354hello ballons17:11
balloonshello qwebirc33354 ;-)17:11
balloonshello juggle17:12
qwebirc33354just saw your page at the Orange Notebook17:12
qwebirc33354how can I get involved?17:12
jugglehello balloons17:13
balloonsqwebirc33354, there's several options :-) Right at the moment the biggest focuses for us as a team are to work on our automated tests, especially for the ubuntu core apps, and to help test the new stuff landing in saucy17:13
jugglehow are you17:13
balloonsjuggle, good, you?17:13
jugglefine thank you17:13
balloonsqwebirc33354, so first things first, let's get you signed up to the team and the mailing list, then I can help you get started on what your interested in17:14
jugglelast night, installed saucy and  a little min latter i will try to install virtualbox it17:14
qwebirc33354I've been tinkering with Ubuntu since 7.04, installed and troubleshooted on every config possible all the way up to 13.0417:14
balloonsqwebirc33354, The quality team has a wiki page here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/QATeam. This is our mailing list: https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-quality. Sign up and say hello :-)17:14
balloonsqwebirc33354, with that said, what might you be most interested in? contributing test results, or creating test cases?17:15
balloonsperhaps both :-)17:16
balloonsif you've been around ubuntu that long, I think you should give the automated test writing a try17:16
balloonsit's really cool stuff17:16
balloonsjuggle, nice.. so are you running saucy on real hardware now?17:16
juggleno i will run saucy on virtualbox17:17
juggleis it ok for testing ?17:17
qwebirc33354that does sound interesting17:17
balloonsjuggle, ahh, gotcha..17:17
balloonsjuggle, yes of course it's "ok" :-)17:17
elfyballoons: really - I've been using since 7.04 and I'm scared of autopilot :)17:17
balloonselfy, you have to admit it's cool.. whether or not you want to try writing a test :-)17:18
balloonsqwebirc33354, wonderful. So let me send you a few links..17:18
elfyoh yea :)17:18
qwebirc33354sure. I just signed up for the mailing list17:19
balloonssorry, small interruption here :-17:24
balloonsqwebirc33354, so here's some documentation and a tutorial for qml apps and autopilot17:24
balloonsWe're writing tests for the core apps17:25
jugglelast time, when i try to install saucy on virtualbox took long time but now it seams very fast17:25
balloonsso you can see the apps in question and the bug list :)17:25
balloonsjuggle, anything different? just a new iso or?17:25
juggleit is a new iso17:26
jugglei downloaded that iso last night17:26
elfyballoons: so a bit mystified here - once more the way that testcases /suites/products are related to each other and how they relate to making specific tests show up for people to test against17:27
elfys/once more/ with17:27
balloonsqwebirc33354, I trust that's not too much information overload. There's about a dozen apps that the community is developing for ubuntu touch. They all need more autopilot tests. You can learn about how to write autopilot stuff in the links I sent, and asking questions of course. In addition, I plan to host a couple intro sessions this week and next to get people up to speed ;-)17:28
balloonselfy, lol.. no worries17:29
qwebirc33354this is quite a bit of info to get my head around17:29
balloonsyou need a product.. it can be anything. an image, a package, etc17:29
qwebirc33354but terribly exciting nonetheless17:29
balloonsqwebirc33354, :-) So start with the tutorial on developer.ubuntu.com and work through that17:30
qwebirc33354your intro sessions gonna be on youtube?17:30
balloonsthe rest will come as you learn ;-)17:30
balloonshttp://www.youtube.com/qualitybecomesyou is my channel. And yes, look for more autopilot stuff to hit there :-017:30
elfyballoons: so to get something onto http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/milestones/270/builds it has to be a product?17:31
balloonsI know visual help alot17:31
balloonselfy, once you have a product, you can assign a testsuite to it17:31
balloonsa testsuite as you already know, contains testcases17:31
qwebirc33354is this the path to working with Canonical?17:33
balloonsqwebirc33354, working with canonical? do you mean to say be employed by canonical?17:34
balloonsmany folks working @ canonical started out in the community.. ubuntu is a meritocracy, so one way to garner influence is to do good work within the community :-)17:35
elfyballoons: I can see we have a product - that is 'empty' atm - and we have a few testsuites which can be added to the product, I can follow that - what's confusing me is how to actually allow people to test against things17:35
balloonsyou need a milestone and a build17:36
elfyaah right17:36
qwebirc33354I've written quite a few test cases, unit tests, for Ensemble Cache before, but this autopilot is damn exciting17:36
qwebirc33354that's pretty encouraging17:36
balloonsqwebirc33354, if you look you can see some of the tests in action, like say the ubiquity installer DanChapman wrote.. it's linked on my channel17:36
qwebirc33354I'm subscribed. going thru the vids now17:37
balloonsdoing good work always let's you have more influence and voice in the project..17:37
elfyballoons: I assume knome knows about that then - that'll be why I'm not seeing any logic at the moment :)17:37
balloonselfy, I can add a build for you if you wish17:40
elfyballoons: not necessary atm17:46
juggleso i installed saucy on virtualbox. what must be the first test case of me17:47
balloonsjuggle, have a look at what's on tap for cadence testing :-)17:49
elfyballoons: one more for the moment then I'll leave you in peace ... who can add builds?17:54
balloonselfy, lol, it's hard for me to know that you can't17:54
balloonsI can add them17:54
balloonsin theory you can add them as well for your products17:54
balloonsif you can't then I'll just have to do it.. which isn't a huge deal persay17:55
balloonsthe packages tracker was unique because you had no products17:55
elfyI'm just trying to see some sort of logic in how this is all set up :)17:55
balloonsI added xfce and assigned it to xubuntu17:55
balloonsthat should let you have full control over it17:55
elfyI can see those things - I can see that I can control them17:57
elfyI'm obviously not asking the right question here :)17:57
juggleif you wrote something, sorry i did not see them17:58
balloonsjuggle, ahh :-)17:58
jugglei disconnected17:58
balloonsbasically everything that's on tap for cadence week 2 testing is what you can test17:58
juggleis there a log page ?17:58
balloonsthere is17:58
juggleok, if you share i will read17:58
balloonsi'll repeat it :-017:59
balloonsthat page should detail everything ;-)17:59
balloonsqwebirc33354, how's it coming?17:59
qwebirc33354i've created a Launchpad account, and kicking myself for all that wasted Karma !18:00
elfyqwebirc33354: I shouldn't worry too much about karma - it's all skewed :)18:01
qwebirc33354i bet it is, unless proselytizing ubuntu door to door counts in some cosmic calculation18:02
qwebirc33354but I'm getting there18:02
elfyha ha ha18:02
balloonsqwebirc33354, :-)18:02
qwebirc33354i have Quantal installed on an old Thinkpad R52, and Raring on my mother-in-law's computer, so I ought to get back to speed18:03
qwebirc33354my ID is drsaurabhsikka, and I should really get off this hackintosh and login legally on to IRC via ubuntu18:04
qwebirc33354see yu in a bit18:04
balloonsqwebirc33354, cu in a few :-018:04
jugglesaucy in virtualbox responding little bit late18:05
juggledid you get like that comments ?18:05
balloonsjuggle, yes you can run saucy in a VM and do the cadence testing18:06
balloonsI'm not sure xMir will work out too well, but otherwise everything should be testable :-)18:06
balloonsIt's even covered in the tutorial if your not sure how18:06
juggleyeah, i will try with your help18:08
balloonsdrsaurabhsikka, welcome back :-)18:15
drsaurabhsikkathanks balloons18:15
drsaurabhsikkaI'm getting all my keys on launchpad, meanwhile18:16
balloonsyes, that is fun18:16
balloonsif you need help with setup, ping18:16
phillwballoons: Is this what you had in mind? https://wiki.ubuntu.com/QATeam/Header/phillw18:24
phillwIf so, I can go tidy it up so it scales correctly.18:25
balloonsphillw, that's a start.. but new folks might not know what classroom sessions are. I'm hoping to try and push people there if they have questions or need a tutorial/walkthrough that isn't covered persay18:26
balloonsMaybe something off the activities page, linking to the session that corresponds to the activity?18:27
phillwCall it 'Tutorials'?18:27
phillwokies, I'll go play on the Activity Page and see what I can do...18:27
balloonsthx phillw :-)18:30
drsaurabhsikkadoes the SSH key also include my local machine login info?18:50
balloonsdrsaurabhsikka, what do you mean by that18:56
balloonsit will have a user@host attached to it18:56
drsaurabhsikkagot it18:58
drsaurabhsikkainstalling bzr18:59
drsaurabhsikkagot all my keys, etc18:59
balloonsdrsaurabhsikka, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/QATeam/ContributingTestcases/Launchpad19:03
drsaurabhsikkaballoons: unable to get bzr to recognize my launchpad ID19:03
balloonssee the page I linked19:03
balloonsif it doesn't help, we'll troubleshoot19:03
drsaurabhsikkagot it19:04
drsaurabhsikkaI've joined the QA Team19:09
balloonsdrsaurabhsikka, excellent.. I've finalized the details of the workshops now as well.. hopefully something in here meets your needs19:11
balloonsdrsaurabhsikka, http://www.theorangenotebook.com/2013/07/automated-testing-workshops.html19:11
Letozaf_balloons, Hi :)19:17
balloonsLetozaf_, hello19:18
Letozaf_balloons, I think I encountered  a bug: http://ubuntuone.com/6sRBg9lX7ILSsX5nh0sZmd  yesterday rssfeed autopilot tests worked today I get this :(19:18
balloonsLetozaf_, that link isn't showing me anything :-(19:19
balloonshowever I have some news.. and your right, I think the autopilot tests found a regression :-)19:19
Letozaf_balloons, sorry let me put it somewhere else19:19
balloonsahh. I see the image now19:19
balloonssorry, ff was being silly19:20
Letozaf_balloons, oh fine!19:20
Letozaf_balloons, do you think it's the regression's fault ?19:20
balloonsyes, the code changed and broke something19:20
balloonsthe test did it's job19:20
Letozaf_balloons, fine so the test is ok then19:21
balloonsthe tests are in jenkins now :-)19:22
Letozaf_balloons, cool :-D19:22
balloonsI realize that's not a nice display, but heh, it's being run19:22
Letozaf_balloons, I was implementing other tests in rssfeed, but I guess I will have to wait for the bug to be fixed to try it out :)19:22
Letozaf_balloons, doesn't matter, I mean the display, I understood it all the same :)19:23
Letozaf_balloons, so this : https://code.launchpad.net/~carla-sella/ubuntu-rssreader-app/add_feed_test_fixed_dir_name/+merge/17220019:25
Letozaf_balloons, the missing file was fixed ?19:25
Letozaf_balloons, must I ask fginther ?19:25
balloonsLetozaf_, we can try and track the reason done in just a moment :-)19:26
balloonslet me finish up here19:26
balloonsyou could try pinging the developers in #ubuntut-touch or looking at if something new in the code landed19:26
balloonscheck the commit log19:27
balloonsI'll be just a few ins19:27
drsaurabhsikkaconnected with your G+ hang19:27
fgintherLetozaf_, is there something I can help with?19:30
Letozaf_fginther, oh yes thanks, the ubuntu-rssreader-app autopilot test19:30
Letozaf_fginther, https://code.launchpad.net/~carla-sella/ubuntu-rssreader-app/add_feed_test_fixed_dir_name/+merge/17220019:30
Letozaf_fginther, seems that I pushed the branch without the ubuntusdk file even if I got it on my laptop19:31
fgintherLetozaf_, jenkins is now running the autopilot tests on each merge proposal19:31
Letozaf_fginther, but here I see that in jenkins it's ok
fgintherLetozaf_, the results from your MP are here:
Letozaf_fginther, :( oh! fine19:34
fgintherLetozaf_, there is a bug in the jenkins tools in that the results of the generic-mediumtests which run the autopilot tests didn't get reported to your merge proposal19:34
fgintherI'll try to get that fixed.19:34
Letozaf_fginther, ok, thanks, just a question, mean time I have added some more tests to rssfedd-app autopilot test, so maybe when I have finisched them I will just propose a new merge paying attengion the ubuntusdk file si there19:35
fgintherLetozaf_, if you can update your launchpad branch with the missing file, the tests will be automatically re-executed.19:36
fgintherLetozaf_, that plan is also fine.19:36
Letozaf_fginther, ok then I will finish the autopilot test and then re-submit a merge proposal19:36
Letozaf_fginther, thanks :)19:36
fgintherLetozaf_, Great! my apologies for any testing issues, this has been a little difficult to get right.19:37
Letozaf_fginther, no problem, I have fun so thats ok19:37
balloonsdrsaurabhsikka, yes?19:44
drsaurabhsikkai'm done with the preliminary work19:44
drsaurabhsikkaconnected with your G+ hangout19:45
drsaurabhsikkanow what19:45
drsaurabhsikkadownloading saucy?19:45
balloonsohh.. gotcha, the flood of stuff blocked your comment :-)19:45
balloonssorry drsaurabhsikka !19:45
balloonsyes, saucy is the best to use for QA work19:45
balloonsso download saucy and install it in a VM or on a real machine19:46
drsaurabhsikkaoddly enough, saucy was my nickname in college (short for SAUrabh SIkka)19:46
balloonsinteresting :)19:46
drsaurabhsikkado i need to have raring installed on my hardware ?19:46
balloonsraring isn't required for anything19:46
drsaurabhsikkatestdrive and whatnot?19:46
balloonsso if your willing to upgrade and join the world of testing, upgrade to saucy :-)19:46
balloonsyou thinking you want to make a vm of saucy or install it on a real machine?19:47
balloonsetheir one works19:47
drsaurabhsikkaok... I'm gonna try it tomorrow, it's 1 am here now, and the ISO is downloading19:47
balloonsgood night! I'll be around tomorrow as well.. and if you can attend a workshop19:48
drsaurabhsikkaand then what?19:48
balloonsafter the install is done?19:48
balloonsinstall autopilot19:48
balloonsfollow the tutorial19:48
balloonslet me link you again19:48
drsaurabhsikkaplease do19:49
balloonsthat's the best one to start with.19:49
balloonsfrom there, there's more links to official docs, etc..19:50
drsaurabhsikkai'll read it through in the morn19:50
balloonsonce your ready, there's a walkthrough for working with the core apps themselves: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/CoreApps/Testing/ContributeAutopilotTestcase19:50
balloonsbut don't rush through it :-)19:50
drsaurabhsikkathe hangout's 24 hours from now?19:50
balloonsthe first is tomorrow at 1800 UTC19:51
balloonsso like less than 24 hrs19:51
balloonsyep :-)19:51
drsaurabhsikkathis is fun19:51
drsaurabhsikkawill catch up then19:52
drsaurabhsikkaciao for now, and thanks for all the fish19:52
balloonscheers drsaurabhsikka !19:52
phillwballoons: and this is the *last* time I want to have to deal with vanishing hardware profiles ever again! 2nd time lubuntu-PPC team have lost theirs :(20:35
phillwtakes approx 5 mins from a standing start for me to transfer one over, faster if there is more than one (I have to 1st ssh onto my dedi-server :) )20:36
toddyballoons: the link in the article "Automated Testing Workshops" to the qa-events page on g+ is wrong. the correct link is https://plus.google.com/108452779163647535106/posts20:38
balloonstoddy, yikes, thank you!20:38
balloonswait, doesn't https://plus.google.com/b/108452779163647535106/events work for you?20:39
balloonsahh I see.. weird20:39
toddyno, it doesn't work for me20:39
phillw+1 it asks me to create a new event :)20:40
balloonsI have to link to each one manually20:40
balloonsyea, let me fix it20:40
phillwballoons: you need a 'media' secretary.... I think you know who I have in mind :P20:41
elfythat'll be me saying goodbye ...20:41
balloonsok, try the page and links now :-)20:41
balloonstoddy, phillw links all look good? it doesn't let me link you directly to the events page20:44
balloonsapparently only I can see that.. but I trust the event page for each one works20:44
phillwballoons: https://plus.google.com/b/108452779163647535106/events still shows me 'create an event'....20:44
toddyyes me too20:44
balloonsthird time is the charm20:44
balloonshas to be20:44
phillwelfy: don't worry, I wasn't volunteering you :D20:45
elfyI wasn't thinking so ...20:45
balloonsok, I tried in private mode on firefox20:45
balloonsall the links work for me now20:46
balloonsperhaps for you too?20:46
balloonsfor example, https://plus.google.com/b/108452779163647535106/events/cersg5v0qr98nla369ddkug696820:46
balloonstoddy, phillw .. perhaps elfy ^^20:47
balloonsI'm sure it works for elfy he has a golden touch20:47
toddyballoons: redirect on https://plus.google.com/events/cersg5v0qr98nla369ddkug6968 - Automated Testing Workshop20:47
phillwballoons: https://plus.google.com/events/cersg5v0qr98nla369ddkug6968 is where that ends up at, and it does work20:47
phillwthere's an echo!!!!20:47
balloonslol, ok, redirect is fine with me.. glad it's working :-)20:48
balloonsthanks for pointing it out toddy20:48
elfyballoons: I can see something - whether it's what I'm supposed to see I know not - I know I'd not deliberately go there given the title :p20:48
balloonselfy, hehe.. I won't ask you to go any further my friend20:48
balloonsthat was quite brave20:49
* balloons hands elfy a cookie20:49
elfywas a bit close to voodoo - scary :(20:49
knome*seeing* a G+ link is too much for me.20:49
elfyknome: I went there ... earnt cookie :D20:49
* phillw goes and finds out what happened to my google hangout stuff...20:49
* knome taps elfy on the head20:49
knomenot that harshly...20:50
elfyI'm only little20:50
phillwI have enough just keeping up with failbook :D20:51
knomei'm not on facebook either20:51
dkesselhey everyone :)21:00
balloonsdkessel, hello!21:03
dkesselballoons, thanks for the mail! i'll try to be there on tuesday.21:04
balloonsdkessel, wonderful to hear :-)21:04
balloonsyou'll be happy to see some of the progress that's been made..21:04
* dkessel tries to find out how to recover/change his NickServ password21:05
balloonsso dkessel any questions or something you want to see21:07
dkesselmh not yet. i rhink i have to read the last blog posts first21:10
elfyballoons: you're autopilot testing workshops - will the vids etc be available afterwards?21:22
balloonselfy, hmm.. not sure they would be useful persay21:23
balloonshowever I'm going to do an autopilot vid..if all goes well.. tomorrow :-)21:24
elfyok - wew're doing a call for xubuntu help - if things are there we can point them at it21:26
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balloonselfy, certainly22:06
slickymasterballoons: Hi Nicholas, sorry for trouble you again, but I'm still facing problems with my branch.23:11
slickymasterI've tried to push once again my testcase for xfce4 panel and I got an error message saying that the branches diverged and now it's pretty messes up23:13
slickymasterwhat should I do?23:13
slickymasterCan you just delete it so I can push a fresh new file?23:14

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