[02:46] ciao pessoal [20:25] ola pessoal [22:17] hey there [22:18] hello [22:18] can you help in installing an ubuntu distro, thats based on ubuntu 12.04? [22:18] not for me, but for a girl, I told her to come here, because her english is not the best [22:18] give some time for the possible answer [22:18] from anyone [22:18] normal ubiquity installation process, side by side with windows I guess [22:18] so manual partition [22:19] thank you guys, and good night ^^ [22:19] bye [22:19] sorry is so [22:21] iva_: hey =) and bye [22:22] oi [22:23] ola [22:24] hi can anyone help me? [22:24] iva_: you can speak portuguese ;P [22:25] claro [22:25] bem mais facil inclusive [22:25] então algém pode me ajudar? [22:26] poe a duvida e da uns 15m pela possivel resposta de alguem [22:27] então estou no meio do processo de instalação do elementary, que é o mesmo processo do ubuntu