
chamunkswait it only connects to GSM?00:05
RAOFchamunks: The install's easy.00:08
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chamunksRAOF, thanks :)00:10
iBelieveI just upgraded to GNOME 3.8, and now Popovers don't display their contents in any of the Ubuntu Touch apps - could this have been caused by any recent updates to Ubuntu Touch? I think the error behind that is file:///usr/share/themes/Ambiance/qmltheme/PopoverForegroundDelegate.qml:48:20: Unable to assign QQuickShaderEffectSource to QQuickImage00:40
mhall119iBelieve: you probably upgraded some Qt packages too, I wonder if they changed something in the components or theming api00:57
iBelievemhall119, I just removed GNOME 3.8, I'll reboot and see if it worked.01:02
iBelievemhall119, removing GNOME 3.8 didn't work. In Software Center's history, ubuntu-ui-toolkit-theme (but not just toolkit) shows as updated, maybe that is the cause?01:08
iBelievemhall119, Should I report this as a bug somewhere?01:08
mhall119iBelieve: yes, please report it here: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-ui-toolkit/+filebug01:21
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VikramHi Guys04:12
xenos1984hi folks, i have a linux program (Navit) which runs fine on ubuntu desktop and uses (among other alternatives) Qt4 for graphics output. i have seen that ubuntu touch already comes with Qt5, so if i'd port my program to using Qt5 instead of Qt4, i guess that would give me graphics output on ubuntu touch? i also comes with a qml UI05:52
RAOFxenos1984: I believe that is the case, yes.06:13
xenos1984RAOF: sounds good, so i will just try this06:14
xenos1984another thing: i read on the release notes wiki page that there is no working sound on the nexus 7 yet - is that still up to date? i'm using the latest saucy image and so far only tried to get some sound output from espeak, but with no success...06:15
dholbachgood morning06:45
zeokilaHi, anyone there?07:02
zeokilaHow can I add accounts to the friends app through the terminal?07:10
zeokilaAnyone here to answer a small question?07:41
popey!ask | zeokila07:45
ubot5zeokila: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience07:45
zeokilaOk, sorry, it's just I've installed the dev preview with the phablet-flash command, and it boots up fine and all, but I'm not sure I've actually got the latest version? I'm not able to call, send SMSs or do anything with telephony or GSM and some applications that I've seen people be able to run are just blank for me, like the calculator07:49
ubot5Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com/ or http://ubuntuforums.org/ or http://askubuntu.com/07:53
ubot5Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience07:53
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popeyzeokila: which device?08:14
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SquirrelCZECHhi folks!08:27
SquirrelCZECHjust wanted to ask something (I suppose you answered it many times)08:28
SquirrelCZECHwill most of the apps from standart linux os, work on ubuntu-touch? (I suppose yes as long a I compile it for arm...)08:28
popeySquirrelCZECH: such as?08:32
SquirrelCZECHopenscad, (terminal is must I suppose0, freecad, playonlinux? :-)08:34
SquirrelCZECHthe last one is too naive I suppose08:34
popeywell we don't ship x on the phone08:34
popeyand most traditional linux apps aren't optimised for touch interfaces08:35
SquirrelCZECHyes, I know about the X thingy08:35
SquirrelCZECHmy point is that I found tablets these days really powerfull08:36
SquirrelCZECHand in worst case I can use my small "home server"08:36
SquirrelCZECHso switching from laptop to tablet could be real with Ubuntu OS :-)08:36
SquirrelCZECH(iPad and Android useless by my opinion)08:36
OrangerHey, Jenkin is still dead ?08:45
JamesTai1Good morning all, happy UFO Day! :-D08:45
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OrangerJamesTait: Ahah it's not the morning for everyone ;)08:51
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JamesTaitOranger, http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#fst ;)08:52
OrangerJamesTait: Oh, I didn't know that, thanks ;)08:53
JamesTaitOranger, but technically, yes, you're dead right.08:53
OrangerJamesTait: I find this rule easier for everybody, so.. you are right ;)08:54
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AskUbuntuMP4 Player Not Detected in Ubuntu 12.04 | http://askubuntu.com/q/31536911:00
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Saviqhey, does anyone find unity8 hogging CPU on their devices?11:23
ogra_Saviq, duting usage or idle ?11:25
Saviqogra_, idle11:25
ogra_i see it bubbling up in htop but it never has above 2% CPU usage while idling11:26
ogra_thats on grouper, yesterdays flipped image11:26
seb128ogra_, is flipped working fine on grouper now?11:26
seb128I should perhaps try the brave new world :p11:27
ogra_seb128, yeah, we default to it since last night11:27
ogra_afaik there are still issues on nx10 ... but gnex, n7 and n4 shouldnt be worse than unflipped now11:27
KalleWhoeverHey guys11:44
KalleWhoeverI am currently working on a Port of Ubuntu Touch for my Sony Xperia P (nypon)11:45
popeyKalleWhoever: cool11:45
KalleWhoeverbut I surfaceflinger and ubuntuappmanager keep on crashing with segmentation faults11:46
ogra_are you sure you have all binary drivers included ?11:46
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KalleWhoeverThe CM-10.1 Tree for this devices is in a very early stage so it is likely that the drivers aren't set up properly11:47
KalleWhoeverI used the proprietary files from a jellybean branch11:48
KalleWhoeverso I am pretty sure i have the blobs11:49
ogra_does surfaceflinger work in a plain CM image ?11:50
KalleWhoeverIt's a bit buggy, but yes11:50
ogra_hmm, then it should in the ubuntu build as well11:51
ogra_so try to find the missing piece :)11:51
KalleWhoeverhmm I excluded wpa_supplicant11:52
KalleWhoeverIs there a way this could be related?11:52
ogra_that might kill your wifi, but wont have any effect on SF or the appmanager11:52
cdesaiKalleWhoever: using old blobs is never a good idea11:53
cdesaiespecially between two major versions11:53
KalleWhoever@cdesai There are't any newer blobs available :(11:53
ogra_right, i would use the blobs that you know to work with CM11:53
cdesaiogra_: it isn't supported in 10.1 officially11:54
ogra_if they work in a CM build they should be fine for ubuntu use too11:54
ogra_cdesai, sure, but if a homebrewed CM build works with these blobs i would expect them to be fine11:54
cdesaiogra_: yep.11:54
ogra_so i would blame configuration or missing porting bits ...11:55
ogra_i would go step by step through the porting guide again and verify each step as a first thing11:55
KalleWhoeverok I will try11:59
KalleWhoevermaybe I will do a CM build to veryfiy that everythings working12:00
KalleWhoeverI don't know if the latest version on github is equal to the latest working version12:00
KalleWhoeverhmm custom CM-10.1 source tree still uses old cm.dependencies12:07
KalleWhoeverso the new repos are replaced with the old ones everytime I run breakfast nypon12:08
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ChickenCutlassrsalveti: ricmm sergiusens jhodapp ogra_ Can we do our meeting an hour later today?12:43
zeokilaGuys do you have to install anything special to get telephony and/or SMS going. I can't find any settings, have not been asked a sim code or anything, and google has not managed to help me. Nexus 412:43
ogra_ChickenCutlass, sure, np12:44
jhodappChickenCutlass, yeah12:44
popeyzeokila: nope, works out of the box for me12:46
zeokiladoes it ask you a sim code on boot?12:47
zeokiladoes phablet-flash get the latest build by itself?12:48
sergiusenszeokila: it should12:51
zeokilaweird, a lot of things seem broken for me. in the system settings the version is 0.3, does that seem right?12:52
popeyzeokila: no, no sim code12:53
zeokilaactually, i think i've found the problem, phablet-flash apparently didn't download the latest saucy-preinstalled-phablet-armhf.zip it seems, thanks for your answers anyway12:56
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KalleWhoeverphew, two more hours and I will know the Porting Guide by heart13:06
leonkacherikaranyone knows if the headphone glitch has been fixed.. Music plays through the speaker13:07
rsalvetiChickenCutlass: I'm fine for one hour later13:07
popeyanyone else get bug 119695513:08
ubot5bug 1196955 in touch-preview-images "Notifications cause keyboard to hide" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/119695513:08
ChickenCutlassrsalveti: excellent13:08
leonkacherikarany idea on the current status of the build in terms of usability with the lastest builds13:13
didrocksrsalveti: hey, is the flipped image container by default switch done? can I merge my qtubuntu branch?13:13
didrocks(thand refreshing the seed)13:13
rsalvetididrocks: not yet, we'll send an email when done13:13
rsalvetishould hopefully be done today13:13
didrocksrsalveti: ok :) Saviq, let's wait for that email then before moving on ^^13:14
Saviqdidrocks, k13:14
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mterryMirv, hello!  I have a patch for qtsystems that I'd like you to look at and possibly include, when you push to saucy13:23
mterryShould be upstreamable, I'll look into doing that too13:23
KalleWhoeverIs there a good way to calculate the settings like GRID_UNIT_PX?13:23
pmcgowanKalleWhoever, see the description on the porting page for screen pixel ratio https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/Porting13:38
pmcgowannot an exact science13:38
sergiusensogra_: rsalveti lool so I'll apply the patch and then we can look at getting a proper Android.mk to build gpg, I can own that if you want13:43
loolsergiusens: Souns good13:43
loolit's cool if we do a custom build of gpg as to trim it down; it includes many features by default13:44
loolI wonder if the security team knows about the sources used to build the android bits13:44
loolmaybe they ought to track them somehow13:44
loolsergiusens: I think I'll write to the security team to mention that stuff going into the recovery ROM initrd is built from phablet.ubuntu.com and that they want to watch software in there for security update13:45
loolsergiusens: I'll mention that the binaries are just temporary though13:45
lool(thinking of this because of gpg which we'll use to validate our updates)13:45
ttoineI am testing ubuntu touch on my galaxy nexus13:50
ttoineno network at all13:50
ttoinehow  can I activate wifi and 3g ?13:50
ttoineby the way, I can't call13:50
ttoineany idea ?13:50
esigolottoine: 3G https://plus.google.com/100264483712374857174/posts/3o1tjYo9Ghx13:51
loolttoine: pull down from top right corner to configure wifi networks13:52
ttoinelool, networks: empty13:53
ttoinelike the wifi is not activated13:53
KalleWhoeverHey, my new build finished and I am stuck with the same problem13:54
ttoineesigolo, ok, I won't do that. to complicated. I was thinking the phone was able to it now like any other phone OS13:54
esigoloon terminal run nmcli dev13:54
KalleWhoeversurfaceflinger does not start because the file hwcomposer is not found13:54
esigolottoine: ubuntu touch is on development state13:55
ttoineI know that13:55
KalleWhoeverbut the file is in its place13:55
esigolottoine: i think asas it will be avaliable by UI13:55
ttoineesigolo, but as I saw on twitter people telling they can phone and go on Internet with 3g, I though it was possible13:55
esigolottoine: it is13:56
popeyttoine: it certainly is possible13:56
ttoinebut out of theb ox13:56
popeyttoine: sometimes features break as we move forward13:56
ttoineso at the moment, I have a galaxy nexus without any network connection...13:56
ttoinethe first time I tried, wifi worked well, and I enjoyed using the phone. now, it is quite useless13:57
ttoineno I need to get it back to android... and I hope that the wifi will available again13:57
popeyttoine: did you flash it today?13:57
ttoinepopey, 10 min ago13:58
popeydid you use phablet-flash?13:58
ttoinebut I did a trial in may, and it was nicer13:58
ttoinepopey, yes13:58
ttoineI followed the howto13:59
popeyso if you have a cable, you can connect to it using "adb shell" and then we can diagnose the issue13:59
ttoinelike anytime I am trying. this is the first time I have no network at all13:59
ttoinepopey, yes, if you want13:59
popeyas I said, it breaks sometimes13:59
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ttoineI am on adb shell, my intention was to test contact sync14:00
popeyi guess you're on the android side..14:00
popeyyou can get to ubuntu via "uu14:00
popeyyou can get to ubuntu via "ubuntu_chroot shell"14:00
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ttoinepopey, ok14:02
ttoinepopey, done14:03
esigolowhat nmcli dev returns ?14:03
ttoineroot@ubuntu-phablet:/# nmcli dev14:03
ttoineDEVICE     TYPE              STATE14:03
ttoine /ril_0     gsm               disconnected14:04
ttoineI don't see the wifi14:04
ogra_you need to mount /proc if you use ubuntu_chroot14:04
KalleWhoeverHey, I rebuild everything and got a more specific logcat14:05
KalleWhoeversurfaceflinger still fails with seg fault14:05
KalleWhoeverbut logcat says hwcomposer has gone missing14:06
popeyttoine: might be worth switching to the flipped image..14:06
popeyogra_: do you think?14:06
ttoinepopey ? what do you mean ?14:06
popeyttoine: we're switching to android-inside-ubuntu rather than ubuntu-inside-android14:07
popeyyou can test that image with "phablet-flash -d <devicetype> --flipped"14:07
KalleWhoeverThe file is proprietary and perfectly in place but somehow it is not found14:07
popeywhere devicetype is the codename mako, grouper etc14:07
ttoineso, my phone is a maguro, right ?14:08
ttoineby the way, I am surprised that I can't do a simple apt-get update...14:08
popeyttoine: if it's a galaxy nexus, yes14:09
popeyttoine: You can apt-get update/upgrade, I do it frequently14:10
ttoineso, phablet-flash -d maguro --flipped14:10
popeybut this is a major change14:10
popeywhich requires more fundamental changes than apt can cope with14:10
ttoinepopey, I forget: I doesn"t work, for I have no network...14:10
popeythat wont help14:11
zippertHello installd ubuntu on my phone, but do not haave wifi so i cant upgrade, 3G wont work, is there some soution ?14:12
zippertcan i upgrade with USB cable?14:13
esigolozippert: https://plus.google.com/100264483712374857174/posts/3o1tjYo9Ghx14:13
ttoinezippert, you too, you don't have wifi ?14:14
zippertttoine normaly i use my phone thether for conection14:15
ttoinepopey, I launched phablet-flash -d maguro --flipped14:15
ttoineIt is downloading again14:15
ttoinewhat should I expect ? it will flash my phone again14:16
popeywith a new and more interesting image ☻14:16
ttoineso I wait and let you know if it fixes the problem ?14:16
popeythat'd be great.14:16
* popey gets coffee14:16
ttoinewhat if I still have no wifi at all ??14:16
esigolozippert: let me know if it works please14:17
pmcgowanpopey, flipped is a bit broken this morning on maguro14:17
pmcgowanI am told14:17
zippertthe command "phablet-flash -d maguro --flipped" is in progress =)14:17
zippertpmcgowan, what do  bit broken men?14:19
zippertpmcgowan, not starting at al?14:19
popeypmcgowan: hmm. unflipped is also a bit broken. is there a previous image which is better?14:20
pmcgowanpopey, the startup races are being debugged, camera and video may not work14:20
popeyttoine: is it still downloading? if so, maybe kill it. if it's pushing to the phone you can kill it too.14:20
loolrsalveti: BTW I've copied the couple of changes to the adbd upstart job in the Debian git repo, but it's not worth an upload just for these; if you get a change to test, I could sync and then upload just these to Ubuntu14:20
pmcgowanpopey, I am running the flipped from yesterday14:20
loolor I can upload all at once14:20
popeypmcgowan: thanks14:20
pmcgowanpopey, 20130701.2 is working on mako for me, not sure maguro14:21
KalleWhoeverSurfaceflinger keeps on crashing says hwcomposer was not found14:21
rsalvetilool: sure, just want to finish the flip work first14:21
KalleWhoeverany help how to debug this?14:21
zippert11 min then i know if the maguro flip version is working14:24
popeyzippert: see above14:24
ttoinepopey, still no wifi nor 3g14:24
ttoineI hope that wifi is not broken on the phone, even if I come back to android...14:25
zippertpopey: =(14:25
popeyttoine: unlikely14:25
popeyttoine: we keep a couple of previous images on the site you can roll back to, to test14:26
popeyttoine: there's a "manual install" section on that wiki page14:26
ttoinepopey, unfortunately, I can't take too much time for that at the moment.14:27
ttoinemaybe it would be great that Jono Bacon don't speak too much of phoning with ubuntu touch: it is not at all easy to set up at the moment ;-)14:27
popeyttoine: as I said, it generally works and breaks sometimes. it's under development.14:28
ttoinepopey, of course14:29
popeyIt's all good fun ☻14:29
ttoineI hope my android will get wifi again14:29
ttoinepopey, perhaps for you14:29
ttoinebut this time, it was not fun for me ;-)14:29
zippert<popey> maby i have to do the waiting game until its a bit more stable14:29
popeyzippert: or just come in here and ask before flashing?14:30
zippert<popey> =)  yah thats are som e good advice14:31
zippert<popey> Is there some rom that are working and where can i get it?14:32
popeyzippert: i don't have the galaxy nexus, so I would have to defer you to someone who does. perhaps ogra_14:32
zippert<popey> ok thanks14:33
zippert<ogra_> are you here?14:33
ttoinepopey, ok.. wifi is now broken too on android...14:33
sergiusensttoine: I use it as my main phone on maguro and it works fine for my purposes14:34
ttoinesergiusens, I can't phone... and no wifi neither14:34
zippert<sergiusens> what rom do you use?14:34
ttoinesergiusens, and since I get back to android, no wifi anymore14:35
esigolottoine: i think you have a router problem14:35
sergiusensI use latest flipped, but I also know how to workaround the issues, and rollback when something gets broken14:36
sergiusensif you want something a bit more stable14:36
sergiusensphablet-flash --list-revisions14:36
sergiusensphablet-flash -r [revision]14:37
sergiusensor phablet-flash --latest-revision14:37
sergiusensthose have some more testing going on14:37
ttoineesigolo, no, I just can't activate the wifi on the system14:38
ttoineIt stays on "activating wifi" and nothing happend14:38
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esigolowhat did you do to return to android?14:38
zippert<sergiusens>  and the 3G is okey in the last version?14:38
ttoineesigolo, just followed the howto14:38
ttoineesigolo, yes14:39
ttoinewith yakju-jdq3914:39
esigolottoine: so. you have a fresh new installation !14:39
ttoineesigolo, yes14:40
ttoinebut impossible to activate the wifi...14:40
ttoineI think I will have to lock it again14:40
KalleWhoeverCould someone please have a look at this? http://pastebin.com/ppABUTv414:40
ttoineand then, have to find some samsung services14:40
esigolottoine: wich android version?14:41
ttoineesigolo, 4.2.214:42
esigolo4.2.2 (JDQ39) ?14:42
ns5Does anyone know how to simulate screen rotation?  I'm trying to create an app for ubuntu touch with qt/qml on Ubuntu desktop14:42
mhall119ns5: resize the window to be in landscape14:42
ns5mhall119: yes that's my goal, but what operation can trigger the window resizing?14:43
ns5Is there a screen rotation signal that can be catched by the app?14:44
esigolottoine: i just can't see how ubuntu touch could be responsible for your problem14:45
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jdstrandbzoltan: hi!14:49
sergiusensKalleWhoever: what device? This is most likely the problem E/SurfaceFlinger( 3698): hwcomposer module not found14:50
bzoltanjdstrand:  yo man14:50
bzoltanjdstrand:  i am on parental leave this week14:50
jdstrandbzoltan: ah, congrats! :)14:50
jdstrandbzoltan: I have two quick questions-- who shall I direct them to?14:50
bzoltanjdstrand:  thanks ... feels like release week... no sleep and lots of buzz14:51
bzoltan jdstrand:  depends on question... shoot them14:51
jdstrandbzoltan: it's been a while, but I remember :) it'll get better14:51
ttoineesigolo, me too...14:51
jdstrandbzoltan: 1) we've defined the security section of the manifest file. and I wanted to know the best place to present that info (eg, particular mailing list, etc)14:52
jdstrandbzoltan: 2) I'd like to file some bugs regarding application paths used by sdk applications. what package should I file them against. should I tag them specially?14:52
bzoltanjdstrand: ubuntu-devel would be good imho14:53
bzoltan jdstrand:  https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-qtcreator-plugins/+filebug14:53
jdstrandbzoltan: re ubuntu-devel, should I CC you/florian?14:53
bzoltanjdstrand:  both of us an jppiironen too please14:54
jdstrandbzoltan: awesome, thanks! now enjoy your family and get some sleep :)14:54
bzoltanjdstrand: np and thanks :)14:54
esigolottoine: on galaxy nexus is possible to remove the battery?14:54
=== dandrader is now known as dandrader|afk
imzeyhi guys,14:58
imzeyi'm new to ubuntu phone. is it possible to install ubuntu phone on htc one and wipe android?14:59
popeyimzey: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/Devices lists devices with community maintained ports15:00
KalleWhoeversergiusens its for the Xperia P15:02
imzeypopey, so htc one is not available yet. I can see "htc one X" but not "htc one" m715:02
sergiusensKalleWhoever: from the looks of it you are missing the graphic driver blobs15:02
KalleWhoeverThe blobs are in place15:03
ttoineesigolo, yes, but it doesn"t change anything15:05
mhall119ns5: are you interested in the device's actual orientation change, or just the change from portrait to landscape sizes?15:05
KalleWhoeverI checked every file in  /device/sony/nypon/proprietary-files.txt15:05
KalleWhoeverthey are all where they belong15:05
ns5mhall119: I want the app to know the current orientation, and to know when there's orientation change so it can automatically change screen size15:09
KalleWhoeverHow can I debug my issue better?15:09
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zaneswaffordAre there any design guideline docs for desktop apps? I've seen the design docs for Ubuntu Touch but wondered if there was something similar for desktop apps.15:11
mhall119ns5: if what you want is to respond to screen changes, you don't need to worry about orientation15:15
mhall119ns5: see http://developer.ubuntu.com/api/ubuntu-12.10/qml/mobile/ubuntu-layouts.html for how to make your app adapt properly15:15
ns5mhall119: all the app needs to know is screen size?15:16
zaneswaffordI was actually wondering about navigational elements. I know there are the new QML tabs and page stack metaphors but did not know if there was an example of usage in a desktop app15:16
zaneswaffordThe tabs make sense on touch but does their behaviour change on desktop (IE show all tabs by default rather than hiding all but one)15:17
zaneswaffordif not, is there the option to make the app show all tabs by default?15:18
mhall119ns5: technically you can use whatever conditions you want to change layouts, but screen size is going to be the most common, yes15:18
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ns5mhall119: how to simulate screen size change in an qt/qml app running on ubuntu desktop?  And how does the app detect screensize change?15:35
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gestahltI was wondering how ubuntu mobile is like. I like to use my smartphone as a bit of a desktop replacement. I managed to get it running on top of Android. The bottleneck is the VNC Display15:53
gestahltSo i was wondering if there will still be a Android Ubuntu Mobile app or only "Bare Metal" on selected phones15:54
gestahltI love it very much to have both15:54
gestahlt(Android and Ubuntu)15:54
gestahltIs there a source code to download ? Or maybe even an APK?15:55
gestahltHm i really should read the topic15:55
gestahltAh okay i see, its baremetal15:56
gestahltNonetheless, it would be awesome to have it in LXC or OpenVZ containers or something alike (Fit to run on top)15:56
ElhebertHey ! Does anyone know if the beta of Ubuntu OS can be run on a Wiko Cink Peax ?16:05
nerochiaroom26er: when you have some time can you please have a look at why this MR makes the tests fail ? https://code.launchpad.net/~fboucault/notes-app/new_theming/+merge/17188516:08
om26ernerochiaro, sure16:09
ttoinequestion: if I lock again my phone after reflashing to Android, can samsung see that it has been flashed to Ubuntu ?16:09
ElhebertHey ! Does anyone know if the beta of Ubuntu OS can be run on a Wiko Cink Peax ?16:10
Mirvmterry: hi, if you could, please file a bug against ubuntu-ui-toolkit (qtsystems not yet there) with the patch attached, and I'll check it in the morning16:11
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popeygestahlt: you're talking of Ubuntu for Android? We don't have any software available for download of that.16:16
popeygestahlt: we have Ubuntu Touch preview, which is ubuntu on the device, not android.16:16
gestahltPopey: Yes, i saw that. So there will be no "app" to have ubuntu on top of android?16:25
popeygestahlt: We haven't announced any plans for that yet.16:34
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mhall119ns5: you just need to resize the window to simulate a screen size change16:38
mhall119the Layouts code in the Ubuntu SDK will handle detecting the change and applying a layout given the conditions you provided16:38
mhall119ogra_: rsalveti: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ has "ubuntu-touch" and "ubuntu-touch-preview" directories, what's the difference?16:41
rsalvetimhall119: flipped x unflipped16:41
mhall119which is which?16:41
ogra_-preview is the old one16:42
rsalvetimhall119: in order :-)16:42
mhall119rsalveti: ogra_: thanks :)16:42
ns5mhall119: Actually in my code the size of the elements are calulated from screen size.  I don't want to hardcode any screen size in the code.  When launching the app, how to tell it that the current screen size is, say, 960*540 (portrait)?  And how to simulate a screen rotation so that the app can detect screen size change?16:42
rsalvetiyeah, the -preview is what we now call 'legacy'16:42
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mhall119ns5: you can use the .width and .height properties of your top-level QML component (such as MainView)16:46
mhall119that will give you the screen sizes on a device, and the window sizes on the desktop16:46
mhall119using the Layouts API from the Ubuntu SDK, you can give an alternate layout if mainview.width > mainview.height (aka, landscape), and it will take care of detecting the change and applying the different layout16:47
nik90Kaleo: I am happy to see your simple themeing branch merged. Does this mean we can implement gradient backgrounds?16:48
ns5mhall119: and what will the size of the MainView be?  Fill my entire desktop?16:48
mhall119ns5: on desktop it will use the default width and height values you apply to the MainView16:50
mhall119on the device, it will use the full screen size16:50
mhall119but resizing the window on the desktop is the the same as changing the orientation on a phone/tablet as far as the app is concerned16:50
Kaleonik90: not yet but it is a step towards that16:51
Kaleonik90: the important 2nd step will be https://code.launchpad.net/~fboucault/ubuntu-ui-toolkit/color_palette16:51
Kaleonik90: that's for this week16:51
Kaleonik90: next week the final step will happen with an API for you to set the background color of the app16:51
nik90Kaleo: perfect16:54
Kaleonik90: which app are you on?16:54
nik90Kaleo: clock app16:56
timpanyone knows where the .deb packages end up when I "build application on device" from qtcreator?16:56
Kaleonik90: cool16:56
Kaleonik90: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/5837817/16:56
timpI think they used to go somewhere in /home/phablet, but I cannot find it now :s maybe something changed with the flipped image?16:56
Kaleonik90: that's very good16:56
Kaleonik90: you are not harcoding any color16:56
Kaleonik90: except for the needed background colors16:57
Kaleonik90: oh I see you have a Constants dict16:57
nik90Kaleo: yes but I guess i dont need the constant dict anymore with UbuntuColors16:57
Kaleonik90: sort of16:58
nik90Kaleo: I decided to wait for the theme support rather than hardcode background colors etc which will be removed16:58
Kaleonik90: it's not recommended to use UbuntuColors if you can help it16:58
Kaleonik90: once landed, it will be recommended to use Theme.palette16:58
Kaleonik90: you will get the colors from the current theme that way16:58
nik90Kaleo: ah ok16:58
Kaleonik90: so the app can look beautiful regardless of the theme16:59
Kaleonik90: I will send an email this week16:59
nik90Kaleo: will wait for that16:59
mhall119timp: ~/dev_tmp/ ?17:00
mhall119that's where qtcreator puts them when you just on on device anywya17:00
cdavisDoes touch completely replace the software on a phone? Or is it just a ui on top of android?17:03
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cjwatsonIt'll completely replace it.  There are a few bits of Android that are included for hardware support.17:04
cdaviswhew, back to being excited17:04
cjwatsonBut (in the model due to land soon) they run in their own separate container.  (In the current model Ubuntu is in a container.)17:04
timpmhall119: yes that's what I was expecting. Maybe the build failed and I don't have the debs. rebuilding now.17:05
ogra_cjwatson, do you happen to have an idea about:17:06
ogra_adduser: `/usr/bin/chfn -f LXC dnsmasq lxc-dnsmasq' returned error code 1. Exiting17:06
ogra_the gecos data is actually supposed to be "LXC dnsmasq"17:06
ogra_and lxc.postinst (wheer that error comes from) properly quotes it in double quotes17:06
ogra_is that adduser not respecing the quotes ? or could it be that double quotes are to weak17:07
ogra_(the respective build log is https://launchpadlibrarian.net/144007988/buildlog_ubuntu-saucy-armhf.ubuntu-touch-generic-initrd_0.7_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz)17:08
cjwatsonThe quotes are processed by the shell, not by adduser17:08
AskUbuntuMy Ubuntu Touch seems to be broken no matter how many different files I try | http://askubuntu.com/q/31551617:08
cjwatsonIt doesn't seem to be a quoting problem, except in that the error message doesn't reconstruct the quotes (so that's misleading, ignore it)17:09
cjwatsonDoes   chfn -f "LXC dnsmasq" lxc-dnsmasq   work when run by hand?17:10
ogra_hmm, then the only thing i could imagine is that fakechroot is broken17:10
cjwatsonOh, well, if a build of ubuntu-touch-generic-initrd reproduces it then I can try it locally (as could you, I guess)17:10
ogra_yeah, already running here ... just waiting til it finished17:11
ogra_so i have the chroot around17:11
ogra_do dont mount any virtual filesystems during the build into the chroot (since i wanted to avoid having any buildd HW info available) ...17:12
ogra_but i fail to see how that would affect adduser17:12
cjwatsonProbably best to strace it if chfn isn't being more verbose about why it failed17:13
ogra_i dont get the error in a local build btw17:14
cjwatsonPAM_SYSTEM_ERR could be various things17:14
ogra_oh, wait17:14
ogra_thats an older package ... tricked by -proposed :P17:14
ogra_woah ... lxc installs 21M of deps17:15
ogra_well, so manually installing lxc doesnt expose the error17:17
* ogra_ sighs and starts over with the right package version17:17
cjwatsonI'll feed it to sbuild here, but EOD17:18
ogra_doesnt help much if i cant reproduce it17:18
ogra_yeah, enjoy17:18
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ns5mhall119: got it, thanks.  But here is the problem, how to avoid hardcoding MainView size?17:21
ns5currently I can only run the app on Ubuntu desktop17:23
iBelieveCan I write an Ubuntu Touch application that is licensed under the GPLv2 or the GPLv2 or later?17:28
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zeokilaHey guys is anyone able to help me with this? http://askubuntu.com/questions/315516/my-ubuntu-touch-seems-to-be-broken-no-matter-how-many-different-files-i-try17:30
sergiusenszeokila: that isn't really a question17:32
sergiusenszeokila: the device overview is definetely a bug that can be logged17:32
AskUbuntuUbuntu touch on htc desire | http://askubuntu.com/q/31552317:32
zeokilawhere do I log bugs?17:32
sergiusenszeokila: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/Contribute#How_to_report_bugs17:34
ogra_slangasek, do you know about any issues with pam_rootok.so and fakechroot ?17:39
mhall119iBelieve: yes, you can use any license you want17:43
slangasekogra_: nothing that I've heard of17:45
ogra_google agrees with you :)17:46
ogra_seems chfn is failing all over the place17:46
ogra_and that "PAM: System error" looks suspicious17:47
ogra_the fun stuff is that it doesnt happen in a local build17:49
cjwatsonI see the same thing in a local sbuild run17:50
ogra_the same error ?17:50
ogra_or the same "doesnt happen" :)17:50
iBelievemhall119, okay, thank you.17:50
cjwatsonCompletely fresh out of the box phablet-flash --flipped, fresh sbuild install17:51
cjwatsonsame error17:51
cjwatsonI hope you're not trying to build outside sbuild, because it seems likely that the build environment matters at least somewhat17:51
ogra_well, indeed i did not use sbuild :)17:51
ogra_dpkg-buildpackage -b ...17:52
cjwatsonUse sbuild when trying to reproduce failures17:52
ogra_yeah apparently tthat matters17:52
cjwatsonI can have a look in a few hours if you haven't sorted it out by then17:53
ogra_ok, well, all i need is the diversions from lxc-android-config inside the rootfs ... worst case i can hack them into the build script17:53
ogra_that lxc gets installled is kind of a transitional thing17:54
ogra_nothing is using it ... its just a dep17:54
cjwatsonSeems better to fix the bug if possible though17:55
cjwatsonLike I say, happy to have a look a bit later :)17:55
* cjwatson -> dinner17:55
ogra_well, i dont want to delay the switch to flipped by default to much17:55
ogra_i might hack the diversions in as a quick fix and remove them after the bug was fixed17:56
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rsalvetiogra_: guess doing a temporary hack might help indeed18:47
ogra_rsalveti, heh, done long ago :)18:48
rsalvetiwe're waiting this to land and the newer upstart, right?18:48
rsalvetiogra_: awesome18:48
ogra_(like right after i said the above)18:48
rsalvetigreat, just got back from lunch18:48
ogra_yeah, just that and upstart and we should be good18:48
pmcgowancould it be ;)18:48
rsalvetithe new shell built fine as well, so guess we just need upstart to land now18:50
rsalvetisergiusens: anything missing, in theory, from the phablet-flash mr?18:52
rsalvetiguess not, will test all the use cases18:52
sergiusensrsalveti: only your gripe with --list-revisions18:52
iBelieveI submitted a merge request for File Managaer a week ago, but it still hasn't been reviewed. Should I do anything to get it reviewed?18:53
cyphermoxrsalveti: fyi, awe isn't there to benefit the added love, but I'll be ready to upload NM with ofono settings parsing, autoconnection of 3G, and ignoring the rmnet_usb devices shortly18:53
cyphermoxjust finishing up with my testing now18:53
rsalveticyphermox: lovely18:53
rsalvetisergiusens: right18:54
cyphermoxand when I say, autoconnect to 3G, I mean it18:54
* ogra_ looks forward to get rid of the mrmnet hack18:54
cyphermoxit will autoconnect :)18:54
ogra_any way to prevent that ?18:54
cyphermoxto disable you can do nmcli dev disconnect iface /ril_018:54
cyphermoxogra_: well, I think if WWAN is disabled it won't18:54
cyphermoxI should double-check that I haven't broken that :)18:54
ogra_well, we eventually need a way for users in the UI to disable 3G ...18:55
cyphermoxso while this builds on my mako, I need to go run some errands .. back shortly18:55
cyphermoxogra_: yeah18:55
ogra_but cool progress, thats awesome18:55
cyphermoxrenato_: ^^  do you have the similar WwanEnabled switch as for WirelessEnabled in your UI ?18:55
* ogra_ cant wait for the PIN/PUK support to land18:56
ogra_then i can finally use it as my phone :)18:56
renato_cyphermox, yes18:56
cyphermoxrenato_: ok18:56
cyphermoxrenato_: has that landed yet?18:56
rsalvetidon't think so18:56
rsalvetibut we can test and try to land it again18:56
cyphermoxyeah, I think we should18:57
renato_cyphermox, no18:57
rsalvetias it seems now that the wlan disable/enable is working fine18:57
cyphermoxso I'll be back and then I'll test this to make sure everything's good18:57
rsalvetirenato_: have the mr link in hands?18:57
rsalvetiyeah, would be good if cyphermox could review it18:57
renato_rsalveti, yes give me a minute18:57
cyphermoxrsalveti: I reviewed it before already, it looked fine18:57
cyphermoxI'll just re-test to make sure18:57
rsalvetisergiusens: I'm fine if we update the message suggesting the user to check the output with --legacy as well18:58
renato_rsalveti, cyphermox https://code.launchpad.net/~renatofilho/indicator-server/device-switch/+merge/16630018:58
rsalvetisergiusens: just want to avoid having people asking us what happened with the older revisions18:58
rsalveticyphermox: awesome18:58
rsalvetirenato_: thanks18:58
rsalvetiogra_: why do you use pin/puk at all?18:59
rsalvetihahah, so weird18:59
rsalvetithat's so 15 years ago here in brazil18:59
sergiusensrsalveti: ok18:59
sergiusensrsalveti: never caught on in Argentina18:59
rsalvetiyeah, same here18:59
sergiusensprepaid made it a dead idea from the start18:59
ogra_rsalveti, well, if my phone gets stolen i dont want the SIm to be usable18:59
sergiusensblocked you sim? just buy a new one18:59
rsalvetihere we usually just call the carrier to cancel the sim card19:00
ogra_is there a special brazilian trick to prevent that in a different way ?19:00
rsalvetino, that can still happen, but you can call the carier right away and get it canceled19:00
ogra_sure, i can do that too ...19:00
rsalvetibut I guess that's because pre-paid is quite common here19:01
ogra_ah, yeah, i had the same sime for 10 years until i needed a micro for the N419:01
sergiusensin south america peope have a need to talk to people :-P19:01
ogra_(with contract )19:01
stgraberogra_: you know that you can remove the PIN code from your SIM right?19:04
ogra_i dont want to though :)19:04
ogra_it doesnt feel like real dogfooding if i adjust the world to my needs ;)19:05
ogra_(which probably sounds weird from someone who lives for his quick fixes and hacks :P )19:06
popeyogra_: i cut my original sim down ☻19:07
esigoloin fact here in Brazil the first thing the thief does is throw out the chip19:07
ogra_popey, i did the same but only after i had orrdered a new one ... so i wouldnt be without one for to long19:07
ogra_(yeah, so german, i know ... insurance complex etc ... )19:08
popeyheh, wuss19:09
esigolowill be any security app or feature like samsung dive or cerberusapp to touch?19:09
ali1234orange refused to send my brother a microsim unless he switched to the super expensive iphone tarriff - he had one of those ms-nokia phones when they were the only other phone that took microsim19:12
ogra_stgraber, hmm, i was wondering what we can do about ureadahed with readonly rootfs ... it would be awesome if we could still use it but we wouldnt be able to profile ...19:13
ogra_wow, thats evil19:13
ali1234i think he got it sorted eventually19:13
ogra_i had to pay 10 euros or so for mine .. that was all19:13
popeyorange refused to enable tethering on my iphone because i wasn't on an iphone tarrif19:14
popey(because I just cut the sim down from when it was in an htc hero)19:14
popeyi said "look at my account and see how long I have been a customer".19:14
popeyhe went away and came back "that's all done for you sir"19:14
popeyI have had the same cellphone number since 199519:14
ali1234yeah i guess my brother did the same. he's been with them so long they practically pay him19:14
SquirrelCZECH :D19:15
ogra_popey, heh, same here ... one year shorter though19:15
* popey remembers the happy days of no cross-network SMS, and having to find random foreign SMS centres to bounce SMS off of, so I could text my girlfriend19:15
popeywas good when I was in denmark and she was in mexico, free texts! ☻19:16
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stgraberI'm currently being extremely careful not to do anything that'd cause Swisscom to change the plan on my prepaid SIM card, got a rather nice deal a few years back where I pay 80 cent an hour for phone calls and 1CHF per 10MB of data up to 50MB, then unlimited, so essentially unlimited data for 5CHF a day (my record being around 35GB on HSPA+)19:18
stgraberall the new prepaid offers come with "unlimited" for 2CHF a day where "unlimited" means full speed up to 100MB then you're stuck with 500kbps (so not exactly great when you're using it to download ISO images)19:18
esigoloman i really need to fix my computer power cables19:21
esigolosomeone here is using irssi ? can tel me how to print the last lines of the log?19:22
popey /lastlog19:23
rsalvetistgraber: here in brazil when you're over the limit it goes down to 64kbps19:25
rsalveti64, I know19:25
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stgraberrsalveti: they could just prevent you from establishing a ppp session, that'd be less painful :)19:27
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rsalvetistgraber: exactly19:28
jdstrandtedg: hey, perhaps you can help me. On the touch images, if a .desktop file has "Exec=qmlscene ..." it works fine, but if it has "Exec=aa-exec -p foo qmlscene ..." it does not (aa-exec works fine from the command line, so it isn't a bug in it, but it might need to be adjusted)19:28
jdstrandtedg: I'd like to file a bug on aa-exec not working in the .desktop file. what package should I file it against?19:29
esigolorsalveti: i saw the video you posted ! look nice19:31
satyendradoes anyone has the .vdi image for ubuntu on Virtualbox19:32
satyendra.vdi for utbuntu touch....19:32
BandspelareWhat docking stations can i buy for my nexus 4, 7 and 10?19:34
satyendra.vdi is the Virtual Disk Image for the VirtualBox by Oracle19:37
tedgjdstrand, Uhm, I guess glib as they're probably using gio exec.19:37
tedgjdstrand, But, honestly, there's a lot of change going on right now.19:37
jdstrandtedg: that seems related to that issue you had with upstart-app-launch19:38
tedgjdstrand, I dont' think they've switched over to using upstart-app-launch yet.19:38
esigolosatyendra: as far i now is not possible to virtualize touch yet19:38
tedgjdstrand, Though I haven't grabbed the latest image to verify that.19:38
jdstrandtedg: no, I don't think so-- this isn't about application lifecycle. this is just about people having ways to do things now. I might be able to modify aa-exec to work19:38
satyendraSome people are able to use it in Qemu for virtualize19:39
tedgjdstrand, Ah, okay, I added support in upstart-app-lauch for setting the profile.19:39
jdstrandtedg: rocking:)19:39
tedgjdstrand, Basically a desktop file key: https://code.launchpad.net/~ted/upstart-app-launch/apparmor-exec/+merge/17039919:39
jdstrandtedg: ah, interesting. I thought I remembered we were going to do that differently, but I difer to mdeslaur19:41
jdstranddefer even19:41
tedgdifer: When a diff is different than you expect.19:41
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tedgjdstrand, I think that's the "have something working" case.  For long term that's definitely not the solution.19:42
jdstrandah, yes. ok then19:42
popeysatyendra: no, we don't provide a vdi for ubuntu touch19:43
mdeslaurjdstrand, tedg: is upstart-app-launch with XCanonicalAppArmorProfile in the touch images now?19:43
tedgmdeslaur, No, the misc stack has been blocked, so that hasn't gotten released yet.  It *should* today.19:44
mdeslaurwe were going to use aa-exec directly in the exec line until that made it's way19:44
jdstrandyeah, but then that weird bug blocked me19:44
mdeslaurperhaps that will solve our current aa-exec bug19:45
mdeslaurjdstrand: I had the same issue with pkexec, FWIW19:45
jdstrandit would for touch certainly19:45
mdeslaurjdstrand: something is weird about whatever launches stuff with the exec line19:45
jdstrandmdeslaur: interesting19:45
mdeslaurjdstrand: I had to launch a shell file instead19:46
jdstrandI was going to try an ELF aa-exec to see if that was it, but based on pkexec, seems that probably wouldn't help19:46
mdeslaurjdstrand: perhaps a PATH issue?19:48
jdstrandI tried it with absolute paths, moved it into /usr/bin, etc19:48
mdeslaurI never did figure it out...although I gave up after a few hours19:49
jdstrandyeah, that is the point where I am now19:49
mdeslaurjdstrand: I just randomly blame pulseaudio and move on when that sort of thing happens :P19:50
SquirrelCZECHubuntu-touch got pulseaudio?19:52
SquirrelCZECHthat would be awesome19:52
SquirrelCZECHcould stream sound from tablet/phone to pc :-)19:52
rsalvetiesigolo: indeed19:54
rsalvetiSquirrelCZECH: yup, we still have some things to sort out, but that will be our final setup19:55
SquirrelCZECHrsalveti: sounds awesome :-)19:58
SquirrelCZECHrsalveti: but, like everyone19:58
SquirrelCZECHwhen I will be able to buy Ubuntu Touch Phone/tablet? :-)19:58
BandspelareDoesn't anyone have input on a docking station for nexus 4 that works as advised in the little Ubuntu clip?19:58
* genii ponders http://blog.accuvantlabs.com/blog/jdryan/building-nexus-4-uart-debug-cable20:01
geniiTricky buggers, putting a serial port inside the headphone jack.20:01
popeyBandspelare: if you find a dock, let me know, I'd like one ☻20:01
Bandspelarehehe, seems like there's one for Nexus 10 comming this christmas, but i don't know what connections it will have or if it will have pogo charging20:11
Bandspelarecould you make it count with an NFC tag and this? http://www.amazon.com/Juiced-Systems-MHL-Adapter-MicroSDHC/dp/B008CQKM2U/ref=sr_1_16?ie=UTF8&qid=1372796564&sr=8-16&keywords=hdmi+nexus+420:25
TheOnlyJoeyAny clue if the current ubuntu-touch image would work on a Lenovo Ideapad a2109 (tegra3 device)20:41
esigoloTheOnlyJoey: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/Devices20:44
esigoloTheOnlyJoey: you can see it there20:44
TheOnlyJoeyah just a lot of wip, but no easy fix apparantly :P20:46
nik90popey: can you check on your laptop if you can see the clock app tabs with the latest ubuntu sdk21:06
nik90in my comp, I cannot see any of the tabs anymore21:06
* popey checks21:06
popeystill works here21:07
popeywhich package versions do you want me to check nik90 ?21:07
nik90could you get the clock-app-version, ubuntu ui toolkit version?21:07
popeyqtdeclarative5-ubuntu-ui-toolkit-plugin ?21:08
popeyalan@deep-thought:~$ apt-cache policy ubuntu-clock-app qtdeclarative5-ubuntu-ui-toolkit-plugin | grep Installed Installed: 0.4bzr119quantal0 Installed: 0.1.46+13.10.20130628bzr571raring021:09
nik90I have got 0.1.46+13.10.20130628bzr573saucy021:09
nik90you are missing 2 commits from trunk21:09
* popey updates21:09
* nik90 checks the last 2 commits of toolkit project for the reason21:10
nik90hmm. that's when florian's major theme rework landed21:10
nik90that could be it21:10
popeyalmost certainly21:10
* popey rings the Kaleo bell21:11
nik90Kaleo: After updating the sdk to 0.1.46+13.10.20130628bzr573saucy0, I can no longer see the tabs, toolbar in the clock app21:11
* nik90 is amused at the Kaleo bell :D21:12
Kaleonik90: hmmm21:27
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Kaleonik90: any other app with the issue?21:27
Kaleonik90: any error message on the console?21:27
nik90Kaleo: will check console now21:30
nik90Kaleo: http://paste.ubuntu.com/5838625/21:31
Kaleonik90: most intriguing21:32
nik90Kaleo: I am installing other core apps like the calendar to check if the issue exists21:33
nik90Kaleo: same issue with calendar app as well..tabs are missing.21:33
nik90mhall119: ping?21:34
Kaleonik90: ok I suspect commit 57321:35
Kaleonik90: I suspect that the debian packaging broke at that point21:35
Kaleonik90: do you the following file:21:35
Kaleonik90: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/qt5/qml/Ubuntu/Components/Colors21:36
Kaleonik90: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/qt5/qml/Ubuntu/Components/Colors/UbuntuColors.qml21:36
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nik90Kaleo: yup I have those files21:37
Kaleonik90: darn21:37
popeyi dont21:37
popey(not updated to 573 yet)21:38
Kaleopopey: with what package?21:38
Kaleopopey: that's why21:38
Kaleopopey: but it works for you21:38
Kaleonik90: for me 573 not via packages works21:38
popeywhat do you think broke?21:38
Kaleonik90: I'm trying with the packegage21:38
Kaleopopey: packaging21:38
Kaleopopey: something not shipped21:38
Kaleopopey: or something else :)21:38
popeycovering all bases there21:39
nik90Kaleo: does your commit also remove the greyish background which was previously there?21:39
nik90or is that a bug as well?21:39
popeywhich package _should_ ship /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/qt5/qml/Ubuntu/Components/Colors/UbuntuColors.qml ?21:39
Kaleonik90: greyish background?21:40
Kaleopopey: qtdeclarative5-ubuntu-ui-toolkit-plugin21:40
popeyso i see /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/qt5/qml/Ubuntu/Components/Colors/UbuntuColors.qml in trunk but not if I "apt-get source qtdeclarative5-ubuntu-ui-toolkit-plugin"21:41
nik90Kaleo: previously when a page is not given any background color, it took the default theme background color which was not exactly white. However now the clock app background is pure white21:41
Kaleonik90: that's probably a consequence of the bug21:42
KaleoI need to run off soon unfortunately; package is building here21:42
popeynik90: can you downgrade in the interim?21:43
nik90Kaleo: no worrries. Just wanted to get this to your attention so that you are aware of it.21:43
nik90popey: I will be busy anyway for the next 2 days. So it should be fine21:43
nik90hopefully a fix is there by that time21:44
Kaleonik90: well21:44
Kaleonik90: it's actualy really bad21:44
Kaleonik90: all apps broken21:44
Kaleonik90: I will fix it today for sure21:44
popeythanks Kaleo21:44
nik90Kaleo: thnx :)21:44
Kaleonik90: can you report the bug in lp?21:45
nik90Kaleo: sure21:46
popeynik90: ping us the bug number please21:47
nik90popey, Kaleo: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-ui-toolkit/+bug/119716421:49
ubot5Launchpad bug 1197164 in Ubuntu UI Toolkit "Bzr commits 572 or 573 breaks application tabs and toolbar" [Undecided,New]21:49
Kaleonik90: 99% sure it's 572 actually21:53
nik90Kaleo: I think so as well since UbuntuColors does exist on my system, so 573 is nothing drastic.21:56
ogra_rsalveti, hmm, i see upstart just went in ... so i guess i'll leave the announcement to you :)22:09
xnoxogra_: better wait for upstart to actually migrate into release pocket...22:23
mhall119nik90: pong22:26
nik90mhall119: hi, I was having an issue with the sdk and wanted to check if I was the only one having the issue22:27
nik90however the issue has been confirmed and is being worked on by florian.22:27
mhall119ok, cool22:32
rsalvetiogra_: yeah, will take a few still22:32
rsalvetidon't worry, we still need to land sergiusens's phablet-flash mr22:32
cjwatsonogra_: this is a particularly exciting chfn/pam/audit/fakechroot/whateveritis bug, I must say22:33
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iBelieve I submitted a merge request for File Managaer a week ago, but it still hasn't been reviewed. Should I do anything to get it reviewed?23:00
ogra_cjwatson, lol, happy to be of service23:16
ogra_xnox, yeah, that was exactly what i meant ... i didnt want to stay up until 3am to get the image out23:17
cjwatsonogra_: I'm still trying to debug it, but it's certainly not obvious on the surface23:21
cjwatsonCurrently trying to get to the point of being able to usefully gdb it23:26
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cjwatsonDebian #694827 certainly isn't helping, though I'm not particularly convinced that it might be the cause23:29
ubot5Debian bug 694827 in fakechroot "fakechroot fails to search chroot for multiarch paths" [Important,Open] http://bugs.debian.org/69482723:29
cjwatsonOh, here, chfn is setuid so fakechroot has no effect on it23:30
cjwatsonMaybe that's not it, though, as a mode 4755 self-compiled copy works23:31
cjwatsonwhisky tango foxtrot23:32
stgraberslangasek, lool, ogra_, barry: Finally! http://paste.ubuntu.com/5838899/ (Nexus4 updating to a full image, including flashing the boot partition)23:32
sarnold0 byte dd?23:33
stgrabersarnold: huge sparse file23:33
sarnoldstgraber: haha :)23:33
sarnoldcool :)23:34
slangasekcjwatson: hey, so I need to be cross-building parted for use in the recovery image (android binaries needed).  Do you have any opinions on how this should be structured?  I was thinking a single arch: all binary package added to the parted source, with a separate build pass23:35
cjwatsonslangasek: If we can cross-build from i386 to armel/android, I guess that's the only viable course, really23:36
cjwatsonUnless we do the cross-build externally23:36
cjwatsonBut that seems like it'd want infrastructure23:37
cjwatsonThe ownership of my self-compiled chfn outside the fakechroot makes a difference23:53
cjwatsonfakechroot should be renamed to justaddconfusionandstir23:54

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