
=== Monotoko is now known as Guest98231
redtape|renegadeMorning.. Not good dream about having a job selling mattresses: You don't wanna know. Coffee time !05:24
redtape|renegadeAwesome song : VLC streaming :: http://av.rasset.ie/av/live/radio/junior.m3u05:28
redtape|renegadeI hate mental dreams ..:: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V4MV9ORZf8w :: Loooks like I'm OT overdrive .. So I will keep it short today. BTW the above dream changes over to the kids channel at 7am. "J Lennox .. just keep going .. "05:43
redtape|renegadeOT | Is anyone's spotify not streaming or loking up songs today ? Mine isn't.05:56
shaunoit's way too early for this.  I want some of whatever you're having!06:00
redtape|renegadeshauno: I'm just on a lashback of 1995 and some leftover Dominoes .. Morning ... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=smK28k7hmnY06:11
redtape|renegadeM~rning TheOpenSourcerer06:20
redtape|renegadeWow wat a great slogan I just thought of for ubuntu .. "Good Mir~ning , where do you want to flourish today ?"06:21
shaunothat's kinda '95 too eh?06:23
redtape|renegadeshauno: The slogan , the sentiment , the verve, j-lennox, or just plain nuts ? Which one ya refering too ?06:24
shaunothe slogan, instantly reminds me of win95's "where do you want to go today?"06:25
redtape|renegadeoh yeah , surething .. but it really comes from here ::: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e-Vni2BLBXA ::06:26
redtape|renegadebit old now .,. but ya right . we're always 5 years behind the buzzwords here ..06:26
redtape|renegadescrew this .. I need a mocha :: BRBack.06:35
redtape|renegadeshauno: Still there .. galwegian ?06:56
redtape|renegadeI did get a nice off to go to Galway last week from this filly :: http://bit.ly/16Ny0Sk :: but maybe that's nsfw ?07:01
redtape|renegade**offer ..07:01
redtape|renegadeAnyone have a raspi Pi ?  Here's a way to make into a real computer board (ITX-size)  ..  http://kck.st/11ZquR107:05
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dwatkinsredtape|renegade: a Raspberry Pi is a real computer :-p07:10
redtape|renegadedwatkins: OK . OK .. lets not be pedantic !07:10
dwatkinsI use mine as a media player, although I think that's a neat idea, as the connectors on the Pi are a little tricky with the fact they're not all along one side, redtape|renegade.07:13
dwatkinsI also have another Pi at work that's essentially a temperature graphing server.07:13
ali1234that's a pretty neat idea07:13
redtape|renegaderight , I see I see07:14
ali1234raspberry pi is not and never will be a real computer though07:15
redtape|renegadeali1234: Plz don't poke dwatkins .. he's not that pokeable.07:15
dwatkinsali1234: I know, I was kidding :)07:16
dwatkinsyou can use it as a desktop, but it's pretty cut-down07:16
dwatkinslooks like that Fairywren has a VGA adapter too07:18
dwatkinsconsidering the Pi uses ext4 and vfat filesystems, is it likely to suffer corruption if it gets switched off forcibly all the time whilst running Debian?07:19
ali1234especially if you use SD cards07:20
popeyhah, that itx pi is amusing07:21
ali1234the best solution would be to netboot it, but oh wait you can't07:21
popey40 quid07:21
popeyso that's what 30 quid for the pi, 40 quid for a board.07:21
dwatkinsnot too bad for the price07:21
popeyhow much does a low end itx board+cpu+ram go for/07:21
ali1234about the same07:21
dwatkinsyeah, you can get a mini itx based PC for not much more07:21
popeyyeah, not much07:22
ali1234those are much more powerful too07:22
redtape|renegadeJust found my all time fav. game OST on C64 :: http://bit.ly/1aubYbT :: It plays in VLC and sold for £2 back then :: a total of £600,000 was sold.07:28
dwatkinsSID files for teh win07:29
brobostigongood morning everyone,07:30
dwatkinsI really like F-Zero, was playing it yesterday on a SNES emulator.07:30
dwatkinshoya brobostigon07:30
dwatkinshiya, perhaps, even...07:31
brobostigonmorning dwatkins07:31
dwatkinsI can reccomend not going out and dancing lots in Doc Martens. The dancing is fine, but doing it wearing DMs is a really bad idea.07:33
redtape|renegadedwatkins: Blisters ?07:34
dwatkinsredtape|renegade: yeah, only the one, somewhat strangely, but it's turned the back of my ankle into a meteor crater07:39
dwatkinsThe wonders of modern medicine are helping - those Compeed plasters are pretty amazing07:39
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feisar_good morning07:43
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SuperMattOW MY BRAINS http://www.draknek.org/games/BRICKbricksmashSMASH/07:50
MooDoohello all07:50
MartijnVdSSuperMatt: yo, dawg07:51
dwatkinsSuperMatt: that's very meta, I like it (but I can't play it this early in the morning)07:56
ali1234it's great except for the part where it gets stuck if mouse leaves the tiny game window because it is written in flash08:01
MartijnVdSTheOpenSourcerer: Thanks for the OpenERP 7 installation HOWTO, that blog post was very useful :)08:08
TheOpenSourcererMartijnVdS: NP08:08
TheOpenSourcererIt is extremely popular08:09
MartijnVdSTheOpenSourcerer: Though it doesn't install a logrotate script, so the log file grows and grows forever08:09
TheOpenSourcererErr, openERP should do that itself...08:09
MartijnVdSTheOpenSourcerer: it does? I've only been running it for 2 days, so I don't know :)08:10
redtape|renegadepopey: Yur right, he simply hasn't a clue where it matters :: http://youtu.be/XTlj6VeQ9Cw?t=5m54s :: I'd only give that clip 30seconds.08:10
TheOpenSourcererMartijnVdS: http://paste.ubuntu.com/5839635/08:11
shaunodwatkins: I fully recommend the DMs, and perhaps give the dancing a miss ;)08:11
MartijnVdSTheOpenSourcerer: Oh, cool. Didn't know it did that :)08:11
popeyredtape|renegade: i agree with him.08:11
popeyredtape|renegade: it's up to individuals to choose whatever platform they want08:12
popey(in the context of that video)08:12
redtape|renegadefair enough.08:12
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redtape|renegadepopey, Just that part "Ubuntu has no inherent advantages over Winblows, that gets me , 'nuff said thou.08:18
MartijnVdSredtape|renegade: it's called Windows.08:19
redtape|renegadeMartijnVdS: I've called it winblows since 2004 .. why change ?08:19
MartijnVdSWhy not call it by its proper name? Name-calling is so immature.08:20
redtape|renegadebecause i hate it.08:20
MartijnVdSIt's way cooler (and easier ;)) to win the fight against it with good arguments and good code :)08:20
MartijnVdSredtape|renegade: Why though? It has its uses..08:20
shaunowe don't really need to ridicule msft anymore, they're doing a better job of sinking themselves08:20
MartijnVdSshauno: MICROS~1 is still reasonable though ;)08:21
redtape|renegadeMartijnVdS: Perhaps I'm more GNU aware than you, but winblows is the reason for bug1 isn't it ?08:21
shaunobug 1 is fix-released  lol08:22
lubotu3bug 1 in Ubuntu Malaysia LoCo Team "Microsoft has a majority market share" [Critical,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/108:22
MartijnVdSredtape|renegade: I'm very much aware of FSF and GNU and their goals, I just think that Windows gets some things right that Linux distros are having a hard time with08:22
MartijnVdSredtape|renegade: whether you like it or not, the whole rollout/group policy/etc. stuff is pretty neat08:23
BigRedSAD/Exchange integration is basically exactly how that sort of thing should be done08:23
mungbeanin theory08:23
MartijnVdSI'd love to see equivalent tech in Ubuntu (or other Linux) distros08:23
redtape|renegadeAs we say on LibrePlanet :: Many Bothand [have] died       .... for our freedom .. Why should I listen to the Gates Foundation instead of the Shuttleworth Foundation and give them credence ?08:23
BigRedSseemed to work pretty good when I last used it08:24
mungbeanthe practise is a sprawling estate of win servers that don't work very well and require regular reboots08:24
MartijnVdSJust as plug&play configurable08:24
BigRedSmungbean: sprawling and not working very well is more a human problem than a technical one08:24
BigRedSthe frequent reboots are a bit daft, but it's not that hard to work around them08:24
mungbeanhm.. inclned to disagree08:24
BigRedSI should show you some of our 'clusters' :) They're definitely both of those, and entirely Linux :)08:25
MartijnVdSBigRedS: daft and rebooty?08:25
BigRedSno, sprawling and not working very well08:25
mungbeanfollowing MS recommendations, instead of a couple of ldap server, you get 6 x DC, 4 x SQL , ADFS proxy, ADP, etc etc08:25
BigRedSLast time I checked it was only 2 DC and 2 SQL...08:26
mungbeanPRM, FIM, ARS,08:26
BigRedSand everything else could be piled onto non-DC machines08:26
hd5770morning guyss08:27
shaunoredtape|renegade: the simplest take as I see it, is that linux is 22 years old now.  it's left college, got a bloody haircut, and now it has to either put it's big-boy boots on, or sign on the dole.  childish name-calling is the wrong direction for that.  it might have got away with it when it was a spotty teenager, but it isn't anymore08:29
redtape|renegadeshauno: Yur right| but I don't represent Linux ; never have.   .. I'm GNUdist .. In fact I'm naked now !08:30
BigRedSThe Hurd lives!08:30
lubotu3The GNU Hurd is the GNU project's replacement for the Unix kernel. It is not ready for production use, as there are still many bugs and missing features. http://www.gnu.org/software/hurd/hurd.html08:31
MartijnVdSredtape|renegade: http://ars.userfriendly.org/cartoons/?id=1998060308:31
mungbeani switch off every time i hear gnu, fsf, and the like08:31
MartijnVdSthat's 15 years ago08:31
shaunoyou might wanna put your microkernel away in public, tbh08:31
BigRedSmungbean: hah, I do same with 'M$'08:32
BigRedSI don't think I've ever seen those two characters together in a paragraph that's gone on to make a good point08:32
mungbeani won $1M on the lottery08:32
mungbeanor 1M$08:32
BigRedSI meant consecutively and in that order08:32
MartijnVdSmungbean: 1 millidollar?08:33
mungbeana Megadollar08:33
BigRedSMegadollar, surely?08:33
redtape|renegadeBigRedS: Hurd dioes live   [ https://plus.google.com/communities/110254956620147236643  ]  but no-one is sharing much about it .08:33
BigRedSredtape|renegade: one of the guys at work runs a mirror08:34
BigRedSbut amusingly I think the mirrors on Linux now :)08:34
shaunoI may be stereotyping the GNU lot a little, but I'm not sure G+ would be the best place to measure the hurd userbase08:34
redtape|renegadereally .  .. I did hasve a a/c but I didn't get very far .. my competance at hurd isn't that good.08:34
BigRedSI've never really found it an interesting enough proposition to even download it08:35
shaunoI gave it a poke once or twice.  terrible hardware support, and I never did wrap my head around the concept of kernel-space servers08:35
BigRedSHah, userfriendly.org still has CRT monitors08:35
redtape|renegadeyeah.. I never got it going on 'mine'  ,.. I had to dial-in.08:35
MartijnVdSBigRedS: that comic is from '98!08:35
shaunoalthough I hear it supports SATA now!08:35
BigRedSMartijnVdS: today's: http://ars.userfriendly.org/cartoons/?id=2013070308:36
MartijnVdSBigRedS: they've been recycling for years now08:37
BigRedSOh, fair enough. I was a bit bemused that it still seemed to be going on08:37
JamesTaitGood morning all, happy Compliment Your Mirror Day! :-D08:39
MartijnVdSJamesTait: ... uh?08:40
JamesTaitMartijnVdS, "Take a step back, and examine your reflection. This is you, the only you, and the best you there is. Compliment Your Mirror Day encourages you to recognise your own inner beauty, and to give yourself a great face-to-face prep talk!"08:40
* BigRedS complements his mirror08:40
MartijnVdSBigRedS: ones' complement?08:41
redtape|renegadeOT  : I just found a solution to a problem we just had with all of the 'naming-issues' on IRC etc .. why not give a warning text with a link to explain ? i.e. Here .. http://www.uftoolbox.info/indirectotron/indirectotron.php    | Anyone heard of that before ?08:42
JamesTaitBigRedS, it has been pointed out that the mirror probably doesn't care so much, and maybe it should be Compliment Your Reflection Day.08:44
BigRedSJamesTait: I did wonder :)08:45
JamesTaitBigRedS, hey, I don't make these things up, I just pass them on. ;)08:45
JamesTaitAlso, it should be "pep" talk, not "prep" talk - I suspect the person who wrote the entry doesn't speak English as their first language.08:46
bigcalmGood morning peeps :)08:47
JamesTaitBut the image on the page is rather cute: http://www.daysoftheyear.com/days/compliment-your-mirror-day/08:47
BigRedSJamesTait: I thought you vetted them!08:47
* DJones Grumbles at the state of 'pre-movie adverts' in the cinema08:48
mungbeanit annoys me enough to not want to go DJones08:49
JamesTaitBigRedS, while it's true that I do tend to prefer "celebration days" that have a supporting link, it doesn't go much further than that. ;)08:49
JamesTaitDJones, mungbean, what annoys me more is those same adverts on the DVD, and not being able to skip them.08:50
DJones32 minutes of adverts before the movie started and no mute/fast forward button on the remote08:50
DJonesI paid to see the movie, not adverts08:50
mungbeani try to remain ad-free for my sanity08:50
DJonesJamesTait: +1 to that, most of the time I wait for them to come on Sky so I can avoid the adverts08:51
DJonesI'm almost tempted to write to the cinema and ask for a share of the adverting revenue as compensation for them wasting so much of my time08:52
redtape|renegadeDJones: That's called 'BannersBrokers' in my line of work.08:57
mungbeanhas anyone come across the Xeon Phi coprocessor?09:00
redtape|renegademungbean: wat GHz is that ?09:01
popeyooh, they look natty09:01
mungbeani got one09:01
popeyplaying on the "All intel" thing rather than being an nVidia GPU for computation09:01
mungbeanallegedly doesn't require opencl/cuda ...but reading up on it09:02
popeycan you use it for bitcoin mining? ☻09:03
mungbeanone could.09:03
MartijnVdSati is better than nvidia for mining09:03
redtape|renegadeCPU mining, If I get that right .. it's hardly economical.09:03
mungbeani think research is more profitable than bc though09:04
BigRedSEvery time anyone mentions bitcoin mining I picture A View To A Kill for some reason09:04
redtape|renegadeI have to say i wish Ubuntu podcast had such an opening title .. One to wakey -you all up ! ::: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fKfS2v6P-B8 ::::09:06
mungbeangenerally the coprocessor is only useful  if you have > 100 threads09:08
JamesTaitredtape|renegade, to be honest, I find the UUPC title song (Crazy Words, Crazy Tune) more up-beat than the one you just linked. ;)09:09
JamesTaitI'm not saying it's not a nice piece of music, but it's very chilled out, at least to me.09:10
* redtape|renegade daren't touch such a sacrosanct topic.09:11
popeywe get comments now and then about the theme09:11
popeyits like marmite, you either love it or hate it09:12
TheOpenSourcererWhat is (or is there) the procedure for copying/migrating usernames & passwords from one Ubuntu server to a new one?09:12
TheOpenSourcererCan I just copy etc/password/shadow/group etc?09:12
popeyseems sane09:12
MartijnVdSwhat are "Ubuntu 8" and "Ubuntu 9" though?09:12
popeyi.e. covers all the bits09:12
TheOpenSourcererty popey - how on earth did you find that so fast?09:13
JamesTaitpopey, I love it. My wife thinks I'm insane.09:13
popeyI R GOOD AT GOOGLE09:13
popeysecond hit for "migrate users between linux boxes"09:13
JamesTaitpopey, but I don't think that has anything to do with the UUPC theme tune. ;)09:13
JamesTaitOr maybe it does, but has more to do with the little jig I do whenever I hear it. :-P09:14
* popey steps away from JamesTait 09:14
popeythat reminds me, its live show night09:14
TheOpenSourcererSo - there isn't likely to be an issue with a new server having a different "salt" for the password hasing then?09:14
BigRedSwhenever you play directly with passwd or shadow run 'pwconv' just to make sure you've not broken anything09:15
popeyI'd also test with a demo user09:15
popeybefore doing it for real09:15
MartijnVdSvipw, vipw -s, vigr, vigr -s09:15
MartijnVdSthose check before writing the password/shadow/group files09:15
MartijnVdSlike visudo does09:15
BigRedSMartijnVdS: check *before* writing? Wuss.09:15
MartijnVdSBigRedS: no, check before replacing the current known-good version of the file ;)09:16
JamesTaitTheOpenSourcerer, IIRC, the salt is stored as part of the passwd entry anyway, as is the hashing method.09:16
MartijnVdSit does a shiny write-to-tempfile; check; move (because move is atomic) trick09:16
TheOpenSourcererHad a new customer wanting out help. They installed Ubuntu for their customer but didn't really know what they were doing. Installed Desktop instead of Server, wrong version, wrong arch... their customer wants it re-built. Said we can help - that was the only question I had09:16
JamesTaitTheOpenSourcerer, I think it's something like <hash_method>$<salt>$<encoded_password>09:17
BigRedSJamesTait: yeah, that09:17
BigRedSwell, depending on the value of hash_method...09:18
MartijnVdSman crypt09:18
MartijnVdSid = 1 (md5), 2a (blowfish), 5 (sha256), 6 (sha512)09:18
BigRedSI'm sure there's an id that's not salted, but I might be thinking of a non-linux09:20
TheOpenSourcererLike this suggestion to stop copying system users:09:20
TheOpenSourcererawk -v LIMIT=$UGIDLIMIT -F: '($3>=LIMIT) && ($3!=65534)' /etc/passwd > /root/move/passwd.mig09:20
MartijnVdSBigRedS: old-style crypted DES passwords are not of that format09:22
BigRedSyeah, I've a few-hundred-byte long oneliner for migrating select users somewhere09:22
BigRedSit's horrific but worked09:22
BigRedSMartijnVdS: ah, that might be what I was thinking of09:23
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MartijnVdS!family > bigcalm:09:28
bigcalmMy cat would like to say something I think09:28
popeyi think he already did09:28
bigcalmSorry :)09:28
HoT|2fC^morning people :)09:28
MartijnVdSand cats09:28
HoT|2fC^and cats :)09:29
bigcalmMy cat likes # ;)09:29
HoT|2fC^morning bigcalm's #cat09:29
redtape|renegadeSaw a cat on the landing last week .. then saw the same cat twice ! [Manx=matrix] :: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DzlH5SDGoyA ::09:30
shaunothe downside of being english .. I really want to say something, but won't because I can't think of a polite way to put it09:37
mungbeanin here, or at work?09:37
shaunohere this time.  work have got used to me.  the irish are quite accepting of blunt honesty09:37
mungbeani might be oblivious, but thats cos i have some users on ignore09:38
shaunoor at least, they enjoy a good moan as much as we do09:38
redtape|renegadeshauno : Why not put it in a WebLink/comment  via indirectotron ::: http://www.uftoolbox.info/indirectotron/indirectotron.php :::09:39
BigRedSredtape|renegade: make a webpage complaining, and then send someone a link to it that warns them there is a complaint therein?09:40
redtape|renegadeBigRedS: Oh , was that the intention/ purpose ? I misread .. soz.09:41
BigRedSthat seems a weird sort of service; it's so you can send someone something inappropriate without having to know whether they'd mind or not..09:41
redtape|renegadeseems pretty perfect for me .. you can just 'comment' on a link , then do the extention in bit.ly .. they get a weblink and a comment about it's relevance, then.  obvious really.09:43
redtape|renegadea bit like the youtube links do .. a kind of 'heads-up' disclaimer. :)09:44
shaunoyou could just change your nick to RandomNonsense and skip the then-redundant redirection?09:45
redtape|renegadeshauno: I don't get that .. but whatever fly's I guess.09:46
BigRedSredtape|renegade: yeah. I think I just don't like the idea of letting on that I didn't know whether the recipient would appreciate it or not09:47
redtape|renegadeshauno: Any likelihood of you taking the railroads offer of 39EURO return to Dublin for a day's return , any time soon .. all over the radio , it seems.09:47
shaunounlikely, it's cheaper and faster on the bus with this new-fangled motorway thing09:48
MartijnVdSshauno: next thing you know  they'll start providing electricity and running water09:49
redtape|renegadeBigRedS: Yah , but it's 'open-source' so you could just do it on another webpage : without the warning message .. so you could still do the heads-up.09:49
shaunoeg, I'm doing that tonight.  bus to the airport at 1:45am.  by rail, I'd pay twice as much, and the last train leaves around 7pm09:51
shaunoMartijnVdS: that'd be funny if it wasn't too close to home; I'm still struggling to find places that are on the mains gas supply here09:51
redtape|renegadeshauno: Is this to another job .. as you talked of before ?09:52
shaunonah, purely recreational09:52
mungbeanhigh level language to utilise GPUs10:02
mungbeanthe only problem is that programs have the suffix .kfc..makes me hungry10:03
bashrcBitmessage fans: the CPU hogging bug is now fixed in the latest source10:10
BigRedSOh. I appear to have Virtualbox and KVM working on the same kernel at the same time.10:11
BigRedSis that by design?10:11
redtape|renegadeRight elevensee's mean only one thing ...  Daftpunk'd :: https://play.spotify.com/track/78NwNb2BPO7OKDYYRWB1WT ::10:13
davmor2Morning all10:13
redtape|renegadeTwo site/s   I'm interested in atmo ..:: http://www.roomidex.com/  :: & :: http://breather.com/  .. maybe they need a looksie ..10:15
bashrcDaftpunk'd http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WdLXF0KDXoo10:15
redtape|renegadebashrc : trés bien, my friend . trés bien.10:18
Stripehi all, looking for a new laptop with ubuntu preinstalled, all ideas welcome10:35
popeyStripe: What kind laptop? Ultrabook / netbook / gaming / low res / high res ?10:37
bigcalmI <3 MODE 710:38
redtape|renegadeStripe: https://www.system76.com/laptops/model/galu110:38
directhexbigcalm, the super rudimentary scaling of a single 4-sided polygon, supported by the SNES graphics chip?10:40
BigRedSIs preinstalled ubuntu a requirement? It's not a difficult install, but I laud the principle10:40
bigcalmdirecthex: I did some of my best work in MODE 7 :P10:40
Stripehi popey, about the i3 to i5 chip mid range laptop/ultrabook for general use light compiling.10:40
directhexStripe, laptops with ubuntu preinstalled are typically more expensive than laptops with windows preinstalled, because the cost of the windows license is subsidized or paid for entirely by the companies providing all the "crapware" and demos which are installed by default on most windows laptops10:41
* redtape|renegade finds the lack of system76 review in 'ubuntu friendly' deplorable !10:41
redtape|renegade                                          ^ https://friendly.ubuntu.com/10:42
directhexhttp://www.dell.com/uk/business/p/xps-13-linux/pd?sc_err=noocs ?10:42
redtape|renegademmm .. only problem with dell is the 'service' .. its all call centers in Mumbai .10:43
BigRedSand Scotland10:43
Stripedirecthex: thats the route I have always taken, removing windows etc but usualy find a driver issue lurking (with all linux)10:43
redtape|renegadeSystem76 rocks !!10:44
redtape|renegadeSystem76 rocks !!10:44
BigRedSredtape|renegade: I used to work in a Dell shop. If you get through to India and say that you can't understand them and would like a UK call centre they put you through to a less decipherable Scotsman.10:44
redtape|renegadeSystem76 rocks !!10:44
redtape|renegadeSystem76 rocks !!10:44
directhexredtape|renegade, dell have two major call centers serving the UK, india and ireland10:44
directhexgenerally, "business" laptops get ireland, and "consumer" laptops get india10:44
* redtape|renegade has declared his pen·chant10:45
directhexredtape|renegade, system76 is a US company, importing laptops is *expensive*10:45
redtape|renegadeprice was never disclosed.10:45
popeyStripe: as directhex pointed out, the dell xps 13 ships with ubuntu and so everything works out of the box10:45
BigRedSredtape|renegade: no, but paying extra isn't normally viewed as a good thing :)10:46
popeyi had a play with one a while back, they're very nice machines10:46
directhexredtape|renegade, it's nice to get warranty service in the country in which you live, not 3000 miles away10:46
MartijnVdSA bit on the expensive side though..10:46
popeyyeah, true10:46
MartijnVdSnot for what you get (you get a lot)10:46
Stripeit is you alan, im a member on ldc10:46
MartijnVdSbut still, it's not a low-end laptop10:46
popeyStripe: i ended up with a thinkpad10:46
popeyhello Stripe ☻10:46
directhexremoving windows is harder than it used to be10:47
popeythere are also smaller vendors who sell laptops with no OS10:47
popeylike Novatech10:47
directhexthere are a variety of mechanisms in place on modern hardware to make it boot faster to the default OS - which windows takes full advantage of. downside: harder to get it to boot an alternative OS installer10:47
popeyUnfortunately there's very little markup on hardware, especially laptops, so there's very little motivation for companies to setup in the UK and sell laptops.10:48
popeyDell make next to no profit on their hardware10:49
mungbeanfor myself i buy from dell outlet10:49
mungbeanbest prices around10:49
Stripethanks for the advice help links and names guys, know where to start looking now :)10:49
mungbeanstill rocking my 5yr+ D63010:49
popeyyeah, dell outlet.. also apple outlet ㋛10:49
mungbeanis apple outlet cheaper than education discount ?10:50
popeyno idea10:50
mungbeanstill, apple + edu discount still $$10:50
popey~15% off10:50
mungbeani get ~30 off dell business stuff10:51
mungbeansorta hard to ignore at those prices10:51
mungbeangonna have to install elementary on my lappie as unity is now too slow10:53
mungbean~15 seconds for dash10:53
popey15 seconds for what?10:55
popeybetween hitting win key and dash appearing?10:55
mungbeanto open the dash10:55
mungbean12.04 on a core2duo10:55
popeyintel gpu?10:55
popeyturned off blur?10:55
mungbeanruns other things fine though10:55
popeydo that10:55
MartijnVdSpopey: is that's what causing that?10:56
popeyin ccsm10:56
MartijnVdSit's slow even on Haswell(!)10:56
popeyits one thing that makes dash appearance slow, yes10:56
mungbean2nd time its quick10:56
popeyit often gets swapped out too10:56
popeywhich doesn't help at all10:56
popeywhich also makes 2nd go much faster10:56
popeyonce it all gets swapped in10:56
mungbeanshould probably turn off all the scopes too10:57
popeyi turn off the online ones10:58
feisar_I have found ubuntu 13.04 unusable on machines without 3d graphics acceleration10:58
popeyhah, i visit the apple store, instantly get an email about laptops for students10:59
feisar_as mungbean says, about 15 seconds to bring the dash up)10:59
popeywhat video card?10:59
feisar_I don't think Ubuntu is a viable choice for netbooks and older laptops any more11:00
BigRedSNah, it doesn't seem to degrade particularly gracefully11:01
feisar_I don't know which card but it has been 3 different devices so far, 2 laptops and 1 netbook (friends who needed upgrading)11:01
mungbeani installed a really nice indicator search for synapse. does everything the dash should do, but quickly11:01
feisar_it's a shame because they have to either stay with 12.04 or use xubuntu (I like xubuntu but its not good if a novice has got used to Ubuntu)11:02
mungbeani attribute all slowness and hideousness to compiz11:02
mungbean Intel Graphics Media Accelerator X3100 (integrated)11:02
redtape|renegadeOT : •••ɐılɐɹʇsn∀ uı 'ǝlıɥʍuɐǝW   http://bit.ly/12F5p1m11:07
feisar_I really like ubuntu 13.04 on my desktop but I do think there needs to be a version which has no 3D stuff at all11:07
feisar_similar to the way Win7 works fine on low powered machines11:08
bashrcI notice that there are still 15 minute bootup hangs on my Lenovo Z580, but it's intermittent and I can live with it.11:08
mungbeani think they wrote lvmpipe for faster performance on slower boxes11:08
feisar_I have not seen any evidence that it's working11:09
feisar_does it not just offload to cpu?11:09
bashrcOn old hardware Puppy linux is pretty good.  It just depends what your uses are.11:09
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mungbeanelementary ftw11:11
=== alan_g is now known as alan_g|afk
redtape|renegadeTheOpenSourcerer: Seems to be topical at the moment :: https://twitter.com/JOEdotie/status/352374758979022852 ::11:30
andylockranhey guys, having problems with a ufw rule.  I want to add a PREROUTING iptables rule, but it's breaking ufw11:30
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andylockranany clue what could be wrong with the syntax?\11:32
redtape|renegadeOT: I can't wait till SpaceCop comes out :: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8X_miar-0OY :: Would make an Uber G/Linux game.11:36
redtape|renegadeCost of new stickers of Official Wikipedia Store =$5 , oh + Postage = $15 .. Go sit and spin Mr Wales !! ::: http://bit.ly/14Q4Ksy :::11:49
redtape|renegadeburnpanck: wake up yur connection is all over the place.11:56
mungbeanandylockran: i onlu use iptables, but -j DNAT --to looks wrong to me12:04
mungbeaniptables uses --to-destination12:06
mungbeanfor DNAT12:07
=== Gary is now known as evilGary
redtape|renegadeOT : Is it just me, or is this blgd. pr0n perfect for a Quake map ? ::: http://cnet.co/17TcuA9   :::12:27
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mungbeanoracle request a suport bundle so they can get proof of failed disk. click to generate bundle, asks for SR ticket name. click canel as i've changed my mind. goes ahead anyway, node crashes and reboot 4 times in succession.12:59
mungbeanwow, the phi processors cost £2500 each. bought 413:28
redtape|renegadeOT : Has anyone played Linux Tycoon Here ?13:45
directhexmungbean, i can't believe xeon phi finally shipped. i remember them canning the project in 201013:48
popeyredtape|renegade: i have14:03
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redtape|renegadepopey: Finally got it to work today .. couldn't find the access code to get above 500 users.  Wats the name of your distro on LT ?14:04
popeyredtape|renegade: i only played with it for 5 mins tbh14:06
popeyit feels very like Progress Quest14:06
=== schwuk_away_away is now known as schwuk
BigRedSWhat's everyone's favourite jabber client for android?14:07
directhexgoogle talk!14:07
directhexoh, wait14:07
MattJ100BigRedS, Yaxim14:16
=== ^2fC-desktop is now known as HoT|2fC^
BigRedSMattJ100: ta!14:23
BigRedSah, multiple accounts is a bit of a necessity14:24
MattJ100That could be a problem then :)14:27
BigRedShaha, yeah14:27
redtape|renegadeOT :: MongoDB ebooks are 50%  atmo.   http://oreil.ly/12GE76v14:27
MattJ100Yaxim is the only open-source and actively-developed Android client I know14:27
BigRedSand I'm also not sure what they mean with these accounts they're selling... Do they have a server they sell access to?14:27
redtape|renegade**off .. same thing I guess.14:28
MattJ100BigRedS, ehm?14:28
BigRedSMattJ100: http://yaxim.org/blog/2013/04/01/yaxim-going-professional/14:28
MattJ100Oh, ha :P14:28
MattJ100He said he might take that down, look at the date :)14:28
BigRedS*finally* I've fallen for an online april fool's :)14:29
MattJ100You're not the first person to miss that though :)14:29
czajkowskiI seem to have missed a setting14:29
czajkowskion chromium I ma mising my menu bar on top14:29
popeya setting?14:29
czajkowskino file history on top14:30
popeymaybe the menu bar process has crashed?14:30
czajkowskino it's not been there since the clean install14:30
czajkowskijust noticed nowd14:30
czajkowskiI thought it was the title bar14:31
czajkowskibut that is ticked14:31
popeyonly chromium is affected?14:31
czajkowskiworks finre on a terminal14:32
czajkowskiand on thunderbird14:32
czajkowskiwondering is it a setting I've not turned on :/14:32
popeydo you have "Use system title bars and borders" in chromium set?14:34
popeyand GTK+ theme?14:34
=== MattJ100 is now known as MattJ
czajkowskinboth selected14:37
=== alan_g is now known as alan_g|tea
popeywhat happens when you press and hold alt?14:39
czajkowskipressing alt in chromium brings up hud14:40
Laneydoesn't have menus here either14:42
Laneyis it suppsoed to?14:42
popeynot press14:42
popeyyou guys must be on saucy, it's fine on raring14:43
czajkowskiyeah on saucy :)14:43
LaneyI thought they were under the icon on the right14:43
czajkowskisaucy on the X114:43
popeywhat version of chromium?14:43
popeyVersion 28.0.1500.52 Ubuntu 13.04 (28.0.1500.52-0ubuntu1.13.04.2)14:43
czajkowskiVersion 25.0.1364.160 Built on Ubuntu 13.04, running on Ubuntu 13.10 (25.0.1364.160-0ubuntu3)14:43
popeyhave you updated today?14:44
czajkowskiahhh maybe I should force it to upgrade also14:44
popeyperhaps it needs a restart14:44
Laneywhat's it suppsoed to look like with menus?14:44
popeylike normal apps14:45
popeyyou know, menus along the top of the screen14:45
popeyFile Edit View History Tools Help14:46
mungbeandirecthex: wasn't it called larrabee then?14:50
mungbeanhope to spin it up soon, intersted to seer the performance14:51
Laneyjust the same for me on precise14:52
* Laney shrugs14:52
Laneyno wait, LIES, it does have menus there14:52
andylockranssh sauron14:54
=== alan_g|tea is now known as alan_g
mungbeanone does not simply ssh into mordor14:54
BigRedSDoes ubuntu have a default IM client any more? I seem to not have pidgin in a new 13.04 install14:56
HoT|2fC^Anyone here used Kali Linux ?15:01
popeynever heard of it15:02
HoT|2fC^popey, really?15:02
HoT|2fC^it's the most advanded Linux operating system known to man!15:02
HoT|2fC^You should to be honest ;)15:02
HoT|2fC^Also the best Live Linux to this day.15:03
mungbean..waits for punchline15:03
popeyoh, pen testing distros15:03
* HoT|2fC^ punches mungbean in the jacobs...15:03
redtape|renegadeHoT|2fC^:  If it's that popular: then where on the net can I buy a sisc with Kali on ?15:04
HoT|2fC^redtape|renegade, well its new mate.15:04
HoT|2fC^Download > Burn to ISO ?15:04
redtape|renegadeAnswer the freakin' question, or admit defeat.15:05
HoT|2fC^redtape|renegade \o/... well could you of answerd that question when Ubuntu was first released ?15:05
HoT|2fC^I guess not.15:05
DJones!kali | HoT|2fC^15:06
lubotu3HoT|2fC^: There are some Ubuntu derivatives that we cannot provide support for due to repository and software changes. Please consult their websites for more information. Examples: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mint), kali-linux (#kali-linux), CrunchBang (support in #crunchbang), BackTrack (support in #backtrack-linux)15:06
DJonesredtape|renegade: Mind your language15:06
redtape|renegadesoz, I was irked.15:06
HoT|2fC^redtape|renegade, told!15:06
HoT|2fC^Thanks DJones.15:07
DJonesredtape|renegade: Thats when you know to walk away from the computer and have a break15:07
DJonespopey: kali is the latest release of Backtrack15:08
* redtape|renegade goes for a pillow snuggle .. http://youtu.be/0929WN8lWaU?t=1m44s15:08
HoT|2fC^DJones, indeed.15:08
HoT|2fC^redtape|renegade, enjoy!15:09
HoT|2fC^Never ever in my life DJones known a Linux Distro to be 2.3GB in file size, is this due to me getting the Desktop Version? as I know my uncle used it on a Pendrive but not sure what version he used.15:10
DJonesHoT|2fC^: No idea with kali, not something I've wasted any time looking at15:11
HoT|2fC^DJones: Ah well if you get to waste any give it ago ;p15:13
mungbeani use backtrack semi regularly15:14
DJonesHoT|2fC^: I'm not an IT professional, I don't do penetration testing etc,  so it doesn't offer anything that Ubuntu does15:14
HoT|2fC^DJones, I suppose Im not IT professional either but I like to explore! and Ubuntu offers almost everything I need anyway.15:15
shauno2.3GB isn't too bad, debian still has an option to ship on 8 CDs15:16
HoT|2fC^I just like to test, persides it has hacking tools built in ;) its for hackers really.15:16
HoT|2fC^I shouldnt discuss it anyway as its not good!15:16
HoT|2fC^shauno, jheeez thats crazy lol what are they floppie discs ;)15:16
DJonesFrom memory, 2.3Gb isn't bad, slackware comes in at more than that15:17
HoT|2fC^I suppose..15:17
mungbeanhas anyone seen "BUG: soft lockup - CPU#26 stuck for 67s!15:54
directhexin virtual machines only15:59
mungbeangot on a physical box15:59
mungbeancouldn't do anything15:59
mungbeanwatched it for 15 mins and rebooted15:59
MartijnVdSI've seen it once.. that was on broken hardware16:14
MartijnVdSpopped caps :(16:14
MartijnVdSLionel Richie?17:04
MartijnVdS♫ is it me you're looking for?17:05
lubotu3Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience17:06
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MartijnVdSdiplo: http://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B00AC53F4G/ + http://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B00AK6ROE418:05
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redtape|renegadeOT : Just watching this video :: http://elproblema.net/ :: Came in the post today .. who needs TV crud when you have realism of the Saharawi People ?18:22
redtape|renegadeyeah thought not '!africa' ain't even on the 'Ubuntu map' in reality.18:25
mgdmThat's a remarkable statement given where Mark Shuttleworth is from, and where the word 'Ubuntu' came from18:26
redtape|renegadeso's that : <luotu.> Sorry, I don't know anything about 'africa'18:27
redtape|renegadeWhere is the source for Lubotu3 held ?18:32
DJones!bot | redtape|renegade The first link gives info on what the Ubuntu bots are created from,18:33
lubotu3redtape|renegade The first link gives info on what the Ubuntu bots are created from,: Hi! I'm #ubuntu-uk's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi | Usage info: http://ubottu.com/devel/wiki/Plugins | Bot channels and general info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Bots18:33
DJonesSorry, second link18:33
redtape|renegadeAhh .. perhaps I shouldn't be touching any nerves this close to the UbuntuUK podcast  .. oh thanx.18:34
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redtape|renegademm last change to the wiki was last year .. but I think I will subscribe, if I can .. http://ubottu.com/devel/mwiki/index.php?title=Special:RecentChanges&days=30018:37
redtape|renegadelets give it a try .. just once ..18:38
redtape|renegade.. mm v.good.18:39
=== MarquessDeBonBon is now known as CrispinOnTheCan
redtape|renegadecome on podcast : get it on !  : http://podcast.ubuntu-uk.org:8000/uupc.mp3 ::19:30
DJonesOuch, after complaining about adverts in the cinema, now we get http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/technology-23167112 rest your head against a train window & have adverts vibrated into your skull :)19:36
mgdmthat is evil19:37
=== CrispinOnTheCan is now known as OmNomDeGuerre
mungbeanOCD vs messy person programme. OCD guy is banging on about balance and symmetry, but has a tattoo on the inside of his rigth wrist only20:05
diddledandamn you, humble bundle, will you quit giving me stuff I'm never going to get around to playing/reading?!20:51
redtape|renegadebe that dan woods ?20:59
diddledannope, dan llewellyn - just imagine loo followed by some incoherence and you'll have it perfectly21:03
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diddledantime to sleep21:13
andylockranevening peoples21:26
andylockranmy home pc has now just become a terminal; is that progress?21:26
popeyevening all21:40
mgdmHi popey21:41
mgdmAnyone heard anything more about Oggcamp this year?21:41
mgdmOther than when it is21:41
popeynot i21:42
mgdmthere are three events I care about attending in the latter half of the year, that's one of them21:43
popeyI probably wont be going21:45
bigcalmGetting married the following weekend probably means I won't be attending oggcamp either. Though RAT in September and PHPNW13 in October will get me out of the house22:06
mgdmbigcalm: I have a PHPNW13 ticket \o/22:07
mgdmI want this: http://imgur.com/a/TP47h22:07
bigcalmSleepy time!22:08
mgdmpopey: did you have a Nook Simple, or am I thinking of someone else?22:52

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